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I have an idea. Maybe could we see robin and vaike but robin is nervous for the wedding night cause she doesn’t know what to do and doesn’t want to make a fool of herself
(This wasn't supposed to be nearly as long as it is but I just,,,love Vaike and think he'd be such a supportive and sweet husband ;;;)
It was totally obvious that you had fallen head over heels for Vaike. Somehow, that brute had wiggled his way into the heart of the brilliant tactician.
He was surprisingly sweet and charming when he wasn’t being a bonehead, and when you got to know him beyond the bluster of an axe-swinging warrior…well, you knew he was the one.
He made you feel safe, and happy, and assured. You knew you’d made the right choice. There was only one thing you had doubts about.
The impending evening following your wedding.
You didn’t know how to do anything after the party would be over. Your honeymoon was going to follow shortly after, and you didn’t know what to do on your honeymoon! You were an amnesiac; so if you had any experience with intimacy, it was long forgotten.
Worse yet, any knowledge you might have had before you filled your head with tactics and fighting styles…well, there just wasn’t anything left.
To be honest, you were starting to doubt how on earth you’d managed to entice a man enough that he’d want to marry you.
These were thoughts that had been rushing about your mind for a while, but you had pushed them away and instead focused really hard on the more important details of the wedding.
But now there was no more planning, no more invitations to send, no more food to try (much to Vaike’s chagrin).
Now you were being fitted into your dress, you were less than an hour from your ceremony, and…all you could think about was the fear of disappointing your future husband.
The women of your Shepherds were your maids of honor. And they were currently helping you get ready.
While you were sitting like a lovely porcelain doll, Maribelle, Sumia and Cordelia were working tirelessly to finish your hair and check the fit of your dress.
Lissa, Nowi and Panne were discussing food options; namely, which ones would disgust the Taguel woman the least.
Tharja and Miriel were most interested in your jewelry, checking the makeup of the metals for authenticity…and which would be the sturdiest when she enchanted them with protective charms.
All of the chaotic happiness and chittering of your dear friends should have been enough to distract you. But unfortunately, you were just getting deeper and deeper into your thoughts.
You felt isolated in your thoughts, and you’d be lying if you tried to think otherwise.
“Robin?” Cordelia’s voice touched your ear, “Did you hear me?”
“Hm?” You looked to her, “Did you say something?”
“I asked if the dress felt too tight here.” Her fingers brushed your side, “Does it fit comfortably?”
“As comfortably as a wedding dress can, I suppose.” You managed to pull together a response, “It’s not meant to give me a lot of movement, right?”
“That’s correct.” Maribelle nodded, her curls bouncing happily as she worked. “The purpose of your wedding gown is to make you look as stunning and gorgeous as possible; to display all of your beauty to the world! But, most importantly, to show your husband just how lucky a man he is.”
“He should already know- to think that Vaike of all people is marrying our Robin!” Sumia giggled, “He’s the last person I would have thought you’d fall for.”
“We certainly are different people, aren’t we?” You smiled weakly, looking at your hands. “I…do hope he’s pleased when he sees me.”
"Pleased won’t begin to cover it!” Maribelle clicked her tongue, “If that man’s jaw isn’t on the floor the second he sees you, then he won’t be worthy of you at all! You’re stunning, Robin. He’s far more lucky to have you than the other way around.”
“Come on now, that’s not fair. Vaike’s really a wonderful man. I’m…I’m really happy that he chose me.”
“I think you’re both perfect for each other.” Coredlia agreed, “You’ve made Vaike a better person in the short time you’ve known him. He’s changed a lot, and I think you’re the one we should thank for that. The less perverted, more compassionate and charming Vaike is a welcome improvement.”
“Ugh. ‘Charming’ isn’t a word I would ever associate with that brute.” Maribelle huffed, sliding another pin into your hair. “But it matters not. You chose him dear, and if that’s the man you want, then I will do everything in my power to make sure he knows just how good he’s got it.”
"Which reminds me-” Sumia slips away, going over to her satchel on the chair and producing a small parcel. “Sully and I were out shopping the other day, gathering up the last things we needed for your wedding. And well…we stopped by this particular store, where….”
“Just give her the present and let her see what it is!” Sully grinned and strode over upon the mention of her name, plucking the package from Sumia and tossing it to your lap. “You’re gonna love it, Robin! And more importantly, that big lug is gonna fall in love with you even more than he will when he sees you in that dress.”
You unwrapped the wax paper and untied the string, curious what this amazing treasure could possibly be.
Something that would make him love you even more? What kind of thing could that possibly-
“Oh, my!”
“Wow, Sumia, are you for real? You and Sully bought this?!”
In your hands, which trembled just slightly…was a very intricate and beautiful set of lingerie.
And it was bright red.
“I-I…wow…” Your face flushed a deep scarlet, unable to mentally process the delicate lace that you were staring at. It left very little to the imagination. And you were supposed to wear this for Vaike, before you…
“I know it’s a little intense, but…I don’t know, I’ve been reading a lot of romance novels in preparation for the wedding, and lots of the endings had the heroines wearing a beautiful garment just like this! So Sully and I thought it’d be just perfect for you and Vaike!”
It was beautiful, and scandalous, and utterly terrifying. You stared at her in shock, the blood draining from your face.
It didn’t take long for the other women to notice the vibe shift.
“Er…Robin? Do you like it or not?”
“I don’t think she likes it, Sully.” Maribelle elbowed her, “Put that thing away!!”
“But she’ll need it for her wedding night-!”
“Robin, are you all right? You look like you’re gonna be sick…”
You shook your head, trying to indeed ignore the flips of your stomach.
It was Cordelia who ushered them out. Nowi was displeased that her fun was ending so suddenly, but even she could tell you were deeply upset.
Sumia lingered, coming to sit beside you once the door closed.
“What’s wrong?” She asked asked you gently, Are you nervous about the wedding? It is perfectly normal to feel that way, you know.”
“I-it’s not the wedding, actually. I don’t feel nervous about all that…it’s…it’s what comes after.”
“What comes…oh, of course.” Sumia blushed softly, “There’s no need to worry about that! You’re a capable woman, a-and Vaike loves you very much. So long as you communicate and are gentle with each other, it’ll go great.”
“But I don’t know what to do! I don’t know what to communicate, let alone what’s the threshold for gentle versus…w-well, anything else!”
“Trust your instincts, Robin! It’ll be wonderful.”
“But what if it’s not?!” Your voice rose, your nerves following close behind. “W-what if all my instincts are tied to battle and tactics, and I don’t have any left for romance, or intimacy, or- I read those romance novels you lent me, but it still…the idea of letting someone in, in such a physical way….!”
“It’s very intimidating, I know.” She agreed with you, “But it’s going to be all right. You trust Vaike, don’t you?”
“Of course I do…”
“Then you should trust that he’ll take care of you. The last thing he’d ever want is to hurt you!”
“But what if I hurt him? What if I perform so terribly he regrets his choice? W-what if we’re not compatible at all, physically? We’ve hardly so much as kissed before this, Sumia!”
"Wow…that’s…that’s a lot to deal with, Robin. I understand why you’re so frightened.” Sumia finally said, stunned by the revelation.
“We’ve both just been so busy since the war ended, and the wedding planning has been a challenge too, but…but now that we’re here, it made me realize that I’m…I’m just hopeless.”
“Oh, that’s not…” She trailed off, hearing a knock at the door.
Sumia spared you a glance, but chose to address the visitor while you took a moment to collect your thoughts. However, when she opened the door that peaceful second evaporated.
“V-Vaike?? What are you doing here? You know you can’t see the bride before the wedding!!”
Said blonde bachelor was practically hulking in the doorway, a flash of worry bright in his eyes.
“C’mon, just let me talk to her for a second! Nowi said she’s upset, and that I had to come help her!”
“B-be that as it may, you still can't see her! You don’t want to curse your married life, do you??”
“N-no, of course not! But if Robin’s upset I wanna help her. So, er, can I at least just...what if I just talk to her through the door?”
“Well…” She looked back at you, who nodded nervously to let him talk. Vaike was right; when you were upset, he was the one you needed.
“All right, but just for a little while! We don’t have much time before the ceremony begins!”
You made your way to the door, minding the delicate dress that threatened to trip you with every step.
You waited until she slipped through the opening, when you two were finally alone. Carefully you shifted so that you’d be well hidden by the door, invisible to your husband-to-be.
“I’m here, Vaike.”
“There you are.” You could hear the smile in his voice, albeit it was a nervous one. “What’s goin’ on, babe? You gettin’ nervous about the big ceremony?”
“No, the ceremony’s not a problem. It’s what comes, uh…after.”
“Oh, I get it- the first dance. I know I’ve kinda got two left feet when it comes to dancin’, but I’ve been practicin’ a ton since our last rehearsal!! I guarantee there won’t be any stepped on toes tonight!”
“N-no, that’s not it, either. I’m not worried about the ceremony, or the reception, any of that. It’s…it’s what comes after everything. I’m worried about our first night together.”
“What?” Vaike sounded genuinely surprised, likely because his face was just as flushed as yours was, no doubt. “W-why would, uh, why would ya worry about that?”
“Because!” You swallowed thickly, trying to stave off your insecurities long enough to tell the man you loved why you were upset. You took a deep breath, touching your forehead to the door.
“Because…I don’t know what to do.” You finally forced the words out, as mortifying as it was.
“Yeah.” You sighed, “I-I don’t remember anything before Chrom found me, Vaike. I don’t know if I’ve ever…had experience, before, or if I’m any good at it! I don’t want to ruin our first night together by being useless! I want-- I want to make you feel good! I don’t want you to regret choosing me because I can’t do the bare minimum expected of a spouse!!”
“Hey, now…” Vaike sounded a lot less shaky than you did, which you found a little surprising. Wasn’t he worried about it, too?
You leaned away from the door, finding his hand carefully slipping through the crack in the door.
“Gimme your hand, Robin.” He held his palm up, gesturing for you to join him. You hated how your fingers trembled when you did, the silken glove doing little to block the warmth that radiated from his touch.
Vaike squeezed your hand, holding onto you tightly.
“Robin, it’s gonna be okay. I wouldn’t give up on ya just because our first night might be awkward. Or hells, worse case scenario? Our first night could be just plain awful!”
“I’m not marryin’ you for your body. I’m marryin’ you because I love ya more than anythin’. And even if you don’t have any experience at all, I do- which means I can help you while we try to figure out what’s gonna make both of us feel good, together.”
You sighed shakily, his goofy voice having been replaced with this firm, comforting gentleman. It was a little shocking to hear him so calm.
“We’ve got our whole lives together to learn about how to take care of each other. And honestly, babe, if you don’t even wanna have sex tonight, we don’t have to!”
“Really? B-but the first night seems so import-”
“Nothin’s more important to me than makin’ sure you’re comfortable and happy. If it’s too much stress to try and, er, ‘perform’ tonight, then we won’t. I’ll be just as happy to be sleepin’ right beside you for the first time than I would be doin’ anythin’ else. All that matters if we’re gonna be husband and wife. Okay?”
“Are you…are you certain you’re okay with that?” You asked again, earning another squeeze of your hand.
“I’m positive. I love ya, Robin. That’s never gonna change- and besides, I promise it’s not nearly as hard as ya think it is to have a good time, especially when it’s the person ya care about more than anybody!!”
“And I do, Vaike.” You made sure to confess, pressing a chaste kiss to the back of his hand. “I love you so much. I’m so excited to marry you, today…I just never want to disappoint you, or hurt you…so I’m glad I could tell you about this.”
“You could never, ever, in a million years disappoint me. If anythin’, I’m more worried about disappointin’ you! In fact, I’ve never been more proud of ya, tellin' me somethin’ you’re so worried about. It takes guts!”
“Well…I just needed you to know what I was thinking. And I’m glad I did.” You added, feeling the relief finally wash over you.
Vaike was right- maybe it wasn’t that big a deal, to not know if you had any experience. If you Even if you didn’t, Vaike was going to support you and love you regardless; because of course he was.
He was a big, brutish oaf more often than not, but he was always on your side. And he loved you deeply- more than anyone could possibly fathom (maybe even hiself).
“So you gonna be all right, babe? You wanna talk about it some more?”
“I’ll be all right. Just talking about it a little bit like this helped immensely.”
“Well we don’t have to leave it all here. When the ceremony’s over, and everythin’ is done…we can talk some more. I just want you to feel safe with me. I’m never gonna make you do somethin’ unless you’re ready to, okay?”
As if your heart couldn’t be more full.
“I know. Thank you, dear…now let’s take a little break so we can finish preparing before the ceremony. I need to make sure I didn’t smudge all this makeup…”
He laughed, brushing his thumb over your knuckles before he pulled his hand back through the door.
“You got it, sweetheart. I’ll see ya in a little while. Oh, and Robin?”
“I can’t wait to be married to ya.”
Now it was your turn to laugh.
“I can hardly wait, too, Vaike.”
The wedding ceremony went off without a hitch. Vaike was floored to see you in your wedding dress, convinced he was the luckiest man alive to be marrying a woman as wonderful as you. The reception was beautiful and jubilant, with no stepped on toes, miraculously.
And that night, you laid in each other’s arms, simply basking in the reality that you were officially husband and wife.
The confidence would come with experience, and Vaike was with you every step of the way. There would be no doubting or worrying allowed, while you learned how to take care of one another.
And once the honeymoon was in full swing, that little red thing your friends bought you made an appearance…and judging by the expression he made when he saw it…it was definitely worth the wait.
#vaike#robin#fe 13#fe awakening#fire emblem awakening#vaike x robin#fe fictions#fe-fictions#f!robin#fem!robin#f!mu#wedding fluff#insecurity is real and vaike supports you no matter what#jsdkjfKDJFSDKfjsdkfjdsf#fluff#comfort
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