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indominusregina · 7 years ago
The Bet: Victory At Last
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Pairing: Bucky x reader
Warnings: flirtacious Bucky
Word count: 2.9k
Notes: Part 4 is here! Getting close to the end. A reminder that this was for @justsomebucky 4k celebration! You should definitely go check out her works! Remember to leave feedback. Writing doesn’t happen without your comments, even if it’s just an emoji or a keyboard smash.
Masterlist || Part 3 || Part 5 || Series Masterlist
Three days. Three days left to this stupid challenge and your nerves are so frayed they can barely take it. It’s been four days since you realized you were falling for Bucky, and that meant four days of listening to shitty pick up lines and having your stomach flutter. Four days of feeling more and more vulnerable to his words, even if they hadn’t improved in quality. Still, he often laughs at your snappy responses and it reminds you of the night the two of you spent together, curled into each others’ sides. You hadn’t gone back inside until sunrise and Steve had caught you both on his way out the door for a morning run with Sam, happy to see you made up.
You shake your head to clear out the whispers of hope that run through your brain as you shoot another arrow towards the target. Agent Hill is coming by after her meeting with Tony to help you get better at target practice so you can out shoot Clint when he comes back from his mission. You frown as the arrow slams into the target, far from the bullseye. “You’re distracted.” Her even tone leaves no room for argument and your shoulders drop.
“You’re astute.” The sarcasm in your voice is heavy, and Hill rolls her eyes at you.
“You know, I won’t be much help if you can’t focus on this.” Her chin juts towards the target in front of you and you sigh. “Is this something we can talk through?” Chewing your lip, you weigh your options. On one hand, you can tell her about what’s going on and she might help you out, but on the other hand, she might laugh at you and tell you to get over it.
“Think you can do it without judging me?” You finally ask.
“Should I be judging you for whatever this is?” She raises an eyebrow, arms crossed.
“I do.” You frown as you sit down, nodding at the patch of grass beside you. “Take a seat and I’ll tell you all about it.” She sits next to you and you struggle to find the words to start. After a few moments of pained silence, you blurt out a question. “You ever fall for someone you know you shouldn’t?” She hums quietly, either in affirmation or sympathy and suddenly you’re telling her everything, the words coming out faster than you’d anticipated.
“...and you see, I know I shouldn’t give a damn, but I can’t help it.” You finish after several long minutes. She leans back beside you and you fidget a little, plucking at the grass as she keeps the silence she held through your entire spiel. At least she’s not laughing.
“So, let me get this straight.” Her words are even, measured, and you know she’s been thinking about it. “You and Barnes both bet on his ability to make you get flustered with some pick up lines. You win, he has to be your scapedate; he wins, you’ve got to be his wingman.” You nod, playing with a single, large blade of grass. “And along the way, you found that his pickup lines were working?”
“Not quite. It wasn’t the lines, but it was the…” You pause, unsure of how to fill in the gap.
“It was the time and effort he put into doing it.” Maria finishes and you nod, breathing a sigh of relief that she understood. “But now his lines are actually making you flustered. The way I see it, he’s already won.” You groan, dropping your head into your hands. “But he doesn’t know that.” Maria adds slyly and your head pops back up immediately.
“So you don’t think it’s hopeless?” You ask, already knowing her answer.
“Not entirely. But from my perspective, if you want this to work, you’re going to have to win. You put some effort into it and you win, and I’ll let you know my plan.” Maria winks and you grin, extending a hand.
“Deal.” She shakes your hand and smiles back at you before tilting her head towards the target downfield from you.
“Now, let’s get to work on this.”
When you run into Bucky later, he seems a little more determined than usual. You’re seated in the common area, replying to Natasha’s snapchat that you should meet her with a dumb selfie of your own when he sits down next to you.
“Hey, doll.” He raises his eyebrow and slings an arm across the top of the sofa behind you. “Whatcha up to?” You keep your eyes on your phone as Nat’s answer comes through. She’s with Wanda and now they’re both begging you to join them outside.
“Apparently, I’m going to go join Natasha and Wanda on the lawn.” You double tap her name to send her a response, making a face of resignation and sending it off. You stand immediately after that, blood rushing and making you dizzy. Bucky’s hands instantly steady your waist and you shoot him a small smile as the room stops spinning. “Thanks, Buck.” You head towards the door when he yells out.
“Wait! I’ve got a question!” You pause in the door frame, turning to face him. “Can I have a photo to prove that angels truly exist?” He puts on a falsely innocent face and your lips curl into a sly smile.
“Sure.” You head out, pulling a picture from a quick google search and attaching it to a message. You’re almost out of earshot when you hear him shout.
“WHAT THE HELL IS A CASTIEL?!” Your following giggles echo through the hall as you hurry outside before Natasha kicks your ass.
You don’t see Bucky again until after dinner that night, when you’re munching on a candy bar. He walks into the kitchen as you’re talking to Sam, laughing about an old story of him and Riley getting up to crazy shenanigans while on tour. When he opens the fridge door, looking for something to eat, you put up a finger to pause your conversation with Sam.
“Hey, Buck. I got you some ice cream while we were out earlier.” He closes the door to the fridge and opens the freezer, finding a pint of his favourite ice cream with a note that says ‘SAVE FOR BUCKY’ in sharp, black letters. He pulls it out of the freezer slowly, an odd look on his face that you miss with your back to him, but one that Sam can’t ignore. Bucky clears his throat and thanks you before sliding up next to you to grab a spoon out of the drawer.
“Hey doll, you’re so sweet you put Hershey’s out of business.” He gives you a wink and you stay still, almost rigid as you look down at the wrapper of the chocolate you’re eating.
“I guess it’s a good thing they don’t make this.” You hold up your candy bar and turn back to Sam, watching Bucky slink out of the room out of the corner of your eye. As soon as he’s gone, your shoulders drop, the tension ebbing out of them.
“What was that all about?” Sam gives you a knowing look and you do your best to remain nonchalant.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You mumble, taking another bite of your chocolate. Sam crosses his arms and gives you a look that clearly says he doesn’t believe you.
“So you have no idea why your tension just drained out of your shoulders or why Barnes just gave you a weird-ass look?”
“Tone down the sass, Samuel.” You fix him with a pointed look and he just smirks. “Besides, I didn’t see whatever look you’re talking about.”
“It was when he grabbed his ice cream out of the freezer. It looked like this, but less handsome.” Sam contorts his face into what you figure is an attempt at confusion and a smile, but turns out just looking ridiculous. Your straight face fails immediately as you snort with laughter. It takes only a moment before Sam is laughing with you, and the two of you make silly faces at each other to spur on your laughing session.
When your laughter finally dies down, Sam fixes you with a serious and slightly concerned look. “For real, though. What’s eating at you, kid?”
“It couldn’t be anything like that stupid bet we’ve got going on, I suppose.”
“Tone down the sass, Y/N.” Sam grins at you as he uses your words against you and you smile back at him, although halfheartedly. “Are you alright? I’m sure Barnes would call this off if it’s bothering you.”
“I’ll be fine, Sam. I just gotta win this. Maria and I have a plan. I think. She didn’t really specify, but I have to win first.” You shrug and pop the last of your candy bar into your mouth.
“Do you want help?” Sam nudges you with his elbow and you shake your head, a more genuine smile on your face.
“I ‘preciate it, Sammy boy, but I’m pretty sure that if my terms would have applied to you if you helped Buck, his terms will apply to you if you help me.”
Sam grimaces. “No way I’m wingmanning for Frosty. Sorry, babe, you’re on your own.”
“That’s what I thought.” You pat him on the cheek. “Now, I have a book that’s basically screaming my name, so I’m gonna go be a hermit for the rest of the night.” You head towards your room, only to have him stop you with a hand on your shoulder.
“You know I’m always here for you, right?” He’s quiet and serious, and you give him a soft smile and nod.
“Yeah, Sam, I know. Thank you.” You give his hand a squeeze and he kisses the top of your head before you head back to your room.
The next morning, you’ve dragged your book out to the common room when Bucky approaches you again. He must have noticed that the lines he says flippantly get to you more than his strategically planned ones, since he pauses as he passes in front of you to quickly say his piece.
“If you were words on a page, you’d be the fine print.” You glance up from your book, a half smirk on your reading dazed face.
“So everyone ignores me and I screw them over in the end. Excellent.” You look back down at your page, and you’re grateful he can’t see your face clearly when he speaks next.
“I don’t know about everyone, but you could screw me.” Bucky hovers for a moment more as you take a deep breath, doing your best to not show how much his words are affecting you. As soon as he’s out of sight, you put your bookmark back in your page. There’s no way you’re going to be able to focus on words on a page after that.
Bucky makes multiple more attempts throughout the day and each time you thwart him, noting his slightly disappointed look as he walks away. You hate to make him feel bad in any way, but you can’t let him win. You know you’re in too deep now and your heart would break into a million tiny pieces if you had to be the one to set him up with someone else. You just can’t do it.
You call it quits during the movie that Tony has decided everyone has to watch. You were more than set to skip out on it in favour of hiding in your room, desperate to get a break before the final day of the challenge, knowing that Bucky will be doing anything and everything in his power to win. When you’d gone to unlock your room, popcorn ready for the Netflix marathon you had queued up, you’d found it locked. F.R.I.D.A.Y.’s voice informed you that Mr. Stark was having a mandatory meeting in the cinema and you scowled, knowing no good could come of this. Of course, when you arrived, the only seat open was next to Bucky in the back row, which is how you found yourself in your current predicament.
Bucky has his shoulder pressed against yours, his hand rooting around in your popcorn bag for one or two half-popped kernels that he can crunch. He’s on his best behaviour for the most part, making dumb comments every now and then on the movie. “A 600 pound twinkie? I bet Steve and I could eat that in one day.” You try not to laugh, not wanting to disturb the movie for Steve in front of you, who has never seen it. You glance over at Bucky and shake your head, lips curled in a smile. He fixates on them and you fight down every urge you have to blush.
C’mon, Y/N, think of Hulk modeling in a speedo for the cover of playboy. You bite the inside of your cheek, the pain and the image in your head keeping you grounded.
“Hey Y/N.” Bucky whispers next to you and you turn to look at him. “Your lips look so lonely. Would they like to meet mine?” He flicks his tongue across his lips, as if you weren’t already drawn to them. You’re frozen for a moment, vividly imagining those lips on yours. When Bucky’s lips tilt upwards into a smirk, your trance is broken. You shake your head before whispering your response to him.
“Actually, they’re more introverted. Sorry.” You get up, hurrying out of the room. You need to get away from him as quickly as possible. Only one more day.
That night, you don’t sleep. You try as hard as you can, but you toss and turn, the image in your mind of Bucky’s lips all over someone else seared in your brain. You won’t even risk leaving your room to wander the compound, fearing another run-in with Bucky that you’re sure will split every nerve you have. When the sun rises the next morning, you figure you got maybe an hour over the course of the night. You resign yourself to an agonisingly long day as you splash water on your face before applying some makeup to try and make yourself appear human.
When you walk into breakfast, Bucky’s there already. Of course he’s there already. You let out a groan as you find the biggest mug you can and fill it to the brim with coffee.
“Rough night?” Tony asks, looking pointedly at your cup. You growl your response as you flee the scene hurry out of the room and off to a secluded area of the compound. You know that you’ll be susceptible to Bucky’s charm today, and with it being the final 24 hours, you can’t afford to lose. You have a half hour of peace and quiet before Bucky manages to find you.   
“Hey doll, are you from Tennessee? Because you’re the only ten-I-see.” He winks and you close your eyes, exhaling loudly.
“Please, just put me out of my Missouri.” You grumble, getting up and taking your coffee mug back to the kitchen for a refill.
Once you’re armed with a fresh round of caffeine, you head to the mission prep area of the compound, praying that no one will find you. You spend longer than you intend to reading through the intel the team has received, and when your stomach growls, your second round of coffee is long gone. With a sigh, you file away the stack of papers you were working on and head towards the kitchen.
You almost literally run into Bucky about halfway to the kitchen when he enters the hall from his room. “Where you headed, sweetheart?” He asks and you blink owlishly before his words register.
“Kitchen. Lunch.” You scrub your eyes, knowing you’ll need another cup of coffee before lunch is over.
“Can I follow you then?” He asks, and before you can answer he grins at you in the way he has been before he delivers a line. “Because my ma told me to follow my dreams.”
You frown, knowing that you must look like a gremlin with your lack of sleep. “I’d consider finding a dream that’s not a nightmare.” He looks you over thoughtfully before he responds.
“Well, I happen to be quite used to nightmares at this point. I’d say you look more like the thing I wake up to. The one that lets me know everything’s alright.”
You aren’t sure how it happened. It could have been the lack of sleep or the fact that hours alone had you lowering your guard. More likely, it was the way Bucky looked at you when he said it. Like you were the only person in the world that could make him feel that way. Whatever the reason, you could feel the heat rise into your cheeks, and you knew as soon as the shocked expression crossed his face that Bucky could see it too.
You both stood in silence, mouths slightly agape. Seconds ticked by as the gravity of the situation sunk in.
“....did...did you just…?” Bucky finally speaks in a hushed tone, but still can’t seem to finish his sentence. “I won?” His voice is still whisper-like, but you can hear it.
“I won.” Bucky’s disbelief turns into a small smile that grows by the second, even as your heart hits the floor and seems to go lower.
On the last day, with only hours left to this stupid challenge, Bucky won.
And you lost.  
Part 5
Tags: @childoftimeandmagic, @shugr12110629, @emolordisme, @dugan365, @sociallyimpairedme, @witchymarvelspacecase, @dontsassmecastiel, @peter-pan-hoe, @assbutt-son-of-a-bitch, @allofthesearetakendafuq , @radi0active-thoughts, @mizzzpink, @johnmurphys-sass, @sarahwroteathing, @the-nargles-made-me-do-it, @thellamalord, @asmilinghopelessromantic, @lilypalmer1987, @killjoynotes
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justsomebucky · 7 years ago
JSD Rom-Com Challenge Masterlist
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I will be adding the story links (in bold) to this list as they are completed so that everybody can enjoy them!
33 of 51 are now completed!
3 are listed as WIP and italicized means either I missed it or no story has been submitted. If you asked for a deadline that’s cool.
1) “I need some time to think.” @minervaem (Bucky x reader)
2) "In the Heat of the Moment” by @who-the-hell-is-seb-stan (Bucky x reader)
3) “Fairytales Are For Children” by @rubysworld-world-stuff (Bruce Banner x reader)
4) “Were you spying on me?” @storiesbyvmkessel (Tony Stark x reader)
5) “Cracker Jacks and Kiss Cams” by @bitsandbobsandstuff  (Bucky x reader) 
6) “Pain Covered With Skin” by @redgillan (Bucky x reader)
7) “Are you in love with (her/him)?” @sgtbxckybxrnes (TBD x reader)
8) “You make me feel like anything is possible.” @v271828 (Bucky x reader)
9) “Second Chances” by @soldatbarnes (Lance Tucker x reader)
10) “Trust Breaking Loser” by @sebass-stanfan (Peter Parker x reader)
11) “What Are You Waiting For?” by @buckthegump (Bucky x reader)
12) “A Bump in the Road” (1 2 3 4 5) by @green-eyeddragonfanfiction (Bucky x reader) 
13) “You’re weird, but you’re my kind of weird.” @lifeofmarvvel (Peter Parker x reader)
14) “All of this was worth it because you’re still here.” @marvelfanuniverse (Pietro x reader)
15) “You know what? You’re crazy.” @denialanderror (Bucky x reader)
16) “For the Love of Dogs” by  @sprinkleofhappinessuniverse (Bucky x reader)
17) “The thing is, I wasn’t pretending.” @wordsaremyenemy  (Loki x reader)
18) “Crazy in Love” by @moonbeambucky (Bucky x reader)
19) “Pick Her Poison” by @imhereforbvcky  (Bucky x reader)
20) “Library Blues” by @planet-holland-writing (Steve Rogers x reader)
21) “In Cahoots” by @thewinterswimmer (Bucky x reader)
22) “Maybe we can be alone, together?” @kellieabro (Steve Rogers x reader)
23) “Be Happy Now” by @lomlbarnes (Bucky x reader)
24) "(Un)Successful Mission“ by @buckys-fossil (Bucky x reader)
25) “Disney Dreaming” by @asirenscalling (Bucky x reader)
26) “You have something…on your nose.” @nataliarxmanxva (Bucky x reader) 
27) "Loner” by @promarvelfangirl (Bucky x reader)
28) "Forever” by @youdonebeengarthed (Danny Rand x reader)
29) "Unlikely Places” by @whatisaheroanyway (Bucky x reader)
30) “Corner of the Coffee Shop” by @theassetseyeliner (Bucky x reader)
31) “Before the End of Halloween” by @storytelling-reader (Steve Rogers x reader)
32) “Incomplete” by @pinkleopardss (Steve Rogers x reader)
33) magical @wanderingkat77 (Bucky x reader)
34) paradise @paradisecityplease (Bucky x reader)
35) "Marriage Type Love” (1 2) by @kjs-s (Steve Rogers x reader)
36) "The Bet: Terms and Conditions” (1 2) by @indominusregina (Bucky x reader) - WIP
37) “Not the Jealous Type” by @alexafromthefandom (Tony Stark x reader)
38) “I think this belongs to you.” - @addictionmarvel (Bucky x reader)
39) "Mishaps” by @rotisserierogers  (Bucky x reader)
40) “Feelings” by @bhuckys (Bucky x reader)
41) "Love Me Right” ( P 1 2 3 4) by @emscairstairs (Bucky x reader) - WIP
42) “Be My Muse” (P 1 2) by @a-splash-of-stucky (Bucky x reader)
43) “What do you mean, no? You can’t say no now!” @annes-a-pan  (Bucky x reader)
44) "New Rules” by @sanjariti (Wanda x reader)
45) “You did all this for me?” @bucks-metal-fate (Bucky x reader)
46) "Friday, I’m in Love” by @avengerofyourheart (Tony Stark x reader)
47) “Cover” by @lotsofimagines (Steve Rogers x reader)
48) “And on the Fifth Day...” by @untimelyideasforstories (Bucky x reader)
49) “A Perfect Encounter” (Parts 1 2 3 4 5) by @buckyswinterchildren (Bucky x reader) - WIP
50) “You’re the most frustrating person on the planet, but I can’t imagine life without you.” @baileywritesthethings (Pietro x reader)
51) “Little Traitor” by @kaunis-sielu (Bucky x reader)
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whatisaheroanyway · 7 years ago
Unlikely places
Bucky Barnes x Reader, AU
Word Count: 2 213
A/N: This is for the amazing and incredibly talented @just-some-drabbles 4k follower challenge. She deserves every single one of them and a lot more. Well, this is not exactly a rom-com, but after re-writing about fifteen times I gave up. I hope you enjoy it though :)
Prompt word: unlikely
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You had your first heartbreak when you were fifteen. A memory you will never forget. The first love who got access into the little garden right in the middle of your chest, and the first thief who picked out your favourite flowers without asking. The sound of the glass door shattering when they shut it before they left echoed for a long time in your ears.
It’s an unfair rule of life, that you have to get hurt in order to live.
You felt the coldness of the ground in your heart as you closed the garden’s door, promising to not let anyone in anymore. You didn’t want to go home, a flowerless field since a long time. Instead you went to the place with the tallest trees.
Your Grandmother herself was the most mesmerizing rose and wherever she went lilies grew. You found yourself on her porch, crying, sobbing, evolving. She came out with a blanket and tea, and held you close until you had no more tears to shed, while humming Funny Valentine into your hear.
When you found your voice again, you asked for her secret. How could she bloom, even after this time in the world full of angel-like thieves? Her knowing smile and wise eyes gave you hope.
“There are three secrets I have for you, my love” her gentle voice was like a gush of wind on an early autumn night. “One, love is the only thing worth living for in this funny world, and don’t you dare let anyone prove you otherwise. Two, you have to learn how to laugh at the unfunny jokes life tells you and you will see how the sound of your laughter will water not only yours but everyone’s plants along the way. And three, you see honey, love hides in the most unlikely places, and don’t be afraid when you will get lucky enough to see it.”
She died just as she lived, with such light. Her petals fell down slowly and gracefully with time.
You were eighteen when you saw the most beautiful red rosebud, on the seat next to yours, on a bus heading towards London, when you escaped during summer. Her name was Peggy, ironic that someone named after a flower was completely different from what she should have been. She proved you that you don’t have to be like what the world expects you to be. A marguerite can be the most fierce rose. Her punch was just as deadly as her smile. She was so much like her.
In another summer called ‘the place of first times’ you lay next to Peggy in a park you often visited as a child, with the first intention to get drunk, with the second beer in hand you wondered how to name your fear.
“Pegs, can I ask you something?” you let the words fall freely, “Why are you my friend?” Without batting an eye she sang, “Because even though you are sometimes sourer that a basket of lemons and you try to push everyone away, you are the best person I know. And I like a good challenge so I had to find out what lies underneath your resting bitch face. And I have to tell you, I really like what I have found.” That was the first time you gave a key to the lonely place of beating muscle.
You were twenty-three when you finally quit smoking because two bedrooms, one bathroom, a little but comfortable couch, a kitchen and a tiny balcony with your friend who gave you a real key in exchange for your trust, weren’t a dream anymore. You learned that life can be pretty, too. You realised that you can shape it as you want to that it’s possible to be happy without a fake smile.
But everything has an end, my friend. The bad times and the good times, too.
You were twenty-eight when you got that call, which shook your world and your hand lost the power to hold the phone. When the shock made a ringing sound in your ear When your vision got blurred When you lost the ability to see the pretty.
Peggy had a car accident. In the busy streets of New York a guy decided to play with others lives when he sit behind the wheel after too much whisky. And the gamers didn’t have a word in how the dice rolled.
They called you from the hospital at six in the morning. They said her life is in danger and she needs surgery. You didn't even get dressed just put on a jacket and shoes before rushing out of the building that couldn’t be called home without Peggy. The smell of disinfectant, the endless labyrinth of white walls Rushing nurses, sympathetic smiles, sorrow in watching eyes. The place where life begins and ends, where you can hear much more prayers than in a church, where you can find the happiest person crying and from a room away the saddest person breaking. You didn’t know at that point which one will you be.
After two hours of dead silent you were sitting on the floor next to the coffee machine which decided to stop working, while you held your aching head in your palms.
“I know this is gonna sound stupid, right here and right now, but are you alright?” A deep male voice prevented you from sinking even deeper in the pit you were thrown into. But you didn’t have the power to look up, nor did you care to. “You’re right, it does sound stupid.” You scoffed, sarcasm was your only thing left. You thought that the guy will walk away and leave you be, but with your head down you heard him push a few buttons on the evil metal machinery next to you. It of course worked just fine for him.
At your biggest surprise the scent of cheap but still heavenly seeming coffee hit your nose. You finally looked up to see the man crouching in front of you offering you a cup. You laughed out bitterly and accepted the life savior nectar with a small, but genuine smile. After taking the first sip and gulping down almost half of the awful thing, you could hear your grandmother’s voice in your head from when you were a kid and missed half of your teeth.
“You didn't drug me, did you?” you asked half seriously, eyeing the stranger. He laughed and for a second you forgot where you were. It was a tired sound, it didn’t reached his eyes, but it was still beautiful. “You know with all the cameras and witnesses I wouldn’t get away with it, unfortunately.” You laughed, and it seemed like it has been ages since you let your shoulders fall.
“Is there any particular reason why you’re sitting on the floor?” “There’s a strange satisfaction in it. Knowing you can’t get any lower.” You got a little taken aback when after a second of thinking the guy went to sit down on the ground opposite you. “You’re right. It’s oddly satisfying.”
After finishing your drink you collected the remains of your energy to finally take a look at the stranger.
You saw a black tulip, A myth mixed with reality. Bone-crushingly strange and mesmerizing, uniquely dark, but soft at the edges, built with simple shapes. His longish hair escaped from the hairband at the back of his neck and it was brushing his cheekbones, his sharp jawline was impressive but strangely rigid, probably from stress. It was clear that he wasn’t there for fun either, his stormy grey eyes had so much worry and sadness in them, you had to tear your gaze away.
“I’m Bucky, by the way.” A curt nod was all he got from you.
After thirty minutes of looking at each other, standing behind your own doors and looking through only the windows, creating an image just from the pieces peaking out from the curtains, a doctor came into the hallway and stopped in front of Bucky. They talked about a man named Mr. Rogers, that he had pieces of broken glass in the right side of his body from the contact of the bus window he sat near. You weren’t really paying attention to the words, rather to the colour draining from Bucky’s face and seeing from the outside what you felt few hours ago.
You realised that he needed your company more than you needed his.
You turned off the warning alarms in your head and shut off the scared screams in your chest. With a weird motion, on the hospital floor, in your pyjamas you crawled next to Bucky and took his hand in yours. Sometimes that’s all it takes, a little dose of courage.
His name was James Buchanan Barnes. He lived in Brooklyn with his friend Steve, who got into the same accident as Peggy. He told you about his childhood, that he met this kid on the playground who got stuck in a slide and after he laughed at him he helped him out. They played that they were superheroes during the rest of that day. In his eyes Steve was like a little brother who just needed a little help to became this unrivaled and peerless great blue orchid, who was just a little sprout back then.
He told you that his parents were his heroes and he grew up believing in true love, and he fell for this girl in high school. They had planned that they will get married after graduation, buy a big house and have kids. He told you that he always wanted to be a chef and he was good enough to open his own place when he was twenty-four.
He had everything he wanted.
One day he worked late, making a cake for his girlfriend’s birthday after the restaurant closed. It all happened too fast, a stupid mistake of the tired mind. The oven was still hot and he slipped. Almost his entire left arm got burned. His girlfriend left him after two weeks.
He lost everything, except Steve.
It’s hard to say if it was the atmosphere of the hospital, the amount of coffee and nothing else in your system, the state of mind you were in, or the nice feeling of his hand still in yours but you gave him a tour in the place that you had closed so carefully all those years ago. You switched on the lights, you showed him things that even you forgot.
It was frightening, terrifying and strange, and liberating.
You were always the type of person who prepared for the worst and expected the the worst, too. You never let yourself believe in fairy tales, it was easier so you didn’t have to cope with the disappointment. But sometimes life can be gentle and sometimes things can turn out to be good in the end.
They called the two of you at the same time, that you can visit your friends. Not until that moment you let go of each other. With an encouraging smile you went into separate ways to finally see the other parts of you.
You met Bucky for the second time two weeks after that. You went back to the hospital with Peggy for checkups and you saw Bucky with a blonde man on his side who struggled to put on his leather jacket. They were ready to leave when Bucky accidentally looked in your way, his eyes light up this time without the worry in them they actually seemed blue. You turned towards Peggy to show her the man you talked about all the time, but she was already smiling at the one next to him.
You were sitting on the metro, heading home after a long day at work. The music stopped playing in your ears because you got a call. It was Bucky
“Stop, you Punk! I’m on the phone! Steve, I’m gonna kick your ass if you keep stealing the food!” Laughter and music came through the line and your cheeks hurt from smiling. “Hi, doll! Sorry. Could you please bring some more wine on your way home? I had to use some for the food and Peggy and Steve already drank the rest.” “Yeah, sure. I’ll be home in twenty.” “Great. Love you.” “Love you, too.”
After hanging up you took a deep breath, pushing the play button to the song and Funny Valentine came up next. As you remembered back to the porch, some happy tears welled in your eyes.
Love really is the only thing worth living for, without it, without all the different flowers our gardens would be colourless and empty. When Bucky laughs, your heart really grows bigger. And well, love can be found after a heartbreak in a comforting hug, It can be found in a seat during a bus drive to the other part of the world It can be found on the floor of the hallway of a hospital and it can be found on the metro in the smile of a little girl who’s mum is too occupied on her phone Love really does hide in unlikely places.
tags: @kapolisradomthoughts @theliteratureloser @abovethesmokestacks    @ursulaismymiddlename @nataliarxmanxva  @canumoveyourseatup-no @readtosurvivemusictolive @hellomissmabel  (Please tell me if you’d like to be added)
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justsomebucky · 7 years ago
SO CUTE! I actually had to bury my face in my pillow to muffle a scream 😂😂 I love that they all conspired on his behalf to get closer! Thank you so much for your entry, it was great!!!
In Cahoots
Summary:  When movie night features horror, your least favourite genre, it leads to a discovery about Bucky’s feelings.
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 3,576
Warnings: mentions of horror movies (no spoilers or explicit details!) , an annoying armrest, being close to Bucky Barnes
A/N: This is my submission for the wonderful @just-some-drabbles Rom-Com Challenge! Thanks for letting me participate, congratulations on 4k 💛 My prompt was “I think you already know.” Honestly I have no idea how it got to be so long, but the more Bucky the better, right? I hope you enjoy :)
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"Mm,” you hummed.
"Is that a yes?”
Your fingers froze over the battery you were repairing down in Tony’s lab. The wires inside of it were communicating by sparks happily, unlike the nerves in your brain. 
A yes to what? Better find out. Better pretend like you know.  Better not let Wanda know you had no clue what day it was, never mind the meaning behind her question.
Keep reading
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indominusregina · 7 years ago
The Bet: Epilogue
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Pairing: Bucky x reader
Warnings: cute stuff!
Word count: 414
Notes: Surprise! I had some things I really wanted to use in the story, but they didn’t fit in the main content, so here we are! It’s really short, but really sweet. One final reminder that this was for @justsomebucky 4k celebration! I don’t think there’s anything on her masterlist that isn’t amazing. Please, tell me what you thought of this story! 
Masterlist || Part 5 || Series Masterlist
It had been two years. Two long years of ups, downs, and everything in between.
“Hey doll?” You could hear Bucky’s voice from your shared bedroom as you touched up your lipstick.
“Hmm?” You hummed as you pursed your lips, checking to make sure you had an even coat. Satisfied, you capped the tube of lipstick.
“I think I scraped my knee falling for you. Do you have a bandaid?” You rolled your eyes. Even after all this time, his lines hadn’t improved.
“Actually, yes.” You replied, pulling a couple of boxes out of the cabinet under the sink and emerging from the bathroom. “I’ve got three kinds. Waterproof, unicorn, and oh-” You stopped in your tracks, dropping the boxes as soon as you saw him.
Bucky knelt before you, a ring in his hand, hope in his eyes, and a stupid, cocky grin on his face.
“I’ll take the waterproof kind. Looks like your eyes are getting a little leaky.” You sniffed and wiped your eye, where a traitorous tear was welling up.
“Shut your mouth, Barnes.”
“Nah, I’ve got some words to say, and then, hopefully, you’ve got at least one to say as well.” He cleared his throat and shifted his weight around a little. “Y/N, I love you. I love you so much. I love your quick wit and how it keeps me on my toes. I love your willingness to accept me as I am, and all the ways you make me better. I love that you challenge me every single day, even when I’d really rather you didn’t. I love your smile and the way it lights up my world. I especially love that little thing you do with your tongue wh-”
“Bucky!” You cut him off, appalled. He only smirked back at you.
“Mostly, though, I just love spending every moment I can with you. If you’ll have me, I’d like to spend the rest of my life proving that to you in every way. So, Y/N Y/L/N, will you marry me?” You nodded, blinking away tears.
“Yes, James Barnes. I will.” He grinned as he rose up to his feet, sliding the ring to its new home on your finger.
“Told ya you’d have words to say.” He smirked, and you rolled your eyes.
“Shut your mouth, Barnes.” You replied, grabbing his neck and pulling his lips down to yours.
Yes, the bet really did work out for the both of you.
The End
Tags: @childoftimeandmagic, @shugr12110629, @emolordisme, @dugan365, @sociallyimpairedme, @witchymarvelspacecase, @dontsassmecastiel, @peter-pan-hoe, @assbutt-son-of-a-bitch, @allofthesearetakendafuq , @radi0active-thoughts, @mizzzpink, @johnmurphys-sass, @sarahwroteathing, @the-nargles-made-me-do-it, @thellamalord, @asmilinghopelessromantic, @lilypalmer1987, @killjoynotes​  @imeannooffensebabybut​, @buckybarnesxoxo
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avengerofyourheart · 7 years ago
Coming soon...
Chilling at home tonight, avoiding social interaction by weaseling out of a previous commitment as you do. heh. Needed some introvert time.
BUT. I am also putting the finishing touches on my fic for @just-some-drabbles ‘s writing challenge! I’m excited, you guys. I’ve had this idea rolling around in my head for months and the prompt I chose helped me expand on it. 
Here’s a hint: 
“Friday, I’m in Love” by The Cure
And this guy: 
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Coming Monday, ya’ll. Get ready. :D 
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justsomebucky · 8 years ago
JSD’s Rom-Com Challenge
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Hi! This week I hit 4k followers (thank you, thank you!) so here goes nothing! I wanted to celebrate cheesy love stories, so I’m hosting a writing challenge! A list of rules and prompts can be found under the cut. Don’t be afraid to put your writing out there, this is just for fun!
You don’t have to be following me though it sort of defeats the purpose of a follower celebration???
Reblog this post (like=bookmark) to help advertise
Send an ask with your chosen prompt # & your character pairing (must be character x reader) (you can include a backup choice just in case)
Any Marvel or Sebastian Stan character will be accepted
Once a prompt is claimed, it’s gone (first come first served) (also sometimes I sleep and I have a full-time job so if I don’t reply right away don’t panic!)
You must include your prompt in your fic (how you include it is up to you)
Can be AU or canon, one-shot or multi-part series, it’s up to you
Please use a read more/keep reading/whatever it’s called please please
No smut/explicit sexytimes (implied or referenced sexytimes/smut is ok)
Must be a minimum of 500 words
Deadline will be October 25th; if you need an extension hmu prior to the deadline and we can work it out. No additional prompt requests will be taken after September 25th.
Please use the tag jsdchallenge so I can find you cool kids and be sure to @ me in your author note
Once this is over I’ll have a challenge masterlist for everyone to enjoy the cheesy romance
If you have a crazy amazing rom-com idea and you want to add it to the prompts once all of them are filled, we can talk!
thanks for reading the rules, you’re a-ok! good luck and have fun
1) "I need some time to think." @minervaem (Bucky x reader) 2) "Well...this is awkward." @who-the-hell-is-seb-stan (Bucky x reader) 3) "Fairy tales are for children." @rubysworld-world-stuff (Bruce Banner x reader) 4) "Were you spying on me?" @storiesbyvmkessel (Tony Stark x reader) 5) "I never thought you'd break my heart." @theliteratureloser (Bucky x reader) 6) "Stop saying that!" @redgillan (Bucky x reader) 7) "Are you in love with (her/him)?" @sgtbxckybxrnes (TBD x reader) 8) "You make me feel like anything is possible." @v271828 (Bucky x reader) 9) "Will I ever be enough?" @soldatbarnes (Lance Tucker x reader) 10) "For some stupid reason I decided to fall in love with you." @sebass-stanfan (Peter Parker x reader) 11) "My heart belongs to you, if you want it." @buckthegump (Bucky x reader) 12) "Is this really happening?" @whothehellisbella (Bucky x reader) 13) "You're weird, but you're my kind of weird." @lifeofmarvvel (Peter Parker x reader) 14) "All of this was worth it because you're still here." @marvelfanuniverse (Pietro x reader) 15) "You know what? You're crazy." @denialanderror (Bucky x reader)  16) "I wasn't looking for anything serious." @sprinkleofhappinessuniverse (Bucky x reader) 17) "The thing is, I wasn't pretending." @wordsaremyenemy  (Loki x reader) 18) "People do crazy things when they're in love." @onceuponahiddleston (Bucky x reader) 19) "I can fix this!" @imhereforbvcky  (Bucky x reader) 20) "Looks like we're gonna be stuck here for a while." @kaylamorson2000 (Steve Rogers x reader) 21) "I think you already know." @thewinterswimmer (Bucky x reader) 22) "Maybe we can be alone, together?" @kellieabro (Steve Rogers x reader) 23) "I just want you to be happy." @lomlbarnes (Bucky x reader) 24) "It's always been you, idiot." @buckys-fossil (Bucky x reader) 25) "I feel like I'm dreaming." @asirenscalling (Bucky x reader)
26) enchanted @buckyywiththegoodhair (Bucky x reader) 27) loner @promarvelfangirl (Bucky x reader) 28) forever @youdonebeengarthed (Danny Rand x reader) 29) unlikely @whatisaheroanyway (Bucky x reader) 30) soulmate @theassetseyeliner (Bucky x reader) 31) autumn @storytelling-reader (Steve Rogers x reader) 32) incomplete @pinkleopardss (Steve Rogers x reader) 33) magical @wanderingkat77 (Bucky x reader) 34) paradise @paradisecityplease (Bucky x reader) 35) wedding @kjs-s (Steve Rogers x reader)
Additional Prompts (added 31 August):
36) "Is that the best you can do?" @indominusregina (Bucky x reader) 37) "Wait a minute...are you jealous?" @alexafromthefandom (Tony Stark x reader) 38) "I think this belongs to you." - @addictionmarvel (Bucky x reader) 39) "I got your message. What the hell did you mean by that?" @rotisserierogers  (Bucky x reader) 40) "That was the most fun I've had in years." @winterssmiles (Bucky x reader) 41) "Are you always this awkward or do you take the weekends off?" @aelin-blackstairs (Bucky x reader) 42) "It's a dare, you have to do it. Those are the rules." @a-splash-of-stucky (Bucky x reader) 43) "What do you mean, no? You can’t say no now!" @smolstarkrogers (Bucky x reader) 44) "You're really bad at this whole flirting thing." @sanjariti (Wanda x reader) 45) "You did all this for me?" @bucks-metal-fate (Bucky x reader) 46) "I'm still not talking to you." @avengerofyourheart (Tony Stark x reader) 47) "Don't think of it as lying, think of it as...elaborating." @lotsofimagines (Steve Rogers x reader) 48) "We're completely screwed, aren't we?" @untimelyideasforstories (Bucky x reader) 49) "I'll tell you my name if you can find me again." @buckyswinterchildren (Bucky x reader) 50) "You're the most frustrating person on the planet, but I can't imagine life without you." @baileywritesthethings (Pietro x reader)
51) “You have something...on your nose.” @nataliarxmanxva (Bucky x reader)
All prompts have been been claimed!
I’m so excited to read your stories! Thank you for the awesome participation!
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justsomebucky · 7 years ago
Okay but what the heck are these dog names?? Hahah! I laughed at her explanation. I love how at first Bucky is like no no no no dog no not for me!! And then slowly you see him totally fall for this cute doggo 😍 and meeting up with him again for doggo and coffee dates sounds blissful! Such a cute way for someone to meet!! Thank you so much for writing for my challenge, I really enjoyed this! Dogs are the way to the heart.
For The Love Of Dogs - Bucky x Reader
Prompt: I wasn’t looking for anything serious. 
Summary: Bucky did not expect to be looking after a dog let alone catching feelings for the vet. 
Pairing: Bucky x Reader 
Tags/Warnings: Dogs! , Feelings, Fluff. 
Word Count: 3, 297
A/N: This is my entry for the lovely  @just-some-drabbles 4K follower challenge! Congrats you deserve every single one you’re amazing! Sorry I took so long with it! Bucky and dogs are the true loves of my life. 
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Bucky’s eyes flickered between the two men standing in front of him. He wasn’t sure who he wanted to kill more.
Sam had the audacity to stand there smirking at Steve who was sitting on Bucky’s couch, giggles erupting from his mouth as a large labrador clambered on him, licking his face, tail wagging excitedly.
“I am not looking after a dog,” Bucky snapped.
“It’s only for a week,” Sam replied, matter-of-factly.
“What the hell am I even supposed to do with it?”
“Feed it. Play with it. Clean it. Look after it.” Sam had the audacity to stand there smirking. Bucky rolled his eyes before turning his focus to Steve sat on Bucky’s couch, giggles erupting from his mouth as a large labrador clambered on him, licking his face, tail wagging excitedly.
Admittedly, Bucky found the dog cute but it didn’t help ease any uncertain feels he had over the set-up. Sam and Steve claimed it could be good for him and could help with his anxiety and ongoing recovery. Although it had been two years since returning from the army, Bucky spent a large portion of the time in rehabilitation after having his arm amputated. He was recovering from his depression and managing his anxiety and now, he had his own apartment in Brooklyn, a stable job at the local bookstore and was in a place where he was good.
Keep reading
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indominusregina · 7 years ago
The Bet: Unforseen Consequences
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Pairing: Bucky x reader
Warnings: Swearing Lite™, flirtacious Bucky
Word count: 2.1k
Notes: Finally, part 2! Lots of complications in my personal life led to a long gap between part 1 and 2, but I don’t forsee many more delays like this one! This part has the actual prompt (Is that the best you can do?) from the @justsomebucky challenge! Also, credit where credit is due, many of the wonderful responses are from @sarahwroteathing Enjoy part 2! Remember, feedback gives me life!
Masterlist || Part 1 || Part 3 || Series Masterlist
The rest of the morning, Bucky is quiet. You aren’t going out of your way to avoid him, but even so, he’s nowhere to be found. Although you’re not overly concerned by the bet, having him almost entirely vanish is setting your nerves on edge, making you more than a little paranoid every time you round a corner. Will he preempt his line with something? Will he just go for it?
Your fears are abated mid-afternoon. Just as you finally settle down on the couch to watch some Netflix and procrastinate on packing with a steaming mug of tea after a hard workout, Bucky strolls in and sits down on the other end. You tense up but continue your browsing, both of you waiting in silence. Just as you settle on a show, Bucky clears his throat.
“Hey, uh, is your name Earl Grey?” He starts, and you look over at him in confusion. “Because you’re a hot-tea!”
Your face quickly drops from confusion to unamused. “Leaf me alone.” You deadpan before returning your attention to the screen in front of you, selecting the show and staring ahead. There’s a brief moment of silence as your episode loads before he gets up and awkwardly walks away. So that’s how these two weeks are going to go.
The next time Bucky tries a line on you, you’re slightly more prepared. You managed to watch a few episodes of your show before Wanda dragged you away to start packing because “your stuff won’t pack itself, Y/N, and no matter how many times you ask me, no I will not put your things into boxes using my powers.” Lame. After spending some quality time with the dust bunnies at the back of your closet, you’re ready for a dinner break with the rest of the team.
You glance over at Bucky continually throughout dinner, which at this point is down to just takeout, since half of the kitchen has been packed away and is ready to be sent off to the upstate compound. He catches your eye after the tenth time or so and offers a wolfish grin. You raise an eyebrow at him in a silent dare. Unable to decline your challenge, he swallows his mouthful of food before clearing his throat.
“You know what’s on the menu? Me ‘n’ u.” He grins, and everyone else at the table pauses, some confused, while Natasha is intrigued.
“Gee, I thought it was foot, since yours seems to be in your mouth.” The words are out of your mouth instantly, followed by a chorus of “oohs” from the rest of the teammates.
“Would someone care to explain what just happened?” Tony asks as you continue to eat the food in front of you, unphased by the reaction of the group.
Natasha steps in to answer for you. “Barnes and Y/L/N have a bet going on. Barnes is doing his best to make Y/L/N blush with a pickup line. If he succeeds in the next two weeks, she has to wingman for him, and if he doesn’t, he has to be her escape date for a month.”
“What the hell’s an escape date?” Tony blurts out and you finally speak up.
“He has to pretend to be my date whenever some asshole - sorry Steve - won’t take no for an answer.” You respond as Steve mutters something about language.
“So you’re trying shitty pickup lines that you’ve clearly found online?” Sam turns to Bucky, an amused smirk on his lips.
“Well, where else am I supposed to get them?” He frowns and Sam laughs.
“Y’know what, Frosty? I just might help you out. This sounds like fun.” You narrow your eyes at Sam as he says this.
“Help him, Wilson, and the same terms will apply to you when I win.” Your voice is low and threatening, and Sam seems to reconsider his decision.
“Nevermind, you’re on your own.” He tells Bucky, quickly returning to his food.
“That’s what I thought.” You finish your food and stand, giving one last sweep around the room. “This is between Bucky and myself. Any of you step in, and you’re done for.” You throw your container out in one smooth motion as you continue on your way out the door. You can barely hear Steve as you leave.
“Well, good luck, Buck.” He clears his throat as he finishes his statement.
“Thanks, Stevie.” The sarcasm in his voice has you smirking.
You’re in the gym getting in one last workout before moving day has everything packed up when Bucky tries again. Clad in leggings and a sports bra, you’re busy with a barbell when he walks up. You lock eyes in the mirror as you squat, holding the weight steady on your shoulders.
Bucky eyes your backside as you lower yourself and grins. “Are those space pants? Because your ass is outta this world!”
You keep your eyes locked on his as you stand, setting the weight down on the rack behind you. You turn to face him before holding up your pointer finger in his face. “Phone home, E.T.” You leave him muttering as you move on to the next weight machine in your circuit.
You’re dressed up for a benefit event, waiting in the living room for Tony, Nat, and Clint to make their appearance when Bucky walks in. He lets out a low whistle as he takes in your appearance, and you turn to face him. “I must be in a museum, because you are truly a work of art.” His voice is a little lower than usual, but you shrug it off.
“I’m pretty sure that you’re old enough to make anywhere you go seem like a museum.” You chirp, crossing your arms. Clint and Natasha walk in at that moment and Clint laughs. You raise your hand for a high five, which he gladly meets. “Better luck next time, Barnes. For future note, calling a girl a masterpiece might get you farther.” You turn on your heel as Tony strolls in, late as usual, and head with them towards the lift. Out of the corner of your eye, you catch Bucky actually making a note of your comment and you giggle as the doors close behind you.
The afternoon before the move, you find yourself practicing your bow and arrow skills with Clint. You’re doing alright, but you know you could be better. Bucky walks in just in time for you to actually shoot one into the center of the target. With a whoop and a grin, you do a little victory dance, eyes gleaming as Clint compliments you. You don’t notice Bucky until he speaks.
“Is there something in your eye?” You turn to face him, wiping at your eye and frowning. “Oh wait, it’s just a sparkle.”
Your earlier joy dies a bit at his comment. You were so excited to celebrate your tiny victory, and he had to cheapen it with a dumb line. Giving him a glare, your response is a bit sharper than it normally is. “Damn. My murderous glint must be losing its intensity.”
Bucky frowns at this and you turn back to the target, nocking another arrow on your bowstring and drawing. When you release, you score a close hit, but not quite as good as your last one. Your shoulders slump a little in defeat, and Bucky slinks away, feeling a little bit guilty.
The morning of the move, you go out for a run early, the anticipation of the upcoming move making you too jittery to sleep. After a few pre-dawn miles are finished, you’ve managed to burn most of the anxious energy out of your system, and you feel pretty satisfied as you make your way back to the (mostly empty) tower. As you ride the lift back up to the common area, you stretch, looking forward to a tall glass of water to help with your recovery.
The doors open on your floor and you beeline it to the kitchen, trying to level out your breathing as you come down from your runner’s high. You stand at the sink and, looking around and seeing no one, you duck your head under the running stream of water. It wasn’t worth it to try and find a glass, wash it, dry it, and repack it. After a few gulps, you stand back up, wiping your mouth and breathing a little harder than before after downing what was probably at least one glass of water. Of course, Bucky walks in at that moment.
“Well, gee doll, are you running out of breath from running through my head all night?”
You roll your eyes, still trying to catch your breath for a moment. When you finally decide to speak again, your response is yet another snarky comment “No, but this one was so terrible, I am speechless.” The idea of being in Bucky’s dreams has you unsettled. You know he has a lot of nightmares, and although this is probably just a line, you find yourself agitated that you might be something that upsets him. This new feeling accompanies you as you make your way back to your room to clean up and change into comfy travel clothes.
Later that afternoon, everyone files outside, with small squabbles over who gets to go in which vehicle. It’s already set that you’re in Nat’s van as navigator, and Steve is driving the other car with Bucky riding shotgun. You double check that you’ve got everything for your car, and find that in your file of information, you’ve got the map for the other car as well. As everyone finally settles on their car, you make your way to Bucky’s window, gesturing to Nat that you’ll be right back.
You knock on Bucky’s window, grabbing his attention. He beams as he notices it’s you at the window and rolls it down.
“Darlin’, what a surprise! You wanna come in this car?” You give him a look before you hold up your folder.
“Sorry, Buck. I’m navigator for the other car.” You give him a quick smile, and he smiles back. You stay that way for a moment before he clears his throat.
“Hey doll, do you have a map?” His words cause you to snap out of your daze.
“Huh?” You shake your head slightly, trying to clear your mind.
“Because I’m getting lost in your eyes.” He waggles his eyebrows at you and you give him another look before tossing the map you had for him into his lap and patting his cheek. Turning, you head quickly back to your car. What was that, Y/N? You’re going crazy. Your mind is a little off kilter again, and you can’t shake the feeling that something’s off throughout the drive to the new compound.
It’s a calm morning as everyone settles into life at the compound instead of the tower. There’s so much more room here, and everything is just quieter in general, leading to your peaceful mood as you start to make breakfast.
You set some coffee on and, knowing that it will draw a crowd, you pull out a pack of bacon and a carton of eggs, intent on making breakfast for whoever comes in. Humming, you set some strips of bacon into a pan and pull out another for the eggs.
Sure enough, as soon as you start scrambling some eggs for yourself, Bucky saunters into the kitchen.
“Is that the sun in here, or is your smile just that bright?” You roll your eyes as Bucky slides up next to you as you stir your eggs.
“Is that the best you can do today, Barnes?” You raise an eyebrow as he pours himself a mug of coffee.
“No, but you are.” He says with a wink, and your stomach does a little flip. You swallow hard, but it gets stuck in your throat, causing you to cough.
“I-In your dreams, Barnes.” You sputter out between coughs, eyes watering. Bucky sets down his mug and hurries over to you.
“Are you alright?” Bucky asks, concern in his eyes as he gently rubs your back. You nod, fighting the butterflies in your stomach. Suddenly, you’re grateful for the incident, as you’re no longer sure that the flush in your cheeks is strictly from choking.
As he turns back to his coffee and you turn back to the stove in front of you, it hits you.
Butterflies. Red cheeks.
Signs that indicate that you just might be falling for Bucky Barnes.
Oh shit.
Part 3
Tags: @childoftimeandmagic, @shugr12110629, @emolordisme, @dugan365, @sociallyimpairedme, @witchymarvelspacecase, @dontsassmecastiel, @peter-pan-hoe, @assbutt-son-of-a-bitch, @allofthesearetakendafuq
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indominusregina · 7 years ago
The Bet: Terms and Conditions
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Pairing: Bucky x reader
Warnings: Douche at a bar (a guy who cant take no for an answers), swearing
Word count: 2k
Song inspiration: Cute - Stephen Jerzak
Notes: This is for @just-some-drabbles “JSD Rom-Com Challenge” My prompt was “Is that the best you can do?” and will be appearing in a later chapter. I’m actually super excited to share this work, as it’s been in my WIP for actual months. Life has been hectic with family vacations and changing jobs, and I can’t even begin to describe how good it feels to sit down and write again, even if it’s challenging. Enough about me, though! On with the story. Feeback is always appreciated!
Masterlist || Series Masterlist || Part 2
The lights strobe around you as a beat pulses through your head, resonating through the rest of your body. The club that Sam chose isn’t your usual scene, but it was his turn to pick the venue for your monthly outing. Glancing around the dance floor, you finally spot Natasha and Wanda, teaming up against one poor man who clearly has no idea what’s about to hit him. Natasha locks eyes with you and silently gestures for you to come over, but you shake your head and raise your glass as a toast instead. She shrugs and focuses her attention back on her victim and you chuckle softly, glancing down at your drink. That’s when Sam nudges you.
“Check out Frosty over there, striking out again.” There’s a glee in his voice that forces you to look up. Following his gaze, you see Bucky talking to another girl, annoyance clear on her face. Even from across the room, you can see her lips form a hard ‘no’ and her head shakes firmly. Bucky’s shoulders sag before he nods and slinks his way back to your table.
“So much for being a womanizer, Barnes. I guess women nowadays must have something they didn’t in the 30s.” Sam smirks and you press your lips together, knowing what’s coming next.
“Oh please, Bird Brain, tell me what they’ve acquired that make things so different.” Bucky’s rolling his eyes as Sam’s smirk grows wider. Sam leans across the table, looking Bucky dead in the eyes as he deadpans his response.
“Standards.” You bite the inside of your cheek to keep from laughing as Bucky’s eyes narrow and he shoves Sam away, the other man’s laugh booming loudly enough to contest the beats pumping from the speakers.
Nat sidles up to you as Sam is doubling over in laughter, even in the face of Bucky’s glare. Turning, you quirk an eyebrow at her and mouth ‘Wanda?’ She shrugs in response, and you nod, knowing that Nat wouldn’t leave her in an uncomfortable situation without backup. You turn back to the scene developing in front of you just as Bucky’s anger is about to surface, fist clenching as he stares at Sam wiping the tears of laughter out of his eyes.
“So, Barnes, why exactly is Wilson laughing this time?” Natasha asks, drawing Bucky’s attention to her and away from Sam.
“My advances were rejected by a dame and he thinks his bad jokes are hilarious.” The plates in his metal hand shift again and you step in.
“What happened, Buck?” Your curiosity shows plainly on your face and he sighs before taking another swig of his beer.
“Well, I was talking up this lady, right? Things were going well, I’d bought her a drink and we were chatting away from her friends and then I tried to give her one of my lines and she just…” He shrugs, frowning.
“What did you say to her?” Natasha shifts, curiosity piqued.
“I said ‘You’re a swell dish. I think I’m gonna go for you.’” Bucky says with a wink. A moment of silence descends over the table before the three of you bust out in laughter.
“Oh come on, not you two as well!” Bucky frowns as you try to reign in your giggles.
“S-Sorry Buck. It’s just….” You snort and take a few deep breaths to calm yourself.
“It’s just that line is terrible.” Natasha finishes before you can regain your composure.
“That line would have gotten a girl to come home with me in a flash back in the 30s!” He frowns and you shake your head.
“Maybe, but Buck, it’s not the 30s anymore.” You shrug and excuse yourself to go get another drink, a mirthful smile still on your face. Just as you catch the bartender’s attention, you can feel someone’s hot breath on the back of your neck.
“Hey pretty lady, can I buy you a drink?” You turn just enough to see the face of the man speaking. Although not entirely unattractive, you aren’t interested either.
“No thanks.” You turn back to the bar and open your mouth to tell the bartender what you want, but the man speaks up again.
“Oh come on, don’t be a bitch. It’s just a drink.” You close your mouth, taking a deep breath through your nose before turning and facing him again.
“Listen, we both know it’s not just a drink, and I’d really rather not. So thanks, but no thanks.” You turn back to the bar, the bartender having moved on after seeing you strike up conversation. Frowning, you lean forward again to try to grab their attention.
“Whatever. Ugly bitch. Good luck trying to find anyone else who’d be willing to buy your stupid ass a drink.” The man slams his hand on the bar beside you, causing the woman on the other side of you to jump and spill her drink all over your dress. You sigh as the man storms away and the woman apologizes profusely despite your reassurances.
“No really, it’s fine. Gives me an excuse to get out of here without my friends judging me.” You give her a sincere smile as you pat away as much liquid as you can with a few napkins, then head back to your table.
“What happened to you?” Nat looks over your dripping dress as you shrug.
“Long story. But since I’m now covered in what smells like a piña colada, I’m heading home for the night. See you tomorrow.” You give a wave and head towards the doors.
“Hey, I’m coming too!” Bucky hurries to catch up to you and you arch a brow at him. “I’ve already struck out for the night, so I’m not enthusiastic about being here, if you know what I mean.” He answers your silent question with a shrug, and you nod in response, punching in your destination for an uber. By the time you weave your way through the crowd, your uber is only a minute away. Bucky starts to move towards one of the waiting cabs when you grab his arm and hold up your phone.
“Uber, my friend, is cheaper. And it’s almost here.” You smirk and he shakes his head, muttering under his breath about how times have changed too much for his liking. When your driver, Luis, shows up, you both slide into the car. Bucky holds the door open so you can go first and you smile gratefully at him.
“Hey you two! Having a good night out? I see we’re going to the Avengers tower. Do you know someone there?” Luis lets out a stream of words before Bucky’s even in the car. You exchange a glance as Bucky slips in next to you.
“Actually, we-” You start, and are cut off immediately.
“Wait a minute! I recognize you guys! You’re the Winter Soldier and (Y/S/N)! This is so cool! Actually, a friend of mine is a superhero too. We’re totally super tight. He goes by Ant-man. This one time, he totally kicked the Falcon’s butt!” Bucky grins, and you roll your eyes as he asks Luis to go on. Luis is talking at a mile a minute, launching into story after story, and you find yourself getting lost in the lights of the rushing city as you tune him out.
Before you know it, you’re pulling up at the tower, and despite his earlier encouragement, Bucky seems relieved to finally be getting away from the talkative driver. After bidding him a quick goodnight with a promise to give him a decent rating, Luis drives off to find another audience. “Well, that was certainly entertaining. Not sure I understood half of what he was saying.” Bucky shrugs as he holds open the door for you.
“Honestly, I tuned him out after he started in on that story of Ant-man beating Sam’s ass in a fight at the compound.” You push the buttons in the elevator for both your floor and Bucky’s. The rest of the ride is comfortably quiet and when the doors open for your floor, you bid Bucky goodnight before hustling to your room to finally change out of your sticky dress. After a quick shower, you don’t even bother putting on pyjamas as you fall into bed.
The next morning, you awake early and throw on some comfortable clothes. You make your way to the kitchen, knowing that you’ll have to make the coffee for Natasha, who should be up soon even despite her late return. As soon as you’ve poured a mug, the redhead appears, almost as if it was a summoning ritual. “Morning.” You greet and receive a small nod in response. Mornings with Natasha tend to be quiet and subdued until you’d finished the first mug of coffee, allowing you both to wake up slowly. Today was no exception. Mid-way through your second cup of coffee, you’re chattering away about last night and what happened to you before you left, as well as what happened with Natasha after.
A cough has you both looking up and at the offending noise. “Good morning ladies. I’m here. Now what are your other two wishes?” Bucky says with a wink. There’s a moment of silence before both you and Natasha burst out in laughter. “Again?!” Bucky scowls as he plops down next to you.
“Where’d you find that one, Barnes, slimeballzrus.com?” Nat quips and you grin, biting your lip to avoid laughing.
Bucky groans, plopping himself down in the seat next to you. “It wasn’t that bad, was it?” He frowns, and you pat his shoulder as reassuringly as you can.
“Oh Bucky, it really was.” You sigh, giving his shoulder a quick squeeze as he buries his face in his hands.
“I thought that one had the best chance!” His voice is muffled by his fingers as you and Nat share a look.
“Did you spend this morning looking up pickup lines online?” Nat asks, and Bucky nods.
“Oh Barnes, if you’re only using pickup lines you find on stupid websites, I’d bet you couldn’t even make Steve blush.” You tease, as Bucky’s eyes light up and he lifts his head.
“Well, how about you?” His face morphs into a sly grin, and your confusion builds.
“I’m sorry, what?” You look at Nat, who seems to understand, a smirk forming on her face.
“You said you’d bet I couldn’t make Steve blush, which might be true, since I’m not really his type, but I’d bet I could make you blush.” Bucky’s grin grows as your eyes widen, realization sinking in.
“Bucky I- you- I wasn’t serious!” You sputter. “Well, I mean, I was serious, but I didn’t actually mean I’d bet on it!” You look over at Natasha, who’s offering you no assistance.
“No, I think this sounds interesting. Barnes gets two weeks to make you blush using pickup lines.” Natasha proposes, and you groan.
“If I win, you have to help me get a girl. You’ve got to be my - what do they call it? Oh, wingman! You’ve got to be my wingman.” Bucky waggles his eyebrows at you and you frown, shaking your head. “What, are you afraid you’re going to lose?” You scowl, eyes narrowing as you glare at Bucky.
“Fine. But if I win, you have to be my fake boyfriend whenever some drunken idiot comes up to me at the bar and tries to hit on me.” Bucky starts nodding and opens his mouth to say something when you hold up one finger. “For a month.” He frowns, and you raise a brow at him. “A month, or no deal.”
“Fine. One month.” Bucky concedes, and Nat pipes up again.
“Great. The terms are set. Barnes has two weeks to make you blush using any pickup line he can find. He wins, you wingman him. You win, he helps ward off douchebags at the bar. Do you both agree?” You nod, and so does Bucky. “Then shake on it.”
You extend your hand while Bucky extends his. His large hand engulfs yours as he pumps your hand slowly, twice.
“The bet starts now.”
This is going to be a long two weeks.
Part 2
Tags: @childoftimeandmagic 
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justsomebucky · 7 years ago
This was the perfect thing to warm someone up on a chilly day! So sweet! I love that she helped him live a little more and come out of his shell!
Thank you so much for participating!!!
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A/N: This is for @just-some-drabbles Rom Com challenge and it is way overdue
Words: +-1450 
Prompt: “That was the most fun I’ve had in years”
Warning: fluff, which I’m not used to writing lol this is so bad (maybe some spelling mistakes I don’t know for sure!)
Summary: Bucky hasn’t had the easiest life and had forgotten the most pleasant of feelings, until you come along
(also this is a black forest brownie recipe in case you wanna try it they’re delicious) 
(and this is the website of WW. It’s amazing y’all go if you ever have the chance)
Keep reading
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justsomebucky · 7 years ago
So I am dumb and signed up for five (5) challenges and so if you don't see me reblog your fic and you are a part of my rom-com challenge, PLEASE message me. I'm not doing it on purpose. 💕
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justsomebucky · 7 years ago
If anyone else has a challenge fic completed and I have not reblogged it yet please dm me a link! I promise it’s because this app is even more ridiculous than before and not because I’m ignoring you!
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justsomebucky · 8 years ago
4K followers celebration?
Okay! I can't decide.
For my 4K Follower celebration, I can:
1 - host a writing challenge (and help promote a lot of writers out there which is a concept I love)
2 - write 'deleted scenes' from any of my series (not the one shots, though).
3 - things come in threes and I don't have a third suggestion so we can say 'wildcard' and you guys leave suggestions?
Or I don't have to do anything and we can continue with business as usual.
What do you guys think? I would love to hear from you! 💫
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justsomebucky · 8 years ago
A deleted scene from Flashes maybe? From Bucky's pov? I know it was a hard one for you so I'm just brainstorming
Ooooohhh 🤔 I have never tried Bucky POV before! That’s intimidating haha. (Also wait! Someone actually finished reading flashes? I got so many “nopes” about that one 🤣😂) thank you friend for your suggestion!
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justsomebucky · 8 years ago
Eyy congrats on 4K! Can I have prompt 40 (from the extra added list, it's: "this is the most fun I've had in years") with reader x Bucky? I'll post it on winterssmiles!
Sure can!
All right that’s it for real this time everyone. All the prompts are gone and I can’t wait to read what you come up with!
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