#jsab L&C
love--and--corruption · 5 months
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Cube Gawne - She/They
Demi girl, Bi
Short bio will be written later!!
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Oh yeah! Fun fact! @starwlf drew my boy on a whiteboard!
I love this too much omg- tyyyy
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miloreblogsstuff · 8 months
" Would you like to go stargazing with us ? "
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Mahpari, (Milky Ways) and her youngest, Tristram, or commonly known as Cube.
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snakes--n--stars · 7 months
Dad is currently supposed to be sleeping, (I think mom gave him the "sleep" gummies) and he's currently complaining about how there's no medical care for monsters.
He has a point.
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wings--of--a--monster · 4 months
Wonder why I'm here...
0 notes
alionanight · 1 month
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I am collecting circle designs for week 4 of Shapes of May! Please send your designs by relogging this post if you would like me to sketch/doodle/draw them!
Submissions will be open for 48 hours, like last week there is no guarantee that your shape design will be drawn, but I will try to get to everyone! (I will disable reblogs once the 48 hours are up, if reblogs are still open that means requests are as well!)
If possible, please give a little information on your circle's personality/backstory! It will make it easier for me to draw them and make the drawing more interesting
EDIT: The 48 hours are up! TYSM for all the submissions!
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muggycuphead · 2 years
weird flex but ok i guess
bro, just look @ this bish, like-
m y   g o d   t h I s   i s   o l d   a s   f u c k
…Well, “old” according to internet speed, it’s only been months…a lot of months, but still, they were just months
Yes this the thing I mentioned back in June
Bruh, come to think how much time I went to spend on this hoe, it gets to the point of being just down right sad considering I won’t take this anywhere further than just “plot-wise” sketchdumps and other silly little things around it
And yeah, I’ll admit, I’m sort of frustrated about it, but I’ve given up at fighting with myself over that dead horse for any longer
For what’s remaining relating to this, I’ll just stick with the other stuff that’s yet to be posted (and drawn), since I do still have things to say and show about this concept, and I don’t lose much by just having it up so people could check it out
Though, and I want this to be clear, the writing down here was mostly made during my ‘freshmen’ months in the FNF fandom –hence why I wrote BF’s dialogue like that; I stuck with it since I though that gave the character some identity, but now I can see how silly it sounds-,plus, the sketchdumps I made beyond no. X (using roman numbers for a silly FNF concept? Classy Phids, very classy), most of them corresponding to this year, actually follow a ‘different’ plotline, basically a ‘broken’ version of the original story that’s happening inside a ‘fading’ universe with the ‘core wound’ relying in the hood; long story short, a ‘fake’ reality whose last resort to stop it’s constant destruction is counting on the protagonist –which is, obviously, BoyFriend…well, not actually the canon fellow, but an ‘alternative’ iteration of him that has gathered self-consciousness over the massive destruction happening back at home (it’s basically him and not actually him at the same time; the confusion is a part of both your experience and mine as well as I make this, don’t worry)
Long story short, this version of the concept is basically ‘obsolete’ (I hate that word but it’s the closest way to imply what I’m trying to say here) and most of the things shown here may or may not stick to its rewritten version, just so you know
Might not be the coolest thing, but eh, it’s worth the shot posting about it
Original post title: Haha lookie I made a stupid silly AU fanconcept for Friday Night Funkin’ because FUCK YEAH (Date of writing: Around May-June 2021)
War… Hold up, do we really need a warning for this one? Dunno, but however, watch out for slightly disturbing and kinda…disgusting imagery, trypophobic patterns, as well as ‘necrotic’ designs I made while having funky fever bc o h  m y  g o d do I get a little crazier  every new quarantine day (and at this point it’s coming to be an usual thing for me, big sad). However, most are made no other than for the sole sake of satire, so y’know, no need to get your underwear in a twist
I have my reasons, just…
You guys know me, every time I throw myself into a fandom to be an active fan, most chances are that I can’t help but make something out of it, either be a concept or a whole story on so (nowonderwhyImadeVBandJSABBRwhenIgottoknowaboutthegame-newreleaseinfpascasetho-andallthatjazz)
And funny thing, this was like a mix of my 2018 SFPA and 2020 JSAB enterings, but multiplied by 5 and with the extra nostalgia I got after my research about NG during Remember November back in 2020
Aight, Imma shut up now, and show this off already, let’s a-go
So, I’ll be short for this one
The context I went for this one is pretty simple; before moving to the ‘Big City’ (aka the place GirlFriend lives at, as well as most other characters on the NG and other indies spectrum bc why not), BoyFriend used to live in a really yucky hood with his family, which population, aside from humans, had also zombies, ghosts, ghouls and other supernatural creatures that I’d consider to be the ‘opposite’ of demons and whatnot.
Thing is, in this actual ‘storyline’, BF got the memo that some lousy stuff’s going on over there at his homie hood due to a “mysterious” electricity outage (a blackout), but despite the rough memories of this place, he isn’t resentful about it, and gladly accepts going there to help…and also brings GF with him because #relationshipgoalsamirite
Also, not-so-important fun fact, he and GF have remained together for quite some time already (like 8yrs? 7? Idk but you get my point) despite their relationship being challenged every so and then (that would refer to most mods, as well as some common relationship discordances…depending on which is your definition of ‘common’ here-)
And yesh there is art surrounding this idea as, if not then why would I be posting this anyway lmaooo-
Though, I won’t be posting all of those in here, maybe the ones I already have (both scan and digi ver. if the image limit doesn’t strike me in the face first-) but since I’m just re-entering the NG field as well as learning about its origins yadda-yadda, I want to go slowly but surely on this one so I don’t mess everything up for my sake
And yea some parts might seem a little ‘on a rush’, but I just wanna get this idea out quick cuz I’ll be real, I have little to not much reasons to go anywhere else with this tbh
Here we go I guess:
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Friday Night Funkin’ BoyFriend’s Hood – AU fanconcept sketches [I]
EDIT 25/10/2023: Updated the traditional drawing with a rescanned, more clean version
1.-Bike Ridin’ Afternoon
[Cutscene-styled script for storytell sake –andbcwhynot-]
**Little lengthy though, you can skip if you want**
Camera briefly shows a far view of the sunset before going low as it shows BF and GF on the distant road, with BF riding his bike while GF grips close to him from behind, her arms surrounding his torso, and her chin resting on his left shoulder
GirlFriend (Narrator by though)
There we are; me and my rowdy darling, rolling down the road, with the fresh breeze and the charming sky accompanying us as we go on his motorbike
 It might not be the fanciest, but it sure is the fastest…just like his voice when we go funk every Friday night at the club~
We’ve been together for so long, more than a couple of years I would say, and yet, we made it to keep our love beating as loud as the boombox I usually take as my first class seat before the show begins
Screen slightly fades to black
Small ‘memory fragments’ show in the screen one by one (these representing different events, most outstanding ones specifically –yesimtalkingaboutmodsnowshush-)
GirlFriend (Narrator by though)
We’ve seen a lot, we’ve heard a lot, and we’ve learnt a lot, especially him…in more than one sense
Memory fragments fade away
GirlFriend (Narrator by though)
And no matter what had gotten in between us during those years, he always stood up for me when it was needed, as I did the same when he couldn’t
Small three-in-one transition: GF’s and BF’s silhouettes resembling a hostile scene [*], then a ‘neutral’ one [*] and finally a reconciliation one [*]
GirlFriend (Narrator by though)
Even when we had to confront our differences [*], he was understanding enough to give each other some time apart [*] before fixing things up in the end [*]…and it’s funny considering his side work back in town is at a repair shop
Small three-in-one transition fades away
Screen goes back to normal
Camera shows GF and BF front view, as GF softly cuddles BF with a lovesome expression, as he calmly smiles back to her (as referenced in the sketch)
GirlFriend (Narrator by though)
…That’s why I love him so much
BF returns his attention to the road, as GF opens her eyes, doing the same.
GirlFriend (Narrator by though)
Unlike most guys I’ve met, he’s really passionate on what he does, and doesn’t give up easily on his accomplishments, yet he doesn’t need much to be happy, and has enough self-respect to know when it’s right to step back
Camera goes back to profile, distant view of GF and BF on the road
GirlFriend (Narrator by though)
However, he’s on the first mindset right now. And not for our sake only, but for his ‘other family’s’ as well.
BF accelerates his bike as GF holds tighter, and they quickly speed forwards
A dark, blurry shape blocks the view briefly, and the sunset scenario is now replaced by a slight-visually rough neighbourhood environment, as BF and GF are a little closer to the camera’s view
GirlFriend (Narrator by though)
Since the day we met as kids, and when we reunited as teenagers, I could tell he had a much tougher life than mine.
He and his family had their struggles back here when he was little; so that he had to learn how to work at a very young age along with his siblings to help themselves and their parents to survive.
Lucky them their parents weren’t too pushy about it
And although he didn’t always bring the topic that often, he didn’t hesitate to share those stories with me anytime he felt like he needed to.
But no matter how rude was life, he didn’t let himself down by it, and even got to make some good memories and fellow friends before moving out, some of which he still stays on-touch with.
I’d like to know them in person some day; from what he told me, they seem to be real nice
…Though he suggested me to hold the horses for a while, since things had been a little…off lately around the hood, more than usual he’d say
And mostly seen in the ‘special’ type of population it also has aside from humans…
Zombies! Yikes!
From what we know, something happened here around the hood that has had them out of control, and people are barely doing anything about it, reason why my dear BF decided to come see what’s going on and if he can do anything to help his ‘homies’ out
And even if the idea of actually living around zombies is quite a spook for me, I decided to come with him anyways. And besides, if he could live around them with no trouble, maybe they aren’t as bad as I might think…hopefully
We even had to switch our clothes to a more ‘chill-coloured’ ones in order to avoid more chaos, since these creatures lose their head towards ‘bright’ or ‘fire-resembling’ colors when they’re not ‘on their five senses’…if they even have any, but that’s just me
GF derails her eyes towards the environment, with a slightly disgusted look on her face.
GirlFriend (Narrator by though)
Still, even if this place doesn’t seem as dirty as I imagined it to be, it still stinks…literally saying.
GF returns her view to the front, with her slightly disgusted expression remaining on her face
GirlFriend (Narrator by though)
How come hasn’t he wrinkled his nose towards the smell yet?
GF changes her expression to a neutral one
GirlFriend (Narrator by though)
…Oh, of course I forgot. His sense is already used to it, heh…
That explained quite a lot of things when he told me, including not so pretty ones as well, but that’s besides the point, hehe
BF and GF go further foward on the bike, as the screen slightly fades to black (camera goes off)
[Later on…]
(Camera goes back on) BF and GF arrive to BF’s old house –the garage to be specific- as he stops and turns off the motorbike, parking it there, while GF slowly detaches from his torso
Bep, beep bee bap!
(*Well, here we are!)
 BF lets go of the handle and gets off the bike, as GF changes her sitting position (closed legs) and looks around the garage
Close up to GF
Wow. To be your former home, this place doesn’t seem to have aged that bad; even the garage’s still looking neat.
GF suddenly derails her eyes to BF, whose hand is lend towards her
BF winks her in a ‘fancy’ way
Chuckles. (Oh, you! ~)
GF grabs BF’s hand
My, how gentle~
GF gets off the bike as well with BF’s help (sorta)
Good thing you got someone to help bring some of our things here, you really have some lovely friends on your side.
BF walks away from GF towards the garage’s entrance, as he closes the door manually.
Bee, bap baboop skidoo bep boo bop, bebop
(*Heh, that’s what good trust gets you to, I guess)
BF walks back to GF, hands on his pockets.
Boo bep bap boo bop bebop, bee bap bobep.
(*But like I told you before, this will be a temporal stay)
Bap beep bop beep skidee bep, beep boo bap boop, bee boop
(*As things get fixed around here, we’ll go back to town, my promise)
Yeah, I know
Neutral expression …
Low faced. …You only said it because you could tell, right?
Low faced as well. Beep...
Oh, I…
Redoes his smile. Boo boop, bap beep
(*Don’t worry, I understand)
Boop bep boo beep skoop, beep bap bep
(*Not everyone’s used to this place’s vibes, and that’s okay)
Smiles back. I’ll still try giving it a chance, just for you
Softly blushes. Bee, boop bap boo…
(*Awe, you don’t have to…)
BF goes back to his normal expression.
Beebap, bep boo bep boop
(*Anyway, we should get going to the living room
Bee bap babop boo beep, bop beep bee beep skidoo bop
(*We have a lot of unpacking to do, so it’s best if we start as soon as possible)
Alright, sure
Both BF and GF walk towards the garage door –which is off-camera- as the sound of it creaking open and close is heard.
Screen fades to black (camera goes off)
**Note: I’d put a little rap battle sequence here as a reminiscence of og FNF’s ‘Tutorial’ where BF tests out a motorized electricity generator’s power with an old boombox he and his family had back then because why not?**
Screen fades to black (camera goes off) x2
[At nightfall…]
(Camera goes back on) We back with BF and GF, who’re just chilling on the living room’s couch, while GF’s head rests on BF’s chest, and his hand holds her shoulder softly.
Bap, bee beep babeep…beep skidoo beep bop…
(*Man, the memories that this brings back…I’m feeling nostalgic…)
I got that feeling too. I even remember that one time you ‘took a blow’ for me on your job…
…Boop bee beep bap ‘bop’ babep boo ‘skadoo’…bep bee bap boo beep
(*…Though the only thing that ‘blow’ harmed was my own ‘fashion’…and my back too a little)
Giggles. Oh my goodness
Bop bee bap
(*But it was worth it just to keep your beauty immaculate, hehe)
Smiles. Hmhmph…
A sudden noise is heard from the kitchen
Oh, dinner’s ready. Must go turn off the fire.
GF separates from BF, stands up from the couch and walks off the living room, towards the kitchen (off-camera), as he stands up as well an follows her.
Final screen black fade on this (camera goes off definitely here)
Ah yes, my OTP
You can tell by the dialogue development I’m really tru 2 it (though I’m holding myself from melting out into it too much bc I don’t want to get too weird with my ‘romantic’ speech style so yea-)
And yup, BF in this timeline/universe owns a bike
I wanted to make the reason why a surprised at first, but I ended up spoiling it on my little script there (not like I’m mad about it tho olololol-)
Though the slightly faded ‘K’ for Keith on the handle’s front in the trad ver was before I knew BoyFriend’s canon first real name was…well, BoyFriend; but don’t worry there’s a remade version of it in a later sketchdump
And as you may guess, they’re not wearing their usual clothes there –or at least not their original designs so ye-
Pardon if my baboopish’s not that great (nor that short, ugh-), it’s still a little hard for silly me to talk in beatbox language (?)
Ergo, you have permission to make fun of it, won’t mind-
2.-Monday Morning Restin’ (…maybe)
[Cutscene-styled script for storytell sake –andbcwhynot-]
Scenario: BF’s parents’ old bedroom, on which’s bed the funky couple is sleeping
A little shine of sunlight sneaks through the window, brightening up BF and GF –yet not enough to wake them up, and GF’s phone alarm starts ringing.
GF wakes up slightly, as she turns around to tap her phone’s screen and turn the ring off.
Rubbing her eyes off. Hmph, what a night…
GF shakes BF softly
BF darling, wake up~
BF reacts passively, but doesn’t wake up
GF insists with her shaking
C’mon, open your eyes~
BF remains asleep
GF crosses her arms
Soft smirk…Guess I’ll have to be more direct with my memo.
GF gets close and grabs BF by the cheek, as she softly but firmly kisses him on the other one, to which he reacts more actively, waking up quickly.
Yawns. Hmm…
Finally, you’re awake; and best be now, ‘cuz you wouldn’t have liked what I’d go for my fourth attempt…
(*Still more effective than my alarm clock, that’s for sure)
(*Morning babe, how did you sleep?)
Morning dear; it was decent, I’d say. What about you?
(*Great, mostly because I was dreaming with you…and about you~)
Oh, stop it you~
Visible slight discomfort.
(*…the bed’s couch kinda needs some checking, though)
(*Anyway, we should get ready to go now; gotta start off the week on the right foot, if you get what I’m sayin’)
Smiles. Yeah, I do.
I’ll quickly go wash myself, might not take long
Crosses arms …And no peeks allowed this time. Got it?
(*Your word is my command, ma’am)
Boops BF’s nose. Good.
Screen fades to black (camera goes off)
[Later on…]
(Camera goes back on) BF and GF are riding on the bike once again, this time with helmets on (better later safe than later sorry, amirite) and GF is now holding BF by his shoulders.
Are you sure this is the right way to the place that ‘homie’ of yours was talking about?
(*As sure as of the fact my hair’s not dyed)
(…but if things get too crazy, below this jackie I have some little ‘fire power’ I sneaked out from my dad’s shelf)
(*On other news thought, I’m glad the workplace you chose has solar panels installed; that’s one worry less for me)
Oh, I’ll be fine; it’s not the first time I’m using my ‘pretty personality’ to cash in
(*Will still keep an eye if any simps dare to try hit on you)
Ew, don’t make me think about that…
(*I mean the human ones; the undead don’t crave for the living)
(*…but who knows? I’ll watch over them too, just in case…)
Ironic. That means you’ll also have to watch yourself as well, right?
Smirk. You know, according to Tankman’s words back then…
(*Wha… No, that’s… I mean, yeah but…)
Giggles. You look so cute when you blush~
BF sighs it off and regains his composure.
His expression, somehow, changes to a more serious one (GF doesn’t notice)
 BoyFriend (internally talking to self)
(*…I’m also glad that place is run by freaky-steins only)
BF retrieves his previous expression and accelerates forward.
Quick transition to a different scenario (camera goes off and on)
BF stops his bike but keeps it on, as he takes his helmet off and puts his cap on (he had it attached to his belt below his upper clothes)
(*Well, guess I’m good to go now)
Disconfort smile. I still feel a little bad about leaving you with no bike.
(*Ah, it’s fine; I know my way back home on foot)
(*Now go, you have a business to take care of…literally)
GF nods and kisses BF on the cheek, as he gets off the bike and lets her get to the handle.
BF walks away a little and turns around, as GF gets the bike going again and drives her way out of there.
Few seconds of staring later, BF turns around and walks into the alleyway, with a serious look on his face.
Screen fades to black (camera goes off)
**Note: In this case, the ‘job interview’ is also interpretated as a rap battle, this time being GF who has to sing along. Which job she’s applying for? You figure it out (?)**
Me waking up be like
And if someone asks -‘YO why does BF have bruises on his body??’
Well, at first I thought them to be like a metaphor for the missed arrows during rap battles, but now I think it’s a little dumb (justalittle), so let’s say he just had throwing quite a few gangsta moves with some douches who dared to mess with his girl…and well, here we are
Also, the job interview bit wasn’t originally there, I just brought it up while writing the little script; ik, I’m weird
I just mistook it out of slight ignorance by the time I drew this, forgive past me for it plz ty
3.-Waiting for babe to come home
[Cutscene-styled script for storytell sake –andbcwhynot-]
//HOL’ UP//
In this case, this can relate to two events of the same type, but with different context outcome
(I) First Noon Wait’s always the scariest one
**Note: Just so it doesn’t feel bland, during BF’s intervention there could be another rap battle aside from GF’s , but idk**
Scenario: GF just chilling in the living room, though a slight sight of discomfort can be seen on her face
Worried. Where is he? Where IS he…?
He said he would be here soon; but it’s been an hour since I got here before him
I hope he didn’t get baited by that friend of his…even the kindest can have their asshole side too…
Frowns. …Ugh, should I call him? Send him a text? Go look for him…?
The noise of the front door closing is heard
GF shakes out of surprise
Oh my lord.
GF gets up from the couch and rushes to go check what’s up
Turns out it’s BF that’s finally back home, as he saves his key back onto his pocket after closing the door.
GF goes to him and hugs him.
Overjoyed(?). Finally! You’re here!
(*O-oh! I-I’m happy to see you as well, darling, hehe)
Frowns with a soft worrisome look. What took you so long? You got me worried sick…
(*Ah, sorry about that; seems that walking back home from the repair shop took longer than what I expected…)
Sighs out of relief. Well, at least you’re still here, safe and sound.
Crosses arms. And how did things end up at that alley you went to? Was it worth the effort?
…and the spent gasoline?
(*Fortunately it was, I got some indications on where I can go ask for deeper information)
(*…though funny enough, I’ll have to get it by doing what I do best, during Friday even)
Let me guess, rapping?
Smiles. …how am I not surprised?
(*Heh, but anyways, I must get my chords warmed up before showing off)
You can do that later, how about we share a little drink?
(*Sure, why not?)
GF takes BF with her to another room (off-camera)
Screen fades to black (camera goes off)
(II) Something’s not quite right tonight… (sketch referenced)
**Note: During the time this happens, there’s also some rapping going on. Thing is, BF’s not really having it at best…and GF’s intuition can tell**
First ‘pause bit’: GF waiting outside, back on the wall, crossed arms with a nervous look on her face.
Don’t fret GF, he’ll come back…
He can handle it…he has gone through worse, so this isn’t anything new for him
Yet, I can’t help but feel like something bad is about to happen…
**Back to track: LOL no shit, woman… BF’s still keeping up though**
Second pause bit: GF checks her phone, looking at the hour, and after sending a few messages that were left unread, she decides to finally quit the waiting.
Enough with this; it’s already past midnight.
GF taps something on her phone and gets on the bike, with helmet on, as she puts the phone in a little holder the bike has for it.
Haha bike goes vroom vroom
Never thought I’d have to use this tracking app again, but I’m left with no other choices.
GF gets the bike going, out to find where BF’s at.
**Back to track: BF’s still kicking, but it’s getting little hard to keep up**
Last pause bit: GF arrives to where her ‘GPS’ presumes BF’s phone signal is located in (wow), as she parks and takes her helmet off.
(Another dark alley…they really do own up to the ‘gangsta’ impression, do they…)
GF keeps the keys and takes her phone with her as well (you guess where she put them idc), but leaves the helmet on the bike and enters the alley.
**Back to track: BF’s cornered, oh no (kILMEE-)**
A final pattern of arrows is sent towards BF, though his lungs are just about to wear out
But before the arrows get to him, GF quickly enters in, mic sneaked out of BF’s hand, and finishes off the patterns, ‘missing’ the last one unconsciously (diag!right)
Still though, she manages to corner the enemy back (keep in mind she basically still has her HP bar at 50% so yeah-)
GF turns to BF, who’s crouched, passively catching his breath, and lowers to his height to look at him
My goodness, are you okay?
(*Yeah, I’m fine…)
(Thanks for the backup there, by the way)
(#Hmm… that brimstone essence… so dense…)
(#… No wonder why this kid’s such a lame-o now! A demon hoe has broken into the hood, yo!)
After throwing a shocked-angry expression towards that comment, BF grows in rage and steps forward, while GF stares with her eyes wide open.
(*HEY! Say that again and I’ll beat the undead heck out of you, dude!)
BF tries to get near the zombie dude, but GF reacts quick and grabs him by his arms, held close and tight.
GirlFriend (in the moment)
No BF, don’t do it! It’s not worth it!
(#Yo, like if ya actually had da balls to defend that horny slut!)
(*At least I still have these pumpin’ unlike yours, you rot bitch!)
Provoked by BF’s words, zombie dude grows furious and ready to strike back
(#Now you askin’ for it, kid!)
Gasp. No!
Zombie dude goes for a hold onto BF, but GF takes BF by his left hand –he drops the mic in the moment, making it ‘screech’ loudly on the place- and rushes away with him.
GirlFriend (while running)
Too wild! Gotta leave!
Can we not talk about my clothing choices for GF and how rushed they look now thank you-
She thick tho
And yeah, that…I really got a little too carried away with the second night dialogue there oof-
[Cutscene-styled script for storytell sake –andbcwhynot-]
(Retaking on where things were left on before)
GirlFriend (while running)
Too wild! Gotta leave!
BF and GF rush to the exit, but as they’re about to reach it, the zombie dude –who’s quite far away from the (he no very fast)- grabs his ‘snake’ by its head with one hand.
(#Hell no, you ain’t leaving just yet!)
Zombie dude throws the creature in a upper-curved line.
The ‘snake’s’ iris flickers in a frightening way as it catches up to the couple, BF being its main target specifically, and reveals a animalistic mouth with teeth and stuff.
…and when getting close enough, the ‘snake’ bites him in the forearm, making a loud crunch while doing so,  and ‘spitting’ out little few blood drops out of the injury.
As a response to the pain, BF lets out a loud ‘beep’ (ergo, a scream) and lets go off GF’s hand, who’s looking the whole thing in shock, while turning around to see the creature attached to his limb
BoyFriend (quick talk)
Groans in distress.
(*Urk, why you little-)
BF points his index and middle fingers up, and sinks them in the ‘snake’s’ iris, forcing it to let go
BoyFriend (in the moment)
(*Fuck off!)
BF grabs the ‘snake’ by its tail, swings it two times and throws it back to its owner.
BF clutches his wounded arms not too close throwing a distress sigh
BF, your-!
One of the zombies tries to catch BF, but he dodges the move.
BF grabs GF’s hand and keeps running
BoyFriend (on the rush)
Slightly off.
(*No time! Let’s go)
Quick transition to the alley’s outside (camera goes off and on)
As he rushes out of the alley with GF, BF catches an undead trying to take his bike.
BoyFriend (on the rush)
(*Oh no, you ain’t getting it!)
**Quick-time event** BF puts his hand inside his jacket, pulls out his dad’s gun and shoots the zombie on the back, getting them off of it
BF and GF get on the bike as he turns it on, GF putting her helmet on, BF not caring that much about doing so, and quickly drives away from that place.
Two other bad boys go follow ‘em in their own motorcycles.
Big oof there, mate
…No seriously, that hurts
And here is where things will start getting a little…chaotic, to not say more (and I wouldn’t say I’m glad about it but let’s keep going I guess)
And YES I’m aware the arm he got bitten in the script isn’t the same as it’s shown in the drawing, it was a ‘retroactive’ change the further I went with this, sorry for the confusion; you’ll see how it is in the newer trad/digit sketchdumps
5.-Healing room
[Cutscene-styled script for storytell sake –andbcwhynot-]
(Mostly retaking on where things were left on before; same context, different time and place –flash forward)
BF and GF are still riding on the streets.
GF turns back.
Seems like we lost them…
BF takes a look to the bike’s ‘retro viewer’ (no idea how to say ‘retrovisor’ in English, oops) (ikit’smissinginthedesignbutletsjustimagineitstherefornowokty-)
BF sighs in relief and looks back to the front, as he lowers the speed.
 (*Thank Fulp…)
Suddenly, BF passes out in a flashing moment, derailing the bike a little, but regains consciousness quick enough to regain control onto the handle.
Shocked. Ah!
Nervous. …!!
BF stops the bike and holds his injured arm close
GF notices and holds BF’s shoulders
Oh my lord-
Containing the nerves. We need to take you to a hospital, quick
(*But do you…?)
I know one nearby here, let me drive you there
Quick transition (camera goes off and on)
BF and GF have switched places, with GF being the one driving and BF holding to her with his left arm, as his right one –whose ‘patched’ in order to stop the bleeding with a fabric sheet GF had with her for some reason- is placed on her thigh (shedontminddw)
BF lowers his head as a sign of it aching, and GF notices, quickly turning back to him
BF lifts it back up
(*Just a side effect of the wound, don’t worry)
GirlFriend (on though)
Doubtful. I feel it’s more than just that…
GF turns back to the road
We’re already here anyway.
GF lowers speed and parks the bike in the spot near the hospital
GirlFriend (on though)
‘:T’ face. Man, even the hospitals look quite ‘post-apocalyptic’ here
Both get off the bike and rush to the door (off-camera), arriving to the reception room
Screen fades to black (camera goes off); Character tiles can still be seen though
Old reception Nurse
Mostly indifferent. Hello, how can I-
Notices the couple, specifically BF, and shocks. Oh my lord!
Concern. We need a doctor here, quick!
Old reception Nurse
Ah- sure! Go with Dr. Mendel! His room’s at the end of the hall, left side of the elevator
Thank you
GF rushes away (can be told by the clacking of her steps alongside with BF’s)
Old reception Nurse
Talks to the mic. Dr. Mendel, a patient is coming your way.
He has an injury on his right forearm, a bite wound from what I could tell, and with quite an amount of lost blood.
Your attention is strictly required for him.
Amazed. My God…It’s been so long since the last time I saw little BF; he has grown so much…
Concerned. …Hope I do get to see him again.
GF and BF’s steps are heard again, then stop all of a sudden
(Camera goes back on) GF and BF stumbled upon Dr. Mendel.
Dr. Mendel
Hey there, was expecting you to come
To BF. Quick, you come in; we gotta fix that leak on your arm
BF is taken into the surgery room (?) by a nurse
GF wants to come in as well, but is quickly ‘pushed’ away from BF by Mendel.
Dr. Mendel
…Woah there miss; I know you’re worried for him, but you know how it is
Oh, right
Dr. Mendel
Go wait outside, please
If anything happens, I’ll let you know first
GF nods and leaves
Screen fades to black (camera goes off)
[Few hours later…]
(Camera goes back on) GF is waiting on the reception, listening to some music in her phone with a pair of earbuds she had with her way before, but despite that, her mind is still upset.
(>Excuse me, Ms G)
As she notices the nurse next to her, GF quickly breaks out her ‘thoughstorm’, takes her earbuds off, and stands up, holding her phone and buds with both hands.
Slightly anxious. How did things turn out? Is my dear BF okay?
(>Yes, he made it through)
(>Thankfully, the wound on his arm wasn’t too deep and could be closed with few complications.
(>He’s also fortunate you brought him in time, he lost quite some blood, but we could return the enough amount to keep him mostly stable until his full recovery)
Relieved. Ah, glad to hear it.
Serious glance.
(>Something outstood on his condition’s first diagnosis)
(>Just to confirm our suspicions, do you know who or what bit him exactly?)
Recalling. Oh, uh, it was this one…weird creature thing, like a human eye the size of a boa snake.
‘Yuck’ face. It even had a mouth with really ugly teeth and stuff, ew.
(>…Oh, so turns out it was what we though after all)
What’s with it…?
(>Long story short, without proper medication, he could’ve gotten infected with a zombie viral parasite)
(>…Correction, the zombie viral parasite)
Gasp. Oh my…
(>Don’t worry though, we supplied him the vaccine against the bacteria it relies on to keep it down)
(>Still, he must follow a certain treatment to recover from it… or in the least ‘lucky’ of cases, have it under control)
Oh, I see
…Can I see him now?
(>Sure dear, come with me)
The nurse takes GF with her and onwards to where BF is kept on.
Screen fades to black (camera goes off)
(Camera quickly goes back on) While BF is resting on a hospital bed, his forearm bandaged from elbow to almost wrist and his head uncovered, a familiar voice is heard nearby and also wakes him up.
Holding BF’s cap. Hey there, babe…
(*Hey there, GF darling)
How you feeling?
(*Kinda tired and a little dizzy, but way better than before, that’s for sure)
(*…Still, I don’t like being bare-haired, it’s too boresome for my fashion)
Giggles. Neither do I
But here, let me fix it for you
GF puts BF’s cap back on his head and turns it backwards, just like before.
There you go, looking fab again
(*Heh, thanks)
(*…I guess we’ll be here for a while, huh?)
Yeah, I think so
Dr. Mendel said you still need some time to rest before discharge.
And to also let the vaccine he gave you accustom in your body, this that
You know, medic stuff
Though, I have to thank you a little for –mostly- defending me there.
I can now see a little clearer the reason why you keep me away from most zombies around here, not really used to demon-related people, do they…
(*Anything to protect you, GF)
Frowns a little. …Yet still, I hope you’ve learnt you lesson about not engaging hard with people that don’t match your size.
Especially if they have ‘supernatural’ traits.
(*…Ah, yeah, sorry about that…guess that’s what happens when you get too carried away by the heat of the moment, hehe…)
(*Will control my impulses better next time, I promise)
GF kisses BF on the cheek.
You better do.
Screen fades to black (camera goes off)
In the original idea, GF was the one to cure him…but then I remembered this isn’t your usual home-healed type of injury, so… no, scrap that
Yeah that’s the thing that bit him…ew
I originally though it as a zombie head attached to some ‘organic’ strings, but the more I looked at it, I though ‘woah wait, this sort of seems more like an dissected eye, I’ll go with that instead’ and there you go
Still disgusting though, I would like that thing to stay 10 meters away from me tysm
7.-Still funkin’
[Cutscene-styled script for storytell sake –andbcwhynot-]
**Events skipped**
-BF’s quick discharge and final check-up (protocol purposes)
-GF’s little peek for info
Scenario: At home, BF is quietly waiting in the living room, resting on the couch, as he stares every so and then to his phone, wondering things silently in visible concern
BoyFriend (on though)
(*It’s already past her leaving hour, she should’ve arrived already, before me…)
Eyes close.
(*…No BF, stay put dude)
Smiles to self.
(*Your gal can handle herself alone, she’ll do fine)
(*We’ve been through worse before, this ain’t anything to get too ousted about)
Held head.
(*…Yet, I can’t stop thinking about last Friday…)
GF arrives, but does little noise so BF doesn’t notice.
But as she comes close to him in the living room in an attempt to ‘surprise greet’ him, BF quickly busts her and sits on, putting his phone away.
(*Sweet Zone-tan, you’re back!)
Oh, you don’t say
(*What… What took you so long? You got me on pins and needles, woman…)
Oh, I was having a little stroll around the hood, nothing special
‘Ough’ face (aka missed arrow be like).
(*…You WHAT?)
GF sits alongside with BF
Hey, don’t fret darling, I didn’t find –or cause any trouble in my way
…But rather, I met a nice freaky homie that swept me some useful info.
(*Really? What did they tell you?)
To put it short, he told me a little about this so-called ‘diagonal mechanic’ and how it could be used to fix this whole power outage issue.
(*Diagonal mechanic…?)
(*Oh damn, of course! How could I forget about it?)
What? You already knew about that?
(*The ‘electricity originated from music’ sort of system, yeah)
(*But I didn’t know it would actually become a thing)
GF gives BF the little device she got from that freaky homie.
Well, at least now’s the right time to put them to use.
But before that, I got you a little something~
GF takes something out of one of her shopping bags and shows it to BF.
It’s a leather jacket with a skull-like print on it
BF takes it with a look of interest
I’d say it’s basically to compensate what those crazy goops did to your old hoodie, but deep inside, I did it out of bare kindness.
Besides, the person who sold it to me said its material is of very good quality, so y’know…
(*Wow, this…)
(*You didn’t have to, GF)
(*You must have spent quite some cash here, and…)
Oh, don’t get worked up on it, B babe
Even if it doesn’t seem so, that little jackie was pretty cheap
But enough chat, how about you try it on here? I wanna see
(*Well, if you say so)
BF takes the jacket, unzips it and puts it on, zipping it back
(*Huh, it’s even good to my size, really nice and comfy)
(Though, lemme just…)
BF takes the right sleeve and pulls it up to the elbow’s height.
(*I like it better this way)
(*Thanks GF, this was real sweet of you)
Oh, you’re welcome.
Now I think we should go see how that little bad boy works in your hands.
(*Sure, I’ll get the boombox beating now)
Screen fades to black (camera goes off)
**Note: This is basically another tuto, but with GF guiding BF the same way as she was taught before by the freaky homie**
Please someone tell me you got the Bijuu reference there-
And about the thing on his right hip, it’s supposed to be a gun (possibly the one I just wrote him to have) but ehh…I kinda changed my mind about it being there specifically
As for the little wristlet there, it’s a minor detail I put there just for fun (ifothersdidsowhycanti??)
8.-…well, sorta
[Cutscene-styled script for storytell sake –andbcwhynot-]
**Sidenote: this is basically a more-than-once event, but for now, I’ll portray here the case that comes most to thought right now
Scenario: BF and GF on the streets, after paying off a visit to that freaky homie for ‘grinding’ purposes
Little chit-chat walking going on, until…
Head aching.
(*W-wait, just…)
BF’s head stops aching.
(*…There, it’s gone)
You good?
(*Yeah, let’s go)
Oh no he’s having another headache, red flag bad-
‘Jeez Phids, is that another story following the ‘sicken protagonist’ trope? Can’t you be original for once-?’
Yes I know, but this one kind of has a twist in the end
9.-BF icon but the cap is different
Asset stuff, nothing out of common…yet
10.-‘I can handle it’ (BF’s vague sense of smell)
Ye, like mentioned before, he’s used to putrid smells
No surprise considering he was grown there for some time
…though I’d say it’s something he was born with so y’know
11.-BF’s logo but it’s more related to the hood
Yea I redid his jacket’s logo a little
Looks kinda cool though, don’tcha think?
12.-New arrow keys mechanics…?
I wanted to keep in secret what they are exactly by the moment, but I accidentally dropped them here soooo…guess not
Though, these you see there now are old designs, but I redid them in a later sketchdump I have so y’know
Their functions are pretty easy to explain…though I doubt they could be actually implemented AND TESTED in-game
Still, here’s what you need to know about them:
Diagonal arrows
Also called power arrows and/or energy tiles, these are a type of keys that ‘outstand’(?) not only because of their general effect (energy generation/transformation/distribution/yougetthepoint) but also because they request for some modifications in the mic they’ll be sung on
Keyboard command to activate one diagonal arrow temporally: Mayus/Ctrl + the corresponding arrow key
Keyboard command to activate/deactivate the diagonal mechanic permanently: Ctrl + Mayus + Enter
Auto arrows
Also called bonerows and/or actions tiles, these are automatic-pressed arrows, basically function the same way as the hellclown/heavenclown ones in the FNFxMdAcc Tricky mod, but they actually have a purpose here, as they allow the boss and/or the player themself –such as BF, GF or Pico even (yesibroughthimheretoo,heseemscoolandafriendofminesafansoiwannajoinherpartyalittlewowowow)- to perform an action in response to what the enemy might attempt to damage their HP range.
Their color palette is the same as the main arrows’, which can make it a little harder to distinguish. However, they don’t have diagonal versions (…or not yet, but who knows)
Inverted controls
Also known as zombie controls and/or undead controls, these are controls used specifically by zombie/undead type bosses. They are composed by
-Rotten arrows. They’re organ-resembling arrows. Color palette is similar, but more opaque than the og one.
-Raw insertion. They’re inside-resembling(?) insertions. They’re slightly low sided and softly tremble when an arrow enters their inlay.
In order to get through them, you have to sing the opposite arrow pattern they might throw you back (in case it happens cuz y’know-)
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long-live-the-boss · 4 years
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Fresh: "Cuz not only do I not trust you snobs with your M!A crap, I think it straight up wouldn't work. I learned the hard way that not everything's fixed widda snap of a finger!!"
Lycan: *shudders* "Oh yeah... yeah ya did.."
Square doesn't like where this is going...
Neither does Cube, but...
-If you're willing to try it out, go for it. M!A's are all yours.
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that1randomname · 4 years
Hello UwU and uh-
~Welcome to mi blog~
Uhhhhhhh- yeah-
Other blog is @hello-i-guess (under work but sen asks pls-)
Tags i use (but not always):
sum peeps need to know this
And i also post jsab stuff but i put tags on it too
Uhhhh- feel free to interact- but i may not always be able to-
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love--and--corruption · 2 months
I'm,,, I'm taking Cubes. That's it. Please hand them over. /Nf Not sure how many but-
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I,,,, I wanna swap my cube and Python with,,,, TPC Cube and Pyrare,,, (plus their heroes/guards)
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miloreblogsstuff · 7 months
Spheer and Hou!!
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!!!NOT A SHIP!!!
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Same meaning, different worlds.
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Yes the one on the right is a TPC au.
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love--and--corruption · 3 months
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Some art I did of non-canon Heroes!
Sugar - @trash-jsab
Bug - @mugzymiik
Penl - @kitcatttt
Ribbon - Me!
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love--and--corruption · 3 months
Is that what Cube is going to wear to fight?? (referring to the full blue with triangle pattern on the back)
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"Also yes but ???"
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love--and--corruption · 3 months
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His name is Bolt and he's one of Blixer's MANY siblings
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