junjunx · 6 months
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Shortly "Fuck You,I Like Bad."
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noahtally-famous · 1 year
joey rights fr
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look at them
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Hello there Hanegatsuji Jozo fans.
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distor777 · 2 years
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Jozo Kljakovic
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art-collecteur · 2 years
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Jozo Kljaković, Muzika 
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thewahookid · 6 months
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radiogornjigrad · 1 year
Marijan Grakalić: Jozo Kapović, novinar
Jozo Kapović i Marijan Grakalić, Stari krovovi u Basaričekovoj Ne postoje zaboravljene vijesti kao što se ne mog zaboraviti niti prijatelji, a uistinu ne preminuli kolega Jozo Kapović (1951-2023), čiji me odlazak potresao i zatekao. Jozo je bio čovjek koji je živio s nekim starinskim dahom Mediterana, noseći svoju južnjačku toplinu svuda gdje god da je išao. Vidjelo se to odmah, već na početku,…
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hriminal · 2 years
Siroti Jozo. Uz tako skromna primanja morat će daljnjim kriminalom i korupcijom doći do još nekoliko desetaka jeftinih poslovnih prostora i osnovat još nekoliko desetaka tvrtki.
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haxyr3 · 1 year
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An interesting 1924 depiction of Lenin by Croatian artist Jozo Kljaković (1889-1969)
Stolen from Soviet Visuals
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hide-koba · 1 year
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#rollei35 #ローライ35 #film #film_jp #filmphoto #filmcamera #kodak #gold200 #filmに魅せられて #フィルムで写す淡い夢 #フィルムで残す日常⠀
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peonights · 5 months
Black Clover Birthdays
Contains spoilers, as there are some spoiler-filled characters as well as spoilery name changes.
If this list is not complete, do say so in the comments. Characters who share birthdays are listed by known order of birth (e.g. 6/27: Drowa, Vanica, Gauche).
For every April or October baby, I will do a push-up. /j /lh
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3: Alecdora Sandler
8: Mars
13: Gordon Agrippa
16: Revchi Salik
18: Rhya; Robero Ringert
20: Yosuga Mushogatake
29: Gaja
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4: Kiato
5: Jozo Hanegatsuji
6: Finral Roulacase
12: Lumiere Silvamillion Clover; Henry Legolant
16: Licita
20: Grey
21: Lolopechka; Fragil Tormenta
26: Solid Silva
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12: Fumito Mikuriya
16: Rill Boismortier
17: Sally
19: Nathan Agrippa
21: Dorothy Unsworth
22: Orsi Orfai
24: Fana (elf); Fana (human)
28: Theresa Rapual
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7: Magna Swing
10: Allen Fiarain
18: Rebecca Scarlet
19: Klaus Lunettes
20: Catherine
21: Svenkin Gatard; Hamon Casseus
22: Sekke Bronzazza
24: Kirsch Vermillion
26: Hirscher Ongg
28: Dante Zogratis
30: Nacht Faust
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1: Morgen Faust
4: Siren Tium
9: Ichika Yami
13: Sol Marron
16: Vanessa Enoteca
20: Gaderois Godroc
23: Komari Imari
21: Morris Libardirt
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1: Jack the Ripper
2: Finesse Calmreich
3: Charmy Pappitson
18: Nero/Secre Swallowtail
27: Drowa; Vanica Zogratis; Gauche Adlai
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2: Lily Aquaria
4: Ladros
23: Ryuya Ryudo
26: Mereoleona Vermillion
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5: Fuegoleon Vermillion
13: Leopold Vermillion
26: Mimosa Vermillion
29: Daizaemon O'oka
31: Acier Silva
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3: En Ringard
5: Gifso
12: Vetto
15: Dominante Code
17: Yami Sukehiro
18: Charla; Charlotte Roselei
19: Halbet Chevour
20: Jonna Agrippa
27: Langris Vaude
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1: Licht
2: Fujio Tenmanyashiki
4: Asta; Yuno Grinberryall (not actual birthday, the date of being left at Hage’s orphanage)
5: Liebe (not actual birthday, the date of being found by Licita)
7: Fanzell Kruger
11: Rufel; Luck Voltia
14: Kaiser Granvorka
15: Julius Novachrono; Lucius Zogratis
16: Damnatio Kira
21: Marx Francois
22: Augustus Kira Clover
23: Nebra Silva
26: Mariella
27: Ginnojomorifuyu Kezokaku
28: Foyal Migusteau
29: Roxanne Agrippa
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3: Queen of Witches
14: Heath Grice
15: Noelle Silva; Kahono
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1: Lotus Whomalt
4: Ralph Niaflem
5: Gueldre Poizot
19: Zora Ideale
21: Ecra/Eclat; Marie Adlai
24: Patry; William Vangeance
27: Valtos
28: Zenon Zogratis
30: Nozel Silva
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junjunx · 6 months
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Oc: Jozo
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bidoctor · 1 year
Hey all, I just wanted to share this GoFundMe campaign organized by my sister, for my dad - he was diagnosed with Primary CNS Lymphoma and is currently undergoing chemotherapy. If you could share or donate, it would be incredible ❤️ thank you!
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wildflowerwoodsworld · 11 months
I don't really talk about my aus on here, but I'm pretty proud of the work I've put into this one so I thought I'd share
Nobody ask how long this took.
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As per usual, several of the ocs on this list (Nickole, Bastian, Aella, Madlyn, Ruth, Madeline, Vivian, Cornelia, Silas, Angela, Primrose, Lerola, Dalila, Levi, Sylvia, Hannah, Juniper, Silvester, Alexandra and Alderbrand) belong to the lovely @crazedstoryteller, the rest of the ocs (Fiona, Lana, Tondra and Lia) are mine, and obviously canon chracters are canon
(alternate version of the table under the cut)
Surname Name Height Bird Wingspan
Poizot Gueldre 194cm Common Ostrich 142cm
Vermillion Mimosa 161cm Beautiful Sheartail 143cm
Vermillion Kirsch 182cm Purple-Throated Carib 152cm
Unsworth Dorothy 145cm Green Peafowl 158cm
Mehmad Rhya 181cm Superb Lyrebird 168cm
Adlai Marie 135cm Eurasian Magpie 182cm
Becquerel Letoile 165cm Zebra Dove 187cm
Vermillion Nickole 168cm Rufous-collared kingfisher 191cm
Silva Nebra 170cm Buff-Breasted Paradise Kingfisher 192cm
Tenmanyashiki Fujio 176cm Anna’s Hummingbird 192cm
Florimond Bastian 176cm Turkey 202cm
Pappitson Charmy 142cm Dalmatian Pelican 216cm
Silva Acier 167cm Kookaburra 217cm
Clarkson Aella 165cm Northern Cardinal 218cm
Swallowtail Secre 152cm Anti-Bird 225cm
Francois Marx 167cm Common Grackle 226cm
Faust Morgen 180cm White-Necked Raven 228cm
Silva Nozel 177cm Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher 228cm
Faust Nacht 180cm White-Necked Raven 228cm
Fiore Madlyn 149cm European Robin 234cm
Roselei Ruth 169cm House Sparrow 235cm
Bergen Fana 162cm Baltimore oriole 236cm
Mehmad Fana 162cm Baltimore oriole 236cm
Angel Puli 168cm Tundra Swan 236cm
Wechsler Grey 159cm Kererū 238.5cm
Funar Recca 153cm European Robin 240cm
Thorncroft Madeline 171cm Black Swan 241cm
Mikuriya Fumito 176cm Eurasian Teal 241cm
Adlai Gauche 181cm Eurasian Magpie 245cm
Tium Shiren 183cm Great Potoo 245cm
Silva Solid 169cm Yellow Billed Kingfisher 246.5cm
Silva Noelle 161cm Common Kingfisher 250cm
Vaude Langris 166cm Western Tanager 253cm
Tormenta Fragil 162cm European Robin 254cm
Portaport Cob 173cm Willow Ptarmigan 256cm
Shipley Vivian 175cm European Robin 257cm
Franklin Cornelia 159cm Black-necked Grebe 257cm
Kozma Lolopechka 165cm American White Pelican 257cm
Luftair Randall 175cm Mute Swan 263cm
Libardirt Morris 177cm Mallard 267cm
Vaude Silas 173cm Hepatic Tanager 271cm
Keller Mariella 157cm Pacific Loon 271cm
Code Dominante 167cm Superb Starling 272cm
Clarkson Angela 168cm Vermilion Cardinal 274cm
Hage Asta 155cm Shining Bronze Cuckoo 275cm
Bullard Sally 160cm Pacific Loon 277cm
Roulacase Fiona 171cm Common Snipe 278cm
Marron Sol 180cm European Robin 282cm
Enoteca Vanessa 170cm Taiwan Rosefinch 283.5cm
Roselei Lerola 170cm Aztec Thrush 283cm
Roselei Primrose 175cm Varied Thrush 283cm
Holt Nash 136cm Common Kestrel 286cm
Ringard En 176cm Great Spotted Woodpecker 286cm
Roulacase Finral 172cm Great Snipe 287cm
Lister Dalila 177cm Great Spotted Woodpecker 288cm
Legolant Henry 190cm Trumpet Swan 290cm
McNamara Owen 180cm Great Spotted Woodpecker 293cm
Roe Levi 178cm American Coot 294cm
Vaude Sylvia 167cm Summer Tanager 295cm
Orfai Orsi 180cm American Coot 297cm
Hangatsuji Jozo 178cm Alpine Chough 297cm
Aquaria Lily 160cm Grey Heron 306cm
Kruger Fanzell 178cm Spur-Winged Goose 310cm
Kezokaku Ginnojomorifuyu 169cm Pygmy Falcon 313cm
Sandler Alecdora 178cm Common Cuckoo 314cm
Caseus Hamon 170cm Least Sandpiper 317cm
Starr Mars 170cm Common Starling 325cm
Gerver Hannah 169cm Chimney Swift 338cm
Ideale Zara 177cm Carrion Crow 340cm
Bronzazza Sekke 175cm Rock Dove 341cm
Rapual Theresa 162cm Common Kestrel 341cm
Salik Revchi 176cm Rock Dove 342cm
Lugner Xerx 177cm Snowy Sheathbill 345cm
Roselei Charlotte 171cm Mountain Bluebird 346cm
Voltia Luck 167cm Peregrine Falcon 348cm
Vaude Lana 168cm White Winged Tanager 349cm
Dorthonion Ladros 180cm Rock Dove 350cm
Landvik Valtos 178cm Chimney Swift 356cm
Ideale Zora 176cm Hooded Crow 357cm
Vermillion Leopold 170cm Brown Falcon 360cm
Boismortier Rill 165cm Kea 363cm
Swing Magna 169cm Gyrfalcon 364cm
Lunettes Klaus 176cm European Nightjar 371cm
Fodor Gadjah 176cm Magnificent Frigatebird 377cm
Novachrono Julius 180cm European Golden Eagle 379cm
Granvorka Kaiser 193cm Kori Buzzard 393cm
Mushogatake Yosuga 181cm Saker Falcon 400cm
Grinberryall Yuno 172cm Common Swift 404cm
Kay Juniper 170cm Great Shearwater 406cm
Sturm Tondra 167cm Barn Owl 407cm
Vermillion Mereoleona 178cm Fox Kestrel 409cm
Yami Ichika 156cm Northern Royal Albatross 414cm
Gidul Vetto 196cm California Condor 420cm
Vermillion Fuegoleon 188cm Nunkeen Kestrel 421cm
Garver Silvester 184cm Eurasian Hobby 429cm
Spirito Rades 174cm Hooded Vulture 435cm
Swallow David 175cm Tree Swallow 438cm
Imari Komari 160cm White-Throated Needletail 440cm
Mehmad Patri 172cm New Zealand Dotterel 440cm
Vangeance William 172cm New Zealand Dotterel 440cm
Vermillion Alexandra 181cm Madagascar Fish Eagle 441cm
O’oka Daizaemon 193cm Great Buzzard 453cm
Bardsley Lia 168cm White-Throated Needletail 462cm
Summerfield Jack 197cm Common Swift 464cm
Agrippa Gordon 187cm Rüppell’s Vulture 468cm
Yami Sukehiro 183cm Wandering Albatross 476cm
Vermillion Alderbrand 185cm African Fish Eagle 493cm
Ryuudou Ryuuya 182cm Amsterdam Albatross 507cm
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fioledarsenic · 2 months
les jozo limpik
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zoey/jo has the best ship names
zojo? sounds a lot like dojo
jozo? welcome to the jo zone
joey? think of all the bad friends references!
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