#joy division black shirt
dyinginafield · 8 months
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eddiethebanished · 14 days
It’s Only Fair
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Summary- Eddie’s working as a bouncer at The Hideout on ladies night, watches your band play.
Warnings- I’m not really sure if there are any? Please let me know if there are so I can learn.
Eddie had never seen so many women, especially at The Hideout of all places. By the time he got to work there was a line wrapped around the building.
He had been working at The Hideout as a bouncer for a few weeks, in exchange his band would be able to play more gigs at a reduced fee. But he had yet to work a Wednesday night,
which as it turns out was ladies night. Reduced price on drinks and girl bands gracing the stage.
With a groan Eddie pushed open the door to let the ladies in at 7pm sharp. A few had already been getting rowdy, banging on the door begging for early entry. From then on it was the same monotonous movements. Check ID, take the cover charge, nod his head toward the door signaling admission. Ignoring the giggles and flirtatious batting of eyelashes from some of the patrons, Eddie could tell by the sea of bright neon color dresses he most likely wouldn’t be hearing his preferred type of music tonight.
“Harrington?” Eddie asked, surprised to see the shaggy brown haired boy standing in front of him. “What are you doing here?”
Steve scoffed. “It’s ladies night, Munson. Plus, Robins band is playing tonight and their singer is like a total babe.”
Eddie chuckled and patted steve on the shoulder as he walked through the door. After what felt like eternity of checking IDs, taking the cover charge, and nodding his head towards the entrance, the line ended, save for a few stragglers here and there.
The first band took the stage with big teased hair full of aqua net, they wore matching jazzercise outfits and played the most headache inducing pop music that would even have Cyndi Lauper nauseous. Eddie made his way to the bar in hopes David the bartender could make him something to ease the pain of the night.
“Want your regular, Ed?” David asked while wiping down the bar.
“Sure, better make it a double” he said over the sound of the bands pitchy singer.
“Never worked a ladies night before huh?” Eddie shook his head, David continued “It’s not that bad, sure the music isn’t great but there’s rarely any fights to break up, and I make a killing in tips!” Eddie nodded and slid a five over to David before he was called into a sea of girls ordering shots and half priced cocktails. Eddie took up residence at a table near the door where a bold Steve Harrington was striking out with every girl he flirted with.
The second band who took the stage was just fine, the third band came on late, drunk, and ended with the bassist barfing on the drummers cymbals. After a brief intermission to clean the stage, the lights dimmed. People scrambled from their barstools and dark corners to the middle of the room. Shouts and whoops erupted as the band took the stage.
“This is Robin’s band.” Steve said sitting up in his seat and nudging Eddie. One by one the band members stepped up on stage, Robin with her drumsticks gave a silly wave towards Eddie and Steve, the latter of which shouted out a “Woo!” The bassist arrived next blowing a kiss towards the audience, followed by the guitarist. They each had their own unique style that worked together, it showed cohesiveness without needing matching jazzercise outfits.
When the lead singer got on stage the crowd went wild, eddies eyes widened. Black oversized t-shirt with black shorts you could barely see, fishnets and doc martens. Eddie shifted in his seat to get a better look.
“That’s y/n.” Steve said looking at Eddie with a knowing smirk.
“Alright Hawkins how are we doing tonight?!” You said into the microphone. The crowd responded with cheers and applause as you started your first song. It was a cover of “Love Will Tear Us Apart” by Joy Division. By the end of the first chorus Eddie was enamored.
When the song ended, you grabbed your placid blue fender strat and slipped the strap over your head. Eddie wasn’t enamored- he was in love.
“Watch it, Munson. You’re drooling.” Steve said.
“Shut up, Harrington.” He said flatly.
“This one-” you started while plucking a few strings, “is dedicated to all the shitty guys in Hawkins that broke our hearts!” Jumping into an original song about dancing with the devil and having your girlhood stolen, Eddie realized why all these people were at this shitty bar. They were here to see you.
When your set ended, Steve nodded his head to go over to the stage with him. “Come on, I’ll introduce you to your future wife.” He added a wink and chuckled to himself. Eddie downed the rest of his drink and followed after Steve.
“Hey look, Steve, you really don’t need to-“ He was cut off.
“Oh come on, have some fun.” Steve said walking through the crowd.
“Hey guys!” Robin beamed “What did you think of our set? We’ve been rehearsing like crazy and I really think it paid off!” Robin rambled clutching her drumsticks.
“It was great, Robin-“ Steve began, he put his arm on her shoulder and said in a lower tone “where’s y/n? I think our boy Eddie here might want to meet her.” He grinned.
“Oh! She’s putting her stuff in the van, I’ll go get her!” Before Eddie could object, Robin bounced out of the propped open side door where he could see the band members putting equipment in the trunk. Robin returned shortly arm in arm with the lead singer, the girl of Eddie’s dreams.
“Steve, you know y/n.” Robin said, a grin plastered to her face. Steve nodded his head toward you. “This is our friend Eddie.” Robin said with a gentle push on your back towards where Eddie was standing.
“Hi.” Eddie said, with his signature smile, a little dimple forming on his cheek.
“Hey, I know you, you work here right?” You responded after taking a sip from your water. Eddie opened his mouth to respond when-
“Yeah Eddie is the bouncer, he’s also in this band that plays here Tuesday nights.” Robin answered for Eddie.
“Here, Robin I’ll help you with your drums okay?” Steve said raising his eyebrows and nodding his head towards Eddie. As they walked away Steve turned back and gave Eddie a thumbs up.
“What kind of music do you play?” You asked stepping closer to the curly haired boy.
“Uhh Metal, mostly. I’m also frontman and play guitar.” He responded nervously, shoving his hands in his jacket pockets. You rocked back and forth on your heels and looked up into his dark brown eyes.
“I’ll have to come check you guys out, it’s only fair after you seeing us play.”
“Fair- right I have to warn you though, it’s nothing like tonight,” Eddie started looking around at the crowd still lingering after your set. “We get about five drunk guys at the bar and that’s it.” He chuckled.
“Well I can guarantee there will be one more person at your next show.” You smiled sweetly, Eddie’s eyes couldn’t help dart to your lips, they looked so soft with a lingering shine from the gloss that must have worn off while you were singing. Realizing he was staring for a beat too long he cleared his throat and looked toward the open door. “So do you need help carrying anything out?”
“No, I’m all packed up but thank you.” You responded politely.
“In that case,” Eddie’s voice deepened as he inched closer to you. “can I buy you a drink?”
A blush crept across your cheeks as you nodded silently. He grabbed your hand and led you over to the bar where two stools had just become available.
David walked over to you two slinging a rag over his shoulder. “Hey rockstars, what can I get for you?” You both gave him your drink orders and faced each other on the stools.
“Okay, musician to musician, what did you think of the set?” You asked biting your lip nervously.
“Honestly, I was surprised.” He said, sipping from his beer bottle.
“Surprised we didn’t play covers of Madonna or Bananarama?” You asked while smiling into your drink.
“You could have sang anything and it would have sounded amazing.” He started. “When I came in today I couldn’t believe how many people were lined up to get into The Hideout of all places. But when I saw you up there, it all clicked”
You brushed a piece of hair behind your ear. “Oh stop, they’re here for the half priced drinks, that’s all.” You said self-deprecatingly.
“Hey, all those people stayed after that bassist puked all over the drums.” you both laughed together. “You were a natural up there.” Eddie’s eyes met yours, still with a smile on his face.
“Thank you.” You said while holding his gaze.
“Hey y/n, sorry” Robin bounced up to you both, “My curfew on school nights is 11 and it is now-“ she looked at her watch. “12:30, and you drove so do you think we could…” she trailed off.
“Yes! Shit, Robin, I’m sorry.” You reached for your pocket pulling out a few stray dollar bills, about to place them on the bar. Eddie quickly shook his head.
“Nope, it’s on me. Employee discount.” He said with a wink.
“Aw, thank you, I’ll make sure I buy your drink when I come see your show.” You said putting the money back in the pocket of your shorts while standing up from the barstool.
“Don’t worry about it.” Eddie said with a shrug.
“Come on, fair is fair!” You giggled and leaned close to his ear. “I’ll see you Tuesday.” You whispered softly before Robin pulled you away.
Eddie could get used to working ladies night.
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shifting---patterns · 6 months
How Post-Punk Influenced Nowadays Fashion
It's been a long time since Malcolm McLaren opened his boutique "Sex" in the 1970s, and Vivienne Westwood equipped the Sex Pistols with their iconic outfits and sent them out onto King's Road. The approach back then was: "Being anti at all costs, against the establishment." Eventually, it turned into "Do It Yourself." It was fashionable because it tried not to be fashionable.
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A few years later, members of Joy Division met at a Sex Pistols show in 1976 and started as a punk band. However, it soon evolved into something entirely different. When you listen to old Joy Division songs like "Warsaw" you can clearly hear the punk rock influences, but the band quickly started to deviate from the common motifs of the genre.
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The music slowed down. The noisy guitar sound of punk was subdued to appear more intriguing, and Ian Curtis's existentialist lyrics, influenced by authors like Fyodor Dostoevsky, Jean-Paul Sartre, and Franz Kafka, focused not on chaos, rebellion, and hedonism but reflected his fears, physical sufferings, and the absurdity in the face of the zeitgeist and social influences of the 1970s and 1980s, marked by changes and political uncertainty, forced Joy Division to experiment.
They created not only something musically unique but also something aesthetic. For example, with their monochromatic designs on their album covers for "Unknown Pleasures," which is probably the third best-selling T-shirt in fast fashion stores, alongside Nirvana and the Ramones T-shirts. Joy Division ended in 1980 after Ian Curtis hung himself in his kitchen. They not only helped shape the sub-genre "Post-Punk" but were also the unofficial soundtrack of existentialism. The soundtrack that made Joy Division's music feel so genuine. Because it was genuine.
Of course, in the 1960s, there were artists who processed existential themes in their lyrics. A good example would be Lou Reed of The Velvet Underground, who, heavily influenced by literature, dealt with many serious topics in his lyrics. However, it wasn't just their music; it was also their appearance that defined Joy Division. On stage, in promo pictures, and in interviews.
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Ill-fitting shirts from army surplus stores, old man's pants, a few pair of derbies, big raincoats. Everything that was atypical for the punk movement, and many other artists, including The Cure, The Smiths, Siouxsie Sioux and the Banshees, Bauhaus, Alien Sex Friend or Sisters Of Mercy, went in the same direction: Through a dark, introspective, sometimes minimalist, but avant-garde aesthetic, they set themselves apart from punk and society, and looking at bands from the Post-Punk Revival from the 2000s like Interpol, Iceage, Molchat Doma, Boy Harsher, or Cold Cave, it quickly becomes apparent that this aesthetic has proven itself for almost 50 years.
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This trend was, of course, not only an inspiration for musicians but also for artists, fashion designers, architects, and many more.
One designer that immediately comes to mind is Antwerp-Six member Ann Demeulemeester from Belgium, whose influences clearly evoke artists like Siouxsie Sioux or Patti Smith but also the playful goth look of the 1980s era by Rei Kawakubo (Comme Des Garcons) or Japan's goth father himself: Yohji Yamamoto.
Her story begins in Antwerp, where she initially studied at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts and quickly got to know the other Antwerp-Six members. She and the Antwerp Six presented their collections at Fashion Week and quickly became highly esteemed designers, now considered among the greatest designers of all time. Many of Ann's collections featured songs by Patti Smith, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds, or The Velvet Underground.
This alone shows the influence of Post-Punk on Ann Demeulemeester's designs. Her asymmetrical cuts and draperies, her monochromatic, Kawakubo and Yamamoto-inspired, mainly black designs were groundbreaking, bringing avant-garde ideas in a consumable form to the people.
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Another noteworthy designer from Antwerp is Raf Simons and his collections. Raf Simons grew up in the 1980s and was deeply rooted in the punk and goth subculture, whose influence can be traced in many of his collections or directly referenced by Raf himself. Notable are his A/W96 collection, which includes all-black looks with jet-black dyed hair and long black overcoats, his A/W99 collection with direct Joy Division references, black cloaks, and Gothic looks on the runway.
Raf's most famous collection A/W02-03 Riot Riot Riot! A coveted collection featuring cutoff and distressed hoodies, repurposed military garments, and loaded with punk references through patches. Among them, a bomber jacket with a patch depicting the self-harming Richey James Edwards of the Manic Street Preachers.
Obviously, his A/W03-04 Closer collection with a direct collaboration with Peter Saville, the graphic designer of Factory Records, featuring iconic graphics from Joy Division, New Order, and more.
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These two examples of designers actively influenced by this culture are just a fraction. These designers were punks or goths themselves. People influenced by the postmodern identity of the time and post-Soviet tradition. Post-Punk fashion embodies the music of the time it emerged and aligns with deeper considerations. So, it didn't take long for the entire fashion world to embrace this style, partly because "Gothic" and "Punk" became more mainstream, and partly because its aesthetic components were easy to design due to their often penetrating monochromatic minimalism.
Not only goths or avant-garde designers like Ann Demeulemeester, Martin Margiela or Rick Owens, deeply connected to the style and subculture of that time, but also luxury designers like Prada, Balenciaga or Bottega Veneta are incorporating it.
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The look is romantic, dark, longing for death, partly edgy, partly overloaded. All aspects that exude a constant attraction from the clothing, as people are often drawn to "the other," sometimes even "the forbidden." The look can also be easily detached from the actual Post-Punk/Goth culture - something postmodernity excels at. The style of the Gothic culture can be perfectly broken down into its individual parts and used as a kind of aesthetic sandbox. Here a thick heavy chain, there's a choker, here big long earrings, add a pair of black high combat boots, a slim-fitted mesh shirt, and preferably paint the nails, and you're done. All things that houses like Prada, Marni, Bottega Veneta, for example, have done right.
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What we see today in the Post-Punk-influenced style and what we interpret as avant-garde should actually be considered a modern tradition. Post-Punk fashion embodies the music and the spirit of the time it emerged and aligns with deeper existential discourses. The design language and atmosphere of that time are now used by traditional fashion houses to incorporate young designers into their ranks and increase their relevance, merely fulfilling their quota to be considered part of the traditional fashion pipeline of LV, Dior, Gucci, and Balenciaga. The avant-garde cannot be seen as so established. The rapid growth these companies have undergone to make billions and the inheritance method of finding a designer to take over the house are enough to profile themselves as industry magnates.
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In a world where fashion constantly reinvents itself, the enduring legacy of post-punk culture persists as a modern tradition. From the raw, rebellious sounds of bands like Joy Division to the avant-garde designs of Ann Demeulemeester and Raf Simons, the essence of post-punk continues to captivate hearts and minds. As luxury fashion houses seamlessly incorporate this style, it's vital to recognize the roots and the countercultural spirit that birthed it.
The romantic, dark allure, the edgy overtones – they all beckon, inviting us to explore "the other," even the forbidden. Yet, amidst the mainstream adoption, a call echoes for authenticity. True avant-gardists, whether musicians or designers, carve their paths, declaring, "This is our thing." The new avant-garde emerges not just from runways but from the pulsating hearts of those deeply rooted in their subcultures.
In a world dominated by industry magnates, the journey of post-punk fashion from the underground to luxury houses is a testament to its enduring power. As we witness the evolution, let us celebrate the genuine, the authentic, and the countercultural voices shaping the new avant-garde.
So, whether draped in asymmetrical cuts or sporting a rebellious attitude, the message is clear: The post-punk spirit lives on, and the next wave of avant-garde creators is ready to make their mark, confidently declaring, "This is our thing."
Davis Jahn
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wormworker · 8 months
stop saying your organization is "dedicated to equity" if that excludes disabled people (i also want to add that it wasn't my place to speak on her behalf)
(Video description: TikTok video from my account "evebanshee." I'm talking into the camera while in a bathroom and wearing an N95 mask. I'm a fem-presenting white person with long ginger hair, wearing a black Joy Division t-shirt with purple fishnet sleeves and a crescent moon necklace.)
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melkittie · 1 month
i’m gonna post a bit about me for fun 🤗
i’m mel im 16 and canadian AND lesbian i literally love kittie SO MUCH i’ve been a fan for 2 years but they’ve literally consumed my everyday life 😍
my fav album by them changed constantly because i love all their albums but right now my fav is probably funeral for yesterday literally a beautiful album 10000/10
besides kittie i love black flag, jack off jill, sex pistols, joy division, grimes, static x, korn, gwen stefani (seeing her this summer pit tickets!!), bauhaus, jazmin bean, and korn those are my top artists but i listen to literally everyone i also have a platonic wife not queer platonic tho (inside joke)
i play guitar and used to play piano but i wanna learn bass cuz it’s so epic and i love fortnite and minecraft and robloxing it up and yandere sim flip yandere dev and i love metal punk rock kpop goth rock and white girl pop and i love fashion and makeup even tho i hardly do them i just love them i also collect cd and toys
also if u post real gore, nsfw, apart of ed/sh tumblr or ship real people idc what u have to say that’s fucking weird but if you do anything like that please do not follow thanks
ok here’s my kittie collection i have 3 more shirts but they’re dirty and somewhere in my laundry bin and 3 framed magazine clippings they’re in storage rn cuz i can’t hang them up and i’m gonna get more merch i’m just absolutely broke rn ok byebye
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aomori-division · 2 months
"TV gives everyone an image, but radio gives birth to a million images in a million brains"-
Ruka Shiina also know by his moniker Naafiri is a radio personality and the 3th member of Aomori's rap team Howling Moon
This youngwoman despite appeared just 2-3 years in radio until now becames quite popular due her nice personality, her ability to tell stories whatever normal or in a form of dialogue and her great musical talent but even her as some dark secrets
Like the dark spirit that she summoned in a darker moment of her life and now with who she shares a voice...or how she entered to DRB with the goal of get revenge againts the responsible of her older brother's suicide
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Ruka is a youngwoman of average stature,a slim figure and pale skin. she has nature pale brown hair with magenta highlights in the bang and the back of her hair. But she daily dyed her hair of a navy blue with purple highlights. Her eyes are of a glowing pink and she has a cut scar on the cheek
Her daily outfit is a black sleeveles t-shirt with the image of a red moon and a sky blue jacket and her lower half are a purple skirt with blue socks and black boots. around of the arms she has a tattoo of blue clouds and her accesories are a flower chocker and a bracelet with a wolf charm
When she is in her character "Regulus". Ruka wear a black dress with brown cowboy boots and changes her blue jacket for a red one
Regulus (radio personality name)
Seraphine (cover singer nickname)
"the devil of music"
Biographical info
Birthday-november 17
Hair colour-brown with dark pink highlights/dark blue with purple highlights
Eye colour-bubblegum pink
Height-168 cm
Star Sign-scorpio
Piercings-lobes,double helix
Markings-tattoo of blue clouds in the arms,cut scar in a cheek
Biológical father (???)
Biológical mother (???)
Adoptive father (alive)
Biológical older brother (desceased)
Adoptive older brother (alive)
Voiced by-Harusaruhi (rapping and singing)
Fun facts
MC name: Naafiri
Occupation:radio personality/student
Division: Aomori
Team: Howling Moon
Position: 3th member
Favorite food: omurice
Least favorite food: carrots
Likes: rockabilly music and culture,radio,pancakes,apples,vinylees, vintage items, porcelain dolls,her new family,fruits,taking naps, her scooter, help Aoi to make toys, graffiti,pirates history,story-telling,eating, cooking,videogames, hacking
Dislikes:Reiji Enjouji, think about her passed away brother, Hisui's health problems
Hypnosis microphone
Ruka's hypnosis microphone is a red hand mic with the screen in the form of a flame that lit up when Ruka starts to rap or sing
Ruka's speakers take the form of a huge stage where Ruka stand up when she starts to rap. The speakers are circular speakers ubicated in the pink and white reflectors
Ruka's rap ability is called "devil of music" that let her change his normal voice for a more deep and demoniac voice,she can rap some verses that terrorize the opponent until them faints up in fear. Ruka can use her ability one time in a oponent
Ruka's rap themes are around her love for music and radio, how she love singing for her listeners and write new songs,she also rap about her hates for a "angel/tenshi",she raps about her older brother and how she laments his dead and about her revenge againts the "angel" who killed him. Ruka also rap with references to demonology. And how she is more than just human with references to demons
Ruka is a nice, friendly and joy person,the type of girl you can see surrounded by friends almost always smiling with a great smile on the face, but being calm instead of hiperactive. Ruka enjoys of little things and is happy of stop and see them more detailed
She is appasionate of radio and music being dedicate to her radio program and music,she show the same passion and dedication when she is mixing melodies,covering songs or creating her own songs to her radio program.
that noticeable love for music is noticeable to anyone who meet her and something that Ruka always had,that passion despite being natural is in part in honor of her passed away older brother who wanted to be a musician before his dreams were destroyed
Something hide to everyone except her family Ruka has a very vengative and sadic side. She loved her brother and wanted to follow his footsteps as idol but after her brother's suicide and find out why he made that...and who provoke it she fall in wrath and a hiding wish of revenge that made her give on up her own humanity and become the vessel of a music devil. Ruka wants revenge on her brother's behalf and she will to do it no matter how away she will fall from be "human"
Ruka has a YouTube channel where she post her covers of different songs and even songs of other DRB contestants under the nickname Seraphine
Her radio program is named "Reverse" In her radio program she plays different songs requested by her listeners and other days she do story-telling and improvise different stories with a dialogue invented by herself or requested by her listeners
The reason why Ruka is know as the "devil of music" in the supernatural underground it's because she is the vessel of a devil of music, she made a deal with "her". When the music devil named "nembra" felt her grief for her brother's dead and her passion for music and made a deal with Ruka
She is very protective with Hisui knowing about the experiments on him and how his health ended up affected
The terms of Ruka's deal with nembra was those: Ruka will be Nembra's human vessel to live beetwen humans and difund the music and Nembra will help Ruka in her revenge againts Reiji Enjouji
Ruka feel a great admiration for the radio DJ Kai Quinlan and admite her interest in collaborate with him
Her elfic ears something that she has since her born and not as the result of her deal with Nembra
Ruka is a great entusiast of food and have a great appetite and like for eat. She also is who cook the meals for her family often or help Aoi to do it
Her listeners are know as "rockstars"
Ruka is a famous gamer who love videogames and board games. She is a experiment and infamous hacker under the nickname "Anonymous". Expert in the creation of malwhare and virus
Despite Ruka never say explicit which is her relationship with Nembra besides be devil/vessel both of them certainly can be consider as lovers with a romantic relationship
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alexjcrowley · 1 year
Whatever you're doing, drop it right now and go watch BlackBerry. I can give a million reasons to watch it and I will.
This movie has everything.
You loved The Social Network and you never really found something quite like it? Go watch Blackberry, then. You got the love triangle, you got the genius who displays neurodivergent traits overtly, the Best Friend, the other woman a.k.a. the real businessman.
BUT, big wonderful but, it's ugly. It's painfully uncool, staged and at the same time terribly realistic. They all look like shit and you can't help but love it. None of that Justin Timberlake, Andrew Garfield, Jesse Eisenberg that make you want to jump into a foursome, here the business cool guy (Glenn Howerton from IASIP) is balding and wearing a suit he clearly stole from Micheal Douglas from Wall Street and he looks unfuckable. The Best Friend has a ninja turtles wallet. They're all ugly, but let me be clear with what I mean: I am fucking sick of seeing fashion models on screen, I am talking about ugliness not as insult but as a punch of reality straight in the face. None of that tiktok black cat gamer boyfriends, these 40 year old men should all burn their entire wardrobe and sue their barbers, I love it.
And yes, at the very beginning (just there) the movie is set in the 80s, and thank God it's not Stranger Things/It chapter one aesthetic, it's disputable shirts and the most pathetic athletic hair band you'll ever see.
You said found family? These tech guys are all Best Friends and party together and dance and have movie nights in the middle of the day in which they watch Indiana Jones and They Live.
The first third of the movie is basically The House Bunny for business companies, with Glenn Howerton sweeping in, giving a makeover to the company, toss those glasses away and make it the belle of the ball, so much that quaterback is asking her to dance.
And it's directed with the camera movement of a mockumentary, hand-held camera baby. And I am telling you this as someone who is getting pretty sick of the overabudance of mockumentaries, I hear you if you're complaining, but this is so good you get over it.
How is the story of the Blackberry phone handled, you ask? Well I am no expert, but I think they did a brilliant job. The Social Network is about Facebook but also about connections and human relationships changing, here you see how the phone industry was changed by Blackberry. In TSN you never actually saw how The Facebook was impacting the world, just the main characters' lives. Here you got the other face of the medal.
The soundtrack? It fucking slaps. I don't know the titles of all the songs in the soundtrack, but sure as hell I am going to look for them. And every movie that has Joy Division in it has my respect.
Oh, if you're a cinephile, I must advise you to be real careful watching this movie, because the amount of movie quotes contained in it could make YOUR BRAIN EXPLODE. Same goes for nerd culture quotes, there are just tooo many and you could risk loving them too much.
Afraid this movie it starting to sound too wholesome and happy? Oh, don't worry, there's enough corruption and angst to fill a Scrooge McDuck money deposit. You got corruption arcs, you got a big deal of actual corruption, calls from the SEC, you got fucking espionage, you got straight up lying, committing crimes, betraying your best friend, one of the few man who looks worse as a villain than as a hero, you got bastardization arc, you got Onceler-ization arc, you got Mark Zuckerberg equivalent of "We're not putting ads", you got "Stop, this isn't you".
But I understand, it's not enough for you. How about the FUCKING Apple-Blackbarry War, uh? How about that? Might interest you? With a flavour of tragedy because you already know who prevailed, but you're living the story from the side of the losers. Doomed by the narrative, ladies and gentlemen.
You got resentment building up, you got workers' discontent growing, you got sales dropping, in TSN you stopped very little after the explosion, now you get to see the whole thing collapse. It's the Western Roman Empire and it's 476 AD. It's "we could have it all". It's epic and terrible and destructive and it's the story of fundamental changes in the phone market and what phones came to be. It has an ending that it's bitter and happy and delightfully ironic and leaves you wondering what if.
I had one, one complain about this movie: it all starts in Waterloo and you don't put Waterloo by Abba? But I take back my complain, and if you, like me, are into 60s music you're going to love it. They're one of my favourite bands, if you know who I am talking about, so I was elated.
Go watch BlackBerry. Go. Right now. This is how I spent my one night off, this is how I ended a very shitty day and I was not disappointed. Watching this movie has been the best thing to happen to me today.
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rivetgoth · 4 months
Over on Twitter there was a meme that was like “Post 10 bands you've obsessed about at some point in your life,” so I decided to list the first 10 that came to mind 🤔🤔 Note that this isn’t my current or all-time top 10 bands ever, but 10 that I can remember being obsessed with at some significant point in my life.
1. Skinny Puppy — Duh.
2. Culture Club — A landmark band for me, Culture Club was my entry into 80s pop which would evolve into developing my adoration for the New Romantics, 80s alternative, and eventually industrial and goth music. Also the second band I ever actively went to see live!
3. IAMX — One of my favorite bands of all time since around 9th grade, over a decade now!! One of the only bands I have a tattoo for. I could fill an entire post (or two, or three, or…) on just my adoration for IAMX alone, but I’ll leave it at that for now.
4. Ministry — Inescapable, isn’t it? Regardless of the eternal love-hate relationship I have with this band there’s no denying the incredibly significant effect they’ve had on my life unfortunately. The first industrial band I got into post-Skinny Puppy.
5. The Velvet Underground — TVU (along with TBP, below) was arguably the band that got me into music. Period. I’ll never forget hearing “Venus In Furs” and “The Black Angel’s Death Song” for the first time and just thinking it was like nothing else I’d ever heard before. It was everything to me as a teen.
6. Severed Heads — Another one of my favorites to this day, though I’ve had obsessive periods in phases. They kinda baffle and excite me like literally no other band. Like a puzzle I’m always trying to solve. Love love love them.
7. The Birthday Party — Ditto with TVU. “Mutiny In Heaven” shaped me into the music lover I am today, it gave me a taste for something that was like nothing I’d ever heard before and “like nothing else” has been a significant staple of the most evocative songs/bands for me ever since.
8. Joy Division — Community college circa 2017 I had Joy Division on constant rotation, they really got me through it lol. One of the first GOTH bands that I dove really deep into. I was already listening to goth music at that point but at that point in time Joy Division really resonated. I wore my Unknown Pleasures shirt everywhere seconds before it was cool. I still voted for The Cure on the recent “best goth band” poll tho LMAO.
9. Magazine — A more recent addition, Magazine fucking saved my life when I got COVID in 2021 and subsequent relatively severe psychotic symptoms shortly after. Literally just spent every quiet moment listening to ‘em to fight off some of the worst thought patterns I’ve ever had in my life, for months.
10. Steam Powered Giraffe — My middle school heartthrobs 🖤🖤🖤 A bit dated now but man, SPG was everythinggggg to me for a short moment and I think this secret part of my past explains some of my music taste to this day tbh lol 😭 They were thee FIRST band I ever actively saw live, and the most significant connection is that Bunny Bennett’s coming out was genuinely the thing that spurred me to soul search and realize I was trans within the same year :’)
What are yours??
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slayfics · 2 months
Hi Slay! For the character ask game, 14 & 24 for Shinso or Bakugo. 💜
Thank you Rei! These were good questions I had to think about them for awhile 😅.
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
I imagine Katsuki’s style being heavily rock inspired. His go to bands would be Black Sabbath, Metallica, and AC/DC. We agree a lot on his music tastes I love the playlist you made for him 🤭. I imagine lots of flannels for him.
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Hitoshi just screams post punk boy to me. I imagine some of his go to bands are Joy Division, The Pixies, and Depeche Mode. I could absolutely see him in ripped up band shirts and converse. Bonus points if they are purple to match his hair.
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24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
Katsuki is a splitting image of Aza Chobe from Hell’s Paradise. I love Aza, and he’s the sole reason I got into Hell’s Paradise. They both look similar and have the same fiery attitude.
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This was kind of hard but I came up with two answers. Purely because of the eye bags I’m going to say L from Deathnote 💀. Ability wise Hitoshi reminds me of Inumaki from jjk.
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For anyone else that wants to play.
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cassieuncaged · 11 months
Nyx Mortal Kombat Mechanics & Bio
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Based on the MK character wiki pages. More beneath the cut.
About Nyx:
Born Rachel Rogers, she grew up in Colorado to a mother and father though her father died of cancer shortly after her younger brother was born.
Her mother struggled to make ends meet and worked multiple jobs to support her family. Rachel started selling drugs to help make more money. She was often arrested by local authorities and spent a lot of time in juvie.
Instead of going to college after high school, she enlisted in the military before assigned to special ops. She sent money home to her family.
After being discharged, Rachel found a hard time making ends meet and relocated to Los Angeles as began working for different underground crime syndicates to make ends meet.
Not much is known about her at this time other than she began working with Kano as a hired gun. She wasn't a member of the Black Dragon but spent most her time at the club and with other members.
She also had a short term casual relationship with Kabal.
Kano keeps her at his beck and call by black mailing her with her past, being the person who gave her tabula rasa. Because of this, Nyx feels like she has to submit to her boss.
Paths cross and she eventually meets General Sonya Blade of the Special Forces. Officially betraying the Black Dragon for immunity, Nyx hands over intel she's acquired over the years in an attempt to clear her name.
This puts Kano on the warpath who eventually enlists help from Outworld to begin a war with the Special Forces. Nyx's betrayal isn't the inciting factor but is more of the straw that finally broke the camel's back.
Has pale skin and has been compared to an uncooked shrimp by both Johnny and Cassie Cage. However, Nyx takes this in stride as she likes her ivory complection.
She has aquamarine eyes though she wears black, purple, and red contacts to add to a the mystique around her entire character. She also wears smoky eye shadow, black lipstick, and sports two piercings (one in her left eyebrow and a septum) as well as several on either ear (3 on each lobe, daith, helix, and industrial).
Original - black leather pants, black combat boots, fingerless gloves, a plain black, white or red t-shirt under a black leather jacket decorated with goth band buttons (Sisters of Mercy, The Cure, Joy Division, etc.), a plain choker, a studded mask covering the bottom of her her face, half black/half white hair that falls halfway down her back.
Moshing - ripped black jeans over fishnet tights, checkered creepers, hair down accept for two small space buns on either side, all make-up and piercings on, long sleeved fishnet top covered by an oversized band tee (most likely Bauhaus or Joy Division) and a choker with an o ring.
Red Carpet -hair down, makeup but no piercings, hair down, wears long black velvet evening gown with one slit up the side with matching spike heels that are used as a special finishing weapon.
Powers & Abilities:
Nyx may not possess any supernatural abilities, but she does both military and underground street fighting training. She prefers using weapons from a distance as compared to hand to hand combat since she doesn't like blood (which makes any battles between her and Skarlet very interesting).
But she's practiced both Judo and Karate since high school before integrating Krav Maga into her regimen. Nyx is very elusive and can move in credibly fast which makes her practically untouchable. Kano used her as a hired gun for these reasons as her agility mixed with the cover of night (i.e. her code name) made her chances of escaping undetected that much higher.
Fighting Styles:
Krav Maga
Thrown Weapons
Sig MPX K with a silencer
Ducati Panigale Matte Purple
flat kunai style throwing knives
Road Kill - Uses her Ducati to eviscerate her opponent's face with the front tire. Can be any distance from opponent to trigger.
Straight to the Heart - Throwing knife to the chest, far distance.
In My Sights - Uses her Sig with silencer and scope attachments from a far distance to effectively
Single White Female (special) - Similar to Straight to the Heart. Removes her black Stiletto before jabbing into her opponent's eye. Mid to close distance. Must be in Red Carpet skin.
'You're probably wondering how I got here' followed by a record scratch. Cut to Nyx playing The Cure on a record player before collapsing into a bean bag chair before inviting her competitor to join her.
has a white ferret named Ghost
practices yoga
secretly loves the color pink which Cassie mercilessly teases her about
despises going to Johnny's movie premieres but attempts to be supportive for her wife
enjoys vintage video games (specifically Dos Box games from when she was a kid) Her favorite was Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers
Was never able reunite with her mother after going underground. Eventually finds her younger brother Noah with whom she has a close relationship
Secretly misses her friends at the Black Dragon. She really only hangs out with Cassie and Jacqui on base which gets kind of lonely.
Never rides her Ducati without a helmet
favorite bands are Joy Division, Bauhaus and The Cure.
Has a collection of vinyl records. Her favorite is Bela Lugosi's Dead
Doesn't care for horror movies. Her genre of choice is neo noirs, likely for the vaporwave aesthetic.
Recovering alcoholic
Johnny Cage Announcer Names:
Daughter in Law from Hell
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because-she-goes · 1 year
louder than bombs
warnings: some swearing, banter, matty brain rot, an obscene amount of music references, matty being hot, enemies to lovers. Enjoy!
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Rooney stared at the document on her computer, the cursor blinking back at her. Books in piles around her and the quiet hum on the air conditioning being the only thing she is able to focus on… not the rough draft of the profile she’s supposed to have submitted to the first round of edits by the end of the week. Her home is normally a quiet, calm, serene environment for writing - the diffuser of jasmine oil typically comforting her mind whenever it got a bit too busy, yet now it only nauseated her. Now it only reminded her of him, and the way his jugular vein shot up out of the collar of his shirt past his perfectly angular jawline and into his side burn and also the way the gold cartier band wrapped around the bones in his wrist and pulse point and shined against his pale skin. Fuck matty healy she thinks, rubbing her temples. A deep sigh leaving her throat, the whole day had been like this.
Unable to concentrate properly on anything and mind adrift, the only real thing she could think of was how the few hours or so she spent with Matty talking about music over their respective caffeinated beverages felt like it was only a split second. Another wave of nausea as something dawned on her, like a sunbeam coming through the trees and into her home - she could have spent a lifetime talking to him about the music they both loved and grew up with in the north of england. She talked about The Hollies and the guitar sections in “Long Cool Woman (In A Black Dress)”, he talked about how The Stone Roses had more grit and rock than her precious Hollies could ever dream of. Rooney recalled looking him dead in those fucking eyes and saying “Graham Nash and Allan Clarke. Case closed.” and how that had silenced the whole discussion of who was better, they then moved onto discussions about Joy Division vs. New Order and The Smiths vs. The Cure. They then drifted off music for a bit to a topic of utmost importance to Matty, who she preferred, Manchester City or Man United. They butted heads the whole time, but Rooney had never met another human on the planet who knew as much about Manchester music than herself. It was as if a human had gotten split into two and then the twins were sent in opposite directions of the music world, one the performer and one the critic.
She had to get out of her house, and quickly. If she festered in this mental rot any longer she was sure it would begin to decompose. Rooney grabbed her keys and shoved her writing gear into a bag and said a quick goodbye to her Bernese Mountain puppy Arlo. With that she was now in the open world and on her way to the local coffee shop near her house - where she had first met the man plaguing her every thought. She waved a hello to the baristas and plopped down in one of the comfier corners and got set up. Opening the document again, she felt more refreshed and as focussed as a laser. Funny what some fresh air and a change of scenery can do to the brain. That is until she felt a particularly strong tap on the shoulder, fucking brilliant right when she just got back into her groove. Annoyed, she turned around at whatever this disturbance was.
“Why hello there, clover! Funny seeing you here, thought you’d be cooped up in your house editing away our little interview. Which may I add, was one of the most delightful press things I have ever done so thanks for the chat, darling. I brought you your regular… iced peppermint tea right?” His perfectly coarse voice rang out over the Bob Dylan playing on the speakers.
Fuck him. Fuck Matty for being so attentive, so kind, so handsome… so Matty.
“You know, you still don't have to suck up to me right? I’m not gonna be putting anything in to help you impress some girl you're shagging so you can forget all about that… Darling.” She spat at him, snatching the iced tea sharply. Fuck him for getting her so riled up and out of her mind with… whatever this new emotion was.
“Jealous it isn’t you, clover? And for the record, she’s just a friend, nothing more - and you’d know if I was trying to impress someone. Enjoy the iced tea and good luck with the edit, Rooney. Maybe I’ll be seeing you around, I quite like it here.” He then walked out the door, lighting a cig and strolling down the road. The gray smoke perfectly matched the grays in his hairline.
Rooney huffed. Well, today was gonna be a wash. She closed her laptop and sipped her deliciousy sweet peppermint tea - fuck he remembered the honey she put in it. Another huff and sip.
Another huff and sip, Matty read his paper. He was sitting at the cafe from the NME interview, growing to quite like the calming energy and the cappuccinos were some of the best he had tasted. In the paper today, like every other day, the resounding message was that the world was going to shit. Another huff and sip of the now room temperature coffee, flipping the pages of the paper to the Art and Culture section. He liked reading these sections for obvious reasons, but especially since they typically focussed on new and emerging artists. People and musicians who may be getting the exposure for the first time, people who reminded him of his younger self and of simpler times. Back when the 1975 weren’t headlining festivals like Glastonbury or Reading and Leeds, back before they weren’t selling out arenas in New York or working on the set design of their global tours. He liked reminiscing on those simpler times, before the money or the fame or the girls that would sit outside of venues waiting for him. Don’t mistake him, he loved his life currently and everything, he just wished he could have some of that normal, mundane, quietness back. He longed for domesticity and peace. With that, and a few articles and mugs of coffee later, he felt the energy shift.
A soft breeze of the doors opening went through the cafe, a golden leaf landing at his foot. Looking up, he saw the flash of red hair go by him followed by a waft of cherry and almond - holy fuck, she even smelled divine. His heart began to pound against his ribs, he felt like it was in his throat all of a sudden. His mind dizzy with her, how her eyes were so fixed on him as he spoke to her that day and how easy it was to carry the conversation - like he had known her a lifetime already. He went up to the barista and quickly ordered her regular with honey as he recalled being perplexed by - a cold drink mixed in with something so sticky sweet. He swallowed his nerves as he could now hear his heart beating away in his chest - louder than bombs. He remembered talking about The Smiths vs. The Cure with her and how she had preferred Morrissey and how he was a Manchester lead singer. As if she couldn’t be any better, he thought in the moment.
With her drink in hand and his regular Truman Black persona in tow, he waltzed over to her table. Delicate hand tapping her rounded shoulder. A huff…no. A gentle gasp leaving her lips.
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isadollie · 7 days
Hi! I'd like a matchup please. I pick Blue Lock and Haikyuu.
Name: Yuno.
Pronouns: he/him.
Pairing: Okay with both men and women.
Likes: spring, summer, dots and cats, eating, traveling, try new activites/dishes, chill out on the sofa, sometimes play video games (Zelda BOTW and TOTK, Okami, Smash Bros, Life is Strange...), watching movies at the cinema, joking around and teasing people, laughing without any restraint, a nice walk in the countryside.
Dislike: noisy people for no reason, brainless people, people walking too slow, rain, autumn.
Hobbies: writing with people, walking around, eating, going out, cooking, gardening.
Aesthetic: cottagecore.
Appearance: east asian, black short hair (two blocks haircut), I wear shorts or cargos pants with t-shirts (often black, grey or white) and white sneakers. The simpler the better.
Personality: people say I'm demanding, independent, creative, speaking my mind even when facing authority. I love to tease people for fun, asking everything, saying nonsense, analyzing things, observing my environment.
Dream birthday: a trip to east asia.
Love language: physical contact (giving), words of affirmation (receiving).
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius.
Favorite songs: Atom Heart Mother (Pink Floyd), Behind The Wheel (Depeche Mode), Riders On The Storm (The Doors), Decades (Joy Division), L'Aventurier (Indochine).
Thanks a lot!
— matchup —
if you'd want a matchup too, make sure to check out this! link
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i match you with...
Sugawara Koushi!
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★ i feel like he would absolutely love to take part in your hobbies! especially gardening, i imagine Suga loves all types of plants, and watching them grow; taking care of them would be very satisfying for him!
★ nice and long walks on a spring evening with you would be his favourite way to calm down after a stressful day
★ i think he would admire how independent you are, feeling proud of you about that aspect
★ cook for him and he's in love! he'll try any type of dish you make happily, and brag to his friends and family about how good of a cook you are
★ i think he'd also like to tease others for fun, so that might result in a little teasing battle between you two; who will win??
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i match you with...
Nagi Seishiro!
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★ i think he would like the way you dress!
★ we all know he's not a big fan of.. doing too much. however, if it was for a person he really cares about, i'm sure he would travel with you, knowing that it's important to you!
★ really admires the way you're able to speak your mind in every situation without getting scared
★ king of resting, chilling, napping, you name it. would be happy if you joined him, 100%, extra points if you're watching a cool movie while resting [you can choose the movie.. but he's the one choosing next time!]
★ whenever he gets a new game, he makes sure to tell you all about it; asks if you'd like to try it out with him. if one game is really hard for you, he'll let you win to make you happy, cause when you're happy, he is as well:)
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hello! i hope you liked it! my second match for you was nishinoya, but then i thought sugawara will be better:)
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capuletoo · 1 year
Blue Valentine — Thomas Raggi
—note: it’s been so since i wrote something for måneskin…please please request something because i wanna write for them but have no ideas
—TW: stealing hehe, fluff | thomas raggi x fem!reader
—summary: After a party the reader meets a boy with a motorcycle
—words: 1.3k
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You end up leaving with regret. You don't want to go back to the party. In addition, the effects of alcohol are beginning to dissipate: You tremble with cold and your head throws you atrociously. Arms crossed in a vain attempt to comfort and venture randomly into the street. There are not even cats, it seems that you are alone. Footsteps resonate in silence.
“Drink up baby,
stay up all night with the things you could do,
you won't but you might…”
You take the opportunity to sing, just to warm up.
“The potential you be that you never see,
the promises you'll only make. Drink up one more time,
and forget all about the pressure of days.
Do what I say and I'll make you okay,
I'll drive away the images stuck in your head…”
The coolness of the street and the dull noise of cars in the distance take a weight off your shoulders. You feel strangely lighter. Maybe because you are far away from the party, or perhaps because you're disappointed.
“People you've been before that you don't want around anymore…” A second voice is added to yours. “They push each other and won't bend to your will, I'll keep them still.”
The voice is clear and suave. You immediately turn around to see a slender silhouette wedged against a black motorcycle a few metres away. Same black shirt that reads joy division same face. He's the boy with the red chipped guitar
“You have a pretty voice” he compliments. “Why didn't you go on stage earlier?”
“I don't sing in public.” You bite your lower lip, unsure of his intentions. After all, you don't know him.
“It's a shame.” He detaches himself from the machine and advances nonchalantly a few steps, hands in his pockets.
“I didn't hear you with the noise there was,” you said.
“I know, it was hell, we couldn't play.” You remembered how his bandmates were angry at everyone, voices louder than the strings of the guitar, the bass.
“Are there many of you?” You say, trying to convince him that you didn't really pay attention to the small improvised stage, but you remembered every face that was up there with him.
“Yeah, I have bandmates”
“Oh, so you're a real artist?” He smiles and seems to understand a joke that escapes.
“Not you?” It's your turn to smile.
“ It´s not my field.”
“I would say that…” He tilts his head and pretends to think. “Are you writing?”
You nod your head and then sniff. The freshness is starting to feel serious, if you don't go home soon, you'll get cold. “What betrayed me?”
“I don't know, I guessed it as soon as I saw you.” He says and glances back at his motorcycle. “How do you get home?” He asks without giving up his half-smile, a child's smile.
A sigh leaves your lips. “I'm supposed to spend the night with a friend, my father is coming to pick me up in the morning” a tone so bleak that he raises his eyebrows.
“Did you leave the party early?”
“I was fed up.” You rub the floor with the tip of your boot. “It's only one o'clock in the morning.”
Your gazes meet, and you can already tell the next question he's about to ask, and you already know the answer you would give him.
“Do you want to go for a ride?
The wind caressed your cheek and dragged the scent of his jacket. A fragrance, both intriguing and luxurious, you could recognize the notes of wood.
As you held him by the waist, the engine roared to life, and the motorcycle surged forward , carrying you both into the night. The cool breeze whipped against your face, ruffling your hair and awakening your senses. The city lights straked past, creating a blur of colors.
On his back you could feel the vibrations of the mototcycle beneath you, the ehythmic rumble resonating through your body. It was a thrilling sensation. Yet, being with him, it felt oddly liberating.
Your breath feels upside down, it makes you forget that you have no idea where he is taking you, forget that you don't know the time he will bring you back. Everything is fine, for the moment. You want to laugh, dance and sing. The feeling of speed reminds you of cycling without hands when you were younger.
When we descend, the stars are reflected on the river that runs along Verona. Thomas - that's his name - takes a bottle of white wine out of the trunk of his motorcycle. So you walk in the cool night, bottle in hand. He doesn't think about the small size for a wine or the fact that you don't drink. He doesn't tease you, he's not heavy like all the others are. He drinks quietly, from time to time, observes and listens and you imitate him.
Most of the noise comes from the nearby cafes and bars.
He proposes that we rent a boat to cross the river. I accept but warn him that you don't know how to swim. He makes no remarks, he is not surprised. And even if you knew how to, you doubt that there will be people renting at this hour.
“I will save you if you fall, " he just answers by catching the oars on each side of the gondola. There’s no one there. You can’t help the feeling of stealing.
So you sail on the shore. The noise of the city fades and the crickets are singing. Fireflies appear. They form dozens of small lights that are all reflected in Thomas' eyes. His eyes whose intensity is close to the abyss. You don't see the end. It's beautiful, it's undeniable.
He is calm too, and his half smile is similar to that of a child. You have never seen anyone like this boy before. His smell embalmed the air again and you want to fill your lungs with it. He is still stoned, which dilates his pupils in an exaggerated way. He begins to hum a melody and the sound of his voice transports you elsewhere.
“Are you writing song right now?” He asks suddenly.
“It happens sometimes” You said, keeping your eyes closed.
“Give me a title you wrote.” His voice is getting closer.
“Blue Valentine.”
“I love it” His breath is mentholated and your eyelids remain closed. “What is it about?”
Now you feel him distinctly, his smell. It surrounds you like a halo, you bathe right in it: you are in Paradise. And the sound of his voice, it is almost made up of material, you can almost feel it.
“From a slightly chaotic girl. Of a love that is not enough.” You refuse to open your eyes, you don't know why, you have the impression that they are welded. His face on yours. A warm breath hugs your cheeks. You feel it very close, very close.
“And what is the last verse?” He moves his lips while talking, and touches yours.
“The bread will be my redemption.” His lips gently and voluptuously crush on yours. You can feel a smile and wonder if it's about the kiss or if he's making fun of the last verse.
An electric current runs through and gently ignites. His lips are delicately sweet. The contact does not last more than a second but it is enough to turn your head. Colors dance under your eyelids, his mouth is like two petals. He marries mine perfectly. So perfect that it's almost unreal.
Your eyes are open: he is only a few centimeters from you and his look is so intense that you feel something melting. His face is too perfect, he's too close, you are going to erupt. His blonde locks, his smell is too stunning, even his Adam's apple seems to make you look.
Without a word, Thomas leans in once again, capturing your lips in a deep, passionate kiss. The world around you fades away as you lose yourself in the electric embrace. It feels like a spark igniting a fire within you, a rush of emotions surging through your veins.
As the kiss lingers, you feel a warmth spreading throughout your body. It's not just the physical contact but also the emotional connection that seems to be growing stronger with each passing second. In this moment, you forget about the regrets and disappointments of the party.
When you finally break apart, a sense of exhilaration and wonder lingers in the air. You both catch your breath, your eyes locked in a gaze that speaks volumes. The electric energy continues to crackle between you, fueling an unspoken desire for more.
Who is this boy and what is he doing? You look at each other like this for several seconds that seem endless. And finally you put a word about the sensation that passes through you: electric.
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kofu-division · 6 months
"life is a affair of mystery:shared with companions of music, dance and poetry"
Ayame Kurokawa also know by his moniker Beast is an artist and the third member of Kõfu's division team Diabolik Night
At first glance shy and anxious,this youngman is not so joy and energetic as his teammates,but he's know by his talent on different fine arts or the jewels designed by him but when someone get closer to him can see how loving and nice he is
And when someone is walking when the night fall and hear the sound of instruments and applauses can see Ayame dancing belly/arabic dance,with a glow smile and a seductive shine at his eyes as he moves his hips to the rythme of music
...but a thing anyone can see is, although Ayame not deny be in the DRB with the same goal as Reiji and Kei, looking for someone special for him, in that sense he's the most sane beetwen them. Without the same tendencies as those two and actually, Ayame is who try to evoid Reiji and Kei do something very extreme but sadly he fail almost always
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Ayame is a short fair skinned youngman,he have a slim figure with curves who is more noticeable on his dancer clothes,he have purple hair long to his knees that he wear tied down but with a bun and tousled bangs degraded to dark pink,and as hair accesorie a red rose on a side of his hair ,his eyes are turquoise with a sad look on them and pink eyeshadow,when he's smile have a melancholy appearance
His casual outfit it's a short kimono style tunic,purple with black edges and a V neckline,his lower body is covered by black leather pants decorated with black lace and black sandals, but in warmth weather he wears a silk nightgown dress with black lace stockings and black kitten heels and wear his hair in a braid
When he's dancing Ayame wear arabic dancer clothes consisting of a fluid satin long skirt and a long sleeve shirt with transparent sleeves,all the outfit is black with purple and blue details and gold fine chains, Ayame wear the same rose at his hair when he's dancing
In every outfit he wear the same accesories of silver hoops and broken heart necklace with the rose in the hair
"beast tamer" (by Reiji and Kei)
Pretty dancer (by curious kids)
"my darling"
Biographical info
Birthday-february 12
Hair color-dark purple
Eye color-turquoise
Height-165 (5'5)
Star Sign-pisces
Piercings-small silver hoops at both ears
Markings-lacerations and burns and arms,discolored bruises across his body (especially his thighs) ,self scars at wrists,cuts on his belly
Biológical father (???)
Biológical mother (???)
Biológical son (desceased)
Voiced by-luz (rapping)
Fun Facs
MC name: Beast
Occupation: belly dancer/jewel designer/sexual worker
Division: Kõfu
Team: Diabolik Night
Position: third member
Favorite food: honeyed chicken, creamy soups,jam bread,melon sherbet
Least favorite food: staled bread
Likes:wild animals,plushies,sweets,belly dance,children happy, jewels design, fine arts, dance at night, books,wine,roses,fine clothes,,children,music,sex
Dislikes: remember his time at streets, underground brothels, Katsuragi,think on his stillbirth child,be called a "whore", himself
Hypnosis microphone
Ayame's hypnosis microphone takes the form of black and purple headphones with a crown,the crown is also black with purple and blue gemstones
Ayame's speakers takes the form of two animal statues and a teddy bear,the black tiger statue is black with two amethyst eyes and reveal a circular speaker when Ayame starts to rap and the plushie looks like a normal teddy bear with an circular speaker om the chest. Another circular speaker is reveaed under the eyepatch when Ayame starts to rap
Ayame's rap ability is called Beast Tamer with his ability Ayame make his speakers animals attack his opponents,the tiger moves quickly around the opponent swinging it's paws and the teddy bear grew and turnin into a mounstrous form and starts to scratching and biting,as Ayame use more his ability the animals attack in a most fierely manner until Ayame get tired
Ayame's rap themes are about múltiple themes
he make references to dance, how he love do it and how he can have several eyes in him as he dance in the night,he rap about his past on the streets, how he hates remember the times where he suffered and make references to how he sol his body until his broken point,like Kei he raps about how happy is he with his current life. Sometimes his rap is about how Ayame like wild animals, especially tigers calling himself a Beast Tamer
Outside,Ayame seems to be shy and anxious with dislike for place with lots of people,he preffers to be away from crowrds but he's noy distante, he's actually polite and cordial but looks uncomfortable if he needs to interact with very much people at the same time
With the people he trust or get enoughly close to him Ayame is more different,smile more and make jokes and acts in a more gentle and outgoing way, if someone see him dancing and how he acts when he do it can describe him as "flirty and seductive but gentle and smiling",that behavior is more seeing by kids, Ayame have a "motherly' feeling on him that project with people younger than him and children are always around him, looking for feel the affectiom that Ayame give them
Something that it's neccesary say is, although Ayame don't deny have the same goal as his teammates, looking for and meet someone special for him, Ayame is not extreme and twisted like Kei and Reiji,his feelings for his special one are most pure and loving than those two and in fact Ayame try to evoid they manipulate in a cruel way or do something twisted and dark but he sadly fails almost always... although he don't will to say why,the reason of it it's because Ayame himself was a victim of a person like that and he don't want te same for anyone
But Ayame is not a saint,after years of living with a abusive family,be abandoned at streets,sell himself for survive,be victim of someone with a dark "love for him" and give birth to a stillborn kid by the same person fault left him traumatized,he have moments of self despise,low self esteem and even depression, considering his body as "dirty and corrupt",Ayame have moments where he think don't deserve nothing good and he feels guilty when that moments end, besides sometimes he act according to selfish feelings and is prone to emotional outbrusts but that moments are something weird
But that's only his opinión, actually Ayame is quite love for people who met him,the kids who often see him dance as a "loving and pretty lady" and their parents as a "nice and polite youngman" even the men who feels attraction for him or with Ayame had sex say that "he's someone nice and empathyc,and his body felt like heaven" but strangely,Ayame seems to be oblivious to it
Ayame was a prostitute during his time at streets and surprisingly he feel no shame of talk about that being quite open about that theme
Wild animals seems to feel like for Ayame,but his favorite are wild cat like tigers
Ayame enjoys of artistic hobbies like photography,paint and drawing beetwen others
Besides his work as artist and dancer,Ayame have as hobby design jewels,the jewellry made by him are popular beetwen other divisions and Reiji sell them under Enjouji's name
"Ayame Kurokawa" is not his birth name, Ayame choosed it after being adopted by Enjouji family,his birth name is "Mally" but he only say that to people who he really trust
Like Aoba Yamamura of Kumamoto Ayame is intersex and actually he got pregnant once but the father punched him on the belly and his baby borned death
He's good friend of Mireya Quinlan of Roppongi since she saw him dance,and she's of the bit people who knows about his stillborn baby and how Ayame losed him
Despite have a complex with his own body Ayame don't deny he enjoys sex...and actually he have some sexual encounters with men who intereseted on him after see his dance or former customers from the brothel where he worked
He wear a rose at hair because his "special one" said he woul be look beautiful with a flower
Although he don't said nothing openly,is something sure that the person who Ayame want looking for in the DRB is certain magician from Sapporo
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euphorial-docx · 1 year
a breakdown of opev reg’s style evolution because i felt like talking about it :)
in opev, regulus didn’t truly develop a sense of style yet. he was still trying to figure himself out, and figure out a way to express that in ways he was comfortable.
regulus mostly dressed for comfort in opev.
in the warm seasons, he’d wear a lot of loose button ups and t-shirts, shorts or swim trunks. he most of the time wore a pair of converse, and sometimes sunglasses. in the colder seasons, he wore standard cold weather things like sweaters, jeans, gloves, hats, etc etc. he also rewears outfits often.
there were times where he would show some of his personality in his outfits. the things he truly did style were: his hair, his jewelry (namely the star of david necklace), and the occasional band t-shirt. his clothes usually are cool tones, such as blues and cool greens, as well as neutrals like white and black. outside of those things, he dressed pretty generically.
i feel his style reflects the music he listened to at the time. opev regulus was on the new wave train from the start, being a fan of the talking heads and joy division early in their careers. while joy divison was dark in tone, talking heads was relatively upbeat and a more familiar band to regulus as they’d been around longer than joy division.
my inspirations for his outfits was, very unsurprisingly, elio from call me by your name. although i did stray away from the polo shirts, because i didn’t think opev regulus would really wear those. i wanted to keep a sense of put togetherness despite his lack of personal style by having him wear loose button ups a lot and take care of his hair.
there is only one instance in opev where regulus has a chance to dress up a little bit, and that’s when he and james go to an art gallery. regulus wears a button up shirt, jeans, and a jean jacket.
good elio references i looked at a lot for opev:
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i know we haven’t dived too much into the sequel yet, but oh boy do i have plans for his fashion there.
between opev and tsf, regulus has developed a true sense of self and a sense of fashion of his own. part of that was from his experiences in university, where he dated a musician named chiara who got him more into the new wave/goth music scene. another part was simply him getting older and living independently.
in the 70s regulus dressed for necessity and with a vague new wave influence, and in the 80s he expanded on that a bit.
i’d describe his 80s style as predominately new wave with a bit of goth and new romantics thrown in there.
he has kept with his loose button ups, but has traded his converse for boots and began to experiment a little more with accessories. necklaces, rings, and yes even earrings and nail polish have made their way into his outfits. he’s also began to use makeup, albeit just a little, when it comes to his eyes, reminiscent of the goth and new romantics influences he’s gathered.
his hair has changed over the years, and he’s started doing a variation of the wavy pompadour/elephant trunk hairstyle popular among the new wave scene as well as more mainstream scenes. i imagine the hairstyle to be a bit like duckie’s from pretty in pink, but mostly like elio’s hair in the epilogue of cmbyn.
as i said for part 1, music greatly inspires opev regulus’s style. in the 80s, his edge of goth and new romantics comes from the music he started listening to. he leaned more into goth in the 80s with his love for bands such as the cure (at least early the cure), depeche mode, bauhaus, echo & the bunnymen, and the smiths— he also kept up his love for joy division, while his passion for talking heads faded a bit as they wandered more into pop territory.
inspirations i have for regulus include: john taylor, steve jansen, a little bit of john koviak and robert smith, but heavy with the john taylor
photo inspo (most of which are john taylor. i’m sorry. his outfits are just almost exactly what i picture reg wearing in the 80s.)
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bengiyo · 1 year
Step By Step Ep 4 Stray Thoughts
Last week, Jaab and Jen took a whole section of the show to themselves and crushed the ad. Meanwhile, the rest of us lusted after Jeng in his black suit and shirt, as well as his oversized sweater. Pat's review rocked Jeng to his core, and he spent much of the episode reconciling with the fact that his subordinates don't trust him or believe him in; they see him as an antagonistic force in his life. He committed to being better, and started by formally reprimanding the coworker that touched Pat inappropriately. I'm in love with Jeng and this show.
So badminton isn't the first outing. They also sent golfing?
I see Bruce!!
Nothing will fuck up your relationship more than doubles tennis, or, in this case, badminton.
The boy guarding the showers is cute, even though I think he's lying about the showers.
Was Jeng whistling Jeff's song Goodbye is Not Goodbye??
Damn, Jeng, you ain't have to be that obvious about seeing Pat in a tuxedo.
I love Bruce so much.
I think Pat is misreading that meeting, because I think Jeng is mostly beefing with another division.
I think Jeng was trying to tease Pat, but that came off super harsh.
I know this is supposed to be cute, but don't put pens near people's faces.
Not keen on Put forcing Ae to give him Pat's number.
I'm curious about this pregnancy plotline. I like that Pat has more than just male friends, and that his female friend is having problems that we wouldn't get in most BL.
Chot is the only person smart enough to check the stalls before having a conversation in the bathroom.
I love this sweater Pat is wearing to Jeng's condo.
Pat was so offended at being called uncle! I lol'd.
All this snooping just for Pat to learn that Jeng is a doting uncle.
Aw, I would probably reject my boss on socials too.
I'm glad Jeng is finally working directly with Pat to give feedback. Pat clearly thrives on praise.
The joy I feel that Chot has a boyfriend who's clearly enamored.
The abject horror of gossiping on your boss in the wrong chat.
Jeng having a frank conversation with Pat was so necessary. Pat has been struggling with so much duplicitousness at this office that he needed this.
Oh no, Jeng is totally tanking at karaoke. This is probably good for him, though. They need to see him be bad at something.
Really love the foundation Jeng and Pat are building.
Goddamn Poppy looks good.
Kanun may have messed up things for Jarb, but I am amused that the straights are having a fun time in bed.
Hair continuity is a mess in this show, but I'll let it slide.
Jeng said, "Just so you know, I'm SINGLE."
Oh no, Pat is about to mistake Jarb for Jeng's boyfriend.
Ben has an incredible face.
Love Up getting to okay the embodiment of, "I should call him."
This show is so good. Tuesday is becoming one of my favorite days right now! I love the foundation Jeng and Pat are building. I like that a workplace romance is going to grow out of respect and admiration for each other in a professional process and collaboration. I like that growing and improving is a big part of their dynamic, and learning to be more honest with each other.
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