#jowel at the moon
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byelacey · 5 months ago
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3 pyr moon
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usagisbanexd · 2 years ago
+ SUPER SOLDIER SAILOR STARS #11 * _) _) >>C===3 :-* Kawaii Slash Lovers Collide Cosmic Paradise // Sailor Moon/Pokémon/Potterverse Altfic Crossover, CHAPTER 1.0.011
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Shingo has never seen Ami shit.
            Does Ami know that? She tries very hard to think of a reason why, she tries all the time. Shitting is comfortable, shitting is warm, you flush and then disperse.
            Shingo says ‘Water is efficient!’ with a finger raised. Shingo hates facts, and he hates Ami, and he loves his secret television and the whispers of the wind on the water. And if only his sister knew. And if only Ami saw the moonlight kiss his skin, then she would love him. But he knows that.
            The girl is asleep standing up. She’s always tired around boys. She thinks she knows why, but madness calls like a clang. That’s Shingo banging his head against the counter, far off in Luna’s lullaby. Don’t make me call Artemis, says Mina. Mina in the mind’s eye. Mina typing. Mina has a broken keyboard. She stole Shingo’s laptop. She did it on a loan. Shingo loves Ami. Ami prepares for takeoff. She can do this. ~ MINA, SIGNING OFF ;d xoxo AMI-CHAN, BELIEVE!
            Ami thanks Shingo. Shingo, quizzical, unknowing. Does this word have two Zs? She knows the answer. Fuck. Oop. Whoop. He knows the answer. Sick in his stomach, sick in his gut, a light turns off. Does Ami control the lights? He knows the answer. He thinks upon himself to mark his grave.
            He types with her.
            Easy, he thinks. Dissect me. Mina giggles with her mouth covered in Rei-chan’s stupid wet dream. Shingo knows all about Rei’s stupid wet dreams, knows he’s the man with his hand in the mirror, knows he’s the one for Mina, Mina P, Sailorvenus, Sailorfirst, Sailorstardeath, Sailorcomeincubus, Sailorsurroundsound. Does he love his sister’s decoy? Does he love pie? And Pizza Palace? And soft imperialism. That’s Ami’s inbred thought. DESTROY. Dream of men.
            Dream on. ~ Ami & Mina P, holding hands in the summertime. Mina sickens. Not the effort of a needle but the force of the ejaculate. She feels like a frog on a coffin, her entrails stretched and neon bleating. Ami, use your henshin stick! It’s okay to have a henshin stick.
            Shingo grabs the popcorn.
            Does Ami balk? I don’t balk. I don’t think. I move. The emperor over all assumes the throne, does it alone, does it for me, me, for me, Ami, stop, what are you doing? I’m on the phone! She’s dead.
            She’s in space. Omniscience kills. Only secret agents can handle it. I am one. Born one. Born on the wrong side of the tracks. Born to kill. Born to believe. Never to bear children. The emperor sickens. I weaken the earth. Shingo, you’re in love. Shingo, I’m not okay with that. I grow up. Why am I trying? The path hurts me. Elios, come.
            I am in the sun. I bear gifts.
            How? say Endymion and Ami, their eyes like quadruplet saucers overbearing the earth. You come to conquer heavens, say the sun’s bright rays, and through Shingo’s mouth the light is shafted like an eternity in waiting. Throw another monster at the fire. I’ll pick it up. Shin lives, Shin springs, Shin dances like an eternal dancer in the jowels of heaven. Never stop fighting, that’s a soldier’s job. Mina knows we’re at the fore, all of us, together, forever dancing. Shingo the greatest senshi lives to great again, and Ami in her maggot mind the whole time stealing the egg. Venus knows it’s a pearl we wear on our finger, and Endymion believes, and all know shining victory. But sister is dead, and Mom is crying, and together we stop time to watch a movie.
            Is this really happening? says Ami.
            Why not? says Mina P, stepping over herself to help a friend in need. I came upon you sleeping and thought you deserved to wake.
            You’re not neurotic at all, says Ami.
            My mom, says Venus, becoming a critter in the arms of a little goy that should be picking its nose. Is this crazy? thinks the goy, knowing full well that birds talk better than mice.
            Mice pee on each other, says Shingo, a fact he learned from trial and error. He had a mouse. It crawled aboard his hand and passed from left to right, and Venus says he’s at the right hand of the Father, and she says so with a finger pointed crooked to heaven, and she does so for Ami and for fortitude, for Mercury’s bubble magic, for peacetime and for those who dropped the bomb, blond-haired blue-eyed -shelles, perfect in their mystery, presaging holy famine.
            Did we have to? whines Shingo, his eye like some great mystery overtaken by alchemical omniscience. Why does she not love God? Both of us have together the arms of Helios, and Mina would say holds, and Umino says yes, and Ami knows he’s good at English, that his passion is reading in the summer, that he sits at his window and plays cards, that he collects, that he loves the pretty pictures. And so does Mina. Umino her greatest ally, her passionfruit, her forager. Umino the bird dropped out of the nest. Is Shingo a bird?
            Keep googling me, Ami. Keep trying to win your war. I and the sun will go like lightning before the gods with our hands washed clean. Drink from the Rivers Lethe and Mnemosyne. Last night I did it, too. If you were there with Jim Jones, what would you have done?
            Died, says Ami. We have similar interests.
            Ya, says Shingo, thinking of Mina. Mina in her red satin haircut, loving togetherness, loving the oval, holding the heart aloft like the cornucopia of victory granted to her by foreign dignitaries, or some great god, or Salmon Rushdie’s greatest cliches. It’s Salman, says Shingo. I said that, says Venus, who thinks we’re all going to die when we’re damn well ready, and I can be Trinity if I want to, and Ne Yo’s waiting in the wings, white-haired, ready to jump with me off the balcony to certain Crouching Tiger, and Crystal Tokyo is immense, and we’re all there, and we’re ready, and let’s do this slow. Ami, get off the computer!
            Shingo smiles a weakening one. Enslaved by his stomach, always wondering what he ate when Ami’s around. How does Venus love this girl? Beautiful orange, beautiful blue, moss-headed. Does she think she knows everything? Silly girl. Don’t be Hermione Potter without finger-wagging. Remember, stale fish don’t get caught.
            Mina’s over idioms. She died for God. She feels the sun, it turns her skin orange. In Crystal Tokyo, imbibing at her bedside a cocktail of ambrosial margarita two days expired, she thinks she’d be more glamorous if it was ten weeks expired, and so does Shingo. Where’s Usagi? Oh, right, she’s dead.
            Ami thinks that’s okay. She never thought Usagi was her mistress. She never gave her that coy embrence. Never thought eternity waited in the malice. It’s Mina’s shoes, they’re too tight. That’s her mother talking, her southern mother, born and braised in Nipon, Italy, Nipon, Italia, Nipon, Light Stroller, Nipon, ETERNITY IS TALKING. FOR ONCE AND FOR ALL I LOVE SHINGO. ~ AMI
            Baby, why you always lying? Shingo, get off Tik Tok. Bu- bu-.., I have no man! Mom, I need forty eight dollars to buy me a slot machine.
            You can do it with forty eight hours of effort, says the emperor, forgetting himself, splitting off Endymion’s thigh like a hunk of wood dispersed from his engine. What does Ami mean? She’s helping stabilize the vortex. Always with that fucking vortex. Usagi’s dead.
            “Hi,” says Setsuna, laced up black falcon pumps the size of eagles beating down pigeon-toed loving the secrets of black dirt. Her journeyer’s staff resting against her side, a Greek god frozen in repose, thinking in stalagmites, thinking in isolate. Those are Ami’s teeth, beware. There’s nothing this girl won’t do for the sake of her nostrils, sniffing out the causes of entropy and diagnosing herself sick with fever. All of us slaves to the emperor. I have an idea, slave to women, birth more men.
            He’s trying, says Shingo.
            Mina funnels a shrug until it’s infinity shrinking on the right side of her mouth, and feels sick. Who to call? The Batphone. Barbara Gordon, glamor, wigs. She misses her dad, keeps his picture in her wallet, something branded and incomplete, a perfect picture of a world without Rei. Sigh. Rei. Love. Hearts. Confusion. Ruling thunder. And then Mako approaches, Mako from death, Mako the walking corpse. I miss Bunny. My pet bunny, not Usagi. She can handle it. Everybody, quick, look to the stars!
            Shingo dives eternity and thinks of Mamoru, his black eyes, his face, his cutting silhouette. And his sister in repose, waiting in a glass tank to be fired off to space. And what’s wrong with that? What’s to think he did it? She lives. She always lives. He’s seen wings burst out of her back. She’s fine. Wait. That girl dies. Does Ami know?
            Yeah, babe, she says, and Mina shakes her head. “In the common tongue, babe is used to intimidate competing uteruses! It’s mathematical,” she says.
            “I know,” says Ami. “The emperor is making me say that.”
            “Leave him,” says Mina, snapping up a book, “another man will take his place. All hail Queen Usagi, Lordess over dustmites. Sleep eternal.”
            “That’s Beryl talking,” says Ami.
            “Beryl’s his penis, stupid. Think about it. What does he do all day, that Tuxedo Kamen?”
            “Fights crime,” says Ami at his behest, at the throne of the emperor.
            “Why are you so loyal?” asks Mina. “He beats her.”
            “He tries,” says Ami.
            I beat him, thinks Shingo. He doesn’t mean it.
            “He’s trying to be someone,” says Ami, quizic, fizzic, physical, fizzy. Shingo opens up a dictionary. Dad’s gift to a sick puppy. Chain him to a rock and watch the ocean rise. Ami taps her finger. The sea level. Shingo’s stomach is sick, and it’s not in his head, and he really has a healthy grasp on reality, doesn’t he? ~Ami
            He tries, says the emperor, heavy-headed, split Zeus, a milkshake. Shingo and Ami dream of milkshakes. Venus watches on from a vantage. She never had a little brother, somebody to put in make-up and tie to an office chair. She never had a staircase, only stone steps leading up to a dungeon, and endless streams of wheat. And where is Mako? In the arms of a mother, hoping the dark will leave her eyes. Does Ami know? Can Mako be reached? Will this dastardly duo get away with their crime? Avaunt, to Ganymede.
            “I hope,” says Shingo, “Mom makes something for breakfast.” She can’t stop crying. Usagi gone. Dad dead of a heart attack on the living room sofa. And all Mom does is the laundry, her heart locked away from me cold. Usa could elicit her tears, illicit her embrace, it doesn’t work like that, but don’t you see, Ami, that it does? And the sun the deliberator waits for Mina’s face, and Ami hugs Shingo from a vacuum, and it's mist on his skin, and Mist, and Ami’s learning, and thinking all the time, and relaxing to a parachute slid from the water on vestigial planet mercury, an ace in the hole of a torpedo. Wince. Don’t put things in there! It’s little.
            Last night you did desire it, says mercur. And you’re leaving me for another woman again, says Shingo, says Mamo, but I love you. I’ve always loved you. Leave my sister and this won’t happen. She’s fine.
            She’s off in hell chasing the devil, says Mamo, and you’re on her laptop in the future arguing with the past to get better grades.
            Don’t spank me in front of this dyke, thinks Shingo, says Shingo, knows they’re watching and it’s complicated. Knows Michiru’s sad beauty.  Knows the harp she plays. Knows her expertise on every instrument. Michi, goddess Columbine, sad-eyed lady of beautiful Serenity, Moon Queen’s favorite daughter. If only my toes were pointed that way to God, then Ami shouldst know there were a heart in Egypt. Thanks Emperor Venus, the mommy at my breast. Whoop. Mamo, I’m IMing you to talk about my research paper.
            It’s homework, says Ami. And you can but I don’t advise it, and far off the goddess Hekate jangles her keys, and how beautiful, how pretty, how insightful, how livid. Thinking of her all of my life. Should I go down? On Pansy, says Hermione, faintly glowing, and the spell reverberates from across the pond and brings us back to the shattered remnants of Tokyo City after the bomb. Don’t play with magic, says Mina P, vocoded to hell and back again, unless your heart’s in it. Shingo, talk to Hermione.
            I hate Hermione, thinks Shingo, appearing insignif. Never thinking why he tries. My horoscope says Ginny Weasley, Mom, now go do my laundry.
            I hate it, thinks Hermione, roiling in her grave. From the distant future a worm spouts like ‘Exascerba!’ and Entrifigus Proto Entropoalises the arsonigophical compound. Ron, you’re the worst typist in the world.
            I love Hermione, he tells Venus, but how the fuck did we do that with these notebooks?
            Riddle did it, says Harry, masturbating furiously under the covers to gay porn. Neville’s arms. Draco’s smile. Pinned against the stone wall, glistening, and Cho my wife, my trophy, my shining glory. And Cedric, valiant Cedric, turned to dust.
            Get off the computer, says Ami. Go outside. Be afeared by that wizard from across the sea, coming with the light of Aslan to marry me.
            You’re too young for him, girl, a random gay man in an M4M chatroom. Not for me, not his reference, I’m mistaken. Dream on.
            I think I’m going insane, says Ami to Hermione, thinking quickly, and Hermione smells the sparks as they shoot through the air. Her bones. The force. Harry’s dead. He’s been this way for years. Ever since he found gay porn on Dudley’s computer my hypotenous --- Ron, stop typing, I can do it. There’s this thing called Spell Check, Harry thinks for Ron thinking for Harry, and the two of them stop fighting in the past and make up. You have Draco. I have Mione. We’re all going to be okay.
            But I’m not okay, Mione, I presageth famine. And how did the sun get a Facebook?
            It’s centrifugal, says Shingo, but men don’t let themselves participate. He winks. Ami smirks. Evil little rat. It has no name. Rats are rats who run the game.
            This is insane, says Hermione, meeting with her first time with her soulmate, emperor from across the sea, global Chinese cash money billionaire. What about Viktor? asks Venus, hating their perfume, hating the smell of their centrifugal forces, and the ugly dress they wear. All in the same outfit, all the time, for fun. Fashion lives through entropy like a burning eagle, and Shingo and I share looks from beyond the grave. Usagi is dead! Who are you?
            Hermione Granger, says the Ouija board, and if Ron misspells another word, I’m done doing his homework. And my dad’s a dentist. And I’m strong and proud. And Pansy Parkinson has a nice ass. And don’t panic, lady, we can refine this. It’s our fault this shit doesn’t work as expected. Where’d that come from? Shingo points upward, Mina fumbles in a trash can for the cigarette she saw hidden beneath an apple peel. Dead girls get what they want. Mione knows. She’s in the toilet of a nightclub in southwestern France having a cry. Viktor was supposed to meet her there. She wore her wedding ring, the one she bought for herself with Ron’s money, and she tears up when she thinks of Arthur Weasley walking her down the aisle. Arthur Weasley the knight, Arthur Weasley the captain, Arthur Weasley the centrifugal force. How do you make those symbols on the computer?
            They’re mugs, says Ron, typing from home. Dad bought him one last year.
            “All he does is talk to Japanese girls and look at porn,” said Ginny that summer, irate, ifrit, enlarged, her ancient ensign the bloody insignia of a girl who gets her period in plain sight. Borgiac, Borgiastic, Borgia indulged. Where’s Hermione? I’m going to teach her to inhale this time. Yes, baby, I fucked Dean Thomas, yes, he had a bigger penis than you, yes, I speak Japanese. Ni how, Hermione, there’s nothing to it.
            Arthur Weasley knows a Muggle, a little boy in Japan named Dan. He thinks with a camera in his eye, prizing the world away from its southern understanding. We flip poles, says Hermione, we’ll never find you.
            Don’t be Tom, says Ginny, and something goes on with her eyes. She puts the journal down spine up and wishes for a cigarette, for something to dispense with moment by moment, and Tom’s warm pelvis is on her throat. Was that wrong? If only she’d met the perfect man when she was the perfect woman. If only Cedric had never died. Now we’re saddled with two little kids and a perfect future threadbare on a couch, living in Grimmauld Place, a gay man’s perfect fixer-upper, and Harry’s awkwardly timed erections the stuff of a woman who’s outlived her dreams. I’m going to go to Cordoba, she thinks, but first I’m going to finish my first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and I’m going to tell my dad it was stupid of him to make me believe I was allergic to chickens.
            Does all slash end well? thinks Ron.
            “You just keep scrolling until you see the word ‘cock,’” thinks Ginny to Venus to Hermione, and all along the Watchtower, villains take their places, and dead heroes dropped the bomb, and we’re doing it now, on Nagasaki, and that’s Muggle magic, and yes, it’s greater, and yes, that’s Chomsky, and yes, that’s all okay.
            Who dropped the bomb on Nagasaki? asks Shingo, red-faced, and Chiba-sama replies, daring her panties in a bunch. In a knot, baby, but Usagi’s dead. And Harry’s gone into the forest, and Neville the conquered hero, and such is the case with heroic women, poised to die for the sin of Eve. Shingo puking. Shingo laughing. Shingo trades himself the Eevee. Red and Green. Mina says it’s Christmas. Her diary’s leaking. Bubbling. Frothing. And where is my Mamo-chan? What’s this feeling in my chest? Should I write him a love letter?
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eclipsing-maestro · 5 years ago
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𝔖𝔱𝔯𝔞𝔡𝔡𝔩𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔢
𝔦𝔫 𝔡𝔦𝔰𝔠𝔬𝔯𝔡 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔯𝔥𝔶𝔪𝔢
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leggypuppy · 3 years ago
I want to romance the Mother of Ants.
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You call upon the Mother of Ants and she has already found you.
Bronze Spintria/Five of Pentacles & The Witch-and-Sister/The Lovers
You had a choice. This is important to remember. She has always been with you, yes, with you since before you know any of the names by which to call her. All seven paths meet their bloody end in a palm of her hands, but you could have taken any of these seven paths. It matters that you took the one that rises, uplift and incline, took it willingly, braved hunger and cold and hard eyes so that even unknowingly you sought her service hidden in the cloth, and, oh, the joy she took in stripping you of your ignorance. It matters that she chose you. She chose as her lover long before your rebirth. It matters.
You had a choice. In much the same way as the tides may choose to disregard the moon.
Creeping Breath Curse/Five of Cups & The Mother of Ants/The Heirophant presiding
There are moments when she permits you to draw breath. Not many. Not for long. But there are still moments when her grip on you relaxes just a fraction and your ribs and heart expand with air and blood and the quivering nerves strung through your body sing a different kind of hosanna.
You fear these moments more and more.
It is not as though she treats you unkindly, for all that there is no such thing as a kind venom, not one in her service. In the world that is now your dreaming, you live quite splendidly. You have your parish, your congregation. Your clothes are fine. Your meals are hot and rich. You have all the company you could want, and you are never refused. It all slides by in one smooth, unending river. Nothing to mark it. You are utterly, blessedly, agonizingly free of pain. You never want for anything. Her beloved martyr.
And then her fingers close around you again and you are free of it.
King Crucible/King of Pentacles & Funds/Three of Pentacles reversed
Did Jonah ever miss the whale? This is the thought that will not leave you. Did he lie awake in his bed in Nineveh, proseltyse in the streets and in the temples, unlock the hearts and eyes of the citizens to the Glory, all while longing for the safety and the warm and the dark?
You cannot go back. You cannot become unmarked. The Red was never your colour but it lies cheek-by-jowel with everything you know and so you find uses for a little of its doctrine. You think there is one such devotee rising in the ranks now, a little bead of blood pushing up beneath unbroken skin. They make no secret of the hunger that drives them, the wish to devour your life as they see it. Or perhaps they do, and you are simply too well versed at splitting the veil of secrecy that you did not even know you were doing it.
It's all the same in the end. Let them have it. You cannot go back. You cannot remain. All that is left to you is to sink for the last time into her waiting arms, allow her to open you wholly and for good.
There are far worse ends to meet in this world.
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yayodancing · 4 years ago
Just know, if WLR really does drop on Christmas, it will be the album of the year.
Edit: I told y’all
1. Playboi Carti - Stop Breathing
2. Headie One - Only You Freestyle (feat. Drake)
3. Roddy Rich - The Box
4. Drake - Pain 1993 (feat. Playboi Carti)
5. Lil Uzi Vert - Prices
6. The Weeknd - After Hours
7. 21 Savage - Glock In My Lap
8. Travis Scott - Franchise (remix) (feat. Future, Young Thug & MIA)
9. 645AR - Yoga
10. Young Thug - Out West (feat. Travis Scott)
11. Thundercat - Dragonball Durag
12. Zack Fox - Stick! (Feat. Fabo)
13. Lil Yachty - Flex Up (feat. Playboi Carti & Future)
14. King Krule - Stoned Again
15. Childish Gambino - 19.10
16. Baby Keem - Hooligan
17. Lil Baby - We Paid (feat. 42 Dugg)
18. Tame Impala - Is It True
19. Young Nudy - No Comprende
20. Don Tolliver - Cardigan
21. Slowthai - Enemy
22. Yves Tumor - Kerosene
23. Future & Lil Uzi Vert - That’s It
24. 03 Greedo - Bands In Da Basement (feat. Chief Keef)
25. Freddie Gibbs - God Is Perfect
26. Sleepy Hallow - Deep End Freestyle
27. StaySolidRocky - Party Girl Remix (feat. Lil Uzi Vert)
28. Sahbabbi - Purple Umbrella
29. Gunna - Blindfold (feat. Lil Baby)
30. Tisakorean - Did You Know (WiFi Password)
31. Lil Tecca - Dolly (feat. Lil Uzi Vert)
32. Partynextdoor - Loyal (feat. Drake)
33. Kid Cudi - Heaven on Earth
34. King Von - Gleesh Place
35. Chief Keef - Bang Bang
36. Frank Ocean - Cayendo
37. Future - Rockstar Chainz
38. Blood Orange - Call Me (feat. Park Hye Jin)
39. Nav - Yung Wheezy (feat. Gunna)
40. YN Jay - Coochie
41. Guapdad 4000 - Platinum Falcon
42. James Blake - Before
43. J Balvin - Rojo
44. Kenny Mason - PTSD
45. Meekz - Like Me
46. Pop Smoke - Yea Yea
47. Userdeleted_95 - Dark Mode
48. 42 Dugg - Palm Angels In the Sky
49. Juice WRLD - Blood On My Jesus
50. Internet Money - Lemonade (feat. Don Tolliver, Nav & Gunna)
51. Benny the Butcher - 3:30 in Houston
52. Rod Wave - Rags 2 Riches (remix) (feat. Lil Baby)
53. Bad Bunny - Safaera (feat. Jowel & Randy and Nengo Flow)
54. The 1975 - If You’re Too Shy (Let Me Know)
55. DaBaby - Practice
56. Lil Keed - Wavy (remix) (feat. Travis Scott)
57. Kanye West - Wash Us In The Blood (feat. Travis Scott)
58. Jackboy - Like a Million (feat. Kodak Black)
59. Ty $ Sign - Ego Death (feat. Kanye West & FKA Twigs)
60. Hoodrich Pablo Juan - Tu Can Sam
61. Cardi B - WAP (feat. Megan Thee Stallion)
62. Sada Baby - Whole Lotta Choppas
63. Drakeo The Ruler - Ion Rap Beef (feat. Earl Sweatshirt & 03 Greedo)
64. BIGBABYGUCCI - Rest In Peace Miss Rose
65. Lil Gnarr - Perc 300 (feat. Germ)
66. Kodak Black - Dummy Green
67. City Girls - Pussy Talk (feat. Doja Cat)
68. Boldy James - Scrape the Bowl (feat. Benny the Butcher)
69. Mulatto - Muwop (feat. Gucci Mane)
70. Lil Eazyyy - Onna Comeup
71. DDG - Moonwalkin in Calabasas (feat. Blueface)
72. Monsta - Spazzin (feat. Young Dro)
73. Billie Eilish - Therefore I Am
74. Marshmello - Baggin (feat. 42 Dugg)
75. Rahli - Clip Hangin (feat. Lil STL)
76. Jojo - Reanimator (feat. Yves Tumor)
77. Special Interest - Disco III
78. Grimes - 4AEM
79. Sech - La Luz (feat. J Balvin)
80. Gucci Mane - Nasty (feat. 21 Savage & Young Nudy)
81. M Huncho - Indulge (feat. D Block Europe)
82. Juicy J - Gah Damn High (feat. Lex Luger & Wiz Khalifa)
83. Masego - Mystery Lady (feat. Don Tolliver)
84. Father - Risotto
85. Money Man - 24 (feat. Lil Baby)
86. Duke Deuce - Crunk Ain’t Dead (Remix) (feat. Lil Jon, Juicy J & Project Pat)
87. Mac Miller - That’s On Me
88. Megan Thee Stallion - Savage
89. Westside Gunn - Allah Sent Me (feat. Benny & Conway)
90. Brent Faiyaz - Fuck The World (Summer in London)
91. 070 Shake - The Pines
92. Stunna 4 Vegas - Do Dat (feat. DaBaby & Lil Baby)
93. Z Money - Cold Cuts
94. Flatbush Zombies - Afterlife
95. Tokyo’s Revenge - GOODMORNINGTOKYO!
96. Sheff G - Tip Toe (feat. Sleepy Hallow)
97. Ovrkast. - Two Minute Bars (feat. Mavi)
98. SAINt Jhn - Smack DVD (feat. Kanye West)
99. JPEGMafia - Rough 7 (feat. Tommy Genesis)
100. Mario Judah - Die Very Rough
1. Playboi Carti - Whole Lotta Red
2. Lil Uzi Vert - Eternal Atake/LUV Vs The World 2
3. The Weeknd - After Hours
4. Yves Tumor - Heaven To A Tortured Mind
5. King Krule - Man Alive!
6. Drake - Dark Lane Demo Tapes
7. 21 Savage & Metro Boomin - Savage Mode 2
8. Tame Impala - The Slow Rush
9. Thundercat - It Is What It Is
10. Don Toliver - Heaven or Hell
11. Gunna - Wunna
12. Lil Baby - My Turn
13. Kid Cudi - Man on the Moon III: The Chosen
14. Sahbabbi - Barnacles
15. Mario Judah - Whole Lotta Red
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standfortheangels · 6 years ago
Instructions: Always repost with the rules, answer the 11 random questions left for you, and leave 11 more for the people you tag!
Tagged by: @illicreatxm
This got long so I’m going to stick it under a read more ^^
1. If you could write any canon character, which would it be and why?
Hm. I’m not sure. I have roleplayed a couple of canons before, but I find it harder to keep the muse for them. I could probably do Elsa okay, I could jump between her locked in the castle personality and her open, welcoming character post-film, which might help, but the inconsistencies in her Over-powered Powers annoy me, so I think I’d add a few limitations in there.
2. Favourite Disney movie?
Maybe Aladdin because Robin Williams is of course amazing and so perfect in that role~ Ohh but there’s also Atlantis.. And Dumbo! Aw no... Let’s just call this my top three before I get carried away >w>
3. Least favourite MCU character?
I haven't seen the more recent ones, so, I can't take into account characters like Thanos or Dr. Strange or, whoever else they've been bringing in. So out of what I've seen, I'd have to go with Bruce Banner/The Hulk.
It seemed in the earlier films that they didn't give much attention to Banner. They were all over using the Hulk to make bits interesting, but Bruce was boiled down to "quiet smart guy who CaN TuRN inTo THE HULK" so, yeah.
And the hulk himself later did like a 180° change for me. In his stand-alone film I think Hulk says like 3 words, maximum. Then rarely talks in his appearances in the other avengers brand films. Cool. We had "Puny God" and that was a-okay. One short, memorable, funny quote seems perfect.
But then what was all that when Whedon got his hands on it? (I mean don't get me started on that, I am really reigning myself back here but) They start off needing ways to calm Hulk down enough to get him back inside and give control back to Bruce, fair enough. But then like... He winds up not letting go of Bruce's body even though he isn't enraged anyway? And suddenly he's emotional enough and smart enough to take- what was it a plane? And seperate himself off from everyone and look all solemnly at Natasha before he does it or something?
Obviously my memory of it isn't great, honestly I stopped paying attention after Natasha's "I'm a monster- not because I was raised in a heartless environment full of violence and raised to literally kill people, that bit's whatever- but because they took away my fertility and now I can't have babies." speech. And that's the last MCU film I watched. I didn't want anything to do with them after seeing what Joss Whedon did with the characters and the overarching plotline and... Everything. x') So I might have gotten some of the hulk stuff wrong.
(I did watch Deadpool though, that I enjoyed~)
4. If you had to create any new character, what occupation would they have?
Ooo good question.
I think something proactive, where they could seek other characters out, but.. I'd kinda like a bad guy~ Someone who lies so much for their job, they have a dual personality to work with. They can be your smiling friendly neighbour, wishing you well on your holiday, then turn around and grit his teeth because this poses a major problem for his mission, and he can't lose his target, so now he has to follow, but he can't do that as your happy neighbour, no, you know he isn't going on holiday, certainly not today, not on your flight, not to the same ski lodge you're going to. No, he has to make a new cover- maybe say his neice phoned him with a family emergency and he'll be leaving to go be with her a while. Then shed this identity, find out where his target is going, quickly pose as some other tourist who blends into the background and get to the lodge first, all the while planning out some plausible skiing accident he can set up.
Wow that got more detailed than I expected x'D I think I just reinvented hitman, whoops.
5. Favourite sport?
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[Image ID: Kiki from Kiki’s Delivery Service, laughing hysterically.]
My biggest concern when I'm on my feet is not falling over so, obviously sports aren't really my deal. x')
I used to swim a lot when I was a kid, I loved that, but, don't do it now.
And I'm not really into watching sports either tbh. Most of it seems over-hyped. Most football teams (real football, it is not soccer. The hint is in actual football, the ball, is hit, with your feet. Picking it up and running with it and then sometimes kicking it does not qualify as football, come on USA. Your thing is closer to Rugby than Football.)
Anyway most teams aren't much better or worse than any other if you actually watch objectively, which makes it look like they both suck because they're too well matched to score goals more than once in a blue moon.
Rugby I don't really understand the appeal of either. Scrums are weird and it wouldn't be entirely bizarre to see a guy walking away from the game with blood down his face and an ear in his hand. You'd almost expect him to stick the ear on ice and be back in a few minutes with his bandages on.
Really the only sports than interest me are the gymnastic types. Ice skating is good for a while but it can start getting dull if you don't have people willing to break the mould a bit. (Which is why I absolutely love the free skate bit. Where they aren't being scored and they just do whatever the hell they want, omg I live for that)
Floor routines are awesome, the pommel horse and rings are usually a little samey for me but the one with those two bars at different heights, that's fun to watch~ there's a little more variety there.
(And I don't wanna hear anyone in the replies saying these aren't sports, every example there including figure skating is a separate event in the Olympics, so. There.)
6. What’s your dream car?
I don’t really have one. At this point in my life I don’t actually have the option to learn to drive so I haven’t really thought about it. My only criteria is, it has to have a nice face. x)
Since I was tiny I have always seen cars as faces. The headlights would be eyes, and usually the number plate would be the mouth, but some cars have other stuff like a grill that might be the mouth instead. So like...
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This would be a grumpy car with a pig-like nose and frown.. Actually those look like jowels either side of the mouth part. It looks kind of like a bulldog. X’)
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And this would be a happy car. That black part around the number plate it wide and smile-shaped, and the headlights- rounded on top and straighter on the bottom, like the little creases we get when we scrunch up our eyes laughing~
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This car looks like someone just said something really stupid to it, and it is not impressed, and lets the silence hang not knowing what to say.
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Happy car
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Terminator car
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Happy car but in a mean way.. Like it’s on its way to cause mayhem or poking fun at someone. You get the general idea -w-
7. A movie that you think should have a sequel?
Hmm... this is a toughie.
8. A movie sequel that you think should be deleted from existence?
I don’t remember which number it was or even the title, but the Shrek sequel where Shrek like, hates having kids so much he makes a deal to change time? And Fiona winds up as like a vicious warrior leader because no-one ever saved her from the tower, and rumplestiltskin is in it? What even was that...
9. Design your dream outfit using this game ?
I wouldn’t say this really is my dream outfit, but from the options on offer~
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(also discounting the enormous hair bun >w>;)
10. Favourite fairytale?
I’m not sure if this actually counts as a fairytale, but I love the story of the jolly roger. That classic skull and crossbones flag has a story behind it that a lot of people don’t know.
In a nutshell, a man (i guess a pirate) develops an intense crush on a young woman, who is about to get married. But just before her wedding, she dies. She is buried, but the man doesn’t take death for an answer. He digs her up and has sex with her body. When he’s done, a disembodied voice speaks to him, telling him that he has basically impregnated this corpse, and to come back in nine months.
For some reason, he does. He digs up the woman again. And sat below her pelvis is a small skull and two bones. The disembodied voice tells him to take these bones with him on his ventures, and they will bring him luck.
It’s bizarre, and kinda gross, and.. I dunno if being rewarded for sexually desicrating a corpse is the best moral? x’) But I was amazed when I heard this story, because I’d had no idea there was this whole tale behind the flag~ and I still love that it exists~
11. Create an avatar of your favourite muse using this creator? ?
First, it’s so cruel to ask me to pick my favourite child how dare you >w> haha
I went with Chester though because he’s the one I’m usually most connected to.
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I can’t think of anyone I want to tag right now (at least not anyone who hasn’t probably done this already), but I’ll put the new 11 questions for anyone who does feel like doing this~ :) __
1. What’s one thread/plot you really want to do that you haven’t had chance to yet?
2. What is the reason for, or meaning behind, your blog icon?
3. Do you have any pets? Tell us a bit about them!
4. What is one thing you would never want to change about your appearance?
5. There is an ultra secret spy group, and you’ve just uncovered their existence. Now they say that you must either work for them, or they’ll find a permanent way to keep you quiet. What kind of work would you offer to do for them?
6. If you met your muse in real life, how do you think the two of you would get along? (multi-muse blogs, pick one of your muses at random.)
7. You have been given a huge budget to remake one film in your own vision. You can change anything, add anything, choose the cast, you have no limits. What would you do?
8. What is one skill you wish you could automatically master?
9. A genie offers you a deal. An unlimited lifelong supply of one food of your choice... But, you have to sacrifice your ability to chew. Does any food still tempt you?
10. What do you think is the funniest animal?
11. Share one memory you have that makes you happy to think about~
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archived-antolcgias · 5 years ago
NAME  :   Tullie!!! MUN FC  :   N/A Faceless GENDER  :   Cis-female HEIGHT  :   5′4″ HAIR COLOR  :   Brown EYE COLOR  :   Brown RELATIONSHIP STATUS  :   ��Single SEXUALITY  :     Bisexual BIRTHDAY  :    In March ZODIAC SIGN  :     Aries (Taurus Moon) NATIONALITY  :     Puerto-Rican (it’s complicated) TIMEZONE  :     AST/EST HOBBIES  :   D&D, buying too many books, beach-going, gossiping with drinks and friends # OF SIBLINGS  :    single child # OF PETS  :     one old-ass cat, fam. CURRENTLY HAVE A JOB  :   HR Professional, babeh FAVORITE COLOR  :    purple, red (ruby), black, silver FAVORITE SINGER(S)/BAND(S)  :    Florence + the Machine, Bad Bunny, Jowell & Randy, Jon Bellion, Ivory Layne, Mumford & Sons, Fall Out Boy, Labrinth, AJR LAST SONG LISTENED TO  :   I Wanna Be Yours by Artic Monkeys CURRENTLY LISTENING TO  :    Ta To Guci (Remix) by Cauty LAST MOVIE WATCHED  :    El Camino  FAVORITE BOOK(s)  :    The Newsflesh Series, A Brave New World, Pride & Prejudice, Weird In A World That’s Not, Quiet: The Power of Introverts LAST BOOK READ  :    DarkDawn by Jay Kristoff (Nevernight Series) CURRENTLY READING  :     Psycholgy 101 - Anthology of Psychological Terms BEST SCHOOL SUBJECT  :   English in HS, and Statistics in College MAC OR PC  :   Mac DAY OR NIGHT  :   Day because I can beach and have breakfast SUMMER OR WINTER  :   SUMMER BEEBBEEE MOST-VISITED WEBSITE(S)  :   Youtube, Twitter, Tumblr, Discord
TAGGED BY :    found @joneshead TAGGING  :    aaaaye do it if you’re comfy (and tag meee)
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ipauta · 5 years ago
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#Estrenos Estos temas y entre otros más ya los encuentras en todas las plataformas digitales y por iPauta.Com #iPauta #Reggaeton #Trap @blanquice7 @iPauta @lacangrimm Musicologo y Menes – Dunvo (2019) Yelsid – Libre Otra Vez Genio – 34 (Ft. Arcangel) Genio – Confesiones Genio – De Nadie Genio – Dinero y Fama (Ft. Arcangel) Genio – Los Mate Genio – Me Ves Así Genio – Si Me Piensas (Ft. Randy) Genio – Suelto Genio – Yo Te Hice Mala Farina Ft. Maluma – Así Así Ñengo Flow Ft. John Jay, Jory Boy, Chyno Nyno y Delirous – No Hay Ley ICON Ft. Lenny Tavarez y Darell – Difícil Kevin Roldan Ft. De La Ghetto y Amenazzy – Champagne Rose Guaynaa Ft. Yandel – Full Moon Dalex Ft. Lenny Tavarez, Anitta, Natti Natasha, Farruko y Justin Quiles – Bellaquita (Remix) Persa La Voz – Ganga Bryant Myers Ft. Anuel AA – Ganga (Remix) [Version Clean] Pancho El De La Avenida Ft. Jonna Torres – Cama En Fuego Guaynaa Ft. Yandel – Full Moon Dalex Ft. Lenny Tavarez, Anitta, Natti Natasha, Farruko y Justin Quiles – Bellaquita (Remix) J Alvarez – No Te Vayas Cosculluela – HBD – Tu Cumpleaños Akim Ft. Lary Over – Amor Duele Myke Towers Ft. Tito El Bambino – Bailame Así Bad Bunny – Vete Nio García Ft. Casper Magico y D.OZI – Bellaquear Jowell y Randy – Washa Bam D.OZI – Ganga (El Suero Remix) Rauw Alejandro Ft. Wisin – Una Noche Jhay Cortez Ft. Ozuna – Easy (Remix) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5KD6R_HBEu/?igshid=1vkrn601967ll
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thegoldendemon-blog · 8 years ago
Hi I’m Kayla and I often have considered deletion or AFKing permanently from Tumblr but I also, on occasion, write things anyway.
    Sia Sunrunner might have been portly, round, and had something of a hobble, but he and all of Gildesgrove knew what he could do with his voice.
    He smiled at himself in the mirror, pressing oil into his hair and wiping a blush in his cheeks. The morning ritual before performance day was always the same: hair back, face red, tweaked brows and a wide, open grin. One two three four. Like chambers of a song. A diddy bounced in his head and he hummed, tapping the flab underneath his chin. One two two three four. He liked how it sounded and let out a quiet ah ah. Perhaps he could even incorporate it into the evening’s fanfare: a lead in melody.. or a send-off? 
    The possibilities chunked along as he twisted his cravat through his collar and puffed it out with a pat of his hand. Whichever he chose, he knew tonight would be absolutely magnificent. Could it be anything less with Sunrunner on the headline placard?
    That merry stayed until a shadow came against the light in the mirror.
    “Ser Sia—”
    “What have I told you about interrupting me when I’m preparing?” His head swung around. “I’m not meant to be disturbed.”
    “Ser Sia,” it started again, chewing a lump down its throat. “I know you don’t like to be disturbed, but it’s important. The Duke of Gildesgrove won’t be attending the performance tonight.”
    Tack. His bottle of perfume thocked on the hardwood of the vanity. 
    “What?” A furnace about to bellow.
    The shadow stood still, waiting to catch the fire, but Sia simply hung up his hair and swiveled on his feet. He was a fair deal faster than most thought of him. Pushed it past and harrumphed to no-one in particular.
    “That’s fine,” he said, voice clipped. That’s horrid. “I’ll be there anyway. I’ve prepared this set for weeks.” Weeks of preparing for the Duke, not this riff-raff! But Sia Sunrunner, lord of opera in all of Demacia, had to remain humble. Serene. The departure of the Duke was a sorry affair, but he wouldn’t mention it to either his fellow performers or the audience. He tightened his tunic and aired out his sleeves, lining his nose nicely with the ruby atop his cravat. He would be himself; it would be the Duke’s loss for being a no-show.
    “Get me my ointment.” He raked nails across his cheek. “I think I might be breaking out.” Even if himself wanted to scream.
    In hindsight, the performance was all-right, even with the frustration of an empty seat on the high-rise of the theater where the Duke and his wife would’ve sat. Sia minded not to look over too often and let himself sing over the anger, hitting notes with an uncharacteristic sharpness that was fine for playing an intense lead character. 
    Tragedy, as always. His character was unprepared for the top and careened to the bottom of his own folly, hero to nothing with only the hope of back again. It seemed near all of Gildesgrove sat up for applause when it was over, Sia staring at the stage as he bowed. Maybe a few years ago his belly would be full of exhilaration, awe at his skill and ability to work up the favor of an audience. Now he felt unwhole, drained, as if he’d donated blood. He hated the sensation and almost ran behind the curtains the instant he could.
    He was opening the door to his backstage room when he noticed someone he didn’t recognize speaking to the ribbon-dancers that introduced Sia’s character at the opening arc. They looked inoffensive, perhaps a regular he had never seen until now (a sad probability). He had trouble guessing if they were a stagehand or an orator. They certainly had an aura of some kind. Then the figure laughed with the dancers and turned, tall enough to almost scrape at the lower arch.
    They stared straight at him. No, not at. Through. Through him. Like he had caught the eye of Death and it sized him up.
    The door slammed shut and Sia all but refused to reemerge until well after the fact, calling only for his retainer and a private carriage to his estate.
    Sia was more overjoyed to be dressed down and comfortable in his bed than to receive what he got at the stage. The day was over— he could rest now and fumigate in the morning.
    He made it… for a few minutes.
    The open windows of his bedroom’s balcony whistled with coldness on the wind. Covered well by his blankets, that was scant to bother him, so he turned over and pushed his head further into the pillow. Then his eyes snapped open when the whistling returned, twice as loud. He muttered something profane and glanced at the moon through the balcony, at once too exhausted to get up. Wrinkles crawled onto his forehead as he lied there, inert. His heart was often troubled at night and sleep was sorely necessary for a man concerned with appearance. He was about to doze through it when a new disturbance prickled inside.
    Ah ah ah ah.
    Sia’s eyes were as wide as oversized marbles and his throat went dry.
    His own voice was calling to him.
    Not a exclamation, not a word, not a brow-beat muttering: a song. A practiced tone that sounded nicer than even what Sia himself had done for the performance prior. It hit every note. Bounced on every melody. 
    His hands clammed up and his jowels sagged. 
    “Who’s there?”
    No reply.
    Sia, against his better judgment, sat up to stare at the empty space in the window. “I don’t want trouble from a bastard copycat,” he said, fear belying the words.
    “Whoever you are, leave or I’ll call my guards!”
    The singing stayed.
    Lips trembled and Sia slipped down to the floor, a rush of inertia pulling him to the balcony. He was red as a beet, certain that whomever this was would be chased out at the sight of Demacia’s finest opera singer in his white knickerbockers. He opened his mouth—      —and bit flat on the railing when the blackjack swung.
     It was far from rosy afterward. The first thing Sia noticed when he gurgled back into the land of the living was the mushy morning dew on the grass he was braced against, then the scratchy tree bark that clawed his back— a quick addendum being that his hands were tied and so were his legs.
     “I hate your face,” an indistinguishable voice said, hefting derision. “You’re a pig.”
    Sia had to squint to start to see what was around him, vision blotted half with unconsciousness and half with the darkness. He saw the beginning of… Maroon? Vermilion? Whichever color boots and worked his way up until he was stopped cold by a ghastly visage that shone uncanny in the moonlight. A maw rife with metal teeth and horns watched him as he squirmed to no avail.
    “Who… what…” Sia stuttered. “What is the meaning of this?! Are you holding me for ransom? I’ll have you know, I was a prize soldier in my time, you rat!”
    “And when you talk, it even moves like a hog squealing.” The voice approached him now, coming within mere feet. It leaned down and bent at an uncomfortable angle to cushion Sia’s cheek with a hand best described as a claw.
    “Ugly.” The claw raked him, blood trickling down Sia’s neck. He would’ve cried out if he could manage more than an emaciated wheeze with his heart racing.
    “Always the ugly ones. Always, always, always, always. Did you know that? It’s as if nature bore herself an aberration when she made man. They’re all fetid. Faces don’t work. Limbs are awkward and jarring. She gave me nothing and I’m forced to make something.”
    The silhouette was sharper now. Sia could make out roughly the shape and size. They… it, he, he could be certain now it was a he, was large but thin. He thought maybe a bandit or some other kind of felon, but that felt wrong. He felt wrong. He sounded wrong and moved wrong. Iciness locked Sia’s spine and he seemed frozen in the relevation. He choked on a dirty line of spit and heaved with everything his lungs could offer.
    “I would love to fix you,” the voice said, “But I don’t have to. You have one redeeming quality. One. Not two. Not three. Not four. One. You made me come out and get it.”
    Something else shimmered in the moonlight. 
    Sia could brace himself only for a moment before he watched his arm ran through, burning instantly with a pain so thorough it left him breathless and bleary. Whimpering, his tongue lolled and his head drifted. Hurt. Hurt. It hurt so absolutely he couldn’t think as much as whine and choke.
    It wasn’t long until the other arm joined the first. Eventually Sia was reeling, the skips of his heart so loud as to devour every scrap of noise in his ears. The voice said something else, but it was warbled and indistinct. 
    The only thing Sia Sunrunner heard until his heart finally gave was his voice hitting a high note.
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budapestalloveragain · 8 years ago
let’s do another tag ^-^ marlon @lovelybenny tagged me to list 10 songs i’ve been listening to recently sooo here we go
1. dna - bts 2. pied piper - bts 3. go go - bts 4. mic drop - bts 5. intro: serendipity - bts 6. dimple/illegal - bts 7. full moon - sunmi 8. paradise - got7 9. never ever - got7 10. bonita - j. balvin, jowell & randy
nothing on this list is surprising lmao (also i’m just gonna like put this as a general tag @anyone who wants to do it !!)
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h0undish · 6 years ago
The Hound tutted between his jowels, following her movements carefully. As she twisted around away from him, he lifted a black hand in order to romantically trace his fingertips from the nape of her neck and downwards, tracing the length of her spine until reaching her two small wrists nestled at the base of her back.
"No my sweet girl. I can't have us making too much noise and alerting anyone. I want us to be free to express together. I don't want the prying eyes of society stopping us."
In a swift, frantic motion, he removed the blade from her neck only long enough to reach the handcuffs dangling from his belt. He ripped them free, bringing the first loop to her left wrist, and then the second loop to her right. With a steady crunch of both, he tightened them down to the first gear until they were snug against her skin.
"I'm sure you understand. Is that too tight?"
Although he asked, it was absent and his eyes were already trained elsewhere. His hand returned back to the nape of her back. With tenderness but urgency, he began to nudge her towards the still open window.
"Now. Since your arms aren't of use, I'm going to need you to trust me, alright? I won't drop you."
Another nudge. One more.. Until both of them were staring to the horizon of the tres and the white light of the moon. And then, without so much as a grunt, he dipped down to wrap his arm around her waist, hoisting her up as if carrying a handbag at his hip.
"If you're scared of heights, sweetheart, close your eyes."
The Hound could see the shadow of his silhouette stretching across her room.
The soft blue rays of moonlight bent around the jagged edges of his back, his shoulders, his maw, his head, and bled in through the window-pane with which he hunched against. The air nipped cold against his skin, his legs burned from the stress of his weight, and his claws stung from having to claw up the small divets of brick on the outside walls of the dorm. Two stories straight upwards did a number even on his beastly muscles.
But none of that earthly pain was a near comparison to the thundering of his heartbeat as he could see the small, shapely body of his love sleeping in her bed. She was curled peacefully beneath her blankets, half of her form covered by the darkness of his shadow. It felt like his soul, leisurely draped over her figure… And the cold bitter night air felt suddenly so much warmer.
His feet readjusted themselves against the pole he perched from, and his charred black fingers clawed at the frame of the window, listening to the small, gentle creaking as it began to give, and open towards the outside. He could now see more details from inside, like the small Polaroids dangling above her mattress, the polka dotted carpet, the… Was that a mothman shrine? The edges of Hound’s glowing milky white eyes crinkled from a smile.
He lurched one leg around the window sill, slowly and carefully setting it down onto the floor within her room. The air felt warmer, comfortable, as if she radiated the sun from within her soul… She was so delightful, so perfect.
Another leg, he slid down the desk beside his entry point, slipping inside with a predatory grace. His fingers twitched as he continued to examine her, feeling his chest rattling with the pace of his heartbeat.
The bones of his jaw shuddered as he exhaled slowly, the white surface practically burning blue from the kiss of the moon outside. Illuminated irises stared upon Mel’s snoozing self as he slowly approached, reaching into his back pocket in order to grip the kitchen knife nestled there in the fabric. Shunking it out into the light, he twisted it around in his hands.
He stopped at her bedside, staring down at her. So stoic. So perfect. So peaceful. So unaware. He took his time admiring her smallness, the way her chest shifted when she breathed. What a cute Smokey The Bear shirt that practically swallowed her…
Do it.
He jolted down, placing the bud of the blade against Mel’s throat, harshly pushing down against her skin, and brought his unsightly face down close to her own so she may see him when her eyes snap open.
“Don’t scream, sweetling.”
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moorgateaestheticsus · 8 years ago
Linda Nolan delighted with her £6,000 surgery
Linda herself is over the moon with the results and has said that she now wakes up every morning feeling good about herself and is even ready to look for love again.
Linda Nolan has been through a lot in the last decade. The Celebrity Big Brother star has lost both her husband of twenty-six years, Brian, and sister, Bernie Nolan, to cancer, and has herself survived breast cancer. Brian passed away aged sixty in 2007, and Bernie lost her battle with breast cancer – the same disease that Linda herself suffered – in 2013. After being swallowed by sadness and even contemplating suicide, The Nolans singer decided that enough was enough and that she wanted to feel positive again.
This proved difficult, however, when Linda found herself faced with a reflection that only hammered home the torment she had experienced after her husband died. She has told of how having to look at the lines on her face made it impossible for her to shake off the grief she suffered with for so long and desperately wanted to leave behind. So, 57-year-old Linda looked to cosmetic surgery to reinstate her joie de vivre and debuted the stunning results of her facelift procedure on sister Coleen’s show Loose Women.
Coleen was blindfolded for the big unveiling as she had not seen her sister since the operation, and Linda’s nerves proved unnecessary as Coleen gasped and exclaimed that the results were ‘fabulous’ immediately upon seeing them. Unlike with some celebrity cosmetic surgery procedures, Linda requested that her surgeon make her look as natural as possible, insisting that she didn’t want to look like anyone else but herself – just from ten years earlier. Yet reactions so far have been that the West End star actually looks twenty years younger.
Linda herself is over the moon with the results and has said that she now wakes up every morning feeling good about herself and is even ready to look for love again. Whilst on Loose Women, Linda even joked that out of herself and Coleen, 51, she now looks like the younger sister. All of this change has been brought about by both a lower facelift and an extreme chemical skin peel. Linda’s plastic surgeon in London has managed to eradicate her jowels as well as the deep lines from smoking around her mouth, all of which has made a dramatic change and given Linda her confidence back.
In fact, Linda has recently auditioned for two new roles and got them both, something she attributes to her new positive outlook. The revived star will soon start a UK tour with musical Our House. If you are interested in face lift surgery, Moorgate Aesthetics can offer you a free no obligation consultation at one of our nationwide clinics
Source: http://www.moorgateaesthetics.com/linda-nolan-delighted-with-her-6000-surgery/
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