newestmusic · 1 year
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lonesomeseafairy · 11 months
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Trust me, It'll be here soon LOL
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corpse-flame · 6 months
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happy fools bday to jovil doltarune
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i jsut spread this to hear too.
D’nny Joville.
thank you for your time, also why the fuck is that post one of my most popular help
get that out of here /j
- mod fen
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polyamorouspunk · 10 days
Happy Friday 13th! It's always been a lucky day in my family, but I understand it's a unique case. How does Friday 13 treat you usually?
Usually good but I’m going to be honest we had an incident at work that’s left me pretty shaken even still to earlier today. I think I’m mostly over it now but it was very much not a jovile day for me unfortunately.
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zeldaelmo · 2 years
First line tag game!
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
Thank you for the tag @novantinuum! 🥰
The Promise:
Mechanically, Link stroked the rag over Epona's side.
Zelda leaned her head onto the cold, unwelcoming stone that framed the stained glass of the sanctuary.
Heart to heart:
"I love you." Zelda mouthed the words on her way to the plaza.
The thing with the matching Christmas Sweaters:
With great care, Zelda lifted the neckline of her Christmas sweater over her styled tresses and her make-up.
"Ah, Sir Link. I appreciate your swift arrival." The King gestured toward his desk and Link approached his usual spot, the thick carpet swallowing the sound of his steps. 
Link drew his knees closer and pulled the thin blanket provided by the mobile home over his head like a hood.
No Place Like Home:
"What?" Link grins, turning sideward on Epona and ruffling his hair. "Do I have something on my face or what? A bug?"
Somebody That I Used to Know:
One last time. 
Stolen Kisses:
Despite his rather grim surroundings of the heavily damaged Hateno Fort, Olivar had a jovile tune on his lips as he arranged his tools on the stone floor.
And, because I'm a tease, and can't wait for Thursday when I finally publish the next chapter of The Promise, here's the first sentence of chapter 6!
Link woke up to straw tickling his nape.
How telling, right? 🤣
I'm tagging @deiliamedlini, @fuwametal-writes @spacebeyonce, @aurathian, @jenseits-der-sterne, @adrift-in-thyme, @silentprincess17, @linktheacehero, @itcantbe, @aheavenscorner
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edwardpinestar · 1 year
1, 5, 12, 26, and 29 for Death from PiB and for the Character ask game?
1. My first impression of them My first impression was, 'holy shit you're creepy, how did you get there, you must be the bad guy'. That was then followed by 'oh no he's hot'
5. My favorite ship of them Pussdeath! Its always Pussdeath, haha. Death needs a little kitty to terrorise and love
12. Sexuality hc! That is... complicated. I don't have an overall headcanon for his sexuality, I really only think about it if it specifically matters to an AU and/or fic. I'd say he just... doesn't have one but also does?? He doesn't have a label, he's just attracted to whoever it is I'm shipping him with. Given that's all cats, maybe he's catsexual lmao
26. When do you think they were being "themselves" the most? The beginning of the bar scene, before he and Puss begin to fight, when Death approaches Puss with jovility, taking clear glee in priming Puss up for the hunt, and then annoyance at Puss mocking him right to his face. The slight melancholy he has with the line 'No one's escaped me yet' is something I find very curious and I think there is a lot to glean from the way he said it. The Cave of Lost Souls, when he takes care to very plainly explain he's Death, straight up, and when he tells Puss to 'not tell' when he's accused of cheating. And then again on the Star, with his temper tantrum, and begruding respect as he leaves. So, basically any moment when he's actually speaking to Puss rather than fighting, though in the fighting you can still see the clear enjoyment he feels. He is surprisingly emotive, and you can glean a lot from his tone, facial expression, and his minimal body language.
29. How do you think they would be as a parent? (and if they are a parent, how do you think they would be if they weren't?) That is tough- going off of what we know in canon, I... don't think I could say he'd be a good parent, but I also don't think I could say he'd be a bad parent. Most of what we know about him is him being trigger happy for Puss. In AU's, whether I write him to be a good parent or not fluctates, generally with one or both of two factors- how he treats his partner, and if I want him to be the bad guy of the AU. There is a lot more nuance to how I choose to depict him than that, but those are the main factors to that decision.
Thank you very much for the ask, sorry if these answers are really rambly, haha!
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blackmouthdog · 2 years
💐 - Hannah
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Yellow coreopsis- Eternal happiness
Honeysuckle- Childish jovility
Fiddlehead- Protection for mother and infant*
*Fiddleheads given to an expectant or new mother. Means different when given to someone else
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lillijackofclubs · 1 year
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A dnd/heroes character I play, her names Jovil!
She's insane
Love her so much, she's so fun
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fanart i did for the roblox game called jovile playground
I drew jov but it's not the best but I don't think the worst maybee?
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i'm just gonna be honest that this could have been better if I just figured out how to draw the body
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pyromaniacldrt · 2 months
"Long ago, far before this place became what it is, there were this two men, far before you were born: A righteous hero, whose light illuminated the city full of darkness, and a mischievous villain, whose evil and darkness threatened the light of the city. They hated eachother and would have epic battles that would shake the skies, and in the wrecked world of heroes and villains, where right and wrong fought to prevail, their main focuses were to destroy eachother. That was what the whole point of their motives, and they both believed that they could not live in a world in which the other existed. I of they had to, they'd fight for all eternity."
- Wow! They sound so cool!- A tiny voice interrupted as it sat up in his bed instead of falling asleep. A little ginger boy named Kevin.
-They are!- The storyteller responded, a jovile man named Agnor- But that´s not where the story is heading.
-Huh? What do you mean?- He said confused.
-Listen: "Then one day, they were cursed, and became inmortal. "
-What!? How!? - The kid exclaimed.
-I dunno. Magic I guess. - The man knew, he definetely did; yet, that was a story for another time.
-That´s dumb, magic doesn't´t exist.- The seven year old grumbled.
-Well, maybe it doesn´t, but since there´s no other explination, let me keep telling.- The man said, always a trickster.
-Ok daddy! - The kid replied as he abruptly accomodated himself in the warm bed.
"At first, none of them knew, and it was nice, because the fights would last longer and they wouldn´t need to worry about fatal injuries. They were praised and respected even more, and certainly didn´t seem a secon older, unlike their friends that had grown gray hair, Hehe!"
-That seems fun!- The little kid said.
-It was, indeed... - The man smiled, yet there was something wrong.
-You look sad... Is there a but? There´s always a but.- The child pouted, before the father gave up and sighed.
"But... The years passed. Soon enough, the henchmen and assistants got older and retired, and their so called allies started to suspect. The Villain was betrayed in the search of this inmortality by his aquintances, and the ones that stood by his side, the ones that showed him that there was still good in the world he had wanted to destroy, died from either the battles or eldery."
-No!- The kid gasped.
-Yes! "Yet, he remained the same. He could have just let them try to steal his inmortality, and avoid the chaos. Yet, he couldn´t let them hurt him. He´d never let them rip him apart, just as the others had done so many years ago. He was convinced it must have been The Hero´s fault, a sick form of revenge to get to him. "
-Poor Villain... I hope he´s okay...- the little ginger pouted.
-He´s okay now, don´t worry.- Agnor reasured.
-Yay!- he cheered- What happened to the hero?
The man tensed, yet, he did not hesitate to tell the story of the other protagonist. -"The Hero, on the other side, became a weapon for "the greater good"; a tool of the goverment to get rid of their loose ends. He saw the worst side of the coin, and his hands were soaked on the blood of the innocent. The light, rightfullness, and everything that made him the hope of humanity soon dissapeared, and nothing but hatred and pain habitated his heart. He could have said no, he could have broke free. Still, his mind would never be free of what he´d done, of what he was. He had been broken to a whole new extent, and the goverment knew that well."
-Why would they do that!? He was good, they didn´t have to hurt him!- He complained, his thought on the world almost bringing to tears the adult.
-Bad people always hurt others, no matter how good one is.- He limited himself to say.
-That´s not fair.
-I never said it was.
"But, as it was said, he grew with hatred in his heart, and instead of directing it to the real culprit, he blamed someone else: This must have been The Villain´s fault, a sick form of revenge to get to him, was what he thought.
-Just like the mister Villain!
- Well, all geniuses think the same way.
-That´s not true!- The kid pointed out.
-Shush, my child, and let me finish.- He interrupted him, feeling the heavy argument that was bound to come if he let Kevin have a word.
"One day, they met again: The Villain was single-carrying a revolution against the goverment and hero agencies, and The Hero had been sent to kill him. The moment they locked eyes in the other, it became clear tat something terrible had been unleashed, like a ticking bomb that was about to explode."
I don´t think I like this story. - The child mumbled though the sheets.
Neither me.- He whispered.
"Their battle wrecked the skies, and the city faced the wrath of the eternal beings, who fought viciously until there was nothing left. Nothing left to love; nothing left to hate, nor fear. Nothing left to fight for. They no longer had a purpose, nor strings to be attached to. They could have charged once again and finish everything; Yet, they just stood there, and sat together as the sun rised. Both the stubborn Hero and the headstrong Villain were too tired to keep fighting, and no longer cared about who´s fault it was. "
"They had decided, for once in their lives, to give up, and accept their differences. Maybe a world in which the other exised wasn´t that bad after all, specially if they´re the only person that you can share your time with."
The kid didn´t interrupt this time, too focused in the words of his father.
"The years passed, and the two man dissapeared. The devastated city was built again, corrupted goverments and hero agencies came to life again, aswell as new heroes and vilains."
"Still, the leyend of the raging villain and the Hero turned evil that almost destroyed everything *COUGH* courtsy of the goverment *COUGH* was still heard in the halls of the museums, in the rumours of bandits and in the beds of children that were told such stories."
-Where did they go?- The little kid say quietly, just in case they were heard.
-Nobody knows. Some say they hid beneath the earth, where the scavengers are looking for them, to steal their enormous power. Others say they sealed in a boat towards the sea, to never be seen again. But I personally belive that they never truly left: That they found a nice house, not too far away from their hometown, where they decided to have a farm, with horses and chickens, maybe a cow or two-
-Like Betsy and Bianca!
-Just like them! And, in this new home, away from their troubled lives, they became friends. With the pass of the years, that fondness for the other grew, and maybe, just maybe, they actually fell in love.
-Puaj! - The child exclaimed.- That sounds like you and Dad! Gross.
-Oh, just you wait, you little twerp!- Agnor joked. - But, as I was saying, they fell in love-Quit that face!- and got married, after hundreds of years of hatred and wrath towards the other. - He looked at the little kid with tenderness. - And, when they thought everything was perfect, they met the most beautiful miracle to ever exist in their lives: A little kid, with a heart of gold, and the worst troublemaker in the entire countryside. They welcomed him in their little world, and without a doubt, he became all the source of happiness in the eternals´ world. My little Kevin.
He hugged Kevin tightly, with all the love a parent can give to their little sun, that had warmed up the coldness in their heart, even when he didn't deserve it. He didn´t mean to let the tears fall, but how could one blame him?
-Why are you crying daddy?- he asked when the man couldn´t held the snifs.
-Because I have to let you go.
And as the illusion faded, he let go of Kevin, only to be faced with the cold stone in which was carved the date of his son´s death. Another poor soul that had been murdered because of him. Another victim to the walking curse his immortality had provoked, one that no matter where they´d go, it would chase them to the end of the world. His husband was right beside him, long ago he had fallen asleep mouring for his little moon, the one thing that had finally brought him peace. The Hero, Agnor, carefully caressed Phirro - the villain-´s dark hair, before waking him up.
They didn´t say anything. They didnt´have to; They had spent so much time being together that they could almost read eachother´s thoughts. And as they stood in front of the ashes of what had once been their home, only a single one crossed their mind:
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lonesomeseafairy · 12 days
Just Jovil and Malleus...
dressed up like The two vtubers my Partner likes ✨💖
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Something I need fic writers to know about the words Gaol, Jail and Prison
This isn't the full history but basically:-
Gaol and Jail were both words flying around English vocabulary from the 13th century onwards, along with Gayle, Laile, Jayll and Jovil. For some reason, out of them all, Gaol and Jail stuck and survived standardisation.
They were also used somewhat interchangably, though the OED says anywhere where someone is emprisoned is a prison, but a Gaol/Jail was a specific place. Nobody* would have called a dungeon in a castle where someone was locked up a "gaol"/"jail", that would have been called a prison, and they also would have called Gaols/Jails prisons. The distinction in America came to be that the place where poeple were kept for short lengths of time, attached to other buildings like a sheriff's office, state police station, court house was a jail, and the outsourced, long stay buildings were prisons.
This isn't an Americanism vs Britishism, this is regionalism and history vs standardisation, and it's not even an argument, it's just a percieved sleight against history. Some of our Jails predate colonial times, some of our prisons came after standardisation. Gaol "fell out of favour" in the 19th century, apparently because of changes in law needing improved streamlined terminology, but according to the OED, it keeps popping up every few years in news articles and modern fiction even set in modern times.
*there's always exceptions to the rules.
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newestmusic · 1 year
Listen/purchase: vol.1 by JoVille
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propmart00 · 2 years
Top 5 Most Popular projects in Virar
Every project at CD Gurudev is exceptionally extensive with bloom bed and dry gallery region is notwithstanding the interior region adding upto the usable floor covering region of the venture. Every apartment in CD Gurudev Comes fitted with Air Conditioners in living and room, Geysers in Bathrooms, cooler and Washing machine ,Secluded Kitchen with Streetcars, Lights and fans Roca fitting in Restroom, and so forth.
The units of this property are Under Development. This very much planned region has a sum of 2 pinnacles, each with its own advantage. The day for kickoff of this wonderful undertaking is 01 September 2021. Its ownership date is 01 June 2023.
Gurudev is a New Residential Apartment Complex in Virar West at Y. K Nagar by CD Builders & Developers.
16 Storey Residential Tower
2 Wing’s Complex
2BHK 541 RERA carpet with Fully Furnished Flat
3BHK 741 RERA Carpet With Fully Furnished Flat
Possession by June 2023
Aaradhya Apartment is a private venture in Virar East, Mumbai. It is set in a space of 1 Sections of land . Aaradhya Apartment offers Apartment. Accessible setups incorporate 1 BHK, 2 BHK. Flats, according to the area plan, are in the size scope of 334.0 - 504.0 sq.ft.. The property is Under Development. There is 1 structure available to be purchased. Aaradhya Apartment is situated in Virar.
Aradhya Apartments is Another Private Improvement in Virar East. Aradhya Condos Offers 1 BHK and 2 BHK with Present day Conveniences and the Best Network.
Schools with 10-15 Minutes Walkable Distance
Temple in 2 Minutes Walking Distance
Yazoo Park Walking Distance
Restaurant in 7 Minutes Distance
2 Petrol Pumps in 5 Minutes Distance
Cricket Court in 2 Minutes Distance
Rustomjee Global City
Rustomjee Global City in Virar West, Mira Road And Past is a prepared to-move lodging society. It offers projects and autonomous floors in fluctuated financial plan range. These units are an ideal mix of solace and style, explicitly intended to suit your prerequisites and comforts. There are 1BHK, 2BHK and 3BHK Lofts and 1BHK autonomous floors accessible in this venture.
In the event that you are searching for prepared to move projects, Rustomjee Global City is an ideal decision for you. Here, a 1BHK Apartment is accessible at a beginning cost of Rs. 30 L while a 2BHK flats is presented at Rs. 37.14 L onwards. For a 3BHK Flats at Rustomjee Global City, you should spend basically Rs. 53.67 L. The people who are searching for speculation valuable open doors in Rustomjee Global City might track down it commendable from a drawn out point of view to procure rental pay.
Advantage of Location
Vijay Sales
Reliance Trends
Big Bazaar
Virar Railway Station 
Expert international school 
St.Joseph High School
Viva College
Pizza Hut
Barbeque Nation
Sai Heritage
New Sai Heritage in Virar East, Mumbai is a private task. The location of New Sai Heritage is Manvel Pada Road, Close to Lahane Hospital And Nursing Home, Manvel Pada.
Sai Heritage offers 1 RK Projects of many sizes. The greatness of region remembered for this property change contingent upon the quantity of Bhk's. The end-all strategy of Sai Heritage is planned so that these apartments involves wide space with legitimate ventilation at each corner of the house.
Life at New Sai Heritage is appropriate for each age bunch. The property offers different offers a helpful living. It offers offices like Power Reinforcement.
Virar Station – 6 Min
Nalasopara Station – 10 Min
Rickshaw Stand – 2 Min
VVCMC Bus Stop – 2 Min
Dmart – 2 min
Ameya Classic Club – 2 Min
Riddhivinayak Hospital – 1 Min
National School – 5 Min
VVCMC Garden – 4 Min
Shapoorji Pallonji Joyville
Shapoorji Pallonji Joyville, Virar offers an enchanting way of life. Life here welcomes you with a grin consistently. In the midst of the buzzing about of life, this is your desert garden of brilliant encounters. Joville attempts to be the highest quality level for the mid-portion lodging fragment in India, through homes that engage the client with the best of all that and deal the most extreme worth per square foot.
Shapoorji Pallonji Joyville Virar west is a very much made Pinnacles. Property is very much developed Private, Business property for you. Joyville selective contribution 25 + Conveniences with committed clubhouse, Elite AC Bus service and creche for inhabitants, 4 Level of a platform vehicle leave (G+3), and Raised Jogging park.
Advantage of Location
Vijay Sales: 2.9 km
Reliance Trends: 2.9 km
Big Bazaar: 3 km
Virar Railway Station 3.1 km
Muljibhai Mehta International School: 2.1 km
St.Joseph High School: 2.4 km
Viva College: 2.9 km
Pizza Hut: 3.7 km
Star Planet: 3.8 km
Barbeque Nation: 3.9 km
McDonald’s: 3.9 km
For more information visit our website on : https://www.propmart.co/city/properties-in-virar/
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zeldaelmo · 3 years
First Line of Your Last Twenty Stories
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Tag some people to play the next round!
Patience: Link could barely breathe because he used his strength to grit his teeth instead of turning the pretty smile before him into a toothless grimace.
Stolen Kisses: Despite his rather grim surroundings of the heavily damaged Hateno Fort, Olivar had a jovile tune on his lips as he arranged his tools on the stone floor.
A stolen hour (or two): The sound of clattering armor rang around the corner and Link froze.
The blanket fort: When Link heard that Zelda had never participated in childhood shenanigans one hundred years before, he couldn’t believe it.
For your eyes only: "Honey, I'm home!" Link called as soon as he had closed the door after him.
Of sappy love letters, poisoned chocolates, and true love: Link looked Zelda dead in the eye with the most solemn expression she had ever seen on him.
Flour, water, salt, yeast, love: With quick steps, Zelda fled the stream of warm air rushing out from the store entrance to keep the harsh winter day outside.
A restless spirit: Together with the Champions, Rhoam looked down at Zelda and Link, ready to part forever.
Sweet as honey: With a trace of envy, Zelda eyed Link who was sprawling in the lush grass of his hometown.
Light my fire: The last rays of sunlight filtered through the glass facade of Castle Town's most impressive skyscraper as Urbosa exhaled slowly through her nose, closing her eyes for a beat.
Hush!: Princess Zelda of Hyrule is many things.
The benefits of a big inventory: "This is the fifth time you ask me to dance tonight, Your Highness," Link said and kissed Zelda's knuckles.
Elevator Pranks: The moment that Link recognized the logo of the TV station moving into the basement of his workplace, he realized that the elevator wasn't safe anymore — this team was famous for candid camera jokes.
Touch bound bracelets: As the Hero, Link was busy clearing out monster camps and fulfilling representative tasks for the king.
Of surprises: Slipping out of bed, Link's bare feet hit the wooden floor.
Comic Con: Link fumbled with the ocarina in his pocket when a group of Avengers shouted at him, "Look! Peter Pan!"
Falling: Link fell.
The language of love: On their way back from the field kitchen, Zelda balanced her hot stew through the commotion of the military camp, Urbosa doing the same next to her.
Stitches - Hurt&Comfort: The needle slipped from Zelda's fingers when the discomfort showed its first signs.
Building the future: "Show me what you have."
Wow, that’s a lot and it’s not even half of my stories. A lot of these stories are from my tumblr follower milestones where I limited myself to a specific word count (200/300/400). It’s a fun exercise to tell a story in so little words and concentrate on the necessary parts. Therefore, most starter sentences dive directly into the action/story. I usually try to have something happening/someone moving in the first (few) sentence(s) to catch the attention of the reader. Nothing more boring to me than starting with description... “Hyrule Castle was built directly in a rock structure, its paths cut into the stone in decades of work. Proud banners showed the wealth of the Kingdom off that hadn’t been seen so prospering in years. Countless generations had wandered the halls...” Yawn...no thanks, not my style. 😄
My favorite is hard to pick, but I go with 12, The benefit of a big inventory. The story is only 300 words long and ends with a first kiss. Therefore, I needed to get the romantic built-up done quickly, but believable. The first sentence covers a lot of information without saying “they have a crush on each other”. We learn that Zelda has asked Link repeatedly to dance and that Link teases her about it and is comfortable enough around her to casually kiss her hand in public. That’s not bad for one sentence, I’d say! 😉
I tag @deiliamedlini, @itcantbe, and @lorelylantana. 
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