#joseph carver
bowiebond · 2 years
TW dubcon/mention of SA? (Ace character who doesn’t know they’re ace is belittled into sex — it doesn’t go into detail)
Jason never realising he’s asexual until he marries a girl and goes “oh fuck I waited until marriage like a good Christian boy, but I’m supposed to do the deed now…”
He holds off as long as possible. Makes excuses. Until it’s been months and his wife snaps at him.
“What, is your dick broken or something?! Am I not attractive enough for you? I married you in hopes of having an easy well off life with children that I could put my love into and you can’t even give me that?!”
Jason relents. He has pride and he wants to hold onto it and…well, it’s uncomfortable. It feels nice, physically, but he can’t focus on the pleasure when his skin is crawling, his stomach churning.
She’s gorgeous. Beautiful, really. He knew that. He doesn’t understand why his body doesn’t.
She doesn’t make him do it again for a while. Waits a few weeks but when there’s no positive test, she asks him to try again.
It takes four tries before she falls pregnant, and Jason is relieved. She’s gotten her baby. She doesn’t need him for anything more than a paycheck and a father now. She seems happy with that; he’s come to realise she never loved him. It explained the quick engagement. He had been swept up in his desire for a girlfriend, a wife who he’d come home to and kiss on the cheek and maybe watch a movie with that he never considered that maybe she didn’t want that too.
It feels like a break up, Jason thinks. He’s only been through one before with his highschool sweetheart, Chrissy.
Jason wonders if maybe he’s gay. It’s a thought that makes his gut clench and his throat tighten up. Hell, he even tries to watch some stuff. It does little to nothing for him. He stares hours at his screen, switching between pornos, straight and gay and even lesbian, but nothing strikes him as appealing. He half-considers the videos where men would pet their kneeling boys, interested in the gentle flushes it would induce, but it didn’t stir anything that made his dick hard. It just made his heart race, really, the intimacy of it.
He decides he’s not gay. Just…fundamentally broken. Or maybe he had been born for priesthood, celibate for life. Fuck, that sounded like a good life to him.
So he does it. He joins the priesthood. He’s married, sure, but it’s an easy excuse to why he can’t sleep with her anymore. He’s devoted to this way of life, he told her. To God. And he was. He had grown up looking towards the sky.
After a year, she divorces him. It’s hard, and rocky, but she finds a new man within two years who she actually does love.
He gets a son anyway, Joseph, even if he only sees him three days out of the week and he’s unable to stay the night most days because his mother is clingy regarding her baby. The few times he does get his boy for the night, he curls the five year old into his chest and reads him storybooks until he nods off, all chubby cheeks and tousled blond hair like his father.
He hopes he never grows up. Never gets bigger. Because one day he won’t want to share a bed with his father, be held by him, or even visit because he had his stepdad in the picture and his ex-wife has snippy comments on her tongue about him at the ready always.
But he gets older. Of course he does. Joseph is thirteen when he begs Jason to take him to see a metal band.
“I know, ‘it’s the devils music’, but they’re really good, Dad. Can’t you just do this for me, for once? Mom won’t let me go without an adult and she refuses to go with me. Or let David.” His stepdad. Joseph scowls as he spits the name. David isn’t all that bad, but he refuses to argue with his wife, and it gets on the boys nerves. Jason’s also aware there’s a bit of favouritism when it came to Joseph and their other two kids, Lauren and Peter.
Jason can’t say no. Not when his son is obviously being slighted instead of just being told no by his mother. She could be a real petty woman at times. What did Jason ever see in her?
“Yes! Thank you, dad!” Joseph is buzzing the rest of the week, even offering to pay for his fathers ticket out of his saved up pocket money since Jason hadn’t been keen, but like hell was he taking his kids money.
“Keep it, ‘Seph. Buy yourself a shirt or something from the concert instead, okay?” Jason ignores that it’s a petty move on his end too. He knows his ex-wife will chuck a fit at their son wearing heavy metal merch, but the idea delights Jason. The satisfaction would be better than sex by tenfold. He would know.
Jason almost regrets coming when he sees the crowd. They’re all draped in black with wildly coloured hair and he feels like a sore thumb with his baby blue polo and white cardigan tied around his shoulders, blond hair swept back. He also feels a tad old for the crowd, but he sees a few men and women much older than him, so at least he knew he wasn’t the only grown up.
God. A priest at a heavy metal concert. What a scenario.
“Dad, dad, they’re coming on stage, oh my god.” Joseph is jumping on his toes, trying to see over the crowd and Jason, who never dropped his strict regime, figured he could chance one evening of carrying a barely teen on his shoulders. Joseph almost falls at first and laughs when Jason clamps down his hands. He’s heavier than he used to be and it makes Jason’s heart (and shoulders) ache.
He squinted over the heads to look at the stage and found himself feeling a strange sense of familiarity as a shaggy dark haired man in black and chains walked onto stage, taking the microphone in hand.
“How’re my undead fans going? You all still alive?” The crowd roared, including Joseph, and it made Jason wince at the volume. The leads voice is nice though, low and just a tad rough around the edges. “Any newbies in the crowd? First show with us?” Joseph cheered along with a few others and the lead laughed.
He pointed at Joseph, the easiest one to spot with his blond hair and elevated height.
“Good to see some fresh faces. Little white sheep here needs a shirt, seriously, you look like you’re about to puke from excitement, kid.”
“I love you, Eddie Munson!” Joseph screamed and Jason’s eyes widened in shock, jaw going slack. He almost dropped Joseph before gripping tighter.
Prays be to God.
Eddie cackled, almost falling with how low he leant back. He swung back up with a weird grace to him, hair swinging forward with the force. He stomped towards the edge and pointed harder at him.
“You — you, kid, you buy a shirt and I’ll fuckin’ sign it, you got spirit, squirt!” He spun around, still laughing as he grabbed the microphone stand. He looked over his shoulder after a moment with wide eyes. “Apologises to the parental figure. But coarse language is advised.” He grinned and grabbed his guitar with flourish, tossing the strap over his head.
“Enough talk, let’s fuckin’ let loose.” The lights shut off with a scream from fans before red bled onto the stage, fog curling around Eddie’s shadowed figure, three more figures making themselves known behind instruments.
“Let’s knock open our Coffin, boys.” The purr rumbles through the speakers, followed by a low vibrating note that makes Jason’s breath hitch and hair stand on end.
The concert is a blur. Jason had taken a few songs to get used to the volume, but he couldn’t lie. They were good. With the crowd, with their instruments — Eddie’s voice could go from warm honey to gruff, animalistic almost, within moments. It was an experience, that was for sure.
“I have to get a shirt, dad. He said he’d sign it. You think he really will?” Joseph is shaking all over and Jason is only mildly concerned. He’s pretty sure he’s shaking too, but it’s in a good way?
“I’m sure he will.” Jason decides he should probably avoid going backstage with his son. Eddie and him hadn’t been…friendly. Less than. Jason had thought Eddie annoying as all hell and he’s pretty sure Eddie hated his guts.
Unfortunately, Joseph’s too young to go backstage alone according to the bodyguard.
“Please, dad? It’ll only be a few minutes, I promise, this is a once in a life time. I’ll never ask for anything ever again!” He begs and Jason had already folded to his whims when he said please.
Seeing Eddie up close is staggering. Makes his heart stop and start and sputter like an old car. When Eddie looks at him, he knows he’s put a name to the face in moments.
Joseph’s eyes widen as he looks between Eddie and his father.
“Munson.” He greets back. Joseph’s mouth fell open in shock.
“You know Eddie Munson, dad?” There’s stars in his sons eyes and Jason wants to kick his younger self in the rear for being a dick to Eddie because now his son is going to reap what he sowed in his youth.
“I…We went to school together.” He thinned his lips and Eddie was watching him intensely. It made his cheeks hot. He had never been able to hide his embarrassment or shame with how pale he was.
“You haven’t changed.” Eddie remarked, eyeing his outfit with a smirk. Jason bristled at his words.
“And I see you’re still a—“ A scowl was growing but it fell apart when his son spoke.
“You were friends with Eddie Munson, dad?! Oh my god, I can’t believe this, this is the best day of my life! My boring priest dad was friends with a rockstar!” Joseph’s voice cracked, squeaky like every boy starting puberty. Jason’s heart plummeted. Anxiety swirled in his gut as he realised he was about to disappoint his only child, opening his lips to refute his claim.
“Oh, yeah, totally, little dude.” Eddie interjects, grinning. “We go wayyyy back. Best friends, really.” It was a bold faced lie and even his band mates seemed to agree it was a total farce from the looks on their faces, ranging from bewilderment to eye rolling exhaustion.
“Why did you stop being friends then?” Joseph frowned.
“I got busy with my career, obviously!” Eddie gestured to their surroundings. “I didn’t have a lot of time to phone and catch up. Totally my bad, really.” Holy shit, he was really going the full mile on this one. Jason wasn’t sure whether to applaud him or not.
Joseph elbowed his fathers side and looked at him expectantly.
“Maybe you should get back in contact so you have some actual friends. Ones that are cool.” He barely whispered it and Jason’s ears burned.
“I have friends. Everybody at church is my friend, Joseph.” He snipped out between clenched teeth, glaring at his son who scoffed. When had he become such a snarky kid? He used to be so sweet.
“That doesn’t count.”
“I’m too busy, Joseph.”
“You don’t even do anything when I don’t visit—“
“I do so—“
“Yeah but not like, a lot—“
“Hey, quit punching your old man while he’s down. You should know better.” Eddie laughed, pinching at the blond boys Corroded Coffin tee that he had thrown on over the top of his other shirt. “Come here, let me sign this thing. I’ll even add in a Polaroid you can frame.” He winked and Joseph’s eyes sparkled.
“So he has manners when he wants something.” Jason muttered. Eddie grinned and pulled Joseph closer, signing the shirt with his name. He called over his bodyguard to take a photo. Jason stood off to the side awkwardly, waiting to leave.
“C’mon, you too, old pal.” Eddie pulls him in last second and Jason’s pretty sure his wide eyes will be immortalised on his sons dresser, along with the blonds mused fringe flipped up against Eddie’s frizzy dark locks. He looks ridiculous, he bemoans to himself as each member autographs the Polaroid.
“Okay, come on, we have to head home now or your mother will throw a fit.” Jason ushers Joseph to say his goodbyes.
“Tell your wife I said hi, Carver.” Eddie drolls on his way out and Jason huffs.
“She’s not my wife.” And he was glad for it.
Just as they made for the door, Jason felt a hand on his wrist. He jumps and nearly trips over his own damn feet when Eddie tugs his arms around to expose his forearm, squiggling down several digits with his tongue peeking out between his lips, concentrated.
Jason tugged his arm away with his heartbeat in his ears when Eddie caught his eye, grinning.
“Call me sometime. You know. To catch up.” He winked and Jason was thrown for a moment at the gesture.
“Uh…sure.” He cleared his throat and left quickly with Joseph who was gushing about the fact that his father had Eddie Munson’s phone number.
Jason doesn’t intend to call it. So he doesn’t. It’s two weeks later and he’s happy to forget all about the meeting when a familiar face walks right through his church doors.
“What’re you doing here?” He hissed quietly, making his way down the aisle. It was after his service, so there wasn’t anybody except Thomson, who always stayed an extra hour to pray alone. His wife was going through a hard battle with cancer, so Jason never disturbed him. Sometimes, he’d even pray with him, or before bed, he’d pray on his behalf.
“Checking if I burn when I enter holy ground.” Eddie mimicked his whisper, a crooked grin on his lips and hands stuffed in the pockets of his tight black pants. “Seems I’m still safe after fifteen years.”
“How did you even know this was my church?” Jason looked back towards Thomson and huffed, leading Eddie back out of the door and closing it behind them. He wasn’t going to disturb the poor man. “Are you stalking me or something?”
“Your son told me.” Eddie shrugged and Jason blinked a few times.
“How did my son tell you?”
“You didn’t use my number, but he sure did.” Eddie smirked and Jason’s face burned with realisation. Joseph must have memorised the number on his forearm. That sneaky brat.
“I’m so sorry.” He sighed. “He’s a good kid but he’s nosy at the worst times. Gets it from his mother. I’m sure you have plenty of things to be doing instead of entertaining a thirteen year old.”
Eddie snorted.
“Kid worships the ground I walk on. I’m happy to entertain him.” There was a long pause between them, and Jason hated how cool Eddie seemed with it. Jason could never stand the quiet.
“I’m…also sorry about high school.” He forced the words past his lips. He was, to a degree, sorry. He had been a douchebag. His years in service had humbled him greatly, especially with how many folks he met from different walks of life. Becoming a priest had made him reevaluate a lot about himself.
Eddie was still a prick though. He had antagonised Jason just as much back then, even if Jason had had the popularity to back him unlike Eddie.
“Honestly? Me too. We were stupid, teenage dicks.” Eddie conceded and Jason rolled his eyes.
“You were a freak though.”
“And you were a preppy shitstain jock.”
They stared at each other, and after a long silence, Jason’s lip quirked up.
“Forgive and forget?”
“Something tells me if I don’t say yes now, I’ll have to say a dozen Hail Mary’s instead later.”
“Only half a dozen. I can be nice.” Jason shrugged and Eddie cackled, head thrown back.
“God, Carver, man, I never thought this would be how we met again. A priest. I mean, it makes sense, you bible thumper.” He teased, trying to hook a finger under the white band of his collar. Jason smacked his hand away with a huff.
“My church is about sharing Gods teachings and Jesus’ love with people who want it. I wouldn’t call myself a bible thumper. That implies I’m out rallying against gay marriage and abortions in my free time. I don’t care what folks outside my church do. I learnt that early on.”
“Oh wow. You’re all ‘love thy neighbour’, huh?” Eddie seemed genuinely surprised. “Not gonna stone a whore in the front yard?”
“Gosh no!” Jason put a hand to chest, appalled. “If she finds pleasure in flesh, good for her, but I will pass. And perhaps advise her to be safe. And evaluate why she prefers one night stands to a healthy, long term relationship with an active partner and plentiful sex.” He crossed his arms with a shrug of his shoulders and brows.
Eddie laughed. Full belly laughed, bent at the knees and wheezing a little.
“Oh my god! You’re literally — full one-eighty! You’re a whole new guy! This is…god, this is kind of hilarious.”
“You didn’t change, from what I’m seeing.” Jason mused. Eddie grinned.
“Nah. I mean, I grew up, had to to be in the biz long term, but I’m still everybody’s favourite freak.” He joked with a good-natured shrug.
“And now you’re standing outside my church.”
“The kid is convinced we have to reconnect. Be friends again.” Eddie chuckled, shaking his head. “I’m a sucker for kids, man. Can’t disappoint them.”
“Do you have any?”
“Nah. I mean — I could have.” Eddie admitted shyly. “Didn’t work out. Got too wrapped up in my career, couldn’t settle. And groupies, try as they might to convince you I hooked up with them, and knocked them up; I didn’t.”
“Why not?” Jason quirked a brow. “Isn’t that the big things with rockstars? Drugs, music and women?”
Eddie barked a laugh.
“Drugs? Some hard stuff in my youth. Some weed when I need to mellow out during a writing sesh. Music? Ear-aching amount. But I’m proud of it. As for women…” He leaned in closer, voice low as he spoke. “Not really my type.” He pulled back with thin lips and Jason’s heart thumped harder in his chest, his collar feeling too tight.
“I told you. I don’t judge people. Only the Creator can.” He looked up at the clear blue sky. “And he doesn’t make mistakes.” He assured softly and Eddie smiled. “So…you’re gay.”
“Not exactly.” Eddie shrugged, looking a bit shy. “Not really interested in anybody. Not in that way.”
Jason frowned.
“Is that why you aren’t married?” Despite his many rings, Eddie’s left ring finger was bare. “You don’t…can’t love anyone?”
“I do. I can.” Eddie affirmed. “Just, uh, not interested in showing it through…physical means.”
It clicked in Jason’s head then. His eyes widened, lips parted in surprise.
“I see.”
“Must suck. Being a priest. Celibacy and all.” Eddie suddenly said, shifting his stance to something faux-casual. Trying to move the subject off himself and his lack of desire.
“Not really. It’s why I went into it.” Jason admitted, Eddie’s confession making him feel brazen.
“You went into priesthood for…the abstinence?” Eddie frowned, squinting in confusion.
“Well, I had faith, and I was in a marriage I was unhappy in. She had the child she wanted. It seemed like a good option at the time. I’m glad I did it, actually.”
“Wait, just let me— are you…” Eddie gestured vaguely and Jason smirked.
“I’m not gay. I’m not really straight either. I…don’t desire sex. At all.”
“You have a son.” Eddie reminded, like Jason didn’t know.
“Not that it’s any of your business, but…I’m glad I had him, even if I wasn’t comfortable making him.” Jason truly meant that. Joseph was his pride and joy.
“So you’re asexual too?”
“Asexual?” Jason frowned. “Like a plant?”
“No, you, uh…you’re not attracted to anyone. Physically.”
“No.” Jason’s brows furrowed. “There’s a word for that?”
“Yeah.” Eddie chuckled. “There’s a lot of words for a lot of things. I am curious though; do you like anybody romantically?”
Jason thought about it. He had thought he loved his ex-wife. He knew he had loved Chrissy before they spilt. He had had plenty of crushes as a kid and even in his years as a priest, he had pined for two women, and a man for a brief time.
“My heart doesn’t discriminate.” He decided with a soft blush. Eddie grinned.
“I feel you there.”
They stared at each other a long moment and Jason’s heart only raced faster, all too aware of it. Eddie offered him a dazzling smile. The show stopping kind.
“Maybe we should hang out. Properly. I’m pretty sure the little dude is already bragging to all his friends about his uber cool dad anyway.”
“I’m only ‘uber cool’ dad when you’re mentioned.” Jason clicked his tongue. Eddie smirked.
“Obviously. I’m the uber cool part, you’re the dad.”
Jason rolled his eyes with a shake of his head, trying to hide his smile. He was doing a poor job of it.
It took him thirty five years to realise he was asexual, but it took him thirty six to realise he was in love with Eddie Munson.
Go figure. The Lord really did work in mysterious ways, huh?
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kwistowee · 2 years
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insp. by this meme by @slumped-in-the-arms-of-fiction
EDIT: Most Americans associate the word muppet with Jim Henson's puppets. In much of the rest of the English speaking world (UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Eastern US, South Africa, etc.), a muppet is a derogatory term used to describe a fool, an idiot, an imbecile, someone not to be taken seriously. I couldn't resist using the Henson Muppets font because it's just right there! But obviously the actual Muppets would never align themselves with a cause like Jason's. This isn't meant as an insult to The Muppets or the metal cover band 'Pastor of Muppets'; I just think spoonerisms are funny. I definitely should have made this a part of the initial post rather than just chucking it in my tags.
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jasontoddsmommyissues · 11 months
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Eddie Munson as Text Posts: Bonus
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lengthofropes · 2 years
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bourbonificould · 8 months
TWDG Icons - Season 2
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Like or reblog if you like 'em!
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a-strange-inkling · 8 months
Joe, Mason and Grace casually eating tacos in 2020: You know, I just don’t think they really grasp the poetic potential of these single season side characters.
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wrecked-fuse · 2 years
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Also them are together and having a dog 🏀🎸📣
🔪🔪🔪 в вк не репостить🔪🔪🔪
idk how you i call em carmunham lol
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magniloquent-raven · 2 months
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cahrlotah · 1 year
𝙃𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩
this work contains +18 content so if you are a minor get out of here and don’t read it 
disclaimer, i haven’t written anything since October so this is kinda bad ngl, also English is not my first language so I’m sorry if there are some grammar mistakes <3
my request inbox is open again for anyone who wants to send in a request. 
If you guys want part two of this one-shit pls let me know <3
paring: eddie munson x carver!reader
word count: 2.8k
trigger warnings: use of female anatomy, use of she/her pronouns, she is Jason Carver’s twin sister, unprotected sex ( wrap it before you tap it ), virgin reader, marking(?), degradation, praising, oral female recieving, fingering ( if u blink), choking, hair pulling, manhandling,  cum, mirror fucking (?), 
Eddie Munson and (Y/N) Carver had hated each other for the longest time. No one in their close circle knows how it all started, the only thing they truly know is that if you mix Eddie and (Y/N) bad things are going to happen. That’s until Halloween ’86. 
7:45pm, (Y/N) Carver is in her room getting ready for the Halloween party thatis taking place at her house, hosted by her brother Jason. She is dressed as Red Riding Hood but since it’s Halloween she has cut the skirt of the dress into a mini skirt, revealing her legs and cleave to the world of Hawkins High. Chrissy Cunningham is helping her with her make up, finishing her look with a bright red lipstick. 
8:30 pm, all the guests are at the Carver’s home, the ground floor and the back garden are flooded with teenagers and the smell of alcohol and tobacco fill (Y/N)’s nose trills as she makes her way to Chrissy. Her little red skirt moving as she walks, she won’t say it out loud but she knows everyone is looking at her, and she likes it. 
As she makes conversation with Chrissy, her eyes scan the garden. Her gaze lands on the infamous Eddie Munson. Something inside of her burns, as she looks at him, she looks at his veiny forearms and how his hands are decorated with rings and she can’t help but to think how hot he looks laughing at something one of his friends has said. Those feelings rapidly turn into anger and she storms towards him.
“Hey Munson!” She yells, making the whole Hellfire silent in a second. 
“What’s up sweetheart” he says with that smile of his. “ Looking for the big scary wolf?” he says mockingly.
“ Fuck off, will ya?” she rolls her eyes “Aren’t you supposed to be a responsible adult or something?” She turns to look at the two youngest and newest members of Hellfire. “ No kids allowed at this party, I’m afraid. So get lost” her cold tone and gaze makes the two youngsters look around in fear.
“Come on princess” says Eddie positioning himself between his friends and the girl. “ Don’t be an ass and let us have fun, alright.” He turns around and just guides his friends to another area where is more crowed. At the same moment someone grabs her arm, forcing her to not follow the hellfire group. 
“Here you are!” Emma yells “let’s go, your brother has challenged us to beer pong match”. 
“Shit” she whispers. (Y/N) goes with her friend as a pair of eyes follow her every move.
9:45pm,the night goes along with no sight of Eddie and (Y/N) is happy but curious on where he must have gone. at this point everyone is drunk, or at least has had some drinks. She lazily goes inside in search of  some water to sober up a little bit. The inside of the house is filled with drunk teenagers, and The journey to the kitchen is complicated. 
“Having complications sweetheart?” A voice behind her says, she immediately knows who it is but she decides to ignore, pushing people around to get through but she can’t “ it’s not going to work, too many people” she knows he is smirking and anger starts building inside of her. 
“Fuck off will ya Munson? Not in the mood for your bullshit” she says harshly. She is irritated because Jason friends said some fucked up shit about her, and he did nothing to defend her so having no chance to get some water plus Eddie Munson bothering her it is just no help for her bad mood. All her attempts to go through the mass of people are a completely fail. 
“Just stop trying and wait a bit” Eddie says, being this the last straw.
“Leave me the fuck alone Munson” she yells at him, storming towards him “ seriously I don’t really need your bitchy comments right now, why don’t you grab your shit and get the fuck off my fucking house!” Their faces are so close, that their shaky breathes collie and Eddie’s back hits the wall making it impossible to get away from the girl. This leads to his cheeky smile reappearing only infuriating her more. 
“Don’t be such a bitch seriously “ he spats back closing the gap between the two of them. “ I don’t even know why the fuck you hate me so much. We don’t even share clases. You are the one always coming to me.” His face moves closer to hers, his lips travelling to her here and in a low whisper he says “Is it because you like me? Or because you want me to fuck you?” The hot air of his breath hits her in the right spot making her goosebump, her mouth is dry making it hard to swallow. “ Oh shit, so you want me to fuck you huh?” Eddie’s voice is lower and feels somewhat darker but she knows it’s all a game and she is loosing. His mouth is almost touching her neck, his hands land on her hips pulling her closer to him. 
She would never admit it to anyone but she had something for Eddie, she did not know if it was the fact that him and her brother were what you can call “enemies”, the fact that even though no one in her circle found it attractive the ring decorated hands made her feel something or the fact that the constant bickering between the two of them had created some tension that had to be realised. But now she found herself melting into Eddie Munson’s touch, she could feel a wet felling in between her legs, she wanted Eddie Munson to ruin her, to fuck her into oblivion. The best part of it? One of the things that exited her the most? The fact that they could go to her room, a do it at the spot while his brother, downstair would have no fucking idea that his sweet little sister is being ruined by the town’s freak. This idea was not only exiting to (Y/N) but to Eddie too, the fact that he had Jason’s Carver’s sister, sweet old (Y/N), melting at his touch made him hard on the spot. 
“Munson stop it” her voice trembles “ don’t start something you cannot finish” 
“Who says I’m not going to finish it?” Eddie’s lips are non her ear again, but now he takes it a notch higher and at the moment his lips brush her earlobe a quiet moan, that only him and her can listen, escapes her mouth making Eddie’s grip tighter. His mouth travels all the way to her neck leaving small kisses all over it. 
“Mun… munson” she whimpers “ not here, somebody could see us” he stops and looks at her, looking at the Carver girl for a solution “ go upstairs to my room and wait there. I’ll be there in 5 minutes. Make sure no one sees you” she   says to the curly-haired boy. 
“Sure thing” the pair look around and luckily, everyone around them are too focused on themselves either drinking, dancing around or making out to even notice the couple. Eddie slowly climbs the stairs unnoticed and heads to (Y/N) room while she goes outside to talk to Chrissy and make some lame excuse so people don’t go and look for her. Fortunately, her brother and his friends are joined by the cheer squad.
“Hi there!” Jason exclaims, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. 
“Hey…” she says fake-pouting and in a low voice, instantly worrying her twin brother. 
“What’s wrong? Has anyone touched you or something? Because if some.-“ he starts to get heated up but she cut him off
“I kinda have a headache so I’m going to lay down for a bit in my room oaky?? I just wanted to let you know so you don’t get worried if you don’t find me around” she puts on the sweetest show so her brother can buy her lie, but even if (Y/N) was the worst liar in this word Jason would believe every single word she would tell him. 
“Oh shit have you taken something for it?” He asks and she nods “ Alright, if you need something come down again and tell me okay?” He has some worried look on his face as his twin sister means the world to him. (Y/N) nods and heads upstairs where the metal head boy is waiting for her. (Y/N) makes her way to her room, trying to go unnoticed through the crowd climbing the stairs as quickly as she can. 
10:05 pm, the door of (Y/N)’s room is half open, a dim light coming from her bedside table lamp lights her room. When she enters Eddie jumps as he turns around, like a scared cat.
“Shit Carver you almost gave me a heart attack” Eddie exclaims putting his hand on his heart. She laughs at his reaction “ you should laugh more, you look pretty” she does not know if it the real Eddie talking or the alcohol he has consumed. 
“ Shut up Munson” she locks the door behind her.
“ What a show you put out there with your brother “ he walks towards her “ pouting like that, jeez, how would Jason react if he knew that you lied to him just to get fucked but the towns freak?” His hand is now behind her head, their faces are close. She does not want to show it and will never admit it but she needs him, she needs him to kiss her to touch her. And as if he can read minds he connects their mouths, at first the kiss is slow sweet, she backs up until she falls into her bed. The moment they touch the matters Eddie’s hands start discovering her body, moving from her lower back to her tits to her face caressing her. Eddie lifts her to take her dress off, leaving (Y/N) in her underwear. He kisses her stomach, slowly going upwards leaving lovebites on her chest. 
“God, so fucking pretty” his husky voice praises her. “Now show me how good of a girl you can be” he stands up, allowing her to follow him, “ on your knees” she does as he says without any complain. (Y/N) looks at him through her lashes, a sigh Eddie Munson never thought to be alive to see. Her big eyes are looking at him with a sense of innocence, like she has never done this before. “ Have you ever done this before?” He asks and she nods in negation making him feel weaker as the thought of ruining good old (Y/N) Carver makes him harder. “I need you to open that pretty mouth of yours alright?” He commands as she nods. His belt unbuckles and his black jeans fall down to his ankles, his hand moves to the side of her face moving strands of her hair. “Now I need you to open you mouth for me sweetheart” he commands and she obeys. She looks at him as she slowly opens her mouth. “Fuck” he whimpers as he pulls down his boxers. He does not have time to react because (Y/N) she puts his dick on her mouth making Eddie grip into her hair and moan loudly but the sound of music in the background mutes it. 
Her head starts moving and with it, it also does Eddie’s hand her head forcing the girl to go deeper, exploring how much she can take. “Such a fucking good girl for me huh?” he tounts her “ a little slut sucking on my cock, jeez, what would your brother think? His little sister sucking the towns freak cock?” as he finishes the sentence, she forces herself to go deeper into  eddie’s cock, she is breathing through her nose but tears fall from her eyes smudging her marcara and make up. With the help of Eddie’s hand the rhythm fastens and the room is filled with Eddie’s moans. 
“Fucking shit just like that princess,” he moans and she goes faster “ ho- holy shi-shit” he whimpers. “ Fuck” he stops her, becuase he knows he is about to cum. “ Lay on bed” he orders and again she obeys. As it is an instinct she opens her legs, allowing Eddie to slowly crawl towards her, he kisses the insides of her thighs until he reaches her cunt.
“This wet for me already, kinda weird for a girl that hates me” he says with a cheeky smile
“Oh shut up Munson” her smile decorating her make up smudged face.
Eddie buries his face in between her legs, grabbing her panties in between his teeth and pulling the down, allowing him to bury his tongue on her cunt. That takes (Y/N) by surprise making her moan loudly, grabbing Eddie’s hair hard making him to moan into her cunt. 
“Fuck Eddie” she exlaims while her hands move from the boy’s hair to the bedsheets. His tounge working around her clit. Moans and music form the distrance fill the room as the metalhead is buried in between (Y/N) legs. Her legs shake, her hips move upwards and her back arches as she uncontrollably moans the Eddie’s name. “Ed- eddie fuck!” she screams “ I- I need you” she says as Eddie lifts his head to look at her.
“What did you just say?” he asks as in his mind this still feels like a hallucination. “I need you to use you words” the cocky tone in his voice makes (Y/N) even weaker for him, wanting him to ruin every single aspect of her.
“I need you to fucking ruin me Munson” she desperatly whimpers.
“ Sorry love I could not heard that quite well” his smile decorates his face as he sees the frustrated look on her face. 
“You cunt” she whispers “ I said” she clears her throat “I need you to ruin me Munson, I need you to fuck me so hard I don’t rembember my name” her needy face it what Eddie needed. 
He grabs his dick and takes it to (Y/N) cunt, moving it up and down in her entrance teasing her to the point where she is crying and begging for him.
“Fucking shit Eddie stop teasing” she says as small tears of frustration fall down her cheeks.
“Whatever you say love” he slowly enters her. Air leaving her lungs as she feels him inside of her for the first time, eyes rolling to the back of (Y/N)’s head, back arching. Eddie grabs (Y/N) wrists and pins them above her head with one hand and his free hand he uses for support. He thrusts slowly.
“So fucking tight, holy fuck” he moans as he fastens his pace, their moans are syncronized, filling the room. He frees her hand allowing her to deepen her nails into the metalhead back, leaving red stripes on his skin. Her bed hits the wall as a result of Eddie’s thrusts, the creaking sound of the metal structure follows the rhythm of the movements happening above. Out of nowhere he stops, pulling out and turning her around forcing her to be on all four facing the mirror hanged in the door, his hand grabs her hair strongly pulling it forcing her to look at herself in the mirror.
“I want you to look at yourself while I ruin you” he whispers into her ear, entering her again spanking her at the same time. “Such a dirty little slut for me huh?” he exclaims thrusting harder into the girl “jesus Carver” he moans. The pace rapidly increases as he holds into her hips, sweat dripping down their foreheads, breaths being irregular at this point. 
“Fuck, I-I thi-think i’m going to cum,” she exclaims as she grabs into the bed sheets harder, that is the phrase Eddie needs to thrust into her faster and harder. Their moans are louder, she is moaning his name as he was some sort of god and he is groaning too focused in pleasuring her to even notice how he now has grabbed her hair again, her eyes all rolled back her head, her mouth open moaning uncontrollably. The two of them feel it coming a tight knot on her stomach loosen up, him noticing how the big tension between his legs is being released. 
“Fuck” the two of them let out as they collapse on the mattress. 
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serialseance · 2 years
This whole timeline is great lmao
Eduardo points out the cutout of Joseph
Joseph confused as shit
Caleb also amused as are the rest of the cast
David decides, nah this is too nice, and vandelizes Joseph's face
Joseph loves this idea
David gives the cutout a lil kiss
Then Joseph steals the cutout
The end.
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queenimmadolla · 1 year
friendly reminder that Eddie Munson and Jason Carver were canonically BOTH douchebags on opposite ends of the status quo.
Ain’t NO WAY that dude bullied Eddie, who was a whole ass two years older than him lmao. Guarantee you Eddie harassed him and the popular kids more than the other way around, the popular crowd simply ignored him until he made it impossible to do so.
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lengthofropes · 2 years
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Eddie witnesses the third murder
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nyxoz · 2 years
Scream! Eddie but he's very jealous and protective of you
Your fist crumbles the note in your hand as you look down at the bloody trail on the floor of the Hawkins High gymnasium.
You found a note in your locker as you were going to grab your backpack to leave for the day. The note read ‘Surprise in the gym.’ — so, you made your way to the gym only to find a bloody trail leading from the entryway further into the hall.
You follow the path of blood, tiptoeing across the wooden floor and onto the basketball court. With your head down and eyes on the red splotches, you almost walk into the body lying still in the middle of the court.
Jumping back, your hand flies up and covers your mouth as you gasp loudly staring down at the dead body. You realise instantly who it is.
Jason Carver.
His usual pristine letterman’s jacket is drenched in blood. His blonde hair is also caked with it and you can’t help but stare into his lifeless eyes that are staring right up at you. His mouth is slightly agape as if he was trying to get one final word out before he slipped into the darkness of death.
Suddenly someone grabs at you from behind. You scream and it echoes in the empty hall. Your scream is cut short by the knife you feel at your throat, and you gulp down as the blade scratches at your skin. The arm around your waist holds you firmly against the form behind you, not worrying about your wriggling body as you attempt to escape.
You feel the cool plastic of a mask as the assailant presses his face against the side of yours. They chuckle gravely and it makes a chill run through your body.
“Stop struggling.” They say.
You turn your head slightly to get a better look at them, the knife slightly nicking at your skin. You see a white ghost face mask staring back at you and you frown knowingly.
“You can’t keep doing this, Eddie!” You exclaim.
Eddie. Eddie Munson. Your boyfriend.
He pulls back from you slightly, carefully removing the knife from your throat and dropping his hand by his side. His other hand comes up and grabs at the mask, pulling it off his face and revealing his devilish grin and big brown eyes.
“Hi, baby.” He says, ignoring your original protests.
“I’m serious, Eddie.” You say, crossing your arms.
Eddie drops the mask on the floor and brings the knife up to your face, using it to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear. He pouts a little at you and you hate yourself for thinking it’s cute.
“He was staring at your ass during gym today.” He reasons with you.
“Sooooooo, no one can look at what’s mine.”
You scoff and drop your arms by your side. Eddie smiles again as he takes a step towards you. He grabs at your waist as he crowds against you.
He knocks his nose against yours as you look up at him with a deep frown.
“I did it for you.” He says, his lips a hair away from yours. “‘Cause, you’re mine.”
You can’t help the small smile that tugs at your lips at hearing him call you his for the second time.
He laughs a little at seeing your smile, “Knew you’d love it.”
You roll your eyes and turn your face to look back at Jason dead on the floor. “He was kind of an asshole.” You admit.
“Kind of?! He was the biggest asshole!”
You turn back to him and smile, “Thank you, baby.”
He smiles back and leans in for a kiss, “Anything for my girl.” He says before pressing a hard kiss against your lips.
Your arms come up and wrap around his neck and you stand there making out in the gym as Jason Carver’s dead body watches you from the pool of his own blood.
celebrate 1000 followers with me and send a prompt 💓
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fromaliminalspace · 2 years
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Henry Creel & Eddie Munson: parallels
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moonchildreads · 2 years
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small town masterlist - [in progress]
Well, I was born in a small town And I live in a small town Probably die in a small town Oh, those small communities
Spring break had come and gone in the small town of Hawkins, Indiana, and, surprisingly enough, the world hadn't ended. Yet.
Join Eddie and Dottie as they navigate what's left of the school year, graduation, D&D sessions with the Hellfire Club, falling in love, and potentially deadly supernatural encounters kicking off on a certain Very Important Anniversary no one stopped to warn them about. '86, baby. eddie munson/original female character, st4 fix-it, slow burn, strangers to friends (idiots) to lovers, found family, canon-typical violence, swearing, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, happy ending (check each chapter for specific warnings)
word count: 171.7k (and counting!)
chapter list + extras below! ↴
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chapter list:
chapter 1 - the wild boys [1.7k] chapter 2 - what you need [1.4k] chapter 3 - tonight she comes [3.9k] chapter 4 - manic monday [4.1k] chapter 5 - i've got a rock 'n' roll heart [3.2k] chapter 6 - walking on sunshine [2.7k] chapter 7 - the search is over [4.1k] chapter 8 - the heat is on [4.4k] chapter 9 - adult education [3.8k] chapter 10 - that's what friends are for [7.5k] chapter 11 - true colors [5.5k] chapter 12 - fortress around your heart [7.1k] chapter 13 - you give good love [9.5k] chapter 14 - missing you [6.0k] chapter 15 - don't you want me [7.3k] chapter 16 - let's hear it for the boy [12.2k] chapter 17 - girls just want to have fun [7.7k] chapter 18 - i know there's something going on [5.9k] chapter 19 - we built this city [7.6k] chapter 20 - self control [10.3k] chapter 21 - far from over [6.0k] chapter 22 - let's dance [10.5k] chapter 23 - cum on feel the noize [13.8k] chapter 24 - up where we belong [9.9k] chapter 25 - part-time lover [17.4k] *NEW* chapter 26 - the heart of rock & roll *coming soon* ...and more.
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[1] official small town playlist (full post) + spotify link [2] hellfire class of '86 class schedules [3] wayne's chicken rice soup recipe [4] maggie's lemon strawberry cake recipe [5] girls just want to have a road trip playlist (full post) + spotify link [6] hellfire club's d&d character sheets [7] lydia's potato latkes recipe *NEW* [8] corroded coffin's kickass setlist (full post) + spotify link *coming soon*
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dividers: @firefly-graphics -> yellow lines & daisies
ao3 link: start from chapter 1 -> here
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Friday the 13 Th - Eddie Munson x (Fem) Henderson! Reader
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Warnings: Friday the 13 Th franchise references.
Summary: Eddie has convinced you of making something big to bother Jason in the most fitting day for your inside joke about him.
Notes: Happy Friday the 13 th! Let's make fun of Jason lol
The school's cafeteria was a stage where Eddie loved to play being a dreaded artist annoying the well adjusted students with his unhinged dramatizations. He was an autentical court jester despite many loathed his performances. You may have been once too shy to get involved or even engage, but the spirit of companionship of Hellfire had slowly and consistently changed that.
As two lonely weirdos doing their best to not be noticed during most of your highschool experience, you have always been in a distant bubble with Jonnathan doing your own thing unless bullies would disrupt you. There was no one else at least untill he started to date Nancy and you befriended Eddie first, later also Steve. While you remained best friends, some of that crave to hide together in a little corner going unnoticed began to change and that was way more evident in you under the influence of Eddie.
For once at least, Jonnathan acceded to get involved for a small role in a carefully crafted espectacle you were planning because he got to appreciate the concept. Fellow horror geek, he found it simple yet quite effective. At very least you both would have a funny story to share with Will and Dustin.
Staged action took it's course as you approached him limping and pretending you were crying your heart out.
" Please, please! You have to help me!! " You begged him for the entire place to hear you, your ketchup soaked hands seeking to hold his clean ones . " … He is coming, he got my friends!!! He is gonna kill us! "
Pretending confussion wasn't that hard given your performance.
" What are you talking about?"
" The councelors were making love while that young boy drowned!!" You directly referenced the speech of Pamela Vorhees in a mashup with a victim character. " … Now we are all cursed. WE DESERVE TO BE PUNISHED!!!! "
When your agonical, prophetic scream gave him the sign Eddie emerged rushing like a maniac into the scene.
" FRIDAY THE 13 TH!!! IT'S FRIDAY THE 13 TH, PEOPLE!!" He began to scream to anyone in his way. " RUN FOR YOUR LIVES CAUSE JASON IS GONNA COME TO GET YOU!"
The joke was perfectly timed with the entrance of Jason Carver. Annoyance was the less concerning feeling it awakened on the target. When you once started it he could have never imagined it was going to stick with the full weirdo group and even escalate.
" Are you looking for trouble, freak?"
Enacting a reaction fitting for a horror movie, you got in between them shielding Eddie with your body.
" No, Eds! Don't sacrifice yourself for me!! "
Eddie turned dramatically to play pretend a heartfelt objection.
" I must do it. You are the final girl and i am just the disastrous but charming male lead following you into the woods just because i'm in love with you. " He followed your performance with a self awareness touch. " Go, my beloved. Save that stoner and remember me. "
You held his hands as if his life trully depended of listening to you.
" I won't let you go! I know how to defeat Jason, you just have to trust me. "
The basketball player was frankly weirded. Still angry, but his lack of contextual orientation to whatever you were thinking to be doing temporally overcame his desire to punch Eddie in the face.
He was accidentally incarnating one of the lapsus of confussion Jason Vorhees could sometimes had in the films before resuming the chase for his victims.
Perfect moment for you to iniciate the end of the third act taking off your jacket to reveal a striped sweater in matching colors with the Tigers.
" Look at me Jason!! Look! Come over here … " You began to call him in the sweetest tone. " Do you recognize this? You are in home, honey.. It's gonna be ok, I'll take care of you!"
Your friends were laughing uncontrolably and you realized that even a guy in the jock's table was holding his chuckles. Probably only just for the excessive female nudity of the franchise, but he must have watched the film your joke was referencing. Not missing the chance to expose it, you smiled at him and his amusement turned inmediately into disgust.
" Friday the 13 Th Part 2, just in case you want to rent it for the weekend. " You explained to Jason after abandoning the character. " My interpretation didn't stick completely to the source material, but I found this sweater in a thrift store and inmediately thought of you. Eddie insisted we had to save it for the next Friday the 13 Th. "
" Meaning that you got that cheap sweater in my team's colours and prepared a scene arround it just to annoy me. " Jason summarized out loud, clearly fed up with all the freaks. " At least i can say you took too many bothers to get my attention in this oddly specifical charade. "
" Bullshit! He is pissed off, only tries to hide it because he lost. " Eddie quickly corrected. " We made it, sweetheart!!"
You both hi fived each other and rushed in the opposite direction, but hubris made Eddie deliver one last comeback on the way.
" Happy Friday 13 Th, Carver !!!! Don't get in the lake!!! "
Despite he did enjoy the thrill, Jonnathan was giving you judgamental looks as you reached him.
" … If i get targeted again for this."
Eddie patted him on the shoulder cheerfully before reassuring him.
" Chill, man! His feud is against us, you are totally safe. "
" That was freaking awesome! " You followed the cheers. " Don't lie to me, I saw it in your eyes. You are as excited as me. "
You had a point and he couldn't deny it.
" Fine, it was quite fun … Not as satisfying as punching Steve, but still. "
Eddie clearly supported the posibility of finding someone to complain about Harrington with that you couldn't object to. Besides, he was a big fan of the referenced episode.
" I heard all about it, the freak that kicked his bully's ass and stole his girlfriend … I just want you to know that Hellfire considers you a hero. You will always be welcome among us. "
His most inmediate answer was an awkward smile.
" Thanks. I really appreciate it, but i would like to keep my girlfriend. "
They chuckled and Eddie's was the loudest.
" Good call, man! Good call. "
Something in the specifical way Eddie choose to congratulate Jonnathan made you feel uneased. Probably because you were just jealous imagining he could want to steal his bully's girlfriend too if he had the same chance.
" Eds, if we were in a horror movie. Do you really think we would be the romantically coded final girl and last kill boy sacrificing himself so she could make it to the final fight?" You asked him as you were walking thowards the Hellfire table. " I mean, I won't do well as a final girl. To be one you need more than just be the virgin ... "
The joke may have been themed as a different thing, but you were masquerading your will to figure out if that was the case.
" ... And most times they aren't unwanted freaks, they are normal cute girls just too shy to approach their crush or too nervous to let their boyfriends convince them of sleeping together. "
He wasn't sure of where the point was going, but didn't mind to indulge you.
" Realistically, I would be the guy who dies alone getting high in the woods. " He mocked himself. " but i do think you could be a final girl. Although a rare breed we don't often get blessed with, freak girls tend to be passionate horror fans. You know all the rules to survive, my prediction is that you would make it and at the end of the film Harrington would be asking you out. "
The answer deviated from the path you expected.
" I thought you would accuse Steve of being the asshole jock dying in the sex scene. "
" As a judge I'm cruel, but fair. That has to be Hargrove, Harrington has higher chances of making it if he sticks with you. "
That made you laugh for reasons he could never possibly understand. In real life, Steve was the resourcefull fighter.
" Would you believe me if I tell you that Steve is a final girl ? "
He was laughing harder then, untill your softly delivered conclussion stopped it.
" I would like to make it with you too … It would be a refreshing change for the slasher formula. "
Eddie wasn't sure of it, but for an instant he choose to treat himself imagining you said you wanted to be with him in a very freakish way.
" There is no way i could make it. Ríght now i can tell you I would die for you. "
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