#troy twdg
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bourbonificould · 1 year ago
TWDG Icons - Season 2
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animegalaxy123 · 2 months ago
Hey just to let you know I 'm working on a story of the twdg what if, it about what if duck and Ben surviving, an others surviving too. it might take me days or months to finish it. it on wattpad and I might post it on archive of our own aka, ao3 so stick around for that :) also Troy is a good guy in my au and some other character survive too, and some death swaps. :)
T.w this story implies: Blood, character deaths, angst with an happy ending, injury.
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mashkustal · 2 months ago
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pixel art of s1 and s2 characters
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terranovathemust · 4 months ago
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It always starts with good intentions
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willemdafinky · 1 year ago
Skipping stones, braiding hair…Last year's antlers mark the trail…Take us back, oh, take us back…Oh, take us, take us back..Take us back, oh, take us back..Oh, take us, take us back…
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thecrusadercomrade · 5 months ago
What-Ifs of Telltale's the Walking Dead Chapter 40: What If Reggie Wasn't Pushed Off the Roof?
Summary: When Carver goes to push Reggie off the roof to his death, Reggie dodges to the side. What results is a much happier ending for everyone at Howe's (except for Carver, of course).
Read on AO3!
Read from the beginning!
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the-delta-42 · 4 months ago
The Walking Dead Game What Ifs: What if Nick shot Clementine?
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What if Nick shot Clementine? Prompt Submitted by Guest on FF.net
Requests On Hold
The first thing Clementine was aware of was people shouting. She couldn’t decipher what they were saying, so she shifted and started speaking, “I—” Clementine was cut off by a gunshot and a sudden stab of pain in her side.
“What the fuck is wrong with you!”
Clementine started to scramble away from them, quickly turning and getting to her feet, she ran into the forest, deciding to take her chances with her mangled arm and her, now, injured side.
Luke stared after the girl, while Pete wrenched the gun from Nick’s hands.
“That was the last thing anyone of us needed.” Snapped Pete, casting a glare around them, “Luke, come with me.”
“Where’re you going?” Demanded Rebecca, getting a pissed off glare from Pete.
“Luke and I are going to find her and explain that what Nick did was an accident.” Said Pete, “Hopefully, we’ll find her before someone else does.”
Reluctantly, Luke followed after Pete, giving Nick a reprimanding look. The rest of their group watched as Pete and Luke disappeared into the forest.
“Maybe…” Carlos spoke, after a moment of silence, “maybe we should’ve just…”
“What?” Demanded Rebecca, “Patched her up? How the hell do we know that she’s not one of Carver’s?”
Carlos sighed, before looking at Nick, “Let’s just get inside before any Lurkers show up.”
Clementine didn’t know how long she’d been running. She was hot and dizzy, and everything was a haze to her. Her foot caught on something, making her tumble down across the ground. Finding herself unable to move, Clementine saw a pair of feet appear in her vision. Bracing herself for when the Walker started eating her, Clementine attempted to close her eyes, before a hand slapped her face and she felt something press down on the bullet wound. Groaning, Clementine looking at the source of the pressure.
“…Christa?” Croaked Clementine, as Christa carefully picked her up.
“Yeah, it’s me,” Muttered Christa, “you’re gonna be fine, Clem.”
For Clementine, everything went dark. Christa tried not to worry about how wet Clementine’s clothes were or the amount of blood on her shirt. She’d managed to give the bandits the slip, even managed to snag a couple of guns and a large hunting knife from them. Clementine looked small as she carried her, Christa dispelled her train of thoughts and ducked into a shed.
Carefully setting Clementine down, Christa lifted her shirt up. Grimacing at the bullet wound, Christa carefully lifted Clementine and looked at her back, finding an exit wound. Sighing in relief, Christa rummaged through her pockets of the limited medical supplies she had.
Meanwhile, Luke and Pete followed Clementine’s blood until it abruptly stopped. Pete frowned, before kneeling down and looking at them.
“Where’s she gone?” Asked Luke, looking around, “Did she stop bleeding?”
“No,” Said Pete, “She collapsed, and someone picked her up, but Lurkers have completely covered their tracks.”
“You don’t think she’s with Carver, do you?” Asked Luke, getting a frown from Pete.
“No,” Pete stood up, “they would’ve come for us by now.”
Luke sighed, “We better get back, don’t want to worry the others.”
Sighing, Pete nodded and the two backtracked towards the cabin. Leaving the cold trail left by Clementine and whoever took her.
Clementine winced as Christa helped her walk, Christa found the dog bite and had stitched it up along with the bullet hole in her side, after Christa discovered that Clementine had injured her left leg when she fell. Christa managed to find a bunch fish traps, so they got to eat for the first time in a while. They had just reached a bridge and started crossing when a guy in a grey hoodie ran up to them. He’d given his name as Matthew, where they met his group. Led by Kenny. Soon, they were inside the lodge, with Matthew leaving to go back down to the bridge.
“I thought you were dead.” Said Clementine, looking up from Kenny.
“Same,” Said Christa, “the last time I saw you, you were getting swarmed by Walkers after you and Lee tried to save Ben.”
“Yeah, well,” Shrugged Kenny, “I almost was. Ben was screaming so loud I couldn’t hear myself think. I didn’t realise I’d gotten out until it happened.”
Christa looked around the lodge, Walter was making dinner and Sarita, Kenny’s girlfriend, was rummaging through some boxes, “This is a nice place.”
“Yeah,” Kenny laughed, “we’re stopping here for a bit before moving on north. There’s a place called Wellington, high walls and cold ass winters that’ll freeze Walkers right up.”
“We were heading the same way.” Said Christa, “We got attacked by some bandits and Clem and I got separated for a bit.”
“Really?” Asked Kenny, looking around, “What happened?”
“Clem managed to get away, I was stuck with them for a bit,” Said Christa, as Clementine rubbed her arm, “I managed to get a couple of guns and some supplies before escaping. I stumbled across Clementine shortly afterwards.”
Kenny nodded, “How bout you, Clem?”
Clementine swallowed, “I, er, I got chased and I fell into the river. I washed up at a campsite, and I met a dog there, his name was Sam.”
Kenny frowned, “Okay, what happened then?”
“I found a can of beans,” Continued Clementine, “I gave some to Sam and, I don’t know, he attacked me. He bit my arm.”
“That’s putting it mildly,” Interrupted Christa, “her arm was mauled, I’m surprised that it wasn’t infected.”
“I, I kicked him onto some spikes, and I put him down.” Clementine swallowed, “I almost got killed by a Walker, but a couple of guys saved me. They… they were taking me to their group when they saw the dog bite and, and thought it was a Walker bite. I think I passed out, when I woke up, I heard people yelling. I, I just started speaking and one of them shot me.”
Kenny and Christa stiffened, as Clementine continued, “I ran. I think I heard them yelling for me, b-but I just kept running. I don’t know how far I got, but I tripped on something. Christa found me not long after.”
“Jesus.” Swore Christa, as Kenny snarled.
A couple days later a truck turned up. A man with a furred collar appeared, looking inside the lodge through the window, when Clementine and Christa found him.
“Who the hell are you?” Demanded Christa, pointing her gun at the man.
“Hello,” Smiled the man, his voice was gruff, “I’m sorry to startle you. I’ve just collected some of my people and we’re on our way home. Just stopping by and checking that there ain’t anyone in need here.”
“We’re fine.” Said Christa, keeping her gun aimed at the man.
“You’re not very trusting, are you.” Mused the man.
“My kid and I were attacked by some bandits, never hurts to be cautious.” Said Christa, getting a nod from the man.
“That’s fair.” The man started walking away, “Best of luck to you.”
Christa and Clementine watched the man walk away, before brushing it off and going back inside. A week later, a group of people turned up. Clementine frowned as Kenny, Christa and Sarita rushed out the door to confront the people.
After a moment, making sure that Walter was still busy with the food, Clementine followed them out. They were yelling, making Clementine worry that they’ll attract Walkers. Pushing her way to the front, she looked up at Christa, when someone said her name.
“Clementine?” Turning to look at the group, Clementine froze.
“What?” Christa looked down, before looking back at the group, then the penny dropped, “Shit.”
“What?” Asked Kenny, glancing to the side.
“I think these are the people Clem talked about.” Said Christa, tucking Clementine behind her, “The ones that shot her.”
Kenny immediately raised his rifle and aimed it at the group.
“Wait!” Said one guy, “It was an accident!”
“Like hell it was!” Bellowed Kenny, “How the fuck do you accidentally shoot someone?!”
“She moved man.” Protested a guy in a baseball cap.
“Of course she’d move,” Snapped Christa, “she’s not dead!”
Clementine looked around the group, she recognised Luke, but she couldn’t see Pete. There was a heavyset man with glasses, a heavily pregnant woman, a man in a flannel shirt and a guy in a trucker’s hat holding a rifle. Frowning, Clementine searched through their group.
“Where’s Matthew?” Asked Clementine, making everyone go silent.
“We haven’t met anyone called Matthew.” Said the heavyset man, looking at them, “Look, we’re not looking for trouble. If you want us to, we’ll leave.”
Christa looked over them, before looking at Clementine, “How about it, Clem? You’re the only one they’ve met before.”
Clementine looked at Christa and Kenny, “They… they could stay, just for tonight.”
Kenny and Christa didn’t look happy about it, but silently allowed it. Sighing, Kenny gestured for them to follow him, they almost had a problem with the guy in the hat when they were asked to leave their weapons by the door. After that, everything was quiet and somewhat peaceful, then Clementine saw Walter by their weapons, before he went outside.
“Hey.” Clementine looked up at the guy who wanted to keep his gun, “Er, Clementine, right?”
“Yeah?” Nodded Clementine, as the guy, Nick, looked at the floor.
“I, er,” Nick scowled, “I wanted to apologise for, y’know, shooting you. I freaked out and acted without thinking. I’m sorry.”
Clementine blinked and stared up at him, before he hurried off somewhere. Everyone was quietly talking amongst themselves when the wind turbine supplying them with power suddenly went crazy. The adults went outside to fix it, leaving Clementine with the heavyset man and the pregnant woman, Alvin and Rebecca. Rebecca was panicking about something, while Alvin tried to keep her calm, looking out the window, Clementine saw Kenny and Christa dealing with the turbine and the Walkers, while Luke vanished off somewhere. Clementine sighed and looked down at her gun, idly removing and reinserting the magazine.
“You okay there, Clementine?” Asked Alvin, making Clementine look up.
“Yeah, just bored.” Shrugged Clementine, wincing slightly as she shifted, “Where’re you planning to go?”
“Don’t know.” Answered Alvin, “I’m just focused on Becs and our son.”
“How do you know it’s going to be a boy?” Asked Clementine, just as a bullet tore through window. Thinking quickly, Clementine grabbed her gun and pointed it at the window, “Guys?”
Clementine slowly made her way down the stairs, spotting the guy from the week before walk through the door, holding a gun to Nick’s back, “You’re the guy from last week.”
The guy didn’t say anything to her, marching Nick and the guy in the flannel shirt, Carlos, in at gunpoint, as a couple of people marched Christa, Sarita and Walter in. The next thing Clementine knew, they were all on their knees with the guy from the week before stalked in front of them. Clementine flinched as the guy, Carver, grabbed Carlos and started beating him. Shifting slightly, Clementine felt her knife shift in her pocket. Discreetly as possible, Clementine removed her knife from her pocket and started to cut her bindings. One of Carver’s guys got shot in the head, making Carver grab Walter and haul him over to the window. Clementine heard a gunshot and a thud, followed by Carver yelling at Kenny.
Carver then came back and grabbed Alvin, with everyone yelling and crying. Carver had just reached the window with Alvin, when Clementine got up and charged at him. She plunged her knife into Carver’s back. Grunting, Carver let Alvin go, before grabbing Clementine’s wrist. Forced to let go of the knife, Clementine found herself being held by the throat, with Carver holding her hostage instead of Alvin.
Clementine looked around the community Carver had brought them to, there were at least a dozen people watching them. Carlos was led away somewhere, while they were guided to a yard by a woman called Bonnie. Looking around the yard, Clementine saw Pete and a girl wearing red glasses with a black eye.
“Uncle Pete!” Yelled Nick, running over to them.
Pete looked around the group Nick was with, his eyes settling on Clementine, “You found her?”
“No.” Christa spoke up, glaring at him, “They stumbled across her, while she was with us.”
Pete gave her a regretful look, “I apologise for her injuries, I have no real excuse or reason for it.”
Christa looked at him, “I guess you do a lot of apologising for him.”
Pete gave her a nod, before looking at the others, “Carver’s guys found me after that Lurker got me, took the leg. They’ve had me filling guns, they came back with Sarah a couple days after that.”
“Sarah,” Said Rebecca, walking over, “are you alri—”
Sarah got up and walked away. Frowning, Christa leaned down and whispered into Clementine’s ear, “Go talk to her.”
“Why me?” Clementine whispered back.
“Because you’re a people person,” Responded Christa, “and you have a calming effect on people.”
Clementine gave Christa a sour look before walking over to Sarah, “Hey.”
Sarah looked at Clementine, “You’re the girl that Nick shot.”
“Did it hurt?” Asked Sarah, tilting her head.
“Why are you with them?” Asked Sarah, as Clementine crouched down.
“We made the mistake of letting them stay for the night.” Said Clementine, “Did… you know them?”
Sarah nodded, “They left me behind in the cabin when they left.”
Clementine blinked, “…what?”
“The day after Nick shot you.” Said Sarah, “Pete and Nick went to get fish, Nick came back, and everyone left, Carver found me in the cabin. They all abandoned me and left Pete to die.”
Clementine didn’t know how to process that particular nugget on information, so she just nodded and sat down next to Sarah.
Sarah didn’t say anything to other members of her former group, despite Carlos trying to engage with her. Clementine was taken to the armoury by Bonnie to fill up magazines, where the woman gave her a coat she’d found at the Ski lodge, then another woman appeared and took Clementine to the greenhouses, where the guy missing his arm had her and Sarah pruning a pair of plants.
“…Did… did they talk about me?” Asked Sarah, making Clementine pause.
“I… I don’t think so.” Answered Clementine, “I didn’t stick around them very much. Except for Rebecca, but I think that was just to tell them if she started giving birth.” Clementine bit her bottom lip, “…What do you do here?”
“I do as I’m told.” Said Sarah, “Carver’s had me learn some first aid with another doctor he has here. Is it true you stabbed him?”
The door to the greenhouse opened and admitted Carver, with Reggie stuttering greetings to him.
“Sarah,” Carver looked at her, “take Clementine to Tavia, the guys need more nails.”
Sarah nodded, before leading Clementine away. Sarah left her with Tavia and went over to a doctor that was supervising Carlos and Sarita. Clementine found Kenny and Mike trying to fight, with Christa between them.
“I’d expect this from Clementine and another kid, not two grown adults.” Grunted Christa, as Kenny tried to shove her out of the way.
“What are you doing?” Asked Clementine, getting their attention.
“Nothing, they’re acting like children, Clem.” Said Christa, stepping away from Mike and Kenny, giving the pair a warning look.
Clementine frowned but carried the bucket of nails over to them.
“Lift with your legs, Clem.” Admonished Christa, “Not your back.”
Clementine immediately straightened her back and bent her legs, with Christa sighing and taking the bucket, “How’s your leg?”
“Still hurts.” Said Clementine, “that doctor said it’s a light sprain, whatever that means.”
“It’ll heal in a couple of weeks.” Sighed Christa, “We’ll—”
Christa was cut off by some Walkers breaking through the glass. Everything became a mad dash, Clementine managed to deal with a Walker, before she been forced to deal with another after it chased her into another room. A Walker grabbed her sprained leg, resulting in a stab of pain to run up the length of her leg, letting out a short scream, Clementine tried to kick the Walker away from her. The Walker was wrenched away from her, with Christa shoving it towards one of Carver’s guards. Clementine grabbed her ankle, freezing when she felt something wet. Removing her hand, Clementine stared at the blood, before her eyes zeroed in on the bite mark on her left ankle.
Christa looked at Clementine, spotting the bite mark and freezing. Christa was suddenly shoved to the side, as Mike advanced on Clementine with a line of cord. Dropping down, Mike quickly located a tear in Clementine’s trouser leg and pulled it part, before roughly tourniqueting the leg and picking Clementine up. The man ran out of the store, with Christa following after him.
Christa’s leg bounced as she sat in the yard, she’d been guided in by Sarah, while Carver’s doctor worked with Carlos and Sarita. The sound of the gate opening made Christa look up, Mike was walking in with Kenny, Sarita, Carlos and Nick. Rushing to her feet, Christa made her way over to them.
“Is Clementine alright?” Christa looked around them, “Where is she?”
“Abrahms is watching her,” Said Carlos, “we had to cut her leg off.”
Kenny let out a growl, “Where do we go from here?”
“What do you mean?” Asked Nick, looking Kenny.
“That Luke fella flagged me down,” Explained Kenny, “He wanted a radio, said something about knowing their guard schedules.”
“How’re we going to get him one?” Asked Rebecca, as Christa frowned.
“Would telling Carver about him get us out of here?” Asked Christa, sending them into silence, “We’re here because of you, you led Carver to the ski lodge and got Walter killed, and you killed Matthew.”
“We couldn’t control any of that.” Said Carlos, as Rebecca gave Christa a glare.
“Clementine only got bit because Carver brought her here.” Stated Christa, as Pete went over to them.
“And it’ll take a few weeks before she’d be fit to travel.” Said Pete, looking around them, “Christa’s right, her, Clementine and the group they were with were only attacked because Carver caught up with you. Besides,” he gave Nick a hard look, “Bonnie and Vince are already working on getting us out of the yard.”
“What about Reggie?” Asked Nick, looking around, “Maybe he’ll help.”
“Reggie isn’t getting back in.” Said Sarah, matter-of-factly, “He’s been out here since we left the first time and he’s done enough to get out of here, but they’ve just ignored him.”
Kenny let out a snort, his eyes glancing towards the man at his place by the fire.
Meanwhile, inside the makeshift hospital area in the community, Dr Abrahms silently watched the girl as she slept. Carver had appeared and watched her with him.
“Why are you here, Bill?” Asked Abrahms, not looking away from her.
“That girl’s a survivor.” Said Bill, “She and her caretaker saw me off when I stumbled across their group.”
“Really?” Abrahms frowned, turning his head to look at Bill, “Why’d you bring them in?”
“We tracked our people to them, probably got half the story.” Carver frowned, “Things got a bit out of hand, one of the guys in that group saw us gathering our people up and shot Johnny.”
“Makes you wonder what they’ve been through if they don’t trust and assume the worst of people.” Said Abrahms, before sighing, “Sarah and Pete should be let out of the pen, they’ve learnt their lesson, and I’m concerned at how Pete’s leg’ll progress if he’s kept out there throughout winter.”
Carver sighed, “Anything else?”
“I think that nurse would do well if she was in here.” Said Abrahms, before sighing, “What’s going on, Bill?”
“Your obsession with Rebecca and her baby, the state Carlos was in when you brought him in, what you’ve been doing to Alvin.” Abrahms glared at Bill, “I followed you because you were reasonable and honest. I thought you weren’t like Negan. Now, I’m not sure. Yes, I understand that Alvin killed George, but that man was a full-on bastard.”
“Dan,” Abrahms looked away from Carver and at Shel, “Russell’s injured himself.”
Abrahms sighed, before grabbing a first aid kit and looked at Carver, “Don’t go anywhere.”
Carver watched as the doctor left with Shel, before looking at Clementine, “I know you’re awake.”
Clementine opened her eyes and looked at him, “You lied. You weren’t gathering Rebecca and the others, you were taking all of us prisoner.”
“Those are the same thing.” Dismissed Carver, looking down at Clementine, “You know that better than the others.”
“They’re not the same thing.” Argued Clementine, “Gathering people doesn’t include tying them up.”
“Why are you so upset for them?” Asked Carver, “Sarah told me that Nick shot you, that nurse you and your caretaker were with said that Nick shot a guy in your group.”
“I’ve shot people.” Dismissed Clementine, “I’m not going to hold it against him.”
“You should.” Said Carver, “You and I are more alike than you’d think, Clementine.”
“I’m nothing like you.”
“Aren’t you?” Questioned Carver, “You’ve killed, I’ve killed. You’ve survived, I’ve survived. You know your way around a gun, and you can handle Lurkers better than so many people older than you. Our doctor told me how you stitched yourself up.”
“Everyone does all those things.”
“Sarah doesn’t,” Said Carver, “Becca doesn’t. Do you really think everyone knows how to use a gun?”
Clementine was silent, getting a smirk from Carver, “You only got bit because you sprained your leg a few days ago, everyone’s seen the limp. I’m willing to bet that you sprained your leg after Nick shot you.”
Clementine chewed the inside of her cheek, refusing to respond to Carver.
“You’ll move on from this,” Mused Carver, “because that’s what we do.”
Sarah watched as her former group and Clementine’s group argued. The sight made her upset, the only ones of the former group who were against leaving Clementine behind were Rebecca and Pete. Pete had said that if they left, he wasn’t going with them. Sarah supposed that Rebecca refusing also had something to do with Alvin being stuck in Carver’s office. Clementine had her leg cut off and her group was fighting to stay with her, while Sarah’s former group, her dad had left her behind and ran away.
Rebecca had said they’d gone back, but Luke had said they’d bring Clementine back and they took care of their own. They didn’t, Clementine was found by someone else, and they left her behind and Pete to die.
The gate opening got everyone’s attention, with Tavia walking in with Troy, “Sarah, Pete, you’re getting out of here.”
Tavia looked amongst the group that Carver brought in, “Who’s from the group that girl was in?”
Christa straightened up and marched over, followed by Kenny and Sarita, “Where is she?”
“She’s being watched by our doctor,” Said Tavia, “but, he’s convinced Bill to let you guys out. Don’t screw this up.”
Sarah gently tugged on Christa’s sleeve, “I can take you to her.”
Abrahms frowned as Stan measured Clementine’s leg, “Are you sure you’ve got the right materials?”
“I’ve got enough to make seven prosthetics,” Dismissed Stan, “The ones I’m making for her and Pete, they’ll be able to put them on and get walking before they know it.”
Abrahms continued to frown, before he heard Sarah leading some people, presumably Clementine’s group, into the medical area.
“I’ve got hers already sketched up,” Said Stan, still focusing on Clementine’s leg, “it’ll have to be adjustable, so it can ‘grow’ with her, but hopefully, she’ll be walking again before the year is out.”
“Will I be able to walk like I used to?” Asked Clementine, looking at Stan.
“Dan does,” Stan gestured towards Abrahms, “He and I were in the same unit together, dumb bastard stood on a landmine. Lee, our squad leader, had to apply first aid on our doctor. Heh, Sam and I found it hilarious.”
“Yeah, everyone was laughing until Lee punched Sam and broke his neck.” Said Abrahms, “Hell, I’m still splitting my sides about it.”
“Yeah,” Stan sighed, “Lee was a great guy, but his wife… not so much.”
“Was he a history teacher?” Asked Clementine, getting the men’s attention.
“Yeah… how’d you know that?” Asked Stan, leaning back, “Did… did you meet him?”
“He found me when everything ended.” Said Clementine, as Sarah led Kenny, Sarita and Christa into the medical area, “He looked after me, until he got bit.”
“Damn.” Stan bowed his head, with Abrahms doing the same, “How many does that make now?”
“Well,” Abrahms scratched his neck, “Sam got his neck broken by a coffee table. Clara, Danny, Mick and Razer were killed by that landmine. Al blew her brains out in the first few days. Skip, Dick, Tom and Harry were eaten by the dead. Del’s god knows where. You and me are here, and we now know that Lee’s dead… Shit, it’s just us left.”
“Hi.” Sarah waved at them, before pointing at the three adults, “They wanted to see Clementine.”
“Well, I’m just about finished.” Said Stan, getting up, “I’ll get to work on her leg tomorrow, since I’m going to attaching Pete’s to him.”
Abrahms gave the man a wave as he left, before giving Clementine and her group some privacy.
Christa swore she heard Kenny muttering darkly as he looked at an engine, “How bad is it?”
“Why did Clem have to mention I worked on a vehicle?” Grumbled Kenny, “When she’s walkin’, she’s gonna be helpin’ me.”
“She also mentioned that you were a commercial fisherman.” Said Russell, a teen from Carver group, “but it’s winter and we’re nowhere near water.”
“Yeah, well—” Kenny’s retort was cut off by a gunshot. Alarmed, the three rushed back inside, in time to witness Reggie get shot in the head. A couple feet from him, Carver was on his back and staring blankly up at the ceiling.
“Is he…?” Christa looked to the source of the voice, a girl a couple of years older than Clementine.
“Yes.” Said Abrahms, getting up from his knees, “We—”
A bullet impacted the top of Carver’s head, putting him down before her turned.
“Need to do that.” Finished Abrahms, looking for the source of the shot. Clementine stood with a gun pointed at Carver’s corpse, as brunette supporting her.
“Well, that solves one problem.”
Everyone looked from Carver’s body to a guy holding a restrained Luke, “Caught him trying to steal food.”
Troy immediately raised his gun and aimed at Luke, making Abrahms draw a pistol and aim it at Troy. Tavia aimed at Abrahms, Vince aimed at Tavia, Vera aimed at Vince, Wyatt aimed at Vera, Tyler aimed at Wyatt, Shel aimed at Tyler, Tisha aimed at Shel, Russell aimed at Tisha, Lowell aimed at Russell, Bonnie aimed at Lowell, and Hank, the guy holding Luke, aimed at Luke’s head.
Clementine, after a moment raised Shel’s spare gun and aimed it at Hank.
“Put it down, Dan.” Said Tavia, after a moment.
“Christa,” Said Dan, after a moment, “can you take the kids to that closet over there?”
Hank pointed his gun at Clementine, “No one moves!”
Vince gave a small snarl, “Everyone, drop your guns.”
“Like hell!” Shrieked Tisha, moving her gun from Shel to Vince, “We’re not fucking stupid.”
“You look stupid.” Said Clementine, resulting in Tisha aiming at her.
Unseen by almost everyone, Christa slipped into the weapon closet and took enough guns for her group and Luke’s group, discreetly handing weapons to each person as she passed them, before giving a gun to Kenny.
After a moment, Christa and the two groups aimed at Carver’s guys.
“Oh, look.” Said Abrahms dryly, “You’re out numbered.”
Troy took his gun off Luke and aimed at Rebecca’s abdomen, “Fine.”
A sawn-off shotgun pressed against the back of Troy’s head.
“I never liked you,” Stated Stan, “you fucking psychopath.”
Slowly, Vera lowered her gun, with Becca taking it from her, as Wyatt switched to aim at Tyler. Hank, deciding he’d had enough, shot at Clementine. The resulting fire fight was short, with both Stan and Abrahms killing Troy, Vince taking a hit to the shoulder from Tavia. Tisha, Tyler and Lowell hit their targets in non-fatal areas, while they themselves and Tavia were gunned down fairly quickly. Hank turned his gun on Kenny and shot his left eye out. Vera, taking her gun from Becca, shot Hank in the face. Abrahms, stepping over the dead, rushed over to Shel, where she was kneeling over Clementine and pressing down on a bullet wound near the centre of her chest.
“Let me look.” Abrahms examined Clementine, “There isn’t much bleeding, and her breathing isn’t laboured.”
Carefully lifting the girl up, Abrahms checked her back, finding an exit wound, “She’s lucky, an inch in any direction, she’d be dead.”
Carlos glanced at them, before looking up at the office, “I’m going to check on Alvin.”
“Sarah,” Abrahms ordered, “get some medicine and medical supplies and go with him. Sarita, I want you triaging the wounded down here.”
“Who put you in charge?” Demanded Nick, getting a glare from Abrahms.
“In the time of a medical incident, doctors and nurses become the de facto leaders until the chain of command is reestablished after everyone has been treated.” Said Abrahms, “Understood?”
Carlos ran his hand down his face, accidentally smearing some of Alvin’s blood on it. Rebecca had gone into labour, while Stan and some others sealed the entrances and exits. The massive herd of Lurkers passed without issue, with Shel and Becca putting down anyone who’d been killed by being shot in the chest. Kenny, and the other wounded, were tended to by Abrahms, Christa and Sarita helped Rebecca give birth.
“How is he?” Wyatt’s voice made Carlos jump.
“He’ll live.” Said Carlos, “But it’ll be a long recovery.”
Wyatt nodded, “We’re going to fall back on some of the expansion efforts, use some of the supplies to reinforce our walls.”
Carlos nodded, before walking down the stairs and looked around. Nick and Mike were keeping the damaged door shut, while Stan worked on it.
“I think they’re starting to leave.” Said Mike, making Nick crouched down and look at them, “We can stop holding the door down now.”
“You can stop holding it down when I say you can.” Said Stan, “We don’t want any getting in if you’re wrong.”
The two men grumbled, but didn’t move.
“We’ve got a few working cars,” Kenny looked around, “so we can get our asses outta here soon.”
“We could stay here for the winter,” Said Christa, “move on when it’s warmer and safer.”
“It’d also give Clem and Pete more time to heal up,” Added Luke, “I don’t know about you, but the cold makes me ache.”
“You got your ass kick.” Said Mike, bluntly, “Of course the cold’s gonna make you ache.”
“But, Christa’s right,” Said Jane, “we have enough to last us through to spring and it’d be safer to stay here until our injured and young are ready to be moved.”
Kenny frowned, he didn’t like the idea of staying, but he knew solid reasoning when he saw it. It’s something Lee would’ve thought about.
“Well,” Grunted Kenny, “let’s how this pans out.”
Below the office, Clementine, Becca and Sarah were showing three people who turned up a few days after the herd passed through, showing them where they sleep and worked during the day.
Coming back into the main area, Clementine saw Rebecca and Alvin looking at their baby, Abrahms and Sarita were checking the injured, Clementine absently rubbed the bullet wound, and Kenny and the others were coming down from the office. Luke and Jane went off somewhere, while Mike, Bonnie, Russell and Nick went to stand watch. Clementine let Sarah guide her over to the other injured, just as Kenny dropped down next to Sarita, as Carlos checked on Alvin and the baby.
“What are you gonna call him?” Asked Kenny, looking over at them.
“We haven’t really discussed it,” Confessed Rebecca, “We were so worried about Carver finding us and we couldn’t agree on if he was a boy or a girl.”
“I,” Alvin coughed, “I can’t think of anything.”
“You could name him after his father.” Suggested Kenny, looking from the baby to Alvin, “We could call him AJ for short.”
“He does look kinda like an Alvin.” Agreed Clementine, before tilting her head and squinting her eyes, “But, if you squint, he also kinda looks like a potato.”
Alvin started to laugh, before grabbing his chest and wincing, “Ooh, it hurts when I laugh.”
“I think you’re right,” Said Rebecca, after a moment, “I think AJ will suit him.”
“He’s beautiful.” Murmured Alvin, as AJ slept.
“Wait a few weeks,” Warned Kenny, “he’ll cry though the nights and makin’ all sorts of mess.”
“Don’t be disgusting, Kenny.” Reprimanded Christa, sitting next to Clementine, “There are little ears about.”
Clementine gave Christa a disgruntled look, as they all made quiet conversation. No one knew how long they’d actually be here, but they had to make the best of it.
Next Story: What if Clementine died instead of Sarah?
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clementinesmustyhat · 6 months ago
uhm… uhh.. erm… edit! ^^
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clementinesmustyhat · 8 months ago
possible twdg anime anybody? 🤔
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Luke, Luke no…
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girlboytroylougferd · 1 year ago
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HELLO CHAT!! I have a LLOTTTT of names, but the main ones are mouse, lint, and william. im also trying out the names needle, mandy, and troy :3 feel free to stick with one or go all over the place im chill with anything. some. some may even call me ratmouse.......
i use any pronouns! any neos! anything! all of the nouns! make stuff up if you please!!! if you want like a basis, they/he/she/any. not MUCH preference but there is a tiny bit
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^ funny little guy by @/okcoolthanks
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i am a minor‼️
pronouns/name page
i just say shit man. and sometimes i talk about jrwi or ch&t or twdg. and other stuff
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psssst we're a system and have a system blog now :3 @mousecosystem
tags and other misc. stuff under the cut
my tags:
my art will probably be tagged with #ratmouse art
if im just saying stuff (which i love to do) i will tag it with #ratmouse talkshow
#ratmouse mailbox is for answering asks :D
the creatures will be tagged with #ratmouse pets
#ratmouse writing when I write the things it goes here
i save posts in #ratmouse save this
#ratmouse tire when i need to sleep but dont (usually starts at 11pm)
#ratmouse sorrows is my vent tag because i vent on the main a tad too much
I also post a lot of lyrics so if you see the tag #lyricposting im going insane again. #troyposting for when i post about him. mainly needing him carnally
the rp blogs. lint jrwi @number1cloudspirefan, linen jrpwi @linen-bakes-pastries, squeak jrpwi @squeakylikeamouseguy , feather jrpwi @gentlyfallingfeather, pumpkin jrpwi @pumpkin-the-therapy-cat, ruby jrpwi @ruby-rocks, echo @echoing-angel. also @abstinenceboyofprime. so thats just the jrwi blogs. i also run a blog for my dnd character max jacklyn @head-in-the-guitar
the gimick blogs. currently just @slimecicle-quotes
music that i like: Will Wood. Naethan Apollo. Modern Baseball. Los Campesinos! The oh hellos. The crane wives. cshr. weezer. AJJ. tally hall. mitski. Bears in trees. Houndmouth. WALLOWS........... slaughter beach, dog. other misc stuff
stuff that i like: just roll with it the absurdly powerful dnd podcast, qsmp, generation loss, twd telltale games (they are everything to me i love these games i replay them OFTEN), tlou, scu kinda, mcyt, chnt, dndads, hilda, school bus graveyard webcomic
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^ image made by @/s0lar-ch3ri
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^ this is also by @/okcoolthanks. it is the buddy. i am the rat. we are so normal about this album
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bourbonificould · 1 year ago
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Twdg tweets part 20!! (new icons curing my depression
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animegalaxy123 · 1 month ago
My first 20 chapter of what if Ben and Duck survive... Enjoy it :)
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adoredmarigold · 1 year ago
what character do u dislike/hate the most in every twdg season?
Season 1: Vernon or Danny I guess
Season 2: Troy
Season 3: Badger
Season 4: uuuh I guess Abel
Yeah sorry these are all kinda gimme answers, I’m not usually one too really hate characters
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arcadiabaytornado · 2 years ago
What did you think of Kenny and Sarita’s Relationship in TWDG Season 2?
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I find their relationship really interesting. Especially on Sarita's end.
When we meet Kenny again he's buried his past. Sarita says he doesn't talk about before and was in bad shape when she found him. It seems like he's gotten better since that time, but seeing Clem again forces him to face his past.
A rage starts simmering as he's reminded of his wife and son. This leads to Kenny aggressively taking a box from Sarita's hands despite her saying she can get it. This isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but it is a sign of things to come.
Their relationship gets more complicated after Carver kidnaps them. Sarita agrees with the cabin group not to be rash about their escape. This frustrates Kenny, who feels like doing nothing puts them at further risk, and he snaps at her before apologizing and cooling down.
So small cracks are laid but they still care about each other. Kenny defends her from Troy's mouth and Sarita tries to save him while he gets beaten by Carver. She also protests the idea of leaving without him.
Yet, what really interests me is Kenny and Sarita's final interaction before she's bitten. If you leave with Sarita instead of watching Kenny kill Carver, she'll tell Clem this: "That's not the Kenny I know in there. I wish... I thought... I could save him."
It really sounds like she looses faith in Kenny in that moment. It also sounds like she had a bit of a savior complex when it came to him. She wanted to make everything in his life okay again...and too much has happened that he hasn't dealt with for it to turn out that way. This leads me to wonder if their relationship would have been changed fundamentally or even ended if she hadn't gotten bit.
So they're cute during Episode 2, and I find Sarita and Kenny both really interesting to analyze, but it seems like their relationship was on thin ice when he killed Carver. Which makes you wonder if they could have eventually worked things out or if they were doomed for a breakup. That also lets you ask the question if Kenny could handle a break up anymore then he could her death.
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thecrusadercomrade · 7 months ago
What-Ifs of Telltale's the Walking Dead Chapter 31: What If Clementine's Parents Were in Carver's Camp?
Summary: Reggie is dead. Clementine is trapped in a settlement run by a monster. But just as it all begins to feel like too much, two familiar figures appear who Clementine had given up for dead years ago.
Read on AO3!
Read from the beginning!
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the-delta-42 · 4 months ago
The Walking Dead Game What Ifs: What if Carver shot Clementine instead of Walter at the lodge?
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What if Carver shot Clementine instead of Walter at the lodge? Prompt Submitted by Darkwubs on AO3
Requests On Hold
Everyone jumped when a window shattered and one of Carver’s guys, Johnny, fell to the ground dead. Sarah stared in horror as Carver grabbed Clementine and hauled her over to a window, with her group yelling at Carver to let Clementine go, before he shoved her to her knees. The man pulled out his gun, placed the barrel close to Clementine’s head and pulled the trigger. Clementine’s head snapped to the side as she fell to the floor, with the bullet impacting a column on Clementine’s left. Sarah let out an involuntary scream, as blood pooled around Clementine’s head.
“That's for our man!” Yelled Carver, ducking behind a column, “Now, I didn't want to do this, but you ain't leavin' me much choice! So, here's what's gonna happen! I'm gonna march another one of your friends out here and I'm gonna put a bullet in the back of their head! Or you can give up now! Your choice.”
A bullet impacted the column, making Carver growl, rolled his eyes and silently tutted, before he grabbed Alvin, “Hi, Alvin.”
“You motherfucker.” Cursed Alvin, glaring up at Carver.
“Alvin!” Yelled Carlos, as Carver walked Alvin towards the window.
“Bill, no!” Cried Rebecca, “Tell him to stop! Kenny, stop!”
“Do you remember George, Alvin?” Asked Carver, casually, “You see, I do. I remember a guy that was your friend named George. I remember when you murdered him in cold blood. And why? Because you didn't like me? You could've lodged a complaint. You could've... well, you could've been civil.”
“Bill, no!” Screamed Rebecca, “We'll do whatever you want!”
“I love you, Bec.” Said Alvin, as Carver put the gun to his head.
“Bill, please!” Screamed Rebecca, as Alvin looked down.
A groan made everyone freeze, before Clementine sluggishly got up, the girl turned around and looked up at Alvin, revealing a bloody mess that covered her right eye.
“Clementine?” Asked Alvin, as Clementine sluggishly looked around.
“My head hurts.” Slurred Clementine, before trying to wander off. Alvin had shifted to the side, giving Kenny a clean shot at Carver. Carver fell to the floor, as the bullet pierced his shoulder. Clementine stumbled towards him and went to grab his gun, only for the man to get back up and grab her. A few moments later, Kenny stalked into the lodge, glaring at Carver.
Clementine spent most of the journey to Carver’s camp in and out of consciousness, with Carlos making sure she was still alive. Kenny had spent the journey trying to come up with a plan to escape, while Walter tried to question the others on Carver. Clementine’s right eye had swollen slightly, so they didn’t know if Clementine’s eye could be saved.
The truck stopping made them all go silent, before Troy appeared and ferried them into the community. Kenny heard some of the people gasp when they saw Clementine, before a man pushed his way to the front, “Troy, what the fuck did you do?”
“Vince—” Bonnie spoke up, as Vince glared at Troy.
Kenny noticed that Carver wasn’t with them, as a woman joined them and started checking Clementine’s eye.
“We kept telling Bill that Troy’s dangerous,” Spat Vince, “I guess we should consider her lucky that Troy’s aim is—”
“Bill’s the one that shot her.” Interrupted Bonnie, “One of them killed Johnny and Bill—”
“Shot her?” Scoffed a boy, “She must’ve—”
“He shot her at point blank range.” Said Walter, getting their attention, “He had us as prisoners and chose to shoot her.”
The woman looked up from Clementine’s face, “The swelling’s too big for me to see properly. I’m going to check again in the morning.”
With that, the group was guided towards a yard, where they talked to a guy in there and Alvin was carted off to Carver. Eventually, everyone went to sleep, with Clementine waking in the middle of the night wondering where the hell they were.
Clementine bit her bottom lip as the woman, Shel, prodded at her eye. Shel had a sister that was a couple years older than Clementine, who was watching as Carlos instructed Shel through the task.
“She’s lucky,” Said Shel, after a moment, “looks like the bullet skimmed across her skull.”
“So, she’ll probably have a concussion,” Said Carlos, after a moment, “given the amount of force that was behind that bullet.”
Shel nodded, before looking at Becca, “Becca, can you take her to the greenhouses?”
Becca rolled her eyes, by led Clementine to the greenhouse, scoffing when she saw Sarah, “Ugh, she’s such a baby.”
Clementine gave Becca a look, “What do you mean?”
“She’s useless, all she does is whine and follow her dad around.” Sneered Becca, “She’s such a baby, I wish she’d stayed gone.”
Clementine was giving the back of Becca’s head a hard look, she was tempted to push Becca, but Carver’s voice stopped her, “Now that isn’t very nice, Becca.”
Becca ducked her head, as Carver walked around them.
“Why don’t you work in the greenhouse today,” Ordered Carver, “I need to talk to Clementine.”
Becca hurried into the greenhouse, leaving Clementine on the roof with Carver.
“I suppose you think me shooting you was something personal.” Said Carver, as Clementine squinted up at him, “It wasn’t, your friend killed one of my guys and—”
“—and that’s something you can’t let slide.” Finished Clementine, “Negan said the same thing before beating someone’s skull in.”
Carver frowned at her, “How do you know that name?”
“I met him once.” Responded Clementine, “He was a better people person.”
Carver frowned and said, “Get in the greenhouse.”, before walking away. Clementine followed his instruction and looked up at Reggie, who had her pruning a plant with Becca and Sarah.
Clementine had watched as Sarah was guided to the medical area and Becca was given a bucket of nails, before Bonnie took her to a room to fill up gun magazines. The woman made some small talk and gave her a jacket she’d taken from the Ski lodge. A woman called Tavia turned up and took Clementine to help Becca carry the nails. The trip took a turn for the unexpected when some Walkers got in and Clementine had to fight a couple off.
Clementine had then been called to Carver’s office, passing Rebecca and spotting a bloody and unconscious Alvin. She’d then been taken back to the yard, where the rest of her group were having dinner. She heard from Kenny that Luke had flagged him down and they were working on getting him a radio, which Clementine found she’d been volunteered for. She managed to get a pair of radios, which they planned on getting one to Luke.
Halfway through the night, Becca and Shel were shoved into the Yard by Troy, waking everyone up.
“We didn’t do anything!” Yelled Becca, as Shel cradled her face with blood running through her fingers.
“Bullshit.” Sneered Troy, pulling the gate shut.
Becca screamed and banged on the gate, as Carlos sluggishly got up and guided Shel over to the fire.
“What’s going on?” Asked Rebecca, looking over at Carlos.
“Bill…” Shel winced, “Bill’s gotten paranoid. Someone took some food and medical supplies, and a pack of cigarettes. Since it happened on my watch, Becca and me got the blame.”
“What’d he do?” Asked Mike, frowning.
“He beat her up.” Scoffed Becca, giving them a suspicious look, “One of you must’ve taken it.”
“When?” Asked Clementine, “While we were working? None of us know where any of that stuff is kept.”
Shel let out a pained cough, now that she was in the light, her face was heavily bruised and one of her eyes was almost swollen shut. Clementine saw Shel flinch slightly every time Carlos moved. Rolling over, Clementine got herself comfortable and went back to sleep.
In the morning, everyone was directed to their tasks, a dark-skinned teen gave Shel and Becca a hate filled glare. Becca was assigned to the greenhouse with Sarah, while Clementine stowed one of the radios in her pocket. Shel was carted off by the teen, roughly jamming the barrel of his gun into her back.
After getting close to Kenny, Clementine slipped him the radio, before following Tavia to Bonnie. Clementine hoped that Kenny was able to get the radio to Luke, when Troy stormed in and roughly grabbed her arm and all but dragged her back to the yard.
Carver, evidently, discovered Luke and one of the missing radios. Before she could offer an excuse or explanation, Kenny took the radio from his pocket and claimed responsibility for taking it. Which led to Carver beating Kenny with the object, Clementine ran forward and got hit on the gash on her forehead by Troy. Through bloody vision, Clementine saw Shel trying to restrain Carver’s arm, when the teen from the morning shot her in the head. The last thing Clementine heard before darkness claimed her was Becca screaming.
Groaning, Clementine sat up and looked around. Carlos was hunched over Kenny, while the others were talking around a fire by the walls. Shel’s body hadn’t been moved, the bullet had entered through her eye and exited out the back of her head. Becca was curled up by the fire, hugging her legs.
“What…” Clementine groaned, “What did I miss?”
“Bonnie’s helping us escape.” Said Nick, quietly, “Becca hasn’t said anything since Shel got shot.”
Clementine nodded, before reaching up and feeling the bandage over her forehead.
“Carlos had some to spare,” Said Nick, “most were used on Kenny though.”
The pair made their way over to the others, Sarita was crying and being comforted by Rebecca while Mike and Luke spoke to Bonnie through the door to the yard, before the woman left. Mike and Luke joined the others.
“What'd she say?” Asked Rebecca, comforting Sarita.
“She said she can get us out of the pen if we can get the PA system going.” Said Mike, folding his arms and looking around them, “Second she hears it, she'll run over and spring us.”
“That's great.” Said Rebecca, as Clementine frowned.
“It's not great.” Argued Luke, dropping to the ground.
“What're you talking about?” Asked Rebecca, as Becca looked at Luke.
“Look, I know part of this is my fault, I... I know.” Winced Luke, “I was hungry, I got reckless tryin' to steal some food and I got caught...”
“Can we even trust Bonnie?” Asked Becca, sullenly.
“We got no reason not to trust her.” Sighed Luke, as Clementine hesitantly put a hand on Becca’s shoulder and gave her a wincing smile, “I mean, if she wanted us caught, we'd be caught. But tonight... tonight is risky.”
“It is pretty damn risky, guys.” Agreed Nick, as Walter shifted where he stood.
“Risky? Did you see what that son of a bitch just did?” Mike gestured towards Kenny, “Look, the plan works. Nothing needs to change. It's all set up. The hard part is done. This guy's fucking crazy. Who knows what he'll do next?”
“Yeah, but now we're dealin' with a guy beat to shit, Sarita in no shape to do anything, and I'm a goddamn mess.” Luke looked around them, “Look, we should rest up, okay? We should bide our time, and we should wait for an opening.”
“Bonnie's agreeing to help us tonight.” Protested Mike, as Becca glared up at him.
“And that doesn't mean she can't do it some other night.” Said Luke, looking at Mike.
“I don't know, guys. Luke's makin' sense.” Nick glanced around, “Maybe we should wait.”
“We're not waiting.” Scoffed Rebecca, giving Luke a dark look.
“Bonnie’s going to fall back in line with Carver.” Scowled Becca, as Clementine looked towards the gate.
“Ain't nothin' out there, guys. Trust me, I looked.” Said Luke, “There's no food, there's no supplies. They picked everything clean. I'm just sayin', we gotta be sensible about this.”
“This is being sensible.” Argued Mike.
Clementine tuned the others out, with Carlos joining them and relaying Kenny’s condition to them, only snapping out of her thoughts when Luke said “Okay, look... maybe I'm just playin' devil's advocate here, but if... damn it, if y'all are serious about goin' tonight, then we're gonna have to start talkin' about maybe... leavin' some folks behind.”
“No!” Snapped Sarita, as Walter glared at Luke.
“There is no other way.” Argued Luke.
“This is bullshit.” Scoffed Rebecca, crossing her arms.
“Well, I don't like it either, but guess what? It's where we're at.” Snapped Luke, glaring at them.
“Kenny, Sarita and I are only here because of you people, and now you intend to leave us behind?!” Demanded Walter, “You killed Matthew and led Carver to us!”
“So we should risk all of our lives?” Asked Carlos, callously.
“What are you saying?” Seethed Rebecca, glaring at the doctor.
“Nothing. I'm...” Carlos backtracked, “I'm just thinking out loud here.”
“We are not leaving him!” Snapped Sarita, glaring full force at Luke.
“No! We're not leaving Kenny!” Protested Clementine, “That's not fair! We stay together!”
“Life ain't fair, Clem.” Said Luke, “We're just tryin' to make the best of a bad situation, here.”
“You should be left behind.” Said Becca, “You can barely walk and you want to stay.”
“I know I’m a mess.” Sighed Luke, “But, I’m walkin’, Kenny ain’t. No one wants to leave Kenny.”
“Good, 'cause...” Kenny’s voice reached them, “you won't have to.”
Clementine and Becca were sent to turn the PA system on and, after Bonnie returned and spoke to Mike, get two people, Vince and Wyatt. Becca mentioned that they were part of the group she was with when she and Shel joined Carver’s group. Along with the guy that killed Shel, Russell.
“Found them.” Whispered Becca, as she and Clementine slowly climbed down, “Vince!”
The Asian man that Clementine saw talking to Tavia the other day looked up at them, “Becca!”
Giving the girl a quick hug, he checked her over, “Are you alright? I heard Shel had been shot.”
“Russell shot her.” Said Becca, before looking over at Clementine, “What are you doing?”
Clementine looked over from where she was stuffing bullets into her pockets, “…stocking up?”
“Those are rifle rounds,” Said a man with glasses and a thick beard, “useless in pistols.” He lifted a couple of bags up, “Besides, we got some supplies here. Bonnie heard that everywhere’d been picked clean.”
Clementine slowly nodded, “I’m going to turn the PA on.”
She quickly climbed up to the window and climbed out, with Becca joining her a moment later. They set the PA up and Clementine said her goodbyes to Alvin. They found Carver pointing a gun at the rest of their escaping group, with a guard and Russell with him. Thinking quickly, Clementine jumped and landed on guard’s back, burying her teeth into the side of his neck. Following Clementine’s example, Becca jumped on top of Russell, punching him in the head.
Hearing the two guys yelling made Carver turn around, giving Kenny the opportunity to shoot Carver’s leg. Finally managing to throw Clementine off him, the guard went to shoot her, only for Kenny to nail him in the head. Russell fell to the floor, with Becca still punching his head. Vince grabbed Becca, while Wyatt grabbed Russell and dragged him outside with the others following after him.
Clementine looked up at Kenny, as the man grabbed a crowbar. Looking around, Clementine decided to stay with Kenny and Rebecca, she was vaguely aware of Becca being guided outside by Vince. Watching someone get their head bashed in wasn’t something new to her, not after she and Christa stumbled across the Saviors, with Negan beating a guy’s head in. Compared to Negan, Kenny was rather tame.
Joining the others outside, they took out a couple of Walkers and covered themselves in their guts.
“This is disgusting.” Grumbled Becca, as they covered themselves.
Clementine noticed that Russell was covering himself as well, but her attention was drawn to Troy appearing and yelling at them. Jane offered for him to come with them, before shooting him in the dick.
Troy screaming drew the attention of the Walkers, allowing them to head off. Then they started getting shot at. Carlos was trying to keep Sarah calm, when a bullet went through Walter’s neck and grazed his arm.
“We need to hurry.” Urged Carlos, “Stay close to me Sarah.”
Clementine silently watched as they were guided away, before she saw Russell. He was struggling with a Walker biting his wrist. Clementine noticed she wasn’t the only one who was looking, before she moved forwards and brought her hatchet down on Russell’s wrist. After a couple of blows, Russell’s hand came off. He stared at his bloody stump and started screaming.
Russell’s screams drew the attention of more Walkers, with Clementine quickly moving over to Becca and pushing her forwards. Soon, the two girls found themselves with Rebecca and Jane. After Jane ‘disarmed’ a Walker, they soon found themselves in the woods, away from the Walkers.
They ended up meeting with Luke, Carlos and Sarah, with news that Nick was shot in the shoulder.
“You and that Lee guy walked through a herd like that?” Asked Luke, breathing heavily.
“No, it was bigger.” Answered Clementine, “This one didn’t have my parents in it though.”
“Jesus.” Swore Luke, glancing around at their small group, “When’d you lose ‘em?”
“At the start.” Shrugged Clementine, “I didn’t find out until three months in, though. Found out a week after my birthday.”
“How old were you?” Asked Luke.
“Nine.” Answered Clementine, “I found them the same day Lee died.”
Despite the pain she was in, Rebecca cleared her throat and gave Luke a pointed look. Wincing, Luke looked away. They’d walked, or in some cases limped, for nearly an hour, before Clementine spoke, “Are we there yet?”
“No, still got some more walkin’ to do.” Answered Luke, as Rebecca let out a groan, “We’re close though.”
Clementine let out what sounded like a profanity ladened grumble, but kept walking.
They found the others at Parker’s Run, with Sarita checking Nick’s shoulder. Vince was the first to notice them, with Kenny spotting Clementine and rushing over, “Clem! You alright?”
Clementine nodded, “Walter’s dead, and that Russell guy got bit. I cut his hand off, but he got swarmed by Walkers.”
“Yeah, Nick’s in rough shape.” Sighed Kenny, before spotting Carlos helping Rebecca, “We’ve done a couple of checks, we ain’t found any Walkers.”
“There’s a gift shop near here,” Said Luke, “if we can get it open, it might be a safe place for us to hunker down.”
Kenny nodded, “Right, anyone know how to pick a lock?”
“I’ll do it,” Said Jane, before glancing at the girls, “I’ll take them with me, keep an eye out while I work.”
After leaving Jane and Luke, after Jane and the girls encountered a stranger called Arvo and Jane tried to rob him. Clementine had remembered the last time she stole from someone, she didn’t want to get more people killed, like last time. Sarah had gone and helped Carlos and Sarita with Rebecca, while Clementine went down to Bonnie and Mike, and Becca found herself on watch with Kenny, Nick, Vince and Wyatt.
A little while later, Clementine, Bonnie and Mike came back with some big bottles of water and a thick coat. Noticing the Walkers that were being attracted by Rebecca’s screams, the group fell back to the gift shop, Nick stumbled and ended up wrestling with a Walker before he managed to get away. They arrived and found Luke and Jane having sex, but they decided to focus on getting everyone onto the balcony, making sure to lock the gate to prevent the Walkers from following them. Clementine winced as Kenny started giving Luke and Jane the third degree, while Vince and Wyatt worked on getting a fire going. Carlos and Sarita managed to get Rebecca’s baby born with little complications. Rebecca looked tired, and looked like she was going to fall asleep.
“Here.” A portion of food was presented to Clementine, “You must be hungry.”
Clementine nodded, taking the food from Kenny, “Mike wanted to eat a raccoon we saw down at the museum.”
“Can’t say I blame him.” Chuckled Kenny, looking around the group they were in, “We’re gonna have to move on soon. This place is too exposed, there’s nothing to hunt and we don’t have the supplies to last the winter.”
“There’s a town across the lake,” Said Clementine, “maybe we can find a house and stay there until it’s safer for the baby to travel.”
“Does give us a problem for moving to Wellington.” Remarked Kenny, looking down at Clementine, “Clearing a house or something might give us somewhere safe and warm to sleep, until we can decide what we’re gonna do.”
Kenny let out a sigh, “Get some sleep, Clem. We’ll work on it in the morning.”
They’d started walking towards the town, the group, except Clementine, Luke and Kenny, found out that Jane had left in the night. Nick looked sick, but Carlos was more concerned about Rebecca and her baby, while Sarita kept an eye on Kenny. Bonnie volunteered to check Clementine’s forehead, reminding the girl that she had a massive gash from the bullet that skimmed across her skull.
They ended up running into the guy from the day before, along with his group, which was dwarfed compared to theirs. They’d asked about Jane, before Nick gave a violent cough, and sat down. Clementine ignored the ‘discussion’ instead focussing on Nick, seeing him slump forwards a bit. Frowning, only slightly because it made her forehead hurt, Clementine watched at Nick twitched. Now that she thought about it, Nick looked like Duck and Lee did when they…were…
“Fuck!” Clementine raised her gun and shot the Walker in the head.
Chaos erupted, everyone made a dash for cover, Luke got shot in the leg, Wyatt got hit to the arm, Kenny, Vince and Mike were exchanging fire with the Russian group, Sarah ended up tackling Clementine behind a rock, with the pair finding themselves between a dead Nick and a shrieking baby.
“Ugh, why is he so loud?!” Groaned Sarah, as Clementine grabbed him and pulled him out of the line of fire, just as Becca hit the group bleeding from her ear.
“Son of a bitch!” Becca held her bleeding ear, before Sarah grabbed her collar and pulled her over to them, depositing her on top of Nick, “Ew!”
Clementine winced, before looking at Nick and spotting that his shirt had ridden up. After a moment, Clementine lifted the shirt up further and found a bite mark, “…Shit.”
The gunfire stopped, soon a shadow was over them, and the baby was roughly taken from Clementine.
“Careful!” Snapped Carlos, taking the baby from Luke, “Clementine, what happened?”
Clementine pointed at the bite on Nick’s side, “He got bit.”
“Fuck.” Swore Mike, as Clementine slowly got up, “It must’ve happened yesterday.”
“How?” Demanded Luke, “Why was he so close to a buncha Lurkers?”
The group stared at him, before Becca, through her pain, said, “When two people who barely know each other get freaky—”
“It happened because you and Jane were rolling in the hay, like a pair of fucking teenagers.” Scoffed Kenny, as Wyatt and Vince secured the only surviving Russian.
Clementine looked past them and saw one of the Russians, a woman, reanimating. The survivor, Arvo, noticed and started calling to her, before realising she was a Walker. Arvo started to uncontrollably sob, as Clementine put the Walker down.
They ended up walking to a power station, where they camped for the night. Clementine ended up having some rum and letting slip that Nick gave her some moonshine, which went over well with Kenny. Arvo had been reclusive, so they hadn’t worried about him. Luke mentioned that it was his birthday, or his birthweek, he said he wasn’t sure.
Clementine wasn’t sure who started the fire, but she was grateful for some warmth. Rebecca named the baby, taking Kenny’s suggestion on board, after his father. They’d already started calling him AJ, Becca and Sarah declined the offer to hold him, Becca because AJ threw up on her and Sarah because AJ peed. Keeping him clean, warm and happy was harder than any would’ve liked, but Wyatt had packed diapers.
“Everybody better enjoy the peace while it lasts,” Said Kenny, gruffly wincing as Carlos and Sarita checked their injuries, “He’ll be screaming his head off in a few weeks.”
“But he’s always sleeping.” Said Sarah frowning.
Clementine found herself starting to laugh, “Christa said they do that, after the first few weeks they’ll be needy.”
“Christa have experience with children?” Asked Bonnie, looking at Clementine.
Clementine’s mind went back to Christa giving birth, Kenlee lived for a few hours, before the cold took her. Clementine burnt anything she could find to keep the baby warm, especially since Christa had passed out. She’d woken up to Clementine wrapping Kenlee up in her hoodie, before taking over trying to keep the baby warm, sending Clementine off to grab anything they could burn.
But, nothing changed. Kenlee died, and part of Christa died with her. The woman started teaching Clementine how to hunt, cook, treat injuries, everything she needed to survive.
“She… she had a baby.” Answered Clementine, looking down, “A girl, Kenlee. She… she died a few hours after…”
“Christ.” Swore Kenny, before running a hand down his face, “What happened?”
“Christa put her down.” Said Clementine, “We moved on, ran into a guy who was with the Saviors and had a run in with Negan. We managed to get away, but we got ambushed by some bandits and got separated.”
The group stared at her, before Kenny awkwardly cleared his throat, “Let’s get some sleep, we got a long journey tomorrow.”
“I think some Walker’s heard that gunshot.” Said Wyatt, as they walked on the frozen lake. It’d been decided that Kenny and Luke would go with Arvo. Carlos and Sarita walked with Vince and Mike, while Becca, Sarah and Clementine walked with Rebecca and AJ, with Bonnie, Wyatt and Jane bringing up the rear.
Clementine looked back and spotted some cracks, “Guys—”
The ice broke and Bonnie and Wyatt fell through. The hole caused more cracks to spread across the lake, looking around, Clementine realised that one of the cracks went under her, while Becca, Sarah, Rebecca and AJ managed to get to the other side. The next thing Clementine knew everything was cold, she saw Walkers reaching up to her. She couldn’t breathe, then a hand grabbed her jacket and she was hauled out of the water. Clementine coughed, as Jane hastily made her way to house, where Luke had managed to get a fire going.
Everything for Clementine was a cold, loud, blur. Sarita and Rebecca turfed all the guys out of the room, while Jane pulled some dry clothes out of one of the bags Vince and Wyatt had taken from Howe’s. Clementine was so cold, that she didn’t notice them undressing and redressing her, she thought she heard Sarita say something about a period, but she ignored it. Soon afterwards, everything went dark.
Sarita carefully shifted Clementine so she was close to the fire, before looking over at Rebecca and AJ. Jane was wringing Clementine’s wet clothes out, so they could be dried, while Bonnie took Sarah and Becca outside. Everyone soon came inside, with Kenny and Luke keeping an eye on Clementine.
“I can’t believe Bonnie and Wyatt are gone.” Said Vince, looking around, “What happened?”
“The ice broke.” Answered Jane, “Clementine fell through a crack that ran underneath her.”
“I’m gonna work on the truck outside,” Said Kenny, “but someone might want to check the town for any other working vehicles.”
“I’ll take Mike and the kid,” Said Vince, “we’ll look for an RV or a people mover.”
Kenny nodded, waving a hand, before heading outside to work on the truck.
Clementine woke up confused, she’d seen Lee in the RV after Lilly killed Carley, so finding herself in a house wasn’t something she was expecting, then she spotted Luke and Jane by a window, Rebecca and AJ were closer to her, while Carlos quietly spoke with Sarah and Sarita was talking with Becca.
���Where—” Clementine winced at how raspy her voice sounded, “where are the others?”
Rebecca handed Clementine a bottle of water, “Kenny’s working on a truck outside and Vince had taken Mike and Arvo into town on a supply run.”
Clementine nodded, before looking at the clothes and frowned, “Did someone undress me?”
“We had to get you out of your wet clothes,” Said Sarita, getting up, “I’m going to let Kenny know that you’re awake.”
Clementine nodded, looking around, before Kenny rushed in with Vince.
“We managed to find an RV.” Said Vince, panting slightly, “Mike and Arvo were got by Walkers.”
“And I got the truck running,” Informed Kenny, “Now, we just have to decide what to do.”
“We could go back to Howe’s and raid whatever supplies they’ve left behind.” Suggested Vince, “If we’re going to be moving on, we’re going to need a lot of supplies.”
“And it would be the best place to get formula.” Said Jane, before looking at Rebecca, who was feeding AJ, “You know, for when Rebecca’s asleep.”
Kenny didn’t look happy, but agreed with them. They agreed to leave first thing in the morning.
“That’s the last of it.” Said Becca, as they finished loading into Kenny’s truck.
“Hey, Kenny?” Asked Clementine, making the man look up.
“Yeah, Clem?”
“What are we going to do if Wellington doesn’t let us in?”
The group froze, while Kenny frowned, “We’ll… we’ll move on, keep travelling, until we find a place.”
The group had all piled into the vehicles and started driving for Wellington. As Kenny said, they kept moving when they were refused entry, eventually running into a small family, Randy, Patricia and their son, Gill. Javi, a former baseball player, his sister-in-law, Kate, and her two step-children, Gabe and Mariana, before the travelling group stumbled upon a boarding school with kids surviving in it.
Their group grew as it was travelling, with Luke and Jane having a little girl, Jamie, and Kenny and Sarita having twins, Lee and Maddie. The boarding school’s nurse, Clarissa Martin, welcomed them, especially when she met Carlos.
Next Story: What if Nick shot Clementine?
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