#jose maria vazquez
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José María Vázquez (Mexican, 1765 - 1826), Portrait of Sister María Antonia del Corazón de Jesús (1814).
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Seen in 2023:
Long Live the Bride and Groom (Luis Garcia Berlanga), 1970
#films#movies#stills#Long Live the Bride and Groom#Luis Garcia Berlanga#Jose Luis Lopez Vazquez#Jose Maria Prada#Spanish#1970s#seen in 2023
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YO PUEDO PERDONAR, PERO NO OLVIDAR..porque MIRAR PARA ATRAS O RECORDAR es lo UNICO QUE TE SIRVE COMO ADVERTENCIA..y estan SIENDO MUY APOCALIPTICAS..así es como uno está ALL ALONG THE WATCH_TOWER del cd JOHN WESLEY HARDING [un habil PISTOLERO que se reconvirtio a ABOGADO y lo mataron en EL PASO=frontera de EEUU con MEXICO o CIUDAD JUAREZ=FEMINICIDIO..y donde hay un CRISTO en una CIMA]..de BOB DYLAN [la que más toco en su vida] single entre I DREAMED I SAW ST AGUSTINE y the BALLAD OF FRANKIE LEE and JUDAS PRIEST=grupo donde un FAN sustituyo a su CANTANTE en lo que se basa la Película ROCK STAR de Jennifer ANISTON estrenada en SEP 2001 [=11_$]..
..canción popularizada por JIMI HENDRIX que murió en la misma CAMA que ELLIOT de THE MAMAS and THE PAPAS en LONDRES que murió tras cenar con PAUL MC ARTNEY Y LINDA [ella RICA por vender VEGETALES CONGELADOS para morir de CANCER] cuya multimillonaria madre se mató en el vuelo UNO de AMERICAN AIRLINES en NY.
..y canción que versiono U2 en directo dentro de su cd_pelicula RATTLE and HUM [que estrenaron en MADRID con U2 a los que se les olvidó el PASAPORTE].. tocandola en el EMBARCADERO DE SAN FRANCISCO [añadiendo que solo tiene UNA GUITARRA ROJA, 3 ACORDES Y LA VERDAD] y uniéndola a IN GOD'S COUNTRY [=EEUU] del cd THE JOSHUA TREE [VALLE DE LA MUERTE]..así que recuerdo que luego vino cd ACHTUNG [ADVERTENCIA] BABY [CARIÑO] lanzado con la apocaliptica THE FLY y que incluye UNTIL THE END OF WORLD..gira que vi en mayo 1992 PALAU SANT JORDI [con mis amigos JOSE MANUEL O CHECHU CENDAL que dias antes vio la gira de despedida de DIRE STRAITS "ON EVERY STREET" en la plaza de toros de MADRID y EL ENGLISH=JOSE MARIA GONZALEZ PLANT cuyo padre era Sobrecargo de IBERIA fusionada con BRITISH AIRWAYS poniendo de presidente al ex presidente de TABACALERA Antonio VAZQUEZ ROMERO donde sustituyo a CESAR ALiERTA que a su vez sustituyo a MIGUEL ANGEL VALLE_INCLAN padre de mi amigo RAMON VALLE_INCLAN bisnieto del famoso escritor del ESPERPENTO=ALGO ABSURDO Y RIDICULO..y autor de LUCES DE BOHEMIA protagonizada por MAX ESTRELLA] y en mayo 1993 en estadio del rio MANZANA+eRES [donde una MUJER_POLICIA A CABALLO me INCORDIO cuando MEABA bajo el TUNEL por el que cruzaba por debajo del Estadio la M_30 parte de la AVDA DE LA PAZ].. viniendo de un lluvioso concierto en OVIEDO poniendo a Kylie MINOGUE siendo entrevistada sobre que estaba Grabando su nuevo disco en las pantallas como intro de Even Better than Real THING del cd ACTHUNG BABY aunque en MADRID pusieron un combate de Boxeo...gira que como cd ACTHUNG baby empezaba con ZOO STATION [parada de metro de BERLIN donde lo grabaron tomando el ULTIMO VUELO a la ALEMANIA ORIENTAL antes de la CAIDA DEL "MURO"=
I'm ready for the laughing gas
I'm ready
I'm ready for what's next
I'm ready to duck
I'm ready to dive
I'm ready to say
I'm glad to be alive
I'm ready
I'm ready for the push, uh huh
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..y siguiendo con INGLESES y posesiones de EXTRANJEROS en ESPAÑA..recuerdo q fui con JOSE MARIA GONZALEZ PLANT [Nacido en SHEFFIELD y cuya madre INGLESA se caso con un SOBRECARGO de IBERIA q fusionaron con BRITISH AIRWAYS en IAG poniendo de presidente al Tenor aficionado antonio VAZQUEZ responsable de la VENTA de ALTADIS [española TABACALERA+francesa SEITA] a la BRITANICA IMPERIAL TOBACCO] a TORREVIEJA donde estaba de OKUPA en un CHALET DE ALEMANES o de los Padres de su HIJA LUCIA..nuestro amigo JOSE CARLOS JUAREZ CABELLO alias EL LUPAS..pues de la NOCHE A LA MAÑANA su novia drogata alemana DESAPARECIO con su hija [la justicia alemana le dio la custodia a ella] cuando PAGABAN EL ALQUILER a sus PADRES como siguió haciendo una vez ella se fue pero le cortaron el AGUA Y LA LUZ..aunque planto una planta de MARIHUANA q daba hasta SOMBRA hasta que se la fumo el ENGLISH..y Fuimos xq la madre del LUPAS quería que le convencieramos para que volviera a MADRID pero ahí vivía como DIOS..trabajando solo 6 meses en un CHIRINGUITO DE PLAYA donde ganaba 3000€/mes ..y se FOLLABA A TODAS LAS PUTAS RUSAS QUE QUERIA jaja
X cierto..el LUPAS y el hermano de LEIVA de PEREZA [con camiseta de la gira TUNNEL OF LOVE EXPRESS TOUR de SPRINGSTEEN q vio con 14 años en Agosto 88 en el Estadio del MANZANA+eRES..así como cuando fuimos a ver a LOQUILLO en el Parque de ATRACCIONES donde FLORENTINO PEREZ ofrecía montar GRATIS si le votaban para presidente de REAL MADRID..y una nochevieja frente a mi casa en calle RIOJA=capital LOGRo+cOÑO antes de ir de fiesta a la Estación de Chamartin donde me ligue a una TIPA q me dio sus JOYAS PARA Q LAS GUARDARA EN MI AMERICANA y no las PERDIERA jaja] conmigo en las FOTOS
..y el LUPAS luego se caso con una ESPAÑOLA, tuvo otra hija, monto el bar LUCKY 13 en ALCALA DE HENARES [MADRID] q CERRO al poco tiempo y se divorcio saliendo con una rubia poco después como he podido saber por FACEBOOK
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Editorial: Palabras del Alma..
EDITORIAL: WORDS OF THE SOUL María Piña Periodista – Escritora Consejera Global Delegada de La Mujer A todos nuestros lectores en el mundo… A quienes nos siguen en el dia a dia, a todos aquellos “mis lectores” que desde el dia uno decidieron apostar por mis trocitos del alma plasmados en mis líneas, en mis letras. Quien suscribe la presente, María Piña Consejera Global Delegada de la Mujer de…
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San Ysidro McDonald’s Massacre
The San Ysidro McDonald’s Massacre occurred at a McDonald’s in the town San Ysidro of San Diego,CA on July 19, 1984. The perpetrator was 41 year old James Huberty, who fatally shot 21 people and wounded 19 others before being killed by police.
His wife, Etna, asked where he was going with a small arsenal of weapons and he replied with “I’m going to hunt humans.” He had been at that same Mcdonald’s with his wife and children earlier that day before the massacre. James walked into the Mcdonald’s with a semiautomatic rifle, a semiautomatic pistol and a 12-gauge pump shotgun. He told his family, “Goodbye, I won’t be back”.
On that day 45 people were in that Mcdonald’s. He then started killing and wounding many others inside and outside of the San Ysidro Mcdonald’s. Police then interfered and 27 yr old police SWAT sniper named Charles Foster sniped James and killed him instantly. Huberty shouted things about fighting in the Vietnam War but was never actually part of the military.
A permanent memorial to those killed in the massacre was unveiled on December 13, 1990. The victims were:
Killed inside restaurant:
•Elsa Herlinda Borboa-Firro (19)
•Neva Denise Caine (22)
•Michelle Deanne Carncross (18)
•María Elena Colmenero-Silva (19)
•Gloria López Gonźalez (22)
•Blythe Regan Herrera (31)
•Mateo Herrera (11)
•Paulina Aquino López (21)
•Margarita Padilla (18)
•Claudia Pérez (19)
•Jose Rubén Lozano-Pérez (19)
•Carlos Reyes (8 months)
•Jackie Lynn Wright Reyes (18)
•Victor Maxmillian Rivera (25)
•Arisdelsi Vuelvas-Vargas (31)
•Hugo Luis Velázquez Vazquez (45)
•Laurence Herman Versluis (62)
Killed outside restaurant:
•David Flores Delgado (11)
•Omarr Alonso Hernandez (11)
•Miguel Victoria-Ulloa (74)
•Aida Velázquez Victoria (69)
•Juan Acosta (33)
•John Arnold (16)
•Anthony Atkins (36)
•Astolfo Cejundo (26)
•Joshua Coleman (11)
•Guadalupe del Rio (24)
•Astolfo Félix (31)
•Karlita Félix (4 months)
•Maricela Félix (23)
•Ronald Herrera (33)
•Albert Leos (17)
•Francisco López (22)
•Aurora Peña (11)
•Imelda Pérez (15)
•Maria Rivera (25)
•Mireya Rivera (4)
•Keith Thomas (12)
•Juan Tokano (33)
•Kenneth Villegas (22)
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Nuevo Paradigma para el VIH en México
Carta Pública | Ciudad de México, 7 de mayo de 2019.
A la opinión pública,
A las autoridades,
A personas que viven con VIH-sida, familiares y amigos:
El gobierno de México ha tomado la decisión de implementar nuevos mecanismos administrativos en la compra de antirretrovirales de calidad, apoyándose de una propuesta presentada el pasado 26 de abril de 2019 por un grupo de expertos médicos en materia de VIH-sida de la Secretaría de Salud, acompañados de Organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil y activistas.
Por ello, quienes suscribimos esta carta también consideramos indispensable renovar las estrategias del Programa Nacional para la Prevención y el Control del VIH-sida, con el propósito de garantizar no sólo el acceso universal al tratamiento de la infección por Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana sino, también, la optimización de costos y la simplificación de los esquemas de tratamiento.
El fin del sida como epidemia, es un objetivo factible, pero será imposible si México pierde la oportunidad de tomar medidas necesarias, e incluso radicales, para hacer de los antirretrovirales una herramienta efectiva, terapéutica y preventiva, que permita frenar la epidemia. Pero hay que hacerlo con medidas concretas a través de la compra de los mejores antirretrovirales actualmente disponibles en México, además de simplificar los tratamientos de acuerdo a las guías nacionales e internacionales y a las evidencias científicas disponibles. México siempre ha comprado los medicamentos antirretrovirales al precio más elevado entre los países de América Latina. Tan sólo el año pasado se erogaron más de 3 mil millones de pesos y cada año se presentan nuevos casos de transmisiones de VIH en el país. Con el cambio instrumentado se podrá atender a más pacientes, a nuevos casos y con el mismo presupuesto. Por eso es momento de apoyar el cambio de rumbo propuesto y seguir exigiendo el fortalecimiento de los mejores esquemas de prevención.
El sistema de salud en México está obligado a responder a las necesidades de la población con VIH, de sus familiares y parejas, atendiendo el interés público. Definitivamente es necesario un ajuste para simplificar medidas y criterios clínicos, con el propósito de ofrecer los mejores tratamientos antirretrovirales disponibles a los casi 100 mil pacientes atendidos por la Secretaría de Salud en todo el país. Es momento de apoyar este cambio de paradigma en la atención de VIH-sida en México.
Lo anterior significa:
Reducir esquemas de tratamientos, manteniendo la eficacia y disminuyendo los efectos adversos e interacciones farmacológicas,
Depurar claves de medicamentos obsoletos,
Supervisión individual de casos específicos y,
Garantizar un mejor monitoreo y seguimiento clínico de las y los usuarios en los servicios especializados.
Para que ofrezcan resultados, las medidas necesitan aplicarse en el inicio del tratamiento antirretroviral, en la mejora de los tratamientos existentes; pero también en la revisión a detalle de los pacientes que reciben esquemas muy específicos a consecuencia del tiempo de tratamiento, de las resistencias presentadas y otros factores de riesgo para su salud.
Para concretar la propuesta de simplificación es necesario atender la opinión de los expertos clínicos de la Secretaría de Salud, fortalecer la capacidad de atención integral y con ello cumplir las metas de poner alto al sida en 2030, como propone el Programa Conjunto de las Naciones Unidas (ONUSIDA).
La salud de las personas por encima de todo. Por eso #NuevoParadigmaVIHMx
Dr. Gustavo Reyes Terán, Centro de Investigación en Enfermedades Infecciosas (CIENI). Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias (INER).
Dr. Juan G. Sierra Madero, Departamento de Infectología, Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Médicas y Nutrición (INCMN).
Dra. Andrea González Rodríguez, Clínica Especializada Condesa.
Dr. Florentino Badial Hernández, Clínica Especializada Condesa Iztapalapa.
Dra. Alicia Piñeirúa Menéndez, Clínica Especializada Condesa Iztapalapa.
Dra. Patricia Volkow Fernández, Departamento de Infectología. Instituto Nacional de Cancerología.
Mtro. Alejandro Brito, activista y fundador de Letra S.
H. Rodrigo Moheno, Secretario General de Fundación México Vivo.
Lic. Ángel Candia, activista y Secretario General Adjunto de Fundación México Vivo.
Mtro. Genaro Lozano, académico y activista.
Dr. Jorge Saavedra, Ex Director General del Centro Nacional para la Prevención y Control del SIDA.
Nicole Finkelstein, Directora General, AIDS Healthcare Foundation México.
Dr. Ricardo Baruch, IPPF-WHR.
Olivia Maldonado, Directora General, Casa de la Sal.
Elvira Madrid Romero, Presidenta, Brigada Callejera de Apoyo a la Mujer, “Elisa Martínez”.
Hilda Peñaloza Andaluz, Directora Ejecutiva, Inspira Cambio.
Polo Gómez, Presidente, Condomóvil, AC.
Alaín Pinzón, Internacionalista y defensor de derechos humanos.
Charlie Cordero, Fundador, Fundación México Vivo.
Patricia Mercado, Senadora
Denise Dresser
Regina Tames, Directora de GIRÉ.
Alexandra Haas
Dra. Patricia Campos López, AHF América Latina y Caribe
Aram Barra, Defensor de derechos humanos.
Jorge Díaz, Activista y asesor legislativo.
Justine Dupuy, Coordinadora de Rendición de Cuentas y Combate a la Corrupción, FUNDAR.
Enrique Torralba, Usuarios Seropositivos del Servicio de Salud del Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias, USSINER.
Enrique Galdeano, Escándala.
Alan Fonseca Perezamador, Instituto Nacional de Cancerología
Enrique Torre Molina, Colmena 41
Francisco Robledo, ADIL diversidad e inclusión laboral.
David Razú Aznar, Independiente.
Mario Bustamante Tejeda, Impulse Group México.
Brenda Crabtree Ramirez, Médica e Investigadora de la Clínica de VIH, INCMNSZ
Andrés Magaña, Freelance.
Raymundo Moreno, Fundación Orgullo Zacatecas y México Vivo
Raúl Martínez Rojas, Colectivo Michoacán es Diversidad
Sergio Beltrán García
Diego Vazquez Solis, Diversidad es Participar para crecer
Juan Bosco Valle Delgado, CONVIHVE, A.C.
Miguel Chable Rodríguez, Macuco por la Vida A.C
Ignacio Vizuet Zapien
Gonzalo Paris Mellado Correa, Mexico Vivo A.C
Guadalupe Vargas Barrera
José Roberto Santos González
Ximena Hernandez Gomez, Novostrategia
Marisela Núñez Cintrón
Anya Gorga Lejarza Navarrete, Red ProDh
Bruno Nicolás Arancibia Alberro
Adrián Ramírez Siller
Vicente Flores Meléndez
Germán Martínez Blanco, AHF México AC
Victor Mauricio Villafaña Gómez
Ricardo de la Cruz Flores
Nancy Carmina García Fregoso
José Ángel Ramírez Alvarado, Colectivo Universo Positivo
Manuel Lucero
Gustavo Ferrer
Mario Chanona Rojas Vértiz
Alfonso Mercado Reynoso
Juan Antonio Rodriguez Higuera, Médico Sexólogo y Terapeuta Sexual
Gustavo Ruiz
Ivan Martinez La vida
Gustavo Ruiz
Barto Ballinas
Francisco Javier García Bellego, Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores
Erwin Eugenio Jiménez Montiel, Ciudadano
Jessica Leal
Fernanda Saldivar, Fundación Unidos por un Mexico Vivo
Maria Antonieta Lozano Acosta, Mexico Vivo
Luis Antonio López Garrido
Daniel Lemus
José de Jesús Lira Ricárdez
Mario Quintanilla Orvañanos, Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores
Sergio MartínezEscritor, Defensor de las libertades individuales y DDHH
Alan Valencia Ceja
Pablo Marín, Pluralio
Daniel Martinez, Comit�� Juvenil - Mexfam A.C.
Salvador Meza Ortiz, RED Diversidad en Respuesta al Vih de Puebla
Carlos de Anda, Nativo
Iñaki Ugartechea Begué
Daniela Higuera Alcalde
Mónica Paredes
Carlos Rodrigo Dorantes Martínez
Guillermo Alfonso de la Torre, Christophe Lucquin Éditeur
César Galicia, Sexplaining
Patricia Cos Purón
Joaquín Lladó, Yo quiero Yo puedo.
Genaro Alberto Pérez Couoh
Gabriela Reyes, Fundación Unidos por un México Vivo
Andrés Romo Chávez Castellanos
Leon Faure
Marcos García
Ubaldo Martínez, ICMP
María Inés Vargas Rojas, CIENI
Víctor Dante Galicia Juárez, CHECCOS A.C.
Daniela Estrada Tamés
David Lobato
Daniel Castillo Reynoso, 41 / Colectivo Incluyente
Yosahandi Navarrete Quan
José Daniel Marín Mercado, Responde diversidad a.c.
Rolando Cruz Rivero
Christian César Muñoz Gutiérrez, Fuera del Clóset A.C.
Marcos Alberto Bautista Pérez
Orly Cortés
Luis Raymundo Lozano Juárez
Carlos Terrazas
Pablo González Vásquez, Buena vida y poca vergüenza (DiversosBUAP)
Eduardo Barrera, Persona VIH-positiva
Gerardo Martinez, Fundador FRENPAVIH
Ofelia María Rosales Del Real, Infectóloga
Jorge Neri Lugo
Portugal, Flat Heels Crew
Claudio Castellanos de Oteyza, Fundación México Vivo
Raquel Bañón Sodini
Juan Villaseñor
Jesús Avendaño Aquino
Luis Manuel Arellano Delgado, Periodista
Jose Arturo Ruiz Pérez
Gustavo Jonathan Zarate Chavez
José Durán
Damian Suárez, Artista plástico
Mauricio Ivan Sarabia Sanchez
Eduardo Servin
Ana Lorena Guerrero Torres, Secretaría de Salud - médico tratante de VIH
Juan Manuel Roldan Borbolla, Comunicólogo
Raul Espinoza, Irapuato Vive A.C.
Nora Robledo Frías, Elementa
Abel Anaya Araujo
Paulino Ordóñez
Guillermo Antonio Pérez García, Club Leather de México
Dr. Carlos Arturo Armas, Armas MD / Armas MD Studio
Posse (Arturo González), Horror Travesti / Suicidrag
Humberto Payno, Psicoterapeuta independiente
Iñigo Bilbao Sagastiberri
Citlali Mayek Santos Toriz
Humberto Payno, Psicoterapeuta independiente
Aldahir Jiménez Ramírez, Independiente
Maresa Guillén García
Isidro Garcia Bañuelos, Colega.O A.C. Colectivo Gay De Occidente
Leomar, Artista Visual+
Valentín Castillo, Ciudadano
Alberto Herbel
Jorge Mauricio Bernal Ramírez
Ignacio Rubio
Marco Antonio Lozoya Flores, LGBTI México // Festival Por La Diversidad "6to Besotón LGBTI"
Luis Ignacio Merino Huidobro, Ciudadano
Eduardo Ortiz
Nicolas Roth Macedo, La Casona
José Antonio Cerón Cabrera
Gerardo Jesús González Torres, Consultor independiente
Verónica Olicón Sánchez, Yaaxil tu ser, desarrollo e integridad ac
Diego del Valle Ríos, Terremoto
Irving Macay Vizcarra, H. Ayuntamiento Poza Rica - Diversidad Sexual
Liang Li Hernández Mateos
Jesus Gomez
Dra. Marcela E. Gándara Zepeda
Mauricio Jesús Herrera
Ricardo González Foyo, Chef
Antonio Medina Trejo, Asociación Mexicana de Comunicación para la Igualdad (AMCI)
Mtra. Hilda Téllez Lino, Defensora de Derechos Humanos
Luis Guzmán, Voto Incluyente
Ricardo González Béjar, Empresario
Codise AC
David Alvarado Jiménez, Presidente de Fundación Mexicana para la lucha contra el sida A.C.
Marlene Castro Cruz
Alarik Reyes
Fernando Pacheco García
Martín Vivanco Lira, Independiente
Omar Alberto Perez Benitez
Sonia Yuruen Lerma
Santiago Garcia de Vinuesa
Elena Langarica Naves, Clínica Especializada Condesa
Sergio Omar Soriano Trejo
Roy Caple, Empresario
Víctor Hugo Flores Ramírez, Abogado y educador sexual
Rodrigo Aguilar Cornejo
Israel Dirzo Bahena, Vihve Morelos
Miguel Amaro, El Colegio de México
Ines Macedo Riba, Independiente
Marco De LeoN
Adria Ordaz
Marco Antonio Palet Sánchez, CEDA EL PASO S.C.
Ivan Alvarez
Luis Daniel Sánchez, Ciudadano
Beatriz Ramírez Amador, Casa TOLUCA A. C.
Daniela Edith Dueñas Tenorio
Arturo Cuevas Bautista, Senado de la República
Francisco Rosas, Vivir. Participación, Incidencia y Transparencia, A.C.
Diego De la Vega Nava
Lesvia Rivera Abarca, Coesida CAPASITS Oaxaca
Gabriela del Refugio Velasquez Rosas, Coesida /capasits Oaxaca
Sergio Orihuela García, Psicoterapeuta independiente y defensor de Derechos Humanos
Dr. Carlos Antonio Cabrera May, Fundación BAI A.C.
Ana María Pimentel
Josué Quino, Teatro & SIDA, A. C.
Miguel Alonso Hernández Victoria, Grupo Guerrilla Gay
Daniel Santos Carpinteyro
Javier Sánchez Ochoa
Gema Olvera
Roberto Cruz Valderrábano
María Nancy Baeza Ramírez, Miembro fundador FRENPAVIH
David Gamboa, Persona viviendo con VIH
Luis Antonio Cortés Salinas,IncluMich/Michoacán Incluyente
Víctor Hugo Delgado Rodríguez
Elias JC
Erik Menses (Eriko Stark), Periodista independiente
Román J. Navarro Vega, AHF México
Omar Alberto Perez Benitez
Mauricio Aguilar
Oswaldo P. Martínez Rodríguez
Daniel Ordaz Garcia
Fernanda González Lara, Infectóloga, Instituto Nacional de Nutrición
Juan José Rodríguez García
Erik Bakker
Luigi Forestieri
Ana Martha Romero de Eugenio, Yax Macri AC
Carolina Garayzar
Santiago Aguilera Mijares, AVE de México
Alonso Navarro Mendoza
Paco Arjona, Solidaridad Ed Thomas, A.C, ( SETAC)
Alejandro Salas Gallardo
Miguel Ángel Romano, Ciudadano
José Liévano
Gabriel Bermudes Hernández
Rubén Cervantes Hernández
Luis Medina
Cherch Hernández
Claudia Arenas,México Vivo
Alejandro Diaz
Enrique Espinosa, INER
Mauricio Aguilar GarciaResponsabilidad sexual
David Urbina Romero, Activista independiente ex-miembro de FRENPAVIH
Tere, Medico
Maria Ivonne Casarin Schneider
David Flores
Magie Casarin
Pilar Valls Torrens
Karime Fuentes Pineda
Galia Anne Frenkel Salomon, Fundación Musset
Minerva Martínez Crisanto, Médico tratante de Vih
Nisa Rindani Alvarado Cortes
Antonio Sosa Cruz, Médico Tratante
Leticia Hernandez N, HJM
José Antonio Torres Soriano
Imelda Moreno López
Maria Perea Meraz, IQ, Investigaciones Queer, AC
Tania Martínez Hernández
Blanca Ramos Cristiani Garrido, Coesida/Capasits Oaxaca
Fernando Agundis Sánchez
Lucia Brown Villalba, FundHepa
Juan Ernesto Trejo González
José Trinidad Sánchez Beiza, SSA
Fernando Natividad de Jesús Flores Torres
Ricardo Cervantes G
Manuel Ronzon Carrillo
Estefania Veloz, Yo
María José Reyes Fentanes, Infectóloga
Ana Roth
Raúl Macias, COMART A C
Antonio Hernández Cervantes, FUNDASIDA
Rafael Moralez, Usuario de targa
María Cristina Casarin Schneider
Francisco Guadarrama
Raúl Vázquez Guerrero, AHF México
Carlos G. Rueda
Santos Sánchez Médico, Sexólogo tratante de VIH e ITS
Gabriela María Villanueva Arzápalo, Directora CAPASITS MÉRIDA
Sergio Raymundo Hernández López
Lorena Ortiz Galván
Rubén Antonio Valdez Nuñez, Presidente de Usuarios Seropositivos del Servicio de Salud del Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias, USSINER
José Carlos González Nigo
Rodrigo Esteban Del Toro Sanchez
Guillermo Rodrigo Espinosa Riojas
Manuel Ricardo González Gutiérrez
Luisa Iglesias Arvide, Instituto Mexicano de la Radio, IMER
Emilio Zavala Bucio, AHF México
Raúl Suárez
Marco Antonio Nieves Cardoso
Adanelly Tovar Cortéz, Fundación México Vivo
Jorge Andrés Lozada Carrasco, AHF México
Gloria Valdez de Vazquez, Comunidad Trans viviendo con VIH cd Juarez
José Antonio Zavala Meza, Convihve A.C.
Ariel Canizal
Rafael Moralez
Adrián Alfredo Flores Ezeta
Fabian Contreras Trejo, Movimiento Libertario
Carolina Pérez Jiménez, Infectóloga, INCan
Ernesto Diantes, SEDESA CDMX
Alejandro Uribe Casarreal, Fundación México Vivo
Francisco Mendiola Sánchez
Miguel Ortega, Uarhiíti Júkskani Jorhengua A.C.
Eduardo Duarte, AHF México A.C
Lizbeth Zamora Cervantes, Asideny Desarrollo Humanístico Integral AC.
Kevin Villaseñor
Oscar Ulises Salvador Casas
Saúl Ramírez
Pedro Peña Carmona
Javier León Cuevas
Mario Alberto Mejia Lopez
Pamela González Ortega
Rosalía Fuentes López, Paciente
Jesus Daniel Rincon Suarez
Edna Calderón
Francisco Martín Cárdenas Medina, Vihda Manzanillo IAP
Ulises Pérez Mancilla
Israel Romero Flores,Ford
Cesar Saul Mayoral Cruz
Rodrigo Camacho Fernandez
Jorge González
Diego Alejandro Cabra Herrera, Kabra Publicidad
Jesús Armando Encinas Torres, Médico
Elizabeth García Armenta
Ricardo Espinosa
Sonia López Alvarez, Ppal
Omar Ubiarco Arias, AHF México
Roberto Ali Arias Hernandez
Jesús Ibarra Felix
Marco Antonio Rubio Villanueva, CAPASITS San Luis Potosí
Alonso González del Alcazar, Conexión vida-comunicación multimedia
Rodrigo Sebastián Miguel
Daniel López Hernández
Laura Hernández García, Consultorio Virtual Arturo Diaz Betancourt de Letra S
Julio César Telles Argumaniz
Helmer García Mesa, Centro de atención en VIH del CERSS-14
Fernando Montaño Castro, cineasta, TV UNAM
Carlos Octaviano Granados Valdés, Grupo de convivencias en CDMX Vhiviendo en Plenitud
Deja tu información y conviértete en aliadx.
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⋆ ◦ ° ☾ aron piper + cismale + he/him— have you seen miguel angel vázquez? this twenty-four year old known as the alexithymic has been hanging out at the nondenominational church a lot recently. they are a civilian that works as a/n investor , and they feel apathetic about the gangs. a bisexual aries, they are ambitious + diligent, as well as melodramatic + withdrawn. long nights, well pressed suits, club music in the background. × yadira. twenty-one. female. pst. ×
miguel angel was born to maria jose rodriguez and hector bonaparte , a product of an affair. a forbidden love that martin did not approve , martin and maria jose did not have any children ---- even if he was adamant on having them maria did not want anything children being brought up with him. unfortunately , she fell pregnant with miguel angel and martin had his suspicions from the beginning. maria jose had a secret ----- every time martin and her had relations she quickly did everything in her power to lose the child. however , she felt if miguel angel had another father then martin’s personality would not transfer over.
despite his reluctance to accept the child , he allowed maria to continue with the pregnancy. he also allowed hector to secretly go to the doctor’s appointments , but martin was watching their every move. watching hector caress his wife’s pregnant stomach , while his own anger festered. april 5th , 1994 ---- miguel angel was born. martin had power , martin had his way around the law so when he heard those yells , there was also a bang that followed. police knew not to mess with him and hector bonaparte was shot dead in his own son’s room and miguel angel no possessed the last name vazquez ---- the one he was forced to take.
miguel angel velazquez did not have an easy upbringing , his mother tried ---- she really did but he was the first child of two mafiosos. martin had nothing to give the young boy , there was no love and affection for him. however , hector was never mentioned. miguel angel grew up not knowing why his father did not love him , thought it was simply because of toughening him up to take over the business. maria jose hoped the birth of a girl would change martin , make him go easier on both of them but she was wrong. martin trained both of them , two different aspects of their business to hopefully work together and while he was reluctant about miguel angel ---- he knew his strong suits and ultimately left the business under his name. a formal education was necessary , but never top priority of martin ----- alas , miguel still received a degree in business with a minor in economics giving him an advantage in the spanish blooming economy.
martin had recently gotten ambitious , miguel angel advised him not to but that was only met with a slap to the face. miguel knew it was going to fail and somehow his father could get caught or worse ---- dead. the transition into a new reign was secured but not until their supposed arrival to the united states. martin was caught and quickly thrown into jail while maria jose and miguel angel managed to escape and hide out in europe for the time being. he worked diligently to keep their businesses in check from abroad , while he worried about his sister’s well being ---- that was until a week ago when he was informed about her exact location and the mess she had gotten herself into.
so basically anyone who has gone to/is from europe can have a connection with him. the vazquez family is pretty notorious within spain and its surrounding countires. i’ll suggest the usual: someone who helped him blow off steam , an advisor of sorts , someone who his family is connected to , etc
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California Voters: Vote YES on Proposition 10--Fairness to Renters paying in excess of 30% of their income on rent.
Make it clear to greedy developers and unscrupulous landlords that the rent is too damn high! We’re counting on grassroots supporters to step up and vote for Proposition 10 on November 6. Your vote and your voice COUNT! Give the right of city self-determination back to each city government = local control. People on fixed incomes like retirees, veterans, and others require reasonable rents. Median home values have increased by 80% since 2011. More than half the renters in the state of California spend MORE than 30% of their income on rent (Haas Institute for Fair & Inclusive Society, UC Berkeley).
Vote for fairness, or do not be surprised at budding chaos.
Partial list of endorsements follow:
Congresswoman Barbara Lee
Congresswoman Maxine Waters
State Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones
State Superintendent of Public Instruction Delaine Eastin (fmr)
State Senator Ben Allen
State Senator Connie M. Leyva
State Senator Kevin De Leon
State Senator Ricardo Lara
State Assemblymember David Chiu
State Assemblymember Laura Friedman
State Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher
State Assemblymember Mike Davis (fmr)
State Assemblymember Phil Ting
State Assemblymember Reggie Jones-Sawyer
State Assemblymember Rob Bonta
State Assemblymember Tony Thurmond
Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguin
Berkeley Rent Board Member Igor Tregub
Berkeley Rent Board Member Leah Simon-Weisberg
Beverly Hills Vice Mayor John Mirisch
Culver City Vice Mayor Meghan Sahli-Wells
Culver City Councilmember Daniel Lee
El Cerrito Mayor Gabriel Quinto
Emeryville Mayor Ken Bukowski (fmr)
Fontana School Board Member Mary Sandoval
Fowler Mayor Don Cardenas
Highland City Mayor Pro Tem Jesus Chavez
Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti
Los Angeles City Councilmember David Ryu
Los Angeles City Councilmember Gil Cedillo
Los Angeles City Councilmember Marqueece Harris-Dawson
Los Angeles City Councilmember Mike Bonin
Los Angeles City Councilmember Paul Koretz
Los Angeles City Councilmember Robert Farrell (fmr)
Los Angeles County Supervisor Hilda Solis
Los Angeles County Supervisor Janice Hahn
Los Angeles County Supervisor Sheila Kuehl
Los Angeles Unified School District Board Member George McKenna
Malibu City Councilmember Lou La Monte
Mountain View Mayor Lenny Siegel
Mountain View Councilmember Pat Showalter
Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf
Oakland City Councilmember Dan Kalb
Oakland City Councilmember Desley Brooks
Oakland City Councilmember Rebecca Kaplan
Redlands City Councilmember Eddie Tejeda
Richmond Vice Mayor Melvin Willis
Richmond City Councilmember Jovanka Beckles
Richmond Mayor Gayle McLaughlin (fmr)
San Francisco Supervisor Hillary Ronen
San Francisco Supervisor Sandra Lee Fewer
San Francisco Supervisor Jane Kim
San Francisco Supervisor Aaron Peskin
San Jose Councilmember Don Rocha
San Jose Councilmember Sergio Jimenez
Santa Barbara Community College Board of Trustees Vice President Jonathan Abboud
Santa Clara City Councilmember Nassim Nouri
Santa Cruz City Councilmember Chris Krohn
Santa Monica City Councilmember Kevin McKeown
Santa Monica City Councilmember Sue Himmelrich
Santa Monica City Councilmember Tony Vazquez
Santa Monica Rent Board Member Caroline Torosis
Santa Monica Rent Board Member Nicole Phillis
Tulare City Council Member Jose Sigala
Ukiah Mayor Phil Baldwin (fmr)
Vallejo School Board Member Ruscal Cayangyang
West Hollywood City Councilmember Lindsey Horvath
West Hollywood City Councilmember Lauren Meister
City of Berkeley
City of Beverly Hills
City of Oakland
City of Palm Springs
City of San Francisco
City of Santa Monica
City of West Hollywood
City of Berkeley Rent Stabilization Board
Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors
Monterey County Board of Supervisors
San Francisco City/County Board of Supervisors
Los Angeles Times
Sacramento Bee
The Daily Californian
East Bay Express
Hoy Los Angeles
San Francisco Bay Guardian
Santa Maria Times
Housing California
Affordable Housing Alliance
Affordable Housing Network of Santa Clara County
Berkeley Student Cooperative
Christian Church Homes
Council of Community Housing Organizations (CCHO)
East LA Community Corporation
Esperanza Community Housing Corporation
Marty’s Place Affordable Housing Corporation
Mission Economic Development Agency
Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California (NPH)
Oakland Community Land Trust
Southern California Association of Non-Profit Housing (SCANPH)
Tenderloin Housing Clinic
Thai Community Development Center
Venice Community Housing Corporation
Women Organizing Resources Knowledge and Services (WORKS)
Housing NOW! California
Tenants Together
Affordable Homeless Housing Alternatives
Alameda Renters Coalition
Anti-Eviction Mapping Project
Arcata Lazy J Homeowners Association
Asian Law Alliance
Berkeley Tenants Union
Beverly Hills Renters Alliance
Bill Sorro Housing Program (BiSHoP)
California Coalition for Rural Housing
Causa Justa / Just Cause
Chinatown Community for Equitable Development
Coalition for Economic Survival
El Comite de Vecinos del Lado Oeste, East Palo Alto
Comite de la Esperanza
De Rose Gardens Tenant Association (DRGTA)
East Bay Housing Organizations
East Palo Alto Council of Tenants Education Fund
Equity Housing Alliance
EveryOne Home
Fair Housing Advocates of Northern California
Gamaliel CA
Glendale Tenants Union
Golden State Manufactured-Home Owners League
Homes for All
Homeless Student Advocate Alliance
Housing 4 Sacramento
Housing Long Beach
Housing Rights Committee San Francisco
Hunger Action Coalition Los Angeles
Inquilinos Unidos
Isla Vista Tenants Union
LiBRE (Long Beach Residents Empowered)
Los Angeles Community Action Network (LA CAN)
Los Angeles Tenants Union
Manufactured Housing Action
Mountain View Tenants Coalition
Oakland Tenants Union
Orange County Mobile Home Residents Coalition
Pasadena Tenants Union
People of Color Sustainable Housing Network
People Organized for Westside Renewal (POWER)
Poverty Matters
Property Owners for Fair and Affordable Housing
The Q Foundation
Renters of Moreno Valley
Sacramento Housing Alliance
Sacramento Tenants Union
Sanctuary of Hope
San Diego Tenants United
San Francisco Anti-Displacement Coalition
San Francisco Tenants Union
Santa Ana Tenants United
Santa Monicans for Renters Rights (SMRR)
Shelter for All Koreatown
Sonoma County Manufactured-Home Owners Association
Sonoma Valley Housing Group
South Pasadena Tenants Union
Strategic Actions for a Just Economy (SAJE)
Students United with Renters
Union de Vecinos
United for Housing Justice (SF)
United Neighbors In Defense Against Displacement (UNIDAD)
Uplift Inglewood
Urban Habitat
Advancing Justice – Asian Law Caucus
California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation
Center for Community Action & Environmental Justice
Centro Legal de la Raza
Community Legal Services in East Palo Alto
Crow & Rose, Tenant Lawyers
East Bay Community Law Center
Eviction Defense Center
Eviction Defense Network
Inner City Law Center – Los Angeles
LA Center for Community Law & Action
Law Foundation of Silicon Valley
National Lawyers Guild – Los Angeles
Public Advocates
Public Counsel
Public Interest Law Project
Western Center on Law and Poverty
California Labor Federation
AFSCME California People
AFSCME Local 3299
AFT Local 2121
AFT Local 1521
Bay Area Labor Committee for Peace & Justice
California Faculty Association
California Federation of Teachers
California Nurses Association
California Teachers Association
Central Coast Alliance United For A Sustainable Economy (CAUSE)
Employee Rights Center San Diego
Humboldt and Del Norte Counties Central Labor Council AFL-CIO
International Union of Painters & Allied Trades Local 510
Jobs with Justice San Francisco
Koreatown Immigrant Workers Alliance
Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy
Los Angeles Black Worker Center
Oakland Education Association (OEA)
National Union of Healthcare Workers
Painters & Allied Trades 36
Pajaro Valley Federation of Teachers Retirees
San Bernardino and Riverside Counties Central Labor Council
SEIU California
SEIU Local 1021
SEIU Local 99
SEIU Local 221
SEIU Local 521
SEIU Local 721
SEIU Local 2015
UC Student-Workers Union UAW Local 2865
United Automobile, Aerospace, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America UAW Local 5810
UFCW Local 770
Unite HERE Local 11
Unite HERE Local 2850
Unite HERE Local 2
United Educators of San Francisco
United Taxi Workers of San Diego
United Teachers of Los Angeles (UTLA)
Warehouse Worker Resource Center
California Democratic Party
Green Party of California
Peace and Freedom Party of California
Our Revolution
AAPIs for Civic Empowerment Education Fund
Alhambra Democratic Club
Americans for Democratic Action Southern California
Bernal Heights Democratic Club
Bernie Sanders Brigade
California Progressive Alliance
Chicano Latino Caucus of the California Democratic Party
Democratic Socialists of America
Democratic Socialists of America East Bay
Democratic Socialists of America Los Angeles
Democratic Socialists of America Orange County
Democratic Socialists of America Peninsula
Democratic Socialists of America Pomona Valley
Democratic Socialists of America Sacramento
Democratic Socialists of America San Diego
Democratic Socialists of America San Francisco
Democratic Socialists of America Santa Cruz
Democratic Socialists of America Silicon Valley
Democratic Socialists of America Ventura County
East Area Progressive Dems
El Dorado County Democratic Party
Feel the Bern Democratic Club Los Angeles
Green Party of Santa Clara County
Harvey Milk LGBT Democratic Club
Humboldt County Democrats
Inland Empire for Our Revolution
International Socialist Organization
Los Angeles County Democratic Party
Napa County Green Party
North Valley Democratic Club
Our Revolution
Our Revolution East Bay
Our Revolution Progressive Los Angeles
Our Revolution Santa Ana
Our Revolution Ventura County
Party for Socialism and Liberation – SF
Peninsula Young Democrats
Progressive Democrats of America California PAC
Progressive Democrats of America San Fernando Valley
Progressive Democrats of the Santa Monica Mountains
Richmond Progressive Alliance
San Bernardino County Young Democrats
San Diego Central Committee of the Peace and Freedom Party of CA
San Diego County Peace and Freedom Party
San Francisco Berniecrats
San Francisco County Democratic Party
San Francisco Latino Democratic Club
San Luis Obispo County Democratic Party
San Luis Obispo County Progressives
San Pedro Democratic Club
Santa Monica Democratic Club
Socialist Alternative Los Angeles
Socialist Party of Ventura County
Stonewall Democratic Club
UC Berkeley Young Democratic Socialists of America
Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club
West Hollywood-Beverly Hills Democratic Club
ACLU of California
ACLU of Northern California
ACLU of San Diego and Imperial Counties
ACLU of Southern California
Advocates for Black Strategic Alternatives
African American Cultural Center
American Indian Movement Southern California
API Equality – LA
Black Community Clergy & Labor Alliance
Brotherhood Crusade
Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights Los Angeles (CHIRLA)
Committee for Racial Justice
Council on American-Islamic Relations California (CAIR)
Dellums Institute for Social Justice
Fannie Lou Hamer Institute
Institute of the Black World 21st Century
Latino Equality Alliance
Los Angeles Urban League
MLK Coalition of Greater LA
Muslim Public Alliance Council (MPAC)
National Action Network Los Angeles
National Urban League
Services Immigrant Rights and Education Network (SIREN)
Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) Bay Area
Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) San Jose
Southern Christian Leadership Conference of Greater Southern California
United Native Americans
Urban League of San Diego County
Youth Justice Coalition
Access Support Network San Luis Obispo & Monterey Counties
AIDS Healthcare Foundation
APAIT (Special Service for Groups)
Asian Pacific Islander Forward Movement
Black Women for Wellness
Latino Health Access
San Francisco Human Services Network
Sierra Foothills AIDS Foundation
St. John’s Well Child & Family Center
Women Organized to Respond to Life-Threatening Diseases (WORLD)
California Alliance for Retired Americans
Monterey County Area Agency on Aging
Senior and Disability Action
Social Security Works
Rev. James Lawson
AME Ministerial Alliance – NorCal
Bend the Arc – Southern California
Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists Social Justice Committee
California Church IMPACT
Cheryl Ward Ministries
Christian Church Homes
Church Without Walls – Skid Row Los Angeles
Clergy & Laity United for Economic Justice – Los Angeles (CLUE)
Congregational Church of Palo Alto
Congregations Organized for Prophetic Engagement (COPE)
Congregations Organizing For Renewal (COR)
First AME Church – Los Angeles
Greater Long Beach Interfaith Community Organization (ICO)
Holman United Methodist Church – Los Angeles
Inland Empire African American Pastors
Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace
Interfaith Movement for Human Integrity
Jewish Center for Justice
LA Voice – PICO Affiliate
Lutheran Office of Public Policy – California
McCarty Memorial Christian Church – Los Angeles
Multi-faith ACTION Coalition
Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC)
Oakland Community Organizing – PICO Affiliate (OCO)
PACT: People Acting in Community Together – PICO Affiliate
PICO California
Poor People’s Campaign of California
Sacramento ACT – PICO Affiliate
Sojourner Truth Presbyterian Church
Unitarian Universalist Faith in Action Committee
Advancement Project California
Alliance for Community Transit – Los Angeles (ACT-LA)
Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE Action)
Allies for Life
All Peoples Community Center
Asian Pacific Environmental Network (APEN)
Associated Students of UC Santa Barbara
Block by Block Organizing Network
Brave New Films
California Bicycle Coalition
California Calls
California Environmental Justice Alliance
Californians for Justice
California for Progress
Californians for Safety and Justice
Californian Latinas for Reproductive Justice
California Partnership
California Reinvestment Coalition
Chicano Latino Caucus of San Bernardino County
Coalition to Preserve LA
Central Hollywood Neighborhood Council – Los Angeles
Committee to Defend Roosevelt
Communities for a New California
Community Coalition
Consumer Watchdog
Courage Campaign
Creating Freedom Movements
Crenshaw Subway Coalition
Dolores Huerta Foundation
The East Oakland Collective
East Yard Communities for Environmental Justice
Ensuring Opportunity Campaign to End Poverty in Contra Costa County
Environmental Health Coalition
Friends Committee on Legislation of California
The Fund for Santa Barbara
GLIDE Foundation
The Green Scene TV
Ground Game LA
The Hayward Collective
Historic Highland Park Neighborhood Council – Los Angeles
Hyde Park Organizational Partnership for Empowerment
Indivisible SF
Inland Empire United
Inland Empowerment
InnerCity Struggle
Justice House
Kenwood Oakland Community Organization
Korean Resource Center
LA Forward
Latino Economic Development Center
Latinos United for a New America
Leadership Counsel for Justice and Accountability Central Valley
League of Women Voters of California
League of Women Voters of Los Angeles
Liberty Hill Foundation
Livable California
Los Feliz Neighborhood Council – Los Angeles
Million Voter Project
Mission Neighborhood Centers, Inc.
Mobilize the Immigrant Vote
Neighbors United – San Francisco
9to5 Los Angeles Chapter
North Bay Organizing Project
Orange County Civic Engagement Table
Organize Sacramento
Pasadenans Organizing for Progress
People for Mobility Justice
Places in the City
Pomona Economic Opportunity Center
Progressive Alliance – San Bernardino County
Progressive Asian Network for Action
Public Bank LA/Revolution LA/Divest LA
Rampart Village Neighborhood Council – Los Angeles
Right Way Foundation
Rubicon Programs
RYSE Youth Center
Sacred Heart Community Service
Sero Project
SF Neighbors United
The Sidewalk Project
Sierra Club of California
Sierra Club of San Gorgonio Chapter
Silicon Valley De-Bug
Skid Row Coffee
Sociedad Organizada de Latinas Activas
Solidarity – Bay Area
Southeast Asian Community Alliance
South of Market Community Action Network
Strategic Concepts in Organizing and Policy Education (SCOPE)
University of California Student Association
Urban Tilth
Velveteen Rabbit Project
Wilshire Center Koreatown Neighborhood Council – Los Angeles
Working Partnerships USA
Xochipilli Latino Men’s Circle
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Estrella Damm - Amor A Primera Vista (International Version) from Ian Pons Jewell on Vimeo.
DIRECTED BY: Ian Pons Jewell WRITTEN BY: Oriol Villar CAST
Mario: Mario Casas Mariona: Mireia Oriol Lucia: Laia Manzanares Miguel: Nao Albet Monica: Monica López Fisherman: Pep Cruz Gloria: Tamara Ndong Julio:Daniel Ibañez Enric: Joan Amargos Rigoberta Bandini as herself
SET MANAGER: Victor Macià LOCATION ASSISTANT: Pep Ferrer LOCAL PRODUCTION: Rosa Preto 1ST AD: Lluís Casacuberta 2ND AD: Carlos Santana 3RD AD: Oriol Rovira 3RD AD: Rafael Sanz VERSE ADVISOR: Daniel Orviz SCRIPT: Marieta Torrents PRODUCTION COORDINATOR: Marta Vega PRODUCTION COORDINATOR: Carla Vila PRODUCTION ASSISTANT: Nerea Soms RUNNER: Javier Nieto RUNNER: David Ceballos RUNNER: Aleix Lladó RUNNER: Ramón Novellas RUNNER: Nitus RUNNER: Raul Mata RUNNER: Nico Santa Maria RUNNER: Marc Didac RUNNER: Ana Perez RUNNER: Elisabet Talens RUNNER: Maide Patiño
VFX: Carsten Keller MAKING OF: Yosigo
1ST AC: Alicia Galiña 2ND AC: Raul Mulas 2ND AC: Sergi Lafuente CAMERA OPERATOR: Teo Lopez VIDEO ASSISTANT A: Lucia Forner VIDEO ASSISTANT B: Carlos Nava DIT: Jose Manuel Ochando STEADICAM OPERATOR: Nico Lasarte SOUND Carles Prats SOUND ASSISTANT: Alberto de Ros SOUND ASSISTANT: Kemen Longo KEY GRIP: David Arres KEY GRIP ASSISTANT: Daniel Vergara KEY GRIP ASSISTANT: Andres Enrique KEY GRIP ASSISTANT: Antonio Espejo GRIP ASSISTANT: Rodrigo Alvarez GRIP ASSISTANT: Sergi Mestres
GAFFER: Mario Scattoloni BEST BOY (THEATER): Dani Vazquez SPARK: Ferran Grau SPARK: Daniel de Jose Homs GENNY: Carlos Vila BEST BOY B: Jose Antonio Danta TECHNICAL SPARK: Joel Sitjes SPARK: Alex Postius SPARK: Albert Cantallops SPARK ASSISTANT: Pere Llopart SPARK ASSISTANT: Pablo Marqués SPARK ASSISTANT: Antonio Salcedo Rueda SPARK / GRIP ASSISTANT: Joan Francesc Bagur SPARK ASSISTANT: Luis Andrés Mendoza SPARK ASSISTANT: David Gottschelg
ASSISTANT STAND BY PROPS: Heura Marimon SET DRESSER: Diego Oicco LEAD PAINTER: Zaida Sabatés CONSTRUCTOR: Jose Manuel Ramirez CONSTRUCTOR: Juan Carlos Alvarez SET DRESSER: Pau Albi ART PA: Nicolas Juaneda PRODUCT MASTER: Pau Arregui STYLIST ASSISTANT: Yahir Hernandez STYLIST ASSISTANT: Emiliano Nicolas Denis STYLIST ASSISTANT: Jonathan Morales MUH ASSISTANT: Sonam Airtel MUH ASSISTANT: Pili Urena
CAMERA EQUIPMENT:Servicevision LIGHT EQUIPMENT: Zeferino LIGHT CREW: Backlight PRODUCTION: Location Support VANS SCOUT: Ok Mobility VANS RECCE: Coches Menorca VANS RECCE: Hiper Rent A Car NURSE ON SET: Juaneda SANIEC: Jaume Ventura GRIP EQUIPMENT: Gripsupport CATERING: Julio Cordoba Ruiz
POST-HOUSE: MPC Executive Producer: Dafydd Upsdell Senior VFX Producer: Mireille Antoine Line Producer: Chitra Vinod Colour: Ricky Gausis Colour Producers: Caitlin Forrest/Ivana Banh Creative Directors: Anthony Bloor Carsten Keller VFX Supervisor: Judy Roberts Comp: Pavel Vicik Zeki Doru Ondun Mauro Nodari Tri Do Shaik Ahamed Bashra Gijo George CG Lead: Mike Little FX Lead: Christopher Honninger FX: Platon Filimonov Selcuk Ergun Arnau Gilabert Rob Richarson Alok Dwivedi Sandeep Goje Amaranth Reddy Hari Prasad Anumula Lighting: Jack Enever Giovanni Bianchet Vittorio Barabani Pritesh Krishnappa Assets: Shashi Kumar S Sunil Mohapatra Animation: James Bown Ambalika Nandy GRADE: Ricky Gausis
Sound Designer/Music Supervisor: Tim Harrison Sound Effects Editor : Sam Mason Mix Technician: Pär Carlsson
Film Out – Adrian Bull Film Processing and Scanning - Cinelab Film & Digital. Film Processing – Andy Hudson, Tony Puzas, John Gurney, Steve Sheridan, Derek Collins, John Allaker. Film Scanning – Rob Wickings Film Lab Commercials Dailies Producer - Aarti Mahtani Special thanks - Cinelab Film & Digital.
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Así queda conformado el congreso del estado
Así queda conformado el congreso del estado
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🎉WE CLOSED🎉 Today the Barreda family received the keys to their new home 🏡 🔑 they’re like family to us, I am very happy and proud of them to have achieved their dream of becoming homeowners. I wish them many blessings today and always. I thank you and appreciate it you trusting us with the process💕 I want to thank my great team that worked so hard getting us to closing! Our lender Judith L Vazquez-Huizar at Key Mortgage Services - NMLS# 942007, our attorney Denise Martinez, My favorite scentsy girl Christina Maria for the closing present 🎁 You can become a Home Owner! When there’s a will there’s a way! Team work with Jose Melendres Call or text me now, I would love to do the same for you Call or text me now, I would love to do the same for you 😊 Rosalba & Jose Mendres Exit Strategy Realty We are your REALTORS® HABLAMOS ESPAÑOL 😊 We go where you want to find that property to call home🏡💕 Dream it Wish it DO IT! The Key To Your Dream 🗝 Jose.EXITsellschicago.com Rosalba.Exitsellschicago.com 📲773-430-2456 . #rossietherealtor #exitstrategyrealty #casadetussueños #bilingualrealtors #dreamhouse #caringagent #realestate #leasing #landlords #realestateagent #realtor #thehelpfulagent #home #houseexpert #house #listreports #realestate #themoreyouknow #homeowner #finances #smartmoney #realestateagent #investment #househunting #icanhelp #firsttimehomebuyers #finances #investment #smartmoney (at Elmwood Park, Illinois) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNa4HzZj3uP/?igshid=11nahj43jxxdy
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Join us for conversation and songs presented by Yesenia Mejia about her hometown of Santa Maria Zacatepec in Oaxaca, Mexico. Yesenia is an interdisciplinary artist, activist, mother, and an educator born in San Jose del Progreso Oaxaca, and raised in Santa Maria Zacatepec Oaxaca. She is now based in Baltimore, Maryland since 2008 and has friends and family from Santa Maria Zacatepec in New Brunswick, New Jersey.Yesenia will be joined by her friend Yareli Garcia Vazquez and her mother Felicitas Herrera Peña to discuss traditions, folk music and dance, and memories of their hometown and life lived across borders.Register for the webinar here: https://rutgers.zoom.us/.../reg.../WN_7SGgQNC7Q7GKSexf0vj1XAWatch live on our Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBzKdqyd9j9qNS2NUNSwc9Q
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Bootleg trading !!
Hey folks I’m a new Bootleg trader and I would love to expand my collection so let’s trade (I also gift in reasonable amounts) I usually reply in 24 hours :) [Side Info I don’t list full cast info for my videos but I have them on my computer.]
Videos: Amelie (with Philipa Soo) Avenue Q OBC Book Of Mormon (with Ben Platt) Come From Away OBC Dear Evan Hansen OBC Dear Evan Hansen (with Micheal Lee Brown & Olivia Puckett) Great Comet OBC Great Comet (with Shoba Narayan & Dave Malloy) Heathers (with Dan Domench) Hamilton OBC Hamilton Bway 2016 (with a lot of understudies and standby’s) Hamilton Bway 2016 Replacement Cast Hamilton Angelica Tour August 2017 Legally blond (idk the cast tho) Les Mis bway 2007 Next To Normal 8/3/2010 Newsies 2014 Closing Night Newsies 6/3/2016 National Tour Spring Awakening (1st National Tour Amazing quality !!) Rent 10th anniversary cast Wicked (with Stephanie J. Block) Wicked (Kristin Chenoweth last performance)
Wants: ANYTHING NOT ON THIS LIST but I’ll love you if you have Bare (Off-Broadway),Bring it on, Chicago, In The Heights, Hamilton Chicago, or anything Waitress !! But i don’t accept rar folders cause my computer can’t open those :c
Audios: (under the cut with full cast info)
Hamilton: (chronological)
27/7/2013 Vassar College (tracked) Cast: Utkarsh Ambudkar, Daveed Diggs, Joshua Henry, Chris Jackson, Lin Manuel Miranda, Javier Muñoz, Ana Nogueira, Presilah Nunez, Anika Noni Rose
01/09/16 (tracked) Jon Rua (u/s Alexander Hamilton), Leslie Odom Jr., Renee Elise Goldsberry, Alysha Deslorieux (s/b Eliza Hamilton), Christopher Jackson, Daveed Diggs, Okieriete Onaodowan, Anthony Ramos, Jasmine Cephas Jones, Jonathan Groff
Jun 16, 2016 | bwaycomet's master - Limited trade (2:1) - Miguel Cervantes (Hamilton), Daniel Breaker (Aaron Burr), Ari Afsar (Eliza), Aubin Wise (s/b Angelica), Amber Ardolino (u/s Peggy/Maria), Colby Lewis (s/b Washington), Chris De'Sean Lee (Lafayette/Jefferson), Wallace Smith (Mulligan/Madison), Jose Ramos (Laurens/Philip), Alexander Gemignani (King George III), Malik Shabazz Kitchen (Philip Schuyler/James Reynolds/Doctor), Jose Amor (Seabury), John Michael Fiumara (Charles Lee), Remmie Bourgeois (George Eacker), Chloe Campbell, Jean Godsend Floradin, Aaron Gordon, Holly James, Justice Moore, Samantha Pollino, Candace Quarrels
Hamilton - Broadway - July 29, 2016 - MP3 Untracked - LIMITED TRADE (2:1) (Javier Munoz (Alexander Hamilton), Sydney James Harcourt (u/s Aaron Burr), Lexi Lawson (Eliza Schuyler), Christopher Jackson (George Washington), Andrew Chapelle (u/s Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson), Okieriete Onaodowan (Hercules Mulligan/James Madison), Anthony Ramos (John Laurens/Phillip Hamilton), Elizabeth Judd (u/s Angelica Schuyler), Alysha Deslorieux (u/s Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds), Rory O'Malley (King George). Elizabeth's first performance as Angelica. :
MPEG - TRACKED (ZIP) | August 9, 2016 Javier Muñoz (Hamilton), Lexi Lawson (Eliza), Austin Smith (u/s Aaron Burr), Alysha Deslorieux (s/b Angelica), Nicholas Christopher (s/b George Washington), Andrew Chappelle (u/s Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson), Okieriete Onaodowan (Hercules Mulligan/James Madison), Thayne Jasperson (u/s John Laurens/Philip Hamilton), Sasha Hutchings (u/s Peggy/Maria Reynolds), Rory O'Malley (King George III)
M4A - UNTRACKED | Broadway | December 8, 2016 Cast: Javier Muñoz (Hamilton), Lexi Lawson (Eliza), Brandon Victor Dixon (Burr), Mandy Gonzalez (Angelica), Nicholas Christopher (Washington), Seth Stewart (Lafayette/Jefferson), Jordan Fisher (John Laurens/Phillip Hamilton), Jasmine Cephas Jones (Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds), Rory O'Malley (King George) Notes: Jasmine’s last performance as Peggy/Maria. Jasmine gets a little ovation after her high note in “Say No To This” and right as “Room Where It Happens” starts.
San Francisco, April 7, 2017: Michael Luwoye (Alexander Hamilton), Joshua Henry (Aaron Burr), Solea Pfeiffer (Eliza Schuyler), Isaiah Johnson (George Washington), Jordan Donica (Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson), Mathenee Treco (Hercules Mulligan/James Madison), Rubén J. Carbajal (John Laurens/Philip Hamilton), Emmy Raver-Lampman (Angelica Schuyler), Amber Iman (Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds), Rory O'Malley (King George III)
Mai 2017 cast: Donald Webber Jr (u/s Alexander Hamilton), Lexi Lawson (Eliza Hamilton), Nik Walker (u/s Aaron Burr), Mandy Gonzalez (Angelica Schuyler), George Washington (Bryan Terrell Clark), James Monroe Iglehart (Marquis de Lafayette/Thomas Jefferson), J. Quinton Johnson (Hercules Mulligan/James Madison), Anthony Lee Medina (John Laurens/Philip Hamilton), Alysha Deslorieux (Peggy Schuyler/Maria Reynolds), Brian D'Arcy James (King George), David Guzman (u/s Philip Schuyler/James Reynolds/Doctor), Samuel Seabury (Thayne Jasperson), Gregory Haney (u/s Charles Lee), Rickey Tripp (George Eaker), Ensemble: Lauren Boyd, Sasha Hollinger, Elizabeth Judd, Kim Taylor, Tanairi Sade Vazquez, Voltaire Wade-Greene (swing), Zelig Williams
FLAC - UNTRACKED | 1st National Tour - Tempe, AZ | February 1, 2018 Ryan Alvarado (S/b Alexander Hamilton), Julia K. Harriman (Elizabeth Schuyler), Nicholas Christopher (Aaron Burr), Sabrina Sloan (Angelica Schuyler), Isaiah Johnson (George Washington), Josh Andres Rivera (S/b Lafayette/Jefferson), Mathenee Treco (Mulligan/Madison), Ruben J. Carbajal (Laurens/Philip), Peter Matthew Smith (King George III)
Others: (alphabetical)
Bandstand - Papermill Playhouse - November 15, 2015 - WAV (Tracked & Untracked) Cast: Corey Cott (Donnie Novitski) , Laura Osnes (Julia Trojan) , Beth Leavel (Mrs. Adams) Joe Carroll (Johnny Simpson), Geoff Packard (Wayne Wright)
The Band’s Visit - Off-Broadway - November 30, 2016 - M4a (Untracked) Cast: Ari'el Stachel (Haled/Trumpet), Tony Shalhoub (Twefig/Conductor), Sharone Sayegh (Israeli Soldier 1/Anna), Kristen Sieh (Israeli Soldier 2/Iris), George Abud (Camal/Violin), Alok Tewari (Simon/2nd Clarinet), Harvey Valdes (Guitar/Oud), Sam Sadgursky (Clarinet/Flute), David Garo Yellin (Cello), Rachel Prather (Ticket girl/Julia), Daniel David Stewart (Papi), Andrew Polk (Avram), John Cariani (Itzik), Katrina Lenk (Dina), Bill Army (Zelger), Erik Lieberman (Telephone Guy), Jonathan Raviv (Sammy/Guard)
Dear Evan Hansen Cast: Colton Ryan (u/s Evan Hansen), Laura Dreyfuss (Zoe Murphy), Mike Faist (Connor Murphy), Rachel Bay Jones Heidi Hansen), Kristolyn Lloyd (Alana Beck), Michael Park (Larry Murphy), Will Roland (Jared Kleinman), Jennifer Laura Thompson (Cynthia Murphy) notes: Colton's second performance as Evan.
Dear Evan Hansen 10/7/2015 Arena Stage Cast: Ben Platt, Mike Faist, Laura Dreyfuss, Will Roland, Alexis Molnar, Michael Park, Jennifer Laura Thompson, Rachel Bay Jones Notes: Contains Cut Songs
Dear Evan Hansen 21/11/2017 Broadway anyirismusical’s master Cast : Noah Galvin, Mike Faist, Will Roland, Laura Dreyfus, Kristolyn Lloyd, Rachel Bay Jones, Jennifer Laura Thompson, Michael Park Notes: Noah’s first show as Evan
Miss Saigon - Broadway - March 29, 2017 (Matinee) - M4a (Untracked) Cast: Jon Jon Briones (The Engineer), Lianah Sta. Ana (alt. Kim), Alistair Brammer (Chris), Katie Rose Clarke (Ellen), Nicholas Christopher (John), Devin Ilaw (Thuy), Ericka Hunter (u/s Gigi) notes: This is Ericka’s first show as Gigi!
Hadestown (July 31, 2016 Matinee): Cast: Nabiyah Be (Eurydice), Damon Daunno (Orpheus), J. Bernard Calloway (u/s Hades), Amber Gray (Persephone), Matt Saldivar (Hermes), Lulu Fall, Jessie Shelton, Erica Sweany (Fates). New York Theatre Workshop.
In The Heights - March 8th, 2007 - Off-Broadway Cast: Lin-Manuel Miranda, Christopher Jackson, Asmeret Ghebremichael (u/s Carla), Andrea Burns, Robin de Jesus, Karen Olivo, Mandy Gonzalez, John Herrera, Priscilla Lopez, Olga Merediz, Eliseo Roman, Seth Stewart
In the Heights - Off-Broadway - June 9, 2007 - MP3 (Tracked) Cast: Lin-Manuel Miranda (Usnavi), Mandy Gonzalez (Nina), Joshua Henry (u/s Benny), Karen Olivo (Vanessa), Robin de Jesus (Sonny), Doreen Montavlo (u/s Abuela Claudia), John Herrera (Kevin), Priscilla Lopez (Camila), Andrea Burns (Daniela), Janet Dacal (Carla), Eliseo Roman (Piragua Guy), Rickey Tripp (u/s Graffiti Pete), Doreen Montalvo (Bolero Singer)
Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder / Audio / 2015-11-13, National Tour (Cleveland, OH): Cast: John Rapson (D'Ysquith Family); Kevin Massey (Monty Navarro); Kristen Beth Williams (Sibella Hallward); Adrienne Eller (Phoebe D'Ysquith); Mary VanArsdel (Miss Shingle)*hochbergaudio’s master
School of Rock / Audio / 2015-11-09, Broadway: Cast: Alex Brightman (Dewey); Sierra Boggess (Rosalie); Spencer Moses (Ned); Mamie Parris (Patty); Dante Melucci (Freddy); Evie Dolan (Katie); Jared Parker (Lawrence); Isabella Russo (Summer); Bobbie MacKenzie (Tomika); Brandon Niederauer (Zack)
Spring Awakening 12/2/2011 2NT LA (tracked) Cast: Christopher Wood, Elizabeth Judd, Coby Getzug, Courtney Markowitz, Jim Hogan, Aliya Bowles, Rachel Geisler, Emily Mest, George Salazar, Devon Stone, Daniel Plimpton, Sarah Kleeman, Mark Poppleton
Wicked / Audio / 2013-05-28, Broadway: Cast: Lindsay Mendez (Elphaba); Katie Rose Clarke (Glinda); Derek Klena (Fiyero); Adam Grupper (The Wizard); John Schiappa (Doctor Dillamond); Randy Danson (Madame Morrible); Catherine Charlebois (Nessarose); F. Michael Haynie (Boq) *Lindsay and Derek’s first show
Wicked / Audio / 2014-02-22, Broadway: Caat: Lindsay Mendez (Elphaba); Alli Mauzey (Glinda); Kyle Dean Massey (Fiyero); Tom McGowan (The Wizard); Carol Kane (Madame Morrible); Catherine Charlebois (Nessarose); Michael Wartella (Boq) *Lindsay, Alli, Kyle, and Tom’s final show
#broadway bootlegs#broadway musicals#hamilton bootleg#hamilton audios#hamilton musical#dear evan hansen bootleg#dear evan hansen#avenue q#book of mormon#ben platt#bootleg#musicals bootleg#great comet#legally blond#les mis#spring awakening#next to normal#wicked#bootleg wants#bootlegs#wicked bootleg#wicked audio#school of rock#in the heights#rent muscial#rent bootleg#spring awakening bootleg
4 notes
View notes
Giao dịch Bất động sản Quận Erie - Tin tức Buffalo #thôngtin [ad_1] Sau đây là các giao dịch bất động sản trên 5.000 đô la như được liệt kê trong hồ sơ của văn phòng thư ký Quận Erie trong tuần kết thúc vào ngày 29 tháng 11. ALDEN • 154 Đường Ba Rod, Cheryl Brueggeman; Cynthia Kolb; Sandra Schmidbuaer cho Brandon Becker; Kelsey Snyder, $ 259,900. • 13010 West Main St., Deborah A. Kicior; Thomas M. Kicior cho Anthony J. Alu; Karen Alu, $ 215.000. • Tòa án bãi cỏ phía Bắc 12485, Deborah H. Fortin cho Michael J. Brice; Amanda Lam, $ 196,000. • 3613 Đường Crittenden, Bengart Steven B Dec; Michael K. Duncan đến Ngân hàng Wells Fargo NA, $ 160,817. AMHERST • 114 Waterway Lane, Marrano / marc-Equity Corporation đến Corine M. Grieco; Gary J. Grieco, $ 389,601. • 184 Vòng tròn Sunburst, Nancy A. Gary; Stephen M. Gary Sr. đến Danbo Shen; Ling Xu, $ 380.000. • 32 Timberlane Drive, Andrea L. Plucinski; Craig H. Plucinski cho Steven Kinney; Victoria R. Kinney, 365.000 đô la. • 477 Đường Ramble, Nancy Biondo-Doyle; John Joseph Doyle đến Erin S. Waas; Christopher B. Wilson, 335.000 đô la. • 1025 Đường rừng phía Bắc, Justin H. Tate; Rebekah M. Tate to Saloni Patel, $ 291,000. • 545 Alberta Drive, Niasher Realty Inc cho Công ty Quỹ phát triển nhà Attica, $ 284,022. • 21 Candlewood Lane, Ann Burstein Cohen; Lawrence M. Cohen đến Amanda L. Mooney; Shawn M. Mooney, 280.000 đô la. • Ổ đĩa Northhill 299-g, Marrano / marc Equity Corporation cho Kenneth K. Kohl; Mary C. Kohl, $ 275,900. • 299-e Northhill Drive, Marrano / marc Equity Corporation đến Lisa S. Abbott, $ 275,900. • 25 Mill St., Nancy Highway đến Annette L. Sapienza, $ 275,000. • 20 Cobblestone Lane, Amy Remmele ; Mary E. Vogt đến Cheryl L. Stein; Irving Stein, $ 275,000. • 139 Ranch Trail, Charles P. Faso; Lynn M. Faso đến Shawna K. Matthews; Ira A. Meyers, $ 260.000. • Sân thượng Fruitwood, Christine M. Kiffer; Michael W. Kiffer cho Jenna Sullivan; Timothy M. Sullivan Jr., 250.000 đô la. • 81 Evans, Charlotte E. Jurek đến Christine L. Hunt; Daniel A. Hunt, 250.000 đô la. • 520 đường rừng phía Bắc, Anthony J. Paulazzo đến Joshua H. Henderson; Nelis Henderson, 240.000 đô la. • 47 Tòa án Vườn, Monique Michaud đến Rebecaa Elias, 236.000 đô la. • 57 Đại lộ Stevenson, Carl L. Shepard; Kathleen A. Shepard đến Mohammed J. Uddin, 209.900 đô la. • 2081 Đường Tonawanda Creek, Robert T. Washington đến Marianna C. Cantella; Lawrence E. Giorgi, $ 202,990. • 167 Brockmoore Drive, Oleg Sapozhnikov đến Kelly Kaczmarek; Kevin Kaczmarek, 199.000 đô la. • 214 Bucyrus Drive, David Foster; Leola Foster cho Deborah Maxey; Peter R. Tunkey II, $ 195,214. • 3 Homer Lane Unit C, Edith Block to Patricia J. Rabin, $ 189,000. • 63 Das Court, Kathleen Sheehan tới Carl Shepard, $ 172.500. • 40 Tòa án Wellington, Carol S. Evans đến Brent Mcenroe , 169.000 đô la. • Đường 76 Elm, Marjorie E. Kuss; William T. Kuss đến William T. Brown; Simone S. Walker, 165.000 đô la. • 515 Mt Vernon Road, Carla Duke; David A. Công tước; Susan J. Laska; Duke Family Trust Tr đến Nancy M. Duke, 158.000 đô la. • 496 Đại lộ Windermere, Cuộc sống mới với US Realty LLC đến Robert Louis Hengesbach, 158.000 đô la. • 4153 Harlem Road, Yi Yu Chen đến Jonny Nicolas Santana, 155.000 đô la. • 15 Apollo Drive, Thomas D. Lewis; Peggy Ann Marciano đến Philip D. Noah Jr., 152.900 đô la. • 474 Đại lộ Windermere, Angelo Ingrassia; Yang Zhao đến Richard F. Skomra, 143.000 đô la. • 1651 Eggert Road, Ellas Agkavanakis đến Kiriakos P. Agavanakis, 134.000 đô la. • 30 Oakbrook # 3 & Garage # 83, Mary Ellen Mcpartlan đến Murphy 2017 Family Trust 101217 Tr, 129.000 đô la. Đường Hopkins, Judith C. Baty; William F. Baty; William Francis Baty; Judith C. Trống cho Christopher Kowalski, 128.900 đô la. • 4613 Chestnut Ridge Rd Đơn vị J và Garage28, Joyce M. Neel; Timothy J. Neel đến Kaitlin D. Scott, 104.900 đô la. • 2554 Đường rừng phía Bắc, Elizabeth I. Miller đến David Eron, 103.000 đô la. • 111 Sundridge Drive, Julia Kennedy; Julia Kay vượt qua Elizabeth A. Fildes, 100.000 đô la. • 70 Amsterdam Ave., Điểm chuẩn Firehouse Associates LLC đến Công ty phát triển nhà ở Attica, 85.978 đô la. • 175 Lynette Lane, Ciminelli Muir Woods LLC đến Ryan Homes của New York, 82.330 đô la. 47 Đường Hemlock, Michael J. Kolczynski đến Thi An Huynh; Van Khoa Mai, 70.000 USD. • 3520 Millersport Hwy, Theresa M. Ketchmark cho Donald Bruce Robinson; Judith S. Robinson, 40.100 đô la. ÁO • 156 Grove St., Deborah L. Hyde; Lynn R. Hyde đến Mary E. Davis, 154.000 đô la. AURORA / EAST AURORA • 23 Creekstone Drive, Marrano / marc Equity Corporation cho Gerald E. Patterson; Kathleen M. Patterson, $ 533.822. • 18 Creekstone Drive, Marrano / marc Equity Corporation cho John M. Vetter; Regina M. Vetter, $ 441,055. • Đường 538 Jewett Holmwood, Cotto Patricia Del; Michael J. Mcgee đến Kerr Property Management LLC, $ 325.000. • Đất trống Willardshire Road, Daniel J. Mania; Jennifer L. Noah đến Tricia J. Silliman, 320.000 đô la. • 1950 Đường Blakeley, Francis C. G 4.0.3k đến Zachary P. Keller, 165.000 đô la. BLASDELL • 8 Silver Ave., Austin M. Phillips đến Tricia A. Switzer, $ 142.000. • 148 Pearl Ave., George Grager; Maria Grager đến Kalea A. Duengfelder, 110.000 đô la. BOoston • 7375 State Road, Mmart 1 LLC đến 570 Dab 28 LLC, 375.000 USD. • 8075 Feddick Road, Altius Vista LLC đến David May; Joan M. May, $ 230.000. • 7707 Đường tiểu bang, Marie A. Los; Robert J. Los đến Barbara J. Schunk, 103.000 đô la. BUFFALO • Khách hàng tại Window, Thomas F. Jamison đến M Property Holdings LLC, $ 686.000. • 309 Lincoln Parkway, Kathryn Gordon đến Kathrine Caldiero; Matthew E. Caldiero, $ 540,000. • 126 Chatham Ave., Matthew E. Caldiero; Kinda Flemming đến Rui Ma; Taylor Sining Wong, $ 460.000. • 52 Beard Ave., Jon Kraus; Veronica Kraus đến Jarret A. Izzo; Rebecca F. Izzo, 450.000 đô la. • 47 Bremen St., Cheryl Berey đến Bunje Bower Corey, 440.000 đô la. • 361 Porter Ave., Jeffrey C. Huynh cho Justin Anderson; Elizabeth Zavarella, 429.000 đô la. • 163 Lexington, Richard C. Greene đến Elizabeth I. Swift, 420.000 đô la. • 33 Shoreham, Rebecca Murphy đến Max S. Zimmerman, $ 275.000. • 102 Bình thường Ave., Lena Stanuszek; Miroslaw Stanuszek đến Brian M. Mckenna; Stephanie C. Mckenna, 250.000 đô la. • 65 Ridgewood, Giáo xứ Công giáo Đức Mẹ từ thiện đến Amy L. Santiago; Thiên thần L. Santiago, 230.000 đô la. • 447 Auburn, Richard J. Mohler đến De Santana Hager Alem M; De Santana Hager Murilo W, $ 228.000. • 233 North Drive, Bruce N. Walker; Jacqueline T. Walker đến Angelo J. Conti; Jennifer L. Conti, $ 210,233. • 333 Humboldt, Edith Brooks cho Justin Pendleton, $ 210.000. • 112 Montrose Ave., Sharon Lyn Larson cho Andrew Peter Dearing; Ting Dearing, 205.000 đô la. • 140 Sage Ave., Darren S. Sapienza; Maryorie Lundie Sapienza đến Lena C. Stanuszek; Miroslaw K. Stanuszek, 190.000 đô la. • 205 Quốc hội, Lynda Maywalt; Michael Maywalt cho David R. Thornbury; David R. Thornbury Jr., $ 190.000. • 204 Woodside Ave., Birch & mortar Homes LLC đến Brent Brown, $ 180.000. • 45 Hollywood, Markev Properties LLC đến Joseph D. Ferron, $ 179.000. • 41 Eaglewood, Mushtaq M. Kaid cho Joel P Renzoni, 165.000 đô la. • 33 Evelyn St., Shirley Sontag đến Hasta Tamang, 165.000 đô la. • 15 Arkansas, Michael Maywalt Jr.; Michael Maywalt Sr đến Jeffrey M. Offhaus; Sarah R. Offhaus, $ 162.500. • 130 Ross Ave., James E. Cratsley; Lorraine Cratsley đến Manndy Say Light; Sella Light, 155.000 đô la. • 101 Woodside Ave., Raepple Real Real Inc; Bất động sản Raepple hợp nhất với Dwight E. Simpson, $ 135.999. • 478 Bình thường, Kyaw Kyee đến Haronbin Mohamed Gulam; Nasimbanubinti Mohamad Ibrahim, 135.000 đô la. • 336 Riverside Ave., Rosenberg Ira Funds LLC đến Mu La Er; Er Soe, 125.000 đô la. • 50 Lilac, Synbdicated Development LLC cho Justin Menzel; Sharmin Menzel, 120.000 đô la. • 904 Clinton, Mkj Buffalo Group Inc đến 904 Clinton LLC, 115.000 đô la. • 63 Weiss, Michael Kasza; Michael S. Kasza đến 63 Weiss LLC, 105.000 đô la. • 81 Nicholson, Andrew J. Byrd đến Dianne L. Jobson, 105.000 đô la. • 87 Deerfield Ave., Tasheka T. Scott đến Golam Kibria, 95.000 đô la. • 129 Vandalia, Robert Thomas Walker đến Nicholas Flaitz, 90.000 đô la. • 80 Phyllis, Bill Y. Edward L. Billups Jr. đến Evelyn K. Jones, 86.920 đô la. • 129 Armin Place, Briana Popek cho Paul Judd, 85.000 đô la. • 95 Pooley, Bstr LLC cho Mohamed Shiek; Hussein Waris, $ 76.000. • 379 Newburgh Ave., Kruz đáng tin cậy; Kruz LLC đáng tin cậy đến Fatisha Collins, 71.000 đô la. • 116 Dunlop Ave., Daniel Summers đến Terry Powell, 61.900 đô la. • 96 St Louis Ave., Shohag Abu Bakkar Siddique đến Marium Begum; Marin Mostafa, 60.000 đô la. • 48 Lyth Place, Decent Property NY LLC đến Earline Washington, 59.900 đô la. • 320 Weimar, Quản lý tài sản trung thực & đa dịch vụ Inc cho Kamal Ahmed, 58.000 đô la. • 134 Elmer, Brenda A. Patterson; Brenda Patterson cho Michael Royster Jr., 57.000 đô la. • 257 Ontario, Kenneth Robert Moyer tới Sahajahan Hossain Sozib, 55.000 đô la. • 142 East Ave., Elaine M. Urban cho Dearborn Development LLC, 54.000 đô la. Ka Say, 50.000 đô la. • 535 Dartmouth Ave., Shinyin Management LLC đến Mohammed Shaiful Hồi giáo, 49.900 đô la. • 347 Walden, Akhtar Salimon Newaz đến Joynab Bibi, 47.000 đô la. • 416 East phà, Gary B. Preston đến Courtney Allen, 45.000 đô la. 97 Condon, Cmac Properties LLC đến B & r Cho thuê LLC, 40.000 đô la. • 109 Albert, John Butler đến Bishnu P. Kapri, 40.000 đô la. • 326 Cornwall, Nancy M. Snyder; Quận Erie đến Jevon B. Romeo; Christopher M. Spence, 36.000 đô la. • 21 Cambridge, Eric Jordan đến Kaifas Property Group LLC, 35.000 đô la • 46 Glor, Rachel Deutsch đến Kskc Properties LLC, 30.500 đô la. • 2780 Bailey, Jose Muniz đến 2788 Bailey Ave LLC, 30.000 đô la Đô thị St., Safina Begum; Mohammed Miah đến Goyghar Inc, 30.000 đô la. • 124 Ontario, Nancy M. Snyder; Quận Erie đến Ademir Ronald Bustamante, $ 28.000. • 27 Sherwood St., Vahaira Perez; Yaihara Perez đến Javier Duranona; Mylenis Vazquez, 28.000 đô la. • 37 Rommel, Purityson LLC đến Vin7 LLC, 23.000 đô la. • 373 Dearborn, Nancy M. Snyder; Quận Erie đến Jevon B. Romeo; Christopher M. Spence, 22.000 đô la. • 1368 Sycamore, Mohammad H. Kabir đến Selim M. Reza, 22.000 đô la. • 11 Bennett Village Terrace, Kristian Clemons cho Smrn Family Inc, 20.000 đô la. • 145 Kilhoffer St. Hossain, $ 13,000. • 135 Baitz, D & n Cho thuê LLC đến Maurice Cornelious, $ 10.000. • 75 Ashley St., Bộ trưởng Cựu chiến binh cho Mohammed K. Munshi, $ 7.000. CHEEKTOWAGA • 139 Topaz Drive, Marrano / marc Equity Corporation cho Philip V. Rizzi, 339.568 đô la. • 125 Blossom Wood Lane, Denis G. Boucher; Samuel J. Guida đến Joseph M. Bifaro; Patricia D. Bifaro, $ 298,900. • 337 Drive, Gail Ann Conschafter; Gary Conschafter đến 337 Cleveland LLC, $ 275,000. • 41 Redoak Drive, Barbara C. Weber to Dawan D. Jones, $ 212.500. • 500 Roycroft Boulevard, Murphy 2017 Family Trust 101217 Tr cho Jane M. Osullivan; Michael D. Osullivan, 190.000 đô la. • 72 Rowley Holw, Delphine C. Boersch cho Robert H. Dornbrock; Deborah A. Minotti, $ 188,000. • 93 Patsy Lane, Delphine C. Boersch đến Pavel Belavus; Viktoria Belous, 175.000 đô la. • 85 Andres Place, Joseph J. Lesinski Jr. đến Syed A. Samad, $ 172.000. • 96 Lordan Drive, Otylia Przybyla; Otylia M. Przybyla; Tillie Przybyla đến Troy A. Fogle, $ 169,900. • 96 Baywood Drive, Peter J. Wilson đến Edith Bochman; Matthew P. Hanna, 164.900 đô la. • 12 ổ đĩa, Lisa K. Glaser đến Mon M. Mangar; Bir D. Subba, 164.900 đô la. • 111 Fairelm Lane, Thomas H. Rummell đến Trần Ngọc Phạm, 159.000 đô la. • 158 South Huxley, Andrew P. Desabio; Leah M. Desabio đến John Coutlakis; Christina Stubbs-Coutlakis, $ 156.000. • 90 ngôi nhà Ave., Joseph G. Moreno đến Felicia A. Buster; Nicholas Buster, 155.000 đô la. • 105 Andres Place, Eugene A. Kaczmarek đến Jeffrey G. Hilbruner, 153.000 đô la. • 128 Ellen Drive, Jeffrey J. Jackson đến Dylan J. Long, 139.000 đô la. • Đại lộ đô thị George George, Robert C. Napier Chudamani Adhikari, 135.000 đô la. • 138 Tòa án Princeton, Kevin P. Kaczmarek; Kelly T. Neiss đến Brett M. Nadolinski, 135.000 đô la. • 514 Beach Road, David G. Brug đến Wilbert J. Lynch Jr., 134.000 đô la. • 105 Southgate Road, Buffalo Niagara Apartments LLC đến Brandy Robinson, 129.000 đô la. , Dennis Komrek; Debora Krasnka; Denise Olszewski cho Yu Yang; Ping Yu, 125.000 đô la. • 54 King Ave., Diane M. Filipowicz đến Sara E. Casillo, 125.000 đô la. • 225 Ellen Drive, Ltd Nhà và tài sản LLC đến Hubbard Harris Ward III, 124.000 đô la. • 82 Woodridge Ave., Qun Yu đến Andrew S Crowe, 122.000 đô la. • 18 ngõ Nassau, Kimberly Popiela-Saia; Salvatore F. Saia Jr. đến Kc Buffalo Enterprises LLC, 110.000 đô la. • 199 Đại lộ Đông Grand, Randy M. Traner đến Emama Williams, 110.000 đô la. • 127 Kilbourne Road, Charles P. Maloney; Sandra J. Maloney cho Robyn L. Bauer, 93.000 đô la. • 84 Edmund St., Christopher Bain; David G R; Paula E. Sommer đến Pietro Enterprises LLC, 90.000 đô la. • 2561 Genesee St., James Szymanski; Richard Urbanski đến Jeffrey Mendoza-Pena, 81.450 đô la. • 37 đường Tudor, Nancy M. Snyder; Quận Erie đến Brent Hardy, 71.000 đô la. • 94 Franklin Ave., Thomas T. Hoàng đến Nicolette C. Evans, 55.000 đô la. • 132 Francis Ave., Nancy M. Snyder; Quận Erie đến Ali Mahmood, 48.000 đô la. • 2527 Genesee St., Nancy M. Snyder; Quận Erie đến Noor N. Chowdhury, $ 42.000. • 15 Tòa án Lưỡi liềm, Webster20 LLC cho Robert Koerntgen Ira Ben; Công ty ủy thác vốn cổ phần, 36.000 đô la. • 6 Wagner Ave., Nancy M. Snyder; Quận Erie đến Anl 3 Realty LLC, $ 32.000. • 52 Bright St., Nancy M. Snyder; Quận Erie đến Anl 3 Realty LLC, $ 22.000. • 44 đường Meadowlawn, Daniel A. Có thể đến James K. Roberts, $ 20.000. CÂU HỎI • 5745 Waterford Lane, Essex Ngôi nhà của WNY Inc đến Joy A. Ricotta, $ 573.995. • 6020 Jessica Place, Donald J. Jarmusz đến Dorothy A. Wzontek; Stephen M. Wzontek, 505.000 đô la. • 6315 Đường Heise, Sarah E. Morris đến Jonathan Cross; Samantha J. Cross, $ 440.000. • 5499 Qua bến du thuyền, Joy A. Ricotta đến Khalid Ahsan; Uzma Riaz, 440.000 USD. • 5643 Ferncrest Ct Ud, Melanie Drazba; Paul Drazba đến Tập đoàn tài chính Cartus, trị giá 415.000 đô la. • 5643 Ferncrest Ct Ud, Tập đoàn tài chính Cartus đến Annette D. Gervase; David A. Gervase, trị giá 415.000 đô la. • 5652 Ferncrest Ct-a, Biệt thự tại Spaulding Green LLC đến Marilyn Vogt; Norman J. Vogt, $ 363,183. • Đường 4620 Schurr, Kristin K. Boehler; Kristin Marfoglia đến Edward H. Badhorn; Faithann M. Badhorn, 140.000 đô la. MÀU SẮC • Đường 3082 Vail, Cheryl T. Griffin; Robert M. Griffin đến Sally Ann Cataldo; Thomas Patrick Purcell, $ 145.000. CONCORD • 7148 Đường Fowler, Christine J. Metzger; Glenn J. Metzger; Joseph M. Metzger; Kinda C. Ryan; Amanda R. Wilcox cho Chelaine A. Bauer; Erich W. Bauer, $ 305,000. • 41 Ridge Trl, Jonathan D. Maybray; Niềm vui A. Maybray cho Michael J. Filighera, 165.000 đô la. EDEN • 7602 Sisson Hgwy, Darrick S. Kristich; Jessica L. Parker đến Danielle M. Steiner; Michael W. Steiner, 227.500 đô la. • 2937 Schoolview Drive, Michael W. Lis đến Jason T. Lawniczak; Tanya A. Lawniczak, 160.000 đô la. ELMA • 560 Northrup Road, Buffalo Bungalow Inc đến Barry S. Gluckstein; Cindy Gluckstein; Cynthia Gluckstein, $ 533,654. MỌI NGƯỜI • 9164 Lakeside Ave., Gregg K. Walls; Mary E. Walls cho Nancy Blake Fitzpatrick, $ 522.000. • 341 đường Woodside, David Marshall Harig đến Linda Flower-Hebeler; Alan Hebeler, 200.000 đô la. • 1399 Darlington Drive, Donald A. Dressel; Jenifer R. Dressel đến Jacob Bednarz; Alisha Sanborn, $ 180,094. • Đường 9273 Lake Shore, Toni L. Kiebzak đến William D. Johnson, $ 140.000. • 701 Đường Beach, Joseph N. Giambrone; Loretta Giambrone cho Joseph J. Viapiano III, $ 122.000. ĐẢO GRAND • 5010 Đường sông Đông, Harjinder Kaur Kang; Sukhwinder Kang đến Christine Carter Carter; Lawrence E. Carter II, $ 650.000. • Ngõ 385 Tracey, Kevin M. Rustowicz; Maura Am Rustowicz cho Jeremy Dettmer; Kathleen Dettmer, 210.000 đô la. • 1925 Creekside Drive, Lori L. Itienne đến Megan A. Angelina, $ 173.500. • 51 Woodlee Lane, Michael L. Miller; Sheila A. Miller đến Beverly A. Hurley, 138.500 đô la. • Đường sửa chữa 2635, Marcia A. Hunt đến Steven J. Hunt, 26.000 đô la. HAMBURG • 3779 Lakeshore Road, Farrell North Properties LLC đến Jameson Realty LLC, $ 1.000.000. • Đất trống Tây Nam Boulevard, Hamburg Land Associates LLC đến Jl Hamburg 1301 LLC, $ 575.000. • 5463 Sycamore Lane, Forbes Homes Inc đến Paul R. Cochran III Wendi D. Cochran, $ 538.370. • 3504 Mckinley Parkway, G & i Ix Empire Mckinley Mall Outparcel LLC đến Orchard Park trọ Ventures LLC, $ 400.000. • 5665 Đại lộ Tây Nam, Biệt thự tại Brierwood LLC đến Pamela S. Gargano, $ 352.300. Craig Mcrobb; Wendy Mcrobb đến Austin Michael Phillips, $ 324,900. • Tòa án 6023 Pinehurst, Steven Smolkovich đến David G. Brug; Annmarie M. Todaro, 307.000 đô la. • 3353 Lạch lái xe, David J. Mcdermott; Lauren Mcdermott; Lori Mcdermott đến Cody A. Ruchser; Tara J. Ruchser, 285.000 đô la. • 2284 Agassiz Drive, Marrano / marc Equity Corporation cho Kimberly L. Stack; Paul M. Stack, $ 280.000. • 156 Triển vọng Ave., Jonathan P. Appleby; Sara L. Appleby đến Daniel W. Roushey; Eve D. Roushey, $ 275,000. • 4993 Điểm quan sát, Bgrs Relocation Inc cho Robert Glowacki; Theresa Glowacki, 250.000 USD. • 4414 Rushford, Mary Durward; Paul Durward cho Alex Funderburk; Amy Jo Funderburk, 236.500 đô la. • 5928 Shoreham Drive, Kimberly L. Butera; Kimberly L. Chồng; Paul M. Chồng đến Jason M. Fick; Tabitha M. Fick, $ 215.000. • Đường 3243 South Lyth, Hailand Marsha Rose Kochan; Marlene Therese Miller đến Leo M. Rudny, 175.000 đô la. • 3610 Terri Trl, Elisa A. Esford đến Kinda A. Filipski, 175.000 đô la. • 4146 Burke Parkway, Isabelle Welsh; Patrick J. Welsh đến Jordan A. Reed, 175.000 đô la. • 188 Oak Hill Drive, Brenda B. Lamm đến Marie J. Schreiber; Stephen M. Schreiber, 166.400 đô la. • 4061 Buffalo Ave., Jody Victor đến Renay C. Tucci, 155.900 đô la. • 6427 Center St., Kathleen Hosken; Ronald Hosken cho David Michelsen; Laura Michelsen, 150.000 đô la. • 4913 Morgan Parkway, Chellse A. Lavtar đến Katelin E. Rubach, 145.000 đô la. • 4793 Kennison Parkway, Diane Meli đến Erica M. Eckenrode, 145.000 đô la. • 3736 Blair Court, Patricia C. Ceccarelli đến Lindsay R. Khát khao; Gerard S. Ruszchot, $ 144.500. • Đại lộ 4525 Mt Vernon, David R. Brooks; Geraldine Brooks đến Gerhardt Hoffman; Emilee Puccio, 122.500 đô la. • Đất trống Taylor Road, Joseph A. Duggan; Linda A. Vấn đề với Andrew Cocina, 105.000 đô la. • 4034 Tiểu bang St., David J. Henneberry II cho David J. Henneberry; Margaret E. Henneberry, 75.000 đô la. • 10 Stelle St., Country Meadows kết hợp với Ryan ngôi nhà của New York, 48.000 đô la. • 3060 Abbott Road, Joseph P. Ngành làm việc với Caremony Funeral Holdings Inc, 15.000 đô la. HÀ LAN • 73 Park St., David B. Brenton đến Jeffrey D. Furcron, 151.000 đô la. LACKAWANNA • 36 Della Drive, Helen Marsillo; Helen M. Marsillo; Patrick N. Marsillo đến Alyssa Koshinski; Timothy D. Parker, 128.000 đô la. • 344 Đại lộ South Shore, Mae Fannie; Fannie Mae đến Mushtaq M. Kaid, 84.000 đô la. • 3129 South Park Ave., Patrick A. Mccusker đến Hamed Al-Humaikani, 19.000 đô la. LANCASTER • 107 Avian Way, Marrano / marc Equity Corporation cho Bruce R. Wilson; Lynnette L. Wilson, $ 371,526. • 96 Avian Way, Marrano / marc Equity Corporation cho Rebecca Hejmanowski; Scott A. Hejmanowski, $ 359,070. • 44 Pheasant Run Lane, Maureen J. Pantera; Thaddeus P. Pantera cho Laura R. Klinck; Sean P. Klinck, 280.000 đô la. • 324 Đường vỉa hè, Redland Quarries NY Inc đến Teds Quarry LLC, 250.000 đô la. • 22 Matthews Drive, Christine M. Graves đến Michele Tryjankowki; Paul Tryjankowski, 210.000 đô la. • 1717 Đại lộ Como Park, Robert Gregory Mcdonald đến Jennifer Vanderwerf, 165.000 đô la. • 238 Aurora St., Deborah E. Odonnell đến Nicole M. Tatum, 160.000 đô la. • 8 Huntley Place, Dolores M. Leprell đến Ashley L Morlock; Jeremy P. Morlock, 133.000 đô la. • 16 Holland Ave., Jason R. Drake; Malgorzata Kurtyko đến Danielle M. Gang, 130.000 đô la. • 298 Broezel Ave., Nancy M. Snyder; Quận Erie đến Brent Hardy, 77.000 đô la. • 39 Partridge Walk, Hidden Lawn Lan LLC đến Elizabeth A. Vealey, 69.000 đô la. BẢN TIN MỚI • Đường 11714 Rapids, Monica D. Muggelberg đến Micah J. Burgett; Tina M. Burgett, 187.000 đô la. • 6021 Đường Crittenden, Carl J. Longwell đến Megan Kiener; Nathan Kreher, $ 183.500. PHÍA BẮC • 2044 Southside Ave., Stone Creek Holdings LLC đến Joshua Bryant; Joshua P. Bryant, 68.000 đô la. CÔNG viên ORCHARD • 48 Breezewood Drive, Lisabeth M. King; Matthew R. King cho Kinda Elizabeth Sales; Bán hàng Kelly Graham, 360.000 đô la. • 36 Ferndale Drive, Donna M. Franz; Karl H. Franz tới 36 Ferndale Living Trust, 343.000 đô la. • 7900 Milestrip Road, De La Rosa Dann R; De La Rosa Karin L đến Ashley R. Wheeler; Mitchell P. Wheeler, $ 275,000. • 155 Squire Drive, Janette C. Neumeister; Michael J. Neumeister đến Jonthan Szematowicz; Patricia Szematowicz, 220.000 đô la. • 5051 đường Abbott, Francis Martino Jr.; Sharon E. Martino cho Mtglq Nhà đầu tư Lp, $ 181,687. • Vl Auckland Ave., 1972 Southwestern Blvd Inc đến Nbsn Properties LLC, $ 25,300. MÙA XUÂN • 526 East Main St., Guntrum 2018 Family Trust 101618 Tr đến Deborah Hammond, 155.000 đô la. • 148 Maple Ave., Ish Properties LLC đến Shaun L. Casey, 105.000 đô la. THÀNH PHỐ TONAWANDA • 34 Peuquet Parkway, Craig Holler đến Pde Real Estate Holdings LLC, $ 337,100. • 22 Peuquet Parkway, Craig M. Holler đến Pde Real Real Holdings LLC, $ 240.000. • 49 Peuquet Parkway, Craig M. Holler Holdings LLC, $ 172,900. • 55 Frances St., Susan E. Kottke đến Qamar A. Chaudhary, $ 170.000. • 29 Hackett Drive, George P. Gross Jr. đến Barbara Biniarz, $ 145.000. • 76 Dekalb St., Alexi M. Salamone ; Joseph A. Salamone; Susan M. Salamone cho James P. Patterson, 138.500 đô la. • 125 William St., Darlynn E. Harms; Robert W. Có hại cho Lillian R. Roberts, 122.500 đô la. • 285 William St., Gail R. Winch; William Warren Winch đến John Pecoraro, 95.000 đô la. • 60 Park Ave., Cheskiewicz Helen M Est; Jennifer Ann Runfola đến Công ty Ủy thác Quốc gia Deutsche Bank Tr; Tín dụng cho vay vốn chủ sở hữu thế kỷ mới 2004-1 Tr, $ 88,720. • 490 Morgan St., Anthony Brooks; Kimberly Brooks; Terry Jo Devlin; Kellie Roy đến Kimberly Brooks, 50.000 đô la. • 316 Brookside Terr, Sean R. Mcdonald cho Laura Hansen; Michael Hansen, 6.000 đô la. TONAWANDA • 3514 Delkn Ave., Mccormick 111 LLC đến 3514 Delkn Ave LLC, $ 475.000. • Tòa án 10 Lorna Lane, Nora Magnani đến Christopher R. Zambito, $ 265.000. • 2824 Delkn Ave., Alan P. Miller; Alan P. Walaski-Miller; James Walaski-Miller đến Ccr716 LLC, 200.000 đô la. • 201 Westfall Drive, Ryno Cho thuê LLC đến Jeffrey E. Williams, 171.500 đô la. • 93 Broadmoor Drive, WNY Homeworks Inc cho Alexander Kalosza; Charlene Kalosza, $ 167.500. • 58 Cresthill Ave., Robert Leber; Cathy A. Nixon; Susan M. Wackenheim đến Ann T. Cooper; Maurice D. Cooper III, $ 167.000. • 105 Wrexham Ct N, Rena Malarkey; Kyle T. Mcmahon đến Rory M. Murphy; Victoria Murphy, $ 159,547. • 117 Eble Ave., Amanda L. Buckley; Amanda L. Mooney cho Matthew Rice; Timothy Rice, 158.000 đô la. • Đường 252 Greentree, Lynn E. Collette đến Bonnie L. Guppenberger; Gary Guppenberger, 153.000 đô la. • 185 Westgate Road, Beatrice M Halton Không thể thu hồi ủy thác 103118 Tr đến Kristin R. Hall; William A. Schultz, 150.000 đô la. • 309 Cleveland, Sean P. Burns cho Adam D. Seitz, 150.000 đô la. • 321 Woodland Drive, Sheri L. Ackendorf; Sheri L. Pulvino đến Frank W. Morath, 149.900 đô la. • 516 Đường hai dặm Cr, Joshua D. Tarasek đến Nicholas Crane, 148.000 đô la. • 429 Đường Glenalby, Candice A. Geiger; Nô-ê J. Mchale gửi Patrick W. Cahill Jr., $ 144,400. • 285 Abbington Ave., Frank N. Gennuso đến Sara J. Gallagher, 140.000 đô la. • 2203 Đại lộ Parker, Andrew R. Somerville; Heather L. Swain đến Dale R. Swain; Luann K. Swain, 135.000 đô la. • 42 Palmer Ave., Elizabeth Ann Ohara đến Tara Lynn Himes, 135.000 đô la. • 141 Wendel Ave., Joseph A. Farrauto đến Thawng L. Bik; Ngun S. Tial, $ 131.000. • 96 đường Willowbreeze, Franklin Carter đến Heather R. Colling; Justin M. Colling, 130.000 đô la. • 187 Floradale Ave., Lmb Capital Inc đến Susan E. Kottke, 127.000 đô la. • 132 đường Greentree, Mary B. Bakaysa đến Matthew R. Seaman, 120.000 đô la. • 338 Washington Ave., Christian Ferullo Chandap Chand; Rama Chand, $ 117.500. • 206 Wood 4.0.3 Drive, Margaret A. Glor; Timothy R. Vinh dự cho Duke Capital Holdings LLC, 100.000 đô la. • 210 Homewood Ave., Jeffrey E. Williams đến Cynthia A. Noelk; Heather A. Noelk, 90.000 đô la. • 750 Đại lộ Parker, Michael J. Notz; Susan M. Notz cho James K. Roberts, 40.000 đô la. WALES • 6680 Đường Maple Hill, Cecilia A. Pilc; James J. Pilc đến Brandon Daly; Jamie D. Daly, $ 298,969. TÂY SENECA • 47 Jaycee Lane, Marrano / marc Equity Corporation đến Elizabeth A. Kobialka; Przemyslaw S. Kobialka, $ 376,633. • Đất trống Bắc Mỹ Drive, Liên doanh West Seneca đến Kamax LLC, $ 304.000. • 81 Circle End Drive, Gary W. Kluck; David W. Neilson đến Sean P. Nowadly; Jenny K. Pfeiffer-Nowadly, $ 265.000. • 330 Forest Drive, Michelle A. Arteaga; Patricia A. Arteaga; Robert Arteaga; Lisa C. Wojciechowski đến Gary W. Kluck; David W. Neilson, $ 245.000. • 43 Leaside Drive, Judith Flak Mahoney; Đánh dấu E. Mahoney; Mahoney Family Trust 121218 Tr gửi đến Kristin Betti; Timothy Betti, 230.000 đô la. • 14 Marilyn Drive, Michael R. Koeppel đến Lawrence Sall; Marie Sall, $ 182.500. • 27 Race St., Roger L. Chudzik đến Kimberly A. Kuhn, $ 166.100. • 190 Brookside Drive, Dennis R. Heidt; Jan J. Heidt đến Katie J. Mccourt, 165.000 đô la. • 92 Cambridge Ave., David P. Lipchot; Steven M. Lipinc Hot; Leaann Wilczak tới Edward J. Majchrowicz, 150.000 đô la. • 197 Barnsdale Ave., Marilyn E. Mccormick đến Juliana M. Armstrong, 139.000 đô la. • 4411 Clinton St., John H. Hackney; John Henry Hackney cho Steven E. Gummo, 25.000 đô la. [ad_2] Nguồn
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Real Madrid vs FC Barcelona: El Clasico in Copa del Ray.
This week world football sees two El Clasico in a row. The first one will see today at Santiago Bernabeu Stadium in Copa del Rey semi final second leg. FC Barcelona coach Ernesto Valverde announces 19 man list for this match against Real Madrid. Cillessen and Arthur both are fit for this match.
Full list: Ter Stegen, N. Semedo, Pique, I. Rakitic, Sergio, Coutinho, Arthur, Suarez, Messi, O. Dembele, Cillessen, Malcom, Lenglet, Jordi Alba, S. Roberto, Alena, Vidal, Umtiti and Inaki Pena.
Todibo, Samper, Murillo and Boateng are left out by coach's decision while Rafinha and Vermaelen still injured.
Competition: Copa del Rey, semi final second leg. Stadium: Santiago Bernabeu, Madrid, Spain. First Leg Score: Barcelona 1 - 1 Real Madrid. Date: Wednesday, February 27, 2019. Time: 9 pm CET/WAT (Barcelona & Nigeria), 8 pm GMT (UK), 12 pm PT (USA), 1.30 am IST (India, Thursday), 2.00 am IST (Bangladesh, Thursday). Referee: Jose Maria Sanchez Martinez. Broadcasting on TV: beIN SPORTS (USA & Canada), Eleven Sports 2 (UK), Canal+ Sport 1 (Nigeria), GOL, TVE La 1, TV3 (Spain). Streaming on Online: beIN SPORTS CONNECT (USA & Canada), fuboTV. Prediction: Real Madrid 2 - 2 FC Barcelona. Barcelona go to final on away goals.
Possible XI for Barcelona (4-3-3): Ter Stegen; Roberto, Pique, Umtiti, Alba; Rakitic, Busquets, Vidal; Messi, Suarez, Dembele.
Possible XI for Real Madrid (4-3-3): Navas; Carvajal, Varane, Ramos, Marcelo; Kroos, Casemiro, Modric; Vazquez, Benzema, Vinicius. #FcBarcelonaLatest #Elclasico
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