#jorg gertner
stozkpile · 2 years
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God damn it it's Big Jorg time
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emby-m · 1 year
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so despite thinking Jorg and Veronica are in a marriage of convenience I DO also think Jorg loves his kids and loves being a dad
(and him loving being a dad and loving his kids starts to make him think about what his own dad thought of him and why he can't imagine Peter ever loving him the way he loves Artemis and Apollo - like his own heart)
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itsmflexx · 1 year
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upgraded now that the fankit has been released... i am unwell. i have also changed the font to use the pentiment printed.
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merged2106 · 1 year
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I LOVE HIM!!! he's so me about flowers!
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kiersau · 2 years
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big jorg ❤️
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mazurga · 1 year
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Big Jorg poking the fire
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meril-tospen · 2 years
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Me : *after the first playthrough*
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sharktalkswrestling · 5 years
Looking at NWA-TNA Weekly PPV #1 (19 June 2002)
A Bit of an Intro:
I consistently watched TNA/Impact from roughly 2008 to 2011. I have fond memories of AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle, Abyss, Team 3D, Beer Money, Awesome Kong, ODB, and many others. I was a teenager, so I’m sure some of the angles and stories might not hold up today. Nowadays, I’m interested in watching TNA’s history that led up to the period I watched as a kid, and so I’ve decided to go back and watch all 114 of the weekly PPVs from ‘02-‘04.
It’s a pretty interesting time in wrestling. One year on from the WWF buying out WCW and ECW, this is the first attempt at a major alternative to the McMahon monopoly. This the last time the NWA was on a big platform until recently with Powerrr. Most importantly, this is the origin of a company that has been through its ups and downs (and name changes), but has survived for 17 years and doesn’t look to be stopping any time soon. In case anybody else here is interested in this slice of history, I figured I would post little reviews / recommendations based on the quality (not just in terms of wrestling but overall entertainment) and significance (title matches, debuts, returns, key promos or angles, etc) of each event. This first show aired on 19 June 2002.
Quality: 2/5. A lot of the show is bad. There is one match I would call good (a six-man tag of AJ Styles, Jerry Lynn, and Low Ki vs The Flying Elvises). The NWA title rumble is interesting but never really “good”. Jarrett’s promos are pretty fun, and there’s a segment with K-Krush (R-Truth) making fun of some Nascar drivers, which is fun to watch despite being not-so-subtle with its racism. Everything else is utterly abysmal. The kind of humor and sleaziness that was acceptable in the Attitude Era but is (mostly) gone today. But, hey, if that’s your style, godspeed, friend. Mike Tenay is great on commentary, of course, but Don West and Ed Ferrara float between mediocre and god awful.
Significance: 5/5. Despite the event being overall not what I would call “good” or even “mediocre”, if you like watching history being made, I feel like you kinda have to watch this PPV. It’s the first event of the new promotion, you meet a lot of the roster, a few feuds are immediately established, and a new NWA World’s Heavyweight Champion is crowned. Plus, with the benefit of hindsight, it’s a super interesting show. In the future they’re the legitimate #2 company in the United States with millions of viewers but right now they have a tag team that’s a dick joke and Toby Keith (of all people in this beautiful world) doing run-ins during title matches.
My thoughts [Spoilers]:
This first show feels completely alien to the Impact Wrestling of today (except for the inexplicable presence of Ken Shamrock), and only faintly resembles the TNA of my youth through some of the talent. AJ Styles, Jerry Lynn, Abyss (wrestling unmasked as “Justice”), James Storm, and of course Jeff Jarrett are all on the card. Hearing Mike Tenay and Don West did work my nostalgia. (Does Tenay ever commentate anymore? Shame, if not. Really was one of the best.) Based on the rest of the roster, I assume the show most resembles ‘00-’01 WCW with Buff Bagwell, Scott Hall, Jimmy Yang, Norman Smiley, Malice (aka the Wall, brother), and others on the roster. I haven’t watched that era of WCW, though, so feel free to correct me if I’m off-base. They did slap on an NWA brand bucket of paint by inviting former heavyweight champions like Ricky Steamboat, Dory Funk Jr, and Harley Race to the show.
The booking decisions seem all over the place. I think Russo is the booker for TNA until they start doing named monthly PPVs in 2004, so that tracks. In the first match - the six-man tag - commentary keeps hyping up a fatal four-way to crown the first X-Division Champion on next week’s show, only for the “Flying Elvises” (Jimmy Yang, Sonny Siaki, and Jorge Estrada) to beat Styles, Lynn, and Low Ki (y’know, the guys competing for the X-Division belt) in six minutes. Otherwise the match was good, though. The fourth participant in the four-way will be Psicosis, who tagged with James Storm of all people and lost to the Johnsons. A tag team whose gimmick is that they’re dressed up like dicks. Way to make your championship contenders look strong. How the X-Division became the hottest division in the company later with this kind of booking blows my mind.
They advertise that the second PPV will have a “lingerie battle royal” between a number of mostly ex-WCW and ECW women, and bring them all out to tease the match. The whole angle is pretty gross and not entertaining to boot.
Some of the gimmicks feel dated but none more so than Bruce (Kwee Wee) and Lenny, the “Rainbow Express” whose gimmick appears to be “we’re gay and therefore heels”. They were managed for some reason by Joel Gertner, who felt the need to cut a promo in the middle of the gauntlet match about how many women he’s going to sleep with tonight. I guess he didn’t want to seem gay by association? It’s one of the worst bits of the whole show.
The gauntlet for the gold - a 20-man Royal Rumble where the last two competitors have a singles match - was more interesting than it was good. Honestly, the best moment was Toby Keith ambushing Jeff Jarrett and hitting him with a suplex, leading to him and Scott Hall eliminating him. Ken Shamrock and Malice (the Wall, brother) were the final two, with Shamrock (thankfully) winning the ten pounds of gold. Making him champion was probably the only good booking decision on the whole show. It’s interesting that Malice was the man to close the show with Shamrock, as he’ll end up only doing a couple more notable matches for the company before jumping to All Japan and unfortunately passing about a year after this show.
Well, that’s all that I’d say merits discussion. I reiterate that despite its numerous flaws, I recommend watching this inaugural NWA-TNA PPV if you’re interested in this era of wrestling. Let me know if you’d like me to post more of these.
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itsmflexx · 1 year
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idk if making pentiment art is making me more stable or unstable ‼️
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merged2106 · 1 year
Big Jorg appreciation post except it's mostly act I because I was too distraught to take more screenshots
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itsmflexx · 1 year
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merged2106 · 1 year
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Redoing Big Jorg's expression because it's taking forever to get Werner's or Magdalene's
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emby-m · 2 years
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A certain farmer seems to have a crush on a certain pretty Artist.....
Im a Big Jorg/Andreas truther, imagine the possibilities with me!
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merged2106 · 1 year
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I love all the different responses you get from Big Jorg depending on your background, I spent so much time seeing each location and background together, and man I need to eat him
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emby-m · 2 years
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Scandal! Caught in the hayloft, half-dressed! Andreas peeved at being interrupted so close to his favorite prize! Jorg mortified at being found by his sister!
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A crisis which Eva Gertneryn handles with grace!
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merged2106 · 1 year
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Doodles on prescription paper 💚 I'll get back to posting screenshots soon!
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