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winterbornebikes · 8 months ago
Mechanic - Overlander Sports - Yellowknife
Bicycle Mechanic
Overlander Sports, Yellowknife
Position: Lead Bike Mechanic/Lead Shop Technician
Job Description: This position requires a bicycle mechanic who is able to complete
high level repairs such as wheel builds, hydraulic brake bleeds, electronic shifting
diagnostics, internally geared hub service and complete bicycle overhauls; including on
electric bicycles. Additional duties include hot waxing cross country skis and sharpening
Duties and Responsibilities:
• Perform bike repairs ranging from minor adjustments to major overhauls
• Capable of wheel building and truing
• Ensure that proper safety practices are being followed
• Ensure customer service standards are being met
• Make sure that there is good communication between sales and service departments
• Help maintain a positive work environment
• Maintain a high degree of cleanliness and organization of the repair shop, including
maintenance of tools
• Check work email and respond at the beginning and end of every shift
• Assist Bike Department Manager with the bike parts inventory and purchasing
• Keep parts area organized, clean & labeled correctly
• Inventory is accurate, including pricing
• Promote sales through clearance events
• Perform inventory cycle counts as needed or directed
• Aide the sales floor in selling bikes
• Minimum of two years of professional bicycle mechanic experience
• Customer service/sales experience a valued asset
Skills and Traits:
• High level of mechanical aptitude
• Strong verbal communication skills
• Organizational skills
• High energy level
• Resourceful
• Ability to solve problems in various situations
• Ability to work in a dynamic, multi-functional, multi-cultural environment
• Enthusiastic, positive, analytical
The successful candidate will be expected to work a forty-hour workweek, including
most Saturdays with Sundays and one other weekday off.
• $26-$32 (Dependent on skill-level)
Contact Info:
Please send a cover letter and resume to [email protected]. For any
follow-up please call (867) 873-2474 or visit ww.overlandersports.com.
Submission Deadline:
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packngoholidays · 5 years ago
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Things to do in Petra-Jordan one of the New Seven Wonders of the World! Petra is one of the most popular places to visit on the planet. 1. The Siq is a gorge that was formed when tectonic forces broke the mountain into two pieces. 2. Seeing Petra during the day is an awe-inspiring experience for most visitors. By night, the ancient city transforms into what must be one of the most magical places in the world. 3. Take a Ride on a mule and see the panoramic sight of petra in unique way. 4. It is a delight to walk through, a snaking path with rock walls towering high above your head. Share Tag a friend to take along! @ Petra, Jordan: A Wonder of the World -------------------------- 📸 Follow 💯: Pack n Go Holidays Pvt. Ltd. 🌐 Website: https://www.packngoholidays.com --------------------------- #Petra #PetraJordan #DiscoverJordan #Jordan #VisitJordan #traveltolive #staysafe #packngoholidays #Tourism #jordancity #tourandtravel #travellover #travel #WondersOfWorld #ancientcity #TravelAdvisory #Tour #7Wonders #SevenWonders #ExploreJordan #ExploreWorldLater (at Delhi, India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBP91S6jnF6/?igshid=bxpvnw5tjp91
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aagdolla · 4 years ago
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Barriers Pop up shop in Soho NYC ( Day 1 )
By aagdolla
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aplaceforrtprompts · 7 years ago
Holiday Flash Fic Challenge: Day 6
Pairing: Jordan Cwierz x Reader
Prompt: “At first it was a cute idea getting our picture with Santa but we’ve been in line for an hour and I kind of feel like a creep now since we’re two full grown adults without a kid, surrounded by kids.”
Word Count: 853
“Hey, Jordan?” you crossed your arms looking at your best friend, shifting from one foot to another.
“Yeah?” he looked at you with a big smile. He clearly still loved the thought of you two getting a picture with Santa.
However, standing in line for over an hour though gave you a lot of time to think, “You don’t- you don’t feel totally like a creep right now? I mean. We’re both obviously over the age of ten and we clearly do not have a child.”
Jordan’s smile faltered for a second before he got even more cheery if possible, “Oh, come on. So what? We still have the Christmas spirit. Besides we’re almost there.”
“Jordan, we still have like half an hour of wait time,” you gestured to the line in front of you.
Jordan either didn’t hear you or didn’t have a response for you. He was smiling wide and looking around at all the families.
The families around you seemed friendly enough and none of the moms around you seemed to mind. Actually, one of them mentioned how cute it was that you and your boyfriend were seeing Santa. You were quick to correct her though that Jordan was only a friend. She just smiled and asked, “Are you sure?”
You didn’t get a chance to answer though as you were being called to go sit on Santa’s lap.
“Ho! Ho! Ho! I don’t get many big girls and boys visiting,” Santa shot you a big smile and suddenly the wait and worry melted away. The guy had the warmest smile outside of Jordan’s. “Have you been good this year?” He asked as the two of you carefully sat on his lap but he didn’t seem to mind the weight of two full grown adults.
“Maybe not as good as we could have been but I think we made the nice list,” Jordan answered for the two of you. You just smiled and shook your head.
“Do you think differently?” Santa asked.
You held up your hands, “Oh no. I just think- he’s just being cute is all.”
Santa gave you a cheeky smile but didn’t say anything as the photographer called for all of you to look at them.
After the flash you turned to see Jordan pulling a letter addressed to Santa out of his jacket pocket. The letter was covered in snowflakes that he very clearly doodled on.
“When did you have time to write a letter? I didn’t get to write a letter. Not fair,” you gasped, eyeing the letter.
Santa smiled taking the letter, “You can always send one to me. Plenty of time.”
You thanked Santa and watched as he added Jordan’s letter to the stack of letters in the sack next to him. You frowned and turned back to Jordan, shoving his shoulder, “What were you just carrying that around?”
Jordan smiled over at you, “Oh, um, I knew we were coming by the mall and I had a feeling you’d want to see Santa.”
“Of course,” you rolled your eyes. “Do I at least get to know what you wished for?”
“Maybe. Depends if he brings it for Christmas,” Jordan laughed softly.
You sighed and knew that was the best you were going to get from him so you tugged him to one of the closest stores, “Come on.”
On Christmas morning as you sat between all the shreds of paper of all the unwrapped gifts that you and Jordan exchanged, something caught your eye under the tree.
“What’s this?” you climbed under the tree and grabbed a small envelope.
Confusion was written on Jordan’s face, “I didn’t put that there.”
“It’s addressed to me so obviously I didn’t do it. Maybe it's a Christmas card I forgot about,” you said, sitting back on the couch and tearing open the envelope.
As soon as the letter was out of the envelope you instantly recognized it as the one Jordan had given to Santa. Clearly, he did too because he made a grab for it, “Where’d you get that?”
“From under the tree,” you pointed back to where he just saw you grab it.
“That’s not yours,” he made another grab for it but you held it out of his reach as you unfolded it.
“It had my name on it,” you told him before you began reading, “Dear Santa, Hope you had a good year. I don’t have much to ask for or at least I don’t think it’s much and I’ve been pretty good this year so hopefully, you can help me out. All I really want is the courage to tell my best friend Y/N how I feel…”
There was more but you stopped reading and looked over at Jordan who had shrank to the other side of the couch.
You set the letter down and moved in closer, “Jordan?”
He looked up at you out of habit and you took the chance to press your lips to his in a hurried kiss.
As you pulled away his smile matched your own, “I think Santa pulled through for you.”
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afreshculture · 5 years ago
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The Cement hoodie was a hit...so I had to hit’Em with the remix!! Spring/Summer collection continues with the STAY FRSH Cement Tee! Available RIGHT NOW at afreshculture.com. Click the pic for the link! //streetwear dipped in faith// #afresh #culture #stayfrsh #stayfresh #cement #whitetee #jordancement #faithwear #streetwear #streetwears #streetwearfashion #streetwearblog #streetwearblogger #summerstyles #springstyles https://www.instagram.com/p/B9_AV0pg8dP/?igshid=k7efj295txhm
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urducorner · 5 years ago
Hazrat Musa A S ,S City Petra Jordan History History And Documentary ...
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jordancproduction · 8 years ago
Finally recorded acoustics today. ∆ #jordanc #musicproducer #music #production #acoustic #guitar #heavy #hardrock
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mykegrymz · 7 years ago
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"MADONNA (MX2.0) EXPERIENCE". S/O THE DIRECTOR/CREATOR @konstantgroove. PRODUCER/COORDINATOR @margeramos. CHOREOGRAPHER @trey_best. DANCERS @jordancers @ellie_espinosa DJ @kingnaldoworld AND ALL CREW ON SET. COMING SOON!! ▪ ▪ ▪ YEA I'M BACK ON MY DANCING WAVE🌊PEOPLE!! . LEGGO!!! 😎💪💯🙏💰✔🔝#yooo #backon #dancing #dancingwave #wave #wavey #dance #dancer #dancers #maledancer #photoshoot #photography #video #videoshoot #experience #madonna #mx2.0 #director #creator #producer #coordinator #camera #choreographer #dj #leggo #mykegrymz #bornready #mikiemike #mrmikie (at Atlanta, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoHaY42AdIF-MP-Q3_UKmsSKQbp3zh_StsnZlQ0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=85c72uuqhwhd
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pgnola · 4 years ago
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Taillight Tuesday! 😎 Scat Pack 392 Hemi pattern Jordan 3 "Cement" pattern $100 Dollar Bill pattern #pgnola, #mastersofbranding, #dubwrapstars, #killingitdaily, #layednotsprayed, #excelblades, #bladecage, #yellotools, #luxelightwrap, #authorizedinstaller, #autoskinsllc, #wrapglove, #bayouboyz, #neworleansbest, #louisianasbest, #nolasbest, #custom, #customprint, #customtint, #taillighttint, #headlighttint, #customtaillighttint, #jordan3s, #jordan3, #jordancement, #100s, #scatpack, #382hemi, #mopar, #moparmafia (at PG NOLA) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHsgG5jDnco/?igshid=8mzbn411154r
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balkantimes · 5 years ago
"Jordansko proljeće" za novu otimačinu
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Zlatko Dizdarević
Organizatori »Jordanskog proljeća« računaju na činjenicu da jordanska tradicionalna, a moćna beduinska manjina navodno ne voli ovakvog kralja, a posebno ne kraljicu koja je uzor modernosti i u regionu, a i šire u svijetu
Vijest pristigla minule sedmice iz Izraela kaže kako tamošnji etablirani »politički teroristi« s Netanyahuove radikalne desnice planiraju »proglašenje Jordana Palestinom« (?!), uz naknadnu aneksiju cijele ionako već okupirane Zapadne obale. U plan po njima ulazi i kompletna dolina svete rijeke Jordan. Zapravo, odavno je to više potok – iz kojeg Izrael nemilice ispumpava vodu za potrebe poljoprivrede doseljenika u ilegalnim jevrejskim naseljima izgrađenim na okupiranoj palestinskoj teritoriji. »Biser« u ovome planu kojeg je objavio minule sedmice list »Haaretz« jeste uvjerenje da bi u Jordanu trebalo prije svega svrgnuti kralja Abdullaha II, apsolutnog protivnika bilo kakve operacije koja sluti na išta drugo mimo stvaranja i međunarodnog priznavanja suverene države Palestine, uz stvorenu državu Izrael.
O malo kojem pitanju na svjetskoj sceni vode se toliko dugo i toliko neuspješno rasprave, uz nebrojena kobajagi »rješenja«, ali je saldo po međunarodnu politiku jadan: Izrael je sve veći, a Palestina praktično nestaje. I nikom ništa. Kroz duže od sedam decenija kobajagi »mirovnog procesa« figuriraju tri različite solucije. Jedna je ova o dvije suverene države, izvorna i legitimna, utvrđena u UN-u još 1948. godine, koju podržava i jordanski kralj. Druga polazi od potpunog negiranja Palestine i »usisavanja« njihove teritorije i ljudi unutar granica velikog Izraela. Cilj je postupno nestajanje i Palestinaca, a kamo li njihove države. Treća varijanta evo sada aktuelizirana – u zamisli izraelskih ultradesničara – jeste u odbijanje bilo kakvog »stvaranja« Palestine jer je, ustvari, Palestina, Jordan. Naravno, kako je već rečeno, bez Zapadne obale i plodne doline rijeke Jordan pa ni sjevera Mrtvog mora!
Više je razloga i okolnosti u osnovi ove ideje zasnovane na mentalitetu i logici klasičnog političkog terorizma izraelske cionističke ultra-desnice ohrabrene činjenicom da joj svaki plan ove vrste u konačnici prolazi na međunarodnoj sceni. A i da su »proljeća« uglavnom položila ispit kod lukavih kreatora novog svjetskog poretka uz podršku izmanipuliranih uličnih revolucionara i njihovih medijsko-NGO trenera. Veliki brat, naravno, uvijek im čuva leđa. Sa svojom »legitimacijama« svjetskih rodoslovnika demokracije, sloboda i ljudskih prava. Dovoljno je sjetiti se samo nekih istorijskih skandala u minulih par godina na Bliskom istoka.
Prvo je Trumpovo »priznanje« Jeruzalema kao glavnog grada Izraela decembra 2017. godine. Potom glasanja u UN-u za Rezoluciju kojom se osuđuje ovaj potez ali, de facto, bez ikakvog učinka. Da se i ne govori o sramnoj suzdržanosti 35 država kod ovog glasanja, uz devet »za« i 21 delegacije, gle slučaja, odsutne u času glasanja. Među onih 35 je i većina država Balkana. Između kičme i snishodljivosti pred gazdom dileme nema.
Drugo, pored postojeće Rezolucije VS UN-a broj 497 iz 1981. o ništavnosti izraelske aneksije Golana, prije četiri sedmice glasalo se u UN-u i o Rezoluciji kojom se traži povratak okupiranog Golana Siriji. I opet, Rezolucja je jedva prošla, (devet protiv i 65 uzdržanih, s nama odavde), ali je Golan ostao pod okupacijom. Prije tri godine Netanyahu je kapriciozno i pobjednički na Golanu održao čak i sastanak izraelske vlade, pa šta? On zna šta je poslušnost pa kobajagi iz pozadine pumpa operaciju kojom se pokušava »ukinuti« i cijela država.
Treće je opet karikaturalno UN pokušavanje u spriječavanju okupatoru da nastavi sa izgradnjom ilegalnih naselja na Zapadnoj obali koja se sigurno pretvaraju zločin nad vlasnicima otete zemlje, vode i domova, da se o pravima i ne govori. Prvo će se minulog mjeseca oglasiti državni sekretar iz Washingtona koji će hladno saopštiti da »izgradnja tih naselja nije suprotna međunarodnom pravu«! I ništa o decenijama poznatim odlukama i rezolucijama iz UN-a, zemalja EU, država sa istoka i zapada... UN papagajski potvrđuje poznati, stari i beskorisni stav protiv onog iz Amerike. A neupitni partner Netanyahu, od mnogih bez grižnje savjesti i diplomatskog snebivanja okarakterisan kao svojevrsni zlikovac, izborni gubitnik kod kuće, izjavljuje trijumfalno kako će »proširiti izraelski suverenitet na Zapadnu obalu, dolinu rijeke Jordan i sjeverni dio Mrtvog mora...«
Naravno, »plan« objavljen u Haaretzu nije rezltat pukog ludila tek grupe ortodoksnih desničara u Izraelu, iz strasti i budalaština spram realnosti. Taj plan podrazumijeva operaciju tipa »Jordanskog proljeća«, poznatog i provjerenog na Bliskom istoku, u aranžmanu kobajagi spontanih i »slobodarskih« grupacija koje hrle do krajnjeg, rušilačkog cilja ne shvatajući da na tom cilju njih neće biti.
Ipak, i površna analiza trenutka, zahtjeva, adresa i igrača prepoznatljivih u konkretnom slučaju, za početak kao motiv u prvi plan stavljaju dvije tamošnje opsesije s razlogom: Jedna je Palestina u očima onih rigidnih snaga u Izraelu koje nikada nisu shvatile da samo mir i koegzistencija s Palestincima i ostalima u regionu njima obezbjeđuje sigurnost i prosperitet. I dugoročnu neutralizaciju radikalizma sa druge strane koji ne odgovara ni razumnim snagama među Arapima, kao ni takvima u Izraelu. Uvjerenje Netanyahua i njegovih da im se Palestina može skinuti s vrata »ukidanjem« Jordana budalaština je. Abdullah II neće zakasniti s reakcijom.
Druga, vječita i razumna opsesija većini na Bliskom istoku, jeste voda. A u Jordanu i okolici, voda je doista »sveta«, ne samo zbog Biblije i Krista.
 Šta je ovdje »proljeće« za one koji bi da u to krenu? Rušenje kralja Abdullaha II i cijele hašemitske dinastije zanavijek jer im oduvijek smeta. To je krojačima ovih planova neophodna karika za plan »preseljenja« Palestine »iz njihovog Izraela« u Jordan. A kralj tvrd orah, zajedno sa suprugom Kraljicom Ranijom, inače Palestinkom. Oni su prepreka za plan i po mentalnom sklopu, ciljevima monarhije, modrenizmu većine tamošnjih stanovnika za razliku od zaljevskih susjeda, i po neodricanju od vlastitih stavova kojima se uporno suprodstavljaju ekspanzionizmu i Tel Aviva i mnogih Arapa što se otvoreno interesno ližu sa Netanyahuom. Organizatori »Jordanskog proljeća« računaju na činjenicu da jordanska tradicionalna, a moćna beduinska manjina navodno ne voli ovakvog kralja a posebno ne kraljicu koja je uzor modernosti i u regionu, a i šire u svijetu. Ti isti računaju i da će mnogi Palestinci, inače većina u Jordanu jedva dočekati rušenje kralja da bi se dočepali vlasti kroz tu »novu Palestinu« eto nastalu na ruševinama Jordana. Tehnike podizanja na noge ovako ili onako nezadovoljnih, poznate su.  
Međutim, uz priču o »ustanku« idu i naredna, logična pitanja: šta je s mirovnim sporazumom između Izraela i Jordana, onim iz 1994. godine kojim se opstojanost Jordana podrazumijeva. Doduše, za ideologe zavjere ovo je možda i manji problem jer eno, u UN-u se može svašta izglasati, a da praktični rezultat bude nula. Za njih je mnogo veći problem izgleda što je te 1994. kao aneks mirovnom sporazumu bilo upisano i nešto što sada postaje velika muka za Izrael. Pa i osnovni razlog za cijelu operaciju. Tada je tim aneksom Jordan ustupio Izraelu 405 hektara izuzetno plodnog poljoprivrednog zemljišta, Al-Baqoura i Al- Ghamar, na period od 25 godina. Kalendar danas kaže da rok ovih dana ističe. Mnogo se toga u međuvremenu tamo promijenilo. Izrael je polako, ali sistematski »usisao« dvije trećine vode rijeke Jordan, tamošnjim operacijama uništio vjekovima postojeće izvore na tim prostorima, odbio da prizna bilo kakvu granicu s bilo kojom drugom vojskom na rijeci Jordan gdje ona geografski jeste. Međunarodna uloga Jordana kao čuvara svetog Jeruzalema u Izraelu se de facto ne poštuje. U dugim pregovorima o »spašavanju« Mrtvog mora (u februaru 2015. potpisan je i sporazum o »Kanalu dva mora« kojim će se povezivati Crveno i Mrtvo more) postajalo je sve jasnije da cijela priča dugoročno ide uglavnom protiv interesa Jordana i Palestinaca.
Konačno, prošle godine, znači godinu prije isteka sporazuma o iznajmljenom zemljištu Izraelu, kralj je najavio povlačenje iz sporazuma o iznajmljenoj zemlji Izraelu. Za Netanyahua to je već dugo bilo »neprihvatljivo« jer je ta zemlja već »uknjižena« kao sigurnosna tampon zona za za Izrael, itd.itd. Prije malo manje od dva mjeseca Jordan je obavijestio Izraelce da je njihovim građanima bez uobičajene procedure za strance zabranjen ulazak u dolinu koja je vlasništvo Kraljevine.
Nije trebalo mnogo političke mašte pa naslutiti šta se može desiti s apetitima spram Jordana, u vrijeme u kojemu je Izrael možda i jedina države na planeti koja se minulih decenija samo širi (Golan, Istočni Jeruzalem i status cijelog Jeruzalema, Zapadna obala, evo i apetiti spram Jordana) dok je drama većine ostalih u svijetu u cijepanju, raspadanju, otimanju, okupacijama itd. I sve to uz pomoć nijemih »demokrata« i njihovih nalogodavaca. Zato se ovdje naredni koraci već najavljuju. Gillad Sharon, sin bivšeg izraelskog premijera Ariela Sharona, već je upozorio nedavno u svom članku za portal Ynet da će Jordanci biti žedni ako Amman nastavi da provodi odluku o okončanju najma prije 25 godina. Kazao je kako je »diplomacija delikatna stvar. Stoga bi jordanskom kralju trebalo reći veoma nježno da će ukoliko izgura izraelske farmere sa njihovih polja Jordanci ostati žedni...«  
Tako, eto, govori i prijeti otvoreno osvajačko ludilo na desnici u Izraelu. Kao i na mnogim drugim mjestima u svijetu. Priroda svoj destruktivni dio posla nastavlja samo kao odgovor na ljudske zločine protiv nje.
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jrsupaproduca · 7 years ago
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Finally got em!!!! #jordancement #jordan10 #
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aagdolla · 8 years ago
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aplaceforrtprompts · 8 years ago
Jordan Cwirez and dom!reader getting frisky at RTX or the office and she's telling him to be quiet as she teases him?~
Word Count: 705
Warnings: NSFW
Jordan let out another loud moan and you brought down the riding crop you found in live action down hard on his bare thigh. It made a bight red mark on your boyfriend’s thigh. His eyes rolled back as he bit his lip so he wouldn’t let out another moan.
The two of you have talked about bringing whips into the bedroom but neither of you realized how much you actually wanted this until just now.
“Bad boys get punished,” you reminded. “Do you want Gray to hear? He’s right next door.”
Jordan gave a cheeky shrug so you narrowed your eyes at him. The smile didn’t leave his face but he answered quickly, “No.”
“No, what?” you raised an eyebrow.
Jordan’s face lit up as he caught on. He loved when you got like this. “No, mistress.”
“That’s a good boy,” you purred, running your free hand through his hair. You grinded on him through his underwear and went back to nipping at sensitive spots on his exposed neck.
When you were happy with the bulge in his boxers you set your crop down and reached between the two of you to stroke him softly.
Jordan let out another moan so you quickly picked up the whip and brought it across his leg again.
You stood up and he gave you a confused look.
“I warned you to be quiet,” you explained and gestured to the chair he was in. “Up!” Jordan complied standing. You took your seat in the chair. “On your knees.” Jordan complied once more, falling halfway under the desk. “You will get me off and only once I am satisfied will we take care of you. Understand?”
Jordan licked his lips and nodded slowly. He scooted forward as you spread your legs for him, happy you wore a skirt to work today. His fingers hooked into the band of your underwear.
“Slower,” you told him as he pulled the thin fabric down your legs.
Jordan finally got the underwear off then dipped two fingers in. He curled them softly and pulled back out. He sucked your juices off his fingers. You were already wet from the teasing.
Jordan pulled the chair closer and lifted your skirt before going down on you.
You bit your lip with a smile as his beard tickled the inside of your thighs. He started slowly as you always liked, lapping gently at your core. He picked up the pace a little, teasing at your clit. You let out a soft gasp.
Just then the door snapped open. You sat up straight, luckily Jordan was blocked by the desk.
“Hey, have you seen Jordan around?” Gray asked, not even phased seeing you there.
“Your guess is as,” you gasped as Jordan boldly continued his mission to get you off, sucking gently on your clit. “Mine,” you finally finished your sentence.
Gray gave you a strange look, “Okay. When he comes by remind him about his afternoon meeting.”
You nodded and Gray left, the door clicking shut behind him.
You were about to scold your boyfriend but that’s when he went full steam ahead with his tongue and all you could do was bite back moans and gasps until you finally finished, clutching the arms of the chair.
Jordan carefully stood, “Is my mistress pleased?”
“Very,” you sighed happily, relaxing into the chair.
Jordan smiled and kissed you softly. You kissed him back, eagerly.
“A promise is a promise but you do have a meeting now,” you pointed out, glancing down to the bulge in his pants once again.
“I’ll miss it,” he waved it off.
“You can’t,” you laughed softly at how excited he was. “But tonight for being so good to me. It’s all pleasure.”
You stood carefully, legs a little wobbly as you slid your underwear back on. You grabbed the riding crop and head for the door.
“Do you have to put that back?” he frowned, grabbing his jeans from the floor.
“I do,” you answered walking back over to him, rubbing him gently through his boxers one last time, “But we’ll be making a stop on the way home from work and we’ll pick out a few new toys to play with.”
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afreshculture · 5 years ago
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NEW YEAR, NEW HOODIE! STAY FRSH Cement Hoodie is live now!! AFRESH IS THE CULTURE|STAY FRSH DAILY #stayfrsh #whitehoodie #hoodieseason #hoodieseason #streetwearfashion #streetwearblog #jordancement #jordan4whatthe https://www.instagram.com/p/B6yuOrIhii_/?igshid=1hdrj9ywc3kyq
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fcsyndicate · 8 years ago
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Idunno about y'all but Joon Poore looks happy AF while on fire. That's some crazy sh*t 🤣 #TheHitList is live for the week of June 12, 2017....and will return on June 26, 2017! Enjoy: http://filmcombatsyndicate.blogspot.com/2017/06/the-hit-list-june-12-2017.html FOLLOW US! FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/FCSyndicateOfficial TWITTER: http://www.twitter.com/FCSyndicate YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh1M5wg-9hu250LohnNw3yQ INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/fcsyndicate/ TUMBLR: http://fcsyndicate.tumblr.com #stuntreels #indieaction #martialarts #testfights #roarkstuntsaction #shortfilms #fightchoreography #hiphop #dance #detour #jordance #tekken #planascheissaufplana #jkhhfilms #teamonetake #screencombatguys #gofundme #kickstarter #martialclub #standupforstunts #indiefilm #thehitlist #realtalent #hirethesepeople
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jordancproduction · 8 years ago
teespring.com/stores/jordanc MERCH NOW AVAILABLE!
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