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j00stkl31n · 8 months ago
Omg my poor hiccuping boy 😭😭
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mitamicah · 8 months ago
Gig Report: Ruisrock Festival July 7 2024
Sunday July 7 2024:
Here follows my experiences with Käärijä and Joker Out at Ruisrock Festival, Roussalo Turku on July 7 2024.
To make a long story short me and @jaarijani had decided to camp at Rossallo camping (the officially camping site of the festival) which gave us a lot of grievances so we'd only put our tents up a bit after midnight the day before. None of us had good quality tents and it was said to rain early morning sunday.
I had had a few drops of rain pierce the tent when it began raining at 5 am while poor Cass had had her tent soaked! Safe to say we were not happy campers when security and police went around asking us to put our tents down or fasten it closer to the ground since the weather had warned against strong winds.
We went searching for a charger and I saw a helicopter take off at one point (that I later learned very possibly was the very same helicopter that had Käärijä, Häärijä and Joost in it!!!).
We went to the festival grounds with one of the earliest busses at 12 to meet up with @teal-skull, our saviour, that had brought us breakfast (not the last time they’d save our behinds). When entering the festival grounds, we quickly went to queue for Käärijä that’ll be the second act on the mainstage after Blind Channel (flashback to my birthday concert!). We got to meet whole new sets of people that I haven’t seen in ages (hi @i-wasnt-ready-for-this! Hi @korre!) or never interacted with in public before such as my fellow Bojere QPR shipper @flananjan and – I am still sort of awestruck about this one – @lemon-h4!! I had not made stickers today, so I drew quick doodles for everybody on post it notes. @carpblu had made me Häärijä-Hojan-Hoost bracelets and @formulalakana a Denmark Guy one (for context I recommend checking out my gig repport for Backas) and I honestly treasure these so much!!!
I was pleasantly (with capital P) surprised and relieved with how well the queueing went for Käärijä – the security respected our number system and let us into the limbo space first. Here we watched Jesse while screaming along to HHH and Rouska played from a little speaker. Then the security would follow us using tape (so nobody could run) to the barricade in groups of 40-50 people at a time. Having number 34 I managed to get barricade at one of Finland’s biggest festivals(pictured) next to Skull, Aniina, Cass, Caro and Bendo.
Käärijä made another homerun show especially lifted by having Erika Vikman join for Rouska and later Joost join for the first ever performance of Trafik! (me and Bendo had been wondering why Häärijä wear a blue suit out loud and only conclude that maybe we’d see Joost a second before the backtrack began playing). I filmed the whole chaos yet given I was just behind the photographer I didn’t get all the best angles but it was still so much fun!! (Only soured by an entitled teenager ripping the setlist out of the hands of the person that had actually been handing the setlist and then the teenager’s mother shouting at Caro for calling her daughter out).
After that amazing experience we went to join the already assembling Joker Out crowd in the tent and unfortunately that meant being present at this horrible DJ set (I tried to make a joke at one point asking if this was the music straight people were into) the insulted my insights. After that and because I may not have eaten enough during the day I hit the wall and my blood sugar drained drastically, so I had to sit down. Cass went to ask for some water by who ended up being Vita (Cass didn’t realise not even when she was interviewed about ŠBJ which made them way calmer than they’d been otherwise). I tried my best to drink the water (it was sparkling, and I hate sparkling water with a passion) and got some glucose from Cass yet I still feared I may pass out. But as soon Joker Out went on, I felt instantly better (probably the dopamine) and enjoyed the rest of the concert just fine.
I had surprisingly a lot of voice left, and I am 80% sure I caught Bojan’s eyes at a few points. What I otherwise remember the best was the poor bird flying terrified around in the tent like a moth to a window and Bojan talking to the bird with a heartbreakingly tender voice (before jokingly saying he just pretended to talk to the bird to catch his breath). The setlist was great although in retrospect I missed Novi Val and of course Bluza, my beloved. I later learned that had I been more center or placed on the right side of the stage I could’ve witnessed Bojan hugging Jere at one point (all I saw was Häärijä’s yellow hoodie walking across backstage just before SSOL).
 I will say with both Joker Out and Käärijä I enjoyed their festival performances but missed the connection that you find at the smaller shows, so I am not sure I will go to many more festival gigs with them in the future.
Just before Joker Out had begun their set, I’d incidentally become keeper of @pianist-chan ’s book of memories so I’d had it in my back during the show. I didn’t realize at first why my bag was so light all of a sudden until it struck me, I’d missed the book (still feel horrible about that). This would turn out not to be the only bit of unluck we had this evening since Cass and I was ditched by the busses again, almost scammed by scammy taxies, had to walk down to the truck area to even find a yellow vest to ask for help before going to the camp site, packing our stuff and throwing out our tents in rage. Luckily for us we were able to find a solution making it so we didnt have to sleeping at the camp another night.
Trinkets from Ruisrock v
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Camping bracelet
Baby Boo bracelet (not sure who gave me this so please let me know if it was you or you know who it was <3)
Demoni Scream bracelet from @glossykris
Bluza and Slaypose bracelets from @formulalakana
Häärijä-Hojan-Hoost bracelets from @carpblu
Denmark Guy and Are You bracelets (also) from @formulalakana
Clown Bojan and Clown Jere stickers from @i-wasnt-ready-for-this
Bojan drawing from @jaarijani
Jere drawing from @lemon-h4
Bojan drawing from @arachn11da
Khäärijä sticker and Bojere drawing from @flananjan
Bojan (in Malmö :3) card from Elmi (not sure if you are on tumblr)
Joker Out Ruisrock sticker from @korre
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randomshipperhere · 6 months ago
LMAOOOO. I finally decided to deal with my 600+ posts in the queue and apparently most of them are from this year. I'm pretty sure 1/3, maybe more of it is related to Joost and with the case being dropped I can finally reblog them. Hmm what else was there Cluclu stuff, Frieren and a whole lot of others. Lemme do the math 365/24 that's 15 days whew.
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the-captains-table · 7 years ago
(for the curious, HERE’S THOSCHEI GOES TO DISNEY WORLD with @masterfulxrhythm)
D: No dying today, this is the Happiest Place on Earth!
M: [he just goo goo eyes her from where he’s leaning against a post] You’re my happiest place.  [a fiendish grin to offset the corny but thoroughly genuine declaration] You sure you’re tall enough for all the rides?
D: (POKES HIM SO HARD IN THE SIDE) Oi! It's built for children, I am definitely tall enough for Space Mountain. (grabs his hand and drags him into the line)
M: Where are you taking me, foul beast?! I’m being ABDUCTED. She’s an alien! [to a crowd of skeptics near a Star Wars pavilion] It’s true! Coom on you don’t want to get on the Dumbo ride?
M: [he snatches her little waist and pulls her against him from behind] Why’re we going in here? [murmuring this into her ear, tucking hair out of the way, before deliberately attempting to fluster her with a kiss to her earlobe] To make fun of the human concept of the intergalactic? M: I’m all for that, mind. 
D: (oh she DOES get a little flustered, not used to this open affection between them just yet, and blushes quite red - even as she elbows him in the ribs) No, you ninny. To get a glimpse of their imagination! Can you imagine, growing up with limited knowledge of what space is actually like, then building an entire entertainment genre off of it? Ride and all?
M: …..You took me to a theme park from earth’s 21st century to try and get me to feel warm and gushy about the human mind. AGAIN . M: So you posit [he spins her] Thaaat. M: ….there is a certain beauty in the capacity to imagine things, even if they’re utterly inaccurate? M: There is beauty in ignorance, Doctor? [lofting a brow] M: ohhhh, look at those pretty little capillaries going to work in your cheeks.
D: Noooooo... (she grins, placing both her hands on his chest once she's facing him) I posit that they can inspire emotions, even in their ridiculousness, better than any other species. D: And shush, you! (buries her face in his chest)
M: Better? Ach. [he tsks, and rolls his eyes, but when her head comes to rest on his chest his entire psyche lifts off like a rocket with joy and charisma.]  alright, I’ll concede you that. If you snuggle oop to me like this.  I suppose that was your nefarious plot all along.  Make the Master yield because you know he’s smitten with you, and always has been.  WELL my dear. [and he dance-spins her again, pulls her close and kisses her nose tip] You may win the argument, but I get the FRONT SEAT! M: …but BETTER? D’you know how long it took them to figure out indoor plumbing?F M: Okay okay. Sorry sorry. SORRY FINE. Fine. M: …RACE YA. [and he takes off like an idiot. until he sees the line.] Ew. [a disgusted face like he just stepped in dog crap.]
D: They've invented it MANY times, isn't that great? (although goodness yes, definitely still flustered by PDA, even if no one else seems to mind. she hurries after him to catch up, laughing at that face) Oh come on, this is part of the experience! D: (takes both his hands to draw him into their spot in line and smiles up at him, batting her eyelashes just a little) I've been studying human culture a long time. You may even call me obsessive.
M: Yes, dear, I would.
D: And one thing I've noticed is that these moments here, when you're waiting for something more exciting, these are the moments that matter. D: So let's make the most of it. (kisses his cheek)
M: …… M: ;sdkfgjsdfgjsdkfjg <3333 M: ….you are infuriatingly immutable. 
D: (THE BIGGEST, SMUGGEST SMILE and yet also full of infuriating childlike delight)
M: [a crooked grin] You are still you, even after all this time. ‘They keep reinventing toilets, isn’t that GREAT!’  [wide eyed doctor impersonation]  ‘we have to stand here with the plebeians and the flies, isn’t that GREAT!’ ‘we may joost experience spiritual enlightenment! it’s the small moments! isn’t that GREEHHHHT!’ M: AhHAH. Heh. I love you. [he drapes an arm across her shoulders and relents. again.]
D: (and given her height, that's exactly the right angle for her to wrap her arms around his torso and snuggle up to him) And that's what makes you the more ridiculous one of us.
M: Will you kiss me in the dark? hm hm? [nudging her with a hip] M: I think that’s debatable. M: the ridiculousness. not the kiss. M: I’m gonna yield sitting in front if you kiss me before we go down the hill thingie. 
D: Oh, well, a deal like that, how can I say no?
M : Really? [lighting up incandescently] M: Golly I thought I’d have to wheedle more. 
D: You're still standing in line. I think that earns a kiss. (also will make him wriggle even more with impatience as they keep. waiting.)
M: …….now? [realizing the trap that’s been set] …….you’re horrid . 
M: I would’ve kissed you even when you were that wrinkly old gray man! M: [lmao loudly enough that a few people glance over in puzzlement.] M:  How DARE you.
D: (rests her chin on his chest to griiiiiiiiiiiin up at him with those big hazel eyes)
M: OR the one with the clarinet, god what was THAT phase about? M: Or the …stop that.
D: It was a RECORDER!
M:  Oh whatever.
D: Why would I stop? (batbatbatbat)
M: Or the…. you know, sometimes I miss that stupid yellow antique car.
D: I think UNIT still has her somewhere. Maybe I'll ask Kate.
M: The scarves. Of variant hideously clashing patterns. M: Oh my God. I might cry.
D: At least I had colour in my wardrobe.
M: Black is bold and absolute.
D: And boring.
M: [a gasp. you could have accused him of being a monster and he’d be less offended]
D: You looked better once you added the red.
M: it is NOT it’s DRAMATIC and AVANT-GARDE. M: Well I. I always looked magnificent. M: You probably like the black hoodie and red t-shirt best, because you’re a hooligan with no taste.
D: It's not avant-garde if you wear it for centuries, Koschei! (perhaps a LITTLE too loudly) D: I did. D: Because I knew how much you hated it.
M: I had many duplicates of the same outfit, Thay-tuh. M: I grew into it.
D: I bet I'd look good in that hoodie.
M: ….I may still have it….. M: [imagining her wearing nothing but that hoodie…..going down nearly to her knees….oh no…..] M: ….well you’ve dealt the killing blow, I’m...undone.
D: And we still have this entire queue to get through!
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j00stkl31n · 8 months ago
Just gonna kindly leave this here and walk away 🫣
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j00stkl31n · 8 months ago
The kiss, the growl? I’m passing away right here right now 😵‍💫
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j00stkl31n · 8 months ago
😤”What the fuck is this bro”😤
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j00stkl31n · 8 months ago
Ugh his tattoos 😍
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j00stkl31n · 8 months ago
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Mmm stomach 🥰
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j00stkl31n · 8 months ago
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Joost in skirts. That’s it’s that’s the post 🥰
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j00stkl31n · 8 months ago
‼️ I love it when he fucking yells ‼️
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j00stkl31n · 8 months ago
His dancing 😵‍💫
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j00stkl31n · 8 months ago
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I feel like we still haven’t talked about his arms enough 🤭🤭
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j00stkl31n · 9 months ago
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❤️‍🩹 He’s so ridiculously hot ❤️‍🩹
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j00stkl31n · 9 months ago
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👀 Wooooooof 👀
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j00stkl31n · 8 months ago
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🔥The sexiest pilot🔥
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