#joon gi's in the center as he should be
todayisafridaynight · 2 years
I Went To AnimeNYC 2022 This Saturday So Here’s Highlights Cause It’s RGG Related :) Ft. Merch And Impulse Control :)
i cosplayed as daigo because of course i did and honestly i didn’t expect anyone to point me out cause Who Would BUT i took five steps into the convention center and someone picked me out immediately so that was fun :) another person also picked me out later in the day but anyway onto The Specific Shit
i was rummaging through old games trying to find any of the old yakuza games- Spoilers found yakuza 3 which would’ve been perfect if 1.) i had a ps3 2.) the game had its original boxart. i’m a big fan of collecting physical copies of things so that was a bummer HOWEVER the stroke i would have walking five feet ahead cause at animenyc there’s a segment entirely dedicated to japanese media like games, soundtracks, music- all that jazz and tbh i wasn’t expecting to find much but when i saw THIS??
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i felt demons consume me and started looking around to see if i could find anymore shit AND THE FUCKING. MOTHERLOAD OF SHIT I FOUND.
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it was illegal i felt so slighted and the worst part is i would have bought 90% of the these if i had a ps3 lowkey should have anyway for collection purposes but i had a budget to maintain so i regrettably continued walking
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thought bout getting this and cracking my ps2 but after remembering i paid my friend $60 to crack my 3DS cause i have a bag of rocks for a brain i figured not
HOWEVER while i was hovering here i did run into other rgg cosplayers looking at the shit with me. got a pic of em buuut i feel weird postin pics of other people without tellin em. HOWEVER x2 i chatted with em a bit and they told me there was a second daigo at the con and it just lowkey became a mission to at least spot him (spoilers i did at the very end- wherein i also learned there was a proper RGG meetup earlier that day,, right when my sister was at a panel too,, depression was real but we got some neat pics together and he was chill so that was cool :) not posting cause i feel ugly since it had been a while since i touched up my look ☠)
MERCH I GOT WAS GREAT first i got these stickers from @/riadoodles because i was Legally required to and. i also thought bout gettin their zhao/joon-gi print however My Budget. still a major fan of their work so it was cool runnin into em !!
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an i absolutely love this kiryu print i got from (to be updated please someone help me find the artist i would love to credit em an find more of their work i checked all the artist alley contributors and i scrolled through the kiryu tag for a while) and i had The Perfect Spot to hang it :)
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closer look:
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all in all fun day !! felt like i shoulda bought more stuff or at least attend that meet up*screaming* but there’s always next time ;)
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midoropalace · 10 months
Yakuza: Like a Dragon -2-
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Previously, I made it to Sotenbori and participated in the Sotenbori Arena. With a few arena levels under my belt, it's time to storm the Omi Alliance HQ.
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Just kidding! I decide to grind out some more levels in the Sotenbori Arena. I make it to about level 10 before I decide to dip. And I'm glad I do, because I get a nice new weapon for Joon-gi Han. Truthfully, I miss using the electric-affinity knuckles, but this seems like a nice weapon to use instead.
As I grind out the arena, I notice that my bond experience is maxing out with several characters. I decide to head back to Ijincho to participate in some Drink Links.
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First up is the best boy, Zhao. The discussion centers around Mabuchi's betrayal -- and his fate. Ichiban questions what happened to Mabuchi after the Omi Alliance fiasco, to which Zhao replies that traitors to the Liumang get turned into meat buns. This leads to a really funny moment where Ichiban remarks that Lao Ma got turned into Bao Ma. Zhao, of course, is just messing with Ichiban -- he has a soft spot for Mabuchi despite what has happened. Zhao has such a big soft spot that he actually helps sneak Mabuchi out of Ijincho to protect him for Seong-hui. The complexity behind Zhao's character is appreciated, and it's nice to see that the first impression he gave earlier in the game is actually nothing more than an act. It's a very interesting dynamic that I don't see a ton of games do often -- or well, for that matter.
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Nanba is next, though he isn't in this Drink Link for too long -- the barkeep asks him to go shopping. This, of course, is a misdirection on the barkeep's part. In truth, he wanted to get Nanba out of the bar so he could invite a former nurse from Nanba's hospital to discuss Nanba's wheelings and dealings with Ichiban. The former nurse does show up, but seems both ignorant to her drug-smuggling co-worker's identity and uninterested in discussing further. After getting a call that there's a pachinko machine with a big jackpot, she promptly departs. Nanba arrives just in time to see her and question the men about her, but he gets no answers. He assumes this means Ichiban and the barkeep are planning to throw him a surprise party. A surprisingly cute interaction.
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Finally, we have Joon-gi. Honestly, his Drink Link this time wasn't that interesting, though he does mention that the Jingweon are looking for him. I don't dislike Joon-gi, but I wish his character was just a tad bit more interesting. At least he's a powerhouse in battle.
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While I'm here, I decide to check out the karaoke machine to see which songs Joon-gi and Zhao brought with them. Interesting, Joon-gi has no song assigned to him. Maybe he's not a big karaoke fan? I decide to try out Zhao's song instead -- "Hell Stew".
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As expected, the song is silly but fits Zhao to a T. The karaoke layout continues to give me motion sickness, however. I seriously don't understand why I find this version of the karaoke minigame so hard to follow. It feels like my eyes strain every time I play it.
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With new bond levels come new jobs. I decide to play around and swap out some new jobs for most characters. I put Joon-gi into the Enforcer job, mainly so I can build some of his defenses. Meanwhile, I put Zhao into the Chef job, mainly because I think it suits him lore-wise, but also so that he can eventually get Peppermill Blow. Meanwhile, I swapped Eri and Saeko into Idol and Dealer, respectively, just so I can get their second character skills. I then swapped Adachi into Foreman to start grinding that one out. In retrospect, I probably should have done this before grinding out Sotenbori Arena, but alas.
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Before heading back to Sotenbori, I notice that there's a substory available on the north side of the city. When I arrive, I find a man crying in pain sitting on a folding chair.
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It's traffic census sensei! The man claims to be a traffic census worker, I job I've never heard of. He explains that his job is to count the number of pedestrians passing by a given street. As it turns out, such a thing does exist -- but it's mostly handled electronically in the modern day. He offers to let Ichiban be a traffic census worker for a bit, allowing us to play a pretty simple minigame. Essentially, we have to count how many men walk by on screen for a few seconds. Doing so, and providing him the correct headcount, nets a 10,000 yen reward. Cool.
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Speaking to traffic census sensei allows us to play the minigame again. The second task requires us to pay attention to the women on screen, while the third tasks requires us to separately count men and women. Task two wasn't hard, but for some reason I had a lot of difficulty with task three. Keeping track of two separate variables isn't great for my anti-math brain. When I realized I counted eight men and that none of the answers had "eight men" as a choice, I decided to give up and look up the answer instead. I just don't have the time or patience.
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Completing task three nets us this small counter, and an assurance that we are next in line to inherit traffic census sensei's title. What an honor. But before we can officially take that title, we have to deal with the Omi Alliance.
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Ichi and his crew infiltrate the Omi Alliance HQ by pretending to be caterers. The disguises are paper thin, of course, and when we get to the second floor, the crew insists on using stealth to avoid Omi Alliance members as opposed to fighting them. Which is exactly what I do as I run around the second floor like a lunatic looking for safes.
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Arakawa is apparently holed up in the so-called "Dragon Chamber", which we encounter the door to pretty quickly. Making my way to the chamber, however, I encounter a group of Omi Alliance members who readily expose our disguises and do battle with us. Just when we think it's over, however, we are greeted by...
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The only other Yakuza I've played in Yakuza 0, and truthfully I never even finished it... But I can imagine the surprise on everyone's faces seeing these two. Majima I am very familiar with because of 0, and I'm assuming Saejima is similarly highly-regarded. Maybe? Idk.
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Majima decides to battle us one-to-one to start. He is level 50... significantly higher than our current levels. But I am surprised at the amount of damage I am able to deal to him. Even though he is dealing strong damage in return, I can easily heal through it. As long as the battle keeps up like this, I should be --
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And within minutes, I am completely wiped out by Majima and his horde of doppelgängers. Seriously, what the hell is this massive difficulty spike? The doppelgangers are stupid strong and fast, being able to attack twice in the time it takes for any of my characters to go through one round of combat. It becomes abundantly clear that I am outmatched and lose pretty soundly. Rather than attempting the dungeon over, I decide to load the autosave, which graciously happened right before wandering into the Omi Alliance HQ.
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Clearly out-leveled and outmatched, I decide to head back to Sotenbori Arena for a bit of grinding. As of the time of this writing, I reached level 40 with most of the cast. I'm not sure if it's worth it to go to 50, but next time I will try Majima one more time. While grinding out the arena, I made it to level 15 and got these two accessories, both of which seem useful. I also got wiped out on floor 16, where I learned the hard way that the game actually ends when Ichiban gets knocked out. Fun
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captainkazzy · 4 years
Don’t be Koi
(Ichiban x Reader)
A short about confessions. 
Ichiban stationed himself in the corner, hugging a pillow, cross-legged as the other four men conversed. The topic had shifted to romantic relationships and he was trying to shy away from it without being noticed, but everyone noticed.
Nanba looked over at Ichiban with a curious look.
“Ichiban, what about you.”
In response he put on a clueless expression as if he was lost in order to feign ignorance.
“Don’t give me that look. What, you don’t have anyone you’ve got your eyes on?”
Ichiban leaned back on his hands to mimic a carefree attitude and tried to laugh without seeming nervous.
“What, me? Eh… not very many people would be attracted to an ex-convict Nanba.”
Zhao’s eyebrows perked up while he gave a grin.
“You didn’t deny that there is someone though, so who is it?”
Every muscle in his body tensed.
All four of the men smirked at one another and leaned in, everyone’s interest skyrocketed. The attention suddenly focused on Ichiban and he could feel his ears start to burn. The silence hung heavy in the air until Joon-Gi’s voice suddenly sliced through it.
“I bet it’s y/n.”
Ichiban almost choked but then tried to quickly deny it, but his fumbling and hand movements began to betray him.
“N-no… nah. Not at all haha… Nope! We’re like best buds.”
Adachi let out a deep laugh and looked across at Joon-gi with a knowing smile.
“You called it.”
Nanba looked over at Ichiban for confirmation and the man in red gave a soft nod in embarrassment, but he quickly recovered and started rubbing the back of his neck while giving a nervous laugh.
“I guess I’m not very subtle am I.”
Nanba crossed his arms and closed his eyes thoughtfully.
“Yeah well y/n isn’t either so you’re both in the same boat.”
“Wait what?”
Zhao rested his arm on his knee and put his head in his hand while giving Ichiban an innocently questioning look.
“Ichi, I know you’re dense at times but you’re making me look bad with the amount of faith I put in your thinking skills right now.”
Ichiban’s eyes scanned everyone’s faces who all seemed to have a look of ‘you really didn’t even consider it?’.
He thought back on the memories you had together, all of the lunches, the times at game rooms, the smiles you shared and then the glances you would give at times that seemed to send chills down his spine. The subtle expressions you made towards him… and then the frequency of time spent together. He thoughtfully rubbed his chin as his brow went from completely furrowed to relaxed. He wore a brief dumbfounded expression and quickly looked up at Nanba.
“He’s got it now.”
Adachi stretched out and leaned back against the stack of futons behind him.
“Well bud, what are you gonna do about it now?”
Ichiban looked out of the nearby window and saw that there was still daylight, but the sky was dangerously close to turning to the shades of orange that accompanied sunset.
Joon-Gi casually made a remark while he stood up to get a drink.
“I know y/n had mentioned something about going to the koi pond today.”
Ichiban looked at Nanba with an excited look for a moment.
“Well? What are you looking at me for? Go!”
He scrambled to get up and ran around looking for his coat, he passed by the mirror to quickly check his appearance and went for the door.
Zhao called out while taking a drink Joon-gi offered to him.
”Hey don't stay out too late”
The door slammed and Ichiban could be heard bounding down the stairs.
They all stared at the door for a moment until Adachi spoke again.
“I don't think he’s coming back anytime soon today.”
The soft plink of the food hitting the top of the water sounded out as you watched the koi swim in circles, swallowing the pellets that sunk down to them. Sitting on the bench under the shade was nice and quiet, the sunset was coming soon so you looked forward to watching the sky’s colors and then heading home. But for now you gently tossed your remaining pellets to the eager fish.
When the food was gone the koi gracefully swam around waiting for more food, but a few grew impatient and slowly swam away to the base of the small waterfall in the center of the pond. Their white and orange patterns dissolved under the rippling water until they were out of sight. After taking a moment to silently thank the fish for their company, you stood up and brushed off your legs.
Suddenly you heard running footsteps on the dirt path come up from behind you.
When you turned around suddenly Ichiban was coming towards you at breakneck speed and he almost stomped his feet to slow himself down before coming to a stop in front of you. He was out of breath and his hair seemed even frizzer than usual.
“Whoa whoa, what's the hurry?” A smile formed on your face upon having welcome company.
He took a moment to catch his breath, hands on his knees as he hissed between his teeth. When he returned to normal he put his hands on your shoulders, his face close to yours.
“Y/n... I just came from hanging with the guys. I've got to tell you something, it's a matter of life and death.”
The look of wide eyed confusion and a bit of fright on your face was something he had never seen before and it caught him off guard so he paused.
“What? What is it?”
Coming back to reality, he leaned back with his hands still on your shoulders and made a smug look.
“Are you sure you want to know? It’s a super important secret.”
His eyebrows were raised in playful questioning.
Your fingers wrapped around his wrists as the urgency was eating at you. You knew he was trying to push some of your buttons.
“Ichi! Just tell me if it's so important!”
He crossed his arms and gave a wide grin but a nervous blush still spread across his face so he avoided eye contact for a second.
“I have a crush on you.”
It took a moment for the words to process as your face fell. He forced out his remaining courage and looked back at you with an admiring look.
“And you,”
Your eyes focused on his finger for a second as he gently booped your nose with his finger.
“Have a crush on me.”
The blush on your face reassured him of any doubt he had making that confident statement. He chuckled and the smug look of satisfaction on his face appeared again. Until you suddenly got closer to his face while grabbing his collar tightly. He thought for a moment you were going to kiss him until he started being shaken back and forth like a ragdoll.
“Don’t scare me like that!”
The sudden movement made him grab your arms for stabilization. He nervously laughed as he apologized.
“Sorry! Sorry! I just needed to get it out there as soon as I knew.”
When you released his collar you sighed and half-heartedly rolled your eyes while smiling.
“Nothing is normal with you is it.”
“Nope, but that’s what's endearing about me.”
His arms wrapped around your back as he pulled you closer, still smiling like an idiot.
“What a humble man-child you are.”
You leaned back as you lazily settled into his arms so you could look up at him, which made him squeeze you to keep you close.
“You're the one with the crush on me.”
A short laugh came out of you and you stood up straight once again. When he let you go, you both stood side by side noticing the colors of dusk that seeped into the sky.
“Okay, you got me there.”
The sun slowly faded away so it was a mutual decision to head back to the bar. When you gently grabbed his hand and started for the exit he squeezed your hand and looked at you with a smile. But even when you had broken eye contact again to focus on the path ahead, you noticed his eyes lingering on you as you both walked.
Before you could ask him what was up he looked forward and suddenly got excited, he squeezed your hand and raised it while he pointed towards a restaurant down the road.
“Do you want to go eat?!”
You gave him a warm smile and nodded but then took a moment to think.
“Wait, should we get some food to take back to everyone?”
He paused for a second
“Oh my god you're so SMART.”
Ichiban carried a huge bag of steamed buns along with other sorts of hot snacks in one hand and made sure to never let go of the hand you gave him. When the two of you walked through the door hand in hand everyone stared at the two of you with bated breath. Ichiban suddenly raised your interlocked hands for everyone to see as he gave a huge grin and everyone started yelling in excitement.
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theadusa · 4 years
All the dramas I’ve watched in 2020
These are all the dramas that I watched in 2020, with some review there should be NO Spoilers. I think I watched a lot more than usual probably because what else am I supposed to do between school and quarantine. So this is gonna be a long one...
Crash Landing on You (Lee Jung-hyo, 2019-2020)
Main Leads: Hyun Bin and Son Ye-jin
Episodes: 16, 70 to 110 Minutes 
Thoughts: I enjoyed this drama, and it was a good one to start 2020 with. I thought it was a perfect blend of romance, comedy, heartfelt, found family, action, and some tragedy. I would highly recommend it, especially for those who are new to Kdramas. Also fun fact this is my first Hyun Bin drama. Rating: Fun and adorable
Tale of Nokdu (Kim Dong-hwi, 2019)
Main Leads: Jang Dong Yoon and Kim So Hyun
Episodes: 32, 35 minutes
Thoughts: I actually started watching this when it was airing but I stopped around episode 13 because of my busy schedule and finished it in the new year. I adore the main couple, the romance, comedy, the found family, and the women center story. I thought it shined the brightest when it was focused on the group and its funny and warm moments but once it got too political it kinda fell flat. I loved the ending, however. Also, I really like Jang Dong Young as an actor, I saw him in Solomon’s Perjury (2016) and Mr. Sunshine (2018) and I loved how he played Nok Du too. Rating: I love a women’s only widow village
I’ll Find You When The Weather is Nice (Han Ji-seung, 2020)
Main Leads: Seo Kang Joon and Park Min Young
Episodes: 16, 60 minutes 
Thoughts: I really liked this drama, probably one of my favorites this year. As you will notice I enjoy quieter and more slow-burn stories. Also, I am a fan of Park Min Young she tends to pick more interesting and strong-willed female roles, so it is really enjoyable to watch.  Rating: makes me want to own a book store.
King: The Eternal Monarch (Kim Eun-sook, 2020)
Main Leads: Lee Min Ho and Kim Go Eun
Episodes: 16, 70 Minutes
Thoughts: Confession; I am actually not the biggest fan of Lee Min Ho, nothing against him I just hate rich bratty characters and he tends to play them. However, I surprisingly really liked his character, he wasn’t a rich brat he actually was likable. I also really like Kim Go Eun, she is actually one of the main reasons why I watched and also with all the hype around it. Woo Do Hwan, who I have always liked, stole the whole show, however. I didn’t hate it like a lot of people, I really liked the characters, I liked the romance and the action. Also, Lee Min Ho and Kim Go Eun’s hugs were absolutely fabulous. It wasn’t my favorite and there were too many product placements, but I don’t think it was the worst drama this year. Rating: Lukewarm 
A Piece of your mind (Lee Sang-yeob, 2020)
Main Leads: Jung Hae In and Chae Soo Bin
Episodes: 12, 70 minutes
Thoughts: I actually really liked this drama despite the low views, again I’m big on slow burn stories and character focus. I believe the episodes were cut from 16 to 12 I don’t know exactly why maybe because of the Pandemic or due to viewership or a mixture of both. Despite its being cut short I really liked the ending, and I thought the two leads were sweet. Rating: Wish we had more time to develop the characters.
Its Okay not to be Okay (Park Shin Woo, 2020) 
Main Leads: Kim Soo Hyun and Seo Yea Ji and Oh Jung Se 
Episodes: 16, 70 to 85 minutes
Thoughts: Out of all the dramas I talked the most about this one. I have always been a fan of Seo Yea Ji since Save Me (2017) and Lawless Lawyer (2018) and I am happy to see her getting more recognition because of this role. The entire cast was amazing and I think I cried every episode. Such a good and heart-wrenching drama which is why I chose to watch it before work every time. Rating: I would let Seo Yea Ji stab me with a knife anytime.
Mystic Pop up bar (Jeon Chang-geun, 2020) 
Main Leads: Hwang Jung Eum and Yook Sung Jae and Choi Won Young
Episodes: 12, 70 minutes
Thoughts: I actually watched this while I was watching Its Okay Not to Be Okay and it was a nice balance to it because this was more of a found family story with less heartbreaking moments. Though it did have its share of heartbreak. I really liked all the characters and their relationship. Also, I am a sucker for bureaucratic fantasy/ magic, and kdramas are so good at it. Rating: I wish it was 16 episodes. 
When the Camila Bloom (Cha Yeong Hoon, 2019) 
Main Leads: Gong Hyo Jin and Kang Ha Neul
Episodes: 20, 63 to 75 minutes
Thoughts: I liked the story overall, the romance was cute and the mystery was interesting but I thought the family expectations was the best part of the story. This was not my favorite drama, but it was enjoyable and heartfelt. I watched it right after It's Okay Not to Be Okay and while I was watching Flower of Evil (2020) which probably is why I was so underwhelmed by it. Rating: Sweet romance and adorable found family.
Flower of Evil (Kim Cheol Kyu, 2020) 
Main Leads: Lee Joon Gi and Moon Chae Won
Episode:16, 70 minutes
Thoughts: This was my favorite drama of this year. I went into this drama not thinking much of it, and I mainly watched it as a post drama blues drama. It was an action and thriller which I mainly don’t get attached to plus I am a huge fan of Lee Joon Gi. I should have known better, I cared so much about all the characters, the acting phenomenal, also every time they showed their hands I cried. This drama left me shriveled and empty inside. Rating: Lee Joon Gi will literally kill me one day. 
Put Your Head On My Shoulders (Zhu Dongning, 2019) 
Main Leads: Xing Fei and Lin Yi 
Episodes: 24, 40 to 45 minutes
Thoughts: This is the first Chinese drama on this list. I thought it was cute, I liked the couple and thought it was alright. I started to dislike the male lead later in the series but it was overall fine. It was basic and sweet with very little drama. Rating: It did its job.
The School Nurse Files ( Lee Kyoung Mi, 2020)
Main Leads: Jung Yu Mi and Nam Joo Hyuk
Episodes: 6,  45 to 57 minutes
Thoughts: This is probably my second favorite drama. I couldn’t tell what happened in the drama but I loved it. I thought it was weird and fascinating, and just so magical. I loved the children and just how the whole school was just off its rocker. I also think that Nam Joo Hyuk does really well in serious roles, and I thought he did a really good job here. Rating: 1 jelly heart.  
Mr. Heart (Park Sun Jae, 2020) 
Main Leads: Cheon Seung Ho and Lee Se Jin
Episodes: 8, 11 Minutes
Thoughts: This was 8 episodes of start fluff and I adored it. Apparently, it is apart of a BL series by Park Sun Jae and there is a movie version that I haven’t watched. If you want to destress and watch just fluff this is the show for you. Rating: If it is any sweeter I would be going to the dentist. 
You are My Destiny ( Ding Ying Zhou, 2020) 
Main Leads: Xing Zhao Lin  and Liang Jie
Episodes: 36, 45 minutes
Thoughts: I hated this drama, I thought it was the worst thing ever. I don’t know why I even watched all 36 episodes. Apparently, it is a remake of a popular 2008 Twaniese drama Fated to Love You and there is a Korean remake of it as well. I have watched neither of them, so I was brand new to this story. I hated, despised the male lead. He was whiny, entitled, and an asshole. The only good part of the drama was the male and female lead actually had a lot of chemistry, unfortunately, they are playing awful characters. Rating: This was made in 2020???
First Romance (Ding Pei, 2020) 
Main Leads: Wan Peng and Riley Wang
Episodes: 24, 45 Minutes
Thoughts: This is another Chinese drama. Similar to Mr. Heart (2020) this show was super fluffy. I really liked the main couple they seem to respect each other and they both had adorable crushes on each other. I loved the whole dumb jock and dumb artist dynamic it was so funny. Rating: Cute!!! 
Lost Romance ( Eri Hao, 2020) 
Main Leads: Marcus Chang and Vivian Sung
Episodes: 20, 70 minutes 
Thoughts: This is the only Twainese drama on this list. I think I liked this drama, I actually only remember very little of this drama. I like the CEO in the real world more than the book world, and I also really liked the female lead except she lowkey stalked the CEO like that was not okay. Rating: I think I liked it???
When We Were Young ( Deng Ke, Liu Guo Hui, 2018)
Main Leads: Neo Hou and Wan Peng and Gala Zhang and Pan Mei and Ye Marcus Li
Episodes: 24, 45 minutes
Thoughts: I really liked this film, I loved all the characters and thought it was all very heartfelt. I cried like a baby, and Hua Biao was such a touching and relatable character. And the whole grandma story hit so close to home. Rating: Made me cry like a baby.
Moment of 18 ( Sim Na Yeon, 2019)
Main Leads: Ong Seong Wu and Kim Hyang Gi
Episodes: 16, 70 minutes
Thoughts: I really liked this drama, and I thought the romance was so cute. I also really liked the relationship between the moms and was sad that the rich mom was a bitch and ruined the friendship. I also wasn’t a big fan of the ending, but I loved the rest of it. Rating: The main lead is part of a boy group because he had a random singing moment. 
Perfect and Casual ( Li Shuang, 2020) 
Main Leads: Miles Wei and Xu Ruo Han
Episodes: 24, 45 minutes
Thoughts: This is another Chinese drama on this list. I’m pretty sure it's considered an Idol drama so that sets your expectations. I really liked this drama a lot, I am a big fan of contract marriages and I thought the leads were so cute together. Also, this is the first contract marriage drama where the leads don’t break up which I like. A lot of the drama came from outside of the relationship. Rating: You can’t analyze love.
Le Coup De Foudre ( Wang Zhi, 2019) 
Main Leads: Janice Wu and Zhang Yujian
Episodes: 35, 45 minutes
Thoughts: My favorite Chinese drama on this list. I loved this drama, I thought it was sweet and simple and the main couple was so realistic. Unpopular opinion I disliked the second couple and the best friend I thought she was annoying and brattish. However, I adore the main couple and their relationship. Rating: Realistic sweet romance. 
More Than Friends ( Choi Sung Bum, 2020)
Main Leads: Ong Seong Wu and Shin Ye Eun
Episodes: 16, 70 minutes
Thoughts: I enjoyed the overall story and characters. I loved the group and their relationships. Also, Young-Hee made me cry, and her relationship with Hyun Jae was so sweet. The main leads were also sweet, and I related a lot to Lee So. I just didn’t like the back and forth. Rating: How many times can we break up in a drama. 
Be With You ( Zhou Miao, 2020) 
Main Leads: Ji Xiao Bing and Zhang Ya-Qin
Episodes: 24, 45 minutes
Thoughts: This is the last Chinese drama I watched this year. It was alright, the romance was sweet, I really like the female lead, and the male lead was nice to look at. It was okay. Also, the second couple was so ??? She was his boss, enemy, and older than him, what?? Rating: Sometimes you need to fall in love to be creative. 
Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo ( Kim Kyu Tae, 2016) 
Main Leads: Lee Joon Gi and Lee Ji Eun (IU) 
Episodes: 20, 60 minutes
Thoughts: I know I am really late watching this, but I finally did. I went in knowing this would hurt me and Lee Joon Gi already scared me this year ( damn this man) so I was fully prepared. I really wasn’t,  it so much. (SPOIlERS) When Wang Eun and Park Soon Deok died I sob like a baby (SPOILER ENDING). It took me a long time to finish this show because its heart so much, like it physically hurt me. The show was really good, and heartbreaking, and the ending stabs me in the heart 20 times. Rating: Lee Joon Gi is trying to kill me with tears. 
Persona ( Lee Kyoung Mi, Yim Pil Sung, Jeon Go Woon, and Kim Jong Kwan, 2019) 
Main Leads: Lee Ji Eun (IU) 
Episodes: 4, 19 to 27
Thoughts: This is a collection of mini-films by directors. 4 separate stories are starring Lee Ji Eun. I thought all of them good, especially “ Kiss Burn” and “Walking at Night.” There isn’t much else to this, more than it is an artistic display of filmmaking. Rating: Hipster Kdrama
Come and Hug Me ( Choi Joon-bae, 2018) 
Main Leads: Jang Ki-Yong and Jin Ki-Joo
Episodes: 32, 35 minutes
Thoughts: I actually just finished this show today. I really liked it, I thought it was both sweet and heartwarming/wrenching. I hated that one journalist and the public like why are they blaming a victim. I didn’t watch it with my full mind because I’ve been distracted lately, but I did enjoy it. Rating: another cute but sad couple. 
Movies I watched this year: 
Spell Bound ( Hwang In Ho, 2011)
Main Cast: Son Ye Jin and Lee Min Ki
Running Time: 114 Minutes
Thoughts: I watched this at like 12 am after a bad day and it was cute. I love RomCom fantasy, which I think Korean media does really well. I don’t know what else to say except it is a really cute romance. Rating: Is it the ghost or the butterflies
The Host ( Bong Joon Ho, 2006)
Main Cast: Song Kang Ho and Byun Hee Bong and Park Hae Il and Bae Doona and Go, Ah Sung
Running Time: 119
Thoughts: This film I had to actually watch for class. It was a really good film which is expected from Bong Joon Ho. I love monster films and I thought this was a good rendition of this film. Also, The monster was so cool especially from 2006. I thought it was heartbreaking, stirring, and so beautifully shot. Rating: Oscar-worthy Direction 
Little Forest ( Yim Soon-rye, 2018) 
Main Cast: Kim Tae Ri  and Ryu Jun Yeol and Moon So Ri and Jin Ki Joo
Running Time: 103 minutes
Thoughts: I really, really liked this film. It reminded me so much of I’ll Find You When The Weather is Nice (2020) that I thought that it was based on this film but it isn’t. I have watched this film 3 times since October and every time I watch it have made bread. I really just love everything about this film, how quiet it is, the cinematography, the acting, just everything. Rating: Three loaves of bread. 
Always ( Song Il Gon, 2011)
Main Cast: So Ji Sub and Han Hyo Joo
Running Time: 106 Minutes
Thoughts: I thought it was okay, I watched it while I was knitting so I was distracted a bit. But I thought the couple was sweet, and the characters were interesting. Rating: It's Okay.
       Currently watching 
True Beauty ( Kim Sang-hyeop, 2020-) 
Main Cast: Moon Ga Young and Cha Eun Woo and Hwang In Yeop
Episodes: 16, 70 minutes 
Thoughts: This is currently an ongoing series that is actually really popular. Apparently, it is based on a webtoon, which I haven’t read. I like it so far, I always liked Moon Ga Young and I think she is a great actress. She plays Im Ju Kyung in a likable and insecure way, instead of someone annoying which could easily happen. I will be continuing watching. Rating so far: Okey dokey yo.
Live On ( Kim Sang-woo, 2020-) 
Main Cast: Jung Da Bin and Hwang Min Hyun
Episodes: 8?, 60 Minutes
Thoughts: I really Like this show. The main couple is sweet and supportive. I really like the female lead, I like that she is cold and kinda quiet, but with a sweet spot if you are not a dick. I really like the main relationship conflict comes from friendship instead of romance, I think it makes the show more interesting. Rating: I want to Join a Broadcast group.  
On My List: 
I actually don’t have anything else on my list so if anyone has recommendations please tell me. I am thinking about watching Mr. Queen ( 2020) because I really like Shin Hye Sun. I also want to watch Sweet Home (2020) the Netflix series. But please recommend me some dramas!!!
This is such a long list, and I had fun doing it and going back over all the dramas. I hope everyone has a good New year and that we will have many more good dramas in 2021!
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twins2994 · 4 years
Kim’s Grand Slam Helps Twins Beat Lions!
Twins 7 Lions 3 W-Jin (1-1) L-Jang (0-1)
The LG Twins have been playing short-handed over the past few weeks. Roberto Ramos was out for a week and is back, but Yong-Taik Park is still out with a hamstring injury. The Twins entered today having lost four straight games and were on the outside of the playoff race. The Twins morale was low until the last few innings of the series finale against the Lions in Daegu. The Lions offense got the scoring started in the second inning. Jun-Seok Song lined a two-out double to right to bring up Min-Ho Kang, who drilled a Chan-Heon Jung fastball out to left for a two-run homer. The Lions had a two-run lead after two innings of play. Meanwhile, Chae-Heong Choi threw five shutout innings for Samsung. Pil-Joon Jang threw a perfect sixth, but things started to go south for the Lions in the seventh. Bon-Hyeok Koo drew a one-out walk to ignite a rally. Chun-Woong Lee drew another walk and Hyun-Soo Kim hit an RBI single to center. This cut the Lions lead in half and we headed into the eighth inning. Ji-Hoon Jang entered the game for Samsung and things did not go well at all. Roberto Ramos led-off the eighth and was hit in the foot by a pitch. Ji-Hwan Oh walked with one-out and Ho-Eun Kim lined a pinch-hit run-scoring single to right. This tied the game at two, but the Twins were far from done. Chang-Gi Hong walked and pinch-hitter Keun-Woo Jeong delivered an RBI groundout to short. LG had a 3-2 lead and kept the chain moving as Chun-Woong Lee walked to load up the bases. The next batter, Hyun-Soo Kim drilled a first-pitch fastball out to right for a grand slam. It was his eighth homer of the season and put the Twins up 7-2. The Lions would inch closer in the bottom of the eighth. Young-Jin Choi lined a double to left and Seung-Gyu Park hit an RBI double to left to pull the Lions within four runs. Woo-Young Jung came on to close out the game and had a scoreless ninth for the Twins, who snapped a four-game losing streak. The Twins are back in the fourth spot in the KBO with the victory. 
-Final Thoughts- Chae-Heung Choi was very good for the Lions. He threw five shutout innings and allowed two hits with two walks and four strikeouts. Chan-Heon Jung threw a solid game for the Twins as well. He went six innings and allowed two runs on seven hits with a walk and seven strikeouts. Sang-Su Kim led the game with four hits for Samsung. Hyun-Soo Kim was the leader for the Twins with two hits, a homer, and five RBI’s. Kang-Nam Yoo and Chang-Gi Hong added two hits each. We are now through nine weeks of KBO action in 2020. The next game will be the Twins and Bears on Tuesday. The pitching match-up should be Woo-Chan Cha against Young-Ha Lee as the two rivals square off. 
-Chris Kreibich-
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th3okamid3mon · 5 years
Gisaengchung (Parasites) [SPOILERS]
A lovely tale on why you shouldn´t trust people!
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A family barely subsists in a basement they call home. Unemployed and at the border of misery, a job opportunity is presented to the older son Gi Woo, which consists on giving english classes to the daughter of a high class family. Step by step he gains the trust of the owner and begins to introduce his own family as workers in hopes of getting more money from them. 
Writing and characters (+some acting):
I am not very familiar of Korean movies, I´ve heard about some good movies but never actually watch any from the country. Now, I´ve heard about Bong Joon-Ho since I watch one of his previews works called Snowpiercer and even though that kind of movie is not exactly my favorite I have to admit it was really well written and the visuals were really creepy but pretty in some twisted way. 
Gisaenchung´s story is really well thought, all the details fit together like a puzzle of 500 pieces or more. It had to be meticulously written so to make some sort of sense and even then some things dont make so much sense, but Joon-Ho has a cover: this movies is a drama, suspense and dark humor movie. When you have a super dramatic rich family with their over the top reactions and mannerisms in an only drama movie it would be seen as a joke if they were trying to look serious or be taken seriously, in this case works perfectly since they are used as comic relief, specifically the rich mom being the most gullible and most dramatic of all. Their purpose is accomplish perfectly and the sheer dumb and naive nature of the mother works in favor of our bunch of vermin. 
It is a very understandable and digestible plot: you have a poor family of scammers, they get an opportunity to scam a family, they proceed to scam the rich family by pretending to be strangers to each other and working as a house keeper, a driver and 2 teachers, and then they get discovered. At the simplicity it doesnt sound that entertaining I suppose, everything in between is simple yet complex and then it goes into fucked up territory almost from 10 to 110 really quick. 
This family are assholes! Like... Complete assholes, the name of the movie is after them! They take advantage of a character that is super anxious about her children and is super naive and is really lonely because of his husband leaving for work a lot and completely destroy 2 lives in the process too! They get the husband´s driver fired by framing him as a sex addict with a kink and the housekeeper is fired by making her look like a tuberculosis patient. This people are awful! They are manipulative, dangerous, assholes! And yet... you kind of root for them? That´s how good the writing is. You know they are awful, you know they are manipulative. Hell, at the beginning they use manipulation to probably get someone fire and get money from a small pizza company they work for as box benders. AND THEY FUCKED UP AT LEAST A QUARTER OF THOSE BOXES! They are not good! 
...But who can blame them for being like that? They are living in a really bad situation, they are stealing wifi from a neighbor so they can check a WhatsApp to see if the pizza place send them a message. They were talented at sports, the daughter knows how to work with programs like photoshop and probably other types, the son is really smart reason why he was given the job as an english teacher and to be honest he is kind of good at it. They are not lazy people. The situation is not good for them and they can´t exactly get a good job due to not having a degree. It´s actually kind of sad to see their potential being wasted due to their economic situation. Of course anyone would survive in however manner they can, even if that makes them a bad person in the process. 
You have a rich family that supports and loves their children, shown as getting both of them private ¨teachers¨ (not enough love I guess, due to not fucking checking this people up in the first place and only trusting the recommendations of a college student). They aren´t bad people, they treat their workers fairly and they respect them and when there´s reason to fire someone they try to do so respectfully as not to damage their reputation or shame them (so much). You should feel sorry for them because they are so nice and are being scammed but you can´t shake the feeling that they kind of deserve it for being so naive. Well, at least not the children, those kids have 0 control over who their parents choose. THE PARENTS ARE SO DAMN DUMB! The mother specially! So anxious about your children learning and exploiting their talents but not so anxious to get the first whoever that crosses your ears? You feel bad, for them and maybe you dont get angry, they antics are not anger inducing, they are hilarious because, as i explain before, they over react A LOT. I don´t know if that was a directors decision or if the actors did what they pleased, they fit too well in the scene to not be planned.
One thing that stood out to me were the dialogues, they made sense but they became a bit descriptive in certain points.There were really good silent scenes, there was a good balance between dialogues and silence, though I don´t know why I felt certain dialogues were too much? Maybe it was with their reactions as well, Korean and older Mexican movies have a thing in common and that´s a level of exaggeration. Sometimes it´s good, sometimes it gets the spotlight and not in a good sense. With the rich family there was no problem, it was with certain characters like the daughter of the scam family that overreact in one scene. Since they were drunk it kind of made sense but it there wasn´t exactly a follow up of his outburst. it passed relatively quick so it wasn´t much of a problem. 
Sound and music: 
The dialogues were well said, there was no difference in volumes and it had no noise. The silent parts had a good sound, whether it was background noises or music, it never felt out of place. The sounds were actually relaxing at some point, specially with the rain or water flowing. It had a good crispiness on them, they sounded natural and not manufacture with materials. The music wasn´t over used or overbearing, it was mostly in the background. It wasn´t almost present in certain scenes, you could hear it but it was very low. It didn´t had weird spikes and it was kind of nice. Not exactly the most memorable. 
Photography and art: 
First... Some examples:
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I mean... WOW. The different lights, the shadows, the colors, the difference in lighting from each set. EVERYTHING IS GORGEOUS. Easily identifiable, with that I mean if you see this screenshots you would probably recognize them immediately. I don´t know how original the setting is from other movies but MAN is it gorgeous. The shots are most of the time open, details are hidden in the background (even when they can be a bit blurry, sometimes there something behind), the lighting is the first thing you´ll notice. There´s so much contrast between the highlights and shadows, even though most of them are not really strong. 
The colors schemes for each place are not entirely different, I think the reason is they wanted to portray that both families have certain similarities, mostly the only difference being the living situation. It´s really interesting how you can find warm colors in both families, they all love each other, both families support each other and their interests. The parents praise their children (even though the scam family probably shouldn´t praise illegality but, meh...at that point it can be consider too late)  
The art department went OFF with this one. You can feel the filthiness and close space they live in, their living situation is bad but they manage. The other family is clean and clear and it has to be perfect that way. I think there were 2 parts where they work even harder. 
(This is a kind of Spoiler for the end) When they use blood, it tends to look fake in some movies, in here it looks really, really red and dark. The makeup for the strangled neck also was a nice touch and look really good. 
The other part I think was really well accomplish and that also might have taken FOR EVER TO MAKE IT WORK, was the flood, because it not only involved flooding and ENTIRE NEIGHBORHOOD, it involved a toilet spewing black water out as if it was puking. How did they manage to do all that? HOW MUCH WAS THE BUDGET? Geez, How many TAKES TOOK TO ACCOMPLISH THAT?! It look hella gross and the way it was spewing water was very realistic. 
There´s an entire sequence where three members of the family gets out of the rich house and walks towards their home and each step they take they descend even more, but that´s not all, it is raining and water is flowing and pouring, it looks fantastic and the neighborhood gets flooded and there´s stuff out getting fucked over. The makeup and the art design were crazy here, I wish and hope and pray they got paid well because MY GOD this was hard work at its finest. 
I need to watch more of this foreign movies and so do you! If you haven´t seen any movie out of Hollywood, you should do so. Maybe this one is a bit too much though. It goes well but there are certain parts that are a bit slow and then it goes fast and then slow again, it can be a rollercoaster and I´d be lying if i wasn´t expecting the movie to finally end. It is entertaining and it isn´t that long (2:12 hours), it doesn´t have any popular references. This movie was thought to be seen by an international audience. If you as an USA Citizen (´cause I´m not calling you Americans, America isn´t a country and USA is not the center of it) feel uncomfortable to be shown or for your culture be mock, well TOO BAD GET USED TO IT! Nah, I´m kidding. The kid in the movie has an obsession with indians and the family acts like USA is like high standard but in a mocking kind of way? My brother actually thought it was a Get Out situation so... 
This movie has a perfect blend of suspense and humor, the drama is palpable, it is there, the suspense and dark humor are the spotlight though. The actors are really good and the dialogues are not complicated to follow. It is pretty funny, heartwhrenching at points (specially the end) and entertaining movie, if you want to start watching foreign films you could start with this one. 
The worst part of the story is that both sides are right to react the way they did, and it´s kind of sad. 
This is what I took from it:  Poor or rich, it doesn´t matter. People are humans and they all have needs. And those needs will be satisfied one way or another. When you have a family, You will do whatever it takes to make them happy and sometimes drastic measures will be used. 
Go watch it, you won´t regret it. 
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-Sincerely creeped out, T.O.D 
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worldslover · 6 years
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The Underground- Part Sixty-Nine 1/2- Yoonmin AU
Christmas Tree
“Jimin! Come on!” I yell from the doorway. “We’re gonna be late!”
“What if I forget something!?” Jimin cries from inside of my penthouse.
I sigh and roll my eyes. “The others are here, ‘min! We’re going to miss our flight!”
I hear the other boy grumble and then he appears around the corner. He’s pouting, holding another jacket when I know for a fact he packed five others.
“Baby,” I laugh. “We’re only going to be there for a week. Why do you need six jackets?”
“Because I might!” He frowns as he tries to shove the jacket in his already bulging suitcase. He finally grunts as he closes the zipper once again.
I shake my head and place a small kiss against his smug lips.
“Where are we going again?” Jimin asks as the elevator doors close.
“My parents own this house in this town called Solime. Jin and I went a lot during our childhood. It’s beautiful during Christmas time.” I smile over at the boy. “It’s a good place to just get away.”
Jimin’s eyes squint with his smile. “It sounds wonderful.”
The elevators ding as we reach the first floor.
I wave over to the person behind the desk. They’re dancing slightly to the soft music that’s playing.
“Hi, Max!”
Max looks up, a cracker halfway to her mouth. When she sees us she smiles and waves, forgetting the food in her hand.
“Hi, Mr. Min! Hi, Jimin! Going out of town?”
“Yep!” Jimin pops the ‘p’ and hops over to the desk. Jimin gasps when he sees the half done sketch before Max.
“Damn,” he murmurs as he roams his eyes over the masterpiece. “Yoongi!” he whines and pouts at me. “Why can’t I draw like that?”
“Because you need to practice,” I grab his hand and tug.” Come on. The others are waiting. Bye, Max!” I call after as we exit the building and into the cold weather.
“Hurry up, fuckers! We’re going to be late and it’s fucking cold.”
“Watch your fucking language, Jung Hoseok! My child is in the car!”
“You just cursed!”
“Daddy Joon! They keep saying naughty words!”
I throw my jacket through the open window. Hoseok grunts at the sudden attack.
Jimin and I quickly load our bags, shivering from the cold during the process.
The trip to the airport is loud, with Jojo being the center of attention like always.
“When does boarding start?” Yura asks once we’re finally passed security.
“We board in thirty minutes,” Hobi mutters as he looks at our tickets.
Taehyung whirls around at the calling over his name.
Taehyung jumps in the other guys arms, they’re both smiling and giggling. Jungkook is pouting beside Jimin.
When they pull away, Hugo looks at us.
“Hey, RM!” He pats the other man's back and then hugs Hobi.
“Hey Hugo,” Namjoon smiles at him.
“Hugo! My man!” Hobi chuckles. “It’s been too long.”
“Hey, man.”
Hugo looks over at me and smirks.
“I heard you revealed your face! Good,” He coos and pokes my cheeks. “Everyone deserves to see your face.”
Jimin giggles next to me.
“Oppa!” Jojo hops in front of Hugo, demanding his attention.
“Jojo!” he laughs and pulls the little girl in his arms.
“Oppa,” Jojo giggles. “You’re squishing me!”
“Where are you going, Hugo?” Tae asks.
“I’m visiting my parents. My boyfriend is with me but he’s getting us a drink.”
“You got a boyfriend?” Tae gasps.
Hugo winks at Tae. “Hell yes,” he purrs.
“Um, Hugo?”
All eyes turn to a wide eyed... non-stranger.
“Mark!” Hugo skips over to the boy. “Meet my friends.”
I chuckle. “We actually kind of know each other.”
Hugo blinks at us and then back to Mark.
Jimin steps forward.
“Thank you again. I don’t think I can ever thank you enough.”
“It was the right thing to do,” Mark says softly before clearing his throat and turning to a very confused Hugo. “Um, do you remember that guy I told you about a while back? The one I took to the hospital?”
“Holy fuck,” Hugo’s eyes snap to Jimin.
“Was that you?”
“No,” Jimin smiles. “It was Yoongi, my boyfriend.” He looks back at me and my breath catches at his attention.
“Holy fucking shit,” Hugo gapes at us. “That is so hot.” He looks back to his boyfriend. Mark chokes and lets out a surprised laugh.
“We should probably get to our gate.” I hear Jin whisper to Namjoon.
“It was nice talking to you, guys,” Namjoon speaks up. “But we need to get to our gate.”
We say our goodbyes and make our way to the correct gate. They are already boarding by the time we make it. We are instantly seated on the plane.
“Jo,” I hiss at the little girl sitting beside me. “Sit still. Please.” I apologize to the stranger sitting beside us.
“It’s okay,” the stranger smiles at Josie. “I’m Will. What’s your name?”
“I have some goldfish. Would you like to share some with me?”
I nod when the little girl looks at me for permission.
I sigh and relax back into my seat when we’re in the air. Jo thoroughly entertained by Will and a coloring book.
“It’s not fair,” I mutter to Jimin who hums in question. “How easily the kid makes friends.”
Jimin looks up from his book and smiles at Josie and Will. He sets the book firmly in his lap and leans his chin on my shoulder.
“She’s so cute,” the other boy coos. “I think she gets it from you.” He pokes my cheek. I playfully growl at him, causing the boy to giggle.
The flight is only a few hours long and yet when we get off, Josie is crying, saying goodbye to her new best friend, Will.
I frown at the airport around us. It's not the one I remember... “Um, Jin Hyung…”
“Where the fuck are we?!”
I look down at the ticket, finally paying attention to the destination. I curse.
“Hoseok, you booked the tickets right?” Namjoon frowns at him.
“Yeah, Solima.”
Namjoons eyes narrow. “Solime. I said Solime, not Solima.”
“Nooo,” He looks between us and pulls out his phone, showing us the message. “You said Solima.”
“Fuck,” Namjoon growls. “Fucking autocorrect.”
There’s a mutual groaning throughout the group.
“How far away is Solime?”
“Three-hundred miles,” Jimin pipes up, looking at his phone.
“Well, let’s go see if we can get a rental,” Jin sighs.
“Look!” Jo cries out joyfully from the window. “Snow!”
Turns out, all flights have been delayed and there’s no more rentals available. Of fucking course.
“Now what?” I ask, pulling Jimin closer, winding my arm around his waist.
“I’m hungry, Uncle Gi,” Jo pouts up at me.
“Food. We should get food.”
“You’re so fucking whipped for her, Yoongi,” Jin laughs at me.
🌸Part 69.1
Merry Christmas~ 😁
@ Will
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allaboutjoongi · 6 years
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So here’s my translation of this imaginary heart-to-heart talk between  Lee Joon-gi and Bong Sang-pil.
(source: https://m.post.naver.com/viewer/postView.nhn?volumeNo=16100899&memberNo=1609562)
When Lee Joon-gi met Bong Sang-pil… (If BongLee)
(Joon-gi = JG, Sang-pil = BSP)
JG – Where did he go? Sang-pil! Bong Sang Pil!!!
Lee Joon-gi keeps himself busy on his way to the set. He worries about Sang-pil, who has just been cleared of murder charges and released back into society. He wants to meet Sang-pil to hear his side of the story.
There he is! Bong Sang-pil’s standing amid a crowd, with his wistful eyes. ☆
I don’t know why, but my heart aches
Looking at Sang-pil, Lee Joon-gi says,
JG – Long time no see. How have you been? (though I see you every day)
JG speaks with his #eye_smile ☆★
(Alert) (Eyes Shaking) (Antsy but Beautiful)
On seeing who has just spoken to him, Sang-pil drops his guard…!
JG – I was bored so I thought, Why not have a little chat with Lawyer Bong? You’re great at jiu jitsu. I was surprised to see the color of your belt. (Thumbs up!) When did you start it?
Our Lee Joon-gi, the energizer on set!
Did he drink three packs of red ginseng today too? Despite the lack of sleep, he’s full of energy.
#WhenIAmSad  #IDoJiuJitsu
BSP – I’ve been doing this for over 5 years. When I practice jiu jitsu, it helps clear my mind. I love it especially because it’s the martial art that helps you defend yourself rather than just attack.  
Lee Joon-gi enthusiastically nods in agreement.
A hardcore jiu jitsu enthusiast never pulls a punch!
Him going all out when making a move looks like a painting~
#HeartAflutter #MyHeart #NotYouThough
“Jiu jitsu... You’re my destiny” The hobby that actor Lee Joon-gi loves so passionately is jiu jit su!”
JG – I am also a jiu jitsu enthusiast. That’s why I like you doing it even more. I hadn’t had anything I would call a hobby until I was introduced to jiu jitsu and it felt like my destiny. I just wanted to do nothing but this until I got a purple belt. Even now, I run straight to the jiu jitsu training center every time I get a day off from filming. I feel so refreshed after my workout.
BSP – So actor Lee also loves martial arts. I knew it. You always try to do your own stunts when filming action scenes. Is there any particular reason?
JG – I want to be remembered by viewers as an authentic actor. I have to have my own way and do things myself as long as they are doable, and for me, that’s natural. I sincerely wish to convey ‘authentic’ emotions and action performances and to do so, I want to do everything that I can do. Of course, before filming action scenes, I double-check to make sure everything is safe. Safety comes first. By the way, Sang-pil, you were pretty great yourself. You just kept running around even though you were bleeding a lot... You don’t seem to give up. Do you really want to get revenge?
BSP – Back then, I was hurting so much both physically and mentally. When I was wrongly accused of killing my own uncle and sent to prison, I was completely at a loss. I did not know what to do, I was just so filled with rage. When I first decided to get my revenge and started taking action, I was totally alone. But after my uncle’s death and after I started doing things with Jae-yi, I began to think I should be more prudent and more alert. I hadn’t realized that there were many things I wanted to protect…
JG – I can definitely relate to what you are feeling. The reason I work so hard on set is that, every time I come to the set, I realize I do not perform on my own, but I share this stage with the rest of the cast and that we get a great ensemble only when we put ourselves together.
What makes me happy is that I can keep an eye out for my own people and make them smile, instead of just doing my own job.  
BSP – I didn’t realize this until now, but that’s exactly how I feel. When it comes to how and why I want to get my revenge, it would have been easier if I wanted to do this simply to my own satisfaction. But as my mother did, I want to use the law to punish those who violate the law.
JG – Hmm. They say that the righteous path is always filled with gravel. I guess many people regard justice as something like the Bluebird.
BSP – It does often feel like a fantasy. That’s exactly why I want to make it a reality. I am not letting go of hope yet, now that I have people with integrity around me, such as Jae-yi, the Mubeop Law Firm family, and prosecutor Cheon Seung-beom.
JG – Who do you hate more, Cha Moon-sook or Ahn Oh-ju? Of course, I’d hate running into either of them!
BSP – That’s a question both difficult and easy to answer. Both of them should not exist in society. As for Cha Moon-sook, she’s the kind of evil who uses her power to psychologically manipulate people and take everything away from them, while Ahn Oh-ju is an extremely violent person. Once allies, they have become enemies overnight because they are both bad people. I will bring the truth to light and make sure they get the punishment they deserve.  
JG – Okay, I will work harder and pour my heart and soul into my performance so you can realize your dream! Let’s finish our job well and go grab a beer. Of course, it’ll be your treat.
BSP – I was not able to talk about my feelings inside of me, but now I feel much better. Thank you.
Beer? Sure, it’s nothing. I am a lawyer who turns the tears my clients shed into money, after all.
How was the heart-to-heart talk between the two guys?
Now, what awaits us~~?
Lee Joon-gi’s Big Plan VS Lee Hye-young’s Big Plan!
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zookjin · 7 years
WISH: a bangtan fanfiction (i)
premise: ten years after her explosive split with her seven best friends, Song Aeja is back in her hometown with a goal and a looming deadline over her head. her wish? to have one more happy memory with her friends. however, her deadline only seems to grow closer and bigger. 
a/n: hi!! so i’ve had this idea for awhile, and it only started to grow into something after i watched the “LOVE YOURSELF: highlight reel”. please tell me what you think, and if i should continue with this!! **this story does contain mention of death, as the main character is diagnosed with cancer. 
genre: fluff, angst
chapter one word count: 1.9k words
I never realized how many memories I carried about this town until I stepped off the train.
As my feet touch the platform, I am overwhelmed with past images, seeing my younger self run across the same platform, seven familiar boys on my heels, laughing and screaming. I allow a small smile as I reminisce in what I consider my good days. Shaking myself from old thoughts, I grab my suitcase from underneath the train, and make my way through the station, dialing a number I never thought I would call again.
I lift the phone to my ear, and I listen to the ringing with bated breath.
“Hello, you’ve reached Kim Nam-joon. To whom am I speaking to?” I allow a small laugh at how formal he sounded, and I could feel my nervousness fade.
“Never thought I would hear the day Nam-joon would actually speak formally,” I allow myself to tease him about his habit when he was younger to always forget formality.
I hear his breath catch on the other end. “A-Aeja-yah?” I smile lightly.
“Never thought you would hear my voice again, huh?” It’s painful to speak out loud, but with the way things ended, it’s not false.
“I never want to talk to you guys again!”
I shake myself from the old memories, instead remembering the reason I called. “Hey, listen, I know it’s late and I probably don’t deserve it, but I’m stuck at the old train station, and I don’t have a ride. Do you think you could hook a girl up?” I chuckle at the end, hoping to lighten the conversation.
It’s a while before he answers me, but I’m more surprised to hear the start of his engine before his voice. “I’m on my way. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.” We hang up, and I slip my phone in my pocket, looking around at the citylife after I do so.
I catch sight of the faded graffiti on the side of the station, and before I know it, I’m walking towards it. I run my hands along the letters, done in sloppy English, remembering that night clearly. A tear slips out when I remember what happened only a week after, and I hurriedly wipe it away, instead turning to face the old buildings.
After admiring the landscape for a bit, I see an old truck pull up into the roundabout, and I grab my suitcase, making my way towards it. A tall man steps out, and I’m shocked to see the brown hair atop his head. A giggle escapes as I remember all the crazy colors our hair used to be. I tug on my own, grimacing when I remember the thinness.
Nam-joon is looking at me in shock, and it’s me who says something first.
“Do I at least get a hug?” I giggle nervously. I am suddenly enveloped in surprisingly muscular arms, and not long after the hug is given, I feel my shoulder dampen. I pull away to look at Nam-joon’s face.
“Aww, are you crying?” I tease, wiping away his tears as I do. “You don’t need to cry, Joonie-oppa.” This sentence seems to spur even more tears, and I frantically try to fix the problem I caused. “No, no! Don’t cry!” I hurriedly try to find a spare tissue in my backpack, but I’m stopped by a low giggle.
“Aeja-yah, it’s okay,” Nam-joon wipes at his eyes. “I’m just… you’ve been gone ten years. I can’t believe you’re actually here, in front of me.”
I wince, feeling my chest constrict at the mention of my absence. I take a deep breath in hopes of relieving the tension. “I know, Joonie-oppa… but I’m here now, aren’t I?” I offer a sheepish smile, and Nam-joon laughs in response. He grabs my suitcase, and throws it into the bed of his truck, before opening the passenger door for me. “Such a gentleman,” I tease and he rolls his eyes at me.
Nam-joon gets in the driver’s seat, and starts the old car. I shake my head in awe.
“I can’t believe this dinosaur of a thing still works,” I say, running a hand over the dashboard, seeing imprints of shoe prints all over.
“Well, after that night, when you left, Jin-hyung left not soon after. He offered me the car, free, and I took it,” Nam-joon explains. “It’s one of the only things I still have from those years, so I do my best to keep it in working condition.” Soon, familiar scenery starts flying by the window. I catch sight of the old diner, and I’m grateful for the ability to change the subject.
“Han-ssi still runs that old diner?” I ask, laughing a little. Nam-joon cracks a small smile, nodding.
“Not just Han-ssi,” he replies, “but Dujun-ah as well.”
My mouth drops. “You’re kidding! That old bully from junior high?” Nam-joon nods as a form confirmation.
For awhile, the car ride is silent, filled only with the rumble of his truck and the quiet music over the radio. I can tell Nam-joon is bursting at the seams with questions, and I save him the painful wait.
“You must be wondering why I came back, huh?” I say, keeping my gaze on the window. I don’t wait for a response before continuing. “To be quite honest, I don’t really have a reason.” That you should know of, I silently add. “I guess… I just wanted to come back home.” I bite my lip at the lie, thinking of the real reason I came back.
“I’m so sorry, Ms. Song…” The doctor trails off on the other line. “The results came back positive, and more aggressive than we could have ever predicted. You have T-cell prolymphocytic leukemia. You don’t have much more than a year left.”
I stealthily wipe at my eyes to hide the growing tears, and instead try to think of a way to change the subject. Nam-joon beats me to the punch.
“So, where are you staying?” He asks.
I fall into silence, having to think of my answer for a second. “Oh! That hotel next to the old bakery, the one run by the ahjumma who always gave us free cupcakes.” It takes Nam-joon awhile to remember, but his eyes light up when he does.
“Oh! You mean Heaven’s Treats?” I snap my fingers at him.
“Bingo! I’m staying at the hotel right next to it,” I give a small smile, and Nam-joon bites his lip as he thinks.
“How… how about you stay with me?” He offers up, uncertain. “It… it can be pretty lonely, and I wouldn’t mind getting to spend more time with you, for however long you’re here.”
I think it over, realizing the benefits of the offer. “Yeah, I’d love to!” Nam-joon gives me a happy smile, and makes a u-turn.
We sit in silence for a few minutes, before I ask the question that’s been eating away at my mind.
“So… what happened to the others?” I ask, hesitantly.
Nam-joon lets out a sigh. “To be honest, I only know where Ji-min and Ho-seok are, and that’s because they still talk to me.” I grimace quietly. “They actually live down the street from me, and run a small dance studio together. The other four… I haven’t seen them in ten years.” Nam-joon sends me a side-eye look. “What… what happened to you? Where did you go?”
I run a tired hand through my hair. “I… I think that’s a story best told later.” I flash an apologetic smile. “Sorry, Joonie-oppa.” He sighs, shrugging.
“I kind of expected an answer like that,” he says as we pull up to a small one-story house. “Welcome to my humble abode.” We exit the car, and he grabs my suitcase, wheeling it inside for me.
I enter the house before him, and I’m overwhelmed by the smell of gasoline and candy.  
“Sorry about the smell,” Nam-joon enters soon after me. “I’m still working at that gas station, so most of my clothes smell like gasoline.”
I wave him off. “It’s fine, really.” I take a moment to look around, noticing a few pictures of our group strewn throughout the living room, and my breath catches when I catch sight of a certain picture.
It’s of the eight of us, by our little hangout. The background is of stone walls and graffiti, and we all look like we’re mid cracking up. I smile slightly as I remember that day, memories flashing before my eyelids. I see Seok-jin with his stupid little video camera, and Tae-hyung toting his bag of spray paint. Next is Yoon-gi and Ji-min tusseling lightly on the ground, with Nam-joon chiding them from the side. Jeong-guk flashes through my eyes, the image of him trying to casually throw his arm around me with Ho-seok always there to throw it back off. I can practically hear the conversation behind the photo. Seok-jin had told some stupid joke that we thought was way funnier than it was, and his video camera had captured the perfect picture.
“Hard to believe that was actually ten years ago.”
Nam-joon startles me, and I fumble with the picture frame in the process. Once I catch myself, I nod with a sigh. “Yeah… and now we’re adults.” I set the frame back on the table. “Jinnie-oppa turns 29 this year, right?” He gives me a nod, and I shake my head in disbelief. “It really only feels like yesterday.”
There’s a silence between the two of us for a bit. “Let me show you to your room,” he takes my hand, and we make our way down a hallway. He opens the door of a room almost at the end of the hall, and I follow him inside.
There’s a queen bed in the center of the room, with a dresser across from it, a television sitting on top of that. I walk in, pulling my suitcase along with me, and sit down on the bed. “Thank you, again, for letting me stay here. It’ll be lot easier for me.” I let out a small chuckle. Nam-joon cocks his head at my odd wording, but lets it slide.
“Well… seeing as how it’s late, I’m probably going to hit the hay myself. I’ll see you in the morning, ok, Aeja-ya?” Nam-joon kisses the top of my head, and starts to walk towards the door; however, he stops just before the entrance. “And… it’s really good to see you again.” He walks out without letting me reply, quietly shutting the door behind him.
I flop onto the bed, thoughts running rampant in my head. I roll over to the edge of the bed, and I grab my phone from my pocket, opening it to the notes app. I click open the only note I have in my phone, labeled “END GOAL.”
I jot down three names, and write beside them.
KIM NAM-JOON: still living in the town
JUNG HO-SEOK: still living in the town, works at a dance studio
PARK JI-MIN: still living in the town, works at a dance studio
I close the app with a sigh, but not before glancing at the words written at the end of the note.
END GOAL: to have a happy memory with everyone just one last time
I take my fingernail between my teeth, wondering if I’ve gotten myself in too far deep with my wish. I shake my head to rid myself of negative thoughts, and reach over to turn off the lamp beside the bed.
Lying in the darkness, I can feel sleep start to take over my body, the long day at last getting to me. I close my eyes, and drift off into sleep, thoughts of old friends running around my head.
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heyymonkey2 · 7 years
First Night Back in Fuuga Ch 27: Every Heart’s Truth (Part One)
AO3 Link to Chapter 27
Summary: Confusing things can happen on a battlefield
Dust rises. Thousands of feet herd forward. Yona watches from the distance, her heart stopped. Hak... be safe. She musters her strength and wills her heart to beat again.
“Steady now,” she whispers more to herself than anyone else, “You are all precious, perfect, and irreplaceable -- so not a scratch, OK!”
Zeno smiles brightly at Little Miss, “Zeno is good at coming back.”
“We’ll take care of this quickly, Your Excellence,” Kija affirms, his engorged hand raised.
Shin-Ah nods sagely, then lifts his wooden mask and faces forward at the ready.
“We won’t be far,” Jae-Ha comforts.
But as the dragons charge off into battle... Jae-Ha stays.
Yona has dismounted and is loading an arrow on her bow, “You should go -- they need you out there.”
It’s like he has iron chains on once again. He can’t will himself to leave her.
“Jae-Ha…,” she lowers her bow and looks at him, “I’m here where few are fighting. Hak is in there,” she nods toward the mass of collision, “If you don’t go help fight, I don’t think I’ll have the strength to keep calm,” she’s shaking now.
Always, he stares at her sadly, To keep one safe, I end up putting the other in danger.
“Jae-Ha,” she begs, “Please... go.”
He feels it in his blood -- he’s being sent away. So he says it one more time, “I won’t be far,” then turns and heads to wreak damage on the opposing army. And any other opposition to those dear to him.
As the dragons storm the scene, Kija lifts handfuls of Kai warriors at once, tossing them into the distance. A wall of the men stop and stare, terrified at not knowing how to fight such a monster. Many start retreating already. Kija continues forward, knocking arrows out of their paths and flinging enemy fighters into each other.
Zeno grabs a sword from the ground and inflicts strategic cuts -- not killing, but limiting Kai warriors’ abilities to do more than yelp in pain. Three Kai warriors see and work together to corner him. They’re baffled when he drops his weapons and opens his arms. Well… so be it -- one of the men stabs Zeno, who remains standing. So the man stabs again… and stumbles backward as he watches Zeno remain standing again, staring forward at them. Zeno’s wounds heal before their eyes. Their jaws drop. Zeno smiles -- and charges at them.
Shin-Ah fights elegantly with his sword -- saving use of his eyes for a moment of utmost need. He hopes it won’t come to that.
“Finally, a day I’m not dying to see those beautiful eyes of yours,” Jae-Ha lands nearby as he deals out a dangerous dose of blades to Kai warriors and finishes with a beautiful kick to the gut of another.
In the distance, Yona lands arrows where she most uniquely can help from her vantage point. She fires arrow after arrow. But at some point… she will run out.
She wipes sweat from her brow just thinking about it, I can’t just sit here watching… waiting...
Lili rides with Ayura and Tetora toward the cloud of madness, a cacophony of screams.
The female bodyguards look over at Lili in shock and awe. She’s really doing this.
Lili stares forward, terrified but being brave, Yona would do this for me.
Kyo-Ga shouts with his arm raised high as he commands the Fire warriors go up the side to create a distraction. The fighters obey in perfect choreography.
The Earth and Water tribes hold a line of defense steady on the border. General Joon-Gi cleanly takes out adversaries and General Geun-Tae is a festive beast on the ground with his wide blade -- savoring every slay, with countless to boast.
The Wind and Sky tribes rush up the center.
Soo-Won, Keishuk, and Joo-Doh charge forward, along the way ducking between swinging swords down to knock Kai soldiers out en masse. Converging on the same spot as the king and his entourage….
...are Hak and General Tae-Woo. As they go, they block arrows and stop blows against the wounded -- giving all the strength they have to save lives.
“Watch it!” Hak swings his glaive to stop an arrow from piercing Tae-Woo, “I thought I trained you better than to die like that!”
Tae-Woo grimaces, “I can’t avoid everything!”
“I don’t wanna hear that from you!” Hak knocks out half a dozen Kai fighters with his glaive, then, “Keep your head, it’s about to get interesting.”
Tae-Woo follows Hak’s eyeline to see Soo-Won arriving at Li Hazara, just a short distance ahead.
Li Hazara is a grizzly beast of a man -- an incredibly imposing figure who dwarfs Soo-Won in height and perceived strength.
“Well, well…” both men dismount, knowing what comes next. Li Hazara muses, “If it isn’t the young king of Kouka. I’m glad you came all this way... I’ve been waiting a long time for your head.”
Li Hazara smiles dementedly, nose flaring -- he charges -- and Joo-Doh blocks his blade.
Straining his double blades upwards against Li Hazara, Joo-Doh flicks the man backward, then charges.
The two men twist and bend fighting one another -- Li Hazara’s blade catches Joo-Doh on the back of the leg. The Sky general falls in frustration with a shout.
Li Hazara turns and continues forward toward Soo-Won. Keishuk watches smugly off to the side.
Li Hazara swings -- Soo-Won dodges or blocks each move gracefully, watching carefully through each step, calculating.
Yona stands in a defining moment of truth -- staring at the fray, holding a bow without any arrows. The object like a mother with an empty womb… all the children have gone ahead now. There is no work left that can be done here.
But Yona still feels she has so much to do, to give. Her blood is on fire. Something inside her compels her: You must go forth. This is your destiny.
And once she is walking… she is running.
ARGH! Soo-Won has hit Li Hazara in the flank. The man falls back two steps, clutching at his side. He lifts his hand to see the blood, then looks up with a feral smile at the young king, “The boy can fight after all.”
“Any man can fight,” Soo-Won sidesteps strategically, “The skill -- is to win,” and as Li Hazara twists in reaction while lifting his sword for a strong blow downward, Soo-Won surprise throws his sword -- and it pierces Li Hazara in the chest.
The Lord lets out a great gust of air as he absorbs the pain.
Li Hazara focuses the best he can on Soo-Won as his eyes fill with blood, “You bastard!” and he charges at the king with a final burst of strength.
Soo-Won moves, but not quickly enough--
--Hak pulls him out of Li Hazara’s path, swiping the juggernaut in the center with his glaive as he does so. Li Hazara falls in a heap. All that rage and anger -- gone. Still.
“RETREAT!!” The Kai offense immediately begins to fall back -- its leader down.
Keishuk’s eyes go wide at the scene. Who, then, really took out Li Hazara? It doesn't matter... on the battlefield: whoever we say did.
As hundreds of men zoom all around them, Hak and Soo-Won stand motionless over Li Hazara’s dead body, victorious, and yet…
...facing each other as though enemies alone on a cold night in a desolate place.
“Li Hazara is down!”
Yona can see and hear the retreat, No… no… faster, I have to get to them faster!
Her motion is fluid, there isn’t even a need to gasp for air -- she’s practically flying toward them, her movement so unburdened by anything but the passion that drives her forward.
News of the retreat has not yet reached the fringe where Lili arrives with her bodyguards. She leaps from her horse, sprinting into the disarray in a crazed attempt to find her father. To beg with her life -- if this battle turns to a moment of choosing, the Water Tribe MUST side with Yona. There is no other justice in this world. No other possible way forward.
And with all that focus, all that determination buzzing through her mind -- she sees it. Her father’s valiant fight on the battlefield… and his fall. As he lands on his knees, a daughter watches the confusion in her father’s eyes as he takes his last breath.
“FATHER!!!!” Lili screams, sobbing, running -- tackled by Tetora who pins her down.
“There’s nothing you can do…” Tetora cries, “He’s gone.”
“We need to get out of here!” Ayura tries to drag them up, “Quickly!”
Lili stares at the ground, the streams of blood. And suddenly she’s not the same girl anymore. Nor will she ever be again. Her eyes wide, she slowly rises, and with something hollow inside her, she stares deeper into the mess.
“This is an order: Don’t follow me.”
The air between them can’t be seen, but it can be felt. Sorrow. Rage. Regret.
Hak and Soo-Won stare, fingering their weapons, breathing steadily, waiting for the moment someone moves.
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minhyowon · 7 years
Ten Questions, Ten Answers: Kdrama Edition
I was tagged by the lovely Sofia @floatingdownthemoonriver Thank you so much much for tagging me! 
1. Do you have any actors/ actresses who you think are over rated? Along with their works? Anyone where you just don’t see the mass appeal? 
 Ji Sung. I don’t even know why. Sometimes about him just doesn’t click with me. The only drama of his that I’ve completed was Protect the Boss. I’ve tried watching other dramas where he’s the lead and I can’t bring myself to get past the first episode. I have nothing against him, I just don’t see his appeal. 
 2. Are there any dramas you liked but would tweak certain aspects of to make them perfect? If so, which ones and what would you tweak, change or add?  
If I could change anything it would be the ending of Ms. Temper and Nam Jung Gi. It has an open ending where you're left with the feeling that Ok Da Jung and Nam Jung Gi ended up together, but I would make it clear by adding a kiss scene. 
 3. Top three favourite actresses?  
Kim Seul Gi – she’s my all-time favourite actress. I’ll watch her in anything. I watched an episode of Happy Together just because she was a guest. I really want to see her as the lead in drama. She’s leading lady material. She’s wonderful in everything she does and needs more recognition. 
Yoo In Na – She’s flawless and she needs more main roles. She’s also leading lady material and needs more recognition. If I could give casting directors one piece of advice, it would be to stop casting minors opposite adult men and cast these two instead. 
Lee Sung Kyung – She can take on such different roles and slays every time. 
4. What’s the drama world you would like to live in? Is it a goblin world, a mermaid world, a world with a royal monarchy, a world where you could be a ceo at the age of 20 just because of the golden family business? You can include general setting or houses you wouldn’t mind staying in. 
I wouldn’t mind being a chaebol heir but I wouldn’t want to be the eldest that inherits the company because I don’t like being the center of attention. I’d want to be someone like Min Hyo Won in Laurel Tree Tailors who gets to have a good job in the company without being in the spotlight. 
5. Top three dramas where you loved the fashion/ outfits/ costumes? 
Legend of the Blue Sea – Jun Ji Hyun can wear anything and still look flawless. I really liked the costumes in the sageuk part and the mermaid costume. 
I really like everything that Lee Yoo Ri’s character wears in Father is Strange. It’s so classy and elegant. I also love that it shows wearing glasses as glamourous and makes me feel happy about wearing glasses. 
I loved the outfits worn by Gong Yoo as Kim Shin in Goblin. 
6. Top three dramas where you did NOT love some of the fashion/ style choices made?  
Beautiful Gong Shim – I hated that Minah had to wear a wig for so long. I hated that they made Gong Shim wear unflattering clothes, which made her like a child for most of the drama. They did nothing to show Minah’s natural beauty (except for the last episode where she looked flawless.) 
Kim Tan’s ugly sweaters in Heirs. 
Kim Joo Won’s infamous sequinned track suit in Secret Garden. It was just hilarious. 
7. Who’s your dramaland hubby/ wife? (mine’s baek in ho ;p) your dream partner? Who is it. Your dramaland soul mate? 
That’s an excellent question. I’d pick Kang Hyun Soo (Smile, You) or Jung Joon Hyung (WLFKBJ). 
8. Any dramas you thought had wasted potential?  
The K2. It had so much potential but I felt like it fell short in every possible way. My love for Ji Chang Wook couldn’t save it. Song Yoon Ah’s brilliant performance couldn’t save it. 
The Heirs. They had a stellar cast of top actors and they wasted it. They could have done so much with it. First of all, why did both male leads have to be jerks? Second of all, why did the main pairing have to have such an unhealthy relationship. The side couple is the only thing I liked about this drama. They even wasted BTOB and VIXX cameos. If you’re gonna have a kpop group make an appearance in a drama at least tell the audience who they are and let us hear a full song. I didn’t even know who these groups were until much later when I watched N in Sassy Go Go and Sungjae on WGM. 
9. Two dramas where you loved the ost?  
Descendants of the Sun is my favourite OST in kdrama history. It’s the first drama where I loved every single song. I remember waiting for weeks for the K.Will OST to be released. I still listen to it regularly. My favourite songs include: Always – Yoonmirae, You Are My Everyting – Gummy, Talk Love – K.Will 
The second OST that sticks out to me is Uncontrollably Fond. The drama wasn’t my favourite but the OST was outstanding. My favourite songs include: Picture in My Head – Kim Woo Bin, Don’t Push Me – WENDY & Seulgi, Only U – Junggigo 
There are also specific songs that I love: 
- You’ve Fallen for Me – Jung Yong Hwa (Heartstrings). This is how I discovered CNBLUE and it will always have a special place in my heart  - Listen to My Heart – Melody Day (Tomorrow’s Cantabile)  - Forever Love – HEABIN (Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim)  - Shiny Boy – JOY (The Liar and His Lover)  - Honourable mention to the instrumental OST of Signal. 
10. What do you think is the most iconic kdrama?  
I had a tough time coming up with an answer for this one. It ultimately came down to Secret Garden. I’ll admit that it’s not perfect but it was my first kdrama; therefore, it will always be special to me. This is the drama that started. It’s only right that it gets the title of most iconic from me. It has all the classic kdrama tropes plus fantastical elements. You have the jerky CEO male lead who falls in love at first sight with a strong independent female lead who initially wants nothing to do with him. This drama takes the gender bender trope to another level when the leads switch bodies. Shall I remind you of the iconic coffee foam kiss scene that was recreated in Reply 1988? The OST still gives me all the feels. Yoon Sang Hyun will always be Oska to me. I still wish for Hyun Bin and Ha Ji Won to be reunited in a drama because their chemistry was off the charts.
I tag @seokjinings @haeyeongs @jok-ie @nabongsun @bcwaldorf @sleepypie1212
1. Do you ever get second lead syndrome? If so, who is the second lead that you felt for the most, that you loved way more than the lead? Who is the second lead that deserved a better ending? 
2. What book/movie would you like to see adapted into a kdrama? Who would you cast as the leads? 
3. Who are your top 3 kdrama OTPs? 
4. What is your favourite kdrama trope? Name your favourite drama with that trope. 
5. Does the OST influence your enjoyment of a drama? Are there any dramas that you’ve watched because of the OST? 
6. Who is your bias and who is your bias ruiner? 
7. What is a drama that you think everyone should watch? (An essential drama for every kdrama lover.) 
8. Who are your top 3 female leads? 
9. Create your own love team. (A pairing that you would like to see in everything, or a couple that you would like to see reunited.) 
10. Pick an actor and an actress that you would like to see as the leads in a drama? (Your dream pairing, they’ve never worked together before but you think they would be great together. Mine is Kim Seul Gi and Kang Ha Neul.)
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heyymonkey2 · 7 years
First Night Back in Fuuga Ch 26: This Is War
AO3 Link to Chapter 26
Summary: Yona, Hak, and the Dragons come to defeat Kai… and take back the throne
When Jae-Ha finds Yona and Hak at the edge of camp in the twilight, the couple sends him off to gather Yun and the other dragons.
By the time the dark of night has fallen, they’re all making plans together in a private tent. Everyone is thrilled Yona and Hak have decided to stay and fight. Except maybe Jae-Ha. He watches on the sidelines, thinking and thinking.
In the center of things, Yona talks through various strategies with Hak. She’s amazed by him -- he knows every player’s resources, motivations, and talents. Anticipates exactly what the deadly collision of all those things will look like. Where each piece will move at every turn. And how to be ready for all of it.
There are many basics Yona has come to accept...
Worst comes to worst, their unexpected appearance at the border will earn them a head-on attack. Their odds will be pretty bad in that case. But the fallout from such a move could cost Kouka the war with Kai. They’re trusting that Soo-Won wouldn’t choose that. That is, if he’s in any control anymore.
Best case, Yona and Hak will be allowed to fight alongside their countrymen. And after Li Hazara is taken out of the equation, there will be a moment of truth at the center of the battlefield between Hak and Soo-Won. Hak has been waiting for this opportunity for a very long time...
But most likely, any settling of personal vendettas will be prevented and instead a civil war will be incited. Yona is shaken at that concept. Losing many of her own people over these continued corrupt politics? Her heart can barely stand the thought. And yet, what other way is there if they can’t get to the sitting king?
That. Killing Soo-Won… when Hak mentions it, his speech is clipped. He moves over the event as though a doctor stating how to treat a wound. There is one clear way to survive, brace yourself -- some things must be done. And yet, Yona is unable to accept the event actually happening. That Soo-Won is over in camp somewhere breathing right now. And that by nightfall, he might not be.
Hak watches Yona, wondering what’s going through her head about all this. Even though she’s made up her mind to fight and he’s made up his to support her goals… he’s her bodyguard, sensei, husband, lover, and friend. He cannot help but be sincerely full of fear. Is she afraid, too? What wouldn’t he do to protect her out there?
Jae-Ha worries about that very thing. On the side of the room, he continues to sit quietly dreading tomorrow... if Hak is distracted trying to protect Yona dear, he’ll only be half the warrior he can be. And that is a dangerous state to be in during war.
Finally, the whole family agrees -- for tomorrow to work, they will need to trust each other and most of all put their faith in Yona. Because Yona possesses a very unique talent. Something they’ve seen from visiting small villages to negotiating peace with entire countries: she moves hearts. And she has much to set in motion tonight. Any successes will directly lead to lives being saved. Because she will not continue in hiding nor will she support the current corruption in the palace -- she will be standing up to make her claim for the throne.
So with all their plans laid out, cloaked and with Jae-Ha as her escort, Yona takes off into the sky...
Kyo-Ga polishes his sword, mind focused on the task ahead… to be the best general he can for his people. He hears someone enter and turns in alarm--
“You… princess… it’s very late.”
Yona has come with Jae-Ha and they are otherwise alone. She lifts her palms wide open to indicate she comes peacefully.
“Please don’t worry, General Kyo-Ga. No one knows I’m here, nor will they ever have to. I’ve simply come to relay information… that only I can,” Yona goes on to bring up his father and what happened with Li Hazara… draws on that emotion in relation to what happened with her own father… tells him to look to that very event to see Soo-Won’s means to ends… and to look to Tae-Jun to see what a nation under her influence would look like.
“General Kyo-Ga, I beseech you, if you truly have a heart for your people, then join me in ending this betrayal and bloodshed once and for all...”
Kyo-Ga’s expression turns to awe as he sees the fire in her eyes...
Tae-Woo lays awake flicking straw into the air, seriously bummed about Hak having been missing all night… tonight of all nights. Would he be back in the morning?
“Still playing around at this hour?”
Tae-Woo turns in relief, “Lord Hak!”
Hak’s expression is that of a person about to make a request.
Yesss, Tae-Woo smiles deviously, so ready for whatever this is gonna be, “Bring it on.”
The air in the room is suddenly full of energy from the mix of steadfast loyalty and a favor to be made...
Lili is putting a cloth over Min-Soo’s forehead to calm his fever when Jae-Ha and Yona arrive with Yun in tow.
“Yun can look after him from here. We have a favor to ask of you…”
Lili looks to her friends with determination, “Anything.”
“Your father... we need to speak with him privately.”
Lili considers… this could be incredibly difficult at this hour, but… “You can count on me. I’ll go to him now.”
The morning breaks like any other -- calm, bright.
Yona smiles at Hak’s familiar scent as she comes to… her eyes open to meet his staring pleasantly back at her. They’re nestled together with the dragons. Like old times. She leans up and presses her lips to his -- her favorite thing in the world might be waking up next to this man. The feeling of gratefulness and joy radiates through her, giving her strength. Hak savors the feel of her lips -- the touch fires him up like nothing else. As they pull apart…
“How did it go?” Yona whispers.
“The Wind is behind you,” Hak brushes a strand of crimson hair off her face to behind her ear.
She smiles, hardly believing their good luck, “Kyo-Ga, too.”
Hopeful but skeptical, “Joon-Gi?”
“Lili tried, she really did. But…”
“He refused to meet with you?”
Yona nods sadly.
He kisses the top of her head and encourages, “You’re gonna have some dragons fighting on your side out there that’ll be hard to ignore,” he nods the the guys in the room, “Joon-Gi might have a change of heart on that battlefield. Anything can happen out there.”
Change of heart… Yona wonders about Hak’s heart and what might happen out there today. Hearts are tricky things. Just a day before she herself had thought she had to walk away from the people and life she loved. And in the moment it came down to actually doing it, her heart wouldn’t let her. People… are human. We’re all only so strong when it comes to things we love... or loved.
Yona sees Hak looking at Ao sleeping right above her shoulder. She looks up at Ao too -- “Don’t worry about us, OK?” she tells the little furball as she strokes his head.
“You could come with and help protect her,” Hak offers to the squirrel.
Smacking Hak’s arm, “No way! Ao is too precious.”
“What? You’re at your best when you have something to protect. Ao could just sit there and you’d be amazing.”
“I have to be amazing anyway, you know. I have you to protect.”
Hak smiles as he lets that sentiment soak in, “You know what it does to me when you say you want to protect me.”
Yona blushes, then coyly crawls up against him for another kiss.
Hak moves a hand down over her tummy as she runs her fingers through his hair. He’s never wanted to survive so badly in his life. Feeling the warmth of where his hand covers… please, gods, he prays… can I make a selfish request just this once more?
It’s time. Yona and Hak walk hand in hand to her horse. She's ready with her quiver on her back, bow in hand, and sword sheathed on her belt.
Hak offers a hand, “I know you’ve been practicing, but Jae-Ha’s been spoiling you with the flying everywhere thing…”
Yona smiles, taking his hand as he helps her up, “If you say one thing about my weight I’ll--”
“--I’d never!” he smiles right back up at her.
“You should know, I can absolutely get on my own horse now. And ride without you behind me. So don’t worry.”
“But the horseback archery…?” he raises a skeptical eyebrow.
“I’ll dismount…” Yona admits, then, “You should also know I have no intention of losing my teacher out there today. Plan on training me well starting tomorrow, OK?”
Hak laughs, “Drillmaster! A man doesn’t get to rest a single day after war, huh?”
Yona’s eyes serious, cheeks pink, “There’s so much I’m looking forward to with you, I don’t want to lose a second.”
He squeezes her hand, “To be honest, Princess... I’m worried about today. I’m getting better at accepting the dangerous situations you have to go in… but I still can’t rest until you’re back at my side.”
“I know, my love,” she squeezes his hand back.
With all his sincerity, “Don’t do anything rash. As much as I want to ride straight in there together announcing your claim to the throne… if we’re gonna beat Soo-Won, we have to be just as strategic as he is. I’m going to play my part like we all agreed in the meeting yesterday… you need to stay on the fringe -- where you will be helping tremendously. But promise me… no matter what you hear or see in the center, do not go into the fray,” his eyes aren’t a command, he does not command this woman, but a plea -- his heart set out before her to do with what she will.
Yona gently nods with teary eyes, then, “Go and come back to me quickly,” she leans down for one last kiss -- he takes her face in his hands and meets her lips passionately, his everything. He pulls back and they whisper in almost unison, “I love you.”
Their mouths hover there, so close, breathing each other in, for just a moment...
Then Hak turns and doesn’t look back. He is going to take care of this. Everything that the Thunder Beast has ever been rumored to be... is about to appear in full force.
Jae-Ha lands in stride with Hak as he heads toward the Wind Camp.
“You two… troublesome apart, troublesome together. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad it keeps life interesting but--”
“She’s not an easy woman to love.”
Wistfully, “That’s why we love her.”
“Watch it, I’m not dead yet,” Hak warns Jae-Ha with a trip.
Loving the abuse, as Jae-Ha regains his footing, “That’s why I’m here. Are you planning to go do something stupidly brave out there? I was thinking... how about we win this war and then take our time with the whole taking back the throne thing? Maybe all stay alive in the process, eh?”
Hak sighs with a frown. Jae-Ha nods, “Oh, I see. One of those… thinking ahead twenty steps things.”
“If you knew, you’d do the same. Help me protect her, Jae-Ha.”
“You don’t have to ask for that, Hak…”
“There’s blocking an arrow or getting her out of there. What I mean is -- help me protect her. Seeing war does things to people. Especially if you believe the deaths are on your hands.”
“Ah, all that prep in case there’d be a civil war… you’re not going to allow there to be a civil war.”
“Aside from those people not needing to die, starting her reign that way would…”
“Be against everything her father believed in.”
Hak pleads, “Don’t let her go into the center. No matter what.”
Jae-Ha thinks on all that that means for a moment, then, “I care about you both too much to let her do that,” he watches his friend as they arrive at the Wind tent, it wouldn’t just be her who’d be in danger then.
“I promise: I’ll protect our precious Yona’s heart.”
And that sets Hak at ease...
Lili sits in her tent with Yun watching over Min-Soo. She’s moping horribly.
“I failed her. She asks for a single favor… my own father… and I can’t even deliver on that.”
Yun looks like he’s about to lose his mind, “Usually the complaining is my line. You might have ruined me for it for the rest of my life.”
Lili continues as though she didn’t hear him, “I don’t even need to be here. I shouldn’t even be here. I need to be… out there. With her. But I can’t fight like her… I…”
She looks up -- Ayura and Tetora have just arrived.
“You made it!!”
The girls all hug, squee’ing and long-awaited-reunion-level merriment. Yun looks down at his medicine -- maybe he needs to take something for the emotional whiplash in here?
Lili pulls back from her friends, stars aligning in her mind, eyes lit with possibility...
Tetora is the first to realize, “Uh oh…”
Lili dives right in-- “Do you mind if we go see father?”
“...isn’t he about to start a war right now?”
Ayura realizes, “Small detail…”
“I know it could be dangerous, I’m willing to go alone at a point… I just need to see if it’s possible to do something for Yona. To at least try.”
When the troops have gathered in formation at the border, Soo-Won, Keishuk, and General Joo-Doh see it in the distance--
Princess Yona rides toward them with four dragons behind.
Keishuk is furious, “She came? Did you know about this?!”
“...no,” Soo-Won’s even exterior borders on cracking at the sight, but he just barely holds it together, “Defeating Kai takes precedence.”
Even General Joo-Doh is sweating about the complication, “He’s right. We’ll lose this war if we don’t work together.”
Keishuk stares suspiciously, “What exactly were you doing with the princess two nights ago, Soo-Won?”
But Soo-Won is lost in his head, frantic, “Where’s Hak…?” he’s scanning over the troops -- ah, there, just like they’d discussed, the Thunder Beast is at the head of the Wind alongside Tae-Woo.
Keishuk has seen too much of Soo-Won’s obsession on this topic, “Why are you always so concerned about that man? You have thousands of troops at your disposal!”
“...” Soo-Won is trapped. This is really happening. They didn’t leave. Then they’re… standing against him? Even if by all appearances they’re fighting alongside him now… they all know, they all know what comes next. There’s no more denying, “That man… married the princess.”
Keishuk goes white as he begins to gasp, “You knew this?! Did you take his wife into your bed? Or… you didn’t? It doesn’t matter, he has a claim to the throne -- kill him now!”
Joo-Doh puts a hand on Keishuk, which Keishuk quickly slaps off, but Joo-Doh stresses, “We cannot do that now. Wait.”
Keishuk seethes, “Unbelievable,” he eyes narrowing toward Hak, “So win the war first… but remember, there’s much confusion during war. Anything can happen on the battlefield. And if neither of you will do it… I will.”
“...he’s the strongest warrior in this country,” Joo-Doh is incredulous at the proposal.
“If it takes the entire Sky Tribe, so be it.”
Joo-Doh is silenced with shock.
Soo-Won stares forward over their thousands of men, stricken.
But -- the moment has arrived for this war to hurtle forward. Soo-Won lifts his flag. The generals see. The battle cry is deafening.
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heyymonkey2 · 7 years
First Night Back in Fuuga Ch 23: The Bad Timing in Our Lives
AO3 Link to Chapter 23
Summary: Hak finds Yona at Soo-Won's side
Everyone should be sleeping, but Hak sits outside with his back against a tentpole as he stares up at the moon.
“Mister hasn’t slept for two nights.”
Hak swings his head over to see Zeno, “Either have you.”
“Zeno is immortal.”
Hak lets out a soft breath, then looks back up at the sky.
Zeno joins the gazing up into nothing, then says what he knows is everything, “Zeno can feel them both. The Miss is fine.”
“I figured…” a small smile of pride rises on Hak.
“But Ryokuryuu is troubled.”
“Hm?” Hak turns back to Zeno with concern.
“The others felt it, too. Zeno will check on him.”
And before another word can be exchanged, Zeno skips off into the night.
Jae-Ha stands outside Lili’s tent, his back against a tentpole in the cold night air as he stares at his breath, tries to steady it. He's stood out there since she left. Since he watched her go. Felt her gone. And he was out there when General Joo-Doh came to relay the message that the princess would be staying with the king for the night.
He couldn’t move for a time after that. She had asked him not to come. To forgive her for this. But he had made a promise to Hak, too. And what about his own stance in all this? At times he liked Soo-Won, but being a pirate himself, even a monster, Jae-Ha knows full well how much charm can cover.
“The miss isn’t here.”
Jae-Ha sees Zeno approaching -- and even though his failure in duty was just highlighted, he feels immense relief.
“I never thought I’d want to tie someone up. But Yona dear…” Jae-Ha faces Zeno with a rare level of stress, “She went with the king.”
“But you’re more worried about something else than her. ...if something happened to her, we would all feel it. But with the mister, it’s not the same.”
“I don’t envy the position either is in here. Yona dear and Hak. I would fight for whatever they want. But it’s becoming impossible to save one without endangering the other.”
“She asked you to stay here?”
Jae-Ha nods with a frown.
“She didn’t ask Zeno.”
Jae-Ha’s face lights up at that…
“Mister just went to sleep. Now Ryokuryuu can, too. Zeno will watch over the Miss.”
Jae-Ha enters the tent and sees Lili’s back -- she’s sitting upright on the bed, facing away. He remembers the scene earlier, and given the stress of the night, is about to lay into her when--
“...you’re back,” Lili’s voice quivers. She turns, eyes red-rimmed, cheeks tear-stained, “Since she didn’t come back… she went with him, huh?”
The tenseness in Jae-Ha’s body relaxes, “If I’d realized you were in here as worried out of your mind as I was out there, I would have at least had a drink with you.”
Lili laughs a little, still shaking, “I’m gonna need a lot more than a drink after tonight. But that doesn’t matter if she’s in danger,” she looks up at Jae-Ha, “Do you think if I went after them…?”
“No. Another dragon already has. Yona dear is going to be OK tonight. If anyone tries to harm her... they might not be.”
Lili takes some deep breaths, still trying to calm her anxiety, “Thank you. For telling me that. I really… I really needed to know that.”
Jae-Ha watches her sadly. This girl loves Yona dear. Who’s to say if she has even sorted how, but Yona is clearly precious to her.
“I must say, I had my opinions about you. And that mouth. But anyone who cares about her this much… is a friend of mine.”
Lili watches Jae-Ha as he pours her a drink, she’s still deeply troubled, “What the hell, Jae-Ha. You saw what happened tonight. You know her, so you know ...she likely hates me now.”
As Jae-Ha hands Lili her cup, “I do know Yona dear and I have my own complicated relationship with her,” he downs his own cup of liquid peace, “Welcome to the family, Lili. We all adore her. We all almost make mistakes. Although, you really did make a mistake tonight…”
Lili’s eyes go wide at the call out, then she scrunches her face as he pours her another cup, “...right when I started to think you were a nice guy…”
“It was hot, if that helps. But no… you won’t get far with her like that. Not that it’s my place to say. But since now I can tell what side you’re on in this camp, I think it’s time to be honest. No more misunderstandings. And that, I assume, is what that was. I’m afraid we’re going to need to work together as a team over the next couple days.”
“I want to help, if there’s any way…”
The two are sitting across from one another, drinks in hand, as Jae-Ha begins to share what she needs to know, “Yona and Hak never truly separated…”
Zeno sits perched in the darkness outside Soo-Won’s tent. He’s so attuned to the princess, he can feel the rhythm of her sleep breathing.
But the second he peeked into the tent earlier and saw she and Soo-Won in bed, eyes closed facing one another with that distance between, he already knew that mister had no intention of harming her. That he was protecting her. Little Miss would definitely be safe tonight.
Tomorrow, he wonders, might be different. All the misters are near a breaking point.
The strategy meeting about Kai is first thing in the morning. Keishuk is already in the large tent with the great table when Soo-Won arrives, the princess at his side.
Keishuk is aware the king took her in his bed last night. He’ll be watching to see how she took to it.
Joo-Doh leads Jae-Ha in -- Soo-Won had instructed that Jae-Ha must return to the princess’ side immediately. And imperatively before the start of the meeting.
Yona takes a seat between Soo-Won and Jae-Ha as the generals begin to arrive. Her smile to Jae-Ha seems to set his heart at ease. No harm was done. Although sitting next to Soo-Won like this, he back to a focused, distant, elusive state, her own heart is far from in good shape.
Generals Guen-Tae and Joon-Gi react with surprise to see Yona there, but with Soo-Won, Keishuk, and General Joo-Doh treating it so casually, they greet her formally and accept this must be the way things will be moving forward.
General Kyo-Ga appears curious to see Yona seated next to Soo-Won, but calls no attention to his observation.
It’s General Tae-Woo who goes white and immediately starts back out of the tent at the sight -- but it’s too late, Hak has entered.
Yona can feel him the second he’s inside, but she forces herself not to look. She looks at her fingers, the tie on her dress, the opposite wall, anything but him. It’s more than enough to know he’s present, breathing. The weight of this meeting is upon her and the fear of anything happening is overwhelming.
For Hak, the pain of this room is nearly unbearable. How many meetings had he attended as Wind General with most of these men? How much had he learned from them? Taught them? Reached upward to be able to stand alongside them…? He looks at Soo-Won now, who formally greets he and Tae-Woo. But his hearing isn’t so good right now -- because the princess is right next to that bastard. So is Jae-Ha, thankfully, but what has happened…
“Former general Hak…,” Keishuk’s words of greeting are meant to insult, but they don’t affect the intended recipient -- Hak has far too much experience with how deep real insults can go.
As the talk of war strategy begins, Hak also avoids looking at Yona. He tries to focus on the matter at hand: ending this war swiftly and saving lives. The reason they’re there in the first place. His family is going to be out there fighting -- this is a conversation he is determined to participate in fully and well.
Hak considers, “...in that case, if the Fire troops flank them on the left--”
“--then the Earth can make up for lost time in the center,” Soo-Won realizes out loud as though finishing his own thought.
Hak is still focused, “If we’re there when that happens, Li Hazara should be too--”
“--cut the head off the snake… victory could be attained with…” Soo-Won carries the thought forward.
“--within half a day with that strategy,” Hak admits.
Hak and Soo-Won are facing each other, realizing they’ve found the way forward together, when they suddenly feel the eyes of everyone in the room on them. How long had they been finishing one another’s sentences this morning? The synergy of it all was that of… only those who had known each other well for many years. Hak looks away coolly. Soo-Won clocks that and slowly pulls his eyes off his old friend.
“Then, tomorrow,” Keishuk finalizes their discussion, “In the morning, we go to war.”
And for the first time since he entered, Hak looks at the princess -- who is now staring at him in return, troubled, then looks away as though her heart can’t take it anymore. ...suddenly that she had been so quiet this whole time strikes him as strange. But everyone is rising and he has to go with Tae-Woo. But mentally he’s back to where he started here with her -- what has happened…
Seeing Hak and Soo-Won together like that… was more heartbreaking to Yona than she ever could have imagined. Not only because of their past, but because of what was proposed to her last night. That all these plans… Hak wouldn’t be there tomorrow to see them through.
“My understanding is she’ll be staying with the king from now on…” Joo-Doh explains to Jae-Ha as he gestures for him to leave.
Hak stops in his tracks at that.
“Lord Hak…” Tae-Woo turns to see what’s wrong.
No, no, no -- Yona sees what’s happening.
Hak turns around to face her -- she’s intensely aware of Keishuk watching the scene. She at first looks away from Hak as though nothing is going on, then for the briefest of seconds flicks her eyes at him with the best expression she can of, “It’s OK.”
But she knows he knows she’d convey that no matter what in this situation. And for very good reason -- he needs to get out of there before he can’t control himself anymore.
And that is happening -- Hak’s mind is racing with things he doesn’t want to think about, heart pounding about what he wants to stop if it’s happening, and his hands are about to start following very emotional orders. So he turns, with the help of Tae-Woo yanking on him, and forces himself out the door.
“Come with me,” Soo-Won whispers to Yona.
“It’s OK. Joo-Doh’s right,” Yona conveys to Jae-Ha before turning and going.
Jae-Ha presses his lips in frustration once more, then heads away to find another dragon.
Immediately in Soo-Won’s room--
“You need to stop him. Go do what we spoke about before he does something none of us can take back.”
Soo-Won grabs a cloak for her, then opens a side flap of the tent for her escape.
Yona pulls the hood over her hair and runs through the rows between tents, searching and searching for Hak. Every minute feels like the loss of an hour, her tensions rising impossibly as she goes. She’s out of breath--
--an arm grabs her and pulls her back into a tent.
It’s a small, dimly lit space full of linens -- as Yona gasps for breath, she looks up to see him -- Hak. Thoughts left behind, she lunges into his arms, knocking him onto his back on a pile of clothes. He’s instantly kissing her, arms wrapped around her torso, desperately feeling inch by inch of her deeply missed body.
Yona still hasn’t caught her breath, and she's very aware they're past the "safe week" now for this... but in the throes of this moment, missing him this hard, needing him this badly, she’s determined to calm down her beast without words.
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