Okay so I'm watching Fight for My Way and realising some things.
One is that I really, really enjoy it when you have a friendship that's so strong, you can commit small criminal acts against each other (sometimes, you just have to pinch your friend's nose until he gives up his seat on the bus to you. Or strangle your bff until she stops with the aegyo).
Another is that romance that's based off friendship where the two people have goals and dreams independent of each other, are just so.....special? It's like "I'm not choosing my goals or this romance. I'm not even making it about both. We're just people with dreams and lives and struggles and one of them happens to be this stupid love" (so far, anyway....sparks haven't fully fluttered yet and it's absolutely hilarious to watch them be so angry that the other is sparking The Feelings in them). And I'm not reallyyyyy into many romances (I tend to read a lot and a lot of romances where both are treated like people), but it really is kinda nice to see that
Also, I LOVE that wanting to be a spouse is treated a valid dream, as much as wanting to be an anchorwoman or mma fighter or whatever Jooman has going on.
Finally, I think that the biggest flaw in these "treat both of them like people" romances is that when you stick them in tropes (like the guys fighting over girl trope), it's gonna be awkward.
Either way, love the banter. Love the fact that they're bullying each other relentlessly. Dynamic is peak....
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A plataforma social que Trump está usando se tornou um refúgio para muitos
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O ex-presidente dos EUA, Donald Trump, anunciou que participaria das eleições presidenciais de 2024, no entanto, um dos problemas enfrentados por Trump é que sua conta no twitter foi bloqueada por causa do "motim do capitólio" em janeiro do ano passado, e seus 88 milhões de seguidores puderam receber mais noticias em tempo real Felizmente, Trump também tem sua própria plataforma social que basicamente clona a função do Twitter, o que todos não sabem é que o Truth Social não foi realmente construído do zero, mas do Mastodon, uma plataforma de "infraestrutura" social. Esta plataforma social com um mamute ingênuo como logotipo não só conquistou o ex-presidente, mas também se tornou um refúgio para um grande número de "refugiados do Twitter". Nos 20 dias desde que Musk assumiu o Twitter, 500.000 novos usuários sairam do Twitter sobrecarregaram os servidores do Mastodon. Ao mesmo tempo, a equipe do Mastodon também anunciou recentemente que os usuários ativos mensais da plataforma ultrapassaram oficialmente 1 milhão. Uma plataforma social tão distribuída que precisa alugar seu próprio servidor pode desafiar com sucesso o Twitter de Musk na atual faixa social onde o "fluxo de informações" está voando por todo lugar? Seu modelo de "infraestrutura" que permite a qualquer um "replicar" sua própria plataforma Twitter, será que o próximo Twitter vai nascer? O Mastodon, que se autodenomina uma "rede de mídia social descentralizada e de código aberto gratuita", também foi descrito por seus usuários como um santuário de comunicação "significativamente menos tóxico" do que seus pares. O resultado de seis anos de pesquisa e desenvolvimento na Mastodon gGmbH, uma organização sem fins lucrativos alemã liderada por Eugen Rochko, foi lançado em 2016 e é amplamente financiado por crowdfunding, com a maioria dos servidores financiados pelas pessoas que os usam. O nome Mastodon vem da banda de heavy metal de mesmo nome que o fundador Rochko gosta. Embora também signifique "mastodonte", devido à tradução errada na comunidade chinesa, "Mastodon" se tornou popular e muito fofo. "Mastodon" Tornou-se o nome chinês geralmente aceito de Mastodonte. Curiosamente, Eugen Rochko costumava ser um usuário leal do Twitter, apenas para se desiludir mais tarde. Ele desenvolveu o software para permitir que o site substitua o Twitter por uma "estrutura de plataforma descentralizada", criando um espaço público não controlado por uma única entidade e proporcionando uma experiência de mídia social mais amigável. Em entrevista à revista Time, Rochko disse que quando começou a desenvolver o Mastodon, percebeu que "ser capaz de me expressar online para meus amigos via Twitter era muito importante para mim e importante para o mundo, talvez o Twitter não devesse estar no mãos de uma empresa que pode fazer o que quiser." Além disso, ao contrário do Twitter, o Mastodon se recusa a ser "comercializado", não possui algoritmos ou anúncios e não vende dados do usuário. O Mastodon já estava na mídia em 2017, quando o aplicativo começou a ganhar força entre as pessoas que buscavam uma alternativa ao Twitter. De acordo com os dados da plataforma, nos últimos anos, embora os desenvolvedores do Mastodon nunca tenham feito nenhuma promoção, sempre que um escândalo estourou em uma grande plataforma de mídia social, haverá uma onda de usuários migrando para o Mastodon. Ainda assim, esse aumento de popularidade de curto prazo pegou a maioria de surpresa. "Adicionei mais seguidores ao Mastodon na semana passada do que nos últimos cinco anos", disse Jooman, especialista em mídia social da Universidade de Massachusetts Amherst. O crescimento médio do Mastodon foi de 60 a 80 novos usuários por hora antes de Musk concluir a aquisição do Twitter em 27 de outubro, mas na última segunda-feira após o fechamento da aquisição, houve 3.568 novas inscrições em uma hora. Em 6 de novembro, o fundador do Mastodon, Rochko, disse que "o serviço ganhou 489.003 novos usuários desde 27 de outubro". No dia seguinte, Rochko acrescentou: "Hoje temos 1.028.362 usuários ativos mensais em toda a rede, o que é muito legal". Para uma imagem mais clara de quão rápido a comunidade Mastodon cresceu, confira este gráfico do pesquisador do MIT Esteban: Como fundador e único funcionário da empresa, Rochko paga a si mesmo US$ 2.400 por mês. Ele observou em um artigo recente que estava trabalhando de 12 a 14 horas por dia para atender ao alto volume de demanda e também comprou um hardware mais poderoso para atualizar o servidor de banco de dados do Mastodon. Read the full article
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confyna-army · 7 years
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This drama also had really good #lifequotes that I took note of. The last quote honestly sums up the drama, regardless of what people say, or your circumstances GIVE IT YOUR BEST SHOT…
Please like or reblog if you save or use, all edits are mine
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hymnforallihavelost · 7 years
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aprlkdramas · 7 years
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...I knew I couldn't give you the best of the best, but I wanted to give you at least the average... but that "average" was too hard to reach. 💔
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littlepinkharmony · 7 years
So the New Guy. The LandLadty’s Son is going after AeRa. I for sure thought he was gonna be there for SulHee. I’m kinda sad now. 
On another note I have a feeling they are trying to get SulHee and JooMan back together. Which I kinda don’t want.
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diannesevilla · 7 years
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' Even if we can't win, let's play anyway. Living our way is winning. Who cares what others say. 💯 -Dong Man #FightForMyWay #DongMan #AeRa #SulHee #JooMan #KDrama 🇰🇷
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stealthydani · 7 years
Is someone watching Fight My Way? I freaking looooove this drama and I just can’t believe it’s almost over. I try to unpack WHY I love the drama so much in this vid. None of my friends are watching it.... anyone out there want to fangirl with me?
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mangoquotes · 6 years
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Even if we can’t win, let’s play anyway. Living our way is winning, who cares what others say?  
You need to be reckless to hit the jackpot.
Don’t mind what others are eating.
Where I am is the major league.
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juliachoi · 4 years
rewatching fight for my way for the nth time and sulhee deserves better
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tidlslalsgh · 7 years
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Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams. - Ashley Smith.
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chiveburger · 4 years
If it hasn’t been obvious due to my very sporadic posts about it, I was highly invested in fight my way ONLY for sul and jooman. I didn’t even finish that drama for the main couple, I only watched the final cuts with sul and jooman. I thought it was really interesting to watch and analyze. sul, who is played by song hayoon is also one of my most favorite actresses (because of this role too) and I always thought her character was so motherly and lovely. which is why I liked writing about her so much. I also really loved the progression they had and how they played out the turbulence of a relationship even when both sides thoroughly loved each other. also the connotations on cheating was written really nicely like I think they tried to get across the point that cheating isn’t just a solid line you step over (ie. having sex with someone else)... It’s the way you interact with others who aren’t your partner and how willing you are to put yourself in your lover’s shoes to see how it can affect them. I liked that. 
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emsal · 7 years
좋은 꿈을 꿨을 생각해 애라야~~ 😂😂😂 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Güzel bir rüya gördüğünü düşün Aera-yaaa~~ 😂😂😂 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Final epilog Part 1/2 #터키 #일상 #데일리 #mydaily #daily #mylife #life #대박 #drama #kdrama #Koreandrama #드라마 #쌈마이웨이 #FightMyWay #ChoiAeRa #KoDongman #Sulhee #Jooman #최애라 #고동만 #박서준 #김지원 #송하윤 #안재홍 @bn_sj2013 @geewonii
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jooheonsdarling · 7 years
My thoughts about ‘Fight My way’ Spoiler if you are watching the drama^^;
I just have to vent about this drama for a bit. It might not make sense because this it literally how my thoughts are lol also this is my opinion sooooo if you do like it, it’s okay, just don’t be rude. Here I go:
So, the first episode right away pissed me off so bad, I was legit cussing and ready to fight and it wasn’t about the cast or anything //I like the casting//. Right away when when Aera’s boyfriend cheated on her with some older women who is earning a lot of money, it just pissed me off. How dare he do that to her, when all she did was take care of him???? Fucking ass lol /the character/ And then I can’t describe Aera’s personality.... likes she’s badass and is open and also ready to fight lol but like her aegyo throws me off guard sometimes. I like it though, it isn’t that bad lol. Also why is everyone in this damn drama LYING and not COMMUNICATING????? AHHHH it drives me insane. Also I dislike Hyeran’s character lol thinking she can always come back and get Dongman... smh. Girl he is now in love with NOT GONNA SPOIL IT IF YOU ARE WATCHING but still, like it pisses me off. He would take her back and then she’d just play with him smh. I hope everything goes will for him though (I am on ep 10 right now). //Also I liked Moobin, but then I found out what he was doing and I was disappointed, I understand his frustration and then showing off and shit, but also it was ass move. He was gonna get married tf does he think he’s doing??? ahfaeo’d//
I wanna touch up on Seolhee’s and Jooman’s relationship. So at first I felt bad, but really loved their relationship a lot, but as the drama goes, I get frustrated. Why can’t these couple be straight forward they have been dating for like 6 ass years?? And Jooman lies to Seolhee? Just so she wouldn’t worry? No? That’s only make things worse... I just high key hope they are able to save their relationship... but...
I also wanna say that this drama makes me think about life. I have goals and dreams in life, but what if I study so hard, graduate and in a couple of years, I still can’t get my dream job? Idk made me sad a bit, because I just want to be able to look forward to working hard for my dream job, but it’s so hard, cause expenses and then working to pay bill.. IDK this is where I am just letting my mind get even more messy.
If you decide to watch this drama let me know your thoughts!! I’d be so happy if anyone would share them!!! Now, to go back and hopefully finish it today!!!
Jan 8, 2018.
I am finally finished with ‘Fight My Way’. I loved the ending, but I really wanted to see more about Dongman and Aera’s wedding lol. But It was really funny. Towards the end, I was getting angry at Aera for not supporting Dongmans dream, but after something happened (I won’t spoil anything, since someone may come across this and find it) I was understanding why she didn’t want him to continue fighting. Over all, I seriously liked the the last episode. There were a lot of times, the drama annoyed, but I am glad I didn’t give up, it was enjoyable, had me really wanting more. I wouldn’t recommend to someone I know, would probably get angry and just quit, but I mean, it would depend on the person if they watch it all or not. 
If anyone comes across this post, and you are going to start ‘Fight My Way’ let me know your thoughts, I’d like to discuss about the drama! (By discuss I mean, lets just freak out about how dorky, cute and annoying these relationships were LOL)
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stealthydani · 7 years
¿Quién esta viendo “Pelear por mi camino”? Yo siiiiiii y me encaaaanta!  En este video trato de explicar porque esta dorama me gusta tanto. Ninguno de mis amigos la esta viendo y necesito alguien con quien hablaaaar! T.T
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