#jonesy odowd
shittyysimblr · 4 years
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@waysims @ohsosims @pansimic @himbosims
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CYRUS: This was really nice, guys. I’ve been really stressed with everything that’s going on. The album, the gala, and you know, Julianna..
JONESY: Oh yeah the galas coming up really soon isn’t it?
CYRUS: Yeah, they’re doing the last of the prep today and tomorrow actually.
ACE: I’m sorry, gala?!
CYRUS: Yeah, big charity party I do every year. Help put some money into local LGBT organizations and other good causes. Though we mostly focus on the community.
GINO: That’s amazing. I didn’t know you did that..
CYRUS: *chuckles* Not so one note.
GINO: I never thought you were.
JESSE: So you’re going to be gone again? To go to the gala, I mean.
CYRUS: What? No. It’s going to be a group date. Got fancy duds for you guys and everything. You’ll get to meet some of my more presentable friends. We’re making a whole day of it. Should be a fun time. Booze, music, and tons of people showing off for a good cause. *chuckles*
JONESY: Same guests you usually have?
CYRUS: A few of the regulars. Couple news faces who want to get in on the fun. I heard Bella Goth is gracing us with her presence this time.
JESSE: So it’s a pretty big deal then..
CYRUS: Eh, not really. But we do hope to bring in a good amount of money this year.
FRANKIE: Wait can be back up a second. You got clothes for us? Can we see?!
CYRUS: Sorry, love. Gotta wait for the big reveal. But you’ll all be red carpet ready.
ACE: Oh god, I’m going to hate this aren’t I?
CYRUS: Quite possibly. But it’ll be fun!
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shittyysimblr · 4 years
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JONESY: Thanks for breakfast, mate. GINO: No problem. Not a master chef or anything, but I make a mean pancake. JONESY: Heh, Cyrus can’t cook for shit. Hope you’re ok with eating out every night. That is if he can’t convince that fancy cunt Andy to come work for him again. GINO: Hmm.. You know him pretty well, huh? JONESY: Who, Cyrus? Yeah, you could say that. Though this side of him is newer to me. We didn’t have a whole lot of clear-headed moments between the two of us. Kind of like meeting him all over again. He’s a big softie underneath all the chaos. GINO: Yeah… Is it weird for you? Being here with all of us when you knew him before? JONESY: Sometimes? You’d think it’d give me an edge or something, but sometimes I think it’s hard for him to let go of our past. Like I’m a reminder of who he was and doesn’t want to be again. GINO: I’m sure that’s not true. You seem like a good enough guy. I mean, I can’t speak for who you are outside the house because I don’t know that version of you. But from what I’ve seen you care about him a lot. And as much as I hate to admit it, he cares a lot about you too. JONESY: Thanks. You’re a good guy. Way too good for any of us… GINO: So he keeps telling me.. JONESY: What are you doing here? Really... You got a kid right?? You really see Cyrus as the kind of guy you could bring around them? GINO: I’ve thought about that a lot recently, with everything going on. I miss her so much it’s like a hole in my chest. I’m not sure I would have come on if I knew all of Cyrus’ history, but I can see that he is trying to do better with his life. I think that’s admirable. I think he’ll be able to get to a good point within himself eventually. JONESY: But how long do you think that’ll take? Cyrus has gone through a lot of shit in his life. Even me and Don don’t know everything. He became that person as a way to protect himself. I don’t know if he can ever give it up. As much as I want that for him too, I just don’t think he’s as ready as he says he is. GINO: I guess we’ll just have to wait and see…
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shittyysimblr · 4 years
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@waysims @himbosims
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JESSE: Hey does Cyrus seem off to you? It might just be the jetlag, but he’s been really quiet for a while now… ACE: I mean a lot of stuff has been happening all at once recently. Maybe it’s pressure about the album? JESSE: I don’t know, I feel like if it was that he’d be crazier. Try to relieve the stress, y’know? ACE: Well he has been locked up in the studio most of the last few days… JESSE: I think he’s trying to hide from something…. JONESY: He is. JESSE: What? JONESY: Not jetlag, not stress, he hates himself and he’s trying to get that out before he does something he’ll regret… ACE: *long exhale* fuuucckk… JESSE: Shouldn’t we… do something? JONESY: Not much we can do...
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shittyysimblr · 4 years
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@waysims @himbosims
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JONESY: Still feel like it would be best to leave him be so he can work it out for himself. Wait for him to come to us…
ACE: Nah bullshit. Now how are we getting him out of there?
JESSE: Uhhh… fake emergency?
ACE: Such as….
JESSE: …Don set the couch on fire?
JONESY: *laughs* It’s happened. He’d just ask if everyone was safe and to make a list of things that need to be replaced.
ACE: Jesus Christ, that man is a fucking walking disaster. And that’s coming from ME!
JONESY: You don’t even know the half of it…
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shittyysimblr · 4 years
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CYRUS: JONESY. I’m so glad you decided to come on and tell me how you feel.. I think there’s something real here. I hope you’ll give me the chance to show you how much you mean to me..
@foxsimthings​ they are literally the sweetest thing in the entire world!!!
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CYRUS: GINO. I know I can be a handful most of the time but I’m happy to have you in my corner.. if you want to stay. I’d like to prove that I’m more than what I’ve shown.
@ohsosims​ this boy blushes every time cyrus walks by and it is ADORABLE
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shittyysimblr · 4 years
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JONESY: Hey lads, how’s the night treatin’ you?
JHONY: Not bad. Haven’t seen the wonder boy yet, but I imagine he’s busy talking someone out of millions as we speak.
MAI: Ha! If there’s one thing King’s are good at, it’s talkin’ people out of their money.
JONESY: Don’t get your pants in a twist because he only likes you for your money, darling.
MAI: Suck my dick. I could buy and sell your whole life.
JONESY: And it wouldn’t cost you a penny.
JHONY: Down you two. Mai is just annoyed because she’s got the creativity of a garden snail and Cyrus is brilliant enough to have people throwing money at him.
MAI: First of all, I happen to rather like garden snails. Second of all, prepare to be violently killed in my next work.
JONESY: Which will be coming, when exactly?
MAI: Shut. Up.
JHONY: Seriously though, how’s our man doing? He’s all work when he’s with me.
JONESY: He’s… teetering.
JHONY: Ffuucckk…
MAI: Honestly, I prefer pre-rehab Cyrus. WAY more inspiring…
JHONY: Mai, walk away right now please.
MAI: Fine. X is around here somewhere and he’s way more fun than you anyways.
JHONY: So that bad, huh?
JONESY: Yeah. Show’s really getting’ to him. I almost wish he’d just cancel it and take a break from everything for a while.
JHONY: You know he’d never go for that. Since he got clean all he does is work. I’m worried, man.
JONESY: *sigh* He’s trying to fill a hole. But this is different. Did you hear about what happened with the contestant that left?
JHONY: Yeah, Andrew told me.
JONESY: Fucking prick. Of course he did. Anyway, that messed him up a lot more than he’s lettin’ on. He’s hurting. Bad.
JHONY: I’m sure he’ll figure it out. He always does. Plus he’s got all of you to look out for him.
JONESY: I just don’t think he can take anymore…
JHONY: Well here’s hoping he won’t have to.
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shittyysimblr · 4 years
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JONESY: Hey, dove. Things sure are heatin’ up, huh?
CYRUS: You have no idea. It’s nice having you here, though.
CYRUS: I know it’s not easy. As surprising as some of you might find it, it’s actually hard for me too.
JONESY: Not easy having 7 people throwing themselves at you, huh?
CYRUS: Don’t be an ass. You know it’s more than that. It’s hard seeing how I’m hurting people.. hurting you…
JONESY: Who said I was hurt? I’m having a grand ol’ time, dove.
CYRUS: Do NOT look me in the face and lie to me, Jonesy. I KNOW you’re having a hard time with all this.
JONESY: I’m having a hard time being cooped up in this house. I’ve seen you fuck people in front of me, Cyrus. I think I can handle you flirting. Badly, might I add.
CYRUS: You know it’s more than just meaningless flirting and sex. I care about all of you. I-I’m trying to find something better for myself here. I know we have something real between us, but I have to be fair to everyone else. I can’t… I can’t play favourites.
JONESY: I know. Hey- *grabs his face* I know, ok? I know this is hard on you. I’m sorry. I’m just being an ass because I hate that it hurts so much.
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shittyysimblr · 4 years
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Group 1: Jonesy, Jesse, Frankie, Aurora
FRANKIE: I’m serious! You’ve got to look out for yourself!!
JONESY: I’m just here for a good time, not a long time. I’m going out in a blaze of glory and so high on horse tranquilizers that I can’t see a goddamn thing.
JESSE: Dude…
CYRUS: *coughs* same *coughs*
(Group dates are honestly the worst, it’s like herding cats, but I managed to get a few good shots. Some sims are working hard to make a lasting impression on Cyrus! @foxsimthings @waysims @pansimic @kit-cat-sims )
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shittyysimblr · 4 years
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Solo Dates: Jonesy (1)
CYRUS: So I’m no chef, but I tried my best…
JONESY: Oh fuck, you’re trying to kill me, aren’t you? This is it. This is how I die.
CYRUS: Dick! I really tried here, mate!!
JONESY: That’s what concerns me. I’ve seen you fuck up cornflakes, dove.
CYRUS: UUHHHH that was one time! And I was cross faded as hell. You CANNOT hold that against me forever.
JONESY: Can and will.
CYRUS: Well prepare to be dazzled by my superior skills!
JONESY: You just ordered in and change the plates, didn’t you??
CYRUS: Ye of little faith….
JONESY: In your cooking? Yes. Always.
CYRUS: Fuck off O’Dowd. Everything I do is delicious!
JONESY: Just because YOU’RE delicious does not mean your food is. You are definitely just a pretty face. Sorry to break it to you, dove.
CYRUS: Seems to have worked all right on you.
JONESY: That’s because I have terrible taste.
CYRUS: Lucky for me!
@foxsimthings i just... i’m so soft for them
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shittyysimblr · 4 years
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C: “Yo long time no see! Wait, how’d you get past the crew??”
J: “Just snuck past when no one was lookin’. I’m here to party!”
C: “You know this is like a dating show, right?”
J: “No shit asshole. I've always had a thing for you.”
C: “Were you like, ever gonna tell me or..?”
J: “Uhhh idk I was thinking I might put it on a cake and have a strippergram pop out or somthin’ but then this came up?”
C: “So you didn’t bring a stripper…?”
( @foxsimthings and I figured these trash boys definitely crossed paths while tearing up the town, though Cyrus probably doesn’t remember a whole lot.. Jonesy has been a little distance since the start but I’m sure it won’t be long before he’s bouncing off the walls)
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shittyysimblr · 4 years
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CYRUS: JONESY. Hey… I know this isn’t easy. I care about you. A lot. I hope you won’t let this competition get the better of you.
@foxsimthings​ Jonesy is NOT handling the whole situation well. He’s keeping his distance right now..
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CYRUS: JULIANNA. I still think you’re WAY too good for me, but I’ll do my best to not let that affect our relationship. I do want to give it a try.
@simsillie Juli tends to dance around his romantic advances but their friendship is really strong.
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shittyysimblr · 4 years
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CYRUS: Figured it might be fun to hit up an ol’ stomping ground. Lotta good times here, huh?
JONESY: Hoping to have a few more.
CYRUS: *chuckles* And I’ll actually remember these!
JONESY: Not gonna lie, you were way more fun before..
CYRUS: Hey!!
JONESY: Joking. I’m glad you’re trying to clean up, sometimes I wish I could do the same..
CYRUS: It’s not all sunshine and rainbows, believe me.
JONESY: Yeah no shit. That’s how it feels to be on ‘em. Can’t have it both ways.
CYRUS: *sighs* I guess. Let’s talk about something else, yeah?
JONESY: Like how dashing I am?
CYRUS: Or how I’ve been sleeping with contestants… how are you feeling about all that?
JONESY: I’m fine.
CYRUS: Sure about that?
JONESY: No. It sucks. But that’s the game. I’m here because I care about you and I can’t let this stupid game get to me.
( @foxsimthings they are so fucking adorable it actually kills me. Jonesy’s been a bit distant since the news dropped but their friendship is still really strong)
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shittyysimblr · 4 years
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some more mingling shots
some people are a bit more active in seeking Cyrus out than others but he’ll get to know everyone better later in the week!!
@foxsimthings @pansimic @waysims @ohsosims 
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shittyysimblr · 4 years
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JONESY: Ha. It’ll nice to see some old faces, but the whole thing is going to be a massive snooze. Fancy people trying to make themselves feel better by throwing a little money towards a good cause. It’s basically a wildly expensive ego boost. Maybe with everyone else here though it’ll be a laugh.
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shittyysimblr · 4 years
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shittyysimblr · 4 years
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Solo Dates: Jonesy (2)
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