#ts4 bachelor challenge entry
plushymoth · 2 years
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yarrow quartz for @wrixie / mini eevee odd
_alien | 25 | she/they
_creative | high maintenance | outgoing
_aspiration: musical genius
_works at the local bakery (but is an up-and-coming musician too !)
<3′s baking | playing the guitar and piano | singing | mingling | naps | journaling | collecting cool rocks | dancing in her bedroom | her pet fish
</3′s mischief (pranks and cruel jokes) | fitness | handiness | scratchy materials | burnt cookies
more info below cut ✿
yarrow trivia !
born of two alien parents who made their home on earth, she is the youngest of 5 siblings !
though they work at the bakery in the day, they play live shows at bars and other small venues in the evening
her passion is writing music and songs, her work has a very soft and kinda sultry sort of dreampop feeling
basically simlish elita harkov
lowkey simstagram famous
she has only had two ‘serious’ relationships, both ending poorly.  she has since waited to start dating again, but is now ready to dip her toes back into the pool !
they are somewhat the black sheep of their family in that her parents and siblings are more scientific and medically focused in their careers
has been at-odds many times with her parents because of this, but she remains very close with her siblings
would love nothing more than to bake you the world’s best banana muffins
has 3 beta fish in separate, quite elaborate enclosures - live plants and everything !
okay !!! that should be everything ;w; work has been so hectic and i haven’t done anything sims related in a HOT minute, but i could NOT miss the opportunity to make a simmie for this bc !!! yarrow is quite cc heavy so i apologize :,) 
i wanted to make the pictures more elaborate like thistle’s but i just couldn’t figure out what would look good LOL so i went simple
* i didn’t touch her disguise at all besides remove all the clothes (boo disguises suck)
private dl if chosen !
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dandylion240 · 1 year
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I have lousy timing but I really want to make this announcement now regardless of how long I have to wait for sims because who knows how long it will take EA to fix the face glitch from their latest fix.
A few months back I did a poll on who you might be interested in seeing in a bachelor challenge. I've decided since I'm between TS4 stories that now would be a good time to do the BC.
It will be a double BC for twins, Ezekial and Ephriam Reagan. You've seen them as toddlers so whoever wins their hearts may not show up immediately in story in their YA forms and the BC will not be cannon to story. Depending upon story ideas they may or may not appear in younger form.
In regards to packs I figure it would be easier to list what I do not have. I do not have: High School Years, Werewolves, Journey to Batuu and none of the kits except for Bust the Dust and Carnaval Streetwear.
CC is welcome. It can be either alpha or maxis match. I do prefer alpha hairs so be aware that whoever wins their hair may change to alpha after a while.
Please provide the following: Asperation, traits, their design aesthetic (picture of their favorite room showing their aesthetic) and a backstory the more detailed the better because they will more than likely become part of the Reagan story. Give them likes and dislikes.
Sims can be any gender, trans, bi, non-binary, occult. Use your imagination. It doesn't have to be something offered in game. Or they can be an ordinary human. Be as creative as you want.
No deadline. No limit yet. Depends on how many sims I get. If you've already updated you're game and wants to participate please DM me to let me know.
Tag entries as double trouble bc
Pictures and information about the bachelors can be found here and here This post just go too long.
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indigoelfinspirit · 2 years
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I posted 524 times in 2022
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Longest Tag: 131 characters
#it’s almost hilarious if they hadn't paid $2000 for a rental and wedding hall in tartosa only to be stuck in their nonexistent yard
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34 notes - Posted August 7, 2022
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35 notes - Posted October 23, 2022
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36 notes - Posted August 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Hadrian’s Perfect Fit
Hadrian is ready to look for love again after having his heart broken on Ada's Bachelorette. The 33 year old stylist admits that the Bachelorette was not his finest moment, and has come to accept that he wasn’t being true to himself. Our newest bachelor is bringing a twist to the traditional challenge - Hadrian is bi with a preference for masc partners. So there may be fewer glamorous dresses this season, but Hadrian assures us there will be plenty of romance. The Bachelor and contestants will spend quite a bit of time traveling to exotic locales as Hadrian is looking for someone to go on adventures with.
The show is currently searching for contestants, and will be accepting applications until June 22nd. 
More information below the cut & link to Hadrian’s full biography
Hadrian Cerestes
Age 33
Bi (leans pan but generally prefers masc or nonbinary partners)
Hometown: Henford on Bagley 
Current Residence: Hadrian splits his time between Del Sol Valley and San Myshuno
Career: Celebrity Stylist
Interests: Fashion, travel, spending time with his niece and nephew, good food, and spa days
Fun Facts: He’s retained his posh Britsim accent. Spends the first weekend of every winter break at Mouseland with his niblings for Winterfest, and has a secret collection of Mouse wear explicitly for those trips.
Hadrian’s Full Biography can be found here
If you want to see what happened in Ada’s BC go here
Submission Guidelines
YA preferred (for the purpose of this BC that means under 40), Adult submissions will be considered and entered at Hadrian’s discretion
Gay/Bi/Pan/Queer men, nonbinary individuals, and trans masc sims accepted. 
Please fill free to give them careers and skills (and cheat them a reasonable amount - don’t max everything). No romantic or unfairly traits please.
Your sim will need an entry introduction and a backstory/profile that gives me more information to go off of. Please feel free to dm me more information if you want there to be surprises or if you just think of something. Sims eliminated from other bcs will be allowed as long as their bio addresses what happened.
This BC is a bit of storytelling and gameplay so decisions will not be made purely from results. Eliminated sims may be used as side characters in potential post bc story (but if you want them back feel free to let me know). Also please let me know on the form if your sim is okay with getting pregnant or getting others pregnant (or neither or both) since mpreg is an option in my saves. I will do my best to properly interpret your sim’s personality, but this is going to be my best guess based on what you give me.
Please provide at least 1 outfit for each category preferably 2-3 for everyday and formal
Maxis Match CC allowed within limits (hair below 7mbs, skin details, tattoos welcome) CC can if be used for the first everyday outfit, but not the rest unless it is repeated (ex. Cc glasses or jewelry from the first outfit can be added to the other outfits since it’s not adding additional files). I have default replacement eyes and about a half dozen Sorbet Remix, Academia, and Jewl eyes so I will be using ones I already have, but I will try to get close if you specify a color. No Alpha cc, sliders, or custom traits (they will show up blank and I will fill them in based on their story).
No occults, vanilla sims preferred.
Pack info: All current EPs and GPS, no kits, and some SPs (Tiny, backyard, kitchen, tots, kids, movie, knitting, Moschino, laundry, and spooky)
All submitted sims will be accepted at my discretion up to 20 sims.
Send your gays here (google form does not collect emails)
Also post and tag me and use hashtag #HadrianBC or #Hadrian’s Perfect Fit I will reblog as I see the notifications. If I haven’t reblogged it within a couple days DM me the link. 
54 notes - Posted June 11, 2022
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cloutbait · 2 years
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donna ishikawa for angus castle's bachelor challenge by @nettlenotes
i was asked to make a milf and nothing can stop me from providing
donna is 45 yr old psychologist who, after finalizing her recent divorce, feels more excited, confident, and adventurous than she has in her entire life. she's ready to take her life back and explore new options for herself. she's never been known to take things seriously, enjoys having fun, and loves to help others open up and enjoy themselves too. she is a pansexual woman (she/her) and her traits are romantic, out-going, and goofball. she will tell the cashier u asked for no pickles, dont even worry about it bb.
she has a daughter from her previous marriage, robin, who is equally as excited to turn over a new leaf. robin is a highly artistic spirit, but her father used to get annoyed with her and her paintings, lecturing her about focusing on more important things. one of the first things donna did at their new home was build a small studio area, just for robin to paint in. things couldn't be more happy and hopeful for this duo!
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natolesims · 3 years
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SAM FOREMAN | Entry for @moonypyxels Bachelorette Challenge
Meet Sam (formerly Samuelle), your friendly neighbor. Born and raised in Mt. Komorebi, Sam is a very nice, chill guy who wants to make the world a better place for the next generations with his biology degree... but how? Becoming a conservationist? An eco-friendly civil designer? Working as a forest ranger? As a scout? While he figures it out, he might try and find love as well. He’ll need a companion to get him off the clouds every once in a while!
More about Sam under the cut!
He’s 27 years old, but everyone thinks he’s 20-22 or so. He blames his baby-face on his mother!
Traits: Vegetarian, cheerful, proper. Aspiration: Eco-Innovator
He became a trans man at 21. It was an easygoing transition, everyone supported him :D (specially his dad. He was freaking out, but in a good way).
He’s an only child!
He loves cats! And is allergic to dogs, unfortunately :( he likes them too.
Has been taking dance lessons... and is failing miserably. 
He loves chill and cozy videogames. He’s very good at them, but never brags.
Speaking of “very good”, this guy’s kind of a genius. He got a distingushed degree mention (?) in Biology from Foxbury. He was the best student of his year!
He loves traveling and vacationing anywhere, anytime. He has been to Sulani a couple of times before.
Says he doesn’t believe in ghosts... but low key does. He will never admit it. 
Is a plant mom
Tries to be in a good physical shape, but hates gyms. You can see him jogging or swimming regularly. Or doing yoga (he used to be an “instructor” at his university dorms!)
Is the boy every mom wants to be a good influence on their own kids.
Extreme weather doesn’t bother him THAT much.
Is proud of his booty (inherited from his dad).
Hates fishing with every fiber of his heart and won’t eat a bite of any kind of seafood. Not a tiny bit. He would rather starve. (Fish are friends, not food).
The same applies to bugs. Bugs are also friends. 
He loves technology. He thinks it can be used for good and improve the world :D
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simbience · 5 years
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Jozie for @devilsblush​ ‘s Yomu (Info below the cut!)
Satan’s favorite little Chimera. Jozie was created strictly for pleasure by Big Red himself. She spends most of her days in a room with a bed. Coming out only to serve Big Red and his guests. Whether that be topping off drinks, putting on a show, running the gambling tables, or... Well you know!... After decades of carefully listening to every little conversation and story about what exists outside of H3LL, she’s longing for a taste. So, she finally escaped!
Age: ??
Orientation: ??
Technically never given a name, was shown a contraband cartoon from The AboveTM in the 70′s and decided that to be her name. Which is also probably why she spelled it wrong....
Wants to know what it feels like to be cared about in return, maybe even have a .... family? or a friend?
Very nurturing
No one knows she has telekinesis
Can charm your socks off, or fucking kill you with a stare
ALWAYS warm ; loves eating “iced cream” because of the tszzzz sound it makes when it hits her tongue, she laff every time
Fascinated by animals and insects. Would never harm one
Likes to bite and lick people randomly??? She thinks everyone has a different flavor? So now she’s searching for her favorite :x
Makes weird noises when she’s comfortable???
Favorite color is black - but after crawling out of that hole in the ground and seeing “grass” for the first time, it’s green too. Grass is her favorite thing to touchl and green her favorite color to look at :o) 
“Italian” food please. Likes “the slurpy noodles”
Quick learner, naturally good @ most things
Likes the smell  of cigarettes & putting them out on her tongue
Soulmate ; Self-Assured, Erratic, Family-Oriented  
Tray files if chosen !! Love u!B
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shittyysimblr · 4 years
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[Captions under cut]
start || next || now
JONESY: Thanks for breakfast, mate. GINO: No problem. Not a master chef or anything, but I make a mean pancake. JONESY: Heh, Cyrus can’t cook for shit. Hope you’re ok with eating out every night. That is if he can’t convince that fancy cunt Andy to come work for him again. GINO: Hmm.. You know him pretty well, huh? JONESY: Who, Cyrus? Yeah, you could say that. Though this side of him is newer to me. We didn’t have a whole lot of clear-headed moments between the two of us. Kind of like meeting him all over again. He’s a big softie underneath all the chaos. GINO: Yeah… Is it weird for you? Being here with all of us when you knew him before? JONESY: Sometimes? You’d think it’d give me an edge or something, but sometimes I think it’s hard for him to let go of our past. Like I’m a reminder of who he was and doesn’t want to be again. GINO: I’m sure that’s not true. You seem like a good enough guy. I mean, I can’t speak for who you are outside the house because I don’t know that version of you. But from what I’ve seen you care about him a lot. And as much as I hate to admit it, he cares a lot about you too. JONESY: Thanks. You’re a good guy. Way too good for any of us… GINO: So he keeps telling me.. JONESY: What are you doing here? Really... You got a kid right?? You really see Cyrus as the kind of guy you could bring around them? GINO: I’ve thought about that a lot recently, with everything going on. I miss her so much it’s like a hole in my chest. I’m not sure I would have come on if I knew all of Cyrus’ history, but I can see that he is trying to do better with his life. I think that’s admirable. I think he’ll be able to get to a good point within himself eventually. JONESY: But how long do you think that’ll take? Cyrus has gone through a lot of shit in his life. Even me and Don don’t know everything. He became that person as a way to protect himself. I don’t know if he can ever give it up. As much as I want that for him too, I just don’t think he’s as ready as he says he is. GINO: I guess we’ll just have to wait and see…
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kit-cat-sims · 4 years
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Solo Vacation: Mina (12/20) @nova-plays
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lotusplum · 5 years
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Kiera Hooke for @tashsim Rocky’s super fancy Bachelor Challenge!
 Kierra honestly didn’t think she’d ever love again. When she broke up with her ex of 2 years she shut herself in her parent’s basement and decided to give up on life and do things that made her happy! Her parents weren’t too happy about that. When she saw the post about this BC she ignored it at first, and decided to play some games. After a while, her parents grew too tired and said that if she didn’t get a LIFE needless to say she’d have to find her own place sooner than later. So while pondering what “life” is and what kind of life she wanted, she decided to try it out!!
More facts about Kiera:
Gamer grill
Wants to go to school for graphic design 
the glasses are not prescribed, she just likes them
Really doesn’t get out much
Is kind of quiet but wants to learn to be more outgoing
Clumsy, Genius, Geek 
Has her own Twitch account with 9k followers!
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melonelle · 5 years
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Athena Billingsley for @abstractsim‘s Anais
25 years old. Public Enemy. Evil. Materialistic and Self Absorved.
Young and cunning, Athena knows every street and corner that Newcrest has to offer, and fondly remember them as home. With a hitman as a father, her life has been always high on adrenaline, never staying in the same place more than a week. So she doesn’t have a lot of friends but is very interested in getting a significant other. Now that she already left her early twenties she’d like to settle down and make her name feared all around.
may or may not have killed people before (she needed to learn the ropes of the job... afterall )
only child
smol. 1.52 cm.
will punch you if you look her at (what she considers) the wrong way
knows muay thai and loves sports in general
don’t let her fierce exterior fool you... flowers and animals melt her heart
very agile... but has two left feet when she dances
loves getting in fights at clubs.
has a moderated drinking problem
her mom was a drug adicct, so she doesn’t fuck with those
bilingual; knows rumanian.
she may come as a chaotic crazy bitch as a first impression
strongly values loyalty
her perfect date would start with a road trip and would end with a romantic picnic at the beach
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retropotion · 5 years
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Axel Ryder for @abstractsim Bachelor Challenge
28 years old | Outgoing, Self-Assured & Neat | Fabulously Wealthy
Her father wanted a boy, hence her name.
She’s a native of Strangerville. You must have heard about the town, now imagine the girl.
180 cm.
Her father bequeathed her a bar. But not just any bar. See the door at the back that is always closed? Ask her what’s behind and she’ll tell you it’s a depot. But if she deems you worthy of interest, she may suggest you take a look at it ... after closing.
The bar is partly a front. Axel acts as receiver of stolen goods. Looking for something? There’s a good chance for it to be in her possession.
Having a bar requires a lot of self-help. In the first place, you have to be sociable, because no one goes to a bar where the owner is unpleasant. Then you must know how to manage your establishment and not skimp on cleanliness. Because nobody likes to drink in a disgusting glass, and having soft lights won’t be able to hide all the dust for a long time. Finally, you must also know how to impose yourself: manage the fights, the breakups and all the bad payers who think they can deceive you. Axel can do all that. And manage a clandestine shop? It's pretty much the same thing.
If Axel hasn’t done any major studies, she’s nevertheless cultivated. She reads a lot. She has a soft spot sociology (she could write a book about it, seen specimens parading in her bar) and thrillers.
If in her public relations with others Axel seems very open and approchable, it’s a little less so in private. Can we really speak of intimacy, anyway? Not really. It must be years since she had a serious relationship. Since she took over the bar, actually. No time.
She hates lipstick ... it leaves traces on the glasses. Oh, and pink. ‘Cause it’s too ... well it’s pink.
Noisy people with high-pitched voices annoy her.
A quality? She’s a good listener. A flaw? She’s harsh. A second flaw? She has trust issues (try to work with scammers, you’ll see!). A third one? Well ... it’s enough for today.
And what about that perfect date? Anything that includes nature. Hiking, swimming in waterfalls or in the ocean.
I hope you like her! ❤️
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plushymoth · 2 years
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thistle trelegan for @wrixie / eevee x odd
_human | young adult | she/they | bisexual
_good | bookworm | paranoid
thistle trelegan is fascinated by all sorts of things: medieval medicine, bird migration patterns, geode formation, i mean- really any strangely specific thing you can think of.  thistle loves to read (and talk) about anything and everything.  after all, she studied in college to become a librarian !  when she isn’t reading to the kids during story time and sorting through hundreds of returned books, she volunteers at the local animal shelter.  this same shelter is where she adopted her cat, cupboard (aka cuppy) !  they absolutely adore all kinds of animals, having a handful of pet frogs, tarantulas, and mantises in their abode.
thistle can come across a bit awkward with new personal connections, and often struggles with self-confidence.  but she hopes entering this competition of sorts will allow her to blossom more with how she interacts with others and how she sees herself.  they’re eager to dip their toes into the dating pool and maybe even find their forever partner in the process <3  
wanna go on a science museum date ? (*ฅ́˘ฅ̀*) .。.:*♡
thistle is kiiinda cc heavy ?? but less than the amount my sims normally have i think sjdfkjs.  i gave her 1 outfit per category to kinda establish her color palette and style, but feel free to change whatever if some stuff doesn’t fit your vibe !!!  i used quite a few sliders and presets,, so i hope that’s alright ;w;
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simatomica · 5 years
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Marx Hawk for @klauseconfessions Jamisons BC
I took way too many pics of him but I loved him too much not to lol.
Marx is an actor from Del Sol Valley.
He’s 20, skipped college.
He is pansexual, and very open about it.
The biggest thing he’s acted in was in a Quentin Tarantino movie in which he died within the first 5 minutes of the movie (he’s super proud of it though).
His aunt is a very famous actress, also from Del Sol Valley, he lives in her lavish mansion until he can afford his own.
His mischievous smirk gets him in trouble because it’ll often be misinterpreted as flirting.
He’s extremely generous and will always be there for his friends and strangers if need be.
He’s outgoing, friendly, and loves karaoke bars (Even though he can’t sing for shit)
On his down time he loves to read, anything and everything.
Family is oh so important to him. Especially his aunt who basically raised him.
Private download
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ironicscavenger · 5 years
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Skyler Flynn for @ohsosims’ Jacob Rye
Skyler works out (almost) every day. One of his favorite workouts is Pilates. He gets teased on because he’s the only young boy in a group of older ladies. But he loves those ladies to death, and they love him. In fact, they encouraged him to enter the bachelor and take a chance at love.  Even then, he was on the fence. But what finally convinced him, was learning that Jacob is a fan of the Jonas Brothers. A guy that’s not only hot, but also shares his obsession? Sign him the eff up!
Some facts about Skyler:
Active, Music Lover, Dance Machine.
Aspiration: Bodybuilder.
Occupation: Personal Trainer.
34 years old.
Born in Willow Creek, but raised in Windenburg.
He is an only child, but his parents would sometimes foster kids until they found a forever home, so he feels like he had a lot of siblings. He keeps in touch with all of them.
He knows all of the Jonas Brothers songs (at least he thinks so). But “Paranoid” is definitely his favorite.
He can sing very well. He even tried some instruments, but it’s just not his thing.
Every month he takes the Pilates ladies out for karaoke. And, what kind of songs does he sing? Take a guess.
He goes out every weekend with his friends, of which he has many. He loves parties and rarely stays home.
His favorite colour is pink. Red is a close second.
People always ask him if he’s wearing eyeliner. The answer is: sometimes. He’s not afraid of a little makeup.
As a child, he was an avid reader of anything he could get his hands on.
Will probably call him Jacob in a sexy voice.
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Okay, I went a bit overboard with the JoBros thing. So sue me! I love them too. Considering that Jacob loves them so much, there was no way I passed up this oportunity. So I put on an old playlist with my favorite songs of times past, and got so inspired that I went in my game and Skyler was born. I hope you like him!
PS: I kid you not, my bedroom growing up was covered in their posters. I was a raging fan, lol.
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cloutbait · 5 years
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naim vázquez for @nouveausims‘ emilio!
traits: geek, goofball, romantic aspiration: chief of mischief
for better lack of a term, naim’s an interesting guy. as a weird hybrid of nerd, thot, and chaotic mess, he often finds himself in strange and unusual situations that he’d like to call “adventures.” but all in all, he’s just a guy who loves a good prank. his love of which has taken him from his hometown of san myshuno to glimmerbrook in hopes of becoming the most chaotic spellcaster in the land. naim’s his name and mischief magic is his game, baby!! 
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simmerjohnson · 5 years
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Tommy Harley For Ian! @simmingkatie
Hi I’m Tommy and I know what you’re thinking this guy looks like a douche. Because that’s what most people think of me as. But really I’m a big teddy bear! I haven’t always looked this way I used to be the fat kid in school, 400 pounds to be exact, Are used to get bullied at school and at home. Can you imagine being gay and fat, and geeky. When I finally came out to my parents at 15 I was Kicked out the house. Dad didn’t like me all that much. To him I was a loser son. Which made me learn how to survive on my own. I finish school, went to college, Dropped 210 pounds, got some tattoos and became a veterinarian now that I’ve overcome so much I feel it’s time I take my shot at love 12 years ago no one would even look at me twice but now I finally got the confidence to put myself out there And through myself in the game.
Here’s a bit about me I’m 26 A very passionate lover, I don’t give up Easily, I love animals, and a Drink here and there. Working out, and health super big on health! I live in NewCrest Apartments. I like playing video games. I have a dog name wolf Couldn’t think of anything else To call him sorry. Lol I like to consider myself a clean person. I like going to the club some weekends. I love joking and making people laugh my favorite color is gray, favorite food Chinese. Did I mention I own a vet clinic. Mostly I’m a homebody who loves a little Netflix and chill action So if you’re down for a scary movie you know who to call I Kinda enjoy playing protector, if you’ll let me. Well there you go that’s me.
Truly yours Tommy Harley.
Tommie‘s life aspiration is Renaissance Sim
His Traits are goofball, health nut, genius!
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