schlauttism · 26 days
these two are actually dumb and dumber. zero brain cells between em. not a thought in their heads
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iknowshocker · 2 months
after one truly insane week, I'm back with a double update :) hope you guys enjoy!!
Bonnie sits up in bed with a start, her heart pounding.
For a moment, she thinks it’s only the nightmare, before she hears the banging. Louder this time, it goes on and on, rattling the walls with its urgency.
She throws back her covers, racing into the main living room. Her eyes are wild as she watches the front door, the entire frame shaking as someone pounds again and again at the other side.
Careful to keep her footsteps soft, Bonnie snatches her favorite fire poker. The iron rattles against the edge of its holder and the knocking stops at once. She pauses, trying to silence her breath while she studies the door.
When the handle rattles, the deadbolt groaning under the pressure from the would-be intruder, Bonnie starts to move.
Five feet from the door, she wonders if she’d be better off hiding in the bedroom.
Three feet from the door, she thinks of calling Enzo, begging him to come and help.
One foot from the door, she reaches out, settling her palm flat against the rough wood.
and happy late birthday @nevereverthem! there are a few little treats especially for you sprinkled in <3
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nevereverthem · 3 months
TVD : Season 6
I need to know what post-merge Kai wrote in his letter to Jo. 🤔🥺
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pittoresko · 2 years
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"Bakemono zukushi", Japanese painted scroll depicting a series of Yokai from Japanese folklore. The scroll is from the Edo period, although the date and artist are unknown.
Bakemono zukushi means "Illustrated Index of Supernatural Creatures".
Each bakemono is labeled with its name in hand-brushed ink.
Visit Pittoresko and see our Digital Collection of Traditional Japanese Art Prints
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doomxdriven · 2 years
"Wiping out the Shinigami is a goal I can certainly get behind, but taking away their Bankai to do it? That feels cheap to me."
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"Watching the Shinigami suffer without their Bankai is entertaining without a doubt-- cutting them down at their full potential, though? That would be far more satisfying in my opinion."
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ravnradio · 8 months
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wisyhana · 2 years
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Made the jokai in five minutes!
Honestly I think they're pretty flexible as a couple but this could be the closest to what I think about them uwu
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happypoppyhaha · 4 months
Ryoba reason for loving Senpai, Jokichi.
It's shitty really. All because he was in a dream and so happens to be at the same school she was in!!!!
Like really? Alex's writing sucks ass and he really needs an assistant or a group to help him out. It's just plot holes and some of it, doesn't make any sense to take in. For Ryōbo, I'll make it different since it's a rewrite.
Ryōbo has many taken crushes from losing them to guys by acting them out, going into a talking stage and them not being romantically interested in him because they set their eyes on someone else who hasn't made a move on them. (Or losing them to one of his friends this causes him to be distrustful towards anyone around him, only see them as obstacles) His patience ran low for how much his ex-love interests he lost, he grew tired of it and decided things will be different and forceful if the next time he laid his eyes on a girl he likes. That girl so happens to be Jokai (Jokichi). He was scrabbling down something on his paper to distract himself from negativity, Jokai interrupts him by complimenting about his hair length saying it's beautiful for man to grow out his hair that long (Yes, his Ryōbo will have long hair just like Ryoba). Ryōbo looked up from his paper and took in her face. Ryōbo blushed at the look of her and said "Thank you". This instantly causes him to have intense feelings for her and goes straight to planning what he promised himself. He saw a guy talking to her in a way it was obvious he has genuine feelings for him, a soft tone. He didn't waste any time of inviting him into a bathroom and slicing his neck from behind leaving him to die in the pool of his own blood. "She's mine, I won't let you have her."
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conarcoin · 5 months
i find it funny when berd calls them poko and jokay, he knows what they are
those are their names ❤️
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sunhalf · 10 months
@fumalsamakah : “ come cuddle with me. “ jokai baby!!!! / accepting!
"Sir, yes, sir!" it says, saluting, and then pulls a face; they've got a soldier in their head today, and he'll probably be here until at least next week, which is doing weird things to Jocasta's speech patterns. ( a voice : oh, hes, he's the cause of our odd phraseology / another : maybe the chief of stars relishes the stronger title? / another : we do not have time to be horny right now. ) They're by his side quick as a flash, the hallucinations on the walls pulling away as they settle in, facing him, noses touching — chests would be touching, were their hands not pressed between them against him, broad and solid, fingers tapping a tune that Adele is going to release in a year and a half.
( a voice : this would have eviscerated us, a year ago / another : the bad hands consumed our wherewithal / another : bone - laid melody, let it rest with our corpse / another : we're not the only body between us with too much screaming to bear touch. ) Jocasta grins at the closeness and the exception, unafraid and pleased with her own lack of fear. He kisses him, even, a quick thing, easy as a hello. "Missed having us in your arms? We missed it, too. 'Specially 'cause your arms are so strong."
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dyggot · 1 year
is it joever or are we jokay
I'll be jokay idk I just need yuri to calm this beast in my soul
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iknowshocker · 2 months
the emotional chokehold jokai has on me is so real lol
“You look like shit,” Jo says, frowning down at him. “Did you sleep at all?”
“Is someone dead?” Kai asks, bracing his hand on the railing. “Is that why you’re looking at me like that? Someone died?”
“You’d know, wouldn’t you?”
“Josette,” he sighs. “Just tell me.”
“Bonnie’s missing.”
Kai’s ears start to ring so loudly he misses everything she says next. 
His vision blurs, tunneling into black until he can’t see Jo, or the house, or the glow of the sunset at his back. The only thing keeping him up is the hand he has clamped around the railing, his grip cracking the old wood. 
Power tingles at the tips of his fingers, crawling up his arms to wrap like a vice around his heart. 
His head pounds, the pain so overwhelming and sudden he nearly buckles under the pressure. He imagines, briefly, setting Damon Salvatore on fire. The image quickly shifts to tearing out his heart, which isn’t nearly as satisfying as he needs it to be. But it might be enough to take him apart slowly, starting with his fingers and ending with his stupid, smug, fucking irresponsible head -  
Kai blinks, coming back into his body, and registers two things. 
1. Jo, now standing on the stair above him, has one arm raised and 2. the right side of his face stings. 
“...Did you just slap me?”
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abatelunare · 7 months
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- Ma sì, sei bello. Oh, lo sai benissimo che sei bello! (Mor Jokai, Rosa gialla, Milano, Rizzoli, 1962).
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doomxdriven · 1 year
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based on the information jin received about the jokaisho via the spying done by maki ichinose, and some other helpful information he received from a certain other individual, he knows very well that;
he can use the jokaisho he absorbed to empower himself, i.e use it as a totally separate power source for his abilities on top of his own reiryoku and occasional reishi absorption, provided he doesn't overdo it (which he knows can be fatal)
he knows that he can use the jokaisho he absorbed to eventually detonate the other one's that are still buried all over the seireitei once his has fully matured (a process that in my canon takes a little over a decade)
he also has a detailed map showing where exactly all the other jokaisho are buried within the seireitei.
what jin doesn't know about the jokaisho, however, what someone has purposefully failed to inform him of, is that if he does theoretically try to detonate any of the other jokaisho in the seireitei, he will also detonate the one he absorbed, which would wipe him out along with everything else. jin might also have been misled about just how much those resulting explosions will destroy,too (hint way more than just the seireitei).
jin is slated to eventually learn about this important bit of information, but only right at the end, right before he's about to carry out his envisioned retribution on the shinigami (literally as he's about to try and blow the seireitei up).
in the heat of the moment, there's no telling what jin may or may not do with that knowledge, but unlike what happens in the actual bount arc (where jin says fuck it ig me you them we all dying lmao), i like to imagine that some of his subordinates and, maybe some others, talk him down from going nuclear.
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wisyhana · 11 months
Yesterday preparing the files to print, crying over the fact I have so little of jokai content
so saad
so saaaaaad
I want people to know me for them and destructionshipping
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happypoppyhaha · 4 months
This story will be about Ayato and Taeko plus the 10 male rivals competing for her love. But it's rewrite in my own way.
(The plot will be Taeko trying to fix Ayato to not kill her friends or anybody she cares about because she didn't have any evidence against him and trying to warn the rivals about him. Ayato on the other half doesn't want to walk in his father's footsteps because of how much despair his mother was in when entering a relationship with him. Ayato for once tries not to be selfish and wants to change things for the bloodline because Taeko is crying about it) Yes Ryoba and Jokichi are genderbend so their names will be Ryōbo and Jokai.
Taeko realizes he is mentally unstable and needs help, he doesn't want her to be seen as a cure for him or act crazy to anyone who tries to sway her in a romantic way. So she is trying to help him while trying to make him back off of the male rivals.
I decided to give Taeko personality and flesh her out more. I feel like she would be more expressive and outgoing as a girl instead of sitting down by a water fountain and reading a book. This will personality type will be attractive and make sense why Ayato likes her and the other male rivals. And I'll flesh out Ayato's character too, I'll give him a few traits
I'll change the intro where Ayano bumps into Taro and immediately falls in love with him when literally he just lends her a hand like any person would. That's not enough chemistry for me to believe she really loves him and would kill for him.
He needs love, he will feel emptiness and lonely without a feeling of affection. Due to being neglected by his parents arguing and having conflicts. Ryōbo trying to raise a murderer instead of raising a son and Jokai lash out on him for that, not wanting a girl to be in her position and became a victim like her. Making the family unstable causing him to be unstable as well. Any family issues will also affect the child. This causes Ayato to be angry at his father for not giving him the proper love he needed as a child and sad at how his mom how mind broken she was. One day, his mother just snapped and tried to kill Ryōbo and Ayato, believing it was too late for her to stop him becoming just like his father, trying to wipe out the bloodline so the madness would stop. (Twisted thinking but this is the result of being kidnapped and isolated, broken) But Ryōbo apprehended her before fully doing it. This causes his parents to go to America trying to get themselves clean before entering back into Ayato's life. After experiencing that event, Ayato was empty and feeling sorrow. But this was in childhood, his brain blocked out the trauma but the cells in his body can remember it.
I'll make an intro where Taeko is his first female friend he ever made. He didn't make one because he was seen as the kid who has issues going on at home and gossiping that his daddy was a criminal before. Making him an outcast in kindergarten and middle school up until Highschool (but exchanged since students and teachers know his dad's history) where Taeko bumps into him because she doesn't know she's going and asks him for help to search her classes and know the schedule. So he does help her out without any thinking to it, the next day. She appreciates him for helping her not out of obligation. By giving him a bento and becoming more chatty with him. Ayato feels the attention and the affection that he longed for so long and became so attached to her. Delusion, this is where he starts feeling the love bond and convinced that they're truly connected but Taeko doesn't see him in that way. He slowly building up courage and making a love poem of his confession towards her. Planning to give it to her the next day but someone, he see as a rival comes up, Osano. He plans on killing him right off the bat but there's always a person besides him, Ryuto. (Raibaru).
Only show strong emotions when it involves Taeko. Like being infuriated when someone trying to romanize the conversation with her or take her time away when it supposed to be them hanging out. If it's not Taeko involved, he'll have a dead face not wanting anything to do with the person unless they have his interests. But he will put up a front when a situation is necessary to express like a investigation or someone observing him to avoid any suspicion of his true nature or not to have a low reputation, being gossiped about.
(I didn't want him to be exactly like Ayano where she just admires him far away but doesn't start up a conversation when he's free)
Ayano wants Senpai so she can feel emotions since he was the only person that brought out the emotions out of her. And wanting more of that emotion so she chases after Senpai since he is giving her more of that. She thrives for that. I made it different. Ayato thrives for affection since he did not receive any of it during childhood, Taeko shows him affection and he chases after her because she is willing to give that to him and actually acknowledge his existence. To make it more yandere-like.
(Feel like to ask more about this or what more to rewrite about)
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