#johto elite 4
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An Elite (Found) Family
A/N - A bit late because this fic was much longer than any I have ever written before, here is Day 18 of Tickletober. The prompt was "tickle fight" and there is so much tickling in this, your teeth will rot from the fluff of it all.
Pokemon is my favorite fandom ever and Silver was my first game ever. I have always adored the Johto Elite Four and Lance, this this fic was decades in the making. Koga, being my first love, gets to be in the spotlight like he deserves. With the background being a mix of the games and the manga, along with my own headcanons mixed in, here is my favorite fic that I have ever written. Please enjoy and I'm going to go to bed.
Word Count: 8,038 (wtf)
The day had been quiet, with only one challenger arriving at the Indigo Plateau that morning and after a hard fought battle, they lost to Will. Having received the announcement over the intercom that the challenger had lost, the rest of the elite trainers let out sighs of disappointment.
Legs crossed and eyes closed, the ninja sat near the exit of his room, the rise and fall of his chest slight and even as he meditated. Phone buzzing in his back pocket, Koga opened his eyes and let out a sigh. Feeling relaxed after an hour of meditation, the notification on his phone from his daughter let him know that she was a few minutes away with his lunch.
“Be there in a few,” the text read, and Koga replied his standard, “see you soon,” in response. Janine never needed to bring him food, Koga always bringing food for himself, but Janine insisted that he was “as thin as a rail” and needed to eat more. Ignoring her concerns about his appearance, Koga never minded when Janine showed up with food, as it was a chance for him to see her. It wasn’t an everyday thing, but whenever there was a large break in challengers at the Fuchsia City Gym, she would swing by the local restaurant and pick up their favorite meals. Utilizing her Crobat’s speed, Janine was able to soar across the Kanto region in under half an hour.
Joints creaking as he stood, Koga rolled his shoulders to stretch out any knots that had formed during his hour of stillness. Walking through his forested arena, Ariados perked up from his sleep and slipped down one of the trees, using his web to land gracefully. The bug type followed his trainer as Koga arrived at the door. Placing a palm on the sensor, the door into Will’s room opened and he stepped inside.
“You’re evil!” a yell bounced off the walls and startled Koga as he walked further into the room, ducking around one of the levitating transparent cubes that circled Will’s arena. Interest piqued, Koga stopped at the edge of the battlefield, standing in crudely drawn box that Will would stand in at the start of a battle. The chalk around this edge of the arena was faded, needing to be gone back over after the battle Will had had that morning. Fiddling with his scarf, Koga’s eyes fell upon the psychic master sprawled out in the center of his battlefield, legs pinned by the woman on top of him.
“Hello Koga,” Karen looked up at the man, her Houndoom having let out a soft yip to notify her of his arrival.
“Koga! Help me!” Will squeaked as Karen continued to dance her fingers over his ribs, digging into the gaps between the bones as if she was a pirate hunting for treasure. Will’s laughter was reminiscent to that of a squeaky toy that one would buy for their Pokémon to play with. It fit Will’s playful demeanor well, a side of him few people outside the Elite 4 ever got to see.
“Whatever you did, you likely deserve this,” Koga flashed the younger man a soft smile, holding his hand up to give a short wave. “Be sure not to kill him, Karen. We wouldn’t be able to find a replacement fast enough if another challenger comes through that door.”
“We’ll see,” Karen teased, kneading into Will’s belly to elicit a shriek.
Turning away as fast as he could, Koga continued to the door. Gently patting Will’s Xatu that always kept watch at the entrance as he passed, Koga scanned his palm to exit into the lobby, hoping that neither of them had seen the blush rising to his cheeks.
“Salamence, use fly!” Karen lifted her arm up as the giant dragon took off into the air, just narrowly avoiding Umbreon’s Foul Play. Umbreon’s powerful tail slammed into the ground and bounced back onto her feet, looking up to gauge Salamence’s next move.
Koga sat on the steps leading to the Hall of Fame room, Will sitting in Lance’s golden throne behind him as Bruno sat a few feet away from Koga, running his fingers through Koga’s Skuntank’s fur. The three of them watched as Karen and Lance battled, the two of them having swapped Pokémon as a way to learn new skills and strategies. At that moment, they were evenly matched, each of them having three fainted Pokémon and two waiting to be sent out to battle.
“Go!” Karen called and the Salamence dove down, folding his wings in tightly to gain speed.
“Confuse Ray!” Lance yelled. Instantly, the yellow patterns on Umbreon’s silky black coat began to glow. Bracing herself, Umbreon’s crimson eyes focused on the dragon barreling toward her. Once Salamence was a few feet away, Umbreon let out a scream and a purple ray of light left her mouth, hitting Salamence. The Salamence struck Umbreon, and the smaller Pokémon was launched across the field. Panting heavily, Umbreon hopped to her feet, favoring her back right leg as Salamence stood up.
“You doing okay, bud?” Karen asked, provoking the Pokémon to turn around and face her. Eyes drifting and unfocused, the Confuse Ray was kicking in. “Okay, let’s give you a rest.”
Withdrawing the dragon type’s pokeball, Karen returned him back to her. Withdrawing a different pokeball with other hand, Karen tossed it into the air and unleashed Lance’s Altaria. With a majestic call, Altaria’s cloudy wings flapped gracefully as she stared down at Umbreon.
“Assurance,” Lance demanded, gesturing to his beautiful Pokémon that seemed eager to fight.
“Cotton Guard,” Karen beamed as the flying type poofed out her wings, the clouds growing dramatically to protect her slight body as Umbreon rammed into her, claws lashing out with a shadowy aura surrounding them.
“Hey,” Koga’s attention was drawn away from the battle before him as he heard Bruno chuckle. Turning his head to see what was going on, Koga watched as his Skuntank rubbed his muzzle into Bruno’s bare abdomen. Whiskers twitching, Skuntank shook his head playfully as Bruno squirmed away from the giant poison type, letting out a few chuckles as he gently pushes the Pokemon’s face away from his skin. “Watch it. It tickles.”
Cheeks growing warm, Koga snapped his head back around to try to focus on the battle in front of him. Having sensed a slight change in the ninja’s emotions, Will’s Slowbro bounded from his spot beside Will and sat down next to Koga, his eyes staring right through the man.
“I’m fine,” he muttered, reaching out to scratch between Slowbro’s ears. Content with this answer, Slowbro closed his eyes and leaned into the touch. Sighing, Koga resumed his observation of the battle, trying to take mental notes of how Altaria was able to maneuver so quickly in the air while it readied a powerful Dragon Claw.
“Good job,” Koga smiled with a bow. “Better luck next time. I am looking forward to our next battle.”
“Thanks, sir,” a boy around Janine’s age replied as he recalled his fainted Mandibuzz. The boy had mentioned that he was an immigrant to the Kanto region, having come from Unova. The battle was relatively easy, but Koga still admired the kid’s spirit and enjoyed having the chance to see Pokémon he would rarely ever see in his arena. Koga couldn’t remember the last time he battled a Cryogonal or a Zebstrika, but he had a bit of fun with it. While obviously preferring when a challenger had a poison type that wasn’t native to Kanto or Johto came through, he still liked to see the diversity of other trainer’s teams.
The PA announced that the challenger had lost and with a ring of a bell, the door between Koga’s and Will’s rooms opened for the trainer to exit.
The moment the boy was out of sight, Koga let out a deep sigh. Ariados chirped up at him, walking over from where he had landed his final Cross Poison that had secured Koga’s victory. A fond smile rising to his lips, Koga lead Ariados over to the trunk that sat by the door into Bruno’s room. Rooting around inside, Koga grabbed the Full Restore he needed and crouched down to spray the medication over Ariados’ wounds.
“You did a great job,” Koga praised his first ever Pokémon as he scratched the underside of Ariados’ chin. With his free hand, Koga reached for his phone to check his calendar. He had to go see Lance to discuss the champion’s plans on incorporating a Dragalge on his team for special battles with other top trainers from the other regions. This was a discussion Koga had actually been looking forward to having, as Lance’s type specialty rarely intermixed into Koga’s.
“Let’s go,” Koga said and waited for Ariados to climb up his back. Front two legs hooked around Koga’s neck, Koga stood back up and piggybacked Ariados into the next room.
Koga’s childhood had been an unpleasant one. An abusive father and a mother that didn’t dare stand up to her husband, Koga ran away from home as soon as he could. The little Spinarak that had helped him find his way out of the woods became his lifelong partner that he would do anything for. Spinarak’s fondness for being carried like a backpack stayed with him once he evolved, and thankfully as Koga got older, he was big enough and strong enough to carry the weight of seventy-four pound Pokémon on his back.
Heat washed over Koga’s figure, nipping at his skin as the door into Bruno’s room opened. Stepping inside, Ariados shifted uncomfortably as he eyed the lava that poured out of the walls. Patting Ariados’ legs with a comforting touch, Koga walked through the walkway and into the battle arena.
“How was the battle?” Bruno called once Koga’s outline emerged from the steam and smoke. Near the back of the room, Bruno was practicing his kicks alongside his Hitmontop and Hitmonlee. The punching bag swung behind him, the chains squealing out in hopes of being oiled.
“Saw a Gurdurr today. I figured you’d like that,” Koga said nonchalantly, as if he was discussing something as trivial as the weather. This sort of discussion was quite common, though it was usually Will that had the chance to see the foreign Pokémon, being the first Elite 4 member that trainers had to face. Will’s battle record had been quite high in the last few weeks, with only five or so trainers beating him compared to the fifty or so challengers he’s faced. This was a great thing for the league; however, it made everyone else’s lives boring, hence the daily battles between them all whenever no one was too busy with other matters.
“It wasn’t even a Conkeldurr? Was it holding an Eviolite?”
“Choice Band,” Koga replied quickly, shrugging as Bruno seemed taken aback. “Locked into Hammer Arm too. Made my life easy.”
“I need to have a word with this trainer. Need to teach them how to truly harness the power of a fighting type,” Bruno clenched his hands into fists, eyes fiery with passion and from the general ambiance of the room.
“He’s probably still in the lobby if you want to catch him,” Koga let out a quiet chuckle, always amused by Bruno’s readiness to teach a trainer a thing or two about fighting types.
“I think I will,” the buff man crossed his arms, then looked back at his Pokémon. Both nodded as he waved at Koga, heading toward the door into Koga’s room.
Biting back a fond smile, Koga headed in the opposite direction toward Karen’s room. Beads of sweat had begun to drip down the back of his neck beneath his scarf and he could feel Ariados’ discomfort as they had stayed in the room longer than he had planned. Jogging up the steps, Koga placed his palm against the sensor and stepped through the door.
“Hello, dear,” Karen purred, smiling up at the man as he let out a sigh of relief, thankful to be out of Bruno’s sauna of a room.
“How’re you doing Karen?” Koga asked politely as he approached.
The woman was seated in the center of her battlefield, a majority of her Pokémon surrounding her. Brush in hand, Karen ran the bristles through Absol’s fluffy white fur. Purring contently, Absol kneaded into the floor like a Skitty kitten, his nails scrapping along the packed down dirt.
“Wishing you’d lost your battle, so I had something to look forward to,” the woman teased. “These guys are getting antsy.”
As if confirming her statement, Karen’s Houndoom stood up from behind his trainer and propped his chin on Karen’s shoulder. Playfully growling, Houndoom nuzzled into Karen’s face and began to lick wherever he could access. Joyful giggles gushed from Karen’s lips as she scrunched up her shoulders, trying to protect herself from the onslaught of Houndoom’s love.
Ears heating up in a way that felt like he was still in Bruno’s room, Koga instantly looked down at the floor and sped up his pace, passing Karen without any further acknowledgement. Karen, finding this action odd, turned to watch the man leave.
Koga had always been a bit more closed off than the other Elite 4 members and he had reasons for that. While the five of them had villainous pasts, Koga had been part of Team Rocket as one of their leaders for quite some time. After the team was defeated by Red, Blue, and Green, the team disbanded, and Koga was left with no where to go but back to the gym. He, Lt. Surge, and Sabrina had to show that they could be redeemed, which proved to be true when the previous Elite 4 threatened to liberate all of Kanto’s Pokémon. Once Agatha and Lorelei were apprehended and Bruno and Lance had recovered from being under their influence, the duo invited Koga to join the Elite 4 after besting Lance in a battle at the Fuchsia City Gym. After the disbandment of Team Rocket, Koga had adopted his daughter, Janine, from an orphanage that had been directly impacted by Team Rocket. Initially rejecting their offer to be with Janine, Koga eventually accepted his position as an Elite 4 member to bring Karen and Will under his wing, them too having escaped the influences of Neo Team Rocket. By then, Janine was old enough to run the gym alone and had taken the role as the Gym Leader for quite some time at that point. While the Elite 4 had become a tightknit family over the years, Koga still didn’t share much about his life unless directly prompted.
Having noticed Koga’s behavior a few weeks before when he had walked into her tickling the daylights out of Will and how he was behaving the exact same way he was now, Karen’s interest was piqued, and she had a mystery she planned on solving.
“Let’s go!” Karen pumped her fist into the air as Lance’s Dragonite had landed a Hyper Beam, knocking out Koga’s Crobat.
Sitting off to the side, Will officiated the double battle that was taking place in Lance’s room. While the quintet took turns hosting battles in each of their rooms, Lance’s room was the favorite of them all. Not only was it well lit, compared to Karen’s and Koga’s rooms, and there was no environmental hazard to avoid, as there was in Will’s and Bruno’s room, but the battles that took place in Lance’s room felt more official. Besting Lance in his own room made it feel like they were about to be champion. While this would never be the case, it was still a delight to poke fun at Lance for losing in his own arena.
In the middle of the golden arena, Lance’s Dragonite landed beside Karen’s Weavile with a thud. Bruno’s Machamp panted, recovering from Weavile’s Ice Shard. Disappearing into his pokeball, Crobat was withdrawn by Koga, who placed the ball close to his mouth to whisper praises to his Pokémon. Placing Crobat’s pokeball back onto his belt, Koga’s hand ran over a few others, assessing his options. Making eye contact with Dragonite made a metaphorical lightbulb switch on in his head.
“You okay with playing defense?” Koga asked, clicking the top of the pokeball he selected to increase its size to standard.
“It looks like you have a plan,” Bruno wore a determined smile, “By all means.”
“Good,” Koga tossed out his pokeball, revealing his Toxicroak. A shrill shriek was emitted from the Pokémon’s throat as he crossed his arms, brandishing the brilliant red spikes on his knuckles.
“Ice Shard!”
Weavile leaped into the air and quickly began to shoot icicles down at Toxicroak.
“Protect,” Bruno yelled, his Machamp going into action immediately. Leaping in front of Toxicroak, Machamp took the attack head on, though the icicles landed uselessly onto the ground as a near transparent forcefield coated his four crossed arms.
Toxicroak hurdled over his partner and opened his mouth. As he was practically on top of Weavile, a sticky purple sludge poured from Toxicroak’s mouth, drenching the dark type completely. Sneering, Toxicroak wiped his lips off with his arm, the leftover sludge dripping onto the floor.
“Ready Dragonite?” Lance called, his Dragonite letting out a roar in response. Flying into the air, Dragonite was readying himself for another Hyper Beam.
Turning to Bruno, Koga lifted one finger in front of his face, then glanced up at the giant dragon. Nodding, Bruno held his arm out.
“Give him a boost, Machamp!”
“Ice Punch!” Koga shouted. As if reading his trainer’s mind, Toxicroak ran over to Machamp and leaped onto the top pair of arms. Once contact was made, Machamp threw Toxicroak into the air toward Dragonite. Arm now coated in ice, Toxicroak threw his limb back to gain momentum.
“Dragon,” Dragonite let out before Toxicroak’s balled fist and claw impacted his face.
“No,” Lance and Karen yelled simultaneously as Dragonite plummeted to the ground. With a loud thud, Dragonite landed on his face as Toxicroak landed easily, his limber legs meant for jumping and landing from great heights.
“Oh,” Bruno’s mouth went slack as the Dragonite struggled to stand up, wincing in pain as he pushed his large body up onto his hind legs.
“Wait,” Koga smirked, watching as the Dragonite managed to stand back up. With a victorious roar, Dragonite flexed his arms before letting out a squeal of pain. A purple hue coated his body and in an instant, Dragonite fell back to the floor; fainted.
“Poison Touch.” Bruno let out a huff of a laugh, “Good job.”
“Used an Ability Patch this morning,” Koga grinned, crossing his arms as Lance withdrew his fainted ace Pokémon. “On Crobat too, since someone here likes to use Safeguard.”
Both men looked over at Lance, a man notorious for setting up as many protective shields as he could on his Pokémon, especially Dragonite and Altaria.
“Sorry,” Lance looked over at Karen, wearing a frown. “I’ve let you down.”
“Why would you say that?” Karen crossed her arms, her Weavile mimicking her on the field. “You’ve still got Garchomp.”
“Who is also quad weak to Ice Punch,” Lance looked at the floor. The man didn’t exactly hate losing, but he hated dragging his team mates down in a double battle. “Your Weavile has been badly poisoned and your Absol is weak from Lucario’s Aura Sphere.”
“Where is your fighting spirit?” Karen rolled her eyes with a sly smile as Lance continued to drone on about the ways he could’ve handled his last few plays. The champion didn’t notice as Karen slipped behind him and hugged his waist.
“Karen? What are you – nohoho!” Lance squealed as Karen began to flutter her fingers into his belly, doubling over as he squirmed around in her arms. His loud belly laugh filled the room and the three Pokémon on the field let out gleeful cries.
“Remind me to never be upset around Karen,” Bruno let out a short laugh, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. Watching Lance fall onto the floor with Karen following him, Bruno did not see Koga quickly turning his head around and staring at the floor. Lifting his scarf, Koga hid his blushing cheeks. “Help cheer him up, guys!”
With Bruno’s permission, the three Pokémon in the center of the field quickly made their way to Karen and Lance, who was now being pinned down by his arms so Karen could tickle all over his belly without any obstacles. Once the three Pokémon arrived and began to poke and prod all over Lance’s body, his laughter spiking as it all tickled too much, Karen looked up and saw Koga turned away. Body language completely closed off, Koga fully turned himself around and began to inject Revives into Crobat’s and Muk’s pokeballs.
“Hm,” Karen let out a pondering hum, before being distracted by Lance’s wild laughter becoming wheezy. “Okay guys, he’s had enough for now.”
Scarf covering his face to muffle his breathing, Koga hid in the branches of a tree in his room. Eyes closed; the ninja listened for any noise that could suggest one of his Pokémon were nearby.
With the room being filled with trees, Koga used the miniature forest as a way of training himself and his Pokémon. Since he was unable to use his own training dojo back in Fuchsia City, Koga opted to create his own in his room. While Bruno used his room to help him sweat more while he worked out, Koga used his to train his and his Pokémon’s stealth capabilities. A form of training that both he and his Pokémon all enjoyed was when he ran off to go hide amongst the brush and his Pokémon had to work together to find him. Right now, it was Ariados, Venomoth, and Muk that were training with him.
Travelling together, Venomoth lead the other two as he used his psychic abilities in the same way Crobat would use echolocation. By focusing his psychic energy, the waves bounced off each tree to show him the shape and sizing of each tree. As all the trees in Koga’s room had been planted at the same time and are of the same species, Venomoth was able to conclude the trees were all similar enough that if there was a difference in the shape of the branches in a specific tree, that his trainer had to be there.
As they walked, Ariados would climb a tree every few feet to create webs between them. Like fishing nets, these webs were meant to capture their trainer if he was on the move. By training with Koga over the years, Ariados’ webbing was nearly invisible, so while Koga knew what to look for, if he was too careless, he would get stuck. These webs also show the Pokémon where they have been, in the event of them getting lost. Becoming too focused in looking for Koga could result in them wandering in circles.
Muk was a wild card, not being the stealthiest of Koga’s Pokémon. While the other two were able to silently travel through the trees, Muk was stuck on the ground, slowly slithering his way forward. Muck did have a role to play. After numerous training sessions just like this one, Koga’s Pokémon adapted to being paired with each other, when they normally wouldn’t be. Muk had taken a role that Janine had nicknamed “the floor is lava.” This was when Koga was found, Muk would stretch his body out as much as possible, his goo spreading along the ground in a large circle. While Koga was adept at leaping through the trees, if Muk was paired with a Pokémon that could set up traps like Ariados or a Pokémon that could fly, like Crobat and Venomoth, Koga’s means for escape was severely limited.
Smacking against a tree that was only a few yards behind him, Koga heard Ariados’s web connect to the bark as he began to construct another trap. Venomoth’s flapping wings became louder as Koga could feel the psychic energy resonating through him, making his skin crawl. Muk let out a low rumble, Venomoth certainly having given the other two the signal that Koga was close. Thus, it was time for Koga to act.
Dropping a smoke ball to the ground beneath him, Koga leaped forward and began to dart through the trees. Withdrawing three shuriken, Koga tossed two behind him in different directions. Once the shuriken hit their targets, the base of two trees, the smoke balls that had been planted within them burst, three clouds of smoke rising in different directions.
Disorientated, the three Pokémon were at a crossroad. They all knew these clouds were meant to distract them, but he clearly had come from one of them and he definitely moved elsewhere. The question was, did he keep going so he was along the far wall, or had he used the cover to loop back and was now behind them. If they chose wrong, Koga could easily cross the arena, so he was hiding in the other section of trees.
Venomoth had a plan. Nodding to the other Pokémon, he flew up above the grove of trees, so he was nearly at the ceiling. Focusing all his energy, Venomoth began to wildly flap his wings. A high pitched noise emanated from his wings, the soundwaves flowing through the trees, shaking the branches and loosening the dark leaves of the canopy.
“Good job,” Koga muttered, praising his Pokémon for his quick thinking. Covering his ears, Koga tried his hardest not to sway too much on the branch. Venomoth’s Supersonic discombobulated his mind and made his eyes unfocused, his brain no longer able to keep all his muscles still and his breathing even. Managing to stay in place despite the soundwaves resonating through his body, the ringing in his ears and the fog in his mind lead Koga to slipping. Granted, Koga was able to catch himself almost instantaneously, the sound of his foot sliding against the branch caused all three of his Pokémon to whip around and look toward the source of the noise.
Wings beating fast, Venomoth descended toward Koga’s position. Hearing him coming from above, Koga knew he needed to act fast. Throwing the third shuriken, the star sliced through the smaller branches of a tree to his left, the shuriken having curled around the two trees immediately to his left to hit the third one. Hoping this new sound would divert their attention long enough that he could escape, Koga leaped into the tree behind him. Figuring he could get the jump on them and traverse the trees above his Pokémon, Koga retraced his steps so he could see the position of Ariados and Muk. After hopping through five trees, Koga figured he would have seen his Pokémon by then. Smirking to himself, Koga realized that they had gone to the tree he had thrown his shuriken into. Seeing the clearing through the branches, Koga just had a little further to go before running across the arena and being in a different section, away from his Pokémon so he could reposition himself and strategize his next move. In the clear, Koga silently dove into the tree diagonal to the one he was in, but before he had landed, something slapped against his back.
“No,” was all Koga could utter as Ariados’ webbing pulled him down, the bug Pokémon having spotted him and shot a web at the ninja, the webbing hitting Koga precisely and yanked him to the ground. Instead of landing on the hard grassy surface, Koga’s fall was cushioned by his Muk, who raised itself up to catch Koga in his arms.
“Good work,” Koga let out a playful huff and flashed a small smile at his Pokémon, Venomoth fluttering down beside him as Muk released him, allowing him to stand back up. Ariados let out a chirp of joy and blinked twice. Once his eyes were back open, Koga felt the sticky webbing draped across his back dissolve and evaporate into nothingness. Reaching into his pocket to withdraw his phone, Koga paused the stopwatch that had been ticking since Koga first darted off into the trees. “Just over ten minutes. Not too bad for a team that has never worked together before.”
Cheering, the three Pokémon let out enthusiastic cries. Muk clapped his hands, splattering violet goo around him as Ariados wiggled his thorax. Wiping off a bit of the sludge that Muk had sprayed onto him, Koga turned around on his heels to head toward the door to Will’s room. Next to the door was a small container that housed various berries and food for him and his Pokémon. Koga only managed to take a few steps until he was stopped, Muk grabbing onto his legs and yanking him to the floor.
“Hey,” Koga yelped as he gently landed on his back, Muk covering his legs up to the middle of his thighs, so the fall was controlled. Clicking his pincers, Ariados stepped forward, so he was only an inch away from Koga’s face, his blue eyes glittering excitedly. With a shake of his head, Ariados climbed onto Koga’s torso and stared down at him.
“Vee!” Venomoth let out a shriek, releasing a ray of psychic energy. Wrists tingling with an almost pleasant sensation, Koga watched in horror as Venomoth used his psychic powers to pin his trainer’s hands above his head. Eyes wide, realizing why Ariados was so excited, Koga uselessly tugged at his invisible restraints.
“Ariados. Don’t,” Koga warned, trying to remain as stoic as possible despite the fright in his eyes. “You won’t get your extra treats if you do this.”
“Rai-do. Rai-do,” Ariados raised his front legs into a shrug, then clicked his pincers again. As Koga opened his mouth to speak, Ariados pressed his front legs into the hollows of Koga’s arms and began to wiggle them around.
“No,” Koga squeaked, unable to hold back his laughter since he was immobilized. Turning his head, Koga hid his face into his arm, face warm as he laughed.
Muk, not wanting to miss out on the fun, localized sections of his slime that surrounded Koga’s knees. Focusing on these sections, Muk rumbled, sounding like he was purring. The vibrations, centered around Koga’s knees, had the man cackling in seconds.
“Muk!” Koga choked out, attempting to kick out and dislodge both Pokémon. Seeing how this new sensation had a maddening effect on his trainer, Ariados came up with a new plan to kick things up a notch.
Pushing himself backwards, Ariados flopped down onto Koga’s chest, with both sets of legs dangling over his trainer’s body. Once in a comfortable enough position, which took a minute to do as Koga kept bucking his hips thanks to Muk’s attack of his legs, Ariados used his back legs to wiggle around Koga’s belly, while his front legs went back to tormenting Koga’s under arms.
“Oh, Arceus,” Koga cried out between peals of laughter. With three spots being targeted at once, Koga’s laugh was loud and boisterous, a deep belly laugh that was laced with an occasional snort or hiccup. Enjoying the ability to not think of anything and just laugh, Koga didn’t try to hold it back. While he was struggling under his Pokémon, it wasn’t something he could help. He knew they just wanted to make him happy, to make him laugh, as it was Ariados’ main way to help Koga relax when they were both so much younger.
Over the sound of his laughter, Koga nor his Pokémon heard the door into his room open. Once through the doorway, the person froze at the sounds they were hearing. As quietly as they could, they crept over to the edge of the tree line and peered in.
“No way,” Karen smiled to herself as she inched closer, Koga and his Pokémon now in complete view. Lips almost stinging from how wide she was smiling, Karen soaked in the sound of Koga’s laugh, his real, unfiltered laugh. It was something she had never heard before, something she guaranteed the other trainers in the Indigo Plateau had never heard either. And after watching for a few minutes, Karen realized something crucial, something that solved the question that had been bugging her for months now.
Koga wasn’t telling them to stop. Koga never tried to get them to stop. Koga didn’t say a single thing as they tickled him mercilessly.
Koga was enjoying it.
Excited by this newfound knowledge, Karen retreated from the trees and as quickly and quietly as possible, made her way toward Will’s room. Karen and her best friend had some work to do.
“That movie was so boring,” Will let out a yawn, stretching his arms over his head in dramatic fashion. “Hey Lance, I am never letting Clair pick out a movie for us ever again.”
“It wasn’t that bad,” Karen rolled her eyes, then reached out to poke Will’s exposed armpit. With a squeak, Will flinched away with a glare.
Once a week, the five trainers would get together in Karen’s room to watch a movie. With the natural darkness of her room and the wall space, a giant screen dropped down from the ceiling and a projector was brought in to show movies. When these weekly movies started happening, Will and Karen had gone shopping and bought a ton of pillows and blankets for them all to be comfortable.
“He had a Whiscash! He didn’t need to drown; he could’ve just used his Pokémon to swim him to safety!” Will countered, laying back down against the pile of pillows he had constructed before the film started.
“Jack wasn’t a very good protagonist,” Lance added as he leaned over the projector to turn it off. “Nothing he did was reasonable.”
“He thought with his dick,” Bruno stated flatly, which caused the three to erupt into laughter. Beside him, Koga was flat on his back, staring up at the ceiling, his back leaning against a pillow as he let out a short chuckle. Bruno always had the best comedic timing, whether he knew it or not.
“Exactly!” Will turned around and pointed at Bruno. “Thank you.”
“Just because Jack shouldn’t have died at the end, doesn’t mean the movie was bad,” Karen let out a huff.
“Um, yeah it does,” Will replied, words dripping with sass. In response, Karen threw a pillow into his face, earning her an, “Oof!”
“Ass,” Karen stuck out her tongue.
“You’re the one that like every romance ever.”
“Not true!”
“Your favorite movies ever are The Hoppip’s Notebook and Lumiose Hill!”
“They’re good movies.”
“They most certainly are not.”
“Arceus, you too bicker like children,” Lance rolled his eyes as he plopped back down onto his throne of pillows. No one knew how Lance always ended up with over ten pillows each movie night, but the man was going to be as comfortable as possible no matter what.
“She started it,” Will said while crossing his arms and turning away.
“Did not,” Karen refuted with a frown, “But I’m gonna finish it.”
Karen launched from her fluffy blanket next and crashed into Will, her fingers instantly wiggling into his ribs and sides. Instantly falling into a fit of laughter, unable to help it as his ribs were his most ticklish spot, Will squirmed around and looked over at his colleagues for help.
“Bruno-ho-ho,” Will squeaked out, reaching his arm out to the larger man, but then quickly retracted it as Karen began to rake her nails gently along his newly exposed armpit.
“I will save you, little buddy,” Bruno teased before crawling forward and tracing his fingers along the back of Karen’s neck. With a loud squeak, Karen’s shoulders shot up to block his fingers. Using this well timed distraction, Will lurched forward to knock Karen onto her back, gently collapsing onto a stack of blankets. Kneading into her exposed belly, Will began to tease Karen about her shrill giggles.
“For someone with such a ticklish tummy, wearing a crop top is the worst idea,” Will scribbled his blunt nails along the tiny bit of fat just beneath her navel.
“For someone with such ticklish ribs, letting your guard down is the worst idea,” Karen managed to say through her sweet giggles.
“What?” was all Will managed to say before Lance snuck up behind him and began to run his fingers over the gaps between his ribs. Doubling over, Karen grabbed Will’s wrists and pulled him into her, hugging him tight enough that Lance was able to continue his onslaught. Wanting to join in on the fun, Bruno teased the back of Will’s neck, which brought out a muffled shriek.
“Hey, Koga,” Karen let out as she released Will, wriggling out from underneath him like a Magikarp on dry land. Lance had pinned Will down to continue his ticklish onslaught on the younger man’s ribs, until Bruno decided it was time for Lance to laugh.
Koga lingered behind them all, having rolled over to face the other way. Ears pink, Koga had subconsciously pulled his scarf over his face so just his eyes and above was visible.
“Guys,” Karen’s voice rose above Lance’s hysterical, booming laughter as Will and Bruno both tickled his belly, twenty fingers dancing all over his middle. Both pulling away, the three men turned to look over at Karen. “Did you guys know that Koga’s ticklish?”
Heart stopping, a cold shiver straightened Koga’s back as Karen’s words sunk in.
“I doubt it. He’s got all those ninja skills to block it out,” Will let out a laugh, then shot Karen a knowing grin.
“He’s too serious. I bet he doesn’t know how to laugh,” Lance teased, knowing that his words also applied to himself in most contexts outside of the four people in the room.
“How do you know he’s ticklish?” Bruno asked, staring at the man as he sat upright, then brought his knees up for his chin to rest on them. Hugging his legs tightly into his chest, Koga’s heart pounded as a swarm of Combee buzzed around his mind as Butterfree fluttered in his chest.
“I saw his Pokémon tickling him the other day,” Karen proudly stated, puffing out her chest like she was a reporter that had uncovered the scoop of the century. “He seemed pretty ticklish from what I saw.”
“Is that true?” Koga nearly jumped out of his skin when he felt Bruno’s hand on his shoulder. Flustered beyond belief, Koga didn’t notice Bruno shuffling across the floor to reach him. While overwhelmed, Bruno’s touch was a calming presence.
“Um…” Koga’s words sat on his tongue, not knowing how to answer.
“It’s okay if you are,” Bruno was an absolute saint, Koga was sure of it. “All of us are.”
“Yes, I am,” Koga felt like his face was going to melt off from how hot his cheeks were.
“Do you like it?” heart stopping, Koga froze at Will’s innocent words, “Oh, I didn’t…I meant, do you like enough for us to tickle you?”
“Yes,” Koga couldn’t believe what he was admitting to. Glancing up at Bruno, his gaze kind, Koga nodded without looking away. Turning to the other three, Koga pulled down his scarf so they could see the entirety of his face, “Yes you can.”
Eyes lighting up with excitement, the three clambered over the mess of pillows and blankets to get closer as Koga let Bruno guide him onto a stack of pillows, wanting him to be comfortable. Carefully propped up, Koga voluntarily slipped his hands beneath him, nestled between pillows, so he couldn’t block anyone. With a shaky nod, Koga gave Bruno the go ahead as the others circled the two of them like a pack of Mightyena, wanting to see everything.
A light laugh lit up the room as Bruno slowly tapped his fingers up and down Koga’s ribcage. Stay as still as possible, Koga turned his head to the side, his smile shy and his laugh quiet, not fully restrained, but not too dissimilar to the quiet laugh he would make when he found something funny.
“His Ariados got a good reaction out of him when it when for his belly,” Karen’s voice was quiet as she offered her advice, fondly recounting the moment she had stumbled upon in Koga’s room.
Curling his fingers so his hands resembled claws, Bruno slowly vibrated both of his hands into Koga’s belly.
“Shihi!” Koga’s laughter went up a notch, fully unrestrained now. Enthralled by this new reaction, Bruno began to vibrate his hands faster, then as fast as he could, which earned him a squeal, then loud, cackling belly laughter.
“Oh, I definitely want a turn,” Karen cooed, rubbing her hands together. Beckoning her forward with his head, Bruno pulled his hands back to let Koga breath as Karen shifted herself as she was by Koga’s head. “If I remember right, here is a good spot too.”
“Yehehes it ihihis!” Cackling laugh returning, Koga leaned his head back so Karen could fully view his bright smile and scrunched up nose, while she teased the hollows of his arms.
“I need to get in on this,” Will said with a sharp laugh, simply amazed by the scene unfolding in front of him. Ever since Koga had taken the younger man under his wing, Will had always seen Koga as a knowledgeable older brother, but rarely got to see Koga’s playful side. Sure, Koga would occasionally tease Will about something stupid he had done, when he deserved it, and Will always cracked jokes to see what would make Koga laugh, which wasn’t much, but he never figured Koga would allow him to rough house. Koga always had an air of seriousness or formality around him, so seeing him like this made Will happy.
“Will,” Koga said as the aforementioned man dug into his belly.
Letting out a loud bark of a laugh, Koga went limp as his laughter was as loud and boisterous as it was when his Pokémon were tickling him. The two most sensitive spots on his body were being attacked at once, leading Koga down a path of mirthful hysteria.
“Let’s not kill him,” Lance said, the voice of reason. Both Will and Karen nodded, Will withdrawing his hands and scooting backward, Karen moved her hands so her nails gingerly along his jawline and the little bit of neck that was exposed. Much to her surprise, Koga pulled out his hands and tugged at his scarf, loosening it enough that Karen could easily slip her fingers inside.
“So cute,” Karen whispered to herself as Koga broke out into pitchy giggles. Looking up at her, Karen could tell he was fully enjoying himself; the sensation of the tickling and the touch performed by his friend.
After a few more moments of lightly teasing his neck, Karen withdrew her hands, but not before ruffling her hand through his hair, something she wouldn’t have dared done only an hour ago. Recovering quickly, Koga sat up, rubbing his neck sheepishly, and to drive away the phantom touch that continued to make his skin tingle. Unable to wipe the smile from his face, Koga looked around at each of the four trainers in front of him: his friends.
“Do you like being tickled?” Karen’s tone was gentle and non-accusatory. “You never fought back or told us to stop.”
“I do,” Koga admitted, frowning slightly as the redness in his cheeks returned, “It’s not even just the tickling. I like being tickled, yes, but the touch. I’ve never had anything like that before.”
“I wish you could’ve told us sooner,” Will chimed in. “I-I know it’s hard to talk about, but I get it. I’m sure all of us do. None of us really had good upbrings, you know. Aside from Karen, I’ve never had friends before, not like this.”
“You guys are the only ones I’ve ever been close to,” Bruno admitted with a shrug.
“Same here,” Lance spoke for the first time in a while, “Aside from my Pokémon, you all are the only friends I have.”
“It’s okay to be open with us, Koga,” Karen cupped the man’s face, her soft touch causing him to shiver. “We’re here for you.”
“Thanks,” Koga muttered, turning away. “I’ve never had anyone before. Janine, I love her to death, but she’s just a kid. I don’t want to bother her with any of this. Ever since adopting her, I’ve always vowed to give her a good life, no matter what.”
“You have us now. You’re not the only one who needs and wants love,” Karen laughed, pointing at Will with her thumb.
“Rude,” Will stuck out his tongue, “but she’s not wrong. Touch-starved, that’s the term I use for it. All I want is to feel loved and touched and be able to talk to anyone about anything, no matter how stupid it is. That’s what all of us here want. We’re misfits, but we’ve got each other.”
“All of this. It means a lot,” Koga looked up and smiled. “I really appreciate it. All of you.”
“Is it time for a group hug?” Karen asked excitedly, and without waiting a second for a response, she draped herself around Koga and squeezed the man as tightly as she could.
“Yeah, no,” Lance rolled his eyes at how sappy Karen was being.
“I thought you said you liked us,” Koga let out a huff once Karen unpeeled herself from him. Without thinking, Koga leaned forward and squeezed Lance’s knee.
“Hey,” Lance halfheartedly slapped Koga’s hand away. Face flushing, Lance’s eyes widened once he saw Koga begin to inch toward him, eyes full of mischief. “We can talk about this.”
“We can talk later,” Koga scoffed before pouncing, his fingers dancing over all of Lance’s most ticklish spots as if he had been doing this for years.
“Help!” Lance called out, flailing beneath Koga’s feather light touch, his laughter booming.
“I’ve got you, Lance,” Bruno took heed, hooking his arms under Koga’s and pulling the ninja into his lap. Fingers descending into his belly, Bruno beamed as Koga slipped into hysterics, his legs kicking out uselessly.
“Will,” Koga locked eyes with the younger man. “Help!”
“I’m coming!” Will leaped and knocked Bruno off Koga, a flurry of fingers fluttering along Bruno’s neck as the larger man instantly began to cackle.
Turning around, Koga spotted Karen, who had Lance pinned to the floor, her nails scribbling all over his belly. Despite being his enemy less than a minute ago, Koga wrapped his arms around Karen’s waist and softly tossed her into a pile of pillows, saving Lance from her wrath. Once the champion recovered, both he and Koga began to tickle the woman wherever they could reach, until Will and Bruno snuck up behind them and smacked them with pillows, dislodging their fingers from Karen. Once disorientated, Bruno pinned both Lance and Koga to the floor and let Will have at both of them, Will’s fingers dancing over both of their bellies as the spot was devilishly ticklish for them both. The duo flailed and squealed, laughing hysterically until Karen launched herself on top of Bruno.
With no true alliances being made and there being no clear goal or way of winning, the tickle fight between the five of them went on for over an hour until they had worn themselves out. Resting on the comfortable pillows and blankets, the five ended up falling asleep, nestled close together like Rookidee chicks in their nest.
The five snoozed while the lady that manned the front desk came in looking for them, doing her last rounds before locking up for the night. Having not seen any of them leaving to go to their houses right nearby the Indigo Plateau, she had become concerned, until she walked in on them. Figuring they were comfortable; she exited the room and left them alone to sleep peacefully through the night, with none of them being tormented by their recurrent nightmares.
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good advice
#pokemon#nintendo#gameboy#johto#pokemon gold#pokemon silver#pokemon crystal#retro#gba#gameboy advance#funny#lol#humor#meme#elite 4#gaming#video games#nostalgia#nostalgic#retrogaming
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ecruteak city's newest kimono girl, suzuka! extremely obsessed with the idea of lyra becoming a kimono girl post-hgss so i doodled her with the eevee she starts training, manami.
#fun fact : maiko usually take on stage names once they debut so lyra goes by suzuka while she's working#there's a continuation of this hc where she becomes ecruteak's new fairy type gym leader after morty joins johto's newly formed elite 4#but that's once she becomes a geiko so she's independent from the kimono girls at that point#also typically maiko have black hair but since she's training an eevee i think lyra can get away with keeping her brown hair color#i need to sit and ruminate on johto some more... probably need to restart my playthrough too...#pokemon#pokemon heartgold and soulsilver#pkmn hgss#pokemon lyra#trainer lyra#eevee#hc : (pkmn) mjverse#hc : (mjv) johto#chara : lyra suzuki#🎨 : mj draws
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might get attacked for this lmao
(all poketagonists are either "can run these hands" or "can fight a little" do not come after me)
#pokemon#pkmn#pokemon rankings#pokemon character rankings#MY ASS IS NOT TAGGING ALL OF THEM#pokemon professors#pokemon gym leaders#pokemon e4#pokemon elite 4#pokemon champions#pokemon villains#team rainbow rocket#kanto#johto#hoenn#sinnoh#unova#kalos#alola#galar#paldea
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Not gonna lie, I feel kinda dirty making this post but fuck it. What's tumblr for if not sharing our dirty thoughts? So here is a list of the (in my opinion) hottest (adult) female characters from every Pokémon region in order of generation.
Kanto - Lorelei

Red hair and glasses . . . I'm starting to think I might be a bit of a narcissist. Either way, between that and custom business attire, not to mention the cool (ha) yet kind demeanor and this ice queen is definitely at the top of the Kanto charts.
Johto - Karen

She uses my favorite type and gives fantastic advice for non competitive players, our second elite 4 entry with the unfortunate name stands tall over the rest of her region.
Hoenn - Shelly (gen 3)

Okay, even if I'm not narcissistic I at least have a thing for red heads. Probably why I picked Shelly's original design over her design in gen 6. To be fair though, I do have a preference for simpler character design. Plus nothings better on a villainess than those fiery red eyes.
Sinnoh - who are we kidding of course it's Cynthia

Do I even need to explain why? Do I really?
Unova - Fennel

I'll admit, this was a tough one but probably not for the reason you might think. To be honest, none of the female characters in Unova really stood out to me. That is until I remembered this adorable ball of enthusiasm and questionable use of musharna's dream gas.
Kalos - Olympia

Okay so some people might be mad that I put a forgettable gym leader on this list rather than Diantha but hear me out: space goddess. That is all.
Alola - Olivia

Was this even a question? Yes and it was a fucking hard one! I mean between Plumeria, Wicke, and Lusamine? Damn myself for only allowing myself to pick one per region!
Galar - Mommy- sorry, Mommy-

Mommy- sorry, mommy- sorry, mommy- sorry, mommy-
Hisui - Cyllene

What, you thought I would have picked Cogita? I thought Cynthia was already on this list? Besides, I still need to get back at Cyrus. You hear that edge lord?! I'm in your ancestry, sucker!
Paldea - Raifort

She's tall, she's smart, she's vaguely evil and I got "will betray me" vibes in every conversation with her and I kinda dig that.
#pokemon#kanto region#johto region#hoenn region#sinnoh region#unova region#kalos region#alola region#galar region#hisui region#paldea region#lorelei#karen#shelly#cynthia#fennel#olympia#olivia#melony#cyllene#raifort#gym leader#elite 4#champion#kahuna
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Every so often I do a quiz that makes me name all the pokemon (1008) and it makes me wanna draw a few
#it's on jetpunk; i got 619 this time 😤#the special interest and 10+ years of playing the games really shows lmao#i do NOT know a lot of the new ones; after x and y + a lot more info coming out about how crunched the devs were#i stopped and tbh i think it's past it's prime at this point U_U do i have heartgold on me? i swept the johto region#but never started the kanto half... swept the entire elite 4 solely with my butterfree named after pouf lmao#shadow ball/psychic/bug buzz/[an air type attack??] iirc... he did not like it kshdkd he fainted so many times#all i could do was make him hit fast and HARD bc i gave him no backup; he was strong and powerful i knew he could do it#after you know. like 30 separate tries and some rng luck lmao#hoatm rants
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- cat,
clair’s cousin
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Long story short, split the indigo league in my au cause I wanted Johto to shine on its own and thus made ocs for said split.
Annita, the bug type elite 4, is one of those ocs. She's a rival of Bugsy ( one sided mind you), finally proving herself in becoming the E4 member in Kanto. I made her team a while back and looking at it again it was exactly. Good. So here's a new one!
Tried to think of the strategy that she would use. Ribombee would use sticky web first turn, which should allow the other pokemon to attack fast and hit hard. Venomoth isn't a great pokemon per say but between me never using one and the whole theme that even the "weakest" of bugs can be the greatest, I think it's a good fit. The only reason I decided to make her Pinsir mega was cause I think her team would benefit from it more. Though that would imply that mega evolution is within all of the Kanto League's grasp and I'm not 100% sure on how I feel about it. Unlike gym leaders, I don't think the elite 4 would give you an option on how you want to battle. It's either you can handle them at their fullest or you cannot. So yeah gonna definitely think about the mega stuff more.
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pokémon crystal is a weird experience for me because it's like playing a game that i've already gone through twice in the past yet i've never played it before.
jfc i wish the move reminder existed in gen 2
#charlie.psd#pokemon#i've gotten through the johto gyms omw to the elite 4#i have a feeling i'm a bit underleveled though and am probably gonna get stuck like this like i am in emerald#idk though i got through it in red so maybe??????? i have a Chance???
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okay, when was someone going to tell me that
oh, idk, steven started at 19, burgh has a younger sister, clay actually isn't born american, skyla's whole fam thing and ELESA IS 15???? (even younger than skyla like wtf???)
(also the 'alder' at the bottom is supposed to be drayden lol)
and that's not all
say hello to:
viola being 18??? 'black whirlwind' korrina, RAMOS MEETING AZ'S FLOETTE AS A KID, genderfluid and apparently also age-fluid olympia, CLEMONT?? AND HIS WHOLE THING DOWN TO BEING 12 OF ALL AGES???
(you know what, marlon being 30 definitely makes sense with the hippie vibes)
wikstrom SAYING that he only wears that suit in pokemon battles but i've never seen his casual wear, malva being pr for flare lol, drasna selling dragon merch + great family lore if you want to know, siebold having to third-wheel lysandre and sycamore while eating (move aside malva, you're not the only elite 4 dealing with this) and 20?? YEARS OLD?? DIANTHA????????????
(way too many men in kalos are getting ladies, c'mon)
ethan being into history is such a neat detail hmmm, idk much of the frontier brains ngl, and we've finally got the region for looker and it's... hoenn??? you know what, makes sense with his chaotic vibes so i'll take it (throws away unova taped to a rock behind my back). also he's abolsutely cheating we all see that he's just relying on knowing us as protags, should've known smh
(um i think someone said that 'caitlin' should've been anabel but idk)
oh and the last one is charon, if we care about how much of a loser he really is. forget about birch and the poochyena, this guy is the lowest heh. imagine being charon (please don't).
(when the protags of johto are the same age as clemont lol) (yeah i know there are years between those events just let me have this)
and last but not least:
aaron 🤝 valerie: wanting to be pokemon (and ig gotta toss in shauntal with the ao3 writer gift heh, don't know if they would commission her or stay away), bertha's description???? i love flint just saying, cynthia 👀👀 is absolutely doing something illegal 👀👀, roark is WHAT??? (child labour laws in sinnoh must be lax ngl), maylene as well???? fantina watching scary movies is something i'll have to incorporate into my worldview and bryon?? are you okay??
so yeah. credit goes to @/KuroBlitz96 on the twitter/x for having this up, i'm just here to project sheer surprise at this massive dump of ages... my thoughts on pokemon have completely turned on its head once more lol (this is fine)
#sinnoh is the most surprising out of the regions avaliable#but c'mon 12 year old clemont?? he is legit baby#steven is really just chilling around for at least 4 years until the protag got him huh??#when i was first watching bw i thought that cilan was middle child until that 3rd last ep?? with the fight for the gym#and having the bros come to him cemented the idea that he was the oldest#so hearing that is good to know#even though i have to make peace that they never left the city lol#WHY IS ELESA/ROARK/MAYLENE/DIANTHA SO DANG YOUNG???#i can maybe let go of viola. in time. maybe.#i also love some of that lore/history dump here as well#lenora's dad bringing back fossils and lyra being torn between countryside/city#viola being a big sister figure and getting that camera from her father#crasher wake being a fake fan but also heavily embodying that barry spirit in his own way#the ramifications of the mother dying after bonnie was born and wow that gag in the anime is suddenly a lot more sadder huh#on the brighter side the prism tower used to be a part of a travelling amusement park lol#flint's hype!!! maylene being confused over her own strength!!! (thoughts about paul's insults hit a lot harder after this hmm)#wulfric being an explorer!! and i'm still not over ramos and az's floette oh god#unfollow me right now. this is all i can talk about for the next few weeks. my brain is way too small for this knowledge help#is it canon now?? idk. but the fact that this was here is killing me#pokemon teraleak#save#deep stuff
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Pokeshipping Week 2024
Prompt 7: Celebrating
Ash was avoiding her.
He had been the one to invite her. Hell, he had paid for her plane ticket! And yet here Misty was, all dressed up, sitting by her lonesome, no Ash or Pikachu in sight.
Okay, maybe she wasn’t alone, alone. Ash’s old local friends from the Pokemon School were all there as well, milling around, dancing, snacking on hors d'oeuvres and sipping on champagne. Lana had insisted she join them at their table, and she had even danced with Kiawe and Mallow for a while after dinner.
The professors and Lei were also there, it had been Lei’s first Manalo Conference appearance, and even though he lost in the first round of the single battles, his parents were so proud, they had been showing him off to everyone all night, much to the kid’s embarrassment.
But yet no Champion in sight.
She knew he was there. She’d seen him bee-bopping around the banquet hall throughout the night, just not anywhere near her, apparently.
She didn’t think he was upset at her or anything. He’d grinned and waved at her after his battle with Hau, who had won the League this year. Their battle had been close, but Ash managed to win it and keep his title for the tenth year in a row. A decade of being the Alola Champion. The whole reason this party was happening at all.
He had been rushed off to talk with the press, so she went back to her hotel to get ready, naively assuming Ash had any interest in spending some time with her during the celebration after insisting she be there.
She was just polishing off her third flute of champagne when a yellow flash out of the corner of her eye caught her attention. She perked up for a moment and scanned the room to try to catch it again, when a soft, familiar whisper filled her ear.
“Meet me outside in five?” Ash asked, sending an embarrassing little shiver up her spine, but by the time she spun around to face him, he had made his way back into the crowd.
Ash’s back was to her as he casually leaned against the balcony railing, backdropped by the twinkling, tropical, Alola night sky, Pikachu mysteriously missing. Someone had apparently convinced him to put on some nice clothes and forced a comb through his messy hair earlier in the evening, but he had managed to scruff himself back up since then, probably doing something stupid and noble and Ash-like.
He was beautiful.
“I’m not avoiding you,” he told her without turning around.
Misty raised a skeptical eyebrow. “Oh yeah? Could’ve fooled me.”
He turned around finally at that and gave her a crooked little smile. “I’m glad you’re here, Mist.”
Her heart did that stupid thing it always did when he called her that damn nickname, but she joined him at the railing and looked out into the ocean. “You gave me no choice, Ash,” she reminded him. He chuckled at that, but it sounded hollow. “You okay?” she asked. He shrugged.
“Yeah. I mean, I think so. It’s just been a weird day.” He sighed. “I thought this was going to be it,” he admitted, quietly.
Misty blinked in surprise. “It? What do you mean? Like, your last year as Champion?”
Ash nodded, a wry smile on his lips. “Hau did amazing, but Gladion almost had me last year. If he wasn’t challenging the Hoenn League right now, I think he would have taken me out once and for all.”
She studied his profile, looking for a sign in his expression to figure out how he felt about that, but he was intentionally, very carefully neutral.
At her silence, he sighed heavily again. “I love Alola. You know I do. This place is my home away from home. But it’s, you know, still not home like Kanto is home.” He paused for a moment, and ran his hand through his hair before turning to face her again and smirking. “I know Lance is planning to separate the Kanto and Johto Leagues, finally. There will be a whole new batch of Elite 4 positions opening up, and from what I’ve heard, you’re on the short list for one of them.”
“How did you hear about that?” Misty balked. “Lance said that information hasn’t left the Indigo League yet!”
“I have my ways,” Ash said with a grin, and Misty rolled her eyes. Lance was such a blabbermouth. “Lance is going to stick with Johto. You’ll need a new Kanto Champion, too.”
Misty perked up at that, realizing what Ash was getting at with a traitorous little flicker of hope in her stomach. “You want to compete to be the Kanto Champion?”
Ash shrugged a little shyly. “I mean, that had kinda been the idea. I’m not sure I have it in me to be Champion of both Kanto and Alola though. I’m not as young as I used to be.”
“Ash, you’re twenty-two,” Misty reminded him with a snort.
“Exactly! ” he laughed, but his expression quickly turned just a bit somber. “I guess I was just ready to, you know, have an excuse to spend more time at home… Around my favorite people.”
It was hard to tell in the dark, but she was pretty sure he was blushing. She tried not to think too much about that. “Favorite people, huh?” she prompted, bumping into his shoulder.
He smirked. “Yeah. My mom, Brock Tracy… Gary.” He drawled, and she bit back her smile to glare at him, unimpressed, until he finally cracked with a long, loud laugh. “And you, of course!”
“That’s what I thought,” she said haughtily, and after a beat, they both broke into giddy laughter. Once they finally settled down, Misty sighed, and summoning up her courage, she leaned over to rest her head on his shoulder, feeling him tense up at the motion. She forced herself not to think too much about that, either. “It’ll take Lance a while to get everything sorted out, you know. It might not be until next year.”
She felt him hum in acknowledgment more than she heard it, her heart speeding up as she felt his arm drape around her shoulders, and his head gently falling into a rest against her’s.
“Yeah,” he agreed, his voice just barely above a whisper. “I’ve already waited this long. What’s one more year?”
#pokeshipping week 2024#pokeshipping#car’s fanfiction#satokasu#We made it today seven!! I think I’ll put a master list of these together too just for funsies#I hope you all enjoyed!! thank you for reading!#and thank you to everyone who participated!! this has been a fun way to keep sane this week! 😂
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I don't know if you do any other characters but, can you do Bottom N and Top Reader Smut? And can you have it being N's first time doing it? And can you have it all soft and slow at first but then make it get very fast and loud at the end. Thanks
Bottom N x Male Top Reader NSFW 18+
Given the sheltered and manipulated life that N lived prior to leaving Ghetsis and everything that happened in the Unova region, when he was crowned he initially had an arranged marriage to another girl.
He tried his earnest to put up with it, not fully understanding his feelings at all on why he wasn't attracted to her. When he still believed in the promises and glory of Team Plasma, he didn't think to consider her as part of his future plans.
That is until you, his rival, challenged and opposed him and Team Plasma's nefarious efforts.
At first initially, he thinks nothing of you. Until he talks to your Pokemon, greatly surprised by how much your leading Pokemon member loved you. He's never heard a Pokemon speak so kindly of another human except when it was about him.
That really made you stick out to him. You saw him time and time again on your Elite 4 journey and he simply couldn't stop thinking about you even though you were considered his enemy.
When Ghetsis is taken away and he leaves, flying on the back of Zekrom, for obvious reasons, all of his future plans fell apart. He didn't know what to do with himself anymore but in all of his wandering thoughts, it always led back to you.
But he doesn't return to Unova for a while. He stays lingering in the Johto region. And somehow by sheer luck and coincidence, you two run into each other.
The two of you are naturally apprehensive of each other, not knowing how the other would act. N asks what the Champion of the Unova region is doing here and you tell him simply and plainly that you're keeping an eye on him. He does a light laugh at that, trying to make a joke to lighten the situation but he fumbles it. You laugh anyways.
The two of you end up traveling the Johto region together for a while. With your experience with traveling, you basically teach N how to socialize with other humans properly. You didn't know how much this simple gesture would mean to him.
Eventually the two of you start making friends, keeping their phone numbers of skilled trainers who want to challenge you again. With your status as Champions, the gym leaders are drawn to you as well.
The two of you are invited to a social gathering with them actually. It's quite the honor to be invited to a League party. You bring N as your plus one guest.
Despite how meek and shy N was when he initially started to travel with you, he starts to feel as though he's somewhat normal. He can talk to other humans without looking down on them as his first initial reaction. When it's revealed he can talk to Pokemon, the League members get incredibly curious as to what their team says about him, making him a popular guest at the party.
As things settle down, N goes to look for you. His social battery simply isn't as good as yours and this would be the first party he's ever been invited to. He naturally seeks the comforting, secluded corner of a party and that feelings comes directly from you being next to him. But when he sees you socializing with Morty with his other guest, engaging in a conversation over the Johto legendaries... his heart sinks a bit. You look like you're having so much fun. He doesn't want to interrupt. Maybe he should just leave.
Then he feels it, a feeling he would consider ugly. He's envious that other men are talking to you. He wants you to himself. But what did this mean? Can other men be attracted to each other?. . . do you feel the same way about him?
He looks like a sad Lillipup and turns around, deciding to partake in some of the provided beverages.
When you find him again, he's a little drunk. He's never had alcohol before. You get worried because he shouldn't be drinking alone, even if it's a party but he whines as you pick him up. He's so skinny that you can carry him with ease. You bid farewell to the other gym leaders, wanting to make sure that N would be okay. So you take him back to the provided hotel room that the League provided you two with.
When he gets to the room, he sobers up, thanks to your guidance and help. You tease and warn him that he shouldn't be drinking without knowing what his tolerance level is. He looks sadly at his glass of water and you ask him what's wrong.
His voice is quiet, just above a whisper and he asks if you like him. Because he can't stop thinking about you. Every thought N has ever had about you comes spilling out, about how ever since he met you, he's just wanted to know more about you. The way you treat him so kindly is so much, so intense, but he just finds himself wanting more. When he eventually stops, he tries to leave but you silence his protests with a kiss.
His first ever kiss was yours. When you give him space to breath, he traces his lips with his fingers, feeling the lingering warmth yours gave his. He asks if you can do it again.
What started off as gentle, soft kisses only became more intense the longer you kissed him. N has never felt so hungry for another person before, he finds his hands reaching up, pressing his body against yours.
His breath hitches when he feels your hands snake around his waist, pulling you closer to him, your kisses becoming harder and more passionate.
You take the lead. You take off your clothes first. N stops to stare at your naked upper form, his hands hesitant to touch you as if you were shattered glass. You coax him into taking his clothes off. He shows a hesitant shyness before obeying, removing all of his clothes at once.
He feels so dirty in front of you. He's never been naked like this before. His cock is already leaking with pre, just thinking about you. N hides his face with his hands as he shyly mumbles he's never done this before. You stop to ask him if this is what he wants and he nods. You instruct him over the principles of a safeword, something he can say that would make you stop. He understands but can't imagine he'd need to use it, he feels safe in your presence.
You lay him down, giving him another kiss, tracking from his lips, to cheek, jawline, and then his neck. His breath hitches again and he initially squirms away from your touch, only to lean the other way to expose more of his neck.
He lets out a cry, his body shuddering as he feels your hand grope his cock. N covers his mouth with his hand as he tries to keep quiet, embarrassed over the noises he was making as you lovingly stroked his member. Whining as you give him a hickey.
You stop to give him another kiss on the lips, as you trail down, going from his lips, chest, stomach, peppering kisses all the way down until you meet his cock. He lets out a large gasp when he feels you lips press against the tip of his cock and lets out a whorish moan when he feels your tongue trace circles.
N has never felt so undignified before but it feels just so good. You're doing everything right. He wants you to keep going, to keep touching him. When your jaw relaxes and you take his length into your mouth, he can't stop himself from bucking his hips as he squirmed, surprising you. He immediately apologizes, but he can literally feel your smile as you start sucking his cock. He lets out shaky breaths as he lays back down, his hands clutching the bed sheets underneath him.
It's obvious he's never done this before, but even masturbation was sacrilegious to him. If he only knew sooner that he could feel this good, he would have confessed his feelings to you sooner.
He's getting close, you can tell with how his knees bend and his whines change, begging you to keep going. You wrap your arms around his legs, pressing your face closer to his crotch before you deep throat him. His body is squirming under your touch, he's falling apart and it's everything he wants and more.
It doesn't take him long to cum after that, his semen shooting into your mouth. His eyes open wide and he apologizing as he cums, before his body weight sinks back down into the bed.
You look at him, very pleased with his lust drunk expression. His pale complexion turned red as he stares at you with big begging eyes.
#n x reader#bottom n#top reader#male reader#eyyy this was longer than I anticipated lo#lol#N is a pretty boy toy#religious trauma boy
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Okay I was just sharing a tweet I saw with my friends, right. Then I realized the background- one of the possible decorations you can set for the Blueberry Academy League Club Room, the Dark theme- could potentially be a hint towards ZA. So basically I saw a gold mine in a meme, so thanks for accidentally inspiring me :)

1. The "hag" meta is definitely in for vtubers, so that tracks for Iono lol, but 2 moving away from that, 2. Follow me into this rabbit hole and look here, friends

Besides Larry being beautiful and questioning his life, a lot of us saw the portrait and thought it could resemble Caitlin of the Unova Elite 4 and formerly princess of the Sinnoh/Johto Battle Castle- fitting since Blueberry Academy is off the coast of Unova in the case of Unova Elite 4. Some of you probably think this is old news- be patient, I'm going somewhere with this.
The resemblance is there, especially in the hair in gen 4, but the eyes are different and she's holding a Banette or Banette doll, a ghost type. It was dismissed by many to just be a creepy little girl.
Except, I think it might be a hint or teaser. And before anyone dismisses this. Take a look at these screenshots (from Nintendo Life via google)

A lot of people immediately turn to the painting of Uluru- aka the rock monolith found in Australia, and many tend to focus on that for Gen 10 hints- myself included, of course, I've wanted Pokemon Australia since I was 10. However, what if I told you that if a Z-A hint were a snake...

...It would have bitten you. That's Lumiose Tower in that one sketch, a cleverly hidden tree in a forest of brighter colored trees. There's other stuff there I wanna look at, but unfortunately the angle is purposely bad in Hassel's art room, so you can't focus on it.
So if we go back to the creepy girl in the portrait, knowing that Game Freak already planted a Z-A hint that tiny on that wall, we could possibly go a little nuts and say that maybe she's a character we meet in Z-A.
If that weren't enough- Banette has a Mega Evolution, introduced in XY. So yeah.
Anyway here's what I think: Caitlin has an ancestor that used to be royalty in Kalos, or more fittingly, part of the Lumiose Aristocracy in Z-A's fan proposed time frame of 1850s Rennovation of Paris, or so. Caitlin has psychic powers, fitting for a Psychic type user- but Ghost type trainers also have been known to exhibit supernatural abilities similar to Pokemon Psychics as well, and Caitlin is so powerful that she either had her butler run the Battle Castle for her or sleeps most of the time as an Elite 4 member to keep her powers in check. Perhaps her powers are passed down and a result of a family line of involvement with supernatural Pokemon.
The girl in the photo is either the first or just another of the family that has some kind of innate power or connection to Pokemon in this manner- in this case, ghost types.
Lumiose in XY is actually not that far from the haunted swamp and supposedly haunted house/tourist trap, so perhaps Caitlin's ancestors are losing power in the aristocracy at the time period but still retain some sway, and most importantly could be the proprieter of ghost Pokemon we'll need for the dex AND an "alpha" equivalent ghost type Pokemon.
Picture this: there's a haunted mansion to the north of Lumiose. There's some old documentation inside that will help with your goal of rebuilding Lumiose- but it's haunted. Like HAUNTED haunted. It's layout kinda large but manageable, like Luigi's Mansion in a way. Caitlin's ancestor- maybe of some partial relation to Shauntal as well- helps guide you through this mansion that's infested with ghost type Pokemon.
That's an idea anyway, which admittedly could be a stretch from just a couple of screenshots- but do keep in mind that Gamefreak hid Gmax Toxtricity in their Alolan office in Ultra Sun and Moon on a poster at a bad angle. Not to mention they probably had DeNA use Masters to tease at Volo with Cynthia's Giratina Sygna Suit. Plus the Kitakami Easter egg at Larry's own gym before SV DLC was even announced, or using the English word for Blueberry- a North American berry, instead of the Spanish words for Grape and Orange- to signify Blueberry Academy being off the coast of Unova/America.
Sometimes their hints are right in your face, sometimes cleverly hidden, sometimes it doesn't even register until it hits- so imo, I think I might be onto something here. At the very least, a haunted house in Pokemon is LONG overdue at this point- we haven't had a new one since Alola in gen 7, although that was a destroyed grocery store- the others we've had are repeats of Lavender Tower or Lost Tower and Old Chateau.
... WHICH, BTW, A chataeu... is French :) the Old Chateau- haunted by ghosts, in Sinnoh, where Caitlin was first introduced. Come to think of it, in Hisui, there isn't even a NEW Chateau yet.
So now I think it's a possibility that Caitlin's ancestors were the ones that built the Old Chateau, and possibly used blueprints from one in old Lumiose to build it in the freshly colonized lands of Sinnoh. Blueprints WE help find.
Or, as a lot of people who made it this far are probably SCREAMING at me right now- all of this is nothing and the little girl is just a generic little girl made to be creepy on purpose.
But we like to have fun here in DD's theory corner. And it'll be so hilarious if I got some of this right in the slightest.
#pokemon#Pokemon legends za#Pokemon legends z-a#legends za#legends z-a#dd's theory corner#pokemon scarlet and violet#indigo disk
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Closed Starer for @pokefreaks-resurrection
It was no secret that there was a new trainer that would be amongst the top rank of trainers within both Johto and Kanto. Even though it has been years since his defeat at the Crystal Clear Elite 4, Monroe had taken his loss with stride, taking his journey across the world as a Badge Collector.
Inbetween trips however, he comes home to let his team rest and relax, though it has become tasking for him since he now lives alone. So he sends out an application for breeders to help raise his team, offering a free room and residence.
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heyy its pokemon day right so now's the best time to post some year old art of my pokemon ocs in their various outfits, right?
They're from a pokemon au I've not really talked about here -- with the core idea of being another sequel to the Gen 1/2 eras, seeing the changes the region would have seen by the time of, say, Gen 5. Gyms and Elite 4 members have shuffled, towns and cities have grown -- and that dude from Vermillion City finally finished building that tower with his Machoke.
Character details under the cut -v-
Leah - My main pokeoc and ancient blorbo. Loud, abrasive and confident, Leah wants to be the absolute strongest trainer. Born and raised on the Sevii Islands, Leah's life was changed when, as a young child, her town was raided by a gang of bikers. When they were poised to ruin the small town-- a young trainer in a red hat came in and beat them all, saving the day.
Ever since then, Leah swore she would be the kind of strong trainer who would go around saving people and beating up bullies. As such, she jumped at the opportunity when Professor Oak opened up his most recent round of Kanto Pokemon Survey Work. With Pokedex in hand and her beloved Bulbasaur, Sprout, in her heart, Leah set out and...immediately dove into the League Challenge, giving the barest minimum to the pokedex survey work. Leah is a direct person, toeing the line of tactless, and that translates to her training style. Brutal attacks, leaning into type advantages, and little thought given to strategy. After all, the only stat she wants to impact is HP-- and change it to zero.
Still, she is remarkably in sync with her pokemon, who she loves above all else. Her team are as good as family, and its this care that may credit her battle success despite a disdain for strategy.
She can be kind of a jerk, but all she wants to do is be a hero.
Sean - Leah's rival, and the "player character" to her "loud, annoying rival."
A Saffron City native, Sean has long admired former Gym Leader and current League Champion Sabrina. He wants to follow in her footsteps, gaining power and becoming a top trainer -- before facing his hero in the battle.
Sean is a quiet, serious boy, and is the opposite of Leah in nearly every way-- careful with his training, mindful of his team composition, and at least trying to pay attention to his Pokedex. He finds her annoying, and she finds him condescending. They're both kind of right; Sean can be quietly judgy and a bit of a snob.
Still, he cares deeply for his Pokemon, and despite his frequently shifting team composition, he tends to drift to the same handful as close companions.
He also cares deeply for his boyfriend, who is staying back home and training to be a daycare center operator. The new long distance element to their relationship has been an Adjustment, but its one they work through with lots of phone calls and gifts sent via teleporting Abra.
Alana - Alana is here too!
While Leah and Sean have their intense rivalry, and travel across Kanto and Johto earning badges, making friends and fending off a mysterious villain team -- Alana is the only one of them who's actually doing the job she signed up for.
Alana selected the third of the starters Professor Oak was offering and almost immediately got to work. She's no trainer, and has no badges to her name. She's the embodiment of spinoffs-- she's pokemon snap, she's the safari zone, she's just here to catch and catalogue 'em all.
She's a sweet girl who isn't afraid to get dirty, and in addition to using the pokedex, she has a journal on hand at all times to jot down her own research notes and sketches, delighting in the natural world around her.
She probably spent enough time in Viridian Forest for Leah and Sean both to get their third badges.
#My art#Pokemon#pokemon oc#pokemon day#seriously some of this art was finished a full year ago ive just been unsure of what to do or when to post kfdh
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My interpretation of the Pokemon Timeline
Quick few notes before I start this: I am aware that each pokemon game is it's own pocket universe, and timelines arent really important to the games, this is just for fun, side games like XD and Ranger won't be counted, remakes will take precidence over the origional versions, and if you have any evidence gainst this- please tell me! I'd love to have a discussion about this. Obviously the first game in the timeline is Legends Arceus, though the year is hard to tell- I'm gonna but it in it's own time period i'm calling "BE4" meaing "Before Elite 4" - so before the idea of catching and training pokemon became the norm for the pokemon world.
Then- the Kanto dilemma- is let's go cannon? Well the pokemon company swears let's go is mainline- the fact that the game starts with you isekai-ing into the TV is evidence enough for me that it's not real events- at best maybe it's a game in universe. Fire Red and Leaf Green's events can be dated however, the 96 on red's shirt in Ultra Sun and Moon and the constant references to "20 years ago" -fan service or not- show that FRLG take place in 1996.
Obviously, as stated many times in game, Heart Gold and Soul Silver take place 3 years after FRLG- not much confusion there at all. Briliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are also easy, as the game starts with talking about the Red Gyaradose incident in Johto. So, both these games would take place in 1999- in my opinion BDSP takes place maybe a month after HGSS.
The next one is a bit of a jump from what most expect- Black and White. I purely put this here because of Caitlin. Her hair is about 18 inches longer than it is in Platinum, taking into account how fast hair grows- that would put BW 4 years after BDSP in 2003. Then, obviously B2W2 happens 2 years after BW as stated in the story- putting it in 2005.
I put X and Y next, and I put it way ahead in 2013. There really isn't anything in XY that can help determine when it is- Dexio and Sina show up in USUM- so it can't be too far from those games. I just put it in it's release year. The most evidence I have for this is that they have portable holograms- a lot more advanced than the poketch's and X-Trancievers of the 2000's.
Next up I put ORAS in 2015 I'm sure a lot of you were shocked when I didn't put ORAS with FRLG like that one gamefreak guy said in his deleted twitter post- my reasoning? Wally is still a kid in the battle tree while Red and Blue are aged. Nothing really changes if ORAS is moved here, Steven is an adult when he cameos in HGSS, so it would make sense he hasnt visably aged 16 years later. At his oldest in ORAS he would be 32, well within the age range for a champion.
Then, one year later, USUM takes place in 2016. Obviously given the evidence i've used for many of the other placements this should explain itself, 20 years after FRLG.
Finally- Sword, Shield, Scarlett, and Violet... these games are almost impossible to place, but based on how far technology has come and some characters from BW having teenage children in the Blueberry academy- I'm just putting both these games in 2020- which would make the gym leader kids at around 17 depending on when they were born assumedly after BW's events.
so that's it! thank you for reading! share how you feel with me or i'll break you kneecaps.
#pokemon#pokemon lore#pokemon timeline#pokemon red#pokemon ultra sun and moon#pokemon scarlet and violet#pkmn
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