avatarquake · 1 year
Show of hands
Who else was traumatised by Murder Drones episode 6?
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(gif blatantly stolen from @johnsonandcoulson)
We learnt too much, where left with even more questions and holy shit, V, what the F, Tessa, Cyn you little shit, AAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
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words-are-fireproof · 6 years
I'm sorry, this van meeting in 1x04 is just too clandestine and all that to be platonic. I mean, for real. Do they know how to be platonic?
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badrowboats · 6 years
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Birthday for Daisy 3 DAY 7 · July 6: Daisy + anything goes (aka, Daisy being gorgeous)
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queeenpersephone · 7 years
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@penumbralluminance requested → daisy and coulson, agents of shield 
here I am, telling her something that could destroy her faith in humanity, and somehow she manages to repair a little piece of mine.
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johnsonandcoulson · 7 years
tags psa
The #skoulsonedit and (more recently) #cousyedit tag were created by @johnsonandcoulson so that it would be easier for us to reblog all the shippy (=romantic) content for Daisy/Coulson and also so that we’d know for sure the creator would be ok with us reblogging it. There’s no reason for any other (non personal) blog to track those tags and we’re pretty sure they don’t.
Nobody wants platonic stuff in their ship tag (just tag it as the god damn characters), and that applies to every single ship fandom in this hellsite, especially if it’s a small ship. We’ve been making posts like this one for 3 years and people still choose to ignore them — of course it’s really easy to ignore them when they’re in tags/a blog you’re never ever gonna even take a peek at, they’re just for you to invade amirite.
So anyway, if we see any platonic content in the tag not only we won’t reblog it, we’ll also probably block you for invading the tags. And if you turn out to be a Skyeward shipper we’ll definitely block you.
Thanks for reading!
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dailydaisyjohnson · 7 years
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♪ ♫  Daisy  ♪ ♫ 
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My otp based on episode 4x21, fic writers needed please, message me if interested. This is probably the only way they’ll “kiss” now because of Philinda…
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hamsterfactor · 7 years
Obviously I blocked that person (who wouldn’t anyway) and I was gonna make a post at @johnsonandcoulson, but then decided against it. I didn’t want people to think we’re telling anybody to shun them or whatever. Or give anyone more ammo to say we’re “dictators” or whatever the fuck.
And that’s the thing, we’ve never dragged any issues of this sort to @johnsonandcoulson (unless people brought them themselves over there), so it fucks me up that they thought it was appropriate to tag our blog. If you want to talk to us, talk to us, don’t post bullshit in our tag. It’s not that hard.
But that’s not the thing that fucks me up the most. It’s the unbelievable accusation of “well of course the AOS fandom sees the Cousy fandom as bullies, it’s because you-know-who *wink* is one!” Kindly fuck off with that bullshit.
Anyway I’m writing this post because I’m seen (??) as “the silent one” so maybe people won’t think I’m trying to “manipulate” anybody lmao.
You are the one who just called us “bullies”. I don’t know what the fuck you’ve been doing in your spare time, but @becketted hasn’t ONCE invaded tags (not even the Skyeward tag), or hijacked a post, or gone to another person’s inbox to be an asshole to them. So what the fuck is she doing to “bully” people, then? Post her untagged opinions in her personal blog? Call people out when they’re being problematic, not even mentioning them by name most of the time? Reply to people who jumped on one of her posts in the first place? Is that bullying? You fucking tell me.
The general fandom has been awful to us from the start, we didn’t have to do anything. The moment they found out us Daisy/Coulson shippers existed, they decided we shouldn’t, and invaded our tags, hijacked our posts, stalked us and sent us hideous asks. And that was done to us by pretty much every other “side” of fandom. There are plenty of receipts for this.
If tumblr hadn’t pulled their shit together with the blocking, we probably wouldn’t be here anymore. We’ve said this before. We stay in our lane so much, that I bet a lot of people don’t even know we exist. And that’s fine.
So the audacity required to call her, or a bunch of us in this shipping fandom, “bullies” for having strong opinions and caring about social issues within fandom, and expressing that in our own blogs… is truly uncanny.
And how can we not call out our own, when we’ve always call out everybody else? That would be hypocritical. And where are you, for example, when a silly post by @becketted that was made just to shower Daisy with love, is hijacked by a Cousy shipper telling us to tone it down, or that we’re praising her too much? That’s just ok behavior, I guess.
Calling out is also not public shaming. It’s ok to be called out. We’ve been called out about things we did wrong, and we try to deal with it as humbly and graciously as possible. Of course no one enjoys being called out, but you can learn from it. Or you can act like an asshole.
I’m of the opinion that any fandom (with a substantial amount of people in it) that appears/claims to be always happy and harmonious, must be because it’s shoving its crap under the rug and hanging vulnerable fans out to dry. It’s the bitter tired fandoms that I trust, mostly.
And also, a tiny fandom has its perks — I like knowing people by name and having ridiculous inside jokes. But in a way it’s a bit of a nightmare, because you will inevitably not like someone and it may be hard to avoid them. Or you will feel left out. Or you won’t agree with something most people agree with. Or some other really personal issue that can turn to drama. If it were a bigger fandom, you just need to look for your kind in it, but you can’t do that in a tiny fandom. What you see is what you get. And I get that this is a problem, and puts pressure on people — it puts pressure on us, definitely — but it really is unavoidable.
And, yes, we’re (as in @becketted and I) well-known in this fandom because of @johnsonandcoulson and some people may not like that. But it’s not like we can help it, we didn’t set out to run the only Cousy blog in existence (if that’s what it is idk), we just made a blog to fill it with content because we loved the ship and there wasn’t any place like that. And we’re still clinging to it because we still love our ship and love the people we’ve met thanks to it.
Sorry if you think we have too much “power” over this shipping fandom, we’re certainly not here because of that. But holy shit, if you really think we have the power to “manipulate” (just shy of brainwashing, huh) people to agree with us and/or do our bidding… you really think little of the people we interact with. I guess only you are special enough to see through us.
Anyway, I don’t want to drag this issue for longer than it needs to. I just felt like I had to “speak up” too because @becketted is pretty much the only reason you still see me around, making gifsets and whatnot. She’s my best friend, my fandom anxiety shield and really, fuck you for implying she’s done anything but try to keep this fandom alive and do right by it.
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blossomsutonium · 7 years
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cousyfest 2k17, day six — crossdressing
the rocky horror picture show, starring phil coulson as dr. frank n. furter and daisy johnson as rocky horror
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becketted · 6 years
Obviously a bunch of Cousy gifsets on @johnsonandcoulson have been flagged as explicit. Most of them are just scenes from the show. Which??? Thanks for the shippy support Tumblr???? I do agree Cal looking at the video of Daisy and Coulson hugging is explicit???? But???????
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pers-books · 6 years
Birthday for Phil - Day 1
Talk about what is it you love about Human Guy, his best moments, HOW CUTE HE IS and also feel free to vent about how season 5 is fucking bullshit and not canon.
What I love about Human Guy is his love and support for Daisy. The little things, like giving her candy or grilled cheese sandwiches:
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Because what can be sweeter, right?
The way he turns into the shyest, sweetest baby deer around Daisy:
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Look at that face!
And he talks to doors rather than her when he’s trying to hide stuff from her:
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And even when he’s dying again, he’ll bring Daisy her fieldsuit and gauntlets:
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When there’s fireworks going off in the sky, he’d far sooner stare at Daisy:
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When she dares to tell him that she loves him, he doesn’t hesitate to say it back  - and mean it (you can see it in his face):
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He wants Daisy for the Director of SHIELD. He never blames her for putting herself first when she’s trying to recover from being Swayed by Hive - he never once criticises her decision to leave, even though it obviously hurt him so much. He always supports her, values her, encourages her, and stans her. He was probably voted SHIELD Agent Most Likely to Wear a What Would Daisy Johnson Do? Bracelet (in pink) 3 years running.
Oh and he’s the cutest damsel in distress being rescued by the love of his life:
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The fact that he comes in a cute, handsome, and sexy package, as portrayed by Clark Gregg doesn’t go amiss, of course!
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(All gifs by @hamsterfactor on @johnsonandcoulson. Clark still snagged by me from - I don’t remember where, I’m afraid!)
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avatarquake · 4 years
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This came across my Twitter feed, so I’m gonna put it here so you can suffer with me.
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words-are-fireproof · 6 years
Random Thoughts on AoS: 1x10 “The Bridge”
Smash that reblog and like button, ladies and gents! Mostly just because I like spreading my MCU love to all corners of Tumblr. Because I think I’m funny, but I’m really not. :P 
1. I’ve never liked this dude. I can’t even remember his name, but I don’t like him. Arrogant, cocky bastard. Eh.
2. More bunk talk. “Had a soft spot for Truffaut movies.” Phil definitely has a soft spot for women of colour and it makes me happier than I could imagine because, like, again #cousy4lyfe
3. I love the Elsa braid Daisy is sporting this episode.
4. Ah, Edison Poe. I still don’t like him. Nope. I mean, who would? He is a “walking mugshot” as Daisy calls him. (Also, “Edison Poe” sounds like the writers couldn’t think of a name so they thought they’d just sandwich two important people’s surnames together and hope for the best.)
5.  Aww, Mike. I really liked him. It was such a shame when things happened to him.
6. “She may come to you.” Like, yeah, seriously, that’s not a good thing. Nope. Oh, May, I love you and your prickles.
7. “Guys in suits? Not so bad.” Just one guy in a suit. One, older man in a suit. Coulson, it was totally Coulson.
8. Simmons admiring Mike’s hard body is all of us.
9. “I’m going to stop talking.” Simmons is adorable and all of us around a crush.
10. I still maintain that Audrey deserved better and I wish they had put her in the show more. Plus, Amy Acker and Clark Gregg have great chemistry.
11. “They’re a myth. So was Thor.” I love Chloe Bennet. I love Daisy Johnson.
12. I always loved this red herring with the Clairvoyant. It didn’t make sense at the time and it was annoying, and it is still annoying, but I feel that the writers certainly upped the ante and made everything tense in a good way.
13. Oh, MayWard. I hate how it ended up, but I liked them together when they were.
14. Ugh, that was below the belt May. Way below the belt.
15. Then Coulson coming up to talk to Daisy and THEN HE WALKS AWAY. No, don’t do that, dude. Don’t do that. She needed you, man.
16. Such a tense meeting, but Raina does look good in that dress. She looks good in any of the flowered dresses she wears.
17. “Why do they want you?” Because he happens to have alien blood running through his veins. That’s why.
18. Daisy immediately jumps out of the van because Coulson is being kidnapped. She cares for her baby, Phil. (Also, it further establishes something I read a long time ago about Daisy being the hero of this television show and Phil subverting the damsel in distress trope which is totally true.)
19. Big things go boom. Where is Coulson? Daisy is so angry and so is Melinda. Such a great cliffhanger.
20. “We want you to tell us about the day after you died.” I remember screaming at the TV when I first saw that, because, um, hooray answers! Finally. I love a good riddle, but c’mon.  Waiting a ridiculously long time to find out about Phil’s survival is too long.
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badrowboats · 6 years
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Birthday for Daisy 3 DAY 5 · July 4: Chloe Bennet Appreciation Day Chloe’s social activism 🖕
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queeenpersephone · 7 years
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endless list of favorite people || Daisy Johnson || Agents of SHIELD 
Her whole life, she thought she wasn’t wanted, that she didn’t belong, that every family that took her in didn’t want her to stay, didn’t care. But all that time, it was SHIELD protecting her, looking after her. That’s what she took away from the story - not the family she’ll never have, but the one she’s always had. Here I am, telling her something that could destroy her faith in humanity, and somehow she manages to repair a little piece of mine.  
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tqpannie · 6 years
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So I am watching Mama Mia. (Cousy Gif stolen from @johnsonandcoulson ) Interesting.
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