evilsilence · 4 years
First Lines Meme
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line.
Tagged by @johnnys-green-pen
So uh, I only have 3 published fics currently. And one is an ongoing rewrite of one of those. I’ve written so much in the last year but yet I have almost nothing to show for it, as most things I’ve started haven’t exactly been finished for whatever reason. Soooo guess I’ll include some of the unfinished stuff too, because who knows, maybe I’ll finish some of them one day.
99.9% of what I write is Emergency related, albeit. . . weird.
1) Save Me from the Dark
Scarlett Raven Black sat numbly in her dimly lit bedroom pondering her existence.
2) Any Other Day
John Gage laid shivering in a treatment room at the ER of Rampart General Hospital.
3) Save Me from the Dark (Rewrite)
Scarlett Black gazed wistfully out the window, taking in the relatively boring cityscape.
4) One Breath Apart (Tentative title)
Johnny was dead. Or at least he thought he was.
5) Untitled
"Have you noticed Gage has been extra weird today?" Chet asked aloud to the room of his coworkers as he reached for another balloon to blow up.
6) Untitled
As consciousness slowly returned to him, unfortunately so did the pain.
7) Untitled
John Gage woke from his third nightmare that night.
8) Untitled (Dropped)
There was a loud yell as once again Chet performed another prank on Johnny.
I also recently started a Grey’s Anatomy oneshot that I wanted to finish before S17xE8 because it’s based off a brief clip from the promo. But procrastination is one of my best talents so didn’t finish in time, then got unmotivated. Oops.
1) Where the Shadow Ends (Tentative title)
Sitting in the comfortable sand of the beach, Meredith stared out towards the crashing waves of the ocean in front of her.
Conclusions: First and foremost, I really have a thing for Johnny whump (and sometimes beyond just whump. . .). I also like starting my fics with “x character felt this way” or “x character did this thing”, and I almost never start fics with dialogue. I’ve tried to sorta change it up at points, but ultimately it’s just what I’m comfy with so maybe that’s fine.
Favorite: Just going by first lines, Untitled #6. Have I ever mentioned I love me some good whump? In terms of whooole fics, definitely the ongoing rewrite of Save Me from the Dark. Pretty much everyone knows by now, but the original fic was always intended to be more of a parody on common fandom tropes and mess with the very idea of the typical “Johnny falls in love with the perfect Mary-Sue OC and they live happily ever after” fics. The rewrite is a more serious take on that premise, adding more backstory, better(ish) pacing, and canon characters (hopefully) acting more true to their canon personalities. It’s still going to be weird, though.
Tagging: My friend @thebeatlesqueenie1212  Everyone should check out her fic! <3
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Who’s happy Emergency Addict is back on Tumblr?
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rustyrainbow-blog · 7 years
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Emergency! episode Communication Gaffe. Roy’s replacement has arrived, and the tones drop. Guess who wants to drive? Season 4, so he didn’t have many opportunities (unlike earlier seasons), unless Roy was accompanying a patient in the ambulance.
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medic2medic · 7 years
A past podcast for the weekend. (User 443526265)
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enigmatist17 · 8 years
Long Day (Emergency! - Station 51)
Just a small thing based off of some runs that we saw that never ended well.
Based off of the show called Emergency! from the 1970′s, which is well worth the watch if you ever get a chance, That show literally helped change things for paramedics back in the day, and it deserves so much more recognition than it gets. Randolph Mantooth (Johnny gage) still advocates for paramedics today and had done a lot for the paramedic’s in the U.S, this show had that much of an impact.
No one was sure where the alcohol came from, as they were supposed to be on duty until morning even though the Chief had said so only until a replacement crew could be called in, but it was there and they couldn’t turn it away. Mike Stoker was the first, the man sagging into the couch as he took a deep swig of the scotch Cap kept in his cabinet for emergencies. His soot-covered face was set in a sad frown, eyes brimming with unshed tears as his mind slowly drifted away from the thoughts of his now dead friend burning to death in a factory fire they had almost failed to contain. Blackened hands shook as he took another swig, barely reacting when a familiar figure sat beside him and took the bottle from him after he had pulled it away from chapped lips, offering instead a watery beer. Chet Kelly took a swig of the scotch almost immediately, the man sighing as he rolled the bottle between his hands. Tear tracks stood out against the grime on his face, his usually bushy mustache singed in patches that would result in him having to trim it in the morning, but he said nothing as he drank deeply, wiping some excess from his lips as he wordlessly held out the bottle to the next fireman who took it without hesitation. Marco Lopez usually didn’t drink on principal, but the near loss of one of his family took a toll on the man, grimacing as the alcohol burning its way down his throat when he took a small sip compared to his companions that were quickly on their way onto being drunk. His own hands were shaking as he thought of the way he had pulled his cousin out of the fire’s way and towards the Squad, never having been so happy to see the familiar vehicle nor it’s drivers. He barely reacted to the pale dirt-covered hand reaching for the bottle held in his lack grasp, gaze riveted on the dull floor below him. Johnny Gage chugged what seemed half the bottle before someone elbowed his side in a way to say stop, the man panting slightly as the room spun a bit. To him it was like he was still there, life slipping from beneath his bloodied fingers as he fought bravely to try and save the poor men they dragged from the wreckage of the inferno, even though he knew for some he couldn’t. The flashes of the dead he couldn’t save almost were too much, a chair groaning slightly as he sat down, legs splayed out as a familiar hand took the nearly empty bottle into their hand before he had the chance to accidentally drop it. Roy DeSoto gently rocked the bottle back and forth in his grimy hands, glancing up to his fellow crew who were all slowly getting more drunk or just passing out from the adrenaline drop as it came crashing down the job was done. He took a sip as he remembered constantly moving as he took down information from patients, rushed as he sewed skin back together, gave shots or IV’s, did his best to stem the pain from so many, but some didn’t make it. He knew people died, that he couldn’t save them all, but that thought was muddled when he took a sip, sighing as he handed the bottle over to the last sober man in the room, disappearing into the barracks with a six-pack tucked under his arm. Hank Stanley watched as his crew slowly faded in and out, trickling out one by one for the barracks in the next room, Chet being the last as he bade his captain goodnight. Once he was alone Hank lay on the couch and drained what was left of the scotch, not even caring at the bitter taste from too much at once as he looked up at the ceiling. He had almost lost his crew, and the guilt of another captain having to deal with what was to come next made him depressed and loss of the optimism he usually had. For now he would dwell on such thoughts and drink, not even caring that in the morning he would be in pain as would the others, or possibly having to deal with an irate chief. It was their time to mourn, and the scotch in his head only agreed.
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goldenblonde51 · 9 years
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Love when ppl call while I am in bed with my love.. @johnnygageffpm
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evilsilence · 4 years
I posted the first chapters of the rewrite of my first E fanfic (and first long-fic!) that I’d been working on since last summer and now I feel things. 🥺
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rustyrainbow-blog · 7 years
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I put this up on Pinterest a couple of weeks ago, after noticing that John asked for two milks, then drank them both himself. The first couple of times I saw this ep (Welcome to Santa Rosa County, S6:E10), I assumed he was ordering one glass each for himself and Roy. But then he got grumpy with Roy for drinking out of one of the glasses. Huh? So I rewatched, and lo and behold, both glasses were for John. At the next meal, he sits away from Roy where he can keep his milk to himself. Great piece of by-play.
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mcpierogipazza · 10 years
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Silliness from E! devotee Slackersmom
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goldenblonde51 · 9 years
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My man has the best ass in the world! Happy Hump day y'all! 😘💕@johnnygageffpm
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mcpierogipazza · 10 years
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Yep, they pass this dealership when they go left from the station, but navigator Johnny sent them the other way around. Roy didn't seem to notice. 
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