banjos-coffee · 1 year
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me when I play the bone scrap bastard (I love him so fucking much you have NO IDEA)
also like i fuckign closed out csp without saving so i had to redraw this BUT I DID IT AND IT LOOKS BETTER THAN THE OG !!!!!!!!!
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artmialma · 11 months
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Disassembled JohnnyFive
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swordmaid · 1 year
venus’ johnnyfication
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JohnnyFER👽💙🎉🥳 ---"MUJERES CELTAS...💃💃💃 ---"Las mujeres de origen Celta eran criadas tan libremente como los hombres. A ellas les era dado el derecho de elegir sus compañeros y nunca podrían ser forzadas a una relación que no querían"...Eran enseñadas a trabajar para que pudieran garantizar su sustento, eran excelentes amantes, amas de casa y madres. ---"LA PRIMERA LECCION ERA... "Ama a tu hombre y síguelo, pero solamente sí ambos representan uno para el otro, lo que la Diosa Madre enseñó: Amor, compañerismo y amistad"... "Jamás permitas que ningún hombre te esclavice: naciste libre para amar, y no para ser esclava... "Jamás permitas que tu corazón sufra en nombre del amor. Amar es un acto de felicidad, por qué sufrir? "Jamás permitas que tus ojos derramen lágrimas por alguien que nunca te hará sonreír! "Jamás permitas que el uso de tu cuerpo sea cercenado. Tu cuerpo es la morada del espíritu. Por qué mantenerlo aprisionado? "Jamás te permitas estar horas esperando a alguien que nunca vendrá, aunque te lo haya prometido! "Jamás permitas que tu nombre sea pronunciado en vano por un hombre cuyo nombre ni siquiera sabes! "Jamás permitas que tu tiempo sea desperdiciado con alguien que nunca tendrá tiempo para ti! "Jamás permitas oír gritos en tus oídos. El amor es lo único que puede hablar mas alto! "Jamás permitas que pasiones desenfrenadas te lleven de un mundo real para otro que nunca existió! "Jamás permitas que otros sueños se mezclen a los tuyos, volviéndolo una gran pesadilla! "Jamás creas que alguien pueda volver cuando nunca estuvo presente! "Jamás permitas vivir en la dependencia de un hombre como si hubieras nacido inválida! "Jamás te pongas linda y maravillosa a fin de esperar un hombre que no tendrá ojos para admirarte! Jamás permitas que tus pies caminen en dirección de un hombre que sólo vive huyendo de ti! "Jamás permitas que el dolor, la tristeza, la soledad, el odio, el resentimiento, los celos, el remordimiento y todo aquello que pueda sacar el brillo de tus ojos, la dominen, haciendo enfriar la fuerza que existe dentro de ti...!!! "Y sobre todo..."Jamás permitas perder la dignidad de ser... MUJER...💃💃💃 https://www.instagram.com/p/CndrzGvg-8y/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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seulgiswhoreee · 4 years
and now, i fight | johnny (m) (teaser)
pairing: prince!johnny x peasant/rebel!reader
word count: TBD
genre: historical fiction
summary: Prince Johnny J. Suh is one who has been controlled by his parents his entire life. They have limited his childhood, his teen years, and even now, they try to control him as an adult inside their designer castle walls. He wants to break away from them, be free and do his own without worrying about what his parents have to say. What'll happen when he gets the opportunity to join the revolution being staged against them?
warnings: breeding kink, bondage, body worship, master kink, degradation, and praise kink, collaring, dirty talk, face fucking, size kink, bulge kink, orgasm denial, somnophilia, sexy times in the ✨1890s✨, war, basically a Korean version of the American revolution lol, lots and lots of secrets, johnny double-crossing his family, punishment to reader's friends by the royal family, that's it I think lol, absolutely no 1800s talk cuz idrk how they talked back then lol
sneak peek below the bar!! italics is 1895 and normal is present times (1937)
“Mommy, mommy!! Tell us a tale!” The Queen beamed as she strolled into her children’s impressive boudoir, made out of only the finest, most exquisite elements. “What tale would you like to hear tonight, my dears?” The children glance at each other and snicker slightly, “Tell us how you became Queen!!” The Queen raises her eyebrows in shock, “Why would you want to learn about that? I see my busy bees have been doing their research about the monarchy?” The Queen reaches over and ruffles their hair up. “Mhm!” They reply, smiles bright on their faces. “Okay, my little smart cookies. I’ll tell the tale. Our tale begins in March of 1895, the Queen had just thrown a big birthday ball for her only son weeks before…”
The ball was magnificent and festive, striking colors all throughout. And the birthday boy, Prince Johnny J. Suh, clad in the fanciest royal suit anyone had ever seen! He looked dashing, breathtaking even, all of the princesses from different areas wanted him. Yet, he rejected them all. He yearned for a soulmate, a lover, someone to deeply connect with, not some stuck up princess who only wanted him for his dashing looks and riches. He simply refused to dance with anyone and kept to himself the entire night, his night.
Towards midnight, when all of the evil stepsisters had gone to wipe off their hideous makeup and abuse their Cinderella at home, the Queen furiously stalked up to her son, and she slapped him. “What the hell is wrong with you? Johnny J. Suh, I did not raise you to turn down such beautiful women a chance to become your Queen! How am I supposed to trust that you’ll rule our land well when you’re father and I are gone?” He looked down at his feet and quietly grumbled, “It’s not like you really raised me at all.” The Queen almost missed his snarkiness with how quiet he was. Almost. “What did you just say to me? Do not ever disrespect me again, boy, or so help me God-” He grimaced and held his hands protectively in front of his face in annoyance. “I got it, Ma, never disrespect the Queen.. yada yada.” He walked away, getting in the horse carriage designed to take him home. He looked at his mother one last time, who looked at him with swirls of disappointment in her brown eyes, and the horse rode off into the night sky.
I hope this sneak peak gets y'all excited for this, because I certainly am.
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the---hermit · 3 years
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7 graphic novels in 7 days // day 4
I was planning on reading another graphic novel from my tbr today, but in the end I opted for this "game" comic : Johnnyfer Jaypegg e il mistero degli alieni commestibili by Sio ( for any non italian reader he's an hilarious comic book artist who got super famous on youtube thanks to his non-sense humor). This graphic novel is interactive, in each page you are presented with a small comic and a few options to continue your story. And just like in a video game I died and got a game over more than once. It's very fun, and the fact that each time you read it you end up with a slightly different story that could end any time is very entrataining.
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tdahp · 7 years
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List is starting to fill up at the bayou in my Vernon #thebayou #blues #funk #jammin #johnnyfeds #bluesbuddha #tomdudley (at The Bayou)
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fresh-outta-jams · 5 years
Can You Hear Me?-Part 1
Johnny x Reader Author: MoRo
Prompt: Oooh okayy, I'd like to request some Johnny fluff please? Like maybe a soulmate au 
Summary: You were unconcerned about soulmate things because getting it was the end of your final year in collage and time was counting down until graduation. But what happens when your soulmate suddenly appears right before your finals exams and it turns out he's been there for much longer than you knew? Having your soulmate in your head was not something you needed but the more you get to know him, the more you appreciate him being there. College!Johnny x reader
Note: I’M ALIVE YALL. So while Admin Mo is taking a hiatus so I’m not interfering, I finally wrote a little bit more when I was in Korea and have started a NCT Johnny x reader fic that was requested a while ago. I’m not sure how many parts there will be or how frequently I’ll be able to get them out but I have a few lined up! Warnings: Just fluff? Word Count: 2.1k
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
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You didn't have time to be concerned with soulmate things. It was your final semester in college and that meant crunch time. But rest of your friends had their soulmate mark and were anxious for you to get yours. You, on the other hand, were not because a soulmate meant time away from studying for your final exams and your medical school entrance exams. You mean you did want one but you've accepted that right now was probably not the best time.
"So... anything today?" Your friend Maeve asked. She had gotten her soulmate mark 2 years ago during your sophomore year. It was their first words, tattooed down her right thigh in beautiful script. Her soulmate was a cute human being from a few countries away whom she fatefully met when the both of them were on a volunteer trip that combined groups from different schools.
You look up from your notebook and pull your glasses off the top of your head, settling them back on the bridge of your nose. "Nope and I still don't care right now." You give her a look.
She sighs and runs her hands through her hair. "I know. I know. I'm just concerned. Maybe if you had a soulmate you'd take better care of yourself. Like they could help you relax and stop studying so much because you clearly do not listen to me." You put your notebook down with a sigh and look at your best friend.
"Don't worry about me. I'm fine. Really, I promise. Besides what if I'm one of those few who don't have a soulmate?" You lean back in your chair and cross your arms across your chest.
Maeve leans forward, "I don't believe you. And I highly doubt that. That like never happens and we're still young. They're out there, somewhere."
You give her a soft reassuring smile. "I love you Maeve but you're more concerned than I am. You worry too much about it."
Glancing at your watch, you see there's a few minutes before your next class starts. "Shit Maeve, I've gotta run. Anatomy starts in like 5 minutes." You quickly pack up all your stuff and book it to the science hall.
Breathless, you slide into your seat with 2 minutes to spare. Pulling out your notebook and pencil, you wait for the professor to begin their lecture.
After class, you head back to your dorm apartment to study for the Anatomy test you have tomorrow. You like anatomy but there's so much memorization and awkward wording of everything in the body. As the hours grow late, you get more and more worried about the test. You try to concentrate harder despite your need to sleep and the bobbing of your tired head.
"I've been trying to keep it in so I don't bother you but I just can't anymore. Stop worrying about the test. I've learned more from listening to you studying than I have all semester. It'll be fine. You need to go to sleep." A voice says.
Your head snaps up and you look around your room. There's no one in the room except you. But you swore you heard a voice. "Who's there?" You quietly ask the darkness. There's no reply back. You rub your eyes and go back to studying, a bit unnerved.
You wake up with your cheek stuck to your anatomy book and your eyes heavy with sleep. Stretching, you look around glancing at the clock. Then it sinks in and you bolt up, spine stiff. Dread pools in your stomach. 
It's three in the afternoon.
Your anatomy class was at noon. 
You missed it. You missed the test.
Standing up abruptly, you knock over your chair and grip your head. "Oh my God, oh my god, oh my god. I missed the test! I can't believe I fell asleep! What do I do!?" You freak out. You prided yourself on never missing a class, but now that record was ruined.
Your heart races, beating loud in your ears, and your breathing becomes shallow like you've just ran a marathon.
"Hey hey hey... it's alright. It’s alright." A soothing deep voice says in your head. "Just email your professor and say you got sick." 
Then an equaling calming feeling suddenly washes over you like someone wrapping their arms around you and envelops you. It calms your racing thoughts a bit. You feel as though there's a gentle presence with you even though you are all alone in your room.
"H-hello?" You say softly out loud, heart still pounding in your ears.
"Hi. Do you feel better?" The voice says again in your head.
"A little but I'm confused..." You say out loud again.
"Oh my goodness, I didn't even introduce myself. I'm Johnny." The voice says. "I'm your soulmate and I think we can communicate by thoughts and maybe feelings too."
Your jaw drops and everything goes silent for a minute. "S-soulmate? I didn't think I had one..." You think, feeling weird like as if you're talking to yourself.
"Oh I know me too. But here we are. So soulmate do you have a name or do I think of a cute nickname for you?" The voice says lightly. You can practically hear his teasing tone.
"O-oh I'm sorry. I'm Y/N." You respond. You can feel something tighten in your mind, almost like a bond that snaps into place.
Through that bond, you can feel his smile and an appreciative rumble. "Hmm Y/N. That's a pretty name." He says again in that deep voice, making you blush and get all warm. It's such an odd yet automatic reaction.
You touch your cheeks and try to will it down, as if he can see you blushing. "T-thanks." You say softly down the bond. Then something hits you. "Johnny..." You say testing his name out. "Was that you last night who told me to stop worrying about my test?"
You hear an adorable laugh come down the bond. "Yeah that was me. Sorry for scaring you. I was going to wait until you had a breather to let you know I was here but you were studying so hard last night and all those thoughts were getting blasted into my head so I couldn't sleep. Plus it was late and you needed to sleep too."
"Ahh...I see. Well thank you I guess." You say gently, nodding. 
Johnny laughs a little again at your gentleness. "That's alright. I'm glad I got to meet you now though instead of just awkwardly lurking and listening but never saying anything." He admits.
"What do you mean?" You ask.
"Our soulmate bond actually happened a while ago like a few months ago. But I was nervous to talk to you and then I gathered that you were a medical kid and going into exams based off your thoughts so I didn't want to bother you so you could study without distractions..." He trails off, getting shy now.
Now you giggle softly. "He's sweet." You think to yourself, hoping he can't hear your every thought. Then you remember your missed test and the anxiety sweeps back through you. But Johnny's words come back to you. So you pull out your computer and compose an email to your professor, saying you were sick and asking if you could retake the test at a later date. Once that was done, you felt a little better.
Your mind was awfully quiet now that Johnny seemed to have gone away for a little bit. It was weird, you had gone all your life without someone else in your head and now that there was, it was empty without him. Like you could feel an emptiness now. 
Was this was it feels like to have a soulmate?
You send a thought to Johnny wondering where he went. "So what do we now..?" You ask him.
You feel his presence pop back in. "Oh sorry, I had to take care of something...Well we could talk about ourselves. Get to know one another." He suggested. You nodded, "Yeah that's a good idea."
Johnny then started to tell you some about himself. "Well umm.. I'm an only child, my favorite color is blue, watermelon is my favorite fruit, I'm an Aquarius, my friends say I tell bad jokes but I think I'm funny." He laughs a little at that but then continues on, "And umm... I like to play volleyball. I live and go to college in Chicago. I'm like 6'1"ish... Oh and I can finish a whole large pizza by myself!"
You get bombarded with all these little facts about your soulmate and it's honestly adorable how much he likes to talk. You could listen to his voice forever. So that's what you do. You just listen as Johnny talks.
Johnny realizes you've been quiet for a while and how long he’s been talking. "Oh I'm so sorry Y/N, I have a bad habit of just talking and talking. I'll stop now, tell me about you." You can feel his embarrassment down the bond. You laugh a little, sending the twinkling feeling down the bond where it hits straight into Johnny's heart. 
"Oh my god her laugh is adorable." He thinks to himself, face growing warm.
"No, no it's alright, I like listening. And you have a nice voice. Like a radio or a talk show host voice." You tell him, breaking through his thought and pulling him back into your conversation. 
Johnny was glad you can't see him right now because he was blushing hardcore. First your laugh, now you calling his voice cute. He holds his cheeks in his hands, feeling them burning.
You take his silence as your cue to speak so you begin to tell him about yourself. You talk about your family, your favorite color, your favorite foods, and your hobbies.
For hours you two talk and talk about everything and anything under the sun. You wanted to never stop talking to him. But then he had to go. "Hey Y/N I would love to talk forever with you but I have to get to bed." He says regretfully.
You feel a pang of something in your heart but you understand. "That's alright. You need to sleep. Oh but I won't wake you right with my thoughts? Like what happened last night." You ask concerned since you don't know how complex your soulmate bond is.
You hear Johnny's chuckling. "No babe you won't wake me. If you direct your thoughts at me, that's when I can hear you. I can't hear your every thought but I think I heard those thoughts yesterday because you were freaking out and concentrating so hard so for some reason I could hear them. That’s how I could hear your thoughts a few months ago." He explains.
"Ah okay, I'll try not to freak out or concentrate so hard to wake you...Sleep well Johnny." You tell him as he goes silent in your mind.
You don't even register that he called you babe until after you can feel his presence is gone, leaving you feeling empty again. "H-he called me babe..." And oddly enough, it didn't weird you out. It felt like it just naturally rolled off his tongue without a second thought. You realized you loved the sound of it.
The sound of your phone ringing breaks your attention away from the words of your soulmate. You snatch up your phone and look at the caller id. It was Maeve. You slid the green phone icon over, connecting the call.
"Yo Y/N, I'm hungry let's go get dinner." Maeve's voice floats out of your phone speakers.
"Okay, I'm in my room. I'll be down in a few. Oh and I've got to tell you something too!" You can barely keep your excitement about Johnny in as you get around for dinner.
"Oh really?" You can practically hear Maeve's eyebrow raise.
"Yeah..." You giggle.
"Well hurry up and you can tell me. I'm already in the lobby." A hangry Maeve says.
"I'm coming, I'm coming." You tell her, trying not to be slow when she's hangry.
Soon after you end the call with a hangry Maeve, you meet up in the lobby and go to dinner. At dinner you spill your secret, unable to keep it in. There’s a huge smile on your face. 
"WHAT!?" Maeve yells loudly and slams her hands on the table. "Is that why you've been ignoring my texts all day?"
You smile again, "I'm sorry Maeve... it's just so weird to have a soulmate now. I thought I was going to be alone forever... but now all I want to do is talk to him all day."
Maeve rolls her eyes. "Says the one who was so against having a soulmate. Now you see what I've been trying to tell you!" Your best friend smiles big back at you. "I'm so happy for you Y/N."
Rest of dinner you talk about Johnny and the day you've had. You go to bed that night with a light heart and a smile on your face.
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way-veee · 5 years
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                   word count: 1.7k+
rating: m
genre: drama, mystery, smut, romance, sad
warnings: dark themes, smut, talk of suicide and depression
pairing: johnny x reader
pt. 10
johnny got up before you, he rose from the bed with a light smile on his face. he looks at you heavily sleeping, unaware of the brightness  outside. it was only 10:30 so he figures you could be sleeping for a little longer and he could go get something to eat while you still sleep.
you snore lightly and johnny scrunches his nose at how cute you look. his whole body is rigid and hurting from last night. he blushes to himself, he cant believe he did that. he tries to remember every little detail of last night without getting out of hand.
 he smiles and laughs to himself, these thoughts carry him into the kitchen.
 taeyong yells annoyingly while standing up out of his chair waving his arms like johnny was a soldier coming home from a battle. johnny hides his red cheeks into his shouders as he steps up into the kitchen passing a few of the boys.
"why the blush johnny?"
mark teases ruffling up his hair. johnny smiles and twitches his nose.
"nothing, you guys are just so weird."
"hes done it oh my god hes done it!"
 mark yells also standing out of his chair joining taeyong in jumping around. they hold hands and yell.
 "johnny got laid! johnny got laid!"
johnny wants to strangle both of these annoying boys but is too tired to do so. he believes waiting to do it later when they least expect it will suffice. yuta just looks at him and chuckles while continuing to eat his strawberries. johnny grabs a banana and slowly peels it as mark and taeyong finally calm down. 
"so, john?"
 taeyong asks sitting back down. johnny makes wide clueless eyes because that conversation starter could literally lead down so many different paths.
"how was it?"
mark finishes annoyed, like taeyongs equally sassy twin sentence finisher. johnny rolls his eyes and twitches his nose again.
"oh my god two nose twitches it must have been mind blowing!" mark yells.
johnny hits the table in frustration. he was about to wonder how mark could read his mind but then remembers that he usually twitches his nose out of embarrassment and mentally smacks himself in the head.
"I think I heard some of it!"
 jungwoo yells like a toddler, running to a seat between mark and yuta.
 "at first, I thought hey, that's a loud chipmunk. and then I listened for a bit longer and thought, hey I didn't now chipmunks knew how to speak. especially words like the ones I heard-"
johnny lunges forward half joking and pushes jungwoo so he almost falls off the chair. he hears the others boys laughing and chuckles, wondering how he got stuck with so many smart asses.
he tries to not let them ruin his fantastic mood, but every minute that passes proves how hard that really would be.
johnny glares at jungwoo and mark, who are smiling at each other mischievously like they had accomplished some big thing by simultaneously annoying and embarrassing johnny.
 then, johnny looks at taeyong whose pursing his lips and puffing out his cheeks mocking yuta who had stuffed so many berries in his mouth he looked like a squirrel.
 johnny notices this all too real humiliation party made especially for him. but what he doesn't notice is you approaching the kitchen from the hallway.
you just woke up a few minutes ago to the beautiful serenade of taeyong and marks screams. then you heard them talking about your "events" of last night and you couldn't help but listen. 
"no but seriously you guys literally sounded like: ohhhh my god yesss! uh!"
jungwoo moans in an exaggerated high female voice and all the others laugh hysterically.
 "wait no it was more like eeeeh! omigoood johnnnyy!"
yuta adds in, in an even more cartoon like voice.
 johnny blocks his ears when all the boys join in making exaggerated moans. you felt like this was your time to enter the conversation, so you fearlessly stride into the kitchen.
all sounds cease when they watch you seriously walk in, you think you even hear yuta hiccup. you wordlessly walk towards an astounded johnny and move his hands, sitting in his lap facing the island table.
 "uhhhh" jungwoo starts.
"you guys have it all wrong." you fake whine.
"you have to put the emphasis on the last syllables and hitch your voice on the last word, like:  eemm! gooood john!"
 you hold out your hands and look at them exasperatedly like they were clueless.
then at once after a beat of silence, they all laugh and gesture to you yelling
"oh it all makes sense now!"
 and really loudly trying out the tips on your moans that you gave them.
 you feel johnny rest his head on your back smiling, but red and sweaty from embarrassment.
 you laugh definitely enjoying your creation more then he was. you turn back and tug on johnnys hair. he lifts his smiling beet red face to yours and then you kiss his forehead whispering,
"hi ya I missed you."
he chuckles and whispers back.
"I missed you too, but I think I might revoke that statement because well, im being humiliated and its somewhat because of you."
 you laugh lightly into his face, taken away by the curve of his nose and the shape of his eyes.
 "come on, you know you love me."
 he smiles again biting his lower lip, looking at how pink your lips are and how adorable it is how your forehead wrinkles when you scrunch your nose.
 "ya" he muses, "youre right."
 your face gets red now not because of the onslaught of moans and sex noises the boys were making, but because johnny just said that he loved you. it made your whole stomach flip and your head spin.
 "well that's good because I do too."
now its johnny turn to change to an even deeper shade that resembles the strawberry bits spread all over yutas mouth.
 "lets get out of here," johnny coaxes you getting out of his chair.
 "but I haven't eaten" you frown towards him.
 "I was thinking of taking you somewhere that supplies breakfast, unless our fruit loops are too tasty to part with?"
you playfully punch him in the shoulder and nod giddy.
"sure I can, just watch me."
" if you insist" he smiles.
 as you leave the boys stop yelling cuss words and all yell goodbye,
 "farewell my dear!" taeyong yells at you again.
 you elegantly curtsy and point at all of them like you were famous and thanking your fans. they all laugh and point back.
"farewell jonathan my boy!" taeyong waves again as the final farewell like he was sending us off to sea.
 you smile and scrunch your face as you walk to the bathroom.
"y/n?" johnny questions softly tugging on your hand.
 you look at him quizzically. johnny leans in a kisses you lightly. youre still as nervous as the first time he kissed you. and when he detaches his soft lips you shudder.
 "whew that was good"
 "yea?" johnny laughs at how cute you were.
you twirl into the bathroom, turn on the light and as you shut the door you say:
"the best I think."
 you hear johnny laugh on the other side of the door and you jump a little bit from how perfect everything is. you could of stayed talking to and kissing johnny all day.
but right now you craved fruit loops and hoped that whatever johnnys plans were, they can top those sugar coated wheat circles.
you doubt it.
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xuxikook · 5 years
Beautiful in white • Seo Johnny
Pairing: Johnny Seo x reader Summary: in which Johnny couldn’t help but remember all of the best decisions he had ever done as you walk down the aisle. Genre: Fluff Words: 1300 (A/N: my aunt played this one and it gave me ideas lmao. Its so cliché but i luv.) 
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It was just like a dream.
From the moment he knelt down in front of you in front of yours and his family along with twenty members, who helped him plan and set up the event. He knew it was the best decision he had ever made. The moment you said yes. Cliché but he knew he was the happiest man alive.
During those times that you were assigned as the stage coordinator for their summer tour, he believed if was fate. You caught his eyes even though it was just you running around to make sure everything was perfect.
He watched your every feature and the way you would throw your head back laughing when you or someone makes a mistake, that he soon found out that you do because you know that people aren't perfect and there will always be a way to fix things. So stress isn't really necessary and rarely appears in your dictionary.
He remembers staring at you for so long that it had caught Mark's attention after realizing that his member isn't listening to him blabber about stuff. He remembered Mark first stepping forward making his way to you which made him grab his wrist asking him where he's going.
Which Mark ignored and walked over to you and make a conversation with you. Mark was the first one to get to know you, he was the first one to say Hi. He didn't like it though.
So he immediately followed the kid behind and stood beside Mark. He didn't know why but he was nervous. He was scared at that moment.
Mark introduced himself before introducing Johnny who became a soft shy bean when he stood tall beside Mark. Barely even making any words, his smile was huge. You thought it was cute when he stuttered a little when he said a small 'hi' to you.
Never thought that the tall kid is a really shy person.
Blushing when his hands meet yours for a shake. He admired your features, the way you smiled, the way your eyes shined when the stage lights were being tested accidentally hitting your eyes. The way you carried yourself, he was in awe.
Everything you do made him awe.
The moment he finally had the nerve to ask you out on a date was the most scariest moment he had ever done in life, all the negative scenarios he had made in his head did not match that positive scenario that had happened during that night.
He remembered hiding the fact to the boys that you two were dating was the most funniest time in his life. When you would blush and freeze backstage after Johnny came back and peck you in the cheeks only for the boys to find you frozen in your place.
Mark at some point had noticed that you would often freeze after Johnny pass by you. So he would always walk beside Johnny to watch what he would do when he pass by you. He never caught what Johnny does except for that moment when he didn't realize that Mark was walking beside him in silence.
He kissed the air while looking at you which made Mark freak out afterwards spreading it all over the group's group chat causing a chaos in both of yours life when the next concert was held.
It was funny for the both of you.
When he broke the news to the boys that he was gonna propose to you. The boys lost it. They were so happy that finally, you two were getting married.
The moment the boys took the initiative to help plan the proposal was touching for Johnny and you when you found out about it. The smile on their faces, the giggles Chenle and Jaemin made was loud enough to make you notice that something was up with everyone.
Johnny noticed it. He noticed how the boys will drop proposal clues around you when they're around which for some reason. You never noticed.
The moment that Do Young would go around sing 'Marry Me' by Jason Derulo while walking around you was the biggest clue that had been dropped. Johnny even thought that moment that you already figured out what was happening around you.
But you didn't.
So the boys teased you about it for two weeks after the proposal.
Johnny remembered the time when he would drop you and the dreamies to a wedding dress boutique because you wanted the kids to be the one saying which one looks the best because bringing all twenty people around would create a chaos.
Jaemin and Haechan doing the most hype with the others following along. While Chenle and Jisung bicker about the dress you try, always fighting about what they picked was prettier that what the other had picked.
Johnny remembers bringing the other half of the group to pick out a suit was the most fun thing he had ever done. He remembers how everyone was so hyped about him trying out the suits.
He remembers some members getting emotional as well as Jungwoo being in awe in everything that was happening around him. Lucas starting his sentences with, 'Woah Hyung!'
Johnny remembers when you and him broke the news to Mark about how he's gonna be a best man in your wedding, he was grinning and highlighting that he was the your best man. Remembering the moment Mark kept on saying ‘No dude! You’re serious? No!’ while his index finger was resting on the top of his upper lip. Still shocked about the news.
Taeil, Taeyong, Doyoung, Yuta, Jaehyun, Sicheng, Jungwoo, and Haechan as the grooms men. Jisung as the ring bearer for you wedding since you wanted most of the members to have a part in the wedding since they were mostly the people you spent with during your relationship.
Jaemin and Jeno as the flower boys along with your six year old niece from your cousin which Jaemin happily walked down with. Kun as your man of honor-- though it was supposed to be a female.
Lucas and YangYang as the MC- which created a huge laughter during the reception as well awes. While Ten, Renjun, Chenle, Xiao Jun, Hendery are gonna be doing somethings they wanna do in the reception.
Going all against the proper rules of the wedding was probably the most thing you two have done in planning this wedding.
When the wedding arrived Johnny was so excited. Tearing up during the time he was preparing in the room. The boys gathering around the room cheering for his marriage. Happy that one of their members was getting married.
Johnny giving out a speech for all the boys for a moment got everyone in tears. The smile on their faces was unremovable like they were the ones getting married.
The moment Xiao Jun sat in front of the piano got Johnny all hooked up. The tears building up in his eyes got everyone in the crowd all aweing and crying. Mark was trying his best not to tease him and laugh about it.
The moment Renjun and Chenle opened the door got Johnny in tears when you appeared. The white dress that Jisung told him about, about how its so beautiful and it compliments Y/n really well was all true. It did.
The beautiful sound of the piano keys playing as well as you walking down the aisle was a moment for him. He felt like the time was frozen during that moment.
The way you take step by step on the long red carpet got him remembering all of the innocent feelings that he had when he was was a child. Feeling them again after becoming an adult.
"Hyung, she's so beautiful." Mark blurted out behind him. Johnny let out a laugh before letting a tear drop down. A smile on his face as he watch every move you make.
"Hi." You shyly said when you reached the end of the aisle. The end with him. Johnny laughs.
"Hi. You look beautiful." He blurted out the same words Mark said. Making you giggle beside him.
Johnny admired you, from that moment on. He promised to himself once again.
as long as he live,
he will always love you.
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monggu-eomma · 5 years
Midnight Snack (vampire!Johnny)
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Pairing: Johnny x reader
Genre: angst, au, violence, death
Notes: This was supposed to be a drabble, but for those of you who have been following me for a long time have come to notice that I don’t know how to keep anything short. This scenario is a sequel/prequel to this drabble. I hope you enjoy it!
Johnny wanted to hate you, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t bring himself to hate you as his mind reminded him of the feelings of your arms wrapped around his waist, with your face pressed against his back. He wished that he could he hate you as he thought about those mornings where you would share a coffin with him. Johnny wanted to hate you so much, but no matter how hard he tried to forget and push you out of his mind, you came back to haunt him. Was it like this for every vampire and their maker?
In a fit of rage, Johnny had yet again gone another killing spree. Not only did he need to forget you, but he needed to rid his mind of the thought of your new fledgling, Mark. If Johnny couldn’t hate you, he could definitely hate Mark. He absolutely detested the way that Mark gazed at you with adoring eyes and the way that you stood close to him as he prepared to make a kill. It was childish on Johnny’s part, but he longed for you to be close to him again. He didn’t want to be left in the dust.
Blood covered his mouth as he pulled himself away from the neck of his eighth victim, a young man with blond hair. He sat on the cold, hard concrete as he pushed the body away from his deadly embrace. The blood was good, but this feast was not enough to feed the emptiness that raged inside of him. It was stupid. Johnny missed you and the only way he could get your attention so he goes was to go on a killing spree.
A gush of cold air blew into the alley and with a deep breath through his nose, Johnny knew it was you. He whispered your name as if it were a sacred prayer as you looked down at him with slight. He felt small under your gaze and he hated himself for it. Johnny thought himself to be powerful vampire and yet at the sight of his beloved maker he felt like nothing.
“I didn’t create you to be like this,” you finally said.  
“Then how else am I supposed to get your attention?” Johnny asked with a cruel smile on his bloody lips. Pulling a handkerchief out of your pocket, you crouched down to his level and wiped the dark red blood off of his mouth.
“Don’t be such a child, Johnny. You’re better than this,” you said with an exasperated sigh after you finished wiping his mouth. You stood back up and ran your hands over your black coat to smooth out the wrinkles. Johnny couldn’t help but notice how beautiful you looked in black. He always said that you looked beautiful in any color, but in black you were stunning.
“Maybe if you took a moment to say hi instead of drooling over Mark then I wouldn’t have to do this,” Johnny said as he waved his hand to the pale and dry corpse in front of him.
“You aren’t my only creation, Johnny. You never have been and you never will be. These temper tantrums that you are throwing need to stop. Unrestrained killing is not the price to be paid for your childish jealousy,” you said, ignoring the comment that Johnny had made about your feelings towards Mark.
“You really are something, aren’t you?” Johnny bitterly said. He stood up and wiped his bloody hands onto his dark jeans.
You closed your eyes for a brief moment and sighed. “You really are something too, Johnny,” you said as walked over the body to be right in front of Johnny. “Why do you think I chose to turn you? I don’t make these decisions lightly,” you continued to say as you finger traced Johnny’s facial features, from the top of his nose, to his soft lips. He sighed and closed his eyes at the simple feeling of your touch. 
Old habits were certainly hard to break and it came to no surprise to you or Johnny when you kissed his lips. His hands automatically went to your waist to bring your body closer to his, with your hands on his cheeks. Oh what Johnny would give to have you kiss him every day, but reality was cold and cruel. 
“You’ve never been my only creation, Johnny, and I will always have new fledglings,” you said after you broke the kiss. Johnny’s hands fell away from your waist as you moved away from him at an inhuman speed. 
“You’re leaving me for him?” Johnny asked as he took a step towards you. 
“I have to look after my creations. I can’t neglect the responsibilities that I have,” you said as you continued to walk out of the alley. 
“Am I just a responsibility to you then?” Johnny called out, but despite being able to hear him, you did not respond. 
Johnny wanted to hate you, but he couldn’t. 
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johnnyfivemusic · 5 years
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ledbytheunknown · 6 years
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#shortcircuit #johnny5 #johnnyfive
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dkaotic · 4 years
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#6fanarts #6fanartschallenge #nostalgia #80smovies #shortcircuitmovie #shortcircuit #number5 #johnny5 #johnnyfive #robot #steveguttenberg #80s #memberberries #art #sketch #drawing #illustration #comicartist #fanart #dk #dkaotic #dkaoticomics #haileris #23 https://www.instagram.com/p/CBDfr-DnZP2/?igshid=8h5zssdr0ykw
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tdahp · 7 years
Down at the Bayou in Mt Vernon NY setting up start at 9pm #bluesbuddha #tomdudley #johnnyfeds #chrisburke #jimbosco #cliffhackford #music #jammin #thebayou #mtvernon #newyork #tonight #june26th2017 #blues #funk #rockandroll #soul
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andystechgarage · 4 years
Too cute note to share... #Mindstorms #microduino ◇◇◇ ◇◇◇ ◇◇◇ #lego #techniclego #legotechnic #fll #technic #omgrobots #robot #robots #robotics #robotica #instalego #stem #legoinstagram #STEMEducationforkids #steam #johnnyfive #shortcircuit #AndysTechGarage ©️©️©️ @andystechgarage ⚠️DO NOT REPOST ⚠️ https://www.instagram.com/p/CLj0C6MgP64/?igshid=y8tixhws3160
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