#johnny test vampire
s0fter-sin · 3 months
vampire au where they can only drink the blood type they were before they were turned. other blood has an almost poisonous effect, burning them from within like acid and drinking too much of it can kill them
in the old days, before the knowledge of blood types, it made humans they could feed on absolutely precious. they're kept safe, pampered and doted on; a vampire’s most prized possession
attacking another vampire's human is seen as the highest insult; not only is it a slight against them, it also carries the implication of "i want you to starve"
it's also used as the cruelest of punishments; starving a vampire for months, until they're feral with hunger just for their torturer to throw in a random human, watching them desperately suck down poison, their instincts begging them to keep drinking even as it kills them
ghost is one of the few who survived it; thrown in a pit so deep, he saw stars in the middle of the day, left with nothing but the dried bodies of the humans roba drained without care, others with their throats slit, blood he can't drink spilled out around them
a taunt of the one thing he needs but will never get
but ghost hasn't survived this long just to give up here
he refuses to die in this stinking, rotted pit
ghost is a force of nature as he descends over roba's manor; killing any who wander into his path until the halls run red. until he gets his hands on roba and tells him a secret:
vampires can feed on the blood of any vampire, regardless of blood type
it becomes a legend in vampire high society; if you starve another, you'd best make sure they actually die
otherwise you might end up piled in a dining room, the vampire you left for dead lounging on a throne of corpses with his fangs lodged in your throat
ghost decimates roba's empire, burning it to the ground until no one dares to speak his name in fear of incurring his wrath. it's incredibly taboo for a vampire to feed off another but ghost's too powerful for anyone to challenge him and the other vampires are too scared to try. scared of what he's willing to do, the lengths he'll go to; not that they'll ever admit it
soap is the first human he ever brings to court; delicately bathed in the finest silks and jewels, his throat always bare so he can show off ghost's ownership, his bite framed in lace
he's not like the delicate waifs the other vampires show off; he doesn't cling to his master, demure and submissive. he shows off his teeth as often as any vampire, fully willing to rip out the throats of any who insult him or ghost
a feral master needs a just as feral pet
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dib-thing-wannabe · 9 months
If there was a Johnny Test vampire AU, what would it be like?
I'm assuming that the supposed au is where only Johnny is a vampire, so I'm writing this based on that. Sorry if that's not what you mean.
Backstory/How Johnny became a vampire: It would probably happen to Johnny by a failed experiment by his sister's or one of the villain's turning him into one. Either way, in the end, it is found that his vampirism is not at all reversible unlike with his sister's, and now he is permanently stuck like this.
Physical/Behavioral changes in Johnny: Other than him now having fangs, albeit ones that are easy for him to hide, the only thing that'll happen is that he becomes paler because one, since he technically isn't a teen yet (He's 11 years old), he's avoiding being out in the sun in fear that he'll burn up, and two, he no longer has blood circulating through his vains, so he loses his color because of that as well. He surprisingly has a lot of self control over himself, especially compared to when Susan and Mary turned themselves into vampires, but when he's hungry for too long, he becomes animalistic.
Plot points for the au:
1. Him having to hide the fact that he's now a vampire from everyone, especially his parents.
2. Struggles of having to feed off of blood, specifically having to fight urges to feed off of humans and/or not getting caught with any (animal) blood.
3. Johnny having fears of what he's becoming/ what he has become, and therefore isolating himself as to not end up accidently hurting anyone.
4. Being hunted down by the government/ vampire hunters.
5. Trying to still be a normal and popular kid yet was already struggling before, and him becoming a vampire suddenly isn't really helping him.
Characters that know of him being a vampire, how they know, and reactions (in order of who found out first to last):
Susan, Mary and Dukey: They were all there when it happened, and were the ones who attempted to reverse it. Of course, they panicked and were extremely freaked out about it at first, but after they find out that Johnny is now forever a vampire and they can't change that, they quickly learn to accept it and now they are mostly fine with it.
Bling-Bling Boy: Ended up accidently finding Johnny drinking from a blood bag while he was looking for Susan. He was made extremely uncomfortable by it, but didn't really bother asking why Johnny was drinking blood in the first place until Johnny himself started panicking about the situation. Didn't really care about it in the end, but he will use it to his advantage sometimes. Example: He would bribe Johnny into working with him sometimes by using blood bags as payment.
Mr Black and Mr White: Noticed that Johnny was suddenly buying a lot of animal blood for seemingly no reason, so they decided to investigate the situation. At first, they began to try and capture Johnny for testing because of his vampirism, but once they realized that in the end he was still just a kid who was only trying to survive and wasn't even hurting anyone else in the process, they not only stopped but also began protecting him from anyone who would either hunt him down or pose as a threat to Johnny.
Hugh and Lila: Two ways they could find out. One, they noticed all of Johnny's weird and sudden behaviors and confront him on it after a while, or two, Johnny, with the help from his sister's and Dukey, finally gets the courage to tell them about it himself. Of course, being parents, they began freaking out and decide to call the General so that he could "fix it", not knowing that it couldn't be fixed and ended up unintentionally putting Johnny in extreme danger by calling him. In the end, while still being a bit freaked out by it, they learn to accept this fact as now a part of who Johnny was and began making sure that he was protected at all times.
Okay, so this ended up being longer than I thought it would be-
But hey! I actually really like this idea now, so if you'd like, send in more asks involving this new au!
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rominadrawsart · 11 months
Look who's got a redesing❄️🦇
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prismasartworks · 11 months
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At last, the NEW final four vampires are complete!
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arti-squid · 1 year
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Just 2 silly vampires
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charliemwrites · 9 months
Sniff, sniff…. Woof.
Content: Voyeurism
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“Johnny? Johnny, baby, come here!”
Your big wolf boy comes bounding in from the living room as you shut the front door, immediately rearing up to sniff at your neck and face and hands. Satisfied, he licks your cheek and drops down again.
“Alright, listen up, handsome.” You grab his cheeks, scritching along his jaw and grinning as his big blue eyes go dopey. “My sister and her husband are going to stay the night. You are going to be a polite boy because you love me and don’t want to give my sister anything to talk shit about. Yes?”
A sneeze that he (for once) aims away from you. You laugh, drop a kiss between his eyes.
“Good talk.”
As usual, he follows you through the house as you shed clothes and shoes and bags. You ramble about the grocery store and your day, mostly just to get it out so your headspace can be clear for the evening. Helps to have a little (relatively) listener following at your heels.
He camps out in the bathroom while you shower, licking the glass door until you scold him - per usual. And again when he tries to lick the clean water off your leg. Only starts getting restless and grumpy when he sees you change into “outside” clothes rather than pjs.
You groan as he tries to herd you away from your own closet. Must be mixed with a shepherding dog because he’s a damn pushy jerk.
“Enough, bud,” you sigh. “Look, I don’t wanna go much either. But it’ll be worse if I don’t.”
He mouths off at you, a new thing he’s started up that reminds you of a husky. Maybe you should get one of those doggy DNA tests.
“I know I know,” you coo, shimmying into a pair of pants that your sister won’t be able to tease makes your ass look flat. “I’d rather snuggle up and watch 90s vampire movies too. But I already said I’d go and this means I’ll be able to skip seeing her on her birthday.”
More grumbles, but at least he climbs up on the bed to pout. You finish dressing and head for the vanity - no way you can go out with your sister without makeup.
As you pass, you roll him over to scratch his belly - politely ignoring his reaction. God, you really need to get him in for a neutering. If you catch him humping one more pillow—
When it’s time to go, you drop down to give him one last hug.
“Be good, baby. I’ll be home soon with some new friends. I love you.”
After dinner, your sister’s husband suggests a bar. And, of course, it’s a sports bar. Man can’t go more than an hour or two without.
You and your sister chat while his eyes stayed glued to the screens. Well, she chats. You mostly just provide the audience she constantly craves, the validation she always needs.
At some point your excuse yourself to order another drink, weaving between the patrons and sighing at a chance to let your face rest for a moment. While you’re waiting, someone brushes up close behind you, startles you.
“Och, sorry, hen. Madhouse in here.”
You blink, tilt your head back to see a gorgeous pair of blue eyes shining down at you. Takes your breath away.
“Oh! Um, no problem, I get it.”
You try to scoot as much as you can - but it really is packed, especially at the bar - and the man takes the opportunity to occupy any free space you have.
Not that you’re complaining. He’s got the type of face they put on magazines with hooks like “sexiest man alive.” A killer grin as he winks down at you, arm bracing on the bar.
“Buy ya a drink for bein’ so rude?”
You’ve barely gotten the start of, “oh it’s alright,” out before he’s signaling the bartender. His stature and presence gets him instant service though, so you let it go, fidgeting restlessly.
Even his voice sounds like a sin worth committing. He’s too attractive. Too handsome to not know it; and definitely too handsome to be chatting you up and ordering you a drink.
“You here with anyone?” he asks with an edge that makes your spine prickle. Yet you almost feel like you imagine it. His tone is normal, his expression hasn’t changed and yet. Something subsonic in the timbre of his voice, maybe.
“My sister and her husband,” you reply.
“No husband of your own?”
You try to laugh, it comes out strained and awkward. “Ah, the only man in my life has four legs.”
Instead of looking annoyed by the brush off, his eyes spark.
“Yup!” And okay, alarms in your head aside, you’re always happy to talk about Johnny. He’s a safe topic. You fish your phone out of your back pocket and show him your lock screen.
The man takes a quick look at the screen, an odd, private smile flicking across his face. There and then gone, before those intense eyes are locked on you again.
“He friendly?”
You laugh a bit, perk up as the bartender returns with your drink. “Not with men. Thanks for buying!”
as you turn to go, he grabs your hip. Not hard, or even too low. But you gasp quietly, the heat of his palm searing through your clothes.
“Name’s soap, by the way.”
Infinitely more nervous now, you stutter out your own and then retreat to your sister and her husband.
Spend the rest of the night pretending not to watch Soap. He doesn’t return the courtesy, eyes trained on you, lurking around the bar. So visible it seems to only you. Something about the way the light catches his eyes reminds you of when Johnny senses a threat. When he gets low and growly, hair standing on end, eyes focused.
Soap looks like he’s hunting you.
Thankfully, your sister complains about the noise after an hour or so and the three of you leave. You’re relieved to be going home.
As you step inside, you call for Johnny again.
“Wait, who the hell is Johnny?” your sister’s husband asks, an odd look on his face. “You’re living with someone?”
You snort a bit. Does he seriously not remember you talking about your dog?
“Yeah,” you joke, “he’s the love of my life, my one and only—”
You hear the clack of the doggy door and call out again. Johnny trots in panting.
“Did you just come in from a run?” you chuckle, putting a hand out in greeting.
He comes right up to you, presses his nose to the spot where “Soap” grabbed you and snuffles.
“I know, I smell wrong,” you soothe.
He grumbles and licks at your shirt, but you gently nudge him away, turning as your sister scoffs.
“You still do that thing where you talk to them like people?” She asks. “Don’t you think that’s… childish?”
“Johnny’s basically a person in a human body,” you reply, laughing. “You’ll see.”
“Dogs shouldn’t have human names,” her husband pipes up, reaching for Johnny.
“No, wait—”
Johnny snaps just shy of his fingers and puts himself bodily between you two.
“Easy!” you yelp, hooking your hand in his collar. “Sorry, I meant to warn you - Johnny’s shy with men.”
“He almost took my bloody hand off!”
“He’s just protective. Johnny, heel.”
He stops snarling, but plants himself at your feet right there, eyes sharply trained on your brother in law. Your sister snorts.
“How are you supposed to get men back here, then?”
You jump as Johnny barks, a full deep one that your rarely ever hear. Your sister startles too, then scowls.
“I don’t,” you answer, shaking your head. “Anyway, let me just get the sheets for the spare room and we can call it a night.”
Johnny stays close at your heels the entire time, though you swear he throws a nasty glance back at your sister’s husband.
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beansnsoup · 6 months
Jaelyn's fic recs!
Fluff- 🧡
Smut - 💛
Part One! -> Part Two!
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☆ Collab by @teapartyprincess4two
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Ellie Williams-
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☆ Roommate Trouble by @justkindalivin
summary: Your roommate Jesse and his girlfriend Dina fuck..a lot. loudly. When you finally get fed up after being woken up by their nightly “activities”, you go to Dina’s dorm for some peace and quiet only to run into her roommate, Ellie. 🧡💛
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☆ Getting caught with ellie by @me-and-your-husband 💛
☆ Body Ink by @me-and-your-husband
summary: you tattoo ellie's thigh. it's a bit of a compromising position, and it leads you down an unexpected road. female reader. 🧡💛
Alex Turner-
☆ Pillow Talk by @ohladymoon-blog
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Summary: After your wedding, you and Peter go home and have sex for the first time. 🧡💛
☆ Miss Your Face (TASM! Peter Parker) by @dontsaypetertingle
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Fred Weasley-
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summary: !!MODERN AU!! Fred calls you in the middle of the night because he can’t sleep, but you look so pretty and he starts getting a little heated up. (Has 3 parts) 🧡💛
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Steve Harrington-
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Eddie Roundtree-
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☆ Don't Fake It (Peter Quill) by @professorrw
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☆ So Beautiful (Loki Laufeyson) by @lokiisdaddyblog
Summary: Reader is feeling insecure and Loki proves to her that she's perfect. 🧡💛
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cactusisconfused · 2 months
✨Guess who has an ideaaaaaa✨
I saw this post about ghost having lost some of his teeth from over time and for some reason I thought of the exact opposite thing.
It all started out with Soap’s notice of Simon’s oddly sharp canines.
Soap overtime has gotten very few glimpses of ghosts face, especially when they’re still finding grounding with each other after meeting. The first time Soap sees ghost without his mask, Ghost doesn’t speak. The next time he takes it off and he does speak, but Soap is too caught up in awe to even think there’s something different about ghost.
He doesn’t notice them until their first kiss. The kiss itself was uncoordinated yet so passionate- all tongue and teeth- given their far too many close calls on this last mission.
It’s Soap letting out a small hiss as his tongue feels as though it had been pricked. Any thought soap had about whatever just pricked his tongue left the atmosphere as Ghost made a soft noise in the back of his throat. The sound had been so vulnerable yet so Simon. It had Soap practically melting for the man.
It wasn’t until the next time he had seen ghost maskless that Simon smiled after something Soap said.
At first he was blinded by the beauty of the man in front of him, how could he not? What with the sun from outside the window shining on Simon’s pale skin, his light freckles being illuminated by the warm hue.
But there, in that perfectly crooked smile, were the ever sharp canines. As pointed as a spear and as white as a cloud.
Now Soap isn’t stupid, quite contrary really. But after this observation, some other things about ghost seemed to be connected.
How Simon had these almost inhuman canines.
How Simon was always pale and dressed to the nines- all in dark, grim clothes- to never be touched by the golden sun above them unless it was indirectly- like through a window.
How Simon was always frigid to the touch.
How Simon rarely ever ate with the rest of the task force.
Even on missions, Simon would just disappear sometimes, eventually coming back with far more blood than he had before.
At first, Soap had thought Ghost had just run into some altercations- which he probably did. At least that was soaps previous thought before he stumbled upon ghost as they were clearing a building. The man was hovering over the enemies body, blood dripping from his mouth that becomes soon to be wiped away by the Brit’s sleeve. Simon had explained that he had lost his gun in the fight, and as a quick resort before the man could call for back up, he had bitten him.
Simon hadn’t seemed proud of the action. Johnny didn’t push, but he certainly filed that thought into the back of his head.
Now, Soap isn’t saying his boyfriend is a vampire per se, but he would be lying if he said he hadn’t thought about it- especially after that.
At first Soap tried something simple, just to test out this silly little thought.
On a recon mission, soap had picked up a small but sturdy stick and sharpened the end slightly with his pocket knife, making a stake. He simply pocketed the thing and went on his way.
When he got back to base he went to ghosts room to ‘show it’ to him.
“Hey L.T, got you a gift.” Ghost had looked up from his desk and looked at Soap, who then looked at the makeshift stake. Simon had just looked at it for a moment and nodded, putting his hand out to take the offering then giving soap a masked kiss on the cheek.
Soap paused for a moment at the lack of reaction towards the stake- at least the lack of a negative reaction. The man simply accepted it…though really Simon is probably used to the odd gifts by now- (given the growing collection of rocks on ghost’s shelves gifted to him by Soap.)
Soap had simply nodded and gave a “of course, Si.”
The next thing Soap had tried was garlic. He waited until they were both on leave and he made some simply spaghetti with garlic. Now he didn’t actually put the garlic in. If his “suspicions” were correct and Ghost was a vampire, he’s not about to poison his boyfriend.
Once again, Simon made no reaction to the garlic as Johnny was cutting it, despite the garlic letting out a potent smell. Simon had simply moved to wrap his arms around Johnny’s waist and rested his head on the Scot’s shoulder, his eyes closed. Perfectly golden eyelash’s fluttering.
By the time they finished eating Soap simply accepted that ghost wasn’t a vampire. Not that he actually thought Simon was- that would be just silly- but whatever experiment he was conducting came to be a failure. Not that he minded much.
Little did Soap know that Ghost was very thankful that Johnny didn’t put the garlic in, given that he is, in fact, a vampire.
Anyway this was just a fun idea that I had that became a lot longer than I expected. I might do something more with this, I might not. We’ll seeee.
Also here’s the post that inspired me ^^^^
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selfishdoll · 11 months
* = contains nsfw, suggestive themes.
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ARTIST! CHOSO | you offer to be his beautiful, nude muse.*
ROOMMATE! CHOSO | you butt-dial him will masturbating.. & moaning his name.*
HATE YOU | you & choso are rivals.. nothing more.
JUST ONE MORE | sick! choso
SO, SO MUCH | you & choso reconnect after being away from each other for a year.
YOU SCARED OF ME? | having feelings for the boy you tutor’s older brother is not the smartest.
IM SORRY. | it doesn’t matter how mad you are, choso always knows how to make it up to you.
I HATE YOU | being workplace rivals with choso
VAMPIRE! HAJIME | you’re sick of being his bloodbag, but maybe, just maybe he sees you as something different. *
CAMBOY & MARTIAL ARTIST! HAJIME | you find out hajime’s dirty secret, which interferes with your job as a pta.*
DEAL | you and kashimo make a deal if he gets an a on his test.*
SOFT & SLEEPY | kashimo fucks you to sleep.*
DESPERATE | ino summons you, a succubus, in desperation.*
SCARE ACTOR! INO | you and ino fuck while he’s in costume, & on the clock.
ANYTHING FOR YOU | resident evil inspired au
FAVORITE GROUPIE | vamp & drummer sukuna
MK1 (2023)
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I MISSED YOU | you & bi-han finally see each other after being days apart.
RELAX | you help your husband relax.. with a bubble bath.
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bihansthot · 11 months
Hey there!! ☺
I hope everything's been going okay, I'm not as active on here anymore as I used to, but I'm glad to see you back😊 I was wondering if i could write you something for Bi-Han and/or Reptile since my inbox ate your ask all that time ago😵
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Title: Boo to You, Happy Howl-o-Ween part 2!
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Werewolf!Bi-Han x AFAB!Reader, Syzoth x AFAB!Reader, Syzoth x Werewolf!Bi-Han, OT3 Werewolf!Bi-Han x Syzoth x AFAB!Reader
Warnings: werewolf!Bi-Han, implied A/B/O dynamics, knotting, hemipenes, DP, mxm, threesome, c*m inflation, ruts, mating season, breeding
Word count: 4,250
Summary: You wake up to find Bi-Han with an insatiable urge to mate, ok you got this, you know how to handle it but what you didn’t count on is Syzoth feeling the same way. How are you supposed to handle both of them at the same time when they’re like this? Don’t worry, you’ll find a way 😉
Author’s Note: So, Bi-Han bottoming is about the closest to him getting dominated that I will write, I’m sorry but there is no “sub” in Sub-Zero for me, so hopefully this scratches that itch 😅 I LOVE how this one came out and hopefully you loves will too. As always please like, comment and reblog if you do! 🩵💚🩷
Also if you missed the first part you can read it here!
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You shift and roll around in bed and it feels hot and sticky and wrong, you wonder if Syzoth had pushed the space heater too close to the bed in the middle of the night again. “Hnng what’s going on, why’s it so hot,” you lament reaching a hand out to look for either of your lovers only to be greeted with a hot, fluffy tail. “Oh,” you mumble slightly “oh!” You repeat as it dawns on you why the bed was so hot, it wasn’t Syzoth’s fault, it was Bi-Han's. His exposed flesh was hot and almost clammy as he slept peacefully beside the two of you. You had been through this before but Syzoth hadn’t and you were unsure how the Saurian was going to react to finding out not only were werewolves real but he was dating one.
Gently you roll the cryomancer over and tug down his pants, trying to be careful not to wake him up, slowly you lower your head over his hot, dripping cock. Bi-Han was already worked up from his rut even without knowing, and he let out a soft whimper in his sleep, the sound of its music to your ears. You shift so you're straddling his legs giving yourself a better angle to suck his cock, it's musky, heady, and mouth-watering as you test the heavy weight of it against your tongue. The taste of the cryomancer was something you could never get enough of and he almost tasted sweeter when he was in a rut, syrupy, enticing, intoxicating, irresistible and you moan softly as you lap up the sticky fluid leaking from his tip. You feel stirring and quickly flick your eyes up to see if Bi-Han was waking up, but it wasn’t Bi-Han, it was Syzoth, who seemed very happy to wrap his arms around you from behind and press, hot, wet kisses to the nape of your neck.
“Why is Bi-Han getting such a nice wake up present, I was sound asleep too ya know,” Syzoth whispers against your ear, his forked tongue tracing the outer shell as you feel the Zaterran swelling against your back.
“Because, Bi-Han has a little problem right now that I think you can relate to,” you whisper back as you pull away from his delicious cock to gesture at his fluffy ears and bushy tail.
Syzoth’s emerald green eyes go wide with surprise, “sunshine, what’s going on? Why does our Polar Bear have ears and a tail?” He hisses frantically.
“Mnng,” Bi-Han groans at the loss of your hot, wet mouth as a clawed hand gropes around for you.
“He’s been meaning to tell you, I guess he just never found the right time…” you trail off as Bi-Han cracks open his bewitching blue eyes.
“I’m a werewolf,” he slurs groggily as his tail starts to wag when you start stroking his cock lazily.
“First vampires are real, now werewolves, next your going to tell me those awful things from that movie Johnny made me watch are real too!” Syzoth exclaims thoroughly dumbfounded.
“Aliens? Nah, those aren’t real,” Bi-Han rumbles, “but I am and my rut is starting to get kind of bad.” He warns as he exhales sharply, his tongue presses against his sharp, extended canine and he shifts his hips up seeking more of your warmth.
“You get ruts too?” Syzoth ventures a curious question and figures he should come clean to Bi-Han about his own problem with ruts. He could tell from the way he was leaking against your back Bi-Han wasn’t the only one about to start their rut.
“Too? Sy, what haven’t you told me? And don’t give me that ‘well you lied too’ bullshit because I kept this a secret because I can seriously hurt both of you,” he looks away for a moment, as if he was scared of what he was really capable of.
“I’m a reptiloid Bi-Han, my true nature is that of an animal essentially and I, like you have ruts, where I can’t control my urges,” he pauses to moan as he bucks against your plush ass.
“Let me guess,” he pants softly, the fever getting worse, “you just hit yours too? Qīn, please, I need you or Sy if you’re feeling up to it.” Bi-Han all but begs as sweat breaks out across his brow and he squeezes his eyes shut tightly.
“Talk about bad timing huh?” The Zaterran answers before continuing, “how are we going to do this? I need to satisfy myself in my natural form when I’m in a rut, I need all of sunshine.”
“Why the fuck do you need her to yourself, you can share, you’ve never been so greedy before,” Bi-Han sits up snarling and then his ethereal blue eyes go wide as he sees Syzoth in his natural form from the waist down for the first time. “What the fuck? You have two dicks?!” Bi-Han exclaims as his tail goes rigid and his ears lie flat back in surprise.
Syzoth blushes a deep green as he lets Bi-Han drink in his surprise, “now you see why I need all of sunshine, un-unless,” he starts.
“Unless what? I can’t knot qīn’s throat, it would suffocate her, we’ll have to take turns.” Bi-Han reasons.
“Unless,” Syzoth tries again, flushing even deeper with embarrassment, his tail flicking and flopping around wildly at the idea.
“Spit it out,” Bi-Han growls angrily, the wolf getting the best of him as he waits very impatiently for Syzoth to get to the point.
“Well, sunshine can ride you, while I fuck both of you,” Syzoth speaks rapidly as if afraid of the answer from the cryomancer.
“You… you mean to fuck me? In my ass? I…does your rut make you stupid or something?!” Bi-Han lashes out with verbal anger.
“Now, now, calm down and think about it for a minute Polar Bear, you still get to knot me and flood my belly with your cum while Syzoth gets to satisfy himself too, no one has to wait and anal can be very enjoyable,” you reason with the cryomancer trying to come to an amicable arrangement that didn’t leave you getting passed around like an overly sensitive rag doll. You didn’t think you could handle getting fucked back to back by their animalistic sides, the thought terrified you if you were honest. Both had made you orgasm so many times and left you teary-eyed and exhausted to the point you could barely move.
Bi-Han looks away, not wanting to look at Syzoth, “be honest Sy, does it hurt?” He asks, his high cheekbones dusted with a light pink coloring as he deliberates.
“Does what hurt? My rut? Yes, it’s excruciating,” he whimpers as he ruts against your ass more persistently.
“Not that!” Bi-Han all but hisses with embarrassment, unwilling to look at either of you.
“Oh, oh, I’m sorry love, you meant anal, well a little at first but, it feels really good, especially with you, you’re always careful not to hurt me and your cock is so nice and big it feels fantastic when you get into a rhythm,” Syzoth answers as he leans forward, pressing you against the cyromancer’s washboard abs as he lovingly caresses Bi-Han’s flushed cheek.
“Fuck,” Bi-Han whines at the contact of your warm body surrounding him, “fuck, I guess, I mean if you think it will work, I just can’t wait anymore,” he growls and bucks his hips up trying to find your warmth.
“Shhh Polar Bear, let us take care of you for a change,” you whisper sweetly pressing a kiss to the temple of his forehead before you right yourself and give Syzoth a little shove back. You wrap your lips around the cryomancer’s cock again, making sure you get him nice and wet before you bury him in your wetness. His cock always seemed impossibly bigger when he was transformed so it was more a courtesy for yourself than it was for the cryomancer.
He moans low in his throat as a clawed hand comes to rest in your hair, the other pulling Syzoth over for a kiss, the kiss is cold and dominant, as if Bi-Han was trying to say he was still the one in control despite the state of affairs.
You hear the desperate little chirps coming from the Zaterran as you pull more of Bi-Han’s delicious cock into the hot cavern of your throat. You moan around his cock as you lap up the pre-cum oozing from the cryowolf’s huge cock, loving the taste of the salty liquid.
Reluctantly Syzoth breaks the kiss, “I think my tongue might be more beneficial elsewhere.”
“Go-go slow Sy, please,” Bi-Han asks in a quiet voice, one you barely even recognize as his.
Syzoth nods and helps reposition you, you unwillingly give up your delicious treat. Playing with the cryomancer had made you soaking wet, as wet as his spit-soaked cock, with Syzoth's help you steady your hands on the cryomancer’s perfect abs and you slowly sink down on his huge, thick cock. You cry out at the warmth as he opens you up slowly, you pant softly as you take your time, getting used to the burn and stretch of the cryomancer’s impressive length. It didn’t matter how many times you had been with the cryomancer, he was always a lot to handle, and even more so in this position while he was transformed. You shutter just thinking about trying to squeeze his knot inside your already stuffed pussy, but that was future yous problem, current you were just enjoying the cryowolf rearranging your insides, claiming your tight little cunt as his own.
“Fuck,” Bi-Han breathes out loudly as you finally sink down his entire shaft, enveloping him in your sweet, sticky, velveteen heat. He nearly jumps as Syzoth’s strong hands push his thighs apart and his nimble tongue grazes Bi-Han’s puckered hole. “I, I can’t, it’s too weird,” he breathes out with a hint of a pleasured whimper.
“Focus on me Bi-Han,” you reassure him as you squeeze your plush walls around his cock. “It’s like that time I gave you a prostate massage, you liked that right?” Hesitant to answer and embarrassed, Bi-Han turns his head to the side and just nods in agreement. “This is like that only better, trust me, I wouldn’t ask you to do anything I don’t think you’ll enjoy, I know giving up control is hard for you, but just try it.” You feel a spit-soaked finger prodding your ass as Syzoth slips the digit inside your ass, you let out a small moan as if to encourage and reassure Bi-Han.
Syzoth’s tongue returns to Bi-Han’s hole before wriggling inside the tight ring of muscle. He thrusts his tongue in and out slowly, trying to keep pace with the cryomancer’s uncertainty, gradually he removes his tongue to suck on his fingers and slowly pushes one inside the cryomancer’s tight body.
“Nnng Sy,” Bi-Han calls softly as he tries to relax and allow his boyfriend to keep stretching him, the sensation unfamiliar and strange.
You roll your hips to distract the cryomancer from Syzoth’s ministrations, moaning softly as you do. You can already feel the base of Bi-Han’s knot swelling as he gives a little shout and a swear.
Syzoth added a second finger to both of you as his fingers are quick to find Bi-Han’s prostate and massage it eagerly.
“Oh fuck,” Bi-Han sighs and tries to keep still, desperately wanting to buck up into your enticing heat, but not wanting to do anything that would hurt himself.
“You look so good right now Bi-Han, your cute little ears keep flicking around and you’re all flushed with need, god you’re perfect,” Syzoth breathes out as he peeks around you to get a good look at his usually dominant lover.
“Sh-shut up Sy,” Bi-Han stutters before it’s cut off by an indignant little whimper the cryowolf is desperate to choke off.
You moan at the way Bi-Han looks, his shoulder-length, ebony hair spilled across the dark blue sheets, strands sticking to his sweaty forehead, the blush prevalent on his high cheekbones, his blue eyes almost black with need. Oh, this was your lucky day alright, seeing Bi-Han like this would more than make up for any discomfort to come. You shift your weight in his lap to make it easier to bounce on his huge cock, each little thrust making you moan loudly as Syzoth worked a third finger into both of you. “Oh god, you two are going to make me cum,” you whimper as the heat coils and pools in your lower stomach. You’d barely started fucking the cryomancer and already you were teetering on the edge of an orgasm just feeling the swell of his knot and the delicious way each thrust of your hips knocked his fat cockhead into your sweet spot.
Bi-Han growls and presses down on Syzoth’s fingers as his clawed hands find your hips, digging into your supple flesh softly, “so cum for us, no one’s stopping you.”
You whine at Bi-Han’s words as you lift and lower yourself onto his thick cock, determined to fit his knot inside your warmth as you can feel it swelling more and more with each flick of Syzoth’s talented fingers.
“Mmm what are you waiting for indeed?” Syzoth asks and there’s a sudden emptiness as you hear the obscene squeal of the bottle of lube. Even though Syzoth was self-lubricating in his natural form he thought some extra moisture wouldn’t hurt. Slowly he pushes into you first meeting little to no resistance as his huge cock slowly slips inside your tight little ass.
“Ah, oh, fuuuuuuck,” you hiss as you're filled to the brim by both of your lovers and it feels indescribable, you can’t hold back any longer as you force the last few inches of Bi-Han’s knot into your greedy pussy. Your mouth opens in a silent cry before you find your voice in the form of a high-pitched keen, your plush, sticky walls clamp down on both of their cocks as you chase your high. You shudder wildly as Bi-Han’s claws hold you firmly in place atop him as your orgasm crashes into you. You can’t explain it but whenever Bi-Han was in a rut it always made you crazy sensitive and extra horny, maybe he released pheromones to make his mate amicable to his rut, you didn’t know, all you knew was the pleasure coursing through your body was enough to make you see stars.
Bi-Han lets out a low whine and through your fog, you realize Syzoth is slowly sinking his second cock into the cryomancer’s tight entrance. “Oh fuck, you feel so good qīn, so perfect, your little pussy built just for me,” he groans as you squeeze and pulsate around his hard cock. Another soft noise escapes the cryowolf, “this is weird, why is it spiney Sy?”
Syzoth just chuckles and reaches around to wipe some of the hair from Bi-Han’s sweaty brow, “I don’t know, just how Zaterran’s are. Is it ok? Do I need to go slower?”
“If you go any slower we’ll still be here by the time our next rut kicks in, you aren’t going to break me Sy,” Bi-Han huffs indignantly, his usual cockiness and arrogance slowly returning.
You pant and heave on top of the cryowolf as you try and catch your breath, but it just comes out in pitiful little whimpers as both cocks fill you so full you’re afraid to move.
“I’ll take it from here sunshine, you rest, you did such a good job,” Syzoth praises as he begins to move slowly thrusting his cocks in and out of you and Bi-Han.
You cry out at the action as it forces you to topple over giving Syzoth a better angle to fuck you both. You whine and mewl as the actions drive Bi-Han’s huge knotted cock in and out of you, the tip kissing your cervix with each thrust. It seems so gentle in compassion to the first time the cryowolf had absolutely ravaged you last spring in your little apartment by the river.
Syzoth reaches down to entwine his fingers with Bi-Han’s as their hands rest on your hips, keeping you in place. He shares a messy kiss with the cryomancer as he starts to fuck both of you in earnest now.
Bi-Han bites his lip to try and quiet the little cries and whimpers falling from his lips as Syzoth’s cock plunges into him over and over again.
You don’t bother silencing yourself, you didn’t care if the whole Lin Kuei heard how good you were getting fucked. You cry out loudly as the lip of Bi-Han’s knot catches on the rim of your overstretched pussy, it hurts but feels perfect all at the same time and Syzoth keeps thrusting into the two of you, driving Bi-Han’s cock impossibly deeper inside your slick walls. “I-I’m going to cum again,” you warn the two of them as the heat and pressure in your stomach becomes unbearable. Bi-Han holds your hips in place as he thrusts up wildly, feverishly into your wet heat and your brain short-circuits, you can’t keep up with them both thrusting, you pant and whimper as hot fat tears begin to roll down your cheeks. “Oh fuck, oh fuck please,” you plead, unsure who you’re pleading to as they continue to fuck you.
“Shit qīn, I’m gonna cum too,” Bi-Han growls out, his teeth clenched tightly together as his hips snap into you painfully.
You squeal loudly as the tension in your belly snaps and you tumble over the edge, you whimper pitifully as the pleasure courses through your body. You can’t help the way your tongue falls out of your mouth, lolling to the side as saliva mingles with your tears as your mess oozes down your face, dripping onto Bi-Han’s unusually hot cheeks.
He holds you close as he slams up into you, pushing his enormous knot inside your tight little canal before he finally stills, with a loud snarling sound you feel the first jets of cum splashing against your walls. His icy claws dig into your flesh, little droplets of blood oozing up from the punctures as his hips still and he begins pumping you full of cum.
You whine as you feel the ridiculous amount of viscous liquid filling up your tight little hole, your whole body trembles as his knot swells fully, locking every single drop of cum inside your spent pussy. You pant softly as you look down, feeling your belly swell with Bi-Han’s release, you blush as you look almost pregnant.
“Fuck, qīn, you feel so perfect right now, so tight, you’re so full of my cum, ugh I just want to keep fill you up,” Bi-Han groans as Syzoth keeps thrusting.
“You both feel amazing,” he echos the sentiment as he rocks his hips against both of you, the little spines tickling and caressing your insides.
“I feel weird, I just came, but I want to again,” Bi-Han growls, his blue eyes looking electric in the morning light.
Syzoth focuses on Bi-Han’s prostate as he fucks the two of you harder, chasing his own orgasm, “so cum for me, cum all over my pretty cocks.” Syzoth pants, getting close to cumming himself as he sneaks a hand around and in between you and Bi-Han to tease your clit.
“Sy!” You shout and lurch in place, unable to go anywhere due to Bi-Han’s knot locking him deep inside you. You cover your mouth in embarrassment as he continues to rub tight circles around your clit making your voice rise in octaves, both their names fall from your lips as you tremble and shake around their cocks.
“Such a good girl you are qīn, gonna make a mess all over my cock aren’t you, I bet it feels so good taking both of us at once,” Bi-Han encourages in between moans as Syzoth’s cock keeps up its persistent assault on his prostate. He pants loudly, his groans and growls becoming more animalistic and feral the longer the reptiloid keeps fucking the two of you.
“Sy please,” you beg and you’re not sure if you want him to stop or to let you cum as you feel Bi-Han’s huge cock twitch and pulsate with another impending orgasm.
Syzoth pulls you upright again as he gets a better angle on your clit, rubbing it mercilessly in time with his hard thrusts, you can barely hear the obscene squelching over the noises you keep making. It embarrasses you again, to the point of tears once again threatening to fall. “Cum for me sunshine,” he hisses trying to keep his excited chirps at bay.
You scream their names as your body locks up and with a great big heave your orgasm knocks the wind from your body. It takes a moment to find your voice again as you whimper and cry as the pleasure shakes you to the very core, you clench around their cocks as you ride out your pleasure, blurry-eyed and spent.
“Fuck!” Bi-Han shouts as one more thrust from Syzoth coupled with your orgasm pushes him over the edge once more and you aren’t sure where all the cum will go, your stomach is already distorted as it is.
You’re a good girl though so you take it and moan at the sensation of more of the hot cum spilling into your unprotected womb. You cry and whimper on top of Bi-Han as Syzoth’s tail flails wildly and you can tell he’s about to cum as well.
“You’re both so good, so pretty, I can’t hold back anymore,” he whines and chokes off a hissing sound as your ass and Bi-Han’s ass are suddenly warm and sticky with copious amounts of Zaterran cum.
Suddenly you shiver violently, the heat dissipating from Bi-Han’s once fevered body and you’re suddenly chilled to the core inside and out.
Bi-Han makes a face as Syzoth’s release floods his body and he looks uncomfortable, “that feels weird, why do you always moan when I cum qīn?”
“You look really hot when you do?” You offer up the easiest, least embarrassing answer you can give the cryomancer. “I mean I can’t see Sy, but I’m sure he looks all fucked out and hot as hell,” you continue trying to cover up the fact that you had a breeding kink about as badly as your boyfriends had one.
“I mean yeah, he looks pretty hot, but it’s all warm and sticky,” Bi-Han continues to make a face as slowly Syzoth pulls out.
“It’s a compliment Bi, it means I like your sweet little ass so much I just had to claim it,” he chuckles and barely manages to dodge the pillow thrown at him.
“You are so lucky I can’t move right now, you’d be in deep shit,” Bi-Han growls, but stays in place knowing he can’t go anywhere until his knot deflates.
You whimper feebly caught in the middle of all of this as Syzoth’s release dribbles down your backside mingling in the mess below. “C-cold,” you whimper out and Syzoth is quick to wrap a blanket around you all while Bi-Han’s tail wags happily and his ears twitch playfully.
“So, how was it?” Syzoth asks, cuddling up next to the two of you.
“Weird, but I didn’t hate it, I guess under emergency rut situations it’s acceptable to let you top, but ONLY during emergency rut situations.” Bi-Han huffs as Syzoth nuzzles his neck lovingly.
“Understood,” he agrees albeit a bit wistfully, it had been nice being able to pleasure both of his lovers at the same time.
“Qīn, you can lie down on me if it’s more comfortable you know, you don’t have to just stay perched up there,” Bi-Han says while stroking your back through the fluffy blanket.
“I’m cold Polar Bear, laying on you will make me even colder,” you whine, you hadn’t thought about how uncomfortable of a position this would be to ride out his knot.
“What if I put a blanket on my chest, will that help?” Bi-Han asks while Syzoth grabs another of the many blankets that were strewn all over the cryomancer’s bed.
“Y-yeah, that might help.” You try and stop your teeth from chattering as Syzoth helps you lay down on the blanketed cryomancer, his tail still wagging happily. “Next time can you two have separate ruts please?”
“Why? You seemed like you enjoyed yourself,” Bi-Han asks, his now brown eyes fluttering closed.
“Yeah but everything hurts now, you two are too much like this,” you lament, but not really, deep down you were about as happy as could be with your distended belly full of cum making it hard to get comfortable.
Syzoth offers you a kiss on the cheek as he slides a pillow under your head, “well get some rest for now, I don’t know how werewolves are but you know I’ll be insatiable in another few hours or so.”
“Same!” Bi-Han grins and throws a hand up for a high five, something the two of you had to teach the Zaterran.
The two of them chuckle and you just sigh dramatically, while concealing a smile as you try and get some more sleep, it was going to be a very long day and night, not that you were complaining of course.
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farm-witches-fic-recs · 5 months
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Our farm witch friends really delivered with their faves last month and we're here this week to share the last of that list. Thank you to everyone who responded to pass along the fics you love and help keep this fandom reading (and writing)!
Check these community fave works out and leave the authors some love!
Bound by symmetry (barelypink) “I am and always will be a sucker for a slow burn. This one is a diamond.”
Goodwill (@spiders-hth-is-an-outlier) “I don't know why I love this as much as I do. It's really sad, but also really joyful. It unfolds so beautifully. I love all the introspection. And the socks. I'll always love the socks.” 
If not now (MoreHuman, swat117) “There is no truer test of a relationship than all the time in the world.”
If you say run, I’ll run with you (upbeat) “Wonderful, different take on the wedding.”
Language of Love (pandorasdaydream) “This series takes the 22 min tv episodes and fills in the moments we don’t see. David and Patrick are fleshed out, while staying true to Dan Levy’s characters. The series is beautifully written and developed.”
Left unsaid (@treepyful) “A very detailed day in the life of a rare pair in the Fandom. Like, so so detailed. But every word is glorious and intentional, and somehow, though there's only like 6 words of dialog in the entire fic, so much gets said. Also, there's one of the most incredible descriptions of a thunderstorm that I've ever read.”
Neither snow, nor rain (middyblue) “Christmas slow-burn.”
Post hoc ergo propter hoc (various) “I love all of the installments in this political AU because I liked the West Wing a lot but it was never queer enough. This series has all the humor and dialogue and romance and Queer Feelings (tm) you might ever wish for in a beltway workplace drama, plus President Johnny Rose and Stevie Budd as his (eventual) chief of staff.” 
Prismatic (thetrustytaco) **WIP**  “You only see b&w until you get close to your soulmate! Gah! Not finished but so good so far!!”
Sleepless (@wellschitt) “This fic is funny, sexy, and full of heart, and at just over 10k, it's the perfect length for a reread (or in my case many, many rereads) when you need a quick pick me up on a stressful day.”
Time until the end of time (@ships-to-sail, yourbuttervoicedbeau (@kiwiana-writes)) “I've been into the idea of a waiting room on the way to the after life for a long time, and this piece totally does our characters justice. If you have an ache in your life, it will knead it and might even heal you a bit.”
Value added (theMaura) “Short. Hilarious.”
Vampires Are People Too! (@petrodobreva) “It's a rare thing indeed for a fic author to create a unique, fully realized alternative world while still holding on to the spirit of the canon work that we all know and love, but that's exactly what petrodobreva manages to pull off in this teen vampire AU.” 
Winning the Game (@ladyflowdi) “One of the most hilarious laugh-out-loud fics in the fandom.” 
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dib-thing-wannabe · 9 months
How do Mr Black and Mr White regret there actions? (Also do they with for bling bling boy I can’t remember)
They ended up seeing Johnny having a panic attack/meltdown because of them hunting him down because they (somehow) forgot that he was still a kid in the end that seeing him break down like that was sorta of a wake up call for them.
(idk what you just said about Bling-Bling Boy-)
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armyangxls · 3 months
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About me: My name is Lexi, I’m 20, Queer, Christian writer, editor, neurodivergent, chronically ill, and my pronouns are she/they
About my stories: Most of my stories are written as chronically ill gender neutral readers! And all are autistic queer plus size readers!
What I post: fandom stuff, fanfics, stories, icons, gifs, fancasts, stimboards, etc
My f/os: Tex Sawyer, Bo Sinclair, Richie Kirsch, Evan Buckley, Ticci Toby, Ryan Hudson, Corey Cunningham, Henry Creel, Mike Munroe, Chris Halliwell, Gilbert Blythe, etc
Random favorite things: Scooby Doo, non sketchy storms, St. Augustine FL, cozy days, horror media, video games, board games, cartoons, road trips, cozy spooky media, ghosts, period media, dusk, Ghibli movies, foggy days, witchy stuff, mysteries, celestial stuff, decorations, paranormal!
Favorite aesthetics: whimsigoth, fairy Grunge, tropical girl, spooky coastal town, anything cozy or spooky!
Favorite music: Chase Atlantic, Chappell Roan, Brye, Isabel LaRosa, She Wants Revenge, BTS, TV girl, Taylor Swift, Conan Gray, Fleetwood Mac, Olivia Rodrigo, The Neighborhood, Lovelytheband, Mazzy Star, Melanie Martinez, Halsey!
Favorite YouTubers: Jake Webber, Johnnie Gilbert, Sam and Colby, Loey Lane, Trek Trendy, Jessii Vee!
Fandoms: BTS, The Vampire Diaries, Encanto, Stranger Things, DC Stargirl, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Fear Street, Scream, The Lost Boys, Outer Banks, 9-1-1, 9-1-1 Lone Star, The Crow, Halloween, Nancy Drew, Lisa Frankenstein, House Of Wax, Pretty Little Liars, Elvis (2022), Bridgerton, Are You Afraid of The Dark?, Fate The Winx Saga, Anne of Green Gables (1985-), Riverdale, The Maze Runner, Creepypasta, Marble Hornets, American Horror Story & Stories, Harry Potter (anti JKR), Fantastic Beasts, Scream TV Series, Charmed, Dead By Daylight, My Babysitter’s A Vampire, Sense and Sensibility, I Am Not Okay With This, Love Victor, It (2017), Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children, The Strangers Prey at Night, Rizzoli And Isles, Texas Chainsaw Massacre game, Five Nights At Freddy's, Abigail, Trap, Beetlejuice, etc
Social Medias: @btsarmygirl417 Edit Instagram TikTok @starry-ghost-tour my reblog account @whimsyspookyloves my f/o account
Playlist: Character playlists Part Two Monthly Playlist
DNI: Racists, Homophobos, Transphobos, pro-eds, fatphobos, ableists, Trump Supporters, Nazis, Proshipers, anti self-diagnose, conservatives, etc
Taglists: Stranger Things Taglist Scream Taglist Stargirl taglist Fear Street taglist
Masterlists: Writing Masterlist Gif Masterlist Test Posts Masterlist Fancasts Masterlist Icons Masterlist
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prismasartworks · 11 months
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Happy fang-tastic Halloween, everyone!
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restinslices · 7 months
Could u write earthrealm guys with a vampire reader? And like sometimes she feeds on them 👀
*asks for vampire requests* *proceeds to procrastinate*
Johnny Cage 
Honestly it'd probably take him awhile to grasp how serious the situation is 
It's not that he wouldn't believe you, but he'd probably think you're joking at first 
Says something like “yeah and I'm a werewolf”
You insist that you're serious and something about the tone of your voice makes him realize you're being truthful 
He saw that crazy shit in Outworld so it's not completely unreasonable 
He's kinda jealous though 
You're gonna be young and hot forever? And you have powers? Sounds like bullshit to him 
He probably asks questions that have to do with your age and how long you've been alive 
I think he would weirdly find you drinking from him kinda hot, especially depending on when and where you drink from him 
Drinking from him shuts him up for awhile since he's all dazed, so it'd be understandable if you drank from him a lot 
I don't even think he'd cover up the marks. He treats him as if they're hickies 
He's probably told the other champions too because his mouth is big 
And knowing Johnny, he's thinking of all the movies you could be in since people love vampires 
Also knowing Johnny, if you can compel people, he'd use that for his benefit 
If all you have to do is say a couple words and his debt is forgiven, then he's definitely using that 
He sees how many pros there are and asks to be turned 
The thing is though, he's only looking at the pros
You have to continuously remind him of the cons but it goes in one ear and out the other 
He will not let it go at all. You don't have to turn him right away, but if you don't give him a specific date for when he'd be turned, he'd become insufferable 
Becomes Bella Swan lowkey-
Kenshi Takahashi
Probably also thinks you're joking 
Once it's clear you're not though, y'all can lowkey be a power couple 
Imagine it for a second 
You both cutting through the Yakuza and restoring his clan 
You being a vampire makes it a lot easier. He's fighting, you're eating. It's going great 
He's not too bothered by the whole vampire thing. There's a few quirks that may throw him off, but overall it's ok 
When it comes to feeding off him, uhhhh… he's a bit shaky about it 
I think that's a valid reaction too
You'd ask and he'd be like “um… do you have to?”
He'd occasionally offer you his wrist 
Otherwise he'd prefer if you didn't unless it's necessary 
Why do I get this vibe? I couldn't tell you 
I don't even think he'd really want to be a vampire 
It's not that he doesn't wanna be one. He just doesn't think about it 
He could be tempted if you said his eyes would heal and he'd have his normal vision back but that could depend on the day 
His sight is already restored but pretending to be blind may get annoying. Who knows
I still don’t understand how his sight works now. I gotta rewatch a play through
Being a vampire has its main perk which is living forever but idk if he’d want that. I can see Kenshi being someone who is both afraid of death but also is comforted by all life having a solid ending
Maybe his thoughts will change
I really don't think he'd be too bothered by you being a vampire though. Just don't make a mess on his carpet 
I think you having the ability to defend yourself would weirdly comfort him 
Not having to watch over you and make sure you're ok all the time is something he'd appreciate 
You're literally eating the opponents. This seems like a great deal 
Kung Lao
I wanna start this off by saying Kung Lao is the type of petty bitch to get mad at you and hold garlic to keep you away 
And he'll be in such shock if you walk over and slap it out his hand
You'll just be staring at each other in silence 
Kung Lao probably tests all sort of vampire myths on you 
“Get out the house then try and come back in” “Why?” “You can't come in if I don't invite you, right?” “This is our house though” “I don't get your point”
Prays over water then throws it at you 
Idek if Kung Lao is religious so idk why he thought that would work 
“Can I stake you through the heart?” “I'm gonna throw you out the window”
Puts a mirror in front of your face to see if you have a reflection. He’s upset either way
If you do, he’s like “wow. Another lie”
If you don’t he’s wondering how you manage to look decent still
It honestly can become obnoxious and I think he'd have the tendency to act as if he knows more about vampires than you 
Because surely all the movies he watched had to be somewhat right 
If you’re like a Twilight vampire and sparkle, he’s never letting you live it down
You can’t control this but he would find it comical. Out of all the vampires you’re similar to Edward Cullen?
When it comes to drinking from him, uhhh I don't really get a certain vibe 
Idk if he'd be down or against it. Maybe it depends on the day 
On the topic of feeding, I don't think he'd like seeing you eat people 
He knows it happens but doesn't wanna see you chomping on someone. It makes his skin crawl 
Overall, is he kinda obnoxious? Yeah. But he could've tried to kill you so a win is a win ig
As a side note, idk if he'd be interested in becoming a vampire 
It’s a thing he gotta weigh. On one hand he’d be in his best shape for the rest of his life. On the other hand he doesn’t wanna deal with all the inconveniences
He might be somewhat uncomfortable 
He doesn't think you'll harm him but he probably doesn't want you to eat others in front of him 
What evidence do I have for this? None. 
It's just what makes sense in my brain 
He asks a lot of questions though. A lot of them are cliche based but that's ok 
“So… Garlic?” “It smells funny but that's about it”
I could see him forgetting honestly. He won't be really involved when it comes to feeding. Like he won't help lure people or be around you when you're feeding from someone and since he doesn't see that, it just slips his mind 
Especially if you're one of those vampires that look normal until you're aggravated or feeding 
He's only reminded by almost killing you. He pulls the curtains back on a very sunny day and is like “oh shit” when you scream 
When it comes to feeding from him… no❤
Idk why but I just don't think he'd be down unless you were dying 
He doesn't like how it hurts and how dazed he feels after. Find someone else to do it 
And it’s kinda awkward. He’s just standing there as you’re sipping him like a juice box
Probably isn't really interested in becoming a vampire 
Him and Liu Kang are probably the least interested but for different reasons 
Raiden just doesn't particularly care about the whole living forever thing. Maybe that's because he's young so he's not worried about dying but that's just how he views it 
I think him and Kung Lao are the youngest in the group so they probably have the “I’m young so I’m not worried about anything!” mindset
Can he be killed still? Yeah. But so can vampires. It’s just harder. He’s at an age where he’s not thinking about old age
Plus the negative side effects push him away even further. I don't see him as the type to be totally ok with having to drink blood all the time and look out for hunters 
You can be a vampire and not hurt innocent people but it’s harder I would assume. And if he didn’t drink from humans he’d be hunting down animals and idk if he’d really like biting animals either
There’s blood bags but now he gotta be a thief? It’s a no for right now
Liu Kang
He knew 
I'm not saying Liu Kang watches every single person born intensely but he probably saw it 
Here's how it'd go;
A) He saw you be turned when he was watching humanity 
B) He picked up on the evidence 
C) You were a vampire in the previous timeline and either he didn't change it, or he knew there was a chance it'd happen again 
If the situation was like C, then he wouldn't really be weirded out by certain vampire things, like feeding
He'd be similar to Raiden in the sense that he's not the type to help lure people towards you 
Your food. Your responsibility 
As long as you're not feeding from totally innocent people, then I think he wouldn't have a problem 
If you were drinking from kids or a civilian that's super nice and helpful, then he'd have a problem 
He might suggest animals ngl 
Feeding from him? It's another situation where I don't know if he'd be for or against that 
He probably won't be as dazed as the others since he's a god and whatnot but who is tryna get bit all the time?
In the same breath though, I can see him offering his wrist if you were thirsty and there wasn't good prey around 
So maybe it depends on circumstances 
No if there’s plenty of options around. Yes if it’s a bit dry around
Like Kenshi, he's glad you have the power to defend yourself. Chaos, violence and smoke follows this man so you gotta be a fighter 
He doesn't know how he feels about you eating the competition but whatever 
And don't even bother offering to turn him. He's already a god. What more does he need?
It'd be way more negative for him. He has strength, powers and combat skills. Now he has the need for blood, has to avoid sunlight and whatever other bullshit vampires gotta deal with?
Hard pass 
He'll just watch and live through you 
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mrultra100 · 1 year
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