#john kilzer
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dogman707 · 6 years ago
John Kilzer - Memory In The Making
RIP - John
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ifelllikeastar · 6 years ago
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John Kilzer started The Way in 2010, a recovery service at St. John’s Methodist Church in Memphis, Tennessee on Friday nights, that was based on the beatitudes and 12-step programs.
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lucerodiehards · 5 years ago
Remembering the Legacy of the Rev. John Kilzer
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In July 2018, I traveled to Tunica to meet some Lucero girl whom I’d been chatting with on Facebook for a few weeks; I had to see if I was being catfished. As I walked into the gambling hall, I had this eerie feeling that I’d been there before. It was the smell or something--casinos smell like soap or something. I must have been wrong. But when I got a player’s card, the lady at the desk said, “Oh, hey Tony.” I was like what did you call me? (Tony is my twin brother’s name.) She said, “You from Atlanta right?” I checked my concert history and it  turned  outt that I had been there in 2005 to see John Kilzer play at the auditorium there. My twin must’ve been there before as well.
I was  introduced  to John Kilzer’s music while I was a law student at Ole Miss in the late 80s. I moved away from the Mid-South but searched for John online to see if he still played gigs. I found some AOL site in like 1999 that mentioned John had issues with alcoholism and hadn’t released a CD since  1990. I found out on Myspace in 2005 that John played a place called Memphis Originals, at the edge of the  Memphis State campus. I flew from Florida 3 times to see John play there, the last time being in September 2006.
This concert is among my Top 5 shows –and I’ve seen over 1,000 concerts. When I arrived at MO’s, I talked to John and told him that I flew all the way from  Florida just  see and hear him play. John started to play and asked for requests. I shouted  like  5 song titles. After each song John asked me (whom he called “Brother Bobby”), to give him a new song to play. I am glad I have a pretty good  memory–it allowed to me to rattle off 20-some song titles from 1988-1990 when John’s 2 rock CDs were released. (The used “Memory in the Making CD sells for $82 on Amazon–I gave a copy to a friend in Forrest City in 2013.)
After the show I thanked John for  indulging  me and playing all my requests. He said he was impressed that I could recall 20 song titles of songs that were released over 15 years ago. He was shocked that someone came from Florida to hear him play. He was humbled. He told me to keep in touch.
In  September 2012, I met John at St John’s United Methodist Church on Peabody in Memphis, and bought his new CD “Seven” as well as “The Way.” He said I could mail him a check for the CDs later. I sent those CDs to a friend in Little Rock.
At that time I was in town to see Ben Nichols play solo at the Hi-Tone. I asked him if he knew Lucero and he said that he played with Rick Steff and the horn section. As I was leaving I asked John where the bus stop was so I could hit the Hi-Tone. John said, “Nah, brother, you ain’t taking the bus. I’ll drive you there.” He got into this big American gas guzzler, and reached under the mat of the driver’s side and grabbed his keys and wallet. He took me to Huey’s nearby for a pre-show meal. Then he left, saying he had an intervention to attend to stop a crack addict from using.
I last saw John in October 2018. We had a lot of catching up to do in the basement of St. John’s UMC. We sat and talked for a few hours.  I told him what was going on in my life. I told him I did not understand it. He said, “God has appointed you to be someone’s guardian angel.” John had a PhD in Divinity, so I figured he was right. And he was. (Took me a few years to realize who that person was.)
As I was driving to Memphis on Tuesday, I read in the Real Lucero Fan Group that John had just died. I was in denial. I put on “Memory in the Making and just kept driving.” I was so upset that I ran out of gas, got stranded on I-40 Westbound outside Memphis. A friend sent me some Lucero lyrics from “It Gets the Worst at Night.” The comic relief helped a little at the time.  She persuaded me to walk 2 miles to Exit 25, but there was nothing but a Memphis Welcome Center there so I walked back to my car--to find an florescent orange Highway Patrol sticker telling me that my car would be towed soon if I din move it. I spent the night in my car, getting about 2 hours of sleep and a crick in my neck. I was hoping the drivers of the 18-wheelers (that made my car sway every time they passed me) were awake and not texting.
John died Tuesday and I find myself bringing one of his CDs to another friend in Arkansas. As John sang: “I said Stranger what I owe you for lifting such a load?” He said, ‘Pass it on, brother.'” 
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yoymialterego · 6 years ago
Las cicatrices del alma del Reverendo John Kilzer
Conocí al Reverendo John Kilzer allá por el año 1991. La ciudad estaba sumida en un frío de los mil demonios, así que ese día una tienda de discos era un refugio ideal en aquellos momentos de la tarde. Mientras mitigaba el frío podía husmear las novedades y ponerme al día, como solía hacerlo. Había muy poca gente en el local. No todos estamos tan locos como para salir de casa a esas horas impropias sin el riesgo de que se nos congele media cara. Al entrar de inmediato lo vi. Era inevitable.
La primera impresión que me causó fue que era un buen tipo, aunque a veces quería hacerse el duro, o al menos eso parecía. Vestía gabardina de detective con gafas obscuras, y llevaba patillas setenteras y una no muy larga melena. Era enorme. Cuando te saludaba parecía como si un paraguas abierto avanzara hacia tu mano para envolverla, y tenías que voltear hacia arriba para dirigirle un "qué tal".
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Cierto que en ese entonces John ni siquiera sabía que quería ser Reverendo y estaba en Monterrey por cuestiones profesionales. Había nacido en Tennessee, según me dijo, y en su período de preparatoria fue una estrella nacional del basquetbol estudiantil (eso no me lo dijo, lo averigüe después. John no era una persona presuntuosa). Había hecho luego una maestría en Lengua Inglesa y fue profesor de Literatura Moderna en la Universidad de Memphis, aunque cuando lo conocí era más bien uno de los más grandes prospectos de la música en la época.
Tenía ya dos discos en su carrera, "Memory In The Making", de 1988, y "Busman's Holiday" de 1991, ambos bajo el ala protectora de la más importante disquera de su tiempo, Geffen Records (sí, la de "Dobule Fantasy" de Lennon, la que tenía a Elton John, a Debbie Harry, a Joni Mitchell, a Neil Young, a Peter Gabriel, a Guns N' Roses, y muchos otros). No era cualquier cosa que la más prestigiosa marca de discos del mundo te firmara y te produjera dos álbums, cuyos temas tenían por cierto buen eco en la MTV de aquél entonces, cuando sí transmitían música.
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Crucé algunas palabras con John luego de que me dirigí al mostrador, donde se encontraba platicando con Ossie, el dueño de la tienda, a quién yo conocía. Ossie hizo las presentaciones correspondientes. En los altavoces sonaba una música bella y arrebatadora, que resultó ser una canción del más reciente disco de Kilzer. La plática fue breve. John iba más o menos de incógnito y había entrado a una tienda al azar como un juego, sólo para ver si su música circulaba por acá. Anoté su teléfono y su dirección. Cuando nos despedimos, vi cómo el paraguas abierto de su mano volvió a envolver mi diestra.
Durante un tiempo intercambiamos correspondencia, no de manera muy abundante, ni nutrida. Ni siquiera profunda. John parecía estar cada vez menos interesado en su música, que era el tema principal de los intercambios epistolares.
Después de algún modo se alejó por completo. Jamás recibí un nuevo comunicado. Nunca supe por él mismo qué se traía, aunque de cierta manera lo sospechaba. Me enteré luego que su precoz carrera en la música se fue directo al tubo del drenaje. Se dedicó por un tiempo a componer con cierto éxito para otros artistas, pero incluso eso se acabó cuando fueron creciendo sus problemas. Alcohol, drogas. Estuvo varias veces en la cárcel.
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Al tiempo que crecía su dependencia de esas sustancias, crecían también sus incertidumbres existenciales y sobre todo sus dudas de fe. Eso me lo contó más tarde Ossie, quien se enteraba por otros medios de las circunstancias de John. Así que retirado de la música, sin posibilidades aparentes para resolver sus cuitas, Kilzer tocó fondo, y como alguna vez él mismo dijo, "murió". Espiritualmente murió. En París, en una gira de promoción de su segundo disco. De esas giras de promoción que no tenían límite de gastos... ni de excesos, supongo.
Sin embargo, como ocurre en las viñetas de los personajes ejemplares, el buen John logró levantar. Se recuperó totalmente del alcoholismo y la drogadicción, no sin dificultades, no sin tropezar varias veces, y tampoco de la noche a la mañana. Pero lo hizo, y ahora podía mirar hacia adelante. Y lo que vio fue claridad, una claridad que parecía la de un nuevo día. Ya entrado el Siglo XXI se convirtió en ministro de la Iglesia Episcopal, y ejerció de nuevo sus habilidades musicales grabando un par de álbums que no movieron las aguas. Emprendió un Doctorado en Teología en la Universidad de Middlesex de Inglaterra. Hoy es el Doctor Reverendo John Kilzer, Ministro de Recuperación en la Iglesia Metodista de St. John's. Y tiene un nuevo y excelente álbum. Se llama muy apropiadamente "Scars".
Hubiera sido lindo que John Kilzer visitara Monterrey alguna vez. Hubiera sido más lindo haberlo conocido en persona. Y sí, la "crónica" antes contada es más o menos espuria, pero verídica en sus rasgos generales, porque en efecto conocí a John Kilzer en una tienda de discos (Music & More), sólo que lo conocí a través de su álbum "Busman's Holiday", que el buen Nissim Maya me facilitó para escuchar (era un CD de promoción que desde luego aún conservo, y que Nissim me regaló cuando vio lo significativo que me pareció ese disco. Todavía sigo agradecido con mi amigo por ese y otros muchos detalles. Gracias Nissim donde quiera que estés).
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Escasos son los datos que existen sobre John Kilzer, quien ni siquiera tiene una entrada en Wikipedia. En Discogs, una especie de enciclopedia en línea sobre música, sus discografía, a pesar de ser tan escasa está incompleta, y en otros sitios de renombre como AllMusic son aún más austeros en sus generales. Sin embargo los detalles de su vida aquí contados son verídicos, de acuerdo a las referencias que he podido recopilar en Internet: fue una estrella estudiantil del basquetbol, hizo una maestría en Lengua Inglesa, fue profesor de Literatura Moderna, Geffen le produjo dos álbums, padeció de alcoholismo y drogadicción, se recuperó a tropezones y se convirtió en Ministro de la Iglesia Episcopal, hizo un Doctorado en Teología y hoy se encarga del Ministerio de Recuperación en St. John's.
Una vida calamitosa la de John. Infortunada, pero fértil, y de colofones redentores. Es cierto que la estrella musical en potencia que fue a finales de los años ochenta y principios de los noventa se quedó en eso, pero su gusto por la música y su maestría para hacerla no se extinguieron. En su primer disco "Memory In The Making" se nota la mano de la discográfica por hacer un "producto" y no una obra del artista. De allí resultó un hit Top Ten el tema "Red Blue Jeans", pero el disco en general, a pesar de todo, es muy bueno.
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Su segundo álbum "Busman's Holiday" es algo más personal y menos embrollado en premisas comerciales. Recuerdo que desde la primera vez que lo escuché me impresionó su estilo. Un estilo que se balanceaba con mucha entereza y vigor entre Bob Dylan, John Mellencamp y Bruce Springsteen. Es serio ese disco. Y las referencias tan altas son todas reales en mi opinión. Las composiciones de Kilzer tienen la esencia combinada de esos tres grandes. Y su voz suprema es un acento rasposo que añade profundidad y dramatismo. Un discazo a mi parecer.
Recuerdo haber hecho una especie de reseña del álbum para el suplemento cultural "Aquí Vamos" del ahora centenario El Porvenir. Fue sin embargo una reseña extraña y no muy satisfactoria, porque por circunstancias adversas del momento me limité casi solamente a traducir las letras de las canciones del disco, sin mayor contexto. La hemeroteca puede dar fe de ello.
"Seven" (2011) y "Hide Away" (2015) son los discos que John realizó en plena recuperación. Distribuidos escasamente, pasaron casi desapercibidos. Sin embargo son discos de prosapia que destilan calidad. Pequeñas alhajas escondidas en las grutas del injusto olvido.
La alegría de ver la aparición de un nuevo disco de John Kilzer ("Scars" de finales del 2018) me ha llevado no tanto a repasar como lo hago, un poco atropelladamente, su periplo ante esas dudas existenciales y el arco que describió su salto de fe, sino a ponderar el hecho de que a pesar de haber sido una mayúscula promesa mundial de la música, se convirtió en un artista menos que discreto (si tomamos en cuenta la percepción mediática), pero que aún y todo sigue en la brega musical y puede llegar a producir una obra de tan notable valor.
Porque "Scars" es eso, un disco notable. Quizá no a la altura de "Busman's Holiday", pero sí con su fragancia y su fascinación. El sonido de Kilzer sigue navegando en un mar con afluentes del rock, blues, soul, R&B, pop, gospel incluso, siempre enmarcado en el triángulo de oro que forman los talantes de Dylan, Mellencamp y Springsteen. Y aunque como referencia "moderna" se podría decir que hace lo que muchos identifican como "Americana", la verdad a mí me parece una propuesta más afortunada y armoniosa.
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Aclaro para no confundir que John Kilzer no hace música cristiana. Sus habilidades letrísticas van más allá de las referencias habituales (como siempre ha sido) y de hecho constituyen un encanto más de su propuesta. Su habilidad para contar historias con gran estilo es palpable, y los temas que toca, ya sea el (eterno) amor de la pareja, o la crítica social y política, son abordados con énfasis poético. Intensas son las imágenes que surgen constantemente de sus cantos. Su voz, sorprendentemente, sigue siendo tan sustancial, tan profundamente evocativa como antaño.
En alguna parte del tema que da nombre al álbum, Kilzer declara en medio de una balada dulce que debemos "aprender a amar nuestras cicatrices" o algo así. La guitarra acústica puntea una armonía sencilla e igualmente honda, y la atmósfera es algo melancólica, pero está colmada de positivismo. No un positivismo fácil y de receta, sino uno genuino, signado con sangre, y vísceras y fetidez, porque sabemos que John se ha hundido en el pantano junto a los caimanes, y ha sobrevivido para hacérnoslo patente.
Estoy seguro que la grey en su Ministerio está orgullosa de John, y agradecida. Nosotros, admiradores de su música y de su entereza, también. Mis más profundos respetos, Reverendo.
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bluesmagazine · 6 years ago
Recensie: John Kilzer – Scars
Recensie: John Kilzer – Scars // @johnkilzer @archerecords
John Kilzer – Scars Format: CD – Digital / Label: Archer Records Releasedatum: 11 januari 2019
Tekst: Paul Op den Kamp
Een gegroefd gezicht staart ons vanaf de album hoes. Een kop die een turbulente levensgeschiedenis herbergt. Dat gevoel krijg je meteen. Het aangezicht van iemand die het leven in alle facetten heeft gezien, positief als negatief.
John Kilzerdebuteerde eind jaren tachtig als…
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sportnews887 · 6 years ago
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Memphis singer-songwriter John Kilzer dead at 62
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meonefan · 6 years ago
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FOX NEWS: Memphis singer-songwriter John Kilzer dead at 62 https://ift.tt/2UzIBiO
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growsmalltown · 6 years ago
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"Memphis singer-songwriter John Kilzer dead at 62" via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/2u4uRRq
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dogman707 · 6 years ago
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May your days be full of wonder, may your nights be full of stars - lyrics from “Scars” - by John Kilzer
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ifelllikeastar · 6 years ago
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Remembering ~ John Kilzer
John Kilzer was a singer and songwriter from Tennessee whose music career spanned 30 years and who became a pastor after undergoing drug recovery.
Kilzer, who grew up in Jackson, Tennessee as a 6-foot-6-inches tall high school all American basketball standout, came to Memphis to play for the Tigers from 1975 to ’78.
According to biographies on websites for the church and Archer Records, the Jackson, Tennessee-native recorded two albums under the Geffen label, "Memory in the Making" in 1988 and "Busman's Holiday" in 1991. Roseanne Cash, Trace Adkins and Maria Muldaur recorded his songs. He learned music so well he became a Geffen Records recording artist himself, appearing regularly on MTV with his biggest pop hit 1988’s “Red Blue Jeans.” His music went on hiatus for a time, until after his self-revealed recovery from alcohol and drug abuse.
A poet at heart, Kilzer earned a doctorate in Theology, attended seminary, was ordained and joined the staff of St. John United Methodist Church where he performed each Friday night at a service called THE WAY, a ministry to recovering people as well as the homeless. John just released a new album, ‘Scars’ on Archer Records in January 2019 and ‘John Kilzer and the Scars’ were scheduled to play at the Beale Street Music Festival in May.
His death was disclosed Tuesday by St. John's United Methodist Church in Memphis, where he served as an associate pastor for recovery ministries. The church said in a statement that it was a sudden death.
Born: January 7, 1957 in Jackson, Tennessee and died on March 12, 2019.
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lucerodiehards · 6 years ago
That Night in Memphis When John Kilzer Let me Dictate the Set-list
That Night in Memphis When John Kilzer Let me Dictate the Set-list
Last July, as I walked into Sam’s Town gambling hall in Tunica, I had this eiree feeling that I’d been there before. It was the smell or something. I must have been wrong. But when I got a player’s card, the lady at the desk said, “Oh, hey Tony.” I was like what did you call me? (Tony is my twin brother’s name.) She said, “You from Atlanta right?” Turns out I had been there in 2005 to see…
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imran16829 · 6 years ago
John Kilzer Bio, Wiki, Age, Married, Net Worth, Twitter, Instagram, Known Facts, Cause of Death
John Kilzer Bio, Wiki, Age, Married, Net Worth, Twitter, Instagram, Known Facts, Cause of Death
John Kilzer Bio
John Kilzer was born on January 7th, 1957 and reported dead on March 12th, 2019 aged 62. He was a former Memphis Tigers basketball player and singer/songwriter-turned-pastor. He served in St. John’s United Methodist Church, as an associate pastor for recovery ministries.
“It is with tremendous sadness that we announce the sudden death of John Kilzer, our associate pastor of…
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rivercityreveille · 6 years ago
River City Reveille Playlist- May 23 & 30
My Favorite Picture of You- Willie Nelson
I Will Stay- Hayes Carll
Fairytale- Pointer Sisters
  Wichita Lineman- Smokey Robinson & the Miracles
These Things- JC Brooks & the Uptown Sound
Lift Every Voice & Sing- Band of Heathens
  Flagship- Jason Isbell
If You Were Me- Dwight Yoakam
Our House- Graham Nash
  In the Midnight Hour- Grateful Dead
Nobody But You- Charles Bradley
Whispers Getting Louder- Jackie Wilson
Shine a Light- Rocky Duwani
All Together Now- Beatles
  Hello Sunshine- Bruce Springsteen
All for Money- Greensky Bluegrass
Waiting for the Sun- Jayhawks
  Keep On- Southern Avenue
Standing on the Edge- JJ Grey
Loaded Dice- John Kilzer
  Girl of Mine- JJ Cale
Queen Bee- Taj Mahal
Carmelita- Warren Zevon
Where We’ll Never Grow Old- Johnny Cash
  Waiting All Night- Phish
Liberated Lady- Charles Wright & the Watts 103rd St. Rhythm Band
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emlydunstan · 6 years ago
Morning Roundup: Mar. 15, 2019
If Sobriety Isn't an Option, Harm Reduction Can Work for Homeless People with Alcoholism [Seattle Times]In a study of homeless individuals, meeting with a clinician and talking through problems/goals was effective in reducing alcohol consumption over time. The findings suggest this is a viable alternative to abstinence programs.  Community Mourns the Loss of Local Musician and Pastor in Recovery [WBBJ]Pastor John Kilzer is remembered for his ability to connect with his community, especially those living with addiction. "John is going to be missed. This is a shock to our community."Atlanta Police Will No Longer Ask About Marijuana Use on Applications [WSB]The Atlanta Police Department will no longer ask job applicants if they have recently used marijuana. The department maintains that it does not condone marijuana use in its police officers once they are hired.Report: Global 'Pandemic' of Fake Drugs Killing Children Worldwide [CNN]A surge of poor-quality or outright fake medicines are killing hundreds of thousands of children each year, according to a new report. A global coordinated effort is needed to address the vast networks of illegal medicines, say experts.Japan Sega Game Sales Halted After Cocaine Arrest [BBC]Sega is pulling all mention of a video game in Japan, after a Japanese actor who plays a Yakuza gangster in the game was busted for cocaine use. Japan has strict laws against drug use. 35 Charged with Trafficking Heroin, Fentanyl in Chicago Area [NBC Chicago]The multi-year investigation "Operation Road Rage" has culminated in charges against 35 people for heroin and fentanyl trafficking. Authorities seized a kilogram of heroin and fentanyl as part of the investigation. UNAIDS Chief: 99% of Intravenous Drug Users Lack Access to Health, Social Services [UN News]A lack of comprehensive, evidence-based approaches is negatively affecting the health of people who inject drugs (PWID), according to UNAIDS. A new report states that more than half of the 10.6 million PWID in 2016 were living with hepatitis C.Mental Health Education Starting in Kindergarten? [NJ Spotlight]The New Jersey legislature is considering legislation that would include mental health education in public schools. Some of these programs could start as early as kindergarten.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8241841 https://www.thefix.com/morning-roundup-mar-15-2019
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alexdmorgan30 · 6 years ago
Morning Roundup: Mar. 15, 2019
If Sobriety Isn't an Option, Harm Reduction Can Work for Homeless People with Alcoholism [Seattle Times]In a study of homeless individuals, meeting with a clinician and talking through problems/goals was effective in reducing alcohol consumption over time. The findings suggest this is a viable alternative to abstinence programs.  Community Mourns the Loss of Local Musician and Pastor in Recovery [WBBJ]Pastor John Kilzer is remembered for his ability to connect with his community, especially those living with addiction. "John is going to be missed. This is a shock to our community."Atlanta Police Will No Longer Ask About Marijuana Use on Applications [WSB]The Atlanta Police Department will no longer ask job applicants if they have recently used marijuana. The department maintains that it does not condone marijuana use in its police officers once they are hired.Report: Global 'Pandemic' of Fake Drugs Killing Children Worldwide [CNN]A surge of poor-quality or outright fake medicines are killing hundreds of thousands of children each year, according to a new report. A global coordinated effort is needed to address the vast networks of illegal medicines, say experts.Japan Sega Game Sales Halted After Cocaine Arrest [BBC]Sega is pulling all mention of a video game in Japan, after a Japanese actor who plays a Yakuza gangster in the game was busted for cocaine use. Japan has strict laws against drug use. 35 Charged with Trafficking Heroin, Fentanyl in Chicago Area [NBC Chicago]The multi-year investigation "Operation Road Rage" has culminated in charges against 35 people for heroin and fentanyl trafficking. Authorities seized a kilogram of heroin and fentanyl as part of the investigation. UNAIDS Chief: 99% of Intravenous Drug Users Lack Access to Health, Social Services [UN News]A lack of comprehensive, evidence-based approaches is negatively affecting the health of people who inject drugs (PWID), according to UNAIDS. A new report states that more than half of the 10.6 million PWID in 2016 were living with hepatitis C.Mental Health Education Starting in Kindergarten? [NJ Spotlight]The New Jersey legislature is considering legislation that would include mental health education in public schools. Some of these programs could start as early as kindergarten.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8241841 https://ift.tt/2F5RcTW
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pitz182 · 6 years ago
Morning Roundup: Mar. 15, 2019
If Sobriety Isn't an Option, Harm Reduction Can Work for Homeless People with Alcoholism [Seattle Times]In a study of homeless individuals, meeting with a clinician and talking through problems/goals was effective in reducing alcohol consumption over time. The findings suggest this is a viable alternative to abstinence programs.  Community Mourns the Loss of Local Musician and Pastor in Recovery [WBBJ]Pastor John Kilzer is remembered for his ability to connect with his community, especially those living with addiction. "John is going to be missed. This is a shock to our community."Atlanta Police Will No Longer Ask About Marijuana Use on Applications [WSB]The Atlanta Police Department will no longer ask job applicants if they have recently used marijuana. The department maintains that it does not condone marijuana use in its police officers once they are hired.Report: Global 'Pandemic' of Fake Drugs Killing Children Worldwide [CNN]A surge of poor-quality or outright fake medicines are killing hundreds of thousands of children each year, according to a new report. A global coordinated effort is needed to address the vast networks of illegal medicines, say experts.Japan Sega Game Sales Halted After Cocaine Arrest [BBC]Sega is pulling all mention of a video game in Japan, after a Japanese actor who plays a Yakuza gangster in the game was busted for cocaine use. Japan has strict laws against drug use. 35 Charged with Trafficking Heroin, Fentanyl in Chicago Area [NBC Chicago]The multi-year investigation "Operation Road Rage" has culminated in charges against 35 people for heroin and fentanyl trafficking. Authorities seized a kilogram of heroin and fentanyl as part of the investigation. UNAIDS Chief: 99% of Intravenous Drug Users Lack Access to Health, Social Services [UN News]A lack of comprehensive, evidence-based approaches is negatively affecting the health of people who inject drugs (PWID), according to UNAIDS. A new report states that more than half of the 10.6 million PWID in 2016 were living with hepatitis C.Mental Health Education Starting in Kindergarten? [NJ Spotlight]The New Jersey legislature is considering legislation that would include mental health education in public schools. Some of these programs could start as early as kindergarten.
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