#johan lindell
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octever · 3 months ago
"All we say, and all we've done, the memory lingers on"
Time and Place - Johan Lindell
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differenthead · 2 years ago
Volume 259
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0:00:00 — "Будни" by Мегаполис (1989)
0:04:55 — DJ
0:06:54 — "Утро" by Мегаполис (1987)
0:10:58 — "Jumping Without Thinking" by Marica (1987)
0:15:48 — "Freight Elevator" by Latin Quarter (1987)
0:19:37 — DJ
0:23:49 — "Ghost Dancing" by Johan Lindell (1985)
0:27:31 — "Passion in Moisture" by Mick Karn (1982)
0:31:35 — "We Are the Ones" by TAO (1988)
0:34:59 — "Frozen Feelings" by Jan Bang (1989)
0:39:05 — DJ
0:44:54 — "Le Pollen" (Edit) by Pierre Barouh (1982)
0:50:21 — "Boule Qui Roule" (Edit) by Pierre Barouh (1982)
0:51:57 — "It Can Be Beautiful (Sometimes)" by World Party (1986)
0:54:36 — "Game Over" by Zero (1987)
0:58:24 — DJ
1:01:24 — "Many Happy Returns" by Pete Bardens (1987)
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magicalmikuri · 2 years ago
Some of my favorite Lostwave Songs - Solved and Unsolved
For those looking for cool obscure music, lostwave is your friend! Don't mind me geeking out about unidentified or previously unidentified music aaa!
Solved -
Making Dedication by First Person - Probably my favorite lostwave song period. Beautiful lyrics. I found it took me a few listens before I really started appreciating it.
L.A. Woman by P.J. Marcus - If I had a nickel for every time I really loved a song called "L.A. Woman", I'd have two nickles. Which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.
The Livin' and the Dyin' by Jim Dawson - Really beautiful song and an early lostwave solve!
On the Roof by Johan Lindell - The original "most mysterious song on the internet". Absolutely slammin'.
Traveling Minstrel by Richard Torrance - No fish.
Bird On a Wing by Rare Bird - Absolutely bangin' song, lovin' this dude's voice.
Common Hound by The Blind Venetians - Another early lostwave solve and absolutely awesome song.
Early in the Morning (Demo Version) by Excalibur - Much better than the final version imo. This song makes me feel like a 80s wizard shooting lightning out of his hands, which is extremely high praise if you ask me.
Little Islands by The Gallery - Great song with an emotional story behind its search. I'm so happy it's finally solved.
Ready n' Steady by D.A. - Not a unidentified song but a lost song! Well, now it's found but you get the idea. Deserved a release imo.
George Sand by Antonia and the Operators - Bangin' song. I wish there was more by this band they're so good honestly???
Organ by Jon Lord - This was solved in like 10 seconds but still worth putting on here. I love a good neo-classical piece.
Unsolved -
"The Most Mysterious Song on the Internet" - You know I had to put this here.
"Fond My Mind" - Another classic lostwave song. They gotta solve this and TMMS eventually right? RIGHT???
"Wait Forever" - Very ethereal sounding. I really love this one. It's possibly by a German band called the In Tensions or the Intentions but there's no record of them anywhere online?
"Deluded" - Probably one of my favorites. This song SLAPS. The vocalist's performance is delightfully unhinged.
"Baby It's Not Too Late" - Song from an... *ahem* adult film, that's absolutely slammin'. A lot of vintage porn has great music for some reason??? Unfortunately this is likely unsolvable.
"I'm Almost In Love" - Another vintage porn song. This song has an absolutely awesome saxophone and keyboard part??? Also I have no idea why Barni used a picture of some pandas but I'm not complaining. Unfortunately this may be unsolvable.
"Losing My Patience" - Possibly from a porn film??? It's got that energy. I love the guitar solo here.
"Fly Away" - Another famous lostwave, this time from Japan! Despite the slightly unnerving tone, the lyrics are quite mundane???
"Light the Lanterns" - Sometimes called "The Third Most Mysterious Song on the Internet". I love the surreal lyrics.
"Writing from the Train" - Underrated lostwave song. Switches between two different languages for some reason???
"One More Chance" - I really like this one because I feel it has vintage anime vibes for some reason???
"Cat Swimming Guitar Solo" - Awesome guitar solo and Barni put a picture of a cat swimming for some reason, so exactly what it says on the tin!
There's so many more lostwave songs I wanna gush about so I might do a part 2???
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Perfect Puppy in 7 Days: How to Start Your Puppy Off Right
New Post has been published on https://bestnaturalpetfoodstore.com/perfect-puppy-in-7-days-how-to-start-your-puppy-off-right/
Perfect Puppy in 7 Days: How to Start Your Puppy Off Right
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With 400 photos and a step-by-step plan, this puppy book visually guides you through socialization, potty training, and life skills while making the process fun.
Dr. Marty Becker; “America’s Veterinarian” of Good Morning America, says, “This is like no other puppy book you’ve seen before. It’s not just about teaching your puppy manners, it’s a step-by-step recipe for bonding with your puppy, learning to communicate with him, and preparing you pup for life! With Dr. Yin’s approach your puppy will learn more in a week than many dogs learn in a year!”
Victoria Stillwell from Animal Planet’s “It’s Me or the Dog” says, ” This book is a must-have for any puppy parent or canine educator.”
Dr. Johan Bradshaw, author of “Dog Sense” says, “This book is a comprehensive and humane guide to puppy behavior and training, incorporating a detailed guide on how to interpret your puppy’s body language. Worth buying for the socialization advice and checklist alone.”
Dr. Ellen Lindell, veterinary behaviorist, states, “This well-organized book is filled with essential information about puppy development and learning. Experts and novices alike will appreciate the illustrations and analogies that turn science into a clear and enjoyable read. Most important, Dr. Yin offers a plan that incorporates critical socialization and training into a daily routine. It will be a puppy life-saver.”
Nancy Abplanalp of “Thinking Dogs” says, “I own tons of dog training books and none of them are as much fun to read as this one. It’s accurate and easy to access. The puppy socialization chapters and checklist are especially well done. If you have a puppy, work with puppies, raise puppies, or just plain like puppies, get this book.
Chapters include: • How Your Puppy Developed Before You Got Her • Why Start Training So Soon? • Preparing for the Puppy • A Foolproof Potty Training Program • Dr. Sophia Yin’s Learn to Earn Program for Puppies • Socializing Your Pup to Dogs, People and Handling • A Head Start on All the Rest
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crash-c2 · 4 years ago
We just need a few questions answered:
-Was there voter fraud?
-Was there election fraud?
-Did multiple swing states change laws just prior to the election without legislature, deeming it unconstitutional?
-Were dominion machines online?
-Were they sending and receiving packets of data to and from foreign soil?
-Was evidence bombed?
-Were ballots shredded?
-What happened in Nashville?
-What happened in Frankfurt?
-Was Germany, Spain, Italy, Somali, China, Russia and/or Iran involved?
-What about Hammer and Scorecard?
-What about the Peter Navarro report?
-Was Venezuela involved?
-Why did Dominion miss all senate meetings?
-Why were their offices emptied?
-Why were all accounts cleared?
-Why was their home office in a Soros Building next door to a Soros business?
-Why have courts ignored all above accounts?
-Can we trust Gen Flynn?
-Can we trust Rudi Giuliani?
-Can we trust Sydney Powell?
-Can we trust DJT?
-What about Mike Lindell
-What about Patrick Byrne
-What about the state of Texas Bad News Bears Cyber Team?
-What about the Kraken?
-Where is the 305th Cyber battalion?
-Where is Johan Pulitzer and his testimony?
-Did his team not break into a dominion machine while he was speaking to the senate?
-What about the truck hauling ballots across state lines?
-What about the Chinese ballots and their overnight shipping?
-What happened to the printing company on upstate NY and that explosion?
-Why were they unable to locate a single machine?
Who is correct here?
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atsvensson · 7 years ago
Ökande klassklyftor ger större skillnader i nyhetskonsumtion
Ökande klassklyftor ger större skillnader i nyhetskonsumtion
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scottdotgreen · 3 years ago
Wanderers - a short film by Erik Wernquist from Erik Wernquist on Vimeo.
For more information and stills gallery, please turn to: erikwernquist.com/wanderers For youtube version, please turn here: youtube.com/watch?v=YH3c1QZzRK4 ----- UPDATE: For anyone interested I have made a clip with a few discarded scenes from this film, which can be seen here: vimeo.com/132183031 ----- Wanderers is a vision of humanity's expansion into the Solar System, based on scientific ideas and concepts of what our future in space might look like, if it ever happens. The locations depicted in the film are digital recreations of actual places in the Solar System, built from real photos and map data where available. Without any apparent story, other than what you may fill in by yourself, the idea of the film is primarily to show a glimpse of the fantastic and beautiful nature that surrounds us on our neighboring worlds - and above all, how it might appear to us if we were there.
As some may notice I have borrowed ideas and concepts from science fiction authors such as Kim Stanley Robinson and Arthur C. Clarke, just to name a few. And visually, I of course owe many tips of my hat to painter Chesley Bonestell - the legendary master of space art.
More directly, with kind permission from Ann Druyan I have also borrowed the voice of astronomer and author Carl Sagan to narrate the film. The audio I used are excerpts from his own reading of his book 'Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space' (1994, Random House, penguinrandomhouse.com/books/159735/pale-blue-dot-by-carl-sagan/) - needless to say, a huge inspiration for this film. ----- CREDITS: VISUALS BY - Erik Wernquist - [email protected] MUSIC BY - Cristian Sandquist - [email protected] WRITTEN AND NARRATED BY - Carl Sagan - from his book 'Pale Blue Dot' penguinrandomhouse.com/books/159735/pale-blue-dot-by-carl-sagan/, courtesy of Ann Druyan, copyright by Democritus Properties, LLC, with all rights reserved COLOR GRADE BY - Caj Müller/Beckholmen Film - [email protected] LIVE ACTION PHOTOGRAPHY BY - Mikael Hall/Vidiotism - [email protected] LIVE ACTION PERFORMANCE BY - Anna Nerman, Camilla Hammarström, Hanna Mellin VOCALIST - Nina Fylkegård - [email protected] THANK YOU - Johan Persson, Calle Herdenberg, Micke Lindgren, Satrio J. Studt, Tomas Axelsson, Christian Lundqvist, Micke Lindell, Sigfrid Söderberg, Fredrik Strage, Johan Antoni, Henrik Johansson, Michael Uvnäs, Hanna Mellin
THIS FILM WAS MADE WITH USE OF PHOTOS AND TEXTURES FROM: NASA/JPL, NASA/CICLOPS, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio, ESA, John Van Vliet, Björn Jonsson (and many others, of which I unfortunately do not know the names)
SUBTITLES & TRANSLATIONS PROVIDED BY - Victor Terrón (English, Spanish), Titus Ou (Traditional Chinese), John Walter (French), Shinwoo Jeon (Korean), Yoav Landsman & Ehud Maimon (Hebrew), Miguel Andrade (Brazilian Portuguese), Rik Delaet (Dutch), Mate Sršen (Croatian).
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earthstory · 7 years ago
Original caption:
Wanderers is a vision of humanity's expansion into the Solar System, based on scientific ideas and concepts of what our future in space might look like, if it ever happens. The locations depicted in the film are digital recreations of actual places in the Solar System, built from real photos and map data where available. Without any apparent story, other than what you may fill in by yourself, the idea of the film is primarily to show a glimpse of the fantastic and beautiful nature that surrounds us on our neighboring worlds - and above all, how it might appear to us if we were there.
As some may notice I have borrowed ideas and concepts from science fiction authors such as Kim Stanley Robinson and Arthur C. Clarke, just to name a few. And visually, I of course owe many tips of my hat to painter Chesley Bonestell - the legendary master of space art.
More directly, with kind permission from Ann Druyan I have also borrowed the voice of astronomer and author Carl Sagan to narrate the film. The audio I used are excerpts from his own reading of his book 'Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space' (1994, Random House, penguinrandomhouse.com/books/159735/pale-blue-dot-by-carl-sagan/) - needless to say, a huge inspiration for this film.
CREDITS: VISUALS BY - Erik Wernquist - [email protected] MUSIC BY - Cristian Sandquist - [email protected] WRITTEN AND NARRATED BY - Carl Sagan - from his book 'Pale Blue Dot' penguinrandomhouse.com/books/159735/pale-blue-dot-by-carl-sagan/, courtesy of Ann Druyan, copyright by Democritus Properties, LLC, with all rights reserved COLOR GRADE BY - Caj Müller/Beckholmen Film - [email protected] LIVE ACTION PHOTOGRAPHY BY - Mikael Hall/Vidiotism - [email protected] LIVE ACTION PERFORMANCE BY - Anna Nerman, Camilla Hammarström, Hanna Mellin VOCALIST - Nina Fylkegård - [email protected] THANK YOU - Johan Persson, Calle Herdenberg, Micke Lindgren, Satrio J. Studt, Tomas Axelsson, Christian Lundqvist, Micke Lindell, Sigfrid Söderberg, Fredrik Strage, Johan Antoni, Henrik Johansson, Michael Uvnäs, Hanna Mellin
THIS FILM WAS MADE WITH USE OF PHOTOS AND TEXTURES FROM: NASA/JPL, NASA/CICLOPS, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio, ESA, John Van Vliet, Björn Jonsson (and many others, of which I unfortunately do not know the names)
SUBTITLES & TRANSLATIONS PROVIDED BY - Victor Terrón (English, Spanish), Titus Ou (Traditional Chinese), John Walter (French), Shinwoo Jeon (Korean), Yoav Landsman & Ehud Maimon (Hebrew), Miguel Andrade (Brazilian Portuguese), Rik Delaet (Dutch).
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cxvgfrertiou879878 · 4 years ago
[*PDF/Kindle]-> Read/Download Perfect Puppy in 7 Days: How to Start Your Puppy Off Right BY Sophia Yin Book
Read and download book Perfect Puppy in 7 Days: How to Start Your Puppy Off Right in PDF, EPub, Mobi, Kindle online. Free book Perfect Puppy in 7 Days: How to Start Your Puppy Off Right by Sophia Yin.
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Read/Download => https://bryandcvg-a88030.blogspot.com/?book=B005FR0OEA
 Descriptions :
Read and Download Sophia Yin book Perfect Puppy in 7 Days: How to Start Your Puppy Off Right.With 400 photos and a step-by-step plan, this puppy book visually guides you through socialization, potty training, and life skills while making the process fun.Dr. Marty Becker; "America's Veterinarian" of Good Morning America, says, "This is like no other puppy book you've seen before. It?s not just about teaching your puppy manners, it's a step-by-step recipe for bonding with your puppy, learning to communicate with him, and preparing you pup for life! With Dr. Yin's approach your puppy will learn more in a week than many dogs learn in a year!"Victoria Stillwell from Animal Planet's "It's Me or the Dog" says, " This book is a must-have for any puppy parent or canine educator."Dr. Johan Bradshaw, author of "Dog Sense" says, "This book is a comprehensive and humane guide to puppy behavior and training, incorporating a detailed guide on how to interpret your puppy's body language. Worth buying for the socialization advice and checklist alone."Dr. Ellen Lindell, veterinary . 
 Perfect Puppy in 7 Days: How to Start Your Puppy Off Right by Sophia Yin
Tags: Perfect Puppy in 7 Days: How to Start Your Puppy Off Right by Sophia Yin Free download, PDF, epub, docs, New York Times, ppt, audio books, Bloomberg, #NYT, books to read, good books to read, cheap books, good books,online books, books online, book reviews, read books online, books to read online, online library, greatbooks to read, best books to read, top books to read Perfect Puppy in 7 Days: How to Start Your Puppy Off Right BY Sophia Yin books to read online.Reading Download Pdf Epub read
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infinitcooltour · 4 years ago
Wanderers - a short film by Erik Wernquist from Erik Wernquist on Vimeo.
For more information and stills gallery, please turn to: erikwernquist.com/wanderers For youtube version, please turn here: youtube.com/watch?v=YH3c1QZzRK4 ----- UPDATE: For anyone interested I have made a clip with a few discarded scenes from this film, which can be seen here: vimeo.com/132183031 ----- Wanderers is a vision of humanity's expansion into the Solar System, based on scientific ideas and concepts of what our future in space might look like, if it ever happens. The locations depicted in the film are digital recreations of actual places in the Solar System, built from real photos and map data where available. Without any apparent story, other than what you may fill in by yourself, the idea of the film is primarily to show a glimpse of the fantastic and beautiful nature that surrounds us on our neighboring worlds - and above all, how it might appear to us if we were there.
As some may notice I have borrowed ideas and concepts from science fiction authors such as Kim Stanley Robinson and Arthur C. Clarke, just to name a few. And visually, I of course owe many tips of my hat to painter Chesley Bonestell - the legendary master of space art.
More directly, with kind permission from Ann Druyan I have also borrowed the voice of astronomer and author Carl Sagan to narrate the film. The audio I used are excerpts from his own reading of his book 'Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space' (1994, Random House, penguinrandomhouse.com/books/159735/pale-blue-dot-by-carl-sagan/) - needless to say, a huge inspiration for this film. ----- CREDITS: VISUALS BY - Erik Wernquist - [email protected] MUSIC BY - Cristian Sandquist - [email protected] WRITTEN AND NARRATED BY - Carl Sagan - from his book 'Pale Blue Dot' penguinrandomhouse.com/books/159735/pale-blue-dot-by-carl-sagan/, courtesy of Ann Druyan, copyright by Democritus Properties, LLC, with all rights reserved COLOR GRADE BY - Caj Müller/Beckholmen Film - [email protected] LIVE ACTION PHOTOGRAPHY BY - Mikael Hall/Vidiotism - [email protected] LIVE ACTION PERFORMANCE BY - Anna Nerman, Camilla Hammarström, Hanna Mellin VOCALIST - Nina Fylkegård - [email protected] THANK YOU - Johan Persson, Calle Herdenberg, Micke Lindgren, Satrio J. Studt, Tomas Axelsson, Christian Lundqvist, Micke Lindell, Sigfrid Söderberg, Fredrik Strage, Johan Antoni, Henrik Johansson, Michael Uvnäs, Hanna Mellin
THIS FILM WAS MADE WITH USE OF PHOTOS AND TEXTURES FROM: NASA/JPL, NASA/CICLOPS, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio, ESA, John Van Vliet, Björn Jonsson (and many others, of which I unfortunately do not know the names)
SUBTITLES & TRANSLATIONS PROVIDED BY - Victor Terrón (English, Spanish), Titus Ou (Traditional Chinese), John Walter (French), Shinwoo Jeon (Korean), Yoav Landsman & Ehud Maimon (Hebrew), Miguel Andrade (Brazilian Portuguese), Rik Delaet (Dutch).
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petstopbooks · 4 years ago
With 400 photos and a step-by-step plan, this puppy book visually guides you through socialization, potty training, and life skills while making the process fun.   Dr. Marty Becker; "America's Veterinarian" of Good Morning America, says, "This is like no other puppy book you've seen before.  It’s not just about teaching your puppy manners, it's a step-by-step recipe for bonding with your puppy, learning to communicate with him, and preparing you pup for life! With Dr. Yin's approach your puppy will learn more in a week than many dogs learn in a year!" Victoria Stillwell from Animal Planet's "It's Me or the Dog" says, " This book is a must-have for any puppy parent or canine educator." Dr. Johan Bradshaw, author of "Dog Sense" says, "This book is a comprehensive and humane guide to puppy behavior and training, incorporating a detailed guide on how to interpret your puppy's body language.  Worth buying for the socialization advice and checklist alone." Dr. Ellen Lindell, veterinary behaviorist, states, "This well-organized book is filled with essential information about puppy development and learning. Experts and novices alike will appreciate the illustrations and analogies that turn science into a clear and enjoyable read. Most important, Dr. Yin offers a plan that incorporates critical socialization and training into a daily routine. It will be a puppy life-saver." Nancy Abplanalp of "Thinking Dogs" says, "I own tons of dog training books and none of them are as much fun to read as this one. It's accurate and easy to access.  The puppy socialization chapters and checklist are especially well done. If you have a puppy, work with puppies, raise puppies, or just plain like puppies, get this book. Chapters include: •How Your Puppy Developed Before You Got Her ���Why Start Training So Soon? •Preparing for the Puppy •A Foolproof Potty Training Program •Dr. Sophia Yin’s Learn to Earn Program for Puppies •Socializing Your Pup to Dogs, People and Handling •A Head Start on All the Rest
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ingebjorg9 · 8 years ago
Favourite and least favourite Nordic crime fiction
I’ve tried to evaluate the authors I’ve read so far.  Some I love, others... not so much.
Maj Sjöwall and Per Wahlöö: the mother and father of Nordic crime fiction.  Without Martin Beck there’d have been no Wallander, and their works inspired numerous other authors as well.  Towards the end of the Martin Beck series their narrative gets more overtly political, but it’s possible to ignore most of the political anvil-dropping and enjoy the characters and stories.  I adore Gunvald Larsson.
Henning Mankell: will always be my favourite, without him I wouldn’t be blogging.  It’s impossible to describe here exactly what Wallander has meant to me, but Mankell’s work is important.  His characters are infinitely human, and even though he wrote partly to tackle social issues, he also knew how to tell a good story.
Arnaldur Indriðason: his novels are dark, fascinating and full of pathos, with a very strong sense of place.  His main character Detective Erlendur is flawed but very sympathetic, and I’ve been rooting for him since I first read Jar City.
Håkan Nesser: fascinating storyteller, whose main character Inspector Van Veeteren is a loveable grump.  The psychological element of his stories is intriguing without being overly depressing, and he’s excellent at writing plot twists.
Jo Nesbø: slightly different from many Nordic crime writers in that he’s more influenced my the 40s hardboiled crime noir genre than by previous Norwegian or Swedish writers.  Dark, but surprisingly not too dark, with lots of gallows humour.  Adore his character Harry Hole.  Harry has his problems, but he’s definitely one of the good guys.  I also like Oslo as a setting for most of the stories; many of the locations are recognisable from real life.
Karin Fossum: can be a bit hit-and-miss (I gave up on When the Devil Holds the Candle), but has a very likeable main character in her detective Konrad Sejer.  Extremely dark at times, but Sejer’s humanity and compassion shines through.  Her mysteries are generally full of interesting twists and turns.
Arne Dahl: compelling and dramatic, with an enjoyable cast of characters.
Kjell Eriksson: have read two of his books about the Uppsala detective Ann Lindell, and found the endings a bit sudden and disappointing.  He writes a compelling narrative, but his characterisation can be a bit lacklustre.  May or may not try another of his novels.
Yrsa Sigurðardóttir: I read Last Rituals, and found it almost completely devoid of suspense or dramatic tension, which was a shame, because the novel’s premise is an interesting one, and I’d love to read more Icelandic fiction.  Not sure if I’ll read any more of her books.
Not impressed by:
Mari Jungstedt: I tried, as Cthulhu is my witness I tried, but her writing style just refuses to improve.  Her narrative is flat and emotionless and her pet characters Johan and Emma are incredibly annoying.
Camilla Läckberg: see above, but replace “Johan and Emma” with “Patrick and Erica”.
Stieg Larsson: I know he’s outrageously popular, but I just can’t, I’m afraid.
Haven’t read yet:
Maria Lang (Crimes of Passion, yes please)
Kjell Ola Dahl
Anne Holt (I have a feeling I would like her work a lot)
Helene Tursten (Irene Huss, as played on TV by Angela Kovács)
Jens Lapidus
...and so on.  There’s an awful lot still to try.
Anyone got any recommendations?
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rubywilll-blog · 8 years ago
Perfect Puppy In 7 Days - Dr. Sophia Yin, DVM, MS | Pets |457889238
Perfect Puppy In 7 Days Dr. Sophia Yin, DVM, MS Genre: Pets Price: $9.99 Publish Date: August 2, 2011 With 400 photos and a step-by-step plan, this puppy book visually guides you through socialization, potty training, and life skills while making the process fun.   Dr. Marty Becker; "America's Veterinarian" of Good Morning America, says, "This is like no other puppy book you've seen before.  It’s not just about teaching your puppy manners, it's a step-by-step recipe for bonding with your puppy, learning to communicate with him, and preparing you pup for life! With Dr. Yin's approach your puppy will learn more in a week than many dogs learn in a year!" Victoria Stillwell from Animal Planet's "It's Me or the Dog" says, " This book is a must-have for any puppy parent or canine educator." Dr. Johan Bradshaw, author of "Dog Sense" says, "This book is a comprehensive and humane guide to puppy behavior and training, incorporating a detailed guide on how to interpret your puppy's body language.  Worth buying for the socialization advice and checklist alone." Dr. Ellen Lindell, veterinary behaviorist, states, "This well-organized book is filled with essential information about puppy development and learning. Experts and novices alike will appreciate the illustrations and analogies that turn science into a clear and enjoyable read. Most important, Dr. Yin offers a plan that incorporates critical socialization and training into a daily routine. It will be a puppy life-saver." Nancy Abplanalp of "Thinking Dogs" says, "I own tons of dog training books and none of them are as much fun to read as this one. It's accurate and easy to access.  The puppy socialization chapters and checklist are especially well done. If you have a puppy, work with puppies, raise puppies, or just plain like puppies, get this book. Chapters include: •How Your Puppy Developed Before You Got Her •Why Start Training So Soon? •Preparing for the Puppy •A Foolproof Potty Training Program •Dr. Sophia Yin’s Learn to Earn Program for Puppies •Socializing Your Pup to Dogs, People and Handling •A Head Start on All the Rest
0 notes
theart2rock · 5 years ago
Neues Album von Firewind im Mai
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Firewind haben erneut all ihre Tugenden in die Waagschale geworfen und mit „Firewind“ einen mehr als nur würdigen Nachfolger des 2017er Konzeptwerks Immortals eingespielt. Immer wenn in den zurückliegenden knapp 20 Jahren Firewind ein weiteres neues Album veröffentlichten, waren die Fans nicht nur vom exzellenten Spiel des Ausnahmegitarristen Gus G. (Ozzy Osbourne, Arch Enemy, Dream Evil), sondern ebenso vom jeweiligen Sänger der Band hellauf begeistert. Daran hat sich auf dem aktuellen Album „Firewind“ nichts geändert, ganz im Gegenteil: Neuzugang Herbie Langhans (u.a. Avantasia) veredelt mit seiner charismatischen Stimme jedes der elf neuen Stücke und verleiht ihnen eine beeindruckende Ausdruckskraft. Kennengelernt haben sich Gus G. und Herbie Langhans im Herbst 2019, nachdem sich der Firewind-Chef im Anschluss an die Tournee mit Queensrÿche auf die Suche nach einem geeigneten Nachfolger für den ausgestiegenen Henning Basse machte. Bereits wenige Wochen später waren die Aufnahmen im Kasten und konnten vom schwedischen Toningenieur Tobias Lindell (Europe, Avatar, H.E.A.T.) in den ‚Lindell Audio Studios‘ gemischt werden. Das Ergebnis kann sich wahrlich hören lassen. „Firewind“ überzeugt mit zwei prallgefüllten Händen voll erstklassiger Melodic Metal-Nummern, die mit großer Wucht, handwerklicher Finesse und spürbarer Leidenschaft eingespielt wurden und speziell mit ihren hymnischen Melodien punkten.
Quelle: AFM Records
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image image=”44904″ img_size=”full”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Tracklisting:
Welcome To The Empire
Rising Fire
Break Away
Orbitual Sunrise
Longing To Know You
Perfect Stranger
All My Life
Space Cowboy
Kill The Pain
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_text_separator title=”Info”][vc_column_text]
Label: AFM Records
Genre: Power Metal
Veröffentlichung: 15.05.2020
[/vc_column_text][vc_text_separator title=”Bestellen”][vc_column_text]
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/4″][vc_single_image image=”31520″][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”3/4″][vc_text_separator title=”GESANG”][vc_column_text]
Herbie Langhans
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Johan Nunez
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Gus G.
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Petros Christodoylidis
Neues Album von Firewind im Mai was originally published on The Art 2 Rock
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paradoxicalca · 5 years ago
Despite the Vegas Expansion Draft taking place just over two years ago, nearly 42% of the protected players are no longer with the team by whom they were protected. Additionally, no team still has every player they protected.
Anaheim DucksAndrew Cogliano (F)Ryan Getzlaf (F)Ryan Kesler (F)Corey Perry (F)Rickard Rakell (F)Jakob Silfverberg (F)Antoine Vermette (F)Kevin Bieksa (D)Cam Fowler (D)Hampus Lindholm (D)John Gibson (G)Arizona CoyotesNick Cousins (F)Anthony Duclair (F)Jordan Martinook (F)Tobias Rieder (F)Oliver Ekman-Larsson (D)Alex Goligoski (D)Connor Murphy (D)Luke Schenn (D)Chad Johnson (G)Boston BruinsDavid Backes (F)Patrice Bergeron (F)David Krejci (F)Brad Marchand (F)Riley Nash (F)David Pastrnak (F)Ryan Spooner (F)Zdeno Chara (D)Torey Krug (D)Kevan Miller (D)Tuukka Rask (G)Buffalo SabresTyler Ennis (F)Marcus Foligno (F)Zemgus Girgensons (F)Evander Kane (F)Johan Larsson (F)Ryan O'Reilly (F)Kyle Okposo (F)Nathan Beaulieu (D)Jake McCabe (D)Rasmus Ristolainen (D)Robin Lehner (G)Calgary FlamesMikael Backlund (F)Sam Bennett (F)Micheal Ferland (F)Michael Frolik (F)Johnny Gaudreau (F)Curtis Lazar (F)Sean Monahan (F)TJ Brodie (D)Mark Giordano (D)Dougie Hamilton (D)Mike Smith (G)Carolina HurricanesPhillip Di Giuseppe (F)Elias Lindholm (F)Brock McGinn (F)Victor Rask (F)Jeff Skinner (F)Jordan Staal (F)Teuvo Teravainen (F)Trevor Carrick (D)Justin Faulk (D)Ryan Murphy (D)Scott Darling (G)Chicago BlackhawksArtem Anisimov (F)Ryan Hartman (F)Marian Hossa (F)Tomas Jurco (F)Patrick Kane (F)Richard Panik (F)Jonathan Toews (F)Niklas Hjalmarsson (D)Duncan Keith (D)Brent Seabrook (D)Corey Crawford (G)Colorado AvalancheSven Andrighetto (F)Blake Comeau (F)Matt Duchene (F)Rocco Grimaldi (F)Gabriel Landeskog (F)Nathan MacKinnon (F)Matt Nieto (F)Tyson Barrie (D)Erik Johnson (D)Nikita Zadorov (D)Semyon Varlamov (G)Columbus Blue JacketsCam Atkinson (F)Brandon Dubinsky (F)Nick Foligno (F)Scott Hartnell (F)Boone Jenner (F)Brandon Saad (F)Alexander Wennberg (F)Seth Jones (D)Ryan Murray (D)David Savard (D)Sergei Bobrovsky (G)Dallas StarsJamie Benn (F)Radek Faksa (F)Valeri Nichushkin (F)Brett Ritchie (F)Antoine Roussel (F)Tyler Seguin (F)Jason Spezza (F)Stephen Johns (D)John Klingberg (D)Esa Lindell (D)Ben Bishop (G)Detroit Red WingsJustin Abdelkader (F)Andreas Athanasiou (F)Anthony Mantha (F)Frans Nielsen (F)Gustav Nyquist (F)Tomas Tatar (F)Henrik Zetterberg (F)Danny DeKeyser (D)Mike Green (D)Nick Jensen (D)Jimmy Howard (G)Edmonton OilersLeon Draisaitl (F)Jordan Eberle (F)Zack Kassian (F)Mark Letestu (F)Milan Lucic (F)Patrick Maroon (F)Ryan Nugent-Hopkins (F)Oscar Klefbom (D)Adam Larsson (D)Andrej Sekera (D)Cam Talbot (G)Florida PanthersAleksander Barkov (F)Nick Bjugstad (F)Jonathan Huberdeau (F)Vincent Trocheck (F)Aaron Ekblad (D)Alex Petrovic (D)Mark Pysyk (D)Keith Yandle (D)James Reimer (G)Los Angeles KingsJeff Carter (F)Anze Kopitar (F)Tanner Pearson (F)Tyler Toffoli (F)Drew Doughty (D)Derek Forbort (D)Alec Martinez (D)Jake Muzzin (D)Jonathan Quick (G)Minnesota WildCharlie Coyle (F)Mikael Granlund (F)Mikko Koivu (F)Nino Niederreiter (F)Zach Parise (F)Jason Pominville (F)Jason Zucker (F)Jonas Brodin (D)Jared Spurgeon (D)Ryan Suter (D)Devan Dubnyk (G)Montreal CanadiensPaul Byron (F)Phillip Danault (F)Jonathan Drouin (F)Alex Galchenyuk (F)Brendan Gallagher (F)Max Pacioretty (F)Andrew Shaw (F)Jordie Benn (D)Jeff Petry (D)Shea Weber (D)Carey Price (G)Nashville PredatorsViktor Arvidsson (F)Filip Forsberg (F)Calle Jarnkrok (F)Ryan Johansen (F)Mattias Ekholm (D)Ryan Ellis (D)Roman Josi (D)P.K. Subban (D)Pekka Rinne (G)New Jersey DevilsTaylor Hall (F)Adam Henrique (F)Kyle Palmieri (F)Travis Zajac (F)Andy Greene (D)John Moore (D)Mirco Mueller (D)Damon Severson (D)Cory Schneider (G)New York IslandersAndrew Ladd (F)Anders Lee (F)John Tavares (F)Johnny Boychuk (D)Travis Hamonic (D)Nick Leddy (D)Adam Pelech (D)Ryan Pulock (D)Thomas Greiss (G)New York RangersKevin Hayes (F)Chris Kreider (F)J.T. Miller (F)Rick Nash (F)Derek Stepan (F)Mika Zibanejad (F)Mats Zuccarello (F)Nick Holden (D)Ryan McDonagh (D)Marc Staal (D)Henrik Lundqvist (G)Ottawa SenatorsDerick Brassard (F)Ryan Dzingel (F)Mike Hoffman (F)Jean-Gabriel Pageau (F)Zack Smith (F)Mark Stone (F)Kyle Turris (F)Cody Ceci (D)Erik Karlsson (D)Dion Phaneuf (D)Craig Anderson (G)Philadelphia FlyersSean Couturier (F)Valtteri Filppula (F)Claude Giroux (F)Scott Laughton (F)Brayden Schenn (F)Wayne Simmonds (F)Jakub Voracek (F)Shayne Gostisbehere (D)Radko Gudas (D)Brandon Manning (D)Anthony Stolarz (G)Pittsburgh PenguinsSidney Crosby (F)Patric Hornqvist (F)Phil Kessel (F)Evgeni Malkin (F)Brian Dumoulin (D)Kris Letang (D)Olli Maatta (D)Justin Schultz (D)Matt Murray (G)San Jose SharksRyan Carpenter (F)Logan Couture (F)Jannik Hansen (F)Tomas Hertl (F)Melker Karlsson (F)Joe Pavelski (F)Chris Tierney (F)Justin Braun (D)Brent Burns (D)Marc-Edouard Vlasic (D)Martin Jones (G)St. Louis BluesPatrik Berglund (F)Ryan Reaves (F)Jaden Schwartz (F)Vladimir Sobotka (F)Paul Stastny (F)Alexander Steen (F)Vladimir Tarasenko (F)Jay Bouwmeester (D)Joel Edmundson (D)Alex Pietrangelo (D)Jake Allen (G)Tampa Bay LightningRyan Callahan (F)Tyler Johnson (F)Alex Killorn (F)Nikita Kucherov (F)Vladislav Namestnikov (F)Ondrej Palat (F)Steven Stamkos (F)Braydon Coburn (D)Victor Hedman (D)Anton Stralman (D)Andrei Vasilevskiy (G)Toronto Maple LeafsTyler Bozak (F)Connor Brown (F)Nazem Kadri (F)Leo Komarov (F)Josh Leivo (F)Matt Martin (F)James van Riemsdyk (F)Connor Carrick (D)Jake Gardiner (D)Morgan Rielly (D)Frederik Andersen (G)Vancouver CanucksSven Baertschi (F)Loui Eriksson (F)Markus Granlund (F)Bo Horvat (F)Daniel Sedin (F)Henrik Sedin (F)Brandon Sutter (F)Alexander Edler (D)Erik Gudbranson (D)Christopher Tanev (D)Jacob Markstrom (G)Washington CapitalsNicklas Backstrom (F)Andre Burakovsky (F)Lars Eller (F)Marcus Johansson (F)Evgeny Kuznetsov (F)Alex Ovechkin (F)Tom Wilson (F)John Carlson (D)Matt Niskanen (D)Dmitry Orlov (D)Braden Holtby (G)Winnipeg JetsJoel Armia (F)Andrew Copp (F)Bryan Little (F)Adam Lowry (F)Mathieu Perreault (F)Mark Scheifele (F)Blake Wheeler (F)Dustin Byfuglien (D)Tyler Myers (D)Jacob Trouba (D)Connor Hellebuyck (G)Let me know if you find any errors Despite the Vegas Expansion Draft taking place just over two years ago, nearly 42% of the protected players are no longer with the team by whom they were protected. Additionally, no team still has every player they protected. Source
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yohomedia · 6 years ago
Wanderers - a short film by Erik Wernquist from Erik Wernquist on Vimeo.
For more information and stills gallery, please turn to: erikwernquist.com/wanderers For youtube version, please turn here: youtube.com/watch?v=YH3c1QZzRK4 ----- UPDATE: For anyone interested I have made a clip with a few discarded scenes from this film, which can be seen here: vimeo.com/132183031 ----- Wanderers is a vision of humanity's expansion into the Solar System, based on scientific ideas and concepts of what our future in space might look like, if it ever happens. The locations depicted in the film are digital recreations of actual places in the Solar System, built from real photos and map data where available. Without any apparent story, other than what you may fill in by yourself, the idea of the film is primarily to show a glimpse of the fantastic and beautiful nature that surrounds us on our neighboring worlds - and above all, how it might appear to us if we were there.
As some may notice I have borrowed ideas and concepts from science fiction authors such as Kim Stanley Robinson and Arthur C. Clarke, just to name a few. And visually, I of course owe many tips of my hat to painter Chesley Bonestell - the legendary master of space art.
More directly, with kind permission from Ann Druyan I have also borrowed the voice of astronomer and author Carl Sagan to narrate the film. The audio I used are excerpts from his own reading of his book 'Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space' (1994, Random House, penguinrandomhouse.com/books/159735/pale-blue-dot-by-carl-sagan/) - needless to say, a huge inspiration for this film. ----- CREDITS: VISUALS BY - Erik Wernquist - [email protected] MUSIC BY - Cristian Sandquist - [email protected] WRITTEN AND NARRATED BY - Carl Sagan - from his book 'Pale Blue Dot' penguinrandomhouse.com/books/159735/pale-blue-dot-by-carl-sagan/, courtesy of Ann Druyan, copyright by Democritus Properties, LLC, with all rights reserved COLOR GRADE BY - Caj Müller/Beckholmen Film - [email protected] LIVE ACTION PHOTOGRAPHY BY - Mikael Hall/Vidiotism - [email protected] LIVE ACTION PERFORMANCE BY - Anna Nerman, Camilla Hammarström, Hanna Mellin VOCALIST - Nina Fylkegård - [email protected] THANK YOU - Johan Persson, Calle Herdenberg, Micke Lindgren, Satrio J. Studt, Tomas Axelsson, Christian Lundqvist, Micke Lindell, Sigfrid Söderberg, Fredrik Strage, Johan Antoni, Henrik Johansson, Michael Uvnäs, Hanna Mellin
THIS FILM WAS MADE WITH USE OF PHOTOS AND TEXTURES FROM: NASA/JPL, NASA/CICLOPS, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio, ESA, John Van Vliet, Björn Jonsson (and many others, of which I unfortunately do not know the names)
SUBTITLES & TRANSLATIONS PROVIDED BY - Victor Terrón (English, Spanish), Titus Ou (Traditional Chinese), John Walter (French), Shinwoo Jeon (Korean), Yoav Landsman & Ehud Maimon (Hebrew), Miguel Andrade (Brazilian Portuguese), Rik Delaet (Dutch).
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