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digi-lov · 2 months ago
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DemiDevimon EX8-057 by Minato Sashima, Devimon EX8-059 by KISUKE, Myotismon EX8-050 by banira, Piedmon Ace EX8-062 by Souichirou Gunjima, and Boltbautamon EX8-028 by Hisashi Fujiwara from EX-08 Extra Booster Chain of Liberation
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digimonnextadventure · 1 year ago
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This is the second work done with Karn Ex! Once again it was a wonderful experience, I was very happy! Shout out to my Brazilian friends, incredible artists who are in the video too!
When I finished the sketch based on the silhouette, I felt that Gatomon's gloves took on the appearance of fighting gloves, like MMA gloves. So I chose to do a Muay Thai pose for the final illustration. I hope you enjoyed Noctmon and the other Digimon.
This is Noctmon's color sketch based on the silhouette. From the shape of the silhouette they would probably have more facial features from ExVeemon, like to the blade on Xvmon forehead. But I thought it would be more interesting to work with Tailmon's feline characteristics.
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Check out Karn's video ♡
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big-wicke-energy · 2 years ago
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I’ve often thought about getting into Digifakes just like I got into Fakemon all those years ago, it’s fun to make speculative evolutions and fill in the gaps left by official Digimon stuff. An evolution for Shakkoumon was never where I intended to start with this, but after coming up with a design I liked I realized I might lose my chance when Digimon 02: The Beginning comes out... And I had already missed my chance to draw my speculative ideas for Ghost Game evos
I’ve always been disappointed by how most Digimon proposed as evolutions for Shakkoumon feel like they could just as easily evolve straight from HolyAngemon. Like why should the Angemon half take such precedence when this is going to be remembered as Ankylomon’s final evolution?
The thing is I could probably keep messing with this design forever... All the more reason to post it now before I change my mind about something
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deramonfaqs · 2 years ago
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mikotoazure · 2 years ago
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“Joint and Progress”
Available only today on theyetee.com!!!
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someguy944 · 2 years ago
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Jogress between Etemon and Volcamon, Foot ball monkey
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romanoodlesinc · 1 year ago
I know it’s not just me who thinks this we desperately seriously need non jogress evolutions for these guys. I know stingmon has jewelbeemon but I feel like it looses that edgyness that stingmon has. And I also really hate that the others just become other species (exveemon turning into aeroveedramon, aquilamon turning into garudamon) because it feels lazy, Bandai please non jogress forms for the guys please😭
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astrospacerocket · 2 years ago
[Inspired by this fic]
If the vid isnt working heres the tiktok
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red-rose-corner · 1 year ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Digimon - All Media Types, Digimon Story Series | Digimon World Series, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (Main Video Game Series), Pocket Monsters: X & Y | Pokemon X & Y Versions Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aquilamon & Tailmon | Gatomon (Digimon) Characters: Serena (Pokemon), Silphymon (Digimon), Tailmon | Gatomon (Digimon), Aquilamon (Digimon), Mishima Erika, Imai Chitose, Shakkoumon (Digimon) Additional Tags: Headcanon, Random & Short, Randomness, Gender Identity, Alternate Universe - Digimon Fusion, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth, Crossover, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Jogress Evolution | DNA Digivolution, Alternate Universe - Hackers, Gender-Neutral Pronouns Summary:
(Hacker's Memory AU, extra segment) According to a certain Renamon: "By nature, Digimon don't have genders."
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arcthebreeder · 10 months ago
DMO: Digimon Military Operatives_58.TXT
Ok... The whole thing went... Pretty bad tbh, but, let's go one by one.
First of all, I gotta admit that I planned this pretty poorly, since my only course of action was waiting around the place until I saw the same guys arrive at the scene, which... Wasn't a good idea at all. Approximately at 20:30 (I've been waiting for about something more than an hour by this point) I saw the little group of three arrive into the mall's back lot, so that's when I get in, just a few minutes after them.
At first it puzzled me the fact that they chose a mall's back lot as a meeting, and even worse, working point, but once I entered I saw why, the place was a computer lab, everything was shut down when I got in, and I soon realized why.
The whole place was a set up.
It was sketchy enough the fact that they just randomly chose to meet at a mall near my house, and even worse, late at night, in a back lot, at first, I didn't understand how exactly they knew I would be there, but I got the reason pretty quickly, the guy who the officers were with, who I later learned is 15 year old informatics prodigy, who we'll call "S" from now on, detected my digimon when I entered their PC yesterday, but did nothing in hopes of seeing where they came from, ultimately following their trace back into my Digimon DOCK, and quickly creating a simple set-up for me to fall into so they could catch me.
"S" however, "recognized my value as a Tamer" and decided to test me first, so we got into a fight. They handed me a connection cable, so I could send my digimon to one of the PCs in the room, and we could have a proper fight. I accepted.
Each of us logged into a PC, I sent MegaloGrowmon, Canoweissmon and Rasenmon, it was a 3v3, so I decided to cover each attribute in preparation, using two perfects and just one Ultimate, considering how much of those I have under my wing may sound like an odd choice, but Canoweissmon and Rasenmon share a strong bond, they are probably the ones with the strongest bond and teamwork on the team, so their chemistry in the battlefield is like no other, MegaloGrowmon on the other side, was there because it's a common thing among Tamers to use our main partners when we have more than one when we face another tamer we consider skilled.
On "S'" side, they had Quantumon, Tlalocmon, and another digimon that... I've never seen, a digimon reminiscent of some kind of moose or deer with tubas (I think) instead of antlers, all of them were Data, including the mysterious digimon I'd later learn is called Cernumon.
The battle started.
Cernumon wasn't moving an inch, but Quantumon and Tlalocmon jumped into the fight as soon as my digimon did, Tlalocmon used its Netotiliztli to invoke rain over Canoweissmon, the raindrops suddenly became spears, and hurt Canoweissmon's wings, destroying our sky coverage early on. Seeing that Canoweissmon was badly hurt, Rasenmon ran towards Tlalocmon and tried to hit it, but Quantumon used Unlimited Journey transferring Rasenmon into an unknown place, this attack is said to send the target into another dimension (in this case another Digital World) so I was worried that Rasenmon could end up in Witchelny or something, but I rapidly noticed that Quantumon wasn't trying to get rid of Rasenmon quickly, it used the Ultimate Journey to move her into the spear rain, so I ordered MegaloGrowmon to use the Assault Balancer to grab Rasenmon and get her out of there, while she took Canoweissmon with her.
Seeing that its attack didn't work, Tlalocmon tried to cast it again, but this time, Rasenmon was quick on using a Gyro Smash on it, making it flinch and then using the Qualialise Blast to trap Tlalocmon inside a vortex, Quantumon tried to use the Ultimate Journey to get its companion out, but MegaloGrowmon was quick on grabbing it with the Assault Balancer, and grab it with his arms to keep it from moving, all of this was but a distraction ao I could use aome band-aids to heal Canoweissmon. Once he was back on the field, Canoweissmon attacked with Meteor Lux to trap Tlalocmon into a meteor shower that happened inside the tornado trap, which freed the way for Rasenmon to start charging the Spiral Vanish, all while MegaloGrowmon threw Quantumon into the ground and then going berserk like a kaiju against it, attacking with the Pendulum Blades to debilitate it.
During this fight Cernumon didn't move a bit, and "S" was looking... Concerned, I wasn't attacking Cernumon cause I wasn't even sure it could fight back, but with their reaction when I asked if something was wrong, there was enough confirmation for me, Cernumon wasn't listening to "S" orders, and they were getting both worried and desperate, I thought for a second that it could be a trap, so I asked my digimon to low the intensity of their attacks, but keep the pressure, but then....
A gun was fired
Three homing shots were fired in MegaloGrowmon's direction, and impacted on the center of his armor, and the two cannons on his chest, causing violent damage inside his armor's internal mechanism, at first, I accused "S" of calling for help, but they were as shocked as I was, we were getting attacked by their supposed allies, an officer that was the one controlling Callismon and...
The last one of the devs, someone I thought I wouldn't have to deal with, "Codename Komodo".
With a Voltobautamon as her partner, Codename Komodo entered the field attacking with the Palazzi Valzer, sending copies of the Spiedini it carries with it from every direction, however, Quantumon stood in front of my digimon and used the Ultimate Journey to vanish the Palazzi Valzer, and protect not only Tlalocmon and Cernumon, but also my Digimon, instead of asking anything, I decided to take advantage of this and send Canoweissmon attacking using the Dragonia, it may not be the strongest thing we can do now, but it'll keep us safe while I help MegaloGrowmon and Rasenmon charges the Spiral Vanish.
While we were preparing to take the new battle into our own hands, Tlalocmon started charging the Nahui Quiahuitl, a massive beam made of the power of the energy of both rain and thunder combined. Callismon tried to shoot at Canoweissmon with the Rodeo Bullet, but Canoweissmon was too fast while using the Dragonia, so Callismon stopped trying as soon as it realized it, however, it was too late for it to think of something else tho, since Canoweissmon have already hit it before it realized it, since Voltobautamon is the bigger threat here, Quantumon and Canoweissmon decided to join forces and use a combination of their powers, using the Meteor Lux to create a meteor shower, that was followed by Quantumon's Hazy Time that accelerated the fall speed of the Meteor Lux, forcing Callismon's tamer to retire from the fight.
And now, Voltobautamon is the only one lasting.
Codename Komodo, wanting to take all six digimon on the field by herself, ordered her partner to wait for Callismon's retirement, and once it happened, Voltobautamon began its attack, firing the Quarzione from its guns Alla Di Pollo, these shots are horribly dangerous, since once they impact, they carve inside the receiver's body, and eat them from within, to avoid this, Quantumon used Hazy Time to slow down the bullets with little explosions happening underneath them, altering their direction.
Once he ran out of bullets for the moment, Voltobautamon rushed towards the two digimon charging their finishers, however, Canoweissmon risked himself by using the Gallia Fissure to stop the Spiedini, keeping the pirate away from Rasenmon and Tlalocmon, Canoweissmon however, needed help, help that came in the form of the Pendulum Blades sending the Spiedini flying away, MegaloGrowmon took over the fight, starting a wrestling match with Voltobautamon that lasted for a while, MegaloGrowmon used all the determination he had to push Voltobautamon back, and retain his two skeleton arms with the Assault Balancer, keeping it close enough to release the pressure from the muzzle that covers his face, to bite Voltobautamon, this however, didn't worked well...
Voltobautamon took advantage of MegaloGrowmon's concentration to attack him with Palazzi Valzer from the back, MegaloGrowmon however, didn't surrender, the Digital Hazard on his chest began glowing, as his eyes sharpened like those of a predator violently eating it's prey, I tried to stop him immediately, since this could lead into him going berserk and evolving into something like Megidramon, which would be like the incident with Rasenmon but 100 times worse MegaloGrowmon however, still had some sense in him, so I was able to distract him and order him to shoot the Atomic Blasters.
At that moment, we weren't winning, MegaloGrowmon was acting like an unreasonable beast in desperation, fearing it's prey because it knows that the prey will ultimately win, thanks to the exhaustion and lack of conscience from the predator, and in the slightest case that MegaloGrowmon was to win this struggle, we would've still lose, since that victory would coast MegaloGrowmon's sanity, and his form as a perfect, because I know perfectly that the Digital Hazard was threatening us with its activation, and that could perfectly kill not only the mall's system, but even more, I can't give an exact quantity, but it would be something horrible...
Whatever the case is, thanks to the boost MegaloGrowmon suffered, the Atomic Blasters hit Voltobautamon as hard as they could, the dark pirate however, was still able to fight, and it tried to attack Cernumon, as a last desperate attack to probably eat its data and gain power from it, at that moment, Voltobautamon unsheathed the Alla Di Pollo, and was charging one. Single. Quarzione, and then, a shot was heard.
The strident rumbling of the thunder and rain clashing together and being shot with the power of the Nahui Quiahuitl, along with the piercing cry of the giant drill that created the Spiral Vanish filled the room.
Voltobautamon was deluding into a pudge of dark matter and data, thanks to the clash of these two powerful attacks reaching him, but MegaloGrowmon... Was reached by the Quarzione.
I rushed to check his state, the data on its armor was being eaten, center first, from the mark of the Digital Hazard.
Quantumon reached to him too, and quickly helped with a bandaid and the use of Hazy Time to get out as much flesh eating virus as it could, "S" profoundly apologized, and we got out of there.
We stopped at a 24/7 cafeteria, at this point it was already 1 AM, I asked for a hot cocoa, "S" didn't get anything. And it is just when I can come back to my senses that I demand an explanation from "S", and they did so.
They are part of the new recruits of the informatics division of the national police force, that has been tasked by the military to reunite as much "black" digimon as possible, this with the goal of getting back the sample of GRB Factor that I stole almost a year ago, during an expedition to the Digital World, they were attacked by a Black Rafflesimon, that leaved life threatening wounds over their two partners, Hydramon and Pinochimon, this woke desperation inside "S" and as a last hope, decided to force a Jogress between them, this should have formed a Chaosmon as far as I'm concerned, however, the good intentions and hope "S" had in their heart during thw process, resonated with their partners, and created Cernumon, a digimon never seen before.
This may look impossible, however, it's important to know that this was the exact same circumstances of Omegamon's birth, the first ever Omegamon was created thanks to the goodwill of the people from the internet that affected a desperate Jogress between a MetalGarurumon and a WarGreymon, helping them create a new species, and avoid evolving into Chaosmon, a bug well known on the internet, that is rapidly eradicated by the Digital World's defense system.
Cernumon's inability to fight however, comes from "S" bad actions, joining the police despite now knowing that they hurt digimon to reach their goal, it probably lost trust on its tamer, and is now hoping for an apology.
Regarding MegaloGrowmon...
Quarzione is usually a virus fast on its actions, however, thanks to Quantumon's Hazy Time, the virus should move way slower than usual, maybe enough for me to contact "M", so she can help me with her MarinAngemon.
In the meantime, "S" asked if they could do anything to help, and I told them that first and foremost, they MUST leave the police, they're too young to be involved in this horrid operation they are doing, second, they have to help MegaloGrowmon stay healthy and "M" find a cure while I'm out.
It'll be weird not to have MegaloGrowmon during this little trip, but I prefer not having him for a weekend, than to lose him forever.
I ultimately came back home with my Digimon... Except for MegaloGrowmon of course, but he'll be ok... He HAS to be ok...
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slutpoppers · 10 months ago
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Remastered evolution sequence for Silphymon from the Digimon Adventure 02 movie
: The Beginning
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digi-lov · 6 months ago
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Mastemon Ace EX6-029 Alternative Art by tyuga from EX-06 Theme Booster Infernal Ascension
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digimonnextadventure · 1 year ago
I'm back in another Karn Ex's video!
Watch "What If Adventure 02's SWAPPED DNA Digimon Were REAL?" on YouTube ♡
This video is very special for me because all artists involved are Brazilian artists! I'm really happy and proud of my friends. Please watch and live a comment, what you think about the XVmon/Gatomon Jogrees?
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mundienaskd · 1 year ago
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Silphymon!! My beloved!! 🐱🦅💕✨
One of my favourites Digimon if not my favourite of all! 💕
Oh yeh, I had the artist freedom to add to them pawpads, I think he looks cuter with them.
I don't remember a lot about Digimon 02 since I was very young but I remember Jogress Evolutions! Silphymon was the coolest for me and here I am!! Hehe. Anyway, I started to rewatch Digimon and I couldn't wait to 02 just to see him in action! >:3c
So gender that I couldn't resist to make a fan art of him/them.
I proudly have one in my Digimon Cyber Sleuth team and I don't have plans to evolve him lmao!
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deramonfaqs · 2 years ago
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Jogress Squad
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morgannox · 11 months ago
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Please Bandai, give us the names soon so I can properly tag this boi Its name is PUNKMON...it's perfect! TT.TT Speedpaint below break
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