#joey drew all-star music review
angelofthepage · 2 years
Joey Drew's All-Star Music Review is the very first Bendy Fambassadors project. It was made with love as a collaboration of the BATDR Voice Cast with a group of fans who brought the visual aspect of it to life. Using their character voices, the VAs had a blast singing various songs and parodies for this musical line-up. It's so full of, well, character! The Fambassadors were responsible for the album covers, pngtuber styled character models, vector graphics, animation, video editing, typography, and even a little audio editing when it came to the promo trailer. It was a massive undertaking for three weeks, and we hope you enjoy the fruits of our labor! This was made with love for you, our wonderful fan community. <3
We've gotten a lot of requests to have singular tracks available for these songs. Lauren Synger released all of the songs from this project as MP3s over on her Twitter page. In the effort to make sure those get to the people that want them, I'm linking all of those posts here for your convenience under the cut. Think of this as an unofficial masterpost of sorts. Also, fun fact, each of the MP3s have the album covers embedded in them, so they’ll display on your music player when you play the songs!
Warning, there are spoilers for the musical line-up and BATDR, so viewer discretion is advised if you don't want to see that just yet.
Heidi's Introduction
Bertrum Piedmont and Angus Newman - If I Didn't Care
Keeper (Lani Minella) - Keeperlujah
Dale Little - 41-uhhh...
Grant Cohen - Contract Made of Fire
Keeper (Jason Charles Miller) - We Are the Keepers
Betty - Man! I Feel like a Woman
Wilson’s Greatest Hits (Compilation)
Sammy Lawrence - Can I Get an Amen?
Twisted Alice Angel - Inky Girls Need Love Too
Audrey - Hopeless Gloom
Porter Show! (Compilation)
Joey Drew - I’ll be Drawing You
Ink Demon - Never Gonna Give You Up (Finale)
Promotional Teaser Trailer
Final Video File
Yes, the team decided to include a download of the entire project for those of you who are watching in regions where the original is blocked.
As of this point in time, no one knows what’s gonna come next for the Fambassadors, but goodness knows whatever it is, it’ll be one exciting ride! I don’t expect it to be completely comprised of video projects, but for the sake of organizing the ones that are video related, I’ve made a playlist on my own YouTube channel so that they’re organized and easily accessible.
Once again, thank you all so much for your love and support on this project, it means the world! I hope you continue to enjoy it via these audio files, goodness knows I love to pop them on while I’m cooking or drawing. XD Take care, here’s wishing you all a fantastic day, go make your dreams come true!
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halfusek · 2 years
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Joey Drew “PngTuber” I did for Joey Drew’s All-Star Music Review!
I drew a bunch of poses and expressions which were later put together by @rinkopatateneko :D Some of these were unused (the sad ones, I went a bit overboard there haha) but I enjoyed drawing the stinky old man so much nonetheless :]
And of course I snuck in the Bendy 8 toothed smile teehee
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sky-lia · 2 years
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I was quite busy but better late than never !
Merry christmas and happy holidays !!✨
Sorry I don't have anything special to share ;w;
But here something, if you made a fanart of the  Joey Drew All Star Music Review, don't hesitate to tag me so i can like and reblog it !! :D
It make me even more happy to see artists drawing the ink demon in the silly rick roll clothes ! XD And yes, I made this gif and feel free to use it !
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rinkopatateneko · 2 years
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As I made the video edit of Joey Drews All Star Music Review, I don't have any art to share BUT!! I made some funny GIFs for you all :D
(The @ on the GIFs are the Twitter ones)
Link the original video: https://youtu.be/U5aCMAc8TXw
Art by: @sky-lia @halfusek @angelofthepage
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doxxed0367 · 2 years
POV: Your boss is making you sing Johnny Cash (and the music director may be planning on kidnapping you)
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knightinink · 2 years
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In all seriousness, the livestream was great! A thanks to all the people who worked to bring us all the wonderful art and songs!
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slyakoch13 · 2 years
okay that was cool .
I had no idea what this thing would be! I joined the broadcast very late, so I watched the recording a couple of minutes late. I didn't even know that the fans took part in it too!
i liked Grant's part!!!
I thought they gonna give hallelujah to sammy but hearing Keepers sing was kinda surprising too!
sad they didn't got Meatley to voice Wally
kinda disappointed: i once again didn't recognize Sammy's voice(why does Aaron's voice sounds DIFFERENT every time), but i liked part when he screams "LOVE"
okay nevermind i listened to his part one more time i'ts not that bad x)
dude went absolutely insane at the end (well..like always)
I like the voice change in Alice's song!
no.not the wilson's karaoke compilation NO PLEASE--
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hollowtechwreck663 · 2 years
Joey Drew’s all-stars music review got me laughing my ass of its FANTASTIC, give it a watch!
(Slight spoiler warning but it’s what one come to expect with this thing ain’t it? Still heads up)
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phobzz · 2 years
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Warm and Cozy Chap.5
Hey everyone how are you hanging in there with what's going on in the world? If you must know I'm doing a bit better, after a few breakdowns, panic attacks and stress I got a new chapter for you all! I'm still not 100% better more like 90%, but I'm hanging in there. Hopefully during this time I can get some stories out for you all new and updated chapters so you all can have something to read during this time.
However, with the release of Animal Crossing New Horizon's I might be delayed with stories again. I hope you enjoy this story and stay safe!
Today was a big day for Charlie. Their entire class was putting on a play of fairy tales for their friends and family. Each of the classes had a fairy tale to put on, and Charlie’s class was doing Jack and the Beanstalk. The best part about it is everyone has a part in the play, whether it be acting, painting sets, or both.
Though, while Charlie was excited they were a bit nervous. They never did acting in their life before, not even after being adopted by an actress, Susie Campbell who voices Alice Angel in the Bendy cartoons. Charlie never asked their mom acting tips or anything about acting. Luckily, no one except for Charlie’s friends know their parents work for Joey Drew Studios.
Charlie sighed. “I’m so nervous, this is my first play ever!” They complained to their friend, Patty.
Patty laughed patting her friend in the back. “Don’t worry Charlie. You're going to be fine. No matter what role we get.” 
Charlie chuckled, Patty always gave them pep talks when they felt nervous. Soon the two friends looked up to see their teacher with a paper in his hand. “Alright class, I got the roles for the play.” He announced. He went through the list of characters in the play as well as who they’ll be played by in the class. Charlie sat in their seat nervously as the class was being called one by one on who they would play. Even Patty got a role in the play, playing the harp. “And Jack is going to be played by none other than...Charlie Lawrence.”
Charlie almost fell out of their seat hearing their name called. They straightened themselves up still in shock from hearing their name called. “I’m the main lead? W-why?” Charlie asked. “I’m just asking.” They added.
“Well the class decided you’d make the best Jack,” The teacher explained. 
Charlie almost wanted to cry, their classmates made them the role of Jack. Before Charlie could shed any tears they wiped them away and smiled at their class. “Thanks everyone.” They said.
Patty smiled. “No problem Charlie. You're going to do great!” 
“We’re counting on you!” Another classmate shouted. Charlie smiled as the class cheered them on to do well in their first play ever. 
On their way from school to Joey Drew Studios Charlie was reading the script in hand. They were nervous, but if their parents can remember lines from storybooks they could memorize lines from a play. 
Sammy Lawrence was finishing the music for the next Bendy episode when he heard the door open and saw it was Charlie looking at a paper. “Hey Charlie how was school?” He asked.
“It was good. Guess what?”
Sammy chuckled. “What?”
“My school is doing a play of Jack and the Beanstalk and I got the role of Jack!” Charlie exclaimed.
Sammy smiled and hugged their kid tight. “Congratulations Charlie! I’m so proud of you!” Sammy beamed as he spun around with their kid in happiness. Soon Sammy stopped realizing that Charlie is the star and had to wonder one thing. “Wait your mother doesn’t know about this yet.” He gulped.
Charlie shook their head,“No, but I want to tell her. She might have some advice for me.” They explained.
Sammy chuckled. “Your mom is the best at this acting stuff, but she’s not here right now.”
“Where is she?” Charlie asked.
“With Allison going dress shopping for Allison’s date with Thomas tonight.” Sammy explained knowing the whereabouts of Charlie’s mom. Charlie smiled and for the rest of the day Charlie read their script and said their lines. 
When Susie and Allison came back from shopping, Sammy was cleaning his office and Charlie was asleep. “Hey Sammy.” Susie sang as she gave her husband a hug. Sammy chuckled and hugged his wife back. “How was Charlie’s day at school?” 
“You would not believe it Susie, but our little angel got their first role in a play.” Sammy whispered. Susie smiled wide and was ready to squeal, but had to hold on to it not to wake Charlie. She leaned over to her child and shook them gently as it was time to get dinner and head home.
“Charlie. Wake up. We have to go.” Susie whispered.
Charlie slowly opened their eyes and looked to see their mother smiling at them. Charlie smiled back and hugged their mom. “Mom guess what?” They asked, still tired as they just woke up.
Susie smiled. “Your father told me you're going to be in a play.” 
Charlie nodded. “But did he tell you I got the lead role?” They added.
Susie covered her mouth in shock. She gave a squeal and hugged Charlie tight. “Oh congratulations my angel!” She beamed. Charlie smiled, hugging their mother back. “So what’s the play?” She asked. Charlie handed their mother the script and Susie smiled seeing it was Jack and the Beanstalk. Charlie even mentioned they got the role of Jack, which gave Susie lots more reasons to be happy for their kid.
They left the studio and Susie celebrated, by taking Sammy and Charlie out to a huge dinner as well as getting some ice cream. When they got home, Charlie was in bed in their pajamas as they read their script a bit more. Charlie heard a knock on the door, and shouted, “Come in!”
Susie opened her child’s door and smiled. “How’s my little actor doing?”  She asked.
“Good. Just reading my script.” Charlie replied. Susie came in and sat on her child’s bed. 
“How are you reading?” Susie asked.
Charlie sighed. “Mom, do you think you can give me acting advice?” They asked.
Susie smiled putting a hand to her heart. “Of course.” She said. “Okay first off with the script, don’t read it like a book, read your lines and say it.” She explained. Charlie nodded. “Also to add, highlight your parts, so you're Jack and you outline Jack’s lines to read.”
Charlie nodded. “Thanks mom.” Susie smiled as she reviewed the script with her child giving them advice and how they should make their character sound. Charlie enjoyed hearing the tips on how to act from their mother. It gave Charlie the confidence they needed for the show in a few months.
During these few months Susie helped Charlie with more acting tips as well as make the costumes for them and the rest of the cast of the play. The hardest part of this practice was doing the lines without the script as Charlie stuttered their parts.
“I need my script again.” They sighed. Susie smiled and handed Charlie their script. Charlie skimmed through it before handing the script back to their mom and tried again.
Few months had passed and the play was about to start. Susie and Sammy got some seats alongside Wally, Jack, Buddy, Dot and Allison along with them. Sammy turned to his wife and said, “Susie, did you have to invite most of the studio?” He asked.
Susie chuckled. “I didn’t invite everyone just those closest to Charlie.” She replied. Sammy rolled his eyes and waited for the play to start. 
Charlie was reviewing all their lines before the show started, and was nervous. Patty came out dressed in her harp costume and saw her friend looking nervous. “Charlie are you alright?” Patty asked.
Charlie turned to their friend. “I am, just a little stage fright.” They whimpered. Patty gave a sympathetic smile and put her hand on Charlie’s shoulder. 
“You're going to do great. Your mom did so much for us these past few months and you did so well in rehearsals.” Patty explained. “You’ll be fine.”
Charlie smiled and hugged her friend. Patty was surprised with the hug and returned the hug. “Thanks Patty.” 
The two let go of the hug and smiled at one another. Patty gave Charlie a gentle punch in the arm. “Now go out there and be the star!” She beamed. Charlie smiled and took their place ready to start the play.
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halfusek · 2 years
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Wilson’s record I did for Joey Drew’s All-Star Music Review! 👁️
The poses were suggested to me by Tim Simmons (Wilson’s VA) and Lauren Synger (Alice and Allison’s VA), giving it the synthwave vibe was my call X’D And @rinkopatateneko came up with the “Wilsymphony” pun and I just had to include that too :)
I couldn’t pass up the chance to make Wilson’s record look like one of those inky eyes scribbled inside of a desk in BATDR with the pupil being the hole in the disc + I HAD to splash some of that technicolor ink there :]
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sky-lia · 2 years
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The famous Ink Demon's album and record I drew for Joey Drews All Star Music Review !
Even if I was struggling with the shape of his head and the teeth, I got so much fun to give him different outfits with all the accessories ha ha
 Fun fact : the left Ink Demon is wearing the cowboy hat of his voice actor Sean ! :)
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Wiedźmin: The Witcher &c
I came into The Witcher fandom quite sideways, following a series of white rabbits to the books that honestly feels, in retrospect, like a series of red flags warning me away.
My journey starts, ignominiously, sometime in college, when The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt came out. I was desperate for anything new to play... and got as far as the first tavern in the game before losing interest. This repeated twice more over the next few years, but I never got farther than that first tavern.
Fast forward to 2019, when Netflix released the show based off the books. I was tempted, but ultimately stayed away as my feelings on Henry Cavill can be summed up as pretty, but overrated and wooden. I got rid of Netflix not long after, and considered the matter finished.
Then earlier this year I fell back into the Dragon Age fandom, and came across a music rec in the truly excellent and epic the forest is dark and deep and i've seen you here before for Joey Batey's band, The Amazing Devil, and I got hooked. Around the same time I started stumbling into fics in other fandoms based off the remarkable Accidental Warlord series and that was enough. Despite having never read the books or seen the show, I had to find out more. So I ordered the books, dipped my toe in the fandom, and soon had scraped the barrel of fics clean trice-over.
Which brings me back to the books. This weekend I was finally ready to start. I had the first three books by Andrzej Sapkowski, a three day weekend, and no other plans.
I picked up The Last Wish. I read the first two pages. I put the book down.
I tried again an hour later. I made it through the first chapter - barely, by the skin of my teeth, but I made it. I put the book down again and texted the one person who has always shared my book tastes, my mother, and asked if she knew any reason I should continue. I forced myself through a few more pages before I got an answer: no, she'd not made it more than 50 pages into the book either, nor more than 5 minutes into the Netflix series. Relieved, I put the book and its ambitiously purchased sequels into my I really need to find a used bookstore to sell these back to pile.
So here I am. I feel somewhat guilty for attempting to review a book I couldn't force myself to finish - but I feel in some ways that's a review itself. Maybe it's an artifact of it's translation, but everything I did manage to get through felt clunky and forced, all info dump dialogue without any descriptors or even consideration that what info is being dumped is strange to just dump on a complete stranger, even if you're expecting him to solve all your problems. People lie. People don't know the whole truth. Et cetera, et cetera.
Perhaps I should have tried harder. After all, I made it through The Mortal Instruments series - drunk, mind you, but I made it. I made it through Twilight. I even made it through The Magicians - though by quarter of the way through that I was already composing my one star Amazon review. Yet, I couldn't bring myself to finish The Last Wish, despite truly enjoying some of the fan fiction based on it, just as I couldn't bring myself to finish Wild Hunt or even start the show.
Make of this as you will. I certainly won't be giving the books another shot. I tried, but whatever it is that drew in so many people, I couldn't bring myself to stick along long enough to find it.
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dcnativegal · 5 years
In which Jane turns 60 in the desert
Thursday, July 25th, 2019 was the first day that we were all together, everyone present. On Wednesday, my cousin Targ (a nickname created from “Margaret”) and her mother, my aunt, my father’s only sibling, Mary Lee Lincoln McIntyre, had arrived in a rental car from Eugene airport and checked into a cabin at Summer Lake Hot Springs. My sister, Elizabeth Lincoln, drove my kids, Jonah and Clara, and two of her kids, Yuuki and Makoto, and her husband Jim, up from Reno, arriving just after noon. My cousin, Julie McIntyre, drove with her son, Shayden, all the way from Tucson, AZ.  Valerie’s youngest, Arden, and his partner Maggie drove in from the Willamette Valley, and Valerie’s sister Karen arrived on Thursday from Chiloquin. Karen left on Friday, having to prepare a sermon for Sunday, so by Saturday morning, this was the assembled crew:
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We had a more serious portrait shot but I tend to prefer the ‘act goofy’ photos. I look like a zombie, well fed after the apocalypse, Valerie is simply laughing. Mary Lee, age 86, is clearly game for anything. Yuuki is doing a pose. Maggie is blowing bubbles. Everyone was a good sport.
Months ago, realizing I was headed to the end of my 60th year on earth, I decided to invite the descendants of Ruth and Henry Lincoln to the Oregon Outback, Great Basin, High Desert land of Paisley to celebrate the fact of my existence. Not all could come, but a surprising number did. And the two relations of Valerie who were easily able to join us, got to meet more of my peeps.
That Thursday, we enjoyed a Mexican themed dinner, accommodating the vegan and the beef-eating, the gluten free and the ‘organic-only.’  Since July 25th was the day I decided would be my designated birthday with everyone as my captive audience, we played “Vertellis.”  It’s a Dutch card game that’s pretty simple: four rounds are organized into individual and group questions. I picked two categories of individual questions: Looking back on the year, what was good, crazy, interesting… and, looking forward to next year, what do you plan, hope for, find challenging? Everyone picks a card with a question, and you answer as honestly as you wish when it’s your turn.
I highly recommend https://vertellis.com/ for gatherings of people you don’t regularly see, especially around holidays. The answers can be hilarious, revelatory, and touching. When Valerie drew a card about picking something from the past year that she regretted, she told us: “I should have bought that primer bulb for the weed whacker way sooner!” Ever the practical gal, that Valerie! Clara hopes that the immigration hearing goes well for her husband, Jose. The answers spanned quite a range, and helped us to know each other a little bit better.
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Why do we gather relatives only for funerals and weddings?  Or for old people’s 90th birthdays? Why not age 60?
I did feel selfish about the whole thing, off and on. My family had to spend money on the flights, the rental cars, and then the cabins at Summer Lake Hot Springs. My friend and coworker, JD, and his husband Joey lent me their RV camper, so 4 of the young’uns could sleep in that for nothing’. There were 4 Lincoln/McIntyre/Matteuccis and 4 Lincoln/Frey/Saitohs in each cabin. There was a lovely symmetry to the housing. The inside of the cabins has a southwest, rustic feel:
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They are not air conditioned, and it was quite hot during the day, although as we say out west, at least ‘it’s a dry heat.’  Here in the desert, it is also very dusty. Thank goodness the temperatures cool off at night to around 50 degrees F, and there’s almost always a breeze.
There are the fabulous hot springs pools, too: here is the pool house at dusk, run through a filter:
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We managed to escape the heat by going to the swimming hole in the Chewaucan River, which I’d never been to. The water is cool but not freezing, and clear, so that I could sit in a shallow spot and pick out flat rocks for Clara to skip. Even my aunt went, situated in a camp chair, safe from the water, and an elderly chihuahua named Uddha came, too. He stayed well away from the watery fracas.
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Valerie and Uddha
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Mary Lee and Uddha
 Someone stacked rocks in a lovely sculptural way:
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We spent Friday schlepping to Picture Rock Pass to look at the petroglyphs, and then to Crack in the Ground, where I’d been wanting to go. That place is magical. Aunt Mary Lee sat comfortably in the shade on the picnic bench while the rest of us went one way or another, deep into the crevasses. My cousin’s son Shayden is a confident free climber and scaled all the way to the surface. We breathed in the moist, cool air and reveled in curious rock formations.
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Shayden at Crack in the Ground
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Where did this fern blow in from? Way to the west? I salute you, brave, flying little fern.
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Looks like a path in the Holy Land, or a Roman ruin….
 “Crack in the Ground is a volcanic fissure that formed at the western boundary of a small graben underlying the Four Craters Lava Field. The Crack and lava field were recently dated at about 14,000 years old. The fissure is about 2 miles long and 70 feet deep, and disappears into lake sediments at its southern end. Therefore, this supports an interpretation that Lake Fort Rock rose no higher than this level in the last 14,000 years.”  http://www.fortrockoregon.com/Crack.html
Although impressing my family with the gorgeousness of high desert Eastern Oregon was deeply satisfying, the best part of the visit was the conversations. Family lore was reviewed by Mary Lee, who lived it, and Elizabeth, who brought a copy of a bound books she had made of her genealogy research on the Lincolns and the Smiths (my mother’s side.) Jonah was asked about The Future of Film, and Makoto shared that he’s looking forward to his semester in Japan where he can improve his Japanese and get a bit more feeling about the land of his father’s ancestors. I didn’t actually have any deep conversations. I felt a little bit like a bride: everyone’s gathered here to see me (and my beloved), and my job is to play my role and make sure everyone has enough seltzer to drink, and a comfy clean pillow. It was enough to create the event of gathering: I hope to continue conversations with my sister, cousins, and children by phone with more depth now that we’ve seen each other in the flesh.
 The family came in from Brooklyn, DC, Philadelphia, Virginia, Delaware, Albuquerque and Tucson, all very urban places. The empty expanses, and the star lit night sky, will surely stay with our visitors. Arden, Valerie’s youngest, was a firefighter in Lake County and knows a lot of cool locations, like the dry Loco Lake. He took the youngest generation to check it out on at least two nights. I was too tired. But from the photos, it looks like yet another spooky, otherworldly piece of the Oregon Outback.
Yuuki is the most photogenic creature that ever was, and was beautifully lit at Loco Lake by Jonah.
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 Beautiful Clara, and Jonah making Alkali Angels??
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 Apparently Loco Lake was a highlight for the youngest generation.
For the oldest traveler, Mary Lee, I think the best part of the trip was just seeing everyone. She’s lived and visited most of the planet, and reared her three children in New Dehli and Lebanon. She knows world history and writes plays about strong women, including Eleanor Roosevelt. She survived being widowed in her early 40s, and again in her 70s. She loves Italy, travel in general, gems, and her children and grandchildren. She loves me enough to deal with flight delays and dusty heat. She is amazing.
I was born in the evening of August 15th when Perry Mason was apparently just starting on TV. My father had just turned 30 two weeks before my arrival, and my mother was just 23. My mother passed away when she was 55, and my father after 7 years in a nursing home following a devastating stroke at age 69. Neither lived long enough to know my life as a divorced lesbian, and would have wondered at my choice to live in Paisley. Hopefully they’d have come around to my being gay, and as long as I have a job and am self sufficient, my father would have relaxed about the move. He’d also loved all the gun-toting, horse-riding republicans and he’d have adored Trump. Mom would have romanticized the First Nation people, and asked me about all the churches we’ve tried in our futile search for another St. Stephen’s. In any case, their daughters, myself and Elizabeth, are doing fine, and so are our five children. Mary Lee has 5 grandchildren, too. The 10 great grands of Ruth and Henry.
Ruth Turner, the descendant of slave owners. Henry Lincoln, cousin to the Great Emancipator. In that tension lies most of American History.
One thing that I reflect on as I think about the descendants of Ruth and Henry, is that we are committed to the social good, and to the arts. My sister is learning Healing Touch for working with animals and humans. Cousin Julie is an expert on pollinators, working against all hope for the healing of the environment with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Her sister, Targ, is a middle school guidance counselor. Brother Andrew McIntyre, who couldn’t come to Paisley, is a professor of acupuncture. Yuuki is an artist, exploring gender and the biracial life as a Japanese-American hyphenated human, with courage and sass. I’ve been a social worker for 33 years, now psychotherapist to the bruised and broken-hearted of Lake County. My daughter Clara is in charge of a tutoring site in Prince Georges County for at risk Latinx youth, using her bilingual skills to bring children and grandchildren of immigrants more opportunity through education. My son Jonah makes music videos in Brooklyn, living in what Beverly Tatum Daniel calls the borderlands where cultures complement, challenge, connect and stimulate each other. I asked him recently why he only dates women of color, particularly women of the African Diaspora. He says, they can relate to being of two cultures. Since he grew up white in a non-white world, he feels like a code switcher, too.
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We are all in our own way, justice-seeking.
 The other part of the birthday extravaganza was letting people give to me. Receiving. Valerie had been reading a book called, It’s Not Your Money, by Tosha Sliver, who’s an amazing writer using humor and an ecumenical lens. I started reading it, and found this prayer, which I inhaled into my heart for the awkwardness of receiving all the love of my family for my birthday.
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Here I go, headlong into my 61st year, giving with complete ease and abundance, wildly open to receiving.
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Bendy and the Ink Machine: Chapter 2-Review/Discussion
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The Nightmare of Ink Continues
   The second chapter of Bendy and the Ink Machine takes us deeper into the animation studio as Henry continues his journey. This chapter provides the player with a more upgraded experience from the first chapter, and has an actual price point of about $5.99. While the first chapter focuses on the atmosphere of the animation studio, and involves a puzzle of getting the power back on; this chapter has a couple of different puzzles and introduces combat into the mix. While I am still greatly enjoying this game and can’t wait for future chapters; there was a couple of things in this episode I disliked. 
Slight Spoilers for Chapter Two Below
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What I Liked About the Chapter 
The Scares: This chapter still provides the player with a unsettling atmosphere as they guide Henry though the studio. The chapter still gives the player the feeling like anything could happen around the next corner. What started as a regular cardboard cutouts of Bendy have now been upgraded with pentagrams behind them. A nice visual now that the player knows of the inclusion of the occult. 
More Puzzles: Since this chapter was longer then the first chapter it was able to provide the player with more puzzles. While these puzzles still involve searching for different items; I enjoyed one particular puzzle that involved musical instruments. An interesting note, is that each play through the location of the items the player such for is randomized. 
More World-Building: This chapter does a great job building on the story introduced in chapter one. While chapter one only included one audio tape that the player could listen to; this chapter has about five or six spread around it. The inclusion of one specific character also builds onto the plot of what might have transpired at the animation studio. 
What I Disliked About the Chapter: 
Combat: While the inclusion of combat into Bendy is not necessarily a bad thing; I feel like the way it was handled in this chapter leaves something to be desired. The enemies that Henry faces are half-formed globs of ink people that emerge from ink puddles. These things aren’t scary in the slightest, and while the living ink version of Bendy is a great and scary design, the humanoid ink blobs are kind of bland. Several times during the chapter you are locked into fights with these things. They crawl toward you as you clumsy swing your ax at them (which I always feel like almost never connects with anything), and odds are they normally hit you. I just hope that in future chapters the mechanics for fighting are touched up on, and we get a redesign for the fodder enemies.
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Chapter 2-”The Old Song” Discussion: Chapter Spoilers
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New Characters: 
Sammy Lawrence: Head of the music department of the animation studio, and worshiper of the living ink version of Bendy. Sammy Lawrence is the big star of chapter two, and is the antagonistic force working against the player. Whatever went down at the animation studio has caused his body to be covered in or fused with ink, and he has begun worshiping Bendy as a god.  
Susie Campbell: The voice actress for the character Alice Angel; Susie is unseen by the player and they only hear about her from her audio tape. She was excited to voice Alice Angel, and believed that she had a chance for the character to be as popular as the Bendy cartoons. 
Alice Angel: Introduced in chapter two as another animated character from the studio. Seems to be based around old animation characters like Minnie Mouse and Betty Boop. She is only seen on posters, though who knows if she will appear in future chapters as a living ink. 
 Norman Polk: Employee who’s audio tape is found by the player, he discuses how Sammy will interrupt recording sessions with the band to disappear into the recording room. Recounts how Sammy and Joey Drew both have been behaving weirdly. 
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Chapter Two’s Setting: The Music Department
   The setting for chapter two has the player guiding Henry though the music department of the studio after falling down there when trying to escape. The music department seems to be having even more troubles with flooding ink then the people upstairs did in chapter one. The area is full of interactive musical instruments, and occasionally plays music over the speakers. The player first spots Sammy before entering the music department, and the level design of the area involves many task that are centered on Sammy. This builds on how the character acted before the events of the game, and lead up to the reveal about what he has become. 
Story Speculation: Final Subject  
   Chapter Two introduces some new story speculations from the inclusion of Sammy Lawrence, and what the ending might mean for future chapters. 
Sammy Lawrence’s Madness: Over the course of chapter two we see that Sammy has completely lost his mind. The first audio recording we find at the start of the chapter is of Sammy worshiping Bendy. He claims he still sangs the “old songs” to him (which might be songs that Sammy produced with the music department), and ends the tape asking for an “amen”. This is followed by a well timed scare, after the tape has ended, over Sammy asking again for an “amen” close to the player. Throughout the rest of the chapter we see how Sammy went from a man grumpy about the inclusion of the ink drainage switch in his office to a raving madman fused with ink. 
Sammy’s Ink Form and the Ink Creatures: Near the end of the chapter the player is kidnapped by Sammy as he tries to sacrifice Henry to Bendy. He believes that doing this will free his body from the ink that has consumed him. I believe that Sammy and the half-formed ink blobs that attack Henry are the same type of creature. Sammy is a more advanced form of the ink blobs and still seems to be coherent enough for speech. The ink blobs travel around through puddles of ink, and Sammy is shown to be able to travel the same way. This is shown in the chapter when the player first sees Sammy carrying the cardboard cutouts of Sammy he disappears once the player turns the corner. Considering the fact their no humans left in the animation studio, it implies that the ink blobs are the remains of the music department staff. Could the existence of the Ink Machine and Joey’s ties to the occult be what twisted Sammy and the Music Department staff into what they are now? 
The Ending: The chapter ends with Henry running into a living ink version of Boris the Wolf. Unlike the deformed living ink version of Bendy, Boris seems to be completely made and non hostile to Henry. Is this the same Boris from chapter one though? That Boris had been torn open on a table and had his rib cage exposed to the player. Could the Ink Machine be continuing to create new versions of the animated characters? This might mean we could run into living ink versions of Bendy and Alice Angel that are like Boris the Wolf. This will all depend on future chapters though, and at the moment we don’t even know if we can trust Boris. 
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easyobsession · 7 years
I have got shit to do. Term papers to write, end of the semester shit to finish up, major family stuff going on, my newfound obsession with Sons of Anarchy, and a WWE Payperview this weekend. I DON’T HAVE TIME FOR THIS.
And yet here my ass is typing this up for all of you at 1Am. Because after what went down tonight, I’m hot and ready to go all Lima Heights up in this shit and I gotta get it out.
So here we go. This recap turned rant starts right fucking now.
*I’ve given up listening to the judges. I don’t even watch their comments 99.9% of the time anymore. At this point they could replace them with monkeys and I’d be cool. Just an FYI. Though I do adore Nick Carter and wish he’d won his season. (See my season 21 recaps)
As far as costuming goes, I think this is the best she’s looked all season. Absolutely stunning. The boots took away from the footwork though. Technically it looked good, though she messed up a few times. To me it looked more like a dance you’d see the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders (shoutout to Melissa Rycroft- haaay!) do at halftime though. She was too smiley and struck her poses too hard.
HIS FACE DOESN’T CHANGE. I DON’T UNDERSTAND. IT’S ALWAYS THE SAME. HAPPY, SAD, SEXY, ANGRY, STRESSED- IT’S ALL IDENTICAL. But aside from that… he did better than I expected, tbh. It wasn’t great. Worth a 7. Stiff, his hands looked like they were trying to hold her head like a basketball, but it wasn’t as bad as I thought. And Nick and Sharna’s friendship (DO NOT GET ME STARTED OR ASK ABOUT A FIC, I’M TRYING TO LIVE MY LIFE) always makes me beam. But the cowboy needs to go.
NANCY AND ARTEM. PASO. 9888=33/40.
Okay. First of all, a few notes on set and aesthetics: the flashing lights were distracting as hell. The color of her dress didn’t work at all, and the cage thing at the beginning sucked. It seemed like she got a little flustered this week- I didn’t see the package for this one btw, and overall it was just… okay. I know she can do better. It just felt more like everything got too hectic in the arrangement.
NICK AND PETA. JIVE. 7777=28/40.
He tried. Peta looked fucking gorg. I don’t even know what happened in the middle. Too slow and boring. Next.
NORMANI AND VAL. SALSA. 1010810=38/40.
I’m sitting here typing this up and watching these videos back and I literally am about to stand up. THAT IS A FUCKING DANCE. FIERCE AND ATTITUDE AND POWER AND THOSE HAIR FLIPS. She was fluid and her movements all connected- it didn’t look like she was doing a series of poses like Simone. This is what I’m talking about. This is what we want. THIS IS A GODDAMN DANCE. EVERYTHING. ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING. I AM SO DAMN PROUD. Also, Len can see himself out. BYEEE.
Couldn’t see the package for this one either. Goddammit Youtube . But I’m in a hurry so whatever. Loved the choreo. Lindsay = a star. Obv. What I like about David is that he seems like the most relatable of the stars this season. It’s like watching your dad or your uncle or your neighbor- he seems like a regular dude. He’s not incredible, but he does his best. Almost dropped Lindsay, but otherwise the tricks looked good. Is he ever gonna be incredible? No. But I like watching him anyway. And I think he did just fine.
RASHAD AND EMMA. TANGO. 91099=37/40.
Didn’t see the package. I want his jacket. Love Emma’s bangs. Pretty good, though instead of looking away from her it looked like he was staring at the ceiling, which was distracting. But overall pretty good. I’m 95% sure at this point he’s going to win the season. We’ll get to that later.
HEATHER AND MAKS. RUMBA. 10101010=40/40.
“Played like a star, danced like a champion.” That says it all. I saw it. I saw the story in front of me. She looks like a fucking professional. That is it. Done.
The package was gold. I was dying. I want to hang out with them. As for the routine… it started off less than impressive. Then they got to the chairs and my jaw actually dropped. Literally. I was a little uncomfortable to be perfectly honest. It looked like a strip show. Carrie Ann is actual garbage but what else is new and I’m pretty sure Rashad was the only one to get a minute on his own. Overall it was out of sync and kind of a mess. They tried, but it flopped and the costumes didn’t look good either. I liked the end though. Oh, and RNB+D? Seriously?
“Simone, put your hands on my ass.” Oh my god. “At this point I could put on a tutu and you could call me Mary. …Don’t call me Mary. And I’m not gonna put on a tutu.” Oh MY GOD.  And now to the dance. I’m going Grey’s Anatomy here. ….seriously? SERIOUSLY? SERIOUSLY. WHO CHOREOGRAPHED THIS? What the hell? The beginning was awful and way too staged and awkward, the sexy part was almost cringe worthy, and then suddenly they’re doing kicks and getting into hold? Also, the mix of both teams songs was downright deserving of imprisonment, because they both sucked. I appreciated each duo getting a second in the spotlight but… This was NOT GOOD. I’m shocked and so disappointed. Oh my lord. An actual mess.
I mean… I’m beyond words. Like, there’s red hot fire and then there’s white hot. Blistering. That is where I’m at. Not pissed, not upset- it’s fury. Like, I’m still in shock.
Let’s talk for a second.
I’m going all the way back. I’m starting at season One. Oh yeah, that’s how bad I’ve lost it.
Joey McIntyre. Drew Lachey. Mario Lopez. Monique Coleman. Joey Fatone. SABRINA BRYAN. Mel B. Mario. Marissa Jaret Winokur. Lance Bass. Lil Kim. Mya. NICOLE SCHERZINGER. Brandy. Roshon Fegan. Zendaya. Elizabeth Berkley. Corbin Bleu. Amber Riley. MERYL DAVIS. ALFONSO RIBERO. Nick Carter. Wanya Morris. Normani.
All dance experience. I’ll excuse a few like Nick and such because while they did dance, they weren’t “dancers.” And Meryl and Charlie technically didn’t dance beforehand though they were trained by Derek for a period of time. Whatever. A good portion of that list made/makes a living dancing as part of their lives.
This show, believe it or not, is not based 110% in reality. It is a television show. It is for celebrities that have never ballroom danced before to pair up with a pro and learn a routine each week to perform for America. We have people like Geraldo Rivera and Kenny Mayne who couldn’t find a beat if it ran them over with a car, and we have the Alfonso Riberos and Corbin Bleus who grew up moving to music.
It does not fucking matter.
Despite my continued long ass rant, I have no words.
She didn’t deserve this.
I love David. Bonner, meh. Nick has actually impressed me though I’m still positive he’s a douchebag. Nancy is great. But they’re not better than her.
Rashad is a contender I didn’t see coming. We knew Normani and Simone would be lit.
Those are your final four.
I didn’t expect her to win, if I’m being honest. And now more than ever, since that Contemporary, I’m pretty damn certain it’ll go to Rashad. Which, I mean, good for Emma.
But I am honest with these reviews. I have no reason not to be. All I wanted was for Val to get his overdue win and he and Rumer earned it, but Riker and Allison were by far my favorites. I wanted Nick to beat Bindi even though she was the better dancer. And while I wanted Laurie to take the title, James and Sharna stole my heart.
Heather is the best one there. And the fact that she doesn’t get to at least make it to the end and experience this entire journey, even if she got fourth, really says something.
If this is as unfair as everyone keeps saying, fine. If she’s as good as Allison, then bring her on as a pro next season. Let’s go.
I don’t know if it’s America or TPTB, but… I’m in awe.
I’m in awe.
(This is my metaphorical mic drop)
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