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guernseythecow · 3 months ago
(As you're cooking dinner, a pair of arms wrap around your waist as a little weight leans against your back.)
... Hey Dad...
Hm? Hello, sugar bear.
*Joey smiles tiredly, a hand moving to rest over his daughters. His eyes were focused on the pasta he was making, trying to ensure the sauce didn't burn; it was almost done, he couldn't burn it now.*
Dinner will be done soon, I promise. Is there something you want to do after dinner? Being.. You know..
*The words hung in his throat, almost afraid to speak them aloud. He knew it was inevitable, but, saying it made it feel all too real.*
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guernseythecow · 3 months ago
*Joey struggled with the door for a moment, before opening it and walking in; he had indeed brought some for himself.*
Yep!! Its fresh, how could I not?
*He chuckled softly, sitting on the edge of his daughters bed. He offered her a plate, smiling warmly. Any time with Syd was good time, especially with pie in hand.*
I figured we could eat it together while it was fresh; talk some more if you wanted. I know you had that talk with Sunflower and Hayseed.. and that.. Doomguy, visited.
*He sighed a little; the words spoken that visit still shook him a little bit.. Mars being such a dangerous planet made him incredibly anxious, especially since he was aware enough to be thinking about it a lot since then. It was so close to earth!!.. Was no one else worried about that? Did anyone else even know?*
*Joey knocked on Syds door, smiling softy. He wanted to check in on his little girl, and bring her an offering of some fresh baking.*
Sugar bear? I made an apple pie and brought you a piece!!.. If you'd like it, that is. May I come in?
(Syd looked up from messing with her bears.)
Come in! Did you bring some for yourself too?
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pepsispook13 · 4 months ago
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redrawing this iconic Joey Wheeler masterpiece i posted to deviantart like almost 10 years ago now i think! this was so fun hahahahah
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livelovecaliforniadreams · 1 year ago
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Favorite Pacey/Joey Moments Per Episode: 3x16 To Green, With Love (Part 2)
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chocokatsicle · 2 years ago
the way scott said he was hiding in katherine’s room and both joey and shelby were immediately like “what were you doing in there?!?”
and then scott following it up with “katherine’s also not my type” and shelby responding with “she’s everyone’s type” to which scott says “disagreed”
i can’t with this series oh my gosh
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guernseythecow · 2 months ago
*Joey was quick to answer the knock at the gate, smiling warmly. He moved aside,*
Welcome, your majesty. Come on inside, water should be boiling any second now.
*He walked the property towards his home with The Empress, opening the door for her and letting her inside. He was happy to see her, happy she came. His mind was feeling lighter, which he didn't particularly like, but he was greatful to have another familiar face in the house; he was thankful to still recognize his daughter.*
*A letter arrives; it reads as follows:*
Your majesty, my final day has arrived.
I wish to have tea with you one final time before Guernsey returns; I also have some things I'd like to ask you about, but those must wait, as I'd like to ask them in person. Arrive whenever you see fit, but please, do visit, I'd hate to leave without a proper goodbye.
While I'd say this in person as well, and likely will again, I'd like you to have this in writing; I couldn't have asked for a better friend during this time. I trust you, with everything I hold dear, including my daughter. While Guernsey may clearly nor truly remember our memories together, I will cherish them.
Thank you, for everything you've done for me; I look forward to seeing you.
- Joey 🐄
[The Empress read the letter carefully. Brushing her fingertips over Joey's signature, she held the letter to her heart, bowing her head.]
So your final day has come, my friend... far too soon... I shall not turn away from you now.
[Collecting herself, she carefully selected a few variations of green tea from her private stash, then headed to the kitchens. There, she quickly prepared some vegetable tempura, the last thing she had promised him, and packaged it for travel.
Less than fifteen minutes later, she arrived through the Rift transport and knocked on the gate, awaiting her friend.]
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kaytheday · 2 years ago
Post 10 things I hate about you HCs:
Cameron and Bianca
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After Cameron punches Joey, he blows up, everyone knows his name. He becomes more popular and it’s what he’s known for. Though, Joey is still just as popular.
For dates, they go to the arcade, mini golfing, and pizza nights.
Bianca’s dad is still super strict so they often have to bring Michael along for liability. He becomes their official third wheel.
Cameron is pretty good at doing hair, mostly because of his little sisters. He’s always touching Bianca’s hair. Sometimes when they watch a movie, she’ll lay her head in his lap and he’ll just absentmindedly stroke her hair until they both fall asleep.
They’ve never done much other than hold hands in public. Cameron is a very private person.
Bianca still gets love notes and gets invited on dates by so many guys. She’ll often tell Michael to talk to them. It doesn’t do anything, but her and Cameron get a kick out of watching him try.
Patrick and Kat
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People still stay away from Patrick, even though he’s the softie of the relationship.
He gave up smoking completely for Kat.
For dates they often go to concerts, parks, clubs, or libraries together.
Kat helps Patrick with school work. She needs him to graduate so they can go to Sara Lawrence college together.
Kat’s father does not approve of Pat and her going to the same school. He doesn’t know they plan to live together. He won’t find out about it if Kat has anything to do with it.
Patrick is always humming or singing a song. He’ll have two fingers tracing down her back while he hums can’t take my eyes off you.
Kat has tried to teach Patrick chords. He’s hopeless, he can only sing.
Kat moves out a week after she graduated. Patrick and her make the trip across the country together. Soon they own an apartment together.
Kat starts a girl band and guess who their number one fan is?
They make a point to cook together in the apartment at least three times a week. They put on music and dance together while the food is in the oven.
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amaliazeichnerin · 24 days ago
Some thoughts about "A Family Affair", and age gaps in relationships
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Today I rewatched "A Family Affair" with Joey King, Zac Efron and Nicole Kidman. I am not a fan of either of these actors, but what I like about this film are three things: 1. The mother-daugther relationship and also the way the mother in law of the mother (played by Kathy Bates) plays a part. 2. The chemistry between Nicole Kidman and Zac Efron is great in my eyes and it makes the romance of their characters credible. 3. This is one of the few films where the age gap between the main characters doesn't lead to a lot of drama, or a desastrous or sad ending.
The IMDB-page of the film: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt21051906/ And on a personal note: I especially like point 3, because I feel seen by this - I have been in a relationship with my partner since 2009 and he is ten years younger than me. And as far as I can tell, we never had problems with this age gap.
I have to admit, personally I do not like age gap stories where one of the partners is so old that they could be the parent of the other one age-wise, because the relationship dynamics might get pretty strange then.
Recently, I read a German Gay Romance which I liked so I looked at the next book of the author. There was an age gap of at least 15 years between the main characters, maybe even more. I didn't buy that book. And I noticed how another German Gay Romance author included one huge age gap after another in her books. No judgement, if you like to read such books, you do you. But age gaps of 20 years or more are just not my cup of tea.
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vanweezer · 3 months ago
mother earths most beautiful maggots are easily duped by images of cosplayers . . . . . we as a community need to learn what wigs are
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guernseythecow · 3 months ago
*Joey scrambled to the door, opening it. His smile wasn't as tired as it had been before, and if his eyes weren't so clear, it'd be as if Guernsey was back.*
Jones!! Welcome, come in, come in!!
*He stepped aside, quick to lead Jones deeper into his barn. He was so enthusiastic to share Syd with Jones, just beyond excited to introduce the pair. He lead Jones right to her, excitedly gesturing.*
This, is my daughter, Syd. The Empress found her.. I have my daughter back; she's the good news I was telling you about!!
*incoming call from: Joey*
Jones, I've got wonderful news, but it needs to be shared in person; you wouldn't believe me otherwise.
Come to the barn at your earliest convenience and I'll show you what I mean. I'm overjoyed, and feel like the luckiest Jones to ever exist!!
That's great, Joey! I'll be right over.
*Jones took the train over to a bus stop, then rifted to Joey's barn. Once he was there, he knocked at the door, and waited for Joey to invite him in.*
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myhandsyourjands · 8 months ago
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guernseythecow · 3 months ago
*A fellow Jones with shades and a 5 o' clock shadow rifts at the bus stop, an air sprite with a little red scarf in his arms*
This is our first day together and you decide to be the most reckless one between all of your siblings?
*After hearing the small coo in response from the air sprite he looked around*
This...is quite the place...uh, anyone around!?
-Venge❌️ ( @vengeance-jones-fn )
*A front gate to a wall-like fence opened VERY close by, Joey stepping out of it. He had Noodle at his heels, having brought her along to check on some of the wild plants that grew near the gate; it never ceased to surprise him how many types of wild plants grew here. He noticed Venge fairly quickly, and the air sprite; he hadn't realized those could come here!! He waved,*
Hey!! You look a little lost; never been here before?
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thenerdsofcolor · 8 months ago
Zac Efron and Joey King Talk Improv and Their Hilarious Dynamic in ‘A Family Affair’
NOC Interview: Zac Efron and Joey King Talk Improv and Their Hilarious Dynamic in ‘A Family Affair’ @ZacEfron @JoeyKing @netflix #AFAMILYAFFAIR
Zac Efron and Joey King star as Chris Cole and Zara Ford in A Family Affair. The new rom-com will be released June 28 on Netflix. Continue reading Zac Efron and Joey King Talk Improv and Their Hilarious Dynamic in ‘A Family Affair’
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guernseythecow · 3 months ago
*Joey laughed warmly as he opened the door, walking on in. He noticed what Syd was trying to do, and quickly moved to help her get it to say up. Once it was up, he whistled a bit, looking around.*
Your room has come along great, sugar bear.. I'm glad you seem so at home here.
Though.. if you wouldn't mind.. I had couple questions? About our family?
*He sounded nervous, messing with his sleeves a little. He didn't know what had happened after he left, especially not after leaving the IO. He wanted to know what Syd had been up to back home, if she'd been happy.. if her brother and mom had been happy.*
*Joey knocked softly on his daughters door. He was happy to know she was settling in her new bedroom, and was comfortable. He had questions for her, however, questions that'd weight in his mind forever if he didn't ask.*
Sugar bear? Its me!! Can I come in and talk for a bit?
*Syd was attempting to tack a starchart on her ceiling when her father knocked. His timing couldn't have been better.*
Come on in, Dad! I need a hand! This thing is way too tall!
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redeyesandchilifries · 11 months ago
I never say no to free food 👀
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guernseythecow · 3 months ago
Of course, your majesty. Thank you, for everything.
*Joey gave her a little bow, slipping his photo into his pocket before gently taking the frame. He held it was carefully as possible, making his way out. He had to get home and get this in the sun, and he had cows to fed. He was happy he got to share his memories, pass along his stories.. He knew that The Empress was someone he could trust; someone who would keep his and families memories alive, even when the memories left his head again. He would put his gifted chopsticks to good use again tonight, in her honour.*
Your majesty?
*Guernsey approaches, his eye full of tears. He's holding the ruins of a picture frame, and a photo; his eyes are red and puffed like he'd been crying for some time.*
Would- You be able to help me fix this?
Oh, hello, sweet prince, I'm surprised to see you here of all places. What is this?
*The Empress gently takes the pieces of the frame, surveying the damage. Putting them in one hand, she reaches out with the other and caresses Guernsey's cheek, wiping away a tear.*
Dry your tears, sweet prince. I can repair this. Today you shall learn of kintsugi, the art of gilded repair. Come follow me. Perhaps you can tell me about the picture while I work?
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