cornedbread · 1 year
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I like to think that Joe doesn’t like putting effort into his appearance. But ever since he met Baldina and Billy — “Always look your best when going out!!!” mentality — he’s been slowly coerced (or forced, depending on the situation) into dressing himself better. Anyways, Joe got scolded by both of them into getting all pretty for his and Baldina’s date 😍 Baldina on the other hand loves dressing up. My god, I wish I could’ve made her look more nerdier, but the jewelry would be too much clutter on her.
Anyways, the date went well. And for bonus here’s a Susaldi date kiss too since you can’t have a Baldina without a Baldi…
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cornedbread · 1 year
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I have a file in Pixel Studio titled, “Joedina Propaganda.”
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cornedbread · 11 months
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Here’s your Joedina for the month.
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cornedbread · 1 year
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Joedina is my favourite GL manga ♥︎
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cornedbread · 2 years
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I don’t know what I was doing. I just wanted to draw Baldina & Joe. Romantic or platonic, view this however you want.
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《Funfact: In the English translation it says, “She should get a word count” but in the Japanese translation it says, “Are you trying to get into the Musabi.” A branch of japanese education based around speaking, grammar, and vocabulary.》
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cornedbread · 2 years
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Crazyjoke (Crazy Director x Joe) + Enggin (Baldina x Joe)
It’s okay guys, you can make fun of me…
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cornedbread · 1 year
Hey so what is your favorited Bbieal au ship
Apologies for late reply 🙏
TL;DR my favourite ships are Shybi, Billfriend, Joedina, Olivialex and Dollex.
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Shybi 😮🧤 (Shy John x Billy)
Best friends to lovers trope + “Light in the dark” trope — very cliche but I adore it very much. I think that Billy always tries to portray himself as “well-made” to the public, but behind closed doors he’s literally everything except “well-made.” He’s emotional (Non-Emotional Creature being used to “clean up trash”); he doesn’t know how to deal with his emotions adequately (Vending machine of Beer, need I say more?); he’s tired (shoutout to Billy’s three jobs, mad respect to single-parent fatherhood 💪); he’s arrogant sometimes (This isn’t inspired by canon, I think Billy would have an ego from being always told he’s “well-made”); he’s haunted by things that aren’t there (The Great War, circa 1985, from CBA).
But despite all of this, there’s always one guy who has his back. And it’s his best friend, Shy John (⌒▽⌒) Why do I think that? Well, in the mods the only character to consistently appear is Shy John. Wherever Billy is, Shy John is there too. And of course Billy is very greatful for Shy John’s care. So much that he makes prioritises Shy John’s well-being over his (Funfact: Shy John’s sprite is the only one that is “undamaged” in “11 Years Later”). But not in an obssesive way, more of a “As long as he’s okay, then everything is okay” — self-destruction is not well-made!
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Billfriend 🧤⏰ (Billy x Girlfriend/Old Friend)
So much of this is headcanon/personal interpretation because Girlfriend & Old Friend literally have 0 personality in the source material 😭
I think their relationship is tragic, Billy loved his old “friend” so much he built a robot to subsitute her. But the robot is a robot, therefore she can’t replicate Old Friend perfectly. I also find it poetic that Billy’s Girlfriend is only known as “Billy’s Girlfriend,” a title is the only thing she can replicate. She can never replicate his old friend… Someone that shared memories, struggles and celebrations with him…
This is also equally tragic from Old Friend’s perspective. She’s perceived as a dead soul, when in actuality she’s very much alive but trapped in The Office™ like she’s “Kaiba getting banished to the shadow realm.” If we’re to assume this is the same Office™ that FileName2 is trapped in, then Old Friend can still see Billy. But only as a spectator. She can’t interact with him; only watch his life progress with others, as her’s is trapped in purgatory alone.
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Joedina 🍾🥔 (Joe x Baldina)
They’re both losers, therefore they should kiss. And then maybe along the way, they’ll help eachother become not losers. Mutual improvement!
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Olivialex 🫒🌷(Olivia x Fake Alex)
It’s not the killing that they’re infatuated with. Olivia wants to genuinely hunt down and kill Alex for justice; Alex wants to hunt down Olivia as a way to mess with her and keep her for himself. Olivia is playing hero, while Alex is acting like a wannabe-yandere. Though they want to kill eachother, they just can’t… Olivia sees Alex as a fascinating discovery, something to be studied and cultivated; Alex sees Olivia as a desireable asset for doing work and keeping him company. They say they don’t want to be friends, but perhaps in a timeline where they didn’t want to kill eachother so bad, they could be co-workers.
They hate eachother so much it wraps back around to infatuation. They don’t love eachother, they’re just so obsessed with killing the other that they end up dedicating their whole lives to it. But once they actually get to killing or losing the other person, suddenly it feels wrong. Because after death, what do you do now?
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Dollex 📓🌷(Dolly x Real Alex)
Mostly headcanon for Real Alex because he has 0 personality in source material ⚰️
From a bus stop to a weird house, Dolly and Alex are good friends who’ve gone through alot. When I say “gone through alot,” I mean Alex’s depression. Alex is troubled by many things: his work, the value of his life, his aspirations and most strangely… His house. To qoute Dolly from the MrDrNose discord server, “It was a weird and old apartment.” Maybe it’s the scratches on the walls; or the empty plates with steak juice despite Alex saying he’s not fond of eating meat; or the copious amount of broken broomsticks. Either way… Dolly thinks it’s best to ignore it. The only demons she knows about are Alex’s inner demons that make him feel miserable. And those are the only demons she’s willing to deal with. It’s not her job to care for him, it’s her choice. She loves Alex and wants to see him get better, Alex is in denial that someone can be so caring and kind towards him. But over time he learns to accept Dolly and her kindness into his life. And when he improves he’ll remember all the times Dolly helped him, so he’ll surely help Dolly when she’s in her darkest moments too! Snap out of this self-loathing and self-pity, finally do something with his life and help another life! So that both lives can live happily.
At least, that’s how it was supposed to go. If it wasn’t for the demon (literal) in the house and the demons (figuratively) in the mind…
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