hiddenloner · 2 years
🥰 on feeling less than others:
I can highly recommend to you reading books surrounding the topic of letting go of the ego and centering your life around yourself and your perception.
I am not sure what you have written down in your journal but if your main issue concerns your outer appearance you should go into that direction writing down 5 things from your outer appearance every day that you are grateful for and think are beautiful. Looking at yourself in the mirror and embodying the sentiment you want from you.
When it comes to other women. Comparison really is a dead end. It doesn’t make any sense. There will always be somebody out there who has one feature that is better than you but also one who has a feature worse on you. There are more than 1 billion people on the internet and if you compare yourself to all of them you’ll definitely be able to come to the conclusion that you have negative attributes.
Find out what you want to embody character wise, behavior wise and than train that. If you want to be smarter read more Books on logical fallacy’s. If you want to be more charismatic read more books on interactions, communications etc. if you want to be prettier inform yourself and get straight with the beauty basics healthy diet - healthy body - healthy skin - healthy hair - nails - teeth and work yourself up. These are all areas you can improve yourself on. But it actually doesn’t matter how much you improve yourself in these areas if you do not appreciate your beauty attributes and change your perception in how your beauty is not related to other people.
One thing that you also should do is only follow people that have the same features as you until you have reached a point where it doesn’t bother you at all anymore.
Women and nobody are your competition in anything. You are the only person in this world with your heart, appearance and life. There is nobody like you out there like you. There are people that will love certain attributes on you and others that will
Despise these same attributes to focus on other people will literally kill you. There is no universal beauty everybody is into and also no universal character everybody is into. Everybody has their own taste. Work on yourself . Make the best out of what you have and you will receive the praise you will deserve and people will treat you that way. Effort in outer appearances translates as well. Everybody notices it and reacts to it. Be happy with you and the rest will follow - I promise . You competing with people in your heart and feeling less than others is something you subconsciously have everybody know through energies body language and might even with your hyper feminine efforts. People react to that and take them in knowingly or unknowling. The base really is you having to learn to find yourself enough and beautiful and deserving 🥰
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