#joe x orel if you squint
Womp womp waaaaaa
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My silly boys
Joe: *watching Bluey* Orel: hey Joe what’re you doing? Joe: *covers tablet with pillow* UUH NOTHING Orel: oh are you watching Bluey? I love that show Joe: you do? Orel: yeah it’s really funny! Joe: you…you don’t think it’s for babies…? Orel: of course not! Cartoons are for everyone! Joe: huh…yeah…you’re right…do you…wanna watch it with me…? Orel: sure!!
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Joe: *takes puff of vape* Orel: *looks at camera* waaooow
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My little guys my small guys
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alr fic here we go
“Oook let’s take it from the top, my name is Orel Puppington, one year ago I was bitten by a radioactive spider, and ever since then, I’ve been moralton’s one and only Spider Angel, and I thought I was the only one…ever…until about two weeks ago…”
~two weeks ago~
It was a fairly average day for moralton, the school was bustling with children walking through the halls, Orel included, none of the other students would suspect that he, a student at the high school, had a noble secret he had to keep from the town. That he, Orel Puppington, was the mighty hero that protected the town, he was Spider Angel. Bitten by a radioactive spider that gave him the powers of a spider.
Orel was walking through the halls of his school with doughy and Tommy as usual when he was commandeered by a hooded stranger.
“Did uh…did Orel just get kidnapped?” Tommy asked, concerned for his friend’s safety
“I…I think so…” Doughy said, also worried for Orel’s wellbeing
meanwhile while Orel was being pulled by the arm across the school by the hooded stranger
“W-WHO ARE YOU?” Orel yelled, the stranger’s icy hands digging into his wrist. The stranger was silent as they dragged the boy around until they made it into the boy’s bathroom
“oh gosh what’s going on?!” Orel asked
the stranger pulled the hood down from their head to reveal—
“JOE!?” Orel exclaimed, baffled that Joe pulled him all the way across the school just to…show him he dyed his hair? “why is your hair pink?”
Joe paused for a moment and just stared at Orel, taking in what he was seeing “…why are you…alive?” Joe mumbled under his breath
“what’d you say?” Orel asked, not able to understand his grumblings
“uh- n-nothing come with me, I’ll explain later” Joe said as he pulled down his sleeve and started fiddling with the buttons on a strange yellow watch he was wearing, after a few seconds the room started to seem like it was shaking as a dark colored portal opened up on the wall
“J-joe what’s going on?” Orel asked, Joe never acted like this…and he would certainly never dye his hair pink of all colors…other things about him were starting to seem…just a bit off too…his eyes were not quite the same shade of blue, his skin was just ever so slightly tanner…who was this?
“do you trust me?” This strange version of Joe asked
“I’m…I’m not sure…” Orel said, preparing his wrist to shoot a web at this supposed imposter
“Orel…don’t, just please, take my hand” Joe said, reaching his hand out, he’d somehow sensed Orel was going to shoot at him…this was getting weird…
“Orel…please…” he said, Orel was still unsure, not really wanting to risk his safety for this completely abnormal version of one of his best friends
“…ok Joe…” Orel said as he took Joe’s hand and they jumped into the portal
~in another dimension~
“Okay, where the heck are we?” Orel asked as they entered a strange building “I’m starting to think following you into that portal was a bad ide- woah…” Orel started before he saw the tens of dozens of hundreds of…spider people…just like him but…different…most of them wearing red and blue suites with black webbing across them as opposed to Orel’s baby blue and white suit that he wore under his jeans and long sleeved teal shirt
“what…what is this place” Orel asked before he suddenly felt himself painfully shake and contort in a sort of glitch
“somewhere you’re not supposed to be, here, take this day pass” Joe said, tossing Orel a slap-bracelet type band, which Orel put around his wrist
“this is the crossroad between dimensions, where all the best spider-people are recruited to fend off anomalies, AKA bad guys that slipped into the wrong dimension.” Joe explained as Orel looked around in awe of the place
“wait, there are other spider people?” Orel asked, shocked by the very notion that he wasn’t the only one
“yeah, but there are never 2 that occur naturally in the same dimension.” Joe said
“wait, so THAT’S why you’re different from the Joe I know, you’re from another dimension! And if you’re from another dimension and you’re apart of this…spider society does that mean…you’re a spider person?” Orel asked
“yup” Joe unzipped his jacket to reveal a black suit with red web markings and a red decal of a spider with devil horns on it
“alright let’s do this one more time, my name is Joe Secondopinionson, 3 years ago I was bitten by a radioactive spider. And ever since then I’ve been a badass crime fighting vigilante known as el diablo araña”
“woah…” Orel said in awe as Joe lead him to a smaller room of the building
“By the way would you mind putting on your spider mask?” Joe asked
“oh yeah sure” Orel said, reaching into his backpack and pulling out his mask, adorned with dozens of eyes all over the front
“Jesus what’s with the eyes dude?” Joe asked
“well…spiders have a lot of eyes and in the Bible angels have a lot of eyes and I’m spider angel so it…kinda makes sense I guess…” Orel said through his mask
“whatever, this room is, probably gonna change your life” Joe said as they entered the room
“heeey everybody!” Joe exclaimed
“oh hey Joe! Who’s the new guy?” A girl wearing a pink and white spider suit asked
“yeah, fess up.” A shorter girl in a white and lavender suit said
“ok guys uhhmmm, Orel, take off the mask” Joe whispered
“uhhh, alright” Orel said as he pulled off the mask, revealing his face to the group of spider people
“OREL?” All of them yelled, completely baffled by his presence
one of the spider people approached him and gently removed their mask, revealing a ginger haired boy with a short mullet, his eyes becoming watery with tears
“Oh hey doughy! Heh, I guess everyone is Spider-Man in another universe really, anyway it’s great to see you” Orel said, oblivious to everyone else’s stunned body language
“…is he…a Spider-Man?” The girl in the pink and white suit asked, taking off her mask and showing her face
“Christina! Hi! Man, I haven’t seen my Christina since the arms length dance but I’m so happy you’re a spider person in your dimension!” Orel exclaimed
“…he doesn’t know…” Joe said softly
“Joe. We…we have to tell him…” Doughy said
“tell me what?” Orel asked, still oblivious to everything going on around him
“Orel…there are these things called ‘canon events’ things that are constant across every dimension, and sadly the canon event for us is that…you get killed by a bear on a hunting trip…leaving the spider person for any given dimension to be bit by the spider at your…funeral” Christina explained “meaning you…being alive is…not good. You’re not supposed to be Spider-Man and you’re not supposed to be…alive…you broke the canon event…you’re…an anomaly…”
“…what?” Orel questioned as this news made him question his existence “but…but Joe said anomalies are bad guys does that mean…I’m…bad? But I’m spider angel I protect the town I keep everyone safe I…I’m not supposed to be alive?”
“Orel…” the lavender wearing spider girl said “it’s not your fault but…yeah it kind of is uhm…how did you not get killed by the bear?”
“i shot the bear…that was my only option…I thought…” Orel said
the spider girl in lavender took off her mask
“Betty…I…I’m sorry…how do I…how do I fix this? There’s no other spider that I can just give to the right Spider-Man i…I’m sorry…”
“Orel…it’s ok…” Joe said, placing his hand on Orel’s shoulder
“…you knew…you knew about this…you told me to trust you and you took me here and apparently I’m not supposed to be alive?!” Orel exclaimed “you took me here just to tell me my life is a mistake!”
“i…I’m sorry…” Joe said
“…you ruined my life…”
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Moral orel “loyalty” in a nutshell:
Orel: OH BOY TUME FOR CHURCH!!! Danielle: this is some fucking kid I found on the side of the road I don’t want him you take him Orel: lmao ok hi Joe: I want to burn this church to the ground and bathe this town in hellfire Orel: lol whatever you say let’s go to church Joe: I hate church let’s go damage cars Doughy: hey man you’re being kind of a dick can you like…not? Joe: no Orel: sorry dude he’s pretty much my boyfriend at this point I gotta do what he says Joe: what? I’m not your boyfriend Orel: oh sorry I was under the impression that- Joe: no. I’m gonna kill you. Orel: whatever you say sweetie :3 Joe: anyway let’s go beat up gay kids in the forest because they’re going to hell Orel: I thought we were gay kids in the forest D: Joe: no. DIE GAYS- Orel: aw man :[ my dad’s probably mad at me :[
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I’m going feral
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Return of the drug dealer joe au but only for the meme
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goofy ahh lazy edit
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Legend says they’re still walking the track to this day
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I’m normal I swear
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(Refs + species info under cut)
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Orel’s a Siberian husky 🥺 and Joe’s a scraggly ass street cat 😒
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Pre-dumb Joe and Post-nature Orel: swallowing glass just to stay pure
Post-dumb Joe and Pre-nature Orel: if you put your name and my name together you get joeorel also please don’t swallow glass
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🩵 Orel-the-dogboy follow
honestly I don’t think the Bible is all that bad
🖤 Joe-the-catboy follow
I do
🩵 Orel-the-dogboy follow
I didn’t ask you to marry me???
💜 Christina-the-catgirl follow
that escalated quickly 👀
🖤 Joe-the-catboy follow
no one asked you Chrissy
🧡 doughy-the-dogboy follow
I don’t think anyone asked you either Joe
💚 Tommy-the-randomdude follow
world heritage post
#dudeposting #fyp #clapback
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joe: so orel, what do you wanna watch?
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Orel: heh, I think you know
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Joe: uh…no I don’t
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