#joe velasco headcanon
adarafaelbarba · 1 year
Joe and “why is it so hard for you to accept a compliment” 👀🥺
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You had no idea how to answer that honestly, looking dumbfounded at your partner.
«Well?» He asked, hands on his hips, the badge flashing in the light, and the veins on his arms showing as his hands flexed slightly.
«I—I don’t know Velasco—I’ve bever been good at it, I just—I can’t change it—not that easily anyways.»
Joe let out a huff, but his face softened. «Who hurt you?»
«Who hurt you?» He didn’t sound angry, on the contrary he sounded completely calm, but with a slight hint of murder.
You stepped closer to him, ready to grab him should he try something. «Don’t Velasco—»
But nothing was registrering in his mind, his vision somewhere over your head, far behind you.
«It’s not worth it—»
«Yes you fucking are!»
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muncysvelasco · 1 year
I know i said this already but joe velasco is a bluey stan
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Joe Velasco Domestic HC's
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Gives nose/forehead kisses
I like to think this is both of you. Joe’s always one to drop a kiss to your head/forehead before he runs off to the store quickly kinda thing, you’re the one who likes to make him laugh or brighten his mood a bit by acting all cheesy and kissing his nose. And it works. Every time.
Gets jealous the most
Hmmm… okay. I think that in stereotypical jealousy, it’s you. You know that Joe can put on the flirting game while working a case to get witnesses/whatever to trust him, or to get info out. And you can’t say that you like it when he’s UC and has to flirt even more/cross other boundaries to keep his cover, but you know it’s all part of the job. In terms of Joe, I think it’s more of a FOMO jealousy thing. Like he always wants you to go out with your friends or whomever kinda thing, or even from across the bar when your out with the squad, he knows you’re having a good time and happy and he wants to be involved in that kinda thing.
Picks the other up from the bar when they’re too drunk
I’m gonna give this one to you. Joe will always come play knight in shining armour when you ask to be picked up. But he’s a little dependant on alcohol, a beer or two to wind down, a couple of drinks to let loose and be more outgoing, so when that gets out of hand, or after a bad case you’re the one picking him up and taking him home to take care of him.
Takes care of on sick days
Joe has major soft boi taking care of vibes. And I don’t think he’s one of those men who turns into a baby when he’s sick, I think he grew up learning to tough it out. So he’s the one making sure you’re getting rest, sleep, fluids, making you soup, and he’s probably got some herbal at home remedies to help cure your cold too.
Drags the other person into the water on a beach day
Joe, and he will literally pick you up and toss you over his shoulder before running into the water and throwing you down into the waves. Doesn’t care if you just wanted to suntan, you’re getting in the water, and even if you’re complaining at first you’re certainly not once he’s shirtless and dripping….
Gives unprompted massages
I feel like this is totally a thing Joe does. Mid conversation, doesn’t even have to have been a long day for you or complaining of pain, he’ll just pick up one of your hands or feet and start massaging. If you’re working on something at your desk and he comes to drop off coffee, check in to see how you’re doing his hands just naturally gravitate to your shoulders/neck for a brief rub.
Who drives? Who rides shotgun?
It’s usually Joe driving, but you switch off depending on where you’re going, or on longer trips. But the deal still stands that whoever’s riding shot gun gets to control the radio.
Brings the other lunch at work
This one goes to you. Joe can easily get fully distracted and pulled into a case and forget to eat, even if people around him are eating. He lives for takeout being brought into the squad room when everyone’s working on a big case and orders for everyone. But if you’ve got the time or are in the area you’ll likely stop by with something homecooked or something you picked up on the way and he absolutely adores it when you do.
Has the better parental relationship
For obvious reasons we’re going with you on this one. Joe’s a little hesitant to meet your parents, but he’s a sweet talker so that obviously goes over wonderfully and they love him instantly.
Tries to start roleplaying in the bedroom
You. I don’t think Joe gets *too* kinky. Like, he’s into certain things, but like, call him daddy and it’s game over.  Same for anything too extreme bdsm style.
Embarrassingly drunk dancer
You know what? I’m giving this to Joe. Lolololol. He thinks he’s being all suave and cool and homeboy just is not. Like, I’m talking he starts to attempt the Charleston and shit like that. I do think that like, out at the club grinding he knows *exactly* what he’s doing. But too many beers and that’s out the window.
Still cries watching titanic
You. Joe rarely cries at movies. He pokes fun at you all the time for crying over romantic movies or tv shows and the like. BUT, if an animal dies in a movie, Joe’s bawling like a baby.
Firmly believes in couples costumes
Initiated by you the first year and Joe is apprehensive. You weren’t planning on suggesting it the next year but he’s secretly been looking forward to it and has been looking for ideas for months before Halloween and has a whole list of thoughts so it becomes your yearly thing.
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas
You. It’s something that Joe’s had his eye on for ages, and you know just how badly he wants it but can’t justify spending that much money on himself and he’s so incredibly grateful and loving when he unwraps it. He on the other hand, I feel is more of a sentimental gift giver, like he’d rather make something himself that will really mean something to you, or has a special meaning in your relationship.
Makes the other eat breakfast
Joe. You’re on him about lunch and you’re both good about getting in a nice dinner at the end of the day. But you’re much more of a “I’m not hungry in the morning” type or you take so long to drink your coffee you don’t have time to make anything. Joe picks up on this quickly and will always wake up a little bit earlier than you, even if its just to pop a bagel in the toaster for you to take with you.
Remembers anniversary
Both of you. Joe’s gonna set a reminder in his phone about the actual event, dinner, movie, theatre, whatever. Because, again, he gets sidetracked easily at work and will not notice the time until it’s too later otherwise.
Brings up having kids
I think that one’s gonna be you. I don’t see Joe as someone who actively wants kids, like if it happens, it happens and he’ll be a bit nervous but he’d be a great dad. I do see him more as someone who would want to foster or adopt, especially with the older kids. So like, he’s open to it, but doesn’t have the *need* to have kids, if ya get my drift.
@witches-unruly-heart @fandom-princess-forevermore @cycat4077 @xoxabs88xox @alwaysachorusgirl @plaidbooks @thatesqcrush @im-just-a-mississippi-girll @wandas-wife @katieslotherford @almatra @momlifebehard @dondivajade @misscharlielulu
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year
orgasm headcanon
With the SVU boys, please.
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Terry Bruno - Tugging his hair, as soon you run your fingers through his hair and tug it just a little, it takes him 0 to 60 in a heartbeat. I imagine him on the couch with you straddling his lap fully clothed and the instant you do it, his hips jump and you're like ohhh....
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Nick Amaro - Words of affirmation. Knowing that you're so desperate for him, that you need him and only him and I think would make him lose his mind. Stuff like, you're the only one who can do this to me, please I need more.
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Joe Velasco - Praise - You tell him he's going a good job, or call him sweet boi, good boi anything like that, it makes him feel loved and treaured. I think Joe gets off on intimacy and part of that is feeling emotionally safe with his partner.
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Mike Duarte - Vulnerability- I swear I think knowing that you are giving yourself to him wrecks Mike. Telling him how you feel exactly in the moment gets him off, knowing that he's the one that makes you feel loved, wanted or good about yourself. The fact you're putting yourself out there, gives him an emotional boner, which leads to a very satisfying orgasm.
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noellawrites · 2 years
Law and Order: Special Victims Unit Masterlist
The SVU Men as Yanderes
Nick Amaro
Yandere Headcanons
Nose Candy - yandere
Rafael Barba
Yandere Headcanons
Runaway part 2 - yandere
Sharing W/Carisi HC's - yandere
Contempt - yandere
Material Witness - yandere
Isolation - yandere
Appearances - yandere
Troubled Return - yandere
Stress Relief - incest
Sonny Carisi
His Future Wife Series Masterlist
Yandere Headcanons
Sharing W/Barba HC's - yandere
Brother Figure - yandere
Your #1 Fan - yandere
Hands to Myself - yandere
Comfort - incest
Distance - incest
Mike Dodds
Helpless - yandere
Kat Tamin
Joe Velasco
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plaidbooks · 1 year
Joe Velasco for this:
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First Impression: Oh, he's cute af.
Impression now: Baby boi who needs to be loved 🥺
Favorite moment: when he first talks about his dad to a victim on a roof.
Idea for a story: Someone from his past--maybe a girl in the gang or in a girl gang--coming back into his life. She's changed, maybe became a nurse, but they bond over the shared pains from childhood.
Unpopular opinion: Though his backstory (with the gang) is different, I'm tired of every Latino having an abusive father and the same damn stereotypes.
Favorite relationship: I do like him and Grace (platonically). I like their sibling vibes.
Favorite headcanon: that he's the softest bean ever--once he lets you in, he's just such a sweetheart.
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thatesqcrush · 5 years
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Consuming internet content is your own responsibility.
Nothing should be considered safe for work. Heed those warnings. You can safely assume that most works below include smut. Content warnings are provided at the beginning of the fic.
Bryan Kneef
Rafael Barba 
Rafael Barba x Other Characters 
Other REE Characters  
Sonny Carisi
Joe Velasco
Mike Duarte
Headcanons & Drabbles
Writing Challenges (Kinktober, etc.)
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Joe Velasco headcanon: He plays basketball shirtless aaaaaaaaand go
He wouldn’t be able to play too long before I’d be on him — just saying 😏😍🥵
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adarafaelbarba · 2 years
Hello, okay so not so thirsty but how about thoughtful Thursday instead?
These are a few of the lovely sweet things I'd like to think Joe Velasco does for his partner to show his love ❤️
He sends her a cute text message before going to sleep.
He holds her hand gently when they walk together.
When she falls asleep on the couch cuddling him on movie night (and she usually falls asleep) he carries her to bed, tucking her in.
Speaking of movie night, even though he has sat through the movie a million times now and can repeat the lines word for word. They keep watching her favorite movie together just to see because he over how she gets excited and that smile.
And though he pretends to get annoyed, he secretly loves all the random and ever changing sweet nicknames she has for him.
He's the best boyfriend ever! Showing you just how much he loves you and how you should be treated! ❤️
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muncysvelasco · 11 months
Imangine girl dad joe velasco. That’s it that’s the post
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muncysvelasco · 5 months
RIP Grace Muncy you would’ve loved “I can do it with a broken heart”
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muncysvelasco · 7 months
You guys just imagine joe velasco as a girl dad
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muncysvelasco · 1 year
Joe velasco would be such a girl dad
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muncysvelasco · 7 months
Joe velasco currently
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muncysvelasco · 8 months
Joe Velasco definitely jokes about his trauma
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muncysvelasco · 1 year
My personal headcanon is that Joe is probably one of the only people allowed to call Grace “Gracie”
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