#joe sugg jack maynard
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shirtlesscelebsofdaworld · 1 year ago
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joeckfick · 7 years ago
What do you mean you all knew?!
I said I’d post this ages ago and then I didn’t because I had been working on it for a week straight and I started to hate it so I took a break and decided I’d go back and read it a few weeks later with a clearer mind. and then weeks literally turned into months and today I finally decided to revisit it. Its not perfect but I’m happy with it enough to post it. feedback would be greatly appreciated. and if Mikey ever finds this im sorry... 😂 (I fully hope none of them ever find this)
Jack and Mikey were in Joe's apartment. He had invited them over yesterday as he hadn't seen them in a few days, but now that he was face to face with them he realized he had forgotten the arrangement completely. Jack recognized the look on Joes face right away.
"You forgot, didn't you?!" Jack gasped pretending to be surprised, his fake surprise quickly turned to laughter "I knew it, Mikey owes me a tenner," he said as he walked past, brushing shoulders with Joe and into the living room, Mikey following shortly behind. Joe keeps forgetting his plans with Jack, he hasn't been able to think straight lately and by "think straight" he means "think STRAIGHT." he has had small crushes on boys before but never as big as the crush he has on Jack. He's felt this way for a while but he just puts it down to it being what he calls a "man crush" he knows its complete bullshit but he'd rather bullshit than face it at this point. When he's around Jack he can't stop smiling and when Jack looks into his eyes he gets butterflies, but yeah it's just a "man crush".  
Joe closed his apartment door and stepped into the living room to see both Jack and Mikey already sat on the couch going through Movies to watch on the tv. Joe sent an apologetic look Jack's way.
"wha... oh no" Jack stutters "I don't mind it's easy to forget" He pauses for a second "I won't hold it against you if I get to choose the movie," Jack said with a wink, Joe blushed and chuckled. "And I get to choose the takeaway" Mikey added prompting Jack to throw a pillow his way.
A couple hours later they had finished their food and were now watching another movie; Joe's choice this time. Not that any of them were paying attention Jack was on a quest to empty the contents of the fridge into his stomach and Joe was in deep thought, staring daggers at a sleeping Mikey. It wouldn't make much of a bloody difference if Mikey was awake or asleep Joe thought, the only difference was when Mikey is sleeping he lets out an involuntary snort every five minutes. Actually now Joe thinks about it he does that when he's awake too. His internal rant about Mikey is interrupted when Jack slumps down next to Joe with a pack of four yoghurts and two spoons, obviously intent on sharing them with him.
"Joe?" he says and Joe looks up at Jack startled realizing he was staring at Mikey. Jack giggles "you're on another planet today."
Joe laughs "Sorry I was thinking about how Mikey is as entertaining asleep as he is awake." They both look over at Mikey to see if he had moved at all in the last thirty seconds; "probably more so." Jack says with a smile, placing the yoghurts and spoons on the coffee table to be forgotten. He gets up and heads into the next room without explanation and misses Joe blushing for the hundredth time today.
Joe daren't question why he blushes every time Jack smiles at him or pretty much looks towards Joe's direction. To be quite frank he sometimes wished that it was just him and Jack hanging out so they had things to talk about other than what Mikey wants to eat or how boring he is when he falls asleep before the movie even starts. Jack catches Joe thinking again, but this time he has a plan to break the boredom.
"I have an idea!" he grins, revealing he's holding a bag of wooden clothes pegs behind his back; the same ones Joe uses for his pranks.
The prank escalated pretty quickly, Mikey was such a deep sleeper that he managed to sleep through the clothes pegs and even their outrageous laughter. They had used up all of the clothes pegs and were now piling anything they could find on top of him.
"Jack pass me some more pillows," Joe laughed, "and have you seen my vlogging camera I need to catch this!" Jack's hands him his vlogging camera and while Joe is busy capturing the moment Jack gets another idea and wanders off to go and find something. He returns shortly after with an airhorn and doesn't even warn Joe before setting it off.
"AAHHHH" Mikey and Joe both squeal in unison, Mikey jumping up and hitting his head on a chair that was conveniently placed over his head. Jack and Joe fall on the couch tangled together and laughing, Joe with tears streaming down his face, but making no sound and Jack making a sound that can only be described as scream-laughing. Joe starts to wander off into thought again. He loves laughing with Jack like this he loves him, to be honest, loves him a little too much and it's constantly getting in the way but he loves moments like these despite that. Suddenly the reality of his feelings set in. He sits up abruptly, he... is he in love with Jack? But surely not? It's not like he wants to grab him and snog him senseless, is it? As a matter of fact, he wouldn't mind that at all, his thoughts are interrupted by the man who currently occupied them.
"Joe?" Jack questions.
Suddenly Joe realizes he's been staring at a blank wall for a bit longer than is considered normal.
"Joe, are you okay?" Jack says with a laugh "did the airhorn make you deaf?" Joe realizes he has to answer soon, but he looks into Jack's eyes and he can't get the words to leave his lips "or have you got the flu again? you're always spaced out when you're ill." Jack goes to put a hand up to Joe's forehead to test for a temperature seeing as he still hadn't answered and Joe was known for getting the flu. But as soon as his hand makes contact Joe snaps out of it flinching back.
realizing Jack was still waiting for an answer he blurted "Yeah, sorry I'm just tired."
"Okay," Jack let out an awkward laugh "well so is Mikey," he says "we'll leave in five so you can get some sleep.," he adds with a smile. Joe doesn't really want him to leave. He wants Mikey to piss off so he can spend some more alone time with Jack but he knows it's for the best, he needs to start being careful around him.
He didn't get much sleep at all that night because he couldn't get his mind off of Jack.
Unbeknownst to him, Jack didn't get much sleep for the exact same reason. He was thinking about Joe.
The next morning Jack woke up from the five minutes of sleep he had to find a phone full of texts and three slept-through alarms. He raced to get ready and out the door as he was already fifteen minutes late. When he got in the uber he checked his phone to see who the texts were from, he'd never admit it but he was hoping some were from Joe. He scrolled through all of his notifications but to Jacks dismay, there were no texts from Joe, only the spam from Mikey asking if he's still coming and a text from Josh saying he would meet Jack there. He doesn't remember Josh being invited but he assumes Joe must have invited him. It's not rare for people to be added to plans last minute. He sends Mikey a quick message letting him know he's on his way.
When Jack arrived he recognized the table with Joe, Mikey, Josh, and Caspar seated at it and headed towards the table right away.  They spotted him before he reached the table and cheered at him mockingly.
"There he is" Mikey shouted Causing people to turn around to see what was making the horrendous noise "shhh! bloody hell." Joe whisper-yelled as Jack was taking a seat across from him. "People are staring." Mikey falls silent pouting like a toddler and the other boys laugh at the exchange.
"I know I'm always late but at least I don't make a scene" Jack chuckles. "you most certainly do" laughs Caspar. Josh pipes up "You Maynards are always late and.." Caspar then interrupts "ALWAYS late" earning a glare from both Josh and Jack. "And you always show up at the worst moment and make a huge scene" Josh continues.
Their banter continues for a while until suddenly Joe gets a text and shortly after explains to the boys that he has to leave because of an "emergency." Joe hurries away but not before catching Jack's eye and giving him the same apologetic look he always does when plans fall through or he forgets. This time though, Jack thinks, there's something different He looks upset. After Joe leaves the boys continue to talk about Joe's weird exit for a bit before moving on to other subjects but Jack is too busy worrying about Joe. He hopes he hasn't upset Joe, he doesn't know what he'd do with himself if he hurt him.
He can't think of a reason Joe would be particularly upset with him unless he found out that Jack secretly had feelings for him and he hoped more than anything that, that wasn't the case. Suddenly Jack was dragged out of his thoughts by Josh asking him something.
"right Jack?"
Jack didn't hear the question but decided to chance a reply anyway.
"uh... oh yeah sure!" he blurts out before reverting to deep thought but not before catching Caspar giving him a strange look. He decides to brush it off because he was acting strangely after all.
When Jack got back from lunch he tried to call Joe. "no answer" he uttered to himself when it went through to voicemail for the second time. He thought about calling again but he didn't want to come off as creepy or annoying. Jack just assumed he was too busy to pick up, Or rather he hoped.
A week and three days since the lunch (yes Jack has creepily been counting, he knows he's weird) and Joe still hasn't picked up any of his calls or replied to any of his texts. He has even avoided any group get-togethers that Jack was a part of. Jack had even asked all the other boys if he was acting strangely towards them too but they all said the same thing "He's not acting strange, perhaps he's just a bit busy" or something along those lines. But Jack liked to think he knew him better than that. Yes maybe Joe was busy, but even when he was busy he'd find time to hang with Jack. They live in the same apartment block it's not that hard. But never the less Jack pushed it to the back of his mind. Conor was visiting today and he was staying at Joe's so Jack didn't want to make it awkward for him.
But of course, as soon as he answered the door Conor noticed something was wrong.
"What the fucks happened now?" Conor said with a fake sigh
"What? nothing! what?" Jack blurted attempting to hide it. Conor just laughed and pushed past Jack and into his apartment. Jack then closed the door. He startled when he turned around to see Conor standing right behind him, still waiting to hear what has happened. Conor let out a little snort at the horrified look on his face "Jack I know somethings up so you might as well just tell me." says Conor. "its nothing!" Jack lies and all he gets back from Conor is a blank stare. He turns away trying to avoid the subject and goes to sit on the couch, Conor follows sitting across from him. Jack tries to start a new conversation but getting no response he finally gives in.
"FINE!" Jack sighs, "It's just" he pauses "I haven't seen or spoken to Joe in ten days and he hasn't replied to my texts or calls and..."
"You're scared he's found out you're in love with him?" Conor interrupts. "SHIT, WHAT? NO!" Jack blurts, he's never actually told Conor about how he feels for Joe. He was just too bloody obvious and Conor had probably guessed before Jack even knew, but that's not the point and now he's looking at Conor with the same horrified look in his eyes again and it gives everything away. Jack quickly looks down suddenly very intrigued by the back of his hand. The last thing he wants right now is to confront his feelings towards Joe while he's being ignored by him and the last place he'd want to do that is in front of his brother.
"look, Jack" Conor tries to look him in the eyes but he won't look up.
"look I think he feels the same about you," Conor utters suddenly and Jack finally looks up looking both sad and hopeful. "That's not funny," he says looking back down at his hands. "I'm serious," says Conor "I've been talking to Caspar and he thinks so too" Jack stands suddenly, "YOU TOLD CASPAR?!"
He starts pacing. "for fuck sake Jack, Joe feels the same about you! Caspar thinks so too," Conor all but yelled, getting up and grasping Jack by the shoulders to stop him from pacing. Jack looks up at him teary-eyed "Are you sure" he sobs. Conor nods and pulls him into a hug.
When Conor breaks the hug apart he tries to lighten the mood "seriously though for someone who's avoiding you he sure does talk about you a lot" Conor laughs
They hang out for a while, they talk about Conor's trip and what Jack has been up to while he was away, but then Conor has to get going as he promised to be in a video with Joe.
"Come back with me and talk to Joe," Conor says and Jack laughs.
"He'd probably freak out at me if I did" Jack lied, Both of them knew Joe wasn't the type to "freak out" at most, it'd be a bit awkward.
Conor recognized Jack wasn't ready, "don't worry, me and Caspar will sort something out," the older brother said with a little wave goodbye as he left.
The next morning Jack gets a text from Conor telling him to meet him at Mikey's in an hour. He knows better than to question it and starts getting ready. When he turns up at Mikey's, the man himself and Conor are waiting outside. He is confused for a second but then he spots that familiar glint in Conor's eye and realizes what he's up to.
"Are we seeing Joe today?" Jack asks, already knowing the answer. "You could have at least told me," he said in a pained voice "I look like shit." He says and Conor laughs, "No you don't," he says "and if I'd have told you, you wouldn't have shown up." Jack wants to argue but he knows Conor is probably right so he stays quiet, Mikey doesn't question a thing because as usual, he is not paying attention at all. Conor explains that all the other boys are together right now at Caspar, Josh, and Grant's place and then they get going.
When they walked into the apartment Jack spotted Joe straight away. He was laughing with Josh and Caspar, Jack couldn't help the smile on his face at the sight of him laughing. He looked up to say hello to them and Jack's heart fluttered. He was convinced if he looked into Joe's eyes any longer he'd just break down and confess his love for him right here, in front of everyone. That was until Joe panicked and then quickly looked away. Jack then realized that Joe had no idea he was going to be here at all, his heart sunk. He looked over at Conor trying to communicate how pissed off he really was but Conor just gave him an apologetic smile in return, which didn't exactly help. Jack gave in and took a seat across from Joe.
Joe quickly became more detached and Jack could tell that all the other boys were trying their hardest to include him but he was looking more and more uncomfortable.
Jack has a leap of courage "Hey uh..." Joe looks up at Jack and Jack continues "Joe can we talk out in the uh... hallway?" He asks. Joe just gets up and walks into the hallway and he takes that as a yes. All the boys look up when Joe walks out but they all seem to calm down when Jack follows. Jack would question this but he doesn't want to keep Joe waiting so he doesn't bother.
When Jack gets into the hallway and sees Joe he's sure he's going to tell him how he feels but when he hears a loud roar of laughter from the next room courtesy of Mikey and Conor, he realizes how terrifying the situation is and now he's face-to-face with him he just starts rambling and flailing his arms.
"Joe, are you doing okay because you've been acting strange lately? are you upset about something? you can tell me if you are. I hope it's not me that has upset you." He takes a deep breath. "Because the last person I'd want to upset is YOU. if you need to talk about anything I'm here fo-..." He gets cut off by Joe grabbing one of his arms.
"Jack I'm okay," he says and lets out a little giggle. Jack smiles at his laugh and pulls him a few inches closer by his wrist, the one that Joe is still clasping onto. Their smiles fade and they stand in silence looking into one another's eyes and Jack swears their faces get a little bit closer and he thinks about kissing him but their silence is broken by a loud cheer in the other room causing Joe to jerk back loosening his hand but before he lets go completely Jack grabs his hand and guides him back into the room where the others are.
When Jack walks back in pulling Joe behind him, Conor catches his eye and Jack shakes his head to let him know he didn't confess, Conor rolls his eyes at Jacks cowardliness but then his eyes lock onto Jack's hand. The same hand that is still intertwined with Joe's hand. The same Joe who just saw the weird telepathic exchange between the two brothers and is now looking between Conor and Jack (But mostly at Jack) with a confused look on his face. Jack smiles at Joe and lets go of his hand turning Joes confused stare into a grin. They return to their seats and Joe isn't as quiet anymore, not with Jack smiling at him from across the room. Caspar sends strange looks Jacks way a few times but he's too busy admiring Joe to notice.
As the evening is coming to an end, Joe spots Conor, Mikey, and Jack
"Jack!" He waves as he's walking towards them and Jack looks up at him with a smile. Joe continues, "Come over tomorrow night to chill with me and Conor?" he asks beaming back at him. Jack nods in agreement, "Yeah sure!" he says enthusiastically and then Mikey starts to pay attention. "What about me?" He insists. Both Jack and Conor give him a death glare and Jack doesn't see it but Joe does too, but Joe being the good-natured person he is, says,
"Sure, but only if you promise not to fall asleep this time."
Jack can't stop thinking about the approaching evening all day, the next day.
He arrived in good time which is rare for a Maynard. Joe actually flinched when he opened the door "Bloody hell Conor come here!" he shouted back into the apartment "a Maynard has shown up on time" he said. Jack chuckled and nudged Joe's shoulder causing Joe to giggle and push Jack back palm-to-chest. Both of them laughed even louder when Conor interrupted clearing his throat "ahem".
Joe guided Jack into the living room by the front of his jacket, not noticing the blush that took place on Jacks' face by him doing so, to choose the movie they were going to watch, as they did every week.
Jack usually got his way with the choice of movie but this time he had made up his mind. Joe was raving about a documentary he'd love to show Jack, looking all cute and enthusiastic it made Jacks' heart swell. "We should watch that then," he said, giggling at the utter shock on the other man's face "are you sure?" Joe squeaked, "I thought you hated documentaries". Jack gestured towards the tv that displayed the list of movies he was just now looking through.
"Well I can't find a movie I'd like to watch and you sound so excited about it so I'll probably like it too," he said.
As Joe is looking for the DVD Conor catches Jack's eye and smirks at him knowing full well there was a movie he wanted to watch on that list.
As soon as Mikey walks through the door he's talking about food, more specifically about what he wants to eat tonight.
"I swear to god I've been thinking about pizza all day!" he declared, but Joe was having none of it this time, "I thought we were getting Nandos?" he said, "I ask for Nandos every week but we always get what you guys want instead" Jack butts in "I think we should go with what Joe wants its only fair" he says, and he doesn't see it but both Conor and Joe are smiling at him. Both for completely different reasons. "AWWW WHAT!" Mikey wailed and the other boys laughed.
"Conor come on! you don't want Nandos, do you?!" he pleaded, "Don't drag me into this I've already said I'm not fussed," Conor said holding his hands in the air and Jack laughed "its two against one Pearce you may as well give up now"
After they have eaten Mikey, of course, falls asleep again even though he promised not to but nobody bothers waking him up
and Conor is left to third wheel Joe and Jack. Not that they mind or even notice, they're too busy laughing and showing each other funny videos on their phones. completely ignoring the documentary that was supposedly one of Joe's favourites.
Conor, who is watching them from the other side of the room, gets an idea. Joe and Jack are sitting far too close for comfort and he decides to have a little fun with it. he walks over to stand in front of where they are sitting on the couch and Joe looks up. Conor gestures for joe to move over so he can sit in between them and Joe awkwardly complies. But Conor doesn't stop there, he starts rambling on about the documentary and what he thinks of it so far while the other boys sit there in silence. Jack looking incredibly pissed off and Joe looking increasingly awkward. Joe mutters something about snacks and wanders off into the kitchen. Conor looks so pleased with himself and it gets on Jacks last nerve so he socks him in the arm with a pointed knuckle and Conor gasps clasping his arm and putting on a mock-hurt tone he says "What was that for?!" and Jack punches him again. "Okay stop!" Conor squeaks, Jack whisper-yells "What the fuck was that?!" and Conor laughs. "I'm third-wheeling big time over here so I thought I'd make the most out of it." Jack gestures as if he's going to punch him again and Conor flinches putting his hand up to protect himself. "maybe if you told him how you feel it wouldn't be as fun to take the piss out of you" He jokes and Jack rolls his eyes "you know its not that easy" he says "and he probably thinks I'm so awkward now!" Jack insists and Conor laughs pissing Jack off even more "why are you laughing this isn't funny?!" suddenly Joe pipes up from where he's standing with the bowl of chips "Not awkward just annoying," he says facing Jack and sending him a wink before he turns to face Conor and gestures for him to move over so he can sit between Conor and Jack acting as if he was stopping them from arguing but really was just wanting to sit closer to Jack.
As Joe sits forward to put the crisps on the coffee table behind his back Jack mouths and gestures to Conor "how long was he there?" Conor just smirks and shakes his head and as Joe is leaning back again he catches a red-faced Jack gesturing towards Conor, who is pretending not to notice, "Can you two not argue for five minutes?" he jokes inching closer to Jack to show him another funny clip on his phone. Conor smiles to himself and picks up his phone to text Caspar "it's working."
as the night comes to an end and Mikey finally wakes up, their goodbyes are rushed, as Mikey was in a hurry and needed to get something from Jacks apartment.
an hour after Jack gets back to his apartment and is getting ready to sleep he gets a text from Joe "Your jacket and phone charger are still here so I'm coming over to drop them off now." was all it read, but Jacks' heart was racing as he re-read the text a couple times and then he heard a knock at the door.
He answered the door in his pyjamas to find a nervous looking Joe looking down at his feet and shuffling them "Hi" he said not being able to stop the smile on his face from the sight in front of him. Joe looked up with a startled look on his face but it quickly changed to mimic Jacks warm smile "Hi" he said back "Heres your stuff" he said handing Jack the jacket and charger and as Jack took them their fingers brushed causing Jack to flinch slightly. Joe didn't look as if he had noticed but Jack was ninety-nine per cent sure he had. They stand there with nothing to say for about three seconds. They normally always had something to talk about so Jack said the first thing that he could think of "i-is Conor as annoying now as he was when he was my roommate" he stuttered causing him to blush he inwardly cursed himself for stuttering, he never stutters. Joe laughed "I don't think we argue as much as you two do," he said and Jack chuckled. If only he knew what they were arguing about. As if Joe read his mind he changes the subject "you know Caspar said something yesterday that made me think" he says and Jacks heart drops and he knows Joe sees it this time because he takes a step forward and coils Jacks shirt around his fist as if he was afraid he was going to float away. Jack looked down at Joe's hand and then into his eyes his heart beating a mile a minute. Joe looked like he was contemplating something his brows knitted together and his bottom lip between his teeth. Jack looked into his eyes and then at his lips, he couldn't help but stare. Joe took this as an answer to his unasked question and wrenched Jack forward by his pyjama shirt out into the hallway as their lips pressed together harder than intended. Any other time Jack would have been very conscious of the fact he was wearing pyjamas in a semi-public hallway, but not now, with Joe's mouth on his and arms around Joe's neck, surrounded by the scent of the man he loved. The moment was too perfect, too good to be true and Joe panicked. He pushed Jack away uttered an apology and raced down the hallway, Jack tried to call him back suddenly aware he was in the hallway in his pyjamas "Joe wait!" he shouted prompting the neighbour that lived across from him to open the door and shush him. He desperately wanted to go after Joe but decided Joe would be better off if he didn't. he probably hates me now, Jack thought.
Jack spends the whole morning the next day debating whether to go to Joe's that evening.
All of the boys were planning to go over to Joes tonight. It had been set in stone for a couple days now so Jack knew it'd look weird if he didn't show up and Conor wouldn't stop texting him asking him to get things for tonight. So Jack decided he would go even if he didn't stay for the whole night. He was still unsure of how Joe would react though and if the kiss even meant anything to him.
That evening Jack was only a little later than he should've been. Conor was the one to answer the door and the other boys were already sat outside by then. He followed Conor to the terrace and watched as he took a seat in between Caspar and Joe. Jack took the only seat that was still available and sat on the end next to Mikey.
The boys were having an animated conversation about their travelling plans and Joe was joining in but not a lot. so Jack tries to make eye contact with Joe, and he either doesn't notice or is purposely trying to avoid him. However, Conor notices and looks between Jack and Joe with a furrowed brow finally settling on Jack and mouthing "what did you do?" Jack laughs and shakes his head dismissing Conors question and goes back to listening to the other boys travelling conversation.
Halfway through the night, not much has changed other than it getting darker and colder. Joe is still avoiding him, Conor is still sending strange looks and now Caspar has apparently decided to join in too, staring at Jack as if he has two extra heads. In fact, he's staring that much that Jack checks himself in his phone reflection a few times to check if he's miraculously grown another head. Jack spots both Caspar and Conor whispering multiple times and he decides to confront them about it.
"Oi, what're you two whispering about over there?!" He jokes, loud enough that all of the boys turn to look at Caspar and Conor. All but one, Joe, who finally makes eye contact with Jack. Jack smiles at him, trying to think of something to say to make him laugh but Joe quickly looks away again and Jacks' heart sinks. He wishes Joe would just talk to him, he feels like shit when Joe's avoiding him.
A few minutes later the boys start complaining about the cold and Joe heads inside to get blankets for everyone. He takes a little while and Jack sees this as the perfect opportunity to try and talk to Joe. He manages to slip away unnoticed. He bumps into Joe on his way back outside, arms full of blankets, and Joe drops them in shock and stands to stare at Jack with a horrified look on his face. Jack laughs "I'm not that scary!" He says. Joe visibly relaxes at this and Jack smiles warmly at him causing Joe's face to flush bright pink and Joe's hands shoot up to his face in an attempt to hide it but Jack has already noticed and it only makes his heart swell even more. Jack steps forward gently removing Joe's hands from his face and holding them in his own and decides its now or never. "Look, Joe, I know you know I have feelings for you and I know, you know, I know you do too" He starts rambling again "and if what happened last night..." He is cut off by Joe laughing at him. "What?" he says looking both frightened and amused. Joe laughs again and says "you're just cute." Jack smiles "Oh yeah?" he says in a mock-challenging tone and Joe just nods as Jack pulls him closer. This time Jack is the one to kiss Joe, wrapping his arms around Joe's waist and Joe's hands holding either side of Jack's face. But they're abruptly interrupted by a choir of wolf whistles and howling, and Josh shouting "I bloody knew it!".
Jack's head spins around startled by the intrusion and Joe buries his head in Jacks' shoulder. The two awkwardly stand there as the others gather up the blankets and Caspar says "we will meet you two back outside when you're ready" and Joe looks up just as Caspar winks at them. Causing Joe to blush and hide his face in Jacks' shoulder again. Jack chuckles at Joe as the boy's exit the room and in the distance, they both hear Mikey, "What do you mean you all knew?! I never knew!" and both Jack and Joe burst into laughter this time.
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imagineabuttercream · 2 years ago
Never have I ever had a threesome (Jack x Joe x Reader Smut)
"Do I have to?" You grumbled, not really upset. You had been crashing at Joe's house for the last few days before your flight back to L.A. where you lived. You met Joe and a few of the boys on one of their stays last year. You two had hooked up, but you stayed really close friends...with occasional benefits.
"I know it's late, but Jack's video for tomorrow got erased and we're the only two in town that he can film with." Joe said, coming to stand by the bed.
"Fiiiine." You huffed. "You definitely owe me, though." You said, falling back on the bed.
Hopping over you to straddle your middle, Joe replied. "I'm sure I can find a way to make it up to you." His fingers playing with the hem of your shirt.
"Dream on, Sugg." You laughed. "I need to go hop in the shower if he's going to be here soon."
"Ooooo, I could join you." He teased, wiggling his hips on top of yours.
"I need to actually get clean this time." You replied, sitting up and kissing Joe. "Though we may have to do that before I leave. It was a hell of a lot of fun."
Finishing in the shower, you walked out across the hall in a towel. "Oh, shit. Sorry." Jack said, covering his eyes.
It was cute until he cracked his fingers and looked at you anyways. "It's okay." You laughed. Maybe he was still cute.
"I'm Jack, if you don't remember from L.A." He said, dropping his hand from his face.
"If we're going to talk, you need to follow me." You said, walking into the guest room. "And I definitely remember you. You streaked naked through the house you guys were staying at."
Turning red, he replied. "Oh, shit." He sat on the bed while you walked to the wardrobe. "Why do you only remember me by my drunk shenanigans?"
You laughed, picking out what to wear. "I remember meeting you, I just remember you best by your formidable attributes."
"Like what you saw, ay?" He asked, watching you from the bed.
"You could say that." You replied, dropping your towel, having only a thong and your bra on.
"Well, ahem. I do return the sentiment." Jack eyed you. "I thought you hooked up with Joe that trip.
"Oh, I did." You said, pulling a shirt over your head and finishing getting dressed. "It was a great trip." You winked and walked out of the room.
Jack watched you walk out and then looked down at his tented joggers. "This is going to be a long night." He said to himself, adjusting his pants and following you into the living room.
"What are we filming?" Joe asked Jack.
"I don't even know. I'm so fucked. That SD card totally died and I lost my whole video." He replied.
Grabbing a bottle of tequila out of the cabinet, Joe looked at the two of you. "Never have I ever?"
"I'm in. We were going to make margaritas later anyways." You replied, grabbing shot glasses.
"Well, that solves that problem." Jack said, setting up his camera.
You guys got about 15 rounds in, giving Jack loads of footage for a video and a bloopers video. "Okay. One last round." Jack said, reading from his phone. "Never have I ever had a threesome."
"Is this one staying in the video?" You asked.
"I'll skip our answers. I always keep one unanswered." He replied, shuffling his papers.
"Works for me. Answers in 1 2 3!" You all held up your boards
"You have?!" Joe asked you, with fake surprise.
"You too!" You scolded him. "You can't judge if you've done it too!"
"Looks like none of us can judge then." Jack said as you both looked at his answer.
"Yeah, no way we can keep that in the video." Joe laughed, dropping his papers.
Jack did his outro and you made your way to the kitchen. "I'm making pasta. You guys hungry?" You asked.
"I'm starved." Joe replied.
"I'm too drunk, so count me in." Jack said, coming to lean his head on your shoulder in true Jack fashion.
"You two look cozy." Joe commented, gathering ingredients for your late night meal.
"Mate, I'm sorry." Jack said backing away. "I didn't mean to overstep."
You laughed and Joe replied. "Buddy, you're good. Y/n can take care of herself. You won't get away with anything she doesn't want to happen." Joe clapped Jack on the shoulder.
"But aren't you two..." Jack trailed off.
"We're friends, Jack." You said, grabbing a box of pasta from Joe.
"And what a friend you are." Joe said, slipping his arms around your waist and pulling you in for a quick but passionate kiss.
"Am I that drunk or are you two confusing?" Jack asked, his eyes wide.
"We're good friends, mate. We just get a bit more intimate when we're both single. Which is most of the time." Joe laughed.
"Ah, friends with benefits." Jack answered. "Joe, I think your benefits are better than hers." He laughed.
"I don't know. I get plenty." you replied, smacking Joe on the butt.
Clearing his throat, Jack got up and joined you. "How can I help?"
"Why don't you cut those tomatoes up." You said, handing him a knife.
Dinner was fun. Flirty. Full of innuendo.
"So, I guess I should order an Uber." Jack said, messing around on his phone.
"Awww, you use us and ditch us" you said, sitting on Jack's lap. "I see how it is."
Jack's cheeks flushed and his hands ran down your thighs. "I just didn't want to overstay my welcome, love."
"You're always welcome." Joe said, coming to stand by the both of you, running his fingers through your hair.
Jack looked between the two of you, realizing Joe meant more than stay over at the house. "Are you two....am I? You gotta use plain words, I don't want to embarrass myself." Jack said, his cheeks getting redder.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" You asked Joe.
"Babe, we're always on the same page. It's why we work." Joe replied, dipping down to kiss you.
"Come on." You said, hopping off of Jack's lap and pulling him from the chair.
Joe disappeared somewhere and you led Jack to the spare room. Walking him backwards against the bed, his knees hit the edge and he fell back onto the cushy surface. "Are you okay, Jacky?" You asked, gliding your hands up his clothed thighs.
"Never been better." He replied, his hands making their way to your waist.
"Was your threesome with two girls and a guy or two guys and a girl?" You asked him, trying to get him used to the idea of messing around with Joe.
"I've...I've done it both ways." He said, pulling you down to kiss him.
"Good to know." You replied, running your hands under his shirt.
"Get started without me?" Joe asked, coming into the room with a few supplies. Condoms and towels for the shower after.
"Sorry, I couldn't resist our beautiful friend." Jack replied, letting you stand up.
"Don't worry. I can't either." Joe said, his arms snaking around you from behind. He unbuckled your jeans and then slipped his hand under your shirt, planting kisses along the back and side of your neck.
"Hey, Joe. I need to make sure we're going to be good after tonight." Jack said, sitting up. "Your friendship means a lot to me."
"Of course, mate. I promise." Joe replied, pulling your shirt over your head.
"Good. I don't think I could have walked away at this point." Jack replied and you laughed.
"Just relax and have fun." You said, beckoning him to come to you with your hands.
Feeling Joe pressed to your back and Jack pressed to your front was unbelievable. Literally two of the most attractive people you had ever met and they were all yours for the night.
The three of you slowly undressed, exploring each other's bodies and you were left completely naked with the boys in their boxers. You walked to the bed and scooted to the middle. "Come on, boys. Don't leave me hanging." You said, running one hand over your breasts while your other hand dipped between your legs.
"Oh, fuck." Jack said, starting to pull his boxers down but hesitating, looking at Joe.
You gave Joe a look and a nod and Joe turned to Jack. "I promised you our friendship would stay good after this. Right?"
"Right." Jack replied not knowing why he was asking.
"Promise me the same." Joe said.
"Of course. I'm down for anything tonight." Jack said, seeing Joe smile.
Joe slowly closed the gap between the two of them and placed his hands on Jack's hips. He placed gentle kisses across Jack's collarbone and up his neck until finally meeting Jack's lips.
Those two were hot and even hotter to watch together and you started rubbing your sensitive clit, your bent legs dropping apart a bit.
Jack was a bit nervous and stiff when Joe first approached him, but he quickly loosened up, his hands crawling up Joe's stomach to his chest and then his back.
Joe pulled away and looked up at Jack. "Come on." He said, dropping his boxers and crawling into bed with you.
Jack, flushed cheeks and heavy breaths, stared at the two of you for a second before pulling off his boxers and climbing up the bed to rest between your thighs with his chest against yours.
"You two are incredibly sexy." You said, running your hands through Jack's hair.
"You're not so bad yourself" he replied, kissing, biting, and licking his way down your chest and your stomach to the inside of your thighs.
"You have a talented tongue." You said, laying back and closing your eyes.
"I have to agree." Joe said, his eyes following Jack's motions down your body.
Looking over to Joe, you pulled his lips to yours, moaning into his mouth when Jack's tongue parted your already soaked center. "Mmmmm." Jack hummed against you. "You're so wet."
Breaking the kiss, Joe ran his hands through Jack's hair. "She liked watching us together. Got her all hot and bothered."
Jack nodded and hummed against you again, sending chills through your body. Pulling him back into the kiss, you gently ran your fingers up and around Joe's impressively hard dick.
You loved the slow build with Joe. You never worked too quick or too roughly, keeping him wanting more and more. He wasn't a big guy, but when he finally fucked you, he fucked you good.
Your orgasm was quickly building with Jack's talented mouth sucking and lapping his tongue on and around your swollen clit. "Ah, Jack." You yelled out, breaking the kiss and grabbing his hair with both of your hands. "There, right there!"
Jack worked you through your climax until you were too sensitive for him to continue. You pulled him away from you and fell limp to the bed. "Oh, baby. That mouth." You said, breathing heavily.
"Want a taste?" Jack said, climbing back up to kiss you, feeling his length press against your thigh.
Joe grabbed something from the table and came back to you two. Breaking your kiss with Jack, you pushed him up. Joe opened the condom and made eye contact with Jack. "Come here." He said, seeing Jack eye the condom. "Don't be shy now." Joe laughed.
"I'm not." Jack replied, coming to sit on his knees in front of Joe.
"Good." Joe said, leaning in and tasting you on his lips rolling the condom onto Jack's thick erection, making Jack moan at the touch.
"Joe, come lay down." You said, rising to your knees.
"Coming, love." Joe broke away from Jack, laying on his back with his head at the top of the bed.
"Oh, you will be." You said, running your hands up Joe's parted thighs then circling his throbbing dick with your fingers.
"Don't tease, y/n. I can't take anymore playing around. Please, love." Joe begged, giving you what you wanted.
"I got you. Just relax." You said, dropping your wet lips to the tip of his cock. Sliding your mouth around his length, you took as much of him as you could into your mouth, bobbing up and down a few times before coming up for air.
Wanting Jack to get the message, you scooted back a bit sitting on your elbows and knees, before taking Joe into your mouth again.
"Ah. Yeah. Love." Joe always mumbled incoherent little nothing's when you were going down on him.
You could feel Jack's hands smooth over your back and your butt, asking permission. "Y/n. Can I..."
Joe interrupted him. "Join the party, pretty boy." Looking down at you, your mouth surrounding his dick and your ass up in the air. "God, what a sight."
You felt Jack line himself up with your opening and slowly press himself in until he was pressed against the back of your thighs. Pulling off of Joe, you moaned. "Shit, Jack." You said, feeling him pull out and slam back into you.
"I've never been that long, but baby I'm thick." He said, thrusting into you.
Moaning, you took Joe back into your mouth, your fingers playing with his balls. "Ah, if you keep that up I'm not going to last." Joe said, his toes curling.
"Oh, wouldn't that be a shame." You smirked, taking a breath and taking Joe all the way into your mouth.
"You know it would. Mmmm, Y/n. I want you to ride me after Jack's had you." He said, tangling his fingers into your hair.
The next few minutes were filled with moans, gasps, and plenty of name calling. "Y/n I'm gonna cum." Jack called, his thrusts getting harder but less frantic. "Y/n!" He called your name, his orgasm rushing through him. He slowly pulled out of you and laid next to Joe, catching his breath.
You grabbed a condom off of the table and handed it to Jack. "Do the honors?" You said, pulling the used condom off of him and throwing it away.
Jack ripped the packet open and rolled it onto Joe. "Come here, baby boy." You said, capturing Jack's mouth in a passionate kiss.
"My turn." Joe laughed, grabbing you by the waist to straddle his lap. "Come on, gorgeous. Do your worst." He said, running his hands up and down your sides.
"Greedy." You teased, lifting yourself up to sit back down onto his waiting cock.
Joe moaned, sliding into you. His hands groped at your bouncing breasts. "That's it, love." He said, looking up and down your naked body as you continued to ride him.
"God, you two are so hot." Jack said, having calmed fully down from his orgasm.
"I think you two are hotter." You said, eyeing the two of them.
"I think that's a hint." Jack said, his hand trailing over Joe's chest and their lips meeting.
"Oh, God." You groaned, feeling another orgasm building.
Jack sat up and straddled Joe's legs behind you. His hands played with your breasts and he placed kisses on your neck.
"Love, I'm almost there." Joe called out, thrusting up to meet you with every move you made.
"Me too." You replied, feeling Jack's hand dip down to rub his fingers over your clit.
"Come on, baby." Jack whispered in your ear and you began to fall apart, feeling your orgasm ripple through you.
"Y/n!" Joe called your name, climaxing with you.
You would have fallen forward onto Joe, but Jack held you back against his chest, peppering the skin of your neck with kisses. He pulled you off of Joe to lay between the two of them. Joe stood and threw away the condom, walking to the bathroom to start the shower.
"Come on you two. Let's clean up and then we can go sleep in mine. It smells like sex in here." Joe said, grabbing the towels.
While the sex had been focused on all three of you, the shower was your time to be pampered. Jack held you against his chest under the hot water while Joe cleaned himself and then they switched spots. They both took turns running their soapy hands all over your body. Lazy kisses being shared by all.
When you finally went to bed, you slept on your side with Jack against your back and Joe's back against your chest. Your arms held Joe tight to you and Jack's long arm draped over the both of you.
"Good night, loves." Joe sleepily said.
"Hey, before we go to sleep. Thank you." Jack said, tucking his face into your hair.
"Like I said. You're always welcome." Joe replied, twining his fingers with the hand Jack had laying over Joe.
"Goodnight, boys." You said, feeling safe and loved in the middle of the two of them.
--------------------- A/N - I'm drunk. Someone tell me if this is full of grammar mistakes and the like. <3
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chocolatemillkk · 4 years ago
Party (JS)
I put the final bottle of champagne behind the mini bar and adjust the cocktail bowl slightly to the left. I look around the living room, the grand Christmas tree was still up as it usually was until after New Year’s. The whole place was covered in string lights, outlining the furniture and hanging from the ceiling. This was the famous New Year’s Eve party my parents have been throwing since before I was even born and this year was the last one I’d be attending for a while, I realise sadly. This time next year I would be living in LA, in my first year of university and my parents planned to come down for Christmas and be back here for New Year’s. I wouldn’t come along. I always looked forward to this, guess I’d have to savour it the best I could.
Both my mom and dad were only children which meant growing up they made a lot of friends along the way and each year our parties got a little bit bigger, more and more families coming together for their New Year’s eve party. I always looked forward to two though, the Michaels and the Suggs.
“Are you done daydreaming?” My sister comes up from behind me. “Because there should be appetizers that need rearranging or something according to mom.”
“I’m on it,” I say mock-seriously. My mom really went all out with the food and my sister and I always teased her about it. My sister, Liz, had started uni this year but luckily she was only in London. A lot of our friends her age weren’t though, so we were missing a lot of people this year. But at least Joe would be around, I think. And Zoe.
“Put these near the piano,” my mom hands me a plate as I make my way to the kitchen. “Don’t drop them!” I pretend to struggle under the tray which earns me a stern look. “You should get ready,” my mom reminds me. “There’s only an hour before guests start coming!”
I run up to my room after gently placing the tray where my mom wanted it and put on the dress I had bought for the occasion. It was deep green satin with a plunging neckline and a leg slit that went up to my hips—a shorter skirt lay underneath so I wasn’t flashing the whole party. I usually wasn’t this risky but I figured the occasion called for it. The sleeves are almost bell-like, and I do a twirl before the mirror, excited to see how people liked it.
Who was I kidding, I wanted Joe to see me in it.
It was silly, there was half a year before I was leaving this place, but more than half my life that I’d been crushing on Joe Sugg. Sometimes, I thought he knew how I felt, I thought I was quite obvious as a kid. For a second, I thought maybe the feeling was mutual. But after truth or dare in the seventh grade, I’d tried my hardest to hide whatever feelings I had for him. I wondered if he’d noticed.
“Truth or Dare,” Olivia asks my sister, Olivia Michaels was our neighbour growing up and the one who introduced my sister and I to the world of beer and rock and roll. My sister and I were good friends with her and her younger brother Felix.
My sister choses dare and Olivia has her eat one of the gross drink concoctions we made earlier. A few rounds later, my sisters asks me.
“Dare,” I say, feeling brave.
“I dare you to kiss either Joe or Felix,” my sister says smugly.
“What? I-“
“It’s a dare!” Zoe laughs and I look at Felix, he was a couple years younger than me-he was a child...and Joe was my huge crush. There was no way I was going to have my first kiss with him like this; with popcorn in my teeth and my lips stained with popsicles.
“Unless you’d like to kiss them both,” my sister teases.
Not wanting any more pressure, I lean over and peck Felix on the lips. I can’t help but sneak a glance at Joe as I go back to my seat and everyone laughs at Felix’s flushing cheeks. But he looks uninterested.
A few rounds later, Felix asks Joe and Joe picks Truth.
“Who would you date from this circle?” Felix asks. My heart plummets into my stomach. Joe looks around, avoiding my eyes and that makes my heart race faster. He had to know how much I would die to date him. To call him anything more than my best friend.
“Liz,” Joe says my sister’s name and I felt sick. Of course he liked her better than me, she was smarter and prettier than me. I was just his best friend.
“Aw you’re cute,” my sister pinches Joe’s cheeks and his sister joins in. I excuse myself but I didn’t think anyone even noticed.
A knock at my door reminds me there was a party about to go down, or already going down, I realise as I hear voices already. “How long are you going to take? Mom wants you downstairs to greet everyone!” Liz calls through the door.
“I’ll be a minute!” I say. I take my new christmas present-an eyeshadow kit my mom had given, and the lipstick my sister gave after I used most of hers, and put on my makeup, feeling like a grown up already. So much was changing and I was buzzing with excitement.
I skip downstairs and greet everyone the way I usually did every year. This year everyone asks about school, I tell them my LA plan and they wish me luck. Over and over. Until Joe walks in with a bottle of something in his hand and I run to him, nearly knocking him down as I throw my arms around him. He smelled like the cologne he reserved for special occasions, and the soap he always used. I could never tire of it, of him.
He was as handsome as ever, a clean white button up tucked into black trousers. He’d cut his hair recently but I sort of liked the way he styled it, the soft layers looked bouncy.
“You look handsome! Where’s Zoe?” I ask.
“Food poisoning,” he hands me the bottle and I take it from him, stepping a bit back so he could see my outfit but he continues on without comment. “Mum’s stayed home with her, the bottle’s from her.”
“Duh, as if you could afford this,” I tease, pretending like my heart wasn’t just stabbed by his nonchalance. He follows me in as I sneak the bottle past my mom and hide it in the kitchen, it was a tradition for us kids to get drunk on our own stash we steal throughout the night.
“Where’s everyone else?” Joe asks. “Your sister?”
I ignore the ache I get in my chest, “Oh doing her rounds probably. Pretending she’s an intellectual because she’s done one semester at uni.”
Joe laughs and I love the sound, especially when he laughs at a joke I make.
“Y/N! There you are!” Felix and Olivia pop in, interrupting Joe, and I give them both hugs. Olivia had brought her boyfriend this year so we get introductions and a quick catch-up before Olivia goes to find Liz and I’m left with Felix and Joe. Felix had grown to be surprisingly handsome, in a nerd chic sort of way. If it wasn’t for the fact that he was younger than me, I could have even considered dating him.
“So Y/N you look really amazing tonight,” Felix says.
“Aw thank you,” I say. “You look quite chic tonight too, is that suspenders you’re wearing under your jacket?” I tease Felix until he’s pink in the face before I turn to Joe who looks bored. I loop my arm through his, “Want to get something to eat? I’m craving some shortbread cookies.”
“Yeah. If we’re having our own party later on we don’t want a repeat of ‘09,” Joe jokes. That was the first year we had all snuck a bottle of wine from the party and drank it on an empty stomach. None of us had a good time.
“Don’t remind me,” I shudder before I call behind me. “Felix you coming?”
Joe stiffens beside me but we walk on.
After a dozen devilled eggs and shrimp cocktails, I lose everyone to the crowd and find myself alone near the stairs. I watch the crowd and bask in the togetherness the holidays brought on, I would miss this a lot. I almost didn’t want to go when I was in moments like these, but I knew what I wanted from life and I knew I couldn’t stay in dreary UK for it.
As I look around with the room so full of lights, the corners of my vision suddenly warp and distort into a blurry mass. I blink a few times but it remains. This was so not happening.
I sit myself on the step and close my eyes, placing my head on my knees but as I do that, the nause creeps in. This was getting serious. Perfect.
I go up to my bedroom quickly and close the blinds, shutting the room in darkness. I unzip the side of my dress to give my room to breathe and lay down.
Of course I had to get a migraine the day of new year’s eve. My last party for a while. I groan and turn to the side, blindly groping for any pill bottle, not wanting to risk turning on my phone light.
I lay in the dark, I don’t know how long. Time passed slowly in the dark, the only thing I could hear is the muffled sound of the party downstairs. My phone vibrates a few times but I don’t dare look at it. I wanted to nip this migraine before it could come full force. I couldn’t believe this was how my year was going to end, I think. And without meaning to, the tears leak out from my eyes. Stupid migraines and stupid Joe Sugg! He hadn’t even noticed what I was wearing, he didn’t even care. He fancied Liz more than I and I was still crushing on him like an idiot. I wasted my high school years waiting for him. And now I was going to graduate soon, with no history of a relationship and no...
A soft knock interrupts my pity party. I wait again as the knock sounds, just to make sure I wasn’t hearing it.
“Y/N,” it was Joe.
I swipe at my face, pulling my blanket over my face. “I’m here,” I say. “You can come in.”
I hear the door creak open, the noise from downstairs flooding through before the closed door muffles it again.
“Migraine?” Joe asks. We’d been friends long enough that he knew exactly what was going down. I sense him standing at the edge of my bed, the room still in darkness.
“Yeah,” I inch the blanket off my face. It’s not like he could see my makeup streaks in the dark. “Great timing right?”
“Can I do anything?” Joe asks. God, I scoff, I thought I could just turn my feelings off for him but him just asking that brings them back full force. “Maybe some water...”
“I’ve got water,” I say. I sense him shifting around the room.
“Didn’t you used to have those ice packs?” Joe knows his way around my room, he often came over when we did homework, or in the summer before we would go out with our other friends. He locates where I kept the freeze packs and he cracks them, walking towards my bed and sitting on my sheets. “Here.”
He places one on my neck and I flinch at the cold.
“Sorry,” he mumbles before putting it back on.
“It’s okay,” I whisper, the cold already numbing the throbbing in my neck. “Thanks Joe.”
“It’s nothing,” Joe whispers back. I take the pack from where his hands hold it and hold it myself as I gently turn in bed, the little light streaming in outlines his sitting figure.
“You don’t have to stay here,” I let him know. “Go back to the party.”
“It’s no fun if you’re not there,” Joe says. He slowly inches himself down beside me and the smell of him invades my nose. Oh no.
“Joe your cologne-“ I say and he quickly gets up.
“Oh shit right,” Joe stands and I see the shape of him pace away from the bed. “Uh, I can go home and change-“
“Oh my god,” I let out a laugh and cut it short as my head throbs. “You’ve left so many shirts here when we go swimming in the summer. Just put one on if you want to stay here so bad.”
“I’m just here to avoid everyone asking what my plans after school are,” he jokes. “Are they in the bottom drawer?”
“Yeah,” I respond. “Tell them you’re still figuring it out.”
“Everyone here has kids who are doctors or some shit,” I can hear the Joe changing and I try to keep the inappropriate thoughts at bay. “That’s not an acceptable answer.”
“Who cares what they think though,” I say. Joe joins me back in bed, laying down to stare at the ceiling as I look at his profile, barely illuminated by the light peaking through my blinds.
“Sometimes I do,” he says quietly.
I find his hand and squeeze it. He squeezes back and then turns to me. “So are you going to tell me why you were crying before I came in?”
“I was not crying,” I lie.
“You so were.”
“Was not.”
“Was too,” fingers graze my jaw and I’m busted. “Your face is still wet.”
“Fine,” I sigh. “I was just upset I was missing the party.”
“I dunno, it’s my last party for a while!”
“Oh yeah,” Joe quiets down. A moment passes. Then another. “I’m gonna miss you.”
“We still have like 7 months together, don’t cry for me just yet.”
“You’re the one that was crying,” Joe shoots back.
“Shut up!” I joke. “Can’t you let me win? I have a migraine!”
“How is it?” Concern creeps back into his voice.
“The usual, I just have to tone down my senses. It’ll get better.”
Joe’s hand moves up to my face and cups it, my heart fluttering, the blood rushing to my face and joining the dance my migraine was putting on in my head.
His hand creeps up into my hair and suddenly his hand is plucking out the pins from my hair, and putting it on my bedside. Of course he was just being helpful while I was getting all bothered. “Do you want to get into something more comfortable?” He asks. I try to ignore the way I felt with his body hovering over mine in the dark but my mind blanks for a moment. “Y/N?”
“Oh I have every intention to go back to the party later,” I say. “This dress stays on.”
“It’s a great dress,” Joe says.
“It is isn’t it,” I say, noticing how uncomfortable Joe was getting. He actually noticed. Why didn’t he say anything earlier?
“I mean,” he clears his throat. “You looked...beautiful.”
I pause, pure joy rushing through me. Joe noticed me, he said I was beautiful. And oh god, all these things happening in my body were not helping my migraine. But I wasn’t about to tell Joe that.
“Thank you,” I say softly, too afraid to break the moment.
“It’s nothing new though,” he says just as softly. “You always look beautiful.”
I look at him, squint in the dark to try to read his face but it’s hard to. Was he saying this because I was having a shitty time or did he actually mean it?
“Not as beautiful as Liz though,” I deflect, deciding he was just taking pity on me. “She’s the one with the looks in the family.”
There’s a deafening silence around us, I can hear my heart beating in it. He wasn’t denying it, I want to cry.
“She is...beautiful sure, but you’re something different Y/N. You bloody take my breath away every time I see you.”
I want to cry for other reasons now. Was this really happening?
“Sorry,” Joe interprets my silence as rejection and begins sitting up to go. “The dark’s just made me stupid, I said way too much and-
“Joe,” I try to cut through.
“You obviously just, you need to rest and I’m-“
“Joe Sugg,” I say again and grab his hand. “Lay back down you big idiot, your blabbering is making my head pulse.”
“Right,” Joe lays back down but I can hear his quick breathing. I was glad to know he was just as nervous. I still have hold of his hand and I place it around my waist, inching closer to him.
“When?” I have to ask.
“Do you remember when we had our second friendiversary?” He asks. I did. We met when we were both 7 after our parents had set up a play date and we got along so well we knew we would be friends instantly. We’d spit on our hands and shaken them, declaring that day our friend anniversary, and we’d celebrated most years since. “You had your parents drop you off on your way home from your nana’s because it was our friendiversary and we didn’t see each other all summer. And your nana gave you cookies for the ride home, and you saved me the peanut butter ones? I don’t know, when you came in that day I just took a look at you and I had butterflies in my stomach. You were there ever since school let out and I’d missed playing with you for so long. I think I realised I missed you more than just a friend that summer. And when I saw you-“
“I actually remember.” I join. “Because you had just stared at me with your mouth open. And I just put the cookies in your open mouth. I was angry I thought you were looking at me like that because Liz had put gum in my hair a week before and my nana had to cut a lot off.”
“Yeah,” Joe chuckles. “I remember that too.”
“And since then?”
“Yeah,” Joe’s hand curls around my waist.
“What about the seventh grade? Truth or dare?”
“You bloody kissed Felix!” Joe exclaims.
“I...you picked my sister because I kissed Felix? He was like 10!”
“I was stupid.”
“Was? If I was feeling better I would be slapping you right now.”
“Good thing you’re not,” Joe tugs me closer. Our faces are inches apart, and I want to lean over and just kiss him so bad.
“What’s taken you so long,” I whisper, my fingers resting on his face.
“Scared I would ruin our friendship. You’re so much better than me, I thought you would laugh if I told you.”
“You are so ridic-“
“Shh,” Joe shushes me. “Do you hear that?”
I quiet down and listen as the party downstairs begins counting down to New Year’s. Suddenly my hands are clammy, this was it. I was going to kiss Joe Sugg once and for all.
“5...4...3...” Joe whispers between us.
“2...” I get out before Joe closes the space and kisses me, his lips so soft, my head feeling like it would explode. And not just because of the migraine.
“Wow-“ Joe gets out before I go in for a second kiss, the cheering downstairs drowns out as I pull Joe closer to me, closer, finally the love of my life was in my arms.
We’re moving too quickly, a wave of nausea hits me and I pull away.
“Sorry was that too quick?” Joe panics.
“Head,” I say as I squeeze my eyes shut.
“Shit,” I feel him sitting up and hovering over me, probably looking for the ice pack because soon the cold feeling returns to my temples.
“Thank you,” I whisper. He places a kiss on my lips as I stay still, trying to ease my nause. I feel a kiss on my jaw, then my neck. “Do you have to go home?” I ask.
“Nope,” Joe shifts beside me, I feel him get under the blanket, and he pulls me close to him. He lays his hand gently over me and I settle in beside him. What a New Year’s.
“Y/N!” My sister’s voice wakes me and my eyes fly open. She stands in my doorway with her jaw open and I realise she’s staring at the weight on my right side. Joe.
“What?” Joe mumbles, awakened by my sister barging in.
“Oh my god!” My sister squeals. “It’s happening!” She runs out my door. “It’s happening!” She yells out to whoever was awake. And if they weren’t awake, her commotion sure woke them.
“She’s crazy,” I mumble before turning to Joe, the evening rushing to catch me up. He’s still only half asleep. When I call his name, he only groans and pulls me closer to him, hiding his face into my neck. My heart flutters, it felt like we’d always been together like this.
I allow myself the small pleasure of running my hands up into his hair and he groans into my neck, lifting his face up to look at me. Suddenly he starts laughing.
“Way to make a girl feel confident,” I’m suddenly self conscious as I get up.
“You do realise you’re in yesterday’s outfit? Including your makeup?” Joe asks, his voice hoarse.
“Shit!” I run to my mirror and laugh at what I see. “I’ll be back!”
I grab a spare shirt and move to the bathroom where I clean up and brush my teeth. My skin looked awful having slept in makeup but the glow I felt from waking up next to Joe kills any issue I might have had with it.
When I get back to my room he’s already up, the bed is made, and he’s folding his clothes from yesterday.
“You didn’t have to do all that,” I say as I walk to him. Immediately he catches my hand and pulls me in.
“Your head?” He asks.
“Great. Yours?”
“Clear as day. Glad it listened to my heart this one time.”
A smile creeps onto my face as the realisation of what he said settles in but pulls me in and kisses it off.
“Happy new year Joe,” I whisper when we part, pulling him in for a tight hug.
“Happy new year Y/N,” Joe whispers back. “I think it’s going to be the best one yet.”
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garrettwtts · 5 years ago
Reblog if you like/post about any of these
Roswell New, Mexico
Garrett Watts / Andrew Siwicki
BuzzFeed Unsolved
One Direction
911: Lone Star
Buttercream Gang
SKAM (any version)
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Teen Wolf
I need more blogs to follow
This is a side blog so I follow back as @jimeramen you can follow back (you don't have to if you don't want to)
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music-my-angel · 4 years ago
You got me so worried
Prompt - Could you possibly write a Maynard fic where the brothers get into a serious car accident and Jack is unresponsive?
They’d joke about a lot. Often they’d be playing and the occasional question of ‘who would you save if we were both stuck in an accident.’ Conor would always joke around and say he’d have to think or Jack will probably have to pay him for Conor to save the younger one. Though, if the situation arrived, Conor knew that he wouldn’t waste a single second in putting all his efforts into saving his younger brother but he prayed that such a moment never occurs. Unfortunately for Conor, the situation did pop up.
The two boys had been driving back home one late night when the truck lost control and came straight onto them. They had been hit straight on and pushed in a wall. Both vehicles were badly damaged and all the occupants of the vehicles were unconscious.
Conor was the first to wake up. As soon as his eyes opened, his brain caught up with the awful pain in his legs. He panicked as he realized that he couldn’t pull his legs. He was so caught up in his panic of trying to get his legs free that he nearly forgot the presence next to him.
But then his heart missed a beat as he caught side of a bloody face brother that laid unconscious right next to him.
Conor pushed down his own panic to look over at his brother. Jack’s face was bloodied which probably meant a head and facial injuries. The boy’s hand was dangling at an awkward angle and his leg was bent awkwardly as well. But the main concern was that Jack was yet to move.
“Jack? Jack? Hey kiddo? Jack, wake up! Wake up kid!” Conor shouted.
He desperately tried to get some movement in his feet to reach the boy. But neither could he get himself free to reach his brother nor could he wake the kid up.
And for a second, Conor imagined the worst scenario.
They had been sitting for a while when Conor stopped his struggles to get free and started talking.
“I know I say that you talk a lot but I’d give anything to hear your voice right now kiddo” Conor sighed.
He looked over at Jack, hopeful but there were no movements by his side.
“Please kid” Conor gave into a broken sob, “I swear kid, I would pull you out in a heartbeat if I could. I swear!”
Right when he felt himself giving up and surrendering to darkness, Conor saw the bright lights being flashed onto them as help arrived.
There was a slight smile on his face, hand still extended towards Jack as he fell unconscious.
When Conor came to his senses, he felt a hand squeezing his and his eyes fluttered open as he recognized the touch being that of his younger brother.
“Jack” Conor gasped, trying to lean forward as much as he could to hug Jack.
“Easy the two of you” Joe whispered as he helped Jack give Conor a hug.
“Are you okay?” Conor asked Jack.
“I’m good. A bit rough but talk about yourself, you got me worried. You wouldn’t wake up” Jack sniffled slightly.
“I’m here, kiddo. I’m fine” Conor was quick to sooth the younger boy before he picked up on what the boy just said, “I wouldn’t wake up you said?”
“Yeah, I woke up and they said you’ve been unconscious since you got here” Jack informed him.
Conor huffed slightly, keeping the story of who has been unconscious for a long time for another day.
Their injuries were not too bad. It would take some time for the boys to recover but with each other, side by side, they’d get through that too. And once they’d recover, Conor would tell Jack the story of how bad the accident was and how he had nearly given up on waking the kid up but until then, he’d rather cherish having his brother awake and breathing.
Hope you all like it.
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golbrockstar · 4 years ago
The day I unsubscribed from most of the “Buttercream Gang” was a sad day
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joeesuggimagine · 4 years ago
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buttercream-imagines · 5 years ago
incorrect buttercreams
Jack: Dude. How long have you been standing there?
Caspar: An hour
Jack: An hour?
Joe: Are you serious?
Caspar: I've mastered the ability of standing so incredibly still, that I become invisible to the eye. Watch. [slowly starts moving his hand]
Jack: You're eating a piece of pizza
Caspar: But my movement ... is so slow ... that it's imperceptible
Jack: Mmm, no
Caspar: I'm sure I'm invisible
Josh: [enters the room] Hi, Caspar
Caspar: [pauses] Dammit
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flowery-mess · 5 years ago
- I don’t write smuts
Richard Madden ( and his characters: David Budd, Leo West, Shane Hunter )
Liam Hemsworth
Herman Tommeraas ( and his characters: Chris Schistad )
Chris Evans ( and his characters: Fran Adler )
Kasperi Kapanen
William Nylander
Jakub Vrána
Nolan Patrick
Travis Konecny
Dmytro Timashov
Adam Boqvist
Charlie McAvoy
And probably any other, just ask☺️
Jack Maynard
Conor Maynard
Ethan Dolan
Grayson Dolan
Miles Nazaire
Stephen James
So these are the ones I can think about now, so if yours isn’t in here, just ask me and I will let you know if I will write for him or no :)
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theyaskedmeto · 5 years ago
my first ever fanfiction I wrote about joe sugg and his friends when I was 12
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jackstarlight · 5 years ago
oh shit i love jack maynard 🤭
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peanutbuttercreamjelly · 6 years ago
Exclusive - Jack Maynard
“You mean, exclusive?”
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Y/N felt as if she had to throw up. The music seemed to fade away, only because it wasn’t important anymore. The only thing she could focus on was him. And the girl who was grinding on him. Jack had his arms around a petite blonde, pressing her hips flush against his own, swaying to the beat that seemed like background noise to Y/N now.
Conor, who had been dancing next to her, noticed her stopping in her tracks. 
“What’s wrong?”, he loudly asked so she’d hear him. He noticed how she glanced at his brother.
“I need some air”, Y/N said and made her way through the dancing crowd without looking back.
When she finally reached the smoking area outside, she desperately tried to fight the tears that threatened to spill. Y/N wasn’t even sure why she felt that way. She shouldn’t feel jealous, she shouldn’t feel sad and angry, but that confused her even more. They had hooked up a few times, when they both went home drunk after going out clubbing like today. It wasn’t regular, it wasn’t anything special. It was just in the heat of the moment, a used opportunity. She tried to steady her breathing as someone approached her.
“Can I offer you a cigarette?”, a handsome stranger asked. He was rather tall, quite tan and muscular. Y/N found him very attractive, but he wasn’t Jack. She was surprised that this was the first thought that came to her mind when she looked at him.
“I don’t smoke”, she said, although that wasn’t even true. She did smoke one or two cigarettes when she was very drunk, and she’d actually really like to have a smoke right now. But she knew by the way the guy looked that it wasn’t just a cigarette he offered. And she didn’t want that. Looked like Jack was the only one who’d get laid tonight.
“Maybe a drink, then?”, he asked and smiled at her. He actually had a pretty smile, but it made her feel nothing. She only wished Jack would smile at her like this. He’d never, probably.
“No thank you”, she said a little more determined this time.
“Playing hard to get, I see”, he said and came a little closer. Y/N felt a little bit uncomfortable at this point.
“Look”, she said, “I don’t play anything. I just don’t want to talk to you. If you want a hook-up, go look for someone else, I’m not interested.”
“You might want to think twice before turning me down, promise you won’t regret it”, he continued.
Y/N was just about to say something when someone cut her off.
“She fucking told you to back off, mate”, Jack said and put an arm around her. You could see that his tone affected the guy. He sounded very angry and if Y/N hadn’t known him, she would have been scared.
“Hey”, the guy said and raised his hands in a defensive manner, “didn’t know you had a boyfriend. You could’ve just said that.”
Y/N contemplated whether she should object, but she was pretty glad that the guy finally seemed to stop his approach.
“She’s taken, fuck off”, Jack said and watched as the guy finally left the smoking area and disappeared in the dancing crowd inside.
“You okay?”, Jack said and turned around to look at her. He noticed how puffy her eyes were. “Have you been crying? Did he hurt you?”
She shook her head no, but didn’t look up to him.
“What is it then?”, Jack asked, worry now evident in his voice. “Hey, look at me.” When she didn’t obey, he gently took her face in his hand and lifted her chin up. Their eyes met for a second, and Y/N was surprised at how soft his eyes were, so full of concern for her and her wellbeing.
“Where is your little blondie?”, she asked him. She really didn’t want to say it because she knew she’d give herself away with that, but she couldn’t stop herself. Y/N watched his face when she said it. First, it was confusion that she could see, then realization hit him, then confusion returned.
“Dunno”, he said, “why’d you care, though?”
She shrugged her shoulders and tried to pull away from him, but he held her by the waist. She managed to look away from him, though.
“Why don’t we go on a walk”, Jack proposed as he noticed some curious stares from some social smokers. He turned around, not letting go of her waist and gently nudged her in the direction of the closest exit. They passed the security guard and walked in silence for a few minutes. Still, his arm rested around her waist.
“Are you mad at me? Because it kind of feels like you give me the silent treatment. And I don’t know why you’re mad. Please, just tell me what I did wrong”, Jack said.
As Y/N finally looked over to him, she saw that he was truly sincere. This look he had truly got under her skin, it wasn’t often that she got to see him like that.
“I’m not mad at you, Jack”, she said and stopped walking, “I’m mad at myself.”
“Now you’ve lost me”, he admitted.
“When I saw you in there with this blonde girl, I just felt so jealous of her and I know I don’t have any right to be jealous because what happened between us wasn’t important but maybe I want it to be important. And I know you don’t want that, but I don’t know if I can still be friends with you now when I suddenly feel this way and now I’ve ruined everything”, Y/N rambled until Jack finally cut her off.
“Breathe, Y/N”, he said and took one of her hands in his. She let it happen, but raised an eyebrow at him.
“Look”, Jack started but this time, it was Y/N who cut him off.
“Please just make it quick before this gets really embarrasing.”
“I didn’t know you wanted this between us to be important”, he summarized and squeezed her hands.
“Well I didn’t know that either till earlier”, Y/N said and let out a rather raspy chuckle, “but I know that you don’t want that.” “You suppose, but you don’t know for sure, don’t you?”, Jack asked and smirked at her. Unlike the smile of the stranger earlier, this affected very much. Her heart began to race and she could feel her palms become sweaty. She just wished that Jack wouldn’t notice. If he did, he was too nice to say something.
“Well, do you want it to be important?”, she asked shyly and looked away again. She was sure that she couldn’t bear to see his face if he rejected her now.
“Yes”, he said, making her look at him to see if she didn’t get him wrong.
“You mean, exclusive?”, Y/N asked.
“Yes, exclusive”, he confirmed, making her blush. He looked at her with such a wide smile that she just couldn’t help but to return it.
“Can I... kiss you now?”, he asked, which Y/N found absolutely adorable.
“Of course”, she said and felt butterflies in her stomach as Jack closed the distance between them.
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imagineabuttercream · 2 years ago
Sleepy Jack & His Hair
Josh's White Deep V Tee (Josh x Reader)
Oli White's Secret
Birthday Boy (Conor x Reader)
CAMPING (JOSH X READER) 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  
Meeting Anna (Conor x Reader)
I'll Be Your Date - (Josh x reader)  1  2  3
Never have I ever had a threesome (Jack x Joe x Reader Smut) 1  2  3  4  5
"I have a daughter." (Mikey x Reader)
Conor's Blanket Burrito (Conor x Reader)
Prank Gone Wrong (Jack x Reader)
Dear Best Friend (Josh x Reader) [Letters]
Joe's Internet Friend (Sugg x Reader)
Welcome Home (Jack x Reader) [smut] 1  2
Distracting Josh (Josh Pieters x Reader)
Your Brain Freeze Secret (Caspar Lee x Reader)
Wisdom Teeth (Josh x Reader)
Surprise Visit (Josh Pieters x Reader)
I Told You (Conor x Reader)
Jump Scares (Joe x Reader)
TWISTER TRYST (Oli x Reader)
The Little Spoon (Josh Pieters x Reader)
Pink Cake (Jack x Reader)
This Is My Version (Conor x Reader)
Luggage & Tattoos (Josh x Reader) [smut]
Happy Birthday (Josh x Reader)
My Wife (Conor x Reader)
Cheat Day (Jack x Reader)
Can I Watch? (Joe Sugg x Reader) [smut]
Nightmares (Josh Pieters x Reader)
Bubble Gum (Joe x Reader)
Covers With Conor (Josh x Reader)
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elsehuggs · 6 years ago
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safe to say I am in fact
joe sugg’s bitch
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in-hes-wildest-dreams · 6 years ago
The amount of youtubers that I love that I did not see in Rewind gives me hope. 
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