rebelcliche · 1 year
just a heads up that i'll be ship exclusive with @jockcliche's steve. i would still love to write with other steves, but i'll only be romantically shipping with Q's <3
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do y’all have friends that love you enough to send your sorry a/merican ass c/anadian snacks you’ve never had in your life??? no??? just me??? i looooove youuuuu @jockcliche !!!
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                                   THE FRUITY FOUR TM
psd credit: [x]
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perfect. immaculate. wonderful. this is what steve gets for trying to burn his long furby! @jockcliche
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barhd · 2 years
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                                            𝑬𝑵𝑫𝑳𝑬𝑺𝑺 𝑾𝑶𝑵𝑫𝑬𝑹 . 
@jockcliche​ asked: we are not talking about that !
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                    EXPRESSION   CHANGED   TO   THAT   OF   AMUSEMENT,   LOOKING   AT   him   with   a   raised   brow.   Slowly   those   lips   of   his   curled   into   a   grin   with   a   chuckle   following   right   after,   “   Not   talking   about   it?   And   why   not?   When   will   we   talk   about   it?   ”   he   spoke   as   if   Steve   had   no   choice.   He   would   be   talking   about   it   with   Dustin   at   some   point.   The   young   teen   would   make   sure   of   it.
                  BLUES   SHIMMERED   WITH   FAMILIAR   CHILDISH   MISCHIEF,   “   OH   COME   on!   Don’t   be   such   a   baby   about   it,   ”   it   was   the   only   thing   that   gave   some   sort   of   normalcy   for   him.   With   everything   happening,   or   had   happened,   it   would   make   him   feel   grounded.   It   would,   however,   be   at   Steve's   expense   though,   “   I   actually   don’t   need   you   to   tell   me   that   you   still   like   her   because   it’s   obvious   that   you   do.   Just   didn’t   know   if   you   two   would...   you   know,   get   back   together.   ”
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codedcliche · 2 years
@jockcliche sent: why are you looking at me like that ? -- the dusty toybox sentence meme -- no longer accepting
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"...That was embarrassing, even for me. I don't think I can even make fun of you for that."
Robin was used to this from Steve, and usually it gave her some entertainment to watch him strike out with a customer. Yet, at points, she couldn't help but feel BAD for him at the same time. Watching another girl leave the store, she couldn't help but regard him with a somewhat PERPLEXED stare.
"Actually, I think that was just bad for YOU. Are you feeling okay today? Do you want me to cover your shift?" Fine, that was a little mocking. "I don't know, maybe you got lucky that time. Did you see her taste in movies?"
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fehlicitaes · 2 years
“I owe you an apology.” [ for barb sr. lol ]
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          “ for  what ? ”  barb  feigns  confusion,  though  her  eyes  won’t  meet  steve’s.  it’s  hard  to  hold  the  gazes  of  anyone  these  days,  but  especially  steve.  she’s  mostly  shoved  the  thoughts  of  what  happened  at  his  house,  in  his  pool,  away  from  her  mind,  but,  like  all  trauma,  sometimes  it  creeps  up  on  her.
          a  sigh  exhales  through  her  nose,  and  she  still  won’t  look  at  him  as  she  adds,  “ it’s  okay,  steve.  seriously. ”
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vincentmckenna · 2 years
@jockcliche liked for a starter !
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          it  had  been  a  rather  slow  day  at  the  floristry—well,  most  days  were  slow  days,  but  vincent  had  maybe  had  one  customer  since  they’d  opened.  apparently  the  residents  of  hawkins  hadn’t  needed  a  flower  boutique  as  much  as  they  had  back  in  his  hometown.  though,  he  supposed  he  couldn’t  really  be  surprised.
          vincent  could  hear  the  bell  on  the  door  to  the  shop  ding,  and  he  lifted  his  head  in  greeting.  “ welcome  to  lehartel— ”  he  paused  upon  seeing  just  who  it  was.  “ s/teve ?  s/teve  h/arrington ? ”  idly,  vinny  wondered  if  steve  remembered  him  at  all.  they  hadn’t  gone  to  school  together  for  very  long,  so  it’s  not  like  vinny  could’ve  blamed  him  if  he  didn’t.  “ what’s  got  ‘the  king’  of  h/awkins  high  coming  in  here ?  a  date ?  girl  you’re  trying  to  impress ?  girl  you’re  trying  to  make  up  with…? ”
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please follow my new, revamped blog over @jockcliche for further interactions!
as a disclaimer, note that i will be HIGHLY SELECTIVE with following back. it’s nothing personal, i would just like to curate a smaller, closer knit group of mutuals to prevent myself from getting stressed or overwhelmed i have also made some adjustments to the rules on my CARRD, so please give them a re-read if you plan on following me again. thank you!
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multistoty · 2 years
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@rebelcliche @jockcliche @edhellfire
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rebelcliche · 1 year
( trail )     for the sender to leave a trail of kisses on the receiver. + “let me take care of you.”
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          nancy  should’ve  expected  this.  they  had  their  own  space  now;  they  were  adults  who  didn’t  have  to  worry  about  their  parents  interfering  with  their  lives.  it  was  one  of  things  that  appealed  to  nancy  the  most  about  moving  out  to  boston—far,  far  away  from  hawkins  and  freedom  from  her  overwhelming,  albeit  well-meaning  parents  ( well,  mostly  her  mother ).  
          something  that  nancy  had  FAILED  to  account  for  would  be  the  amount  of  INTENSITY  and  INTIMACY  that  came  with  having  steve,  her  boyfriend,  for  a  roommate.  he’d  been  bad  enough  when  they  were  both  still  in  hawkins,  finding  ways  to  sneak  off  together.  nancy  had  liked  the  THRILL  of  it  all,  and  in  fact,  she  still  got  a  THRILL  at  knowing  that  she  could  be  as  grossly  affectionate  with  steve  as  she  wanted  to  be  here  without  the  unwanted  gags  and  annoyed  stares  from  their  friends.  though  she’d  be  lying  if  she  said  that  she  didn’t  miss  the  sneaking  off  from  their  friends  and  the  sometimes  steamy  but  always  sweet  moments  they  shared  back  then.
          she  supposed  that  they  could  still  find  ways  to  sneak  around  here,  too,  but  that  would  also  require  the  risk  of  being  charged  with  something.  plus,  it  wasn’t  as  fun  if  she  didn’t  get  to  gross  out  their  friends—even  if  she  could  also  do  without  the  unwanted  remarks  that  came  with  it.
          nevertheless,  she  had  other  things  to  worry  about;  no  need  to  dwell  on  the  past.  she’d  much  rather  focus  on  the  here  and  now—ESPECIALLY  with  the  way  her  skin  tingled  as  steve  trailed  kisses  down  her  body.  she  downright  shivered  at  his  accompanying  words.  yes,  she  found  that  she  very  much  ENJOYED  having  steve  as  her  roommate…
          for  a  moment,  her  eyes  fluttered  shut,  having  half  a  mind  to  just  shut  up  and  let  steve  have  his  way  with  her,  but  the  reminder  that  she  had  classes  that  morning  prompted  her  to  glance  over  at  the  alarm  clock  on  her  bedside  table.  6:55  am.  she’d  woken  up  before  her  alarm—or  more  like  steve  had  woken  her  up.
          “ steve… ”  she  sighed,  voice  crackling  from  misuse.  “ i  don’t  think  five  minutes  is  enough  time;  i  have  classes,  remember ? ”
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random love for @jockcliche / @flayerlinked & @elevencursed / @abigerror bc they both deserve to know that i love and appreciate them both and i’m thankful to have them in my life! <3
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@jockcliche liked for a starter !
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          “ i  think  everyone  can  agree  that,  besides  christmas,  winter  has  nothing  else  going  for  it. ”  and  yes,  he  knows  steve’s  birthday  is  in  the  middle  of  winter.
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vitaegratis · 2 years
Get to Know the Muse 
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three things they love: heavy metal, d&d, praise
three things they hate: pretentiousness, loved ones hurting, conformity
three things they need: stability, patience, reassurance
three things they want: happiness, love, successs
three things that scare them: stagnancy, mediocrity, change (go figure)
three things that thrill them: playing live for a crowd, neck kisses
three favorite foods: burgers, pizza, pretzels
three favorite smells: his partner, leather, fresh linen
three favorite holidays: halloween, Independence Day (fireworks), chrissymas
three favorite people: chrissy, wayne, dustin, gareth, jeff, freak #1, lucas, mike, nancy, robin, steve, andy, morgue, jessica, deana, etc
tagged by: @havvkinsqueen
tagging: @scarednotscary @creelsclocks @rebelcliche @jockcliche @vcnusians
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codedcliche · 2 years
@jockcliche (Steve.)
       he’s doomed. he’s doomed, and the entire world surely knows it. steve knows it, that poor, innocent girl he’d just horrendously failed in picking up knows it, robin definitely knows it, and there’s seemingly nothing he can do to stop the downward spiral of his love life from spinning completely out of control until he’s left shamed and beyond hopeless.
       steve drops his head between his folded arms upon the front desk in defeat, and groans. “no. i’m not feeling okay,” he mumbles against the cold countertop, feeling the life drain from his very soul. “is it possible to actually die of embarrassment? because i’m pretty sure i’m dying. like- for real.”
       after a moment to try to collect himself ( and failing ), he reluctantly lifts his head, eyes bleary and unfocused. nevertheless, he appreciates robin’s last-second words of support - if you could actually call it that - and sighs heavily. “i mean- better her taste in movies than-” he makes a vague, yet somewhat exaggerated gesture with one hand towards where the girl had stood in front of him only moments ago. “whatever that was. just- tell me, be honest- do i have any hope?”
"Well," Robin started, leaning forward to slip in beside him to rest her arms on the front desk, "I don't think I've HEARD of anybody dying from embarrassment, but maybe. I'd be more worried about LONELINESS for you, though."
Like she could talk, anyway. Neither of them were exactly getting girlfriends any time soon, but at least Steve had the confidence to strike out like he did. Robin didn't even want to RISK that. (Realistically, she knew there was a reason as to why he could, but Robin was also VERY self-aware of her awkwardness around other people.)
"I mean, I have to have hope in you," Robin said, lightly teasing as she elbowed him lightly in the arm, "If you're DOOMED, what does that make me? I mean, at least you wouldn't be alone...?"
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fehlicitaes · 2 years
“What the hell were you thinking? Could’ve gotten yourself killed—!” [ for max! ]
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          max  can  feel  herself  bristle.  she’s  been  on  edge  more  so  than  usual  lately,  and  far  more  irritable.  it  really  isn’t  steve’s  fault—he’s  just  trying  to  look  out  for  her,  but  she  can’t  help  the  way  she  turns  on  heel  to  face  him,  knocking  away  at  attempts  at  touching  her.
          “ yeah,  but  i  didn’t, ”  she  replies,  indignant.  “ what  does  it  matter,  anyway ?  it’s  only  a  matter  of  time,  right ? ”  she  doesn’t  mean  it;  doesn’t  want  to  die,  but  she’s  angry  and  annoyed  and  just  wishes  that  people  would  LEAVE  HER  ALONE.  “ you  don’t  have  to  pretend  like  you  care. ”
          she  doesn’t  need  a  big  brother  replacement,  she  wants  to  say,  but  she  keeps  it  to  herself.
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