#jobros jjba
laynore-x · 1 year
This is what rohan finds on his home security cameras every weekend at 1:00 a.m.
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(extra but outside koichi's house)
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missallanious · 8 months
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anonymous-alien2-0 · 3 months
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jojopolls · 2 years
Battle Of The JoBros, Round One
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m4nsch · 3 months
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D :
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y-o-b-b-i · 7 months
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More jobro shenanigans
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startr1m · 5 months
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she hiero on my phant 'till i green
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smolsadred · 1 year
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jobros are for kissing
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micolash-cage · 11 months
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Day 11: WANDER
For this prompt, I decided to draw Silver Chariot Requiem wandering around aimlessly with the stand arrow. His only goal is to protect the arrow, and as long as he's doing that, it doesn't matter where he ends up. So he'll wander… forever…
…or until someone stops him…
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protecting the jobros
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laynore-x · 1 year
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Just Josuke being homiesexual while YMCA plays in the background
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missallanious · 11 months
They!! When they!! When! When they!! WheEeeEen!
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jojoeyo · 11 months
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When it comes to art, I get frustrated about having fairly simple ideas in my head, but they wind up taking way longer than I want them to. Something that I expect to take maybe 4 hours will end up being several days. So I've decided to do a series that is quick and stylized (once I change my pen battery). Allow myself to clean up, but also allow myself to be flawed, and focus more on the design. I hope that it will get me in a better space
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dumb-fandom-polls · 3 months
Poll requests are open!!
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thornybubbles · 10 months
Random Gemstone Themed Yandere Prompts with the Jobros.
Warnings: Typical yandere horror stuff, abusive behavior, possible harm towards reader, disturbing situations, good guys gone yandere, anti-comfort, and canon typical violence. Remember that you alone are responsible for what you choose to read. 
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Speedwagon: Prompt 17 -- Unakite- does the yandere have a point of no return or will they eventually realize how dire the consequences of their actions?
As far as yanderes go, Robert is pretty tame. His point of no return would only happen if you were ever harmed in any way. His greatest fear is if you get hurt or worse. Having his greatest fear realized would unlock a side of good ol’ Speedwagon that not even his closest friends have ever seen. Remember, he was a violent thug before he got involved with Jonathan and his quest to put an end to Dio. If anyone was ever dumb enough to put their hands on you he would revert back to his thuggish nature, only worse. It’s not a side of him he ever wanted you to see, but he’ll happily sacrifice his reputation if it means protecting you. 
As far as realizing the consequences of his actions, he’s pretty lucid. He knows that breaking into your home to watch over you as you slept is not only unsettling and inappropriate, but highly illegal. He knows that following you around to keep an eye on you is borderline stalkerish behavior. He doesn’t care though. In his eyes, it's all perfectly justified. He’s extra careful to make sure you never catch him in the act of doing these things, but rest assured that if you ever did he wouldn’t bother lying to you. He’d come right out and tell you exactly why he was doing it. 
“I don’t mean to be overstepping any boundaries, but the world’s gettin’ a lot more dangerous lately. More so than usual. Someone’s gotta look out for you in these dark times and I figure that someone may as well be ol’ Speedwagon.” 
You’ll find it difficult to look into those big, sad, brown eyes and find any fault with him. Speedwagon a stalker? Absurd! Because of this mindset that you have about him, he’ll never really experience any consequences. You’ll just have him walk alongside you instead of trailing behind you in the shadows. 
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Caesar: Prompt 9 -- Diamond- what does the yandere want from their ideal darling?
With Caesar it’s all about romance. He’s no stranger to having ladies swooning over his words and actions, but just once he’d like to have someone make the first move or at least offer him something in the way of a challenge. He occasionally finds himself bored when he’s the one doing all the wooing. He flirts and flirts, but nobody ever seems to flirt back. More than even that, he’d like it if his darling didn’t just turn into a blushing mess the moment he put on the charm. Make him work for it!
If he finds you attractive, he’ll flirt the moment he lays eyes on you (though it’s mostly to annoy Joseph… at first). Maybe he goes for the traditional kiss on the back of the hand and instead of just standing there looking up at him all smitten and red-faced, you grab him by the wrist and yank him close. 
“Nuts to that old fashioned stuff! If you’re gonna kiss me, then just kiss me!” you say. 
And then maybe you pull him in for a kiss right on the lips. If you do something bold like that, you’ll completely throw him for a loop. He’ll stand there, feeling like his face is in flames and his heart is going to beat out of his chest. That brazen action of yours may have been the very thing that caused his yandere side to come bubbling up to the surface. You can’t just… you can’t just do that and walk away from him! You just can’t! You better expect him to pursue you now. As far as Caesar is concerned, you and him are practically engaged, so you may as well get used to him being around. 
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Kakyoin: Prompt 14 -- Moonstone- are there things that the yandere will hide from darling at all costs?
Noriaki definitely has a dark side. We’ve seen just how bad it can get with his first introduction while he was under the influence of one of DIO’s flesh buds. Even when he is his normal self, Noriaki has a vindictive and violent side. It’s this part of him that he doesn’t want you to see. Ever. He wants you to view him as the polite, somewhat shy boy who always manages to make you swoon without even trying. He wants you to love him, not fear him. 
His dark side is reserved for people who deserve it. Like anyone that tries to interfere with his relationship with you. Let’s say some guy tries to sway you away from him while he’s standing right there: 
“Hey there, hot stuff! Why don’t you come hang out with a real man, like me, instead of this skinny dweeb?” he says as he reaches over and flicks Noriyaki on the forehead, laughing boisterously at the redhead’s displeased expression. 
Suddenly, the guy stops laughing. 
“S-sorry… about th-that…” he stammers with a strange look on his face. “I-I was out of l-line…” 
He then staggers away, staring blankly into the horizon. 
“That was weird.” you say, disturbed by the whole interaction. 
“Probably on drugs or something.” Noriaki comments, disinterested. 
Moments later there is the sound of shrieking tires followed by the sound of a car ramming into a human body. 
“That guy just walked into traffic!” someone shouts. 
You turn your head, but Noriaki is quick to shield your view. 
“You don’t want to see that!” he says as he ushers you away. “Let’s just get out of here before the rubberneckers show up.” 
Not wanting to get caught up in a crowd wanting to see blood and guts, you agree and allow Noriaki to lead you away. Nori’s expression is grim and you wonder if he saw the accident as it happened. It worries you. The last thing Nori needed was more trauma to have nightmares about. Egypt certainly took a toll on him. He still refuses to tell you anything about why he ran away or what he was up to during the time he was gone. All that you know is that whatever happened, it nearly killed him. You lean into him and he holds you close, seemingly grateful for you for just being by his side. 
As you leave the scene, Noriaki calls back Hierophant Green. The Stand slithers out of whatever is left of the lowlife’s body and returns to his master. Noriaki wants to smile in satisfaction, but he refrains. He’s very glad that you can’t see Stands, or else you would be horrified by what he’d just done. 
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Okuyasu: Prompt 16 -- Rhodonite- does the yandere want kids and would they force darling into having them?
 (This is assuming that reader can have kids in the first place)
Does Okuyasu want to have kids? OH MY GOD, YES!!! Poor Okuyasu’s family life suffered so badly after his father became one of DIO’s followers. He longs to have a normal family again, or at least as normal as he can have while being a Stand user. Okuyasu sees having kids with you as a means of getting back the family that was taken from him. You can bet that he’ll be a great dad, if not a little over-protective. Okay, maybe more than a little…
As much as he wants a family, he will NEVER force it on you. If you aren’t interested in having kids, he’ll be a little disappointed, but he’ll settle for it just being the two of you alone. 
“I’m… I’m gonna be a dad? Really? Y-you’re not messing with me are you? You really mean it? We’re gonna have a kid?!” he’ll say when you tell him you’re expecting. 
Once you confirm to him that he will indeed be a dad he sinks to his knees and bursts into happy tears. After about ten minutes of that, he’ll dry up and shout, “I gotta go tell Josuke, Koichi, and everybody else in the whole neighborhood!!!” 
Before you can stop him he’s on his way out the door. He returns a moment later, grabs you (gently, of course), plants a long kiss on your lips, then runs out the door again. You stare at the door. He didn’t bother to close it behind him. You shake your head and allow yourself a small smile as you close the door. You love Okuyasu, but now that you were both going to be parents, you were going to have to have a long talk with him about his over-protectiveness. 
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Bucciarati: Prompt 8 -- Chrysoprase- how does the yandere deal with heartbreak?
Honestly? Not very well. He should have expected this to happen and he blames himself. It was only a matter of time before you discovered his career as a Mafioso. It’s only natural that such a thing would scare you away. It was bad enough that you wanted to leave him, but the way you looked at him with fear and suspicion as you broke things off absolutely destroyed him. He tried to explain himself, tried to explain what his true intentions were: to destroy the illegal drug trade from the inside out, but it meant nothing to you. You wanted nothing to do with such a lifestyle. It was too dangerous for you and far too frightening. He understands why you want to leave. He really does.
But he doesn’t care. 
He should never have pursued you in the first place. He should never have let himself get involved with a normal citizen that had no connections to either Italy’s underworld or the equally hidden world of Stands and their users. You were right about it being too dangerous for you but he was far too obsessed to let you go. He should have never let himself fall for you so deeply…
It’s far too late now. Not only is he overwhelmingly in love with you, but even if you leave him, you’ll still be a target for his enemies. You’ve already been seen together far too often, so surely some of his enemies know of your connection to him. They will use you to get to him. Most of them will be Stand users, too. You aren’t a Stand user. You will have no way to defend yourself. If you go now, you’ll be putting yourself in harm’s way. You’ll be alone, without him by your side and his enemies would take advantage of that. So, that’s why he has to spirit you away and hide you somewhere that no one will find you. That’s what he tells himself. He deludes himself into thinking that he’s doing it for your own good, but deep down he knows that he just wants to keep you from leaving. And you really are in danger now, so this is mutually beneficial! Even if you don’t love him anymore, he’ll keep you safe… whether you like it or not. 
“Glare at me if you wish. Call me all manner names and swear at me if it makes you feel better. Scream until your throat bleeds. None of it will make any difference. I won’t allow you to put yourself in danger.” he tells you as he unzips your limbs. 
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Anasui: Prompt 6 -- Carnelian- how does the yandere deal with their darlings strong will?
Ah yes, one of JJBA’s canon yanderes… 
Your strong will may very well have been one of the many things that attracted Anasui to you but, if your strong will leads you to push him away, when you’re so obviously meant for each other, then he’s going to be a lot less happy about it. He feels that he learned his lesson with Jolyne (he hasn’t). If you push him away the first time he puts on the charm, he’ll apologize and dial it back a bit. He doesn’t want to come on too strong, not like he did with Jolyne. So he’ll restrain himself and bide his time. You’ll come around eventually. All he has to do is find a way to endear himself to you while secretly scaring off (or getting rid of) any possible competition. It has to be different this time… he can’t take any more heartache. 
If you still refuse him, though, he might go “full yandere”. Believe me, you don’t want that. He’s only ever done that once before and that’s how he ended up in prison in the first place. Being cheated on and then rejected by Jolyne… he can’t take anymore heartache. So if you keep refusing him, he’ll realize that he’ll never earn your love. So he’ll just have to make you love him! This will lead to a psychotic break in him that will change his way of dealing with you. He’ll grow cold and sadistic. No more simping. His patience has run out. He’ll just have to kidnap you and teach you how to love him. He’ll have to punish you when you get it wrong. He won’t permanently damage you, but if he has to break you for you to learn your lesson then he will without hesitation. 
If you keep resisting even then, well it’s obvious to him that there must be something wrong with you. Maybe if he takes you apart he can find out what it is inside of you that makes you keep refusing him and remove it. He just hopes that he can put you back together again when he’s done…
“I’ve accepted the fact that I’m completely unlovable,” he’ll say in tearful rage, “but I will never accept being unloved!” 
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Gyro: Prompt 12 -- Kunzite- is the yandere’s motivations love, lust or something else?
All three. Love and lust go with the territory in a romantic relationship, but Gyro also wants something constant in his life that is only for him and no one else. Gyro spent much of his life living up to his father’s strict expectations and dealing with responsibilities that were foisted upon him at an early age. He found himself taking on more responsibilities when trying to earn amnesty for young Marco. Then he agreed to help Johnny during the race and teach him the art of Spin. Nearly everything that Gyro did was for someone else’s benefit. He can’t remember a time when he did anything for himself and himself only. 
Gyro reasons that he has every right to be selfish when it involves you. He wants your love, your affection, your heart, your soul, and anything else you have to offer. Plain and simple, he wants you. Sometimes he feels guilty for his selfishness, but the moment you throw your arms around his waist and give him a loving squeeze, all of that guilt goes right out the window. You're his and his alone, and he wants everyone to know it. It's the reason he becomes like a rabid dog when you’re around anyone but him and Johnny. Gyro knows that Johnny won’t interfere, but other people? Not so much. That damned Dio keeps throwing you smug grins like he knows something… what’s that all about? And Mountain Tim had better keep his distance or he’ll end up with more scars than just on his face! 
Expect him to do a lot of hovering whenever you’re out and about. It’s a little weird, but it seems like he’s trying to hide you with his own body sometimes, almost like he doesn’t want anyone to even look at you. For example if you go to a restaurant with booth seats, he’ll always have you slide into the booth first then slide up as close as he can get to you. 
“Gyro!” you grunt uncomfortably. “Will you give me some space? You’re practically sitting on me!” 
Of course he plays it off as a joke. 
“Hmm? Wha? Did you hear that, Johnny? It sounded like the bench was talking to me! I must be losing it…” He’ll say, pretending that you aren’t practically wedged up under his ass. 
“You already lost it.” Johnny quips, ignoring your plight completely. 
He’s not about to get involved with whatever it is that’s going on with you and Gyro. 
You groan and poke him in the ribs, inadvertently starting a tickle fight. It completely takes your mind off of his clinginess. 
If he sees you spending far too much time talking with someone while you’re in town, he’ll grind his grills together so hard they shoot sparks. Once he calms himself down a bit, he’ll saunter over and fling an arm around you. 
“Hate to break up the party, but we really need to be going.” he’ll say with a good natured smile that doesn’t at all indicate how he really feels. 
That’s odd. You thought you’d have plenty of time before your group would have to get back on the road. Oh well. Guess an early start won’t hurt. 
While he’s leading you away, he takes the time to shoot the person you were talking to a warning glare. The message is clear: Stay away, or I’ll make you pay! They distance themselves from you after that. 
You are the only thing that Gyro has that’s all for him. He’s not sharing you with anyone!
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