#joan Mir x reader
starkwlkr · 1 year
[motogp anon] about the joan mir au,,,
basically reader is a single mother and is a news reporter and is covering a story during a motogp race week, whilst also bringing her kid (son/daughter, either is fine!) but kid gets lost because the kid likes wandering off on their own (and yn was busy reporting smthng), then the kid runs into joan. joan returns the kid, and BOOM! meets the reader and falls in love at first sight :*
little matchmaker | joan mir
motogp anon, this request is amazing 🫶🏼🫶🏼 thank youuuu and I’m such a sucker when it comes to driver/riders with kids 😭 also you can imagine whichever grand prix for this one and also the faceclaim 🫶🏼
Y/n was getting ready to go get her interviews started with a couple of riders before the Grand Prix started. “Okay, we’re good.” A worker said as she was handed a microphone.
“Mama!” A young girls voice yelled as she ran to her mother and hugged her legs.
“Sofia, honey, mama has to work. Why don’t you go stand with Lucy over there?” Y/n pointed to her co-worker, Lucy, who behind the camera pointing it at Y/n.
“But I want to stay with you!” Sofia whined and hugged her mother tightly.
“I know you do, but mama has to ask questions right now. I’ll be done soon.” Y/n explained to the girl who groaned in response and walked towards Lucy.
“Okay, now I’m ready.” Y/n gave a thumbs up and cleared her throat.
“Three, two and we’re live.”
Sofia was bored. Standing next to Lucy was boring her so she walked off hoping to find something interesting to do. Y/n was busy asking Jorge Martin a couple questions so she was completely unaware that her little girl had wandered off.
Sofia looked around and saw many people walking in different directions. She had spotted an electric scooter parked on the side of a motorhome. She approached it and poked the seat, afraid that if she layed a hand on it the whole scooter would fall on its side.
“Boo!” A man’s voice startled her.
“That wasn’t nice!” She raised her voice and pointed a finger at the man.
“You’re right, I’m sorry. But poking someone’s scooter isn’t nice either.” He replied and crouched down to reach her level of eyesight.
“This is yours?” Sofia asked. “Can I ride it?”
“You’re little. Plus I don’t think your parents would like that I’m letting you drive something that’s way bigger than you.”
“But I’m growing! Last night I was this tall and then this morning I’m more taller! Mama said so.” Sofia explained.
“And where is your mama? I don’t see her.” He looked around for her mother but it looked like no one was around to claim the little girl.
“She’s asking questions, that’s her job. But I got bored so I came here.”
“Well that’s not a nice thing to do to your mama. She’s going to be worried about you. You said her job is to ask questions?”
Joan took the girl’s hand and together they walked around the paddock. Sofia talked to him as if she knew him her whole life. Joan was more than happy to answer any questions the little girl had like ‘how fast can you go on a motorcycle?’ or ‘do you know the muffin man?’
Finally they reached the main spot where most interviews are conducted. “Do you see your mama?” Joan asked the girl.
Sofia looked around then spotted her mother speaking on the phone while Lucy comforted her. “There!” Sofia pointed and dragged Joan towards her mother. “Mama!”
Y/n ended the phone call and let out a sigh of relief. “You scared me, Sofia. You don’t run off like that ever again, okay?” She took the little girl into her arms and kissed Sofia’s cheek.
“I’m sorry, I was bored.” Sofia apologized. “But guess what?”
“What?” Y/n asked.
“Joan said he knows the muffin man and that he can go super fast on his motorcycle!”
Y/n lightly chuckled. She turned her attention to Joan, who she was meeting for the first time even though they worked together.
“I found her looking at my scooter by my motorhome.” Joan explained. He always heard stories about love at first sight but he didn’t think they were true at all. How could someone fall in love with a person they just met? But now that he saw her, he decided that love at first sight was real.
“I’m going to get Sofia something to eat.” Lucy said and grabbed Sofia’s hand.
“Bye, Joan! Next time, can we ride your scooter on the track?” Sofia asked.
“If your mama says it’s okay.” Joan replied with a smile.
“I’ll think about it. Go with Lucy, baby.” Y/n said.
Sofia and Lucy walked away, leaving Joan and Y/n alone together. This was his chance to ask her out. But then his thoughts started to cloud his mind.
‘She’s probably still together with Sofia’s dad’
‘She’s married’
‘She’s going to think I’m unprofessional’
“Thank you for bringing back my daughter. She’s always running around.” Y/n finally thanked Joan.
“No problem. She’s really funny, made me laugh on the way over here many times.” Joan admitted. “I’m Joan, I don’t think I told you my name.”
“I know . . I mean I know who you are because you’re a rider and you’re a world champion, yeah sorry if I ramble a little too much. I’m Y/n.”
“Y/n . . . I love your name.” He thought he had said it in his head but realized he actually said it when Y/n started to chuckle.
“Thank you. And thank you again for bringing Sofia back to me. I’ll see you around, Joan.” Y/n smiled then started to walk away.
Stupid! Say something to her!
“Would you like to get dinner sometime? I don’t know if you’re interested and if you’re not then I completely understand. I probably sound stupid even asking because you’re probably in a relationship. You’re a really lovely person and I wish I had met you earlier in my life. I find it impossible not to like you.” He blurted out.
Y/n stood in front of Joan completely speechless. This was something straight out of a romance novel.
“Your silence is really killing me so can you please say something.” Joan said.
“I don’t have a babysitter.” She replied.
“That’s not a problem for me. We can all go out to eat together. Not to brag, but I think Sofia likes me.”
“Sofia isn’t the only one.”
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lucy90712 · 2 years
Valentine’s day headcannon
Fabio Quartararo
- Valentine's Day is usually a busy day for the both of you has he has training and you have work so generally you don't get to spend too much time together
- despite that Fabio still likes to do things to make you smile so when he wakes up he makes heart shaped pancakes for you which took him quite a while as you don't have any heart shaped cookie cutters that he could use
- all the effort is worth it to him as soon as you send him a text thanking him along with a picture of you smiling with the pancakes because he just wanted to make you smile
- during the day he stops his training so that he can text you during your lunch break as otherwise you wouldn't hear from each other until the evening and he can't wait that long on any normal day but especially on Valentine's Day as if he could he'd spend all day with you
- he gets home first and has to wait until you eventually get home but the second you do he is at the door giving you kisses all over your face and refusing to let go even for a few seconds to let you take your coat off
- eventually he does let go and he tells you to get changed as he made dinner reservations at your favourite restaurant so you drag him upstairs with you to help choose your outfit as he really likes to do it
- once you are dressed he stands in the bathroom with you with his hands around your waist as you do your hair and makeup and he even helps by curling the back of your hair that is harder for you to see
- when you get there the restaurant is very busy like expected but once you are sat down together it is like no one else is in the room as all you are focused on is each other and enjoying the moment
- the dinner was lovely and you both enjoyed getting to go on a date as those aren't always a regular occurrence but when you got home and collapsed on the sofa together that was when the celebrations truly began as you can relax together
- for the rest of the evening you just lay together talking about anything and everything which is one of your favourite past times as when given the chance Fabio can come out with the most random things and the best stories which is always fun
- only when it's really late do you guys go to bed and fall asleep cuddling like always
Marc Marquez
- Marc doesn't like the traditions that come with Valentine's Day because he thinks that it doesn't hold as much meaning if you just go along with the traditions so the two of you have your own traditions which he much prefers
- something he really loves about you is that you aren't bothered about going out for Valentine's Day and in fact would much rather stay in and spend quality time with him which is exactly what he likes to do as he always thinks it's just so busy that you don't enjoy yourself
- one of the things he likes to do is get your favourite things instead of getting roses and chocolates he will get you your favourite flowers or a little plant for the house and your favourite snacks just purely for you so you don't have to share with him
- after you get home from work he will have everything set out in the kitchen for you along with a little note which as you read he will come up behind you and wrap his arms around your waist
- as much as Valentine's Day is about the two of you as a couple Marc likes to make the day about you because he says that you make enough sacrifices for him with racing and everything that he wants to use the day to treat you
- instead of going out for dinner he will make sure he has all the ingredients to make your favourite meal which over time he has perfected with some help from your mum as she gave him her recipe which is the one you love
- while he cooks you sit with him in the kitchen because even if he doesn't let you help you like to be there to talk with him and when he has things in the oven you can dance in the kitchen together the the music Marc put on
- neither of you can dance very well but that made it more fun as you both swayed it the music and tried to avoid stepping on each other's feet or falling over which went well until the timer for dinner went off making you both jump and step on each other's feet
- dinner was lovely but Marc then surprises you again with desert which he made when he got back form training which was incredibly delicious so you had to make him promise to make it again some time or give you the recipe
- after washing up the dishes the both of you lay down on on the sofa to watch movies together which is where you both fall asleep as you were too tired to go up to bed
Alex Marquez
- quite often you don't celebrate Valentine's Day on the 14th as either the both of you are busy or one of you is so usually you just choose a day around that time when you are both free to celebrate properly
- for this reason you often keep things quite relaxed as the both of you are quite chill in general so Valentine's Day celebrations are just whatever you want them to be whether thats laying on the sofa and having a lazy day or actually going out somewhere together
- on actual Valentine's Day you still do something to at least acknowledge the traditions even if you aren’t celebrating that day
- Alex will leave later for training in the morning so that you two can spend some of the morning together and he can make breakfast for you before you have to leave for work
- during the day it's like any other day but when you both get home you are a little more clingy with each other and give each other extra affection as that's all you really need to know that you both truly love each other
- instead of getting on with more work during the evening you put your laptop away and just spend the whole night with Alex which makes a change as usually at one of you gets caught up in work for most of the night so you make a promise to not think about work all evening
- for dinner you don't do anything special but you do make it together which allowed you to spend more quality time together which is what you always try to make Valentine's Day about and luckily this time you avoided any disagreements over stupid things which can happen quite often when you are in a certain mood
- after eating you move to the sofa where you put a movie on which inevitably neither of you will pay attention to but that's all part of the fun of half celebrating Valentine's Day
- while sat down you do exchange gifts as that's something you like to do on the 14th but unlike some couples you never really get each other expensive things you alway set a budget and usually buy gag gifts for each other as that's just the way you are together plus it always makes you both laugh
- for the rest of the night you usually play games together before going to bed like normal but the only difference is that Alex usually holds you just a little bit closer as you begin to fall asleep
Pecco Bagnaia
- he always takes the day off training and you take the day off work so that you can spend the whole day together just the two of you as it's not often that you get to be together all day so Valentine's Day is the day you always try to make that happen
- the two of you sleep in and then stay in bed for a bit longer cuddling which always involves him playing with your hair as he loves to run his hands through it and do different hairstyles on you  
- eventually he gets up but he doesn't let you get up because after a few minutes he comes back with breakfast for you to eat in bed but not just a normal breakfast he brings in some pastries which you can tell he must have ordered from a local bakery
- when you finally get up you just move to laying on the sofa together instead which is when Pecco put the tv on and turned on some cheesy romance movies which he usually hates but on Valentine's Day he will watch them with you
- you two have a very lazy day just laying on the sofa but that was exactly what you both wanted the plan was to relax and spend the day together before the season gets underway and you get very busy yet again
- for dinner neither of you really want to cook so you order a takeaway which is a very rare occurrence as during the season Pecco tries to eat healthy and then he usually does the same over off season to stay in shape
- the two of you eat more than you probably should which is why you decided to go out for a walk to burn some calories and to get out the house which you try to do every day if you can
- when you go out it is really nice out and the sun is just starting to set so the two of you decide to walk to a local park to properly watch the sunset together and use the opportunity to take some nice pictures together
- you spend quite a while sat in the park watching the sun set and then looking at the stars as they were just mesmerising to look at as there was so many visible in the sky but eventually it gets cold and you both walk back home
- once back home you end up back in bed ending the day like it started by cuddling
Jorge Martin
- Jorge likes to make Valentine's Day all about you so he always asks what you want to do before planning anything as he wants to make sure you enjoy the day and don't just pretend to have fun for him
- the two of you always use the day to do something fun together so it's not often that you just go out to dinner because you can do that any other day so you always plan something else to do together instead
- over time Jorge has taken you to do many fun things like going to water parks, riding quad bikes and other things but your favourite days are the ones where you get to relax a little bit as well as your life is usually pretty crazy
- when testing sort of clashes with Valentine's Day he brings you with him and seeing as he has nothing to do on the day the two of you decide to go to the beach nearby which you have been dying to visit as it looks so inviting
- while at the beach you get to relax and read a book for a while and go swimming with Jorge or more like swim for a while before getting into a water fight with each other which Jorge very much won
- in the afternoon Jorge surprises you with a trip out on a boat to go snorkelling which was the best experience there was so many colourful fish and to be so close to them was just amazing and the whole trip back you couldn't stop thanking Jorge for organising it
- once back on land you go back to the hotel and spend a bit of quality time together which involves a lot of cuddles and constant kisses from Jorge on your cheek, neck or lips depending on where he could reach
- in the evening Jorge makes you get changed to go for dinner because as much as it's not something you always do on Valentine's Day seeing as he dragged you out to testing with him he wanted to make the day extra special
- the restaurant was right on the beach and has a brilliant view out to the water as the sun was setting and the night sky taking over and not only was the view amazing the food was too so the both of you made the most out of the trip and ate far too much but it was with it
- once back from the restaurant you stay up until the early hours of the morning talking about fun memories you have together and how you can't wait to make more memories in the future
Joan Mir
- Joan is very sweet in general but on Valentine's Day he is on a whole other level he is constantly complimenting you and making you blush but that doesn't stop him as he wants you to feel glad about yourself
- he always gets up extra early and sneaks out of bed to go and make a nice breakfast which he wakes you up with so that you will still have enough time to get ready and not be late for work
- he also leaves late for training so that he can spend the morning with you which you tell him not to do as you don't want him to change his training for you but he stays anyway and joins you in your morning routine
- while on your lunch break at work Joan will come and visit you and bring you some flowers and some lunch for the both of you so that you can eat together during your break
- Joan stays for the entirety of your break so that you can eat together and then you can show him the things you have been working on as you always talk about it but he can never see exactly what you are doing
- for the rest of the day all your coworkers are coming over and asking where you got the flowers and then telling you how lucky you are to have Joan which leaves you with a big smile on your face throughout the rest of the day which continues when you tell Joan about it back at home
- once back home you and Joan get changed into comfy clothes and then head to the kitchen to make dinner together which you and agreed to do the week before so got all the ingredients in preparation
- you did everything together which involved a lot of Joan standing behind you with his arms next to you waist as you mix ingredients together or he puts his hands over yours to make it seem like he's helping even though he just wants to be close to you
- while you are plating up what you made Joan disappears and only when you bring the plates to the dining table do you realise that he has set up candles and put a bunch of roses on the table to make a really romantic atmosphere
- after dinner Joan ran a bath for you and again lit candles and put some rose petals in the water with a bath bomb which made it extra relaxing but you just wanted to get out and cuddle with Joan in bed which is exactly what you did
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parkerloves · 13 hours
I have some fics that are in process in my drafts and idk which one should I finish them so maybe you guys could choose for me...?
small summaries:
1) Joan is completely in love with Marc and Alex's sister, she finally seems interested too but her brothers aren't that happy
2) Luca wants to introduce his favorite streamer to MotoGP to make her his brother's fan so she would notice him
3) Logan and Oscar's childhood bestie, new Lando's crush, they both realize they like and start being little kids until she starts spending too much time with Logan, so they decide to team up
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lucy90712 · 2 years
Joan Mir- Disappointment
A/n: this part is based on the 2021 second Misano race
This weekend was supposed to be fun and enjoyable but so far its been anything but. I have been looking forward to this weekend and getting to finally go to a race in person for the first time in a couple months but it's turned out not to be a good idea. Joan has been really struggling on the bike this weekend and can't seem to get his set up right which isn't helping with the mental side of things which I know he has also been struggling with all weekend. It has been really hard watching him get so annoyed with himself as he puts all the blame on himself and then just feels bad for the rest of the day which makes it difficult to spend all night with him as he just doesn't want to talk.
Things haven't got much better today as he is going to have to go through q1 if he wants to get on the front rows of the grid which has everyone in the garage upset me included but it only got worse when Joan pulled up in the garage and threw his gloves on the side while shaking his head. Usually I would talk to him when he first gets back to the garage even after a bad session but today it looked like he needed some time to cool off and talk to the team before I try and cheer him up with whatever I come up with by looking at exactly how he's feeling. Watching from a distance I could see the frustration on his face as his crew chief tried to talk though the session with him as well as the plan for qualifying to try and get him the best grid position possible which he didn't want to hear but it had to happen.
His crew left him after their talk and he sat there for a moment before I walked over to talk to him but before I could say anything he got up grabbing my hand and dragging me towards his motorhome. When we got there he shut the door more gently than I expected before putting his arms around me and put his head in my neck sighing slightly and pulling me even closer. Eventually he pulled away and we sat on the sofa where he vented all his frustrations to me which I gladly let him do as all weekend he's been bottling his feelings which doesn't make anything better plus that's what I'm here for I mean what kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn't listen to his woes. I tried to offer advice to the best of my abilities based on the things I've learnt in my years with Joan but also gave him some comfort which seemed to help a little bit as I saw a small smile appear across his face when I made a joke to distract him.
Fp4 came and went way too quickly meaning it was time for qualifying and I had just a minute to give Joan a pep talk before he went out, we do this every weekend even when I'm not there as I always call him before a session to wish him luck as well as provide some motivation. This weekend he needs it more than ever so I knelt down in front of him with my hands on his face getting him to look in my eyes as I spoke to him.
"You've got this remember what we talked about earlier you just need to do your best and whatever happens happens as long as you know you put everything in no more can be done but I believe in you I've watched you do harder things than this a million times there is no reason you shouldn't believe in yourself" I encouraged
He said nothing just nodded and kissed me before putting on his helmet and getting on his bike and speeding out the garage. Everyone in the garage was watching the screens as qualifying went on and of course I was too but I was also so incredibly nervous to the point that I had my knees up and kept looking through my hands so that I didn't have to look directly at the screen. Things weren't going well either which made it even harder to watch and it was almost like I could feel his pain and frustration as each lap went by and the time didn't improve. My eyes were closed when I heard a sigh around the garage and before even looking I knew that he hadn't made it through to q2. What I didn't expect was for him to be 8th in the session which means he's 18th on the grid, seeing it just broke my heart because I knew he would be super upset with himself and really nervous for the race tomorrow which has never ended well on the day.
I knew he would want to be alone for a while to think and then talk to his crew chief so I gave him a hug when he got back in the garage before leaving to go on a walk around the paddock which I did feel bad about but I knew it was the right thing to do. As I walked around all I could think about was Joan and how he's going to be feeling tomorrow as well as how he's going to be awake all night thinking about it. There has been many occasions when he's been nervous for a race but this weekend he seems a lot more nervous than he's ever been before and I'm not quite sure how I can help him which makes me feel like a bad girlfriend.
I was pulled out of my thoughts when Fabio came over to talk to me, we know each other quite well as him and Joan used to be teammates in moto3 so it was nice to catch up with him and distract myself from what I had to go back to. We caught up on what we have each been doing over the few years or so since we last spoke and he asked how me and Joan were doing which caught me off guard a little bit but it makes sense for him to ask as the last time I spoke to him me and Joan weren't living together but recently we just brought our own house together so there been quite a change in our relationship. He also asked me how Joan was doing because he saw he was struggling out on track which brought me right back to my worries from before but to be nice I told him that Joan was just not feeling it this weekend before I left to go back to the motorhome and see the man in question.
Back at the motorhome I could hear talking through the door but it was too muffled to make out what was being said so I knocked on the door expecting just to hear him say come in but instead the door opened showing a stressed looking Frankie who quickly whispered in my ear that Joan was doing better but still not in a great mood before leaving and allowing me to go in. He wasn't in the living room area so I went to the bedroom to see him laying face first on the bed, I quietly walked towards him sitting down next to him and putting my hand on his back rubbing it up and down to comfort him. We sat there in silence for a while until he sat up and began to actually share his feelings and how nervous he was for the race which just sharing seemed to be a huge weight off his shoulders as I even saw a twinge of a smile for a split second.
"You really don't need to be so nervous it's just one race and you are allowed to have weekends where you don't do so well and you are so consistent every other weekend that one bad qualifying isn't going to hurt you" I said
"I know I just feel like I've let everyone down as they expect more from me" he shared
"Well don't feel like that anyone who is a true fan will understand that you tried your best and before you say anything about the team they know it's been a tough weekend I mean Alex didn't make it to q2 either it's just not been a good weekend for you guys that's not all down to you so don't be so hard on yourself things happen" I reasoned
"You're right but I just can't help but feel like it's my fault especially when the last time we were here I did so much better" he said
"But that was then and now something is different which isn't in your control that is making it harder to do what you did last time" I added
"Yeah I guess" he whispered
"See that's the spirit" I said
"Thank you love you always know what to say to make me feel better" he said while pulling me close and kissing my cheek
We didn't talk anymore about it and had dinner together before sitting down to watch Netflix on my laptop while I waited to see him fall asleep just to know that he was getting at least a little sleep before tomorrow. It took him a while to fall asleep but once he was definitely asleep it took just seconds for sleep to consume me after the tiring day we've had.
The morning came around very slowly as I was awake most of the night worrying about Joan and the race so I was glad when the alarm finally went off and Joan rolled over in bed to put his arm around my waist and kissed my cheek. Sadly we had to get up and thus the busy morning started and people came and went out of the motorhome making it hard to keep up with what was going on but eventually everyone left and Joan got his leathers on which I knew meant it was almost time for the race since warm up had already finished. We took a minute to ourselves and I let him do what he wanted which was just hold me in his arms and rock side to side gently until we really had to go and he kissed me sweetly before taking my hand in his and walking to the garage as I trailed behind.
All the usual pre race preparations were happening when we went in which meant calm and happy Joan disappeared and serious and nervous Joan appeared within an instant which I knew would happen but it was still sad to see after our talk last night and him feeling better this morning. I didn't bother trying to get through to him again as I knew it would make no difference at this point it was just too late. He quickly got on his bike and went out to the grid meaning it was all in his hands now and there was nothing I or anyone else could do to help him. There was complete silence in the garage as everyone waited for the lights to go out the vibes were very different to any other time I've been in the garage which is how you know it's been a hard weekend, all the usual motivation had fizzled out leaving the entire team waiting for the end so that we can move on and hope for better race next time.
The lights went out and the race was underway, the first corner was hard to watch as all the riders try and get round at the same time right next to each other which is always stressful let alone when Joan is right in the pack. Once he made it round the first few corners and everything had settled down I felt so much better that was until the third lap came around and Joan made a simple pass on Petrucci but he fell taking Petrucci with him, my heart sank but was also beating out of my chest until I saw him get up completely fine. I watched the two of them hug before making their way back to the garage which luckily wasn't far for them to go so Joan got back quickly. He walked in and the team tried to greet him but he just walked right past to put his helmet down before walking out the back of the garage to the motorhome and I even heard the door slam from the garage so he's definitely mad and very mad.
My brain was torn because I wanted to be there for him but at the same time it seemed like a bad idea if he was really that mad, while considering my options I remembered the promise I made to myself to always be there for Joan no matter what so I got up and headed out to the motorhome to be with him and keep my promise. As I opened the door I kind of regretted my choice because he was pacing back and forth with his hands in his hair which by this point was a mess from him doing the same thing over and over. He looked over when he heard me shut the door and he had pure anger in his eyes which was slightly terrifying as I've never seen him so mad before.
"Are you doing ok that looked rough" I said
"Just shut up this is all your fault whenever your around I always do badly I do better when your not here at least I can get a through to q2 without you here" he yelled
"I'm sorry but" I started
"I said shut up you're not helping you never do" he scoffed
I didn't say another word just walked out with tears brimming in my eyes and I know he's angry but I can't help but feel like deep down he meant it which is what hurts the most because I love to support him but clearly he doesn't feel the same. It was an awful feeling knowing that Joan didn't want me around and thought I wasn't helpful which hurt as I thought my pep talks before the race helped him but turns out I drop everything for no reason. Thinking about it more and more made the tears actually fall down my cheeks at a rapid pace and there was no stopping them this time, this meant people were staring at me as I walked around looking slightly concerned but ultimately didn't do anything. I was glad they didn't as I just wanted to find somewhere to be alone where I could cry in peace which is harder than it looks because there is people everywhere, in the end I walked around the entire paddock and ended up back by the motorhome where I sat on the floor with my head in knees allowing my emotions to take over.
Sitting on the floor was cold but it felt appropriate based on my mood and it was quiet which allowed me to gather my thoughts before I think about going back to talk to Joan again because as much as I don't want to we need to talk about this and either make up which is what I want to do or call it quits and move on if he really feels that way about me. Just as I was thinking about going back in I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Joan stood in front of me slightly out of breath and with red puffy eyes just like how I imagine mine look. He offered me his hand and pulled me up from the ground and without saying a word we walked back into the motorhome and sat down on the sofa to talk. His hands grabbed both of mine and rubbed the backs of them to warm them up which was nice as I was quite cold from sitting outside for so long.
"Y/n I'm really sorry about the things I said I didn't mean them I really didn't I love having you here and your pep talks is what makes me do so well in other races and the only reason I do worse when you are here is because I get too in my head about wanting to impress you" he explained
"Look Joan I appreciate you saying that but it hurt when you said you didn't like having me here" I said
"I know and I'm truly sorry I regretted saying it the second you left because it just not true I love having you around in fact I hate being away from you and I meant what I said about impressing you I feel more pressure when you're here to show you what I can really do and so we can celebrate together" he added
"Thats sweet of you but you know I just like to see you race it doesn't matter to me how you do I just like seeing you do what you love" I said
"I just want this to be over with because I hate arguing so I'm incredibly sorry for what I said it was really wrong with me and I'll do anything to make it up to you" he apologised
"I accept your apology but you don't have to do anything to make it up to me can we just cuddle in bed?" I asked
"Anything for you my love" he said
He picked me up over his shoulder and carried me to the bedroom where he put me down on the bed gently before leaving the room and coming back with snacks for us both which he put on the bed next to me as well as giving me one of his hoodies that was resting on the arm of the sofa. I put the hoodie on and snuggled myself into it taking in the smell of his cologne which I love and makes me feel close to him even when he's not around. We got under the covers and he instantly pulled me closer and put an arm around my waist which I took advantage of by resting my head on his shoulder while stealing the snacks. I did give up the snacks eventually and let him have some but he was more focused on playing with my hair and kissing my cheek periodically. It was nice to have him by my side cuddling up to each other as I fell slowly fell asleep after having a long day and going though a rollercoaster of emotions. As I fell asleep he kissed my head and whispered how much he loved me in my ear which brought a small smile to my face as sleep finally got the best of me.
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lucy90712 · 2 years
Joan Mir- Shocked
A/n: Joan is probably my favourite so I'm so glad he's got a seat next year so this part is to celebrate that
Also sorry for no post last weekend I moved into my uni room and so life was a little stressful but I should be back to posting every weekend now
A new season means new adventures and I couldn't be more excited as it will be my third season with Suzuki. I joined Suzuki in 2020 as an engineer for Joan Mir which just happened to be the year he won the championship which was the best feeling ever to be able to be part of that. The whole year was a complete whirlwind as it was a strange season to begin with and I was also trying to get used to a new job which made it all the more hectic. As much as it was definitely crazy I wouldn't change a single part about the year as I enjoyed myself so much and made so many memories as well as life long friends which is what I'd dreamed about for my career since I began studying.
Since that year things have only gotten better as not only did Joan finish 3rd last season which was an amazing achievement especially on the bike we had but we also started dating. Us dating kind of came out of nowhere because although we were definitely very close and I did find him attractive I didn't think anything would ever happen but one day when we were walking through the paddock together after practice he just asked me on a date. After our first date we started going on a lot more until eventually things became official between us about halfway though the season. For the first few months we hid our relationship from everyone not wanting to face the judgement but eventually the point came when we didn't want to hide it anymore and told the team but turns out they knew already so there was no need for us to tell them. A bit later we let it slip to the media which is what I was really worried about but it was all fine and we just moved on with our lives.
As much as this past year has been amazing its the point of the year where I have to forget about it and move onto focusing on the year ahead as thats how this job is. Each year you have to forget about the last whether it was good or bad and move onto the next to make it even better. For me that always starts at testing which this year went pretty well as we worked very hard on finding a base setting which we can start with at all tracks and then we built on that to try and get the best out of the bike which I think we made a good step on by the end. One thing I'm very proud of is the fact that this bike has a much better top speed than the last bike but it still works as well in the corners like it used to. The reason I'm so proud of it is because as much as I'm just one of the engineers that goes to races I also helped with making this engine as its the sort of thing I specialised in at university so I helped with designs and stuff so it feels great to see it working.
So far this year the results have been pretty great as Joan has got three 6th places, two 4th places and one dnf but he was going really well until Jack crashed into him so its been really positive. We are hoping to make the results even better as today we have mid season testing where the aim is to improve the set up and help Joan feel even better on the bike. As testing doesn't start until a bit later Joan and I have been having a really chill morning, we managed to have a bit of a lay in and then got breakfast together which we didn't have to rush and we even managed to go on a bit of a walk. I don't think we have ever been this chill in our entire time together as even on days off one of us always has something to do so getting to spend this time together had been so nice.
Eventually we had to get started so I went to the garage where everyone worked to get things set up which luckily didn't take too much time as the bike was still ready from yesterday although I changed a few things based on Joan's feedback after the race. When we were done he went out and did a few laps before coming back in so some things could be changed. This went on all day which to any other person may be boring and repetitive but I love it because problem solving is the best part of the job so I'll happily work all day to get the bike just right. Once testing was pretty much done and we were starting to get everything ready to pack up for the next race we were all called to a whole team meeting. We don't have those very often if at all so I thought it was a bit weird but I assumed it was just about today and maybe about some upgrades that are really important.
Everyone else left right away but I finished what I was doing and then waited for Joan so we could go in together. We got to the hospitality meeting room which was rather packed as the entire team was in there but Joan pulled me through the crowd and we went to sit down together. The atmosphere in the room just felt off it felt like something was wrong, over the years it's a feelings I've become familiar with as many times I've been somewhere where the room felt like this and every time it turned out bad. Under the table I squeezed Joan's hand to reassure him but mostly myself which he must have sensed as he kept the tight grip as the meeting started.
"Now we hate to do this especially with the year we are having so far but we have been today we have been told by the headquarters that Suzuki as a team won't be continuing next season" Livio told everyone
There it was the soul crushing information I was expecting although it definitely wasn't what I expecting this meeting to be about. For a good few minutes the room was silent before we were all given a bit more information about what exactly was happening but even then there was still a lot of questions although Livio had no answers as he only knew today and wasn't really told a lot from what I can gather. The longer we sat there the more it began to sink in that the team wouldn't exist anymore after this year and I began to think about what that means for everyone in the room including me. Everyone in here is going to lose their job and may not be able to find another one as this paddock is hard to get into in the first place yet alone to try and get a job in a different team. Alex and Joan are also going to have to look for a ride elsewhere and I know for a fact that both of them were ready to resign so that means they are kind of on the back foot already.
When we left the meeting it was completely silent as everyone made their way back to wherever they were staying to take in what just happened. The same went for me and Joan, we walked back to his motorhome hand in hand but without a word being exchanged. I could just see that he was worried about the future and where he's going to end up and there was even tears welling up in his eyes which I have never seen so I know it's really affecting him. As much as its going to be hard I know Joan needs someone to be there for him so I'm going to put my own thoughts to the back of my mind and just be there for him.
Unsurprisingly the news that the team is going to exit the championship has really got to everyone so results have taken a huge down turn. The team had a double dnf for two races and then Alex got injured and had to miss a race. Joan has been taking it really hard too as he's had more dnf's than finishes since the news which has been really getting to him as well because he knows he's better than that and that he needs to show other teams what he's capable of. It's been so hard to watch him struggle so much because Joan is usually super happy and upbeat but I haven't really seen a genuine smile from him in weeks which makes me so sad. All he seems worried about is getting a new contract for next season which I understand but it's really taking its toll on him especially as he doesn't really know what's going on.
It has all been getting to me as well because I have been trying to find myself a job in a different team but none of them want to change their current team so it's been incredibly difficult. The only options I currently have are either in formula 1 or in world super bikes which I don't want to accept just yet as they would mean having a completely different schedule from Joan so we wouldn't be able to see each other as much. Although I have been putting it off now that we are in the second half of the season it is getting to the point that I need to decide what I want to do which will probably mean having to accept one of the offers I have elsewhere. What has made it all a lot harder is that I've been keeping all my meetings and offers secret from Joan because I don't want to give him more to think about but that does mean that all the stress is on me which is getting harder and harder to handle.
Joan's POV
I thought that getting a contract would make me feel better but since negotiations with Honda have progressed I haven't actually felt any better. For a few days I felt more relaxed but in those few days I noticed that y/n just wasn't acting herself at all, it's like the life has just been sucked out of her she isn't as happy as she usually is and she's been so much more quiet than usual. Thinking back she hasn't been quite herself since the news but recently it's definitely gotten worse as the season has progressed. I can only imagine how hard this all is for her because I know that other members of the team are finding it near impossible to get jobs at other teams so I imagine it's not any easier for her.
This weekend she seems worse than usual as whenever anyone tries to have a conversation with her that she would usually love to talk to she is just giving short answers and trying to end the conversation as soon as possible. Since we got here she has done nothing but work which I know is her way of distracting herself from life and whatever's on her mind. Every time I see her she is either already working or will run off quickly saying she has a lot to do which isn't like her at all as usually she stops to talk to me whenever she can. Seeing as its only Wednesday and not even media day yet I know she's only going to get worse as the weekend gets on when there is actually more work to do.
All night I have been thinking about what to do for y/n to try and help her feel better but I couldn't think of anything to say because I know that when I was feeling that way nothing anyone said made the situation any different. The only idea I could think was to try and see if Honda would allow her to come with me as we have one last meeting to finalise the contract details today. If that doesn't work then I think I'll just have to talk to her and get her to open up about her options and plans so that I can be there to support her no matter what. If she isn't in this paddock next year it will be strange as she's been there for everything, every stand out moment in my career she has been in the garage for and I'm so used to the amount of time we spend together so not having her here will be weird.
This morning when I woke up she had already gotten up and was just leaving the motorhome as I walked out the bedroom with heaps of papers in her hands which I already know she is going to sit and study all day along with her regular tasks. Once she left I got ready even more determined to get her a job at Honda because I can't see her like this anymore because its just so upsetting. I thought I was going to go into this meeting happy to accept whatever my manager had negotiated but now I don't want to leave that room without getting y/n to be part of the team because shes more important to me than what some team thinks of me.
Going into the meeting I wasn't at all nervous but as we went over details I was starting to get more nervous that they wouldn't accept my demand because there was a lot of things that my manager had worked hard to get in the contract in the first place and negotiating isn't my job. We went through the whole contract before I was asked if I was ok everything which is when my hands really started to get a bit sweaty.
"There is one thing I wanted to ask about" I said which received a horrified look from my manager
"Sure go ahead" they said
"I want to bring one engineer with me because she is truly amazing she has made such s big difference to the Suzuki team and even helped with the development of our new engine so I think she'd be great at helping development at Honda" I said basically pitching y/n to them
"What exactly is her role in the team?" They asked
I explained exactly what y/n does trying my best to make it seem like she will be vital to the team while also telling the truth because I didn't want to over exaggerate what she does and make her feel under more pressure if she gets the job and suddenly everyone relies on her. It went silent after that and everyone was just staring at each other not really knowing what was happening which only made me more nervous.
"We don't particularly want to disturb the team we currently have but if you can get Suzuki to confirm what she does in the team we would be happy to take her on for your team to help our development" they said
"I can do that and thank you so much she really will impress you" I said trying to keep calm
Knowing that I'd managed to secure y/n a place at Honda felt so good because it means she won't be as stressed for the rest of the year and we will still get to work together. I can't wait to tell her but I have to decide how I'm going to do it because I want to surprise her in some way. With life being so hectic we haven't spent a lot of quality time together so I want to take her on a date and maybe I can tell her in some way then.
Your POV
If life couldn't get any worse Joan managed to break his ankle at the last race so I've been staying with him since then to make sure he's not doing too much so that it will heal. With me being distracted I haven't thought about my future very much but now that Joan is a lot better the thoughts have started to creep back in. It has come to the point that I need to be making my decision about what I'm going to so at some point today I want to talk to Joan and see what he thinks because I don't want to make such a big decision on my own. The thought of us not working together or at least being in the same paddock anymore is weird as pretty much all of my professional career I have worked for Suzuki and with Joan and now next year I won't be which will be hard to get used to. I also have no idea how this is going to affect our relationship because we are so used to being able to see each other all the time but if we don't work together anymore there is no way we will see each other as much and I don't want that to change things between us but I don't see a way that it wouldn't change things at least a little.
All morning Joan has been out training as it's the first time he has been able to train since his injury and I've been gathering everything I've got for other job options so that I can look at it all together and show Joan to see what he thinks. Just as I got it all together Joan came back in the door and came right over to me giving me a hug even though he was all sweaty. I tried to pull away but there was no getting away from him so I let him hug me and even hugged him back because it felt good to be in his arms after spending the morning looking at things which could take us apart. He eventually let go and kissed my cheek before running upstairs to go and shower which left me thinking about how I'm going to start the conversation with Joan about the future.
"Get ready y/n we're going out" Joan shouted as he ran down the stairs
"Where are we going?" I asked wanting to know what was happening
"It's a surprise just get yourself ready to go" he said
The instructions were clear so I got up and changed out of the sweats I had on and into a more respectable outfit before putting on a bit of makeup and fluffing my hair to give it some volume. Once I headed back downstairs Joan was waiting by the door with my phone in his hand and the shoes I always wear on the floor for me to put on which I did before taking my phone off him and putting in in my back pocket. He took hold of my other hand and began to walk towards the nearest town which isn't a long walk but it is super pretty as the scenery is so beautiful as you can see to the mountains. I admired the scenery for most of the walk until we actually got into town which is when I paid a bit more attention to where I was walking and started to talk to Joan who I realised I had neglected a bit on the walk.
We walked around for a bit looking in a few shops before Joan led me towards the restaurant where we had our first date outside of a race weekend which happened to be the date where he asked me to be his girlfriend so the place holds some special memories. It didn't take long before we were seated and had ordered our meals leaving us to talk while we waited for them. That was when I noticed a small smirk on Joan's face which which he usually means he's got something up his sleeve which I've learnt can be good like something he's been excited to tell me or bad like him deciding to tickle me almost to death whenever he feels like it. Seeing as we were in a restaurant I knew he wasn't about to tickle me so I had no idea what he was doing as I already know about his new contract which he was very excited to tell me about st the last race weekend.
"What's go you smirking?" I asked jokingly
"I was going to wait to tell you this but I can't keep it a secret anymore" he said
"What is it?" I asked again trying to get him to tell me
"When I signed my contract I managed to convince the team to bring you on too which they agreed to after hearing everything you have done for Suzuki so next year you'll still be working with me" he almost squealed he was so excited
"No way you didn't" I said in disbelief
"Yes I did at the next race you can sign your contract to make it all official but it's all agreed in principle s long as you're happy of course" he explained
"Of course I'm happy thank you so much love you didn't need to do that for me" I thanked him
"Well I wanted to I can't imagine not having you around so I made sure that wouldn't have to happen" he said
Completely not caring that we were in public I leaned across the table and kissed him as my way of saying thank you. It took a few minutes to sink in but when it did nothing could wipe the smile off my face because it meant I didn't have to consider my options elsewhere and that I can stay with the man who makes me the happiest for the next few seasons where hopefully we can continue to do well as a team.
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lucy90712 · 2 years
Spending Christmas together
Fabio Quartararo:
You hadn't planned to spend Christmas together but your flight back home got cancelled and Fabio wouldn't let you spend Christmas alone so he invited you to join him and his family. This made you nervous as although you loved his family you couldn't help but feel like you would be intruding on their family time. To make yourself feel better you make sure to get the perfect gift for everyone just before you leave which took a while but you managed to do it with a bit of help from Fabio. Before you arrive you also insist on getting something for his parents who are very kindly letting you both stay with them so you feel like you have to do something to thank them even though Fabio tells you they don't mind at all. They welcome you with open arms and try and make you feel at home so you forget about not being able to go home. Fabio also tries to do some of your families traditions with you which you really appreciate.
Over the days you are there you actually really enjoy yourself as you spend time with his mum baking different baked goods which was a lot of fun as you got to bond with her a bit more and you made some very delicious deserts. You also spend some time with Fabio's niece and nephew who you absolutely adore as they are just so cute and they love to spend time with you. You take them to the park a few times and play with them inside when it's too cold to go out which Fabio always watches as he loves seeing the way you interact with them and just how good you are with kids. It does make him want to start a family with you but he knows that neither of you are ready so he just admires you from a distance and thinks about the future. As much as you spend time with his family you also spend plenty of time with Fabio as each morning you go on walks together and you often spend afternoons cuddled up watching stupid Christmas films together. Overall you are actually kind of happy that your flight got cancelled as you love how your trip with Fabio turned out.
Marc Marquez:
You and Marc have been wanting to host Christmas for a few years but different things have got in the way until one year you are finally able to host everyone. Being the perfectionist you are you want to make everything perfect so when you put up the decorations you spend ages making sure everything looks exactly how you want it to. Each little ornament gets moved at least a few times until you think it looks good where it is. That means Marc doesn't dare touch anything or else he knows you will get mad and it will make you more stressed than you already are. To be prepared you get loads of the cooking done in the few days before Christmas so that you don't have to be in the kitchen all day which also means that Marc is able to help you with everything. Marc makes it fun by playing Christmas music and making you dance while things are cooking which makes you forget about the fact that Marc's family are coming over for Christmas and just enjoy yourself.
On Christmas Day everyone comes round and you all open presents while drinking a warm drink as its cold outside. Everyone clearly out a lot of thought into their gifts which is what you love about Christmas as its a chance to show people how much you care about them. After opening presents you start eating all the food you made which is all delicious and Marc's mum compliments you on which is how you knew you did good. Throughout the day you play loads of different games which in hindsight is a bad idea as Marc and Alex are very competitive so at times it gets a bit tense although when you play in teams it means you quite often win. To end off a lovely day you all go for a walk despite it being cold outside so everyone wraps up warm and you all go on a little stroll around the neighbourhood where you and Marc live.
Alex Marquez:
After a stressful and busy year the two of you decide that you want to spend Christmas just the two of you so that you can just relax and not have to worry about seeing anyone else. Of course before Christmas you go and see family to drop off presents and just spend time with them but then it is just you two for a few days. As much as you want to just do nothing you both decide to do a few Christmassy things and then spend Christmas Day cuddled on the sofa. The two of you go to a little Christmas market that is nearby one day which is a great decision as it's such a cute little market with loads of handmade ornaments which of course you buy a few of to put around the house and on the tree. You also get a few treats to share even though Alex will end up eating most of them as he likes to treat himself during the off-season before he has to go back to serious training. Another day you both go ice skating which you were much better at than Alex which makes a change as normally he beats you at everything. As much as it was cold it was really fun to get out and do something together as during the season you never have time do do fun things together.
On Christmas Day you and Alex do very little and just stay in your pyjamas all day barely leaving the sofa which is exactly what you both wanted. You watch Christmas films for a good few hours before getting the presents your brought for each other and opening them. Neither of you really wanted anything so you just got each other small things but they all still had a lot of thought go into them. Eventually you both did get up and begin making food, Alex did a lot of the cooking while you did some baking so that you would have a dessert. The both of you made a good team and managed to get it done quite quickly so that you could eat and the  gat back to laying down together.
Pecco Bagnaia:
Last year you spent Christmas with Pecco's family so this year you are going to be spending it with your family. Pecco was a little nervous as although he has met your family a few times he doesn't see them very often as most of the time just you go back to see them. He feels so much better once you arrive and your family welcome Pecco straight away by getting him involved in a conversation which helps settle his nerves. You barely say anything as your family seem to care more about catching up with Pecco than you but you don't mind as it's nice to see them all getting along so well. When your grandma comes over she gives Pecco a hug before even acknowledging your presence as she loves him maybe more than you. He is the centre of attention and the first day you spend with everyone which usually isn't his favourite things but your family are so nice that he doesn't mind. What you love the most about Pecco spending time with your family is when your little cousins come over and Pecco plays with the them as it's just so cute to see how much fun he has with them and it does give you a bit of baby fever although you know now isn't the time.
On Christmas Day you and Pecco get up early to make breakfast for everyone and set out presents all ready for when everyone is up. You had Christmas music playing quietly as you both worked together making pancakes well you made pancakes and Pecco stood behind you with his hands wrapped around your waist and his head rested on your shoulder. It was lovely and relaxing plus you would never say no to cuddles with Pecco in the morning but the peace was interrupted when your parents got up and your mum came to help with breakfast. Once you had all eaten and warmed up with a cup of hot chocolate it was time to open presents. You knew Pecco had gotten things for your family but you had no idea what so when they all opened their gifts from him you couldn't help but have the biggest smile on your face seeing all the lovely things he had got for them. His gift giving didn't stop there as he then gave you your gift which was a small little box and when you opened it it revealed a very pretty diamond ring. He then took the box from you and got down on one knee proposing which of course you said yes to.
Jorge Martin:
You made the decision about halfway through the year to go away during Christmas and so you booked a trip to somewhere warm for Christmas which isn't what you are used to but you are excited to get away and spend some quality time with Jorge. Going away did mean that you two had to be prepared and have presents wrapped and ready to take with you and deliver to family and friends. It was fun getting to drive around and see everyone within a week or so as you love to see friends and family and it involved a few mini road trips which you always love to do with Jorge. Having to bring presents with you made packing a bit harder as you had to leave enough room for the presents and make sure your suitcases didn't weigh too much which was a challenge but both of you managed to achieve it.
As soon as you arrive to where you are staying you go out to the beach and just lay in the sun. The beach is where the two of you spend most of your time while you are away either that or in the hammock out the back of the beach hut you are staying in. When Christmas Day comes around you start the day like always by going for a little walk together while drinking the smoothies you have been making every morning which is always really relaxing. Once you get back you head to the beach and go swimming in the surprisingly warm water until one of you starts a splashing fight as you aren't able to do anything seriously together. After swimming you go back inside and decide to do a few more traditional Christmas things like  opening the presents you got for each other and then making a Christmas dinner together. Cooking together is always interesting so you made a bit of a mess of the kitchen but the food was delicious so it didn't matter. For the rest of the day you laid outside together just looking at the stars which out a perfect end to a lovely day.
Jack Miller:
Last Christmas you went out to Australia to spend it with Jack's family so this year you are spending it with yours. To start with your grandma was going to host everyone but after she got ill everyone agreed that someone else should do it so that she didn't have any unnecessary stress so you volunteered. You thought it was a good decision at the time but quickly realised why you had never done it before when you realised how stressful it was. There was a lot to do as yours and Jack's house wasn't exactly suitable for having so many people over. The two of you had to get a new dining table that you could extend to be able to fit everyone around it and you had to try and baby proof the house a bit to make sure none of your nieces and nephews got into anything that could hurt them. It was also a nightmare to organise who was bringing what as everyone wanted to help out with making the food but that meant you had to keep track of who was bringing what.
When it was time for everyone to come round it was a bit stressful for a while as you were running round opening the door and getting everyone drinks. Jack helped of course but he couldn't stop you stressing so much until everyone was there when he finally got you to sit down and cuddle with him as everyone exchanged presents. It was so lovely to have everyone over especially as some members of your family you haven't seen in a long time so it was really nice to catch up with them and introduce them to Jack. By the time it was time for you to do dinner a few people had left so it wasn't as busy but you still had to extend the dining table with Jack's help. He took over during the evening and allowed you to relax so he finished cooking everything and served dinner for everyone. Jack did everything until all of your guests left when you both collapsed on the sofa absolutely exhausted.
Joan Mir:
For Christmas you have a big get together with both of your families which hasn't happened before but you and Joan are excited about it especially as you have nothing to do with the planning and are just turning up. All you have to do is make something to bring with you which you and Joan do on Christmas Eve as something to do together. You love to bake as it is so having Joan join you makes it even better because you have someone to reach things high up in the cupboard and get ingredients for you. Having him there also means that while you wait for the timer to go off you have someone to cuddle with which makes waiting a whole lot better. While Joan leans against the counter you lean against him and either rest your head on his chest or lean backwards against him just depends on the day. When you are done baking Joan let's you go and relax while he cleans as well like the gentleman he is.
On Christmas Day when you arrive quite a few people are already there so it is very chaotic but slowly you get round everyone to say hello and catch up. Eventually you make it to where both of your parents are talking and join them to talk but not to your parents Joan's as you don't see as much of them and wanted to catch up. Throughout the day Joan brings you food and water as everyone wants to talk to you as you missed the last gathering due to not being well. As things begin to settle down you and Joan decide it's a good time to share the news you have been wanting to tell people for a while but are waiting for a good time where everyone is together. You get a bit nervous as Joan gets everyone's attention but when he puts an arm around you you feel a whole lot better. Together you say that you are expecting and that everyone should get ready to meet a new member of the family. Of course more chaos ensued as everyone came over to congratulate you and ask some questions which was expected but it sure made you tired so when you get home you both head straight to bed.
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lucy90712 · 2 years
New Years headcannon
Fabio Quartararo:
A few friends are hosting a party for New Years so you decide to go as otherwise you would just go elsewhere or stay in. Parties aren't usually your thing but Fabio was excited and you knew he would be with you the whole night so you were ok with going. Going out means dressing up and of course Fabio wants to help decide your outfit so you let him pick your dress as you do your hair and makeup. He actually picks a nice dress and you only had to add a jacket so you don't freeze which you also let him pick as why not. Of course Fabio loves what he picks for you to wear so until you leave he is just staring at you and taking pictures of you which aren't going to be posted anywhere they are just for him to look at. You did take some pictures together in the mirror which he posted but after that both of your put your phones away for the night.
At the party there is a lot of people which you expected but there was more than you thought there would be. Walking in Fabio had a tight grip on your hand and makes sure you are with him wherever you go. Loads of your friends are there so together you go around talking to them all and catching up as some you haven't seen in a while as you both have been so busy. For once you actually let loose and enjoy yourself which means having a few drinks and not worrying about every little thing which meant you actually really enjoyed the evening. Fabio doesn't drink so he can drive you both home and keeps an eye on you but he mostly just lets you have fun as he has more fun seeing you happy than he would drinking. You get a little bit drunk not enough to not remember the night but enough that you have a new level of confidence. With this new confidence you pull Fabio to dance with you and you end up dancing together for a good while until its time for the countdown. As the countdown hits zero Fabio pulls you in and gives you a sweet kiss.
Marc Marquez:
Both of you had just got off a long flight and had been awake over 24 hours already so you were both incredibly tired but you really wanted to see the new year in together as you have done it since you started dating and wanted to keep the tradition. To keep your minds active and somewhat awake you play video games together although neither of you were as good as you normally are and there was some staring blankly at the tv for a few minutes before you both came back to reality. Instead of games you then try other things to keep you awake like dancing to music, standing outside in the cold and running around the house none of which were particularly useful. By this point you were both so sleep deprived that any little thing sent you into fits of laughter so of course when Marc tripped over the leg of the sofa both of you were on the floor laughing for ages which definitely wasted some time.
Eventually you both gave in and had some coffee even though you wanted to sleep right after midnight you just weren't going to make it to midnight of you didn't have some caffeine. After coffee Marc felt alive but you didn't really feel any different but you tried to push through anyway. The biggest mistake was putting on a movie to kill the rest of the time as that made you feel even more tired to the point that you just couldn't keep your eyes open anymore no matter how hard you fought. You of course fell asleep pretty much as soon as you closed your eyes which didn't go unnoticed by Marc who simply pulled you on top of him and cuddled you knowing you really needed some sleep after a long few days. He watched the movie and then turned on the countdown even though it was just him watching it. To celebrate the new year he took a picture of the two of you and posted it to his Instagram as most years you take a picture together but this years was just slightly different.
Alex Marquez:
After a hectic Christmas and year in general you and Alex decided that instead of going out you just want to spend New Years in your house together just the two of you. You didn't make any plans so when you woke up you just laid in bed together not really saying anything just laying and cuddling together until you were both really hungry and needed to have some breakfast. Alex made breakfast for the both of you which he brought back upstairs so you can eat it in bed. When you both eventually get out of bed you pretty much just move straight to the sofa and turn on a movie. All day you have a movie marathon watching film after film until you decide to go out for a short walk but after that you continue watching movies for the rest of the day.
When the sun sets you and Alex get up to make some dinner together as during the day the one thing you decided to do was cook a homemade meal together. You decide to make pasta which you have done a few times and you had all the ingredients. The two of you worked together with one measuring out ingredients while the other mixed them together until the pasta dough was done and you could cut it to how you wanted it. Once the pasta was done Alex started to make the sauce as he is better at that than you but you still stood there and helped him if he needed it. He got you to test the sauce a few times until it was perfect and so when the pasta is done you get it all plated up. Even though it was dark outside you turned the little lights you have on the patio on and set up the table outside so you could eat under the stars. It was so peaceful outside that after dinner you both stayed sat out there on the seating you have out there until you heard fireworks which indicated that it was midnight which is when Alex pressed a kiss to you forehead and held you tight.
Pecco Bagnaia:
There was a little firework display happening not too far from where you live that a few friends were going to do both of you decided to go as well. Seeing as there was a group of you going everyone decided to get together for dinner first which you were happy join in on as it meant you didn't have to cook. It did mean that you had to pack warm clothes and stuff in Pecco's car ready to be sat outside for a while. The dinner was was at a restaurant that you and Pecco have never been to before so even though it was close so you were both looking forward to checking it out to see if it's somewhere you could go for date nights in the future. You met everyone there and had a really nice time having a meal all together as most of the time you don't all see one another at once.
After finishing dinner you and Pecco put on many layers like extra pairs of socks and leggings under your jeans before putting on a warmer coat as well as gloves, hat and scarf as it was supposed to be very cold out. When eventually you had enough layers on Pecco drove to the place where the firework display was and you set up little camping chairs for you both to sit on which you didn't even know you owned but apparently you did. Despite all the layers you had you were still freezing cold as soon as you sat down which you tried to hide as you didn't want to be annoying but eventually your shivers were too much to hide. When Pecco noticed how cold you are he makes you come sit on his lap so that his body heat helps warm you up. Even once you warm up he keeps you there even as you talk to friends or while drinking hot chocolate. When the fireworks started Pecco put an arm around you and you watched the colours explode into the sky together until they stopped and the new year began. You stayed for a bit longer before heading back to the car which is when Pecco gives you a kiss and you say happy new year to each other.
Jorge Martin:
On a whim you guys decide to go to New York after Christmas for new year. Some of the decision had to do with you needing to be there after New Years for some work so Jorge suggested that you go out early and spend some time together before you had to work. Both of you had also always wanted to got to New York for either Christmas or New Years so that also influenced your decision in randomly deciding to book flights and a hotel room. It was a long flight but you either slept or watched films together which made the time go by quite quickly. The airport killed your calm though as it was so busy but Jorge kept a tight grip on your hand and you managed to make it through together and reach the outside which was still busy but the fresh air made it feel less claustrophobic. Eventually you managed to get a taxi to your hotel and because it was late you both just crashed on the bed straight away.
The next day was New Year's Eve but you still wanted to do something together and you hadn't been to New York before so you guys wanted to do some of the typical touristy things. You walked around together looking at all the sights like the Empire State Building and then going to see the Statue of Liberty. It was a lot of walking or getting taxis but it was so much fun running round the city without a care in the world as usually there is always something to worry about but you both just let got of any worries and enjoyed the day together. After exploring for the day you went back to the hotel and Jorge made you get changed into a nice outfit to go out for dinner which he booked to surprise you. The dinner was lovely and Jorge really went all out on the choice of restaurant and he made sure that you didn't worry about his much it would cost which was very sweet especially just after Christmas. When you finished you went back to the hotel and got into comfy clothes and sat by your hotel room window as it had a view of time square. You both watched outside until the ball dropped at midnight which is when Jorge leant around and kissed you sweetly.
Jack Miller:
Jack wanted to host a party for New Years which you agreed to but you kind of regretted it when the day came around and you had to organise everything. You spent the day cleaning the house and going to get food and other things for the people you had coming over. Jack told you that you didn't need to do it all but you didn't want the house to be a mess when you had people coming over and you needed to get food. He helped as much as you would let him but you ended up doing most of it as you are such a perfectionist that you prefer to do things your own way. After getting the house ready all day you then had to get yourself ready but luckily you had already thought about your outfit so got ready quite quickly just in time for people to start arriving.
Again when people arrive you don't relax for one second as you are making sure everything is alright and talking to people. Jack followed you round the whole time so when you stopped for a few seconds he could actually talk to you or hold your hand just to let you know he was still there. Eventually he managed to get you to stop and enjoy yourself so you both sat down on the sofa and talked about the last year as it's been a wild year and you haven't really had time to take it all in and think about everything. Once you actually relaxed you really enjoyed the night and had fun talking with everyone about their aims for the next year. You talk with people right up until midnight when Jack takes you off to a quiet corner of the room where he kisses your cheek once the new year hits as he knows you aren't keen on affection in front of people.
Joan Mir:
You didn't really have any plans until his parents invited you to come over so you agreed to go seeing as you wouldn't be doing anything else anyway. It wasn't any big get together so neither of you bothered with dressing up you just wore the comfy clothes you would have worn while at home. On your way to his parents you stopped at the shop and got alcohol and some chocolates for every to eat during the day. It is a bit of a drive so the both of you sing songs together the entire drive which doesn't usually happen but you were both in a good mood and when you started singing along to the music quietly he joined you. Anyone who saw you driving along probably would have thought you were crazy singing and dancing to music but you didn't care as you were having fun.
When you arrive you all start to play games most of which Joan wins as he's good at everything but you do win a few times which you were very proud of and will definitely use to keep Joan in his place for a while. As it gets later in the day you all decide to order a takeaway as no one wants to cook anything plus it means getting to spend more time together doing nothing. After dinner arrives you put a film on which kills a few hours until it's a lot later when the alcohol you brought comes out. You stay inside for a bit longer enjoying a glass of wine until it gets late and Joan takes your hand and brings you outside. He brings you to sit on the step in his parents back garden and gets you to lean your head on his shoulder. You both reminisce about the year and the last few years and how everything has changed as things have changed quite a lot for the both of you. The both of you talked for so long that you heard the others doing a countdown for you which you just listened to until it got to zero and you shared a sweet kiss.
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lucy90712 · 2 years
First I love you- headcannon
A/n: my requests are still open if anyone has anything they want me to write 
Fabio Quartararo:
He says it first. He first realised he loved you when one weekend he was away at a race alone because you couldn't make it and he missed you so much that he always looked forward to the end of the day when he could talk to you. Thats not all though because whenever he wasn't talking to you he would think about you during the day with a big smile on his face that his team quickly noticed and made fun of him for but all that did was make him realise just how much he loved you and that he was in love with you. When he realised that he loved you he kept it to himself for a while because he didn't want to scare you off by saying it too soon and he needed time to come to terms with the fact that he'd fallen so deeply for you as he'd never fallen so hard for anyone before.
One night he had just got back from a fly away race and it was very late and you were both very tired from your long days either flying or in your case at work so just wanted to cuddle on the sofa. After you helped him unpack he laid down on the sofa and got you to lay on top of him while he played with your hair and ran his fingers along your back tickling it slightly. Both of you were almost asleep when he randomly blurted out the words I love you which woke him up instantly in a panic. You weren't phased because you already knew you loved him so you just said it back because you didn't want him to panic for too long although if you weren't so tired you may have waited a little longer to watch him squirm but you were feeling nice so didn't do that. When he realised that you felt the same he kissed you and whispered it in your ear again this time fully intending to and with a lot more confidence.
Marc Marquez:
You say it first. You very quickly fell for Marc because he was always so sweet and gentle with you even though he doesn't seem that way to others and on the track he is a different character around you. Marc loved you too and he knew the way he felt from pretty early on because he you made him feel different than anyone else had before in the best way possible. He first realised this when he had asked you to come over to spend the evening watching films together and you came wearing one of his hoodies he had given you and it gave him butterflies in his stomach you looked that beautiful to him even in comfy clothes and bare faced. As much as he was confident in the way he felt he wasn't confident enough to say it to you because he didn't want to say it too soon and ruin what you two had because he didn't know if he could lose you.
One day you two are spending the day together after not seeing each other for a few weeks as Marc has been away and when he's not you've been really busy. The two of you had no plans other than hanging around the house talking and having a general lazy day which you both very much needed after a few stressful weeks. Marc had been treating you like a princess all day getting you anything you wanted before you could even ask for it and was being extra cuddly which was great as you'd missed his cuddles while you had been apart. At one point when you guys were sat outside enjoying the sun and Marc had his arms firmly wrapped around you waist you whispered how much you loved him under your breath but he heard you. Of course he questioned what you said and when you said it again a bit louder he said it back right away with the biggest smile on his face that you felt the same way he did and that he hadn't fallen too deep too soon.
Alex Marquez:
You say it first. You kind of knew that you loved him from pretty early on but you tried to ignore the feeling as you thought it was too early to have fallen that deeply but on one day in particular it really hits you and you can't deny it anymore. It was a day where you had been really struggling as you had recently lost a family member so when Alex called you to check up on you and you were crying he instantly cancelled all his plans and spent the day with you. The fact that he was willing to do that for you is what made you realised that you really did love you. That was also the day Alex realised that he loved you too because he didn't think twice about cancelling important events to be with you and when he was with you and you were asleep on his chest all he felt was adoration for you.
You kept your feelings to yourself for a while longer but over time you caught on that Alex felt the same way you did because you could read him like a book and he made it as obvious as he could without saying the words. One night you just decided you would go for it seeing as you were both going on a date anyway. You two went out for an evening walk before going to dinner which you have done many times before but this time you were slightly more nervous because you knew what your plans were. When you finish dinner Alex takes you home and before he leaves you kind of blurt out the words not knowing how else to do it but it doesn't seem to put him off as he says it right back and kisses you before saying goodbye and leaving you with the biggest smile on your face for the rest of the night.
Pecco Bagnaia:
You both say it same at the same time. Both of you knew you loved each other at around the same time in the relationship not right at the beginning but after a few months of properly dating thats when you both realised that your feelings had evolved and became much deeper. He realised that he felt that way about you when he was out training one day and was texting you during a break and Valentino asked him what was making him smile so much. He was completely oblivious to the fact that he was smiling so much talking to you but when it was pointed out and he explained all his friends said he did that all the time which is how he knew that his feelings for you ran deeper. You realised you loved him when he was away on a back to back race weekend and all you could think about was having him next to you even though usually you aren't the clingy type and wanting to cuddle wasn't normally something you thought about all the time.
The day that you said it he had just come back from a race you couldn't go to which he won so you left work slightly early to get home in time to make him dinner as you had told him to come over to your apartment to celebrate his win. You had just managed to finish making dinner just before he arrived but when he did you answered the door and let him come in before giving him a super tight hug and congratulating him. Both of you ate the dinner you prepared before you let him decide what he wanted to do for the rest of the evening which happened to be just cuddling with you. While you are cuddling both of you whisper I love you under your breath at the same time but you both heard each other so he says it again out loud and you say it back laughing at how you managed to be so in sync.
Jorge Martin:
Jorge said it first. When the two of you started dating he wasn't sure if he would ever love you because he had been hurt so many times before that he didn't think he could do the same again. You knew that so even though you knew you loved him you didn't say anything as you didn't want him to feel like he and to say the same if he wasn't ready. Despite this the more time he spends with you the deeper he falls for you which scares him for a while but eventually he just allows himself to let loose. Slowly he comes to terms with the fact that you aren't like the other people he's been with and that you would never do anything they did which really helps him to finally let his guard down around you.
When he lets himself fall for you thats when he realises he actually loves you, it happened when he was just having the worst day and was really annoyed with everything and then you came home and he felt so much better. All it took was for you to hug him and he felt the stress of the day leave his body as he relaxed into you arms. For him that's what made his mind up about being in love with you as no one had ever had that affect on him so he knew there must be something special about you. In that moment he just let the words slip out which caught you off guard as you never really expected him it ever say that to you but when your brain processed what just happened you said it back. From then on he pretty much never stopped telling you how much he loved you which made up for waiting so long for him to first say it.
Jack Miller:
Jack says it first. It takes Jack a while to realise that he's in love with you because he just doesn't think about it for the longest time as he is happy with where you two are in your relationship so he doesn't think about it changing. Over the course of a few months when you and Jack spend more time together and you go to most races he finds himself missing you a hell of a lot when you aren't around. That is when he first twigs that his feelings for you are developing to a new level he's not really experienced before but he ignores the feeling for a while longer until his friends are practically screaming at him to give in and admit he loves you. You on the other hand fell very quickly like you always do but you had learnt your lesson so you kept your feelings to yourself knowing that he wasn't ready yet.
One weekend you were at a race supporting him and he was having a hard weekend so he was glad you were there because you are the best at keeping him calm and sorting out his mindset. You were glad you were there too because you hate nothing more than seeing Jack struggle and not being there to help him so any chance you got you were giving him words of encouragement to hopefully help him do better in the next session. After qualifying he was feeling extra down so when you finally got him alone after all his media things you gave him your usual pep talk but also gave him some extra encouragement because you could tell he needed it. When you finished talking Jack just said the words which really took you by surprise and all you could do was just look at him for a minute before saying it back which made him let out a breath he was holding before kissing you happy that you had taken the next step in your relationship.
Joan Mir:
Someone else brings it up. Joan knew he loved you from pretty early on but the main thing that stood out to him that made him realise he loved you was just how chill and accepting you were of his lifestyle. In the past he had found it hard to keep a girlfriend as he would have to be away so often but he never had any problems with you as you always understood and just made the most of the time he was around which only made himself feelings for you grow. He explained all of this to Alex one day when the two of them were just chilling after free particle which at the time was nice as it felt good to tell someone how he felt when he wasn't telling you but in hindsight it was a bad idea.
The next time he brings you to race he wants you to hang out with him and his friends as you haven't got to know them that well and he wants you to have people to talk to when you are a race. So the first person he properly introduces you to is Alex as you had talked to him a little bit but not got to know him properly and he was very easy to find as he was always around the garage. You and Alex became friends pretty quickly and Joan is happy to see you enjoying talking to someone else but when Alex brings up what he said about loving you he almost falls out the chair he was sat in. You had no idea that Joan loved you as he had never mentioned it so to hear it from Alex was a shock. From then you can see Joan getting anxious so you end your conversation with Alex and he immediately takes you to his motorhome where he apologises for not telling you before but then he says that he loves you himself and so you say it back much less shocked than before. It wasn't how either of you expected it to happen but weirdly you didn't mind as it was a fun story to tell people and it quickly became an inside joke between the two of you and Alex.
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starkwlkr · 1 year
Is there any works on the way I love your writing it make my day better
hello lovely!! thank you for reading!! these are my current works:
some baby leclerc fics that are half finished
always an angel, never a god | mick schumacher (senna!reader series)
chapter 3 of the sweet series
another chapter of the princess of monaco series
marc marquez x med!student social media au
marco bezzecchi x reader social media au
joan mir x single mom!reader
ollie bearman x leclerc!reader
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lucy90712 · 2 years
Period headcannon
Fabio Quartararo:
Fabio is really sweet when you're on your period he isn't too much he won't smother you in love unless you want him to but he also doesn't let you just deal with it on your own. He will also always listen to you complain about whatever you want to that day even though he's heard the same thing a million times before he knows it makes you feel better so he doesn't care. Over time he has learnt what your periods are like and knows all the horrible symptoms you get as well as what mood you are likely to be in on any given day which has really helped him in making you feel as good as possible each day until the week is finally over. Another thing he has learnt is to always have products with him because as much as you are usually prepared sometimes you can be caught off guard so he has products for you at his house, in his motorhome at races and when you go places he will often bring a few things just in case which has turned out to be useful a few times.
Whenever it is your period he always knows but doesn't bring it up unless you mention it because it makes you mad which he learnt the hard way. As soon as you tell him though he goes into some like super boyfriend mode and miraculously the next day he will have your favourite chocolates for you as well as the other things you usually crave all for you to eat throughout the week or in one day whichever you feel like. When it's your period you two do a lot of cuddling and there are many late nights on the sofa watching your favourite films even though half of them make you cry and when he's away he will stay up on FaceTime with you until you fall asleep. He also knows how much your cramps can hurt at times so if there is one day that you are having particularly bad cramps he will massage your stomach before getting you to lay on top of him so the heat helps ease them which you always enjoy one because it helps the cramps and two because you get to be close with Fabio.
Marc Marquez:
Marc can be a little wary around you when it's your period because he doesn't know what mood you will be in at any given minute. There are times when he thinks you're happy and will say something and you burst into tears or get angry at him which makes him feel bad which is why he is so cautious around you because he just doesn't want to upset you. On the odd occasion you guys will fight when you are on your period because Marc just gets annoyed with your mood swings even though it's not really in your control but you guys always make up in the end and will usually cuddle to make it up to each other.
Over time Marc gets used to your mood swings and has a better perception of when you are feeling not your usual self which made dealing with your period so much easier. Sometimes he can even sense when you've had a bad day and will come back from training or whatever else he's doing with chocolates if that's what you've been craving or flowers to make you feel appreciated which usually makes you cry but they are happy tears which he can deal with. He's really good with you when you cry and will comfort you any way he knows how and try and talk about it with you even if he has no idea why you are crying which is what is happening most of the time. Cuddles are his main way of making you feel better so whenever you guys are together whether it be at a race or when you guys are at home every evening he will get a blanket and hold you to his chest making sure you are as close as possible while being comfortable which is generally how you fall asleep each evening until he carries you to bed.
Alex Marquez:
Alex hates when it's your period because you are always so miserable and he loves nothing more than to see you happy and smiling. The fact that you are in pain and uncomfortable and there is nothing he can do to help also annoys him because when he sees the uncomfortable look on your face all he wants to do is be able to take away the pain even just for a few hours so that you can go back to smiling. Although he can't exactly take the pain away he tries his best to make you feel better in any way possible and if that involves listening to you complain about what hurts or listen to you rant about something that has annoyed you because your hormones are making you extra irritable he will do it in a heartbeat.
When it is your period as long as he is around he will do anything he can to help you out. You two always try and divide up the chores or do them together so that it's not just down to one of you but when Alex is busy you take over and then when it's your period he does everything for you so that you can relax. No matter how often you try and help out he will make you sit back down and let him do everything but if he's away he has to give in but the next week he's home he will do all the chores to make up for it. Another thing he likes to do for you is make dinner every night which will be a different one of your favourite meals every night so even if you don't always feel too good and don't want to eat much he can make sure that you get to eat something you enjoy. Alex also always has hot water bottle and heat pads for you if the pain is too much to ignore but will also just let you you use him for warmth if that is what you want because he wouldn't ever say no to cuddling with you.
Pecco Bagnaia:
Pecco is prepared for any situation because he has stocks of everything you could possibly think of that you might need. From the second you two started seriously dating he brought supplies for his house, motorhome and even put some in his suitcase so that wherever you were he would have things for you if you didn't have any. One time when you went to a race with him but forgot to pack your usual supplies and unexpectedly started your period so you told him you were going to get things but he stopped you and handed you everything he had brought and you were very surprised but super appreciative that he even thought to do that for you. He also always has plenty of your favourite snacks so that if you are craving something he can easily get it for you. Each time it surprises you how prepared he is as anytime you need something he has it for you to the point that if you run out you just go to him before going to the store as it's more than likely he'll have what you want.
Another thing Pecco is great with is dealing with your emotions. He is a very compassionate guy so when you aren't feeling your best he always knows exactly what to say to make you feel better. If you are feeling insecure in any way he will be telling you all day how beautiful you are and how you will always be perfect to him which even on the worst of days lifts your spirits. If you are having one of those days where your emotions are all over the place and any little thing sets you off he is able to distract you and keep you calm like it's no effort at all which you are forever impressed by as even you aren't that good at calming yourself down. Not only is he great with your emotions he is always affectionate with you if that's what you want, after a long day even if he's tired he will happily cuddle with you on the sofa until you both go to bed.
Jorge Martin:
The week or few days it is your period is Jorge's least favourite time of the month for many reasons but mostly because it always seems that the regular you disappears. The things Jorge loves the most about you is your happy go lucky attitude and how upbeat you are as it matches his energy so well but during your period that all disappears and you are generally a lot less enthusiastic and often a lot more critical of mainly yourself which Jorge hates to see. It hurts him just as much as you sometimes when you are like that as its hard for him to watch all the life drain out of you and see you become so miserable and negative when you are always the most positive person in a situation. As much as he dislikes your period and the way it makes you behave he would never say it to your face because he knows it will just make you feel worse and put on a fake smile around him which isn't what he wants at all he would much prefer for you to be genuinely happy. However he will always do his best to try and get a smile out of you which he often does by tickling you which not only has you laughing and smiling but it also distracts you from the pain which is a nice added bonus for you.
Jorge is used to you doing weird things to help your cramps so when he comes home one day and you are lying on the living room floor on your back with your legs up on the sofa (highly recommend this btw its really helped me sometimes) he doesn't think twice before coming over and joining you so that he could ask you about your day. You both actually really enjoyed laying like that together so it became a thing you guys did even when it wasn't your period just to relax and escape from the real world. When its your period Jorge will let you do whatever you want so if you want to curl up under a blanket and watch a movie thats what you'll do and if you want to go for a walk he will happily join you. The one thing he does get you to do on your period is exercise with him because as much as you never want to it always makes you feel better afterwards as it helps with your cramps and just lifts your mood. He never pushes you too much though and generally you guys just go out on a short run or a long walk just to get some fresh air.
Jack Miller:
Jack is not great with you when its your period he just doesn't quite know what he should do with you he doesn't know whether he should be more affectionate with you or give you more space so he kind of gets caught up doing a bit of both but it works out just fine so he sticks with it. His least favourite part of it all is your mood swings because on any normal day if you are sad or angry he knows exactly what to do but when its your period he has absolutely no idea what the best thing to say is to not upset you more. On many occasions he has said the wrong thing and makes everything worse but he is the best at backtracking in those situations so when he's panicking about making things worse he says things that actually calm you down to the point that you become the voice of reason again which is when he starts to feel more comfortable. You always joke about how flustered he gets when its your period which he isn't that keen on but it makes you laugh and he loves your laugh so he lets it slide.
Something Jack would never admit to anyone not even you is that he absolutely loves cuddling. So of an evening when he's home and you want to cuddle on the sofa he has to act like he isn't that fussed about it but really he loves having you close to him and having his arms wrapped around you. For him nothing beats when you fall asleep against his chest and he can listen to your rhythmic breathing and look at your beautiful peaceful face, it just fills him with so much joy and overwhelming love for you that its hard to contain it all. His photos on his phone is half full of racing and training pictures and the other half is pictures of you asleep on his chest or just next to him that he cherishes with every fibre in his being and when he's away and missing you he will look through the pictures to take himself back to those times. That being said you are very aware of the fact that he loves cuddling which is why you get him to cuddle you so much during your period as you know he will always say yes and can make it seem like he's doing it for you and that he doesn't enjoy it as much as he does. It's a good time for both of you as you do like to be held and you like to see him so happy.
Joan Mir:
Your period is the bane of your existence as every time it is super painful and makes you feel super ill or just leaves you barely able to move without being in a lot of pain which is something that took Joan a few months to get used to as he just couldn't wrap his head around the fact that your body would do that to you every month with no sympathy whatsoever. He feels awful that you have to go through that and so will do whatever he can to take care of you during that week to the point that if he knows he will be away during your period he will try and bring you with him so he can be there to take care of you. During that time he is the sweetest person ever he will make you whatever food you want, do every job around the house and carry you from room to room so that you don't have to walk if you are having a really bad day.
Joan has a routine that he follows when you are on your period and so each morning he wakes up early and goes to make breakfast for you both as well as getting pain medication for you because he knows that you always wake up in pain. When you get up he has breakfast all ready and he brings it all to you on the sofa as well as a heat pad for your stomach so that you can start your day and get to work in less pain. As long as he hasn't got training he will also take you to work and then pick you up in the evening which isn't necessary but he likes to make sure you are ok and give you time to relax after a long day. In the evenings when you get home he will make dinner which is usually some of your favourite foods because it always seems to lift your mood and he will cuddle with you under a blanket on the sofa watching Netflix or just talking about your days if you've had a particular bad day and want to rant about it. When you go to bed you toss and turn quite a lot because it's hard to find a comfortable position so Joan has resorted to massaging your back and stomach when you go up to bed to try and help you feel less uncomfortable. He doesn't just leave it at that though he will pull you on top of him so that his warmth continues to soothe the pain and you can get some sleep and he can sleep better knowing you are ok and in his arms.
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lucy90712 · 2 years
Joan Mir- There’s two!
With every month of trying taking a test becomes a sadder and sadder experience so after 8 months a negative result is pretty much expected. There came a point when I didn't care about the result I just wanted this all to be over and it didn't just affect me Joan is feeling it too but he will never mention it because he thinks it's worse for me.
My usual alarm went off telling me it was the day to take a test which filled me with dread instead of the usual excitement people feel. Joan heard the alarm and looked at me in sympathy as I got up to go to the bathroom, he followed me and stood outside just like every month waiting for the day that it's good news and not bad news.
I waited the 5 minutes for the result and looked at the test quickly just expecting there to be one line but there wasn't. There was a second line sure it was faint but it was there. Tears welled up in my eyes as I opened the bathroom door and handed the test to Joan who looked at it and picked me up in a tight hug as soon as he realised. By that point we were both crying our eyes out because finally we were going to start the family we have been dreaming of for months now.
"So you're really pregnant?" Joan questioned still in disbelief
"Yeah there's a second line there" I said
We went and got another few tests to be sure but sure enough they all had the same result. Pregnant.
"I remember that moment like it was yesterday I can't believe that was almost 9 months ago" Joan said
"I know it feels like just yesterday and the first doctors appointment I could have sworn that was only a week ago" I said
He agreed and pulled up the pictures on his phone of that appointment it was the happiest day of our lives. In fact that ultrasound picture is all over our house so we can remember it in every room we go into.
Today is our first ultrasound and I'm so excited but also kind of nervous I mean there is a lot of things that could go wrong which obviously I don't want but I can't get them out my mind. Also after trying for so long I so desperately want everything to go perfectly that I'm a little stressed which I know isn't good but I can't help it.
We arrived at the doctors office and filled out all the necessary forms before we were called in by the doctor who asked some simple questions first before getting to the actual ultrasound. Joan grabbed my hand and held it tightly as the doctor put the wand on my stomach and looked at what was going on in there, I could see a small smile on his face which relieved some of the stress I was feeling and made the experience more enjoyable. We watched the screen together although we didn't really know what we were looking at and there wasn't much going on seeing as I'm not that far along.
"So here's the baby oh wait that's baby number 1 and over here is baby number 2" the doctor explained
"Wait there's two" Joan exclaimed
"Yes you are having twins congratulations" the doctor said
That really was like a dream come true after we had been trying for so long the universe gave us the best gift it could have ever given and gave us two babies to love with all our hearts. From that moment we loved them more than you could imagine and even though for a long time they were nothing but small little beans they were ours that we had waited so long for that it didn't matter. Slowly as the months came along they became more and more like little humans and that's when we really got to know them getting a sense of their personalities. When we found out the sexes we were over the moon and would have been no matter what but when we found out we were having two girls the both of us were thrilled especially with Alex having a son we were happy to bring some girls into the Suzuki family. Joan had mentioned that he wanted a girl because he wanted to dress her up and learn to do her hair, he was so excited that I decided not to mention the fact that they would eventually start dating because the protective side of him would come out and he would set a rule that they aren't allowed to date until they are 80 before they are even born which seemed a little harsh.
The only thing that has interrupted our joy is how hard my pregnancy has been, it has been symptom after symptom that has drained all my energy or made life incredibly uncomfortable. I had morning sickness more than just in the mornings to the point that we just called it sickness that lasted all of the first trimester and pretty much all of the second and that's just one thing. I have been taking an endless amount of supplements to help the babies grow and to try and combat some of my symptoms but none no them have been particularly useful for that. As I have progressed through the weeks the pain has also become a lot worse with pretty much every part of my body hurting by the end of the day which has probably been the hardest part as it has stopped me doing what I love to do like go on long walks with Joan and the dogs and even just stand for more than 5 minutes. Sometimes I just want to go back to my life before or just get a break for an hour but I'm always reminded that once the twins are born I will forget all about the hard parts and just remember how much I loved them and the joy I felt when they kicked my ribs.
As the weeks have gone on my doctor has been warning us more and more that these babies aren't likely to reach 40 weeks because that's just how it is with twin pregnancies and if I were to say that doesn't worry me I would be lying because we have no idea when they will come. We have been as prepared as possible and as soon as I hit 30 weeks we packed a hospital bag just incase and we made sure that we had brought car seats and all the things like that so really we are prepared but mentally I'm still not ready to give birth. Joan has been a great help though he always checks to make sure I'm ok and we have read some books and done some classes together which has calmed me a bit it's just that things are different with twins and our whole plan could be forgotten in a second.
We are lucky that most races at the moment aren't too far from home so we have been driving there with all the things we would need just incase I were to go into labour. Now there is a break for a couple weeks which is great because it means less stress about being away from home when the twins are born. It's been a real toss up of if it is best for them to be born later and in another country or earlier and somewhere we are familiar with and will have everything we need to take care of them to hand, each has its cons so it's just a waiting game.
Today has been a really difficult day so far my back hurt from the second I got up and it hasn't got any better since, I have also been super out of breath which has become pretty normal for me but it just feels worse today. Yesterday I hit 36 weeks which means the end is near especially with twins realistically they could come any day now which would be a bit of relief as it would explain why I have felt so awful the past couple days. I have been trying to organise the nursery and get all of the clothes in some sort of order because they are just kind of piled in their wardrobe and it's been bugging me. All of the moving and lifting things even if they aren't heavy has really put a strain on my lower back.
Joan has been out training all morning which is why I have been doing it on my own even though I know he wouldn't approve because he doesn't like me doing too much especially when he can do it for me. By the time he was back I had pretty much done everything apart from two boxes of clothes for when they are older which needed to go on a high shelf that I can't reach. When I heard the front door shut I walked as quickly as I could to go and greet him because I hadn't seen him all morning. One of the things that still melts my heart every time even after being together for years is the little smile that appears on his face whenever he sees me it is hard to describe the look but it is like like no other, it surprises me every time that he is still so happy to see me no matter how often we see each other. He hugged me when I finally reached the door and kissed my forehead before bending down to kiss my bump like always.
"How are you doing this morning my love" he asked
"Pretty good I managed to organise the wardrobe and draws but my back is really hurting today" I said
"I really wish I could take some of the pain away" he sympathised
"I know you do but this is just the way it is I'll be fine" I said
"Turn around I have an idea" he said
I did as he said and felt his hands go under my bump lifting it slightly which took the weight off my back and pelvis which felt so nice, I didn't realise quite how much weight it was until it was gone. Finally I felt relaxed and learn back against him realising just how tense I've been the past couple months. He kept doing it for a while and then told me to try walking to the sofa so we waddled together in the most awkward way but somehow I felt more normal because not every part of my body hurt walking and I could actually walk kind of quickly. We made it to the sofa and he let go so that we could sit down or in my case lay at whatever strange angle felt comfortable today which happened to be leaning half on the side of the sofa and slouching so I wasn't lying down but wasn't sitting up. He went to shower leaving me on the sofa by myself to deal with the back ache and the random shooting pains in my stomach that started this morning which I have just put down to braxton hicks which are more painful than usual today but I'm coping so it's fine.
When Joan came back he helped me up so that we could finish organising the nursery together because we wanted it done by the end of the week so that we didn't have to do it while juggling two new borns and today is Sunday so we really need to finish. He had hold of my hand so made sure to walk slowly but even that wasn't enough because another shooting pain came though my stomach making me wince even though I tried to stop myself it was just too painful to not react in any way and of course this caught Joan's attention.
"Woah is everything ok love?" He asked
"I'm fine just some braxton hicks" I said still clutching my stomach
"Are you sure you seem more in pain than you usually are with those" he questioned
"Yeah everything's fine" I reassured him but mostly myself
He put his arm around my waist and helped me to the chair in the nursery so I could sit down and the pain continued every so often. As much as I want to believe it's nothing the more it happens the more concerned I get that they are going to arrive pretty soon and I'm so not ready for that. I tried my best not to show my concern and scare Joan too much because it could still be nothing but at the same time I want to just cry to him and explain how nervous I am. Another pain rippled through my entire body this time and this time there was no containing the pain I was in I just had to shout but my voice failed me so I just kind of squeaked which sounded ridiculous but it was good enough. Joan came right over and took my hands in his rubbing the back of them with his thumbs trying to calm me while grabbing his phone to call his mum to ask her what to do and for advice. His mum has been so great throughout the pregnancy and really helped us out with telling us about things we are unsure of so when she told us just to be ready I really freaked out because that basically meant wait for my waters to break and expect these babies soon.
There was a look shared between us which was one of fear and a bit of excitement on Joan's side because I was all nerves. He tried to calm me down and reassure me we were ready physically because we had a hospital bag packed and everything the twins would need all we need was for me to believe in myself when the time comes which is easier said than done. Seeing as my waters hadn't broken yet there wasn't much we could do but because I was already having contractions we decided to try some things to try and get things to progress quicker. We went on a walk around the house going up and down the stairs which really takes it out of me but the pain of the contractions is worse so I will deal with it if it will speed things up. I got so tired walking around that I had to sit down for a bit just to catch my breath but as soon as I stood back up it happened, my waters broke as another contraction hit which was painful and weird to say the least.
It was all go from that moment because we had to start timing my contractions while getting things together to leave for the hospital, our doctor had advised us to go to the hospital pretty much right away seeing as this was my first pregnancy and with it being twins they wanted to keep an eye on me. My contractions were about 5 minutes apart although it felt like 30 seconds which meant we had to get a move on and get to the hospital before things get beyond my realm of knowledge and probably a bit dangerous. Joan held my hand the whole drive to the hospital which meant with each contraction I had something to squeeze and I'm sure it hurt him but I was in pain too so I was ok with it. He tried his best to keep me calm and offer words of encouragement but I didn't want to hear it while there is two humans trying to escape my body at the same time although I know what he was trying to do.
We arrived to the hospital and got given a delivery room pretty quickly and doctors and nurses came to check in as well as hook me up to about a million monitors and I saw them whispering to each other before many more people came in the room. Quickly they instructed me that it was time to push and I'm sure that I looked like I'd seen a ghost because everything was happening so quickly and we had been here a maximum of 30 minutes and already these babies are ready to come. A natural birth is something I had wanted to do if possible so it was great to be able to deliver the twins without a c-section but the reality of the situation dawned on me pretty quickly and made the whole process a lot more difficult.
I pushed through a few contractions until our first daughter made her way into the world, hearing her little cries as the nurses grabbed her to clean her off and let me deliver the next one had me in tears coupled with the exhaustion from giving birth to one I wasn't sure I could do it again.
"You can do this love just a bit longer and it will all be over and you get to hold them both and I'm right here if you need to hold onto something" Joan encouraged
He grabbed my hand and pushed my hair out of my face offering a smile which I kept looking at as I pushed through my next few contractions not taking my eyes off Joan until the next set of cries could be heard and thats when the tears really started flowing and not just from my eyes this time the both of us were crying with happiness. The nurses did all the things they had to do before they handed me back my babies so I could hold them to my chest which felt so good after waiting to meet them for so long they are finally in my arms and just as beautiful as I could have ever imagined. Once we were alone I moved a little on the bed so that Joan could join me up there and take one of the twins so he could bond with them too plus it made my life easier just to have one.
Almost as quickly as we arrived at the hospital we left and got to go back home where Joan's parents were waiting for us with a nice dinner and groceries which was very sweet of them. It was so nice to have someone to help out and to admire our little ones with us before we let the world know and they are no longer just ours to cherish. As much as I was scared earlier I couldn't be happier now that I have them in my arms where they are safe and Joan can get to bond with them just like I have over these last 9 months. All we did for the rest of the day was watch the twins as they slept and just admired them trying to take in that they are really ours to cuddle all day but it was hard to believe I mean it was like a dream come true to finally have our little family we waited so long for.
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