bestupt-shirt · 1 year
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happy halloween
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vio1315 · 1 year
Gotta say, telling people about my issues helps put things into perspective and make me more sane about things
but good luck getting enough trust out of me to talk about anything
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nyanxietycatgirl · 2 years
34, 51, 62 for ask post!
34: Who/what was your last dream about? the last dream i rember was a few days ago and in it i made a girl mad at me on discord ;-;
51: Favourite food? complex question, i tend 2 enjoy alot of diferent food styles [cuisines??] and i feel like i'ld need to have tried alot mewre things to actually give an answer fur favorite but the thing i prepare mewst is a ramen [actually its a "noodle soup" according to the packaging but it comes in plastic wrap and has flavor packet] with bacon [and soysauce and preground blackpepper and redpepper flakes jknjk] added
62: What makes you happy? i cld list like 5 variations on "playing videogame" or "eating food/drink" but this is prrbably mewre aimed at like, stuff that makes nyou rlly happy and fur that i guess recieving attention from girls i like!
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