#jkl new
Silly Game Time: If you were to be the patron deity of something (the way the Muses are goddesses of different artforms, Tlaloc is a rain god, Amaterasu is a sun goddess, and Anansi is a god of stories and trickery), what would you choose? It can be as broad or as specific as you like.
Anyway my whole Shtick is I'm the Clown God (Follow my stream alt @volatileparagon also on Twitch however I have to set shit up again before i get back to streamin)
However I guess if we were goin with summin else, suppose I'd go with like, hedonism? Protective Aggression? That or Purple.
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ritz-writes · 3 months
Silly Game Time: COMPLETE THE PHRASE. "Come to the Dark Side. We have ___."
my first thought was cookies and honestly i think id betray humankind for a rlly rlly good cookie. so cookies
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kibibarel · 2 years
how's the new game going? been seeing a crazy amount of takes in every direction about it
short version is it is SO BUGGY (all the comments you have definitely already heard about the terrible performance issues are no joke; i don’t give much of a shit about graphical errors, of which there are many, but i’ve encountered a few bugs that actually ruined gameplay moments)......but also SO AMAZINGLY FUN...i don't want to put it down 😭😭
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rickchung · 2 months
♫ Brigitte Calls Me Baby x "We Were Never Alive" x Jimmy Kimmel Live!
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ryuji-ism · 9 months
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The third one took so long, and I just realized I made a mistake in the dialogue. I'm sorry, but I'm not going through that suffering again.
Thanks to @jkl-fff and @lanterndove for help with 3 of these. Can you guess which ones >:)
Anyway, this is WAY overdue, but think of this as a New Year's Eve gift. More P5 obsession coming in 2024 🎉🎉🎉🎉
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xovera-toz · 2 months
I have been... tagged!
Dear @piscespixiewastaken invited me into a game of "favourites".
For the sake of my sanity I'm starting a new thread.
Colour: orange (? Assigned by my friends ig)
Food: moussaka
Beverage: fruit juices
Film: Shrek
TV show: Over the Garden Wall
Book: The Hobbit
Singer/Band: Lord Huron
Time of day: early morning / sunrise
Song lyric: I belong bodily to the earth, I'm just wearing old bones from those who came first
Emoji: 🤌
I'm tagging @francesthetraveller @jkl-fff @colorfullyminded @tamtamandtim @clairyclue and anyone else who wants to participate because I'm like that.
Have fun!!
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yamagache · 2 months
Last Line
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you like) only people you're reasonably certain would like to be tagged.
(I, um, am not going to tag anyone because I don’t use tumblr enough to feel comfortable tagging any mutuals, except one, and he’s already tagged me. So?…) (psst, @jkl-fff, it’s you.)
Also gunna do a paragraph because, why not? It’s not like the title of the game or the rules are explained in plain English. 🥴
“Holy shit Norman! Did you get fucking taller?!” Pacifica damn near yelled as she entered the twins bedroom and gave the man in question a hard look.
Norman straightened out at full height in surprise. “Um, yeah? I t-think like three and a half inches?”
“Holy shit.” She repeated.
She then turned her attention to Dipper, for comparison, who was now rummaging through a drawer. But after finding what he needed and standing up straight, Pacifica couldn’t help but let out a small snort.
“Oh my Gods, you only come up to his chest!”
The room fell silent as everyone watched the shorter of the two boys blush profusely who then looked back at Pacifica with a hard stare in an almost emasculated fashion.
“What? Don’t tell me he’s got like some height complex or something?”
Norman gave her a sympathic chuckle. “No, but if you keep drawing attention to it, you’ll give him one.”
“No it won’t.” Dipper practically whispered as he crossed his arms to pout.
“What?! It’s not like I’m making fun of him. It’s basically what we’ve got going on but like, on crack.” Pacifica explained. And with her taller stature, she hooked her arm around Mabel’s shoulder and leaned her head into the crux of her neck. “And I love us.”
“Aw! I love us too!” Mabel answered immediately while giving her girlfriend a small kiss on the head where she could reach.
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hergan416 · 9 months
8, 19, 25
Writer's ask game
8. Oldest WIP
Hmm that I haven't fully abandoned? Probably the otherwise blank document for the sequel to Exothermic (Explicit, One Piece, MarAce, top Ace) Although the sherliam hanahaki fic that I was talking about with @memento-yuumori when I first started writing for the fandom might be older? But I think I've given up on finishing that. I still want to write the One Piece fic at some point.
My writing folder is organized by fandom so I literally miss that document when I go to work on my WIPs most days bc it's literally not with my other WIPs.
19. How do you keep yourself motivated?
I post things when I stop being motivated jkl;adsklfjklasdfjkl
I mean, that's not all of it. I also just talk about my writing in places, mostly discord. I've got some very good friends I'm glad to have found that are instrumental in keeping me working. Nikiforova (mostly on twitter @_nikiforova_) and @sakuplumeria are the best. We can talk ideas, and go down rabbit holes and oh boy do I get drafts out of it, but it's such fun. And my new Rare Ship discord server has been great, I'm making even more fandom friends.
And then of course, deadlines. External stuff like writing challenges and gift exchanges are great motivation xD
25. Favourite part of writing
Thinking about writing 😂
OR alternatively, when thinking about writing results in actually writing and it just FLOWS. When the characters take over and I don't feel like I have to think or deliberate their choices, and the transitions happen smoothly and it's just zoning and the hardest thing is typing as fast as my brain can make ideas.
I'm pretty sure the reason that I am stuck on my current WIP is because I want to end the scene and go on to the next scene, but the scene isn't finished. James still needs slapdash medical treatment, I'm just not interested in providing it to him 😂
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catboymoments · 2 years
good news: I’ve stopped reading TOT as “the owl touse” in my head. bad news: it’s been replaced by “THE OWL TROWEL” from that one gravity falls bit
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raisinchallah · 2 years
i love how nobody on tumblr knows like what nuance is dsfjkl;aj;dkl conversations always swing between like actually all mental health problems should never improve and making like -core blogs for like being a terrible friend or like if you arent eating vegetables you are fundamentally an evil person and bringing all your own torment upon yourself jkl;dsffjkd;akaj;fdjkl but actually the old stage tbh hasnt been like in full force for a very long time so i think this new stage is just a bit twisted and i hate it because it often i think frames itself as reacting to the old type of tumblr mental health blogging but like that has been out of vogue for so long that u are in fact just being nasty to people for no reason
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#6 (sharing secrets) for a fic snippet? c:
sorry if this is kind of crack more than fluff but adkjfsdlkafjklsdf jkl I had fun writing it
"Truth or dare," Number Two asked. Nicholas considered.
"Dare," Nicholas said, eyes gleaming.
"Fuck," Number Two muttered. "Uh....I dare you to answer this question," she said. Rhonda began protesting that this was against the rules until Nicholas held his hands up, quieting the group.
"What's your question?" he asked. "I'm an open book....get it?"
He gestured towards his book while he spoke. Number Two groaned.
"Okay, okay. If you were being held captive by a ravenous lizard—"
"A lizard?"
"Shut up, Rhonda," Number Two said. "And if the only way you could get free is if you told a secret, what would it be?"
Nicholas considered.
"Does the lizard have any...any preferences?"
"None at all. Only that the secret is sufficiently juicy and nutritious. The lizard feeds off of human secrets. And flesh, too, so if you don't have a secret—"
"I have a secret!"
The room quieted. Nicholas steadied himself, fidgeting a bit, until opening his mouth and spilling.
"When I was a boy," he started, "I hated meatloaf. Bad texture. But the orphanage served it a lot, and I tried to eat it, I really did, but...just. Like I said. Awful, horrible texture. So one night it was meatloaf night and I didn't eat it. I was so hungry that night I snuck into the kitchen after everyone went to bed. There was...a cake."
Everyone raised their eyebrows.
"Just a whole cake. Sitting there. And I hadn't had dinner, and I hadn't had anything sugary in months, you know how it was, so. I. I ate the cake."
"The whole cake?" Rhonda asked. "Impressive. Admirable."
Nicholas shook his head. "No, not the whole thing. But a...a somewhat substantial amount."
"Why is this a secret? Just that you broke the rules by sneaking in?"
Nicholas paled. He took a deep breath as if reliving a deep shame.
"No...no, it turned out...it was a birthday cake. For a girl. She was new, and quite troubled, so the adults had gone to the trouble of baking, and..."
Number Two and Rhonda were now laughing hysterically.
"Did they come get the cake and it had been eaten?" Number Two wheezed. "Just...just slices taken out?"
Nicholas, red as a beet and lips twitching into a smile, nodded his head. "I felt so bad. I wanted to come clean, apologize, but Nathaniel wouldn't let me. That poor girl. Her cake was ruined."
Rhonda and Number Two didn't seem to grasp the severity of the situation. They were giggling mirthfully, Number Two snorting into her drink, clearly failing to understand Nicholas' sustained guilt.
"The lizard is still hungry," Number Two said.
"What?! That was a good secret!" Nicholas exclaimed.
"Good for making us laugh at how lame it was," Number Two shot back.
"Fine. I kissed Milligan."
Rhonda spit out her drink.
"You did?!" she yelped. "Finally!"
"Now that satisfies the lizard," Number Two said smugly.
"Were you....planning....that particular admission?" Nicholas asked, suddenly shy.
"Perhaps. Perhaps. Now, Rhonda. Truth or dare?"
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ritz-writes · 1 month
Silly Game Time: Are you fan of the horror genre in general? If so, what's a horror story (movie, show, book, game, etc.) you really like, and why?
I actually used to loath horror but my partner @novelcain convinced me to try it. My first horror movie was As Above So Below, which was a terrible choice to start with. Had to keep pausing cuz of how bad my anxiety was getting 😭
But I think I enjoy them now, though I still watch half of it behind my fingers lmao. I'd say Scream is prob my fav. Talk To Me freaked tf out of me but the story was really good. The new Quiet Place movie was also rlly good. I love the cat 🥺
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squish--squash · 2 years
sometimes (not often, but sometimes) I'll hear someone say smth along the lines of "you can't be a true fan of xyz because you're just a new fan/you haven't gotten into that much! you haven't even seen abc or jkl or-" and I'll just want to snap that person's spine in half because you don't have to know everything about something to be a fan of it!
like take one of my favorite book series, Arc of Scythe. I only discovered it last year. I know nothing about the author(s) and/or if they've mentioned other details of the series outside the books on social media blogs. I don't know how long ago the series came out. I didn't even know a prequel book came out until the other week ago when I saw the actual book in my college's bookstore. All I know is that I read the trilogy, bought a copy, and loved every second of reading it. I also know that if someone called me a fake fan or "not a real fan" because of those things mentioned above I'd get fucking pissed because even though it might not seem like it, that series changed a fundamental part of the way I view things.
idk just thinking about stuff
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Discover the Top 10 CA Firms in Hitech City: Your Guide to Excellence
If you're searching for expert financial services in Madhapur, Hyderabad, you're in the right place. The bustling area of Hitech City is home to some of the best Chartered Accountant (CA) firms in India. Whether you're a startup, an established business, or an individual seeking tax advice, these firms can help you navigate the complexities of finance, taxation, and compliance. In this blog, we’ll explore the top 10 CA firms in Hitech City, ensuring you find the right partner for your financial needs.
1. SBC
At the forefront of our list is SBC, renowned for its comprehensive range of services, including auditing, taxation, and advisory. With a team of experienced professionals, SBC ensures that clients receive tailored solutions that align with their business goals. Their commitment to excellence and client satisfaction makes them a top choice in Hitech City. For inquiries, you can reach them at 040-48555182.
2. XYZ & Co.
XYZ & Co. has built a strong reputation for its expertise in corporate tax planning and compliance. Their client-centric approach ensures that businesses receive personalized services designed to maximize efficiency and minimize tax liabilities.
3. ABC Associates
ABC Associates is known for its robust accounting and auditing services. Their experienced team assists both small and large businesses, making them a reliable choice for any enterprise. They emphasize transparency and accuracy in all their dealings.
4. PQR Advisory
PQR Advisory specializes in startup consulting, offering a range of services from registration to financial management. Their deep understanding of the challenges startups face makes them an invaluable partner for new businesses in Hitech City.
5. MNO Finance
MNO Finance provides exceptional financial advisory services, including investment strategies and wealth management. Their holistic approach ensures that clients are well-prepared for future financial challenges and opportunities.
6. DEF Partners
Known for their exceptional client service, DEF Partners offers a range of CA services, including GST compliance and financial audits. Their meticulous attention to detail ensures that all financial activities are handled with the utmost care.
7. GHI Financial Services
GHI Financial Services has carved a niche in taxation services, providing expert advice on direct and indirect taxes. Their proactive approach to compliance helps clients avoid potential pitfalls while maximizing tax benefits.
8. JKL Chartered Accountants
With a strong focus on technology and innovation, JKL Chartered Accountants leverages digital tools to enhance their service delivery. Their tech-savvy approach sets them apart in a rapidly changing financial landscape.
9. RST Group
RST Group excels in corporate finance and mergers & acquisitions. Their strategic insight and deep industry knowledge make them an ideal partner for businesses looking to expand or optimize their financial operations.
10. UVW Consultancies
Last but not least, UVW Consultancies offers a wide array of services, including forensic auditing and risk assessment. Their expertise helps clients safeguard their assets and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.
Why Choose a Top CA Firm?
Partnering with one of the top 10 CA firms in Hitech City means you’ll benefit from expert advice, comprehensive services, and a focus on your unique needs. These firms bring years of experience and industry knowledge to the table, providing you with the confidence that your financial matters are in capable hands.
Choosing the right CA firm can significantly impact your financial success. Whether you’re looking for personalized services or expertise in a specific area, the firms listed above represent the best that Hitech City has to offer. Consider reaching out to SBC or any of the other top firms to explore how they can assist you in achieving your financial goals. Don’t hesitate to call 040-48555182 for more information!
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sremonconstructio · 14 days
Exciting Upcoming Residential Projects in Kolkata
Kolkata, the City of Joy, is known for its rich heritage, vibrant culture, and ever-evolving real estate landscape. With an increasing demand for modern living spaces, the city is witnessing a surge in residential projects that promise to elevate the standards of urban living. Upcoming Residential Projects in Kolkata If you're considering investing in property or simply curious about what's new on the horizon, here’s a look at some of the most anticipated residential projects in Kolkata.
1. The Serenity Heights
Location: South Kolkata
Developer: XYZ Realty
Nestled in the heart of South Kolkata, The Serenity Heights offers a blend of luxury and tranquility. With spacious 3BHK and 4BHK apartments, this project promises a high standard of living with state-of-the-art amenities. Residents can enjoy a serene environment with lush green surroundings and top-notch facilities including a swimming pool, gym, and a dedicated children’s play area.
2. Green Vista
Location: Rajarhat
Developer: ABC Constructions
Green Vista stands out with its focus on eco-friendly living. Situated in Rajarhat, this residential complex features 2BHK and 3BHK units designed with sustainability in mind. The project boasts energy-efficient designs, rainwater harvesting systems, and green building certifications. Amenities include a community garden, jogging tracks, and recreational spaces, making it a perfect choice for environmentally conscious buyers.
3. The Heritage Towers
Location: New Town
Developer: DEF Developments
For those seeking a blend of modern amenities and traditional charm, The Heritage Towers in New Town is an ideal option. This project offers 1BHK and 2BHK apartments with elegant designs and premium finishes. Residents will benefit from a range of facilities such as a clubhouse, rooftop garden, and 24/7 security. Its strategic location ensures easy access to major business hubs and entertainment options.
4. Royal Oaks
Location: Behala
Developer: GHI Builders
Royal Oaks is designed for families looking for spacious homes in a well-connected area. Located in Behala, this project features large 3BHK and 4BHK apartments with modern interiors and ample natural light. The complex includes amenities such as a gym, sports courts, and a community hall. Its proximity to schools and hospitals makes it a practical choice for growing families.
5. Elite Residences
Location: Salt Lake City
Developer: JKL Estates
Elite Residences offers a touch of luxury with its exclusive 2BHK and 3BHK apartments. Situated in the upscale neighborhood of Salt Lake City, this project features contemporary designs and high-end amenities. Upcoming Residential Projects in Kolkata Residents can enjoy access to a state-of-the-art fitness center, a serene swimming pool, and a beautifully landscaped garden.
For more details and to explore these projects further, you can visit Sremon’s portfolio, where you’ll find comprehensive information on each development, including floor plans, pricing, and availability.
Whether you're looking for a modern lifestyle or a green haven, Kolkata's upcoming residential projects offer something for everyone. Stay tuned for updates and make sure to explore these new developments as they transform the city’s real estate landscape.
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swgohgamer · 1 month
WEEK 42: I got okay mods on Nute & Sidious this week. Of the Separatists, that just leaves B2. All I need is a cross with a tenacity set bonus & a potency primary. It’s been a few days & no luck. The search continues. My guild does plan to go back to Naboo for the next raid. I feel like, based on what I’ve read, I should be able to actually get some points on the scoreboard, but we’ll see.
I bought the Ki Adi Mundi light speed bundle, which is just KAM at R5. But I didn’t have any KAM shards at all, so I figure that’s an okay value. It does bump Plo Koon off my Luminara team, which is unfortunate considering all the resources I put into Plo. But his ship isn’t bad, and it’s not like I’ll never use him again. I do now need mods for him as well, though.
I also bought the other light speed bundle & pretty much immediately regretted it. Again it’s not like it’s a bad thing to have those guys at relic levels, but I had already gotten them all the way up to G12 anyway, so it feels like a wasted purchase. Ya got me, CG.
I got Wampa all the way up to 7 stars with the raid rewards this week. I love using store currency on character shards & ship blueprints because eventually you cap out. I never need to buy Wampa shards again. It’ll be a while until I need Wampa at relics for the JKL journey, but I’m still strongly considering him as a candidate for the next omicron.
My guild won a TW for the first time in a while. I think I actually took out one of the opponents’ teams, which was a new thing. Usually all I can do is set a couple of teams on defense.
Made some progress on my Chewie journey bounty hunters - Boba is G12, Bossk is at 6 stars on his way to 7, and IG & Dengar are G11. It’s nice to be focusing on these guys- this will lead from Chewie to the Falcon to the Executor, and my fleet setup desperately needs a shakeup like that.
GAC has been tough- I’ve been outmatched and I no-showed AGAIN. I’m #10133 in Carb 4, and #40 in my guild. I’m due for a comeback.
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