#jk it's easy pugging this thing
eorzeashan · 9 months
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Nightmare Pilgrim DOWN!!
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lymoncat · 9 months
AOT HCS MODERN AU! What pet you guys own
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he has a dog I’m not even gonna lie, he comes across as a dog person, he doesn’t care what breed but prefers big dogs specifically German shepherds he bought a dog when y’all moved in together and he’s actually really close with the dog, you named the dog bobo you chose the name cuz you thought it would be cute, the dog is very attached to eren
a cat, an orange tabby cat. Armin comes across as a more calm less crazy person meaning he would want a cat to chill and read with. He named the cat tangerine cuz it’s orange. You bought him the cat for Christmas one year since you didn’t know what to get him. It’s the wholesome moments, when you see him on the couch after work holding the cat, you fall in love all over again with your gentle small ray of sunshine
you may think that he has a horse but your very wrong, he has an annoying green parrot that calls you mom, you can simply walk by the change and you’ll hear “food mom?” And you eventually get used to it and get another parrot for them to play together and stop bugging you
oh you poor unfortunate soul, him and that tortoise. Jk he has a dog still, you poor unfortunate soul, him and that dog do everything together, he has a border collie that joins you two in everything, taking a shower, the dog is at the door, using the bathroom?, the dog is staring into your soul, trying to leave? The dog is following you out the door. The dogs same is bacon cuz the dog loves bacon
Bull dog off the bat, he has a big dog strong like him, they wrestle on the living room floor all the time, go on walks, play fetch, chase little kids- wait- what?! Yeah, they think it’s funny to chase children in the park especially the snotty teenager brats over in the corner doing some not so innocent things, the dog is a female named Presley very energetic and playful but don’t expect any unwanted visitors there will be none, middle of the night a robber comes ain’t no way that person getting out alive, maybe in a body bag but not alive.
a tortoiseshell cat with gold eyes, you guys went to an animal rescue center for your anniversary and he fell in love with this cat, he was begging you until you said yes I mean how could you not?! He’s batting those pretty green eyes while on his knees with the cat “please can we get her? I’ll do anything my love” it was a yes in that very moment and next thing you knew you were on your way home with a cat named pineapple don’t bother asking how that name came across his mind but it’s always nice to see him in one of his weird sleeping positions with pineapple splayed across his chest on her back
a lazy pug named Mr. There’s no question just a fat lazy pug that sheds buckets of fur.
you begged him to get an animal and he kept saying no until he came home to you having bought one without his permission, he glared and looked pissed until that fat fluffy black cat looked him in the eyes with her emerald ones. He caved in. The cat was named jasmine and he allowed you to keep it because cats are very hygienic and easy to take care of. He hates changing the litter box but will do it for Jasmine. And when he does actually sleep it’s curled up with you and jasmine and absolutely precious, jasmine sits on his lap when he’s doing work and he shares his food with her all of the time strangely enough she loves lettuce, you’ll be in the kitchen making salad and she’ll prance over and sit there meowing for lettuce
I hope you guys liked this, please comment your thoughts and send me requests and don’t be afraid to give me feedback ❤️✨
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woobieiscool2 · 2 years
Everything will be better someday, and someday will come soon. I can feel it. I love you with all of my heart.
I feel true happiness for the first time in such a long time. I don't have to lie to myself and pretend to say anything because I love you so much. It's so easy to say all of this because it comes out so naturally. I'd try to write things like this before, but when it wasn't about you, or to you I would just twirl my thumbs one over the other over the keyboard the entire time. I guess I never really realized it till now.
I can't wait until we hug either, but what I'm most excited for is telling you how much I love you in person. It's going to be real, and I'm so excited for it. I want to remember how my lips tingle when I say it to you. I'll never ever forget how I felt the first time we said it. We were on the way home from hanging out at the place where it all started. He actually invited me out last night to celebrate his birthday, but I was too tired to go out. I'm really excited to tell him about us, even though I have no idea how I'll react. One day, when you visit me here, we'll hang out with him. I want to have a big bbq with all of our friends that we used to hang out with and us. I want to see the pugs running around in my backyard. I've been thinking about that so much. I have a lot of plants, I'm not sure if I've told you or if you know how much I like my plants. I need to make sure that none of them will hurt them or make them sick. There's a ton of cilantro, a lemon tree, a lime tree, my big plum tree, a twiddle olive tree, lemongrass, oregano, red Dallas lantanas (but they froze and I'm so sad, I hope they come back and flower again [like you and me 😩😩😩ilysm]), and I recently got a small flowering magnolia tree. That one is gonna be so pretty. I can't wait for you to see it all. It's all yours already. I'm crying saying that :)
A couple of months ago, I went to a show with one of my best friends in Dallas. We went to see The Mars Volta. I don't get as excited as I would've before for them, but I was still excited. I was actually really sad that week too. I remember I wasn't looking forward to the drive because I didn't want to be alone with my thoughts or my sad music. My friends had been criticizing me telling me I was listening to "too much sad boy music". I had a nice time when I got there, as soon as I saw him there. He lives here in the same city, but I had to pick him up in Dallas cause he flew in from a business trip (we're so old 😭). He's really funny and a bit older than me, so way older than you, jk. I met him in college, he said he always liked how cool all of my T shirts were. You told me the same thing once too. But one day on the first day of class, I recognized him, but I sat one seat away from him because I remembered he'd always sit with his girlfriend, so I left her a spot. After the class, he came up to me and told me he liked my shirt, and I actually liked his too, it was of one of the two back to back shows we saw in Dallas. We talked about music for a little bit and then I somehow brought up that I had left and empty seat and he told me she had transfered to another school in town and that we'll sit together next time. That ended up being my favorite class, I was so good at it too. Our prof once handed my test to me upside down and shook her head, and I had only gotten an 89, which was my worst grade ever in that class. I almost got a 100 and so many people flunked out or quit. It was a higher level programming class. But anyway, we stayed really good friends and I ended up being the groomsman for his wedding for that same girl that I had left an empty spot for. What a nice love story :) But back to the whole reason I mentioned this, he had asked me how I was doing during the show. The first opening band was really bad and we were kind of sick of it. I spent most of the time looking around and he told me jokingly that I probably knew half of the crowd. The person I was actually looking out for was your sister. I remember she moved to Dallas, or around it, after she left my college. I had played out a million situations in my head on how I'd ask about you. I think later I found out that her and the bf don't even live there anymore. I told my friend and I ended up spilling the beans about how much I still love you. He gave me all of the typical stuff about more people out there and all of that, but the way he reacted and made me feel like it was normal for still loving you made me feel so much better. I ended up having a nice time when the music started, and at the other show we had booked the following day too. I can't wait for you to meet him either, you've never met him, but he's practically met you hahaha.
I want to write your name a billion times. I love you with all of my heart.
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