#jjba carne x reader
kimbap-r0ll · 9 months
May I request some headcanons on Unità Speciale from JoJo’s about how they would act around their crush? (I think Squalo and Tiziano would go together since I’m pretty sure they’re a couple-)
Hi! Omg another JoJo ask! I really love these asks so plz send them over! As for Squalo and Tiziano, I think honestly they are a couple as well (in my canon they are) so I’ll be grouping them ^^. I’ll probably group Secco and Cioccolata together too since they work as a duo (and could be seen as a couple but I’ll let readers decide)
How Unita Speciale acts around a crush
Squalo + Tiziano
Honestly I think Tiziano would be hard to read, but Squalo would be pretty easy. Like he would have a little bit of a stutter when he talks to his crush or like he’ll be blushing when they get close or smile in his direction. Tiziano might give them a pleasant smile or be softer around them. Even if the crush doesn’t see Squalo’s crush, Tiziano will catch on and so will Squalo to Tiziano.
The two of them will likely have a bit of a talk, just on whether or not they should also have the crush part of the duo and let the relationship become a trio. Likely chance is that they’ll be fine with it, and from then on they’ll likely be flirty towards the crush.
Tiziano is a bit more suave with the flirtation. He’s definitely not afraid to be a bit touchy with it, but he’ll just like watching them become a flustered mess. That doesn’t mean Squalo’s not flirtatious, he’s probably just as good. He’s a bit of a tease like Tiziano is, but it might be a bit more on the rough end (ie playfully pushing the crush around or like jump-scaring them with a surprise hug from behind). Either way expect the crush to get some physical affection along with very suave words.
The confession will come from them both, probably asking the crush to meet with them in a more private setting. It might be a side of a bar or a quiet area of town. The two of them will just explain it to the crush with simple words, nothing too long and nothing too short. If the crush agrees to date, expect a more in-your-face reaction from Squalo while Tiziano is a bit more calm (still has that amazing smile ofc)
Overall I think it would be a coordinated act. Before then the crush will just notice the two hanging around them more often or going on jobs/missions more with them. The two will also be a lot nicer to the crush than when they first met (I feel like they wouldn’t be as friendly tbh to other members of Passione unless they were close).
Cioccolata + Secco
Oh man. First of all to whoever became their crush I’m sorry. But on the other hand, hey it might be a cool experience? Or maybe the person like them, either way the crush will not know they had a crush until they say it, mostly because they’ll just be around them and the crush might think “oh no am I just on their good side or am I going to become a lab rat”
I think Secco would be easier to read. He will be, well, himself and might smother the crush a bit (I imagine he would be sort of like how cat’s brush up against people’s legs) but the crush might just think Secco’s interested in them like in a friendly way. Secco might talk to them more too, like actual interactions. Similar with Cioccolata he might talk to the crush more often but he’s good at hiding the attraction. If the crush compliments him, he’ll just thank them, but the crush might notice him being a bit more giddy than usual
I also feel like Cioccolata and Secco don’t do pick up lines or flirty words. For example, they probably have a weird sense of affection that isn’t really understood by common people, so depending on the crush the words will make them blush or drain the happiness out of their day haha. They’ll be more like gift-giving because it’s a bit simpler for the two parties.
The two might talk about it but Cioccolata might make the ultimate decision. The next step is on whether or not the crush ends up like Secco or if the crush goes through with the relationship without becoming a potential lab rat. The crush might feel like they need to agree, but the two might be a bit flexible if it comes to a rejection. They’ll just be more distant
Overall I think if the crush has good chemistry with this medical duo they’ll be fine. Hell they might be a force in Unita Speciale if their stand and their teamwork is super good with Cioccolata and Secco. The relationship might be more or less normal but it could also just be more destruction (it’s for you to decide)
He’s quiet, not very talkative and rarely shows emotions outside of his stand. However, when he has a crush it might be easier to read him because he gets flustered more
For example, if the crush worked with him for a while they might notice he’s a bit more shy than usual or that he’s a bit flustered when they compliment him. He’s less 😶 than usual like more 😳. He’s more of a gift-giver too since he doesn’t feel that good with words
I think it would take a long time for him to confess to his crush, like practice in front of a mirror or write it out. He’s probably dated once or twice, but he doesn’t really remember much about how they started so it feels like he has to start from scratch. He will NOT let anyone know about his crush though, in case their life gets threatened (if they are a civilian) or it gets awkward as a team (if they are part of the team).
His confession might be a bit awkward, it’s in a secluded place and his voice is fairly quiet. It’s kinda cute though coming from someone who works with one of Italy’s strongest mafias. If the crush agrees he’ll be delighted, honestly might just ask if they wanted to hang out for a bit longer. If the crush says no, then he’ll try to be a bit nonchalant about it but he’ll likely cut ties with them because it makes him think about his confession more.
Either way, he’s sort of like what I imagine Pesci would be like except he doesn’t have a “fratello” to help him or hype him up haha. He’ll be nice as a boyfriend, but he’ll be busy once Bruno’s gang decides to go against Diavolo
Honestly he might be in denial for a bit that he has a crush on someone. He thinks it’s silly, maybe he’s seen too many tv shows or didn’t keep himself busy that he had time to dream. However, he’ll come around and just agree to himself that yeah maybe he has a crush
Diavolo might get in the way of Doppio trying to pick the crush up or like hanging out with them because Diavolo had a relationship before and he wants to keep anonymity, but Diavolo might stop if Doppio convinces him. The two don’t really have the exact same goals in terms of getting to know people
Doppio is always a more cheerful guy, he’s definitely going to be sweet to his crush. He’s friendly, takes them out to places, and genuinely spends time getting to know them. I feel like though he does blush from time to time, the crush might never see him flustered. He seems like the type to know how to hide emotions when he needs to, and this might be one of the cases. However, the crush will know Doppio’s at least enjoying their company
When it comes to the confession, he might be a bit more of a stuttering mess. He’s a bit shy with his words, likely does it outside in a less crowded area (like a seashore or a park) and just thinks of his words on the spot. He hopes the Boss won’t call him during this important moment as he waits for his crush to give him an answer. If that answer is yes, then he’ll be super happy and might give them a hug immediately after haha. If not, he’ll give an awkward laugh and say it’s no worry, the two could still be friends. Depending on if the crush is a civilian or not, they may see Doppio less
Overall I think he would be more of a daydreamer, sort of imagining what his life could be like with this crush and the things that romance brings in life. He might’ve talked to Diavolo about his crush too, but Diavolo likely shut him up and told him to focus on his work before rambling about the crush. Doppio’s a sweet guy ^^
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soupbabe · 11 months
Sorry for the worlds most niche ask but … poly Carne x Ciocolatta x male La Unita reader?
(I wanna throw Secco into the polycule pile as well but I’m worried that’s asking too much work for such a niche ask 😭 feel free to leave him out if you want)
Reader would obviously have to be someone with a) the ruthlessness to make it to La Unita and b) the unhinged-ness to be partly dating ciocolatta 😭😭 but tbf have you seen La Unita? No one on that roster is normal and well adjusted (not even Squalo and Tiz, they’re freaks too /affectionate)
Poly! Carne/Cioccolata/Secco x Male! La Unità Speciale! Reader
Dude you're so more than welcome to request niche stuff !! Carne n Cioccolata is like in the top 3 of the only JoJo ships I care about. Next to Esikars and Tomoko x Shinobu from part 4 😭
Warning: these are kinda all over the place??, tried to give each character a chance to shine but there might be some uneven coverage of characters, Cioccolata is his own brand of concern
- One word to describe the relationship: intense
- Everyone loves aggressively and frequently
- Hard to say if there's some kind of "balance" between the four of you. Even Carne, though silent, is just as clingy and touchy as Cioccolata and Secco
- Oh yeah btw you're never going to be left alone
- Even on missions, even if Doppio insists you go alone, they don't care. I really think these three men take Doppio or Diavolo's words as just a suggestion.
- Secco is the worst offender. His clinginess is overwhelming. He'll always insist that he holds your hand, your waist, any bit of skin he can get his hands on
- And he's just as determined that you give him the same attention. He'll always want you to pet him, to sing the same praises as Cioccolata, give him some special treatment w extra sugar cubes or kisses. Your attention is very addicting
- Cioccolata and Carne on the other hand? They're around you just to get a rise out of you
- Like I know Carne stepped closer to Mista just because he thought it was funny that it annoyed him
- They both love to scare and prod at you. Cioccolata does all the talking and teasing for the both of them, wheress Carne just likes to stare and hold you
- The unwavering eye contact could make anyone squirm and a low rumble erupts from his chest when Carne knows he's getting to you
- While it's fairly easy to fluster Secco and (kind of) Carne back, it's become a game between you and Cioccolata to see how you could make the surgeon blush
- He rolls his eyes when you act sweet, he laughs and plays along when you try to get intimate and tease him, you could show up at his door covered in blood and his face doesn't grow warm
- The secret? Join in on one of his tapes, he wants to see you revel in the adrenaline rush of murder.
- It's the action that gets blood rushing to his cheeks, it's the fact that he's sharing the experience with you and Secco. No secret that the doctor has a twisted sense of joy and romance, he loves taping the "dates" he has with you because of this
- It's like a lil scrapbook, y'know? Fond memories with you and Secco <3
- Sometimes Carne joins in on the fun, but he's rather camera shy, so he's the director. While you three are making out sloppy style, his hand is in the corner frame giving a small thumbs up.
- You four are only considered "cute" by Tiziano and Squalo, but you all really are happier than what any outsider can assume
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surpriserose · 3 years
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Carne Moodboard <3 <3 <3
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borizcua · 4 years
U should do boyfriend headcanons for carne –please
Carne boyfriend headcanons 
notes: Okay anon you caught me, I secretly really like this character (´ ε ` )♡ ty for the request, hope you enjoy!
Carne is the quiet type, he never really says much but the love and affection is there
The type to never ask to hold your hand instead he nudges you a little and hopes you take the hint
Despite not talking much you never have to question his ride or die attitude towards you 
He didn’t get into the mafia by being a nice guy, so anyone who thinks just because he’s quiet that they can get away with messing with you, well, let’s just say they should start writing their obituary 
Despite being a mafioso he doesn’t bring his work home
In fact you don’t even meet the rest of Unita Speciale until months after dating (and begging) to meet his colleagues 
Enjoys being home with you, the job takes him all over the map, so when he is around just expect quiet days and nights at home, watching movies, playing games - he really just wants to be in your company 
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moody-bloosh · 5 years
You know exactly who this is, can I get fake texts from Carne? IDK I'm down for literally anything because I know he's hard to write for, but maybe something about memes or cursed images? IDK lol
i did my best to look for cursed images, now i am f r i g h t e n e d but if its for y’all i am willing to do it again 😂 i hope you enjoy this! uwu 
420 followers milestone: i made fake texts of you and your f/o! [ RULES ]
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Cursed Images and Sweetness with Carne 
texts under the cut!
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could u do jealous yandere carne headcanons? ik this might seem weird but for some reason i got really attached to carne! ^^"
This is really trippy to me because I was watching the first part to the Notorious B.I.G fight last night and I was thinking how in the name of DIO would I write a guy whose on screen for like a few seconds and then dies, as a yandere if someone asked? 
  Then I get someone who asks (no offense of course I just find it hilarious) .  like I gotta stop thinking these really obscure thoughts, I swear someone always think of a character I wonder about pops up.
 It happened with Keicho, Kakyoin, and Terunosuke too. 
I actually don’t have much for him (even the wiki states he doesn’t have much of a personality). However I’ll come up with a few things for him.
Yandere Carne (I’m so sorry I can’t think of much, the wiki is a slight help) 
  He would probably be big time devoted to you and the ground you stand on
Apparently he was filled with a ton of hatred when alive so he’d probably be obsessive over someone who takes that bit of hatred away.
More than likely would take his anger out on anyone that dared come near you. 
That’s about all I’ve got I really did try on this.
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narancias-headband · 2 years
JJBA Masterlist!
Updated: 04/02/2024
***Anything marked [NSFW] is 18+ only - Minors DNI***
I try to tag things pretty well, so a search for any char on my blog should get you what you're looking for. :)
Part 2 - Battle Tendency
The Pillarmen:
Smoke Sesh with the Pillarmen
NSFW Alphabet [NSFW]
Untitled [Reader Insert]
Wamuu x Chubby!Reader Drabble
Part 3 - Stardust Crusaders
The Crusaders:
Stardust Crusaders as Dogs
🌟 Muhammad Avdol
General Headcanons
Taking Care of You When You're Sick Headcanons
🌟 Jean-Pierre Polnareff
General Headcanons
Dating Headcanons
Flirting [Reader Insert]
Part 4 - Diamond is Unbreakable
DuWang Gang:
Why are they calling at 3 a.m.?
How do they react when you call them at 3 a.m.?
💎 Josuke Higashikata
General Headcanons
Taking Care of You When You're Sick Headcanons
💎 Okuyasu Nijimura
General Headcanons
Part 5 - Golden Wind
Golden Wind - Band AU
Bucci Gang:
Who does the laundry?
Who's best at keeping secrets?
Why are they calling at 3 a.m.?
What's everyone's morph? [Animorphs Crossover]
Bucci Gang as Dogs
Accidentally calling Bruno dad
Defending your Bucci Gang S/O
Would they do edibles with you?
Catching their S/O moaning their name [NSFW]
Taking their S/O ice skating
Comforting you after a bad breakup
What shampoo do they use?
Slow Dancing with the Bucci Gang
Bucci Gang with an S/O with a hyena laugh
Making the Bucci Gang breakfast
🐞 Bruno Bucciarati
General Headcanons
Your Secret is Safe with Me [Short Fic]
Cuddling with Bucciarati
Lonely [Reader Insert] [NSFW]
Cutesy Date Headcanons
Getting a lapdance from his S/O [NSFW]
🐞 Giorno Giovanna
General Headcanons
Nightmares [Reader Insert]
Untitled [Reader Insert]
🐞 Leone Abbacchio
General Headcanons
Cuddling with Abbacchio
Caught in the Act [Reader Insert] [NSFW]
Taking Care of You When You're Sick Headcanons
🐞 Guido Mista
General Headcanons
More General Headcanons
Dating Headcanons
Favorite Date Locations
🐞 Narancia Ghirga
General Headcanons
Catcalling [Reader Insert]
Chaotic Headcanons
Narancia Cheering You Up Headcanons
Narancia Doesn't Knock Headcanons
🐞 Pannacotta Fugo
General Headcanons
More General Headcanons
🐞 Trish Una
General Headcanons
La Squadra:
What is La Squadra HQ like?
La Squadra as Dogs
Why are they calling at 3 a.m.?
Truth or Dare - Dared to Call Your Crush
Who is the best partner for your first mission?
Truth or Dare - Dared to Give Your Crush a Piece of Your Clothing [NSFW]
Who's most likely to try and pick you up at the club? [NSFW]
La Squadra - Morning Person or Night Owl?
Imagine your La Squadra F/O (confessing his job to you)
La Squadra being super in tune with your emotions
Snuggling with La Squadra Headcanons
Asking them to buy you pads/tampons
La Squadra finding your secret porn stash [NSFW]
Drinking shenanigans with La Squadra
Calling La Squadra at 3 a.m.
La Squadra's Halloween Costumes
☠️ Risotto Nero
General Headcanons
Dating Headcanons
Crush Headcanons
☠️ Formaggio
General Headcanons
Dating Headcanons
Partying with Formaggio - Imagine
First Kiss - Imagine
Taking Care of a Sick S/O Headcanons
A Hand to Hold [Reader Insert]
Vacation Headcanons
☠️ Illuso
General Headcanons
POV: ur in a toxic relationship w/ illuso [Playlist]
☠️ Prosciutto
General Headcanons
☠️ Pesci
General Headcanons
Aquarium Date Headcanons
☠️ Melone
General Headcanons
NSFW Alphabet [NSFW]
☠️ Ghiaccio
General Headcanons
Dating Headcanons
First Hit [Reader Insert]
Untitled Reader Insert Drabble
💫 Carne
Roommate Headcanons
Bloodlust [Reader Insert] [NSFW]
#cardboard bruno | #jojo radio
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star-birthmark · 4 years
Updated Rules
Hello everyone! I’ve updated my rules because I’m going to open up my requests soon!
As of now, I only write for parts 4, 5 and the main cast of 6 
I also take confessions and headcanons 
After thinking about it for a while, I’ve decided to become NSFW, meaning this blog is now 18+ 
So if you’re a minor following me, block the not sfw tag. 
I will not write incest or pedophilia or anything… unethical? 
Idk use your judgment. 
Minors will be aged up for nsfw 
I only write reader x character stories. 
I don’t ship anything in JJBA that heavily so I get more inspired by inserts
Please let me know the specific pronouns you’d like in your request. 
For Part 4: I won’t write for Shigechi, Angelo, Tamami Kobayashi, Toshikazu Hazamada, Akira Otoishi, Toyohiro Kanedaichi, Terunosuke Miyamoto, Kira’s Father
For Part 5: I won’t write for Pericolo, Cioccolata, Secco, Polpo, Carne, Sale, Zucchero
For Part 6: I only write for the main cast of Part 6. So that includes Jolyne, Pucci, Weather Report, Anasui, Foo Fighters, Hermes, (not Emporio just cause he’s so young…)
I reserve the right to refuse a request if I don’t really know what to write, if I’m uncomfortable writing it or if I don’t like the character. 
I have this perpetual bad habit of making my requests almost absurdly long and I’m a busy college student, so please give me time. 
I swear I’m working on it, but school takes priority. 
If there are certain CWs that you are uncomfortable with, please let me know politely what you would like tagged and I will. 
But so far, I’m tagging things as I write them.
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borizcua · 4 years
Notes: I wanted to write a separate rules post to cover all of my bases for this blog. Please read this before submitting a request. 
I write for JJBA part 5 characters ONLY, this includes: Team Bucciarati, La Squadra, and Unita Speciale
To be specific I will write for: 💖(SFW ONLY)
Narancia 💖
Fugo 💖
Giorno 💖
Trish 💖
Sorbet and Gelato
Squalo and Tiziano
Carne 💖
I will NOT be aging up characters. I don’t have a problem with other writers who choose to, I personally just do not feel comfortable doing it, thank you for understanding.
This blog DOES contain NSFW content, I would appreciate it if minors DNI. 
I will tag tw/cw but if there’s something I did not tag that you would like me too, please just let me know.
I am not very comfortable with writing yandere prompts/prompts with darker themes like (TW) dubcon, however, you can still request them - I'll look it over and decide if I feel comfortable with that particular request.
LGBT friendly! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ 
Lastly, I will say this once: This blog will NOT contain ship related content. This is not a blog for drama, debate or hate. I am purely here to write character x reader content, NOT character x character content. 
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