#jiwon fromis_9
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poemaojal · 6 days ago
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女孩在雪地里行走 ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ⎯⎯ㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ❀ 🫙ㅤ🐇 ◌· 🩹
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miujo · 1 year ago
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      (❀˘ᵕ˘)     ×     🍧      ˃˂
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bonitarkve · 6 months ago
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ੈ✩‧₊ jiwon | fromis_9 ࿐࿔
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asianhaven4u · 6 months ago
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The body, the curves, the beauty, the dimples
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bydarkfenix · 1 year ago
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bo1908 · 4 months ago
Park Jiwon fromis_9 ‘ Unlock My World ’
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fromisnet · 19 days ago
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JIWON / #menow (230610)
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funfactory · 9 months ago
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jiwon @ waterbomb seoul (240705)
cr: cherry tomato
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tae · 2 months ago
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250129 ⋆⭒˚.⋆ supersonic
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romsae · 5 months ago
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supersonic ✪ 240818 inkigayo
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dearohmygirl · 7 months ago
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supersonic (240822)
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octoberautumnbox · 10 months ago
fromis as your girlfriend?
ok :DDDD
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You wrap your coat around Saerom and plant a kiss on her hair once you get the chance.
"I was kidding," she giggles, "I'm not that cold." Despite her words, she snuggles your coat a little bit more before she tries taking it off. However, the moment the skin of her hands are exposed to the frigid air, she shivers and rubs them together.
"There's no point in lying, Rommie. You're about as hard to read as a children's vocabulary book." Your hands meet her cheeks, a miscalculation on your part, and she shivers at how cold you are. Her eyes fill with a sort of shy sadness, but her quick thinking saves you both.
"Uhh, my legs are tired too. Carry me?" she asks bashfully, knowing you can't refuse her. Of course you oblige, and as you pick her up in a piggyback ride, she wraps both your and her coat around you to keep you warm too.
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The bowl clatters to the table, spilling its contents all over the surface. Your yelp is loud and sharp, reflecting the pain that covers four of your fingers in the hot soup.
"Fucking idiot," Hayoung grunts. She rushes to wipe your hand free of the liquid, while simultaneously righting and filling the bowl your dropped with cold water. She places it in front of you and dips your fingers inside.
"Be more careful next time." Her voice is stern like it always is when you get hurt. "I can't always be around to look after you and keep you safe. It's like you're doing all this on purpose, honestly."
Behind the scolding, you know her words come from a place of genuine worry and care. Of course they do; her heart can't bear seeing you in pain. Hayoung's gaze never leaves your hand, her fingers never leave your wrist. She has to make sure you're okay.
"It was just an accident, my beloved bread loaf. It wouldn't kill me." The worry in her eyes balloon more, as if she's near tears.
Ease her worries, pull her in and plant a kiss on her exposed forehead. "But okay, I'll be careful. I'm sorry."
Her gaze softens as she finally meets your eyes. A small smile forms at the corners of her mouth before her attention returns to your healing hand.
She fishes your fingers out of the bowl and carefully kisses each one after every word: "I love you too."
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You find Jiwon outside the laundry room with her arms crossed in front of her chest and a finger between her teeth, evidently lost in thought. As you approach her, the smell of detergent overpowers you, and the sound of bubbles popping vigorously out of sight grows louder and louder.
She finally notices you getting closer, and she holds out her hand to stop you. "Okay, before you get mad, know that I did everything right. Something's broken."
"What did you-" you grunt, but as you round the corner and peer into the laundry room, you find the floor covered in suds and the washing machine whirring like it never whirred before.
"See? Broken." Jiwon places her hands on her hips proudly, proud to show none of this was her fault.
Your gaze flies to her in disbelief, and her features drop in disappointment. Her eyes meet the floor between her feet and her voice lowers in volume.
"You're mad," she mutters ashamedly, "I'm sorry, honey. I don't know what happened."
The washing machine finally stops whirring, but the lights all throughout your apartment flicker. You frantically rush for the circuit breaker and flip the master switch off, nearly slipping as you do, and darkness falls all around the two of you.
"It's alright," you sigh. You pat her on the shoulder and pull her in for a snuggle. "You're not hurt, honey?" Stroke her hair and comfort her, still wary that she might be keeping something else about the situation from you.
"Nope, I'm fine, but I have to own up to something: I maaaaybe forgot to read the instructions." Her laugh cuts through the tension of the situation, and you find yourself laughing with her. It'll be a headache tomorrow to get all this fixed, but for now, it's a welcome slow dance with your girlfriend in the dark.
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The two of you head off to a nearby shade as Jisun hums happily at the sweet flavor of her ice cream. She's the type to take bites out of it, and while you found that a bit weird, it takes nothing away from how much you love her.
"What flavor is that again?" you ask while licking your lips free of your own ice cream. She takes a second before meeting your eyes, evidently really enjoying her cold treat.
"It's- Ahahaha, look at you!" She points to your chin while bellowing a hearty laugh. She nearly folds in half as her joy consumes her; each time she rises and takes in the sight of you, she laughs again.
Confused, you fish our your phone and inspect yourself in the screen. In your reflection you find a dab of your rocky road on your nose and a line of it from your lower lip to your chin. It suddenly connects what Jisun was laughing so hard about:
"I'm sorry, love, you a bit look like a clown!" She struggles to get her laughter under control, but loses it when you pull a funny face for her. She pounds your chest weakly, announces her sides are starting to hurt, and yet, her laughter never lets up.
There's no shame nor judgment in her reactions, and you know full well that she's only overflowing with joy to be spending a perfect day like this out with you. There's no harm in laughing at yourself once in a while, especially when you get to hear Jisun's as well.
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You shut the door behind you and walk over carefully to Seoyeon's bed. She lifts up the covers and hurries you in despite you trying your hardest not to spill the ramyeon you cooked for her.
"Thaaank you, sweetheart," she cheers, taking the bowl and chopsticks from you and placing it carefully on her lap over the blanket. She cuddles up to you happily before taking her first bite of your cooking, and she shakes in contentment once the savory taste of the food washes over her tongue.
As the TV drones on in the background, you wrap her in a warm embrace. You have half a mind to scold her, wanting to tell her off for not getting up all day, but with a sight like this, you really hate to break the peace.
Instead, you watch as she devours the ramyeon bite by bite, her eyes never leaving the TV, and her head never lifting off your shoulder. The scent of her hair fills your nose, and the warmth of her body calms you down and releases tension you didn't even know you had.
"Say aaahhhhh." Seoyeon lifts up a bite of her ramyeon and blows on it, then brings it over to your mouth. She stares expectantly as she waits for you to open up, and who are you to decline?
She thoughtfully offers you the bite of her food, her food, and you eat it gratefully. Her eyes turn into crescents as her smile takes over her features, and for a moment you take in the beauty of Lee Seoyeon.
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You snap what might be the millionth picture of her today, probably not even she knows how many you've taken for her so far, and hand your phone back to her for inspection.
"Hmm, no, still not it. Take a few more." She walks back to the wall and strikes another hot pose. Her finger flies towards the stairs, and you understand that she wants you at a higher vantage point for a better angle.
You take a number of steps up the flight, and point your lens at her once more. "Chae, please, we've been here for hours. Can't you just pick the best one?" you whine, but you still fulfill your duty of snapping pictures of her. The light from the flash washes over her features and figure, and you're once again reminded that she's gorgeous. Why even whine about merely taking pictures when this is your muse?
She swipes back your phone and scrolls through your gallery, carefully scrutinizing each photo. She settles on one, and favorites it. "Hehe, thank you, baby. Send all those to me except that one with the heart. "
You take back your phone and find the photo she's talking about, and you notice that by her standards it's the best one out of them all. She flashes a beautiful smile at you, no more pictures, as she wraps you in a warm and grateful embrace.
"Why not this one? I thought you'd like it the most."
"It is! And that one you keep for yourself. Only for your eyes." She kisses you playfully on the lips before smiling again, "For being the best boyfriend ever."
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The live band fills the room with a sophisticated symphony, all the while pieces of silverware clink against plates and hushed, faraway voices of the snooty and rich reach your ears. You try your best to ignore the atmosphere of this fancy dinner, with the only thing in the world making it semi-bearable having a terrible time as well.
"I can't believe I let you drag me all the way out here." Nagyung's knife clacks against the fine porcelain making up her plate, most probably leaving scratch marks on the priceless dinnerware. She retrieves a poorly-cut bite of the tough steak, sighs, and eats it anyway. Nagyung spends a bit more time than usual trying to chew the meat before ultimately swallowing with a grimace. "My mouth isn't made for food like this. I need pizza and Yakult."
"If I recall correctly," you retort, your voice unexpectedly harboring a harsh tone, "it's your fault we're here. You weren't satisfied with suffering alone and you just had to bring me along as a plus-one." The fish's pepper overwhelms your taste buds and you make for your glass of water again. Just one gulp is enough to wash it down, but the sheer amount of fish left on your plate disheartens you.
"Look, I'm sorry. I knew it'd be boring, but I didn't think it would be this bad," Nagyung sighs, shuffling her peas and corn around the plate. You can tell with how she sounds that she means it, and by the way that she acts that she regrets ever mentioning this to you.
Feeling guilty at losing your temper, you attempt to reassure her. It's the least you could do, once you realize how utterly disrespectful what you just said to her was, and try to make up for embarrassing her like that. "This ends at 11, right? Just enough time to get to that Italian place by the park before it closes?"
She looks up at you with a face riddled with shock, but then is quickly replaced with a shining grin. Her teeth gleam in the candlelight as her adorable giggles reach your ears.
"We can just about make it if we break four speeding laws on the way." Her tone is now filled with an unmatched excitement, like the first shot of espresso on a dull morning.
"Awesome. Pick up the pizza, stock up on Yakult, get the hell home. Perfect crime."
Nagyung laughs out loud, attracting the attention of a few others near your table. She covers her mouth, but the smile never leaves her eyes as she whispers: "Are we stealing the pizza too? What do you mean 'crime?!'"
"Figure of speech, dummy," you declare as you twirl your fork in the air like a wizard, "But not completely off the table."
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Jiheon flips the leaf over and over, examining every vein it has. Her eyes rake over the stalk to try and find any defining features at all, but her search evidently turns up nothing of value.
"What type of tree is this?" Her question is innocent, and she's so engrossed in the specimen that she even forgets to look at you.
"Damned if I knew. What am I, a tree-ologist?" Your joke steals her attention, but she responds with only a blank stare.
"Arborist," she says in passing, her attention turning back to the leaf. "They're called arborists."
"Right..." you mutter, shame rising to your cheeks at your apparently immature attempt at humor. Jiheon is too smart for you sometimes, and you don't always connect.
She picks a leaf off the branch and walks over to you. Your girlfriend drops it onto your palm and says "Keep, please. Wanna look up when we get home."
You nod and put the leaf away in your jacket pocket, and she watches as you expertly stow her specimen in a secure place on your person. Once the both of you are sure the leaf is safe, she clings to your arm and snuggles, the image of pure joy.
"What's gotten into you?" Your question is innocent and maybe a little bit dense, but it only serves to make her smile grow wider.
Jiheon snuggles more into your arm and even plants a kiss on your shoulder. She looks up at you with adoration, but something tells you she has one teeny bit of mischief up her sleeve.
"Nothing, you're just cute, that's all. Thank you." She kisses you on the cheek and refuses to explain any further. Her eyes look ahead as the two of you continue your stroll through her neighborhood.
Jiheon is too smart for you sometimes, and you don't always connect. In the rare times that you do, it feels like the world is right. But in the times that you don't, like now, it only reminds you how much more of her you're looking forward to seeing.
a/n: that was fun! thank you for the great ask anon :DDDD
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waldfgrl · 5 months ago
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gagyeongs · 7 months ago
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☆ fromis_9 (프로미스나인) 'Supersonic' ☆ M/V
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a-casual-kpopfan · 1 year ago
Day Off - Jiwon
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A/N: I've been really vibing with these little short stories. This did not go through any editting at all, hope you all enjoy. <3
*Ring*… *Ring*… *Ring*
And there it is, the dreaded iPhone alarm. This alarm is what gives all high school and college students nightmares, then coming with them into adulthood, the alarm becomes a part of a person throughout the rest of their lives.
*Ring*… *Ring*… *Ring*
You wake up from what was your splendid slumber to that accursed alarm, but there’s one good thing about this alarm.
It’s not yours.
You hear a woman groaning, following with a hand slapping down to a nightstand next to your bed and the alarm ends. You stay laying in your bed, facing the edge of it while you feel movement on the other side, you chuckle as you stay relaxed. As the movement gets closer towards you, a hand lands on your shoulder, gripping you slowly then suddenly a body is now on top of you.
Your ear was filled with her voice, she’s now wide awake which means you’re wide awake. “Yes, honey?” Your voice was groggy, it was a low tone, your throat felt a strong vibration once you spoke. “It’s time to wakey, wakey…” She whispers into your ear, then begins leaving a trail of kisses from the farthest end of your cheek, making a slow way to your lips.
“Baby, you know it’s your day off.” You turn yourself slowly while she’s keeping her position on top of you; now facing frontwards, you see what is the cutest thing to wake up to in the morning. Jiwon’s hair messy and all over the place, her lips are pouting right at you. “I know oppa, but I don’t want to waste the day.” Jiwon lays belly first on top of you, nose to nose, staring into each other’s eyes.
“You know, you have the prettiest eyes.” Her eyes are an extremely dark brown, the black pupil blending in perfectly with the colours of her corneas. “Do I have prettier eyes than Heoni?” Jiwon’s pout grows bigger, you remember the last time you saw all the members, you had answered that their maknae Jiheon had the prettiest eyes, Jiwon hasn’t let you off the hook for that.
“You always had prettier eyes than her baby.” You move your nose away from hers, losing contact but instead you kiss the tip of her nose, which in turn converts her lips from a pout to a smile, cheeks lighting up like a fire. “Good!” Giggles fill the room, Jiwon now sitting up on top of you full straddle, she covers both her cheeks and just smiles at you. “I should be the only one you look at!” Her voice has always been quite loud, bed talk is no different, Park Jiwon is definitely the loudest member from her group, Saerom has told you horror stories about it.
“What do you want to do today baby?” You continue looking up to your girlfriend who’s just casually sitting on top of you, pretending to think, but you got a feeling she already knew how to start today. She looks at you as if she’s wants… No… needs something, something she hasn’t had for a long time. “Baby… We just woke up…”
Jiwon lips become loose again; her tongue moistens her bottom lip. “Then let me…” Jiwon slowly disappeared under the blanket that you two shared. “Baby, w-wait!”
No stopping now…
The sounds of sizzles and the smells of scrambled eggs fill your apartment’s small kitchen, the table was filled with a bowl of rice, sauteed gai-lan with garlic, a large grilled pork belly. Since waking up, both you and Jiwon were… Occupied throughout most of the morning, you decided to make a full lunch instead to regain energy.
Jiwon wearing only one of your t-shirts, a pair of underwear and an apron, you on the other hand wearing a pair of your old college basketball shorts and a baggy sweatshirt, not worried about the oils possibly spraying on your clothes or the smell being stuck to your clothing. “Mmm, everything is smelling great oppa.” Jiwon enjoying the time cooking with you in the kitchen, it’s been so long since the two of you spent quality time together.
Jiwon has shut off the stove, pouring over the eggs into a bowl and handing it off to you. “All doooone!” Her voice is soothing for you; you miss her presence whenever she goes on tour or is practicing for a comeback, with the time today, you want to enjoy what time you have left before she leaves again.
Lunch is all set, placing the bowl of eggs on the table while Jiwon makes her way to the table with a small container of kimchi. You watch your girlfriend take off the apron, you couldn’t help but watch Jiwon set the apron on the wall, with her t-shirt flaring up exposing the pink frilled underwear. “Hey, you perv, you’d think I wouldn’t know you would look?” You up from looking at Jiwon’s little tush to her face directed right at you.
Caught red handed, although you were not flustered one bit, this being typical behaviour while the two of you finally have alone time. “It’s not my fault that my girlfriend is a sexy idol.” Smirking at her, which was met with a smirk of her own, walking slowly towards you. You watched her as she moved step by step, each thigh coming after another, you just kept watching Jiwon get closer, passing by her designated chair.
She pulls the chair you’re sitting in out, with you on it. “Damn, have you gotten stronger?” Jiwon lifts her t-shirt, showing off her mid, slapping it confidently that her mid has become solid as a rock. “You did get a good look at them earlier, didn’t you?” A big smile was on her face, you chuckle. “Well sorry baby, I was… Distracted…” While giggling Jiwon props herself to sit on you, both legs hanging off one side, arm around you neck, she draws a finger along your jaw.
“Should we have our meal?” You smiled and leaned forward to meet your lover’s lips halfway.
“Look honey, they have a Takoyaki stand!” Jiwon points with her finger poking out slightly in a glove, over to a busy stand, smoke and steam coming out for a little cart with quite a line up. “It’s been a while since I had som-” You look to where your girlfriend was, but in typical Jiwon fashion, she’s disappeared away from your side only to see her lined up for the Takoyaki. “Honey, over here!” You see a small figure sticking out their arm, with a hand covered by a glove, of course it’s Jiwon lining up for food.
You couldn’t help but smile as you walk over to her lining up with her, shortly joining her, the wait time for the line was terribly long. In normal circumstances, you wouldn’t attempt to wait in a line like this, preferably going somewhere else for food, but this isn’t normal circumstance.
You waited patiently; the line moves ever so slowly. The cold was creeping up your body, but it seems as though Jiwon wasn’t feeling cold Fall breeze. “Are you not cold baby?” You put your hands inside your jacket while your girlfriend wraps her hands around one of your arms while the two of you wait for the line to move.
The line is slow going, but your patience has paid off as both you and Jiwon had gotten a fresh portion of Takoyaki, you were amazed about how great the food smelt. The cart didn't look different than the others that you've seen, you look over to Jiwon who's holding her own little paper bowl of Takoyaki. You can see in her eyes how ready she is to devour it; you almost feel bad for the octopus that was harvested to make this. You pull your girlfriend to the side of the cart to some small tables for customers to eat their purchases at the market.
"Look oppa, the bonito flakes are still moving!" Jiwon looks so cheerful; you almost feel like you're going to fall in love with her all over again. "Baby, did I ever mention that you're the cutest thing that lever seen?" Your lover is suddenly flustered. Putting down the little bowl on the table, then following up to cover her face to hide her now even more pinker cheeks from the blushing. “Aish, why do you have to embarrass me now? In public too!”
After getting settled at your little table, Jiwon picked up a piece with a toothpick given at the cart. “Baby, wouldn’t it be too hot to eat?” You try to warn her while you’re trying to open a little hole with your toothpick, but before you knew it, you hear muffled scream.
“MMMMM!” You already knew it were to happen, you didn’t even have to look over to what sounds to be a little Jiwon steaming hot fumes from her mouth. You calmly open up a water bottle and handed it over to her, which she grabbed in a furious manner. “I tried to warn you baby.” You take a small bite out of your takoyaki, thankfully it was cooled down enough to safely eat in peace.
After knowing that your portion was cool enough to eat, you switched yours with Jiwon’s. “Wait, but that means you have to wait for them to cool again.” You watched your girlfriend pout, but you didn’t care. “It’s okay baby, you can eat first. Waiting isn’t a problem.” You kissed her forehead, turning that pout into a smile.
You watch Jiwon eating the food a little bit more cautiously while you create small holes to let the hot air out of yours.
Seeing your girlfriend happy was always the priority.
“Okay… Grand Prix mode… 200cc… You ready to get your ass kicked?” Jiwon gets herself set, sitting down next to you. Trying to keep your composure, you compare your made kart with Jiwon’s, you’re using King Boo while she chooses Rosalina. You knew she was trying to match your weight class so you wouldn’t abuse her off the track.
“Okay, let’s start!”
You and Jiwon get quite competitive when someone suggests to turn on the Switch and run some Mario Kart, usually it would be Jiwon’s idea.
A few tracks went by, she placed 1st place in the first track, but you followed up in the second track, after the third track both you and Jiwon are tied for 1st place, coming down to a winner takes all fourth race.
“You may have kept up this long, but I’m going to win!” You look over to your left, Jiwon leaned forward, glasses tipping slightly at the tip of her nose, tongue sticking out while slightly biting on it with her teeth. She’s dressed in sweats, her hair is tied up in a bun, she couldn’t look anymore differently when she’s up on stage, but then again, this is the Jiwon that you fell in love with.
After a fight of bananas and red shells flying everywhere, an untimely blue shell had taken you out of your 1st place ranking.
“I WON!”
Your girlfriend is jumping up and down for joy, after a tough long battle, she was the one who came out victorious coming away with the golden trophy. “Yah, if that blue shell wasn’t launched, I would’ve won!” You try to defend yourself for losing, you were first for majority of the race, but not long enough.
After a minute of cheering, Jiwon lets out a long and strong yawn.
You smiled, turning off the switch with your controller and setting the controller on the side. “Come on baby, I think today is coming to an end.” Standing up from the couch, moving towards you the cheerful winner, you wrapped your arms around her waist, engulfing her in a hug. “But I don’t want to go back to work…” The energy in this woman disappeared in an instant, like the game zapped her of any remaining energy.
“Don’t worry baby, we’ll have another day off together and we’ll do more together, okay?”
Jiwon hugs you, putting her face into your chest, then looking up with a pout. You couldn’t stop yourself from continuing to fall in love with her more, kissing her lips in that pout.
Pulling away from her, the pout has converted to a smile, accompanied by pink cheeks.
“I’m beating you next time.” Jiwon would only giggle while the two of you walked over to the bedroom ending what seemed to be a good day off.
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bo1908 · 4 months ago
Park Jiwon fromis_9 ‘ Unlock My World ’
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