#jisung park college
slytherinbangchan · 1 year
Inked Dreams (NCT Dream Tattoo Artist!Au) (M)
Chap 1 out of 6 -> Second arc: Tattoo apprentice Park Jisung x tattoo artist female reader.
>>Inked Dream's Chap 1 here
Summary: A NCT Dream Tattooist!Au where the Dreamies are college's heartthrobs and most likely will steal your heart whenever you less expect it.
Cute, shy but very hot, flirty Jisung. A deadly combo, I promise.
Inked Dreams Masterlist~
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[2nd Arc: Seven Days. ("A Week" 없어.)🐹 Chap 1.]
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Wow, that was close. You hate having to postpone apprenticeships. It's hard enough to make room for them in your schedule as it is, so you don't even want to think about having to reorganize everything again until you'd find a new apprentice. Luckily you remembered about Renjun's friend in the middle of your crisis. You wonder which one of them might be though. Cause you know that most of them already finished their training. A couple even got their licenses, but Renjun is the only one working at a shop and you have only met some of the guys in person when they've visited him but you can't really remember all of their faces right now. Guess you'll have to wait.
“Hello, are you y/n? We saw your pics on insta.” A guy talks to you and you forget about the apprenticeship for a while. Normally you don't have time to take walk in clients, but they were two foreigners and just wanted a very simple and small tattoo each as a reminder of their trip before leaving the city. Since you have the apprenticeship in an hour, and it's the first day, you didn't make any other appointments. So you take them in and quickly start working together to pick the perfect tattoo.
As you tattoo the second guy, someone else enters the shop. You stop for a moment to lift your eyes and see a tall guy with black-blue hair and an undercut, a lip ring piercing and a good amount of tattoos. He says hi shyly and you chuckle softly at how cute he looks while doing so. “You're Renjun's friend, right?” You guess and he nods. “Jisung.” He says and you invite him to sit while you finish your work.
“Sorry that I didn't introduce myself properly earlier.” You apologize after sending your clients away. “Ah, it's okay, I know who you are anyway.” He says as he nervously scratches the back of his neck. “Oh, right. Renjun must have told you about me, right?” You ask him as you clean your equipment and he nods. “Actually... I really like your work too so...” He says and you lightly blush. “Oh, you do? Wow, thank you. I'm sure I'll be a fan of yours too.” You smile at him and he shyly nods as he thanks you.
Ah, he's really handsome and has a deep voice too. You wonder how old he might be... Probably a bit younger than you since he's still in college.
Your second apprentice, Seonhui, arrives just in time and you introduce her to Jisung before getting started. Since it's the first day, you explain a couple of stuff to them and then later in the day, allow them to watch you work on some clients. Making them take turns to apply what they learned about cleaning the tattoo equipment. They both learn fast and haven't wasted much time talking to eachother, they simply focused on what you were explaining to them the whole time.
“Wow, you guys did really well today. Thank you for listening so carefully.” You thank them and they nod. “Do you have any questions before leaving?” You ask and Jisung stays silent but Seonhui shakes her head. “No doubts but I wanted to thank you again for being my mentor.” She says and you thank her too for choosing you. Her phone rings then, just before she speaks again. “Oh... I have to go. Sorry.” She apologizes and you nod. "Mhm, see you tomorrow Seonhui."
“What about you?” You ask Jisung as you get ready to leave the shop too. “Now or never.” You chuckle. “Well, not never, but you won't be able to ask your question until tomorrow otherwise.” You say as you put away in the cabinet some bottles of ink. “Well... Can I buy you dinner, mentor?” He asks and you blush immediately. Thankfully he can't see your face right now. “Dinner?” You ask, still hiding behind the cabinet's door. It's not like you're thinking anything weird, you just didn't expect him to ask something like that. “Mhm, as a thank you for thinking of me for the apprenticeship and becoming my mentor.” He explains and you finally look at him. “You know that you're already paying me for that, right?” You ask and you see him chuckle for the first time. Your heart skips a beat at how handsome he is, but you brush that thought off your head as soon as you can. “Mhm~” He says, playing with his labret as he says so, and you scoff as you smile. “Then stop with the nonsense. You don't have to buy me anything, just go home and spend that money on something else.” You tell him as you walk past him on your way to check the register before leaving, and he slightly moves a bit so your shoulder brushes with his arm, but you decide to pretend you didn't see that.
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You put your phone away before setting the alarm at the shop and getting outside. It's already cold these days but not as bad as it'll get in a month or so. You wish there was more people in the streets though, also there's not a lot of buses that can take you home by this time of the night. You feel relieved as you see a woman waiting at the bus stop, luckily you won't be alone with the drunk men that sometimes take your same bus.
You sigh after checking how long the bus is going to take to arrive then lean on the bus stop sign. Someone clears his throat behind you and you turn around to see Jisung standing there. “Hello.” He shyly says and you lightly blush. “You were there the whole time?” You ask and he nods. “Wow, I'm sorry. I really didn't see you.” You apologize and he ruffles his hair nervously as he smiles. “It's okay.” He says, then you apologize again and put on your already dead for the day airpods to pretend you're going to listen to some music as he goes back to listening to his.
There's a bit of a weird vibe as you wait for the bus in silence. Guess it's normal when you know the person next to you a bit but not enough to keep a conversation. You never liked small talk and he's shy enough for the both of you. So, for now, pretending to listen to music will do.
When the bus finally arrives he waits for you to step in first. You sit next to the back door and he stands close to it too. Your eyes accidentally meet a couple times but apart from that, there's no interactions until you reach your stop and you softly pull from his hoodie's sleeve to say good bye. He blushes lightly and takes one of his airpods off. “I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?” You smile at him and he nods. “Mhm.” He shyly says and you chuckle softly. “Bye then.”
Ah, damn, that was cute. You chuckle to yourself again as you think about it. “He really wanted to buy me dinner when he can't even look at me for more than 5 seconds, huh?” You say to yourself, feeling the blood running to your cheeks as you think of his blushing face. “Ah, seriously.”
------------------------ Next Day~
“Jisung-ah, come here.” Renjun calls him as soon as he shows up the door and he shyly walks towards you two. “Was it yesterday the first time you came to the shop?” He asks and Jisung tilts his head. “Of course not.” He answers and Renjun laughs. “And you knew y/n noona already, didn't you?” He asks again and Jisung nods. “Yeah, we never talked before though.” He explains and Renjun slaps your arm softly. “See?” He chuckles and you feel like you're in a prank video or something. “Lies! I hadn't seen you in my life til yesterday?” You tell Jisung and he chuckles softly too as he nervously rubs his sideburns. “You're making him nervous noona.” Renjun laughs and Jisung takes out his phone and scrolls down. “Here...” He shows you a pic on one of the mirrors of the shop. “This is from last month.” He explains and Renjun clicks his tongue. “See?” He asks. “Anyway, I have to work on a tattoo so let's talk later.” Junn says before ruffling your hair and walking away.
“Do you have more pics?” You ask Jisung as you fix your hair and he nods. “I really come here a lot.” He chuckles softly as he blushes lightly while looking for more pics and you silently watch him do it, wondering what scenarios make him shy and which ones make him comfortable enough to talk to you normally, like he's doing right now. “Ah! Here.” He says, showing you his phone again. “This is from when I got my neck tattoo a couple months ago.” He explains and you check the photo. You can even see yourself in it working in the background. “Okay... I guess I was too busy to notice.” You chuckle and he does too. “I'm sorry Jisung. I promise you I won't forget about you from now on at least.” You say and he blushes again as he nods.
Seonhui texts you saying she'll be a bit late. So you take Jisung with you in the meantime and tell him about what he'll be doing today. “But you can clean around a bit while we wait for Seonhui anyway.” You tell him after showing him the schedule and he does as you say. “Jisung-ah, can you bring me more black ink?” Renjun asks. “Ah, sure hyung.” He replies and you hand him a bottle so he takes it to Renjun. “Careful, it's open.” You warn him and he nods, then one of your co-workers drops something heavy, startling Jisung, and you watch him spilling some ink and bringing his stained hands to his face. “Nooo! Omg..” You say as you try to stop him, but you can't help to chuckle.
“So, you get startled easily, huh?” You ask as you carefully wipe the ink from his cheeks and he lightly blushes. “Yeah...” He says, looking at the floor and you chuckle softly again. He's sitting on a chair in the break room. He was too tall for you to help him out otherwise. But right now, he looks so helpless and tiny in your eyes. “I'm sorry, mentor...” He apologizes and you almost punch yourself as you feel your heart about to skip a beat. “It's fine, it was funny actually.” And with that, internally, you meant fucking adorable.“That ink is expensive though...” He continues moping and you sigh. “Jisung, it's not the last time you're gonna spill some ink.” You chuckle. “Don't think too much about it, yeah?” You ask, guiding his chin up with your hand so he finally looks at you. You lean over to make sure you got rid of all the ink, making him blush very obviously in the process. That's when you realize how close your faces actually are. “Y-You should wash your hands too.” You tell him, taking a step back, and he nods and leaves to do as you said.
You meet Renjun's eyes as soon as you step out the room. “I saw that.” He says, making you blush even more. But you simply show him the middle finger, making him laugh.
Seonhui finally arrives right after that and Jisung comes back just a minute later. “Hello.” Seonhui says and Jisung says hi back. “So... How old are you?” She asks him as you prepare some materials. “Ah, I'm 21...” He says, he definitely sounds kinda awkward now. “Yeah, I thought I saw you at some of my classes. We are the same age. Let's be comfortable around eachother, yeah?” She suggests. He agreeds with a shy nod and you chuckle at how cute they look.
By the end of the day Jisung looks exhausted. You're not sure if it's cause of all the work you made them do or just the amount of questions he had to answer to Seonhui. “Well, I have to go. My friend is here to pick me up~.” She happily says and everyone says good bye to her. Jisung sighs as soon as she's out, making you chuckle. “So, it was her.” You say and he blushes. “Huh?” He asks and you chuckle again. “I was wondering why you looked so tired.” You explain. “Oh... Yeah, I had never been interrogated like that before.” He says and you giggle. “Yeah, well. Go home and rest then.” You say, taking over what he was doing. “Ah, no... Noona... I can finish my chores.” He says, then immediately blush. “I mean, mentor...” He corrects himself and you chuckle. “It's okay Jisung, we're gonna be around eachother for a long time. Plus, you're a close friend to Renjun. Noona is fine.” You tell him and he shyly nods. “Now, go home and rest a lot, yeah?” You say, but he doesn't move so you tilt your head at him, confused, and he blushes lightly once again. “I was thinking...” “Hey.” Renjun says, interrupting Jisung. “I'm leaving, you're walking noona home, right?” He asks and your heart skips a beat. “What? Who?” You ask, looking at both of them. “Jisung, who else? He lives just one bus stop away from you. He told me last night.” Renjun explains and you look at Jisung who simply nods making Renjun scoff as he smiles. “Noona, you're always complaining about the drunk guys in the bus, right?” He asks. “Yeah but I don't think he needs to walk me home.” You tell him. “Why not?? Jisung lives roughly 15min away from you and you both leave the shop more or less at the same time every night.” He says and you sigh. “Okay, I get how we could leave and get the bus together. But why would he get down a stop earlier just to walk me home? It's 5 minutes from the stop to my apartment.” You explain as you chuckle. “Hm, well I'm just a bit worried about the drunk guys situation, but you two talk about it and decide whatever you want, yeah?” He asks and Jisung nods. “See you tomorrow guys.” Renjun says. “Yeah, thank you for worrying Junnie, see you.” You say, waving at him as he walks out.
There's a bit of an awkward silence after Renjun leaves so you simply start getting ready to go back home and Jisung does the same. It's not like you hate the idea of having him in the bus with you, since you hate going back home alone, but you feel bad about him having to wait for you to close the shop when it's your turn to do so. “Jisung...” You call, startling him a bit. “Sorry... Are you sure you're okay waiting for me even the days I have to stay later to close the shop?” You ask, kinda pouting without realizing. “Of course.” He says. “But what about your morning classes?” You insist. “They're not that early nor everyday, it's okay noona. I promise.” He says, and it's not like you know him a lot, but he seems pretty sure about this. You sigh and tip-toe to ruffle his hair, making him blush one more time. “Okay, let's leave already anyway. I'll finish this tomorrow.”
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“Jisung-ah, you only have one piercing?” You ask on your way to the bus stop trying to make some conversation. “Ahh, no.” He says, then leans over to show you his ear. “Oh, the industrial~ Right. I saw it earlier when I was wipping the ink out of you.” You chuckle. “I actually really like those.” You tell him and he smiles happily, making your heart flutter lightly.
There's a bit of a silence as you wait for the bus to arrive but, this time, it's not awkward at all. “So, Renjun jokes around saying you're all college heartthrobs, is it true though?” You ask as you get in the bus and he chuckles. “I guess so.” He says and you gasp, a bit surprised that he's not denying it. “Reaallyy? Wow.” You say, making him chuckle again. “So you're a heartbreaker, huh?” You insist and he smiles shyly. “I wouldn't say that...” He says and you laugh. “Woah, you totally are. That answer said everything.” You jokingly say and he keeps chuckling. “Aah... Noona...” He says as he blushes, ruffling his hair. “You want me to stop?” You ask, chuckling and he shyly nods as he smiles. “Okay, okay. I understand.” You say. “It's really not like that...” He insists after a tiny pause and you bite your lower lip trying to keep in a smile. “I see.”
You remain silent for the rest of the route until your stop, but again, it's not awkward at all. You're both just too tired and distracted with music or what the few people in the bus are talking about, you don't need to chat. But he's sitting next to you today, he's almost too tall for that seat though and it's somehow adorable.
Your eyes drift to his arms's tattoos as he plays with his fingers while listening to music. He doesn't have complete sleeves and you wonder if he'd allow you to fill some spots with your art at some point. You don't know him enough though, you barely have any idea of what you could design for him that would suit his mind too, but ah, you're so curious... After knowing him for two days, you definitively want to know what goes on up there. “Noona.” You hear him calling you but it's like if he was far away, you're too deep into your thoughts right now. “Noona.” He calls again, and it's then when you notice that his hands are not playing anymore but waving at you. Fuck. Did he notice how you were staring at his arms?
You blush lightly and look at him. “Yeah?” You finally answer and he smiles softly. “Your stop...” He says and you look outside. “Ah, yeah. Thank you, I was a bit distracted.” You say, as you stand up to get closer to the door. “Yeah, I could tell.” He says. Is he smirking? You throw him a look, narrowing your eyes at him and he giggles. “I didn't see anything.” He winks at you and you scoff as you smile. Where's his confidence coming from so suddenly? “I don't know what you're talking about.” You jokingly say and he chuckles. “You can take another look tomorrow, noona.” He teases as the bus's doors open and you scoff again. Can't believe those words are coming from his mouth. “Bye, Jisung.” You say, as you get down, ignoring his teasing, and he chuckles to himself. “Mhm~ bye noona.” He says and you wave at him without looking back.
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You stare at his last text for a long second as you blush before just tossing your phone to a side. Is he drunk? You almost convice yourself that what happened last minute at the bus was just an illusion but... Is he an actual fuckboy or something? You chuckle softly to yourself as you think about it but you're still blushing. No, can't be. He's too shy for that, probably he simply felt comfortable enough to make a couple of silly jokes. "Yep, that's probably it." You tell yourself, brushing it off, then you unlock your phone to check your other chats, but Jisung's is still open and his last text makes you blush again. “Ahh, seriously... What's with this kid?”
1st Arc🐻🐬..... Next chapter🐹
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strrykais · 1 month
☆ lie with you (smau 📲, twitter and messages)(M)
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you were nervous and that was an understatement. you actually couldn't believe that you were able to transfer into your dream school leaving behind your family, your home and your loving boyfriend. when you meet your upstairs neighbors things start to change for the better - or worse.
you tried everything to keep your distance from the boy that showed her the stars in the sky have nothing to the ones in his eyes. he knows it won't last and you know it too.
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art-student!jisung x astrology-student-fem!reader
rating : (M) - mature
genre : humor, strangers to friends to lovers, college au, slow burn
warnings : profanity, sex jokes, death jokes, slight emotional cheating, mature content
notes : i do not believe in cheating and yes maybe emotional cheating is worse than physical cheating... but tens lie with you really inspired me to write this crazy story. it was a wattpad story but i think i wanted to try to make it a smau because they are so much fun :)
playlist : lie with you - ten | so let's go see the stars - boynextdoor | roses - jaehyun | like we just met - nct dream | if you call me - p1harmony | 404 loading - taeyong | beautiful maze - drippin |
status : FINISHED
updates : N/A
taglist : closed
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profiles (1) | profiles (2) | profiles (3)
1 - how i met your roomates 2 - 2 baddies 1 elevator 3 - self pleaser 4 - paint me like a french woman 5 - community smush 6 - smush in session 7 - not a date 📖 8 - no girls allowed 9 - jenos dumb ass stream 10 - so let's go see the stars 📖 11 - balls in my hands 12 - caught at midnight 📖 13 - they like each other 14 - ofc baby 15- under the bed 16 - the other woman 17 - i might kiss you 18 - upgraded to close friends 19 - hot girl winter 20 - sorry it slipped out 21 - room for one more 📖 22 - how do you feel about a throuple? 23 - like we just met
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main masterlist
491 notes · View notes
meowmarkie · 3 months
classic punk — pjs
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Park Jisung had a terrible image at the college in which he studied, since he was known because of his friend group — that's filled with the popular kids, those being a lot to deal with. Nothing that you, or everybody, really, couldn't ignore. That was until their antics messed up your perfect ballerina schedule.
or in which after a party, Jisung gets really drunk and wakes up to find out that he supposedly confessed his feelings in the worst way possible to his crush, Y/N /L/N.
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troublemaker!jisung × ballerina!reader
genre... light enemies to lovers, smau and college au.
fyi... jisung pining, aespa members are present, explicit language, suggestive (and possibly full on out) sexual content, jokes containing "kys" and things like that, slight angst towards the ending and mentions of "vandalism".
author's note... welcome to my first smau! i really hope you guys like and enjoy reading this alternate universe invented by me! however, i must preface this with a little warning, by reminding yall that everyone here is a MADE UP character. i dont want to see any weirdness when it comes to that (please).
status... ongoing
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profiles (1) | profiles (2)
1) why me? (PART 1)
2) why me? (PART 2)
3) OH...
4) slay
5) party time
6) coming soon...
326 notes · View notes
jirsungs · 3 months
ep 11: love like the movies
word count: 2.8k (i am SO sorry.)
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Walking into the small dimly lit nightclub, you and your friends were immediately blasted by the sudden breeze of the AC. None of you complained though, it was getting hotter in the area and you needed all the air-conditioning you could get. 
But despite the cold air, you could still feel yourself sweating with how anxious you felt. You were dreading to hang out with Jisung alone, not because you hated the guy but because he made you nervous. This time alone with him meant you had to be nervous around him with none of your friends to come to the rescue. 
It was Rockway’s first gig of the week, and it wasn’t long before Haechan invited your whole group to come watch. However, this gig started later than usual because they didn’t start their set until 7 pm, closer to when their performances regularly ended.
As soon as Rockway takes notice of you and your friends’ arrival, Mark and Chenle share a teasing look before Chenle nudges Jisung and signals him to look in your direction.
“Look whose girlfriend just walked inn…” They both sing-song and the younger brushes his friend off, trying his best to remain civil. But of course, inside, he wasn’t, in all honesty, the thought of you being called his like that had his heart swelling and his face heating up. 
He just hoped his friends didn’t notice. Jisung says in a warning tone, pointing at the both of them, “Play it cool, guys. She said we’re just friends, so that’s what we are.” He also hoped his words came out coherent because his brain couldn’t properly process him saying that you’re “just friends.”
For the rest of the time, Mark and Chenle kept their cool, and Rockway’s performance turned out great. They performed four original pieces then ended with two covers. Their opening song was an original piece composed by Mark with the help of lyrics by Haechan and Jeno.  You could say that their gig was pretty successful. 
It was now 8:30 pm and Jaemin and Ningning were currently dragging you to say hi to the guys, or more so, Jisung. Yeonjun and Renjun followed shortly behind, ignoring your pleas to help you get out of your two friends’ grasp.
Jaemin and Ningning stop, still with you in their hold and you turn around to be faced with Jeno and Haechan. Jaemin greets them with a big smile, “Hi, guys! Great performance as usual.” 
“Yeah, Haechan, you killed it… like, wow.” Ning admires.
The bright singer replies with a flattered chuckle, “Aw, shucks. This performance wasn’t my best.”
His attempt to be humble only gets replied with Jeno smacking him on the arm, “Shut up, just take the compliment.” 
Haechan’s pained wince makes you three laugh. Not long after, you’re freed from Ning and Jaemin, and Yeonjun and Renjun catch up, joining your conversation with the two band members. 
Renjun’s concentration on the conversation didn’t last long because, in his peripheral, he noticed Mark and Chenle pushing Jisung toward your group, which the younger continued to protest without making it obvious that he was nervous to go up to you.
But of course, Mark and Chenle couldn’t let that happen. Mark rests his arm around Haechan’s neck while Chenle squeezes himself and Jisung in next to Jeno, “Hey guys, what’re y’all talking about?”
You focus on Jisung as he stands there next to Chenle and avoids all contact with you. He’s dressed in a baggy black hoodie with a black and yellow flannel buttoned on top of it and of course, it wouldn’t be him if he didn’t pair his outfit with baggy black pants. 
You seriously wonder how someone can wear such dark clothing in the summer. You still had to fan yourself even with the outfit you were wearing. A tank top and a skirt, and here he was, not sweating in the slightest. 
Before your friends can indulge themselves in their conversation again, they acknowledge the awkward tension that’s floating above you and Jisung. That’s when they take matters into their own hands. Ning pushes you closer while Jeno and Chenle do the same. 
And that’s how you end up almost pushed against his chest, his eyes finally meeting yours. Well, kinda… even with your shoes slightly making you taller, you still need to look up at him. 
“Um, hi.” Jisung sheepishly says, his hand rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. 
You should’ve found his action funny because it feels like something you’d see out of a cheesy romcom, but you don’t. Instead, it makes you smile, “Hi.” 
The situation almost feels unrealistic. You’re both centered between your friend groups as they try to play cupid. The rest of the nightclub around you stays chatty and dimly lit, though you can still see his features. Fireworks or some stupid love song should be playing right now. Seriously, something should break this before Jisung succeeds in having you fall too deep into it. 
Then, Yeonjun gags in disgust, “Get a room!”
Oh, thank God for Choi Yeonjun. 
As if on cue, all of your friends immediately shooed you away to hang out on your own after that. The mixed laughs and exclaims “Get her home safe, Ji!” and “Use protection!” from your friends as you walk towards the exit of the nightclub got quieter and had you both embarrassed. And then it was just the two of you.
“Shall we?” Jisung asks, holding the door open for you. You smile at the nice gesture before walking through and saying a small “thank you.”
You begin to walk down the sidewalk, keeping the same pace with no more words said. The quiet finally disappears when Jisung chooses to speak up, “Uh, Y/N, are you cold?”
“What? No, of course not.” Yes. Yes, you were. You don’t even know why you’re trying to hide it when he can clearly see you trying to warm up your arms with your hands.
He doesn’t give you time to say another lie when he’s already removing his flannel from his body which he hands to you to take before he takes off his black hoodie. He doesn’t say anything as he switches the clothing out of your hand to give you the black hoodie. You’re not allowed to say anything about it again because he slips his flannel back on. 
You watch him, staying quiet, and Jisung lets out a nervous laugh, “What? I wasn’t gonna let you freeze to death. The hoodie’s warmer than the flannel.”
You finally protest, “But—This is yours, I simply can’t take it—I mean—” 
Why are you stuttering? Stop that!
Jisung notices and calms you down before your ramble continues, “Y/N, I seriously don’t mind. Just wear it, it’s nothing to feel bad about, okay?”
Another objection lies on the tip of your tongue, but you hold it and mutter a pouty “Okay.” and slip on his hoodie. 
He smiles when you finally allow it. “Good.”
Hanging out with him wasn’t as bad as you thought it would be. As soon as you paid for your dinner at the local food street stands, you found out he’s surprisingly a talker when the question about his favorite food places around town came up, or why and how he wears such big clothing during the hottest season of the year, or simple questions like what his favorite video game is. He didn’t like the thought of him being the only one talking the whole night so once he was done answering your questions, he’d immediately turn back to you and ask for your input. You appreciated it.
Since it was obvious that both of you didn’t want this night to end after you finished your dinner, Jisung’s earlier suggestion of stargazing at a nearby park sparked your interest again. And that’s how you ended up walking on the dark green grass, following Jisung as he tried to look for a good empty spot. 
Once he found a free spot, he removed his flannel and carefully placed it on the ground for you to avoid getting grass on your skirt. He waits for you expectedly, wearing a cute smile on his face, but you only raise your brows at him. “What? The girl needs a proper seat.”
“You’re so cheesy, Park Jisung, you know that?” He doesn’t take your comment to heart when he sees you giggling. 
He joins you on the grass and your conversation continues right where you left it. At some moments, Jisung points out the different stars in the sky and gives you short information on them. You didn’t find yourself hating it though. Sometime after, you both sat quietly, simply enjoying each other’s company as you watched the night sky. 
Jisung liked that you didn’t despise the quiet. Even though you both can talk for so long, you can appreciate the calm atmosphere as well. And knowing how he is, he doesn’t mind the silence, instead, he loves it and the fact that you like it too makes him happy.
He looks over at you and quietly examines your features as you watch the sky in awe. Your upper body is covered by his hoodie and your legs are locked against your chest, and he thinks you’re the prettiest girl he’s ever laid his eyes on. Fuck, he really is cheesy. His mind begins to have a mental battle with itself on how to make this better with you, leading him to focus on something else other than your face before you notice him staring. But then, the idea hit him.
“Do you wanna listen to music?” He asks, motioning you to look at him and then at his left earphone wire that he was offering you.
“Sure.” You accept it before putting it into your ear.
He unlocks his phone and hands it to you, “Play a song, let’s see how different our music tastes are.”
“Okay. Let’s see.” You open the Spotify app and start typing the song title, Jisung acknowledges how you stick your tongue out to the side of your mouth when focusing. She’s cute, he thinks.
The song pops up and you let out an “Ah, there you go!”. Once you press on the song, Like the Movies by Laufey, it begins to play, leading you to turn off Jisung’s phone and bring your focus back to the sky.
You turn your body towards him in shock when you hear him humming the melody, “I never expected you to be a Laufey fan.”
In the corner of his eye, he notices you looking at him and he can immediately feel his body radiate heat. He plays it cool, his lips making a pfft sound before making eye contact with you, “I’m not. She’s an amazing artist, and I like some songs but I only know her ‘cause Chenle’s a big fan.” 
You challenge him with a raise of your eyebrow, “Oh yeah? Then what artists are you into?” 
Suddenly Jisung’s mouth feels dry and his brain turns to mush. Jesus, Jisung. It’s just a simple question. Why are you getting shy now? He mentally scolds himself.
He opens his mouth, thinking words would come out of it, but closes it right after. You giggle at him. Instead of giving a verbal answer, he opens his phone to the Spotify app and scrolls through his playlist until he finds the song. He doesn’t say anything after that, letting you focus on the opening of the song playing in your right ear. But the first verse’s familiarity to you has you figuring out what song it is. 
It makes you laugh, “Really? 1D? Now that’s unexpected.”
He joins in on your laughter then answers in defense, “Oh come on, Story of My Life is nostalgic. I don’t know what it is about it, the song just makes me feel nice.”
“Aww, was little Jisung a 1D fan?”
“Okay, ha ha,” Something about teasing him so naturally made you feel safe, but before the scary thought could overcome you, Jisung continued, “We’re actually called Directioners, thank you very much.”
You gently push him with your body as you snicker, “Like that’s any better.” 
The both of you go back and forth showing each other songs, Jisung even introduces you to Oasis, one of his favorite rock bands, and the reason behind his agreement to join Rockway. One of your top love languages was music bonding, and it seemed that it was his too. Tonight felt too good to be true. You felt like a princess knowing that time was ticking and this moment between the two of you wasn’t going to last long. 
Because of course, every perfect night has to end eventually. 
After Jisung’s queued song, Bruno Mars’ Natalie, ends, the realization of the time hits him. “Oh shit, it’s already 11 pm. I am so sorry I kept you out this late—”
You cut him off, “Ji, you’re good. I didn’t realize the time either.”
He’s about to continue his apology ramble but his ears perk up at the new nickname. “Wait. Wh-what did you call me?” He didn’t mean to talk over his words, it just happened cause what the hell? Is he already at the “Ji” stage? 
You stay oblivious to his reaction, “Ji? It’s okay that I call you that, right? I always hear your friends call you that so I thought—”
“Yes! I mean–yes, you can totally call me that.” He hopes he covered how bad he’s blushing right now, but he’s 90% positive that it worked because you’re laughing. 
Your giddy mood doesn’t go away when he offers you his hand to help you up and it continues not to because now, he’s walking you to your apartment after his multiple pleas to walk you home and his scenarios of what could happen to you and how he couldn’t live with himself if one of those situations did happen to you. You hate that it’s hard to say no to him.
You expect him to say goodnight once you reach your apartment complex, but he continues to insist on staying by your side. And when you try to object, he replies with, “What if you get kidnapped on the way to your apartment?”
Not gonna lie, that shouldn’t have convinced you that easily. But that was because you didn’t want him to leave you in the first place, you only put up a fight because your fear of occupying him with this when he could be busy doing other things worried you more. 
The both of you stop at your apartment door where awkward silence hangs in the air until you remember that you were still wearing his hoodie. You’re about to take it off but he stops you. 
“Keep it. I saw how bad you were shivering earlier, I fear you need it more than I do.”
Your heart flutters at his offer despite the guilt you feel for taking his hoodie. You still ended up taking it though. It was warm, comfy, and smelled like him, it was a mixture of flowery laundry detergent and his cologne. You appreciated that he didn’t wear any overbearing or overpowering scents but it was one of those where you can easily detect where it’s coming from. 
The awkward silence bothers you both again, that is until you break it once more.
“This was fun… I, uh, enjoyed it a lot.” 
The way you’re obviously using your fingers as an excuse to not make eye contact with him has him shyly smiling down at you. “Yeah, me too. You make a very good yapping partner.”
You burst into a fit of laughs at his use of yapping and gently slapped his arm, “Oh my God, I cannot believe you just said that.”
“Hey, it made you laugh. I think that’s what matters.”
Somehow, the once awkward silence wasn’t so awkward anymore. This felt comfortable and natural, but a little bit too natural. You can’t handle it. Your fear urges you to shut him out and escape back to your shell, but because you don’t want to ruin this night for the both of you, you dismiss it. 
“Well, um, I should head inside.”
Jisung nods, his expected disappointment lingering as he knew the night had to end, even though he didn’t want it to. He gives you a small smile, “Alright. Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Goodnight, Jisung.” 
He watches you walk inside and close the door, making the coast clear for him to put his hand into a fist and pull his arm towards his chest as he excitedly cheers “Yes!” under his breath. When he turns around to check if your door is closed, he’s already five feet down the hall but stops when he hears the door open and your voice once again.
“Hey, Jisung?”
He turns around, “Yeah?”
“Thank you for tonight.” 
Your smile is enough for his heart to do literal somersaults in his chest.
He can’t help but smile back, “Anytime.”
Luckily, you both say goodnight before you can notice the blush on his face.
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previous ☆ masterlist ☆ next
note: this chapter is HEAVILY inspired by the songs: laufey's like the movies, one direction's 18 and story of my life, & heeseung's cover of this is what falling in love feels like (they were on repeat when i was writing this) but RAHHH, fav chapter idc idc. i hope you guys like it<3 esp because things slowly get sad from here... </3
🎫: @idkwhatursayinh @sunghoonsgfreal @multifandomania @nanaxwi @odxrilove @sourrpatched @hancafe @chaellaa @dojaejunging @jising-jisang-jisung @heheheeral @haechansbbg @renjunsversion @seunghancore @woshixinqgiu @jiiieun @pinknjm @mrshwang-park @neozon3nha @joyzluvr @aerivrs @nosungluv
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ning2lilac · 8 months
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PAIRINGS: park jisung x fem!reader
TAGS: slow burn, fluff, humour, college au, smau, a lot of chenle’s pov too, both characters are shy 😔
SYNOPSIS: Chenle is tired of his friend being the shyest (he actually says “lamest”) person on earth, so he takes matters into his own hands and starts the mission to get him a girlfriend. However, there is one problem: the girl he considers to be the perfect choice is just as shy as him, so he will have to find a way.
WARNINGS: maybe suggestive humour
UPDATES: Mondays and Tuesdays
comment if you want to be added to the taglist (not sure I will make one)
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0. characters
CHAPTER 01: I am not that lame
CHAPTER 02: girls I’m tired of this
CHAPTER 💫 park jisung’s woman mission by zhong chenle
CHAPTER 03: what’s his zodiac sign?
CHAPTER 04: introvert wants introvert
CHAPTER 05: the livie
CHAPTER 06: jisung?
CHAPTER 07: the answer is no…or maybe
CHAPTER 08: who is this???
CHAPTER 09: your mother
CHAPTER 10: 20 questions
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hyuck-inmysoul · 5 days
1-800 HOT AND FUN | Huang Renjun
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In where one of Renjun’s friends lost a game and instead of giving their number out, he decided to give out his friends number to a complete stranger while he’s out on vacation in the U.S, Renjun will soon travel back to Korea a few days later. Will he be ready to beat his friend up once he arrives? or ready to thank him for the outcome of this so “stranger”.
NON IDOL X READER !! smau with written parts!, angst, fluff, Renjun is a very dry texter, kys jokes, nsfw jokes, mention of Chaewon from lesserafim / the rest of dreamies, Chenle is with Renjun for his vacation.
• Renjun x fem!reader
• strangers to lovers
• they’re all college students minus Jisung
• new cafe spot on the campus!
• Jisung dropout….
• always a duo in a trio smh
• stupid blonde hair guy….😍
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atinyjules · 4 months
Eyes Off You Ft. Park Jisung {ch-4}
A/n: I am back! There's no current again loll, but it's enough for me to write one more chapter! I know that their moments aren't that much yet, but it's starting!
I'll leave the yapping for some other time so!
Here it iss
The mini masterlist for this series can be found here
Tw: The Dreamies being jerks, bullying, misunderstandings.
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"Why did she ignore me, though?" Mark said as we all came back to the dorms.
"I don't know... but if that's Johnny's sister... I don't like her." Jeno said in a dark tone, making me feel a little uneasy. Jeno's been in a bad mood ever since lunchtime.
"What exactly did she do?" Mark asked as Jaemin snarled.
"We were just telling off a first year after he carelessly shovedus to the ground, and she came and pretended to be a hero. Slapped us in front of everyone." Jaemin said, making me feel uneasy.
Why would she do that? She was always a good person...
"Lia wouldn't just do that without-" Jeno cut Mark's words by banging on the table.
"Just because her brother is cool doesn't mean she is too. Not everyone is a Saint. I'm gonna make her regret doing that... anyone who tries to stop me will suffer the same consequences as her." Jeno said in a low tone before getting up and going to the bedroom, banging the door behind him.
"What now?" Chenle spoke up as Jaemin sighed.
"We just wait." Jaemin said before leaving for his bedroom.
"They're gonna crush her. Johnny won't be happy." Mark said when I cleared my throat.
"Should've have done that then." I mumbled, making Mark look at me, disappointed.
"We don't even know the full story. For all I know, that's just their part of the story." Mark said as Chenle sighed.
"I was hoping to be good friends with her." Chenle said as I stared outside the window.
"Don't just come to conclusions, Chenle. Those two always act on impulse." Renjun said as his eyes were fixed on his book.
After dinner, I went straight to bed, and I stared at the ceiling, unable to sleep when Chenle's voice brought me back to reality.
"You used to be best friends, right?" Chenle said making me sit up and look at him.
"How do you know that?" I asked as he shrugged.
"I heard what Johnny hyung said to you that day, so I figured you had something to do with his sister. So I asked Mark and he told me everything. You were quite a horrible person." Chenle said, his words piercing through my tough facade.
"I had my reasons." I said as Chenle chuckled.
"Too famous to pay attention to your friend?" He said as I sighed and sat up.
"We were a part of a friend group. Her, me, Haechan, and two other girls. After I started high school, I changed up my style and became popular. But a rumor spread that I was paying people money to support me... it destroyed me, but when she was about to join my high school, my other two friends told me that she was the one who spread the rumor because of jealousy." I said making Chenle sigh.
"Did you confront her?" He asked as I shook my head.
"No, her behavior was enough proof." I said, making Chenle chuckle.
"If you didn't even confront her, how could you believe it so fast?" He said, making me sigh.
"Me, Haechan, and the other two girls, we were all really popular by the time we started high school... except her. So they told me that she herself had said it." I said as we sat silently for a moment.
"Then why are you always so scared if you catch a glimpse of her?" Chenle asked making me sigh.
"She has a certain coldness to her. Makes me shiver when I look at her... just like Johnny hyung... but Johnny hyung is much calmer than her." I say, making Chenle hum in response.
"I haven't met her even once, but I know how Johnny hyung is... if she had a personality like that... he would've known and treated her accordingly. But Johnny hyung speaks so highly of her, so... I don't know whose story to believe." Chenle said as I looked over at him.
"So you'd rather take a strangers side?" I said making Chenle sigh.
"I don't mean it like that. I'm on no one's side. I don't want those two or you to cause a scene. Our reputation is already pretty bad." Chenle said as I looked up at the ceiling.
"It's not bad. People just assume we're bad." I said before turning away to sleep.
"Does it hurt?" I asked Anton, who winced almost immediately after I dabbed the cotton pad on his jaw.
"Of course it does... it's just the first day, and I already got in trouble with the popular kids." He whined as I sighed.
"Hey, don't worry. We'll protect you." Shotaro said to Anton who looked at me.
"Did you have to confront them like that? Now they'll come for you." Anton said as Seunghan helped cover his wound with a bandaid.
"It's fine. They were jerks anyway." I said when Sohee popped out of nowhere.
"Yah! You're in trouble now! I overheard Jeno saying that he's gonna take care of you tomorrow." Sohee said, making Wonbin shiver.
"Who are you? And don't just come and proclaim shit like that to us." Wonbin complained as I shrugged.
"No! Lia, you should escape as fast as you can!" Sohee said making me sigh.
"They're the ones who bullied Anton in the men's washroom for no reason. Why should we run when they picked a fight with Anton in the first place?" I said, feeling annoyed as I looked at the bruises and cuts around Anton's face.
"You're right." Seunghan said while patting Anton's shoulder.
"The urge to complain to the cops is brimming in my veins." Wonbin said while his hands shook.
"Everyone knows you're too scared to do it. Don't say things you can't do." Eunseok said, making Wonbin slap his arm.
"Okay, I admit I'm scared. But at the same time... even if we do complain... it's no use... their families are too strong. The government is really corrupt." Wonbin said as Anton stood up.
"Thank goodness I don't live with my parents. If they found out... I'm dead." Anton said as we began walking home.
"Let's all just go home. We'll discuss what to do over text." Sungchan said, making us all nod in agreement before bidding each other goodbye for the day.
"I'm back." I said in an exhausted tone.
"How was the first day?" Johnny came with a big smile only for me to gasp and step away from him.
"What the hell are you wearing?!" I exclaimed in horror.
"Whatt? It's cute!" He said in a high-pitched tone while posing with his maid outfit.
"Eww! Get it off!" I exclaimed, making him break character and stand like he usually does without the exaggerated poses.
"I can't, I lost a bet against Yuta." He said, making me groan in frustration.
"Sometimes I wonder if you and your friends are high schoolers. This... this! Is not it!" I said, motioning to his face and his outfit. He laughed loudly before ruffling my hair.
"Aren't maid outfits the trend? You didn't answer my question." He said, making me sigh.
"It was exhausting... it should be illegal for that many students to attend at the same time." I said making him laugh.
"It's fun, more fish in the sea, no?" He teased, making me roll my eyes before going upstairs.
"Dinner will be ready by 8." Johnny reminded as I replied with a hum.
"You better not be wearing that when I come downstairs." I said while opening my bedroom door as he chuckled.
"Oh you bet I will!" He exclaimed before I went to my bedroom.
After dressing into my pj's, I did my skincare and sat in front of my computer. I let my head hit the keys of my piano as I sighed in defeat.
"It's only the first day, and I've already lost my peace." I mumbled to myself.
So this is what's become of Park Jisung, huh? A stuck-up popular kid who joined a group of bullies.
"Lianna Jade Suh... focus on class! I don't have time for this kind of drama." I mumbled to myself before slapping my face.
After giving myself a pep talk, I tied up my hair and pushed my glasses up before opening my computer to make some music and study. Due to exhaustion from my crazy first day of uni I dozed off after less than half an hour.
"Oi, didn't you hear me-" Johnny stopped his own words after catching sight of me asleep on my piano.
"This girl." He mumbled to himself before placing me on my bed and pressing a kiss to my forehead.
"I'll let you off from having dinner only for today." He whispered before smiling and letting me sleep.
The next morning, I groaned and let my head rest on Sungchan's shoulder.
"Today is gonna be a long day." I muttered, making Shotaro look at me from behind his seat.
"If we have to fight... we'll fight together!" Shotaro said with a brave face.
"Yeah!" The rest of the boys said in a courageous tone.
"After proclaiming such big things...here we are... going home after bravely avoiding all the members of the Dream Squad today." Sohee said making Wonbin smack his head.
"Shut up! Avoiding those people is a very hard task." Wonbin said as Anton sighed, his hand clutching on to his bag.
"What happened to, 'we'll fight together' ?" Anton said, making me groan.
"I might have saved you, but that doesn't mean I'm some kind of fearless hero." I said, making Anton hum in response while sipping his Boba.
"I can see that." He said, making me hit his arm.
"Child abuse." He said in a monotone voice.
"We're only a year apart." I reminded Anton, who seemed unfazed.
After reaching home, I changed into some comfortable clothes and did my skincare before walking downstairs to the kitchen. I groaned at the thought of having to cook my own dinner since Johnny had a gig tonight and would be back really late.
"What should I eat? Ugh... but I'm too lazy to cook." I asked myself as I looked through the fridge and decided that Ramen and rice balls with some soup will have to do for tonight.
I groggily put on a jacket over the pj's before opening the door to go to the convenience store.
"Oh -" I look up to see Sungchan and Shotaro in the same get-up as me outside their door.
"Where you going?" I ask as they show me their purses.
"Convenience store... you too?" Shotaro asked, making me nod as we decided to go together.
"Where's Johnny hyung?" Sungchan asked as I shrugged.
"He has a gig tonight, and I'm too lazy to cook." I said, making them nod.
"Same." Shotaro said as we headed to the store.
While we searched what we wanted to eat, I got a text from Mark making me sigh in annoyance before replying to his text.
Mark lee: where are you? The door's locked.
Me: I'm out.
I replied and kept my phone in my pocket before searching for some ramen. While searching I bumped into a person.
"I'm so sorry-" I cut my own words the moment I looked at who it was.
Park fucking Jisung
He simply just walked past me and got some stuff before walking away to the next aisle.
I felt my body steam from anger as I tried calming myself down before getting my ramen and rice balls. After looking around and getting some drinks and snacks, I unfortunately met Jisung again at the checkout. Instead of backing up, he paid for his things first, making me boil. After paying he was about to leave when he turned to look at me.
"Stop messing with my hyungs and cause trouble like you did in high school, will you? It doesn't give Johnny hyung a good image." He said making my face go red with anger.
"Yah! You really are a jerk. Your stupid 'hyungs' hurt my friend first without any reason. I didn't do anything in high school as well. You were the one who caused trouble for me." I said in a cold tone.
"Lia, what's wrong-" Sungchan cut his own words as the both of them saw jisung in front of me.
"A stupid girl hanging out with stupid people. Guess you finally learned how to stay with people in your level." He mumbled making Sungchan come forward.
"Yah." Sungchan said in a warning tone, making Jisung chuckle before leaving.
"Who does he think he is?" Shotaro muttered under his breath as we watched his figure disappear into the night.
"A stuck-up asshole." The three of us turned to see Sohee calmly biting and eating his rice cracker as he stared at the place where Jisung walked through.
"What! Are you doing here?" I asked in an exasperated tone as he showed his rice cracker.
"I like the rice crackers from this store...want some?" He showed us his cracker, making me, Sungchan amd Shotaro facepalm.
I like how Sohee suddenly pops up in the most random times 🥹🤍
Well, that's all for this chapter 💖 ✨️
I hope you liked it! Although it seems like some dark shit... I PROMISE! it'll get brighter!
Chapter 5 can be found here
Likes and rebloggs are appreciated 💖 ✨️
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liveandyouwillsee · 5 months
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Thank you for 50 followers! Honestly, today I don't have interesting study pictures to post, so here are some journal pictures I took lately
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kiffywebz · 29 days
Oxytocin - p. js x reader
profiles of dormitory 8B
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jisung! biology major, takes basketball with chenle as extracurricular activity. on the darlington campus blog he has been titled ‘the campus’ crush’. has featured a couple of times in some of jeno’s tiktoks and is the quiet one in chenle’s streams. “if anyone makes one more ‘andy-eez nuts’ joke, i’m going to do something.”
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mark! performance art major, plays multiple music instruments and has a talent for writing songs. he, impulsively, dropped a few of his songs on soundcloud and it didn’t take long before his lyrics reached an audience. maybe it’s also a little because of his looks… “music is my passion blah blah bro i just wanna make some beats.”
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donghyuck! english literature major (everyone wonders how he got accepted). despite his laziness, he surprisingly passes his classes with flying colors (thus far). but he’d much rather be gaming or spending his time at parties. “me? not drunk at a party? you’re crazy.”
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jeno! chemistry major and cat lover. he shares his passion for chemistry with his favorite chem classmates. he doesn’t need to take extra classes or such, “i have a million followers on tiktok, i’m going to be an influencer first before anything else.”
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masterlist ! dorm 7B ! dorm 8A ! chapter one
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darlingsaybonvoyage · 3 months
Jihyo x Fem!Reader part 7
College au, dancer, composer and lyricist!Jihyo and producer!reader
A/N: is it happening? Are y/n and reader almost coming together?? :0
Warnings: none :)
pt 6 pt 8
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sungiejpg · 4 months
Pick my next smau
I plan to start preparing my next social media au for when I finish the jaemin one! I will most likely let at least one week pass between the last jaemin chapter and the start of the next one, but I do want to start preparing it!! as I did last time, and seeing that it worked well, I’m doing another poll!
I might also try to write some one-shots or small texts one-shots on the meantime! I still don’t know how long jaemin au will take, maybe around 10 more updates(? I hope is going well though
I do appreciate you letting me know if you like it or what would you change to get better at the next ones! 😊
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slytherinbangchan · 1 year
Inked Dreams (NCT Dream Tattoo Artist!Au) (M)
Chap 6 out of 6 -> Second arc: Tattoo apprentice Park Jisung x tattoo artist female reader.
>>Inked Dream's Chap 1 here
Summary: A NCT Dream Tattooist!Au where the Dreamies are college's heartthrobs and most likely will steal your heart whenever you less expect it.
Cute, "shy" but very hot, flirty Jisung. A deadly combo, I promise.
This chap contains smut!🔞💕
Inked Dreams Masterlist~ Blog's Masterlist~
[2nd Arc: Seven Days. ("A Week" 없어.)🐹 Chap 6. (2nd Arc Finale)]
Your heart flutters as you see Jisung appearing at the shop. You didn't expect him to come by since you made sure to have a propper good bye last night and he definitely has classes to attend in the morning. But there he is. “What are you doing here, dummy?” You ask, hurrying to jump in his arms, and he gladly catches you. Ah... You almost feel like crying. Can't believe you were so sad already about not being able to see him for just two days. “I know we said good bye last night, but I couldn't stop thinking about you, I had to leave class and see you.” He says and you pout and squeeze him in a hug. “Can I stay with you until your friend picks you up?” He asks and you nod then peck his lips a thousand times.
Jisung sits on the break room and you on his lap while you work on some design. “So you don't have any appoinments?” He asks, as he distractedly make his fingers walk up your back, playing, and you shake your head. “No, when I start tattooing I don't know exactly when I'm going to finish, so I couldn't risk it since my friend is picking me up.” You explain and he silently nods even if you can't see him. His fingers now running down, caressing your arm, making you smile, but still focussed on your drawing. He sits up a bit to rest his chin on your shoulder and watch you draw. You can feel his soft breathing on your neck before he leaves a peck there, then his arms around your waist, hugging you closer. “Noona...” He calls you, and you finally stop drawing as his hands climb up your chest, squeezing your tits, and you feel his boner against your butt. “J-Jisung...” You call him as he leaves a soft bite on your neck. “Mhm?” He answers. “We fucked for hours last night...” You tell him and he smiles against your skin. “Mhm~” He says. “And I could do it all over again right now.” He whispers before biting your ear softly, and you fight yourself not to moan outloud. “Can I, noona..? I'm so hard...” He begs, making your heart flutter, and your eyes shift to the break room's door. “I'll close the door.” You say, blushing for not being able to even try to resist him, and leave his lap to lock the door. He's already standing behind you when you turn around. You gasp as you bump into his chest and he chuckles softly before leaning over and pecking your lips.
His hands distractedly going down your arms, then your hips, thighs, and finally up again under your skirt to pull down your panties. You step out of them and he unbuttons his pants as you meet his lips again. Another gasp as he suddenly picks you up and brings you to the wall, resting your weight on it as he slides inside of you.
He starts thrusting into you right away, and you can only bite your lips in an attempt to keep your moans down. God, you're so horny right now. Can't believe this is the same guy who was too shy to even look at you when you first met.
“Faster.” You ask in a moan, and he groans before speeding up. You can only hope your coworker and her client can't hear you over the music playing at the shop, but honestly, you don't really care much about that. You just want to feel Jisung closer, hear his deep voice calling you as he cums. You want it right now, and if someone else happens to hear him, if they're listening... Well, then they can. You couldn't care less. You'd fuck him anywhere, he just has to ask. That's how addicted you are to his entire self.
“Jisung-ah...” You moan softly as you feel your orgasm about to burst, and he picks up the pace once again. His breathing against your skin, the grasp on your thighs, the bites and kisses on your neck, his deep voice everytime a moan scapes him. Everything is just too much, your heart couldn't be racing anymore. You hold onto him as you reach your high, moaning in his ear as quietly as you manage to, triggering his own release. He groans, keeping your heart racing as he finishes.
You peck his lips and he smiles before sweetely pecking yours back a couple times. Your heart is beating so hard for him. If he'd decided to deepen the kiss this time, you don't think you'd have the will to stop him. But the door knob moves before anything else happens, startling you both, and Jisung pulls out of you immediately. “Y/n? Are you here? Why is this closed?” Your coworker asks as you both fix your clothes. “J-Just a minute... I had to... Change my clothes.” You say as Jisung does his best to clean the cum that's slightly running down your thigh. “Oh, okay.” She answers. Sounds like she's clueless so far. You're definitely blushing when you finally open the door though. She looks at you both with a confused expression as she walks in, then she stops in the middle of the room to sniff the air and turns back to look at you. “Did you two just have sex here?” She asks, making Jisung blush even more if possible. “I.... Yes.” You simply admit, and she takes a second to react but she laughs. “Damn. Okay... Lucky.” She says as she checks Jisung out, and you scoff as you smile, holding Jisung by his wrist and taking him out of the break room.
You sit on his lap again, this time astride him and peck his lips a couple times. “I wanna take you with me.” You tell him, cupping his face, and he giggles. “Take me.” He says, making you pout. “I can't. But I so wanna.” You tell him and he chuckles. “Why? Don't laugh.” You pout again, but he just can't stop smiling. “Whyy?” You insist and he shakes his head. “I'm just happy.” He says, but you keep pouting. “Noona wants to be with me, I'm happy.” He explains a bit better as he slightly combs your hair back with his fingers, and you blush. He bites back a smile seeing your rosy cheeks and pecks your nose. “I love you.” He says, staring at you lovingly, and your heart skips a beat. “Y/n!! Why wouldn't you answer your phone??” Your friend asks as she storms in the shop. “Let's go! I couldn't find anywhere to park and my car is literally in the middle of the street.” She hurries you and you can only look at Jisung for a second who motions you to go with your friend. “I'll call you later.” You tell him and he nods as he smiles before meeting your lips.
Ah, your heart hurts. You didn't want to say “I love you” back while rushing out the shop, but now you didn't say it at all. “What's wrong?” Your friend asks as she drives. “I'm sorry I hurried you while I was panicking about the car earlier. Are you mad at me?” She asks and you sigh. “Nah, I get that... Don't worry about it.” You say as you stare at your phone. Should you text him? But what will you say? You don't want to just text him that. It's the first time you say it! He did it in person so you want to do the same. You sigh again and your friend chuckles. “Okay, something is going on definitely.” She says and you roll your eyes as you smile. “It's just a silly thing, don't worry about it.” You tell her. “Does it have anything to do with that guy at the shop?” She asks, smirking, and you chuckle softly. “Yeah, but really, it's nothing.” You tell her and she sighs, finally giving up. “Oh!! By the way... Wooyoung will be at the birthday party tonight.” She says. “Yeah? I pierced his ear just yesterday.” You tell her and she smiles. “Do you think he went to your shop just to see you?” She asks and you scoff. “Well, I'm very good with piercings.” You say. “I assume you two are getting along then.” She distractedly asks. “Sure. We didn't have a bad breakup, we just went separate ways.” You say. “Ah, I see. He didn't talk much about it so we really didn't know a lot. But I'm glad to hear it wasn't an ugly breakup.” She says and you think about it for a minute. Renjun told you he hadn't seen Wooyoung around campus in a long time after you splited up, but that he would bump into him at parties constantly, and now your friend tells you he never really talked about your breakup? Really?? Wooyoung? Well... Whatever, you brokeup at least five months ago, he's probably feeling all better now.
You eat a quick lunch as soon as you get to your friend's house and start working on the tattoo design with your friend's boyfriend. “Yeah, that detail would look cool at first but it'll get lost with time, are you okay with that?” You ask and he thinks for a second. “Yeah, whatever. As long as it looks cool for a bit.” He laughs and you nod and smile as you draw.
“Okay, all settled.” You say as you finish planning everything out for tomorrow. “Nice, now let's get ready for the party!” Your friend says, taking you to her room so you help her out with her outfit. You're having fun just being with them, but honestly, you could take a nap after all that thinking and drawing. “Yeah, that looks really good.” You chuckle as she spins to show you her outfit, giving her a thumbs up. “Great! Should I shower first or?” She asks and you nod. “Definitely, I'm gonna rest for a bit in the meantime.” You tell her and she happily nods before leaving. You walk to the guest room and just lie in bed to check your phone.
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Ah, so cute. You were worried he'd feel awkward after you didn't say I love you back, but he seems fine. You're still a bit worried about it anyway. Guess it can't be helped until you actually hear his voice later or see him tomorrow.
“Noona! Let's take a pic for old times.” Wooyoung says as he sits next to you on the couch, already with his phone pointing at you two, and you just pose. “Promise you won't post it if I look ugly.” You tell him and he laughs. “Of course not, noona. You always look good in my eyes though.” He says and you scoff. “Shut up, let me see it then. I'll delete it.” You say, trying to get his phone, but he just laughs and raises his arm so you can't reach it. “Ugh, whatever.” You say and he chuckles softly as he checks the pic. “You look good, idiot. See?” He asks, showing the pic at you. “Hmm. Okay, I guess it's fine.” You tell him and he just scoffs as he smiles. “How's your piercing?” You ask. “Aw, are you worried about me, noona? Did you get tired of that other guy?” He asks and you scoff and roll your eyes. “Forget it.” You say, trying to stand up, but he stops you. “Oh my god, I'm just kidding, sit down.” He chuckles. “It's good. You did a great job, like always. Why do you think I went to your shop?” He asks. “Did you think I was dying to see Renjun or something?” He laughs and you can't help but laughing too. “Well, I'm glad you're doing good.” You say, maybe speaking more in a general way better than just refering to his piercing, and he smiles softly. “Yeah... I'm glad to see you're doing good too.”
The rest of the party is simply like any other party would be. Lots of drunk people, some dancing, some just chatting, some playing games. You have fun, but alcohol only makes you miss Jisung even more. You get so emotional everytime you drink. Luckily enough someone suggest at some point to move the party somewhere else and almost everyone follows, others just go home. “Y/n, aren't you coming too?” Your friend asks as she notices you trying to sneak out to your room. “But I'm so tired.” You frown and she does too. “I'm sorry but I'll have to work on your boyfriend's tattoo tomorrow for so many hours...” You say and she sighs. “No, you're right. Sorry.” She says before hugging you. “We had plenty of fun already anyway.” She says as she smiles and you smile too. “Make yourself at home, I'll see you in the morning.” She says, hugging you again before leaving.
Woah, you can't believe this. They all left! You're so happy.
You get in the bathroom to take a quick shower before changing your clothes to something more comfy. “Whoops, still drunk.” You say outloud as you almost fall while getting in your shorts, then you finally sit down on bed and take your phone. Your heart beating faster as you wait for the call to start.
“Hi, noona.” Jisung answers in a soft tone and you automatically pout. “Jisung-ah.” You call his name and he chuckles. “Oh? Are you drunk, noona?” He asks. “Mhm~ Just a little.” You admit and he chuckles again. “Mhm, I see. Did you have fun then? I saw the pictures.” He says and you take a moment to remember. “Oh? Wooyoung's ones?” You ask. “Mhm, he posted a lot.” He says and you chuckle. “Yeah, he always does. I didn't know you followed him.” You say and he bites back a smile on the other side of the call. “Well, yeah... I didn't.” He giggles. “But I knew you wouldn't post pics and someone told me he was there and I wanted to see you so... I took a peek at his profile.” He explains and you pout again. He doesn't sound upset or mad about you not saying “I love you” back this morning and that's mostly a relief. “I want to see you too.” You tell him and he chuckles softly. “I'd facetime you but I'm lying in bed surrounded by darkness.” He chuckles again and you do too. You could already tell he was, cause his voice sounds even deeper when he calls while lying down for some reason. “Nah, me too, don't worry. Also I'm sure I don't look my best right now.” You chuckle and he scoffs. “Nonsense.” He says and you laugh softly again. “Well, just send me a pic later.” You tell him, making him giggle. “We are back to me now?” He asks. “Mhm! I want a cute sleepy selca.” You cutely demand and he bites back a smile. “Ah... Noona... Why are you so far away right now?” He asks and you chuckle. “I'm not that far away, dummy.” You tell him and he clicks his tongue and sighs. “You totally are. But I'll be good and wait patiently for you to come back.” He says, making your heart flutter. “I'm even taking extra care of my tongue.” He adds, making you smile. “Yeah? Are you hoping I'll praise you so much when I see you?” You jokingly ask and he scoffs. “I'm hoping you kiss me.” He says, confidently. Making your heart flutter again. You bite back a smile before answering. “Mhm, I really hope so too.”
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Your phone buzzes again after a bit and you answer the call pouting. “Noona, you didn't text back. Are you really crying?” Jisung asks. “Mhm, kinda... But don't worry. It's cause I'm drunk and you're so cute and I miss you.” You say. “Also I really don't feel like working so many hours straight tomorrow. Much less if you won't be around.” You explain and he pouts too even if you can't see him. He doesn't know what to say though, he really just wants to hug you and make you feel all better. “I'm sorry that you have to work so much tomorrow, noona. Honestly you just have to ask and I'll have one of the hyungs drive me there.” He says and you chuckle softly. “Mhm~ Thank you, baby. I feel better just knowing you would do that.” You tell him, making his heart flutter, but he doesn't say anything. “Ah... Did you fall asleep, Jisung-ah?” You ask, kinda blushing. “You called me baby...” He shyly says, ignoring your question, and making you blush even more. “Mhm~ D-Did you hate it?” You ask, a tiny bit worried he did, but he chuckles. “I loved it.” He softly says. “Mhm~.” You say as you feel your heart beating for him. “Jisung... Can you just... Talk to me until I fall asleep? I... Really don't feel like saying good night today.” ~
You wake up next day with your phone still on your hand and your heart skips a beat as you hurry to check if you're still in a call, but it sinks as you realize your phone is dead. Ah... Jisung... You hope he fell asleep before your phone died so he didn't think you hung up on him.
You sigh and force yourself out of bed to look for your charger in the backpack you brought. You check your texts, then you leave to get some breakfast. Jisung didn't text so he's probably still asleep. Ah... You blush lightly as you think of how emo and needy you were feeling last night.
“Hey, are you ready?” You ask your friend's boyfriend and he kinda grunts. “I haven't slept at all.” He chuckles. “But yeah, of course I'm ready.” He says. “Cool, I'll prepare the stencil.” You happily say. You don't know where you're getting the energy but extrangely enough, it's there. “Do you like this song? You can play whatever you like better.” He says, and a smile draws on your face as you realize why you were feeling happier all of a sudden. “Nah, I like this one.” You tell him. And of course you do, Jisung spends his days humming it.
Your friend appears a couple hours later in a zombie mood and stays like that until lunch time. You have a lot of work ahead so you eat as quickly as you can and go back to the tattoo machine. The hours just go by like that until you finally find yourself in your friend's car driving to your house. “Hey, if you want I can drive you to that party too.” She offers. “I'd still have to go home first anyway though. To leave the equipment and change my clothes.” You explain. “Yeah, I'll definitely drive you, girl. C'mon. You did such an amazing job with my boyfriend's present. It's the least I could do.” She insist and you think about it for a moment. You told Jisung like 10 minutes ago that you probably wouldn't show at the party cause you're dead tired, but you haven't said a definitive “no” yet, so you agree and allow your friend to drive you.
Ah, you're so tired. Your arms and wrists hurt. But you change your outfit as quickly as you can not to make your friend wait for too long, and then head downstairs to jump in her car again. You feel kinda giddy for some reason. Guess you're excited to see Jisung. Maybe cause this is kind of a surprise since you haven't told him yet that you were already in the city or that you've finally decided to go to his party.
“Woah, so loud.” Your friend says as you approach the guys's house. You can't even see it quite yet but you can definitely hear the music. “Y/n, isn't that the guy from the shop?” She asks, and your heart skips a beat as you see Jisung leaning on the bus stop. “Yes.” You say, with a smile on your face. “You can drop me there.” You tell your friend and she nods as you grab your purse. “Wait, a girl just walked over the bus stop too.” Your friend says, stopping before getting closer, and you both watch them for a second. Your heart suddenly stops at the way that girl talks to Jisung. They're far enough for you not to be able to hear them though. You get out the car, leaving the door open behind and your friend just stays watching everything. He's not facing you, only the girl is, but she hasn't even noticed someone else is approaching them.
(TW: Violence. Only in the next short paragraph)
“What are you doing here? Come back inside!!” She whines as she pulls from his hoodie's sleeve. “You haven't paid attention to me at all tonight.” She pouts and Jisung clicks his tongue. “Please, leave me alone, I'm already seeing someone.” He says, shaking his arm so she'd let go, and the change in her expression is instant. “So you kiss me and now you pretend nothing happened?” She says, and your heart stops once again just at the same time your feet do. “What are you talking about? I kissed you cause of a dare in a party two months ago.” He says, and finally the girl notices you standing behind him. “Can't you see we're talking here?” She asks you and he turns around to see who she is talking to. “Noona...” He says, then he turns around to look at the girl again. “Please, just leave.” He asks her, and her expression changes again... She looks so pissed. She grunts and slaps him in the face before any of you can even react. You can't believe what just happened. “Motherfucker.” She says, and Jisung clicks his tongue, visibly annoyed. “Yeah, okay. Fuck off already and leave me alone.” He simply tells her as he carefully pokes his injured cheek, and the girl shows him the middle finger as she walks away.
You look at him as he opens and closes his mouth, still taking in the pain from that slap, and your eyes meet. At first you feel so sorry for him but, at some point you both just can't help but chuckling a bit. “Is this what you meant when you said you weren't a heartbreaker intentionally?” You ask and he scoffs. “Yeah, I guess so.” He says, sitting down on the bus stop bench, and you follow him to stand between his legs. “Let me see it.” You ask him, sweetely pushing away his hand to see his face. “It doesn't look too bad.” You say before pecking his lips, and he hisses. “It hurts though.” He says, caressing your thighs from behind. “I'm sorry this happened to you, baby.” You tell him and he smiles softly before looking for your lips again. You smile too, leaning over to meet his. He sighs, a bit bummed still, making you chuckle. “What is iiit? Apart from the obvious thing.” You ask, and he scoffs as he smiles. “Nothing I'm just...” He sighs again. “I've been dying to kiss you properly since forever but... It seems like the Universe is completely against it.” He says, and you bite your lip, trying not to smile. “You kinda did the piercing one to yourself.” You tease, and he scoffs as he smiles. “Yeah, I guess I did.” He admits, pulling you closer to him, and you sit astride him. His eyes on yours as you softly brush your nose against his. “I missed you.” He says, with your faces still close. “No. I missed you.” You tell him, making him chuckle softly, and your heart swoons. “I love you.” You finally say, and he bites back a smile as he just simply stares at you lovingly for a second. “I love you.” He says, too. Making your heart flutter once again. “Can I kiss you?” He asks. You bite your lower lip as you think about it. “I don't know if you can or not anymore...” You tell him as you close the distance between you two again. “But I really fucking hope you do.” You tell him, chuckling softly by the end of it, and he scoffs as he smiles before meeting your lips.
Epilogue: “What were you doing at the bus stop anyway?” You ask Jisung as you distractedly sway his hand while you walk towards the house. “I was waiting for the bus to go to your house and wait for you there.” He explains and you chuckle softly. “Sweetie, I don't think there are buses running this late.” You tell him and he blushes. “I know that, I was just drunk when I first got there so I didn't realize.” He explains, but it only makes you chuckle more. “Oh my god, you're too cute.” You tell him, squeezing his hand, and he huffes and looks away, still embarrassed. “Woah...” He suddenly says, as something catches his attention, and you follow his eyes to see Mark talking to some girl outside. “What? Who's that?” You ask. “That's Haechan's girlfriend's roommate.” He says. “Oh, sure.” You say and he scoffs as he smiles, then waves at Mark and that girl. They look kinda awkward though. “Weird.” Jisung says. “I haven't seen her in a while.” He tells you, but you're trying so hard not to stare at them so they don't feel as awkward. “Let's just go inside.”
A lot of people stare at you two as soon as you step into the house and you stare back until they look away, making Jisung chuckle. You also bump into Chenle, who's heading upstairs with some girl. It takes you a little while finding the others cause they're kinda scattered. But you end up chatting in a group with Jisung, Jaemin, Haechan and his girlfriend, and Jeno. “There's hyung.” Haechan points out as Mark approaches the group. He looks tired, just as one does after thinking or talking about the same thing for too long. “Yo...” He says, shaking Haechan's hand. “Just so you know, hyung, there was definitely someone fucking in your room. I heard them like ten minutes ago.” Haechan chuckles. “Bathroom too, but you should have locked your room, that's an amateur host's mistake.” He says and Mark scoffs. “ Ah well, you should know, right?” Mark playfully teases, hitting Haechan's arm softly. “As the first person who loves fucking in other people's rooms. Or should I say closets?” He laughs and the others do too. Haechan is about to say something but his girlfriend smiles and speaks first. “You sure you want to talk about rooms and what happened inside them while someone was fucking in a closet?” She teases too, and Mark blushes profusely. The way Haechan just burst into laughter makes almost everyone else laugh too even though they're not sure what she was talking about.
Jaemin is not laughing at all though, you're not sure he's even paying attention. He looks... Upset, so you subtly tug from his t-shirt and he looks at you. “What's wrong?” You silently mouth, and he sighs and looks upstairs for a second before shaking his head in a dissmisive way. But you can't help but keep thinking about it. You stare at the stairs for a minute until a girl rushes downstairs and looks around frantically once she's at the last step, meeting Jaemin's eyes behind you. You turn around to look at him, he's staring at her too as if he wanted to talk to her. Then his eyes shift a little, and you turn around again to find what made him look somewhere else. Your heart skips a beat as you see Renjun walking down the stairs too. The girl is gone now though. You look at Jaemin again, confused, and he sighs, still looking at Renjun. “Let's go grab a drink, noona.” He distractedly tells you before looking at you, and you nod and pull from Jisung's sleeve to kiss him before leaving with Jaemin.
So this was Jisungie's arc❣ Hope you all enjoyed it~ feel free to text me or send anons and please like&reblog my posts to show support💕
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strrykais · 1 month
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profiles (3)
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apartment block 7B
2nd year business major chenle is maybe in love with his best friend, is what he wants people to think. it's been a running bit within the group for 3 years now, might as well keep it in college
3rd year education with a minor in music mark wants to teach kids to write and compose music. though he was never the type to get up and sing he always wanted to help kids find their passion at a young age.
now if you thought donghyuck was a problem nothing and no one has the power to make their panties drop like the 2nd nursing student jaemin. though he gets around and still continues to some girls say he has the heart of gold..
well known league of legends streamer and 3rd year health and nutrition major enjoys his once a week time where he can just sit back and relax while he enjoys the comment sections in his streams
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profiles (2) | masterlist | next
a/n : getting the hang of it and chat i fear im killin' it (p1harmony mentioned)
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jirsungs · 3 months
ep 6: the latte lounge incident
word count: 2.1k words (i write a lot...)
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Much time has passed since Jaemin's last text, and you were almost done putting the finishing touches to your makeup and appearance. Once you were done, you walked outside of your apartment and locked the door shut behind you.
Not even a minute later, a car honks from behind you, and you turn around to see your dark-haired friend as the culprit, sitting in the driver's seat of his white Honda Civic. You walk down to Jaemin's car, stopping in front of the passenger car door, which he opens for you.
The second you sit down and shut the door, you notice the many decorations around Jaemin's car. You forgot how decorative the man is.
A Kawaii plushie hanging on his rearview mirror catches your attention the most, you hold in a laugh seeing it.
"Um, since when did you have that?" Jaemin doesn't get what you're referring to until he follows your eyes and finds them eyeing his light pink bunny plushie hung by a darker pink sparkly chain.
Your friend claps his hand in realization, "Ahhh, that!" He sees you still attempting to hold in your laugh, "Ning bought it for me, and don't laugh! There's nothing wrong with a man loving and enjoying cute plushies!"
You ignore his plea and start giggling at his protest, "Just drive, Jaem."
He doesn't scold you for laughing. But before he starts the car's ignition, you see him jut out his bottom lip in a pout, making you giggle even more.
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“Holy shit, that's Latte Lounge?” Jaemin makes a hum of affirmation in response to your amazed question. He continues to pass the coffee shop to find a parking space while you are busy, admiring the place. It's decorated cutely with two round tan-colored tables with matching umbrellas out front, an espresso-colored awning to help with the shade, and two lanterns on both sides of the awning. What amazed you the most was the string of people lining up outside the door.
Jaemin puts the car in park when he answers your question again, “I heard it's even prettier inside. I think the manager's a woman too.”
“That explains the nice decorations.” is the last thing you say before you and Jaemin exit the car to walk up to the line and join the wait.
Turns out Jaemin was right, the coffee shop was somehow decorated ten times prettier than the outside. The aroma of coffee beans and the chatter of customers welcomed you and it somehow felt comforting. You observe customers all around, your eyes skim through the room as you see a group of four sitting on the bean bags placed in the corner of the shop as they chat amongst themselves, a couple playing Connect 4 on one of the coffee tables near the board games area, and when you look up to the ceiling, you found it to be lit up with multiple hanging fairy lights. No wonder this place gained popularity two weeks after opening. 
Fortunately for both of you, the wait ended up shorter than you thought. For the number of people waiting, you and Jaemin guessed it would be a twenty-minute wait until it got to your turn, but here you were, already one person away from the cashier.
Your eyes slightly widen when you see who it is. Haechan? Rockway's lead singer? The man who absolutely rocked MJ's P.Y.T.?
It was different seeing him in a barista uniform. You’ve only seen him in his casual attire. But it wasn't a bad difference, it was different in a good way. 
As you’re both signaled for your turn, you notice how he's busy clearing out the previous order to look up at the both of you. 
Haechan's still pressing on the pad when he says, “Hi, welcome to Latte Lounge, how can I–” But pauses when he looks up and recognizes Jaemin. “What the hell, Jaemin! How’s it going, dude?” His once forced happy posture was now comfortably bright.
You found the sudden happiness plastered on Haechan’s face upon seeing Jaemin to be endearing. 
He leans over the counter to bring your friend in for one of those dap-and-hug guys always do and Jaemin immediately returns it with a tap on the guy’s back. With you now feeling awkward, you clear your throat in hopes Jaemin will get your mental signal and formally introduce you to his friend.
And thank god he does. Upon hearing your cough, Jaemin then turns to you, “Oh! By the way, Haechan, this is Y/N. She’s one of the friends I brought to your guys’ performance last Friday.” 
“Ohhh… so you’re Y/N.” Haechan, as you remember, says with a teasing tone. But just as you're about to question it, another guy who's preparing drinks in the back cuts you off with a yell to Haechan to focus on working. 
“Yeah yeah, I got it, Jeno!” Haechan yells back before giving you and Jaemin an apologetic look, mouthing a “sorry.”
Jeno… Jeno… Like, Jeno the bass player Jeno?! Since when did they all work at Latte Lounge? You think.
Wait. That doesn't include him, right?
Haechan, finally asking for your orders, interrupts your mental dilemma, and you don’t seem to remember what you were stressing about after you get your order number.
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“Haechan, are you seriously sure this is gonna work?” Jeno doubtfully asks his friend for the seventh time.
The both of them were hiding in the employee's area after Haechan whined for Jisung to take his place at the cashier. When the younger one finally gave in, Haechan immediately pushed Jeno inside, leading them here, stuck in an area that reeked of coffee bean bags and dairy products so Haechan could discuss his plan with his friend for the—oh wait, he doesn’t remember the number—of times.
Haechan lets out an exasperated sigh at the repeated question, “Jeno, you’re stressing for no reason. Trust me, it’ll work. We’ll just have Jisung give Y/N and Jaemin their drinks and once he’s at their table, I’ll bump myself into him and—”
“Just don’t make it obvious or overdo it.”
Haechan frowns at the response, “I’m hurt that you really don’t trust me with this plan. I won’t do either of those things because once I push him into Y/N, her latte will spill on her shirt, PTSD, am I right?” He jokingly elbows Jeno’s side but stops when he sees no reaction from him so he continues, “Okay, after that, you party pooper, that’ll give Jisung the opportunity to fix what happened the first time and apologize by helping her out! See, isn't it a great plan?”
“Well… a great plan wouldn't include making it worse for him because now she'll end up with a second stained outfit and no caramel latte which may I remind you, Jaemin paid for that. Also, shouldn't we at least let Jisung in about this?”
Annoyed with Jeno's constant protests, Haechan shoves the round black serving tray in his friend's arms and pushes him outside the swinging doors in Jisung's direction, “That'll just ruin the authentic reaction, so just trust me, he's gonna thank us for this. Now, go get ‘em, tiger!”
“But I really think we sh—”
Once pushed outside, Jeno is suddenly met with Jisung's front and his sentence never gets finished. The younger one jumps at the close proximity.
“God! Geez, Jeno!” 
The older one only gives a small smile, almost resembling a puppy before apologizing, “My bad, Ji. Hey, uh—” Jeno's eyes shift to the round tray which Jisung follows, “Order number 89 is ready, can you serve their drinks to their table for me?”
Jeno tries his best to stay convincing but it only makes Jisung raise one of his eyebrows in suspicion, “And why can't you serve it?”
That one simple question causes Jeno's brain cogs to stop working because his attempt to be convincing is now replaced with hesitant stutters.
“Uh, well, you see…”
Back in the employee's area, Haechan is watching Jeno's performance behind the swinging doors and is left impatient because of how bad he's doing. He lets out a quiet groan before walking out to help him. He stands behind the helpless man and puts his hands on his shoulders as a show of support.
“It's time for Jeno's break, Sungie. That's why he needs you to take his place.” 
Haechan's tone sounds a little bit too casual and it leads Jisung to glance back and forth between both of his friends. Though he's still confused by Jeno’s sudden change in behavior, Haechan sounded normal and that was enough to convince him.
“Oh. Okay. Jeno, why couldn't you just say that then?”
Jeno shrugs instead of giving a verbal answer out of fear that he’ll make the situation more obvious.
Jisung gets the round tray from Jeno’s hands and walks over to the metal counter and places the finished caramel latte and iced Americano on the tray. Just before he’s about to walk out of the working station, he eyes his friends once more. Jeno’s still anxious while Haechan gives a tight-lipped smile. 
They're acting weird. But then again, that's normal.
He scans the place for a table with table number 89, once spotting it, he begins to walk over, his hands carefully holding the tray to avoid it spilling. As he’s walking up to the table, he recognizes Jaemin but sees he’s accompanied by a woman. Your back is facing him and your hair isn’t familiar to him.
Is he… on a date? Jisung thinks.
But right when he reaches the table, you and Jaemin look over, and the next thing you know, your drinks spill on it… and your outfit. Again. 
Neither of you has time to react because Jisung’s panicked placing of napkins and apologies distract you. “I am… so sorry. You guys can have drinks for free. I’ll pay for—” That’s when he finally sees you. Y/N.
Oh shit. 
And you snap. “Great, another ruined outfit. Are you doing this on purpose, like, do you enjoy this or something?” You bitterly dab the multiple napkins in your hand, trying your best to lessen the spill from spreading on your outfit. Your malice tone from Johnny’s party makes its appearance once again.
Similar to what happened during your interaction at Johnny’s, Jisung is just as confused as to why you’re being so difficult when his attempt to help you is purely an act done out of generosity.
“What the hell is your problem? Do you seriously think that lowly of me?”
You take your focus away from your shirt to look at the now defensive young man in front of you in disbelief, “Yeah, I do. This is your second time doing this, and the first time, you didn’t even apologize!”
Jisung rubs his forehead with his hand in distress, he becomes more visibly fed up the more your anger spews out at him, “Y/N, I’m sorry, alright? Just let me help you, please stop fighting it.” 
But his eagerness to help is what leads you to crack even more.
“Jisung, can you just leave?! I don’t want or need your help.”
And you guess, him too, because the thing you know, he can’t take it anymore and spits out his anger right there in the middle of the coffee shop, “You know what, fine. I tried to be nice and somehow gain your kindness back but you are making this so difficult. If you wanna stay stubborn, then have it your way. Stay fucking stubborn.” 
He ends with the slam of the semi-latte-drenched napkins on your and Jaemin’s table before storming out to the back of the shop, his mind completely shutting out the murmurs from the watching customers. Your breathing stops when you watch him walk away, and in the peripheral of your eye, you see Jaemin looking at you. Why does this feel embarrassing? Why are you regretting yelling at him?
Your world blurs out again, the only sounds heard are from the swinging doors opening in and out along with the shouts and movement from Haechan and Jeno as they chase after the stupid drummer boy. For your benefit, it gives you time to fully indulge in what the heck just happened and ignore those talking around you. 
You mentally replay him getting mad at you over and over. He said it in such a manner that results in you having a guilty lump in your throat and your brain almost tells you to run after him and apologize. You’ve never seen that side of him before, though, you haven’t seen much with your small number of interactions. 
But your pride matters more. If he wants stubborn, then you’ll show him stubborn.
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note: RAAHAHA their hatred is finally deep. thank the lord!! i had sm writer's block w coming up with this chapter but i'm honestly really happy w how this turned out :)) we welcome their enemies era with love and open arms
🎫: @idkwhatursayinh @sunghoonsgfreal @multifandomania @nanaxwi @odxrilove @sourrpatched @hancafe @chaellaa @dojaejunging @jising-jisang-jisung @heheheeral @haechansbbg @renjunsversion @seunghancore @woshixinqgiu @jiiieun @pinknjm
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ning2lilac · 8 months
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TAGS: fantasy, guardian angel au, angst, fluff
SYNOPSIS: just different stories with them as guardian angels
WARNINGS: none at the moment
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🪽 angel 01: Coming of Age
synopsis: Better be safe than sorry, that's Mark's favourite quote, specially since he is a guardian angel. Is that why he always has to keep holding YN's hand all the time?
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🪽 angel 02: Tsundere Angel?
synopsis: YN tends to make really bad decisions and do stupid stuff, she can feel that her guardian angel must hate her. What happens if he suddenly appears because he has had enough?
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🪽 angel 03: Oh My Angel
synopsis: A guardian angel, a spirit that is thought to watch over and protect a person or place. So why is YN's one so lazy? Maybe is time to try to get a new one.
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🪽 angel 04: Someone Else’s
synopsis: YN does have a guardian angel, he's great and gives her all the space she needs. Then why is she always spending more time with her roommate's angel?
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🪽 angel 05: Angeleyes
synopsis: Being the clumsiest person on earth has its perks, like being protected all the time by your guardian angel, Na Jaemin. YN does give him too much work, but he loves it.
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🪽 angel 06: Wrong Side
synopsis: YN always thought that the guardian angel's main and only purpose is to protect their designated human... So why is hers being aggressive every single time she needs to be rescued by him?
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🪽 angel 07: Training Wheels
synopsis: After YN's guardian angel resigns somehow, she gets paired up with the most inexperienced one. It clearly shows that Park Jisung is still in training.
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atinyjules · 4 months
Eyes Off You Ft. Park Jisung {ch-6}
A/n: Welcome to chapter 6! Are you liking it so far? I hope you are! Omg my photocards are so pretty and good quality ✨️ I'll probably be ordering more in the future if I have money 😢 I don't have much to say so I'll leave the yapping for the next chapter lmaoo
The mini masterlist for this series can be found here
Tw: Angsty
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After the whole ordeal at uni, Lianna decided that she needed some time alone, so she told the boys to go on without her. Truth is, she was scared to go home like a mess only for Johnny to see her. She didn't want her brother to worry about her, so she decided to kill some time in the park until Johnny left for his job after sundown.
Limping a little, Lianna managed to walk till the bench with great difficulty before finally relaxing and sitting down on one of the park bench. After calming her breathing, Lianna stared at her clothes and her hands. Her once, clean, and pretty varsity jacket was now looking like it had gone through two world wars. Yes, it was a bit of an exaggeration, but maybe it was her because of her emotional state right now.
She dusted her jacket and pants before taking out her phone. The sight of her new phone decorated with a cute white phone case paired with a matching pastel brown bear popsocket and a phone charm with beads that spelled Riize made Lianna smile for the first time after today's happenings.
Was it the fact that Riize got her all these goodies or the fact that they were more loyal than her previous friends that made Lianna feel more love for the seven boys? It was definitely the latter. Despite getting beaten up badly, they still stuck by her. It made her happy and kind of sad, too. Lianna wished that Jisung and the rest did the same for her. Too traumatized by the situations that were happening, a new wave of pain filled her body as she pressed a video she hadn't watched for a long while. Luckily, her Sim card and memory card didn't get destroyed, so she still had everything .
In the background of the video, the soulful sounds of the piano could be heard as an excited and young Jisung held a bouquet of roses while the others held confetti poppers and a cake that said 'Happy Lia Day !' They were preparing to surprise Lianna for her 13th birthday.
I chuckled dryly as I watched the video. They switched off the lights and busted into my practice room, singing happy birthday as 13 year old Lianna broke down into tears. Not wanting to watch further, I ended the video and pressed back quickly before sighing and putting on my headphones to listen to some music. Suddenly, Johnny's name shone through the phone making me panic a bit before picking up the call.
"Hello? Lia, hey... I forgot to send you a text earlier." Johnny said making me furrow my brows.
"What text?" I asked as he laughed nervously.
"Are you home yet? I actually have some work in Busan, I'll be back in a week. I forgot to call you so I thought I'd text you but I forgot. The house key is with the landlord." He said, making me internally let out a sigh of relief.
"I'm out with the guys." I lied as he sighed in relief.
"Thank goodness, remember, the key is with the landlord. I'll be back next week so I left dinner in the fridge and some money for you in case you don't want to cook. You know what, you can just get takeout. I'm sorry for not telling you earlier." He said making me shake my head, not like he sees it though.
"It's fine, I'll manage. Don't overwork yourself." I said as he chuckled.
"I won't, but you take care, alright? You can let Shotaro and Sungchan sleep over if you don't wanna be alone." He said as I hummed in response.
"Okay then." I said when he hummed.
"Hey, you alright? You sound really tired." He said making me panic as I chuckled.
"Yup, I'm fine. We did a lot of stuff at uni today... I'm just tired. I think I'm just burnt out." I said making him gasp.
"Well, that's not good. You sure you're okay?" He questioned making me groan internally.
"Yeah... Oh hey, John... can I just not go to uni for the week? I'm just really burnt out. If I rest it out... I'll be able to focus in class more." I said and bit my nails, scared as to what he'll say.
"Take all the time you need, I know how it feels when we're burnt out. You just rest and sleep it off until you feel better, alright? I'll send the university an email for you leave." He said making me panic.
"It's fine, I'll do it myself. You have a lot of work yourself. I'll send it now and rest." I said as he sighed.
"You really need to learn how to accept people's help... but if you say so. You take care, I'll be back in a week alright?" He said as I hummed in response.
"Take care, come back soon." I said making him chuckle.
"After I'm done, I'll take the first train back." He said in a loving tone.
After ending the call, I put on my headphones and began the trip back home.
I stopped in the middle of the road because of the pain in my abdomen and my legs. I sighed as I looked forward. My apartment was right there, and yet here I was. I sucked it up and gave myself a little pep talk before standing up straight and forcing myself to walk.
"You need help?" I turned to see Zhong Chenle making me widen my eyes before continuing to walk.
"No, thanks." I said making him sigh.
"You sure? You look like you need a piggyback ride. I'll get you to your door." He said, making me shake my head.
It sounds so tempting... shut up, Lianna! Him and his friends are the reason you're like this! But then again... he never did anything to you... and he did give you a drink during the university cleaning drive.
"Look... I'm sorry for everything my stupid friends did. And I'm even more sorry that I didn't do anything. I don't like making a scene... but because of my stupidity, you got even more injured." He said, making me turn to look at his face to search for any signs of insincerity. I sighed in defeat when I didn't find any signs of insincerity in his face.
"You sure? The elevator isn't working... I live on the 20th floor." I said in hopes to scare him away, but he smiled and kneeled in front of me.
"I inhaled three mega sized burgers and a big bowl of ramen today, so it'll help me burn my calories. Get on." He said, making me finally sigh in defeat before getting on his back.
"I'm warning you, I'm quite heavy." I said, making him chuckle.
"Oh please, you're not even half my warm-up weights. I might look like this, but I actually lift weights and work out a lot." He said making me chuckle.
"I can see that." I say sarcastically.
"Does that mean you forgive me?" Chenle asked as I sighed before tugging his hair.
"Ouchh!" He winced making me chuckle.
"Now you're forgiven." I said making him chuckle.
I sighed as I watched Chenle giving Lianna a piggyback. After finding out the truth, I felt devastated and ashamed at my behavior towards Lianna back then and now. I walked home with slumped shoulders as I drank my coke.
"I really am gullible after all..." I mumbled to myself as I walked home.
After reaching home, I locked myself in my bedroom as I got on the bed and went through some of my old high school pictures.
"Park Jisung from high school... I became so popular so quickly that... the popularity and fame swallowed me whole until... until I became the Park Jisung I am now. If only... I had said no." I whispered before putting my phone down and lying face down on my pillow.
When I was about to start high school, Chaeyeon had gotten me to change my hair and my fashion. Although my style is different from how it was back then... I still am the boy who agreed to change myself to become popular. Would we have been friends if I didn't believe Chaeyeon and change myself?
I sigh and look at my pictures of when I was in middle school.
"He was so much happier back then..." I mumbled to myself as I looked at the girl with big transparent glasses and braces next to me.
Feeling tears brim my eyes, I quickly buried my face on my pillow as my hands clenched the pillow.
I sighed as I lay down on my bed after a long day. After changing into my pj's and washing my face, I looked at my bruised face. Letting out a breath, I looked down on the sink before forcing myself to finish my night routine. Not wanting to eat tonight, I just sat on my bed in hopes of falling asleep. After miserably failing, I ended up sitting in a home studio with headphones as I blasted whatever music that came up.
"I'm scared to go to back ..." I mumbled, not hearing my own voice as I put my head down on my keyboard and closed my eyes.
I groaned as music blasted through my headphones, waking me up as I slightly opened my eyes to see the sunlight peaking through my blinds, making me open my eyes. I had fallen asleep in the home studio again.
"Gosh... I need to stop doing this." I said in an annoyed tone as I removed my headphones and stood up to look in the mirror.
"Great! It's just wonderful!" I said sarcastically as I grazed my fingers through my keyboard imprinted skin.
I let out a sigh as I ran my fingers through my hair before brushing and holding my hair in place with a claw clip.
"No class for a week, time to use that to my full advantage." I mumbled as I walked downstairs. Opening the fridge, I gasp as I see the food Johnny left for me... to have at dinner last night.
"Well... I guess it's breakfast now." I mumbled as I warmed up the curry, humming to the song I played from my phone while waiting.
Gradually, my hums became quiet as I stared at my reflection on the window by the sink. My eyes remained glued on the image of my face, the face that I hate so much. My glasses caused me to hate the reflection even more, making me remove my glasses.
"If I had switched to contacts... would I have been more accepted?" I asked myself before I heard the curry burning making me gasp before quickly closing the gas.
"Great... it dried up..." I mumbled before letting my head hit the counter as I groaned.
After eating rice and seaweed for breakfast, I dragged myself upstairs to my bed before sticking there for the rest of the day, binge watching some random kdrama while eating some of the snacks Johnny left.
I roll my eyes and sigh after hearing someone ring the doorbell and knock on the door for the fifth time. Lazily getting up, I headed downstairs and pressed the video button to see who's outside.
Upon realizing who it is I quickly press the audio button.
"Leave." I said in a cold voice as the person sighed and kept knocking.
"Let me in, I wanna talk." Haechan said, making me narrow my eyes as I pressed the audio button.
"Not me. Your actions were enough for me to know what type of person you are, so kindly leave me alone with my kdrama and food." I said as he groaned.
"You didn't come to uni as well... come on... I just wanna talk." He said, making me scoff before pressing the audio button.
"Don't expect me to come tomorrow as well or the day after!" I exclaimed before turning to walk away when Haechan's words caught my attention.
"Jisung is here too... we wanna apologize. " I clenched my fist as I opened the door roughly. Eyeing Haechan first before eyeing Jisung with dark eyes.
"You... and your stupid little gang of friends can bully me as much as you want... I'd rather get beaten to death than speak with you two." I said in a cold tone.
After not seeing Lianna at uni, I got worried as guilt started to eat me from the inside. Ever since I found out the truth, I've been extremely sad and wanted to speak to Lianna, but since she didn't come, I was feeling anxious. Haechan must've been feeling the same thing since he waited for me after class outside the dance studio and told me that he was gonna go and apologize to her.
I decided to go with him to her apartment to talk. After knocking for a long time, she finally spoke, her voice making me happy and sad because of the dark and cold tone she spoke in. After pissing her off by accident, she came out and stared down at us before speaking.
"You... and your stupid little gang of friends can bully me as much as you want... I'd rather get beaten to death than speak with you two." She said in a cold tone.
My eyes glossed as I noticed all the red and blue bruises around her face as she spoke. I wanted to say something, but at that time, I didn't have the courage to utter a single word.
"We were wrong... and we're so sorry." Haechan said making her chuckle.
"As you should. You see these? Your friends did this to me... do you even realise the pain that a single punch from someone like Jeno can give to a person like me? I got multiple punches and slaps thrown on me. My body is in so much pain... almost feels like I'm dying... but the pain you guys gave me... is more than these physical ones." She said in a shaky tone, making me look down, unable to look at the bruises around her eyes and face.
"I'm thankful that Johnny isn't here... my brother is too good... he doesn't deserve to see me like this, and nor does he deserve to know how evil you people really are." She said as Haechan stepped forward.
"I know... but... we really are sorry... you didn't deserve to be treated like that-" She cut his words with a sigh.
"You think... I don't know that? You guys are so insufferable... leave." She commanded, making me panic as I looked up at her.
"Lia..." I trailed when the door in front of us opened to reveal a bruised and battered Seunghan covered in bandaids. He looked different due to the bruise on his eye.
"Here to cause more damage?" He asked in a monotone and low voice as his face remained blank.
"We're only here to-" Seunghan cut my words while staring down at me.
"Apologize? Saying sorry, won't cut it. Lia... get in." Seunghan said, looking at Lia, who listened without a thought making Haechan hold her hand.
"Let go of her hand." We turned to see Sungchan and Eunseok.
"Yah, we're here to talk to Lia... not you." Haechan spoke in a warning tone, making Seunghan let out a dry chuckle.
"Oh, are you? Isn't that cute. But you see... she doesn't want to talk to you. We've all had our dreams of university crushed by your stupid gang... and we've had enough. Leave before we let out our anger and grief on you two." Seunghan warned, making me grab Haechan's hand after making eye contact with Seunghan.
"They're serious..." I mumbled to Haechan, who looked around at them before letting out a breath and walking away.
Riize and Lia have finally had enough!
That's it for this chapter 💖 ✨️
I hope you liked it despite it not being that good 💖✨️
Chapter 7 can be found here
Likes and rebloggs are appreciated 💖 ✨️
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