#fuckboy jisung
cupidcures · 4 months
When Tulips Kiss | Hwang Hyunjin SMAU
CHAPTERS: 𝜗𝜚 5teen | 6teen | 𝜗𝜚 7teen
WORD COUNT: 5.6k (not proofread)
wish you were sober
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It was the night of 3RACHA’s album release album, and you were standing in front of Jisung’s house with your arm linked to Jeongin’s and Seungmin’s, you being in the middle. It’s been a hot minute since you last went to a party like this, so you were a bit overwhelmed. Actually, you’ve noticed that you were always at least a little overwhelmed when it came to being surrounded by a crowd of people you weren’t familiar with, but it was something you needed to suck up in order to have that full “college experience.”
The last time you were at a party like this, you ended up in somebody’s bed that you didn’t know. Scary. You didn’t even bother saying bye to him when you left in the morning, hell, you don’t even remember his name.
Parties, drinking, sex, and emotions. That sounds about right!
“Hey Y/N! So glad you could make it!” You heard a voice calling out to you, causing you to snap out of your thoughts. When did we get inside? Well whatever, we’re here now, might as well have fun.
“Hey, Chan! I wouldn’t miss it for the world!” You smiled and unhooked your arms from your friends’, leaning into Chan and giving him a shoulder hug, as he returned it.
“Jisung and Changbin are in the kitchen making drinks. Those idiots are making all sorts of concoctions, so be careful with the amount you drink.” He chuckles before walking away to greet more people coming in.
“Are you drinking tonight?” Seungmin asked you and wrapped his arm around your shoulder as you leaned on his. Jeongin was long gone, you assumed he went to some of his other friends, or maybe went to the kitchen to drink already.
“Yeah, gotta get shit out my mind you know? Why don’t you drink too?” You nudged his side as he groaned in feigned annoyance.
“Me? Drink? Nah. At least not when everybody else is, somebody in the group has to look after everyone, and it’s me.” Seungmin shrugged as you pouted and dragged him along to the kitchen.
“I could stay sober this time so you could have fun! Let loose a bit!”
“It’s okay Y/Nnie, I appreciate it but I’d rather stay sober, to be honest. I like to have full control of myself and full awareness. So drink to your heart’s desire. I enjoy taking care of you guys anyway, as much as I hate to admit it.” Seungmin ruffled your hair as you whined, gaining a laugh out of him.
“Okay okay okay, you’re seriously the best Minnie. I hope you know we all love you so much.”
“Yuck, stop with all the sappy stuff.” He rolled his eyes but failed to hide the soft smile on his face.
“Yoooo Seungmin! Y/Nnie! If I didn’t know any better, I would assume you’re trying to take my wife away from me!” A voice, who you know as Jisung’s hollered out as you both looked in his direction before walking to him.
“You should keep a better eye on your wife then.” Seungmin joked before nuzzling his nose to your cheek as Jisung gasped dramatically, letting out a joyous laugh right after. He took a red solo cup from the counter before filling it up with the… “concoction,” as Chan described it, and handing it to you.
“Taste it,” Jisung smirked as you and Seungmin looked at each other with an uncertain look on your faces.
“Umm... Minnie!! A little sip won’t hurt. Why don’t you try it first?” You held the cup to Seungmin’s face before he fake barfed to the side. “Hell no.”
“Hey! I’m serious, it’s good!” Jisung crossed his arms in an attitude, looking to the side. Then, as quickly as he turned his head to the side, he turned back to look at you with pleading eyes. “Please taste it! It’s not poison I swear.”
“Okay okay okay I’ll taste it.” You laughed as he cheered and waited in anticipation as you took a sip. You widen your eyes in surprise before nodding at Jisung with an impressed smile.
“It’s good! What did you put in it?”
“I have no idea! Thank you for being my guinea pig wifeyyyyy~~~” Jisung grinned before running away as you took a sniff at the drink, trying to figure out what was inside of it. After a few minutes of thinking, you gave up on trying to figure it out and ended up chugging it all in one go. You squeezed your eyes shut and shuddered as the alcohol left its sensation down your throat, opening your eyes a few seconds later only to see Seungmin looking at you in worry.
“Woah. You took that like a champ. Are you doing fine? Do you always drink like this? I’m surprised you trust Jisung’s drink that much. Man doesn’t even remember what he put in it.” He rambled as you giggled and nodded your head to his questions.
“It’s actually pretty good! I like the ratio of alcohol to juice, it tastes better instead of just tasting like straight liquor you know? Not sure what that guy put in the drink, but it’s good.” You went to get more, but Seungmin grabbed the cup out of your hands and poured you more himself, proceeding to take a sip out of it. You waited to see his reaction as he took another sip and nodded in approval.
“You’re right. Too bad he doesn’t remember what’s in it, maybe I would drink more often if it always tasted this good.” Seungmin complimented, giving the cup back to you as you downed it all, once again.
“Damn, no hesitation.” He chuckled as you smiled shyly, the buzzing feeling slowly creeping up on you. Your cheeks started heating up rapidly, catching Seungmin’s attention.
“Are you okay? Do you need a seat?” He asked with concern laced in his voice as you shook your head.
“I’m just getting started, baby!” You booped his nose before pouring yourself another cup as he stifles a laugh.
“What are you laughing at?” You pouted as Seungmin raised both his arms up in innocence.
“Nothing! Let’s get you to sit on the couch though, just in case. You don’t drink like this often.” Seungmin wrapped his arms around your waist to keep you steady as you clung onto his shirt, letting him lead you wherever.
He was right, you don’t usually drink like this, let alone this fast. If you were being honest, you couldn’t forget about what you and Hyunjin talked about in the bathroom. You’ve kept it inside and haven’t talked about it with anyone, and it was getting to you.
But tonight, you intended to get fucking wasted. Why talk about it when you have alcohol?
Seungmin ushered the people shoving their tongues down each other’s throats off the sofa, gaining a nasty look from them, but he couldn’t give a fuck. He sat you down on the sofa and proceeded to take his jacket off to cover your thighs before sitting himself down next to you.
“What are we?” You asked jokingly as Seungmin rolled his eyes. Man, he sure does that a lot. You chugged your drink for the third time that night, and most certainly not the last. You felt the room spinning around you, your vision getting blurry.
Aaaaaand you’ve done it. Maybe you shouldn’t have drank so much in such a short amount of time.
“Want me to refill it?” Seungmin chuckled as you stopped to think about it. You should probably stop, but you weren’t drunk enough, so you nodded your head with a soft smile.
“Thanks.” He nodded back at you before taking the cup out of your hands and heading towards the kitchen.
“Are you guys always that cuddly? Am I blind to have never noticed it before?” A female voice talked to you as you turned to see who it was.
“Chuu! When did you get here? A few minutes ago?” You guessed as she nodded. Your eyes drifted from her face to her hand, which was connected to another person’s hand. Oh?
“Oh, who’s this?” You asked politely, referring to the slightly taller woman that Chuu was holding hands with, noticing how both their faces turned bright red. Ohhhhh.
“Y/N, meet Sooyoung! My girlfriend!” Chuu beamed as the girl next to her, Sooyoung, smiled and stuck her hand out as you shook it.
“It’s so nice to meet you! Take good care of her, she can get a bit crazy sometimes.” The three of you laughed together before it died down.
“We’re gonna get going now Y/N! Stay safe!” Chuu walked away hand in hand with her girlfriend, leaving you alone to your thoughts.
Where was Seungmin?
As if on cue, his hand landed on top of your head as he handed you the cup.
“Y/N, I know this is so sudden but something came up, and I’ve got to go. Can you take care of yourself??” You sensed the panic in his voice as you stood up to hug him.
“Yeah don’t worry about me! I’ll be fine just go! Let me know what’s going on tomorrow.” You reassured as he hugged you back and thanked you. He pulled away and pinched your cheeks, as he always does to say goodbye instead of waving, and left the party, but not before telling you to keep his jacket with you just in case you get cold. Seungmin was always looking after you, and it was times like that when you would think about the future, and how lucky his future girlfriend would be. He never hesitates to take care of you, even if you guys are arguing, and it has always been like this since you were kids. Now you were really alone. You decided to take little sips of your drink this time since you were already far gone enough, you had misjudged it when Seungmin asked if you wanted more earlier.
You observe your surroundings and all the people around you, watching how everyone is in their own world despite being in a room full of people. You enjoyed people-watching, it was always nice to see how people act differently and so uniquely. You watched the couples in the room, unwillingly of course because who would want to watch PDA? And you couldn’t help but think about how it was when you were in a relationship, and you found yourself missing it. Your brain automatically thought of Hyunjin but you quickly shut that thought down.
Why are you thinking of him? You drank the remaining drink in your cup before setting it down on the coffee table, leaning back down onto the sofa, and letting yourself sink in. You spotted Jeongin chatting with Felix and Minho, then Jisung with Chan and Changbin. Looking a bit more to your left, you found that Chaewon finally made it to the party! Though, she came with another friend of hers, Sakura? If you remembered correctly. Maybe it was the alcohol making you feel this way, but you felt lonely. Lonelier than usual. The air in the room was starting to feel stuffier and stuffier, so you went upstairs to where you knew Jisung’s balcony was and went outside to take a breath of fresh air. All the stars were sparkling and it felt like they were all closer, but maybe it was all the drinks playing tricks on your eyes. You were even able to see the planet of love, Venus, so you thought that was cool.
You don’t know how much time passed since you’ve been standing out here on Jisung’s balcony, but it was long enough for someone to notice and approach you.
Oh. That voice. You were almost completely certain that it was— “Hwang.” You mumbled without needing to turn back to see who it was as you heard their footsteps approach you and stood by your side, staring at the night sky as well.
“The moon is beautiful, isn’t it?” Hyunjin spoke softly before turning his head to look at you.
“Yeah, I agree. It’s so alluring, don’t you think?” You look back at him as the both of you lock eyes, and suddenly it feels like nothing else exists besides the two of you. Hyunjin takes this time to take in your features, something he wasn’t able to do for the past four years. A privilege, if you will. Your perfectly blushed red cheeks, and the shape of your nose. Your adorable eyes and the lips he loved kissing so much, it was all coming back to him. You had grown up so beautifully, there was no denying that. You have always been a beautiful woman, but it’s different now, and he doesn’t know how to explain it.
“Yeah, it really is alluring.” He murmurs, all his attention directed towards you. You smile up at him and he can feel his heart stop.
“What are you staring at?” You giggle quietly and look away, a bit flustered that he was staring for so long. But he couldn’t help it, who wouldn’t stare at you?
It was this night that gave him the feeling deep down inside that no matter how many years passed that you guys were apart, it will always be you. It has always been you. Will he ever admit it out loud? Hell no. At least, not right now…? He hates the fact that it’s still you that he wants to spend the rest of his life with, even after you had hurt him so fucking much in high school. His heart and his mind were always conflicting with each other, and his mind would win every single time. Hyunjin shrugged the feeling off, excusing his racing heartbeat and blaming it on how much he hated you. He didn’t care if it didn’t make sense, just as long as he was believing anything BUT the fact he was still in love. He told himself that he couldn’t be in love with you and that he SHOULDN’T. It was silly to get back together with someone who hurt you, but the confused and lost look on your face every single time he brought up the past messed with him. He wasn’t able to tell if you were playing dumb or not, but he chose to protect his heart and not give in to temptations, convincing himself that you were just playing dumb.
“So what brings you out here?” You asked the boy next to you, catching him off guard that you would still continue a conversation with him.
“Oh uh. I’m not sure. I just felt like wanting to get away from everyone else for a while. You?”
“Same.” You nodded, and the both of you stood in comfortable silence.
Well, you assumed it to be comfortable silence. But for you? Oh no. Oh no no no, your mind was flooded with thoughts going hundreds of miles per hour. You couldn’t think straight and your heart was pumping, you felt like it was loud enough for even Hyunjin to hear. You and Hyunjin were actually talking face-to-face with no tension between you guys, and all it did was take you back to when you were happy together.
“Do… do you wanna get out of here?” Hyunjin asked in a shy manner as you looked back at him and pondered before responding.
“Hm… sure. Why not? Lead the way, Hwang.” You accepted the offer as he smiled his oh-so-cute smile at you before gently taking your hand and leading you out the front door, to his car.
Hyunjin opened the passenger door for you and buckled you in before getting in the driver's seat to drive off to someplace quiet.
He’s only inviting you to go somewhere else because he didn’t want to be at the party anymore, and you were already with him so he might as well bring you along. Not because he felt the need to look after you while you were drunk and didn’t want to leave you alone or anything… nothing like that!
The two of you were silent the entire car ride, the only sounds in the car were the static coming from the radio and the hum of the car engine. It was peaceful though, and you enjoyed it. You felt like you could float away from how light you felt, the glow of the streetlights was a blur, as for everything else around you.
It didn’t take long, probably around 15 minutes, until the car finally came to a halt. Hyunjin turned the engine off and looked at you, checking how you were feeling.
“You feeling okay?” He asked as you turned your head to him and nodded. He gave you a small, subtle smile in response before getting out of the car and quickly going over to your side to open the door for you as you giggled at his actions.
“So what is this place?” You hummed, stepping out of the car and spinning around to look at your surroundings. Unfortunately, that didn’t help, as your vision was still impaired at the moment.
“I go here a lot whenever I need to clear my thoughts. Or when I just want to be alone.” Hyunjin muttered before placing his hand at the center of your back and holding your hand with the other, leading you to the bench and sitting you down.
“You could see the city lights from here, it’s a beautiful thing. Plus, the stars are brighter out here, so that’s nice.” He expressed and sat down beside you. He turned his head to look at you and admire your side profile, his breath hitching.
“You look….. decent,” Hyunjin mumbled as you looked at him as well, a darker shade of blush creeping on your cheeks, on top of the blood that rushed to your face due to the alcohol, and he chuckled at the look of it.
“Why’d you bring me out here?” You questioned and fiddled with your fingers, staring into the glint of his eyes, to his plump lips, then back to his eyes.
That action didn't go unnoticed by Hyunjin, and he could feel his face quickly heat up before clearing his throat. “I uh, just thought you might want to see it. Also, we’re friends by force.” You couldn’t help but let out a giggle at his last statement, and he laughed along with you. You felt so relaxed around him. Perhaps it was the alcohol? Contrary to feeling relaxed, it also felt like your heart could pump out of your chest. You don’t know what came over you, but you grabbed his hand and placed it on your chest, where your heart is of course.
Hyunjin looked away, flustered at your actions. Why would you put his hand on your chest? Are you testing him?
“Can you feel my heartbeat?”
Oh. Duh.
“Yeah, I can.” He spoke in an embarrassed tone, mentally scolding himself for thinking of something different. Out of all the things that Hyunjin was in denial of, one thing that he couldn’t deny was his physical attraction to you. You were the most beautiful being he had ever laid eyes on, and you still were. He hopes that you think the same way about yourself.
“Why do you hate me so much?” You slurred your words out before your head fell limp on his shoulder. Hyunjin stayed quiet for a while before finally answering, “You hurt me.” He rests his head on top of yours.
“You already know.”
And it comes to a complete circle, once again. You sighed in frustration, you weren’t sure how to ever get his side out of him. No matter how much you asked, he wouldn’t tell you how you hurt him and it frustrated you.
“I don’t. I don’t know what I did to hurt you. But I’m still sorry nonetheless.”
Hyunjin hums in response but doesn’t answer to your apology in words.
The two of you cuddled under the starry sky, surrounded by the chilly night air. Friends do this kind of stuff, this is normal! You've cuddled with Seungmin, Chaewon, Jeongin, Chuu, and Jisung. But? Why does it feel so different now?
“Wow, you called me by my name for once.” He chuckled and held your hand, giving it a light squeeze.
“Can I kiss you?” You asked under your breath, but you were certain that he heard you with the way he stiffened.
“Wha… what?” Hyunjin stuttered as you lifted your head and leaned in dangerously close. He felt your warm breath hit his face, and he could feel himself leaning in towards you as well, until he noticed it. The scent of alcohol in your breath.
Fuck. Hyunjin totally forgot you were drunk, and he cursed at himself for nearly kissing you. He stood up and ruffled his hair back, not looking back at you. “We should get going.”
You couldn’t help but feel disappointed when he rejected your advances, but you shrugged off the heavy, aching feeling in your chest and followed him as he walked towards the car. Even after all the built-up tension that you created between the two of you, he still opened the car door and buckled you in before tending to himself. You were well aware of how he was constantly sleeping around, as he’s very well-known and popular around campus. It only made you wonder if he treated every single girl he was with like this. You would be lying if you said that he wasn’t a gentleman, so you wouldn’t be surprised if he DID treat every girl like this, but little did you know that you couldn’t be any more further from the truth.
As Hyunjin started the car and began driving, you picked up your phone to check if any of your friends had texted you, and to no one’s surprise, they did.
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“Hey, Hyunjin?” You called for his attention as he nodded and hummed to indicate that he was listening. “Can I… stay over tonight? My friend is bringing her girlfriend over and she asked if I could sleep somewhere else for tonight.” You asked coyly as he paused for a while, before nodding once more. “Yeah, you can stay over.”
You muttered a thank you and looked out the window, admiring the scenery. Before you knew it, you were knocked out and snoring softly.
When the sounds of your quiet snores reached Hyunjin, he looked over for a second to sneak a peek to confirm his suspicions, and he was correct. You did fall asleep, and you were sleeping soundly in the passenger seat. The passenger seat of HIS car. He chuckled silently and continued on driving, unable to wipe the fond smile on his face.
When Hyunjin finally pulled up to the house he shared with 5 other people. He got out of the car and went to the side that you were on, unbuckled you, and gently lifted you up in his arms, making sure he didn’t wake you up. Closing the car doors and locking it, he brought you inside as silently as he could so as to not attract any attention. After all, what kind of reaction would his friends have to see him carry the person he hates into his bed and tuck her in? They would probably accuse him of being in love. Yeah right.
When he finally brought you to his room and closed the door successfully without anybody noticing, he delicately placed you on his bed like you were a fragile porcelain doll, before heading to the bathroom to wet a cloth and making his way back to you. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he made sure to wipe your makeup off as gently as he could, and when he was finished, he threw the damp cloth in his laundry basket and untied your braids to let it all fall back in place.
Hyunjin stayed next to you for a while, admiring your natural beauty and your sleeping state, you looked so serene and peaceful. This was the first time in years when you didn’t look at him with annoyance in your eyes, and he was grateful. Your beauty never failed to fascinate him and leave him in awe, and he could slowly feel the cold exterior he has constantly shown you, melting away. You made him feel sick. So sick. He was usually so sure of himself when it came to what he wanted, but for you, it was different. He didn’t understand why his heart yearned for you, but it did. Your messy hair, your long eyelashes, and your slightly parted lips as you slept pulled him in even more, and he hated it. He hated the way you made him feel despite everything he did to try and move on from you. He hated how despite the amount of years that had passed, you still had him wrapped around your finger. He hated everything that you made him feel, and yet he’s here taking care of drunken you. He gave in so fast, and it’s pathetic.
Hyunjin lets out a sigh before getting up to grab you a shirt to change you into. Taking a deep breath in, he squeezed his eyes shut before undressing you carefully and so very tender. After successfully doing so, he pulled a fresh shirt over your head and shoulders as it covered all of you. He opened his eyes once he knew you were completely covered, proceeding to tuck you into his blankets and pulling a chair from his desk to the side you were on. He stopped to stare at you once more before hesitantly planting a careful kiss on your forehead as if he were scared to break you.
“I wish you were sober,” Hyunjin muttered quietly before sitting down on the chair to take your hand and intertwine your fingers with his, laying his head on top of your stomach.
“Friends do this kind of stuff. It’s fine..” He fluttered his eyes closed and eventually drifted off to sleep.
Sometime later, Jeongin wakes up in the middle of the night with a groan. His head was fucking killing him from all the drinking so he did the first thing that came to his mind, which was to go into someone’s room for hangover pills. The most sensible thing for him to do was go to the person who got drunk the most, and so he did. Exiting his bedroom and knocking on the door softly just in case he was sleeping.
“Hyunjin? Do you have any hangover pills?” Jeongin asked but was met with silence, and so he slowly opened his bedroom room, only to be greeted with a not so surprising surprise. Hyunjin was sleeping on a chair pulled up beside you with his head on your stomach, his hand holding yours, and your other hand entangled in his hair.
Jeongin slowly creeped out and shut the door while giggling and rolling his eyes. “I fucking knew it would happen.”
When you finally opened your eyes, you were met with a pounding headache and a throat dry as a desert. You could barely open your eyes when you sat up and looked around the room, but it didn’t look familiar to you, at all.
Oh right… You asked Hyunjin if you could stay over.
You rolled over and hid your face in his pillow, before rolling again for the last time and staring up at the ceiling. You didn’t remember much before asking him if you could stay, besides the fact that Hyunjin took you to an overview of the city, but that’s pretty much it. You were lightheaded and the consequences of drinking… whatever Jisung made… finally caught up to you.
At least you didn’t throw up last night, that would have been embarrassing. Where is Hyunjin anyway?
And as if on cue, the bathroom that connected to his bedroom opened up as steam poured out from being trapped in there. “Oh, you’re awake. I put a glass of water beside you and some hangover pills, you must be dying right now.” Hyunjin spoke casually as he stepped out of the bathroom, revealing his exposed torso with a towel covering his bottom half. Before you could even register that you were staring, practically drooling, he raised an eyebrow at you.
“Are you just… going to keep staring or are you gonna turn around so I could put some clothes on?” Hyunjin chuckled and you squealed and turned around, apologizing for staring. You took this time to take the pills with the water he gave you as you finished all the water in one go, probably what you should’ve done last night instead of alcohol.
“I’m finished, you can turn back around. Are you hungry? I could make you something real quick and bring it to you here, since, well, nobody knows that you’re here with me. The pills will probably upset your stomach if you don’t eat.” He informed as you agreed.
“Yes please.”
“Do you want anything specific?”
“Nothing, I’m fine with anything you give me.”
“Okay, I’ll be right back then. Stay right here.” Hyunjin leaves the room soon after that and so you’re left alone. You notice that he plugged in your phone for you, and you mentally thanked him for doing so before getting on it. You were scrolling on your phone for a while, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, you name it, and you eventually got bored so you got up to explore the room. Honestly, you probably shouldn’t have done that considering the two of you weren’t close anymore, but that didn’t come to your mind. You admired the decor on the wall, as it was covered with portraits that you could only assume were painted by him. Hyunjin has always been into art and painting even while you guys were together. Instead of buying actual flowers and bouquets since you already have a lot, he would paint you all different kinds of bouquets instead. Hyunjin was truly one of a kind, and you smile fondly at the memories of when you were together.
“Y/Nnie~~” A voice from behind startled you as you turned around, only to find NOT Hyunjin, but Jeongin.
“Oh… hahaaaa… hi Innie…!” You laughed nervously and twiddled your thumbs as he laughed and hugged you, rocking you side to side.
“Did you guys sleep together?” Jeongin smirked slyly as you hit his shoulder in embarrassment, the poor boy yelping at the impact.
“No, we didn’t. I took care of her because all her FRIENDS,” Hyunjin appeared from behind him, pausing to give Jeongin a glare before continuing, “Left her all alone while she was drunk. I may hate Y/N but I’m not a monster. Do you know how dangerous it is to leave a drunk girl alone at a party?? I took her out to get some fresh air and took her here. I would never sleep with a girl if she’s not fully sober and if she doesn’t have the full capability to fully consent to it.” Hyunjin scolded Jeongin as he hugged you tighter, causing you to lose your breath.
“Can’t… breathe…”
“I’M SO SORRYYYY. I thought Seungmin was gonna stay with you!!!” Jeongin cried and hid his face in your neck as you looked at Hyunjin while giggling. “Look what you did!”
“He needs to know! That’s stupid and not everybody is as kind and wonderful as me.” Hyunjin praised himself with a smug look as you rolled his eyes. Jeongin pulled away before patting your head.
“Okay… I’m gonna leave so you two could be alone.” Jeongin winked and left the two of you laughing together.
“He’s so unserious.” You giggled more as Hyunjin laughed, nodding in agreement before passing you your food with a lap desk so you could eat properly.
“Now get back in bed so you can eat, and take a shower. You reek of alcohol, you’re lucky I let you sleep in my bed.” Hyunjin scoffed, going back to his “hateful” facade.
“Where did you sleep?” You questioned while bringing a spoonful of rice to your mouth and chewing.
“Beside you. Same bed. You were cuddled up next to me.”
You nearly spat out your food as Hyunjin fell to the floor laughing. Still just as dramatic as he was in high school.
“I’m kidding!! You should’ve seen the look on your face! I slept on the chair right there.” Hyunjin pointed at the chair that was pushed into the desk as you gave him a concerned look.
“What the fuck? That’s so uncomfortable, I wouldn’t mind sleeping in the same bed as you. I’d prefer that than stealing your bed from you.” You sigh, feeling bad that he most likely had the worst sleep of his life on that chair, not noticing the faint blush that decorated his cheeks as he clears his throat.
“Yeah well, I just didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.” He mumbled before sitting down at the end of the bed. “Now hurry up so I can drop you off back at your dorm.. your friend must be worried that you’re not home yet, it’s already 3pm.”
You nodded at shared a smile with the boy in front of you.
Maybe being together isn’t so bad after all.
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a/n: i finished this quicker than i thought i would lol! i hope you guys liked the fluff! don’t get too comfortable tho
𝜗𝜚 WTK series masterlist
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genderlessgay4u · 2 years
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16 notes · View notes
j-a-nuary · 2 years
Please send help
I had the passing thought of "저기요 누나 혹시 남자친구 있어요?" in a SEVERE american southern accent and now it's just on a loop in my brain
"Joe gee yoh newnuh, ho' shee neyamjuh jean goo 'iss soh yuh?"
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goopeculiar · 1 year
hands-on learning minho/jisung, NC-17, 25252 words. Minho tutors Jisung in math. Jisung is a player and devastatingly straight. However, he doesn't seem to have much of a problem with letting Minho suck his dick every week when Minho propositions him under the guise of earning experience to woo his "crush" - which is none other than Jisung himself. But he doesn't need to know that, right? Right. Unless, maybe, Minho has a chance at something more after all...?
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changisworld · 5 months
“Why do you make me feel like this, pretty?”
fuckboy!hyunjin x reader
Word count; 5,902
Summary: After hyunjin took your virginity, you grew attached despite trying your hardest not to. You find out he hooked up with someone the day after it happened which broke your heart, making you cry.. but of course, hyunjin caught you crying. He didn’t really know what he felt, it being new to him, as he tries to refuse the silly ideas popping into his brain, he can’t ignore how much you being upset is making his heart.. hurt?? Surely he doesn’t like you too..?
©ANY translation, copy & paste, posting of my work is strictly forbidden for ANY posts/ writing i post.
main masterlist here
part 3 here
**This can be read on its own despite it probably being confusing but i highly recommend reading part 1!**
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SMUT WARNINGS: spit/drool, PIV, needy reader, pet names, shyish reader, rimming( f rec), oral ( f rec), fingering (f rec), finger sucking, unprotected sex, jealous jinnie, edging???,pull out method, literally 1 spank, slight dacryphilia, jealous jinnie, soft jinnie, kind jinnie, hyunjins a tease obvs, slight aftercare, wayyy fluffier ending than last time you're welcome!!
You & Hyunjin walk off campus, you still hiding your face from him, embarrassed at the tears now staining your cheeks, your face tinged red, you also don't fail to miss the looks you & Hyunjin are receiving from other students walking past the both of you, his arm still around you & you can't help but feel judged, so you push his arm off.
"Forget the cafe, I'm just gonna go home, I feel.. sick. I'll see you later Hyunjin." you murmur, still not looking at him in the eye.
"Y/n stop being weird, just cmon. I promise to cheer you up." He replies back, reaching out to cup your cheek but you move your head before murmuring a quick 'bye' before walking away from him hastily, leaving him standing there, confused & a bit annoyed.
He watches as you turn the corner & he huffs before kicking a stone nearby. 'Why do I care she's actually upset? 'What did I do wrong?' 'I hope she's okay' & 'Shit how can I apologise' are all thoughts that race through his head, no matter how much he tries to shake it all off, he genuinely feels guilty. But why? He never feels sorry for the girls he fucks n chucks, so what makes it different? He barely even knows you? He only spoke to you for a week which is barely anything. He sighs before pulling out his phone & going onto his contacts, about to call Joy, another one of his side things, before deciding against it, instead calling his friend Jisung& asking to meet him.
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Twenty minutes later Jisung meets him at the local dog walking park & they end up sitting on a bench, talking about random stuff before the topic of you comes up, but not because of Hyunjin.
“You’re lucky you got to partner up with y/n for that assignment, I got put with Changbin so obviously i fucking failed, tryna do that presentation on the spot was absolute torture, you still talk to her? she seems quiet as hell.” Han sighs, sipping his bubble tea through his straw & Hyunjin laughs.
“Ay! I actually helped her so shut up, just because you both have no more than eight brain cells, i’m just proof there is such a thing as looks & beauty. Nah, we haven’t really spoken since, just been busy i suppose & what the hell am i meant to say to her?” Hyunjin replies, a quick chuckle leaving his lips.
“What do you mean you’re proof that looks n beauty exist, y/n basically invented it you idiot. Wha'cha mean what are you meant to say to her? Did you fuck her too or something?" Han questions, leaning forward.
Hyunjin just kisses his teeth before nodding & Han just raises his eyebrows. "fuck, I didn't think someone like y/n would get around that way. Can you do me a favour n start speaking to her again n put in a good word about me I wanna approach her but she feels intimidating, you get me?" Once Hyunjin hears these words, a bad & gross feeling bubbles up in his stomach.. is what he feeling... jealousy?
"Uhh.. you're really not her type, she's not up for dating, she told me. Go try your luck with someone else." Hyunjin says in a bitter tone, not looking at the man in front of him & Han scoffs.
"You chat shit Hyunjin, stop gatekeeping! I'll just use my charms & trust me, we'll be fucking a week later n dating two weeks later." Jisung jokes, patting Hyunjins leg but he pushes it off.
"You're ridiculous Jisung, she won't want what's between your legs." Hyunjin spits out before standing up off the bench, stretching out & sighing. "I have things to do, you can keep day dreaming, I'll see you later. choke on your boba." Hyunjin jokes with Han & he spits out a bubble as a response before he walks away, leaving Han on the bench.
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He walks through the rest of the park, thinking about Hans words & he can't get over it. 'Why am I so jealous?' 'Who does he honestly think he is talking about y/n like that?' 'They wouldn't even look good together.' are things that keep racing through his head & he is getting more pissed off as the seconds go by.
He gets out of the park & he keeps walking on the pavement, not having an actual destination in mind.. until he seen you walking out of a random convenience store across the street & a lightbulb lights up behind his brown eyes.
He picks up the pace of his walk as he follows just far enough behind you on the other side of the road until you reach your apartment complex before entering & he can't help but feel like an absolute creep, but that doesn't stop him. He screenshots his location on find my Iphone, just so he won't forget where to go later on as he walks back the way he came, heading to the main line of shops near the campus.
He strolls around for around twenty minutes, looking at random little trinkets, bookmarks with the college logo on it, which he cringes at due to the look of it, before he keeps walking until he reaches a little florist shop.
He enters it, aimlessly walking around, fingertips grazing over a few roses & tulips, admiring the pretty colours as he sets his eyes on a bouquet of lillies. He picks it up, giving himself a better look at it before deciding he is happy with it, heading to the counter.
He places them down, not paying attention to the cashier as he looks at the little vases beside the register.
"Can I get this pink vase to- ohh, I didn't know you worked here Jennie, hiya." he says, surprised. "Sure. You know, Lisa doesn't like lillies, I suggest you get her daffodils, her favourite colour being yellow n all." she responds, smiling up at him. "Ah, they.. they're not for Lisa so I'll pass. Can you fill up the vase with a bit of water too? I think that's what you're supposed to do, right?" he says quickly, hand coming up to the back of his neck, the awkwardness filling the small space.
"mhmm. £29.11 is the total." She says in a cold voice, taking the tag off the vase as she turns around to the small sink, filling up the vase 1/3 of the way. She dumps the bouquet in the vase with no care at all before pushing it towards him, giving him the card machine. He pays, a strained, awkward smile on his face before saying thank you & leaving.
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After buying you a box of chocolates & a Vanilla bean smelling candle & following the path you walked on earlier, he ends up back outside your apartment complex.
He sits on the front steps, waiting for someone to leave the building so he can catch the door & once he is inside, he begins knocking on every door, talking to each person who answers in a quiet voice, Ignoring the confused looks of other students who recognise him who are all definitely wondering why he is knocking doors looking for you, making sure you wouldn't hear him & then refuse to open the door.
He reaches the fourth floor, mouth slightly dry from all the talking he has had to do & he is beginning to doubt his memory. He knocks on the third door & takes a step back, waiting for an answer as he hears footsteps & he can't help the smile that spreads across his face as you are the one who open the door.
"Surprise, & I'm not just talking about my pretty face. Can I come in?" he chirps as he raises his arms, making sure you see what he has brought despite it being almost all you can see, not missing the chance to give you an up & down look, you wearing black tight shorts & an oversized off the shoulder graphic shirt.
"Hyunjin, I told you I was sick.. How the hell do you know where I live?" you question, honestly just confused. "Does that matter? I asked a question, Don't leave me standing here I went to like twenty doors to find you!" he pouts. You roll your eyes & begin to shut the door but Hyunjin stops it with his foot.
"Okay okay okay! I followed you, but not in a creepy way I swear! I just wanted to.. apologise? But I knew you would ghost me If I text you." he says in a sulky voice. You groan before opening the door back open, his pretty face poking through the gap. "You are a creep, you know that? Why you apologising?" you question him, crossing your arms, not amused but slightly flattered despite not showing it.
"I'm not going to broadcast my deep, heart warming words in the corridor for everyone to hear, just let me inside, pleaseee." he pouts again & you just sigh before moving out of the way so he can enter, taking his shoes off as soon as they touch your laminate flooring.
You walk into your connected living room & kitchen before sitting on your corner kitchen counter, your legs swinging off it as Hyunjin follows behind you, looking around at the cute random decorations hung up on your walls & on the mantle pieces.
He places the flowers on your coffee table before walking back into your small kitchen & leaning on the opposite counter top, still holding the chocolates & candle.
"Okay, Can I give you my apology now? I rehearsed this to make sure I get everything right." He tries to joke but you just look at him with a blank expression before nodding, encouraging him to continue. "Okay, I didn't realise how much I've upset you & I'm sorry for not trying to check up on you sooner & stopped speaking to you. I partially didn't even mean to ghost you but I also genuinely thought you wouldn't speak to me anymore since you're always so concentrated on lessons & studying, I thought you would have thought I was getting in your way. I'm also sorry for fucking with that girl & you overheard it, if I'm genuinely being honest, I did it to try wipe my mind of you. I know what we did is a huge thing & it was wrong of me to have acted the way I did, if i'm being honest, this was the first time I did what we did so I just didn't really know how to act, but I'm genuinely sorry y/n. Chocolates?"
He blurts out, not taking his eyes off you as he feels his cheeks go hot, the nerves & also the way you're looking at him making him flustered. You both sit in silence for a minute, him waiting for a response & you thinking of a response.
"Gimme the box & light the candle for me, second drawer to your right n you will find a lighter. If you felt like this all week, You've still had seven days to come n tell me this but instead you've let me feel like shit for a week, this was the exact reason I was unsure to do it with you Hyunjin, in fear something like this would have happened & instead of just growing a pair & talking to me, you fuck someone else to just try forget?" You reply, your voice getting a bit shaky without meaning it, the feelings of it all hitting you again.
Hyunjin listens as he digs into his pocket & pulling out his own lighter & lighting it before putting it on the counter & he walks the few steps over to you, handing you the chocolate before standing right in front of you, leaning his hands on the counter on the outside of your legs, caging you in.
"Please y/n, don't think like that. I know I should have swallowed my pride n apologised earlier, I was just trying to convince myself I didn't give a fuck but I do, hence why I'm here. I honestly think you used those crystals & manifested this or something." he mumbles the last part, looking away from you, his ears going red after hearing his words out loud & your legs stop swinging as you pause at his words.
"What do you mean you actually give a fuck? What are you trying to say." you reply back, resisting the urge to reach out & stroke his hair. Hyunjin sighs & shakes his head. "Don't make me spit it out y/n, It's just gonna sound like a lie to you." You get an anxious feeling in your belly before taking his chin & guiding him to look back up at you. "Hyunjin, just say it, it's only me here anyway. Just say what you gotta say." you respond in a quiet but firm voice, honestly scared.
He doesn't have much option but to look at you as he lets himself melt into your hand lightly before taking a deep breath. "I.. care about you? I don't know, it feels weird but like... I genuinely felt like shit after how I treated you n i've tried to bury it but it just won't leave, I don't really know what it is about you n honestly it scares me." he says in a quiet, quick tone & your jaw drops.
You just freeze as you both just look at each other in complete silence not including the quiet crackling of the candle & your living room clock ticking. Hyunjin can't bare the awkwardness anymore as he gets shy for the first time in years, moving his arms to stand completely upright but you pull him in by the shirt to hug him, tears threatening to leave your eyes as his arms wrap around you in return.
"This better not be some sort of sick joke Hyunjin or i swear I'll kill you, you're gonna boost my ego to a fraction of what yours is." you half laugh as he nuzzles his face into your neck, inhaling your sweet smell. "It's not, dead serious. You're just different n I don't know how to feel about it, stop casting spells to make me attached to you. I've been itching to ask to see you all week, I wish I wasn't being so stubborn." he muffles into your neck, moving his head side to side slightly, his nose tickling your neck, making you lean more into him, chuckling at his stupid joke.
"Stop with the silly magic jokes, you're ridiculous. I want to say you're not forgiven since you need to prove to me you're not talking out your ass but I do accept your indeed heart warming apology & I appreciate it just more than the flowers n chocolate." you say in a soft voice & you feel Hyunjin smile against your neck before he moves & kisses the tip of your nose, smiling like a Cheshire cat.
"That's what I wanted to hear, I wouldn't be able to handle it if you had told me to fuck off, my first ever rejection coming from the first person I've ever bought a present for that isn't my mom." You chuckle at this before hopping off the counter, grabbing the box of chocolates that were staring at you.
"Rejection? You tryna say you like meee?" you tease, taking his hands before swaying them back & forth & he rolls his eyes, chuckling. "Was it not kinda obvious? I wanted to say it without directly saying it in case I embarrassed myself but... yeahhh I have a tiny crush, I think you made us soul tied or something." you just 'tut' at his remark but your face goes bright red at his confession, cheeks hurting from how much you're smiling.
"I'm touched. Got thee famous playboy hwang Hyunjin to like like me, not sure if it's a surprise but I like you too." You kiss his cheek before leading him to the couch as you sit on it, him flopping next to you. "Enough of the soppy talk for now or I'll get embarrassed, you can choose a movie while I get us a blanket." He just nods & you hand him the box of chocolates & he begins opening them as you scurry to your room to get your favourite fluffy blankets.
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You both end up watching a recommended Netflix romcom suggestion, both of you devouring your chocolates but you pay no mind to it.
Some point throughout, your legs end up swung over his as your head lays against his shoulder, him stroking your hair with one hand as the other hand caresses your thigh.
Every few minutes or so, you focus less on the movie & more on his touch as his hand slowly rises up your leg, then your thigh & his hand is now grazing against your inner thigh over your tight shorts, giving you goosebumps, which he doesn't miss.
This continues up until Hyunjin repositions himself, pushing your legs off him so he can lay down over your thighs, his view now sideways of the TV, not that he cares, not paying the slightest bit of attention anyway as you momentarily tense up beneath him.
You continue stroking his hair, sometimes digging your fingers into his scalp a bit to scratch it, making him let out a satisfied hum. You can't help but keep looking down at the beautiful man laying on you & you can't help but smile to yourself.
As if he can feel your eyes burning into his skull, he moves the blanket down your legs enough to expose your legs enough for him to begin planting little pecks on them, slightly tickilish but you don't miss the wetness now pooling under your shorts. "Stop teasing Hyune." you speak up, your voice quiet & he just chuckles.
"If you don't want me to tease, I won't complain if you lay back." he replies, not bothering to look up at you as his hand reaches to squeeze your thigh softly as he keeps giving your legs kisses, suckling at them slightly,
You think about what he says & you would be stupid to deny the chance, your pussy clenching around nothing. You lightly push his head up off you & he takes the hint, moving & you push the side of his arm, towards the edge of the couch & he looks at you slightly confused but does what he thinks you're hinting at, getting onto the floor right in front of you, looking up at you with his pretty eyes.
You give him a shy smile before you take it upon yourself to wriggle your shorts & underwear off, leaving your bottom half completely nude, biting your lip in anticipation.
"You really got this desperate since last time I saw you?" he teases & you put your hand in front of your cunt, covering it with how shy you've just started feeling but he is quick to pull it back off, looking at the small shimmer on your middle finger before licking it off in one go.
"Don't be shy, gorgeous. I've been just as desperate if not more, can I get a taste?" he says in a sweet voice, not looking away from you, stars in his eyes. "Please.. If you want to." you respond, hiding your face in your hands but he reaches up & swats your hands away yet again as his other hand begins to slowly drag through your folds, making your hips buck.
"Stop hiding, where's your confidence gone hmm? Do I make you that nervous? trust me, there's nothing I want more." he leans in & kisses right next to your lip before smirking at you & sinking back down onto the floor, blowing cold air onto your now soaking cunt, making your legs tense up & he tongues his cheek as he watches your face twitch.
He spreads your folds open, getting a better view of your hole, clenching around nothing before he licks a long, slow strip from your hole to the top of your clit, letting out a low groan in the process. "Taste better than anything y/n, I fucking swear." he says as he looks up at you for a split second. "eyes on me, if you look away I'll stop." he voices before digging in.
You do as he says & make eye contact with him as his mouth latches onto your cunt as he begins letting spit roll off his tongue, mixing with your juices just before slurping it back up, not afraid to make as much noise as the mixes of juices allow.
You weave your hand in his hair & play with his hair & scratch his scalp for him as he suctions his tongue onto your swollen button, both of you groaning at the same time.
"Hyune, so good" you whimper out, your breath shaky as your eyes struggle to stay open & you feel Hyunjin smile against you. He brings his fingers up to your clit before rubbing it in a steady rhythm as he lets go of before his tongue find its way into your opening before beginning to tongue fuck you & you throw your head back, your moans now louder than the TV still playing behind the both of you, your legs now closing around his head, not that he pays attention to that anyway, if anything he is enjoying it.
You begin to clench around his tongue which he remembers is your tell tail sign you're about to orgasm, your moans getting higher pitched & your grip on his hair getting tighter & he chooses to worm his tongue out of your hole before pinching your clit between his two fingers & dropping a glob of spit to it before giving it one more lick, smirking.
"I wanna try something I think you might like, turn over so you're facing your back to me, hunny." You huff at the beginning of a future orgasm beginning to appear suddenly bubbling away but you do as he says, slightly confused.
You get up on your knees & rest your elbows on the back of the couch, you now looking at the wall behind you. "Why am I fac-" you're cut off as Hyunjin spreads your cheeks & begins fondling them as he begins suckling on your pussy from behind, letting out a satisfied hum behind you as you begin kneading the couch until your fingers begin to ache, biting your lip to try hold back moans.
"G-gonna cum Hyunjin, keep g-going." you whimper, pushing yourself into his face, seeking even more from him if it's even possible & he gives you a quick slap on your ass as he removes himself from your cunt again, much to his own displeasure.
"Don't bite your lip y/nnie, I wanna hear you fully, Mkay?" he speaks from behind you as you yelp at the impact & he hums as he keeps kneading your ass, giving it a few kisses. "Your ass is to die for, you know that? Gonna taste it." Before you can even process what he says, your mind too full of lust to understand, he is letting a glob of spit fall past his lips & it landing right on your tightest hole.
You try jerk your hips away from him but he is quicker & pulls you back to him, keeping a tighter grip on your ass, keeping it spread as his tongue begins to graze over your pretty pucker, his eyes scrunching together as he smiles against you, tongue now drawing patterns on it as he lets go of one of your ass cheeks, going down to your leaking cunt again before entering two fingers, instantly finding the same G-spot that made you orgasm only a week or so ago.
Your hips buck at the new sensation & you let out a long mewl, letting your face fall onto the back of the couch as your knuckles turn white from how hard you're clenching on it.
Your pretty hole is clenching & pulsating on his tongue as he lets out a deep growl at your taste, so different compared to your cunt but still enjoyable, you're moans getting to an even higher pitch as his tongue enter inside you, swirling around as much as the tight ring will allow.
"Hyun- please l-let me cum, s-so- fuck!" you basically scream out, not even being able to find the strength to lift your head up to look at the man behind you as your pussy & ass clench around his fingers & tongue but right before you cum, Hyunjin pulls completely away, again & your legs shake from the painful pleasure of yet another stolen orgasm.
Hyunjin leans over so his clothed chest is touching your back & he tilts your head so he can see your pretty face & he sees your now tear soaked cheeks & your pretty, glossy eyes.
"Awww, pretty girl couldn't contain their tears, could you? I promise you can cum now, I don't have a condom on me though beautiful so do you just want my fingers hmm? or my tongue?" he questions as he strokes your now damp hair out of your face, pouting at you.
"J-just fuck me Hyune, j-just pull out." you whiimper back to him, your breath so unstable it's difficult to even push the words out. Hyunjin opens his mouth to re ask you, just to make sure he is hearing things right but you wiggle your naked ass against him & he bucks his hips before just nodding before kissing your shoulder & then shimmying his pants & underwear down, freeing his pretty cock.
He spits onto his cock, pumping it into his hand a few times, letting out a hushed groan before he aligns his tip with your pussy, rubbing himself against it a few times to coat his tip in your juices before prodding his tip against your hole, before pushing just the tip inside.
"I'm still gonna be gentle, it's only your second time, tell me if this position is uncomfortable." he speaks behind you & as you mumble out an 'okay' while your face now being mushed against the cushion again, he pushes his hips forward very slowly until he buries himself to the hilt, you both letting out a moan in unison.
He stills inside you, trying to not cum instantly from how hot your walls feel without the restriction of the condom he wore last time, his hands coming to rest on your hips as he waits for your signal to continue.
Your breath staggers as he pushes forward, the stretch being a bit painful but no way near as painful as last time & after a minute or so, you push yourself on his cock experimentally, making you both hiss.
"You- please move, mak-make me cum Hyune, p-please." you elongate the last word, turning your head to the side so he can actually hear you. He takes a deep breath & pulls out half way before pushing back in, the both of you letting out a whine as his balls slap against your clit, making it even more intense for you.
Hyunjin sets a steady rhythm, lightly using the tips of his finger nails to add sensation to your back, tickling it but also feeling nice as you know it will leave those pretty little red marks later on. Both of your moans & whines fill the small apartment, not even thinking about how your neighbours can one hundred percent hear you.
"Y/n yo-you're too tight, s-so warm." he breathes out, lifting his leg & standing it on the couch for a better angle as he keeps rutting into you, leaning over your back again to kiss your cheek, your moans going straight into his ears.
"To- so big hy-hyune, pleas-e lemme c-cum." you whimper, your eyes scrunching closed, the ends of Hyunjins hair tickling your face as he begins to nibble on your earlobe, your cunt clenching impossibly tight around his cock, almost suffocating it.
"c-cum with me baby, h-hold on for me." he groan back as he tilts his neck into an uncomfortable position just so he can kiss your lips. His tongue instantly enters your mouth & you suckle on it, tasting the remaining taste of your juices from what he hasn't already repeatedly swallowed, making you moan in content.
Hyunjin speeds up his pace slightly & your G-spot loves this, making your legs almost give out on the spot as your brain turns into mush. "I-in my s-stomach Hyun-deep." you babble out against his lips, barely even knowing your own name at this point.
As Hyunjin stands back upright after giving your shoulder a few pecks, his phone begins to ring. Your eyes spot his phone on the other end of the couch, where he was sitting earlier but he reaches over & declines it before shutting his phone completely off, throwing it to the side, his pace not slowing once.
You don't bother questioning it, instead focusing on the noises of your slick & his balls connecting together mixed with the sweat of the both of you, sloppy clapping noises of your skin connecting filling the room, your legs begin to give out as Hyunjin worms his fingers down to your clit yet again before rubbing it frantically.
"In your s-stomach hmm? You can cum for me angel, n-not gonna last, too w-wet n tight." he squabbles, breathing frantically & this i all you need to hear as your entire body tenses up as finally, your orgasm hits you like a brick wall & you let out a squeal & Hyunjin has to grip onto your hips as his life depend on it in order for you to not flop & slip off the couch.
Your noises & the way your pussy flutters around him is just too much for him to handle & as much as he doesn't want to, he pulls himself out of your wet, hot walls as his cum spurts down your ass & back, throwing his head back as his cock quite literally pulsates as his balls empty, a high pitched whimper leaving his lips, breathing staggered.
He comes back to his body quicker than you do & he helps reposition you so you're fully laying on the couch, trying to make sure his cum doesn't get onto any other surface.
He grabs his underwear & wipes the cum off your back in a comfortable silence, slightly twitching as he wipes it off. He leans over your back again before kissing your earlobe. "Did so well, so proud of you, still so pretty for me despite being sticky with sweat." you both weakly laugh as you turn onto your back before using the ounce of strength you have left to pull on his wrist.
"cuddle." is all you say as you pull on him until he lays on top of you, half his weight dangling off the arm of the couch as he lays his head on your chest, listening to your still racing heartbeat & he can't help but feel secure.
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You both sit like this for a while, talking to one another about what you both spoke about in a bit more detail & also just talk to each other about things you don't know about one another, things like family pets, favourite colours, favourite brands etc.
Hyunjin ends up powering his phone back on & you are both just scrolling through his for you page, when you remember his phone ringing. "Quick question hyune, who was it that called you? If it was important you coulda stopped to answer." you ask him, not lifting your eyes from the video playing on his phone screen, not really thinking too much of it.
"Don't stress it, it was just someone I'm not gonna be speaking to anymore." he replies in s tired voice, still scrolling. His reply slightly confusing you. "Who? I don't mean to be nosey or anything but now i'm curious." you respond back, your fingers in his hair now pausing.
Without saying anything, he switches apps, onto his call log & it's Lisas name at the top.. nineteen missed calls. He just sighs as he presses on the 'more' option before deleting her number & deleting the Imessage conversation without even bothering to read her spam of texts, yelling, crying & cussing him out before switching apps back onto tiktok without saying a word & you just blush, your hands cupping his cheeks from above, your thumbs just below his eyes.
"You're cute." you say as you squeeze them playfully & he just 'tut's but still, he melts himself into your touch.
I'm not completely sure if I want to leave this story as a two parter orrrrrr do a third n final part but to everyone wanting a happier ending here you all are!
Tags: @troublemaker02 @ismokeeweed @lmhcats @isagerada @tsunderelino
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kiachiako · 1 year
september nct recs
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my library of favorites from SEPTEMBER <3 all creds to authors
[ sorted by word count ]
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HAECHAN | one, two, three | @cherryeoniis 19k — In which you devise three different ways to get your best friend to fall in love with you, but things never really go quite as planned.
[m] JENO | summer hair = forever young | @setsugekka 18.1k — Only three weeks after being broken up with by your long time partner, you’re dragged along for your friends summer vacation plans despite your best attempts at staying home to do little more than feel sorry for yourself. Day one? Dinner and a movie. Day two? The bar down the street that smells like old socks. Day three? Well, that’s the waterpark, and the cute, blonde lifeguard that seems to make the lazy river his mainstay is a bit of a sight for sore eyes.
JAEMIN | written in ink | @cherryeoniis 15.3k — professor!jaemin, historical au (early 19th century), fluff, angst, strangers to lovers
[m] MARK | watch me | @sluttyten 14.6k — you pick up the voyeuristic habit of watching your neighbor that never closes his curtains and whose face you never see. on an unrelated note, you start dating the cute barista from down the street that also happens to live in the building across from yours. what could happen?
TAEIL | in earnest | @neonun-au 12k — a letter written in haste when you were fifteen and in love with your best friend gets sent out in the dawn of your engagement. when a reply is sent, revealing feelings you had long thought forgotten, you are left with a choice to make amidst a rather awkward visit. 
[m] JENO | fight club | @tyonfs 11.9k — after park jisung introduces you to his shady after-school activity, you realize it’s far too dangerous to be involved with the underground fight club in any way. their members are rough around the edges—except for lee jeno, who keeps you coming back for more.
MARK | a series of white lies | @tyonfs 10.5k — in which it takes you six years to accept that you’re in love with mark lee. (it takes him one.)
HAECHAN | wicked games | @cherryeoniis 10.1k — angst, fluff, suggestive, university! au, friends with benefits, fuckboy! haechan
MARK | baseball (& other disasters) | @tqmies 10k — Everyone admired Mark Lee, starting pitcher of your school’s baseball team and famed ladies man. You, on the other hand, only know him as the boy who broke your dorm lobbies microwave the first time you met.
[m] JAEHYUN | dive | @yougotthatbilly 9.2k — frat boy!Jaehyun: Jaehyun calls shotgun.
[m] RENJUN | high-waisted shorts | @tyonfs 7.8k — huang renjun might be the least committed to all this “bitch hunting” bullshit, and he doesn’t want to stoop to the level of stupidity his friends are at. that’s why he’s pissed when you’re strutting around in those high waisted shorts wherever you go, making renjun lose all sense of reason.
[m] JAEMIN | blur | @jaeminvore 7.5k — Waking up to the sunlight blazing onto your face and hungover was one thing. Waking up to the sunlight blazing onto your face, hungover and in a bed that wasn’t your own in nothing but a pair of sweatpants that were obviously not yours, was another and a punishment specifically made for you—your own personal hell.
[m] JAEHYUN | racer | @smileysuh 6.7k — street racer!Jaehyun, star-crossed lovers, secret relationship, step-brother!Johnny
[m] HAECHAN | tattoos together | @cherryeoniis 5.4k — rockstar!haechan x reader
[m] DOYOUNG | hungry for you | @sluttyten 4.9k — doyoung is your best friend’s older brother, and you hate each other until one evening you’re alone together and the tension finally breaks
HAECHAN | dance to this | @cherryeoniis 3.8k — dancer! haechan x dancer! reader, university au, slight enemies to lovers
. . .
drowning in college rn :((
xoxo <3
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bee-the-loser-recs · 4 months
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~~~☼ My Vernon One-shot Fic Recs ☼~~~
𖤓 You get me so high By @cheolhub 6.2k, college au, best friends to lovers, idiots in love, smut, fluff, weed, recreational marijuana, humour
𖤓 Every page is empty By @neonun-au 3.3k, college au, writer reader, friends to lovers, project on love, realisations, fluff, really cute, sharing their feelings together, romance
𖤓 My sweatshirt By @luvidzy 1.6k, idol au, boyfriend Vernon, tired reader, stealing partner's hoodies, fluff, cuties
𖤓 Prove it By @viastro 3.6k, college au, fuckboy Vernon (sort of), reader's best friend is his cousin, fluff, making him work for a date
𖤓 They were pretty By @viastro 2.1k, soulmate au, colour is only seen with soulmates, seeing colours for the first time, fluff, meet cute
𖤓 Say you love me (I love you) By @viastro 5.7k, college au, reader wants to get Vernon to say I love you, lovers, fluff, cuties, sassy response at the end
𖤓 There for you By @viastro 3.7k, best friends to lovers, long term pining, humour, fluff, slight angst, friend Joshua takes matters into his own hands
𖤓 Tidal By @eoieopda 4.8k, established relationship, non-specified au, fluff, smut, mentions of period, banter and playful nature, cute
𖤓 Work husband By @wondernus 8.8k, teachers au, friends to lovers, mutual pining, Vernon mistakes reader & Jeonghan as lovers, confusion, miscommunication, fluff, comedy, insecurity
𖤓 Coffee, tea or just more of me By @joonsytip 4.5k, university au, barista reader, jock Vernon, Vernon has a staring problem, cat basically plays cupid, fluff, strangers to friends to lovers, dramatic Seungkwan & Junhui
𖤓 Action By @blue-jisungs 1k, college au, mutual crushes, awkward Vernon, rambling, cute confessions, fluff, movie major Vernon
𖤓 Operation: hot girl summer By @shuaflix 4.8k, college au, reader dresses up nicer for the first time, maknae friends, best friends to lovers, fluff, smut, spending time in the water, summer romance au, weed consumption, humour
𖤓 Ink, linework and a cup of coffee By @berriesandjunnie 2.2k, tattoo artist Vernon, reader with multiple tattoos, attraction, fluff, best friend Chan, little competition on number of tats, mutual pining, recent breakup
𖤓 On love, friendship and Jane Austen By @suhnshinehaos 4.3k, college au, long term best friends, pining, being hopelessly in love, yearning, fluff, angst, realisations, confessions, reader has fallen in love multiple times, Vernon has stood by each time
𖤓 Rock with you By @wheeboo 3.7k, rock band au, lead guitarist Vernon, drummer reader, fluff, mutual connections, open ending, strangers to bandmates to potential lovers?, initial coldness
𖤓 The cat-parent trap By @bluehoodiewoozi 8.3k, shared apartment building au, cat lovers, adopting cats, cat is basically cupid for reader & Vernon, fluff, mild jealousy, feeding cats
𖤓 Take me higher By @shuadotcom 6.1k, college au, secret pining, subtly staring at one another, getting high, stoner Vernon & reader, smut, first time partying, slight fluff, friends to lovers
𖤓 Do you dream of me? By @miraclewoozi 9.6k, soulmates au, slight mention of college au, kissing your soulmate makes the world have colour, fluff, some angst, 5 times Vernon wants to kiss you, one time you beat him to it, pining
𖤓 Divorce child By @lovelyhan 9.2k, exes to lovers au, mutual pining, shared custody of a cat, fluff, getting back together, smut, slight panic of lost cat
𖤓 Bias By @wooahaes 1.4k, idol Vernon x non-idol reader, cat owner, cats picking their biases, fluff, cute relationship, really adorable
𖤓 Lost in stereo By @hannieehaee 8.8k, band au, friends to enemies to lovers, drummer Vernon, producer reader, fluff, angst, smut, betrayal of trust, being kicked out of the band, unrequited crush (kind of)
𖤓 Favourite co-worker By @sescoups 5.3k, non-idol au, record store workers, co-workers, fluff, smut, creepy customer, mutual crushes, working overtime
𖤓 Taking pictures By @emocheol Established relationship, non-specified au, fluff, Vernon takes pictures of reader, photo albums, cute
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omgsecretsecret · 20 days
Sweet Fuckboy
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Pairing : Lee Minho x gn!reader (use of you/your pronouns) ; friends to ??
Genre : fluff ig ; hurt/comfort if you squint reallyyyyy hard
Word count : about 2,500
Warning : talking about sex ; HyunSung are a couple but honestly it's just barely mentioned twice (I'm just having fun so don't come after me for that please) ; no smut here but in the part 2 there will be (there will be two versions for afab and amab reader) ; cursing (fucking, bastard, bitch) ; english is not my first language
Author's note : idk this just popped in my head when I saw some My Pace era Minho pictures again ; the pics on top are not mine, credits to the owners ; lots of love to @giddyfatherchris who helped me a lot by proofreading this <3
Reminder : you are not “a baby” if you are a virgin, nor are you “a slut” if you are not
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Minho is a fuckboy, and your closest friend. He is known for pretty much giving his dick to whoever asked him to fuck them. You know it’s exaggerated by the rumors and he does not actually fuck anybody, but it’s true that he isn't too hard to convince. It isn't bad though. People do not see him as a whore, he is seen as a boy who can help you out if you are in need of some.. relief.
You, on the other hand, have never slept with someone else. You have already tried some solo pleasure, of course, but you are a virgin. And you are tired of being one. You want to see what real sex is like.
This is how you ended up here, sitting in the school library, talking about it with your friend Hyunjin because to hell with taboos.
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"You can ask Minho, no ?
— Yeah, I guess. But I don't want him to be awkward. you reply with an unhappy pout.
— Who says he will be ? We're talking about Minho here. He'll probably tease you a bit, but he's the sweetest and most understanding guy I know under his 'do not touch me i am not nice' act. He'll stop joking as soon as he sees it makes you uncomfortable and we both know how observant he is, he'll know if it bothers you in less than a second.
— I know. But what if he just doesn't want to ? And if he's too kind to say no ? It's not every day your best friend asks you to take their virginity.
— Sweetie, calm down. Once again, we're talking about Minho here. He's an honest guy, he'll tell you if he doesn't want to do it. He knows it'd do more bad than good to force himself to do it. And worst case scenario, it'll be a little bit awkward between you for a few days, but it'll be back to normal soon. You know him, it wouldn't change the way he sees you. Hyunjin reassures as he puts his hand on yours and gives you a fond look before chuckling. Besides, he'd be stupid to refuse !
— Yeah... You're right. Minho's amazing for that. But you say that like anyone would want to fuck me. It doesn't feel like it. you pout again, playing with his long fingers.
— Well, maybe I wouldn't, because I'm already in a happy relationship with Jisung. But it doesn't prevent me from admitting that you are hot, even though I say it without being attracted to you. Plus I wouldn't be your friend if you were a bitch. And it's always better to fuck someone with a good personality. he winks, trying to make you relax slightly and it actually works as you release the pressure in your shoulders and give him a small smile.
— Mmh.. I'll see if I ask him later. you say softly and shrug before squeezing his hand lightly as a sign for him to get up too. How about we go to the cafeteria grab some food now ?"
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You leave the library and head to the cafeteria to eat with your friends, sitting next to Minho as usual. You talk normally, laughing to Felix's jokes and Seungmin’s fake gag at how lovely dovey Jisung and Hyunjin are being, until the latter started kicking your leg not so gently under the table. You roll your eyes at him, silently telling him to please stop doing that right fucking now before you throw your ratatouille on his oh so pretty and new white shirt. He immediately puts away his leg, not without glaring at you meaningfully. ‘you know I'm right’. You sigh and go back to eating while listening to the others.
It's only a little bit later though that you get the opportunity to actually talk with Minho when he turns to you discreetly and looks directly in your eyes. He seems to be feeling a mix of annoyance and concern as he puts his hand on your chair before speaking.
“Okay what’s up ? he doesn't beat around the bush when he asks you that, just being his usual honest self. You've been having a whole conversation with your eyes with Hyunjin for the past few minutes without even opening your mouth once. I would have let it be and thought it was none of my business if Hyunjin hadn't been looking at me so intensely while you were pouting, avoiding my face and just openly being unhappy. So I'm asking you. What’s up ?” he asks in a gentle and low voice despite the bluntness of his words, not wanting the boys to meddle in your business.
You sigh again. Great. Now you were going to have to tell him. He would know immediately if you lie, you didn't have a choice. You give Hyunjin a death glare. ‘thanks, bastard’. Why did he always have to be like that ?
“Look, Minmin I… Can we talk about it later ? After school we can go for a walk or I don't know. you don't even really look at his eyes as you speak, too embarrassed.
— Mmh… Sure, yeah.” he looks cautious, yet he nods and squeezes your shoulder lightly as a sign of reassurance.
He lets his arm rest wrapped around your shoulders for the rest of your lunch break, not even bothering to remove it. You're still slightly nervous, but he doesn't say anything about it, trying to not make you uncomfortable or self-conscious.
The rest of the day goes by like this. You're not really able to focus completely on your classes, a part of your mind constantly going back to the conversation you were going to have with Minho. ‘It's going to be sooo awkward if he says no’. Yet you try not to worry too much. As Hyunjin said, Minho is honest and (secretly not so secretly) very kind, so everything will be okay. With that, Minho spends the day being his caring self, even paying extra attention to not tease you too much as he senses your tension.
“Alright. This was the last class of the day. Where do you want to go to talk ? Minho looks at you patiently as you walk together.
— I don't really know, Minho. you mumble and he arches a brow in slight concern at your anxious tone.
— Okay, okay. What about we go to the grocery store to grab a little something to drink while we walk to my place ? We can pass by the park, it's always nice. he offers nicely as he looks at you fondly.
You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding and nod, giving him a small but genuine smile. You walk together peacefully, Minho complaining about random stuff to make you laugh and distract you. By the time you reach the grocery store, you're a lot more relaxed and confident about telling him.
“What do you want to drink ? he asks as he stops in front of the cold drinks section, hands on his hips.
— I think I'm just going to take a lollipop, don't worry. you shake your hand softly for him to let it go but all he does is tilting his head to look back at you with a raised eyebrow and you can't help but laugh at his position.
— You serious ? It's hot out there, you know.
— Yes, thank you. I’m not that stupid. you roll your eyes before staring at him in disbelief when you hear him mumble a ‘not so sure’ and run after your laughing best friend, chasing him until he can't run anymore.
— I was joking ! I was joking !” he pleads as you punch his shoulder more or less lightly, still laughing.
You just pout and punch him once more before smiling at him thankfully. You know he could just push you away but he lets you do that to make you feel better.
“Seriously though, are you sure you don't want anything to drink ? he asks when you finally stop.
— Yes, sir. you answer with a chuckle and he frowns, looking at you with squinty eyes for a moment before moving.
— We’ll share a bottle of juice. he simply states. Which one do you want ?
— What ? No, Minho I–
— Let's go for this one then. he ignores you and grabs a small bottle before heading towards the store cash desk, making you sigh.
— Thank you.. you mumble and he doesn't say anything, yet you don't miss the way his lips curl up slightly.
— Here's your candy !” he says as he throws a lollipop of your favorite flavor at you.
You fight for a minute about who is going to pay until you find a nice compromise. On your way to the park before you go to Minho’s place, you forget to worry about asking him. You’re just comfortable with your best friend and it's all that matters.
“Minmin– you start but he cuts you off.
— Are you seriously going to call me like that again ? he groans.
— But it's cute ! I like it, and I'm sure that deep inside, a little part of you likes it too. And you let me call you that in the cafeteria !
— Because you looked nervous as hell. he gives you a stern look.
— You know what, whatever. I was going to ask if we could talk but forget it. you pout and turn around.
— Seriously ? Oh come on ! Do you want to talk here in the park or at my place ? he asks but you keep pouting for a second before speaking.
— Here.” you mumble as you sit on the nearest bench.
He settles next to you silently, watching you with a soft gaze as you take a deep breath. Although you're a lot calmer than earlier, you're still worried about telling him. But if you keep spiraling on that, you’ll never do it, so you cut your thoughts and begin.
“So…I don't know how to say this so I'll just ask like this, okay ? you pause, waiting for him to nod before continuing. You know that I'm.. y’know.. like.. I've never had sex... And hum.. well I-I don't want it to be like that anymore and I trust you and I know you and I know you're somewhat, like, hum… e-experienced..? So I was wondering if you could help me maybe ? you ramble in a shy voice, speaking more and more lowly with each word and by the time you're done your face is bright red.
— So you're asking me to be your first and take your virginity because I'm your best friend and I fuck regularly, right ? you look at him with wide eyes, his expression unreadable. How can he be so blunt ?
— … more or less yeah. you look down with embarrassment.
— Why did you not just say it like that ? I can't believe you were in such a state for this ! he bursts out laughing. Now I understand why Hyunjin was looking at you like that.
— It's embarrassing.. you hide your face in your hands.
— No, y/n. I’m actually very flattered, you know ? If you want me to do that, it means you trust me enough to show yourself to me without anything. And I'm really grateful for that. I’m glad my reputation can actually be useful. he smiles at you and rubs your back gently as you sigh in relief, slowly resting your head on his shoulder. But I understand why you were stressed about it.
— Yeah.. you whisper with a tiny smile, resting your head in the crook of his neck as you simply enjoy the moment. Everything feels so easy with him.
— So.. do you want to do it today ? We don't have to though if you want to wait a little. he offers softly after a small, comfortable silence. We can just start with some kissing, to see how it feels. he says before you can start panicking.
— You'd really do it, like, now ? you ask and he gives you a slightly annoyed, yet still soft, look. I-I mean… yeah, it'd be good. you blush slightly and he chuckles, ruffling your hair gently.
He doesn't reply, just carefully removes your head from his shoulder to make you look at him. He smiles sweetly as he looks at your red ears, eyes slightly widened in apprehension. He brushes a strand of hair out of your face and strokes your flushed cheek in a gentle, almost romantic gesture, before suddenly bursting out laughing. You immediately look at him with confusion, your whole body tense.
“If you're going to act this awkward we're never going to get through this. he laughs and you look down, embarrassed. It's okay. Just close your eyes and let me guide you, okay ? You trust me, don't you ?” you nod and he smiles softly.
You do as he says, closing your eyes and letting him do the rest. He carefully cups your jaw before leaning in closer and landing his mouth on yours gently. The kiss is soft and tender, and it’s so good. You melt into it as your hand instinctively reaches for his own. He takes his time, not rushing anything. He started slowly moving his lips, letting you get used to it and mirror his actions. When he pulled away and looked at you, your eyes were already opened and shining, a grin forming on your face.
“I guess you liked it. he chuckles again as you nod eagerly.
— It was so sweet ! I didn't know you were such a great kisser. And I didn't think it would feel so nice. you squeeze his hand still in yours and he looks at you fondly. You are so cute.
— So what ? Were you expecting me to be a bad kisser ? he teases.
— No ! It's not what I meant. you roll your eyes. Is it okay if I want another one ? you ask somewhat shyly.
— Sure.”
He kisses you again and it's just as good. There's still no rush, no pressure. It's just full of the tenderness and affection Minho has always had for you as your best friend. You keep going like that, kissing again and again with the same softness until you naturally move to straddle his lap carefully, arms wrapped around his neck to continue to kiss him softly again and again. It's so nice, and you feel him smile against your lips.
“I think we should maybe continue like that at my place, love. Unless you want to do it another day. It’d absolutely be okay.” he whispers when he pulls away, resting his hands on your hips and looking at you patiently.
You're a bit embarrassed at first when you notice the way you're sitting on his thighs facing him. You didn't think you were that close to him when you first moved to settle there. But you quickly forget about it, deciding it doesn't matter and you can just trust Minho.
“I think… it's a good idea.” you reply with a somewhat shy smile.
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Part 2 coming more or less soon ~
do not repost, translate or rewrite without my written authorisation
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justiceforvillains · 1 month
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❋ Drabbles/Ideas
➽ Bangchan
The Pretender (Mafia Au)
Rough Sex with Chan (Smut)
Wolf Hybrid Collage AU (Suggestive)
Messed with the wrong man (Mafia Chan / Thief reader AU)
Fuckboy Chan / Virgin reader    Chapter 1
Filming you while riding him (Smut)
Sugar Daddy Bangchan (Fluff)
Burglar Bangchan (Smut)
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➽ Lee Minho
Hitman Minho (Fluff)
Cuddling with Minho (Fluff)
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➽ Seo Changbin
Married Staff member crush (Fluff/Angst?)
Injured Hybrid Changbin (Fluff/Angst?)
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➽ Hwang Hyunjin
Meeting Scary Vampire Hyunjin [How it's like living with vampire Hyunjin]
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➽ Han Jisung
Cuddling with Hannie  Continuation  
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➽ Lee Felix (Yongbok)
Cuddling with Felix
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➽ Kim Seungmin
Prank wars Gone Wrong (Wholesome)
Dog Hybrid Seungmin (Fluff)
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➽ Yang Jeongin
Toxic Fuckboy Jeongin (Angst)
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❋ Reactions
How Would SKZ Hyung Line give Oral
Stray Kids Hyung Line Reaction to you Wearing nothing but a hoodie with their name on it
Stray Kids Hyung Line Minus Hyunjin Reaction: asking them to Teach you how to masturbate
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❋ Fake Texts
He Calls you a Gold Digger : Bangchan & Minho Version [Part 2]
Accidental Confession in the wrong Group Chat : Lee Know
Roommates with Felix & Seungmin Version
Enemies to "Maybe" Lovers 👀: Seungmin [Part 2]
Idol Star X YouTube Star SMAU: Felix
❋ Requests/Ask Game
How about you tell me your favorite trope, about which memeber and what genre you want it to be and I'll respond by writing a small paragraph?
Enemies to lovers Seungmin (Angst)
Soulmates AU Jeongin (Extremely Angst)
Soulmate AU Mafia Bangchan (Fantasy/Fluff)
You fell first but he fell harder Minho (Smut)
One Bed trope Hyunjin (Fluff)
Vampire / Vampire Hunter (Fluff)
All Headers & Dividers were made by the talented — - @saradika-graphics
335 notes · View notes
cupidcures · 3 months
When Tulips Kiss | Hwang Hyunjin SMAU
WORD COUNT: 6.2k (not proofread)
CONTAINS: hyune gets a little touchy, BUT ONLY A SMIDGEN, short tension between gyu and hyune
guitar hero
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It was yet another slow and peaceful day working at the boutique, not that you were complaining about it. You enjoy tending to your flowers and helping them grow to their most beautiful prime state, but there’s only so much you can do in the span of 5 hours spent inside a small flower boutique, so you often feel lonely while working by yourself. You had wonderful friends though, and they would frequently come to visit and keep you company, you were always thankful for them. Unfortunately for you, none of them had shown up today so you were left with no choice but to scroll through your phone, occasionally helping out a customer and ringing them up.
The majority of the people who would come in to support were often people who came here regularly, you assumed to buy flowers for the significant others. You still get new people here and there, especially whenever your beloved Jeongin would post about it on his Twitter, or if he were to come here during one of your vlogs. You couldn’t be any more grateful for him.
The bell to your boutique rang and interrupted your thoughts, indicating that someone had walked in.
“Welcome to Song of the Flowers, let me know if you need any help!” You greeted joyfully without looking away from your phone.
3:50 pm, 10 minutes before closing. 10 minutes before Beomgyu comes to pick you up for the date.
You thought of the possibilities of where Beomgyu could be taking you for the date before stopping all your thoughts with a question.
Was this a date? You wondered to yourself, recalling the conversation between the two of you, right before the only other person that was in the store with you cleared their throat.
You looked up to give your attention to the customer, and to your surprise, Beomgyu was standing there, looking pretty as always. He waved one of his hands, while the other one held onto a pink gift bag with a bow garnished on top of it.
"Gyu! What a surprise! You're a little early so I haven't started closing up the shop, I'll start on it right now though!" You hummed and gave the boy in front of you a hug, and he immediately returned it.
Beomgyu pulled away from the hug and gave you a bashful smile before lightly pushing the gift bag to your chest. “Hi Y/N! I didn’t wanna come here empty-handed so I went to the toy store near campus to get you something, I hope you like it.” He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly as he waited eagerly to observe your reaction to the gift.
Undoing the ribbon that connects the two handles of the bag together, you opened the gift only to see the space filled with a large amount of packaged Sonny Angel boxes, inflicting a gasp from you. “Holy shit!” You exclaimed in shock as you looked back up to make eye contact with the boy in front of you, who held a look of bewilderment mixed with concern on his face.
“Is it okay? Is that a good or bad holy shit?” Beomgyu asked nervously as you tied the handles back together with the ribbon it had come with.
“Gyu I love it! But one singular box costs 15 dollars ALONE, and the bag is filled! You didn’t have to get me a gift, you know? But either way, I’m grateful, so thank you!” You sighed with a soft smile on your face.
“I know I didn’t have to, but I wanted to. A little over a hundred dollars is nothing to me if I get to make you happy and see a smile on your face.” Beomgyu winked and pinched your nose as your nose turned bright red. Rudolph, much?
“Okaaaaaay smooth talker. I’ve gotta close up the store, but once I’m done we could leave right away.”
“I’ll wait outside on the bench for you, take as long as you need.” Beomgyu took your hand and brought it to his lips and gave it a gentle kiss before walking out the door, the bell ringing behind him. You giggled and went to go close the curtains of your shop and turn the sign around to indicate that it was now closed. You walked around the small boutique and checked the florals on display to see if you needed to replace anything, and thankfully, they were all in good condition.
After taking one final lap around, just in case there was anything out of the ordinary, you took your purse from behind the counter and made your way towards the exit, locking the door behind you with the key before finally approaching Beomgyu.
Tapping him on the shoulder to grab his attention, you flashed him a smile as he turned around to look at your face.
“Ready to go?”
“Yup! Lead the way!”
“Great! Let’s go to my car. It’s all the way across town, and I wouldn’t want your pretty feet to hurt.” Beomgyu chuckles and stands up from the bench as you roll your eyes at him in a joking manner.
Looking both ways to make sure there are no upcoming cars, he takes your hand into his and crosses the street to where his car is. He led you to the passenger seat of his car, opening and closing the door for you before going to his own side and starting the car.
“I made a small playlist that we could listen to together, I hope you like it.” Beomgyu grins and connects his phone to the Bluetooth on the car, music soon filling up the car as he proceeds to drive.
Beomgyu was a great person, nearly perfect in your eyes. He was handsome, ambitious, he knew when to be serious and when he could be chill, he had an amazing personality, and he never failed to make you laugh. If you were being completely honest with yourself, you didn’t pay much attention to him back in high school and you really only knew him as the cute guy that Seungmin tutored.
But now that you really think back on it, you remember how you would always catch him staring at you from time to time whenever you both were in a group setting together. His crush went unnoticed by you up until this very moment, and it made you giggle to yourself at how blind you were.
Then again, it’s not like you were single at that time either, so technically it’s a good thing you didn’t notice.
The bass and melody of the music reverberating throughout the car brought you back to reality and focusing in on the song that’s currently playing. The instrumental of the song, specifically the synth, gave off a dreamy and fairytale-ish vibe to it, the rejuvenating and fresh vocals in the track helping you come to that conclusion. When the chorus came around, the addition of the soft trumpets playing in the background topped it all off and pulled everything together to create a masterpiece of a song. You just HAD to ask about it.
“I’ve never heard this song before. I really like it, LOVE IT, even! What’s the name of the song?” You questioned and looked to the screen on the car to check if it was on there, but unfortunately for you, all you saw was a GPS.
“I’m so glad you like it Y/N. It’s actually a song that me and four other friends created together, but we haven’t officially released it just yet. I wanted you to listen to it first. We called it Fairy of Shampoo. Cool, right?” Beomgyu spoke proudly of the song and you couldn’t help but clap in awe.
“Seriously?? You guys are crazy talented!! When you become famous, don’t forget about me.” You pouted and lightly punched his arm as he chuckled, a small smile painted on his lips.
“I wouldn’t, I COULDN’T, ever forget about you.”
After a good 30 minutes of screaming singing songs with Beomgyu until both of your throats were sore, you guys finally arrived at the place he wanted to take you.
“And here we are! I went here a lot during middle school and high school with my friends, and I wanted to take you here too!” Beomgyu declared ecstatically as you giggled before unbuckling your seatbelt and opening the car door.
Right as you were about to get out, you were pushed back in your seat in a flash and had the door closed on you. You looked at Beomgyu through the window, eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he opened your door for you.
“I’m sorry I really hope I didn’t hurt you, but I don’t want you to open any doors when you’re with me, that’s my job!” Beomgyu laughed nervously as you got out, for real this time, and you couldn’t help but laugh and pinch his cheek, receiving a groan in response.
“You didn’t hurt me, it’s okay Gyu. You’re suchhhh a gentleman thank you for pushing me back inside.” You teased him as he closed the door behind you with a pout on his face.
“I’m sorry! But I couldn’t let you do that. What kind of guy would let the girl he’s into open her own doors?!” He raised his arms up defensively as you laughed, covering your mouth.
“You’re such a dork.”
“You like that about me though.”
“Do I?”
“I hope you do. Now c’mon! Let’s go inside the arcade and beat every damn claw machine and game in there!!”
You guys, in fact, did NOT beat every damn claw machine and game in there.
“This game is fucking rigged!” Beomgyu scoffed as the claw missed the plushie you were asking him to get for you as you stood beside him, laughing your ass off at all his failed attempts. You lost count of all the attempts he has made, it was really THAT bad. The two of you were gaining the attention of kids and their parents walking by, some were admiring the obvious display of young love, and some were judging the loudness of your voices, but neither of you couldn’t really give a single damn about that.
“Gyu let’s just move on to the next machine! I don’t want the plushie that bad and I don’t want you to waste your money!” You couldn’t help but giggle as your efforts to get him to move on fell on deaf ears.
“I’m gonna keep trying until I get that damn giraffe. Like hell I’m gonna let a machine get the best of me! Plus, you said you wanted it, and that’s enough for me to keep trying until I get it for you. Stupid ass machine.” Beomgyu grumbled the last sentence in irritation before sliding his card, for the millionth time, to take on the impossible task of winning the purple giraffe for you.
Remember how you said he was ambitious? This is definitely one memory you’ll always have of him if someone were to ever ask you for proof of his ambition.
To your surprise, and everybody else’s who was watching (you guys gained a small crowd of people cheering Beomgyu on to win), he actually managed to get the hook stuck on the tag of the giraffe as the hook lifted it up and dropped it into the hole.
You and Beomgyu gasped and looked at each other once it fell down the prize hole before screaming in excitement, receiving claps from everybody else as the two of you hugged in success.
“Beomgyu vs. the machines!!! And I fucking won!!!!!” He roared and punched the air victoriously, as you burst out in laughter.
“Yeah, after how many tries again?”
“That, we won’t talk about.” Beomgyu cackled before grabbing the purple giraffe from the slot and handing it to you with a proud expression on his face.
You weren’t even sure how long you spent at that one claw machine, but it was long enough for a staff member to notice and present a free plushie to you for the inconvenience. You happily took the gift from the staff member as Beomgyu glared daggers at him, scaring him away. Turning his attention from the staff back to you, Beomgyu’s gaze softens while watching you admire the two plushies you have, slowly engraving this image of you into his mind.
“You’re so cute.” He blurted out and slapped a hand on his mouth, blood quickly rushing to his cheeks in embarrassment. “Shit, sorry I didn’t mean to say that out loud.”
“It’s okay Gyu, you’re not too bad yourself.”
Beomgyu clears his throat and pretends to look around for something to avoid eye contact with you. “Let’s try out another claw machine. I want to practice my skills, you know?”
He lied.
He didn’t wanna practice his skills. Well, maybe he did want to, but not for the sole purpose of getting better, but because he wanted to impress you and get you more plushies. The only reason why he wanted to play another claw machine was so he could win you another prize and put a smile on your face again.
He was well aware of his feelings for you unlike someone, but decided to play it safe and slow so he won’t mess anything up.
If his friends were here to see him in this state, he would never hear the end of it.
There was no doubt about it, he was smitten.
Who wouldn’t be?
The girl who he has had a crush on for years is finally noticing him, he wouldn’t dare let this chance slip through between his fingers, and he was gonna do his best to swoon you over.
Beomgyu walked to another claw machine that was decorated with various amounts of colors whilst holding your hand. “Which one did you want Y/N? I SWEAR, I’ll get it in under 10 tries this time.” He grinned at you confidently.
Your eyes scanned inside of the claw machine to look for the cutest plushie in it, only for your eyes to settle on a teddy bear holding an electric guitar.
“Ooooh that one!! The bear!! It reminds me of you!” You pointed as your eyes sparkled in excitement, not noticing the flushed expression on Beomgyu’s face, nor the way that his knees nearly gave out on him when you said it reminded you of him.
“Anything for the pretty lady.” He winked playfully as you giggled, watching him slide his card once again and align the claw with where the bear was.
“You can do this!” You cheered him on as he chuckled and focused on getting the position of the claw perfectly in parallel with the bear, eyes squinting in concentration.
A few seconds later, you watched his hand slowly reach for the button and press it. The claw dropped to where the teddy bear was and managed to cling onto its leg and pick it up.
“You did it! In one try!!” You slapped his back lightly and he stood up straight with his hands resting on his hips in satisfaction as you both watched the bear fall into the prize hole.
“See? I’m the best!” He kissed his biceps before looking back at you to look at the expression on your face, only to be met with fond eyes staring back at him. He quickly looked away and reached down for the teddy bear to hand it to you, looking elsewhere and avoiding eye contact.
“Thank you, Gyu~” You hummed and hugged the bear cheerfully as he nodded at you timidly.
“Wanna play Guitar Hero?”
“Sure! I’m not too sure how to play though, so you’re going to have to teach me.”
Beomgyu sucks in his breath and gathers the courage to look at you again with a smile despite his racing heartbeat, squeezing your hand and pulling you along to where the game was located at.
“I could play first and you can watch me, and if you’re still confused I could help you while you play.” He picked up the guitar that rested on its designated spot.
“It’s pretty easy if you ask me! There are five buttons to press on the fretboard and a strum key at the body, along with a whammy bar below it.” He explains and identifies the following pieces that he mentioned previously and shows them to you.
“Whammy bar sounds stupid.” You giggle and he laughs along, agreeing with you.
Controlling the screen with the guitar in hand, Beomgyu chooses a song that allows him to properly demonstrate how a game works for you to understand.
“Watch and learn, Pretty.” He flirts and you roll your eyes in amusement, watching intently.
“I used to play this game all day every day when I was younger, and it was one of the driving forces of my passion for playing guitar,” He paused. “I wanted to share this with you because I want you to know what makes me happy, and I hope to share this happiness that I feel, with you.” He finished his sentence at the same time the game finished, flashing a vibrant glowing ‘PERFECT’ on the screen, indicating the end of the game.
“Did you catch on?” Beomgyu grinned at you and placed the guitar in your hands, helping you with how to hold it.
“Kind of…? I think I’ll need help though.” You expressed uncertainty as he stood behind you and held his hands over yours in order to assist you with the game, but you couldn’t help but blush at this action.
The majority of the playing done was by Beomgyu, as he was doing all the pressing and strumming, just with your hands instead.
You didn’t mind though, and neither did he.
The entire day went like this. Beomgyu was often doing most of the work, but he wanted to, and it was something you enjoyed. He enjoyed taking care of you and wanted you to relax around him, but whenever the game happened to be a two-player one, his competitive side would always come out. But, despite his competitiveness, you were always the one doing better and or winning.
What you didn’t notice though, is that he would sabotage himself so you would come out as the winner.
Every single time.
He held pride in winning, but seeing you happy because of him did more for his pride than anything else.
It was 7:30PM now, and the two of you decided to leave early since your stomach was caught growling out of hunger by Beomgyu.
“I’m so sorry for starving you holy shit.” He pursed his lips as you laughed and shook your head.
“I didn’t even notice I was hungry, I was having too much fun so it’s okay!”
“Well, I’m glad you had fun then. Where do you wanna go to eat?” He asked, pulling out of the parking lot and soon driving on the road with no destination set in his mind yet.
“Umm…. Honestly, I’m fine with just a cafe, I don’t want anything fancy.” You stated and Beomgyu nodded.
“I’m assuming you’re fine with eating at Boba Babe? Your friends work there, don’t they?” He continued the conversation, eyes still focused on the road.
“Yeah, they do. Actually, I think both of them have shifts today around this time. Do you remember Chaewon and Chuu?”
“Yeah, I remember them! Chuu is Jiwoo right?”
The car ride back was silent for the most part, but it was nothing uncomfortable. The two of you just chose to stay quiet and enjoy the silence, and at one point, Beomgyu rolled the windows down to enjoy the wind.
This has been the most relaxed you’ve been in a while, and you have no one else but Beomgyu to thank for that.
“We’re here~” He hummed and turned the car’s engine off before quickly getting out to open the door for you, “M’lady.”
“You’re so corny.” You got out of the car as the both of you exchanged your laughs and headed towards the entrance of Boba Babe.
No surprise here, Beomgyu opened the door for you again, and the two of you were automatically greeted by Chuu, who was waiting by the cashier register.
“Hey Y/Nnie~~~ Hi Beomgyu! What brings you guys here together?” Chuu greeted and raised an eyebrow suspiciously.
“We hung out at the arcade and I got hungry, so we stopped by here before we went back to our own dorms! What time are you coming back tonight?” You asked as Chuu input your order in since she already knew your order beforehand.
“Ummm not sure! My shift ends in an hour so maybe around then. Beomgyu what’s your order?” Chuu looked at the tall guy next to you.
“I’ll just get the same thing she’s getting.” Beomgyu grinned as Chuu nodded and doubled your order before turning the screen around for one of you guys to pay.
Right as Beomgyu was about to take his card out again, you quickly outdid him and slapped your card on the screen, the payment going through with a ding.
“Hey! You’re not allowed to pay!” Beomgyu crossed his arms as you smirked slyly at him.
“That’s too bad! You already paid for a lot today, this is the least I could do.” You stuck your tongue out at him as he shook his head in disagreement.
“You agreeing to hang out with me is enough.” Beomgyu grinned and you heard Chuu imitating a puke in front of you guys.
“Get a room! Joking joking, but I gotta get your orders ready so take a seat anywhere and we’ll bring it to you lovebirds when it’s done.”
You and Beomgyu sat down at a booth near the window on opposite sides.
“Thank you for bringing me out today, it was really fun!” You thanked him before stretching your arms in your seat.
“It was my pleasure, I had a lot of fun as well. I hope to do this again soon.” Beomgyu’s lips pressed together to form a thin smile as you nodded in agreement.
“Am I taking you to your dorm after this?” He questioned and bounced his leg up and down underneath the table.
“Ah, no need! I’m gonna stay with Chuu until her shift ends and go home with her.” You politely rejected, not wanting to put him through any more effort and work today. Right as Beomgyu opened his mouth to speak, somebody else opened the door the the café, erupting a short melody that announced whenever the entrance door opened. His face changed from enamored to distaste as he looked to see past you. Your curiosity got the better of you, and so turned your body to see who came in.
Lo and behold, it was Hyunjin. And he was staring right at you and Beomgyu with an unamused facial expression.
Before he came to visit Boba Babe, Hyunjin was actually taking a night stroll before heading home. He often does these on nights when he’s stressed, so he goes out to get some fresh air. Every other time, this walk would actually help him, but not today. Not when he spotted you with another guy through the window, smiling at each other.
The sight of you smiling at another guy made him want to take you away and kiss you right in from of him. Let’s just say he felt this way because… He doesn’t want to see you happy. Not cause he’s jealous or anything.
His heart dropped to his stomach and the urge to interrupt the little conversation you were in overcame him.
And so he did.
He opened the door of the Boba Babe, and just like he expected, the guy in front of you stared right at him with an annoyed expression, and it made him laugh inside. Hyunjin recognized him from the post that Y/N made the other day, and it only fueled his jealousy even more. When you turned back to look at him, he nearly lost all the thoughts in his mind and his confidence faltered.
Hyunjin hated how vulnerable you made him.
Still, he stood his ground and walked to your table with a mischievous smirk plastered on his face.
“Hey Y/N, I didn’t think you’d be here.” He conversed with you, completely ignoring the guy in front of you and devoting all his attention to you. And that pissed Beomgyu off.
“Can’t you see we’re busy here?” The boy grumbled in irritation.
The tension was high between the two guys and so you stayed quiet, not knowing what to say or do.
“Woah, fiery now, are we?” Hyunjin taunted, the smirk on his face gradually growing bigger. “Chill, me and Y/N are friends. I just wanted to greet her, can I not?”
Beomgyu abruptly stood up from his seat, standing at eye level with Hyunjin and scoffing at him. “Friends? Yeah right. She’s your ex dude. Leave her alone, she doesn’t need you. You already had your chance and you blew it.” He scowled only to get a laugh out of Hyunjin.
“So you know about me? Funny! Because I don’t know about you, so who’s really more important here? Yeah, we dated before, but we made up a few days ago and now we’re friends. Isn’t that right, Y/N?” Hyunjin smiled innocently at you as Beomgyu looked at you as well for confirmation.
“Uhh yeah. Yeah, we’re friends now.” You spoke quietly, just wishing for the tension to just die down already.
“Told you, man. Who are you anyway? My name’s Hyunjin, but you already know that.” He threw a smug look in Beomgyu’s direction as he scoffed, rolling his eyes.
“None of your fucking business. Y/N, it was lovely hanging out with you today but I’m gonna go before this asshole ruins my damn mood even more. Get to your dorms safely and text me when you get there.” Beomgyu smiled warmly at you before glaring at Hyunjin and walking out the door.
“Text me when you get there..” Hyunjin mocked under his breath quietly before taking the seat Beomgyu was sitting in with a smile.
“Here are your or….ders….? Where’s the dude you were with Y/N? And why is Hyunjin ew here instead?” Chaewon questioned and placed your drinks and snacks down on the table.
“Ah… Beomgyu left about a minute ago. And, well, Hyunjin’s here to keep me company now! Be nice.” You sighed as Chaewon squinted her eyes at him suspiciously.
“Okaaaay… Enjoy your food!” She waved goodbye and went back to behind the counter with Chuu, whispering something to her while looking in your direction still.
“Your friends still don’t like me, huh?” Hyunjin chuckled quietly as you nodded slowly.
“Can’t blame them. Sorry for causing a scene, I really just wanted to say hi to you.” He played it off and thankfully, you believed him.
“It’s okay, no worries. I’ll talk to him about it later, I’m not sure why he was so hostile towards you.” You mumbled as he shrugged it off.
“Doesn’t matter to me, it didn’t affect me.” Except, it did affect him.
Beomgyu saying that he blew his chance with you already hurt him. But it doesn’t make sense to him, why did it hurt?
“That’s a relief. You can take his drink, by the way, since he left already. I paid for it too so don’t worry.” You slid the extra drink towards him as he thanked you.
“He had you pay? What a loser.” Hyunjin shook his head before you butted in, “I wanted to pay because he paid for everything else when we hung out.”
He stayed silent, sipping on the drink. Why did you defend him? Do you like him?
“Ah okay. Who is he to you? If you don’t mind me asking.” He asked carefully, not wanting it to seem like he was interrogating you.
“I don’t mind, he’s just… an old friend? He’s sweet and nice, the both of you guys just got off on the wrong foot. He’s a sweetheart, I promise! Honestly, I could see us being together.” Your face blushed at the thought of it, and it made Hyunjin want to throw up.
He didn’t feel good.
In fact, his heart was aching just thinking about you with someone else.
The same feeling he felt four years ago.
“Oh. That’s nice.” Hyunjin visibly winced and drank some more.
I wish this cup was filled with alcohol instead... He thought to himself, wanting to stop his heart from hurting.
“Yeah. I guess it is. He’s perfect.”
Why were you doing this to him?
“He makes me laugh and I’m at peace with him.”
Why are you still going on about him?
“But there’s something missing.”
“What?” Hyunjin knit his brows together in confusion, but also in relief.
“I don’t know. Everything about him is perfect in theory but it doesn’t feel right, you know? But maybe I just need to spend more time with him.” You held your cup with both hands with took a long sip, looking out the window.
“No.” The boy in front of you objected as you looked at him in surprise.
“No. It should feel right from the very first time you meet.” Hyunjin started nervously. “If it doesn’t feel right at the beginning, it won’t later on.” He didn’t know what he was saying, he didn’t even know if it made sense. All he knew was that he didn’t want you to spend any more time with the guy you were with.
“Maybe you’re right. He is a really good guy though, so it’s a shame.” You sighed sadly.
Hyunjin always told himself the reason why he doesn’t want you to be with somebody else is because he doesn’t wanna see you happy without him. So why? Why does it pain him even more to see you sad?
“You should still keep trying… just in case I’m wrong.” He bit his lip and squeezed his eyes shut.
Why did I say that??? Make up your mind! Do you want her to give him another chance or not??! He argued with himself in his head before your mellow voice snapped him back to reality.
“Maybe I should, but wouldn’t it be fucked up to keep going when I’m not sure of it? When he’s sure of me?”
“He told you he’s sure of you?”
“No, but it’s not hard to tell.”
“I see.”
“Can I walk you to your dorm?” Hyunjin questioned with a small smile, standing up from his seat.
“Mmm, sure.” You giggled and followed behind him.
“Chuu! Chaewon! Hyunjin’s gonna walk me back to the dorms.” You announced your departure as you walked beside Hyunjin, leaving the café together.
“Y/Nnie told Beomgyu she was gonna go home with me!” Chuu pouted as Chaewon laughed at patted her back.
“Well… Maybe she wasn’t feeling it with Beomgyu.”
“And she’s feeling it with Hyunjin instead?” Chuu rolled her eyes, only to get no response from Chaewon. “You seriously think so?”
“It’s a possibility.”
“Yeah, you’re right. A really big and RISKY possibility.”
“I just hope it doesn’t end up the same way it did before.”
“Are you okay?”
“…Huh?” You looked at him with an oblivious expression as he pointed down to your heels.
“You’ve been out this whole day, haven’t you? Aren’t your feet killing you?” Hyunjin raised an eyebrow at you. You guys have been walking for 10 minutes now, and he noticed your subtle limp from the beginning, but he didn’t want to point it out just in case you get embarrassed. The longer he went on ignoring it though, he became increasingly concerned until he eventually asked about it.
“I mean, they’re sore but I can take it. No biggie.”
Hyunjin shakes his head at your response before kneeling down on one knee, his back turned towards you.
“You know, if you’re going to propose, you’re supposed to face towards me.” You teased as he let out a laugh at your joke.
“Shut up Y/N, no way. Get on my back, I’m carrying you to your dorm.”
“No buts. You’ve been limping this entire time and I can’t just ignore it anymore. I’m worried, and I should’ve just done this from the start.”
You figured that it was useless trying to argue back, and so you obeyed and wrapped your arms around his neck and positioned your legs on each side of him. Undoing the buckle on both your heels, you slide them off your feet and carry them in one hand.
Hyunjin’s hand hovered above your thighs warily and hesitantly, “Sorry but can I..?”
“Yes Hyunjin, you can.” You giggled at his shyness, his arms carefully wrapped around your thighs and lifted you up high in a piggy-back ride before standing up and continuing to walk.
“Thank you, Hyunjin. Really. I appreciate everything you do for me.” You thanked him and nuzzled your face into his hair, his fragrant shampoo stimulating your senses.
“It’s no problem at all Y/N.” He chuckled as his grip on your thighs tightened.
You were well aware that he was only doing so to make sure you were secure on his back, so why were you feeling butterflies in your stomach? Your face began to heat up in embarrassment as you whimpered, raising Hyunjin’s suspicions.
“Everything alright?”
“Y..yeah sorry.”
“No, I’M sorry if this is making you uncomfortable. I just didn’t want you to be in pain and I want you to be safe up there.”
“No, it’s not making me uncomfortable it’s just that uh..”
“Just that what?”
You kept quiet, not wanting to continue in fear of exposing yourself.
It was then that Hyunjin finally got the idea of what was going on, and he couldn’t stop himself from chuckling.
You were so damn cute.
But for your sake, he decides to not bring it up and mention it. At least, not yet, anyway.
After an agonizing 10 minutes of your life, you were finally approaching your dorm room, and you have never felt more relieved in your life.
“Y/N where are your keys?” Hyunjin asked, standing in front of the door with you still on his back.
“Here I can unlock it, put me down.” You signaled him to put you down but he didn’t budge. “Hyunjin?”
“You’re barefoot, touching the floor is nasty, just give me the keys and I’ll carry you to your bed.” He insisted and pats your thigh before opening his palm, expecting you to drop your drops into it, which you did.
After struggling with putting the key in for a second or two, he manages to get the door open.
“Which one’s your room?”
“The first door on the left.”
And so, he takes you there. Gently placing you down on the bed, Hyunjin grabs all your stuff out of your hands and sets them down on what he could only assume was your desk (it was littered with sonny angels).
“Do you need anything else before I leave?” He questions and sits down on the edge of your bed, keeping eye contact with you.
A part of him wanted you to tell him to stay, or maybe mention what happened between the two of you when he was carrying you earlier, but he knew neither one of those would happen.
And you only proved him right.
“No, that’s all. Thank you again, you take such good care of me. I’m grateful for you.” You gave him a warm and tender smile and he returned it before standing up and heading to the door. “Bye Y/N. I’ll see you around.” And with that, he left.
You fell back on your bed and stared at the ceiling before burying your head into your pillow and screaming, kicking your feet.
Hyunjin barely did anything and yet he was stuck in your mind. You spent the entire day with Beomgyu, and yet the mere 30 minutes you spent with Hyunjin was enough to keep you up all night just thinking of the interactions between you two.
The way his voice would always soften whenever he talked to you, the way he would treat you so tenderly and carefully, and unfortunately, the way his hands so felt right resting on your thighs.
What a long day, today was.
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𝜗𝜚 WTK series masterlist
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minisugakoobies · 1 year
The Rules - Part 1 | Bang Chan
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Pairing: Bang Chan x Reader Genre: smut, crack, strangers to lovers, Weddingl!AU Rating: M (18+) Warnings: drinking, kissing, exhibitionism, reader gets fingerfucked in public, dirty talk, a little bit of praise, Fuckboi!Chan has a tongue ring and a lip ring, his charisma is off the charts, reader's got impulse control problems Word Count: 4K Disclaimers: NSFW, obviously I don’t own SKZ - they just inspire me
Summary: When your cousin asked you to be a bridesmaid, she gave you three simple rules to follow. Number one: Don't be late. Number two: Don't get super wasted. And rule number three: Don't fuck Chan.
A/N: This came from a request sent by @aprylynn back in, ummmm, let's not focus on how long this took and just enjoy 😆 This is just part 1, so let me know what you think - like if you want more! 💕
SKZ Masterlist
(dividers by @/saradika)
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When your cousin asked you to be a bridesmaid, she gave you three simple rules to follow:
Number one: Don't be late. "To be early is to be on time. To be on time is to be late. To be late is to get cut out of the family. Don't think Halmeoni won't drop you from her will if I ask."
Number two: Don't get super wasted. "What if I have a bridal emergency and you're completely zooted, upchucking wine spritzers in the bathroom?" As if you'd drink a wine spritzer.
And rule number three: Don't fuck Chan.
She announced the third rule the first time you gathered with her and her other bridesmaids to discuss wedding details. Chan, it turned out, was her fiancé's "Best Bro" from his college frat days.
"Binnie was in a frat? Huh," was your response upon learning this new factoid.
Sun Hee rolled her eyes. "I know, it's weird, but he's grown up a lot since I met him. Chan, on the other hand…" she grimaced. "He's a fuckboy. Of the highest magnitude. S-class. A summa cum fuckboy."
"More like a someone's gonna come fuckboy, amiright?" maid of honor Ji-won snarked, cracking herself up, but she quickly stopped when Sun Hee gave her the evil eye.
"And that's bad because…" you drawled.
"Because every goddamn time one of my friends hooks up with his slutty ass, they completely lose their shit. And I! Do! Not! Have the time to deal with the fallout!" Sun Hee clapped her hands after each word, like a deranged cheerleader. "So keep your hands and your holes away from that man!"
At first, when you met the groomsmen at the engagement party, you thought to yourself that Sun Hee's rule was unnecessary. Apparently, Changbin only hung out with other ridiculously good-looking guys. Any one of them could probably show you an amazing time, if you so desired. 
And then Bang Chan walked in.
Out of curiosity, you'd looked the guy up, scouring Changbin's insta for old photos. Just so you could see what all the fuss was about. It was pretty easy to identify why Sun Hee's friends were apparently throwing themselves at the man, between his muscular build, his warm eyes, and his heart-melting smile. And as a semi-famous music producer, he's a star on the rise, which only adds to his allure. But holy shit, you were not prepared for the charisma.
He strolled into the room in a leather jacket like he was walking onto a stage, radiating confidence from every inch of his rather thick frame, as if expecting an audience to start applauding at his presence. Maybe that's why you weren't surprised to see Changbin and his friends light up as they caught sight of their friend.
Of course, they weren't the only ones to notice him.
"Oh damn, look at the snack that just walked in," Ji-won whispered, tugging on your sleeve. "He's tasty."
"Yeah he is," another bridesmaid, Hae, piped up. "Is it too late to call dibs?"
"Gawi bawi bo!" Ji-won suddenly yelled, but you grabbed her hand as she threw a scissors symbol into the air.
"Sorry, ladies, but the bride's rules trump rock, paper, and scissors. That's Chan."
“That’s Chan? Well, shit.” Ji-won pauses. “Okay. Dibs on Jisung!” 
“Wait a minute!”
Ignoring the horny squabbling going on beside you, you discreetly ogle Chan over the rim of your cocktail. Changbin really needs to update his insta, because you were not prepared for Chan’s blond hair. Or the lip ring. Or, fuck, you nearly choke on your old fashioned as Chan laughs and something silvery inside his open mouth catches your eye. Is that a tongue ring too?!
This man could not be more your type. Absolute catnip, and your kitty is eager for a taste.
Whoa now. Deep breaths. You can do this. You have to do this, because otherwise you’ll let your cousin down. You can practically hear her disapproving tone right now. 
“Don’t even think about it.” 
With a startled jump, you realize Sun Hee is standing next to you. 
“Think about what?” you inquire, stirring your drink super casually. Like the most casually anyone’s ever stirred anything. Unbothered little rotations. 
Sun Hee is not easily dissuaded. “Don’t play dumb. You know exactly what I mean.” 
“I promise you, I’m not thinking anything.” If only that were true. You’d give anything to be head empty no thoughts right now. 
“I really wish I believed that,” Sun Hee sighs. “We both know you have a problem with… self-control.” 
You open your mouth to argue, but she merely points to the glass in your hand, and you quickly snap it shut. You’ve only been at the party for maybe half an hour, and this is your second drink.
Sun Hee’s not wrong. It’s well known to all your friends that you have a tendency to eagerly embrace all the delights life has to offer. Maybe “eagerly” isn’t the right word. “Greedily” might be more accurate. Often, unfortunately, to your detriment. But how can you resist, when the universe is constantly throwing so many pleasures your way - especially when they come in such gorgeous packages as Chan?
“Yeah, okay, maybe sometimes I indulge myself a little, but I told you I wouldn’t sleep with him, so relax, okay? I’m not going to do anything to ruin your big day. I promise you!” 
Sun Hee squints as she examines your face. Whatever she sees makes her smile, shoulders dropping in relief. “Thank you. Now let’s get this party started!” 
As she and Changbin greet their guests, you take another long look at Chan. He turns suddenly, catching your eye. Your breathing nearly stops when his gaze sweeps over you from head to toe. Then he smirks, tongue ring flashing as he licks his lips. 
Fuck. Okay. You can do this. You just need to exert a little willpower. Reign in those bad instincts of yours. Should be a piece of cake. 
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Somehow, the god of parties is on your side. Maybe it’s the drink you spill as you look for a spot to sit for dinner that pleases them - your tipsy faux pas is accepted as an offering. Whatever the reason, you manage to dodge Chan all evening. 
He does offer you the seat next to him at dinner, but Ji-won waves you over to her table, so you refuse him with a polite shake of your head. Ji-won quickly engages you in assisting her with talking to Jisung, but all you end up saying is “Hey Jisung, haaave you met Ji-won?” before Ji-won takes over. Gal’s a talker, which is good, because Jisung’s a bit on the quiet side. Or maybe he just can’t find a place to jump into the conversation, since Ji-won doesn’t appear to need to breathe in order to speak. 
After dinner comes more cocktails and gifts. While the maid of honor hands out gifts for Sun Hee and Changbin to open, you ignore Chan’s smile in favor of writing a list of who brought what, to help your cousin with her thank you notes later. Your Halmeoni would be so proud. 
By the time the festivities wind down, you feel you’ve dodged a bullet. As everyone says their goodbyes, you linger behind, helping your cousin and Changbin carry their ridiculous haul of presents into their car. The trunk is stuffed full as you attempt to shove one more box onto the pile, only for an avalanche of ribbons and envelopes to send it clattering to the ground. 
“Here, let me,” a pleasant voice hums in your ear as your fingers extend, reaching for the box, only for it to be swept up by another hand. And, of course, that hand is connected to the man you’ve been carefully avoiding all night. Guess the party gods have abandoned you.
“Thank you,” you reply politely, studiously avoiding his eyes as Chan beams at you. Jesus, he could literally light up a room with that megawatt smile. 
“No worries.” He helps to push some of the packages back, preventing another deluge. “I’m Chan, by the way. I didn’t get a chance to introduce m’self earlier.” 
You grant him a quick smile as you state your name, then glance over his shoulder, looking for backup - someone you can excuse yourself to catch up to, pretend they’re your ride home. But of course, everyone else is gone now, and your cousin and Changbin are back inside the restaurant, settling the bill. 
“Am I holding you up from something?” 
“Hmm?” You finally let yourself meet his gaze. It’s like you’ve been hit with the full force of the sun. Chan’s smile intensifies, eyes crinkling as he laughs lightly, and it’s too late, you can already feel yourself melting. 
“You look like you’re looking for something. Or someone?” 
“Oh. No, sorry, I was just making sure I hadn’t dropped anything on the way to the car,” you lie, clearing your throat awkwardly. 
Chan nods, sliding his hands into his pockets as he leans against the car. “So… you’re Sun Hee’s cousin, right?”
You nod. 
“She told me that you live here too,” he says. “It’s been years since I’ve been in town. I was thinking - since I’m gonna be here a few times between now and the wedding, I should find someone who can show me around a bit. Let me know what’s good.” He rolls his tongue over his lip ring. “Think you could help me out?”
Every time he drags his eyes down your body, you have to suppress a shiver of anticipation. He’s being incredibly obvious about what he means by showing him what’s good. 
“I - “ can’t think of a valid excuse because you’re too busy picturing what he can do with that tongue ring. “I don’t know how much free time I’ll have, with everything Sun Hee needs me to do for the wedding. She’s gonna be so busy. So, um, I don’t think I can. Help you.” Not your smoothest response, but not the worst, either.
Chan’s eyebrow rises slightly. He looks away, nodding. “Right, of course. Can’t let your cousin down, can ya? So…” He pushes himself off the car, taking a step towards you. “What about tonight then? Any plans?” 
Not a single one. An alarm goes off in your head as he takes another step closer. “Tonight?” 
“Yeah. Maybe we could go somewhere and talk? I know I could just ask ‘Bin for suggestions, but…” he shrugs. “He’s pretty busy too. And honestly? He’s gotten all mellow on me. Too boring and settled-down, y’know?” 
You laugh at his bluntness. “Binnie’s always been this way, as long as I’ve known him. You’re telling me he used to be different?” 
“Oh, you have no idea,” he hums, winking. “The stories I could tell… why don’t you let me buy you a drink, and maybe I’ll share a few?”
It’s very tempting, especially the thought of hearing some (hopefully) embarrassing tales about Changbin. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad? One drink wouldn’t be too much, even given how much you’ve already had this evening. You’ll give him some suggestions of places to check out while he’s in town, he’ll divulge some of Binnie’s college shenanigans, and then you’ll say you’re tired and bounce. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
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And then suddenly it’s two hours and several drinks later, and you’re nowhere near home. 
You had originally suggested going to a favorite spot, a bar owned by a friend where you could drink for cheap (and also potentially have someone who could bail you out if things with Chan got a little hot and heavy), but upon arriving had found it closed for repairs of some sort. Chan’s hotel just happened to be a block away and it just happened to have a really nice bar, so you thought, why not?
Why not, indeed, you’re thinking to yourself, playing with the melting ice in your empty glass. Why not sit side-by-side in the booth, so you can hear each other better? You really didn’t want to miss a single word he said. Why not let Chan drape his arm around your shoulders, since the bar has the air conditioning set to arctic blast and your sundress is not nearly as warm as its namesake? 
Chan has been nothing but a polite gentleman since you sat down, keeping you laughing with all of his deliciously embarrassing tales, to the point that your worries about crossing the line so firmly set by Sun Hee fade from your mind. 
“And after that, we were banned from ever visiting Ikea again,” Chan finishes, a crooked grin crossing his face as he waits for you to stop laughing.
You wipe a tear from the corner of your eye. “I cannot believe Binnie did that! That is… just the greatest story I’ve ever heard,” you inform him. “Thank you so, so much for sharing that.” 
Chan nods, leaning back against the vinyl of the booth seat. “Now, you’re not gonna run off and snitch to Changbin, are you? Tell him I’ve divulged all his dirty secrets?” 
You press your hand to your chest, looking scandalized. “Absolutely not! I would never. Everything you’ve told me stays with me.” You pause. “Until I need it.” 
“Fair.” His grin returns, cheekier than ever. “If you’re gonna use it for blackmail, I will be expecting a cut. Just to warn ya.” 
A server stops by your table to grab your empty glasses and drop off the check. It feels like the perfect opportunity to bring the night to a close - thank Chan for the drinks, since he didn’t even attempt to argue with you about paying, simply dropped his card on the tray, thank him for the gossip, and bid him a good evening. 
But no. You’re you, and so instead of saying “Thank you” or “Good night,” you say,
“I think we could come to an arrangement.” 
Chan tilts his head, eyes roaming from your smiling lips down to your goose-dimpled thighs and back, and you realize you may have miscalculated a bit. Because the sweet expression on his face has vanished, replaced by a look of hunger so ravenous, your pulse quickens - the primal reaction of prey realizing it’s exactly where a hunter wants it. 
“Could we now?” He shifts slightly, the arm around your shoulders falling between you as he signs the receipt. He taps the pen on the table. “I like the sound of that.” 
You do too, which is why there are klaxons suddenly blaring in your head. You should really leave. Instead of sliding further into the corner of the booth as Chan casually leans forward, blocking your view of the rest of the bar. 
That’s when the hand that was at Chan’s side creeps its way onto your exposed thigh. 
“I…” you trail off, totally engrossed by his fingers as they roam, unable to tear your eyes away. They’re more callused than you’d expected, roughened tips catching slightly on your soft skin in an enticing manner. “I do too.” 
He’s just a whisper away now, deep brown eyes fixed on your mouth as he smiles, a warm thing that sharpens as he says, “Maybe we should hammer out some terms? Y’know, just in case? We don’t have to talk here…” His hand slips ever so slightly down the inward curve of your thigh. “We can take this to my room. For privacy. Unless…” 
Sucking in a breath, you meet his eyes, and let your legs fall open just a bit. Chan huffs out a pleased laugh and his hand disappears beneath your skirt. 
The klaxons in your brain are completely silent now, but thankfully the bar is not. The jazzy music drifting down from the overhead speakers covers your tiny whimper when Chan skims his fingers along the newly formed damp patch in your underwear. 
“Mmm, someone seems to be into the idea of being touched in public. Are you into that, love?” 
As a matter of fact, you are, and it’s one of the many vices that’s gotten you in trouble in the past. You just can’t help yourself. Just like right now, even knowing you should walk away, that you might make a mess of things, you’re unable to stop. 
You don’t want to stop, so you nod. 
He arranges himself so he’s propped his head up on his elbow on the table. To anyone looking at your table, it just looks like the two of you are absorbed in deep conversation, huddled close, but not close enough to cause anyone’s eye to linger. 
Or so you hope, biting your lip to stifle a whine when Chan’s fingers push your panties aside.
“Good. Cause I am, too.” And then he’s pressed his finger inside you, groaning quietly at how easily it glides through your folds. His tongue plays with the small hoop nestled in the center of his plush bottom lip. “Oh, shit, you really like this. So fucking wet, dirty girl.”
There’s no reason to argue with him. If it wasn’t clear by the ridiculous amount of slick between your legs, it’s clear by the way you cant your hips forward, trying to urge him to slip his whole middle finger in too as he teases you with the tip. With a throaty chuckle, he obliges. 
“There you go. Is that what you needed?” 
“Mmm,” you hum, muffling your moan with pursed lips. He strokes inside you languidly, enjoying the choked breaths that punch their way out of your throat, before adding another finger. 
You bow your head slightly, trying to hide behind Chan, who leans forward with a smirk, close enough for his lips to brush your cheek. If you turned your face a little, you could kiss him right now, but you’re too focused on the way he’s playing your pussy like one of his soundboards, tweaking and fondling just right, to do anything but try to breathe. 
“Can I tell you something?” he whispers. 
“I had my eye on you all during the party. Kept trying to get your attention, wanted to convince you to go home with me tonight. ‘M glad it worked out.” 
“Who, hnngh, who said I’m going home with you?” you manage to spit out around your groans. 
Chan’s fingers still. “Wait, you don’t wanna come back to my room?” 
“I didn’t say that.” The look he gives you makes you feel dangerous, having such an irresistible man hanging on your every word. It’s such an intoxicating power. “I just meant I’m not convinced y-yet, fuck.” 
You stutter as Chan starts tracing your inner walls, caressing your g-spot hard enough to make you curse. He’s accepted the gauntlet you’ve thrown down with surprising speed, and you suck on the insides of your cheeks, biting gently into your own mouth to keep from shouting out loud.
“Something you should know about me, love - ‘m a bit competitive. I don’t back down from challenges.” 
Chan’s fingers plunge faster and faster, alternating thrusts with strokes. The more his speed increases, the more his arm flexes, biceps rippling under his tight t-shirt. If the bartender were to just glance over, he’d see the way your head is tipped back in ecstasy, and there’s no denying the pleasure flitting across your face. You could be caught so easily.
“Look at you, taking it so well. Bet you’d look so good taking my cock.”
Your eyes fall to the obvious bulge in Chan’s lap. You just know he’d feel so good. Why didn’t you take this to his room? You could be riding him right now. 
Oh well, you’ll just have to let him keep fingering you until you cum all over his hand in the middle of this bar. 
You’re getting close now, but his plunging fingers aren’t quite enough to give you what you so desperately desire. Unashamed to beg for what you want, you gasp out, “More,” hands balling into fists as tight as the knot inside you. 
Chan smirks. His thumb finds your clit. You find the edge. And fall right over. 
“Shiiiiit,” you groan, thighs twitching together, muscles contracting to trap Chan’s hand as an orgasm overtakes you, shockingly fast. So he doesn’t back down from challenges and he’s an overachiever. 
“There you go, love,” he coos. Your abdomen shakes from the force of your climax. He slowly circles your oversensitive nub until he finally stops, and one final shudder passes through you. “Made such a mess for me.” 
Your only response is a string of curse words that would send Halmeoni right to her grave. Chan laughs, bringing his hand to his mouth, and you swear again as he thoroughly cleans his fingers with his tongue, rolling the little stud over and around.
“Have I convinced you now?” he asks, eyes gleaming, tone smug. So, so smug. It’s almost shameful how hot you find that. 
You’re definitely convinced of his skills. And if you go back to his room with him, there’s no telling what other talents he might share. 
Then again… if he works this hard to impress you now….
With a polite smile, you gently pat his arm, silently asking him to give you some space to shimmy your panties back into place. His eyebrow lifts as he waits for your answer.
“Not really.” 
Based on his dazed expression, it’s pretty evident that Chan has never gotten anything less than a rave response to his skills. How absolutely delightful. Your shoulders shake with suppressed laughter as he blinks at you. 
“Thank you for the drinks. But I should really get going, got a ton of stuff to do with Sun Hee in the morning.” Not a total lie, since you do have plans for brunch with your cousin and the other bridesmaids. But brunch never usually stops you from anything. 
“Come on, love - you really want to leave now?” He’s recovered from his shock, bringing a hand up to cup your cheek. “The night’s just getting started. That was just a small taste of what could happen.” He leans in, lips just brushing your ear as he murmurs, “Don’t you want more?”
Chan’s a fighter. Good to know.
“Mmm, maybe. But not tonight.”
He pulls back, searching your gaze. “You’re sure?”
“Yeah, I’m sure.” You laugh, nudging him with your knee. Chan slowly rises to his feet, shuffling aside to let you out of the booth. The stupefied look is back. Baffled hunter realizing his trap didn’t spring. 
“Well… if you change your mind, you know where I am. Room 143.” 
He rubs the back of his neck as he speaks, and there’s something kind of sweet about it, like he’s a little unsure of himself, possibly for the first time in his life, so you place your hands lightly on his chest. Damn, he’s so solid. He could definitely rail you through the wall of this bar, if you so asked. 
But not tonight. 
“Sweet dreams, Chan.” Your words warms his lips as you cross the space between you. Even though his hands grip your hips, even though his tongue tastes like scotch, even though the moan he exhales sends shivers from your head to your toes, you break away, and head for the door. 
As you sit in the lobby, waiting for your ride, it’s impossible not to pat yourself on the back, gloating over your victory. You kept your promise to your cousin and got to tease an incredibly hot man into giving you an orgasm at the same time. But what strikes you the most was the wild glint you saw in Chan’s eye as you walked away. 
This is going to be so much fun. 
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Masterlist 💜 Find me on AO3 💜 
© 2023 by minisugakoobies. Crossposted to AO3. Please do not copy or repost. I do not allow translations of my works.
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jji-lee · 2 months
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𖦹 .ᐣ.ᐟ₊ ⊹ cryptic crush — profiles [2]
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certified eaters !
dreamy, hot, unattainable, mark lee. no one knows his major, actually, no one knows much about his personal life. however, everyone knows he has an annoying ass neighbor that won't even let him get past foreplay, she just doesn't know he makes all that noise on purpose....
park jisung is one of the few men majoring in child developmental psychology. he heard somewhere that girls think guys with kids are more attractive so... why not? now he's stuck learning about how babies brains develop, at least the girls in his class will gladly help him out.
drama major lee donghyuck is looking for his juliet, if juliet was a 30 year old cougar. his dramatic attitude was enough to get him straight A's in his classes, he says acting's in his blood, but it's 100% that shot of patrón he took this morning
lee jeno lovesss his exercise science major. not only does it help him make his body look godly, it gives him random gym knowledge to help train the new kid at the gym. what was his name again? jaemin? not like he likes him or something... he'll text his booty call right now to prove it!
these hotties are all part of sm university's largest fraternity neo theta phi, they refuse to live in the shared house after they caught one of the frat guys fucking on jisung and jeno's bunk bed. (somehow they had used both beds) they're not big on school but they do enough to get by. 99% of the time their fucking or partying, the other 1% is spent on learning new facts about mark's life.
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profile [1] — masterlist — intro
notes : i hate that even though they're all fuckboys they're still hot, i wouldn't survive a day in sm university, like come on look at them.
taglist : @sunghoonsgfreal , @nctrawberries
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jwirecs · 1 year
hello, hello! here are my bts recs of july! hopefully these beautiful stories get more recognition as well as the writers 💝
** anything in parentheses and bolded are my thoughts that can be disregarded if needed **
🔞smut || 💔angst || 💕fluff || ✅completed || 🔄ongoing || 💯favorite
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Alcohol Free || @blue-jisungs💕✅
↳ in which your best friend yoongi gets to know your secrets while you sip on various drinks. with each one, he’s more shocked… and amused.
Nothing’s Changed || @hoseokhasmyheartxx​​​​​🔞💕💔✅
↳ You and Yoongi have been best friends since college. The rest of your friend group wants to go on a couples’ trip, leaving you and Yoongi to share a room. But to your surprise, your room only has one bed… will the two of you be able to get through the week without letting the other know how you feel?
The Love Plaza || @mayolive-writes🔞💕✅💯💯
↳ Needing to take a break from the long trip to college, you and Jungkook are forced to stay at the only lodging available within 70 miles, a love motel. And much to Jungkook’s dismay, there’s only one bed.
Til You Make It || @jinkookspencil💕💔✅💯
↳ jungkook is startled when you call him in need of a favor... to play his dream role - your boyfriend - for a day...
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Bet On It || @minisugakoobies🔞💕✅💯💯
↳ What's a little wager between enemies? How about if it's your body on the line?
Lovin' You Right || @kookslastbutton🔞💕💔✅
↳ Your new badass neighbor won't leave you alone. You know the type, the guy your mama wouldn't want you bringing home. He'd break your heart as quick as he'd take it.
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5+1 || @joon4eva​​​​​​💕✅
↳ five times you wanted to tell Namjoon you loved him + the one time you finally did.
Baby Fever || @95rkives💕✅💯
↳ what was supposedly a peaceful morning stroll in the park, an unexpected encounter triggers namjoon’s intense desire for a baby, turning him into an adorable, baby fever-filled mess.
Cherry Flavored || @jjksblackgf🔞✅
↳ You bet with your boyfriend that he can't handle more than five minutes of your tongue, but Jungkook never turns away from a challenge. You'll make sure to keep him in his place.
Moving In || @dreamescapeswriting💕✅
↳ (this was an anon req to the writer, short summary: yoongi leaves his stuff at oc's apartment, slowly moving in. shts too cute man)
Panties Over Pastries || @genkima💕✅
↳ you and your lovely boyfriend, Jungkook, decided to have a baking date planned for today ! I wonder how it turns out..
Spicy 'N Sweet || @thvhoe​​​​​​🔞💕💔🔄💯💯💯
↳ Jeon Jungkook is the perfect guy… to piss off your parents. He’s buff, inked up and the definition of their worst nightmare but hey, when love comes knocking on your door there’s not much you can do. It’s not like you planned on falling for him… it just kind of happened, and honestly, you're not even mad about it. Not at all.
The Boxer's Girlfriend || @i-am-baechu🔞💕💔✅
↳ Jeon Jungkook is known throughout Korea as the top boxer. He’s swift in his attacks and calculated with everything. He’s dangerous in the ring but he was also dangerous to his girlfriend, Y/N L/N. 
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Cat Got Your Tongue? || @jessikahathaway🔞💕💔✅
↳ You were exhausted from schoolwork and just needed a chance to unwind. Jungkook, campus fuckboy, offers his services to help alleviate the stress from studying but is he going to cause more stress than he relieves?
Cherry || @peachypinkygloss🔞💕✅
↳ Jungkook has a crush on you and he does everything to conquer your heart (like eating your pussy whenever and wherever he feels like it).
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Bunny Buns || @kittyscupcakeandbunny🔞💕💔🔄
↳ Jungkook needed to hide. He was on the run. And what better place for a bunny hybrid to hide then a Bunny coffee shop? How could he resist? You smelled sweet and looked nice. All it took was one smile of yours and a bunny bread and he was on all fours for you.
Moon || @hobeemin🔞💕✅ Pt 2.
↳ (theres no summary, and i suck at summarizing, but im a sucker for hybrid fics so that says sometime.)
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Break My Mind's Eye || @flowerwrites06🔞💕✅
↳ Jungkook thinks marriage is the only way to seal a deal. 
Diamond Trail || @flowerwrites06🔞💕✅
↳ The theft of his most elusive and mystery possession leads to a web of trickery that threatens every large syndicate in the country. (alternative: Yoongis’ prized possession is stolen but he’s not the only gang leader being betrayed)
Distraction || @melancholy-of-nadia🔞✅
↳ After a series of circumstances leads you to be the assistant/right-hand woman of Bangkok's local thief/gang leader Min Suga, you're diligent in fulfilling your role in helping him take down Detective (& Underground Mafia Boss) Agust D. What you didn't expect in this role, was to catch your own boss reading p*rngraphic material during his free time and finding out there are consequences to distracting him.
Wishes || @i-am-baechu🔞💕💔🔄💯💯
↳ After a long day of classes, Min Yoongi decides to take a break at the music hall that has become his second home. He walks in with his cigarette lit and his blank expression quickly changes when he sees a girl playing his piano. The moment their eyes meet, their lives become complicated and Yoongi blames himself for her future pain. Was the love we had honest? (i dont have a gang!au banner so its going in with the mafia!au. also yall already know im a huge sucker fore mafia/gang au's along with hybrids. its currently on going, but i know that i will be on a roller coaster while reading this series)
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Devoted To Trouble || @jeonsweetpea🔞💕💔✅💯
↳ In which the whole world finds out Jungkook is Spider-Man, but he doesn’t care about anything but you. OR Can you survive seven days of Jungkook pining over you while his identity is exposed to the world? (i dont have a spider-man!au banner, but spider!kook????? when yoongi said that this man will annoy him even at the age of 100, lord where is the lie. but also, we love a persistent & annoyingly cute man.)
For Glory || @mono-moonchilds🔞💕💔✅💯💯
↳ A fight to the death. No rules, no refs, and nowhere to run.
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Monachopsis || @personasintro🔞💕💔🔄💯💯
↳ after receiving unpleasant news that doesn’t allow you to grow your family, your husband comes up with an idea that unfortunately involves his brother whom he despises (wasnt too sure what au this fic would fall under but i say it goes under the parent au cause min yoongi gon be a father whether he likes it or not.)
Seven || @joonberriess🔞✅
↳ “You know night after night, I’ll be fuckin’ you right,” or: “Girl hold on my baby daddy calling again.”
Unconditionally || @rmsrkive💔🔄💯
↳ for the past three, almost four years, it has only been you and your twins after having been abandoned by your ex-boyfriend. you expected it to remain that way for the rest of your lives until one day you accidentally run into one of his bandmates at the park 
Way Back Home || @solemnreads🔞💕💔🔄💯💯
↳ "please tell me this isn't what i think it is" he asks you with tears in his eyes. you look down at the sight of your son with an oxygen mask on his face while your daughter is sleeping on the couch near the wall. you look into his eyes, broken and sad. you've dreamt of this day for years, wondering how he would react. but here you are, hoping he could've meet the twins under different circumstances. "yes...they're your children."
Wrong Time || @spideyjimin🔞💕💔✅💯💯
↳ meeting ten years later the girl he deeply fell in love with is something Jungkook never thought would happen. But here you are, standing before his eyes with a bright smile on your face as you walk through the massive lobby of his company. At that exact moment, he realizes that the two of you fell in love at the wrong time but is now the right time?  
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Added Color || @bangtansmaus​💕💔✅💯
↳ Yumi was perfectly fine with not finding her soulmate yet. she never really cared about the idea of soulmates. she’s fine with just running her bakery and living with her brother Jimin and their two best friends Jungkook and Taehyung.
Do check out all of the other BTS Fics that i have reblogged as well!!
** if there is any fics that you guys would like to recommend, please do! i am slowly running out of fics to read **
633 notes · View notes
changisworld · 5 months
“Are you being serious?”
Fuckboy!hyunjin x reader
Word count;8,001
Summary: You & Hyunjin are finally moving into a positive direction, finals are now here though so you are both trying to focus on that, meaning you both can’t spend so much time with each other unless you both want to go insane. You tell your lecturer how well your assignments are going & he gets the bright idea to let you tutor someone in your class who is struggling a lot & is in desperate need of help… that being Hyunjins friend, Han Jisung.
main masterlist here
part 1 here & part 2 here
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ALL WARNINGS: Jealous Hyunjin, Jealous reader, Possessive Hyunjin, voyeurism??, recording, spit, creampie, fingering, oral(m rec), body worship, PIV, unprotected sex, marking, begging, dirty talk, praise, angst & fluff, crying after sex, brief aftercare (more happens off screen), soft hyunjin
-> reader is described as Hyunjins girlfriend & 'she/her' pronouns are used a few times but its brief<3
->This isn’t proofread so if there’s any errors i apologise mwah x
In the month running up to finals, you have been absolutely drowned in assessments & of course you need to pass, so for that reason, you n Hyunjin haven't spent as much time together. You do both study together every once in a while but you work a lot better on your own & he respects that, leaving you to it as he studies in his own free time.
You have both been doing well in the sense your feelings have grown for one another but college is still the same, Hyunjin still being the bubbly person, sitting with his large group of friends while you sit further at the back, but to give him credit he does openly choose to work with you for random partner tasks (which half of the girls in the same course a you now resent you for) & he brings you a drink at least once a day.
You've just submitted one of your last essays (which you're proud of of course) & now you can relax a whole lot more than you were before... until your lecturer asks you if you would like an extra few credits.
You of course say yes, knowing it will definitely help if for some reason you get marks taken off for your other grades, not thinking it would be too hard to complete, that is until he tell you what you need to do.
"Jisung has been really struggling y/n, you can really help him & I know you can since you've never had below a ninety. Don't feel pressured please, but I'm sure he would really appreciate it." He says to you, giving you a pleading look.
You sigh before just nodding your head, not wanting to let your professor down, but also don't want someone in your class to fail simply because you couldn't be bothered to help him.
You know he's really good friends with Hyunjin, him mentioning a few times & they have always sat beside one another, loving to piss off everyone around them. You know he doesn't take anything too seriously but you would feel more guilty if you didn't at least try.
"Thank you y/n. I'll be sure to tell him when I next speak to him one on one. I'll see you tomorrow & I'll have him come talk to you, if he gives you a hard time though by being an idiot, don't be afraid to stop helping him, you're not being forced." He says to you in a cheery voice as he fixes his papers, messy all over his desk. You say your goodnights to each other & you leave the building, making the short journey home.
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You get home & of course Hyunjin is already waiting for you, Tuesdays being the one day a week you promises you would spend time together, regardless of the busy schedules.
"Took you long enough, thought you had fell asleep in the damn hall. What was it he was talking to you about? I'd rather swallow a whole potato in one go than waste my time talking to that guy outside of hours, that guy hates me." Hyunjin questions, not looking up at you for more than a second as he stirs the pasta he is cooking for the both of you.
" He hates you because you made that mans hair go grey with the stress you've causes him n trust me, I almost did, we were talking about how I'm preparing for finals, he also asked me to help one of your friends with a whole lot of it." you sigh as you kick your shoes off & putting your bag on the coat peg hung up on the wall, on the tiny bit of free space that Hyunjins multiple jackets & hoodies now clogging up.
"Really? wait taste this, n who is it? Half my friends are dumbasses so you've got your work cut out, good luck to ya." Hyunjin jokes as he holds up the wooden spoon to your lips, his other hand underneath the spoon to catch any droplets.
You taste it n let out a hum of approval which makes him smile before turning around to continue stirring a few more times before going into your cupboard to grab two plates. "Your friend Jisung! I'm surprised he asked me out of all people, I've only had one actual conversation with him n that was during freshers, I only remember because he was wearing those glasses of his & kept bursting out into song randomly." you chuckle as you recall the memory, getting you both a glass before going into your fridge to grab the bottle of prosecco you bought yesterday just for this occasion.
Hyunjin stops his movement for a second before replying with a 'mhmm' & you don't think too much of it, grating some cheese before putting it on the coffee table in your living room rambling about random stuff, but his mind doesn't move. "So about Jisung, did you say yeah to helping him?" he asks, setting both of your plates down on the small table before grabbing two cushions off your couch n placing them on the floor, patting it for you to sit down next to him.
"Yeah, I agreed because I've only got a few more things to do n I'll be finished, I'd feel guilty for saying no, I can't let him just fail the entire course because I couldn't be bothered you know? If what you're worried about is that I won't have time for you, you're wrong, I'll still be seeing you on Tuesdays regardless." You reply in an your usual tone, giving Hyunjin a peck on the cheek as you thank him for the pasta before picking up your fork & taking a bite.
"Jisung.. Isn't someone you wanna try teach, It's a waste of your time, you should probably pass on the offer. You should help me! I'm sooo stuck on the power point." he responds, his voice monotone, trying to hide how pissed he actually is.
"Hyune, we both know you're not struggling, you only have like two more things to do so stop being silly, n besides, I get a few extra credits if I do it so it will be worth it." you say after swallowing a bite, looking at him & that's when you realise his body language, completely giving away the fact he is now in a sulk as he purses his lips at what you say, not verbally replying to you.
"Hyunjin, what's up with you, hmm? You were so happy when I got home, is something bothering you?" you ask him, putting your fork down. "It's just.. Jisung is just gonna try get in your pants y/n. I know what he's like, if he actually gave a fuck about this grade, he woulda tried way before now, he has a music career now so he doesn't even need college." he says, pointing his fork at you & swaying it around as he speaks, his voice serious despite him trying to sound unbothered.
You just look at Hyunjin, honestly confused on where this attitude has came from. "Just because he might have another career once he leaves, doesn't mean he doesn't wanna pass, Hyune. He won't 'get in my pants' I don't even know him or anything about him apart from what you've told me." a tinge of annoyance in your voice now, not at all liking what he has to say.
"Alright." he mumbles as he begins eating, not wanting to discuss it further so you ignore it, moving onto a different conversation, which makes his mood slightly better than it was before.
Hyunjin leaves an hour or so later, after helping you wash up & cuddling with you until you were dozing off. You give him a sheet of notes you had written earlier in that day just for him to help him with his own essays, changing the wording a whole bunch so he wouldn't accidentally write something similar to you have done, which he can't help but blush at the thoughtfulness. He leaves your apartment in the same mood when you first came home earlier on.
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You're walking to your morning class after grabbing a drink from the cafeteria when you hear someone calling your name from behind you over the music of your headphones, you turn around to see Jisung being the reason your name is being said, his dorky little smile looking back at you as he walks up to you.
"Hi y/n, in case you didn't know but I'm Jisung n I just wanna say thank you for helping me with all of this, means loads to me." he says, giving you an awkward chuckle as his hand rubs against the nape of his neck.
"Don't worry about it, just don't make it a waste of my time, I still need to do loads of my own stuff so I won't be waiting around for you." responding in a cold tone as you put your headphones on again before walking to your class.
You take your own unofficial seat & just go on your phone, not paying much attention to the things going on around you, blocking out the multiple conversations going on around you.
You look down to the right corner of the auditorium & notice Hyunjin isn't sitting in his own usual spot.
You; Where r u? u okay? Hyune<3: yea, just slept in lol, just take pics of what u write n i can use that, ill probs be in after break
You begin texting a response when the chair next to you is pulled out & someone sits beside you, you look to your left & Han is smiling at you, pulling his books out of his bag & placing them on the desk.
"Sir told me to come n sit beside you since he is helping yuna right now n he doesn't have time to re-explain it all to me. You still okay to help me, right?" He blurts out, looking at you with his boba eyes, you just nod your head & he smiles.
Jisung begins to show you where he's at on each part of the assessments he needs to do & shows you the very few notes he has actually been bothered to write down.
"You've only wrote this..? for an entire years worth of work this is all you have to help you?" yo snort as you hand back his notepad, your eyebrows raised. "I thought it wouldn't be this intense!" he responds, his voice whiney.
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You spend the next hour roughly explaining how to do the main parts of everything & you were writing down a few things for him since you realise he is a painfully slow writer, but you choose to hold your tongue since you think he is actually listening since he is actually asking you a question ever so often.
The time hits quarter past eleven so you grab your little blue money purse before standing up to leave for your break when Jisung moves his chair out so you can't leave. "Y/n, could I get your number or something? so I can text you.. about the work! of course." Han asks you as he stands up to face you fully.
"Awk yeah that would make sense, alright." you take one of your pens off the desk & open the cap before grabbing Jisungs hand before you write your number on it & then squeezing yourself past him, walking up the rest of the stairs to leave but he runs up to you again to begin walking with..well, behind you, ignoring his friends at the other end of the room shouting his name.
"Thanking you y/nnie, I can call you y/nnie right? anyways what's your plans for after college hours? Do you have a job you gotta get to? Any sorta clubs? I get the vibe you definitely are a part of... an art class. I woulda said book club but I feel as if that's too basi-" "You talk so much, holy shit. My plan is to finish what I need to finish tonight or tomorrow so I'll have time to actually help you" you cut off, rolling your eyes as you begin walking one of the common area benches, Jisung still trailing behind you.
You sit down & Jisung settles himself beside you, smiling at his friends whenever they walk past, talking your ear off as you just stare at him, not paying attention.
A minute later, You turn away from Jisung & lean your head against the wall in annoyance , Jisung now talking about how he lived in Malesia & almost got eaten by an alligator when your eyes scan the area & that's when you notice Hyunjin strolling towards you. You lean back upright & smile n wave at him & he smiles back, until Han pops his head out from behind you to see who you're waving at, your body no longer covering him from the way you're both sitting.
Hyunjin reaches you but doesn't sit down, instead standing in front of both of you. "Heya y/n, hi jisung, what you both talking about." Hyunjin says in a weird tone of voice, sounding slightly off standish. "Couldn't tell ya, sir didn't really go over anything new so I didn't write anything down to give you, he was just answering others questions, come sit." you say as you pat the spot beside you but he doesn't budge, feet staying glued to the floor, hi eyes moving to now look at the man sitting beside you.
"So if he was answering questions all day, why'd you not just ask him for help on what to do? Why are you putting more on y/ns plate?" Hyunjin spits to jisung, his facial expressions scarily neutral. "Because he would spend an entire day explaining it to me! I asked y/n a million times if it's fine n it's fine! y/n doesn't mind it." Han whines back, throwing his hands around & that's when Hyunjin notices your number drawn onto his hand.
Hyunjin looks at it then back at the both of you before scoffing. "Point is, you don't give a fuck about passing, I'm not stupid. I'll see you later." he speaks in the same cold tone, tapping your head condescendingly before walking away & down the hall out of sight.
"What the hell is his problem, he has such an attitude." you murur, mostly to yourself but Jisung responds anyway. "dunno, maybe stress." feigning innocence.
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Hyunjin walks into class, blood boiling. He sits on the opposite side than he usually does & puts his headphones on, basically throwing the items in his bag onto his desk before logging into his computer & pulling up his word document.
He doesn't look up at any of the noise around him, other students for some reason spending their break in the same room they've been sitting in for four hours now until someone taps his head before pulling his headphones off his head.
"Nice song, what's it called?" Lisa chimes as Hyunjin turns around, relaxing when he sees it's just her & not a random person trying to piss him off. "You're still on your essay? y/n handed hers in already, didn't your little girlfriend feel like helping you out?" she remarks, sitting on the edge of the desk, swinging her legs while she looks down at him.
"y/n.. isn't my 'girlfriend' so to speak n anyways, we both agreed to do it on our own since y/n concentrates better that way n i've learned that so do I, so if you could leave Lisa i'd like that." he responds, his tone sounding more rude than he intended.
"Who pissed in your cereal Hyunjin, jeez. That sucks, I'd love for you to help me, I'm further behind than I wanted to be, can I borrow your notes at least? & you sure y/n works better on her own? She was helping Jisungie a wholeeee bunch earlier." she speaks back, sweet toned, the smile not wiping off her face for even a second, picking up his notepad & flicking through it.
"Mhmm, just take it n give it back at the end of the day. I told y/n helping Jisung is a waste of time but sir n Jisung both wormed their way into her brain knowing she would feel too guilty for saying no, she didn't listen to me, she's too kind." he replies, not bothering to look up at Lisa despite feeling her eyes almost burning two holes into his side profile.
"Clearly not too kind if she can't listening to her own boyfriendddd" she teases, ruffling up his hair. "I told you, we aren't officially together, you taking my notes or no? I have stuff to do Lisa." he snarks as he finally actually looks up at her as she jumps off the desk, jotter in hand.
"I know, just wanted to hear you confirm the fact. I would ask you to send me the notes but you've blocked my number, y/n has you so bitched, didn't think I'd see the day." Hyunjin just rolls his eyes as Lisa says this but he sees you & Jisung walking back into the room, six or seven levels above & he gets an idea.
He rolls his chai out, blocking Lisas path as he looks up at her, a puzzled look on her face. "If you say please, I'll think about unblocking youuu." he taunts, his pretty smile showing on his face. Lisa looks up at you in your usual seat, noticing your quick glances down back at them, trying to not make it too obvious before looking back down at Hyunjin. "Pretty please, Jinnie?" she responds, battering her eyelashes as she ruffles his hair again.
He chuckles before moving out of the way, letting her past. As she leaves, he murmurs a 'next joke, fuck that' to himself, internally cringing at the conversation between them before pressing play on his spotify again & doing his work.
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The day finally ends & you are quick to get out of the room, not being surprised if steam was coming out of your ears with how pissed you are. You noticed Lisa & Hyunjin speaking & you were unable to concentrate from that moment on. 'Why was she touching him?' 'Why was he flirting with her?' 'what a fucking dick' keep bursting into your mind & you honestly want to punch them both in the face.
Hyunjin gets his notepad back from Lisa & walks away without saying much of anything to her, trying to catch up to someone in particular... Jisung.
He knows his schedule like the back of his hand & it doesn't take much walking or time to find him, sitting on a small ledge waiting for the main music room to be unlocked for him, Chris & Changbin, eating a packet of skittles, filling his chubby cheeks while just idly looking around.
"Heya Hyunjin, you alright?" He questions, pulling his legs closer to his chest so Hyunjin can sit down opposite him, which he does. "Been better, got a question for you though." he sighs, leaning forward to dig his hand into Jisungs packet & takes out a handful of skittles, dumping the green ones back into the packet.
"Go f'r it." he speaks, words muffled as he pours more into his mouth. "What you doing with y/n? I pretty much made it clear to stay away, so what is your problem? You coulda asked anyone to help you but I know you went to sir n specifically asked for y/n's help, you can't fool me I've known you too long." he questions, his voice sounding far too normal for it to be comfortable.
"You didn't tell me shit, n I'm not a toddler, what makes you think you can tell me what to do? You're not actually together together so why can't I simply speak to her?" he remarks, smirking at him knowing he is getting under his skin as he throws his empty food wrapper at the bin but missing, making him kiss his teeth.
Hyunjin scoffs at his words, in disbelief. "Han stop being a dick, y/n is mine n it's that simple so just fuck off, I've never told you to leave anyone fuck alone until now so just do it? It's not difficult believe it or not." Hyunjin snaps back, getting more annoyed as the clock ticks by, not bothering to keep his tone quiet as another student walks by every once in a while.
"Yea n we also agreed we wouldn't cockblock each other yet here you are, you guys aren't official which you said yourself so it's fair game. You can't claim someone if you're still flirting with your other little side pieces, me & y/n saw you n Lisa earlier. You seriously wanna get rid of everyone else you see for one person? Next joke." he replies, his voice raising at the end, honestly enjoying how pissed off Hyunjin is getting, his face getting more & more red.
"Lisa is literally nothing to me n yea-" Hyunjin is cut off as Changbin n Chan swivel around the corner, all smiles. "Heya Hyunjin, not seen you in ages, Jisung I got the key so we can go in now, you coming Hyun?" Chan questions as he turns his back to unlock the door.
"Nah, I'm busy n got things to do, I'll speak to you all later." Hyunjin replies, squishing Changbins cheeks playfully, trying to ease any tension the others are starting to sense, before walking off, his breathing intense as he leaves the building & pretty much speed walking home.
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He enters his complex building & storms up the multiple flights of stairs, skipping a step or two each time. He turns the corner & sees you sitting on his doormat, both of you making eye contact.
You stand up & wipe any dirt that could be on you as Hyunjin sighs, stopping in front of you as he moves one of his headphone speakers, not even bothering to fully pull them off.
"Are you gonna speak to me n tell me what's wrong with you Hyunjin?" You speak out, placing your hands on your hips. "Do you seriously not know what you've done? Give me a fucking break. Move, I want to get inside." he spits back before trying to worm his way around you but you stop him.
"Hyunjin what the fuck is your problem? I've done jack shit n yet you're treating me as if I'm an annoyance to you! I'm not leaving till I get an answer." you yell back, getting even more pissed at his attitude.
"I'm not even going to bother arguing with you, especially in my fucking hallway y/n, get inside." He spits out as he pushes your arm away & unlocks his door before entering, not bothering to shut it as he knows you're gonna end up following him.. which you do.
You shut his door behind you & chase behind him as he walks into his bedroom & throwing off his hoodie, not even acknowledging you as he does his usual routine.
"So you gonna explain or what? Also turn around when I speak to you, don't be so fucking rude Hyunjin." you utter, speaking to his back as he doesn't even bother looking at you.
"Got nothing to explain. You gonna tell me why you wrote your number on Jisungs arm when I specifically told you what he would be actually wanting from you & after telling you it would be a complete waste of time?" He scoffs, rolling his eyes as he turns around to look back at you, leaning on his desk.
You raise your eyebrows at him, not being able to hold back the shocked laugh at his words. "Are you being fucking serious? First of all Hyunjin, I'm not a kid that you can boss around n second of all, I only gave him my number so he can ask me about anything he needs & I'm basically finished everything I need to do for finals so I don't fucking care about helping your friend out a bit!" you yell back, your heart beginning to race.
"It's fucking obvious he was flirting with you y/n?! Are you really that naive to fucking see it? Sorry to be the one to tell you but it's true." he replies, swinging his arms around & pointing as he speaks.
"So fucking what if he was? It changes absolutely nothing since I'm not interested! But if you want to speak about flirting, you're a huge fucking hypocrite since you were basically drooling over Lisa earlier & you knew I was watching! Your attitude is disgusting & if you're acting like this when we aren't even official then what makes you think that is what I want? You're straight up immature." you shout, your voice going a bit raspy & your hands shaking.
"I did that because I was fucking hurt about what you were doing! & I know we aren't officially together but you haven't been acting as if you want to be with me! You don't even listen to me y/n when I know what the hell I'm talking about. I chosen you for me to actually try get into a relationship with but I'm thinking it's not worth it." he cries out, tears threatening to leave his eyes as he says this, shouting back at you.
"Are you trying to insinuate I'm 'lucky' to be in this position with you, get off your fucking high horse holy shit! I didn't flirt with Han at all but you can't say the same about you & Lisa, how am I supposed to trust you if you act like this over something so small? This isn't even fucking worth it Hyunjin, I'm not going to let you see me as if I'm beneath you." you respond, your voice going monotone at the end as you shake your head at him before turning around to leave, realising this conversation is getting nowhere.
Hyunjin is quick to step across his room & get between you & the bedroom door, blocking you from leaving. "When the hell did I say you're beneath me? Why can't you see how upset I am over all of this? I want to be with you in the future but you are just throwing it back in my fucking face? Do you just like the attention or something? Is that why you just straight up refused to listen to me?" he questions, looking right into your eyes with his own, his eyes being similar to how they looked when he came to your house & confessed to you not too long ago, but with anger mixed in along with them this time.
"You're fucking joking, right? What 'attention' am I getting other than you yelling in my face about it? Stop being such a jealous prick Hyunjin, the future isn't now so you don't have this 'claim' on me like you think you do, as much as I want it & how much you claim yo want to, we aren't fucking dating & you wanna know why I think you're trying to hold back? Is because you like the attention & you won't be able to fuck anyone else without it being considered cheating! Come back to me when you can sort your jealousy & other issues out." You scream at him, a tear or two falling down your cheeks but you're quick to wipe them away, not looking right at him as you speak.
Hyunjin cackles at our words before yet again stopping you from being able to leave, putting his hand on the door handle. "You speak so much stuff that you're convinced you know all about but you couldn't be so wrong it's honestly a joke. I don't want anyone else but you & I've made it so clear since the start, You expect me to not be jealous when someone is fawning over you.. what's mine? Acting as if your blood doesn't boil when anyone flirts with me? You being so pissed about Lisa is a prime example. Stop acting like you're any better than me, that you're not just as possessive over me, you just don't wanna seem like a psycho about it." He replies, his tone still full of venom but no longer yelling at you, tonguing his cheek.
"Why wouldn't I be jealous? I'm clearly threatened by all the girls who drool over you, even more so because I'm not similar to those girls, I'm not as confident or straight up ballsy as them! But the way you've gone about everything is so wrong Hyunjin." You cry, voice lowering to match his but the tears not fully stopping & he takes his finger to wipe them away, pouting.
"I'd be lying if I said you admitting you're jealous isn't hot, but stop fucking worrying, I wouldn't give you the time of day if I wasn't one hundred percent sure. Stop crying too, you don't need to. But being for real, y/n, sto-" He is cut off as your phone begins ringing in the back pocket of your jeans & Hyunjins arm is quick to swing around & pull it out before reading the nameless number, Hyunjin hands it to you with his eyebrows raised, already knowing who it is.
You answer the phone & It's obviously Jisung, who doesn't even give you time to say anything before asking you a whole bunch of questions, saying he is 'stuck' on what to do.
As Jisung speaks, Hyunjin taps the 'speaker' button before ushering you towards his bed, his smirk not leaving his face. You look up at him with confused eyes as the back of your knees hit the bed, making you sit on it before Hyunjin pushes on your shoulder so you're laying fully down, your feet still on the floor of his room before getting on top of you & moving your head to the side before nuzzling his face in your neck, beginning to nibble at it, making you tense up beneath him & your breath hitches.
"Jisung can I call you ba-" You're cut off by Hyunjin nibbling down on your neck as he mumbles a 'nuh uh' & your hand reaches up to pull on Hyunjins hair & he does his best to hold back a groan, his hand slithering down to your jeans, unbuttoning the button after around thirty seconds of trying & then using his hand & legs to push them down just far enough for acccess.
He begins to allow his finger to graze over the outside of your pussy, feeling the fabric of your panties, not failing to feel over the small wet patch now visible as he sucks a dark purple hickey into the crook of your neck & your eyes scrunch together as you bite your lip, trying to not make a sound.
"I did the first two paragraphs but I'm stuck on what quotes to use, I think the ones I've chosen are too short to keep writing about, what quotes did you choose?" Han questions on the other end of the phone but you're barely paying attention as the man above you now wriggles his fingers under your panties, now drawing small circles on your clit, making you gasp.
"You can't use t-the same quotes I use J-jisung, read what you've chose o-out to me." you stutter out, hips grinding against Hyunjins fingers as best as you can with the position you're in.
Jisung begins to read out his quotes & Hyunjin can't help but let out a small chuckle, half at how hard Han is trying but the other half being at how hard you're trying to remain coherent, so he steps up his actions. He cups your pussy before dragging his hand down to your dripping hole & entering two fingers in, a small squelch being heard & your legs tense up even more as you melt into his lips, still suckling hickey after hickey into your neck.
"Y/n? Am I breaking up? We can meet up if you want & you can go over it, I know a café we can meet at if you're free?" He requests & Hyunjin breaks away from you neck to reply for you. "y/n is busy, figure it out." he remarks as he hangs up before turning your phone off & tossing it to the side.
"Didn't know you're into that, y/nnie, you're so wet just from a few touches? So dirty." he remarks, smirking at you before locking his lips with yours, his tongue tasting your own before he even gives you time to respond & you bring your hands to cup his cheeks.
His fingers begin to hit against your G-spot as he uses a 'come here' motion as his thumb begins to rub your clit from side to side, making you whine into his mouth, making him smirk.
You move your arm down, dragging your nails down the front of him & over his abs over his shirt before beginning to palm his cock over his joggers, making his hips jerk forward before changing your position by rolling himself onto the bed & pulling you so you're straddling him, his fingers leaving your cunt as he does so, making you whince.
You begin grinding over his covered hard on after kicking your jeans fully off, you being left in just your shirt & panties. "Maybe you're the dirty one Hyune, can't resist touching me while your friend is on the phone hmm?" You finally have the chance to reply & Hyunjin chuckles as his hands come down to your ass, fondling the skin. "Oh but I can resist, but why would I when it's funny to hear him try ask you out while disguising it as 'studying' while you're at my house currently half naked?" he replies instantly, biting his lip as your wetness is now soaking through your panties & leaving a small spot on his clothes, staining them.
You roll your eyes before you pull his shirt off his body, messing up his hair a bit before you slither yourself off the bed & onto his carpeted floor & tugging on his joggers, his hips raising to help you remove them, leaving him in only his underwear.
"You're being bold for someone who couldn't take more than a quarter of my cock last time you sucked it, you trying to train yourself for Jisung?" he teases, resting his bodyweight on his elbows, looking down at you as you pull his hardened cock out, pumping it slowly in your hand.
"Maybe I just didn't want to take any more seeing since I have no idea where it's been." you spit back, looking up at him as you smirk, your bottom lip in between your teeth as you let a glob of spit escape your lips & fall onto his pretty pink tip. He opens his mouth to respond but you cut his words out of his chest by licking a long strip from just above his base to his tip before letting the tip fall past your lips, suckling on it softly, making him hiss.
You let your tongue swirl against his tip before you begin dipping your head lower, allowing your mouth to take part of his shaft in your mouth too. You are still a bit nervous since it's only your second time sucking cock but Hyunjins words fuel you to prove to him you can take it all, so as he is taking a deep breath out, hand holding your hair out of your face, you force your head down further so over half of his cock is now in your mouth & you hollow your cheeks, making his toes curl & have to consciously try not jerk his hips into your mouth.
"You been practicing y/n? Doing so well, taking it so g-good, so pretty." he groans, lightly slapping your cheeks, feeling his cock through the skin of your cheek, giving him butterflies.
You begin to bob your head up & down his cock as you use your hand to jerk him off in the same rhythm, making his grip in your hair tighter as his groans & hisses get more frequent, making you convinced you're probably leaking your own wetness onto the floor you're situated on.
You let yourself off his cock to catch a breath as you let all the spit that's formed in your mouth get dribbled back onto his cock if it hasn't already fell past your lips & you look up at him with glossy eyes as you pump him at a faster pace, his cheeks blown out & now breathing out his mouth.
"Only practice I've gotten is off the pretty boy I'm looking at right now." you chuckle, honestly having no idea where the confidence is coming from before you blow cold air onto his tip, making him yelp & scrunch his eyes shut before leaning forward to pull you back onto the bed.
"I refuse to cum before fucking you" he mumbles, out of breath as he kisses you again, full of tongue. "Open your mouth." he hushes as he breaks away from your lips, fingers playing with your folds over your panties again, his wet cock against your thigh.
You do as he says & he spits into your mouth, humming as you swallow it, nothing but lust in both of your eyes. "Such a slut deep down, aren't you? You want more? Your hips can't fucking stay still." he chuckles, biting his lip as he looks down at the sight below, your lower half squirming to try get more friction & you just whine.
"Hyune.. Please give me it, don't I deserve it?" You question, seduction tinging your voice & Hyunjin can't stop the feeling of his cheeks & ears going hot, the way you're currently talking making his head spin.
He stands up & pulls you towards the edge of the bed, still laying on your back as he peels off your soiled underwear, your pussy glistening & his mouth waters, deciding to spit right onto your clit, making you whine.
He pushes your legs that little bit further apart before situating himself between them, jerking himself slowly while looking down at you. "How bad do you want it, hmm? tell me how much you want it, pretty." he speaks, not looking away from your pretty face as he hits his tip against your clit, making a tiny, sticky slapping noise. "Hyune I deserve it, want it so much, don't I? Look how wet I am for you." you whine, fingers trailing down to spread your lips, exposing your hole to him.
Hyunjin groans at the action , his cock twitching as he aligns himself up with your entrance. "Say it one more time, didn't quite hear you." he replies, hand caressing the inside of your thigh as he drags his cock up & down your folds. "Hyunjin please just put it in! I need it s-" Your cries are cut off as he pushes his tip past your hole & sheaves into you until his pretty, full & heavy balls are against your skin, making you gasp.
"You're so tight, Jisung not fucking you right?" He asks, trying to sound calm & collected when in reality he is trying to not cum on the spot, your warm, wet walls wrapping around his dick perfectly. "t-stop winding me up hyune, please move." you whine in response, making Hyunjin smirk as he retracts his hips before thrusting back into you, knocking the air out of your lungs.
He sets a slow but powerful pace, small squelching noises & both of your whines & grunts filling not only his bedroom but the entire apartment. "For someone wh-who's such a fu-fuckboy, you're not fucking me l-like one." You struggle but get the words out, wanting to give him a taste of his own medicine & it works as he grunts before pushing the backs of your thighs up against your chest before beginning to pound into you, making you squeal.
"You wanna try repeat that for me, hmm? You're saying that as if anyone can fuck you like this but me, your cunt is mine, can't your brain understand that or are you just too much of a whore to only want one dick?" He snaps at you, his hair sticking to his forehead because of the sweat as he abuses your cunt, his thumb reaching down to your cunt, making you yelp & your hips begin meeting his thrusts halfway.
You shake your head but he isn't happy with that response & he grabs your face by the cheeks, forcing you to look up at him as he leans forward. "Words, y/n, where did your boldness go, hmm? Who's pussy is this? Tell m-me." He asks, breath quick & short as he doesn't slow down for even a second, letting out a hiss as you reach up to his back & digging your nails into him on accident, for sure leaving marks later but none of you bothering to care.
"Y-y-yours! Hyun-jin I'ma c-cum." you screech, brain going completely blank, your body almost exploding with sensation. Hyunjin smirks at you before standing upright again, continuing his assault on your swollen cunt. "Cum for me then, show me how good I-I make you feel, Only I can do this for you, can't I? Only I know how to m-make you feel so good, you look so beautiful under me, you need to see." he groans back at you, throwing his head back momentarily before looking back down at you as you cum around his cock, wriggling & squirming as it washes over you, your knuckles going white from the grip you have on his bedsheets.
He fucks you through your orgasm, leaving you breathless before he pulls out. You don't have much time to question it however as he pulls out of you & grabbing your phone off the floor before returning to you.
"Gonna show you how fucking hot you look, It's on your phone so it's just for your eyes, no stress." He says, breathless as he turns on the video option before pressing record & sliding himself back into you, your orgasm forming a white ring around his base.
You clench around his thick cock, partly from overstimulation as he begins pumping into you again, chasing his own release now. The camera is pointed at you so you decide to act up a little, pulling your shirt above your tits, exposing your hardened buds to the camera & cold air of the room, making Hyunjin whine. "Look how beautiful you are y/n, you're anything & everything I could e-ever fucking want, taking me so well, I've t-trained you to take my c-cock so well." he says in a husky voice, his throat now dry as he continues ogling you, looking down at your swollen, reddened pussy, dragging the phone down to let the screen get a good look too, watching it tense & clench around him, making his knees almost buckle.
His eyes widen as your fingers move up to your pretty tits as you begin playing with your own nipples, tugging & pulling on them before raising your fingers to Hyunjins lips & he gladly suckles on them, moaning onto them before you pull them out of his mouth & caress your now spit covered nipples softly.
"You like the c-camera, beautiful? You-you're so dirty, so p-perfect for me. Turn your pretty face to the side, show the camera w-what you let me do to you y/nnie" He groans, his voice high pitched & squeaky & you do as he says instantly, not fully processing what he meant or said as he move the camera upwards, showing the purple marks he has inprinted on your skin.
"G-gonna cum y/n." he forces the words out & before you even realise, you're wrapping your legs around his waist & pulling him towards you. He tosses the phone to the side again before falling onto his elbows on each side of your head & you use the rest of your strength to tilt your head up enough to connect your lip to his neck & you begin pinching the skin of his neck with your teeth & you suck a big purplish red mark into his neck as his own orgasm washes over him.
He melts into your skin as his orgasm fills you, coating your walls & giving you goose bumps. You let him fully lay on you as you softly kiss his neck & earlobe, letting him catch his breath back as you also try relax your own breathing.
You lay like this for a minute or two in complete silence as you now begin playing with Hyunjins wet hair, before tears start leaving your eyes. You begin to sniffle & Hyunjins brain switches itself back on as he pushes his head up from your neck to look at you, now crying.
"Y/nnie, why are you crying? Did I hurt you?" He begins to panic as he moves off of you to start checking you but you sit up too, basically following him as you wrap your arms around him, pulling him back down to you.
"Just stay here f'r a bit, Hyune I'm sorry, I didn't know how upset I would make you." you sniffle, not looking right at him as he looks at your reddened face, his heart hurting. "I'm sorry too, I don't want you to feel insecure, I was being stupid. Can we.. go on a proper date? I know it's not the most romantic time or place to ask but I was n still am serious about only wanting you y/n, I mean it, pinkie swear." He asks you in a soft voice & he holds out his pinkie to you & you can't help but let out a small giggle as you interlock them together then kissing your thumbs before locking in the promise.
"Took you long enough to fucking ask me." You reply as you wipe the tears off your cheeks, reaching up to kiss Hyunjin on the cheek & his already red cheeks get an even darker shade.
"Better late than never, Stay here n I'm gonna get us a drink n we can go for a bath." He kisses your forehead before getting off of you but he takes the time to shuffle you up to his pillows & laying your head on it as he grabs his bed throw & lays you under it so you're not just sitting there, before leaving the room dancing & singing.
"Y/n & Hyunjin sitting in a tree" He sings out loud as he walks around his house & you can't help but laugh. "Stop singing that or I'll change my mind!" You yell & he shuts up instantly (not including the whine of protest he yells back), making you laugh to yourself.
I'm not completely sure I want to do a fourth part to this so in case this is actually the finale, I really hope everyone who has taken the time to read it has enjoyed reading the past 3 parts as much as I enjoyed writing them & thank you for all the kind words! <3
TAGS: @tsunderelino @troublemaker02 @ismokeeweed @lmhcats @isagerada
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stayconnecteed · 2 months
stray kids as demigods? who's their godly parent?
moony, you're the queen of my ot8 skz headcanons 🫶🏼 this is not based on percy jackson's gods, but the real stories about them btw & either as gods or sons of them, i'm just talking about their characteristics. also YEAH the gods selected are the parents of my pjo au djksndlsndkd couldn't help it !!
﹙ ★ ﹚ bangchan — zeus. hear me out, he's the king of gods. the leader. of course it suits him. it's true that everyone knows zeus is the worst thing that could happen, but with chan wouldn't be like that. he is powerful, we all have seen those videos of him using his leader card. he's also wise, because he has to control the weather and resolve conflicts or problems between the gods with a minimum of justice. his symbols is the thunder, and i can almost see the lightning, blinding light of a storm in his eyes every time he gets really angry. and, how could it be otherwise, his love life. he may be delulu in real life, but he has also that fuckboy vibe. fits all of zeus's affairs tbh.
﹙ ★ ﹚ lee know — hades. shady, reserved hades. he might have a three headed cat instead of the original hades' dog (soonie's, soongie's & dori's heads all in one big ass kitty) but he loves his place in the underworld. calmness, quietness, tranquility, far far away from all the chaos of the other gods. he might travel to the outside just to add to the chaos, ngl, but at the end of the day he wants to drown in the silence. he perseveres a lot too, and he's stern. very forbidding, and he doesn't interfere into his jugdes sessions - he might be the guardian of the death, but he doesn't take favourites. except his wife, whom he worships every day.
﹙ ★ ﹚ seo changbin — hephaestus. he's described as a kind & hardworking god. he's very resilient, doesn't care about power. he just wants to do his thing and be happy. binnie as hephaestus wouldn't be very good (he's too clumsy to be a blacksmith) but he tries. many people reject him because of his physique, but he just wants to help. he likes to create tools and objects that can be of help to the people around him, he likes to fix things that have been broken. he might not talk about his feelings, but he deserves to be treated with a lot of care and affection, because he feels other people's feelings are more important that his own.
﹙ ★ ﹚ hwang hyunjin — aphrodite. hell yeah. first of all, he's changbin's wife (let's ignore that the real greek gods are married but hate each other). the god of love and desire. because he's in love with love and the idea of giving and receiving love and being in love - but he also spills desire wherever he goes. one look at him and oh you're soo doomed. he's an influencer too. obviously not like the ones we see on ig, but you naturally just tend to imitate him a little bit whenever you see him (and he can influence you and your love life and your perception of reality if he wants). also, like aphrodite, he rised from the past. she was born out of sea foam when uranus was murdered, our hyune was born again when he came back from his hiatus.
﹙ ★ ﹚ han jisung — apollo. every single characteristic of the thousands of symbols apollo has as a god fit jisung. god of medicine, because he is slowly healing from his own wounds, and one genuine smile of him can heal our days. god of music, because with his lyrics and a lazy scratch of the strings of his guitar he creates masterpieces. god of light, because even if the sun is too bright and he represents more that shadowy, warm sunset oranges, he brings light into our lives. and god of knowledge, because he's very very smart and he's always watching documentals and reading about whatever he's into at the moment, learning something every day. he's a calm but chaotic god, and he's sliightly dependent on zeus (he's chan's first stray kid after all).
﹙ ★ ﹚ lee felix — poseidon. i know the original poseidon is more of a bad tempered, almost dictatorial god and it doesn't fit him at all, so here i was thinking more of percy jackson. that adhd kid, so energetic and ready to have a good time, humorous but completely oblivious. he gets angry when things don't go his way, or when he loses (in videogames or real demigod battles), but he's loyal to his friends. loyal to dead. and brave and caring and sensitive, even if he tries to hide it with sarcasm because it's dangerous to show who do you care about.
﹙ ★ ﹚ kim seungmin — athena. our witty, wise, smart ass boy. he loves a good fight. he loves to create chaos. but when he's involved, he's always, always going to adopt a strategic warfare, ready to win with the most unexpected but intelligent tricks. he prefers to defend than to attack, unless he's with friends and in a space where he feels comfortable - then he will destroy you and you won't be able to say a word. but it's his love language bdkwnfke he has a strong vision of justice, and will act as he thinks because he knows he's generally right. he's helped heroes when they needed it because he knows what it is to feel helpless and alone and doesn't want anyone to feel that way, and he also is the god of homehold crafts, like cooking (just remember that athena & poseidon do not mix well and it will be even worse if you put them together in the kitchen).
﹙ ★ ﹚ jeongin — hermes. the cunning thief of the great twelve. he's the messenger of the gods, and the only one who is allowed to leave the underworld without consequences (because hades has a soft spot for him, ofc). he's very quick, guardian of literati and athletes, a troublemaker and trickster, but also solemn and responsible. he was the one who gave apollo one of his first instruments after a robbery in which he was caught, and somewhat he always finds himself in the middle of the most famous love stories (either helping the lovers or causing trouble). he hasn't find love yet, but he doesn't really care. he's enjoying his life, if it has to come, it will.
i am well aware that each one has a different perspective about the boys and yess i also see lix as apollo or changbin as ares, but i decided to give them these gods because i think they fit better. you're welcome to comment your opinion too 🫶🏼
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hyunniesgirl · 8 months
Love is a mess | series masterlist
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Everything is possible when you fall in love.
Status: ongoing
Last update: 12/02/2024
*Most stories in this series are happening at the same time. The stories can be read as standalones but they are all connected so some details mentioned may sound off.
I wanna be yours
Pairing: fuckboy!bangchan x shy!reader
Summary: it was all a game to him, until all he could think about was you. He wanted to have all of you. Ruin all of you. Love all of you.
About you
Pairing: actor!Lee Know x actress!reader
Coming soon
Bad intentions: Part 1 | Part 2
Pairing: nerd!Han x popular!reader
Summary: you thought you could turn Han Jisung into the perfect boyfriend material so you can get revenge on your cheating ex. Little did you know that you would end up getting much more than just a guy to show off.
Someone like you
Pairing: Sunshine!Felix x Glommy!reader
Coming soon
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