kaphkas · 11 months
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Something about Jingim in this scene is so intensely appealing to me. The flyaway hairs. The sheen of tears. The resentful expression. “You kick Jingim? You kick his body like the football? Oh, jail for father. Jail for a thousand years!!!”
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haljathefangirlcat · 2 years
do you ever think about how that absolutely heartbreaking “I should have left you there to bleed out in that cave” “Probably. But you didn’t” moment between Jingim and Ahmad in the season two (and eventually, series) finale is literally just the "I should have left you on that street corner where you were standing" "But you didn't!” meme. because I do
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justarandomgirly · 2 years
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I have a type...
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Prince Jingim, Marco Polo (2014) VS. Ragnar Lothbrok, Vikings (2013-2020)
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Prince Jingim, Marco Polo (2014) Portrayed by: Remy Hii
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Ragnar Lothbrok, Vikings (2013-2020) Portrayed by: Travis Fimmel
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Additional Propaganda Under the Cut
Additional Propaganda
For Prince Jingim:
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For Ragnar Lothrbok:
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galatariel · 2 years
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Remy Hii as CROWN PRINCE JINGIM in Season 2 of Marco Polo (2016)
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wels-corner · 10 months
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Some doodles and anatomy practice with my pirate boi, Jingim! I love him sm. Once a stripper, now a pirate with the powers of thor!
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bakitln · 1 year
Kaei kaba nga kwah pashat jingmut ha phi ka long ba ha ka jingim ngin iaid lyngba bun ki jingkynthoh bad jingkynnoh, ym dei shuh tang haba phi sniew ne leh sniew ba phi shah kynthoh shah kynnoh hynrei wat lada phi bha phi lehbha ruh don beit ba bishni ba kynthoh. Takadaw donkam ban long kiba shaniah skhem ha la ka nongrim lade bad leh bad iaid shakhmat ia kaei kaba phi sngewbit ba kadei bad bha ban leh. Lada phi sngewthuh ba phi bakla haei re haei lane iano re iano long kiba kloi ban pynbeit bad ban panmap ban iabha bad iasuk bad ai ba ka jingiadei kan suhsieng beit shakhmat khnang ba ha ka khim ka jynjar phin ym sahkut re marwei khlem dadon mano re mano ban iarap.
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444names · 2 years
cambodian names BUT excluding "h"
Andr Antoun Arim Ariss Aromao Baem Baeng Banamporn Bandr Batta Beerring Beerry Beers Beng Born Boueng Bouer Bouk Boulav Boung Bour Bourn Bous Bouy Bung Buos Canary Candr Cannim Darey Daros Davon Denem Deng Ding Doma Doueng Doun Dukeoun Duongin Duongsey Duot Duoys Eakkley Ealun Eanna Earideng Eary Easok Ienary Iendr Ieun Ieung Ieur Ieurp Ievara Ingoung Ivon Jang Jankri Jann Jannat Jayan Jayasor Jeney Jeng Jingim Jung Kaidy Kain Kallisot Kalun Kalung Kana Kann Kanrom Keak Keann Keas Keng Keoun Kimol Kirajen Korng Kortes Kosam Koum Koun Kour Koys Kridy Kung Kuon Kuong Kuorn Kuorna Lain Lamoul Lang Lann Lavann Lavy Leamoeun Liem Lien Ling Lisna Listnak Liya Liyandray Liyanny Liyat Liyattim Loeun Loeurnak Lonikang Lorea Lorearn Makar Makklean Makrin Mampov Mandr Mang Manne Mannem Maok Marisen Maritim Maro Mary Meanna Meanneann Mearat Meav Menget Mlim Mling Mliv Mlivong Moeu Momia Mong Mouangoy Moun Moung Mout Mungov Mungset Munna Muon Muos Muosaly Naek Naen Nakk Nakri Namborn Namrom Nara Naroeu Narri Neakry Neat Neous Nerry Neryas Nettana Ngeari Ngimol Ngsem Ngvon Nika Nimoeun Nivoeun Noeun Nonguorn Nonim Nopo Norm Norn Norouk Noueng Noul Noulam Nounn Nouren Nous Nuong Nuongim Nuos Oeung Omampoy Omap Ongim Orny Otpeanda Oulaing Ourm Ovan Ovanat Pana Pann Pannarov Peam Peandra Peap Pear Ping Pisarat Pisnat Pistna Poem Poeun Poeung Porn Pouan Pouers Pouy Poys Prang Prataing Prattat Prea Prear Prem Pret Prey Prou Proueng Prov Prun Prung Prungim Prungov Rajeng Raka Rang Rattai Rattaulat Rean Reang Reann Reanna Reanrot Reap Rearay Reary Reavy Riam Ridara Ridarn Ridy Riendray Rieun Ringuon Risey Rison Roda Rodav Roeu Rouanniv Roub Roun Rounnakng Rour Rourn Rovay Rung Sakk Saly Sambang Sambat Samboun Samea Samey Samol Sampel Sampoeurm Samren Samrisey Samronim Sanly Sanna Sannaray Saok Sara Sari Sarisen Sarntry Saryna Sata Satain Satangsey Savara Seou Seous Seret Serrisok Serry Sida Sidy Siem Sieun Sieung Sievy Sila Silav Silay Silonim Silov Sisai Sisam Sisek Siseou Sivoem Sivoeun Sivon Sivong Sivor Soda Soeu Soeub Soeum Somary Songov Songoy Sonim Sopeav Sopen Sopeng Sopeoung Sortep Sotpei Sotpel Sotpen Sotpeng Soub Sous Sowat Sreakklea Sreamrian Sreap Sreara Srem Srendary Srendray Sret Srom Srongset Srum Srung Suket Sukva Sukvan Sukvann Sukvay Suorn Suoy Surem Surp Sury Svan Taidy Tain Tandr Tangvong Tann Teak Teakklek Teal Teang Teap Teas Teat Terea Tereap Terey Terrin Ters Terynary Tevay Tieun Tilong Tiloun Timom Tiya Toang Toann Topoem Toub Toum Toung Tour Trea Trisey Trit Tuong Tuos Tuot Ungsek Vana Vanda Vangoy Vannaeng Vannam Vannat Vanroeun Vara Varit Varna Vary Vean Veanda Veap Veat Veavy Vendary Ving Visamrey Visery Visim Visna Viss Voeung Voeury Vonim Voren Vorng Wing Yasna Yasnam Yeang Ying Yingear Yivoeun Yoeung Yoeury Yosam Youl Youn Young Yourn Yung
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behindfairytales · 3 years
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Remy Hii in Marco Polo (s2) as Prince Jingim
more on the source link
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iparistarkov · 3 years
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just finished marco polo...it was AMAZING. such a shame netflix always cancels good shows
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marvelthalia · 4 years
Fan Theory that Kublai Khan was in love with Marco Polo (Netflix)
Okay so I will admit I’m not well read enough to understand what coquetry means without looking it up. For those who like me, don’t know it means flirtatious behaviour. The reason I bring this up is because I was going through the Khan’s speech when he goes off on Marco about saving his father whilst Jingim’s kids are being born and every line of it just makes it seem more and more like he loved Marco or though Marco was in love with him. I know people always put Marco in as the Khan’s ‘son’ or ship him Jingim (which I also do) but just look at this speech and tell me he’s not head over heels in love with this Europe. N.B. This is only about the Netflix TV show, obviously not about real life.
The world gets bigger, so you open your arms wider. Is that not the Ghengis way?You let in the outsiders, with their sad eyes and wounded hearts, the orphaned son, the abandoned boy, you let them in your home, learn from them? Yes, but raise them and love them? Offer them all the magic the whole world has to offer? They fuck you. Oaths? Meaningless. Love in their eyes, worthless. Heart they promise you, will never be. Oh, they’ll stare, plead. Love mixed with awe mixed with coquetry mixed with an insatiable festering need. Need of a home, need of a father, need of a fucking place in the world. Give them all of this and more and what do they do, they scurry back to their dubious relations despite their meager characters that lack entirely of heart.
Like are you kidding me? The “orphaned son” must be his adopted son Ahmad but the “abandoned boy”? That’s defo Marco.  “Raise them” is Ahmad (even though Polo is like 19 when he reaches Cambulac) but the “love them” is referring to both of them because he loves them both one as a son and one as something more perhaps?
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“Offer them all the magic the whole world has to offer” What do you, a king, do for your lover if not show them all the wonders of the world. When he showed him Xanadu in S2 tell me that wasn’t some showing off to a crush like look at my magic city, look at me climb this mountain and watch me stare down a wolf, come on a nice romantic secluded hike with me.
“Love in their eyes” “Heart they promise you, will never be” I don’t even have to explain this one, like come on guys. Kublai clearly thought Marco loved him, like LOVED him, and he’s heartbroken and pissed off now that he thinks that not true.
And that brings us to where we started “Love mixed with awe mixed with coquetry mixed with an insatiable fucking need” Kublai probably liked the power imbalance, this young boy completely out of his depth with no friends, completely at his mercy and the mercy of his every whim. A pretty boy with flowery words who spends half his time playing chess with the Khan in his private quarters and whispering sweet nothings about his empire.
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But here’s the clincher of my little reading-too-much-into-subtext theory. Marco actually DID love him. I was convinced after I finished the show that Marco had Stockholm Syndrome and there was an explanation/theory on AO3 which outlined all of the good reasons for this, the fact that he can never bring himself to leave the Khan even when he does horrible things, even when he kills little boys who just want a hug and when he sentences Marco to death or beats a man to death in front of him he still remains loyal to the Khan even when multiple people ask him to run away with them or tell him to leave and give him a means of escape he won’t do it and I thought that was textbook Stockholm and it definitely still is but there’s more to it. Marco is in love with Kublai Khan and that’s why he’s so invested in the Mongol Empire, why he constantly risks his own life to save him and why he will never leave.
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Also note that this isn’t a healthy relationship I’m proposing between the two, Kublai has waaaaaaay to much power over him, he’s way older (his sons are the same age if not older than him) and Marco really is just too much in need of a home and a place in the world. I don’t even think the Khan is purposely taking advantage of him in a weird way, he’s just the most powerful guy in the area, of course he’s going to be used to having utter control over other people lives but with Marco he’s almost like a fun Latin novelty who he gets to induct into this new way of thinking where the Khan is his be all and end all and Marco is utterly devoted to him by the end. For a guy on a power trip I can only assume that would be fun and we saw with Mei Lin how easy it was for a royal concubine to worm their way into his good books and arguably into his heart (if not his bed). The only other person who I think gets that same level of devotion is Kokachin the fake blue princess who we have explicitly seen he loves and even she gets left on read when the Khan’s needs (and his father’s) take precedent.
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Kublai loves Marco and that’s why Jingim hates him so much in S1 (amongst other reason like the fact that he never keeps his mouth shut), heck he might have even also been in love with Marco and jealous that his father would likley get first dibs. 
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My last and most compelling piece of evidence is simply put, how could anyone look at Marco Polo and not fall in love with him?
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Marco Polo / Assassin’s Creed Au
A assassin from the order to go to China to kill a man of interest a politic on the South Chinese court . But she ends up being taken to Cambulac , where the great Kublai Khan reign . She end up staying at court and bringing up the attention of many and the dislike of some . Such a s the Khan’s son Jingim.
So one night he goes after her , while she is on the way to her quarters , he tries to intimidate her but it showes to be a very ineffective movie , so trying to destabilize her he suddenly kisses her .
And that’s how he feels in love with this strange Latin woman , who fights as fast as the wind , moves as shadow on the corridors of his father’s fortress and describes everything in a peculiar way .
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convenientalias · 5 years
For the crossover ask meme: Marco Polo and Swordspoint (because they both need more love)
A crossover ship I’d dig: Oh dear, I’d ship Richard St. Vier with so many people.
So, first of all, I think I’d probably ship him with Khutulun bc they’re both fighters and he might even be able to beat Khutulun (though I’m not sure of that). I don’t know if Khutulun would approve of his profession because I think the twisted Swordspoint rules of dueling would probably piss her off (they’re kind of shady) but she’d definitely be impressed by his skills. And I just think they might easily hook up. (And of course keep their relationship or affair secret forever.)
Then I’d also ship him with Mei Lin. Somehow they’d both get pulled into the same plot and they’d both be really frustrated with the political scheming they’d been pulled into. Then... I can picture them getting together in a variety of ways. Some rich patron who Mei Lin is currently working for (?) tells her to service St. Vier as a reward for him (which he’d probably be pretty eh about), and they end up getting together after this with mutual animosity towards her current patron, whom they may or may not end up killing. Or, Mei Lin gets sent to kill St. Vier to get him out of the way, but he ends up beating her or she ends up deciding not to kill him at the last moment, and she tells him who sent her--and again, they end up teaming against the guy she’s working for. I just see this being a ship with politics and murder ya know.
I’d also ship St. Vier with Marco Polo. Marco has finally run away from Kublai’s court! He’s now kind of a stray on the run, and somehow ends up in Riverside, an odd corner of the Khan’s empire. St. Vier ends up taking him in much like he took in Alec, though Marco is somewhat less of a wild card and at the same time somewhat more restless and likely to leave to go on the run again. Anyways they carry on with an affair for a while until Marco hears about some major political event and decides he must return to Kublai. This is probably a bad idea bc you don’t just run away from an emperor and then return with no consequences, but St. Vier isn’t a guy to stop his lover from making their own decisions, and he lets Marco return, though not without some regrets.
I would also ship St. Vier with Jingim. They meet at court (I guess in this AU, Cambulac has the same weird dueling laws as the city in Swordspoint) and Jingim respects his swordsfighting skills but has little interest in him bc they’re just not on the same social stratum. Then one day St. Vier gets hired to fight Jingim. I can’t picture him doing this of his own accord (he knows better than to challenge the Khan’s son and heir) so he’s probably been blackmailed somehow, as in the Alec getting kidnapped situation. A very fierce duel follows, and somehow both survive, but just barely. Later on... they hook up?? Idk I just want this to happen.
The pattern here is that I want all my faves to hook up with St. Vier basically lols.
More below the cut!
A crossover BroTP I’d dig: Oh dear, I used up a lot of combinations in the ship section. Well, any of the above I’d enjoy as BroTPs as well as OTPs. But also, consider: Vincent Applethorpe & Hundred Eyes.
Hundred Eyes does not consider the modern conventions of dueling as honorable-- he does not approve of the customs current in Cambulac. However, he is incredibly good at both martial arts and swordsfighting, and back in the day he was renowned among duelers. Of course, since he works for Kublai (and before that, lived off in a lonely village doing his own thing), no professional duelist has tried to learn from him. But if only they could....
So Vincent Applethorpe has heard of the legend, but he never thought he’d actually meet Hundred Eyes. Then one day, a strange young man comes to Applethorpe’s school--Marco Polo. Applethorpe doesn’t recognize him right away and begins to teach him, finding he does have the money to pay at least. It’s only weeks later that he finds out that Marco Polo is the Khan’s guest, when Hundred Eyes shows up at the school to scold Marco for coming to learn from someone other than him. Marco insists that he wasn’t learning well from Hundred Eyes, wasn’t learning fast enough--and Hundred Eyes is teaching him how to fight in self defense or in battle but not so much how to duel, and Marco is worried that someone might challenge him soon. He’s becoming rapidly involved in court politics, and he’s seen how that ends for some people.
Anyways Hundred Eyes reads Marco the riot act, but he’s actually somewhat impressed by Applethorpe. He and Applethorpe do a little sparring, and he reluctantly says that if Marco wants to learn from Applethorpe as well as Hundred Eyes that’s fine; only Hundred Eyes will sometimes come and sit in on their sessions. Applethorpe is completely over the moon at this bc again, Hundred Eyes is a fuckign LEGEND.
They become bros.
A crossover Frenemies I think would be inevitable: Ahmad and Alec.
No matter how I form this crossover, I can’t really picture Alec being a native noble in Cambulac; he’s too “Latin”. So in this AU, he’s sort of a traveling scholar. He’s known to be a noble from [insert country name here] and Kublai has invited him to stay in Cambulac. “Invited” him in more or less the same way he “invited” Marco. Alec’s stuck in Cambulac and can’t leave, and he’s kind of grumpy about it, and he’s still a rude, capricious wild card. No one has any idea why Kublai keeps him around and hasn’t yet executed him for his presumption. Especially not Ahmad. (And also Jingim but I’ll get there later.)
Ahmad and Alec have a tendency to make catty comments at each other and they probably shouldn’t be left in the same room. However, they also for some reason enjoy each other’s company. They like playing games together and sharing rumors they’ve heard (though always keeping their own secrets), recognize that they are both kind of treacherous, and generally have a lot of fun. I feel like at some point they may have a threesome with Mei Lin, or just hook up. (....somehow I’ve continued to just keep on shipping things.) Also, Ahmad kind of empathizes with Alec as another of the Khan’s strays--more than he empathizes with Marco in the show, bc while Alec is whiny he’s also just really fun, and also isn’t directly getting in the way of Ahmad’s plans bc he’s not really politically involved, he’s just There.
A crossover badass duo I think would be inevitable: See the shipping section.
Lols but really, can you even picture St. Vier and Mei Lin taking down one of Mei Lin’s patrons (possibly Ahmad? or Jia Sidao?), or. Oh my God. What if. The reason St. Vier challenged Jingim is because Ahmad had kidnapped Alec--Ahmad had ample opportunity for this bc see above, he and Alec are best frenemies. Don’t ask why Ahmad wanted to get Jingim murdered; he had his reasons. Now St. Vier and Jingim must take on Ahmad together, but Ahmad isn’t such a fool as to let Alec go after the duel failed to kill either of them, so the situation is very tricky.
This is an imperfect scenario, however, bc it’s very straightforward for Ahmad. If not Ahmad, maybe the kidnapper was Kaidu? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
A crossover animosity I think would be inevitable: ALEC AND JINGIM.
Why do Alec and Jingim hate each other? Let me count the ways.
First of all, Jingim dislikes that his father keeps on getting new favorites rather than focusing on him. And what did Alec do to deserve his current status as honored guest in Cambulac? Literally nothing! I mean, maybe he’s a decent scholar, but he’s not THAT amazing. In fact, I bet he was rude to Kublai when they first met in hopes that Kublai would kill him. (Unfortunately, Kublai had already heard about Alec and knew he was suicidal, and so could see through this motivation easily, and has been refusing to kill him partly bc he doesn’t like being manipulated into these things.) Jingim just does not understand why Kublai grants Alec so much leeway and spends so much time with him when Alec is a complete bitch!
And then there’s the fact that Alec is also friends with Ahmad. Jingim has always wanted to be closer to his two brothers, but with Ahmad... it’s like there’s a wall there. Sometimes he feels like they’re close, and sometimes he feels like they’re far apart, despite being raised together. Yet even when Alec and Ahmad fight, they clearly get each other in ways that Jingim does not understand.
Why does Alec hate Jingim? Partly just bc he’s the son of the guy who’s holding prisoner (excuse me, guest) in Cambulac. Partly bc he’s kind of stiff and formal, and has been pissed at Alec’s rudeness since Day One. And partly bc St. Vier is into Jingim and Alec knows it. Idk if they’ve hooked up yet or not (I’m really unsure on the chronology of all these ships) but at the very least, St. Vier always has positive things to say about Jingim and is oddly deferential towards him, more than he tends to be towards a noble. Alec is completely certain that if Jingim took up with St. Vier, St. Vier would drop Alec in a heartbeat. Bc Jingim is better than Alec. He’s a noble who actually does his job, he’s incredibly good looking, and he doesn’t get into all the trouble that Alec does. So Alec’s kind of paranoid about that. Even if it doesn’t seem likely that Jingim WILL start an affair with St. Vier anytime soon (Jingim has his wives, and he’s only somewhat interested in St. Vier, and St. Vier is a little wary of starting an affair with the Khan’s son), it doesn’t matter. As long as Alec knows (or thinks he knows) that St. Vier would prefer to be with Jingim over Alec, he will always hate Jingim.
So. Jingim and Alec hate each other. And yet the sexual tension there is very strong.
Anyways. I didn’t think I’d have this many feelings on this crossover but I’m into it! Thanks for the ask.
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Ghost of Tsushima - E3 2018 Gameplay Debut | PS4
Ghost of Tsushima is an upcoming video game for the PS4 which depicts the Mongol Invasion of Japan (Tsushima being an island the Mongolian fleet landed on) in 1274. This is quite exciting, as it is the first, that I know of, big title historical game of this style which includes the Mongol Empire (excluding the Total War series and those sorts of games). In 1274, Kublai Khan, Great Khan of the Mongol Empire and grandson of Chinggis Khan, sent a fleet to the bring the island of Japan to heel. Kublai was on the verge on completing the conquest of China by this point, and could afford to send a small portion of his army in an unusual overseas expedition.
Kublai had demanded the Japanese submit to Mongol rule, as per the belief that Heaven had decreed that all of the earth was to be ruled over by the descendants of Chinggis Khan. Simply put, to Kublai it was only inevitable that the Mongols would rule the world. Japanese refusal to enter into such a relationship was tantamount to a declaration of war, as they were not only rebuffing Kublai but Heaven itself. Further, Japanese pirates had raided the coast of Korea, Kublai’s subjects, and had continued to trade with the Southern Song Dynasty, his foe in south China. In addition to the brusque reception of his envoys, Kublai could not allow such insults to go unpunished.
As the Mongols had little experience in naval operations, Kublai relied on his Korean and Chinese subjects to supply the vessels, much of the manpower and the supplies necessary for the invasion. So while the command and a considerable portion of the army was Mongolian, much more of the fleet would have been Korean and Chinese.
While the Mongols won much of the confrontations with the Japanese, (in a favourite anecdote of mine, a Japanese Samurai rode out to challenge a Mongol officer to single combat, as per Japanese custom. The Mongols, fighting in units tactics, filled the Samurai with arrows, as per Mongol custom), they were unable to establish an effective beachhead in Hakata Bay, and only truly managed to overrun some smaller islands off the coast. Famously, the fleet was dispersed and destroyed when a typhoon rose up and smashed it, but not before smaller Japanese vessels had succeeded in getting in among the larger Mongolian vessels and setting many aflame. Indeed, the Japanese owe much of the victory to their military ability and Mongol unpreparedness as they do to the typhoon.
By 1281, Kublai was ready to avenge his defeat and send another fleet to Japan. By then, the Song had finally been conquered, but Kublai was aging, alcoholic, suffering from gout and en route to becoming increasingly removed from the ‘on the ground’ situation. That year his chief wife Chabi died, a steadying hand on the emperor, and he had already outlived much of his friends and family. Kublai launched his second invasion, but it too met with disaster: this larger fleet was less prepared, the fleets uncoordinated, much of the supplies were lost to the summer heat and most seaworthy vessels were lost in the previous invasion. Korea had been stripped of ships, men and rice, while the Japanese had anticipated another attack and completed a sea wall along Hakata Bay, where once again the Mongols were unable to land their troops. Famously, this fleet too was destroyed by a sudden typhoon. This seeming divine intervention created a belief in Japanese invincibility and the aid of divine winds to protect Japan, the Kamikaze. For Kublai, the rest of his military ventures (even sending a fleet to Indonesia, and considered a third invasion of Japan!) would prove failures, and he died obese and depressed in 1294, having outlived his son and successor Jingim and overseen the split in his grandfather's empire into four independent Khanates.
I am interested in how much of this the game will take into account: particularly the distinction between Koreans, Chinese and Mongols in the fleet, as well as the battlefield ability of the Mongols. I anticipate however, that the game with rather depict the Mongols as a medieval equivalent of the Orcs from Lord of the Rings with no thought to tactics or strategy, but I am happy to be surprised and as it is it is visually one of the most impressive games I've seen. Note however, that from what I can see of the armour the Mongols are wearing it does not look particularly historically accurate, but it does seem they are going for a more 'stylized' theme than anything.
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Amarendra Baahubali [Prabhas], Baahubali Series (2015-2017)
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Balian de Ibelin [Orlando Bloom], Kingdom of Heaven (2005)
Bjørn Ironside [Alexander Ludwig], Vikings (2013-2020)
Sir Bowen [Dennis Quaid], Dragonheart (1996)
Elrond Half-elven [Robert Aramayo], The Rings of Power (2022-)
Geoffrey Chaucer [Pier Paolo Pasolini], The Canterbury Tales (1972)
King Henry VIII [Ray Winstone], Henry VIII (2003)
Isildur, Son of Elendil [Maxim Baldry], The Rings of Power (2022-)
Prince Jingim [Remy Hii], Marco Polo (2014)
Kai [Michael Gothard], Arthur of the Britons (1972, 1973)
Sir Lancelot [Richard Gere], First Knight (1995)
Merlin [Nicol Williamson], Excalibur (1981)
“The Mute” [John Bernthal], Pilgrimage (2017)
“One-Eye” [Mads Mikkelsen], Valhalla Rising (2009)
Sir Percival [Tom Hopper], BBC’s Merlin (2008-2012)
Pero Tovar [Pedro Pascal], The Great Wall (2016)
Ragnar Lothbrook [Travis Fimmel], Vikings (2013-2020)
Richard III [Benedict Cumberbatch], The Hollow Crown (2012-2016)
Robin Hood [Tom Riley], Doctor Who: “The Robot of Sherwood” (2014)
“The Sherriff of Nottingham” [Alan Wheatley], The Adventures of Robin Hood (1955-1959)
“The Sherriff of Nottingham” [Peter Cushing], The Sword of Sherwood Forest (1960)
Syrio Forel [Miltos Yerolemou], Game of Thrones (2011-2019)
Tormund Giantsbane [Kristofer Hivju], Game of Thrones (2011-2019)
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Amleth [Alexander Skarsgård], The Northman (2022)
Arman [Matevy Lykov], I Am Dragon (2015)
King Arthur [Graham Chapman], Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
Asneez [Isaac Hayes], Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993)
Ash Williams [Bruce Campbell], Army of Darkness (1992)
Azog the Defiler [Manu Bennett], The Hobbit Trilogy (2012-2014)
Ser Barristan Selmy [Ian McIlhinney], Game of Thrones (2011-2019)
Sir Brian de Bois-Guilbert [Sam Neill], Ivanhoe (1982)
Carlos I [Álvaro Cervantes], Carlos Rey Emperador (2015-2016)
Cesare Borgia [Mark Ryder], Borgia: Faith and Fear (2011-2014)
Charles Brandon [Henry Cavill], The Tudors (2007-2010)
Chu Hun [Peter Ho], Double World (2020)
Connor MacLeod [Christopher Lambert], Highlander (1986)
Prince Dastan [Jake Gyllenhaal], Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (2010)
Dong Yilong [Henry Lau], Double World (2020)
Eamon Valda [Abdul Salis], The Wheel of Time (2021-)
Sir Elyan [Adetomiwa Edun], BBC’s Merlin (2008-2012)
Forge Fitzwilliam [Hugh Grant], Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (2023)
Galavant [Joshua Sasse], Galavant (2015-2016)
Galessin, Duke of Orkney [Alexis Hénon], Kaamelott (2004-2009)
Gandalf [Ian McKellan], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003)
Geralt z Rivii [Michał Żebrowski], The Witcher (2002)
Gimli, Son of Gloin [John Rhys-Davies], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003)
Prince Hamlet [Christopher Plummer], Hamlet at Elsinore (1964)
King Henry V Plantagenet [Kenneth Branagh], Henry V (1989)
Prince Humperdink [Chris Sarandon], The Princess Bride (1987)
Ivanhoe [Anthony Andrews], Ivanhoe (1982)
Jack [Tom Cruise], Legend (1985)
Ser Jaime Lannister [Nikolaj Coster-Waldau], Game of Thrones (2011-2019)
Jaskier [Joey Batey], The Witcher (2019-)
Little John [Eric Allan Kramer], Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993)
Prince John [Richard Lewis], Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993)
Sir Lancelot [Luc Simon], Lancelot du Lac (1974)
Sir Lancelot [Santiago Cabrera], BBC’s Merlin (2008-2012)
Loial [Hammed Animashaun], The Wheel of Time (2022-)
Matrim “Mat” Cauthon [Donal Finn], The Wheel of Time (2022)
Meriadoc “Merry” Brandybuck [Dominic Monaghan], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003)
Mikoláš Kozlík [František Velecký], Marketa Lazarová (1967)
Murtagh Morzansson [Garrett Hedlund], Eragon (2002)
Niankoro [Issiaka Kane], Yeelen (1987)
Niccolo Machiavelli [Thibaut Evrard], Borgia: Faith and Fear (2011-2014)
Phillippe Gaston [Matthew Broderick], Ladyhawke (1985)
“The Player” [Richard Dreyfuss], Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead (1990)
Rand al’Thor [Josha Stradowski], The Wheel of Time (2022-)
Richard II Plantagenet [Ben Whishaw], The Hollow Crown (2012-2016)
Robin Hood [Kevin Costner], Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991)
Robin Hood [Jonas Armstrong], BBC’s Robin Hood (2006-2009)
Rodrigo Borgia [Jeremy Irons], The Borgias (2011-2013)
Rollo [Clive Standen], Vikings (2013-2020)
Roose Bolton [Michael McElhatton], Game of Thrones (2011-2019)
Saruman [Christopher Lee], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003)
Sid [Luke Youngblood], Galavant (2015-2016)
“Taunting French Guard” [John Cleese], Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
King Theoden, Son of Thengel [Bernard Hill], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003)
Thierry of Janville [Jean-Claude Drouot], Thierry la Fronde (1963-1966)
Sir Thomas Grey [Nigel Terry], Covington Cross (1992)
Trumpkin [Peter Dinklage], The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian (2008)
Vlad III Dracula [Luke Evans], Dracula Untold (2014)
Wat [Alan Tudyk], A Knight’s Tale (2001)
Wen Kexing [Gong Jun], Word of Honor (2021
And the following 57 have had fewer than 3 pictures submitted as visual propaganda
Prince Aemond Targaryen [Ewan Mitchell], House of the Dragon (2022-)
Ahmad [Mahesh Jadu], Marco Polo (2014)
Shah Ala ad Daula [Olivier Martinez], The Physician (2013)
Alessandro Farnese [Diarmuid Noyes], Borgia (2011-2014)
Amarendra Baahubali [Prabhas], Baahubali (2015-2017)
Amleth [Alexander Skarsgård], The Northman (2022)
Arman [Matvey Lykov], I Am Dragon (2015)
Arthur Pendragon [Oliver Tobias], Arthur of the Britons (1972-1973)
King Arthur [Sean Connery], First Knight (1995)
Sir Bowen [Dennis Quaid], Dragonheart (1996)
Sir Brian de Bois-Guilbert [Sam Neill], Ivanhoe (1982)
Carlos I [Álvaro Cervantes], Carlos Rey Emperador (2015-2016)
King Caspian X [Samuel West], BBC’s Prince Caspian and the Voyage of the Dawn Treader (1989)
Cesare Borgia [Mark Ryder], Borgia (2011-2014)
Prince Charmont [Hugh Dancy], Ella Enchanted (2004)
Chu Hun [Peter Ho], Double World (2020)
Connor MacLeod [Christopher Lambert], Highlander (1986)
Dong Yilong [Henry Lau], Double World (2020)
Fjölnir [Claes Bang], The Northman (2022)
Francesco de Pazzi [Matteo Martari], Medici (2016-2019)
Geoffrey Chaucer [Pier Paolo Pasolini], The Canterbury Tales (1972)
Gest [Jakob Þór Einarsson], Hrafninn flýgur (1984)
Gimli, Son of Gloin [John Rhys-Davies], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003)
King Henry II [Peter O’Toole], The Lion in Winter (1968)
Hugh Beringar [Sean Pertwee], Cadfael (1994-1998)
Prince Jingim [Remy Hii], Marco Polo (2014)
Little John [Nicol Williamson], Robin and Marian (1976)
Kai [Michael Gothard], Arthur of the Britons (1972, 1973)
Sir Lancelot [Richard Gere], First Knight (1995)
Lurtz [Lawrence Makoare], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003)
Meriadoc “Merry” Brandybuck [Dominic Monaghan], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003)
Merlin [Nicol Williamson], Excalibur (1981)
Much [Sam Troughton], BBC’s Robin Hood (2006-2009)
Murtagh Morzansson [Garrett Hedlund], Eragon (2002)
Niankoro [Issiaka Kane], Yeelen (1987)
Niccolo Machiavelli [Thibaut Evrard], Borgia: Faith and Fear (2011-2014)
“The Player” [Richard Dreyfuss], Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead (1990)
Podrick Payne [Daniel Portman], Game of Thrones (2011-2019)
Rilk [Jesse Lee Keeter] JourneyQuest (2010)
Robert the Bruce [Chris Pine], Outlaw King (2018)
Robin Longstride [Russell Crowe], Robin Hood (2010)
Saburo Naotora Ichimonji [Ryu Daisuke], Ran (1985)
Sid [Luke Youngblood], Galavant (2015-2016)
Sihtric Kjartansson [Arnas Fedaravicius], The Last Kingdom (2015-2022)
Syrio Forel [Miltos Yerolemou], Game of Thrones (2011-2019)
“Taunting French Guard” [John Cleese], Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
Thierry of Janville [Jean-Claude Drouot], Thierry la Fronde (1963-1966)
Sir Thomas Grey [Nigel Terry], Covington Cross (1992)
Thraxus Boorman [Amar Chadha-Patel], Willow (2022]
Sir Tristan [Kingsley Ben-Adir], King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017)
Uglúk [Nathaniel Lees], The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003)
“Unnamed Elf Escort” (Alias: “Figwit”), The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003)
Wen Kexing [Gong Jun], Word of Honor (2021
Wil Ohmsford [Austin Butler], The Shannara Chronicles (2016)
Will Scarlett [Patrick Knowles], The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938)
Will Scarlett [Christian Slater], Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991)
Willow Ufgood [Warwick Davis], Willow (1988, 2022)
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galatariel · 2 years
(side note who's the fine ass man in your new header it's for science)
the guy in my header is prince jingim from the netflix show marco polo!!!!! [this is where i try to hold in how much i love history and the mongol empire bc otherwise i'm gonna start talking abt kublai khan and the rest of 13th century history]
🎤 lavender haze!! it makes me want to wear a lilac shimmery dress under streetlights 🎤 anti-hero - i'll stare directly at the sun but never in the mirror...she gets me 🎤 the great war...the name alone is right up my alley 🎤 would've could've should've > smth abt 'give me back my girlhood it was mine first!!' 🎤 mastermind....obsessed
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