#jinbam gifs
princeofjinhae · 2 years
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I love jinyoung and bambam so much😔💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
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mystery-box-gifs · 2 years
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kpopfeeds · 2 years
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j i n b a m 
 0 8 . 2 0 . 2 0 2 2 
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beomie-rabbit · 4 years
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We even got JinBam at the end🥰💙💜
Credits: Got7 on YouTube, gifs made by me -A🐰💜
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imjaebumaf · 5 years
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bambam making jinyoung laugh bonus:
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pinkhoodiemark · 5 years
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a very older brother/younger brother moment
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dexfsoul · 5 years
Nevermind, I’m in Neverland Pt. 2 {JinBamGyeom}
Summery: In which BamBam feels like a third wheel in his own relationship and it’s up to Jinyoung and Yugyeom to fix that
Pairing: Jinyoung x BamBam x Yugyeom
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Word Count: 2.1k
Part 1
They’d been searching for the missing boy for an hour straight. They had no idea where BamBam had went nor any way to contact him since Yugyeom still had his phone. They figured he’d left the festival after breaking things off with them, but that gave them zero head starts as to where he actually went. They’d checked everywhere they could thing of, the park, his favourite store, even the coffee shop the three of them go to every Sunday, the only place they hadn’t checked was home.
“Do you think he would’ve gone home?” Yugyeom asked.
“I have no idea at this point,” Jinyoung sighed, rubbing his face.
He felt exhausted, he just wanted to go home and fall asleep with both of his boyfriends in his arms. A loud ring cut through his thoughts and Jinyoung pulled out his phone, annoyed.
“It’s Youngjae,” He said before answering.
“Hey,” Youngjae said as soon as Jinyoung picked up, he sounded worried.
“Hey, what’s up?” Jinyoung asked, becoming concerned for his friend.
“BamBam showed up here a little bit ago,” Youngjae spoke and Jinyoung felt his heart rate spike. “He was in hysterics, crying and saying his phone was missing. He told me not to call you, but honestly I don’t know what else do to. He’s currently passed out on our couch.”
“He’s at your house?” Jinyoung asked, processing all the information. “And he’s okay?”
“Yeah, what happened?”
“We’ll explain later,” Jinyoung stood motioning for Yugyeom to follow him. “We’re on our way over there now.”
Jinyoung hung up and quickly turned to Yugyeom to explain.
“He went to Mark and Youngjae’s, why didn’t we think of that?”
BamBam woke up to voices speaking quietly behind him. He stirred uncomfortably, he just wanted to sleep right now and ignore the rest of the world. His entire body ached, he felt exhausted, mentally and physically.
“And then he told us he didn’t want to this anymore, he broke things off with us,” Jinyoung explained to a sympathetic Youngjae.
“But we’re here to fix it,” Yugyeom cut in, “We messed up, but we can’t just let him walk out of our lives. He means so much to us.”
“I know he does,” Youngjae sighed sympathetically, “Talk to him, hear him out. He feels betrayed by you two and it’ll take a lot to get his trust back, but I believe you can do it. Take all the time you need, Mark and I are gonna go out for a bit, just lock the door when you leave. ”
“Thanks Youngjae,” Jinyoung pulled the younger into a hug, Yugyeom doing the same once Jinyoung let go.
“No problem,” Youngjae spoke before leaving.
BamBam laid on the couch with his eyes shut tightly. He’d heard it all, but he wouldn’t let himself fall for false promises again.
It took everything in BamBam’s body to not react to Jinyoung’s warm hand that caressed his back. Instead, he turned on his side, facing the back of the couch. He heard Jinyoung release a heavy sigh at his actions. BamBam felt the older getting tired of him already, but it was quite the opposite. Jinyoung felt guilt clawing at him, and he wanted nothing more than to scoop the younger into his arms and show him how much he loved him, but that’s not what BamBam wanted. Jinyoung threw a glance at the youngest of the three who had been kneeling beside him in silence. Yugyeom looked close to tears once again as he held BamBam’s arm. 
“Bam, I know you’re hurt right now. We messed up. We really, really did, we’re not asking you to forgive us, but please just let us apologize,” Yugyeom spoke, voice shaky and broken. 
“Why should I? You guys only want me for the sex anyway,” BamBam scoffed, tugging his arm out of the younger’s grasp. 
He didn’t mean it, but BamBam just says the first thing that comes to mind when he’s upset. He’s petty, what can he say? 
“Excuse me?” 
Jinyoung winced at the tone of Yugyeom’s voice. They’ve been dealing with people accusing them of being sex crazed freaks since they started dating BamBam, and hearing that from BamBam himself, well, it hurt, a lot. Yugyeom stood, face red and fists clenched, and for a second Jinyoung thought he might walk out, but he then reached down and balled BamBam’s shirt in his fist. He yanked BamBam up with all his strength, BamBam letting out a sharp squeal. BamBam grabbed onto the couch in an attempt to balance himself, eyes wide. Now that BamBam sat straight up Yugyeom leaned down close to his face and jabbed a finger into his chest, BamBam wincing at the harsh action. 
“You know good and well that’s not what this relationship’s about,” Yugyeom hissed, “After all that we’ve had to hear from other people about us, you don’t get to say something like that when you know it’s not true.” 
“I know, okay!” Bam shouted, pressing his palms against his eyes. “I know it’s not true, I’m just upset.” 
“Then just listen to us so we can fix it!” Yugyeom bellowed. 
“I’m listening!” BamBam shouted back. 
The room fell silent, Yugyeom’s labored breath being the only thing heard while he had a stare off with the other. Jinyoung sat on the floor in shock, opening and closing his mouth like a fish out of water while he tried to form words. He had never seen Yugyeom angry, much less shout at someone. Cautiously, Jinyoung climbed onto the couch beside Bam and slipped his hand into the younger’s. BamBam’s breath hitched. He looked at their intertwined fingers in shock, crazy how much of an effect Jinyoung still had over him. 
“Let’s talk this out,” Jinyoung spoke, then added, “Preferably without yelling.” 
Yugyeom cracked a smile, calming down easily, and agreed, sitting on BamBam’s left. He placed a hand down on BamBam’s thigh causing the older’s heart to skip a beat and motioned for Jinyoung to continue. 
“This feeling left out thing,” Jinyoung began. making BamBam hang his head to avoid eye contact, “Is this something new or has it always been present?” 
“Both?” BamBam admitted, “Just recently it started getting bad, but I mean, it was always kinda there. You two have been together for years, and I just randomly joined one day. Of course I’m gonna feel like I’m intruding especially since it was so unplanned and random.” 
“You didn’t just randomly join, what do you mean?” Jinyoung furrowed his eyebrows. 
“Yeah I did,” BamBam argued, “One day we were friends then the next we’re drunkenly kissing at a party, then not even a month after that I’m living in your house.” 
“We had feelings for you way before the party thing even happened. What? Did you think we both just separately cheated on one another, then when we found out that we did it with the same person we were just like ‘Hey let’s ask him to join us’?” 
Embarrassed, BamBam shrugged, “Well, yeah.” 
The pair giggled at the boy. 
“Oh, babe,” Yugyeom sighed, pulling the older onto his lap and kissing his cheek. “I love you so much.” 
BamBam felt his ears turn red both from embarrassment and Yugyeom’s attention. 
“We had feelings for you way before that. I don’t know about Yugyeom, but I personally did for at least four months before the party,” Jinyoung explained. 
“Same for me,” Yugyeom cut in, “about four or five months.” 
“Yugyeom eventually came to me about his feelings and I confessed that I felt the same and we considered it for awhile before agreeing that we were okay with polyamory if it was you we were doing it with. We were supposed to confess to you together, but someone couldn’t wait, could he?” 
“Hey!” Yugyeom squeaked, “You kissed him too!” 
“Yeah cause I couldn’t let you be the only one making a move,” Jinyoung pouted. 
“Aw, was someone jealous I kissed Bam first?” Yugyeom teased. 
“Fuck off,” Jinyoung hissed, going red. 
“You two really had feelings for me during most of our friendship?” BamBam asked in disbelief, thinking back to the days when Jinyoung’s hand would linger for a bit too long leaving him breathless and Yugyeom would call him cute making him flush from head to toe. Back then he could’ve never imagined that he would one day get to be with, not one, but both of the boys he liked. 
“Yep,“ Jinyoung nodded
“Oh yeah, definitely,”  Yugyeom answered.
“I never-” BamBam inhaled, trying to keep his tears at bay. “I never knew that.” 
“Bam, the only reason we even went to that party was to talk to you,” Jinyoung confessed. 
The tears that BamBam had been holding in finally broke loose. He hiccuped, holding onto Yugyeom’s shirt tightly. Yugyeom held the crying boy against his chest, rocking him back and forth, placing small kisses on the top of his head, whispering a sweet ‘it’s okay’ every now and then. Jinyoung moved to kneel in front of the pair, wiping BamBam’s tears. 
“I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry. We didn’t realize how unwanted we were making you feel by not telling you that information,” Jinyoung apologized, a stray tear rolling down his cheek. 
 “I didn’t think-” BamBam hiccuped, “I didn’t think you two had feelings when we started dating. I thought I was just an experiment taken too far.” 
“No, no, no,” Jinyoung reassured, sitting back down beside Yugyeom and back hugging BamBam, placing his chin on Bam’s shoulder. “You were never just an experiment.” 
Both of the boy’s hearts ached for their boyfriend. They hadn’t realized how unloved he felt, and it crushed them to know that the fault fell on them.
“That doesn’t fix what we did though,” Yugyeom spoke up, gaining the attention of the other two. “Jinyoung and I have been paying more attention to each other than you lately and we can’t deny that. There’s no excuse for it, these types of relationships require a certain amount of balance that we’re not used to yet, and you were the one who ended up suffering because of that. We’re sorry, we really are, and we’d like to fix it if you’d give us a chance to.” 
BamBam looked into his boyfriend’s pleading eyes, they wanted to fix this. 
“I’d like that,” Bam finally spoke up. 
Both of his boyfriends grinned, pulling him into a bone-crushing hug. Kisses were peppered on his face, making the Thai laugh and attempt to escape. 
“No offence guys, I love Youngjae’s couch and all, but I’d really like to go home now,” BamBam said between giggles. 
“Yeah, me too,” Yugyeom agreed. 
The trio gathered their things and made their way to the door. Feeling a tug on his hand, BamBam turned around and was immediately pulled into a kiss by Jinyoung. Getting over the initial shock, he placed his hand on Jinyoung’s nape and kissed back. 
“Guys,” Yugyeom whined from where he stood at the door. 
The pair separated, giggling like school girls. 
Yugyeom rolled his eyes and opened the door only for Youngjae to stumble in, Mark fumbling as well, but staying more composed. 
“Were you eavesdropping on us?!” Yugyeom shouted. 
“No,” Youngjae scoffed. 
“Not the whole time anyway,” Mark added. 
“Oh my god,” Jinyoung mumbled. 
“In our defense, we have friends coming over and we were waiting for you to leave,” Youngjae explained. 
Glancing past Youngjae, BamBam’s smile grew, “Jackson?” 
Hearing his name, Jackson looked into the room and grinned as well, “Hey! Doughnut boy!” 
Rushing forward, Jackson picked the other boy up in a hug and twirled him around. BamBam squealed in shock, but eventually laughed at the boy’s antics. 
“BamBam,” Bam introduced himself to the other once he got placed back down. 
“Jackson, please stop scaring people,” Jaebum sighed from where he stood at the doorway. 
“Whatever,” Jackson brushed him off, “How were the doughnuts? Did you like them?” 
“Actually they weren’t for me, boys?” BamBam turned to his boyfriends. 
“We didn’t eat them, more important things going on,” Jinyoung said. 
“I did,” Yugyeom spoke up, “It was delicious.” 
Jackson grinned, proud of him and his boyfriend’s work, but Jinyoung seemed less amused.
“You ate it?” Jinyoung asked in shock, “Our boyfriend was missing and you ate the doughnut?” 
“Well yeah, I wasn’t gonna waste it,” Yugyeom scoffed. 
“Well since we already have guests over,” Mark cut in, “Would you guys like to stay for a bit as well?“ 
“Thanks, but we’ll have to decline,” Jinyoung answered for the other two, “We have some stuff to take care of.” 
Mark nodded in understanding. 
“Bye Mark! Bye Jackson! Bye Jaebum!” BamBam shouted, leaving while his boyfriends followed behind him, waving goodbye to the group. 
“Goodbye to you too, BamBam!” Youngjae shouted, annoyed; BamBam shut the door in response. 
The three held hands on the walk home, BamBam in the middle. Weird how things can take a turn so quickly, BamBam started the day wishing he could disappear, and now, he felt like he might burst from the happiness bubbling inside him, and judging by what his boyfriends promised, things are gonna stay this way, and he couldn’t be more okay with that. 
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The rarely seen, glorious arms of Jinyoung
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jaesgyeom · 5 years
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jinyoung: bambam changed after debut.
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defwang · 6 years
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the OT7 in GOT7 💞
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graciaspepi · 5 years
Jinyoung ships❤️
JJP ❤️ Jinyoung + Jaebeom
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MarkJin❤️ Jinyoung + Mark
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Jinson❤️ Jinyoung + Jackson
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MarkJinson❤️ Jinyoung + Mark + Jackson
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2Young❤️ Jinyoung + Youngjae
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JinBam❤️Jinyoung + BamBam
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Jingyeom❤️ Jinyoung + Yugyeom
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Jinyoung + Yugbam❤️
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Jinyoung is loved❤️
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princeofjinhae · 2 years
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I love jinbam so much awww
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kobutoririsu · 6 years
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Yeah, you pat that flat ass, baby. They're always patting yours. 🐍🍑
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gyeomlatte · 6 years
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bambam giving the people what they want x
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marksseunie · 6 years
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savage jinyoung who? i only know savage bambam
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me hoping bambam will say “put your motherfuckin hands up for the king”
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me when i heard him curse
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