#jin + pink = everything
planetaryupscaled · 2 months
May the Best Sister Win
Male Reader x Heejin x Nana
Tags: 9k, first time, creampie, oral, threesome, tw
The story is not ours, we alternate the original story to match our desired settings.
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“Fuck me, please, fuck me...”
I buried my head into Nana’s shoulder, focusing all my energy on thrusting into her tight, wet pussy. She groaned, pulling me into her.
“Cum, please,” she moaned. “I want to cum together...”
Nana and I had met doing theatre in college. She was a beautiful, slim blonde with big brown eyes that complement her features, and her nipples stood pink and pointy on her breasts, which, though small, fit her slender frame. I looked down her body, flushed with coital bliss, to the triangle of trimmed hair between her spread legs, and her open pussy that made a slick sound as I drove into her.
“I’m getting close,” I huffed.
“Cum in me,” Nana said. “Fill me up.”
All of a sudden, we heard a voice from Nana’s living room: “Nan? Nana! HELLO?”
“Shit, that’s Heejin,” Nana whispered to me, rolling off me and throwing on one of my sweaters, which was large on her. “Quick, get dressed.”
My cock was shiny and throbbing, unhappy to be interrupted so close to completion, but there was nothing to be done. I pulled on some gym shorts.
“Hello!” Heejin said in a singsong voice as she burst happily into the room.
I think I managed to get my shorts up in time, but if Heejin saw, she didn’t react.
“Hey, Jin,” Nana said. “Nice of you to do away with that annoying custom of knocking before you enter.”
In my sexually frustrated state, I couldn’t help but notice how pretty Nana’s younger sister was.
Heejin was a freshman beauty with blonde hair that framed her angelic face like a young starlet. She had a petite figure just like her older sister, but with more generous curves, filling out a regular t-shirt with firm, prominent breasts.
“I got a call back!” Heejin happily bounced around, not seeming to notice that Nana and I were flushed and out of sorts from almost having been walked in on.
“That’s... great,” Nana said, hesitating. “That’s impressive, especially for a freshman.”
Nana had told me all about her competitive relationship with Heejin. The same sports teams, the same roles in high school, Heejin even went after some of Nana’s boyfriends back in the day. Nana hadn’t been happy that Heejin had chosen our university, and wouldn’t be happy that Heejin was challenging her for the lead roles in the shows that were once Nana’s uncontested. Still, their mother said they had to live together, so Nana could help Heejin stay sheltered from the worst of college.
“I’m sure I won’t get it, but it’s so cool to even be at callbacks,” Heejin said. “Wow.”
“Suho auditioned too,” Nana said. “He’s a lock for the male lead, I bet.”
Heejin looked me up and down. “He certainly looks like a dashing leading man to me.”
“That, and the fact that everything is easier for men in theater,” I said. “The bar’s not so high.”
“Well, I just wanted to share the good news,” Heejin said, heading for the door. “I’ll see you guys at callbacks! Maybe spend more time practicing, and less time having sex!” She giggled as Nana threw a pillow at her.
“That won’t be a problem for you,” Nana called after her, teasing. “Virgin!”
All we could hear was the sound of Heejin’s cute laughter as she slammed the door of her room.
“Oh, huh,” Nana said, studying the callback pairings on the sign-up sheet. “I have to do my scenes with Minsoo.”
Minsoo was a good friend of ours, a theater die-hard who would get the lead role every time if he were able to act convincingly straight. Unfortunately for him and luckily for me, our theater director Hanjae refused to believe him as a romantic interest for the women.
“Better than a random stranger,” I said. Minsoo was a good guy. “Who am I doing mine with?” I studied the list. Then my stomach dropped. “Oh, shit.” I was supposed to do the kissing scene with Heejin.
Nana saw it, too. “You and Heejin? Of course you two would be paired up.”
“I’m sure I can ask Hanjae to switch us.”
“No, it’s okay,” Nana said. “What he says goes, and you don’t want to make him mad.” She kissed me on the cheek. “Have fun. It’ll be the thrill of Heejin’s life. She’s always gone after my boyfriends anyway.”
Just as Nana disappeared to run lines with Minsoo, Heejin spotted me from down the hallway and came up to me. She was dressed in a t-shirt, as usual, but this one had a lower neckline, offering me a tantalizing view of her cleavage. From what I could see, her tits were perfect, soft and smooth. I tried not to look at them as she approached.
“So, we’re together, huh?”
“Guess so.”
Heejin darted in and kissed me quickly, just a quick peck on the lips. I pulled back, too late, surprised.
“What was that for?”
“Just to get the awkwardness out of the way,” Heejin said. “Now we’ve had our first kiss.”
We found an empty classroom ran through lines quickly. I kept stumbling over mine, distracted by the beautiful girl in front of me. When we got to the kissing scene, Heejin lowered her script, looked me in the eyes and came in close to kiss me. I caught a light scent of a sexy perfume on her neck as she tilted her head up.
I hesitated. This was my girlfriend’s little sister; wouldn’t it be weird to kiss? I mean, to really kiss? Heejin, luckily, made the decision for me. She pressed her soft, full lips to mine, kissing me gently. I reacted, putting a hand on her cheek and pulling her closer to me, our lips working against each other. She tasted like mint. It went on longer than it had to — her character was supposed to pull away, but Heejin didn’t. Finally, I stopped it.
“Whew,” Heejin said breathlessly, cheeks turned pink and her chest heaving. “That felt good, right?”
I was half hard and I tried to secretly adjust my cock.
“Yeah,” I said. “You’re —” I almost said “You’re a good kisser,” but I stopped myself. “I think we’ll do great in the audition.”
We were finally called into the audition room. Behind a folding table sat Hanjae, the theater director, and a few of his assistants. We said hi, chatted quickly, and then got into the scene. Heejin and I were playing secret lovers. I was the stable boy and she was the Lady of the manor, whose husband was unfaithful. In the scene, I approached her for the first time, professing my love and begging her to kiss me.
When it came time, Heejin pressed herself to me with a little less passion than when it had just been us alone, but the kiss was still electric. She pulled back at just the right time, her character berating mine for showing such rough manners. But I could tell by her rosy cheeks that the second kiss affected her just as much as the first.
After we finished the scene and went back into the hallway, Nana came up to us.
“How’d it go?”
“Perfect,” Heejin said, punching me lightly in the arm. “Once Suho got around his hesitation to fully kiss me.”
Nana made a face. “The less I have to think about it, the better.”
“Your scene went well, too?” Heejin asked sweetly, changing the subject.
“Sure did.”
“Then may the best sister win.”
“That little bitch,” Nana fumed, staring angrily at the cast list. She had run ahead and gotten to it before I got a chance to look. “She took my fucking lead role.”
My stomach clenched. If Heejin was the female lead, then...
“God damn it.”
“What?” Nana looked down the list. Her eyes widened even further. “Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!”
I had landed the male lead. Heejin and I would be making out and simulating sex onstage for the next several months. I can’t say I didn’t feel any excitement at the prospect, but as Nana’s loving boyfriend, I had to share her frustration.
“We can ask Hanjae to switch us up,” I said.
“He’ll never do that! His casting decisions are always final, you know that! The only way he’ll switch it up is if Heejin agrees to it.”
Right on cue, I saw Heejin’s golden curls coming down the hallway towards us. Nana hurried up to her.
“You can’t take the lead role,” Nana said. “It’s you and Suho.”
Heejin took in this news and smiled at me. “I’m happy that Hanjae made the right choice.”
“Heejin, I’m a senior and you’re a freshman. This is my last chance at the lead before graduating.”
“I’m sorry,” Heejin shrugged, innocently. “I don’t know what you expect me to do. If this is about Suho, then I promise he loves you enough that kissing me a few times a night won’t change that.”
“It’s not just about that,” Nana said. “This was my theater program, not yours.”
“WAS your theater program,” Heejin said.
With a roar, Nana jumped at Heejin, and the two girls fell to the floor, clawing and pushing at each other. I watched them get tangled up with each other, then realized I should probably step in. I pulled Nana off of Heejin.
“Hey, whoa, calm down.”
“You’re such a bitch,” Nana snarled at Heejin.
Heejin dusted herself off and got up. “Fine, big sis. You want me to give you the lead role? Come walk with me. I have an idea for a wager.”
Nana frowned, trying to tell if Heejin was serious.
“Fine,” she said, hesitant. “But this better be good.”
“Oh, it’ll be VERY good,” Heejin said with a look at me. “Now come. Time for some sister talk.”
I watched the two sisters walk away, deep in conversation. Heejin glanced back in my direction, and I couldn’t help but wonder whether this wager involved me.
A few days passed. Rehearsals began in earnest, but Hanjae kept stopping Heejin and me midway through our scenes together.
“I don’t believe the passion,” he snapped. “You two touch each other like robotic, not sexy.”
Heejin flushed with embarrassment. The rest of the rehearsal she was withdrawn, not willing to look me in the eye. We went through our scenes, but if anything, she was colder and more mechanical than before.
After rehearsal, I pulled her aside in the hallway. “Are you doing okay?”
“I’m fine,��� Heejin said.
“Don’t worry about what Hanjae said. He thinks you have to be mean to get the best performances out of people.”
“Maybe he’s right, though.” She looked around, making sure no one could hear. “Because I don’t know anything about sex.”
I spotted an empty classroom down the hall and pulled Heejin into it. She looked like she was about to cry. I put my hands on her shoulders.
“You’re doing a great job, you’re a great, and you don’t need real-life experience to get into the role. We’ll both figure it out, it’s only the first week of rehearsals.”
“What if I can’t figure it out?”
“You will.”
Heejin nodded, sniffling. She smiled shyly. “Plus, I’ve got you to teach me.”
“What do you mean?”
“You obviously know a lot about sex and everything,” Heejin said, embarrassed. “I can hear you and my sister sometimes.”
I didn’t know how to feel about that. Heejin flushed.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t listen, I know, but... it’s sexy to hear how much you love each other’s… bodies. I’ve never... done it, so I don’t know.”
“Yeah, Nana said as much.”
There was a charged pause. Glancing down, I could see Heejin’s nipples through her shirt. Did she never wear a bra around me? Was that on purpose? My cock was quickly getting hard.
“Hanjae said we really needed to commit to the role,” Heejin said. “That includes the romance of it, right? The characters are supposed to feel each other up.”
“Yeah, but...”
“But what? So you’re dating my sister, who cares? We have a play to do. She understands that the show must go on.”
Heejin took my hand, then guided me to her breast. As I felt the soft, firm flesh of her tits beneath her sweater, I realized that she wasn’t wearing a bra. I could feel her nipple hardening under my touch. Her breasts were unbelievably shapely even without a bra, standing perfectly from Heejin’s chest. I let out a breath, impressed. Heejin smiled.
“What do you think?”
“They’re... amazing.”
“Not too big? I know Nana’s are more petite.”
“You two have some of the most perfect tits I’ve ever seen,” I said truthfully.
Heejin smiled. “It must run in the family.”
“You’ve never been told what incredible breasts you have?”
“You’re the first one to get an up-close view. I’ve never even had a boyfriend,” she admitted. “I’ve been too busy with theater.”
“Wow.” I realized I was still cupping her breast and quickly took my hand away, embarrassed. She laughed that same cute laugh.
“You can touch them all you want,” she said. “It feels nice.”
I wanted to keep feeling her up. What guy would say no, in my position? But I cleared my throat and took a step back.
“We should get to practicing,” I said. “We’ll have to have something to show for today.”
Then Heejin said something I’ll never forget.
“Sometimes I touch myself to the sound of you two,” Heejin said, quiet. “Right at the end, when she’s begging you to cum inside her, that’s my favorite.”
My mouth was dry. “You touch yourself to the sound of us?”
“My sister must have a really amazing pussy, if she can get you to cum inside her so much.”
A picture of it sprang to my mind: two plump outer lips that sealed tightly, with the inner lips only visible when she spread her legs. A fuzzy dusting of light hair. Maybe a drop of my cum oozing from her. Nana’s small nipples, twin peaks further up her lithe body.
“Wow, you’re hard.” Heejin was staring directly at my cock.
She reached out her small hand to feel me. I inhaled sharply, taking her hand.
“Don’t, Heejin.”
“Nana won’t know.”
“I’ll know.”
“You’re just helping me. I need to practice being sexual for the role.”
I stared at her. Was she serious? What was she even proposing?
She took my hand and guided it under her dress. As she used her other hand to pull aside her panties, my hand came in contact with a wet, shaven pussy. I ran my middle finger up her hot slit, making her moan. Then I pulled my hand away, realizing what I was doing.
“Wait, Heejin...”
“Yeah. Let me do you.”
She unbuckled my belt and undid the button of my trousers, maintaining eye contact with me. Before I knew it she was on her knees, pulling down my pants. I wish I could say that I pushed her away, but I was horny enough to let it continue without protest. I wanted her badly enough to invite whatever catastrophe lay down the road.
Heejin took out my cock, which was harder than I remember it ever being.
“Wow,” she said with awe. “I guess I didn’t expect it to be so… big.”
She gave it a squeeze, then stroked it. I throbbed in her hand.
“I’ve never touched one before.”
“You don’t have to —”
Heejin sank her mouth onto my cock. The sudden warmth and wetness was heavenly. Her tongue swirled around my shaft and she slid her lips back up until just the tip was in her mouth. I noticed that she was still wearing lipstick from rehearsal.
“Give me pointers,” she said, her words muffled around my dick.
“Don’t worry about that,” I replied. “Just explore. I’m probably not going to be able to last for long anyway.”
At this Heejin smiled and eagerly set to sucking my cock. It seemed she took that as a challenge. She started slow, letting me feel the warmth and softness of her inexperienced mouth, then began to speed up. Sure enough, I felt the tingly beginnings of a climax. It was unsurprising; my girlfriend’s younger sister, a beautiful woman with a perfect mix of innocence and sexiness, was blowing me.
I swelled in her mouth, unable to hold back my orgasm for much longer. Her ruby red lips were stretched around my cock, working up and down ceaselessly. I watched my cock disappear into her mouth over and over.
“Heejin, I’m getting close...”
In response, she just kept bobbing her warm, wet mouth on my dick, taking as much of me in her mouth as she could. She looked up at me, big brown eyes that looked so innocent, right over a mouth full of cock, and I could hold back no longer.
“Heejin, I’m going to cum...”
I had barely finished the sentence before my cock began to spurt cum into Heejin’s waiting mouth. Her eyes widened in surprise but she kept on sucking me as I came. I shook, my hands going involuntarily to her head, trying to push deeper into her throat, filling her mouth with my semen. I rode out my climax between her full lips, cumming intensely until a small bit of my cum dripped out around my cock.
She looked up at me, slowing the up-and-down motion on my shaft, then swallowed her mouthful my cum. With her pinkie finger, she brought the one escaped drop of cum back to her mouth and swallowed that, too.
“Good?” Heejin asked, breathing hard.
“Best blowjob I’ve ever had.”
Heejin smiled and kept licking me. When I was sucked dry and she had completely cleaned off my cock, she took me out of her mouth and looked up at me.
“There you go. Nice and spotless for when you fuck my sister later.”
I didn’t know what to say or do. “Oh my god, Heejin.”
Heejin planted an adorable and sexy kiss on the tip of my cock, which shone with her spit.
“Now when I hear you tonight, I’ll know you’re thinking about cumming in my mouth when you finish in my sister.”
“It was a little awkward having to kiss,” I said to Nana at home. “But we got through it.”
Nana kissed me, long and deep. “Who’s the better kisser?”
In truth, my initial thought was Heejin. She had certainly kissed my cock better than Nana did. Or maybe it was just the forbidden risk of it all. Either way, I wasn’t going to tell her anything about her younger sister’s skill in the romance department.
“You,” I said, sweeping her into my arms. She grinded into me, making me hard, and I walked her to the bed.
Later, as I fucked Nana’s tight, wet pussy, my thoughts kept being dragged back to Heejin’s lips on me, her rosy cheeks stretching as I filled her mouth with my cum. When I groaned and emptied myself into Nana, I imagined it was Heejin below me, her legs spread, soaking pussy stretched around my cock. I imagined driving hard into her tight young slit and filling her up.
When Nana moaned out for me to cum inside her, I knew Heejin was somewhere close by, listening. And despite the fact that it was the second time that day, I came harder than usual.
The next weeks of rehearsal raced by. Heejin and I were so busy with school and rehearsal that we didn’t get the opportunity to be alone together, but she’d hold my gaze just long enough to let me know she was still thinking about me and what we’d done. Our love scenes onstage became more realistic, to the delight of Hanjae. We were now kissing, pawing at each other, and fake dry humping with ease. I suppose it was hard to hold back romantically once she’d swallowed my cum.
My sex life with Nana improved drastically, wound up as I always was from pretending to fuck her little sister in rehearsal. I fucked Nana like an animal, filling her up several times a night, cumming inside her with reckless abandon.
“You should be quieter,” Nana panted to me one night as I withdrew my cock from her cum-filled pussy. “Heejin’s in the other room, she must hear us sometimes.”
“You’re right,” I said. “Sorry.”
Nana reached down and caught some of my cum as it dripped out of her. She brought her fingers to her mouth, licking them off.
“You’ve been cumming more than usual,” she said.
I cuddled up to her from behind. “You’ve been sexier than usual.”
“Yeah, yeah,” she said, with a hint of scepticism in her voice. “Maybe.”
Before we knew it, the dress rehearsal had arrived. It was the day before the show, and everything had to go perfectly here, or it’d be a bad opening night. I murmured “Break a leg” to everyone I passed in the winding hallways backstage.
As the lead, I had my own dressing room. It was a rare luxury, but better than getting naked in front of everyone in the communal dressing rooms. I began to take off my street clothes when I heard a knock at the door.
“One minute, I’m changing,” I called out. I was only in my underwear.
The door opened anyway. In the mirror, I saw Heejin enter, wearing a robe and carrying her costume. She shut the door behind her before anyone could see her.
“Sorry to drop in on you like this,” Heejin said apologetically, “but I can’t get this bodice thingy on. Every time I try, I feel like it’s suffocating me.” She shook the costume in frustration and put it on the rack in my small dressing room.
“Do you want help?”
“Yeah, thanks. Maybe I’m just nervous, or maybe I shouldn’t have eaten that cheeseburger yesterday.”
I laughed. “It’ll be fine. Let me try.”
She hugged me tightly. “Thank you, Suho. You’re the best.”
Then she slipped the robe off her shoulders. Underneath, Heejin was completely naked. She wasn’t even wearing panties under the robe. Her breasts were like a painting. Smooth, firm, round, perfectly proportioned to her toned body. My eyes traveled down from her perfect breasts, firm and large on her petite frame with beautifully hard nipples, to —
“God, Heejin.”
Her pussy, which had been completely hairless when I first touched it all those weeks ago, now had a fuzzy dusting of close-trimmed pubic hair.
“Trying to copy Nana, I guess. Since you like hairy pussies.”
I didn’t think to ask why she knew her older sister had a hairy pussy.
I reached out my hand to Heejin. I cupped her cheek, then traced my fingers down her neck to her collarbone, then down the beautiful slope of her breasts, stopping to lightly pinch her nipple. She closed her eyes, savoring the feeling.
I brought my hand further down, down her stomach and over the triangle of hair between her legs, then felt the wetness between her lips. I slowly inched one finger up into Heejin’s little pussy, feeling how tight she was inside. I’d been in her mouth, and I’d touched the outside of her pussy, but this was as far inside her as I’d gone.
Just as Heejin leaned in to kiss me, hand going to my throbbing erection, there was a knock on the door.
“Suho? Can I come in?” It was Nana.
Heejin dashed backwards, looking for a place to hide. The room was small and didn’t have many options, but Heejin pressed her naked form behind the rack of costumes.
I cursed myself, trying to pull on my pants. My finger was still wet with Heejin’s juices, which wouldn’t do. Without thinking, I stuck my finger in my mouth, tasting her.
“Coming!” I answered the door, just wearing my costume pants. I kept the door mostly closed, to stop Nana from coming in.
Nana was in the doorway holding a clipboard and wearing a headset. As the understudy for the main role, she had to have some role in the show, so she was a stage hand.
“It’s five minutes until showtime,” she said.
She leaned in to kiss me. Without thinking, I kissed her back, then cursed inwardly. I hoped my mouth didn’t taste like pussy. When she pulled away, I thought I detected a slight frown on her face, but she turned and left without another word.
I closed the door. Heejin, still naked, stepped out from behind the costume rack. She had the most beautiful body I’d ever seen.
“Five minutes,” I repeated to her.
“Thank you, five,” she said with a grin. “Now, want to fit me into this dress?”
It took some manoeuvring to tie the bodice up, and Heejin gasped at the tight fit that pressed her breasts up high, but there was no time to enjoy it. We had to get into our positions.
As Heejin quickly pulled her stockings up, I got a glimpse up her dress to her pussy.
“You’re not wearing underwear,” I said.
“I know.” Heejin quickly hurried to the door, her breasts bouncing in the corset. “See you onstage!”
The knowledge that Heejin wore nothing under her heavy costume dress made the onstage love scenes even more enjoyable. At the point in the show where we were supposed to simulate sex on a bed behind the main action onstage, Heejin whispered to me between kisses.
“This is the first time Nana’s seen us do this, you know.”
Sure enough, I could see Nana sitting with other crew members in the audience. Thanks to the lights, I couldn’t make out her expression, but I knew she was watching.
“Let’s give them a show,” Heejin said, and grinded herself against me even more sexually.
By the end of the show, I was so sexually frustrated that everything could have set me off. Heejin’s enticing young body was so tantalizingly close, yet so far. As we took our mock bows and headed offstage, Heejin whispered in my ear: “Wait for me in the dressing room.”
I waited for Heejin in the dressing room for almost a half hour. She never showed. When I finally got fed up waiting and came out, I found Nana and Heejin seated together. Heejin had changed back into her clothes, but I couldn’t help wondering whether she’d put underwear on.
“Hey, you two.”
“You took forever in there,” Nana said.
Heejin gave me a “Sorry” look.
“Great job, you guys!” Nana said. She seemed genuinely excited for us. “I think that went great!”
Heejin and I smiled and agreed.
“A couple screw-ups,” Heejin said, “but nothing that can’t be fixed before tomorrow.”
When we got home later that night, Nana pulled me away into her room. She was on me immediately, hungrily pulling off my clothes.
“God, you looked so sexy onstage,” she said. “I wanted to jump you right in front of everybody.”
She pulled down her pants, then mounted me, bottomless. She moved her soaking slit against my painfully hard cock, but stopped short of slipping me inside her yet.
“It was weird seeing you kiss Heejin at first,” she said, “but by the end I kind of liked it.”
She angled my cock into her pussy and began to sink her tight, wet heat down onto me. My face contorted with pleasure.
“Do you get hard when you’re with Heejin onstage?” Nana asked as she slowly fucked me.
I was shocked by the question. My shock must have shown on my face, because Nana laughed and kissed me. We were fully connected, my cock deep inside her and her petite body pressed into mine.
“It’s okay,” she said. “It’s a physical response, not something you can control.”
My cock throbbed inside her. I was nearing orgasm.
“Tell me,” she said, speeding up on my cock.
“Sometimes, I guess,” I said, breathing heavily. I was going to cum.
“That’s okay, baby,” Nana moaned in my ear. “She can feel you hard all she wants, as long as you bring that cum home to where it belongs… right up inside me.”
With that, I shot off in her, pumping her full of cum with deep, powerful strokes. The feeling of me cumming in her set Nana off too, and together we came while I was still inside her. Finally, I pulled out of her, looking down at her tight pussy with open lips, between which my cum dribbled out. Nana lay back on the bed, her legs spread, still wearing her shirt. She yawned, stretching, and as she did so she lifted her pussy off the bed, causing another dribble of cum to come out.
“I didn’t realize how tired I was,” Nana said. “Come cuddle me.”
I held her until I felt her breathing become slow and regular, indicating that she’d fallen asleep. Then I got up and padded out into the hallway, heading in the direction of the bathroom, though I knew what awaited me before I got there.
Halfway down the hallway, Heejin’s door opened and she came out wearing a sheer nightie. Even in the low light, I could see her nipples poking through the fabric. Her eyes went to my half-erection clearly visible through my tight boxers. She beckoned me inside, and I followed silently. She pulled off her nightie, then turned to face me, fully naked. Heejin led me to the bed and pulled down my boxers.
“This is too risky,” I whispered. “What if your sister comes to check where I am?”
Heejin touched my cock, still wet and sticky with residual slickness from Nana’s pussy.
“Then she’ll see me tasting her on your cock.” Heejin licked slowly up the side of my shaft, savoring the taste of her older sister’s pussy on me. “Mm. Nana has a delicious pussy, doesn’t she?”
“Sisters don’t usually taste each other’s pussies.”
“I’m not getting it from the source,” Heejin said quietly as she bobbed her mouth up and down on my cock. “I’m still just sucking a dick. Nothing wrong with that. Besides...” I saw Heejin dip her finger into her own pussy, then bring it to her mouth and suck it clean. “I have to make sure I taste better than her.”
She resumed blowing me. Despite just having finished fucking Nana, I found myself getting close to cumming in Heejin’s mouth. She felt me swell and pulled me out. I was about to ask what she was doing, when she climbed up on the bed and spread her legs. Light came through her window, falling across her perfect body and her glistening, hairy vulva.
“I want you to fuck me. Be my first.” She said seductively.
As she spoke, she delicately dipped her middle finger into herself. I watched as her tight lips parted to accept her finger.
The prospect of fucking the freshman beauty was enticing. But I’d been spurting cum in her sister’s pussy barely 15 minutes ago. That was no way to lose your virginity.
“I just finished with Nana, I’m not gonna be able to go again.”
“I’ll blow you until you’re ready to put it in me —”
“Heejin,” I said firmly. “We can’t have sex.”
“But the whole show today, I could feel you hard against me,” Heejin said. Her voice quavered. “What is it? You don’t like me? You’d rather fuck Nana than me?”
“No, no, it’s not that at all —”
“Then what? Does she have a better pussy than me?”
“Heejin — it’s not like that”
I climbed onto the bed, moving up to kiss Heejin. As I did, I pressed my body to hers, feeling her hard nipples against my chest and her wet pussy against the outside of my boxers. I grinded into her for a moment, but stopped it before it went any further by beginning to kiss my way down her body. First her breasts, then her toned stomach...
“Fuck...” Heejin breathed. I grinned inwardly; two months ago, the sheltered freshman wouldn’t have been cursing. Now I was about to eat her pussy.
I kissed Heejin’s inner thighs, teasing her and making her thrust up towards me, trying to get me to put my mouth on her. But I kept kissing anywhere but her pussy, feeling the heat and wetness increasing with her arousal.
Finally, I licked Heejin’s pussy. She tasted incredible, clean and womanly, and she was so sensitive and worked up that it only took ten or fifteen seconds before I could feel her body stiffening in anticipation of an orgasm. I kept up pressure on her clit, steadily working my tongue in circles.
Heejin grabbed me by the head, involuntarily mashing my face into her pussy, then came with a great shuddering moan. I reached up one hand, slick from finger-fucking her, to silence her, but all she did was suck on my fingers while I kept licking her from below.
When she was finally done with her long orgasm, she brought my head up to her to sloppily make out. My lips were covered with the taste of her, but she clearly wasn’t shy about tasting herself.
“Oh my god, you’re amazing,” Heejin said, panting. “But we have to return you to Nana soon.”
Heejin put her mouth back on me, blowing me with eagerness. After making her cum with my mouth, I was pretty worked up. It didn’t take me long to unload in her mouth for the second time. Now I wasn’t so timid, fucking her mouth as I spurted cum down her throat. She moaned sexily and happily drank me up.
She opened her mouth so I could see the mouthful of my semen she’d collected. Then she put two fingers in her mouth, took some of my cum, and…
“Heejin, no —”
Heejin stuck her cum-covered fingers inside her pussy. I could only watch as she fucked herself to another small orgasm, her fingers taking the place my cock would have been. She’d still found a way to get my cum in her pussy, and gasped in pleasure as she worked my semen in and out of her already sopping slit.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
“Sorry, Suho,” she breathed. “I had to.”
“That’s dangerous, Heejin. You could get pregnant.”
“I don’t like when Nana gets things I don’t. And that includes your cum in her.”
Opening night came at last. I was overwhelmed with nerves, both excited at the prospect of putting on a great show and nervous to think what would happen with Heejin. The girl had been acting bolder and bolder, and I worried she’d try to do something extreme.
But as the evening before the show wore on, my fear faded. Heejin ignored me completely, focused on getting into character. Everyone buzzed with excitement and nervousness, and I soon was so caught up in it that I forgot almost entirely about the strange sexual relationship I had been building up with Heejin.
It was a function of the show, I told myself. Just us getting into character and letting that character bleed over into our real lives. But once the show was done, I would return to Nana’s side, Heejin would go off and find herself a boyfriend, and everything would be right in the world again.
At least, that’s what I told myself.
I don’t know if I even believed it at the time.
I checked my costume in the mirror of my dressing room one last time before nodding, satisfied, and joining the fray.
“Break a leg,” Nana said, kissing me briefly before heading out to the theater to find her seat. I watched her go. For all she knew, I felt as awkward as her about this whole situation. But in truth my feelings were more complicated than that.
Heejin and I waited with the other actors in the wings as Hanjae introduced the show. I looked up to find Heejin staring at me intensely.
I gave her “What’s going on?” look.
Heejin, in response, lifted up her skirt ever so slowly. She was standing behind the other actors, so I was the only one who could see. As she flashed me, I saw with a twinge that, like yesterday, she was wearing no panties. I caught a short peek of her pussy.
That’s when I knew things weren’t going back to normal.
The show began normally, everyone hitting their marks and remembering their lines perfectly.
The trouble came when Heejin and I fell into bed together at the rear of the stage. Our characters were supposed to be having sex under the nose of Heejin’s character’s husband, but while the scene went on in front of us Heejin kissed me and pressed her body into mine harder than usual.
Carefully, timing her motions with our stage humping, Heejin reached down between us and unbuckled my pants.
“What are you doing?” I said quietly, between kisses.
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“Shhhh,” was all she said.
I looked out into the audience. Despite the stage lights, I could see Nana’s blonde hair in the crowd. She was watching us.
Under the covers, Heejin pulled down my boxers and fished my cock out. I was hard and huge in her small hand.
“Heejin, no —”
Heejin angled herself on top of me, pressing her stomach into my cock, trapping it between us. I prayed that was it, that all she wanted was a little humping, but then she slid up me. My cock, still hard and flat against my stomach, came into contact with her hairy mound. I tried to move away, but she was on top and we had to keep doing the scene, or we’d draw attention and get caught.
I felt a wet heat come into contact with my cock. She grinded her pussy up and down the underside of my cock, getting it wet with her slickness.
My tip was slotted between her wet lips. She thrust her hips up and down, letting the tip of my cock run along the cleft of her pussy and come to rest right at her soaked opening, teasing me each time with a tantalizing dip of my cockhead into her pussy. I could do nothing to stop it.
“Heejin,” I whispered. “please don’t do this, look at how many people are watching... and we’re unprotected.”
“That’s the whole fun of it all,” she said. “I want you bare inside me.”
She began to slide me inside her. My cock parted her trimmed lips and pushed into her inch by inch, her wet cunt stretching slowly to accommodate me. She was soaking wet, hot and beautifully tight, the kind of pussy that made me forget every other woman I’d ever been inside of, because this one seemed designed for my cock. I went slowly, the pleasure coursing through us.
When I had sunk into her to the hilt, we stopped.
“There we go,” Heejin breathed. “Now Nana can’t call me a virgin anymore.”
I opened my mouth to say something, but at that moment Heejin and I remembered we were onstage. We had been so distracted by our actual sex that we’d forgotten to simulate it for the audience.
“We need to keep going,” I whispered, pulling her tighter to me.
“I agree,” she said, bringing her pussy up and down, fucking me with an aching slowness. I wondered if Nana had ever told Heejin what I liked, or if she knew instinctively. God, she was tight. As I rolled my head over, I spotted Nana’s blonde mane in the audience.
“Nana’s watching,” I breathed into Heejin’s ear. My cock throbbed inside her, egged on by the risk and mind-bending pleasure Heejin’s young, perfect body was giving me.
“Good,” Heejin panted quietly. “I want her to watch as her boyfriend cums inside me.”
It hadn’t occurred to me that she wouldn’t pull me out. I didn’t want to cum in her, risking a pregnancy that would make the entire situation far worse. Knocking up your girlfriend’s little sister is never a good place to be, so I tried to move backward, but she was on top and I was too deep in her.
“You’re not on birth control,” I gasped, aware of how quickly the tight wetness of her around my cock was bringing me towards orgasm.
“I know. We’re being really bad.”
“Heejin, Heejin, fuck —”
My climax was approaching like a freight train. I couldn’t help it — I thrust into Heejin’s clenching tunnel with ferocity, her breasts bouncing slightly in the corset, right at my face. I wanted to reach out and tear off her dress, kiss her everywhere, but could do nothing but chastely kiss Heejin’s lips, otherwise the audience might know something was too real about the way I was thrusting into her under her dress and the covers.
“Cum in me,” she whispered in my ear. “Cum in your girlfriend’s little sister. Fill up my tight little pussy in front of everyone.”
I could feel her inner walls flexing, milking me. My cock swelled within her. With one last glance at Nana, I thrust up into Heejin’s pussy and let go.
I nearly blacked out in pleasure as I shot spurt after spurt of cum up into Heejin. She gasped, too loud, as my warmth splashed into her, then began to shudder and moan into my shoulder, grinding her clit hard into me. We were cumming simultaneously, me emptying all I had into her, and her body shaking, racked with pleasure. At that moment I didn’t care that people were watching. I just wanted her.
I quickly filled up her unprotected pussy with my cum, until I could feel it dripping out of her as I kept thrusting. She rode out the rest of her climax on my cock.
We’d both finished quicker than the allotted time for our lovemaking onstage, so we were forced to keep fucking even as my cock softened and came out of her cum-soaked pussy. I could feel cum dripping out of her slit onto my cock, and hoped none of it got on the costume.
Finally, the lights went down and the scene change began. Heejin and I rolled off each other with one final kiss. I tucked my cock back into my pants and she pulled her dress down. We went our separate ways in the soft light of the glow in the dark stage tape.
“Great job,” Hanjae whispered to me backstage. “Very believable.”
As we bowed to the applauding audience, Heejin squeezed my hand. Over the din, she said into my ear: “I can still feel you inside of me.”
“Good,” I said back.
I made my way to the dressing room, congratulating my cast mates on the way. Everyone was excited from a successful show, but I was still dazed, trying to work through what had happened with Heejin onstage. Had anyone seen us? Had we left behind any evidence? Would she get pregnant? Would Nana find out?
With all these thoughts swimming in my head, I opened the door to my dressing room. Nana was already there, waiting for me.
“Hello,” I said, not knowing what else to say. I shut the door behind me.
“You and Heejin did amazing work out there,” Nana said. She kissed me. “This time I couldn’t wait until we got home to fuck you.”
I knew I couldn’t have sex right away, seeing as I was still covered with the evidence of Heejin fucking me.
“Nana, wait —”
Nana pulled down my pants, revealing my semi-hard cock. It was shiny, still wet with Heejin’s pussy fluids and a residual amount of my cum. Nana grabbed it, feeling the wetness. She dropped to her knees.
“If I didn’t know better, I’d say you just fucked somebody.”
I tried to stop her, but she stuffed my cock into her mouth before I could say anything. Nana swirled her tongue around my slick cock, looking directly up at me. I watched, rapt, as she sucked her little sister’s juices off my hardening shaft, moaning around my cock. Was she... enjoying this? She had to know it was Heejin’s pussy she was tasting.
I tried to pull away.
“Wait, Nana, I’m sorry, but onstage... Heejin slipped me into her...”
Nana lifted off my cock. “You don’t think I recognize the taste of my little sister on my boyfriend’s cock? You two are fine actors, but not good enough to make real sex look fake. I could see every second of you coming inside her.”
At that, my dick jumped in Nana’s hand. She engulfed my cock with her warm mouth, bobbing up and down, sucking me. Then she looked up at me again.
“It was so fucking sexy; it was almost worth losing.”
Losing? Losing what? Before I had time to ask, we were interrupted by a voice from behind us.
“How do I taste?”
Heejin was at the door to the dressing room, still wearing her costume from the show, her breasts pressed high in the corset. She closed and locked the door behind her.
Nana continued to suck my dick for a few moments, like it was the most normal thing in the world for her younger sister to watch.
Heejin smiled, watching her big sister slobber on the cock that had so recently finished inside her. “I’ll take that as a yes.” Heejin sat up on the makeup table, pulled up her dress, and spread her legs, revealing her pink pussy beneath that trimmed bush. As she spread her plump lips with her fingers, my cum trickled slowly out of her tight hole.
At that, Nana finally slowed to a stop on my cock. She popped me out of her mouth and wiped away the juices coating her lips. Heejin was slowly fingering herself, rubbing my cum around her folds.
“The terms of the bet were clear,” Heejin said, looking at Nana. “If I didn’t manage to make him cum in me tonight, I had to bow out of the show and let you have the lead role. But if I did make him cum in me...”
“I know,” Nana said. She got up and crossed to Heejin.
“Sorry, but what is going on?” My head was spinning. This had all been some kind of competitive game between the two sisters?
“If I got you to fill my pussy with your cum onstage, a feat your girlfriend said was impossible, she’d have to lick it out of me.” Heejin spread her pussy lips with her fingers.
Nana lowered herself to her little sister’s sperm-filled pussy.
My jaw dropped as Nana reached out her tongue and made contact with her younger sister’s pussy. She licked from the bottom up, parting Heejin’s folds and sinking her tongue into her hole. I saw a pearl of my cum on the tip of Nana’s tongue. When she reached Heejin’s clit, Nana swallowed my cum, then licked Heejin’s clit, making the younger girl moan. Nana ran her tongue back down Heejin’s little pussy, then repeated the process. She managed to get some, but not all of my cum from Heejin’s pussy.
I could see Heejin’s breathing becoming ragged, see her body stiffening as Nana licked her. She was going to cum from her big sister’s mouth.
“Wait wait wait, fuck, oh god...”
Nana looked up at her sister, smiling as she licked her pussy more intensely. Now it wasn’t about licking my cum out of her slit. It was about making the younger girl cum. And cum Heejin did, her body seizing and her breasts jiggling as she held Nana’s face to her quivering pussy, riding out an intense orgasm on her sister’s tongue.
Finally Nana slowed to a stop and pulled back from Heejin’s shiny pink pussy.
“There,” she said, wiping her face off. “You won, fair and square.”
Heejin looked over at me. My cock was still out, standing up hard and throbbing. She got a mischievous smile on her face and began to pull her dress up over her head.
“How about a double or nothing bet?”
Nana looked over at me. “What do you have in mind?”
“We trade off. One minute each. Whoever can get him to cum first, wins.”
“Wins what?”
I was still shocked by Nana’s eagerness to eat her younger sister’s pussy and bring her to orgasm. Now she was going to agree to Heejin fucking me in front of her? What could be worth that?
“Him.” Heejin, now naked, got on her knees in front of me and slowly began to stroke my cock. “If you manage to make him cum inside you, then I’ll back off Suho and you can have your precious lead role. But if I make him cum inside me, I get him.”
“Easy now, I’m not comfortable with all this,” I said. I didn’t want my dating life determined by a competition between sisters. On the other hand, alternating between the two of them sounded extra hot, and I wasn’t thinking with my head.
“It’ll be fine, baby,” Nana said, stripping down. I could see a huge wet spot on her panties. “Just cum in me, not in her.”
“I don’t know...”
“What’s wrong, Nana? You scared?”
“No,” she said defensively. “I’m more experienced with him. I know how to get him to cum. It’s little miss barely not a virgin who should be worried.”
“Not even an hour ago he was cumming inside me,” Heejin scoffed. “Once he’s felt that, it’ll be hard to go back.”
Nana lay back on the floor, spreading her legs. Heejin leaned down and buried my cock in her mouth, giving it a few sucks before she took it out of her mouth, grabbed it in her hand, and angled it towards Nana’s slit. When my tip was nestled between my girlfriend’s hairy pussy lips, Heejin darted forward and planted a sloppy kiss on Nana’s clit. Nana gasped in pleasure.
“You ready?” Heejin said, straightening up. “And... go!”
I started fucking Nana. The horniness from the whole situation meant I was starting the drive on the fifty-yard line; it wouldn’t take much to bring me over the edge. Nana was wet, wetter than I’d felt her in a long time, and the tight, hot slickness felt heavenly.
“Cum in me, baby, please, please,” Nana moaned, her small tits bouncing with every thrust. “Please do it, baby...”
“Thirty seconds,” Heejin said. One minute was no time at all.
I sped up my thrusts. Nana flexed her inner muscles hard, and the tightness brought me closer, but I didn’t think I would be able to cum before the time ran out. I loved Nana, but after having Heejin, who was sex personified, I’d be lying if I said my sexy but familiar girlfriend matched up.
Heejin started to count down, timing it with my strokes. “Ten, nine, eight, seven, six...”
“Come on, baby, cum, you know you want to...”
I thrust hard, looking down at Nana’s pussy as it spread open for my cock.
“Five, four, three...”
“Baby...” Nana held onto me tight, but we both knew I wasn’t going to finish. Panting, I slowed down.
“That’s time!” Heejin exclaimed gleefully. “Pull out of her!”
“Fuck,” Nana moaned, disappointed. I withdrew from her, watching as her pussy lips gripped me like they were desperately trying to keep me inside her. Next to Nana, Heejin had her legs spread and her red, aroused, tufted pussy on display.
“Come here,” Heejin said. I positioned myself between her legs. Heejin took my cock and delicately slotted the tip into her. Nana watched, a flush of embarrassment creeping down her neck towards her breasts. I noticed that her nipples were still rock hard on her tits, which, though still perfectly shaped, looked even smaller in comparison to Heejin’s full and perfect ones.
Heejin looked up to her older sister, to make sure she was watching. “Thanks for warming him up for me, big sis.” I pushed an inch into Heejin’s tightness. Both sisters gasped. “Ooh, he’s so nice and slick,” Heejin cooed. “Thanks for the help there, too.”
I pushed all the way into Heejin, until my entire cock was grasped by her snug pussy. We stared at each other intensely. The first time we’d had sex was in the dark, covered so that it would be impossible to see each other. Now, I could drink in every inch of her. Her perfectly round, smooth breasts, nipples standing up straight like pencil erasers, and her neat, perfect pussy clenching my bare cock. I withdrew almost all the way, then drove back into her. Her tits bounced. I slowly built up a rhythm, thrusting into her.
“Of course he’d rather cum in me,” Heejin breathed. “I’m younger, I’m tighter, I’m forbidden...”
For a second, the only sounds were the wet squish of Heejin’s pussy and her quiet moans as I fucked her. Then I heard another slick sound and looked over. Nana’s eyes were glued to her little sister’s tiny, trimmed pussy, which stretched to fit me inside as I drove into Heejin over and over. Nana had her hand between her legs, playing with herself. She was driving her fingers up into her slit with abandon, as wet as I’d ever seen her.
It had only been thirty seconds or so. Fucking Nana had gotten me going, so I was already close. Heejin felt me get bigger inside her and bit her lip, scrunching up her face in pleasure.
“Ooh, I can feel him swelling inside me.”
Nana said nothing, continuing to masturbate. She had apparently already given into the idea that Heejin had won.
“He’s gonna cum in me,” Heejin moaned. “Your boyfriend’s gonna fill up my little cunt and you have to watch.”
Nana looked at me, pleading silently, but Heejin took my face in her hands and made me look at her. She was spread open before me, her body the image of perfection, taking my cock with little gasps of pleasure that were building toward a climax.
“Do it,” she whispered.
And I did. I drove fully into her, my cock jerking as it shot cum into her young pussy. Everyone’s eyes were glued on my cock, splitting Heejin’s lips apart and throbbing with every spurt inside her. Heejin was set off again by the feeling of me filling her up, moaning and shuddering. I watched as her pussy clenched me, quickly filling to the brim. Next to us, Nana’s petite breasts jiggled and she let out a high-pitched gasp, arching her back. She was climaxing at the sight of me cumming inside her little sister.
I kept cumming. Heejin’s small pussy overflowed with my sperm, each thrust pushing some of it out between her tight, hairy lips.
“Put it all into me,” Heejin said between gasps. “Every drop you have.”
After a few more spurts, I withdrew my cock from Heejin’s pussy. Heejin cried out at the sudden emptiness. On my knees, I approached Nana, whose legs were spread as she played with her pussy. I slotted my still-climaxing cock, covered in Heejin’s juices, into my girlfriend’s pussy.
Nana smiled as she felt me thrust into her, her tightness milking the last spurts of my cum.
“Thank you, baby,” she said. “Saving some for me.”
Both sisters lay naked below me, flushed chests heaving; Heejin’s large and firm, Nana’s small and cute. Their legs were spread, showcasing nearly identical haired pussies. And though Heejin’s pussy had more of my cum dripping out of it, as I pulled out of Nana I was happy to see that I had cum enough to see a pearl of semen between her lips, too.
“There,” I said as Heejin and Nana both began to clean off my cock, their lips occasionally touching as they licked me. “Now it’s a tie, and I get both of you.”
“For now,” Heejin said, looking up at me as she ran her tongue up my shaft. “But eventually, one sister always wins."
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trivia-yandere · 8 months
payment plan
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your husband and you find yourself bankrupt and dead broke thanks to his gambling problem. his younger brother - successful businessman kim seokjin - offers a helping hand free of charge. unbeknownst to his brother, you would be the one paying seokjin for his charity. @momnomnom @darkuni63 @sweetempathprunetree @minshookie29
valentine’s day masterlist | part 2 (coming oct.12)
word count: 5.509
warning: non-con/coercion, cmnf, smut, dub-con, degradation/humiliation, dominant jin, submissive reader, collaring, affair, unsolicited touching, impregnation kink, thigh riding, oral sex/deep throat, dirty talk, kissing, creampie,
“Your collar…” Jin murmurs, his eyes staring at the pink collar he has given you. It has diamonds wrapped around and in the middle, is a gold shaped heart. “...is so cute.”
“Thank you, sir.” you murmur, your thighs clenching together nervously underneath Jin’s intense gaze.
“Isn’t it sad that your husband is away?” Jin scoffs, a wicked smirk forming onto his lips - rosy and plump.
Kim Seokjin, tall with a slender build. Dark hair and even darker eyes. He’s beautiful - utterly gorgeous. His beauty is often compared to that of a God; ethereal. He carried himself as such, strutting into any room and completely holding the attention from everyone occupying it.
Kim Seokjin, wealthy - one of the richest men in the nation. He owned several businesses that thrived; all of which funded his life. He had enough generational wealth that his great-great grandchildren wouldn’t have to work - and he’d often boast about that fact. Kim Industries were one of the most well known and luxurious industries to be a part of - employees were even looked at as better off just for being apart of the business. 
Kim Seokjin, your brother-in-law. The very man who stood besides your husband, his elder brother, while you and he were wed. He gave a speech about the love you and your husband had was that of true love and raised his glass to give you a celebratory toast - “to my sister-in-law, Y/N. Welcome to the family.” 
Kim Seokjin, your brother-in-law, and the same man you are having an affair with. 
“It is sad, sir.”
Jin tilts his head a bit. “Then why don’t you look it?” he questions. “Maybe you’re happy to be with me instead of your good for nothing husband?”
You swallow at Jin’s harsh words, appearing physically ill at them. Jin doesn’t care, however, and openly berates his brother around you at any given moment.
It was 5 months prior when your husband came to you and confessed that he was completely broke - that you and he had not a dollar to your names. It came as a shock. No, your husband was not as wealthy as Jin - but he was nowhere near broke. Their father had helped start up a business before allowing them out in the world. While Jin branched out and became a big name in multiple industries, your husband was smaller. However, the Kim name had benefits. 
“How are we broke?” you asked with wide eyes, not believing your ears. “We have a few  hundred thousands saved up for a rainy day.”
Your husband had confided in you that the money was gone - everything that was saved has since been wiped away. 
The home you and he bought had to be sold, along with the cars. You were homeless, and the only way your husband was willing to turn was his younger brother.
Seokjin had welcomed you two with open arms and gave his brother a job at one of the many businesses he owned - it was an ego killer. Your husband was the older brother, but yet, the younger one was more successful and thriving. You and your husband moved into Seokjin’s home (even if he did have enough money to lend you a vacation home) and allowed you to borrow his cars whenever needed.
The hours your husband worked were always long, working from sun up to sun down. He came home exhausted and didn’t want to do anything but rest - and you understood. You contemplated asking Jin if there were any available openings in his business for you to work, but your husband shot you down. “I’m the man, Y/N. I have to be the one providing for you.”
As much as you appreciated the efforts your husband set in place, you wanted nothing more than to tell him the truth - that you trusting him got you nowhere. You were homeless, staying in a (large mansion, yes) with his brother, becoming a complete burden on him. 
Your feelings were never stated aloud, but it showed in your actions. You loved your husband to death truly, but you didn’t want to be around him. You soon got your own room in the mansion and to keep yourself busy, decided to take on chores. You cleaned from top to bottom and cooked constantly. As much as you were annoyed with your husband, you always assured he had three meals a day that you cooked personally.
“I am happy to be with you.” you murmur to Jin, understanding that it’s what he wants to hear. Despite being highly successful and wealthy, hearing that he was better than his elder brother brought satisfaction over Kim Seokjin.
“I know you are.” Jin brings a hand up to touch your cheek softly. “Isn’t this why you allow me to do whatever I want to you? Because my good for nothing brother puts his lovely wife…” Jin trails his hand down to your collared neck. “...in the hands of another man.”
You swallow the lump in your throat nervously. 
“Nothing in this world is free, Y/N-ah.” you recall Jin speaking those very words to you for the first time. You had just gotten out of the shower, strolling into your bedroom in nothing but a robe to find the man on your bed. He sits poshly, waiting for you. “I give my brother a job, a place to stay and in return…” Jin trailed off, having since pushed himself from your bed to come to you and without a warning, hands dipped between your robe.
Jin never forgot to remind you that you lived in his home - that you husband (though his  brother) worked right under him and if he truly desired, could fire him at any given moment just because. 
Maybe that’s why you never told Jin no - that you allowed him to touch you. In the beginning, it was only that; touching. He would come up behind you while you washed the dishes and press himself firmly against you, his hands gripping your waist before they rub up your sides - but then he’d leave you be. 
But of course, with you never stopping him - it escalated. Jin was no longer satisfied with just touching you because what was the fun in that? Your husband's work load became longer until he had no days off - and he never went against it. That only meant that you were alone with Jin more often. 
“You keep clenching your legs together.” Jin notes. “Are you rubbing them together because you want some type of friction?” he then shakes his head with a scoff. “Just like a whore would.”
Jin turns away from you and ventures into the bedroom - his bedroom. You swallow, now remembering that you and he were just in the hallway of the large mansion. “Come.”
And you do, following him into his bedroom. You never been inside his room before - he always came to yours. But it’s large and as luxurious as the rest of his home. His bed is large - possibly a California king - and it sits right in the middle of the room and behind it is a large window that takes up nearly the whole wall. It’s snowing, the trees outside are covered in beautiful white snow and the amount of it covers the ground completely. You are in awe at the view that Seokin has just outside his window that has such beautiful natural light that there wasn’t any need for one inside the room to be on.
Your eyes scan over the rest of the room and it’s then you notice just how it’s covered in mirrors - even on the ceiling. You wonder if this is a room Seokjin sleeps in, or just takes whatever flings he has.  
“Come.” Jin repeats, venturing towards the left of his room to a cushioned seat - it’s gray and matches his bed perfectly. He takes a seat, eyebrows lifting for you to come to him. “I’m glad you wore the lingerie I bought for you. Pink is so cute on your skin.”
Jin’s complement causes your body to flush with heat. You could never grow accustomed to it - maybe it’s the way he speaks. He’s always so smooth and his words come out so natural.
“Sit.” Jin commands and you venture over to him. His eyes lower to your crotch, satisfied with himself that he got crotchless lingerie for you to wear. As much as he enjoyed your naked figure, there was something about the pink hue against your skin that he loves to stare at.
“On my thigh.” Jin commands once more and you know where he’s getting at. You swallow once more, seating yourself on his clothed thigh.
Jin loved when you were naked - or nearly - and he was fully clothed. There was something about getting you out of your clothes that drove him crazy, even if he was able to mask it perfectly - and you never fought him about it, either. You were the perfect submissive woman he needed - and the fact that you weren’t his woman made it better.
“Don’t just sit there shy, Y/N.” Jin speaks. He widens his legs, manspreading to get comfortable on the chair. “Go ahead and rub yourself on my thigh. It has to feel better than squeezing your legs together.”
You don’t fight Jin - you never do. Your hips begin to buckle. You never liked when Jin’s eyes were on you - they were so dark and voyeuristic; always watching you whenever he saw fit. However, there’s nothing you could ever say to him about it - he made sure to remind you just who signs your husbands paychecks.
Every Time you do this with Jin - cheat on your husband with his brother - it always ends with you regretting it. But, in the moment, you don’t allow yourself to ever deny him - you tell yourself because your life depends on him, but there was another side of you. The reality of it all that you were enjoying this - secretly enjoying the affair and how scandalous it was. You enjoyed the way Jin would touch you, sometimes even sneaking touches when his brother was around.
“You’re so wet, Y/N. You’re ruining my suit pants. It’s expensive - far more than anything your husband can afford.”
You think Jin enjoys talking down to his brother but cannot understand why. Your husband never does, you note, and when they’re around one another they appear to be close; often laughing and sharing stories of their childhood.
Jin places a hand on your thigh to squeeze it. “Go faster.”
You do as you’re told, a low groan releasing from your lips. You bite your lips to hold back another, but Jin slaps your thigh. “Stop hiding your moans. I want to hear you.” 
You moan a little louder, the friction against your clit feeling just right. You begin to rock your hips in circles, whining at how good it truly felt - and how pathetic you were for allowing this to happen.  
Jin’s eyes darken and he licks his plump lips. There was nothing like a woman - someone like you exactly - grinding against his thigh and chasing her own orgasm. You were considered off-limits - not only a married woman, but a woman who is married to his brother. You were like a forbidden fruit, something so tempting but he shouldn’t have; out of his reach.
But, you weren’t that. Nothing was out of Kim Seokjin’s reach - not even you. You wore the collar that he gave you willingly, along with the lingerie and now, your pussy is drenched and staining his suit pants. “Go ahead and cum for me, Y/N. I know you want to.” Jin says, squeezing your thigh even harder in encouragement. 
Your pussy is so warm and wet; it drenches through Jin’s suit pants and he can feel just how excited you are on his own thigh. 
Jin loves to watch you - loves to watch you come undone just for him. You grind against his thigh harder, whimpering freely as your eyes begin to roll in the back of your head.
Jin slides two fingers beneath your grinding pussy to have a feel of your wet clit and it takes everything in him to not groan at the juices that coat his fingers. “How slutty.” Jin’s voice is raspy as he responds to you.
Your body shudders with goosebumps with how deep Seokjin’s voice becomes. You’re now grinding against Jin’s fingers and you cum almost instantly, a shrill cry releasing from your throat.
Jin places his fingers into his mouth and hums. “How sweet you are, Y/N, cumming all over the place.” he pops his fingers from his mouth. “I let you cum, Y/N. I want you to do the same.”
“Yes, sir-”
Jin is already pushing you off of him and forcing you to your knees. Your eyes open instantly when your knees hit the cold floor, but you don’t protest. 
Jin shakes his head while a smirk forms onto his lips. “You’re so obedient, Y/N. You do everything I tell you to do without question.” he then places a hand against your cheek. “Isn’t that right?”
You nod your head. “That’s right, sir.” you respond. 
Jin hums, his eyes zoning in on your face. His thumb traces your lips softly for a bit, and you’re confused as to what he’s doing and what the hold up was. “I was thinking about giving your husband a raise. He’s been doing such a good job lately.”
There’s malice in Jin’s tone as he speaks; spite. He scoffs a bit after he says it and you swallow at what he’s about to say next in anticipation. “Depends on how well you treat me, Y/N.”
And there it was - you’ve known as much. Jin wasn’t doing anything out of the pure kindness of his heart; he was sleeping with his brother's wife after all. This was nothing but a game to him - whatever issues he had with his brother, you’d never know. 
There’s nothing for you to say in response to Jin. You only nod your head, your hands tangling with his suit pants to take him out. Jin watches you with fierce eyes, never leaving you once. 
Your hands are trembling under his gaze, but this isn’t something that you need to mess up.
It’s sad - and you cannot be upset with anyone but yourself. You’ve allowed Jin to grow comfortable with disrespecting your marriage - you allowed him to talk down about your husband to the point that he does it constantly, even in moments such as this. There’s a part of you that hates yourself for allowing yourself to be used by this man.
But then the other part of you is attempting to give yourself grace. The other side of you wanted to blame your husband for losing everything in the marriage; so much so that you felt like you needed to do this with Jin so the man wouldn’t grow spiteful - so you could remain in his home while your husband continued to work in his brother's company. 
Jin notices your internal dialogue as you begin to remove his cock from his underwear, but he doesn’t bring himself to care much. After all, he never heard a no from you - you gave him what he wanted without a fight.  
Jin was no monster - but you weren’t a saint either. You moaned for him loudly when he was inside of you. You begged for more when you were drunk off of pure pleasure. Your fingernails scarred his back and your juices would stain his clothing.
You wanted this just as badly as Jin did - you were just a married woman who, at the end of it all, had to look herself in the mirror. He didn’t have a wife he had to look at after fucking you - and he could care less about looking his brother in the face.
“You’re doing this for your husband.” Jin says to you, your hand wrapped firmly around his erect cock. His plump lips offer you a smile - that looks more like a smudged smirk - but all he wants to do is make you more comfortable. 
Your lips wrap around Jin’s tip, tongue swirling as if it was a lollipop. There’s pre-cum on it, your tastebuds swallowing the salty substance. 
‘You’re doing this for your husband’ Jin’s words ring through your ears as you do, your hands pumping the shaft of his cock. You couldn’t be so sure you were doing this for him anymore - as selfish as it sounds.
 Losing everything in a blink of an eye has you constantly fearing going through it once more and the selfish side of you was enjoying the attention you weren’t getting from your husband, but from his brother. You were enjoying the expensive gifts that he’d give and the random money he would wire into your account - even if it did eat away at you to accept them.
You continued to suck harder, taking Jin deeper into your mouth. He winces, his hands clenching slightly. Licking his lips, Jin tilts his head at you. “There’s my Y/N.” he moans, hooded eyes watching how purely whorish you appeared taking him fully. “There’s my girl coming out.”
His Y/N - Jin told you time and time again that a part of you - the side that accepted the affair - would come out. This was the side that would moan freely, would hug him closer and the side that would beg for more. This was his Y/N - the Y/N that was determined to make him cum by any means necessary; that would fuck him like her life depended on it (and of course it did).
Your eyes glance up at him and for a moment Jin is stuck. His cheeks flush at you - and it wasn’t something he needed you noticing; he had to have the ultimate control at all times.
The solution? Forcing your head down, taking him even deeper. Your nose hits the cleanly groom patch of hair on his pelvis, his cock hitting the back of your throat. You gag - but it only edges on Jin further. 
“Don’t do it for your husband, Y/N. Do it for yourself.” Jin says, his head firmly on the back of your head to keep you in place. “Maybe that would make you act a little better.”
Your tongue lays flat as you suck, your head managing to lean back so only the tip is in your mouth, and quickly before Jin could react, you take him back into your throat, sucking with all your might.
Jin hisses, his toes curling inside his dress shoes. The noises that echo off of his room are filthy - his moans mixed with your slurping and gagging.
“How selfish my Y/N truly is. You like having a cock in your throat as long as the cock is providing for you, huh?” Jin squeezes his hand into your hair to keep you firmly in place, panting at just how good you were taking him. “I guess I’ll have to spoil you after this, huh? Not like your husband could.”
Your eyes begin to water, but you refuse to stop your sucking. Jin’s hips are moving a bit, and he’s cursing low to himself. He wants to tear his eyes away from you - but he’s mesmerized. There’s drool running down your chin and your eyes are watery and to him you look absolutely beautiful -  how could he not want to wire you thousands of dollars after this?
You pop off of Jin’s cock with a loud ‘pop’ing sound, saliva connecting your lips to his cock. Your hands immediately wrap around his length to jerk him vigorously, your tongue twirling on the tip for him to cum.
“Oh, fuck.” Jin groans, right as your eyes and his connect. You were jerking his cock with need - as if you were the one that was cumming. He begins to whimper, his thighs trembling. The familiar bubbling in his abdomen is returning - like it did time and time again when he was with you. “So good for me, baby.”
Jin’s praises shouldn’t be getting to you, but they do. They always do. He could be demanding while you and he were intimate, as well as degrading. However, there were times in which he did speak to you nicely; complimenting you at how good you were to and for him. He’d often call you beautiful and assured that you would always be taken care of regardless of the situation you were in - in the end of it all, you took it as nothing but pillow talk. 
However, you were now in the moment just as Seokjin was and you were determined to make the man cum. You bring the tip of his cock back into your mouth and you continue to suck, your palm jerking him to cum. Doing this, Jin begins to pant, his speech cut off. His head hangs back and his eyes are rolling with pleasure - such a beautiful sight, you think. Even when convulsing in pleasure did Kim Seokjin look beautiful.
Jin groans -  a groan that comes from deep in his throat. He wants to praise you and tell you just how good you’re doing; but maybe that was the side of him that likes you. That, of course, he can’t. He’s unable to form any words and all he can focus on is the pleasure that runs through his body entirely. It was as if his brain was shutting down and fuck did it feel amazing.
Jin’s thighs are quivering and he’s cumming, his breathing coming out in hushed stutters. He cums so much, thick white robes painting the inside of your mouth. It’s so much that it surprises you that it begins to seep out of your mouth, but you assure yourself to swallow as much as you could.
You release Jin’s cock and heave, the air hitting your throat refreshing. You’re sure you looked a mess; tear stained cheeks, blurry and red eyes and drool (and cum) mixed on your lips. But you don’t dwell on the fact - it wasn’t anything Seokjin wasn’t accustomed to seeing already.
It takes a few moments for Jin to compose himself. His eyes are closed and his thighs gently tremble until they stop completely. His mind is flooding with just what he has gotten himself into with you - an act he does each time you manage to make him cum.
Jin snaps his eyes open and looks at you. You’re on your knees - where you belonged - and looked at him with a tilted head.
Jin leans forward, licking his plump lips. “You’re so obedient.” he murmurs to you, the Jin you knew coming back like a full circle. “The collar suits you.”
You yelp when Jin snatches said collar and yanks it harshly. His lips meet yours in a rushed kiss - an action he’s never done. You and Seokjin don’t kiss; it’s an act far too intimate for two people having an affair. He never initiated it before, and neither have you. Yet, kissing Jin felt right and there's electricity running through your veins. His lips are warm and soft to the touch and though you never initiated a kiss with the man before, you don’t find yourself pushing away from it.
Jin is amused (and satisfied) when you softly protest when he pushes you away from him. “You look like a kick puppy, Y/N. When was the last time you kissed your husband?”
Jin snickers when you glance away - you did because even you didn’t know. Jin kept his hours long (intentionally, now you know) and there was never any time for you and him to ever be alone. And even though you loved your husband for wanting to be better and get out of the financial bind he put the two of you in, there's a sinister side to you that still despises him for putting you in that situation to begin with.
Jin yanks at your collar and has you standing to your feet along with him. He pushes you towards his bed and you fall back with a low yelp. 
“Open your legs.” Jin demands and instantly, you comply. “Good girl.” he murmurs.
Between your legs was Jin’s favorite place to be - being inside you or his tongue buried in your pussy. Your pussy is always wet for him; warm and inviting. You gave it up to him so willingly and each time he took it with gratitude. 
Jin couldn’t get enough of you - and it had to be a deeper reason. You weren’t his woman to have, but he took you selfishly. He buries his tongue deep against your clit, not taking another second away. He laps against your pussy eagerly, eyes glancing up to see your shocked (yet satisfied) face - brows knitted and mouth agape as a moan draws out.
Jin’s hands place themselves on your outer thigh, allowing you to slightly cage him in between them - because that could never stop him from having his taste of you. He has no choice but to bury his face deeper into your pussy, suckling even harder against your swollen clit.
“F-Feels so good, sir.” you wail and Jin knows this. His eyes never leave your face as his tongue continues to lap. “G-Gonna cum already.”
Jin snickers - you were always so quick to cum when he had you like this. Like the perfect little whore you were, he thinks. He knows his brother could never please you the same way he does - you always walked around so uptight and shy. Your legs clenched together for whatever friction because his brother was far too busy to pleasure you.
 Now, you had that glow to you. Jin assured that you’d cum each and every time you and him were together - just like now.
Jin slams your legs open, pinning them against your shoulder. The position is as lewd as his actions, but that doesn’t stop him. He devours your pussy entirely, tongue ravishing your clit so loudly that his suckling is dancing off of the walls.
“S-Sir, slow down-”
Jin didn’t want to hear anything you were about to say. You didn’t tell him what to do - he was Kim Seokjin. If he wanted to lick your clit until you were squirting against him he would - because he was Kim Seokjin. 
Jin’s hands hold your thighs apart even tighter to assure you have no way to escape him, his tongue sliding against your clit entirely and entering in and out of you. Your eyes snap shut, squeezing so tightly. You were being swallowed up by the black hole of pleasure. There’s whimpering coming from you as well as the familiar moisture at the corner of your eyes. 
Jin shoves you away hastily. “I’m going to fuck a baby into you, Y/N.” Jin says suddenly - an act that is just as shocking as him kissing you.
You don’t get time to protest before Jin is flipping you onto your stomach and forcing your ass into the air. He’s behind you, positioning himself at your entrance.
Jin enters you without hesitation, needing no time to prep you because of how wet you are. He starts off rough, cock so deep that it brings back the familiar black hole of pleasure. 
Jin is brutal as he fucks you - but he was a man on a mission. He’s clouded by his own lust and selfish desire that he doesn’t hold back any of his own thoughts. 
“You’d want that, wouldn’t you?” Jin asks harshly, pulling both of your hands behind your back to hoist you up. “For me to fuck a baby into you?”
“Y-Yes, sir!” you wail, far too gone in pleasure that you don’t completely take in what Jin is saying. 
“You’re so drunk off of dick that you’ll say anything. There’s my Y/N.” Jin cracks his hips deeper and deeper into you, hitting your sweet spot with each thrust. Your juices are leaking down your thigh and staining his bedsheets, but he would never care. “I’m going to get you pregnant and watch my pathetic brother raise the child as his.” he laughs gleefully, his plan completely insane. 
You’re pushed away from Jin and you fall completely against the mattress. Jin hikes a leg up so he can go deeper into you.
“But don’t worry, Y/N. I’ll make sure our child has the best of the best.” Jin groans, eyes focused on the way your ass bounces against him. “And when they’re of age, I’ll tell them the truth. That the pathetic father they thought they had was not really their father.” Jin leans down, both hands firmly against the mattress for support. “And they’ll inherit millions from me. It’s better than having nothing like my pathetic brother.”
“Feels so good!” you moan into the mattress and all Jin could do is laugh - because you were far too gone to notice anything he was saying; and just how real his plans for you are.
“Yeah?” Jin manages to flip you again and now on your back, he allows you to wrap your legs around him. “So good for me, Y/N. Such an obedient little whore.”
Jin connects his lips to yours again and instantly, you wrap your arms around him. You were determined not to let him go this time - and he allowed it. Kissing you felt right; even when it was wrong. Not only because you weren’t his woman (because he was well aware of such and didn’t give a fuck) but because it was a sign of affection.
“Want you to fuck me all night.” you plead against his lips, holding him so close that you coild feel his own heartbeat. 
So dick drink, Jin thinks, but he doesn’t respond. He’s unable to, far too focused on giving you exactly what you want. 
Jin ponders how his brother wasn’t fighting him to have more time off of work. Your pussy is amazing - carved from the Gods. You’re gripping him so tight with a pussy that’s so wet that if he was in his brothers position, he wouldn’t be at work now - no, he’d be fucking you into the mattress.
But Jin wasn’t your husband and he was doing exactly what he should be doing to you.
“Squeezing me so tight, Y/N. Gonna cum already?” Jin taunts, but even he was ready to cum inside of you.
 The thought of getting you pregnant is stuck deep in Jin’s mind; watching you grow heavy and round with his seed. He would have a deep bond with the child, assuring that he would be loved far more than his brother would be with the child. He would be impressed with how large your breast would be as you grew with his child and how beautiful you’d look pregnant.
“Shit,” Jin’s forehead presses against yours. He plunges his cock inside of you with need now - the need to impregnate immediately - and to do this as many times as it takes for you to conceive.
Warmth floods deep inside of you just as you’re reaching your high. You squeeze Jin, hugging him closer to your exhausted and convulsing body and never wanting to let the man go.
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You and Jin fucked for hours in various positions you’ve never been in. You had awoken suddenly, body exhausted in a bedroom that didn’t belong to you. Jin wasn’t there, you noticed, and that was your cue to take your leave.
Doing the walk of shame back to your bedroom was something you’d have to look yourself in the mirror about later. Your body was aching and all you truly wanted to do was have a soothing bath and then go right back to sleep.
You opened the door to your bedroom and stopped in your tracks. Your eyes scanned the room entirely.
Balloons littered the ceiling entirely - all red, white and pink. Your bed - king-sized that sat in the middle of the room, sat rose petals shaped neatly into a large heart. In the middle of it sat a small envelope, but that was the least of your concerns. 
Flower bouquets are surrounding your bed - all roses of different colors - and there’s dozens of gift bags waiting to be opened.
You enter your bedroom and close your door behind you. You ponder did your husband do all of this for you - and if he did, just how did he manage to do so without wondering where you were at the entire time?
Your heart sinks at the thought of your husband doing this for you and you were cheating on him with his brother.
You grasp the small envelope on your bed and open it. It’s a card - something simple written inside of it but it causes your heart to swell with realization.
My Y/N.
Happy Valentine’s Day
part 2 (coming oct. 12) | teaser to part 2
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h5eavenly · 7 months
Carousel┃H.HJ SMAU
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・❥・Pairing: Hwang Hyunjin x Female Reader ・❥・Genre: Kind of (?) Villainous FL , angst, romance, smut , college au, enemies to lovers, very minor love triangle, slow burn, social media au (with written parts) ・❥・Synopsis: It girl, Queen Bee the most popular girl around campus Song Y/N was envied by everyone. She has it all, money, the looks and brains. After making a bet with her bestfriend Yeosang her life takes a turn to the worse, seeming to lose everyone around her she doesn't expect the only person to stick by her side to be her Ex-first love and long time enemy - Hwang Hyunjin. (The bet part is inspired by the k-drama tempted however nothing else is the same) ・❥・Warnings: contains mature themes minors dni, heavy angst, Vulgar language, swearing, kys jokes etc. Mentions of weight and disordered eating. Sexual themes and talks. FL is really mean and malicious at times (will get better ofc) , eventual smut. {will add more later if needed}. ・❥・Status: completed. TW = TRIGGER WARNING. W = WRITTEN PART. ・❥・ spotify playlist:
Profiles (Y/N's Friends) | Profiles (Hyunjin's Friends) | Profiles (Notable Cast)
⇀ One - Cheating Again.
⇀ Two - New Girl.
⇀ Three - I hate Her.
⇀ Four - The Beast Is Out.
⇀ Five - Early Birdies.
⇀ Six - What’s Your Problem?
⇀ Seven - Talking In Circles.
⇀ Eight - Just One Meow (TW).
⇀ Nine - Give Us A Chance.
⇀ Ten - Operation : Hwang's Pet.
⇀ Eleven - Why Is It Always Her? (TW) (W)
⇀ Twelve - Lock Me Up.
⇀ Thirteen - The Bet.
⇀ Fourteen - A little Too Silly.
⇀ Fifteen - I'm A Fuck Up
⇀ Sixteen - Wrapped In Regret (W)
⇀ Seventeen - On Some Me Shit.
⇀ Eighteen - Pink Flowers.
⇀ Nineteen - My One And Only.
⇀ Twenty - Make It Up To Me.
⇀ Twenty-One - Furry Convention.
⇀ Twenty -Two - Hello Kitty Can Get It.
⇀ Twenty-Three - I'm Human Too.
⇀ Twenty-Four - If Poetry Was A Person. (W)
⇀ Twenty-Five - You Got Me.
⇀ Twenty-Six - I Want To See You.
⇀ Twenty-Seven - It's A Wife Thing.
⇀ Twenty-Eight - Forever And Ever.
⇀ Twenty-Nine - Alpha Pheromones.
⇀ Thirty- Such A Waste.
⇀ Thirty-One - Wish you could stay. (W)
⇀ Thirty-Two - Yeji Come Home.
⇀ Thirty-Three - I'm Pathetic.
⇀ Thirty-Four - Drown me in your feelings.
⇀ Thirty-Five - Flickers Of The Past I (W)(TW)
⇀ Thirty-Six - Why Am I Always Thirdwheeling?
⇀ Thirty-Seven - Jin Is Missing !
⇀ Thirty-Eight - Only A Warning.
⇀ Thirty-Nine - I Need Him.
⇀ Forty- Permanently Scowling.
⇀ Forty-One - stupidly crazy about you.
⇀ Forty-Two - You're My Biggest Wish. (W)
⇀ Forty-Three - You're A Cute Slut.
⇀ Forty-Four - Because I Love You.
⇀ Forty-Five - Light Of My Life.
⇀ Forty-Six - Out Of Time. (W)
⇀ Forty-Seven - Everything Sucks.
⇀ Forty-Eight - Wifey Night.
⇀ Forty-Nine - I'm Sorry I Love You.
⇀ Fifty - Flickers Of The Past II (TW)(W)
⇀ Fifty-One - Long Lonely Dream.
⇀ Fifty-Two - you're so edgy and cool
⇀ Fifty-Three - I was made for loving you (TW)(W)
⇀ Fifty-Four - I believe in you.
⇀ Fifty-Five - i want to die next to you.
⇀ Fifty-Six - new adventures with friends.
⇀ Fifty-Seven - Who The Fuck Is They.
⇀ Fifty-Eight - i feel like a monstrous creature.
⇀ Fifty-Nine - this happens once every few lifetimes (w)
⇀ Sixty - Epilogue.
⇀ Things you might have missed..
・❥・Taglist: Closed.
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helenazbmrskai · 3 months
Textbook Love (m) - KSJ
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Title [Textbook Love] previously known as Mr Dream Writer!
Pairing [Best Friend’s Brother! Seokjin x Writer! Reader]
Genre [smut, angst, fluff, best friend’s brother AU, friends to lovers, slice of life]
Summary [Loving your best friend’s brother is forbidden so what is even more forbidden you might ask. It’s writing smut about him. Can you still remain friends after he discovers your secrets?]
Words [11,6k]
Warnings [sexual content: oral sex (f and m receiving), morning wood, sexual tension, subby jin, dom reader, teasing, blowjob, lots of kisses, jin comes in his pants, possessiveness, dirty talk, fingering, unprotected sex, creampie]
Rating [+18]
A/N: Hii! Some of you might know this story (it was a series previously) but I made it into a one-shot and finished it also made some changes in the plot. Now that Jinie is home I wanted to write something about him. Please enjoy!
Masterlist //
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Kim Seokjin. Jin or Jinie shortened for friends and family. Your bestest friend’s older brother and your current roommate of five months, nine hours and – a brief look at your wristwatch – twenty minutes.
He’s tall with shoulders as wide as the ocean. Could take over the model industry at any moment. But also born with a heart of gold.
He’s like the warmest of summers, the orange hues of the sunset. Shines so bright in the darkness of the night sky that you’re afraid of getting hurt if you dare to approach him carelessly but if he’s the sun then you’re the moon. The opposite that, unfortunately – doesn’t attract.
If it wasn’t obvious from the intro you put together, remind you, to read this from the first page of your diary you’re here to spell this out. You have the biggest crush on Seokjin. Ever since he caught you three years ago when you almost fell off of the cruise boat on a family vacation while mindlessly looking at the water below. You could still remember how it felt to be inside his arms. How quick your heart raced not just because of the adrenalin but by being held by him. Your back was pressed against his chest and his fingers dug into your waist to keep both of your balance. His breath hit the shell of your ear when he asked in his sexy voice are you alright. Your heart was beating so fast for him. You swear at that exact moment his mom knew what you were thinking.
You childishly filled several notebooks with his name on every page with little pink hearts and his handsome face became a reoccurring figure in your dreams at night. It’s cliché to fall in love with your best friend’s brother and sadly it’s not how the romance novels you like to read portray it where you fall but he falls harder. No –
That daydream ending doesn’t come near you at all.
So you write your own books instead where you magically fall in love with Jin and he reciprocate your feelings.
Jin never had a girlfriend after he ended things with his last one three years ago. He mostly dealt with his heartbreak by the time you started developing your feelings for him but the timing never seemed to be right to tell him how you feel. It felt like you were longing for someone’s love and attention whose heart isn’t available yet.
You did not dare to speak up.
Sometimes you can’t help it. Hope flares in your heart. His intentions are pure but you can’t help but put more meaning behind it as you see fit. You could chat about your days during dinner and sometimes his thumb wipes some sauce from your lips and your heart flutters. He asks if you want to hang out with the boys at the bar and his hand is on the small of your back guiding you to the table between busybodies. You shiver from the cold wind at night on your way home from bowling with your friends and his jacket is neatly laid on your shoulders a moment later. Small details that probably mean nothing to him whilst it’s everything to you.
There are times when you could picture yourself next to him, holding his hand and kissing his lips. You try not to let your delusions surface often. It’s too draining mentally. Left with disappointment in the end when he goes on a date or brings someone home for the night. The illusion shatters.
The brightest light burns out the fastest as they say. One day you’re filled with hope other times reality comes to you like a trainwreck. Some things are not meant to be and it’s probably you and Jin. Blah. Blah. Blah. You could talk about this forever if you had the time.
You spend most days outlining your plot holed up in your room. Keyboard smashing as you fly over the estimated word count.
Who knew that unrequited love could give you so much inspiration?
Writing and editing until your eyes dry out and your nose bleeds are how masterpieces are created in your opinion.
Living between the pages of your book certainly feels better sometimes than real life. Caffeine and food are your new lover at least they can’t hurt your feelings. You can hear the front door open and close from a distance when the apartment is enveloped in complete silence. It’s midday. He’s usually nose-deep in his work by now. If not he helps old ladies to cross the street or save kittens that got stuck on high trees aka living the life of an angel. So what is he doing at home? You hear keys clinking and a heavy sigh followed by sluggish footsteps.
Your typing ceases as your fingers hover over your keyboard as you listen. Should you greet him? He could be having a hard day.
Seokjin’s a polite and friendly roommate as you got to know him. He treats you like a good little sister. You don’t like it but you don’t have the confidence to raise questions about it. He’s a homebody just like you but likes his hangouts every-now-and-then. He’s neat and domestic honestly, the best roommate you had so far. A popular restaurant owner downtown who is not only sought out because of his looks but also because of his excellent cuisine. His wide shoulders carry a lot of pressure to do well with his business.
He most likely comes home from visiting the bank. He decided recently that he wanted to make the place more modern and renovate the kitchen and interior. You heard that getting a loan seems to be a bit tricky. 
Your mouth waters at the sight of Jin’s broad shoulders in a fitting white t-shirt and some baggy pants. You like his day clothes but you like them especially when he goes casual showing true boyfriend material looks with soft hoodies and plain t-shirts. Even when he comes home smelling like food and sweat you find him attractive. His eye smile melts you into a puddle especially when he catches you making his favourite comfort food after a long day at work.
You ask him today if he needs it and he nods already feeling better after the mention of his favourite muffins. You shoo him out of the kitchen while you start preparing to make the butter and he goes to take a shower before he returns to your side. You don’t need to ask if he had a bad day.
”You always know what I need. It smells amazing Y/N. Can I get a taste?” You try to keep your composure when Seokjin throws his arms around your body engulfing you in a back hug that brings the scent of his body wash to waft into your nose. Your heart is beating loudly in your throat and you’re hoping that the sound doesn’t reach his ears with his chest tightly pressed to you and his chin lying on top of your head. You want to melt into him – melt into the lazy circles he leaves with his thumb on your hipbone absentmindedly but you don’t let yourself completely relax afraid if you show how much you like it you will be too obvious.
The tip of his nose kisses the side of your cheek as you slightly turn in his direction holding up your spoon for a taste just like he asked.
”Hmn. Tastes good.”
Your entire body freezes up when he moans into your ear (fucking moans) and your panties dampen by the sheer sinfulness of the sound. Fuck. He’s going to be the death of you.
”S-Set the table, will you?” You hope he doesn’t put two and two together by the tremor in your voice. You’re his baby sister’s best friend there’s no way he would look at you the same way as you are looking at him.
”Sure. Finish up buttercup.” He squeezes you for a moment longer before he lets you go and steps back. Laughing at his own joke. The cold air that rushes back now that his body heat is gone makes an involuntary shiver run down your spine. He doesn’t notice any of your odd reactions. Thankfully. Seokjin skips into the living room like normal carrying two plates with him and forks.
The muffins are almost done.
”My publisher is hellbent on making me write about love. I was thinking of showing how friendship is important in my next book. You know have a somewhat action-based fantasy story as the protagonists meet with strangers and become friends along the way while going through hardships together, something similar like that. I don’t want to write a cute love story when I haven’t got a real boyfriend in ages. I know it wouldn’t be genuine and I would hate to let my readers down.”
At first, you asked about how his day was going but somewhere along the way he asked about your visit to your publishing company today and you had to rent about it. Jin listens to you carefully even though he has his own problems to solve. You don’t try to dwell on it long since you want to comfort him instead.
You know how passionate he is about his job and how he loves cooking and now he’s placed in a tough situation. You don’t have the time to worry about your nonexistent love life.
”You could never let your readers down Y/N. They love your books.” You place your fork down and reach over to grasp his hand in yours impulsively but Jin doesn’t mind. You want to intertwine your fingers so badly with his but you hold back he’s not yours to hold. You hate to see him upset like this. The snack is long forgotten as you both stop eating.
”You can still do it.” You’re confused for only a second before Jin elaborates. One hand goes over his hair ruffling the locks and making a mess.
”You could always try and meet someone.” Okay. Ouch. It’s true but hearing it from him is even more painful than the normal jabs you get from your best friend regarding this matter.
”I don’t need a boyfriend to write about love.” Because I’m in love with you.
You don’t offer him much more after that and he lets it go after a while when he realises you won’t budge on the subject. This is not a topic that you want to discuss with him either.
You’re working on something but that’s not how you pay your bills. Simple romance doesn’t pay as much. It’s written porn you write to your secret fanbase that Jin doesn’t know about on a site. You have a secret job that only your best friend knows about. You write smut on the internet and you have plenty of followers who tip you generously for your thirst posts.
Your popularity is all thanks to the built-up sexual tension because you imagine Jin doing those things to you. It will never happen in real life so you write it down and give the guy a fake name. Simple as that. You started your blog to keep your fantasies in one place but people seemed to love your filthy ideas so you kept going under a fake name.
Once you both eat your fill of the sweets you carry the plates to the kitchen. Jin insists on washing the dishes since you baked so you just stand by the side. Jin hums a catchy tune whilst cleaning and rinsing the plates. You always liked listening to his voice. He could be a singer he said he might be in his next life and you both shared a laugh. It’s domestic talking and doing chores together around the house.
This is how everything has always been.
“Your back is arching one hand is placed on your left thigh firmly to keep you open as two thick fingers enter you. You moan and struggle as Jinie’s pillowy lips wrap around your clit his hum travels to your core as he tastes you.
You gush around his fingers that pump in and out of your puffy folds. You want to see him devour you so you keep yourself open with two of your fingers in a v shape. He licks you from top to bottom looking straight into your eyes. He removes his fingers in favour to circle his tongue around your hole and his nose gently rubs on your clit with each lick and swipe of his eager tongue.
”R-Right there. I’m cumming.” Your hands hold onto his hair pulling desperately at the strands when Jin reintroduces his two digits and his lips travel up to suck on your clit. If he keeps this up you’re going to cum on his face. His hips rut against the mattress and his moans add to the pleasure of his tongue mapping out your swollen and sensitive folds. You sound so hot. ”Jin. Jinie. Please don’t stop...” You pull him closer desperately clawing at his wide shoulders as you nearly suffocate him with your thighs. Close. So close. Need a moment and –“
”What are you doing?” You jump in your seat when you hear Seokjin call out to you. You look over your shoulder pausing your writing to take in his form leaning against your doorframe.
You shut your laptop in reflex when he steps closer to see you better, you don’t want him to see what you were up to. You’re self-conscious even if writing smut is not your literal job. You sit with your legs crossed wound up from your words and imagination. He had to show up right before you wrote the climax. You haven’t heard him knock either. Did you get so lost in your head that you did not hear him at all?
”Writing.” You answer ominously.
Jin hums and takes a seat at the edge of your bed close to your little station. He’s not suspecting you at all. You roll around with your chair and face your handsome roommate.
Usually, he doesn’t come and visit you at night. Jin likes to keep to himself when sad to not bring down anyone’s mood so you’re surprised he decided to seek you out. It manages to put you in a good mood. He trusts you enough to show you his vulnerable side.
He looks tired.
You yelp when he rolls you closer to him by grabbing the armrest of your chair his head lands on your meaty thighs so close to your core that it involuntarily throbs. It was just moments ago that you wrote about him feasting on your pussy and this position is not helping to calm down your racing heart.
Jin has no idea what he’s doing to you and you feel bad for ruining the moment with your dirty mind. He’s here to seek your comfort and you just think about yourself. You’re so selfish.
Your fingers card through his hair and he sighs in contentment. ”Can I sleep here tonight?” You almost didn’t catch the words that he murmured into your skin.
”You can.” Your voice is soft as if you’re afraid to disturb the moment. Jin holds you by the waist and buries his nose into your lower stomach. He’s been touch-starved and while he knows it’s not right to touch you like this he can’t help himself. He needs the comfort of your body after a long day. He longs to feel someone’s body heat next to him. You don’t push him away – you never do so he doesn’t stop even when he spoons you from behind lying on your bed listening to each other’s breathing.
You dream of his lips and wide shoulders.
It’s so hot you can feel sweat collecting at your spine and brows as something warm is clinging to you from behind. You can’t get away from the heat something is stopping you from wriggling out of its hold. Your dream-dazed mind needs a minute to realise what’s pressed against you and emits so much heat and when you do your entire body freezes mid struggle.
You let Jin into your bed last night. He’s like a furnace. You tilt your head backwards careful to not accidentally wake him up whilst you try to make a mental plan in your head on how to get out of this position. His hands are placed dangerously down on your body holding you by the hips and when he squeezes you suddenly you jump a little getting pressed on him more in the process.
Your t-shirt got rolled up during the night till your stomach was not covered by the fabric anymore. His hands are in direct contact with your skin and you can feel his warm touch cage you against him.
You’re outright panicking when you can feel his boner press into your buttcheeks. Sleepiness is long gone from your eyes.
This sounds like the beginning of one of your cheap smut stories. But you swear it’s not. You vaguely remember writing one about two people sharing one bed one of your favourite tropes to write about when they got stranded at a motel because of the weather. Your protagonist woke up just like you with a morning wood rutting against her whilst the boy was still living in a wet dream.
Jin isn’t moving though. He’s just pressed against you. His breath is not laboured at all as relaxed puffs of air hit your earlobe. He’s deeply asleep but his body is certainly awake and ready to nut. If you would be one of your characters then you might have the courage to press back and grind your ass into his cock. He feels big against your rearside even if he’s tucked away in his underwear.
You really want to move but you know you shouldn’t. If he accidentally wakes up you will be in big trouble.
Your attempts to escape are futile. Jin doesn’t let you go out of his hold and your struggle only makes him pull you closer and create some friction between your bodies. You let out a loud gasp when his cock accidentally rubs harder against your ass as you try to get away.
You settle down and wait. He’s probably waking up. His brows are furrowed and his mouth is jutted in a pout.
You let out a sigh of relief when he doesn’t. Looks like he got tired of you trying to get away and disturbing his sleep because he lets you go and turn to the other side of the bed. One of his hands is tucked under his head as he sleeps.
You shouldn’t feel as disappointed as you do when you get up and leave the room to get ready for the day.
You would have loved to feel him rub one out. You would have gladly let him use you but it’s for the best that nothing happened in the end. You leave the house early that morning. You needed some space to calm down and you had to go somewhere anyway. It’s ridiculous how worked up you got just because you felt Jin’s cock against your ass.
What’s even more concerning is that you have no difficulty meeting up with his sister and having some breakfast together.
If she knew what kind of thoughts you have about his older brother. She would certainly kill you but you try to keep these thoughts at the back of your mind for now as you focus on your important conversation. You shoot down another one of her blind date offers as usual at this point saying no is like a reflex to you.
”You like someone else, don’t you?” Your grip on your mug tightens and you look up at her like a deer caught in headlights after listening to her sudden question. At that moment you knew that you fucked up.
”I knew it! Who is it? Do I know him? Did you ask him out yet?” You avoid making eye contact with her as she rambles on and on about your mysterious love interest.
It’s your brother. Yes, you do know him. No, I don’t have to courage to ask him out and I don’t think I ever will.
You answer her in your head but decide against saying any of that out loud.
Instead, you say something even worse for her imagination to run wild: ”It’s complicated.”
”Is it a married man? I promise I will never judge you. You can tell me.” You gasp in horror when she starts speculating, giving you that look again that you haven’t seen since college when you had that crush on that jock from the swim team senior year. They were wet and hot in your defence every woman’s weakness. Everyone who tells otherwise is a liar.
Her hand finds yours on top of the table to console you but you pull away with a disapproving look.
”Oh my god. That’s not it!” You pick up some fries to shove into her mouth before she can speak more nonsense.
It’s annoying how she tries to nitpick everything you say just because you said it’s complicated it doesn’t mean it has to involve a married man or a sugar daddy! It could be worse than listening to her trying to figure out your mystery crush. At least she has no idea it’s his brother that you have secret feelings for. You shudder just by thinking of this morning with his dick wedged in between your buttcheeks.
It’s futile to think about the what-ifs. Nothing would have changed if you decided to stay or not a little longer. You just saved yourself from some awkward conversation where you would be friend-zoned or worse, sister zoned! You’re way past the point of feeling guilty about thinking about Jin whilst you’re with your best friend. You’re not concerned as you get lost in your head. You never really breached the topic with her but you know she wouldn’t be thrilled for you to have the hots for his brother. It’s stupid but her reaction when one of your friends brought up you dating him in the future is still a sore spot. Them. Together? Yikes. Childish, you know it but it still affects you more than you would like to admit. Not that Seokjin would ever return your feelings.
”Are you excited about our trip?” Glad for the change in the subject you let out a relieved chuckle. Genuine excitement showing on your face.
Of course, you are excited!
It’s been ages since you went to Jeju except for that one family vacation and this time it will be just you the girls and the boys – no parental supervision. You yourselves are grownups. Just friends on a summer trip. Everyone has been busy and working hard so some time to unwind will do some good for all of you. It’s also nostalgic as the first roots of your affection towards Jin bloomed on the Island as well. You’re excited to go back now that you’re all mature.
The problems you had back then seem to be minor things compared to what adult life rolls your way as a challenge. You share some excited chatter about the resort she got her hands on. You heard it’s quite spectacular and has a beautiful view of the ocean. You collect your trays when you’re done and head to the mall to buy some bikinis for the trip.
Time always flies by when you’re together and you step into your shared apartment with Jin in the late afternoon with a heart less heavy.
It’s still one of the favourite parts of your day. When you can smell the freshly made food and be greeted by Jin’s smile as he asks you to join him in the kitchen. You move in sync preparing the dishes seamlessly as you know what the other wants. You cooked together so many times but your heart still flutters when he prefers your help in the kitchen even at gatherings.
”You left early this morning.” The knife in your hand halts for a moment but you regain your composure rather quickly. You keep cutting the vegetables in relative silence as you try to come up with what to say and pour the cut pieces into a frying pan to stirfry, acting busy. You didn’t think he would comment about your sudden disappearance. Did he miss you? Was he disappointed when he didn’t find you in his arms anymore? Or. Is he testing the waters? He probably woke up with a boner and was wondering if he made you uncomfortable but doesn’t want to create an awkward situation by asking you outright. Right? That’s probably it-
”I was just getting ready for the trip tomorrow. Jiah and I went shopping. We didn’t have anything to wear to the beach.”
Seokjin acknowledges your words with a small hum as he’s focused on marinating the beef sprinkling it with various spices.
”Can’t wait to see you in it.” His smile is innocent and his intentions are probably as pure as snow so why are you blushing so hard? You and Jin saw each other in swimwear and went to the beach with mutual friends before but your approach the previous years was more cute than sexy. You don’t know what possessed you to go all out this year but Jiah whistled when you came out of the changing room. She said whoever your secret crush is he’ll probably go blind from your beauty so you’re counting on that.
”Hey! Nice of you two to finally join us.” You completely ignore Jimin’s jab at how late you are when you get to the airport. Jin rolling both of your suitcases. You don’t offer an answer; you’re all used to his teasing.
Your eyes are only halfway open when you lean on your best friend’s shoulder to support your weight. You’re not a morning person it took a lot of persuasion from Seokjin to get you out of bed.
Your earlier entrance made some of your friends suspiciously giggle and talk in hushed whispers. The fan club – as they like to call themselves. They have been shipping you with Jin since the first arrangements that you become roommates and while you show your disdain every time you secretly love the attention put on you two.
”Cute.” Hanma giggles when she saw you holding onto Jin’s shirt following him in.
He offered you the edge of his shirt to hold onto in hopes that you two won’t separate as you try to make your way to the guys inside the busy airport. He could see that you were still half asleep and he was afraid of losing sight of you in such a big place. He gave you occasional glances and slowed down his steps to match his pace with you.
He never fails to make your heart flutter with sweet gestures like this. He helps you with your luggage and carries your passports to show at the gates. Some might confuse him to be your boyfriend – Jin is naturally nice so always corrects the people politely but your heart sinks every time he smooths over the mistakes of other people.
You’re surprised that he choose the seat next to you and not one of the guys, beating your best friend to it. They played a childish game of rock paper scissors to decide who will sit next to you and in the end, Jin won.
You try to ignore the butterflies when he smiles so widely at you. You live together so you grew naturally closer – at first, you were surprised how people person he was. He was rooming with Yoongi for a long time but when he decided to take a further step in his relationship and move in together with his sweetheart, Jin had to look for another place and your roommate conveniently moved out not that long ago. You always wondered if it was fate. It seemed like a dream and most of the time it was.
You cook together and watch tv. A lot. He coaxes you out of your room to do things like watching his favourite dramas or just hang out and go bar-hopping with his friends. Simple things like that. Many pros but there are cons as well.
You think that you mastered your poker face when he occasionally brings girls home for the night. You never see them again but the fact that the walls are thin and you hear them moan his name makes the ugly head of jealousy roar to life.
You want to be the only girl that moans his name. Not only moan but – hold his hand, laugh at his dad jokes and make him feel good until his toes curl and he loses his mind. You want to be his girlfriend but it’s wishful thinking on your part.
He’s eight years older than you. He never dated younger girls and his last girlfriend was five years older than him. He likes mature older women – not girls like you in their early twenties.
”You’re always together Jin! Don’t think you can steal my best friend from me! She’s mine!” Jiah whines when she loses at the game and you have half the heart to make a peace offering when Jin pokes his tongue at his sister childishly.
Right. Mature.
”Enough. Both of you. I’m not anyone’s possession. Just sit next to each other. Final decision.” They both try to protest but you’re already out of your seat.
You find one empty so you make your way to the back and sit next to Namjoon. Finally some quiet and peace.
He gives you a sympathetic smile and pats the seat next to him for you to take and you do – gladly.
You enjoy his company and he’s been always easy to talk to. He let you cry on his shoulder when you broke up with your first boyfriend that no one knows about. It was messy. It was a secret relationship – not that you two dated for long.
Namjoon is the only one who knows about your feelings and to this day he kept your secret. You have a special place in your heart for Namjoon. You both confide in each other to tell things that you’re not comfortable telling to other people. You’re not the only one with a secret as he had the biggest crush on your best friend for years.
She’s oblivious to his attraction and it’s clear that Namjoon always has her best interest at heart. He doesn’t want to reveal himself in front of her and put her in a weird situation. The things he does for her are subtle – if you didn’t know of his feelings you would probably never pick up on the little things.
In a way, you’re both sitting in the same boat. There are nights when you two secretly hang out and talk about your crushes. It always feels good to ramble about them and get it all out so it’s a tradition by now.
”You can rest on my shoulder.” You hum in contentment his voice is nice and soothing it doesn’t take long for you to go back to sleep resting against Namjoon’s shoulders as he reads his book in silence.
Jin and Jiah bicker for a while – pointing fingers at each other about who was the cause of you to just leave them but quiet down when Namjoon scolds them and emphasises that you have already fallen back to sleep.
You and Namjoon made a promise not to try and get each other’s hopes up but that glance Seokjin shoots in your direction make him think. He’s been pretty much glued to your side and he knows for a fact, that he didn’t have a woman over for a while now. You always complain about them being loud but you didn’t for the last couple of weeks.
Namjoon looks at Seokjin’s approaching form suspiciously.
”Relax I won’t disturb her but she gets cranky when she’s not resting on her favourite pillow.” He lets him cradle your face between his palm softly and carefully place the pillow behind your head.
Jin gets a few locks of hair out of your face and places them behind your ears and a smile makes its way onto his features unknowingly.
”Tell me what you want.” You play with the hem of his shorts. Strong thighs quivering under your careful fingers. Your mouth is stretched into a vixen smile – moan softly when you picture a big fat cock to stretch it out instead.
”W- We shouldn't.” You lightly scoff. His mouth forms the words but his hips still jut when you ghost your touch over his prominent bulge. He wants you. You can feel it. Your gaze is feral as you look at Jin like a meal on a silver platter. He won’t stop you from touching him his mind keeps telling him to stop you but he won’t because deep down he doesn’t want to.
He wants you to whip out his dick and roll your tongue over his cockhead. Taste the precum of his desire. His eyes are blown out and his chest is moving up and down rapidly at the sight of you on your knees between his spread legs. Despite the position, he’s the one that’s wrapped around your pinky finger.
You know that look too well as you caress his clothed thighs running your fingers up and down in a soothing manner. He’s overthinking again.
”I can stop if it’s too much. I want you to feel good Seokjinnie. You don’t have to feel guilty.” Jin jumps when your head rests on his left thigh your breathing is shallow and calm – nothing like the hammering of his chest. His heart works overtime to pump his blood through his veins directing the flow to his cock rather than his head to think.
”N- No. Please don’t stop.” He catches your wrist when you give him some distance. Thinking that he’s pulling out of the situation. It prompted him to finally answer – and it’s truthful. He doesn’t want to stop in spite of everything in him screaming that he should.
His feelings are conflicted but his fingers weave themselves into your messy hair and gather it into a low ponytail. You feel like the forbidden fruit tempting him and leading him to his downfall. It’s only a thin wall separating your bodies from his sister sleeping next door. Unbestowned to the sinful actions of the two most important people in her life. What kind of brother he is to want his sister’s best friend’s mouth on his cock?
His eyes focus on the object of his desire, your lips. Pink and swollen from biting. Your tongue pokes out to slick your lips to glisten and make them more inviting.
”Tell me that you want it. If you don’t you have to tell me now.” Of course, the last thing you want is to stop but this is not just about you. It’s better to stop now than for him later to realise it was a mistake on his part. You wouldn’t be able to handle that if he did.
”I shouldn’t- I really shouldn’t want your mouth wrapped around my cock but Y-Y/N I w-want it so bad.” You hum grazing his inner thighs with your nails.
”You can have it. My mouth is yours to take.” Seokjin blushes but nods. His fingers shake as he undoes his pants and gets his underwear down his legs showing you his hard cock. It’s dripping the pink tip is swollen as beads of precum bubble out from the small slit. You put your mouth around the round head and taste him for the first time –
”Y/N. What is this?” His tone makes you wince. He never talked to you like this before – with anger laced with his tone. His ears are red and his eyes are distant when you keep looking at the floor avidly avoiding his harsh stare that pokes a hole into your head – hoping to gain some confidence to reply. This is your worst nightmare.
Him finding out – nonetheless this way. His reaction twists the knife in your heart even more.
You look over the words on your open computer. Your heart seizes in panic as you look between the hard lines of his forehead and your filthy words – practically telling him everything that you tried so hard to keep as a secret for years.
”I’m s-sorry.” Don’t know what else to say. Seokjin nearly growls and runs his hands through his hair as if it would decrease the humiliation of his finding. His thoughts are all over the place. The considerate boy is long gone when his harsh words pierce through your bleeding heart.
”What are you sorry for huh? Getting caught or writing porn with my name?” You flinch when he drops the laptop on the bed with a loud thud. He was never violent. The thought of you thinking about him that way disgusts him this much?
You’re lost for words as Jin walks up and down in your room trying to calm down. The tears you tried to keep at bay fall freely when his words hit you.
His frantic movements stop when he hears a pained sniff. His glare softens when he sees you cry and he bawls his hands in a fist to keep himself rooted to his spot. His first instinct is to comfort you but he’s still distraught by everything he read.
”Delete it.” This is the only thing he says before he slams the door behind him.
Your soft cries fill the room. He hates you. You should have been more careful. Shouldn’t let him be in your room when you weren’t around. It’s too late for that now. He hates you – he’s probably disgusted by you.
After he stormed out of your room that night you barely have seen him. It certainly put a damper on your vacation plans but you can’t blame him for reacting that way. It makes you sad that he opted for avoiding you all together rather than talking to you about it.
You tried to apologise but he didn’t take too kindly at you for visiting his room so you gave him the time alone that he needed. Namjoon is the only one who you told what happened and he offered to knock some sense into the boy but you pulled him back by his hands to leave it.
Namjoon is a good friend to the both of you and he could understand his reaction but the way he talked to you was not justified.
He kept by your side during the whole trip and you were glad to have some distraction from everything that happened. You were existing in the same room during the activities but he never even glanced your way or addressed you.
It felt like you were invisible that the friendship you built just crumbled like that.
You dreaded the day that you had to go back to your apartment. You tried to hide your disappointment when he asked Jimin to let him crash at his place for a while. You know he will move out sooner or later. It felt like your friendship was unsalvageable at this point.
You even told Jiah that you like his brother. She kept asking about what happened between the two of you. The tension could be cut with a knife and everyone noticed how the two of you drifted apart when before you were almost inseparable. She was shocked and you expected her to yell at you too but to your surprise, she took the news quite alright.
You had a heartfelt conversation while you both cried your eyes out. It felt good to tell her everything despite the situation. Whenever you thought about Jin your heart squeezed painfully. You haven’t seen him for at least a month now. Legally you still shared the apartment but you know he’s been looking for another place to stay. The last time he looked at you was when you were in your room after he discovered your erotic story about him. Jiah was your rock – and Namjoon too.
You could tell that they grew closer because of you, they talked more and hung out without you. You were hopeful that at least they got together in the end. They took really good care of you and you were really grateful for them to help you feel better.
You announced your indefinite hiatus on your blog and while some were noisy the majority of them wished you good luck with whatever you were struggling with. You were thinking of deleting the whole thing.
You buried yourself under work and continued on your real projects.
You were in the kitchen having some late-night snack. What you didn’t expect is for Jin to show up one day at your door he kept fidgeting with his key as he tried to coordinate his movements and slide the key into the hole.
He was flat-out drunk. His eyes are glazed over in a drunkness hue and he is swooning like he could trip over his feet at any given moment. You haven’t seen him act like this ever – he’s completely shit-faced. You want to give him space knowing that the last thing he wants is to see your face so you abandon your snack on the counter and try to leave but he doesn’t let you get too far.
Your eyes grow wide when he pushes you against your door before you could slip away into the comfort of your room. His breath smelled like he consumed a lot of whiskey on his night out and you don’t think your assumption is too far-fetched from the truth.
It breaks your heart that he has to be this drunk to even face you.
”You’re drunk. You should lay down.” You place both hands on his stomach to keep some distance as he sways.
It wasn’t the most coherent but you could get the gist of his words that would awfully sound like: ”I bw-read your blog. All offfff it.”
You look away in shame – ready to hear him yell again but he doesn’t. He forces you to face him with a firm grip on your chin.
”It bwans’t jsut sex. You swaid you likeed me.”
You try to push him away and get some space between you but he doesn’t relent. Who would have thought that he’s so strong while drunk?
”This is something we should discuss while you’re sober. We will talk in the morning. As, if you’ll be still here.” It was pointless to mask your hurt and he could see that. You looked hurt and thin like you were not eating properly.
The empty fridge seems to be a big hint of that. His head pounds from the headache but he could remember everything from yesterday.
You took care of him. Helped him lay down on his bed and even got him painkillers with a glass of water to sit on his bedside table for when he woke up.
He didn’t think about you at all or your feelings until Namjoon beat some sense into him. It was too much and too sudden. He was fighting these feelings and discovering your dirty little secret just made it all blow up in his face.
He was too deep to think about how his words affected you. He knows it won’t be enough to earn your forgiveness but it should be a good start. He makes some breakfast and waits for you patiently to appear.
You come out, blinking away the sleepiness when the view makes you stop in your tracks. You rub your eyes again in case you’re still somehow dreaming.
Seokjin. Standing in the kitchen, cooking. It’s something you haven’t witnessed for the last few weeks – it feels foreign to see him flip a honey brown pancake on their other side. To be truthful after he left you haven’t felt like cooking (it reminded you too much of him – you used to do all the cooking together and it felt wrong to do it all alone) mostly living off of fast food or eat at your friend’s place if they offered.
”You’re here.” It comes out as if you’re in disbelief and – you are. Seokjin was drunk yesterday. You thought it was a mistake that he came home and would surely leave in the morning before you woke up.
You didn’t think he would be here.
”Yes. Are- are you hungry?” He asks carefully as if you’re a wounded animal that could flee at any given moment. He could barely look you in the eye and it hurts. It’s never been so awkward before and you hate that you made it this way. The tension surrounding your body has a strong grip on your throat. It’s your fault that things went South in your friendship. You don’t even know it could be fixed anymore.
”S- Sure.” You take tentative steps into the kitchen and sit down opposite him. He places two servings down and you eat silently with a gaping hole in between. Usually, you would sit close to each other but not this time, there’s no easy banter or laughing either. It’s all so still.
”I- uh so, uh. Fuck, it’s hard. I guess what I want to say is that. I’m sorry.” Jin places his hand on top of yours – you two always used touch as a comforting gesture – but you pull your hand away without thinking. You think you saw hurt flash in his eyes but he looked undeterred in making up with you.
”It’s ok. I should be the one who says sorry. It was improper of me and it will never happen again.” You look away, your moves are mechanical as you slice into your pancakes. You’re not hungry and the food tastes like paper in your mouth. You miss the dejected look on his face while you focus on your plate.
He should have known it won’t be that easy to get things back to where it was.
He hates that you look so defensive and uncomfortable being in the same room. He deserves this reaction. Namjoon’s words ring in his ears like a mantra.
The way he acted and yelled at you was so unlike him. He said things that night that he didn’t mean and regretted. Namjoon told him how it wore you down while he was confused with his feelings – he hurt you badly. You can’t even look at him now and he hates that he did this to you. He misses your smile.
”No, it’s not okay. I’m sorry for yelling I didn’t mean the things I said I regretted saying them the minute I did. I read your blog and- y-you said that you like me. Is it, true?” If you didn’t know better you might think he looks hopeful. But what he said stuck in your head on repeat. [What are you sorry for huh? Getting caught or writing porn with my name?]
”I did.” You settle for that answer for now. Seeing him again and how painful it is to even be in the same house opened your eyes to how wrong it was for you to fantasise about him. You will make yourself stop liking him. This is the only way you can still salvage your friendship. He’s clearly not interested based on his reaction and you couldn’t blame him.
”The past tense means? You- don’t like me anymore? I-Is it because of what I said?” Jin seems nervous and somewhat, disappointed in your answer but you don’t let your mind linger on that for long. This is for the best.
”I want us to forget about this. This is how we could be friends again.”
You get up and leave but there was unmistakable sadness carried in your eyes. Your pancake is nearly untouched you only took two bites and Jin slumps in his chair sighing. He wanted this conversation to play out differently.
It took too long for him to figure out his own feelings. It looks like he’s always a beat late when it comes to you.
Jin cringes when he thinks about your conversation that happened half a day ago.
”That sucks man but at least now you’re on speaking terms again.” Seokjin sighs. He half-heartedly agrees because he did move back into your shared apartment but it’s far from how it used to be. You’re distant. No more cooking together you don’t even watch shows together on the couch after your late-night writing sessions.
If he’s not going out of his way to see you he bet you wouldn’t even leave your room. You’re only a door away but it feels like there are oceans between you now.
You said you’re working on your book and he knows it’s the truth because your blog is deleted by the time he tries to check it out again.
You meant it when you said you want to forget about the last couple of weeks and while you pretend it never happened – it’s clear that it still bothers you. You’re avoiding him. Even in friend outings, you’re barely speaking to him and choose the seat farthest away from him. Everyone noticed the shift in your dynamics but no one dares to comment on it. Namjoon advised him to give you time, you’re probably just feeling embarrassed and he couldn’t blame you when he reacted that way. The things he said – he wishes he could just turn back time and take a deep breath instead.
He felt betrayed when he first saw your writing and he felt embarrassed that people all over the world read about sexual things with his name in it he replayed what happened at the hotel numerous times and he regrets everything.
Ever since he played with the thought of you and him in the same sentence it became clearer that he could actually picture it happening. Too bad he’s weeks late and now it seems like you will never open up to him again.
”Barely. She’s still avoiding me Joon.” Namjoon finds his older friend’s pout comical.
”Clearly since you’re out drinking again. You know that if you get drunk it doesn’t mean the situation will solve itself.” Of course, he knows it. Jin annoyingly sighs again and Namjoon has to bite his lip to not tell him to stop whining and instead do something about it.
”I’m just so lost about what to do.” Jin swirls his drink looking intently at the bottom of his whiskey in case the key to his problems will be somehow buried under the fifth cup of alcohol.
”Well – did you try to apologise?” Jin snorts. Namjoon could barely hear his answer murmured under his nose. ”Of course, I apologised that was the first thing that I did.”
”Did you explain to her why you reacted that way? That you given it a thought and you would like to try something if she’s still interested? Did you tell her that?”
It’s the following silence that has Namjoon shake his head in disbelief. For the first time since he arrived, Jin looks up from his drink and looks kinda panicked.
”S- She didn’t let me explain.” Even he knows it’s a poor excuse. The truth is he chickened out. You used the past tense as ‘liked you’ and he felt too afraid to say anything. He was confused for the longest time if what he started feeling after you ignored him was genuine or if he was just missing the normality you two always had. He’s afraid that things will change drastically and he would hate to lose you.
He’s still not a hundred percent sure but he probably never will be all he could do is try and see what happens. That’s life. There’s no guide on how to live your life just like there’s no guide to tell him if things would work out between you two. Things are already not normal between you. Even if he hates to admit it he wouldn’t be able to go back to just being your friend anymore after knowing the truth about your feelings. He just needs to take a leap of fate and hope for the best. It’s also easier said than done.
”You need to try until she listens. She deserves an explanation Jin. As I see it she probably avoids you so you couldn’t reject her again. She doesn’t know that you’re not trying to do that she only goes with the assumptions your little outburst created in her head. The only way you can fix your relationship with her is, to be honest. Tell her how you feel. She’s not a mind reader you have to spell it out for her to understand.”
Jin knows Namjoon is right. The question is what he’s going to do about it.
Jin also knows this is not the best time to initiate this conversation but he decides to knock on your door after standing in front of it finally done contemplating.
Your eyes are tired but widen when you see him and while your lights are off your laptop gives off a light behind you that indicates you are still awake. It's 3 in the morning.
Jin smells like alcohol again, but he doesn't seem as hammered as when he first came home. He almost looks painfully sober.
"Did you just get home?" Unsure what to say you ask carefully. Your fingers grip the door until your knuckles are turning white. You're wearing black shorts with a tank top and you're clearly not wearing a bra as Jin can see the outline of your breasts.
Realising his mistake, he focuses back on your face thanks to the dim lighting of the place you didn't notice how he was ogling at your chest a moment ago.
Even after talking big to Namjoon not an hour ago in the bar about how he's going to confess to you being in front of you makes the words escape him and lose all confidence he had left. You look so pretty in his eyes dressed in casual clothes.
The worst that could happen is hearing your rejection. Jin wouldn't blame you after all he said and done. However, things can't go on as they are now. The distance is killing him and he hates how you avoid his looks or touches when it was welcomed before.
"I want to talk to you about something. Can I come in?" He gets it out after some silence and you seemingly contemplate accepting it. It's late and he is drunk. As if he could read your mind he's quick to assure you he didn't have that much tonight. He wasn't even out for that long.
"Alright, come in." You sigh tiredly and you step away to let him in. You don't want to have this conversation right now but you know that Jin is stubborn and it's best to hear it now than prolong this painful thing you have going on. You hate this, it's awkward you don't know how to react to his words or how to move according to his touches. You're ridden with guilt thinking that you created this situation but also angry with Jin. After avoiding you for a month he's back and acting like nothing happened between you.
You motion for your bed for him to sit and you take a seat on your rolling chair. You keep sitting opposite him when before you would always sit beside him but he doesn't say anything as he's the only one to blame for this. Of course, you're heartbroken and angry. Jin is very bad when he has to confront someone or a situation but he needs to do that or else he might really lose you forever, if you haven't already given up on him but he still has hope that you will say yes.
"I know I said this before but I'm really sorry for hurting your feelings. I don't even know what I was thinking but what I'm sure about is that after not seeing you I started to think about you more deeply. I never thought about you that way I admit it but after constantly thinking about you I think I actually like you." His words are not the best to express his thoughts but he hopes you can interpret them in a good way. Your expression is not that bright so he tries to help the situation while mumbling more words.
Trying to make things right desperately.
"If you're only saying that to..." You don't have to try and finish your sentence before he's quick to correct it.
"No! Um, no. That's not it, I'm not just saying it because I want to smooth things over. I miss being with you. I miss you so much and I hate that you avoid me now even though I know I deserve it. I'm sorry Y/N, I'm really selfish. I want to have your love again even after I said that. I know I am late but I swear if you give me a chance I'll try my hardest to make you fall in love with me again." You're too stunned to react when he suddenly gets on his knees to beg for forgiveness as his last attempt to convince you. Jin clasps your hands and squeezes them.
"J-Jin." He doesn't let you pull away as he holds your hand against his cheek. "You can stand up." You put your other hand on his shoulder feeling weird about seeing him on his knees. You didn't have time to fully grasp what was happening.
If he did this two months ago you would be over the moon. Is he saying what you think he is saying?
"I won't until you forgive me. Y/N please." You feel pressured but on the other hand, you still have those butterflies in your stomach. You don't think he will let up if you ask him for more time to consider so you silently consider your options now.
He did hurt your feelings but you know Jin would never lie to you. You believe that what he said now is the truth. If he truly considered your feelings and feels like giving it a try with you. You could take one and give your heart a chance.
This time you won't need to hide it anymore. Your friendship cannot go on as it is - and even if in the end it doesn't work out you could at least say you tried your best.
"Alright. I will forgive you Jin." You cup his face with both hands. Jin looks up at you with a silly smile at seeing your expression soften and he pulls you down for a puppy kiss.
It's nothing but lip on the lip but it's finally happening. Jin is kissing you.
You smile into it before it can deepen but neither of you minds it. "Are you going to get up now?"
You help him up after he nods. He lets out a little laughter feeling good after you accept his confession. Both of you just stare at each other after that in the middle of the room unable to move.
"Good night Jin." Unsure what to do you think it's best to leave things at that. It's almost 4 am. Seokjin can sense your hesitance even though you cleared your feelings it's clear that you don't know what you're allowed and not allowed to do.
"Can I stay? I missed you a lot." Jin pulls you close by holding onto your waist. He can feel it on his skin how your heartbeat accelerates as he closes the gap. He kisses your jaw and your fingers tighten around the material of his shirt.
"S-sure." Unable to resist his charms you agree to sleep together. While Jin goes to change his clothes and shower you tidy up your room a bit. You're already under the covers when Jin comes back. The last thing you feel is how he kisses your cheeks and whispers a good night before you close your tired eyes enveloped in his warm arms.
The next time your friends gathered you showed up with Jin hand in hand. After the initial shock wore off everyone congratulated you and Jin on your newfound love. Some things changed but some aren’t. He’s still as sweet to you as ever, you cook together watch movies and talk late into the night but your relationship now has a bonus that you were unable to experience in your friendship. The kisses.
When you’re talking with your friends he sometimes kisses the top of your head pulls you close to his side or holds your hand under the table. Just some subtle romantic actions but they make your heart flutter. There are times when Jin comes home from work and you greet him with a sweet peck. Sometimes it grows into a makeout session. With you on his lap and your fingers in his hair feverishly exchanging kisses on the couch. Or when you’re getting ready to bed he pulls you close under the covers and kisses you until you’re breathless.
Today is one of those days when you two get carried away with the kisses. Jin had a stressful day at work. Some people complained that the food was bad and he had to smooth things over when a waiter got into an argument with a customer. The first thing he did when he got home was hug you close and breathe in your calming scent. You could tell that something was bothering Jin but you hugged him back and offered him your comfort. You didn’t think things would get this heated.
Jin suddenly kissed you like you were the air that he desperately needed to survive he hungrily started to devour your lips until they got swollen and pink. Before anything could escalate you always find a way to stop. If Jin initiates the make-outs then you always put an end to it before the clothes could get unbuttoned.
Jin read the blog and read all about your fantasies so he knows you’re not particularly shy or innocent. At first, he just thought you were not ready and he wanted to wait for you so he never mentioned anything but now he thinks differently. He heard you one morning when he had to come back for his keys when you thought he left for work you pleasured yourself in your shared bed he could hear you moan his name. You always stop before anything could get too heated and he thinks it’s because you’re afraid to initiate anything sexual not because you don’t want to but because you’re afraid to appear too needy.
Today he’s not letting you get away.
He stops you from getting up from his lap. Jin knows that you can feel his bulge underneath you. Continues his kisses down your throat to your collarbones that poke out from under your t-shirt. Your fingers grip his wide shoulders as you try to remain calm, small sighs escape you as he keeps peppering your skin with his wet kisses. You want to roll your hips to get some relief but you’re afraid you wouldn’t be able to control yourself anymore if you did. This is exactly what Jin wants though. He pulls you impossibly close bucking his hips up to you with a firm hold on you he rubs his clothed cock between your legs until you start to soak his lap. Pushing his tongue into your mouth he swallows your needy sounds but he’s no better at keeping his voice down. The small whimpers that escape only fuel your arousal. You swear he knows what he’s doing to you. You try to get away before it gets too much but Jin desperately clings to you as if he reads your mind he opens his mouth to protest.
“Don’t stop please.” Jin continues to guide your hips pushing you against his fully hard cock he wants to take it out already but he holds himself back. His doe eyes meet your half-lidded ones as he chases the friction he craves.
You bite back a moan when you take in the sight under you. He’s so perfect. He holds onto you tightly like he’s afraid you will disappear. It feels like your concerns were unfounded after seeing the unlimited desire in his passionate eyes. You were afraid to have sex with Jin after what happened before. You thought he thought you were dirty after writing sex scenes with his name. It seems like you were wrong. He doesn’t think you’re dirty or undesirable it’s clearly written on his face what he wants.
You relax into his embrace and kiss him lovingly. You want to give him everything he wants. You put your hand above his heart you can feel how his heart beats fast under your palm getting under his spell you continue your journey down his stomach until you catch the side of his waistband and play with it. You explore further your kisses reach his neck your teeth and tongue create dark marks on his skin as your fingers palm him over his clothes. Jin’s hand tighten around your waist he lets out his sounds freely appreciating the care and attention you willingly give to him. Molding against your body he becomes putty in your hands.
“You’re so pretty Jinie.” Shyness blooms on his face at your compliment he buries his face into your shoulders moaning when you increase your hand movements. He’s getting so worked up by your little touches. Your tongue darts out to lick a long stripe up his neck lastly pulling his ear between your teeth. “My pretty baby is getting close? It feels like you’re about to burst. You won’t let anyone else touch you like this right? Only I want to see you like this.” You grab the side of his face with one hand forcing him to open his eyes and look at you.
Your fierce gaze makes Jin gulp down the accumulated saliva in his mouth. He opened it to answer but he could only let out his moans. It’s hard to form a coherent sentence when your hand rubs him so well. You won’t let him get away with it as you push your thumb into his mouth and press on his tongue. Jin can only whine as your finger gets coated in his saliva his eyes stay unfocused as you rub harder. He feels this incredible tightness in his lower stomach signalling his approaching end.
“Tell me that you’re mine and I will let you cum. Be a pretty boy and say it.” Your fingers leave his mouth so he can tell you. He tells you with tears glistening in his eyes the pleasure is too great to handle as he comes in his pants.
“Yours, only yours.” He pants whines and whimpers his whole body shakes as you guide him through his orgasm.
“My Jinie.” You kiss him swallowing his noises. His heart skips a beat your possessive side only adds to your appeal. He never heard you talk like that you say the most sinful things and he loves every second of it.
He doesn’t have time to feel embarrassed about cumming in his pants as you keep devouring his lips your desire growing bigger as you get frustrated as you’re soaking wet and didn’t do anything to relieve yourself.
You only pull away to get rid of your clothes. Seeing your naked body Jin feels the blood leave his head and travel down to his cock. Getting harder again. Jin parts your folds with two fingers his lips are on your neck tasting your skin as he works your pussy. You’re so wet his fingers glide on your sensitive skin easily. One finger sinks into you while his thumb keeps rubbing your clit eliciting sweet moans from you.
You clamp down on the finger inside getting close to your release. Your face is tucked into his shoulders. Jin watches as you ride his fingers slipping a second one inside at the same time you pull him out of his pants and wrap your hand around his shaft.
You kiss and moan into each other’s mouths building a steady rhythm together. You stop his fingers before you could cum around them.
“Want you in me.” Jin nods eagerly pulling your hips up until your opening is aligned with his tip. You sink down slowly feeling each vein and twitch of his cock as it gets buried inside your wet heat.
You ride it fast and deep chasing your end that got denied before you didn’t need much to reach it. It took some swirls of his finger on your sensitive clit to pulse around his cock and milk him with your release. The wetness provided an easy glide Jin could guide you up and down his cock easily until he cums deep inside you a few minutes later.
“You feel so good.” You smile into the kiss. This was way better than your imagination. Kim Seokjin. Jin or Jinie shortened for friends and family. Your bestest friend’s older brother and your current roommate of nine months, nine hours and – a brief look at your wristwatch – twenty minutes and now your new lover.
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btsfests · 7 months
Daddy's Home Fest
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There's no better time than when daddy is home.
DILF BTS is coming to a Tumblr near you Spring 2024!
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♡ Title: Before, Now and After
♡ Pairing: Alpha Gang Boss!Yoongi x Omega Maid!Seokjin
♡ Rating: 18+
♡ Genre: gang au, dead dove, parent au, a/b/o | angst, fluff, smut
♡ Summary: As the leader of the infamous Bangtan, Yoongi is untouchable and lives life as he pleases. He thinks he has it all until the tall and broad shoulder omegan maid, Kim Seokjin walks into his office and makes Yoongi second guess what he wants in life.
by @sweetestofchaos
Daddy Yoongi and Daddy Seokjin came home June 2. Read Here
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♡ Title: Daddy, Daughter, and Dewey Decimals
♡ Pairing: Single Dad!Namjoon x (f)reader
♡ Rating: 18+
♡ Genre: Parent AU, Fluff, Smut, Mutual Pining
♡ Summary: I adored the daddy and daughter duo that came to visit me every week at the library. Sunhee was cute and vivacious and her dad was every single woman's dream. A simple request, one late night, and a slip of the tongue revealing it wasn't just one-sided attraction.
by @remedyx
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♡ Title: Dirty Laundry
♡ Pairing: Seokjin x f. reader
♡ Rating: 18+
♡ Genre: Slice of life, established married couple, PWP
♡ Summary: When you come across your daughter and Seokjin having a princess-themed tea party, you can't help but fall in love with your husband a little more. It helps that you find him absolutely ravishing in the little pink dress he wears too.
by @sailoryooons
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♡ Title: Love Blooms
♡ Pairing: Jin x Hoseok
♡ Rating: MA
♡ Genre: Divorced, single father AU | angst, fluff, smut
♡ Summary: Summary: Divorced and lost, Jin grapples with self-discovery and single fatherhood. Then, sunshine arrives in the form of Hoseok, helping him explore his desires and build a found family. Their love faces challenges - ex-wife drama, societal disapproval - but together they prove love and acceptance can bloom even in unexpected gardens
by @downbad4yoongi
Daddy Hoseok and Daddy Seokjin came home April 26. Read here!
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♡ Title: Lose You to Love Me
♡ Pairing: Yoongi x f! Reader
♡ Rating: 🔞
♡ Genre: Smut, Fluff, Angst
♡ Summary: Yoongi thought he had everything. The woman of his dreams whom he gave everything for. The sweetest Princess who became his whole world the minute she was born and a career he can say he's happy in but what happens when it all comes crumbling down when one small secret blows his marriage open?
by @jmvore
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♡ Title: Off Limits
♡ Pairing: Female Reader x Seokjin
♡ Rating: 18+
♡ Genre: smut, porn with very little plot
♡ Summary: You are visiting your family over spring break and discover that the family you used to babysit for are separated. Does this mean Mister Kim is no longer off limits?
by @theharrowing
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♡ Title: podcast
♡ Pairing: single father!Namjoon x f! reader
♡ Rating: 18+
♡ Genre: single father AU | fluff, angst, smut, slow burn
♡ Summary: You and Namjoon keep bumping into each other at multiple instances, as if destined to. In a world where past loves and current responsibilities intertwine, Namjoon navigates the complexities of single fatherhood, cherishing the moments with his daughter, Nari, while reflecting on lost love through his popular podcast, "A Loveless Lover." A chance encounter at a daycare center brings him face to face with you, sparking a connection rooted in compassion and shared moments of vulnerability. As their worlds collide, the possibility of new beginnings looms, challenging Namjoon and you to confront the past and consider the future with newfound hope.
by @hobipaint
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♡ Title: sakura 🌸
♡ Pairing: king!yoongi x (f) reader
♡ Rating: 18+
♡ Genre: mature, fluff, angst, pining
♡ Summary: yoongi could never figure out how could a sakura tree bloom right on his son’s seventh birthday. logically, atleast, for his kingdom’s soil wasn't blessed enough for beautiful flora; however, when his inspection rounds reveal a trip totally unexpected, and in a crescendo of buried memories, his love for the tree gets as bright as the petals of the blossom.
by @liveyun
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♡ Title: Shatter With Me
♡ Pairing: Model!Jungkook x Surrogate!f.Reader
♡ Rating: MA 18+
♡ Genre: Best Friend's Husband, Surrogacy AU | heavy angst, smut, mild fluff
♡ Summary: Your best friend, Jiyoon, and her husband, Jungkook, have faced years of hardship trying to start a family. In a last-ditch effort to have their dream life, they seek solace in surrogacy. Wanting to see your best friend smile, you offer to become the bright beacon at the end of the tunnel, giving them what they have always wanted. But what happens when you begin to shine your light on their darkness? Things aren’t always as they seem—happiness can be a façade, shattering under the lightest pressure.
by @colormepurplex2
Daddy Jungkook came home April 24. Read here!
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♡ Title: Since Day One
♡ Pairing: teacher!jimin x teacher! f. reader
♡ rating: 18+
♡ Genre: enemies to lovers, coworker au, single father au
♡ Summary: Being a Pre-K teacher is no easy feat, but Jimin is always up for the challenge. However, on his first day on the job, he makes an enemy in the parking lot before he even sets foot inside the building. Looks like this school year won’t be all sunshine and rainbows after all.
by @jjungkookislife
Daddy Jimin came home April 6. Read here!
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♡ Title: baby fangs
♡ Pairing: Jimin x Jungkook
♡ Rating: Explicit/18+
♡ Genre: Urban fantasy, vampires, strangers to lovers, angst, smut
♡ Summary: As a human, Jungkook thought life was meaningless. It isn’t until he dies that he finds something worth living for: the family he never had.
by @gimmethatagustd
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nanaslutt · 11 months
sigh i see no one writing this so i’ll do it myself
Kenjaku as Kaori x Jin Itadori
MDNI smut under the cut<3
It was all for kenjaku’s plan,
Even when jin itadori had kenjaku in the meanest fucking arch, grabbing her hips and fucking her back onto his cock while he hooked both hands fingers into her mouth,
“Take-my-fucking-dick.” he groaned between thrusts, hot breath against kenjaku’s ear.
Kenjaku’s smaller hands coming down to grab Jin’s cock and slide is back into her pussy when it slid out, wining when he immediately continued his harsh thrusts against her cervix, “Yeahhhh, so fucking needy for my dick,” Jin groaned.
Jin would make kenjaku put his cock in herself, straddling his hips while he sat there waiting for her to slide it in. Kenjaku’s eyes rolling back as he relished in the feeling of how good this body felt taking cock
The curses mind completely fucked out when jin sucked on her clit, thrusting his fingers in and out of her pussy, slamming straight into her gspot,
“You like when I eat ur fucking pussy? huh?”
Kenjaku was having so much fun with this body, and he just happened to get stuck with a husband who gave his wife (kenjaku) the best dick of her life, and who was he to refuse?
Kenjaku had no real reason to have sex with the pink haired man, but the feeling of jin choking him out while he fucked into her walls was reason enough.
The curse even took pleasure in getting throat fucked by her husband, soft hands coming down to play with her clit while he straddled her face on the bed, bringing his hips back completely before fucking his thick cock all the way down kenjaku’s throat.
Kenjaku especially loved when jin would fill up her pussy. His breeding kink showing through whenever he had his mind set on cuming inside.
“Want me to fill you up, huh? Make you a mommy?” kenjaku just whined, taking his mean fucking thrusts as Jin worked himself up to his orgasm, barely recognizing the woman’s voice as kenjaku’s own when she babbled out, “p-please fuckkk, give it to me give it to me.”
“Gonna take all my fucking cum like a good girl?” Jin groaned, folding kenjaku into a painful mating press, basically fucking into her womb, “Gonna give you my fucking babies,” he would tip he head back, Jin’s jaw dropping; and kenjaku squeezed her pussy around him at the sight combined with his filthy words.
Finally releasing his seed into his wife’s pussy, hot ropes flooding out around him as he gave her deep fucking strokes
Kenjaku feeling absolute bliss when Jin pulled out, collecting his cum on his fingers and stuffing it back into her full pussy, “Keep all my cum inside you, gotta make sure you get pregnant.”
But of course kenjaku had everything under control, it was all apart of her plan.
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hollyhomburg · 4 months
Before I Leave You (Pt.71)
(Omegaverse au, Mafia au, Bts x Reader)
Summary: Freedom isn't always a good thing... sometimes stupid pups get in trouble.
Tags: slight angst, lying, implied psychopath Jin, Confirmed autistic Jimin, discussion of murder and killing others, Jimin and Jin both have dubious morality, needy m/c, Frottage, Teasing, Knotting, knot-fucking, desperate sex, messiness kink, (slight) pleasure dom hobi 👀, public sex, riding, squirting, car sex
W/c: 15.6k
A/n: it's kinda crazy that this chapter, last chapter, and next chapter was supposed to be a single chapter (it would have been over 30k), this one is my least favorite out of the bunch! please give it a bunch of love when it comes out though 🥺 if you don't love it i'll be sad!
Previous part - Masterlist - First part
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The pack goes back to work the next week, nursing hangovers and hurts and everything in between. Every injury both visible and not.
Hoseok's bruises get covered up by Tae's makeup every morning, color corrector applied in thin layers, and then foundation, and then Pink lipstick kisses over top. Tae's lips, your lips, everyone's lips, pressed to those thankful inches between Hoseok's head and his heart.
It becomes their little ritual- and on the nights that Hobi's nightmares keep him awake- her concealer goes under his eyes too. And his lips get pressed more reverently with kisses. Easing apart his tense pout and his frown like the sun parts petals into bloom. It's sweet, the way that Hoseok surrenders himself so willingly to Tae's doting.
Hoseok doesn't know if he likes the makeup as much as he likes the attention. From both you and her.
There’s barely a morning that you don’t wrap yourself around Hoseok’s back while Tae does his makeup, nuzzling against his nape, sneaking your cold hands under the hem of his sweatshirt. alternating between dragging your throat down the crest of his back so that everyone knows he has an omega to come home to, and sleeping curled between. Staying close to your alpha's (the easy ones, the ones that aren't still mad at you).
Hoseok's not the only one who's still dealing with the aftereffects of what happened. The physical side effects and the mental ones.
Jimin still says up and guards the door most nights too, perched on the edge of the nest listening for anyone or anything that might be coming to hurt you. The protective parts of him fester in the meantime before he heals enough to go back to work. He's got too much time on his hands to wory.
He's only diligent with his physical therapy because you tattle on him to Namjoon when he doesn’t do his exercises. Eager to be good, eager to do anything you can to please the pack alpha.
It hasn’t escaped any of them that you’ve been extra agreeable and extra obedient recently. Eager to please. Eager to make up for what happened. Jimin isn’t bothered by it so much- if only because having something to do seems to make you happy. He’ll gladly tolerate you hounding him.
Especially when you bound up to Namjoon to give him a report when he comes home from work, on the receiving end of a very genuine "good pup, making sure your alphas are careful' from Namjoon. especially on those days when that is the only praise that the pack alpha gives you.
It’s not that Namjoon and Yoongi have been treating you coldly, just that there’s a small distance between the two of them and you. Kisses that would have lasted minutes only last second (or they aren’t initiated at all when it comes to Yoongi). Jimin wishes it didn’t remind him of how Tae treated him after she came out but it does.
Hopefully, like with her, Namjoon and Yoongi just need time.
You ask him about it, midmorning stretched out in Tae’s library room where you both wait for her to finish deciding what dress she’ll torture you both with today. You three have taken to hanging out together here. You and Jimin cuddled up on the couch, doing PT, watching Tictok’s, napping, kissing cuddling. Placing shy touches below the pulled blankets to see how far you can go before Tae notices and stops you both with a disapproving lilt to her eyebrows.
“I said no sex- if you guys are gonna hang out with me while I work- you’ve gotta behave.”
You’d melted below the covers and Jimin had firmly placed his hands back over the covers, noticeably damper than they were the last time Tae saw them.
“Sorry mommy,” recalcitrant enough to avoid a spanking (but maybe that is what you’d wanted- what you’d needed). But getting scolded is part of the fun, teasing, seeing how far you can push each other until you break.
You'd squirmed against Jimin's thigh as she'd gone back to work. clicking away at her keyboard without giving you a second glance. "you're not even going to like, let him finish-" You're whiney. Need and wanting down to your bones, a wanting that is only heightened by the vision Tae strikes today; the peachy set of silky bloomers and ruffled top that shows off the little bit of cleavage she has now.
She'd just leaned over the back of her chair and eyed you up and down. "No, if you want to distract me from my book you can suffer pup."
You'd whined and Jimin had hid his laugh in your shoulder. "No buts pup. Maybe later, If you're good, then you can bounce on Jiminie's knot all pretty for me."
"Yes Mommy." But you hadn't ended up doing any of that. You'd fallen asleep curled up around Jiminie (whose hands had unfortunately remained on his phone and above the covers), to the others already awake and at home and would you please help water the plants with Hoseokie pup? You know he doesn't always notice when they overflow.
It’s been harder for you to ask for things since the day you almost ran away. A wanting that can't be sated by simple touches and kisses simmering low in your stomach. Burning through you at strange moments.
Like another moment when you and Jimin are in the library room again. Tae is reorganizing and fussing. What you'd call nesting if she was an omega. The desk is on the opposite wall today. it's Cramped, it won't stay like this for long. The couch moved below the bay window.
You watch Jimin's face as he looks out that window, at the way that the wind tears at the trees around your house, makes them bob and creek, showing the silvery underside of their leaves.
It’s easier for you to Jimin all sorts of questions because he’s not mad at you. (Sometimes you feel like he's the only one who's not mad at you for what you did.)
“Have you thought about how you’ll do it yet?”  
The paranoid bits stretch out and teem. The worst part of Jimin have festered in the meantime. Maybe he'd be less restless if he had something to do but the danger has passed now.
Moonbyul seems like she’s truly gone, you’ve heard neither hide nor hair from her- absolutely nothing since the day that she left. No one from the family has tried to contact Yoongi. Even Jin’s unceremonious exit from the FBI had gone without struggle or suspicion.
Jimin had just continued to watch the window, the spring raindrops drifting down the pain of glass all slow. “Thought about how I’d do what?”
You’d raised your eyebrow at him, and thankfully Tae had come in and disrupted whatever conversation you might have had about murders that might need doing. Twirling in the doorway and showing off her slinky dark green lingerie for you and tae to oooh and ahhh at. Your questions forgotten.
Sleeping bears don’t do well when they’re poked. Jimin knows that. The others know that. It might seem pity as far as retribution goes (Jimin still gets angry when he sees the bruises on Hobi’s throat or watches Namjoon examine the scars that crisscross your hands, red and angry. Or the nights that tae twitches in her sleep).
Maybe the best retribution is to live like this- free and unincumbered by anything like revenge. Revenge is also a burden. Revenge means you still care about what happened to you, that it still hurts, that you're still bleeding. Jimin doesn't know if he wants to be bleeding anymore. His alpha that hungers for blood and pain wars with what Jimin knows will logically help the pack more.
But Jimin’s not the only one who's feeling a little paranoid. A little unfulfilled.
The pack instills a buddy system for those who go to work still and for any excursions outside the house. No one goes anywhere alone. Jin starts driving Namjoon to work every morning and picking him up every evening. With kisses and coffee and snacks, especially on the days that Namjoon has long surgeries and he comes home exhausted. Jin like Jimin is trying his hardest not to be too idle. He turns in his sparkly FBI badge and his weapon the first day he's sober enough to drive. 
Your recipe book and an audio file of Jimin's, yours, and Yoongi's 'interviews' where you explain everything gets locked in a safe that Jin knows the code to. Gets built into the wall in the basement and plastered over. It’s an afterthought, something just in case (you’ll never need it).
There are a lot of other things for Jin to fixate on now. Not everything is good.   
It’s a difficult conversation that Jin doesn’t want to have. Especially not with the pups. This is a conversation that’s too big, too stressful, too much for you to handle- that Jin is certain of.
You certainly look very pupish this morning, still dressed in the matching pink pj’s that Jin left out for you last night, you’d firmly followed his showering instructions not to scrub too hard and even let him button you into them and brush your hair (something you don’t always let Jin do, sometimes you ask for your mommy to do it instead and Tae takes that pleasure from Jin’s fingers with a feral smile).
Your body perfectly moisturized and taken care of, skin glowing and supple and healthy under Jin's inspectory touches. A perfectly obedient pup. So so good it had Jin purring and scenting you so thoroughly you’d gone sweet and dizzy and dependent.
But for once, for this morning, Jin feels like he's dependent on you.
The whole pack will be dependent on you financially. If you decide what Jin thinks you’ll choose.
Jin looks at you across the table (small, yawning, still sleepy, tipping into namjoon and clearly itching for an alpha and a nest) and can’t help but wonder if this conversation, this ask, is best left for later. After having so many difficult conversations in such a short period of time he's lost his taste for them.
Without Jin earning an income right now, the pack’s finances aren’t quite as orderly as they could be. As they should be. Hoseok, Jungkook, and Namjoon are the only ones working now, and Jimin won’t be bringing nearly as much in as he was before- something Jin knows the pup is worried about- he’d even asked if he should get a second job. Having any of his pups overworked is something Jin can’t handle.
And Namjoon is already overworked. Namjoon confessed a little thoughtlessly a few days ago after his first big surgery back- that it’s a good thing he hadn’t quit his job yet. He might not quit it at all now with the pack in limbo. That had been your last straw, and you’d asked Jin if there was anything you could do to help.
That’s a lie- you knew there was something you could do. Sitting in that little file that Moonbyul had dropped off with Hobi’s car all those months ago. The things you’d inherited from Geumjae’s estate as his late wife. The beach house abroad, the apartment in Miami, and the brownstone that had housed his final moments in a city far far away that you don’t ever want to return to.
What other use can it serve?
Yoongi had used most of his Geumjae’s life insurance payout to buy the house and renovate it. And you’ve been living off the leftovers since then, but even that sum won't last forever.
It's a good thing property in Manhattan never depreciates in value.
“This is a lot of money, and I’d understand if you didn’t want to-”
You roll your eyes at Jin, crossing your arms bratty, if Jin were less stressed he might be inclined to take you over his lap for that one. But he wants all of your faculties on board right now. Big financial decisions and omegaspace do not mix well.
Jin is to anxious about this to want to make you submit. Too worried about pushing you too far, asking you for something you might not want to give and overstepping. The clothes and doting are easier- Jin knows exactly how to take care of you that way. He knows exactly what you want when it comes to that.
“Jin, I do not give a shit, like honestly.”
Namjoon is wordless between the two of you, massaging down your and Jin’s necks to soothe you. You don’t understand why he’s pussyfooting around it. What Geumjae has left you and trying to find something to do with it, some way to help the pack, isn't something you're nervous or unsure about. Not even a little bit.
You don’t mind, you really don’t mind. If it helps them stay fat and happy, they can take all of it.
His eyes go softer, less cagey. You lean forward at the kitchen table. Reaching for his hand. He lets you take it. “Jin, just say it-” Jin bites his lip and throws the pen onto the table with a clatter.
“If you sell the house in New York City and put even like 1/3 of it into a trust. The pack would be set for the rest of our lives off the interest alone. Even more if we go the private equity route. Even our kids could-”
Tae calls from the library room, leaning back in her chair to shout through the open door. Clearly listening in on your conversation. “I am not raising trust fund pups hyung!”
Namjoon barks a laugh, “no one is talking about pups yet Tae” he strokes down the nape of Jin’s neck gently, delicately. And you know he’s fixated on the idea of /////yet and when that yet will become soon.
Jin's not getting any younger. Although you and Jungkook are still firmly in your 20's. Jin's going to have to make some big life decisions soon. Not this year and not the next. But the year after definitely.
It’s hard for Jin, to balance what he knows is logically here on the table and what is best for you. He's not sure that he'd make the same choice- the decision to support a pack that you have not known for a calendar year yet (although the anniversary of Jimin finding Yoongi again is sneaking up on you. You’ll have to figure out a day that you want as your anniversary.)
To make decisions with them in mind seems a little…illogical. From a practical perspective. Jin has had these sentiments shoved down his throat since he was a pup. all omega's have.
Don't mate someone until you've known them for a year, don't move in together until you've dated someone for 6 months, and certainly don't combine finances if you don’t like the shape of an alpha’s knot. be a strong independant omega!
You reach for your water and namjoon grabs it for you, holding it so that you can suck at the draw. putting it at the other end of the table to that you don't risk spilling it. wiping the moisture off the corner of your lip when he's done.
Jin huffs. Independance is never something you've wanted- clearly.
All said and done It’s an easy decision for you. Giving them space and time to heal after what you’ve brought down on them and a bit of financial freedom on top of your newfound physical freedom.
You don’t put 1/3 of it into a trust, you end up putting all of it after some discussion.
Jin handles everything involved with selling the brownstone. From contacting a broker to verifying through lawyers that still hold ownership over the property and getting everything notarized. He does all the legwork of opening up a fucking trust to put the frankly insane amount of money that the brownstone goes for in it. Your name on it because namjoon had insisted, and then the pack alpha and omega.
You’re incredibly thankful that you don’t have to go back to the city (especially since you hated it so much in winter and wet springs.) You don’t even bother going back there to get some of your things. You know it probably accumulated dust in the year since you’ve been there. Jin even contacts an estate sale company that sells all of your and Geumjae’s things.
Jin has spent most of his newly gotten free time doing exactly what he’s always done; taking care of his pups.
He’s got interviews with a therapist tomorrow for Hobi (this one has had a very cohesive background check done on him, Jin has learned his lesson). And there's a nail appointment on the books scheduled for Tae today, her hair appointment and facial 2 days from now. A doctor appointment for you and Jungkook the day after. A time slot for Hoseok’s car to get a tune-up later this week (after Jimin’s reckless driving it’s been running a little rough). And the final check-up with Jimin’s surgeon the day after.
You don't know how you'd keep everyone's appointment straight, but maybe that's why jin is the pack omega and you're not. Everything is where it should be. Jin rather enjoys it too.
Namjoon’s scrubs get steamed and hung up before he leaves for work every day, a lunch packed with cute heart-cut strawberries and carefully arranged rice and slices of chicken. Nesting materials warmed in the dryer before you and Jimin and Tae settle in for your mornings of undisturbed library time. Jungkook’s workout clothes color color-coordinated and his long hair brushed shiny and curly with a pat to his bum out the door.
Jin only realizes he might be going a little overboard when he starts a chart to monitor the pack's water consumption. You pressed along his spine trying to rub away your name on the little whiteboard. "If you make me drink that much water I'm gonna have to pee like all the time-"
"Careful," Yoongi had teased, voice rough and gravely from disuse. "You might make Jin want to keep track of that too."
Jin had hummed considering it genuinely, and you and Jimin had jumped up to drag him on to other things in the house before he got any ideas.
Jin spent the rest of this particular morning helping Tae do her hair. Jin’s pups need to look their best at all times. She curled the front, and Jin curled the back so that she didn't have to stretch her poor little arms. A kiss pressed to her knuckles and a "let Jinnie do it my pretty pup" sounded persuasive enough.  
Everyone is pup to Jin right now. In his element. Playacting as the perfect house omega.
Jin and Jimin do their assessment while you, Tae, and Yoongi are at the nail salon.
It's a Wednesday and a few days before he goes back to work from injury leave. Although Jimin enjoyed the first week of lounging with you and Tae in the library room watching her write her story (and get predictably nothing done with you and him there to tempt her) now Jimin has gotten too antsy to settle. Going to the gym with Jungkook yesterday helped a little.
It’s the last snow for the season and the big fluffy flakes hit the window with a faint clink. Jin and Jimin have a few hours of privacy to get this done; the psychopathy assessment that Jimin had asked after the other day, drunk and on the floor of the kitchen bellies full of your sweets.
Jin should probably manage the packs sugar intake too.
His pack omega instincts are settled in a way they aren’t usually now sitting here with Jimin in the spare bedroom (a room that will one day become the pack’s nursery and pup nesting room. But Jin doesn’t know that yet).
Jimin lounges on the window seat and stares up at the sky while he talks and answers Jin’s questions. Jin sits, legs crossed in a big blue velvet chair that you and Hobi found on one of your thrifting walks the other day.
You’ve been going on more of those- walks with Jungkook and Hobi around the neighborhood when the weather is nice. to see the flowers- the daffodils and snowdrops and magnolias starting to bud. You stumbled into an estate sale last week where you bought all sorts of things including the velvet chair and an old rug that yoongi had sighed over and then relented, dragging it off to the basment to work on restoring it.
Jin knows you're working up to attending classes at Jungkook’s gym (you have an open invitation from Wonho). Jin will never not be proud of you, that you seem to be at least trying to get healthier and be more active.
He lounges with a notepad and a few printouts in front of him. A copy of the DSM-five is under the chair just in case he needs to reference it. His silk dressings gown is yellow and green striped with blue and pink floral decals on the shoulders. A tad more eccentric than Jin usually goes because this silk robe used to belong to Tae before she switched to pink everything, folded over his striped pajamas and fuzzy slippers. Pink, also Tae's.
It’s easier for Jimin to do this if he doesn’t have to stare at Jin's face, dewy underneath the thick-rimmed glasses. Jin has had more time to devote to his grooming now that he’s unemployed.
Jin listens, and Jimin talks for what feels like hours. laid out in his most comfy sweats set, also cleaned and pressed by Jin earlier (do sweatpants even need to be ironed?) This one is rough in all the right places, worn familiar from years of wear. Jin doesn't even know where Jimin got it- he checked but the tag had already been cut out, probably years ago.
It's strange, how easy it is to ignore things until you connect the dots.
He sits up towards the end looking at Jin and fiddling with the new earrings in his ears. Teasing at the loose cool chain with the tips of his fingers like noodle bats at the tassels on the edge of the curtain in Tae's library room. It's an absentminded action- Jimin's body is too loud for his mind to think of should and shouldn’t’s.
You've warned him time and time again that if he plays with the fresh piercings too much, they might get infected. Namjoon has done his best to dot disinfectant whenever he gets home and, in the morning, too sometimes.
But Jimin always always fiddles. He can't help it. Small bits of paper, the ends of his hoodie that somehow always end up in his mouth. Tae's hands, the soft little ends of Tae's hair, Tae's jewelry, Tae’s everything. It’s weird to see Jimin talking if he’s not fiddling with something.
He’s nervous, so he fiddles. Jin has notes and a completed screening form in front of him. Looking at Jimin now with fresh eyes Jin doesn’t know how he never noticed. How he never put it together.
The psychopathy assessment below taunts Jin.
Failure to conform to social norms concerning lawful behaviors, such as performing acts that are grounds for arrest. Deceitfulness, repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others for pleasure or personal profit. Lack of remorse, being indifferent to or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another person
"And did it bother you? When you killed those people?"
"Those bad people hyung," Jimin corrects, and Jin can't help his smile.
"Did it bother you when you killed the bad people, Minnie?"
Jimin fiddles, quiet, like he doesn’t want to admit it. "Only when it got messy."
"Why do you think the mess bothered you?" Jin’s asking half because he wants to know, and half because he’s genuinely curious.
Jimin’s hands rub up and down his knees and he shifts forward than backward. But his words come out even and measured. "Because it wasn't the way it was supposed to go- the way I organize it in my head, the same way you probably think through what clothes will make Namjoonie hyung blush the most. It didn't happen the way it should have."
Monsters aren't supposed to bleed.
"The only way I don't get overwhelmed by things is whey I make sure they happen they way they should."
"What does it feel like when you get overwhelmed minnie?"
"It's like- fear I think? My chest gets really tight, and everything gets extra extra loud. It makes my alpha like- riled. And I have to remind myself that I don't need to get angry about it."
They move on to other topics, different than Jimin’s apparent lack of remorse (it's not lack of remorse, but conditional remorse. Jimin only feels within the firm lines of what he believes he should feel) But they circle back to it because Jimin uses the words ‘bad people’ more than once.
"Why do you think that they needed to be bad to kill them? Why does if they were bad matter to you so much?"
"Because that’s the rule- bad people are supposed to die, aren’t they?" Jin cannot fault Jimin for that- because it is the rule. Generally. You do not Mourne monsters. You do not Mourne the villains.
"I'm not so sure about that, plenty of bad people never get punished."
"Like Moonbyul and me you mean?" Jin almost breaks the pen he's holding, almost.
"Do you believe that you're a bad person Minnie?"
Jimin bites his lips, looking down and away, not fidgeting at all. But his teeth work away at his lip. It takes a second for him to gather his words, a second to respond. Jimin has always been hard to read.
"I was hoping you would tell me. I can’t ask Tae. She wouldn’t be able to tell me the truth."
No, Jin always noticed. He just didn’t think of it beyond late-night musings wrapped in Namjoon’s arms. Gossiping about their pack because If there’s one thing that the pack omega and pack alpha like to talk about- it’s their 6 pups. They used to gossip about you the most that way- but Namjoon has been resistant to discuss you recently and Jin doesn't have to ask why.
He sees the conflict and love in his soulmate as easily as he sees the diagnosis written out on the paper right now. He'll check the DSM later for autism spectrum disorder but he won't find anything that varies from his notes.
Uses only limited facial expressions to communicate, frequently flicking switches or spinning objects, speaking in a repetitive way, narrow or intense interests, having trouble with changes to their schedule or changing from one activity to another, and hyper-reactivity to sensory input.
Sometimes talking about things too seriously does more damage. Jin keeps that particular diagnosis to himself.
Jimin looks at him imploringly, not reaching out to touch, because maybe Jimin is a little too overstimulated right now from bearing his heart to initiate contact. His eyes are bright and hopeful. They are not glassy and vacant. Jin has looked at countless pictures of psychopaths before- and none of them have eyes quite like Jimin's
They’ve been at it for 4 hours already, Jin has gotten up twice to pee when Jimin sits up without the intention of lying back down.
"So, what do you think hyung? Am I crazy? Am I a psychopath?"
I think you're a whole lot of things Minnie. Autistic for one with a hyper fixation on the people you love, Tae in particular.
Jin winces, looking Jimin up and down, and the alpha flushes but stays still under Jin’s evaluation. His sensory issues are painfully on display in an extra big sweatshirt, the ends of his sweatshirt pulled loose so that they're not tight around his wrists. His hips, baggy pants, and slides. Jimin’s toes flex, like he can’t help but push at the one item of clothing that constrains him.
He never has the same problem with the neat dark suits that his bodyguard job makes him wear. When Jimin knows what's expected of him- he doesn't have a problem following the rules or lying.
Bad people die. That's the rule, isn't it? Jin has a tallied kill count on the corner of the page, every time Jimin references a different murder over the last 5 hours, Jin has added a tally.
He's run out of room on the notepad.
Jin will bring it up to him later. Will tell him later, to be sure. Jimin asks after something much scarier, much more dangerous to his pack right now. Jin will do anything he needs to do to protect his pack- and that's part of the problem.
There are things that Jimin doesn’t need to know.
Jin covers that evaluation with his fingers. Only a few words are viewable between the narrow edges of his long fingers.
A peculiar lack of empathy, but not a lack of anxiety. An ability to distinguish between right and wrong but not an inherent understanding of those concepts. A tendency to lie. But is that really so scandalous? So damning? Is lying not a necessity and an instinct when the truth can do so much damage? Would Jin blame anyone for lying about these things?
“I do think that psychopaths don’t wonder if they’re psychopaths Jimin. Asking these questions of yourself isn’t a bad thing. If you were crazy, I’m not sure you’d care to be here.” And you’d be trying to convince me too.
Jin stands up and walks over to Jimin the one or two steps. Leaving his notepad behind to cup Jimin’s cheek, running his thumb along the alpha’s plush lips. Jimin’s eyes are wide and glassy, unable to tear themselves away from Jin. Jin’s omega wants to purr at the show of devotion, at the sight of Jimin below him almost on his knees. Jimin places a gentle palm on Jin’s thigh, Just to feel.
"I don't think you're crazy Jimin, I just think you're an alpha who will do anything for the people you love." Is it lying if he believes it to be the truth?
"And there's nothing wrong with that?" Jimin asks, Jimin’s hand fiddled with the tasseled end of Jin’s dressing gown with a delightful shiver of sensory pleasure.
Jin leans down and presses his lips to the alpha’s brow. Jimin almost sags against Jin’s front.
"There's nothing wrong with that at all. Come with Jinnie. It's well past time for lunch, and I won't be able to stand it if my pups are left unfed."
Jin spends his days gloriously unemployed putting the pack back together piece by treasured piece. But that’s not the only thing that needs his healing touch.
He spends most of his time helping Yoongi restore the house to its former glory. Switching out crown molding and cracked wall sconces. He rarely ever changes out of his matching pajamas and matching pink sweat sets even if they get speckled with dust and wood stain and eventually paint. He thoroughly enjoys sitting elbow to elbow with Yoongi and just- living. Just existing next to the beta without any thoughts or secrets between them.
They don’t talk much, sometimes Yoongi plays music, and sometimes he picks the paint splatters out of Jin’s hair, or the splinters out from his fingers oh so gently. Yoongi’s been quieter since everything went down- if that even seems possible. Less likely to joke, the smiles when Jin puts his paint-splattered hands-on Yoongi’s ass don’t last quite so long.
But unlike with Jimin, any words of wisdom and questions aren’t met receptively; Yoongi just walks away. And Jin knows he’s not ready to talk about it yet. Jin worries that your and his relationship is only part of the problem.
It’s a good thing Yoongi’s fairly organized and has kept all the paint buckets in the coat closet under the stairs. He teaches Jin how to fill the bullet holes in the banister with wood filler and sand it down. The muddy stain sits until they can hardly tell. After a few days of their hard work, it feels like the last few weeks are just a bad memory.
He spends his afternoons polishing away the bullet holes in the antique doorframes, re-spackling the parts of the wall you crashed into that got indented. Every little fleck of blood that leaves even the barest hint of a stain against the ceiling. The drywall cut out and replaced in certain spots. They spend it in companionable silence and Jin tells himself that staying by Yoongi’s side is enough.
Now that the pack knows that they’re not going to be discovered right away there is time to take care of the evidence beyond just bleach and cleaner. The cops haven’t come to their door even once. Not even a noise complaint from your days of revelry.
They're meticulous in the way that they check over every inch of the house. Jin goes over everything with luminol and a blacklight just to be sure. The bights of Yoongi’s eyes extra white as he watches. But no one is better at covering up a murder than them. (If they had a mind for it, they might have a handy side business. Jin jokes, but Yoongi just huffs and doesn't dignify it with a response.)
They dig up the body later.
They make sure everyone else is out of the house. Tae’s hair appointment serves several purposes beyond making sure the pack's prettiest alpha feels her best. Tae goes a little lighter- blonder, less red, and more chestnut. Long and brushing past her shoulders now. Perfect for the spring that hovers on the edge of every breath of warm air.
It won’t be long now. The daffodils are already coming up in places in the front yard. Yellow and bright and happy.
They put the man in a metal bucket, fraying clothes and all. Jimin and Jin mix up the chemicals wearing full hazmat suits. Lye bubbles and burns and leaves little left of the man other than some errant buttons that must have been on his pants and a twisted mess of a zipper.
Jin and Jimin toss them into the fireplace upstairs before anyone gets home, watching as they bubble and burn and disappear like a bad memory. The assassin and lye slurry gets poured down the drain, and carried out to the ocean to find rest- no longer haunting you. Yoongi mixes up more concrete and pours the hole and it’s like it never happened, like Tae and you never murdered that man.
When the pack gets home Jin has picked a few daffodils, put them on the kitchen table, and opened up all the windows. Tae twirls when Jimin asks to show him her hair. The way it falls in pretty ringlets.
“Fumigation” Jin will tell their neighbors when they ask about the smell. the subtly tangy chemicals that fill the culdisac. "You know our cat, the angry one, brought a whole punch of pests in. You might want to test your basement too."
Jin is the best liar in the pack for a reason.  
You come home laden with bags and just cuz gifts. You’d gotten your hair trimmed and Jungkook too- tight on the sides and long on the top. Jungkook’s bought new star-shaped pillows to go with the light blue couch and Namjoon brings home a pink moon one for you. A stuffed animal one with floppy feet and a tastefully neutral expression that you clutch to your chest during movie nights.
On nights like tonight, when it's so quiet that you need something soft to hold onto- least you remember other deceptively quiet nights.
The rain outside has lulled to a gentle pitter patter and the pack is likewise lulled to a similarly gentle sleep. Moving this way and that, settling like the bones of the house that creek with every harsh gust of wind. Asleep around you in heaps.
You nested earlier with Jin and Jungkook- fluffed every pillow and folded every blanket. It’s not quite as fluffy as your old couch but it is bigger, large enough to accommodate everyone lying this way and that. Jin purrs are sleep deep and soft. Almost pearly in the nighttime.
It's so quiet.
Your hair catches the highlights of the TV screen when it bursts bright and colorful. Hobi twirls a lock of your hair around his fingers while the movie drones on. Animated this time- because none of you have had the stomach for any movie that features too much violence. Nothing lifelike yet. You’ll stick to familiar fantasies in the meantime.
You're curled on your side and stretched out, your feet in Namjoon's lap. The top of your head so close to Hobi's thigh that you can feel the warmth of it along the top of your head. You're not touching him. But his warmth and safe alpha musk is close and thick. More satisfying to your nesting instincts than any blanket, to have your alpha nearby and alert.
Not that you're not welcome, Noodle occupied that spot until recently. Yawning and slinking off with a jingle of his bell collar once Hobi alternated from petting him to petting you.
He twirls a lock of your hair around his finger and watches the movie.
It’s a movie that you've seen before. It's familiar backtrack the perfect thing to fall asleep to here. The room is dark. The blue-red then pink light of the television flashes with scenes. Sounds too far away as your eyes get heavier and heavier. You're not the only one who's clearly feeling the effects of the nighttime or the smooth unaffected happy scents of your packmates.
Tae in particular smells rich and flowery, happy sprawled out between Jungkook and Jimin and Yoongi. Jimin’s hand sits under the hem of her white tank top, the translucent lace edge hides the movements of his fingers as he strokes up and over her hip lazily. Your mate's face is hidden in her hair, and Jungkook is belly down draped over their legs. Your mate's long fingers rest still against his spine. His shirt pulled up to the small of his back. His small huffs are infrequent and gentle. Like a puppy twitching in their sleep.
Namjoon's loud snore punctuates the quiet from the other side of the couch, his head tipped back against the cushions at an uncomfortable angle. Lost to the world like Jinnie tucked small into his side. His cheek fluffy and resting against the hollow of the pack alpha’s throat. Nose tucked to the safest place in existence.
Well, maybe the second safest. Hoseok’s lap is empty afterall.
You never would have said that Jin was skinny or waifish before, but after quitting his job it’s clear that the stress was affecting him. He looks healthier now. Less sallow-skinned and the space under his eyes is less hollow. Jungkook too has a pink glow to his cheeks- although that might just be where he’s rubbed it raw over Tae’s tight And Jimin’s side. He’s half asleep while he scents them. He mumbles and grumbles something like a purr before he goes quiet and still. 
Even Yoongi at the end of the couch, has his eyes closed, although you can tell they’re moving under his eyelids, his breath coming out with little huffs that tease the top of Jimin’s hair, sock feet stretched out. You close your eyes and open them, eyes drawn to yoongi at first sight. he's always the first person you look for when you open your eyes.
Only to see Noodle purring from his lap. Your and Hobi's company abandoned in favor of his new favorite person.
“Traitor,” you mumble. Hobi laughs quietly.
"We should take his treats until he comes back to us."
"Noodle? or Yoongi?"
"Both." you giggle and turn onto your side.
His fingernails itch down the back of your neck, not a scruff but close and you turn till you're belly down on the couch so that he has a better vantage point to play with your hair. Your eyes flutter, and when they open again Hobi is still staring at the screen. You're the only two awake and half his face is colored green from the movie.
When you look at the screen- Howl and Sophie are traipsing across flower-filled fields. colorful and bright.
"We should find a place like that, when spring really starts up in a few weeks."
Hoseok's eyes are dark and reflective when he looks down at you, huffing fondly, teasing, "are you asking me out on a date?"
"Maybe. You gonna say yes if I am?"
"Maybe." He teases, and you reach up to pinch his thigh, he takes your hand before you can and holds it, pinning it up there on his thigh. You tangle your hand with his pant leg and leave it there. He goes back to watching the movie and you go back to watching him. Quiet and peaceful in the silence of gentle nighttime
“It always bothered me” Hobi knows you’re watching him. Even without looking down. Yoongi's other hand rests on the back of his neck, you see his slack fingers twitch when he looks at you.
“He didn’t use real flower types when he animated this- they sort of look like cow vetch- but they’re not.”
You snort, rubbing your eye, “only you would complain about the flowers in Howls Moving Castle.”
Hobi huffs, his fingers trailing over your forehead gently, smoothing out the crease between your eyebrows. Hand sliding to your shoulder under your arm.
"Come here, I don't bite." You go with little protest. You let him usher you up onto your knees, scooting across the couch until your head and most of your body is sitting in his lap. Laying your heavy body down. You tuck your legs to the side and someone else other than Namjoon snores but it doesn’t matter who. The eight of you tangled here.
"We should wake everyone up and go upstairs."
"Leave them for a minute. This is my favorite part."
He hesitates, looking down at you, then slowly, like his hand can feel the weight of the gesture, he draws your hair away from your face, the pads of his fingers brushing the corner where your ear becomes your jaw, his pulse by your ear visible in every little tremble. You breathe, and Hobi touches your neck, just mindless circles, eyes eventually drawn back to the TV.
“This place is gorgeous Howl! it’s like a dream.”
You swallow, and you suddenly feel more awake than you have in years, in months. It's frightening the sudden clarity at which you are aware of him- of everything. The softness of his faintly calloused hands, the feeling of his flannel pj's rough under your cheek. The smell of the peach-scented body wash he must have used in the shower earlier. Everything about him in frightening clarity.
You like the way he's touching you, over your cheek and down your throat. None of you doesn't like it. None of you is afraid of what Hoseok might do next. You're not even thinking about it. An alpha has his hands on your neck and you feel-
You feel perfectly at ease, perfectly happy, perfectly in love.
It's like you've been sleepwalking this whole time, or maybe that your soul has taken a vacation, forsaken your body for greener pastures, and then snapped back to this moment right now. Your belly feels full of almost there laughter. You're tired but you're not exhausted. Your shoulders don’t even ache. There isn’t a lump in your throat.
Your breath is so smooth and so easy when you exhale and inhale. You can breathe.
Hobi’s face flashes blue, then the brightest chartreuse. His hand finds the popcorn bowl, and part of it misses, hitting somewhere in your hair but you don’t care at all. You look up at him, watching. Chest going all tight again- your body is fighting it, whatever this feeling is. You're simultaneously more awake than you've ever been and suddenly- not sure if you're not sleeping.
His wrist is over your nose and you nuzzle into it as he reaches for another handful of popcorn, fighting back tears. even as one curl falls from his overful fist and hits your face.
He mindlessly picks the popcorn out of your hair, eating it anyway (at least Jungkook didn't put too much butter in it) He doesn't realize that something is very wrong yet (that something is very very right).
Hobi goes back to watching the movie and you wait a few more minutes, a few more seconds fighting back tears, before you disturb the quiet again. 
"Hobi," Your voice is quiet and scratching. He doesn't hear you over the movie. Not at first.
Your heart is so thick in your throat and you stretch out. Your body is truly lax for what feels like the first time in ages. Not a bit of tension in your muscles. Your head doesn’t feel so heavy, and that vaguely sick feeling that’s always sort of in your stomach is gone. You breathe and it doesn’t hurt. It doesn’t feel tight. It’s easy.
Namjoon mumbles near your feet. And Jimin lies Tae down more properly, disturbing Yoongi a little, Noodle hops off his lap and slinks off into the darkness, and everyone re-settles. Everything is slow and simple.
And safe.
Your hand goes vicelike on Hobi’s wrist and he looks down at you, inhaling sharply. There is no hatred in his face, though there hasn't been in months. There is nothing in his eyes besides the most blush pink love, a love that speaks of roses and bumblebees and butterflies- every other small flying thing that has nurtured the world to life. The panic is immediate. This is not a feeling that you are used to. This is not a feeling that you remember.
You don't remember the last time you felt safe.
"I feel- Hobi I feel safe. I feel so safe right now- Hobi- I can't-" 
You’re frantic with the knowledge of it, words rushed and a little panicked, you’ve forgotten this feeling, how complete and peaceful it is. Peaceful and yet panicked because this is not a feeling that you're used to.
The knowledge thrums through you, the relief choking you with its pretty purple vines. His hands go ridged in your hair, knotting a little before they smooth it out. Your scent- it's not unhappy, but it is pungent. Hobi curls his body over you, bowing to protect it from any unseen threat. He would protect you from anything that came through the front door. Anyone.
He smiles down at you gently, petting your throat, down the side of your body. Oh so gentle. "I know it's- it's good, right? It's okay. Right?"
"Yeah- it's okay, it’s-"
And it is okay. More than okay. It’s okay even when the tears form at the corner of your eyes and find their death in Hobi’s lips as he leans lower to kiss them away so softly you hardly feel it. He knows what this is. He’s happy to hold you through it, the first time your body has let go. Relinquished the tightness and control of being on edge. That little thing that makes prey animals prey animals. The part of you that has always been more animal than human, more fight and flight than fawn.
But you're safe now, all the hard things are over. all the hard things aren't heavy anymore because you're safe. Here in Hobi's lap, here in the house that Yoongi made for you all. You're safe.
It’s a feeling you can’t explain. Like why the snow smells clean and why the air smells like a memory sometimes. Safety is one of those intangible things, you know when it’s here and when it’s gone.
He only hopes that this time, it’s here to stay.
You feel safe in his arms, and you feel safe when minutes later Namjoon wakes from a particularly loud snore. You're asleep finally, but your name is the first on his lips.
Namjoon smacks his lips, scenting the distress on the air without opening his eyes. “Pups? What’s wrong?"
Hobi smiles at Joon, his half-asleep pack alpha brain running paces while his instincts have gone miles. "It's okay Joon, she's just happy, go back to sleep."
"Okay, love you," the pack alpha grumbles out. Curling back over Jin’s body with his, all but pinning the pack omega to the couch. Jin just purrs louder.
"Love you too Joonie." Hobi looks down at you, holding you in his lap, and thinks. Yeah, we're both gonna be safe, aren't we?
(When you wake in the morning, you’re back in the nest upstairs. You smell like Hobi and Yoongi and You don’t remember being carried there at all; you just remember the comfort.)
You do not spend the next week helping Yoongi and Jin fix the house. you spend the next week baking.
Luckily the kitchen escaped most of the damage in your gunfight. Everything is unharmed except for a small spot by the coffee station where a bullet lodged itself in the drywall and one spot in the blue tile backsplash that needs re-doing.
Yoongi waits for that last, hovering, watching you hum along to the music and scoop out things into little trays. Onto the baking pans, you do not catch him watching. But when a glass breaks, he's there waiting with a dustpan to sweep it up.
He doesn't manage to protect you against every hurt however. there are some things that you just can't anticipate.
You go through every recipe you’ve ever made, honey cakes and macarons that take several tries to get right. Pretty Raspberry Charlottes with meticulously arranged raspberries and ladyfingers. Chocolate cookies with crackly tops. Red bean buns and pineapple cakes.
You make everything in your cookbook once and then again. Tweaking the recipes and adjusting them to copy them over into a new recipie book that Hoseok gets you.
(It's not a courting present, it's not- he swears)
(It's totally a courting present)
The book has a thick pink cover, a snap-in binding so that you can take pages in and out at will. And a small pink tulip on the front cover that quickly gets stained with butter, lemon juice, and a tiny tiny bit of blood.
“You need to be more careful.” yoongi says, in his pj’s. hair all spiky from where jin gave it a fresh cut in the kitchen last night. Short enough that it makes his cheeks look all chubby. A band-aid in his hands. You’re pretty sure there’s still a little bit of his hair on the kitchen floor, but you’ve never been one to complain about that sort of thing so you let it slide. you let namjoon wrap your finger with the bandaid with a small whine.
"I was being careful- I just-"
“I was watching her hyung,” Jimin says, a little fluffy, a little ruffled. His headphones pulsing dully around his throat. You read between the lines with that and make no comment. I was watching her hyung, I know she didn’t do it on purpose.
You got him a pair of nice over-the-ear headphones last week and picked them out with Hobi’s help. They’re the kind that makes everything- even the most grating hum – ease away into silence. Your gift has helped a lot more than any of them anticipated when you’d first set out on your “let's figure out what makes Jimin have grumpy pup time” Adventure.
Some things had been easy, and routine. No microfiber, no oily foods. other things are less anticipated- his leg hair. A trigger he didn’t even know he had. Discovered after he watched Tae shave in the bathroom, the air all hot, the sudsy pool of water foaming pink as Tae filled it up and sat on the edge. Jimin's heavy eyes followed her as he asked why she does it, why you do it too.
"Wow It's like- really smooth."
"Can I try?"
"Are you sure you don't just want to feel?"
"I'm sure."
Tae had shaved him, oh so gently, gripping around the back of his knees. and Jimin hadn't realized, hadn't known what kind of effect it had on him until he was sitting in the nest in utter bliss a solid hour afterward. Rubbing his legs together like a cricket, absolutely lost to the sensation of skin on skin and no tugging.
"Can you do it tomorrow? Please? I wanna feel like this every day," a relaxed laugh warping his words. "Wow leg hair like totally sucks- I didn't know I didn't- I didn't know at all, I didn't realize-"
There are so many things you don't realize that hurt. You and Tae hand cuddled up close to him, rubbing up and down his thighs to feel how soft Minnie's skin actually was. Gentle. Your touches ease away his distress.
"Sorry Minnie, it won’t feel the same, you have to wait a few days for it to grow out."
So no leg hair, no sellophane. Absolutely no tags on clothing. Headphones when things get too loud. Jimin goes quiet and soft and gentle with the headphones. He tries not to wear them all the time, but when the house goes particularly loud in the afternoons after he's come home from work- it's become his new favorite thing. To sit in Tae's library room with her and enjoy a few moments of companionable quiet.
It's good, it makes you happy that Jimin is leaning a bit more into the sensory stuff than usual since his tentative diagnosis from Jin. The rest of the pack had completely accepted it, almost without a second thought. A few careful nuzzles and a few reassuring kisses.
Jungkook had immediately set out to make a list of Jimin’s safe foods. “I don’t know if I even have any- I don’t know if it’s like an autism sensory thing Jinnie just said that I’ve got something.” But the secretive looks Jin had sent the rest of you had been proof enough. You all believe the pack omega’s words like they’re gospel. And really- when it just comes to loving the people you love and listening to them to love them better that's an easy concession to make.
And it's also a little fucking cute when Jimin leans into the sensory stuff. Yoongi ruffles his hair now where the headphones sat Making the hair that it pressed down poof up again.
“It’s okay Minnie, accidents happen.”
Everyone’s been sensitive to Minnie recently. So careful and intentional with the way that they love him. So much so that they’re letting other things slip through the cracks.
It’s not a big deal. It’s really not- you’d gotten used to a certain level of contact from them over the past few months and while you never audibly complain about it and you’d never admit it. One fact remains; unavoidable and inescapable, haunting you in your simple moments.
You’re fucking needy.
You can only take so much- so many times of Jungkook coming home with the front of his shirt sweat-damp from a run, pulling up and showing off his abs too cool off. Of Namjoon when he changes into pajamas, tiny little shorts that show off all his thighs straining and pulling. Jimin when he’s stretched out, fiddling with the hem of his shirt, all growly and close to Tae whose skirt is pulling high.
Your mate washing his hands in the sink definitely shouldn’t leave you with your mouth dry, slinking off to the upstairs bathroom to clean up just so that no one scents it on you.
It’s embarrassing. You feel like a freshly presented pup.
No one has…sought you out since your little mishap. No one has let their hungry touches linger and go hungrier. No one has given you exactly what you know you need since Hobi- before Moonbyul. Almost 3 weeks ago now.
But to put pressure on them now, when it’s clear that maybe- you need to tread lightly when you already have so much to apologize for. It Feels like too much too soon. You’re not a monster- you can control yourself.
In the meantime, you bake your heart away. Needing something to get your mind off them. The whole house is littered with powdered sugar and sawdust, dusted with frosting and wood filler. There isn’t a single shelf left in the fridge that isn’t covered with cakes or sticky custard tarts, or personal cheesecakes topped pretty with heart-cut strawberries.
The only one Jimin had said was slightly grating to him was the super sticky raspberry tarts. So Tae feeds them to him with a giggle, then Yoongi leans in close, demanding the same treatment, his lips gently swallowing tae's long fingers whole.
You shiver and watch.
"It's so sticky," Yoongi licks forward, lapping at tae's fingers, "but sweet!"
You can't stop your hungry look as you watch Tae lick the whipped cream off the top of a tart, her tongue darting out to lick over her lips. feeding tae a bit of whipped cream. some of it gets on his face and jimin smacks his pulsh lips, glossy.
You feel like you want to smack your face into the table. You actually do grip it hard. You wonder if it's normal, to want so much. To want things so hard. your cheeks feel so hot you might be able to back cookies off them.
Breath crusts your ear, lips just barely brushing your skin "these are really yummy."
You jump, Hobi's next to you and he grins, his fingers traitorously resting on the edge of the counter and you know he knows exactly what you were just thinking. What you were just wanting. You blush hot and needy, embarrassed at being caught staring at them. Busying yourself with pulling the remaining tarts off the drying rack and packing them away with parchment paper.
Tae's cheeks are speckled with powdered sugar. And she giggles- completely unaware of your obvious wanting. You nibble just a little at your own pastry. Appetite is suspiciously silent.
Jimin’s definitely not absorbing your conversation either, too busy watching Tae just like you were. Yoongi slinks off with a quiet thank you- intent on completing whatever project he's currently working on.
Jimin's eyes flick up and down Tae's face. Honed in, unable to look away. "The eye glitter-"
"Eyeshadow Minnie," Tae corrects, a little meanly, a little know-it-all in her tone. The same exact what she gets when she takes her knot and tells you exactly how to-
You need to get a grip. You forcefully turn away from the two of them and flip through your new recipe book. Searching for something sweeter, something else you can make other than fixate on this.
You clench your thighs together and watch Jimin cup Tae’s cheeks, her neck, hands skimming down her waist hungrily.
Jimin lets out a little pent-up breath, "It's like- super mesmerizing today- can you show me which one-"
Tae pulls him up from the table with a sweet giggle, leading him into the other room- Jimin looks a little dazed, stumbling on the carpet as he goes. Hoseok laughs and plucks another cookie from the tray before he helps you put them back inside, shaking his head.
These have powdered sugar on them too, you watch Hobi lick the white from his fingers. Hobi has nice hands, nobly in all the right places. You let out a breath and he licks them again, raising an eyebrow at you.
"Are you like okay or-"
"I'm fine." You whine, a little petulently. Setting down the container a little hard. Hobi laughs, and you wish it didn't make your knees a little weak. You need to get it together. You set the back of your hand against your flaming cheeks.
The fact of the matter is that You've gotten used to a certain amount of attention from the pack. Your body mostly, has gotten used to the near constant attention. Since everything happened, people have been- warming up to it slowly. Baking is also a good way for you to mediated away your sexual frustrations, bury them deep below layers of dough and batter and sparkly sugar.
Hobi's hand scratches under the hem of his shirt and you let out a heavy breath. He looks over at you and his nostrils flare.
"So, ugh- what's next- what are you baking next?"
"I wanna try to make this recipe I saw on Ticktok but I'm out of powdered sugar so-"
"You want me to drive you?" Your eyes flicker up. And you perk up at the idea of getting out of the house right now.
"Yes," you say, is your voice shaky? Are you the only one who notices the way that Hoseok's hand curls over his keys? or the way that you move restlessly? Pent up.
You leave, you tell others, but you find it hard to look away from Hoseok long enough to send a text to the group chat The same way that it was hard for Jimin to look away from Tae.
You make it to the store without any sort of comment from him, anything beyond his hand and your hand intertwined over the center console. Although you do see Hobi's mouth quirk as you stare and stare and stare.
There is something unfairly attractive about the way that Hoseok drives; one hand on the back of your headrest to back in the car. Something that makes you feel like you're melting when he follows you around the store. Taking one step for every two of yours, slow and leisurely, lingering close behind you protectively as you debate milk chocolate and semi-sweet. Reaching over you to get the sugar from the top shelf. His bicep brushing the top of your head.
Your jeans have rips in them, a courting gift from Tae who claimed they were cute (the pockets on the back are heart-shaped) His index and middle finger stay tucked into the back pocket of them, tugging you back close when you almost step in front of someone's cart, his thumb resting on the hollow of your back. Rubbing.
But when he gets into the car he pauses, "do you want to-"
"The beach?"
He swallows hard, "yeah- just for a bit?"
You drive, and instead of returning your hands to the center console Hobi’s hand creeps, settling on your knee. Hobi hooks his finger into the biggest rip in your jeans, one on your upper thigh, stroking the skin higher and higher. You go still, look down, and watch his hands rub smooth circles on your inner thigh.
Hoseok has very pretty hands.
A heat creeps up the back of your neck as Hobi keeps his eyes on the road and not on you. You try not to squirm, not to close your legs either. Although you know he'll be able to smell and feel your slick if he keeps it up for too long. You know your scent is swelling treacherously sweet, but you hope he won't comment- won't notice.
But when he pulls into the parking lot and the ocean is right there, turning dark green and a little violent at high tide. The air is stormy but sweet through the cracked windows. He turns to you, already smirking. The quirk of his lips teases and you realize he knows exactly what he's been doing to you this whole time.
You're already shoving his hand off of you, and he laughs at your flaming cheeks. "Oh my god shut up-"
"I didn't say anything."
"Oh, you little shit-" Hoseok grins.
"You're cute when you're flustered from being teased."
"Call me cute one more fucking-"
You put your head between your knees and actually scream. It's soft, not all that loud. Hoseok's laugh is louder as he throws his head back. And you regret ever making the mistake of falling in love with your best friend.
"Oh my god you are totally getting horny because of a car-"
"It's not the fucking car-" you whine, almost petulant.
"Oh, so it's me then?" The way Hoseok raises his eyebrow at you makes you want to scream. The smirk that has your omegan instincts rankled back on his stupidly pretty face.
"And if it is?"
Hoseok grins, reaching over to cup your cheek in his hand. Pinching the sides so that your lips push out. Holding you hard so that you can't squirm away.
"Then c'm here."
There are other things that you both crave beyond sugar and sweets. kisses that turn into giggles. Hoseok's lips move, good and gentle for a second. Exactly what you need, what you've been craving. His kisses offer a little relief.
And then he bites your lower lip.
It smells like gasoline and sea salt and blood when you pull it apart. rubbing at your stinging lip, a little angry. You're not bleeding, but it feels like you could be. A Hoseok-shaped space over your heart, wrenched clean, bleeding because where he sits is so far. If the distance and wanting could make you bleed- you would be.
(Hoseok bit you to keep you close because, for a second, it felt like you were about to pull back. His alpha didn't like that.)
You bristle an omega that needs settling. Hoseok almost wants to bare his teeth at how on edge it makes him. You smell so needy. Sticky sweet the way that Jungkook does sometimes. Hoseok's half surprised that the other omega didn't get to you before he did. Usually, Jungkook is the kinda of packmate who notices these things.
You flush hot. Half anger, half wanting. "Bitch-"
Hoseok reaches down between his legs for the lever under the seat to push it back. He pushes his seat away from the steering wheel and makes room for you. He parts his legs wide and gestures to his lap.
"I said come here."
The beach is empty and so is your part of the parking lot. It's getting late, past sunset and into twilight. The butter in the back seat of the car gathers condensation and starts to thaw but you don't even think about it a little bit.
You don't think about the people who might be nearby, the people who Could clearly see what you're doing in the car as you clamber over the center console. You leave your shoes behind in the passenger seat (you already have a habit of taking them off in the car). Bruising knees as you move over to the driver’s seat planting hungry kisses along Hobi's cheek, his jaw, every inch of his skin that you can reach, and then his lips finally. So shaky with wanting that you're clumsy. gripping the front of his shirt.
You can feel his grin against every kiss. You can feel it when he starts to grimace and you pull back. Hobi winces covering your banged knee with his big palm. You'll definitely have a bruise tomorrow.
You just take his hand and put it on your hip higher, and he raises an eyebrow at your brazenness. "Wow, you really want it huh?" He taunts, and you melt against his front past the point of pretending that you're not fucking needy, that you don't need him and need this right now if he's willing to give it.
"Hobi please-"
He just laughs at you, "though you were gonna spontaneously combust watching Yoongi eat that tart- it was fucking hilarious."
You whine high and needy. But he likes to tease, and you like he when he teases. Is this what having sex with your best friend is like? All jokes and jabs and fun. It feels nice when you can feel Hobi's laugh this way. Pressed against your stomach when you shimmy closer. It’s a bit cold, but he's warm and big against your front sitting in his lap like that. 
You lean back, and hit directly into the steering wheel and horn. You bury your blush in Hobi's chest as he laughs and laughs, and Hobi's hands fist on your hips, pulling you closer, then farther apart, then closer again.
"Hobi what if someone heard."
"They didn't- there's like no one here- fuck-" You feel his lips with every beat of your heart, kissing so hard it tastes like bruising.
He holds you around your waist and guides you into a subtle sloppy grind, he's only wearing his sweatpants, no boxers underneathand it's clear he's not as unaffected as he claims. The hardness tents in the gray frabric. Pushed up against you. His cock is already hard and firm and twitching.
The front seat of the Lambo is not as spacious as you'd like, but you don't care enough to move to the backseat. Already shaking from just a few kisses. You let out a small whine as he guides you to grind harder against his front, controlling your rhythm with two hands on your ass. You can tell you're getting sloppy, leaking slick. You feel hot all over, simmering as Hobi looks up at you and grins.
"You're like totally gonna cum from this-"
"Oh my god shut up-"
He leans in to bite the tip of your nose, "Make me."
A nearby gull caws loudly, dissonant with the darkness, it’s just a hair past twilight, and the streetlights cast his face in yellow and blue chiaroscuro. It's not private at all but it's perfect and as easy as breathing. Your hips, his hips, and not an inch of space between.
You curse Tae who finally convinced you to buy jeans again as Hobi helps you pull them off, jostling you, hitting your head on the top of the car with a muted "ow!"
Hobi kisses the top of your head holding it reverently while he giggles, and it feels like you're a pair of teenagers again. It feels like for all intents and purposes the last month hasn't happened- like you're right back to where you left off. None of this is heavy, none of it hurts.
The kisses don't stop. Migrating from your mouth down under your jaw, the hollow of your throat. You've soaked through the front of your panties, and Hobi pulls back to look down. Touching the little damp patch you've left against the front of his sweats humming thoughtfully. Breathing a little heavy. Hair all pulled at and messy from where you ran your fingers through it.
The quirk of his mouth is mischievous, "wanna rile the others up?"
You scoot back a bit, grinning, loving Hoseok is like a super special inside joke. "Just don't get my face."
Hobi snaps a picture of your thighs on either side of his, your pussy, barely clothed in semi-translucent fabric all dark blue. His cock wet and hard straining up against the grey sweats. He sends it and then throws it to the passenger seat to jerk you closer.
Hoseok’s phone starts vibrating almost immediately but texts go unanswered, every call goes unanswered in favor of shimmying his sweatpants down and letting his cock pop up, a pearly bit of precum already wetting the tip.
You still, and he guides his cock up at the same moment he settles you down, hand cupping your hip to guide you, pulling your soaking underwear to the side in his haste. His teeth grit and he sighs, you're so warm, so hot inside.
"There you go, is that better?"
"Fuck," you murmur, sinking down slowly, giving yourself time to adjust before your riding goes, still syrupy slow. “So much better.” You don’t want to thank him for something like this but you do anyway.
It’s unhurried as he pulls you closer and closer. You don't know why Hobi likes to fuck like this, so close and slow. Barely pulling back to fuck his cock in, he just keeps you close and lets you grind wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you as close as he can get you. The car starts to rock, squeaking, and the sounds of sex greet you as Hoseok fucks up into your wet hole. All sloppy and wet sounding, coupled with the smacks of your kisses.
“So fucking wet all the time, so fucking messy,” he growls out, and you whimper, pressing your face into his neck and gripping his arms helplessly.
“Can’t help it- can’t-”
He rises up, hands bunching in your short-cropped zip-up sweatshirt, to pick up up and down, up and off of his cock. Hoseok usually isn’t so physically strong, but he helps you ride him, making it faster and filthier. The fabric slides off your shoulders with the hastiness of your grinding, and the white tank top with the thin straps fall down to your elbow. He bites with his teeth when you clench around him, listening to the thud thud thud of your heart and counting every breath.
You get sweaty and sticky until the back seat of the car and all the windows fog up. Hobi kisses endlessly up and down your throat as his hands hold you loose and gentle and then tighter as he continues to force you up and down at a maddening pace.
Even with you on top, Hoseok is still an alpha, still needs to be in control. You can't move even a little bit without him controlling where you go. He pulls you back down into his lap and then pulls you tighter, forcing his cock deeper. You feel like you can feel Hobi all the way in your throat, letting out a weak sob.
"There we fucking go-"
"Fuck Hobi! I'm- please- I need-"
"You can- just-"
At the last moment, Hoseok's hand settles not on your side, but on your stomach, pressing down. you paw at his wrist helplessly.
"Don't! if you do that i'm gonna-"
But it's already too late, You cum, so worked up that it doesn’t take much, You'd like to think that you only squirt because he's making the fit extra tight with his hands, or because it's been a long time since you've cum at all. But you blush furiously as your cunt continues to spasm and drip.
Your Hand on the door keeps yourself up a little, almost forcing Hobi's cock out of you with how hard you clench down and drip slick onto his lap. Letting out a loud moan that someone could certainly hear if they were standing just outside the car.
Hoseok just fucking giggles.
You teeter, cumming so hard you're dizzy, Head lolling to the side until he guides you to rest against his shoulder. "I've got you, I'm sorry- that was mean," he drags his teeth down your scent gland and you tremble.
Hobi pulls back to look at the wet splatter. The front of his white shirt is translucent. He touches where it clings to his abs. Flexing and twitching. And then he looks up at you. As you shakily come down, keeping your pussy up, the head of his cock is still inside but not much else.
He pulls you back down, hard, and you yelp. hoseok has something in his eyes that's just as hungry as you were, something that you wouldn't be able to explain. You cumming doesn't make him quiet, it only makes him hungrier.
He guides you to bounce, up and down, at a faster pace, chasing his own orgasm now. "So, fucking needy, that's what you needed right?" He growls and you nod. Helpless. He forces you down on his slowly inflating knot a little, hard enough for you to feel it.
Your socked toes curl where you're kneeling, and he strokes up one of them. You jerk, ticklish, whimpering, body humming and oversensitive (is this how Jimin feels all the time?) His hand slides up your knee to grip you harder, and you squirm on his cock. 
You rest your cheek on his shoulder, looking up at him. A little cock drunk, a little fucked out. "Like it when you call me needy, like it-" he kisses your slack mouth, bitten, pinker. "Cause it means you know I need you and you don't mind." you babble, and Hoseok just grins.
"Could never mind," His kisses interrupt his words. Like he can't be bothered to remove his lips from your skin long enough to speak. "need you too."
Hobi cums and his cock twitches. The smell of gasoline and burning tires on your skin. His knot inflates so quick and hard that you jerk, with little control of your body, curled to his chest- there’s little place for you to go. Shivering and twitching as his cum spurts, hot and wet filling you up with a sigh.
Which is how your face ends up hitting right up into his nose.
Hoseok has had more violent comedowns as he clutches his nose throbbing, wet and slimy blood. “What the actual fuck” you’re murmuring out sorry after sorry, still knotted together unable to move from his lap more than scrabbling at the passenger seat for some tissues, panicking until he starts to laugh.
And he's not angry no- he just laughs and wipes away the blood from his lips. “Not broken, don’t worry fuck-” it's payment for the teasing from earlier- karmatic because you don't like your alphas bloody. you hold the napkin to hoseok's nose and try not to move, his cock still occasionally twitching with a fresh spurt of cum. The nosebleed is over in a second.
It feels strange to laugh over something like blood, especially after the last few weeks you've had. But for once- it doesn't trigger either of you. He holds you close and gets blood on your sweatshirt probably but the car is full of the sound of laughter whereas 3 a minute ago it was full of the sloppy sounds of car sex and moaning.
His hands go up and down your waist, hungry, your slick is cooling and the sweat on the back of his neck is turning balmy. “It’s okay, I know you didn’t mean too.”
You try to pull back and squirm away from the way he’s holding you, but he holds you firmly against him. “Knots gotta go down soon, just stay like this a while.”
You settle, and he scents the top of your head, it’s useless, anyone will be able to tell what you’ve been doing after this, you can feel his cock twitch wet as he cums again a little more, and your pussy clamps down, milking his knot for all it’s worth. You sigh at the feeling.
Compared to your other packmates Hoseok is such a comfortable fit. Whereas when Namjoon knots you you can hardly move, Hoseok's knot is almost comforting. Soothing. The ache in you that wants to be filled truly quiet. (If you got a tape out and measured, you'd see that Hoseok's knot thickness is only a little wider than Namjoon's fully hard)
Alpha musk sweetens the air in satisfaction, but also challenge, the way that Hoseok smells when he and Jimin wrestle and he gains the upper hand- however briefly. Definitely not the way that the alphas usually smell after popping a knot.
You recognize the cross look on his face and aim to kiss it off of him. planting the type of kiss that almost always makes Hobi smile at the corner of his lips.
You pause for a second, for dramatic effect, but it still doesn't make him stop his pouting. “Okay- now you’ve got to tell me what's wrong you’re still literally inside me and you’re not smiling-” you laugh against his throat, pull back worried, “not that you have to be happy fuck- I didn’t mean-”
Your words jog him out of his thoughts and shimmies forward, Hoseok pecks your nose, your lips, still warm from your sighs and moans that he got out of you. His shifting causes his cock and knot to rub up and more fully inside you just slightly, forcing a tiny bit of cum to slip out, cooling and sticky.
But oh well- the inside of the lambo has seen worse messes in recent weeks. You sigh at the movement and rest your face against the hollow of Hobi’s throat, pouting petulantly as he continues the small juts of his hips, content to rip another orgasm out of you (although the front of his white shirt is already soaked translucent with it). He's competitive like that.
You grab his arms to try and slow him, already a little overstimulated and unable to feel your thighs, but Hoseok just grabs your waist and lifts you up, however briefly- to seat you more firmly on his knot, "Hobi fuck-"
There's an itch under his skin that just won't quiet down. Won't settle. You can see that now, his instincts are on edge, gnashing their teeth.
You tilt your throat, offering it up, bearing it to him.
Hoseok watches the action, eyes flinty. Sounding too serious. "How many times does Yoongi usually make you cum?"
Your eyes flutter, and he settles you back against his chest, his heart thuds quick against your ear, "like two or three times usually." Hoseok's knot deflated enough to pull out and he does it slowly, mindful of how sore you must be.
Hoseok goes slowly, but he’s still cum enough that you can’t clench closed enough to keep his cum in, you try and stop it but Hoseok catches your wrist so that you drip out, down, hitting the leather seat. He can’t stop watching you clench, hole pink and fucked, clit twitching because of him. Rubbing smooth circles on your thighs transfixed for a second but then reaching for his phone because.
“Fuck- Namjoon’s gonna go crazy.”
You cover your flaming face with your hands but you let Hoseok send another picture. This time of your wet and messy entrance, pink clit, a bit of his cum in the picture, dripped milky around the leather seat it's- fuck It's utterly pornographic. Might just as well send Namjoon into a rut with how fucking provocative it is.
Hoseok takes another, pressing the head of his cock to your hole, not inside, but just close enough that it's like they're kissing. Hot and wet and dripping with your slick and his cum. pooling a little on the head of his cock.
Hoseok sends it, and immediately gets another call from Namjoon. Hoseok sends it to voicemail only to grin at the amount that the pack alpha has already left.
“Guess how many voicemails he left?” You’re still shaking, still trembling from how hard you came, but Hoseok is so unaffected, all languid and satisfied.
“I don’t know, four?”
Hoseok laughs, husky, and pecks your shoulder. “Fucking seven” he clicks one and you laugh out loud for the scrabbling in the background alone.
“Jimin you are not going to drive to them- calm the fuck down.” Jin's says, sounding angry, in the background but Namjoon’s is deep. More of a growl. “Pups, come home right now, preferably before you end up knotted to each other in public,”
he snickers, "Too late."
You shimmy forward. Unwilling to separate from Hobi even though you're not knotted together anymore. You wouldn't mind just staying like this, cuddled up against his chest. But Hoseok knows what you want, what you need. He pulled out a little too soon (not for the knot, with that he was very very gentle) but because of your instincts. You still need him close.
He sinks inside of you with a sigh and you sniffle, “Keep it nice and warm yeah?” He teases, and you swat at his arm but let him. The drag is hot and filthy and slow.
You think that’s all he’ll do until He reaches down between the two of you to put his thumb and pointer finger around your clit. You jerk, scrambling to grip onto his wrist as he tugs.
“I thought you said Yoongi made you cum 2 or 3 times."
"Yes but- I'm sensitive."
"I like that you're sensitive, for the record, even though I'm probably going to tease you about this later." His voice is so husky, so deep and alpha that you melt and let him do what he wants.
You gasp and he plays with your clit, actually plays with it, rubbing it this way and that. Parting your lips to watch it tremble as you try and clench. His cock twitches where it fills you, starting to rock up and into you just a bit.
“That’s all you wanted right, just someone to touch you right here" He teases, eyes dark, breathing through his teeth as you clench. You tremble from overstimulation but nod dumbly.
Hoseok rubs the tight v of his fingers up and down, popping your clit up and down, such small movements that drive you crazy. You can’t clench any harder around his knot ( starting to fill out again, starting to pulse thick and hot) but Hoseok groans as you try to hold onto him, fingers going faster, sloppier.
You lean back, putting your hands on his knees, letting him see all of you, the damp hem of your shirt where you made it messy. Your pink cunt all for his viewing pleasure as you pop yourself up and down his length.
"Can't-" You're dumb, actually unable to speak as Hoseok starts fucking you again in earnest. The drag so much wetter with his cum already filling you up, squishing out around his cock again.
“Can’t come again?” He raises an eyebrow. “What? You’ll come 3 times for Yoongi but you won’t for me?”
“That’s not- it’s not-“ You can’t think with the way he keeps rubbing, tiny little movements as he continues to tug and rub, the small movements maddening. “Alpha!” you cry as he tugs again, cumming so hard and Hoseok’s fingers- tug again, milking a bit of squirt from you. Just a bit.
You clench so hard it forces his knot out, cum and slick dripping everywhere. Darkening his sweatpants with a dark laugh.
He doesn't leave you unfilled for long, guiding his cock back and forcing it to pop back in. The car rocks and you sob. And yeah- this is exactly what you needed. Your brain shuts off for a bit. You needed someone to fuck and knot the thought out of you gently, but not so gently as to let your mind wander.
You can tell hobi's close by the tone of his voice, how close to a growl it is. “Gonna make you milk my knot, gonna make you cum until Yoongi will have to compete with me. Until I’m the one who-“ Hoseok cuts himself off as his knot pops for the second time.  
His knot feels hotter the second time around, thicker too- maybe it’s just because you feel so tight and full of his cum.
It’s calm for a second, calm. The sound of the crashing waves, his breath as he breathes in deep. You don't know how long you stay like that, so close to each other that you can hardly breathe. His knot still hasn’t gone down. His breath and your breath, you kiss his temple his cheek. And when you pull back to look at him, his face has that same look to it. You don’t even have to ask him, he already knows that you're going to ask what he meant by the last bit.
“It’s nothing.” but you wait because you know it’s not and that he's just working up to it.
You kiss at his temple. (How lovely is it- that your favorite place to be kissed should be called the same name as a house of worship?) Hoseok kisses you back just as reverently.
Earlier when he was thinking about something, he got that competitive look on his face, and he wears that same look now. “It’s just, earlier I was thinking about it.”
“When you were frowning the first time?”
“No. At the house.” Hoseok is silent for another second, rubbing a soothing hand down your spine. And you realize you’re not afraid of anything he might say, not even a little bit, not even at all.
“You said, with Tae- that you wanted to marry her.”
Hoseok closes his eyes, just briefly. His eyelashes catch the light from the streetlamps. “I've never thought about getting married, not at all, and I'm not asking that's not- I'm not-" Hoseok sighs, frustrated. He's fine with dirty talk and teasing but this- this is so much harder to say.
"I was just looking at you and wondering...wondering why you chose her out of the whole pack and not someone else"
Why not me?
You and Hobi have agreed that saying the scary things is the way you get through it. Love will do you no good if you can’t do it scared.
You pull back and the look on your face makes Hobi blush, it’s so open and honest, like a hint of humor chased with all the love in the world. Hoseok pulls you tighter, more firmly against him in the front seat of the Lamborghini.
You’ve only been officially official for the last few weeks. But already Hobi can’t think of his life without you, can’t think of any world where you don’t mean just as much to him as the others do. If mating marks could go 8 ways it would be an easy choice, but they don’t work that way.
He’s never even called you his girlfriend for Christ’s sake. And he’s already talking about mating marks and marriage. and feeling hurt when you offer those shows of devotion to other people and not him. Jealousy in packs shouldn't exist, but it sort of does sometimes.   You nudge his nose with yours. A small little nuzzle. “You and I are more matching tattoo people, aren’t we? I thought you’d want more than just a ring.”
A laugh jumps out of Hoseok’s chest like lightning, surprising him with how little he expects it, “Really? Fuck- you’d get matching tattoos with me?”
You lift his palm up to your throat, the blank side and then the one marred by Yoongi’s mating bite. “I’ve already got one mark on me that I can’t erase, gotta give you the same treatment.”
He’s a little speechless, eyes glittering with stars (they’re just from the streetlights but still) you keep it going. “If you could bite me? Where would you put it?”
Hoseok sits up straight, dragging his kiss down the side of your throat, “here maybe?” the tops of your breasts, “or here maybe,” next to your heart, Hoseok brings his hand to his face, kissing the center of it. “Probably here.”
You cover his hand with yours and then grip his shoulder, thumb rubbing up and down his pectoral, your foreheads resting against each other.
“If you ever need, if you ever want- like today- you can just ask me.”
“You sure? It wouldn’t be like- too much?” you don’t say her name, you don’t say that it would be like before. But Hoseok closes his eyes, he knows you won’t ever do anything like that. He doesn’t honestly think you’d be capable of that…the guilt and the forcing.
Hoseok isn’t worried about it in the slightest. He knows if he ever felt even a bit like that, he could tell you and you’d stop without a second thought. Whatever you need.  (If that doesn’t count as marriage, I’m not sure what god is looking for.)
“I’m sure. I like this, it’s nice.” It’s nice when it’s just the two of us, you’re my best friend.
You’re coming down, still resting against his chest. Hoseok’s knot will have deflated enough for him to pull out without pain in a few moments, a few breaths as you exchange sleepy soft kisses. Nowhere to go and nowhere to be. The panic has worn out of you. The frantic desire simmering low and sated in your veins. The fire turned down low. The fear was non-existent.
Until a loud screech punctuates the quiet.
It’s pretty immediate how everything falls apart. One moment you and Hobi are curled up against each other. And the next second you look over his shoulder and see the red and blue flashing lights. You have seconds, maybe a breath before the sirens blare and those lights flash brighter. A foreign voice coming over the loudspeaker shattering the quiet. “Stay where you are!”
“Shit! Hobi!” Hoseok jerks, you are still knotted together but he pulls you off of him with little care for your comfort. You don’t blame him too panicked as you slide to the passenger seat and he tucks his cock back into his sweats. Reaching for your jeans a second too late.
“Crap- pull up your pants- oh fucking hell-“
Both of you turn syrupy slow when the police officer taps on his window. Shining his light inside of the foggy car.
Please Like, Comment, and Reblog! Every bit of encouragement helps me write the next chapter!
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yoongi gets fewer parts in this chapter because he's going to get a dedicated moment in the next chapter!!!
to be honest- i'm not really totally sure that jimin in bily has autisim or not- if he does have autism slightly or not, he does have the same sort of sensory issues that i do, i guess i can't answer the question for jimin because i can't answer it for myself yet.
jimin like me- realizes that the sensory stuff really affects him- i think he's never been allowed to realize how things make him feel. he's never been that sure of his emotions and his feelings.
if leg hair has one hater it's me, if leg hair has no haters then i am dead.
i wrote this chapter with the understanding that if jimin does have some form of psychopathy- then jin certainly does have it too- like out of all of them i think that the dynamic that fits them best is "jimin is crazy and knows it, jin is crazy and doesn't know it."
Song inspiration is just Rm's- Around the world in a day. i know we only have one song but!!! what a break of charecter!!
was i inspired by namjoons "she a pro-rida, Oo Oo Oo Oo rida~" for this chapter? yes i was. and what about it??
hoseok and the m/c are such a mess i swear to god i love them so much like- they're just so cute in their little car sex scene.
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greythemed · 1 year
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𓂃 ♥︎ⴰ bloodhounds . kim gun-woo
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˚ TITLE 𓂃 ♥︎ⴰ lovesick ˚ WORD COUNT 𓂃 ♥︎ⴰ 1936
he looked unreal, all tanned with his beautiful eyes half closed as he looked down, full lips unconsciously forming a pout. his chest was bronzed and openly displayed for anyone with two eyes and a drooling mouth.
you wanted to eat him alive.
it was supposed to be a peaceful morning at your parents' beach house on the coast but, apparently, your boyfriend chose violence that day. with sleepy eyes and a drowsy appearance, you immediately realized that you accidentally fell asleep while trying to get tanned by the summer sun in the morning. luckily, the book you were reading fell from your grip at some point and didn't leave a funny mark on your stomach for woo-jin to laugh about later.
how can one person be so beautiful, inside and out? was he even real, or will you inevitably wake up to find the space beside you empty, his presence fading with your dreams?
you get goosebumps just imagining it.
feeling your eyes on him, gun-woo looked up from his drawing, a big smile forming on his pink lips.
"you look like shit, babe".
oh wow, what a day to feel loved.
"fuck off". you grumbled while sitting up and picking the book from the floor next to you, gun-woo's eyes never leaving your bikini form. "what took you so long to get here?". you asked him pouty.
"your mother asked me to move the sofa three times so she could do her pilates session in the living room". gun-woo couldn't help but laugh at his answer, never imagining he'd be in this position someday.
it was your first family trip as a couple, and also the first time gun-woo went on a plane and traveled since his school's excursion in 9th grade to say the best. you were happy to see him happy. it was thrilling to see the man in another setting, different from the usual gym clothes or café outings you guys first got to know each other. you considered yourself a good girlfriend, providing these opportunities for both of you while so young, even if gun-woo was paying for basically everything other than the house you were staying. you were a good girlfriend, right?
so why the living hell was he acting so mean towards you?
"i'm sorry about that". you grimaced embarrassingly because of your mother. "just because you have an insane amount of muscle she thinks you're her personal guard". gun-woo laughs. that bright innocent smile that makes his eyes disappear.
fuck you kim geun-woo for being so mean.
"my mom used to say we should never neglect help from others, including offering help in the first place". he tells you with innocence, a sudden wave of sympathy running through his veins strong enough to make him vocalize his thoughts. you were too accustomed with this side of him, being together for almost 6 months. “she also used to say that we always must look for the best in people”.
he was too pure. so why could you only think other things like what was this man saying? and why wasn't he kissing your mouth right now?
you embarrassingly found yourself in this predicament more times than you could count with your boyfriend.
the sound of his voice didn't shake you out of your sleepy daze, looking up at him with eyes full of love and wonder. like a lovesick puppy whose brain didn't seem to register the spoken words, too caught up in its own reverie.
when he didn't get the reply he was hoping for, gun-woo finally put down the pen and paper and leaned closer to you, your knees now touching and you almost choked on your saliva.
you loved him too much. and he was so hot.
“y/n?” he asked softly, placing a hand on top of your lap, the feel of his surprisingly cold hands against your warm skin almost making you shiver.
"i was so worried when i woke up and didn't see you, figured you'd be reading here". his smile continued to be nothing other than soothing, comforting, and exclusive.
exclusive for you and only you.
"woo-jin tried facetiming early this morning but i was still sleeping, i kind of feel bad for him not being able to come this time". he rambles. "and i also feel bad for sleeping so late, i hope your parents don't mind it. yesterday was a good day".
of course it was a good day. it was gun-woo's first ever private flight and you couldn't put your mind around the fact that this man's whole life was a huge unfair exposure to only the bad in life. you wanted to cry suddenly. cry for everything cruel that happened to him. cry for his still pure but poorly scarred heart. cry for his smiles and goodmorning pecks. cry for his fucking six-pack and spy reflexes.
cry because he was yours. exclusively.
without saying a word, you gently pulled his hands away before wrapping yours around his shoulders in a much-needed hug, the love you felt for him overwhelming all your senses. his arms found their place around your waist immediately, pulling his body closer and pouring all his love into you in return.
it was his fault for dating such a crybaby and he knew it, because the second he touched your waist and ribs, the boxer knew you were about to cry because of your uneaving breathing.
gun-woo hesitated for a second, giving your body another squeeze before finally speaking.
"are you okay, princess?" his voice was calm as he gently stroked your hair, knowing damn well you got emotional in the mornings sometimes. his 'bedroom voice' - that's what you called, don't judge - was enough to make your eyes sting, causing you to snuggle closer to his neck with a nod.
"'m okay".
you loved his bedroom voice - again, don’t judge the name you came up with -, it was special for you. it held something ethereal in the fact that he dropped a few octaves to talk to you and only you. the intimacy he could bring only by speaking more calmly to you, everywhere you both were together and tangled in each other's arms like right now.
everything was different. the setting, the weather, the clothes - it made you realize for the very first time in the six months of your relationship that dating itself shouldn't be overwhelming, tiring, or burdensome.
dating should feel like the books you grew up reading and the movies you grew up watching. anything other than that, it didn't belong to you in the first place.
you felt so comfortable in his embrace like you were floating on a fluffy cloud as the sun was slowly disappearing, so warm and safe. it was just the best, being with the man you loved, and nothing could come close to how you were feeling in his presence, surrounded by his unconditional love and care.
fuck, you were sounding like a corny teenager and it was embarrassing.
"y/n, you're going to tell me what's on your mind, aren't you?". the sound of his concern was evident in his voice, reminding you that - even if this man's thighs were the size of your head -, he still was worried and soft on the inside type of boyfriend.
you were his first girlfriend. gun-woo didn't know how to do things usually.
without missing a beat, you looked him in the eye for the question.
"i love you, gunwoo-ya". you started to pour your eyes out for no reason. you blamed the hormones, your mom would blame the weather and woo-jin would blame the books you read but you didn't care.
the corners of his mouth turned up in response, a soft, sincere smile stretching across his face because he was also just that: a lovesick puppy.
"i love you too". gun-woo wasn't expecting that, you could tell. he was too nonchalant for his own good sometimes.
like who the fuck wears pink bright shorts at his parents-in-law’s beach house? WITH NO SHIRT ON.
his eyes were full of love as he looked at you, the sun making the already beautiful landscape even more dazzling as time seemed to stop once more, everything but him disappearing at that moment. not being able to wait any longer, gun-woo then leaned his head up, pouty lips brushing yours teasingly for a moment before connecting in a proper kiss.
his touch was soft and tender, brushing against your mouth as he had so many times before, your tongue darting out to meet his briefly as his arms around your waist pulled you even closer. the sudden change in height since you got up from the bench was a different angle for both of you.
a silent moan escaped your lips as your barely clothed breast brushed against his, giving your boyfriend the perfect opportunity to slip his tongue properly inside your mouth for another taste.
his hands squeezed your sides lightly, applying just the right amount of pressure to feel good, and just as you were about to pull him even closer to deepen the kiss, he slowly pulled back, making you want his lips more.
a smile appeared on his face at that, the smugness behind it pouting in response. you straddled him so your faces were on the same level and suddenly the boxer went exe.error404
"jagi, your mom-". he spoke, his hot breath hitting your face with each exhale. you smirked at him.
he was so mean.
"how can you act innocent right after sucking my mouth dry a second ago, you monster?".
"but-". oh no. his cheeks were red, wide eyes searching for one of your parents to pop up from nowhere suddenly, hands finding no safe spot to grip at your sides, finally opting to put them in your waist, almost engulfing its whole circumference because of the size of his hands.
when a few moments passed and you still remained in the same state, he finally relented and sealed your lips once more in a quick kiss, one of his hands moving up from your waist to gently caress your swollen lower lip afterward.
“is that what you've been thinking about all this time, baby?". he asked embarrassingly, eyes avoiding your brown ones for all that was worth.
you nodded, your eyes roaming all over his face before reaching out to move some of the hair away from his eyes, gathering his attention.
"sorry, but yes". you pouted, a small smile starting to appear on the boxer's mouth. you could tell he was embarrassed to hear you confess he occupies your mind 24/7 as if he didn’t know that yet. "and that you are so irritably sexy".
not even one second after, gun-woo's hand is covering your mouth with his eyes wide open and a laugh escapes your lips. he instantly mouths for you to be careful.
"i didn't even say anything wrong!". you defend, automatically tracing his scar on the right side of his face like you are already used to, brushing his hair at the end.
"you want sexy time, i know you!". he whisper-shouts, now completely avoiding your gaze. you laughed.
"sorry". you were not. "it's not my fault you're wearing pink shorts! you can't do this to me, you're mean!". you whined on his lap.
"you were crying seconds ago, what happened?!". it was his turn to pout, looking genuinely confused at your change of emotions. "woojin-hyung said you were crazy when you guys first met".
"that old f-". gun-woo covered your mouth again, warning you. "he's lucky he didn't make it here".
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this one is for my crybaby girlies i got you don't worry, gun-woo is here to wipe your tears and fuck your brains out - in a loving way. loved imagining beach!gunwoo a little too much.
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Growing into Love
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pairing:Husband!Seokjin x fem!reader
tags: fluff, slight angst, husband Jin, non-idol!au, Arranged marriage trope, mentions of parent issues
summary: Arranged marriage could've been a lot of things, but with Jin, it was nothing but comfortable. Maybe too comfortable that you hadn't realised when you'd both fallen in love.
masterlist | Let me know your thoughts and feedback.
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“You know what Mom, I’m sorry. I thought, for once, you’d understand me but of course. My bad. Let’s just forget this. Bye.”
No matter how long it had been, it was never easy. Even years of therapy cannot make the complicated relationship between your parents and you easier to deal with. After everything said and done, you still did love your parents and you knew they loved you too. Even if they weren't great at depicting it without it affecting you.
It was tiresome nevertheless. The constant back and forth, you still hoping they'd understand even though they haven't in the last twenty-seven years and them hoping you'd finally see their side.
It had gotten easier when you had moved out after high school. You had enjoyed the taste of freedom and independence for 6 years since high school, mainly because you knew it came with a deadline- arranged marriage. It was a tradition in your family, everybody always got an arranged marriage. Even after knowing that it’s your destiny, the fear of “what ifs” had eaten you up for years.
For years you'd fought against it, but eventually, you lost all the will to fight and gave in. You had no choice. No matter how much you did, they always demanded more. Maybe you were to blame, for hoping even after everything.
With all the thoughts and the pain still fresh in your heart, you slump against the sofa on the floor throwing your phone on the coffee table. You're trying your best to not let the tears fall. Leaning your head back you just breathe and try to stop the well-known spiral that was going on in your brain.
"That bad huh?"
The voice startles you. You open your eyes to see your husband standing at the kitchen entrance looking at you. His wide shoulders clad in his favourite white t-shirt, a pink worn-out apron on his slender waist, glasses perched on the bridge of his nose, the soft features on his face slowly turning into concern as he assessed you.
Being married to Seokjin had been a pleasant surprise. Both of you knew what you were getting into, had spoken openly about your needs and kept to your boundaries. You understood that love was not exactly an option in your situation, but there was never any animosity between the two of you.
After a year of marriage, you'd become friends and partners/ teammates of sorts and constantly enabled each other to succeed. You had a routine, shared chores, shared your hobbies with each other and existed in perfect harmony. There was never a need or yearning for more, as it felt comfortably natural at every point.
Everything you'd learnt about him made you want to remove all the unfair pain he'd been through and protect him from further pain. One month into your marriage you got to know that his family had caused him a broken heart and forced him into this predicament. Yet he was always polite and nice to you and his family, and your respect for him grew multifold. Then you began noticing how he was often silent and blue when he thought no one was paying him attention. His smile faded every time he turned away from people which made you feel like it was you who was getting hurt.
But along the way, in the last year, Jin had genuinely become more balanced. His over-hyper nature around people and the eerily silent persona at home had slowly eased into a balance that dances on the verge of both. He makes you laugh almost every day, has cried in front of you a couple times and always cooked the most delicious meals every weekend. Jin was also a complete crackhead, especially when his younger brother Jungkook visits- which is almost all the time. Jungkook had been a big part of your life since your marriage and you would not have it any other way. Especially since it made Jin smile from his heart (and annoyed him to know bounds that you spoiled Jungkook).
"Y/N, are you okay?"
You blink at the voice, Jin is now crouching in front of you, back leaning against the coffee table as he looks at you. His eyes filled with worry, lips puckered and hair tousled. You bite your lips to prevent the threatening tears from falling down.
"Didn't you hear ?" You ask with a quivering voice, referring to the phone call you had with your parents moments ago.
"No, I was caught up in making lunch." He settles one hand on your shoulder in a pat. "But from the look on your face, I assume it didn't go well. If you want to talk, you know I'm here."
You nod, blinking more furiously in a futile attempt. He smiles and wipes the tears away.
"It's ok to cry, we spoke about this."
"I know. That's what I'm doing." You say as more tears fall and a smile graces your face. "Aha, I know what will cheer you up." His eyes widen and a mischievous smile plays on his face as you look at him in confusion. "I'll call Jungkookie, you are always happy when he annoys me. I don't get it but it'll work for now." You look at him for a moment to gauge how serious he is and end up laughing when he picks up his phone to call the younger one.
"No no Jin don't call kookie. Poor thing, he really wanted to sleep in this weekend. Plus he really needs to start hanging out with people other than us." You say between laughing as Jin puts his phone down.
"Hmmm," he thinks as he absentmindedly wipes more of your tears away and you're watching in anticipation waiting for his next suggestion. "In that case, maybe ice cream will help?" He asks with big eyes and a pout, looking like an innocent child. You immediately nod like an excited 5-year-old at his suggestion.
Jin brings you the ice cream tub you'd both bought at the supermarket and hands over a spoon.
"Here, enjoy!" "Hehe thanks, I love you. You're the best Jin." "Aissh, love you too. I'll go check on lunch. don't eat too much."
You were about to hum back in response but froze mid-action, ice cream spoon on the tip of your tongue. Your eyes widen in reaction and you drop the spoon on the floor. This causes Jin to stop midway to the kitchen and look at you.
"Y/N, are you okay?" He says rushing to your side. You just look at him in pure shock.
"We, I- we-" The words fail to come out of your mouth and your mind is a mess. "We what?" He asks, the concern back on his face.
"wesaidiloveyou" The words leave your mouth in such a hurry that Seokjin almost misses it. When he realises he gets more confused and replies with a shrug, "Yeah so?"
"What do you mean so? We said THE words Seokjin." The incredulous look on his face stays put and you add, "For the first time."
He scoffs and smiles. "This is not the first time."
His smile falters, "You don't remember?" "Remember what? Jin don't mess with me now." Your voice is timid and you feel a giant lump creeping up your throat.
"You're the one messing with my head right now. Do you really not remember saying I love you to me that night?" He looks at you in disbelief, ears reddening and his pout in full display. "What night?"
"Y/N, come on seriously?" "I really don't remember Seokjin."
He stares at you for a moment too long, sighs and walks back to the kitchen. You close the ice cream tub and run to follow him in. He's stirring the stew in the pot and even though his back is facing you, you don't miss the agitation in his movements. You wait for him to close the lid on the pot and watch as he just stares at the wall. Slowly you move closer to him but he whips around even before you could tap on his shoulder, and looks at you.
"Jin, I really do not remember what you are referring to and I'm sorry. Just tell me when it was, please." You give him your best puppy eyes and he sighs leaning his head back on the shelf above, before facing you again.
"The night after we went to your cousin's wedding, in bed, before sleeping you told me you love me and I said it back." Your jaw drops to the floor. "That was three months ago," is all you say as you try your best to jog your memory of the night.
That had been a particularly rough family function- with your father questioning every career choice you had made, your mother constantly criticising your outfit choice and every other relative asking you only about your plans to have kids. Seokjin had been very comforting and stayed by your side the entire night. You remember how his hand never moved from the small of your back the entire night and how he kept running circles on your palm whenever he held them. That night you were sure you had fallen for Seokjin, but you did not remember vocalising it to him. And definitely did not remember him saying it back.
Jin's strained sigh brings you back to the man in front of you, he is doing his best to look positive and lighthearted about this and you can see it.
"Why didn't you bring it up the next day?" You wanted to say sorry, you wanted to hug him but this was the only sentence that came out of your mouth. "I figured you said it in a sleepy daze. And maybe you didn't mean it." Jin sounds so small and nervous at the moment.
"But then it happened again." He adds before you can say anything and all you can say is, "HUH?"
He rubs his palm on the back of his neck and nods. "Yeah, actually you've said it 7 times in the last three months including today."
"WHAT?" Jin looks as shocked as you do at this revelation.
"Why the hell do I not remember it?" "How the hell am I supposed to know." Jin's voice comes out sharper and you realise how all of this might be for him. But he turns back to the dish on the stove and you are left to jog your memory to see if he was right.
"The second time was when I bought you the big chocolate cake when you were on your period- two months back," Jin says in the most neutral tone and the memory comes back to you.
You hadn't even informed him about your periods, he somehow always knew. But you were positively shocked when he walked into your shared bedroom with a chocolate cake in his hand, explaining that it will ease your cramps. It might've been possible that you voiced the exact feeling you were having in a moment of joy.
"Then it was a week later when you were leaving for work." Jin is now back to stirring and assessing his pot and his voice seems muffled.
"When?" He turns to look at you for a brief second, he assesses your confused face and turns back smirking.
"You said 'I love you bye' on your way out the door, I knew you didn't realise it. In fact, you did this again twice, Kookie was here during the fifth time."
"Wha- How... Do I have memory loss?" Jin turns around and you can see the smile he's trying to control. "Don't laugh, Jin. How else do you explain my not remembering saying it?" He stays leaning on the counter with his smirk playing on his face and says, "So you definitely don't remember drunkenly professing your love for me last week and then proceeding to cuddle me the entire night until I laid you on the bed in the morning right?"
If you were shocked till now it was nothing compared to this bombshell Jin dropped on you.
"Are you lying?", "No why would I!" Jin looks convincingly innocent but it only worsens your confusion. How did you miss such an important moment of both of your lives. Your husband loves you and has said so multiple times but your brain has successfully managed to forget that. You try your best to remember but nothing out of the ordinary jumps from your brain.
He breaks down laughing- screeching noises and all, as he watches you process it. Your first reaction, post-shock, is to hit him in the arms and exasperatedly pout.
"Jin, that's not fair. Why the hell did you not tell me any of this ?"
He sobers up then and stands in front of you, holding both your shoulders and a sweet smile on his face. "I didn't mean to hide it, I just thought you didn't want to bring it up. Y/N, you told me yourself that you're a flight risk and that you weren't looking for love. I didn't want to make you panic."
"Aww that's sweet of you." He nods annoyingly smug and you roll your eyes. "But I still feel horrible that I didn't even notice it fully. I mean.. how does one forget that?" Jin shakes his head at your words and gives a little squeeze to your shoulder as he says, "You didn't forget it, it just came so naturally to you that it wasn't a big deal."
You look up at his eyes hearing his words. "Was it the same for you?" Jin gulps and rubs the back of his neck again. He's turning redder by the minute and you love seeing him like this. "Well, yeah. I actually said it a week before you did for the first time." You open your mouth to react but he interrupts you. "And no, you didn't forget it. I was scared and told it when you were sleeping."
"Aiish, I don't remember Y/N." He's almost as red as a tomato now. You scoff at his words. "Oh please, you just listed the 7 very random days I told you I love you. And I know for a fact you remember when you first said it. Spill it, Jin." Jin is fully blushing and you're sure you are too by how heated up your cheeks feel. You continue riling him up by poking his arms till he swats you away and answers your question.
"I- Oh god stop Y/N, I'll tell.", "Okay, go on."
"It was the night you suggested we sleep in the master bedroom together because you felt it was unfair that I had to sleep in the guest room." Jin covers his hands in his face and cringes at himself while you've got the biggest smile playing on your face. You start giggling and that makes him look up from his hands with a pout.
"Ya don't laugh at me!" "No, no I'm not laughing at you. It's just... that's all it took for you to fall in love with me?"
His face immediately changes from his pout to a soft smile. "That's because I didn't fall in love, and neither did you.", "Oh." You try your best to let it not show but you know that your face has deflated just the way your heart felt.
Jin notices it and smiles before adding, "We didn't fall in love, we grew into it, and that's much better. I've fallen in love before and you know what, when you fall it feels like you're flying until you crash. I think falling in love is a sad thing." He moves closer and holds your face in his palms as you look up at him without breaking eye contact. "With you, with us, we didn't fall and we won't crash. I've been in a relationship where even the smallest things were a big deal- every 'I love you' and anniversary. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, I'm just saying I really do prefer how natural it feels to just say I love you and not make a big deal of it. With you, specifically. I love how we just started doing things together without overthinking it. So yea, we grew into loving each other."
By the time he is done you're eyes are watering and the tears flow down your cheeks. He wipes them away and you just stare at him, thinking about his words. He was right, almost all of your firsts since your wedding have been entirely unspoken. One day you just cuddled against him while watching a movie and neither of you questioned it. Or when he randomly pulled you in a bear hug and cried after a tough day, or when he comforted you during your family functions and you did the same. Even when you were busy trying to fight off any feelings because of your fear, you couldn't succeed. It all felt natural.
"Y/N, please don't cry. You've been crying since the damn phone call and now I've made you cry too." You shake your head sideways and pull him into an embrace, leaning your head on his chest and sniffling your tears in. He rubs your back trying to calm you down, which you do because Jin always knows how to calm you. You lift your head from his chest and look at him, still in a tight embrace.
"How are you this smart and amazing?" He smiles shyly and then smirks before adding, "I am 3 years older than you and I know a lot more than you do!"
"Tch, what a shame I didn't record that and send it to Jungkook. He'd be so happy to see you admit that you're old." You tease and Jin looks at you in mock anger which causes you to laugh.
"I've been realising it here and there but like you said nothing felt out of the ordinary or uncomfortable enough to question it. So... okay I agree, we grew into loving each other." Jin nods with a fond smile. "Now what?" you add with raised eyebrows watching keenly as Jin smirks and his hug around you gets tighter. Your face heats up as he leans into you slowly, your eyes trained on those plump lips of his that have always caught your attention. You close your eyes and wait for his lips to hit your lips and finally fee-
The sound of Jin's ringtone blaring from his pant pocket makes both of you jump away from the embrace. Recovering faster from the shock, Jin picks up the phone and curses as he shows you the called ID- Jungkook.
You laugh as Jin attends the call and immediately starts cursing the younger one and Jungkoook lets out his usual Elmo giggles and shouts for you to support him.
Jin was right, this all felt natural. This is your family, your home and you'd cherish it forever.
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whyse7vn · 1 month
“You hear you know whose new song yet?”
“No” You’re lying and you’re pretty sure Namjoon knows you’re lying too but he hums in acknowledgment anyways.
It’s late like past 12 AM late yet you find yourself laying on the grass of Mr Kim Namjoon’s not so surprisingly large garden with the main man himself. You don’t know how long the both of you have been laying there and quite frankly you don’t even want to know today’s been- well correction yesterday’s been an… off day a unproductive day a useless day. You blink up at the stars that decorate the pretty black sky and you could swear they blink back.
“Think it’s about you”
“Mhm definitely”
There’s a pause. Silence. Not comfortable but not awkward either. Just silence. You’re tired Namjoon’s tried you know you should head inside Namjoon knows you should head inside yet you both remain unmoving from the grassy floor. You don’t need to turn your head to know he’s deep in thought
realll fucking hard at that, and at this point he might as well be thinking out loud. It’s like you can hear the cogs turning in his mind hear the questions he’s yet to ask.
You itch to turn and ask him to verbalise his thoughts you have answers of course you have answers. Answers you’ve been sure of for a while now, answers you’ve practiced giving, answers you’ve gone over and over in your head, answers you once tried to deny, answers that no matter how far you try and push them away they come back stronger and truer than before answers you just want to scream out.
The itch to ask grows and grows and after a several moments you find yourself almost talking up the screaming out option but
it’s like the silence interrupts you. Not comfortable not awkward. The silence you’d both created tells you to wait.
You close your eyes and rest you hands on your stomach.
You let out a deep sigh.
The air is thick.
You swallow.
You begin to heat up
You fidget.
Your still.
You feel his eyes on you.
“Is it?”
The silence no more. “Your ex wrote a song about—”
“Us?” His eyes widened yours remain closed.
“Valentine’s day you brought me roses early in the morning he was there”
“Not physically, of course, but on the phone was talking about collecting our things from each other when you knocked”
“On valentine’s day of all days?”
“His timing has never really been the greatest”
“Is that why you didn’t ask me to come in?”
“I don’t normally ask, you just come in”
“Yeah but… that day. I wanted you to ask” it’s a loaded answer so loaded it’s practically overflowing with meaning.
“That day. I wanted you to ask”
A pause
“If i had kno—”
“You couldn’t of”
“But if—”
“You couldn’t of simple as that a fault on both our parts it’s in the past now”
“But- right… You’re right”
“It’s rare when i’m not”
“You sound like Jin”
“Or does Jin sound like me?”
He lets out a small laugh and you finally open your eyes and face him.
Namjoon smiles and blinks at you twice endeared you can’t help but blink back. The crinkles by his eyes is what you notice first, genuine admiration behind them your eyes flicker down to his plump pink lips you imagine how they feel slotted against your own. From what you can remember out of the handful of times you’ve kissed Namjoon you know that his kisses are slow. Namjoon likes to savour his kisses, his kisses are perfect… well almost perfect they lack…. commitment per say it’s like he doesn’t give himself fully in the moment he hesitates holds back. You wonder if you were to press your lips onto his in this very moment he’ll hold back like he’s done many times prior or this time will he surprise you? Perhaps he’ll give you everything he has to offer and more. You peel your eyes off of his lips and look at his face again fully. The moonlight paints him blue.
Namjoon has always been blue to you. When you had first met Namjoon he had been blue like the ocean. So big, so scary, so exciting, so much you didn’t know but so much you needed to. Then for a major chunk of your life Namjoon was sky blue day or night Namjoon was the sky. He was the support that helped the sun like Hoseok shine bright and the canvas that allowed the stars like Jungkook to twinkle just that extra bit lighter. But in 2021 the year you felt his soft lips on yours for the first time, the year you looked at Namjoon with more than just curiosity and awe Namjoon became moonlight blue. Seeing Joon in this light was different. Seeing Joon as more than support was different seeing him as more than a guide, a leader was different a good different. Seeing Joon as moonlight blue allowed you to see him. Kim Namjoon openly, honestly and truly. Painting him as the moon made you feel things. Having seen him unclothed, bare vulnerable made you feel things. Having seen Namjoon up close, having seen the small and the big things first hand makes you feel things. You only wish you had painted him as the moon, as moonlight blue, much sooner because fucking hell moonlight suits him, very much so.
His voice reels in your wondered mind.
“Hm?” You’re dazed you almost forget what he’s even referencing.
“You knew the song was about roses but didn’t listen to it?”
Ah the song. Jaehyun.
You bite back a smile “Maybe i lied”
“Could of fooled me”
“Now you’re lying”
“Learnt from the best didn’t i?”
This time it’s you who laughs while Namjoon watches just as amused.
But the moment is short lived and as quickly and his smile finds him it leaves you notice almost instantly and bring your airy laugh to an end. Namjoon looks at you charming eyes full of question you raise you eyebrows in return.
“I know it’s in the past like you said but had i asked what would of happened”
“A lot on your mind tonight huh?”
“How could there not be… but please”-he swallows-“humour me this once”
“Humour you?” you go to tilt your head but seeing as you’re now laying on your side facing Joon it’s a bit awkward to do so.
Namjoon says no words in reply but looks at you with hopeful eyes.
“Ok i’ll humour you, had you of asked i would of let you in”
“But didn’t you have plans with Jin? I would have gotten in the way” He says matter of factly.
“I would of invited you”
It’s subtle how his face falls but you notice it all the same.
“Ok but what if- what if i asked you to cancel on Jin”
“Humour me… please” The desperation in Namjoon’s please is almost overbearing. You know the answer he wants.
“I-I would call Jin and ask if we could reschedule if he was ok with it we would done what you wanted”
“And if he wasn’t?” He’s holding onto hope.
You take a deep breath.
“With or without you i would gone to see him like planned”
Namjoon’s eyes flash hurt he goes to speak but his words don’t seem to find him.
“I thought we were-” Having a moment. Getting somewhere.
“And we are! We are but it’s…. all of—”
“I just thought that- nevermind”
“I’m sorry”
“You don’t have to be” he whispers “You don’t have to be i just think… that i need time to think you know about… that”
Your chest tightens as you nod.
“Yeah okay no i get that we-“
“But right now- and sorry if this crazy to ask and sorry to interrupt you but could- can i just.. take this moment for me? can i um…kiss you?”
Your throat is dry as you nod.
“Yeah” Your voice almost a whisper “Of course you can”
His eyes widened like he wasn’t expecting you to say yes and that upsets you a little.
“But this.. isn’t goodbye right?” The words leave your mouth before you can even begin to process them.
Too ebarrassed you cut him off “Never mind i just- i didn’t mean to- you can-kiss me just.. kiss me” Your eyes feel as if they are burning staring back at his “…please”
And as much as you try to push it to the back of your mind as Namjoon places his warm palm to you cheek and leans in you can only wonder if this is the last time you get to witness him in the colour moonlight blue.
tags: @piw6n @92jinnies @birdie-vhs @earth2ela @hob3loveofmylife @jujubiism @bloopkook @ratchetpizza1 @myntalks @arloo00 @watamotee33 @y2kcy3brz @taiwan0618 @freyadanvers @gguksbeloved @raetf @bbsantc @winuvs @medicinemybish @bxnnyhime @seokmyballs @baetukki @zyaaaszn @thelilbutifulthings @jazminethecreator @meowgiz @jmnscutie @threeopossumsinacoat @cynicalyoongs @lightningpussy54 @eunthv @gigiiiiislife @lowkeykin @iammeandmeisiam @socksfirstalways @knjlvr06 @lailaisarmy @thvkives @xstfudaisyx @xxxanimangxxx @solstice34 @ml8dy @hoeforseoks @futuristicenemychaos @featjunranghae @jksgirlfrl @yeetedandoboi @stellamalonesolaria
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i-am-baechu · 6 months
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♡ Summary: Kim Seokjin is a popular cardiologist at Map of Seoul Hospital. Everyone looks up to him, especially a rookie named L/N Y/N. 
♡ Pairing: Doctor! Seokjin! x Rookie Nurse! Y/N
♡ Rating: Explicit (18+) 
♡ Genre: Doctor Jin!, Nurse reader, Jin is a little turd, Y/N is cheerful and outgoing, love at first sight, fluff, romance, comedy, angst, and smut 
♡ Warnings: Medical stuff and sex scene 
♡ Author's Note: Inspired by a Japanese drama I watched! I think this my new fav fic lol
♡ Playlist - I love official hige dandism
“The greatest gift that you can give to others is the gift of unconditional love and acceptance” -Brian Tracy 
I was eighteen when everything made sense for me. 
I was on a school trip and I was going around town with my friends. The spring just hit the city and the petals fell from the trees onto the busy streets. Writing in my notebook about the different sights was hard to do because there was no surface to write neatly. How was my teacher expecting nice work? I just tried my best to write it as neatly as I could. 
I saw a little shop that was selling little charms and I couldn’t stop myself. There was a cute cat that was holding a heart, they were all cute but one caught her eye. It was a hamster holding a heart that said LUCK in bold letters. She gently picked it up and the shopkeep smiled at me, “Interested?” 
“Yes...how much?”
The older lady shook her head and took the charm, “No worries. It’s free for you.”
I was confused and tilted my head at her, “Free? Why-”
“It can give you luck in the future with your job, education, and more importantly love.”
The lady nodded her head and handed me a special red velvet bag with gold symbols, “Good luck.”
I waved goodbye to her and walked away with a little smile on my face. Love. I have always wanted love ever since my mom told me about her love story with my dad. It just sounded so perfect and beautiful. Who wouldn’t want to fall in love with their soulmate? 
It was an empty street and it was pretty with the flowers covering the park cars. I put my hair in a low ponytail and continued to walk to the next place that was on the paper. I saw a light pink tissue on the street and I looked up to see an older woman with her bike. I picked up the tissue and ran towards her, “Excuse me, you dropped this.”
All of a sudden, she fell to the floor. I took off my sweater and placed it under her head. I looked around me and I saw an EpiPen. I picked it up and looked at her face to see it was swollen alongside her arm. She stared at the EpiPen and started to panic. She had never used an EpiPen, she’s only ever seen one on TV.
“Help!! Someone, help!!” 
“What’s happening!?”
She looked up and saw an older man making his way to her. His eyes were kind and his smile made her feel okay. He kneeled next to her and pushed some hair behind the older lady, “It’s going to be okay. Seokjin! I need your help!” 
She turned her head and her eyes widened when she saw a handsome man around her age. He glanced at her but didn’t say anything. She watched them help the lady but her eyes never left “Seokjin”. He was so handsome and he knew what he was doing. The older man turned to her and gave her a soft smile, “Call an ambulance okay. She’s going to be okay thanks to you.”
I watched the older lady getting rolled behind the ambulance and I stared with nervousness. Just then I felt a hand on the top of my head and she looked up to see “Seokjin'' smiling at me, “You did great.”
“Th-Thank you...my name is L/N Y/N.”
He ruffled my hair and started to walk to the ambulance but he looked back at me, “My name is Seokjin. We’ll take her to the Map of Seoul Hospital where I’m a resident, she’s going to be okay.” 
I nodded my head and watched him enter the ambulance with the older man. She continued to watch until the ambulance was out of her sight. I figured out what I wanted to do with my life and it was all thanks to Seokjin. I wanted to be a nurse to support Seokjin. 
Y/N stared at the hospital with a smile on her face, it was actually happening. She spent five years working on becoming a nurse. The amount of tests she took and all the studying paid off for this moment. Her grip around her bag strap tightened and she nodded her head, “Let’s go..” 
She turned around and she waved with excitement, “Kook!! Tae!!”
Jeon Jungkook and Kim Taehyung ran towards her with smiles on their faces. Jungkook and Taehyung are her closest friends from nursing school. They were her rock when things got hard and they supported her like how real brothers would. Jungkook and Taehyung were going to be a pediatric nurse while Y/N was going to become a cardiovascular nurse. There were only two people who wanted to be cardiovascular nurses in their nursing program, Y/N and an acquaintance named; Park Aria. Park Aria is an amazing student and she was always on top of her classes while Y/N was in the middle. Aria belonged in the medical field and it was clear. 
“Are you ready?” 
Y/N nodded her head as the three walked through the hospital doors, “I’ll try my best. We got this, right!?” 
Jungkook nodded his head at her and looked at Taehyung, “I can’t wait to see the kids.”
Taehyung let out a small laugh and gently slapped Jungkook’s shoulder, “If you can handle blood.” 
“Don’t tease him, blood is scary.” 
Y/N went to change into her uniform and she stared at herself in the mirror. She wanted to cry but she already cried with her mom yesterday and she couldn’t ruin her uniform. She couldn’t let Seokjin see her tears. She smacked her cheeks gently and nodded her head, “Let’s do this.” 
She walked towards the cardiology station and saw Aria there. She bit her lip and closed her eyes tightly. She was always awkward with Aria not because she didn’t like her but because Aria was always serious. She didn’t want her to be uncomfortable with her. 
“Aria...good morning.” 
Aria turned towards her and gave a small smile, “Good morning, Nurse L/N.” 
Y/N’s face felt hot and she bowed her head, “So-Sorry, Nurse Park. Good morning, Nurse Park.”
Aria smiled at her and turned towards the staff. Y/N glanced at the staff and rushed to stand next to Aria. The staff smiled at them and bowed towards them, “Welcome to Cardiology. My name is Cho Chaewon and I’m the head nurse. I’m glad we have new faces.”
“I know the most here so any questions, ask me.”
Y/N turned her head to see a tan man with black glasses. He was chubby but it was like a teddy bear, he would give the best hugs, “My name is Min Minho.”
“My name is Lee Sonia.”
Aria bowed at the nurses and Y/N glanced at her. She bowed her head alongside Aria hoping she didn’t embarrass herself, “Thank you!” 
When she stood back up, there were footsteps that echoed through the room. She turned her head and she saw Seokjin reading a paper on his clipboard. Everything around her went silent and she saw Seokjin. She saw him with a spotlight and his smile that she remembered. She clenched her chest gently as he left her sight. Minho glanced at her and smirked. He leaned towards Y/N, “Are you staring at the devil?” 
“Eh? Devil?” 
Sonia nodded her head with a frown, “He’s so handsome but he’s so ruthless.”
Y/N shook her head and glanced at Seokjin, “That can’t be...he was so nice to me that day.”
“WHAT!? Nice!?”
She jumped at the sudden yell and nodded her head at Minho, “Yeah...when I was eighteen I met him. He was kind to me.”
Minho shook his head with a chuckle, “Maybe you hit your head and assumed it was him being nice.” 
Chaewon sighed and shook her head, “Now, Y/N and Aria...You guys will be heading to a lecture by the head doctor. After that, just make your way back to us and we’ll discuss teams.” 
Going down the hallway felt surreal. Y/N overheard conversations that she read in her textbook, it was exciting. She continued to make her way but at the end of the hall, she saw Seokjin. He was talking to another doctor and she couldn’t help but smile. She made her way to him and watched the other doctor leave. This is my chance....
She stood in front of Seokjin and smiled at him, “Doctor Kim, I’m so excited to work with you. It’s nice to meet you again.” 
The look he was giving, she couldn’t understand and she tilted her head, “Who are you?” 
She blinked her eyes a couple of times and felt flustered, “I’m L/N Y/N...I met you five years ago and we helped save an older woman together....” 
He raised her eyebrow and he continued to stare at her, “I have things to do...rookie, keep to yourself. No one likes to hear unwanted memories.” 
Her mouth dropped and she stared at him with a shocked face, This can’t be the same person I fell in love with... “Huh?” 
“Talking about the past or other stuff is a waste.” 
She continued to stare at him with a shocked face and he looked back at her with an annoyed look, “Eh?”
“Get back to work, rookie.” 
He walked away from her and she continued to stare at the absent spot. That can’t be him...he stole his identity. There’s no way that can- 
“Y/N? Are you okay?”
She turned around and saw Jungkook looking at her with a concerned look. She pouted and shook her head, “I met an imposter.”
“That can’t be Seokjin...The man I fell in love with. It’s the only logical reason.”
Jungkook nodded his head and let out a small laugh, “I’ll let you believe that.” 
┊ ➶ 。˚   °┊
“Nurse L/N and Nurse Park, let me introduce you to the doctors of this unit.” 
Y/N was still in a confused daze after her encounter with Seokjin. Even during the introduction in the main hall she wasn’t really listening. Five years later she wanted to meet him and have something blossom. Now the only thing that is blossoming is pure confusion and shock. Two feelings you don’t want to feel in a hospital. 
“This is Doctor Jung.” Y/N turned to see a handsome tan man that had a heart smile. He looks very kind or he could be an imposter... 
“This is the head doctor, Doctor Kim Hyeon, and his son Kim Seokjin.”
She quickly looked away when she saw those stern brown eyes, he looks like he hates me. After a minute, she looked back to see him staring at her still. She hated this feeling. She embarrassed herself in front of him and now she has to work with him. It was a headache but she wasn’t going to give up. She wouldn’t give up on him. 
Chaewon raised her eyebrow and let out a small laugh, “You don’t even know what I’m going to ask you.”
Y/N softly said sorry and bowed her head at the older woman. Embarrass myself again, come on Y/N.
“Y/N, you will be on Doctor Kim’s team.”
Y/N looked between the father and son duo. She was hoping it was with his father, it would be easier for her. “Which one?”
“Obviously mine. Stupid.”
Her eyes widened and looked at Seokjin who was shaking his head at her. She bit her lip and rubbed her arm gently, “Right…sorry.”
Doctor Hyeon laughed at this and shook his head, “Y/N, I appreciate your enthusiasm. It makes me happy to see the new generation excited to help.”
Y/N smiled at this and it was the first time today she felt truly happy, “Always excited to help, Doctor.”
She heard a scoff and glanced at Seokjin who was rolling his eyes. She didn’t let this get to her because she was telling the truth. She wanted to help everyone and make people’s lives easier. It was her duty as a nurse now. 
Chaewon put the clipboard on her desk and she clapped her hands, “Okay, now let’s head towards our teams and help our patients.”
Y/N was following Seokjin at a distance. Down the hall, everyone was glancing at him and she realized that everybody has a crush on him. He was handsome and he was the top doctor here, what’s not to like? He opened the door to the main doctor's office and she bowed to the other doctors before catching up with Seokjin. She quickly sat in the chair next to him as she continued to look over the clipboard as the sound of keys echoed through the empty room. She couldn’t look up from the gray board and the words before her gave her comfort (even if it was a diagnosis). 
Seokjin sighed and turned towards her, “Shouldn’t you be assisting me and not just sitting there?” 
She swallowed some spit and looked at him with nervous eyes, “Well, Doctor, you didn’t give me any assignment...”
“You’ve been reading the same paper for thirty minutes, shouldn’t you know what your assignment is?” 
“Huh?” She glanced down at the paper and re-read it. Her eyes widened and realized that it was telling her about a patient. She looked up at Seokjin who was smirking at her with a raised eyebrow, “Well?”
She stood up from her seat and bowed at him, “I’ll be going.” 
He watched her leave and he couldn’t help but let a small laugh escape. Hoseok glanced at him with curiosity and leaned towards him, “Did you just laugh?”
Seokjin turned towards him and rolled his eyes, “Do you have the report I needed this morning?” 
“O-Oh, don’t change the subject.” 
Y/N walked into the room and the frown she once had was replaced. She quickly made her way to Jungkook who was helping a little girl, “Kook~!” 
Jungkook turned around and smiled at her, “Y/N, how was the rest of the morning?” 
She frowned and shook her head, “I’m on his team...I’m happy but also sad.”
“Don’t let him bother you. Why are you here?” 
“Ah.” She showed him the clipboard and then looked around the ward, “I’m looking for Seo Jimin.” 
“Ah, Jimin. She’s sleeping right now. She just had her blood drawn.”
Y/N nodded her head and looked down at the little girl, “Hello, what’s your name?”
“Pleasure to meet you Kimmy, I’m Nurse L/N.”
Kimmy tilted her head and pointed towards her, “Idiot.” 
“Eh?” Kimmy started laughing and she ran from them leaving Y/N with a shocked face. She looked towards Jungkook and frowned, “Did I piss someone off? Why is everything going wrong today?”
Jungkook patted her back gently and offered her a gentle smile, “It’s okay Y/N. Things will get better.” 
“Better my ass...”
“Don’t swear. Kids can hear.”
“Sorry...Can you show me Seo Jimin’s room?” 
They walked down the hall and she smiled as the kids laughed through the empty halls. It was different from the cardio halls. In those halls, it felt like she had to be serious and she saw Taehyung talking to a nurse with a clipboard. He looked like he had been doing this for years. She smiled at this and continued to follow Jungkook. 
“This is Seo Jimin’s room.”
Y/N nodded her head and peeked her head through the curtains to see the eleven-year-old she read about. Jimin looked up and gave her a small wave, “Are you my new nurse?” 
“Kind of, my name is Y/N. I’m from Doctor Kim’s office.”
“Jinnie? He’s the greatest, isn’t he?” 
Y/N let out a small laugh and nodded her head I thought he was, “He is. You're my first patient.” 
“What kind of tests are you doing for me?”
Y/N sat on the bed gently and shook her head, “I’m here to meet you.” She looked around and saw hamster stickers on her wall with a familiar K-pop group, “You like Red Velvet?”
Jimin's grin widened and nodded her head, “I love Yeri but Wendy is my bias.” 
“Ah, good choice. Is that why you have the hamsters?” 
“It makes me think of my room at home. It makes me smile.” 
Y/N smiled at this and nodded her head, “Music is the greatest pleasure one can have. It makes you feel happy with a simple note. It’s amazing.” 
“Y/N, I hope I get to see you more. I don’t get to talk about my music.”
“You can always talk to me. We can talk about Red Velvet, every minute of the day.” 
Jimin laughed and looked at Jungkook, “Do you like Red Velvet?” 
“I’ve heard of them.” 
Jimin pouted and leaned towards Y/N, “He’s boring. I like you.” 
At least you like me, “I like you too.” Y/N glanced down at her watch and then back at Jimin with a frown, “I have to go but don’t be afraid to push the button or call for Mr. Boring.” 
“I can still hear you.”
“Okay Nurse Y/N.” 
Y/N and Jungkook walked outside and walked towards the front desk of the pediatrician department.  She sighed and glanced at Jungkook, “She had purplish lips...I read that she’s been having shortness of breath more frequently. Any news on that?” 
“Doctor Yu says that they're waiting for a test result to see her oxygen levels...if it’s good then she can be discharged with medication but they don't think that's going to happen.”
“I saw her calendar...she has Friday circled for her discharge. I hope everything turns out for her.” 
Y/N was making her way back to the Seokjin’s office but was stopped. She looked up to see Doctor Jung giving her a friendly smile, “Are you the one who is trying to defeat the devil?”
She tilted her head and she was confused, “Devil?”
“Yeah, Jin.”
“O-Oh, Doctor Seokjin...wait-defeat?” 
Hoseok let out a laugh and nodded his head, “I think you're the one that can defeat him and I'll help you.” 
“I-I don’t want to defeat anyone!?” 
“I’ll help you with him. I’ve known him since we were kids, I’ll get him to like you back.”
Y/N’s eyes widened and she looked around her frantically, “Don’t say that so loud...wait you’ll help me? Why?”
Hoseok leaned forward with their foreheads almost touching. This caused Y/N to be stiff at the sudden action, “I want to see him happy. Let’s defeat the devil.”
Y/N smiled at this and nodded her head, “O-Okay.~” 
Hoseok looked around and glanced at the vending machine, “You want a protein bar?” 
“Oh, that sounds good. Is it chocolate?” 
“I think so, let’s go see together.” 
There was a pair of annoyed eyes on her back and maybe if she saw the eyes, she would melt under the brown irises. 
“Nurse Y/N?”
Y/N was drawing Jimin’s blood as she was making her usual rounds, “Do you think I’ll be able to leave this week?” 
Y/N's brain stopped working for a second and she swallowed her spit. She glanced at Jimin and gave her a gentle smile, “Hopefully. Medicine will always be there for you, no matter what.”
“I want to see my council friends.” 
Y/N brought the needle to the vial and smiled at Jimin, “You're on the council?” 
“Yeah, I’m the student body president.”
“Wow, that’s amazing. That means you can handle responsibility.” 
Jimin nodded her head and just then the curtains were pushed to see a group of younger kids. They all looked at Jimin with a star in their eyes and Y/N couldn’t help but feel her heart swelled. “Unnie! Can you read this for me?”
Jimin smiled and looked at Y/N, “They always come with the new books.”
Y/N glances at the book and smiles, “Reading about Spider-man. He really is amazing, right?”
Taehyung entered the room and waved at Y/N, “Yo.” 
“Hey, you. How’s everything?” 
Taehyung shrugged his shoulders and frowned at her, “I haven’t seen you much. I missed you.”
Y/N rolled her eyes and let out a laugh. She stood up from her chair and picked up a little girl to sit next to Jimin. She rubbed the top of her head and walked towards Taehyung, “You never texted me back.” 
“Y/N, you know I don’t have my phone.”
“But you have a laptop.” 
“Be nice to me. I’ll make it up by buying you lunch.”
Y/N pursed her lips together and nodded her head, “I want crab.”
“Eh? It’s not in season though?”
“Then I guess you don’t want to make it up with me...” 
Taehyung pouted and nodded his head, “Fine.” 
“Nurse L/N is this what you do when I ask you to make your rounds?” 
Y/N stiffened and looked behind Taehyung to see Seokjin glaring at her making her feel small. She bowed to him and as soon as she did, her papers slipped out of the folder and onto the ground. She closed her eyes and she already knew he was going to get mad at her. She slowly looked up and gave him a small smile, “Sorry...”
“Are you just going to look at me or pick up the papers?” 
She nodded her head and picked up the papers in a rush. She pushed some hair back and handed him the folder, “This is the vitals for Choi Nari in room 782.” 
“It’s room 781.”
She glanced down at her paper and then back at him with a sheepish smile, “Room 781...I just took Seo Jimin’s vitals.” 
“Good job, you can draw blood. At least you can do that right.” 
Seokjin walked past her and she frowned at this, so I messed up again. Taehyung shook his head and looked at Y/N with a disapproving look, “Out of all the men, you like him.”
She glared at Taehyung and then watched Seokjin talk to Jimin with the same softness he did when she was younger, “I like him because...because he’s the same person that was kind to me on that fateful day.”
“I heard you.”
“Nurse L/N are you going to help me or just keep talking?” 
She bowed at Seokjin and then stuck her tongue at Taehyung, “Coming!” 
Taehyung watched with a small smile on his face, “Idiot...
 ┊ ➶ 。˚   °┊
Hoseok pointed at the cafe and smiled at Y/N, “Every morning, Jin gets a mocha with a chocolate croissant.” 
Y/N glances at the cafe in the entrance of the hospital and then back at him with a shocked look, “He likes sweets?” 
Hoseok laughed while nodding his head, “Shocking?”
“He’s the opposite of sweet...salty...no maybe sour.”
“But today is Friday. He gets a white chocolate croissant.” 
“Wow, he has a strong sweet tooth.” 
Hoseok and Y/N enter the cafe and the smell of coffee hits her nose. She scrunched her nose at the smell because she wasn’t the biggest fan of coffee but then the smell of fresh pastry came. She smiled and looked into the small window, “They have fresh muffins... oh, they have strawberries!?” 
Hoseok laughed, “The strawberries are really good.” 
“Doctor Jung?”
Y/N turned around and saw Aria looking at her with a frown. Y/N waved at her but when it wasn’t returned she slowly put her hand down. Y/N bowed at her and offered an awkward smile, “Good morning Aria.” 
“Good morning Nurse L/N. Doctor Jung, are you just coming in?” 
Hoseok turned towards her and nodded his head, “Yeah, would you like a coffee?” 
Aria let a smile appear and she shook her head, “You don’t have to...I appreciate it though.” 
“You should let me treat you after yesterday. You were the only one that caught her block artery.” 
“I had you to help me...I should be saying thank you, Doctor Jung.”
“Give yourself credit.” 
Y/N glanced between the two and she heard wedding bells. She smiled and looked at Hoseok, “Aria is amazing. She was always on top of the classes.” 
Hoseok smiled at this and nodded his head, “I can see that. You're talented. I’m glad you're on my team.”
“Doctor Jung...” 
Y/N looked past Aria and she rushed to the entrance, “Good morning Doctor Kim.” 
Seokjin rolled his eyes and moved past her, “You're blocking the entrance.”   
Y/N moved away and bit her lip, “Sorry...”
“Ah, Jin.”
Seokjin looked up and saw Hoseok with a smile on his face, “What?” 
“I was ordering Y/N a muffin. Would you like a coffee?” 
Seokjin glanced at Y/N and was already looking at him with a smile, “Muffin?”
“What was that?”
Seokjin let out a small cough and shook his head, “I said nothing. I want nothing.” 
Seokjin went to the cashier and ordered his usual but he glanced at the strawberry muffin. He looked over his shoulder to see Y/N talking to Hoseok with a wide smile on her face. He looked back at the cashier and nodded his head, “The muffin too, please.” 
“I had to give her a quick stitch with Doctor Yu.”
“Y/N, you learn on the fly. Good work.” 
“Thank you, Doctor Jung.” Just then a brown paper hit her face and she let out a small hmph. She looked to the side and saw Seokjin holding the said bag that hit her, “Eh?” 
“It's a muffin. Take it.” 
She looked at the bag and then at him with a wide smile, “You bought me a muffin? Is this going to be our thing on Fridays?”
Seokjin rolled his eyes and looked at Hoseok, “Don’t you have a meeting with my dad?” 
Hoseok glanced at his watch and cussed under his breath, “I’ll see you later Y/N.” 
“Bye Doctor Jung.” 
Y/N took the bag and looked at him with curious eyes, “What flavor?”
“Really? I wanted to try these. Thank you, Doctor Kim.” 
“Hurry up and eat that so we can get to work. No slacking today.”
“Yes, Doctor.”
“Don’t salute.” 
Doctor Yu frowned and looked at Y/N, “Sadly Seo Jimin won’t be discharged.”
Y/N looked at her and then back at the papers, “Her oxygen levels...you don’t mean...”
“Yes, a heart transplant.” 
Y/N stood in the office and glanced at Seokjin with a frown, “Isn’t she young for this?” 
“Nurse L/N, if someone needs treatment then they need it.”
Y/N nodded her head and looked down at her shoes. She felt stupid for saying that and she got scolded again. How many times will she get scolded by Seokjin? 
Hyeon looked at his son, “Now Jin. Behave. It was a good question. Y/N always asks good questions regarding patients.” 
Y/N looked up and smiled at his father, “Doctor Kim...” 
Seokjin rolled his eyes and glanced at his dad, “I’ll be going. I have to talk to Jimin’s mother.” 
Y/N watched him walk out and frowned, “Mean.”
Hyeon let out a laugh and stood up from his desk, “Don’t worry about him.” 
“Doctor Kim?” 
“You're doing great. He’s harsher on you because he sees potential in you.” 
Her eyes widened and it looked like she had stars in her eyes, “Really!? You think so!?” 
Hyeon nodded his head and crossed his arms over his chest, “I know so.” 
“All you do is talk, hurry up.” 
Y/N turned around to see Seokjin standing there with an annoyed face. She bowed at him and nodded his head, “Sorry. I’m coming.”  She turned towards Hyeon and bowed, “Bye Doctor Kim.” 
Hyeon let out a small laugh, “Bye, Y/N.” 
Hyeon watched them leave with a smile on his face. He glanced down at the picture of his wife and smiled, “I think she's good for him. What do you think, Yuri?” 
Y/N followed Seokjin but she was looking down at her shoes. She felt like if she looked at his back then he would grow arms from his back and attack her. She was so focused on her white shoes that she walked into his back when he stopped. She looked up to be met with his disapproving look, “Sorry...” 
Seokjin didn’t say anything but it quickly changed when he saw Jimin’s mom, “Mrs. Seo, thank you for coming by.”
Mrs. Seo gave him a smile and nodded her head, “I’ll do anything for Jimin. Will she be able to leave today?” 
Seokjin frowned and shook his head, “That’s what I need to talk to you about. Let’s go talk in the hallway.”
Y/N bowed at Mrs. Seo and she glanced at Jimin who was soundly asleep. She smiled at this and took out a small plushie from her pocket. She placed the hamster right to her and she smiled when she saw her hug it.
“She’s been sleeping for almost the whole day.”
She turned around and saw Taehyung with a frown, “I heard....”
“She’s not getting discharged is she?”
Y/N shook her head and looked at Taehyung, “How was your day?”
“Jungkook forgot his lunch so I shared mine. I’m hungry.” 
Y/N let out a small laugh, “You're always saving him.” 
“I can save you but you won’t let me.”
Y/N glanced at Jimin and shrugged her shoulders, “I can take care of myself.”
“You would let Jim take care of you.” 
She frowned at his tone and looked at him, “You always bring him up.” 
“Because it's the truth. This weekend we're going to the crab place?”
“If that’s okay with you?”
“It's perfect for me.” 
“Nurse Kim, Nurse L/N, let’s leave Jimin’s room. She needs rest.” 
Y/N glances over Taehyung’s shoulder to see Seokjin glaring but not her. She followed his eyes to see him glaring at Taehyung. She frowned at this but didn’t say anything. She bowed at Taehyung and made her way to Seokjin, “Sorry Doctor Kim. I was checking her vitals.” 
“Good. We need to check on Sakura in room 342. Tell me her condition.”
“Right.” She turned around and waved goodbye to Taehyung, “I’ll see you this weekend.”
“Nurse L/N, hurry up.” 
“Sorry, coming!” 
The walk to Sakura’s room was quiet and Y/N kept glancing at her shoes and his Seokjin’s back. Seokjin’s shoulders were so broad and she wondered what it would look like underneath or what he would look like with just his doctor's coat. Her mind started to wonder and she couldn’t help but smile.
“Y/N, would you like to treat me?”
“Nurse L/N, did you hear me?”
She shook her head and looked at him, “Eh?”
He sighed and looked at the paper, “Sakura is twenty-six, she’s been having breathing problems. Her heart rate has been slower than usual. We need to do an echo.” 
Y/N nodded her head, “Echo?” 
“Have you seen one?” 
Y/N shook her head and he sighed, “Then I’ll show you.”
Being this close to Seokjin was a dream. He was showing her Sakura’s heart but the only thing she saw was hearts in her eyes. The way his hair fell to his forehead and his gentle voice when he talked to patients made everything lighter. It felt like clouds were around her and Cupid was shooting her heart. 
“Okay Sakura, we’re done. We will tell you the results when we get them.” 
“Thank you, Doctor Kim.”
The two walked out and Seokjin crossed his arms over his chest, “What were we looking at in the echo?”
Y/N stared at Seokjin and bit her lip, “The chambers...”
“And why is that?”
“To see fluid...”  
Seokjin sighed and shook his head, “Can you be more confident Y/N?”
Her eyes widened and she looked at him with a smile, “You said Y/N?” 
“Can I call you Jin?”
Y/N was at her desk when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up and smiled, “Doctor Jung.” 
“How's the devil?” 
“Still the devil but he called me by name. I hope I can hear it one more time.”
Hoseok laughed and nodded his head, “You're going somewhere with him.” 
“You think so?” 
“Definitely. I was going to ask about Seo Jimin's vitals from earlier.” 
Y/N nodded her head and started going through her papers. She started telling Hoseok but she was unaware of the familiar brown eyes on her. He looked between them and he couldn’t help but glare at Hoseok. He shook his head and made his way down the hall away from the scene. 
“I was actually going to check on her...this isn’t easy. She was so excited to be discharged.” 
Hoseok checked his watch and sighed, “It’s late. She should be sleeping but by all means you can pop in. It doesn’t hurt to check.” 
“Thank you, Doctor.” 
Walking in the halls when it's night felt weird. There were fewer people which means it's quiet. The only sounds you can hear are the shoes on the tiles and the small conversations between the staff. Y/N walked down the hallway and when she was about to open Jimin's door, she noticed it was open. Her eyes widened and opened the door quietly. She took her phone out and shined the light to see Jimin’s bed empty, “Shit.”
Y/N ran out of the room but she bumped into someone, “I’m so sorry-”
She looked up and felt relieved, “Jungkook, you're just the person I needed. Seo Jimin is missing from her bed.” 
The nurses were running around the hospital including Y/N. She was in the stairwell that led up to the roof and her eyes widened when she saw the familiar hamster stickers on the floor. She ran to the roof and slammed open the door. She saw Jimin crying on a bench with her knees to her chest. Y/N frowned and slowly walked to her, “Jimin...” 
“Leave me alone.”
Y/N sat next to her and wrapped her arm over her shoulders, “Never...You're upset about the discharge, aren’t you?”
“I thought I was getting better. I was doing everything right but my body...it wouldn’t let me.”  
Y/N frowned at this and gently rubbed her arm, “The body is stubborn sometimes. It matches our spirits. Remember, there's no rush in getting better. Take your time so you can be strong.” 
Jimin glanced at Y/N with a frown and red eyes, “I don’t want to be broken anymore.” 
“You're not broken. Don’t ever say that. You have so much love that your heart just couldn’t take it. Keep that love and positivity. I know it's hard but it will get through so much and it will get better.” 
“Will you be with me?”
“Of course I will.” Y/N let her go and took off her cardigan to place over Jimin’s shoulder. She pushed some hair off of the younger girl’s forehead, “I’ll be with you okay. Every step.”
“I’m sorry I ran away...”
Y/N shook her head and looked up at the sky, “I get it. I would run away too. Look at all the stars shining.” 
“I like the stars.” 
“It’s pretty like you. Let’s get you back in bed before it becomes freezing.” 
The two slowly walked down the stairs but they stopped when Seokjin and Taehyung came their way.
Jimin smiled at Taehyung and waved at him, “Tae, I’m sorry I ran away...I just needed a moment.”
Taehyung sighed and went to her level, “I’m just glad you're okay.”
Seokjin glanced at Y/N and noticed the goosebumps. He slipped off his jacket and draped it around her shoulders. Her face was in pure shock but he avoided her eyes, “You can’t get sick.”
He walked away as she stared at his back. She smiled to herself and brought his coat closer to her, “It smells so good.” 
“Shut up.” 
When she was walking out of the hospital, her eyes landed on Seokjin who was waiting. She flattened out her clothes and walked towards him, “Goodnight Doctor Kim.”
She stopped in her tracks and slowly turned around to look at him, “Yes?”
“You're always ready to help. No matter what it is.” 
“Just like that day. You rushed to help that older woman and you didn’t even question it. You're meant to help people.” 
Y/N felt the heat rush to her face as she stared at him with a smile, “Seokjin...” 
“You're meant to help people, even if you're annoying.” He walked away and Y/N was left alone standing in the middle of the entrance. She raised her hands to the sky like in a victory pose, “HE REMEMBERS ME!” 
 ┊ ➶ 。˚   °┊
It’s been three months since Y/N entered the hospital and it felt like a dream. Well, not a dream because of the sick patients but a dream because of Seokjin. Since that night, it felt like they were closer. He only insulted her three times a day instead of ten, that’s huge. Hoseok has been getting her muffins every Friday but then on Saturday Seokjin buys her tea and a breakfast sandwich. She was confused because she didn’t remember telling him her favorite tea or breakfast sandwich but she wasn’t going to fight him. It was a sign that he paid attention to her or someone told him. She wants it to be the latter. 
“You want me to be your date for your brother's wedding?”
Taehyung nodded his head and took a sip of his tea, “Yeah, sorry.”
“Why didn’t you tell me before?” 
“I honestly didn’t think I needed one but my mom was pressuring me.”
Y/N sighed and leaned back in her chair, “I’ll do it but I want lobster.”
“You and your seafood. Fine.”
Y/N glanced at the exit and saw Seokjin leaving. Y/N stood up from the chair and downed her tea, “I’ll see you later.”
Taehyung watched her leave the lunch court and he frowned at himself. He looked down at his tea and shook his head, “Always the second choice.” 
Y/N ran towards Seokjin and smiled, “Doctor Kim!” 
Seokjin turned around and sent a glare her way, “Why are you following me?”
Y/N looked around and then gave him a confused look, “I always work with you...it’s been like that for three months.” 
“Let’s go before I change my mind.”
Seokjin walked away and she pouted, “Why is he being mean?” She shrugged her shoulders and followed him to his office. She waved at Hyeon who waved back and she sat next to him. She started to go through the paperwork with him (strutting here and there). Hyeon watched from his desk and smiled to himself. He could tell from his son’s eyes that he was happy but he wanted him to figure it out. He just wished it was faster. 
“Nurse L/N, did you check on Lee Sam in room 109?” 
She flipped the papers through her clipboard and shook her head, “No...it says he’s under Hoseok.”
“You're going to work with Hoseok today.”
She raised her eyebrow and looked at him with a confused look, “Why? I like working with you...we work well together.” I also want to look at your face. 
“I’m going to be in the office all day. You need more training.”
“I can train with you. I don’t mind.”
“Also, Nurse Kim...Make sure you do your work. Don’t talk to him that much.”
Y/N furrowed her eyebrows and slowly nodded her head, “Okay? I’ll be going...bye?” 
She left the office and Jin sighed to himself, “Dad the more you stare, the more annoying it gets.”
“I can’t help it. My son is jealous, it's a sight I neve thought I would see.” 
“Shut up old man.” 
Hoseok handed Y/N her clipboard and let out a laugh, “You really have no idea why Jin sent you to me?” 
Y/N shook her head and closed the curtains, “He said it's because I need more training. What other reason would it be?”
Hoseok sighed and shook his head, “You're so smart but also so stupid.”
“Eh! What did I do!?”  
That night, Y/N was walking down to her favorite ramen restaurant and she was shocked to see him sitting in the middle. She pushed some hair back and sat next to him, “How was the office work?” 
Seokjin put down his chopsticks and shrugged his shoulders, “It was office work.” 
She nodded her head and glanced down at his bowl, “You just eat the noodles and juice?” 
“Yeah, why?”
“You need the toppings. They have the best fried shrimp, it tastes so good with the broth.” Seokjin turned towards her and she was caught off guard with his look, “Is everything okay?” 
“You can stare at me all the time but I can’t do the same?”
“Eh? I don’t stare...I admire...that isn’t any better...”   
He let out a small laugh and turned back to his ramen, “Order something. I’ll pay for it.”
She gasped and put her hands over her mouth, “Like a date?”
“It’s whatever you want it to be.”
She choked on her spit and he turned towards her, “Do I have to do mouth to mouth?”
Y/N choked again but this time she met with his smirk. That dinner was the best dinner Y/N ever had and it was because she felt seen by him for once. She wasn’t the clumsy nurse that always stuttered. She was her true self with him tonight. And she got fried shrimp. 
┊ ➶ 。˚   °┊
“Tae, this wedding is so long.”
“Y/N, it’s a wedding.” 
She sat next to him at the reception and of course, she knew no one. The wedding was cute with the bride's dress being beaded from top to bottom. Sometimes she forgets Taehyung’s family was rich. She glanced down at her chicken and ate a piece as Taehyng talked to his uncle. She looked up to take a sip of her champagne but choked when she saw Seokjin casually talking to the bride. She turned towards Taehyung and slapped his arm, “What the fuck?”
“Ow, what?”
She pointed towards Seokjin and then looked at Taehyung, “Why is he here?” 
Taehyung followed her finger and raised his eyebrow, “What a small world?” 
She wiped her mouth and stood up, “I have to talk to him.”
“You don’t have to. You want to, there’s a difference” 
“No, I have to talk to him because I’m in this pretty dress and I have make-up on. He’s never seen that before.”
“Go for it, I can’t stop you anyways.”
She nodded her head and she rushed towards him leaving Taehyung behind. He sighed to himself and took a sip of his whiskey, “I shouldn’t be shocked but...here I am.”
Y/N pushed her hair and felt the confidence coming from within, this was her moment, “Seokjin?”
Seokjin stopped talking to the bride and turned towards her, “Ah, Y/N. I wasn’t expecting you here.”
“Eh? I told you tho-”
“I wasn’t expecting you.” 
She slowly nodded her head and she turned towards the bride, “I’m going to borrow him real quick.”
Y/N took his wrist and headed out of the ballroom with butterflies in her stomach. When they were in a secluded area she let go of his wrist and leaned against the wall with a nervous look. He looked at her with a raised eyebrow and loosened up his tie, “Is everything okay?” 
“No...I can’t hold it back anymore.”  
“Kim Seokjin, I like you.”
“I know.”
Y/N stared at him and mouth dropped, “What?”
Seokjin leaned forward and pinned her against the wall with a smirk, “I know you like me.”
He gave her a “Are you serious look?” but quickly wiped it off, “I know.” 
“And you didn’t say anything? Why?”
He leaned forward and placed a quick kiss on her lips making her eyes wide. When he leaned away he placed his forehead against hers, “I was waiting for the right moment.” 
“Ri-Right moment? Was this the right moment? I thought the right moment was-”
“Y/N, I liked you the moment we met. When we saved our first patient together.”
Seokjin let out a small laugh and leaned forward placing a kiss on her nose, “I loved you for all this time. Every day you give me a reason to be my best self. I want to be a better doctor because of you. You always want to help and solve everything, how could I not love you?” 
“Yo-You love me?” 
“I do, I really do.” 
“Holy shit.” 
He leaned away and smiled, “Well, do you-”
“I love you...sorry, you didn’t finish your sentence.” 
“I have a room in this hotel...do you want to go up?” 
“Yeah....Yeah, I do.” 
There were moments when Y/N couldn’t believe stuff. Like when she was five, she couldn’t believe that she saw a double rainbow. At this moment, she couldn’t believe she was going to Seokjin’s hotel room. The man that she’s been in love with since she was eighteen, loves her. He loves her like the way she loves him. What more can she want? 
When the door closed, she stared at him with wide doe eyes that made Seokjin want to die. He walked towards her and gently touched her cheek with his thumb, “I love you...I wish I was more romantic but I would go to the ends of the earth to show you. Roses can’t even express how I love you but they can try. Y/N, you are my person. I love everything about you...even when you ramble.”
She felt tears well up in her eyes as she looked at him, “I wish I had that on my phone...it would be your new ringtone.” 
He laughed and leaned forward without their lips, “No need for that, I’ll tell you every day for the rest of your life.” 
The light of the hotel room illuminated their faces perfectly. The space between them was enough to create a silhouette. They leaned forward and her eyes gave him the answer he needed. Their lips gently touched, making them one under the light. Her arms slowly moved up and wrapped around his neck as he went around her waist. There was no space, no light was going to escape between them on this night.  
“Ji-Jin!” She gasped as Jin inserted a second finger inside, pumping it as fast as he could. She bit her lip harshly trying not to bother the poor people next door, “You don’t have to be quiet.” 
“Jin, there are people-”
“I rented out the rooms around me so I don’t have to deal with loudness.”
“Wow, that was really hot to hear actually.” 
His fingers curled inside of her and it was gently touching her most sensitive spot that made her buck her hips. He pressed his palm to her clit as his fingers continued to move in her, “So good for me.”
“On-Only for you.” 
After the intense orgasm, she glanced at him with a needy look, “Do you have a condom?”
“Of course I do.”
“Take off the rest of your clothes. It's not fair I’m naked and you're not.” 
“Your wish is my command.” 
When Jin comes back, the kiss turns from innocent with pure love to sloppy and needy. He gently pushes her up to have her lay on the pillows as he kisses down her neck. He placed a kiss on top of her breast and looked up, “I would eat you out but I can’t wait any longer. Next time I’ll do it.”
“Ne-Next time?”
“Of course, there will be next time. This pussy will only crave for me after I’m done.” 
He rolled the condom onto his dick and looked up at her with a smile. She returned the smile and nodded her head, “I trust you.” 
He kissed her neck and with a needy moan, she arched her back pressing her body closer to his. She could feel the heat from him and it was only turning her on more. Seokjin positions himself between her legs, his tip teasing her entrance. The waiting was killing her and she kept looking at him with pleading eyes. He begins to enter but once he is halfway, he pulls out causing her to moan out. He smirked at the reaction and stuck himself back in but fully this time. 
He let out a groan as he looked at her face, “I love you.”
“I-I love you more.” 
With each thrust, the love that they were both holding back was flooding up the room. The sounds of moans and wet slaps of their bodies coming together echoed. His movements became more urgent with each passing second, “You’re so...fuck... perfect.” 
Her cheeks flushed from all the love confession but she couldn’t help but feel so blessed in this moment. He gently pushed the hair out of her face as she brought her thumb over his lips, a gentle touch to tell him what her heart wanted to say. His cock continued to pound into her g-spot and each thrust was sending her pure pleasure through her body. 
“Let go, baby.”
She leaned forward placing a kiss on his lips when she felt the intensity coming over her. When she leaned away she felt like there was no air left in her body. Her body felt numb against his but she didn’t want this to end anytime soon. His voice was strained with the pleasure he was feeling, the clenching sensation was making him stutter. 
She clenched her pussy around him harder and this was his breaking point. She was overwhelmed by the intensity of the pleasure as his head fell into her chest. The gasping of air filled the room as they stayed still in this moment. He slowly looked up and kissed her forehead with a soft smile, “My cure...” 
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ratherbefangirling · 1 year
Belong 8
Pairing: ot7 x reader
Genre: Fluff, hurt/comfort, omegaverse au
Summary: where Jungkook has to make decisions.
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Previous / NEXT
You browsed through the aisle looking for something that wasn't the worn out clothes you owned and was somewhat picture worthy.
Jin showed you a pale pink shirt with a little heart on it.
"Oh that looks cute." You comment.
"What about this?" Taehyung asks pointing to a sundress.
"Is this even appropriate for camping?" You asked unsure.
"You'll rock this I promise" Taehyung told you.
"Ofcourse we're just suggesting feel free to buy what you like." Jin reassures you.
"But seriously this screams you." Taehyung added.
"Tae." Jin warned.
"Fine." Taehyung said.
"Do you need something else? Did you get a torch or rain coat yet?" Jin asks checking the list Hobi sent them.
"Not yet. I'm glad I asked you guys to help me." You say.
Jin smiles at you fondly.
"Ofcourse we're happy to help." Taehyung replies.
You guys shop for everything you need. Jin and Tae don't let you carry any of the bags. When you insist Taehyung buys a slush and designates you as his slush holder. And when your hands get cold he gets Jin to chug it and then both of them hold your hands to warm them.
And some part of you thinks that you should be setting boundaries but you're so cold and they're so warm and maybe you are just a moth to their flame and maybe you'll burn in the end but the only other option the moth has is a cold and dark life.
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Namjoon is met with the grim faces of his pack. But even if he hates it he has to take these decisions, hold these meetings.
It doesn't look that different from the regular, Jungkook lies in Jin's lap who is stroking the little alpha's hair. Jimin is feeding himself and the other two apples which yoongi continues to peel. Taehyung and hobi are cuddled together. He too wants to sit between the pack and enjoy the lovely weather.
"So I went to meet Jungkook's professor luckily he's only going to supervise a trip. So crisis averted." Namjoon tells them.
"Thanks hyungie." Jungkook says.
"You're welcome. Now I want to talk about y/n. " He can see the change in atmosphere. "We need to decide if we will officially court her or not. Till now we have sent unofficial courting gifts but reflecting on it I think it wasn't the wisest decision to proceed because Jungkook still hasn't asked her officially. I want to know what everyone thinks" Namjoon says.
Everyone turns to Jungkook.
"I dont know." Jungkook says.
Namjoon rubs his forehead. He feels a headache coming.
"Me and Taehyung saw her with another alpha." Jimin says.
Yoongi nods too. "Me too I saw him come out of her house."
"The flashy car?" Taehyung questions
"The flashy car." Yoongi confirms.
Namjoon's jaw clenches. Even though the courting had not officially began. He considered you pack. The news that another alpha was courting you brought an unpleasant taste to his mouth.
Jimin looked as Namjoon's face darkened. He could sense the bitterness of Namjoon's scent seeping in. While angry Namjoon looked hot. Nobody actually wanted to anger him because angry Namjoon was bitter and petty and his rational side was nowhere to be seen.
" Namjoon, dont" yoongi said softly.
Namjoon forced himself to relax.
"So tell us Jungkook what do you want?" Namjoon asks keeping himself in check.
"I dont know hyung." Came Jungkook's weak reply.
"You don't know fine. I will give you a week and I want an answer. We can't keep waiting anymore." Namjoon said firmly.
"Yes hyung."
"I'm going to bed." Namjoon announced feeling very drained.
"I will come with you." Jin offered.
"Me too." Jimin added.
"Thank you. Good night." Namjoon said leaving.
There was silence until Hobi finally spoke.
"Who wants to try Yoongi hyungs famous seafood ramen recipe? Me. Hyung make some."
Taehyung raised his hand and then lifted Jungkook's as well.
"Ok." Yoongi said as he walked to the kitchen.
"I will help" Jungkook offered.
Yoongi nodded.
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You giggled at something Jungkook said. The sun was shining. The birds were chirping.He smiled happy to make you happy. There were flowers around so he made you a flower crown. For his pretty omega.
"Thank you alpha." You said.
"I can be a good alpha."
"I know you can. The flowers are so nice."
"Not more than your scent."
Your smile faded. You threw the crown away.
"You think this lousy thing will make me happy."
A guy with a red car drove destroying the garden. He pulled out a huge bouquet of roses and a diamond ring.
"Now that's what I like." You said and held hands with the alpha and left.
"Mate.. mate" He whimpered.
"Y/n please come back."
Jungkook awoke with a tear stained pillow. He rubbed his eyes. The nightmare still fresh.
Pack. He needed pack. So he trudged pillow and blanket in hand. Usually he'd trouble Jimin because Jimin was a night owl like him but since Jimin was with Namjoon, he decided to go to Taehyung. Despite being older than him he treated Jungkook like a friend.
He entered Taehyung's room.
"Taehyungie hyung" Jungkook called out.
Taehyung looked up from the game he was playing.
"What's up Jungkookie?"
"Had a nightmare. Couldn't sleep."
"Aigoo. Our baby. Come to hyung." Taehyung said putting the laptop aside and patting the bed.
They both snuggled under the covers.
"What is it?" Taehyung asked.
"It's about ... y/n. I don't know what to do?"
"What are you really scared of jungkookie?" Taehyung asked cutting to the chase.
Jungkook hugged a plushie looking away from Taehyung's penetrating gaze.
"It's just... what if..."
"It's ok tell me Jungkook-ah." Taehyung said softer now.
"What if everyone likes her more than me? What if she hates me? Who am I kidding she probably already does?"
"Jungkookie listen to me. I promise you nobody is going to stop liking you because of her. I'm pretty sure you're going to gate keep her. And yeah you were mean to her. But you need to apologise for that. Me and Jimin fight all the time. I'm pretty sure at one point Namjoon hyung was convinced Yoongi hyung didn't like him. Misunderstandings happen. The thing is you need to end it well. And it's you we are talking about once you set sights on something you're relentless. So if you decide to ask for forgiveness do it like you always do things, with sincerety and preserverance it will all work out in the end."
"Thanks hyung."
"You're welcome. Now go to sleep we both have things to do and places to be. Unless you want to start the morning with Jin hyung twisting your nipples."
Jungkook giggled.
Taehyung smiled.
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"How was the birthday?" You ask Suyeon as you open the door for her.
"Don't get me started. It was super hectic and like I got to interact with his pack so that was like something." She proceeds to provide a detailed account of the instances around Soobins birthday."Anyway I'm just glad it's over and very happy Soobin liked it. And that I didn't castrate anyone in frustration. Now enough about me How's been everything?" She asks sitting on the barstool.
"It's been alright I went to shop Seokjin and Taehyung accompanied me. It was nice."
"I need details bestie." Suyeon said. "Wait let me get some popcorn. I have a feeling it needs popcorn."
"Don't be dramatic tell me."
You start making popcorn for her.
"I'm thinking of returning the gifts the pack gave me after I.. uh 'helped' with Jungkook's cycle."
"It made me feel a little cheap?"
"Have you opened them yet though."
"Atleast check them then" Suyeon urges.
"I'm not sure about that."
"What's the worst that can happen?"
"Me actually liking the gifts knowing I can never be part of the pack."
"Girl calm down. You don't know that. Why are you so stuck on the worst scenario. Maybe things can still turn around and if not you always have yeonjun and then we can be part of the same pack."
"Do you.. does Yeonjun.. is he interested in me?"
"Duh. Like I can't tell you details because Soobs has been super secretive whenever I try but I'm definitely sure they have discussed this." Suyeon said.
"Whatever. Let's just open the gifts and get done with it. I want to go to our trip relaxed and stress free." You reply giving the popcorn bowl to Suyeon.
"Sounds good to me. Ready when you are"
You nod. "Ok let's do this."
You sit on the carpet placing the gifts on the coffee table and some next to you. Suyeon sits on the sofa opposite to you.
The gifts have been packaged with care and great details. You open the first one. It's filled with candies that remind you of a familiar scent.
The second box is of shoes. Golden in color which light up and fit you perfectly. You can guess its Hobi's pick. It's a little outrageous but also slightly cool.
There is also a card inside. A thank you card.
Dear Y/nie.
We may not say this enough but we are really grateful to know you. Thank you so much for everything. Thank you for being the kindest sweetest soul.
Love, joon, jin, Yoongi, hobi, tae, jimin, and JK
The next wrapping paper reveals customised pink stationery. It's an expensive brand which you buy and use occasionally. But you can see the thought behind the gift and you are surprised by the cute charm and shimmer details. Jin definitely took charge on this one.
The next is a Teddy. It's cute and has the softest texture. You really do guess the omegas were behind this.
The next one is the smallest of the pile. You open it to reveal seeds. There is even a detailed manual. Which is handmade. You catch the words best seeds from our own garden. The sketches are very pretty and detailed. You suppose Namjoon and Jungkook worked together on this. You had seen Jungkook's art around the house.
"Wow these are really good and thoughtful." Suyeon says impressed.
"Yeah.." You can't help but agree. "So what should I do?"
"Honestly just keep them. It looks like they spent a pretty penny on these nothing cheap. Also Like if I gave you a gift you'd keep it. Think of it this way. You are friends with them right. But ofcourse if you want to return them do it. I support you whatever you do.."
"You're right before all this we were friends and things might be complicated but I guess I should try and resolve it. I'm sure they didn't mean to hurt me and I was just vulnerable."
"Man maybe I should look for a pack that spends their money on me." Suyeon jokes.
You throw a cushion at her.
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It was finally the weekend but Yoongi woke up early after going through his phone he decided to go make breakfast or brunch for the pack depending on when they decided to wake up.
He can hear the sound of running water as he nears the kitchen. Inside is Jungkook with an apron on brows furrowed in concentration scrubbing pans which seem to be covered in what is he assumes baking soda and vinegar or whatever cleaning hack Jungkook has recently come across.
"Morning." Yoongi greets making himself a cup of iced coffee.
"Good morning hyung." Jungkook replies still meticulously scrubbing away.
Yoongi decides to give Jungkook space and goes to sort the laundry. Only to find the machine already running and the loads separated and some clothes the ones that needed special care already on the drying rack outside.
"Jungkook. Did you do the laundry?" Yoongi asks.
"Yes hyung."
"You'll tire yourself out."
"It's fine."
"Jungkook. As much as we appreciate the laundry being done and sparkling pots. We don't want you being sick." Yoongi says.
"I know. Its just that I've caused the pack so much trouble."
Yoongi quietly joined Jungkook.
"Things happen. Its life." Yoongi says. Jungkook feels grateful for Yoongi.
"It's just. I'm scared Y/n won't like me. We never hung out before and now when I'm around her it's like I loose control of myself." Jungkook spills.
"Do you think all of us weren't worried about that. It's natural to be scared. But don't let fear control you." Yoongi says placing a comforting hand on Jungkook's shoulder.
"Yoongi hyungs right you know." Hoseok speaks. He had been leaning against the wall listening.
"Hobi hyung" Jungkook acknowledges.
"Hoba." Yoongi greets.
Hoseok wraps himself around Jungkook.
"What's for breakfast?"
"Pancakes?" Yoongi says.
"Oh I got sent this waffle maker. Let's try that."
Hobi goes to search in his PR pile. Jin wakes up punches Jungkook playfully and then brushes his teeth sitting in the couch where Hobi finds him rolls his eyes and sets up the waffle maker.
Namjoon wakes up too a little later as Jin cuts up strawberries from his uncles farm. They discuss a little about growing some strawberries in their home garden.
"Hyung's I have to say something." Jungkook announces.
"What is it Jungkook?" Namjoon asks curious.
"I want y/n to be part of our pack. I'm going to apologise to her.
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Omg jk finally got his shit together. So did I to write this chapter. I've been feeling crappy so I haven't been able to get a word out. But I decided to put this chapter out.
Anyway let me know your thoughts as always it's appreciated and it motivates me. An anon asked me if this was on hiatus which reminded me it's been a while since I wrote.thanks for the reminder.
If you have any ideas feel free to send. I'll look forward to it. Have a good day beautiful.
Taglist: @jaiuneamesolitaiire ; @mintsugarmy ; @goooood-vibes ; @juju-227592 ; @singukieee ; @zae007live ; @rainbow-bunny-bts ; @fluffy-canada-pancakes ; @bleubirdinthesky ; @kyrah-williams ; @thedarkwinterrose ; @realswimshaddy ; @emu007 ; @jcrml ; @scuzmunkie ; @angel-121 ; @passionandsuga ;@popcatx0 ; @exfolitae ; @raineandskye ; @notsooperfect ; @toriluvsfics ; @northspiritstorm ; @cryingpages ; @parapiop7
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daichiduskdrop · 1 year
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚⋆·˚ ༘ *𝙎𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙡 ⋆·˚ ༘ *ੈ✩‧₊˚
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Chapter 33
Pairing: BTS Ot7 X fem! reader
Genre: A/B/O AU, Fluff, Angst, Strangers to lovers,
Warnings: none :))
Words: 3943
Taglist: @thelilbutifulthings @ilovemoneymorethenmen @singukieee @cherrysainttt @felicityroth @mageprincess7 @lucis-noctiana @danielle143 @osakis-gf @girl-nahh @vintageoldfashionstyle-blog @neverthefirstchoice @juju-227592 @silentreadersthings @i-have-no-life-charlie @everyonehatesshani @iamkookiesforyou @dragons-flare @fangirl125reader @roseidol @frieschan @popcatx0 @liz67900 @exfolitae @plexcaffeinate @strawblueberrys
⋆·˚ ༘ *ੈ✩‧₊˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ✩‧₊˚⋆·˚ ༘ *
Jimin couldn't contain the soft, exciting flutters he felt in his heart. You were so sweet, surprising his pack with a little sweet treat. How cute was that?
The alpha decided then and there that he would try his very best to help you make the tastiest, creamiest cupcakes that have ever existed.
„Should we start then, baby princess?” He asked you gently, pulling slightly from you and letting his hands rest on your cheeks.
His eyes were soft and held a caring gaze, just as every time Jimin looked at you. Your tiny nod made him smile once again, gently pecking the top of your head before he pulled away.
„What are the ingredients we need, precious?” The alpha said gently, combing through your hair. He has worn his own apron by now too, and so both of you were ready to start baking.
You read the list of things needed for the almond cupcakes and the vanilla butter cream; the ingredients were quite many.
Even though the pack had very fine almond flour and even almond milk, Jimin felt guilt pang at his heart when he realised that they didn't have the almond butter needed.
„Baby Princess, we don't have that; Alpha is very sorry; How about we use just the regular unsalted butter instead?” He softly said, looking at you.
The little shrug of the shoulders he received in answer made him smile a little. It would be an okay substitute, he came to the conclusion, and so he took out the butter and placed it on the counter with the growing pile of other things.
„...and half a cup of s-sliced almonds.” You said everything needed for the batter is now named. Jimin nodded a little, going over to the tall cupboard before he opened it.
There were a few things laying around, mostly a few glasses of honey and different sweet sauces, but there were also a few packages of nuts as the alpha rummaged through, pulling out the almonds.
The eldest packmate would often bake and cook when he would get stressed, before important comebacks, or when he was about to have his first concert of his own solo music.
Jin was a really good baker and had a lot of experience with certain things; the alpha always knew how to use the seemingly intricate devices Jimin had never seen in person.
Whenever they had more free time, nowdays more often as they entered the hiatus era and had more time to do what they wished to do, not what was required, Jin started enjoying baking more and more.
The eldest enjoyed the precision, especially when he could use the new things, gadgets, and techniques he had just learned.
He would often make simpler things to eat, but from time to time, a very complicated dish would also be mastered.
And so, things like churros or éclairs, focaccia bread, banana bread, or a strawberry cream cake were quite usual to be seen.
The last time, though, the eldest made the prettiest macaroons, pink in colour, and the texture was like no other.
Since then, a short while has passed, and you have entered their lives now, but Jimin was in no doubt Jin would be a much better baker and overall cook to guide you through the recipe.
He could also imagine the elder grumbling about you cooking with the younger first, rather than with him.
For sure, though, he would quickly forgive and forget when he got to taste the sweet treats you two would make for the pack. If they go well, that is.
Jimin started preheating the oven to a quite high temperature, quickly coming back to your side to start preparing the batter with you; the electronic scale was already out.
„Here, princess, you pour the flour in, and I'll tell you when it's the right weight. Don't worry, Alpha will take good care of everything precious." He said gently to you, ripping open the sealed, regular flour package.
You nodded a little, carefully scooping into the bowl large spoonfuls after spoonfuls, the older man gently stopping you after you hit the right amount.
You reached for the almond flour next, and the phone with the opened instructions was before the both of you, so you only took a short glance.
Though, as you tried to pull apart the tightly sealed packaging, you couldn't do much; your fingers were either too slippery or something else was wrong.
Jimin heard you whine from where he was very lightly greasing up the silicone moulds for the future cupcakes, abandoning whatever he was doing and coming over right away.
„Aigoo, princess, Alpha will help; it's okay, baby." He said gently, cooing softly as he pecked your temple sweetly before he took the packaging from you, quickly opening it for you.
You both repeated the process, weighting the almond flour, continuing on with the baking powder and baking soda, and the vanilla sugar package.
Jimin helped you whisk the dry ingredients together, showing you how to hold the whisk correctly when he saw your slightly awkward grip.
The alpha smiled softly as he saw the excitement. He gently hugged you close to himself, letting his cheek rub up against your hair.
You didn't smell so happy since you came to them; even when they could sense in your scent from time to time that you were excited, it was only now this sweet to Jimin's nose.
He took out another bowl, going to prepare the wet ingredients. First he started cracking the six eggs, having your palms sweetly hidden underneath his, as he carefully cracked the last two eggs with your help.
None of the shell got inside, making you smile widely. You were used to first dropping the egg in a separate cup so a shell wouldn't possibly ruin any progress, as you weren't that good at fishing it out.
Quick to praise you, Jimin let his chin rub up against your hair sweetly, his own smile almost blinding. „My 'mega is so clever, hm?” He said softly, happy to have you safe and close.
You both washed your hands soon after and went on with the second bowl, adding in the granulated sugar, vegetable oil, almond milk, and butter, even though it that meant to be a bit different.
The alpha helped you mix up the seemingly stubborn butter; even when you placed it in the microwave earlier, it still had small pieces unmelted in it, and soon after, you poured the liquid into the flour mix.
There was quite a lot to whisk together, and so when you tried but couldn't do much, Jimin was quick to reassure you, quickly combining the two and making sure not to overmix.
„Here baby, how about you prepare the almonds now, while is whisk, princess? We just have to fold those in soon, precious.” He said gently.
You nodded happily, measuring half the cup of the sliced almonds, and just as you finished, Jimin gently let you pour in a bit at the time, folding the batter over so everything would get well combined.
„Princess, you did such a great job! Let's prepare the cupcakes and have them bake now, okay?” You nodded happily, the alpha bringing over the pan that had the silicone mould already placed on it.
With the alpha's sweet help, you carefully scooped the batter into each of the cups so none would overfill. You soon filled up the whole twelve-cup form.
Pecking your forehead happily, Jimin took the tray before he carried it over to the oven, making sure you weren't too close so the warmed-up air wouldn't harshly hit you before he placed the pan inside.
He helped you set the timer on his phone, and so while the 23 minutes were counted down, you and him started the cream that would then be put on top.
„Here, sweet princess, alpha will help." He said gently, taking the cleaned-up whisk before he started beating the butter, granulated sugar, and vanilla extract until a thicker consistency was created.
The vanilla butter cream didn't take too much time to make, with the alpha letting you carefully add in the almond milk one tablespoon at a time until the right consistency was achieved.
„Precious, here have a little... Is it good?” You let Jimin scoop up a little bit of the icing, letting you taste the cream. It was very tasty, that was for sure.
„It's good, oppa!” You smiled, the alpha having a small taste himself, nodding approvingly. And so, he helped you transfer it all into a star tip piping bag, carefully placing it into the fridge so it wouldn't turn too liquid over time.
„Princess, look at the different sprinkles and things we can try, and alpha will clean up quickly." Jimin said gently, washing his hands underneath the faucet after you had
You nodded a little, going over to the large table where the alpha had previously taken out all the different decorations that could be used.
You decided that you liked the white, pearl-like sprinkles the best, along with the pastel-coloured, circular regular ones.
The edible flowers caught your attention, and so, out of everything, you decided to decorate the now-cooling cupcakes with them too.
You showed the alpha, the man, making sure to praise your choice well, claiming that „Those will be so cute together, princess! Great choice; alphas will for sure be very happy!”
And so he helped you put the ones of your choice aside before he started putting all of the other ones away, carefully storing them back in a box.
Soon after, Jimin realised that it would probably be a good idea to have something for lunch, as the earliest of the noon was arriving quickly.
The man looked into the fridge, taking out a few of the leftovers. He would feel much better if he had made you a fresh dish, but that would probably take him quite a while, and he wasn't sure if he would have the time for that.
And so, he soon reheated the stir-fried rice and the chicken popcorn, still left from a bit ago, plating you a good meal.
After handing you a glass of orange juice, he too took a seat and went on to eat.
The alpha, just as usual, fed you mostly himself, choosing the tastiest and best-looking bites of meat to please your taste buds.
„Baby princess here, have a little more." He would say gently, giving you another forkful of rice and feeding you while smiling widely.
„Koji called Jungkookie earlier today; he and Moonsik want to go with you somewhere this afternoon; would you like to go precious?”
Jimin asked you sweetly, having you currently chew on a piece of thinly sliced pickled radish. Your big eyes made him waver a bit; he thought you liked the omega?
„Princess, don't worry, you don't have to go if you don't want to! It's okay, sweetheart-"
„B-But the cupcakes?” You whined softly, a small pout on your lips. Jimin breathed out a little, nervous for a second that you didn't want to go because of something else.
„No, don't worry, princess. We can finish them right after the food, hm? You can go out after, how about that?” Jimin would have to leave soon anyway, and the alpha felt better having you with someone than completely alone.
„O-okay!” You said, a small smile on your lips as the alpha smiled widely himself, pecking your temple gently.
Soon, the lunch was finished, and the alpha loaded the dishwasher after he carefully helped you take out the cupcakes, handing you the icing too.
You sat at the dining table once again, practicing your icing skills on a small part of the tray where there was enough space, while Jimin went to make the call with Moonsik.
You didn't really listen in, going to try and ice your first cupcake, wanting it to be very perfect for the alphas.
It had to be more than perfect, you told yourself, and just as you went to try your best, Jimin approached you, his hand gently combing through your hair.
„Princess, Moonsik Hyung wants to speak with you, baby." The alpha gently chucked, handing you the phone as he gently helped you take the icing from your seemingly too busy hands.
You took the call to your ear, a bit unsure of what you were meant to say, choosing to whisper out an almost inaudible: Hello? 
„Y/N? Hey, it's Moonsik from the mall... How are you?” The beta's voice was velvety and smooth, sweet to your ears. Not as sweet as your oppa's voices, though.
„Hi M-Moonsik, I'm okay...” You said softly, unsurely looking over at the alpha while he wiped down the counter and the table, the man encouraging you with his sweet eyes.
„That's good; I'm glad. Yuki has been asking about you all the time, and he would really like to go somewhere with you again, so maybe if you have time and-”
In the background of the call, you could hear a voice you recognised well—the seemingly always excited and happy omega talking loud enough for it to be audible.
„Is that Y/N? Hyungie, let's talk with her!” The younger whined, and the beta was talking with a hushed voice, saying that he would get to talk to you later.
„I w-would like to g-go please...” You said quietly, a bit nervous about any sudden rejection you might not expect. Though you were met with none, Moonsik answered.
„Okay, great! I'm sure Yuki will be very happy to hear that, and I'm excited too. Let's meet in front of the art store again, like last time. When is the right time for you?”
You weren't sure if the beta expected you to have a packed schedule; though he was very far from right.
You would continue your studies hopefully soon, and you still had that doctor appointment in close time as your heat was coming closer and closer, but other than that...
Your shoulders shrugged unconsciously, not realising that the beta on the other side wouldn't be able to see. You looked over to Jimin; the alpha just took a seat to your right.
„Wh-when should I-I go oppa?” You whispered, hoping that Moonsik wouldn't hear. Considering the voice of Yuki on the other side of the call, the beta had a bit to worry about now.
„Well, I have to go to a photoshoot at 14.00, so I'll have to leave a little bit before that. Do you want to go with someone or alone?” He asked softly, combing through your hair.
You were definitely not ready to go completely on your own; the thought was very overwhelming. You liked Yuki, and you liked Moonsik, but going with them both on your own was quite nerve-wracking.
„Wi-th a-alpha...” You whispered, Jimin noticing how your scent got more anxious and worried and immediately nodding.
„That's okay, princess. Someone will go with you, hm? How about you meet up with them at 14.00?” That was a good hour and a half away, and so you nodded, telling Moonsik about yours and Jimin's suggestion.
Soon after, the meet-up was planned, with the beta saying sweet goodbyes and Yuki in the background excitedly talking about the stores he wanted to go to with you.
You handed the phone back to the alpha, the man gently kissing your temple. And so, you got back to the decorating, making your first swirl with the icing.
„Princess, you are so clever! Alpha is very proud." Jimin gasped softly, watching as you carefully placed the individual pearls and sprinkled the colourful ones.
The alpha helped you take out the edible flowers, letting you find the best spot for each one. You were a natural, and the alpha noticed, making sure to praise you well whenever you finished a cupcake.
He helped you sweetly, taking the finished and decorated cupcakes and putting them into the paper wrappings he took out earlier, gently putting them on a clean, large plate.
Jimin made sure to not mess up any of your cute work; none of the carefully iced sharp tops even touched, and the vanilla butter icing kept clean.
With the star tip, it looked very cute, the alpha came to a conclusion, snapping a few photos of you while you iced.
He didn't get to take many pictures while you both were preparing the batter, but now he had time, and he decided to fill up his whole gallery with you.
And so you decorated prettily, the cupcakes having cute, flowery fairy vibes, maybe reminding you a little bit of wedding cake considering that the icing was only a little bit off white.
You could have coloured it, you realised, but you liked how everything looked, with the small pops of colour adding to it and making everything look pretty.
„Princess, you did so well! Alpha is very happy and proud, my precious baby; that's so nice!” He gushed, taking photos of the cupcakes, claiming that they looked: „Just like from a five-star bakery!”
Jimin was sure that you were a secretly hidden baker, and he was also very sure that when his packmates saw the cupcakes and the cute photos, they would lose their minds.
Soon after, you and the alpha cleaned up, letting the pretty-looking pastries stay on the kitchen table for the packmembers to oogle at and stare at when they would come back to the packhouse sometime that day.
It didn't take too long before it was only about half an hour until 14, and so Jimin helped you tie your shoes properly, having you take on a thick puffer jacket and a beanie, not wanting you to get cold.
„There you go, my princess. 's you stay nice and warm for alphas." He whispered gently, putting on his coat and boots.
The outside weather stayed cold and snowy, and so as the alpha opened the front doors, he held your hand tightly, not wanting you to slip on the ice hidden underneath the snow.
Jimin led you quickly to the garage, choosing one of his cars he would drive today. He took you to the Porsche Panamera, the black, shiny car pretty and obviously expensive.
He unlocked the doors quickly, opening the entrance as he helped you settle in, quickly bending over to buckle you in, and pecking your forehead.
The alpha smiled at you widely for a few seconds, his cheek rubbing up against yours sweetly, before he closed the doors for you and climbed into the driver seat, turning on the heating right away.
The inside of the vehicle was quite cold, and so he held your hands in his for a good few seconds, gently rubbing them with his and breathing on them, warming your icy fingers up.
Soon, the interior got warmer, though, and so when Jimin claimed it was warm enough and your cheeks didn't remind him of ice popsicles when he would touch them anymore, he let the garage doors open and started driving out of the house.
„Princess, what should we listen to, precious baby?” He asked you gently as he looked carefully both ways before he entered the road on his way towards Hybe.
You turned on the touchscreen, going over to the radio and podcast options, unsure what would be better. Jimin glanced over shortly, keeping his eyes on the road.
„At the bottom left are the nice stations that will keep my little 'mega happy and settled, hm? Let's play those, princess."
The alpha said gently, helping you select the right station he has previously bought the subscription for.
Jimin was very happy he got so many opportunities to spoil you, not only in different ways to settle and keep you safe and calm, but in other things too.
To be truthful, he had bought quite a few things for you already. He wasn't about to stop anytime soon; the alpha visited Tiffany & Co. quite often, for he was the brand's ambassador for once, but he liked their jewellery a lot in general.
The alpha has already purchased you a few things, some pretty-looking sets that reminded him of you.
He noticed you didn't have your ears pierced, which made sense to the alpha quite a lot.
Omegas were normally quite sensitive, and to be honest, Jimin couldn't even remember once meeting one that had any piercings.
He didn't mind, though, and was completely content with having you wear whatever was most comfortable and nice for you.
And so, as the soft, lo-fi-like music played through the good sound system of the vehicle, the alpha drove carefully over to the Hybe building.
Jimin let you take his phone when you got bored along the ride, your little fingers grasping the device as you took little photos and videos of the things you were passing by, the snow and sun making everything glittery and pretty.
He couldn't help but coo at you, seeing how excited you were in the background, making sure to keep fully quiet so no noise would disturb your video footage.
You even turned off the radio again, claiming that that wouldn't sound nice in the video, having Jimin giggle lightly.
The alpha soon shushed though, so he wouldn't disturb you, and just drove safely, having you take videos upon videos of the birds sitting on the side roads when they would wait at the red light.
When you arrived at the underground garage, Jimin got out of the car first, carefully pocketing his phone before he went over to you.
Opening the doors, the alpha smiled softly at you, undoing your seatbelt before he tightly zipped up the jacket they got for you, helping you up.
„Here, baby, alpha has got you. Let's go now, hm? Someone is waiting for you already!” He said, wanting you to be surprised by whichever alpha chose to spend your time today with you.
He must have succeeded, as you jiggled your shoulders in excitement, pulling Jimin towards the doors that would lead further into the building.
The alpha chuckled softly, locking up the car before he took your hand, tightly holding it as he kissed the top of your head.
„Let's go then, eager beaver.” He chuckled lightly, opening up the doors with his own keycard, before letting you enter first and calling the elevator.
You bounced on your feet. Not only were you excited to have made the cupcakes with the alpha to surprise the others today, one of them would even go with you to the mall!
And Yuki and Moonsik would be there with you, and that for sure would be great fun, you thought, and so you tugged on Jimin's hand lightly, a sweet whine leaving you.
How much longer was this elevator ride going to take?
The alpha smiled widely, his nose brushing up against your temple and coming over to yours as he gently gave you a bunny kiss.
„Aigoo, princess, don't worry. Not much longer.” He tried to calm you down, smiling softly. Just than did the elevetor ding, arriving to one of the highest levels of the building. 
The doors opened, and when you saw the packmate, waiting right behind them, your smile grew wide, quickly jumping over. 
You hugged the man tightly, the alpha picking you up before he let his chin rub over your hair.
„My sweetest little pup, baby, alpha missed you!” The packalpha gushed, happy to have you in his arms again.
⋆·˚ ༘ *ੈ✩‧₊˚˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚˚ ✩‧₊˚⋆·˚ ༘ *
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hollyhomburg · 3 months
Before I Leave You (Pt.72)
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(Sneek Peek) (Omegaverse au, Mafia au, Bts x Reader)
Summary: you get punished alongside hobi for your indiscretions in public.
Tags: mention of getting arrested, tense situations, implied non-consentual nudity (very breif, the extent of refrence to it is in this sneak peak), light angst, d/s, Dom! jin, Dom! Namjoon, Dom! Jimin, Sub! m/c, Sub! Hobi, group sex, humiliation kink, praise kink, puppy space! hobi, hobi gets off on getting called a good pup, omegaspace! m/c, crawling, Collars, fingering, edging, orgasam denial, painplay, shoe riding, exhibitionism, Squirting, wrestle-fucking (only kinda), cum marking, cum swapping, mc gets treated like a little cumdump but she's very happy about it, pussy spanking, cumming pre-maturely, oral! f receiving, hole checks, biting,
W/c: 10k+
A/n: well....this is gonna be some smut for the memory books! sorry that i've been a little inactive recently- so say that my life has been stressful would be a hilarious understatement. Any encouragement or praise would be so appreciated!
Previous part- Masterlist - First part
It rushes over you- everything that’s happened. Watching Hobi get yanked from the car by his shoulder, pushed up against the side of the car. Having to pull on your pants in the dark parking lot with a flashlight on you and some man behind it. Watched. Hunted. A knot builds in your chest, and you don’t cry- you won’t cry but-
Jin’s hands brush your hair away from your face, tucking it behind your shoulders. “You’re gonna be alright pup- it’s alright-“
Your lower lips quivers. “Ask me my color.”
Namjoon is still on his knees below you. jolting at hearing your words. jaw rolling as he looks up at you and chews through your words. Both Jimin and Hobi's faces jerk in your direction, eyes wide.
“Ask me Jin- please-” Your voice cracks, wobbles.
Jin’s tentative, and behind him you see Jimin realize what you’re asking for, his gaze anxiously darting between the pack alpha and omega.
But you're trembling there, so unmoored, and all you want is someone to tell you how to feel, what to do, what to say and how to sit. Everything.
Jin eyes you, flickering down to your heaving chest as he pets gently over your collar bones with the back of his hand. Shushing you while he thinks. Is this what you’re asking for- what you need? Do you really need a scene from them right now? Do you really want to submit after something like that?
Yes, in any way you’ll let me. I just need to stop thinking about what just happened. I don’t want to. Please don’t make me tell you. Don’t make me relive it. I just want to forget. Can you make me stop thinking? Can you fuck it out of me?
Jins thumb hovers on your lower lip, like he needs to feel as well as hear you say it. “What’s your color pup?”
“Green” your voice breaks, and Jin pauses. eyes darting from eye to eye. he looks down at Namjoon and nods once.
Namjoon’s hands run down the front of your thighs once more to your knees and then back up again before he pops back up onto his feet. Towering over you and turning your hands over and over again in his. The marks that crisscross your palms look pink and threatening. But Namjoon knows that they haven’t bothered you in weeks.
Namjoon moves from you to Hobi, going not for his hands but to the hem of his shirt. stripping it off of him, Hobi puts his arms up for him, obedient. His hair fluffed when he comes out the other side.
Namjoon presses the shirt to his nose and although it’s dry from your slick and squirt now- you blush, aware of what he must be able to scent on it. Of what Namjoon must be able to scent on both of you. The evidence of your indiscretion and the misery that followed
The pack alpha’s coffee scent spikes wildly, thick and musky- dizzying, making you teeter to the point where Jimin rests a hand on your elbow to steady you.
Hobi's arms rise with goosebumps as Namjoon palms him blatantly between his legs. Feeling for his cock, feeling for a still inflated knot. finding it sweet and heavy and lonely between his thighs. Hobi’s lower lash line is wet but his whole body jerks into Namjoon's hand as he gasps. But he stays mostly still at Namjoons inspection.
“Green” he says, before Namjoon even has to open his mouth.
The pack alpha almost purrs. "such a good pup, saying it before he's even asked. how eager, how needy." Jin praises, still petting over your collar bones, eyeing your throat with a keen light in his eyes that you haven't seen in months. Namjoon seems to have the same idea.
"Jimin, go get their collars." Hobi lets out a belated whine that cuts off at Namjoon's look, "settle." Namjoons shoulders straighten, he's still holding hobi's cock, staring into his eye's until Hobi bears his throat with another noise, a pupish whine.
You don't know if you've ever heard Hobi sound like that. You wonder if you sound like that- when you're under Namjoon's thumb. There is nothing in his face left of the boy who teased you until you were shaking less than an hour ago. But somehow you still can't tear your eyes away from them.
Namjoon is so big compared to hobi, at least a head taller and so much wider. He's such a big alpha. Hobi knows it too- He grits his teeth. Bares them at the pack alpha in challenge. And invitation if you’ve ever seen one, Namjoon just scoffs at the show of aggression.
"If you do not settle puppy, Alpha will make you settle and you will not like it."
Hoseok just growls again, louder.
Coming Saturday June 29th at 5pm EST (Time Zone Adjustments Below)
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articdelilah · 10 months
Hellooo I love the teen mc concept so I'm wondering if you could do it also with Leon's faction? Thank youu
✮ A Little Trouble ✮
Platonic!Ikemen Princes x Teen!Reader
Hi Anon!! Thank you so much for requesting💞 Your wish is my command! Sorry for the wait!! (I know nothing about Leon so I’m sorry if he’s OOC)
Domestic Affairs Faction
˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖
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Leon tried to argue with Sariel about his choice. This girl has school and friends and life to live! It would be horrid to put such a hard task on such young shoulders. Sariel of course did not wield with Leon’s request of changing the Belle.
By her side from day 1. He showed how the factions work and what they do, their aim and motives.
After the very hard first day with Leon, they go into town to get ice cream! Or steak. Whichever one Belle is feeling after such a day.
Leon is consistently looking out for her, making sure Chevalier doesn’t say anything too honest or hurtful. If he tries, he’ll be shut down by Leon almost immediately with furrowed brows.
Very protective but not in an overbearing way. Definitely not as subtle as the other Princes. When Belle asks to let her dual with him, he thinks about it but decides against it. He promised her that once she reads all the books Sariel assigned, then he’ll dual her fair and square. Motivation!
Belle liked to observe the man work. She sat with him, asking him questions about the different subjects and affairs that are happening in Rhodolite. She asked about Obsidian but Leon tried to avoid the topic.
Obsidian wasn’t a big threat currently and perhaps it’d be better if Sariel told her? No that would be the worst case scenario.
Leon explains Obsidian’s land, why they want to invade and their current status of threat. Belle said she’d ask Chevalier about it as well, but Leon only made a sour face.
A sudden clang of two silvery swords frightened the birds which were resting in the nearby oak tree; the birds of brown feathers sore into the clear sky as a result. The air wasn’t thick with bloodlust or hatred however instead filled with adrenaline and determination. Belle had begged Leon for them to dual for as long as she could remember, doing everything in her power to get him to agree. Sparks flew in all directions as the two continued their dual, brows creased on the young Belle’s face making Leon smile. He was so proud of her, being able to read all those books in a couple of days sure is an accomplishment. In the midst of thought, Leon was abruptly pulled away from his thoughts as a cool sharp point nudged his neck. His eyes widened as he realised he let his guard down. Despite this he couldn’t help but laugh at the distaste on Belle face “Stop going easy on me! Come on! Fight me for real!”.
“I’m trying”
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Jin laughed with Clavis when he met Belle. He simply loved her already!
For the first week of Belle’s stay, he always made sure she had flowers and a few lollipops in her bedroom. Everyone needs snacks right! The flowers were simply never the same colour however. On Monday the roses were red, Tuesday they were pink.
His great hand coming down to ruffle her hair and laugh when she told Jin about her worries. After all, how can you be worried with Jin by your side? If there was anything Jin could help with, you bet he did help.
Is studying alone hard? No worries. Jin is right there to help! Want a break? Jin’ll take her to town for some food!
Belle had been working hard and Jin knew that. He wanted to take some of weight off her shoulders by making her life at the palace a little easier by doing small gestures like bringing her the heavy leather bound books Sariel assigned Belle to read back to her room.
Once Jin came back to find the new Belle alone in the drawing room. He peaked his head in and noticed that she wasn’t reading any heavy leather bound book but rather staring intensely at a fashion magazine for teen nobility.
He knocked on the door to get her attention, asking the girl what she was looking at. Belle watched him next to her as she hesitantly showed him the dress she had been looking at. Her gaze averting to the rug on the floor. Jin agreeing it would look lovely on her.
Lollipops and summer nights on the balcony>>> Late night walks around the town + the palace are very common.
He introduces Belle to his favourite tavern and shows her the nightlife of Rhodolite (without the bad stuff ofc)!
Jin usually brings her to make fun of the drunks with him, dine and chat loudly about anything that really came to mind.
The 1st Prince of Rhodlite leaned on the pastel pink wall of the newest clothing store, waiting for the new Belle to finish getting changing. The whole place was filled with dresses and suits for young nobility, making it the biggest trend in the higher classes. The clothes were imported from Jade and Benodite. Jin had popped a lollipop in his mouth a few moments prior as he hummed a little song under his breath. Belle let out a little squeak in the changing room, making Jin smirk and hurry her out of the rather large stall. Her hand slowly peaked in the corner of the fabric of the curtain, pulling slowly on it to reveal herself in the same dress she was looking at in the magazine. Belle gave the 1st Prince the largest smile and spun and twirled; The dress was light green and white, adorn with lace and pearls. This particular dress was exported from Jade and it reached her knees with a large bow at the back. “Stunning Belle! But not quite finished yet” He wagged a finger and the [H/C] haired girl skipped over. Jin’s hand held a green bow that matched the dress with pearls, his fingers brushing her hair behind her ear before playing the bow in place.
“Thank you Jin! You’re the best!”
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Yves was speechless at the news of Belle being a teenager. After all, being Belle is such a big responsibility! Can a teenager really handle it?
Yves takes on the new Belle under his wing, giving her a little [F/C] diary to write her notes in. She cannot forget anything of course.
Is afraid to let her out of his sight for longer than 2 hours.
He was so surprised how Belle treated him, especially that a lot of people were taught young about his bloodline. Belle however was still kind and caring despite everything she had heard in town. Yves asked her about this one day, the girl spoke that “Unless I’ve met the person, I would never claim they are evil just because of the blood that flows through their veins”
Yves has very strict with Belle, but he always made it up to her by baking her cookies or cake. Tea parties are also quite common, BUT ONLY TO TEACH BELLE TABLE MANNERS no other reason
Make overs with Yves are simply a must! Yves teaches Belle how to do her hair in complex hairstyles, the basics of colour meaning and styles of clothes worn on different occasions. Fashion is just as important as politics in the noble world after all!
Eventually Belle asked Yves if he would show her how to bake and Yves couldn’t hold the prideful smile that lit his face, he of course agreed! It was only because it was his duty as Prince however 👀
The palace was cold, silence and darkness submerging every corner it could greedily claim as its own. Despite the harsh snow outside, the kitchen was filled with warm light and cheery laughter of a Prince and a young girl. The fire crackled as the two sat on plush pillows, giggling as they engulfed in quiet chitchat. On the wooden floor lay plates of chewy cookies and sweet colourful macaroons. Belle held a plate with peach pie, struggling to hold it still as she fell into a fit of giggles once more. “That’s not even that funny!” Yves tried to pout but failed miserably as seeing Belle smiling so hard made his heart swell with pride. Sure Clavis’ prank with the cardboard cat was definitely not fun to experience, but maybe perhaps it was worth falling into Clavis’ potholes just to hear Belle’s laughter.
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He was distant. Just like Chevie, he found the thing ridiculous and shook his head disapprovingly when told.
With the help of Yves and Sariel however, Belle got a chance to spend more and more time with Licht.
He tried to be rude, but Belle never took it to heart. Perhaps she knew from the start how kind he actually was. Either way, Belle being persistent was both a blessing yet curse.
Soon she became his companion. She was obviously worried about him which gave Licht motivation to be better. He never wanted her to worry about him.
Despite this Licht usually keeps his distance from her, making sure she is safe from afar.
Licht showed Belle how to ride a horse, knowing full well that Belle did something wrong to spend that extra minute with him.
Licht is always willing to sing to Belle after she had a rough day or a nightmare. He’ll stroke her hair and sing that same song his mother did, the Prince’s sweet voice lulling the girl into a sweet dream.
One day, Licht had invited Belle to visit him at the stables. She put on her best outfit before meeting him, but she was taken by surprise when Licht said this isn’t a riding lesson.
Not even the cold breeze of approaching autumn could make Licht’s heart less warm as he observed the girl near him. In her hands a basket filled with all types of flowers: coneflowers, dahlias and cosmos. Yellows, pinks and whites brought life to the brown weaved basket. Licht sat amongst the grass letting the cool air fill his lungs, his horse a couple of metres away grazing at the greenery. Belle plopped down next to him, smiling a smile that was brighter than the sun. “Close your eyes.” Licht smiled softly at the girl. She giggled when she closed her eyes, waiting patiently. Carefully picking the flowers with the longest stems, Licht’s fingers braiding the flowers over each other. He did this for a minute before placing the flower crown on the now impatient Belle who was starting to complain. Her eyes shot open and her hands began to delicately inspect the flowers which adorned her soft hair. Her eyes squinted with cheerfulness. Licht’s silent moment of his own happiness becoming brighter as the girl pounced on the once lonely wolf. The 6th Prince held her close, swearing that he will protect his sister. After all, they say that blood is thicker then water of the womb.
If you like my work, feel free to request!! Thank you for reading and Goodbye my Doves🕊️🌙
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kisscara · 2 years
O5. madam faruzan who? [fanboy!scaramouche x drummer!reader] ⎯⎯ heartbeat rhythm series
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you nervously fidget with your drumsticks, a coy smile on your lips as scaramouche talks to kaeya. yanfei taps your shoulder and whispers, "whenever you're ready." you rapidly nod and attempt to ease your nerves by relaxing your tense shoulders. but what if you're never ready?
you've performed in front of countless people, why can't you do the same for one guy? well, technically a group of three but you don't mind what kaeya and yanfei think. just him and him alone. you turn to yanfei, "um-" you recoil when the mic by your mouth suddenly makes a deafening squeal.
scaramouche pinches his temple, "kaeya, did you or did you not test the equipment?" kaeya puts his hands up in defense, "hey, i thought that was yanfei's job." scaramouche argues as kaeya makes his way up the stage, "her job is to set it up and yours is to test it! immature dickhead..."
kaeya sighs while wiping a hand over his face, "he can be such a pain in the ass, how could you even play along with this, (name)?" you look up at him and frown. does everyone really see scaramouche in this bad light? maybe they just need to get to know him more to take a liking to him.
kaeya gives the mic a few taps and speaks into it. "this good enough for you, mister moody?" kaeya chuckles when scaramouche gives him a deathly glare. "alright, you should be all good to go. oh and," kaeya looks at you while heading back down the steps. "try not to screw up, scaramouche can get real mad at that."
you felt yourself shatter like a clay statue hitting the floor. "oh, shut it, kaeya!" yanfei growls, knitting her brows together in frustration. she shakes her head, "don't listen to him, (name)... (name)?" your hands are shaking, causing your drumsticks to waver.
"i'm going to die today-"
"no, you won't," yanfei rolls her eyes at your dramatic act and firmly says, "you got this." you take a deep breath in and another one out. "yeah, i do. i'm ready now." you adjust your posture and sit more upright on your drum throne. scaramouche's eyes carefully scan you.
his lips form an anxious squiggle, 'they look so cool... i've always watched them on my phone or from afar but this is the real deal.' scaramouche places a hand on his chest, hoping to calm his rapid heartbeat.
as the song starts through the speakers, you begin the intro's drum riff only to be stopped by scaramouche's voice. yanfei stops the music and you tighten your grip. did you mess up already?
"is it possible if," he looks away, covering the pink tint on his face. "you could cover the vocals too?"
you gasp and beam, "yeah! i mean, yes, i could totally do that!" scaramouche clears his throat and nods, "my apologies for interrupting. you can play now." yanfei gives you a playful smirk and you smile back at her.
the music starts up again and you start drumming without a disruption unlike before. you never sang while performing, except for little background lines yun jin made you and the other members do as she led the performance per usual. but singing and drumming at the same time made you feel content.
だって本当は crazy, 白鳥たちはそう
it's like your voice was made for this specific song. everything was going well and fitting into place. scaramouche couldn't take his eyes off of you the entire time. he swore he couldn't even blink, feeling as if he would miss something groundbreaking should he look away.
kaeya examines scaramouche's dazed state. "he's out of it," he mutters in amusement. yanfei proudly hugs her tablet to her torso, smiling as you finally gather the courage you desperately needed for this moment.
本能に従順忠実 翻弄も重々承知 前途洋々だし⋯ だからたまに休憩しちゃうんです
sweat covers your forehead in a glistening sweat as you have the chance to rest your voice, since this part of the song is just silence filled with the instruments. your eyes avert towards the clear blue sky and then scaramouche. the two of you lock gazes.
like you do with your usual crowd when performing, you give him your signature wink along with a grin out of habit. oh, dear... he nearly passed out on the spot. with the final crash of your cymbals and banging of your drums, you finish off without a single flaw in your performance.
you're reminded of the first time you performed like this, in front of a small audience of three. those three being ayaka, her big brother who was always like your own, ayato, and their mother. they always supported your passion for drums and ayato was the one who gifted you your drum set.
you'd never forget him. he's living the high life in university at the moment, bound to graduate with a doctorate degree... more on him later. your current situation at hand is much more important!
a deafening silence is booming through the outdoors, accompanied by the peaceful songs the birds share along with the calm gusts of wind. you slowly pant, chest bobbing up and down as you exhale, "how was it?" yanfei and kaeya look over to scaramouche.
scaramouche lifts his head, his indigo hair framing his beautiful features. the way he looks at you with such confidence, a striking and powerful glare; it's no wonder you have no idea how much he so admires you. he opens his mouth and three words fall from his lips.
"it wasn't bad."
those words alone were enough to make your heart jump all over the place, your cheeks to heaten and your eyes to brighten. you exclaim, "really!?" from the surge of excitement, you instantly stand up, causing your snare drum to fall over. you quickly prop it back up and rush down the stage.
'oh, they're approaching me, they're approaching, they're approaching-' scaramouche's mind is in a jumble as you hold both of his hands in yours. his head explodes. not literally, i sure hope not. but explode... like the way a train releases puffs of smoke and steam from their cylinders going, 'choo, choo!'
yeah, that perfectly describes how he feels as you sweetly say, "i look forward to working with you on the school festival, president!"
yanfei and kaeya stifle their laughs. they saw scaramouche's, 'it wasn't bad,' as a complete disappointment for you, but you, you saw all of the good in it. that's all you needed to confirm that scaramouche indeed, has his unseen sweet side. yanfei sighs, "i'm glad it all worked out."
kaeya smugly adds, "i think president has a lil' crush, don't you think?" the two are lucky their conversation is out of scaramouche's earshot. yanfei pauses and watches as scaramouche stammers out words to you with a red complexion. you, being as dense as you are, mistaken it for him being startled by your sudden arrival.
yanfei squints her eyes and her jaw nearly drops in realization. only a fool wouldn't notice the obvious admiration you and scaramouche mutually hold for each other. how come she didn't see it before? the obvious mood change of scaramouche's and his somewhat kinder demeanor surely have a part in this.
"what? scaramouche, like me?" you ask, a brow raised as you look at yanfei. she nods, completely serious. you sputter and resort to laughing. "yeah, you almost got me there, 'fei! but i believe with a little more time and effort," you ball your fists up in determination, "i'll be his and he'll be mine in no time!"
you and the rest of the student council are at a family restaurant, under kaeya's suggestion after all the hard work they did and surprisingly, scaramouche agreed. yanfei waves her finger and closes her eyes, "no, no, (name), listen closely. i think he likes you-"
her eyelids lift as she sees scaramouche boasting about how hard it is to keep everyone in line as a president and you repeatedly comment him on his dedication to his role. yanfei deadpans, "such lovesick idiots..."
your phone vibrates in your pocket and you take it out, however you froze up the second you saw the text.
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tags: @mariusvonhangme @scaramoo @mikismusings @rizakari @akagism2 @sakiimeo @ohmyfinggod @aethersluvrr @scarafrisbee @kaoyamamegami @liliumaraneae @dreamsofminnie @starfart19 @kunisbeloved @luhvashh @makiswrld @kyouzki @mimissubway @loucaroarz @theblueblub @angelunatic @shinjuuz @thenightsflower @coquettemaiden @thefandomcrow @cotton-eee @lovely028 @hrtswinter @duckyyyx @kissingkzuha @dazaisboner @adeptusx @tomotofu @yukiipc @loverhole @star583 @soobasaur @aeongiies @dr8amy @scaraapologist @raideneiari @rvoulte @aaeng121 @pyrrhicgaze @tjjjrsj @enviouspeanut @d4y-dr3am3r @aromaticism @undecidingfate @kur44pika
taglist is now closed as i've reached the max tags in a single post. (50/50 tags occupied + officially removed users whose names aren't linked)
what happens when you, a talented and well-known drummer across the web, grow an intense crush for the student council president, who's also your number one fan? from annoying sisters to nosy bandmates, the next event that happens is always more chaotic than the last!
© kisscara
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