#jimmy x naomi x oc
whatdoeseverybodywant · 5 months
Coming Soon 💋
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would anybody like to be tagged in this?
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trashbin-nie · 3 months
Weather The Storm (Jey Uso x Mixed! OC)
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Do NOT copy/translate my fics. Reblogs are always welcome!
Summary: Rosa Winters NXT women's champion, cousin Trinity (aka Naomi), introduces her to Josh Fatu, her boyfriends brother, and they hit it off this is their story
WARNINGS: mentions of anxiety, fluff. This story WILL contain sexual content so minors DNI
Word count: 1728
Thanks for reading, y'all. I haven't posted many stories here, but I figured I'd throw my hat in the pot or whatever the saying is 😅 regardless enjoy!
Chapter 1: Runaway Mistakes
NXT, formerly FCW, was in full effect. Camera's were up, fans were screaming, and as usual I sat in my corner of the makeup room, my headphones blasting All Time Low in my ears as Mandy gave me a few touch-ups before I went to the ring.
“Ooooh Rosie lookin like a hot tamalé tonight,” Trin said, pulling off my headphones I turned to Trin a small glare on my face yanking my headphones back from her then returning to look at Mandy who had sent Trin and I a glare of her own before she continued.
I was dressed in my usual westling gear, granted this was a new design, but I was always in full white top to bottom. She also never usually said anything about it, which could mean only one thing. “Mhm, Trin, whatchu want?” I asked, opening one eye to look at her, seeing she had her shiny new boyfriend Jonathan (Jon) Fatu, better known as Jimmy Uso with her. “Whaddup Jon.”
“Not much Ro, not much,” Jon said shaking his head.
“Oh please, I can't just come see my beautiful cousin, who I love more than anything?” She said, throwing her hands up.
“No, you can't. You tryina butter me up,” I said, raising my brows.
“Fine,” She drawled, “You know Jon's brother Josh, right?” She asked. I had a feeling I knew where this was going.
“You've told me about him, but I never met him,” I said wearily, hopping from Mandy's chair.
“Well, that's about to change! Rosa meet Josh, Josh meet Rosa,” Trin said.
I whipped around so fast I wouldn’t be surprised if I got whiplash or broke my damn neck, and sure enough, there was another over-six-foot, Samoan man who was undeniably gorgeous. I've never met someone who's caught my eye this fast.
‘Trin gone done set my ass up without even warning me!’ I thought my eyes widening.
We stood there staring at each other for what felt like an eternity until Josh cleared his throat.
“Uh, Hi. Nice to meet you ma’,” he said, sticking his hand out.
I looked from his eyes to his hand a few times before shakily grabbing it and squeaking out, “Nice to meet you too, Josh,” and scurrying off to prepare for my match against Bayley.
Trin POV
“Did I scare her?” Josh asked, watching Rosa practically run away.
“Nah uce, she's just like that,” Jon said.
“She's always been pretty introverted. At least until she gets in the ring then full-on Rosa Winters comes out. Although she did say something to you so that's better than usual,” I said, Jon nodded in agreement.
We stood in front of the TV and the lights in the arena switched off a white light and smoke coming from the entrance way and Rosa’s music hit.
‘Fire’ by Sleeping With Sirens.
The boy's eyes were glued to the screen as Rosa emerged from the guerrilla only her eyes showing.
This was their first time seeing her live and her entrance was always a shocker since, for the most part, they went to commercials during it. We all watched as Rosa flipped down the ramp before leaping to the apron and flipping over the top rope pulling the hood and mask from her body leaving her in just her bodysuit and pants.
“Winter is coming! Entering the ring first, Rosa Winters!” The ringside announcer said.
The camera zoomed in on her face, a cocky smirk and a fire in her eyes.
“Entering the ring, her opponent,and current regning womens champion! Bayley!” The ring announcer said.
Rosa tilted her head sizing her up, this is her second match with Bayley in our 3 years here, and she was about four inches taller than Rosa who stood at a whopping five feet two inches, but don’t get it twisted she knew how to throw her weight around enough to take down even large strong men.
I’ve seen her take down Joe, Jon’s cousin, on more than a few occasions during training and he had over a foot and over 100 pounds on her.
The boys watched in awe as Rosa flipped Bayley with all her acrobatic moves until finally she made her submit after hitting her with the Icebreaker and dragged her into an armbar.
“Dayum. Girls got moves!” Jon said.
“You already knew that uce,” Josh said not taking his eyes off the screen.
I was watching Josh. I knew about his little crush on Rosie that's why Jon and I introduced him in the first place.
“Your winner by submission and new NXT women’s champion, Rosa Winters!” The ringside announcer yelled.
“YES SHE DID IT!” I yelled jumping up and down while holding Jon’s arm.
The look on Rosa's face was something no one could put a price on. The giant smile I hadn't seen on her face in years since she qualified for the USA Olympic Gymnast team. She was so proud of herself. As she stared at her new belt.
Once she made her way backstage I tackled her in a hug.
“Rosalinda Maria Santos-Winters, I haven’t been as proud of you as I am now since the Olympic qualifiers!” I said, she hugged back just as forcefully.
“Government name aside, thank you!” She said, and as soon as I let go Jon pulled her into a hug of his own.
“Congrats girl! You looked damn good out there!” He said squeezing her so hard I could practically see her turning Blue.
“Jon let her go ‘fo you kill her!” I said. Jon let her go and she took a big breath giving him a giant smile.
“Thanks Jon, I really appreciate it,” she said giving him her own little squeeze afterwards.
“You looked great out there ma’, congratulations you deserve it,” Josh said scratching the back of his head, sending her a small smile. He offered her an awkward handshake as a congratulations, most likely because we told him she's very shy.
Rosie looked down embarrassed a blush spreading across her face before she said, “Thanks Josh, I know we only just met but I truly do appreciate it.”
I watched as Rosie looked from his hand to his eyes before walking towards him giving him a short but sweet hug.
Josh froze like a statue and didn't hug her back, I mentally smacked him over the head, and after she does run from this to the locker room to change I might actually slap him.
She's throwing him a bone, a small lifeline to become her friend and he's messing up.
Almost as quickly as it began she pulled away an even redder blush on her face.
“I-I'm sorry, I should’ve asked and now it's weird I just- I wasn't- I'm sorry,” she said speed-walking away pulling her hood up.
“Wait I- goddammit!” Josh said as Rosie left our sight. “I'm stupid. She gave me a hug and I just stood there?! What is wrong with me?!”
“Boy, you damn well know the girl like a cat the littlest things set her off!” I yelled, smacking him in the back of the head. He yelped. “What was you thinkin leavin her hangin like that?!”
“I wasn't tryin to, I just froze. I wasn't expecting it especially after how introducin myself went!” He yelled, smacking his face into his hands.
“You better go an’ find her uce, apologize or sumin,” Jon said.
“You right, Imma go right now,” he said walking, or well running off.
“He like her so much he didn't know what to do wit himself,” I laughed.
“I told you Trin, my lil’ bro has the hots for her, he down bad,” Jon said.
I shook my head. He was adorable.
Rosie POV
God why would I go and do that?! I can’t believe I did that.
I shoved the door to the womens locker room open before sliding down in slamming my hands in my face.
“Why do I do this every time!? Ugh stupid, stupid, stupid!” I said slapping myself over and over. I sighed pulling my hands down my face before forcing myself to stand, and heading to my locker. I pulled out an oversized yellow sweater that hung to my knees, black leggings, and platform black and white converse. Taking a quick shower I dried off and threw on my clothes, my grey twists pulled into a bun on top of my head before packing up my bag and heading out.
I opened the door my phone in hand as I collided with a chest. Disoriented I backed up and looked up only to be met with the chocolate brown eyes of Josh, or Jey Uso.
“Oh, uh hi?” I said an awkward smile appearing on my face.
“Hey,” he said. We just stood there staring at each other.
I broke the eye contact to look to the floor, “Listen, I’m sorry for earlier. I shouldnt’ve went and hugged you without permission I just thought-”
I stopped short when he pulled me into a light hug, “It’s fine ma’ I was just surprised… Congratulations Rosie, you deserve it,” he said. I returned the light hug my heart racing.
“Thank you Josh, it means a lot,” I smiled pulling away.
“I think we started wrong, whadda you say can we start from the beginning?” Josh asked.
“That’d be nice,” I laughed, “maybe I can actually introduce myself and not run away.”
“We’ll see ma’,” he laughed. I smiled up at him, his smile was as infectious as his laughter. “Hi, my name is Joshua Fatu, you can call me Josh. It’s nice to meet you ma’.”
“My name’s Rosalinda Santos-Winters, but you can call me Rosie,” I said smiling.
“Well Rosie what chu think about heading back to my brother, and yo’ cousin?” He asked.
“Sounds great Josh,” I said following behind with my backpack and suitcase.
“What chu doin wit dem bags ma’? Gimme the damn thing,” he said grabbing my suitcase I laughed letting him take it.
“I’m a big girl I’m capable of dragging my suitcase ya’ know,” I said crossing my arms so he couldn’t steal my backpack.
“Maybe, but still you my friend now ma’ I’m tryna be a gentleman,” he said.
“Mhm, sure you are,” I said. He rolled his eyes, settling for just my rolling suitcase.
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kyleoreillylover · 6 months
Chapter 7- Part 2- The Battle Before the War
Series Summary/Masterlist
warnings: wrestling related violence, manipulation, drinking.
Summary: You are close to cracking under the pressure, so your girls treat you to a night out. They learn just how much you were affected by the Bloodline... and they leave you conflicted about your place in the Bloodline. We also learn a little bit more about your relationship with Sami while you are trying to heal your own one with Jey. Kevin tries to stir things up, and leaves Sami also conflicted about his place in the Bloodline.
word count: 8,479
tagged: @southerngirl41 @venusesworld @jeysbae @reci1996 @tbonesteakwithasideofmashngrav @hope4more @selena-tyler-564 @saintaquarius @whatdoeseverybodywant @raya-hunter01 @empressdede @judgementdaysunshine @beeposts
a/n: guess who finally decied to update this!! I promise I haven't discontinued this lol. I just had writers block. hope ya'll enjoy this chapter!!
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Over the next few days, the tension between the Bloodline was palpable. Roman's mistrust had cast a shadow over the group, creating an atmosphere thick with unease. The fallout from the incident on live television had repercussions that extended beyond personal relationships. The dynamics within the Bloodline were shifting, and everyone could feel it.
You and Jey didn't get into arguments, because you simply didn't talk to each other unless absolutely necessary. You wanted a man, not someone who would question your loyalty at every turn.
And Jey seemed to be keeping his distance as well, perhaps feeling guilty for his actions or simply trying to avoid further conflict, but also because when he did try to apologize, you would cut him off, unwilling to entertain excuses.
He lost to Sheamus due to interference tonight, and Roman and him had an argument that did not end well, and that made him even more unwilling to talk to you. The wounds were still fresh, and you needed time to heal.
Sami had lost against Kevin after Jey aired out your relaitonship issued on TV due to Jimmy, Jey, and Solo interfering right before he was about to win, courtesy of Roman's orders. He wanted to test the loyalty of the members, and unfortunately, Sami became a victim of that power play. The loss left a bitter taste, not just for Sami, but for the entire group.
Sami was rightfully angry, but he understood the complex dynamics at play within the Bloodline. Loyalty, power struggles, and the constant need to prove oneself were all part of the game. The internal strife within the Bloodline was becoming more evident with each passing day.
Trinity- one of your closest friends- visited to check on her husband Jimmy, but when she found the state you were in, she forced you to get out of your room to have a girls night with the rest of your friends.
As much as you wanted to wallow in the emotional turmoil, Trinity's insistence broke through the walls you had built around yourself. She brought you shopping with Liv and Mercedes, trying to distract you from the tension and drama. The four of you had mani-pedis, did your hair, makeup, and were now currently at a bar in the city, attempting to have a moment of reprieve from the chaos that had consumed the Bloodline.
"Girl, you look so fucking gorgeous tonight!" Liv gushed over your new look, giving you a playful nudge. You were wearing a stunning outfit that Trinity helped you pick out, your makeup impeccably done, and your hair styled to perfection. The girls had succeeded in creating a diversion from the heavy atmosphere that surrounded the Bloodline.
You gave Liv a smile, but it didn't quite reach your eyes. She noticed this and wrapped an arm around your shoulder. "You guys didn't have to go through all this trouble for me," you said, your voice filled with gratitude.
Liv squeezed your shoulder gently, her eyes filled with warmth and understanding. "Don't you dare apologize for  needing a distraction, Y/N," Liv interrupted, her tone firm but gentle. "We're here because we love you, and we want to see you smile again."
"We miss seeing you happy," Mercedes chimed in, her voice soft but earnest. "You've been carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders for too long, Y/N. Tonight, let us carry it for you."
Your heart swelled with gratitude for your friends' unwavering support, even in the midst of your emotional turmoil. Despite your initial resistance, their persistence began to chip away at the walls you had erected around yourself. Trinity, sensing the heaviness lingering within you, leaned in closer, her expression filled with empathy.
"You are not allowed to be sad no more." Trinity declared, her tone leaving no room for argument. "Tonight, we're going to dance, laugh, and the only worry you'll have is what drink your'e gonna get next. Capiche?"
You couldn't help but chuckle at Trinity's determined attitude, feeling a flicker of amusement amidst the heaviness in your heart. "Yes, ma'am," you replied, a hint of playfulness in your voice.
And not worry you guys did. You didn't remember how many drinks you all had, but what you did know was that you were throwing back on Liv as the two of you danced on the crowded dance floor. The music thumped loudly, drowning out the worries and tensions that had gripped the Bloodline. In that moment, surrounded by the pulsating beats and colorful lights, you allowed yourself to let loose, to forget the troubles waiting outside the confines of the bar.
Liv twirled you around, both of you laughing as you moved in sync with the rhythm. You left your phone with Trinity and Mercedes, who were watching with amused grins from a nearby table as Liv threw her ass back on you, the two of you lost in the music.
What you didn't know was that your phone was innecstantly ringing with multiple missed calls from Jey. He had been trying to reach out to you, perhaps with the intention of apologizing or sorting things out. However, in the midst of the lively atmosphere and the distraction provided by your friends, you remained blissfully unaware of the attempts to contact you.
Actually, you had missed calls from all of the guys. You… might have snuck away from the hotel without telling anywone where you and Trinity had gone, with the exception of Solo (because Solo was Solo and responsible and reliable when it came to keeping secrets).
Mercedes, feeling a bit too drunk and empowered to get revenge for Jey embarrassing you on TV, grabbed your phone, scrolling through the notifications and messages. Trinity noticed the smirk on her face and leaned over to see what she was up to.
"Girl, you real messy." Trinity cackled at Mercedes' mischievous expression. "What are you planning?"
Mercedes chuckled, holding up your phone. "Just a little payback for our girl here." She showed her the messages from Jey that read
"Y/N, where are you? We need to talk. Please pick up." "I messed up, babe. Just let me explain. Where are you?" "Seriously, answer your damn phone. I need to fix this." "Y/N, come on. Don't do this. Let's talk. I miss you."
Trinity raised an eyebrow, looking at Mercedes with a smirk. "What you gon' do?"
Mercedes smirked back, her eyes glinting with mischief. "Oh, just gonna a little something to keep him on his toes." She quickly typed a response:
"Sorry, wrong number. I'm having a great time without you. Maybe you should learn to trust me for once."
Before posting some pics on Instagram of the four of you having the time of your life, making sure to send the one with your friends looking stunning and happy, emphasizing the fact that you were not alone and clearly enjoying yourself, and making sure to 'accidentally' tag Jey.
Mercedes showed Trinity the response, and they both burst into laughter. "Damn, girl! That's cold, but he kinda deserves it.
Mercedes winked, enjoying the mischief. "He'll survive. Maybe this will teach him a lesson." The two of them clinked glasses, before drinking the night away, reveling in the freedom of the moment.
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liked by themercedesvarnado, TrinityWWE, SoloSikoaWWE, uceyjucey and 500,000 others
tagged: yaonlylivonce, TheMercedesVarnado, TrinityWWE, samizaynwwe & uceyjucey
Y/N: your biggest flex <3 never forget that 😘
view all comments:
bloodlinelover: mother is mothering
y/nstan: ooh she mad mad 😭 she tagged his ass
↳user1: I would be too tf 😭 he prolly wishes he kept that mouth shut 😭
comment liked by y/n
Solosikoawwe: appliyng the pressure 🔥
↳y/n: learned from the best <3
↳user1: lmaoo I love her ignoring jey but talking to solo 😭
uceyjucey: my girl <3
↳y/n: not for long if you keep this up <3
↳y/nstan: OMG!?? lmaooo she not playin with you
comment liked by y/n
samizaynwwe: the princess for a reason 🖤
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You came back with you and Liv wrapped in each other's arms, buzzed and full of laughter. The night had been a much-needed escape, and you felt a sense of relief and lightness that had been absent for days. As you approached the table where Trinity and Mercedes sat, you noticed their mischievous grins and exchanged curious glances.
"What are you two up to?" you asked, still swaying slightly to the rhythm of the music.
Trinity and Mercedes shared a glance before bursting into laughter. Mercedes handed you back your phone, and you saw the exchanged messages with Jey, along with the pictures showcasing the fun you were having.
"Oh my god, you guys!" you exclaimed, a mix of surprise and amusement on your face. "That's… that's something."
Trinity leaned in with a sly grin. "Consider it payback for the drama he put you through on TV. He needs to learn a lesson in trust."
You couldn't help but join in their laughter. It was a playful revenge, and for the moment, it felt satisfying to turn the tables, even if just a little. the tables, even if just a little. The night continued with more dancing, laughter, and the occasional cheeky glance at your phone to see if there were any more messages from Jey or the others.
As the hours passed, the drinks kept flowing, and the atmosphere became more carefree. You felt a little bit more than buzzed, which opened the conversation to more personal topics. Trinity, being the perceptive friend she was, looked at you with a knowing smile.
"Okay princess, only took a few drinks to finally get the old you." Trinity teased, nudging you playfully.
"What do you mean?" You asked, feeling a mix of curiosity and apprehension at Trinity's knowing smile.
Trinity chuckled, her eyes sparkling mischievously. "Oh, come on, Y/N. You know exactly what I mean. When's the last time we even talked without you being wrapped up in your own head or stressing over Bloodline drama?"
You couldn't help but chuckle at Trinity's blunt assessment. She had a way of cutting through the facade and getting straight to the point. "Fair point," you admitted, taking a sip of your drink. "I guess I've been a little… preoccupied lately."
Mercedes raised a brow, her expression thoughtful. "Preoccupied is an understatement, honey. You've been practically living and breathing the Bloodline drama. You barely even remembered how to relax and have fun until tonight."
Liv leaned against your shoulder, her voice gentle but firm. "Babe, she's right. We missed you, and you are just starting to come back to yourself again. We've all noticed how much you've been carrying on your shoulders lately. It's like you forgot how to be yourself outside of the Bloodline."
You sighed, feeling a pang of guilt wash over you. They were right, of course. The weight of the Bloodline had consumed your thoughts and emotions, leaving little room for anything else. "I know," you admitted, your voice tinged with regret. "I guess I just… I don't know how to balance it all anymore."
Trinity felt a pang of sympathy seeing you struggle with the weight of your responsibilities. She reached out, placing a comforting hand on your arm. She knew how Roman could be, how he had a way of consuming the lives of those around him with his ambitions and demands.
You saw all 3 of your friends exchange a look with each other, and you furrowed your brow, curious about the silent communication passing between them.
Mercedes took a deep breath, her gaze steady as she met your eyes. "Y/N, we love you, and we've always supported your career and your dreams. But… maybe it's time to start thinking about what you want for yourself, outside of the Bloodline."
Your eyes widened in surprise at Mercedes' words. It was a sentiment you had heard before, but coming from your closest friends, it held a different weight. "What do you mean?" you asked, your voice tinged with uncertainty.
Trinity nodded, her expression serious yet gentle. "Look, tonight was the first time in almost 2 years that you allowed yourself to let go and have fun without worrying about the Bloodline. And look at how happy you were," she pointed out, gesturing to your beaming smile. "You deserve to have more moments like this, Y/N. Moments where you can just be yourself, free from the weight of expectations and obligations."
Your eyes were slightly glassy as Trinity's words sank in, stirring up a whirlwind of emotions within you. For so long, you had been conditioned to prioritize the Bloodline above all else, to suppress your own desires and aspirations in service to Roman's ambitions. You didnt realize how you were acting: this depressed, closed-off version of yourself wasn't the real you. And it took the perspective of your friends to make you see it.
"I… I don't know how to do that," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. The idea of breaking away from the Bloodline, of pursuing your own happiness and fulfillment, felt simultaneously exhilarating and terrifying.
Liv wrapped an arm around your shoulder, offering you a reassuring squeeze. "It's just that, seeing you with this little spark in your eyes again, Y/N," she said, her voice soft and encouraging. "It's like… you've been hiding behind this facade for so long, and tonight, it feels like you're finally starting to break free from it." Ever since you started hanging out with Sami while you and Jey were on tough terms, is what Liv wanted to say, but she refrained from bringing up Sami's name, sensing that it might complicate the conversation.
Trinity nodded in agreement, her expression filled with determination. "We're not saying you have to leave the Bloodline, Y/N. We just want you to remember who you are outside of it. You deserve to pursue your own happiness, whatever that may look like."
Mercedes slid you a fruity drink that she knew would help you relax, offering you a comforting smile. "And it starts with this. Drink up, babe. Tonight, we celebrate you. Tomorrow, we start figuring out what comes next."
You took the drink from Mercedes, feeling a mix of gratitude and apprehension swirling within you. It was a daunting prospect, to consider carving out a life for yourself outside of the Bloodline. But as you looked around at your friends, their unwavering support shining in their eyes, you felt a flicker of hope stirring within you.
"Okay," you said, a tentative smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "Okay, let's do this."
And with that, you raised your glass in a silent toast to the future, to the possibility of rediscovering yourself and finding happiness beyond the confines of the Bloodline. As the music pulsed around you and laughter filled the air, you allowed yourself to believe that maybe, just maybe, there was a brighter path waiting for you on the other side.
Could you really see a path without Roman, or better yet, without Jey? (Or Sami, for that matter?)
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"So, spill the tea, Y/N. What's going on between you and Jey? And don't give me the 'it's complicated' nonsense. I want details." Trinity asked after the four of you were considerably drunk, and lounging in the celebrity area of the bar, gossiping about your lives.
Liv had started a farm with her boyfriend, Mercedes was going to Stardom and walking fashion shows, and Trinity was killing it in Impact and telling hot stories from Impact's locker room. Unbeknownst to you, your phone kept going off with calls and messages, but Mercedes made sure to turn it off and make you promise to keep it locked in your pocked for the rest of the night.
You sighed, feeling a mix of emotions. The alcohol had certainly loosened your inhibitions, and you decided to share a bit of the turmoil you'd been experiencing.
"It's just… he's been jealous of Sami ever since he's tried to join the Bloodline. And I honestly don't even know why he's jealous. It's not like there's anything between Sami and me. Jey's just letting Roman's expectations mess with his head, and it's affecting us. I can't deal with the constant questioning and doubt." You poured another round of drinks for the table, needing the liquid courage to open up further.
Mercedes sipped her drinking, deciding whether or not to ask you her question. You saw the look on her face and raised an eyebrow, prompting her to go ahead.
"You and Sami do have some history, though, right?" Mercedes asked, her tone careful. "I mean, there's gotta be a reason Jey's so worked up about it."
You nodded, taking a deep breath. "Yeah, we do have history. We were close friends before he even joined WWE. But it's just that – history. Sami and I have always been just friends. And yeah sure, Sami did kiss me-"
You sighed as all three women reacted to your revelation, their expressions a mix of shock and curiosity. The music continued to pulse in the background, creating a surreal backdrop to the unfolding conversation.
Liv was the first to respond, her eyes wide. "Wait, Sami kissed you? And you're wondering why Jey is so worked up?"
You nodded, feeling a bit exposed but also relieved to finally share this part of your past with your friends. "I know, I know! But hear me out…"
"This better be good," Trinity chimed in, her eyes focused on you as she took a sip of her drink.
You took another deep breath before continuing. "It happened a while ago. Sami was going through a tough time, and in a moment of vulnerability, he kissed me. I immediately made it clear that we were just friends, and nothing more ever happened between us. Jey knows about it, and he knows it wasn't something I reciprocated. But for some reason, he can't seem to let it go."
Mercedes leaned back, processing the information. "And did Sami ever apologize for that? Or clarify things with Jey?"
You sighed, a mix of frustration and understanding in your voice. "Yeah, he did. Sami apologized to both of us, and he made it clear that it was a mistake on his part. But Jey… I don't know. It's like he's holding onto it as this big betrayal, and it's driving a wedge between us."
Trinity shook her head, a disapproving look on her face. "That's on Jey, then. If Sami owned up to his mistake and you've made it clear where you stand, Jey needs to get over it. It's not fair to keep bringing it up and using it against you."
Liv, who had been quietly listening, finally spoke up. "I get where Jey is coming from, but if he's still bitching about something that happened in the past, especially when both you and Sami have clarified it, then it's a problem. He needs to move past it and open up about it and stop holding onto resentment or you need to boot his ass to the curb. You don't deserve to be constantly questioned and doubted, especially if you've been honest and upfront about everything."
You appreciated the support from your friends. The alcohol, the dancing, and the candid conversation were all contributing to a sense of liberation. You felt a weight lifting off your shoulders, and for the first time in days, you could see a way forward.
"You guys are right," you admitted, a determined glint in your eyes.
"We are always right." Mercedes added with a playful smirk, and the four of you burst into laughter again.
"But… do you have feelings for Sami?" Trinity asked, her expression serious as she looked into your eyes.
You hesitated for a moment, contemplating your feelings. The atmosphere in the bar, the support from your friends, and the alcohol-induced courage encouraged you to be honest.
"I… no." You couldn't lie to yourself, and the honesty spilled out. "We used to be close. But we realized we're better off as friends. I care about him a lot, but I don't have romantic feelings for him anymore. Jey knows this, or at least he should." Even through the alcohol induced haze, you knew better than to reveal such personal details without some level of caution. There were things about your relationship with Sami that no one would know, and you weren't ready to share those intricacies.
Trinity nodded, seeming satisfied with your response. "Well, as long as you're clear about your feelings, and you've communicated that to Jey, he needs to respect it. If he can't trust you and let go of the past, then it's his loss."
Mercedes squeezed your hand, her touch conveying solidarity. "Exactly. You deserve someone who trusts and respects you. If Jey can't provide that, then maybe Sami is right, and he doesn't fully understand what he has."
You took a swing of is right, and your drink, appreciating the wisdom and support from your friends. The night had turned into more than just a distraction; it became a catalyst for clarity and self-realization.
"Thanks, guys," you said, your voice sincere. "I needed this. I needed to step back and see things more clearly. And you're right. If Jey can't trust me and keeps holding onto the past, then maybe it's time for a serious conversation or a decision."
Liv grinned, giving you a playful nudge. "That's the spirit! You're a badass, and you deserve someone who sees that and appreciates it."
Trinity raised her glass, a smile on her lips. "To badass women who know their worth and aren't afraid to demand the respect they deserve."
The four of you clinked your glasses together, the sound echoing in the bustling bar. In that moment, surrounded by the support and love of your friends, you felt empowered and ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.
Unbenwonst to you you accidentally dialed Sami's umber while fumbling with your phone. The loud music and the lively atmosphere of the bar made it difficult to notice the call connecting. As your friends continued to share laughs and words of encouragement, your phone rested on the table, unknowingly broadcasting the sounds of the bar to Sami.
On the other end of the line, Sami's phone rested on a table in his hotel room. He had been going through a mental replay of the match against Kevin and the events leading up to it. The tension within the Bloodline was palpable, and Sami couldn't shake the frustration of being used as a pawn in Roman's power play.
Suddenly, he heard the familiar sounds of a bustling bar, laughter, and clinking glasses. Confused, he picked up his phone, noticing the ongoing call with you. He brought the device closer, listening intently.
At first, he wasn't sure what he was hearing, but as the background noise became clearer, he realized he was unintentionally eavesdropping on your conversation with your friends. Sami's curiosity got the better of him, and he hesitated for a moment before deciding to continue listening.
"You and Sami are real close… huh?" Liv's teasing voice echoed through the phone, and Sami's eyebrows furrowed as he focused on the conversation.
You let out an airy giggle, taking another shot and letting the alcohol fuel your candidness. "Yeah, we were." Sami heard something shift before he heard Liv's voice again. "No offense but the two of ya'll seemed perfect for each other. What happened?"
Sami's heart skipped a beat, his mind racing as he continued to eavesdrop unintentionally. The revelation about your history with him was unexpected, and he couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions.
You sighed, the alcohol loosening your tongue. "You promise not to tell anyone? Not even Trin or Cedes?" It seemed like Trinity and Mercedes weren't aware of the details you were about to share, and Sami's curiosity intensified.
"Cross my heart," Liv assured, her tone serious.
You took a deep breath, the honesty pouring out. "We dated. It was way before I even met Jey. Everyone kept telling us we had chemistry and that we should give it a shot. He confessed after I won the ROH title, I gave him a shot, and one thing led to another."
"And then what happened, girl?!?"
A pause. And then you continued.
"Then in the morning, we started dating. We took it slow, and everything was fine. But then Kevin got in his head when they were feuding. Told him that he needed to focus on his career and that being with me was a distraction. Sami started questioning what we had, and got insecure about it. I tried to assure him, but he started pulling away. Eventually, we both realized it wasn't working, and I broke it off with him." It seemed like there was more you wanted to say, but you bit your lip and refrained from spilling even more.
You took a sip of your drink, and there was a moment of silence on the other end of the line. Sami's mind was racing, processing the unexpected revelation. The raw honesty in your voice sent a wave of emotions through him, and he couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for the way things had unfolded between you two, but grateful that you hadn't revealed the full truth.
"But then we kept having the same chemistry, and he would look at me like he couldn't resist me, and I couldn't resist him either. It became this on-again, off-again thing for a while, and it was messing with my head. I cared about him a lot, but it was so damn complicated. But we stayed best friends, and then I left him behind for the Bloodline… and now Jey has this insecurity about Sami because of Roman's expectations," you continued, your voice carrying the weight of the past.
On the other end of the line, Sami's mind was a whirlwind of emotions. Guilt, regret, and a tinge of sadness gripped him as he listened to your candid confession. The history you shared with him suddenly unfolded in a way he hadn't fully understood before.
"And now, Jey can't seem to let go of the fact that Sami kissed me once. Even though we've moved past that, he keeps bringing it up!" Your voice broke out into a cry, and he imagined that Liv was giving you comforting words, trying to soothe the emotional turmoil you were experiencing.
"Shh, it's okay," Liv's voice came through the phone, offering comfort.
"I… I loved him, Liv." He heard Liv whispering words of support and understanding. "But he left me!"
"And now you need to focus on you, on what makes you happy, and on what you deserve," Liv replied, her voice filled with conviction. "You're a strong, independent woman, Y/N, and you don't need anyone who doesn't see your worth."
He heard your sniffles and the distant sounds of the bar, realizing that he was intruding on an intimate and vulnerable moment." Let's get back to the table, enjoy the night, and deal with all of this tomorrow when we're not drowning in alcohol and emotions, okay babe?"
As Liv led you back to the table, the background noise shifted, and Sami could hear the muffled voices of Trinity and Mercedes. The conversation continued, but he made a conscious decision to end the unintentional eavesdropping. Sami hesitated for a moment, then pressed the button to end the call, setting his phone down on the table.
Did you really love Sami once upon a time? A part of Sami felt a mix of emotions—surprise, regret, and a sense of longing. The raw honesty in your voice had stirred something within him, and he found himself grappling with the realization that your history ran deeper than he had initially understood.
He looked at his phone, where Jey was messaging him.
"Sami, I know yo dumbass knows where she is. Tell me."
Sami's eyes narrowed as he read Jey's messages. The tension within the Bloodline seemed to be reaching new heights, and he found himself caught in the middle of it all. Sami debated how to respond, considering the newfound insights he unintentionally gained into your past with him.
He hesitated before sending the message, aware that his words might not sit well with Jey. Sami couldn't shake the sense of responsibility he felt toward you, knowing that you deserved better than the constant questioning and doubts. Yet, he also understood the complex dynamics within the Bloodline and the potential repercussions of taking sides.
What did he want to do? He wanted to be the guy for you. The guy that understood you, supported you, and cherished you. He wanted to hold your hand through the turmoil, be the one you turned to in moments of vulnerability, and prove that he could be the pillar of support you needed. But he fucked up, and he needed to face the consequences. He wasn't glad you didn't tell Liv the full extent of your history with him.
Taking a deep breath, Sami typed a response to Jey.
"I don't know where she is, Jey. Maybe you should give her some space. It's not my place to meddle in your relationship.You're the one who said I need to stay out of your business, so that's what I am gonna do.Good luck finding her."
The tension within the Bloodline had reached a boiling point, and Sami couldn't ignore the weight of the decisions and revelations that had unfolded.  His mind was a swirl of conflicting emotions – regret, guilt, longing, and a sense of responsibility for how this all went down.
Then he  shut off his phone, and prayed that he could get over you. Sami needed to talk to you, to clarify his own feelings and perhaps offer support if you were ready to accept it, but it wouldn't be tonight. 
Then he went to sleep, and hoped that he made the right decision. 
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You were wobbling on your heels of your shoes as you walked back into the hotel lobby.  The four of you had gotten an uber, and they said bye to you with hugs, kisses and smiles, heading their separate ways for the night. The vibrant energy of the bar and the support of your friends had provided a temporary escape, but now reality was seeping back in.
As you entered the hotel elevator, and went up to your floor, you couldn't shake off the mix of emotions swirling within you. The alcohol-induced courage that allowed you to open up to your friends about your relationship struggles was now replaced with a sense of vulnerability.
The elevator doors opened, and you stumbled slightly as you made your way down the hallway to your room. The weight of the revelations and the emotional rollercoaster of the night began to take its toll.
You fumbled with the key card, but it beeped, indicating that it wans't working. You huffed as you tried again and again, but it wouldn't budge.
It wasn't until the 5th time you tried that the door swung open, and you almost fell had it not been for the arms that caught you just in time. A familiar voice spoke, filled with concern.
"Y/N, what are you doing? Easy there," Sami's voice was a steady presence, and his arms wrapped around you to steady you. The scent of his cologne and the warmth of his embrace felt both comforting and disorienting.
You looked up, your eyes meeting Sami's. The dim light in the hallway highlighted the worry etched on his face. His arms steadied you as you regained your balance.
"S-Sami?" you stammered, surprised by his sudden appearance. Your vision was a bit blurry, and the alcohol had made you more unsteady on your feet than you realized.
"Yeah, it's me," he replied, guiding you into the room and closing the door behind you. The dim lighting in the hotel room revealed the aftermath of your earlier emotional journey – makeup smuged, and your hair was slightly tousled from the night's activities. Sami led you to the bed, helping you sit down.
"Are you okay?" he asked, genuine concern in his eyes.
"Is this not my room?" you mumbled, still a bit disoriented.
Sami chuckled softly, his fingers gently brushing strands of hair away from your face. "No, it's not. The constant beeping in my room woke me up, and when I opened the door, I found you struggling with your key card."
You let out a small giggle, the alcohol still affecting your senses. "Oops. My bad."
Sami shook his head at your antics, a fond smile playing on his lips. You looked at him and could see the tiredness on his face, and your expression changed from giggly to serious in less than a second. "I-Im sorry that I woke you up!" Tears formed in your eyes as you felt a rush of emotions. The events of the night, the revelations, and the emotional rollercoaster had left you feeling vulnerable and raw.
Sami's heart dropped as he watched you cry, his concern deepening. He knelt down in front of you, his hand gently cupping your cheek.
"Hey, hey, it's okay. Don't cry." He said softly, his voice filled with reassurance. He wiped away a tear with his thumb, his touch gentle against your skin. The vulnerability in your eyes tugged at something within him, a mix of regret and the desire to offer comfort.
"I'm not mad that you woke me up. Are you okay?" Sami asked, his tone soft and caring.
You nodded, sniffing and wiping away more tears. "I just... it's been a lot tonight, you know? The girls and the drinks and... everything." The emotions that you had kept at bay for most of the night now threatened to overwhelm you. "Did Jey ask you where I was?"
Sami nodded, his expression serious. "Yeah, he did. He's worried about you."
You sighed, looking down at your hands. "I was just hanging with the girls, and-" You hiccuped- "To forget that me and Jey were fighting." Your eyes went teary again, and Sami's heart sank as he listened to your words. "But I just feel worse." 
You peered up at him, and the tension between the two of you was palpable. Sami could sense the emotional turmoil within you, and a part of him longed to be the one to ease that pain. "Why does everyone keep questioning me? Why can't they just trust me?" you whispered, the vulnerability in your voice tearing at Sami's heart.
Sami sighed, his thumb gently tracing circles on your cheek. "People make mistakes, Y/N. Sometimes, they let their insecurities and doubts cloud their judgment. It's not a reflection of you. You're strong, and you deserve trust and respect."
You leaned into his touch, appreciating the comfort he offered. The emotional exhaustion of the night was catching up with you, and Sami's presence provided a sense of solace.
You started giggling, which made Sami smile in response. "What's so funny?" he asked, genuinely curious.
You wiped away another tear, chuckling softly. "Y'know, Liv asked me why Jey is so jealous of you, and I told her that *hiccup* we used to be real close, if you know what I mean." You looked at Sami with a tipsy grin, your words slightly slurred.
Sami's eyes widened slightly, surprised by your confession. The tipsy honesty in your words sent a shiver down Sami's spine. He wasn't prepared for this revelation, and the complexity of your history together suddenly became more apparent. He wondered how much Liv knew, how much she understood about the dynamics between you and him.
He remained silent, allowing you to continue. "And she told me that we seemed perfect for each other. And I started thinking, maybe we were. But then... Kevin got in your head, and you started questioning everything." You sighed, the alcohol making the words spill out more freely than you had intended.
Sami's expression shifted, a mix of regret and understanding. "I messed up, Y/N. I let the pressure get to me, and I let Kevin's words affect us. I should have trusted you."
You looked at him, your gaze sincere. "But you will always listen to Kevin, won't you? You'll always try not to hurt the people you care about, even if it means hurting yourself," you said, the alcohol making your words a bit more candid.
Sami sighed, his eyes meeting yours. "I made a mistake, and I let it affect our friendship. But that doesn't mean I'll always choose loyalty over the people I care about." He placed his hand on your shoulder, his touch gentle yet firm. "Loyalty means nothing when you 're hurting the ones you love. I've learned that the hard way."
You nodded, a mix of emotions swirling within you. You looked at Sami, your eyes searching his for sincerity. The vulnerability in Sami's eyes mirrored your own, and for a moment, the weight of the past seemed to hang between you two.
Unlike Jey, he made his loyalty clear, but not at the expense of hurting those he cared about. The stark contrast made you realize the complexities of the relationships within the Bloodline. Sami's admission struck a chord, and you could see the genuine remorse in his eyes.
"I told her about us, Sami. About everything. And how Jey is so hung up on that one kiss, and it's like... it's like it's haunting us. Like it's this dark cloud that won't go away," you confessed, your voice trembling.
You tugged on your dress strap, making sure it was still in place. Sami watched as you adjusted your dress, his eyes never leaving yours. The weight of your words lingered in the air, and Sami could sense the depth of the emotions you were experiencing. He remained silent, absorbing your confession and trying to find the right words to respond.
"I just don't know how to fix things anymore," you continued, your voice filled with a mix of frustration and sadness. The vulnerability in your eyes resonated with Sami, and he felt a strong desire to provide comfort and support.
Sami took a deep breath, his gaze unwavering. You felt your skin prickle with the intensity of his stare. "Start by talking to him. C'mon, I'll take you to your room, and tomorrow you can have an honest conversation with Jey. Lay everything out on the table, Y/N. The misunderstandings, the insecurities, the mistakes. If you both care about each other, you owe it to yourselves to try and find a way through this."
Sami's words were sincere, and you could sense the genuine concern in his eyes. Despite the complexities of your history, there was an underlying friendship that neither of you could deny. His advice resonated with you, and a sense of determination flickered within.
You nodded, wiping away the last of your tears. Sami extended a hand to you, offering support. You hesitated for a moment before taking his hand, and he helped you stand up.
The room swayed a bit, but Sami's steadying presence anchored you. He let you lean on him as he led you towards the door. The hallway lights blurred as you walked, and Sami kept a protective arm around you.
"Thanks, Sami," you said, your voice a bit more composed. "I appreciate your honesty and, well, being here."
Sami smiled warmly, his hand still on your shoulder. "Anytime, Y/N. Friends help each other through tough times." The word friend made his heart hurt, but he pushed aside his own feelings, focusing on being there for you in this moment of vulnerability.
As you reached your room, Sami stopped and faced you. "You got this, okay? Tomorrow is a new day, and you can work things out. Just be honest and true to yourself. He's a hothead, but he cares about you. Sometimes, he just needs things spelled out clearly." 
He also knew Roman would have his head if you and Jey didn't work things out. He assigned his 'Honorary Uce' to look out for you, and Sami took that responsibility seriously.
You nodded, a small smile playing on your lips. "Thanks, Sami. I'll do my best."
Sami returned the smile, giving your shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "That's the spirit. Take care, okay?"
You smiled up at him, like the stars in the night sky were in his orbs, a mix of emotions twinkling in your eyes. The tension between you was as prominent as ever, and you could practically taste the anticipation in the air. 
Sami was staring down at you, his gaze lingering for a moment longer than usual. The unspoken words hung between you two, a silent acknowledgment of the shared history and the emotions that had surfaced during this unexpected encounter. 
"You're a really good friend, you know that?'" You smiled at him, the lingering words between you and Sami hanging in the air. The atmosphere shifted, and there was a palpable tension.
The alcohol made you way more honest, but you were aware that you should snap out of whatever was building between you and Sami. You needed to focus on resolving things with Jey, not getting entangled in another emotional web. Sami's eyes softened as he looked at you, a mixture of emotions playing on his face.
Sami cleared his throat, his expression becoming more guarded. "I try my best," he replied, his voice a bit quieter.
You gave him a small nod, still feeling the weight of the emotional exchange. "Well, goodnight, Sami. And thanks again," you said, stepping into your room.
"Goodnight, Y/N. Take care," Sami replied, offering a final reassuring smile before turning away and heading back to his room.
As you closed the door behind you, the events of the night swirled in your mind. The encounter with Sami added an unexpected layer to the already complex emotions you were dealing with. You took a deep breath, reminding yourself of Sami's advice to have an honest conversation with Jey. The challenges ahead seemed daunting, but with newfound determination, you were ready to face them.
Wargames was tomorrow, but you had never felt less prepared for the battles both inside and outside the ring. The emotional turmoil had taken a toll on you, and as you changed into more comfortable clothes, you couldn't help but replay the night's events in your mind.
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Unbeknownst to you, Sami had run into Kevin in the hotel hallway as he made his way back to his room. He internally rolled his eyes at the sight of Kevin, a reminder of the tangled web of emotions and conflicts that had affected your relationship with Jey. Kevin, sensing Sami's presence, turned to face him with a sympathetic look on his face, as if he wasn't gonna go to war with him tomorrow.
"Rough night?" Kevin asked, swiping his card to get a late-night snack from the vending machine.
Sami glared at Kevin, his guard immediately up. "You're one to talk."
Kevin chuckled, paying for his snack and turning to face Sami. "Look Sami, I don't know what Roman told you to get you this brainwashed as his 'Honorary Uce,' but you're treading on thin ice. Y/N deserves better, and you know it."
Sami's jaw clenched at Kevin's words, a surge of frustration bubbling within him. The history and tensions between Kevin and himself were as intricate as the web of emotions surrounding your relationships with Jey and Sami.
"Stay out of it, Kevin. You don't know anything," Sami retorted, his tone sharp.
Kevin raised an eyebrow, a sly smile playing on his lips. "Oh, I know more than you think. And I know I might have hurt you in the past-"
"Might have?' Kevin rolled his eyes at Sami, continuing. "Okay, I did. But I have never treated you like a second class citizen, Sami. Remember that when Roman has you picking up his dry cleaning," Kevin said, his tone a mixture of mockery and seriousness.
Sami's fists clenched at his sides, his frustration with Kevin palpable. He took a step closer, the tension between them escalating. "They are a family to each other, Kevin. Something you wouldn't understand. And I'm not doing this for Roman. I'm doing it for her, for Y/N-" Sami realized he said too much, his words hanging in the air. Kevin's eyes narrowed, processing Sami's slip of the tongue.
"And what do you think Roman is gonna do when he finds out how to use her against you? When he realizes you've gotten too close? You think he won't manipulate her to get what he wants?" Kevin's words cut through the tension, his gaze unwavering.
Sami's jaw tightened, and he shot back, "I'm not afraid of Roman. And Y/N is smarter than that."
Kevin scoffed, shaking his head. "The same one that went back to Jey after you, right? The same one that's caught in the crossfire of your loyalty to Roman? You're naive if you think Roman won't use that against you." Kevin stepped closer to Sami, their faces inches apart. The air was thick with tension, both men locked in a silent battle of wills.
"I don't need your advice, Kevin. You're not exactly a beacon of successful relationships," Sami spat, his voice low and controlled.
Kevin's smirk faded, replaced by a more serious expression. "At least I'm not letting the love of my life get hurt by a guy who will always pick his family over someone like her. Open your eyes, Sami. Roman might be your 'family,' but he won't hesitate to throw you under the bus if it serves him."
Sami's nostrils flared, and he clenched his fists, the intensity of the confrontation escalating. Kevin's words struck a nerve, awakening doubts and fears that Sami had tried to bury. The complexity of his loyalty to Roman and the tangled emotions involving you and Jey seemed to tighten its grip on him.
Kevin watched the emotions play out on Sami's face, each one revealing a different layer of the internal struggle. Despite their history, Kevin's words managed to penetrate Sami's defenses, sparking a seed of doubt in his mind.
"Jey is a snake, just like his piece of shit cousin. It might not be today, it may not be tomorrow, but eventually Roman will finish using Y/N and ask Jey to be the one to put her down. And what will he do?" Kevin's face was inches away from Sami's, filled with a mix of bitterness and concern.
Sami's mind raced, processing the weight of Kevin's words. The hallway seemed to close in around them as they stood locked in a silent battle of ideologies. "He will betray her, follow orders like a loyal dog, and leave her broken. And you will wondering if you could have done something to prevent it," Kevin concluded, his words hanging in the air.
Sami's gaze bore into Kevin's, a storm of conflicting emotions raging within him. The hallway was eerily silent, the tension between them almost tangible. Sami took a deep breath, trying to push aside the doubts and fears that Kevin's words had stirred.
"You don't know anything about my relationship with Roman, and you certainly don't know anything about Y/N and Jey," Sami retorted, his voice firm.
Kevin chuckled, a bitter edge to the sound. "I know that you have this kind of pull on Y/N that goes beyond friendship. I've seen the way she looks at you, the way you look at her. You may think you're doing the right thing, but you're just setting yourself up for heartbreak. And for what? Roman's approval? A place in his so-called family?"
Sami's expression hardened, a mixture of frustration and inner turmoil. Kevin's words were like a relentless assault on his convictions. The internal conflict reached a boiling point, and Sami's response was laced with a raw honesty.
"I don't need your approval or anyone else's. I'm doing what I think is right," Sami declared, his voice resolute.
Kevin shook his head, a disappointed sigh escaping his lips. "You're blinded by loyalty, Sami. It's gonna cost you more than you realize." He grabbed the food from the vending machine, before turning back to Sami, and Sami paused.
The confrontation in the hotel hallway had reached its peak, both men standing their ground with a shared history and conflicting loyalties. Sami realized that this Kevin was nothing he ever faced. He wasn't angry. He wasn't trying to tear Sami down with insults or physical threats. He was genuinly concerned, and it struck a chord with Sami.
"Tomorrow, you have the choice to either blindly follow orders and be a pawn in Roman's game or to bring both you and Y/N out of this mess." Kevin said, his tone more somber now. "If you leave, she'll realize that the Bloodline is not worth the sacrifice, and you'll get your girl back, our best fried back.  If you stay, you'll be dragged down with her when Roman decides she's expendable. And I won't be there to pick up the pieces. The choice is yours."
 Kevin's words lingered in the air, the weight of his advice settling on Sami's shoulders, and his gaze even more probing. With that, Kevin walked away, leaving Sami standing alone in the hotel hallway, wrestling with the internal turmoil sparked by their confrontation.
Sami took a deep breath, his mind racing as he tried to process the complex web of emotions and loyalties that surrounded him. The encounter with Kevin had shaken him to the core, forcing him to confront the potential consequences of his choices. The loyalty to Roman, the complicated history with you, and the growing realization of the impact on his own happiness all collided in his mind.
Should he listen to Kevin? Should he betray the Tribal Chief in the heat of battle so he could salvage his relationship/friendship with you? Should he risk everything for a chance at a different future? Should he ignore Kevin and stay true to the Bloodline, even if it meant sacrificing his own happiness and potentially hurting you by Roman using one of you as a pawn to get the other in line? He didn't know what he was gonna do. 
But he knew one thing.
He had to choose between you, Roman, and Kevin. And he didn't know which one would be the right path to take. Each option seemed to carry its own set of risks and consequences, and Sami found himself torn between his loyalty to Roman, his feelings for you, and the warnings Kevin had presented.
But no matter what... tomorrow, he needed to be prepared for war.
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abadbitchblogs · 6 months
🌸 WIP ask game 🌸
Rules: Share the document titles for your 10 latest WIPs, then send me a number or title (if you'd like!). I'll share a snippet and I'll add at least 100 words to my WIP.
The Attorney Zilla Fatu x OC
Master Solo Sikoa x OC
Roman Reigns Must Die Roman Reigns x OC
America’s Most Wanted The Bloodline x OC
Puppy Love Sami Zayn x OC
Training Day Bron Breakker x OC
Slide Jey Uso x OC
Be Our Guest Jimmy Uso x Naomi x OC
Dulces Suenos Damian Priest x OC
 Top of the Top Rhea Ripley x OC
a/n: I know I’m a whole week late, but I’m back in my bag y’all! Thank y’all for sticking with ya girl! Thank you @whatdoeseverybodywant and @wrestlingprincess80 for the tag 💞
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bookuce · 4 months
Fools Rush In (Roman Reigns)
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SUMMARY: Nessa wasn’t looking for love, neither was Joe, but when you know, you know. Isn’t it funny how fate work?
*DISCLAIMER: This is a multi-part series. I do not own any of the characters in the writing except for the OCs. The book uses actual names of wrestlers. Josh is Jey, Jon is Jimmy, Trinity is Naomi, Joe is Roman. The book is not realistic and does not take place during real events, but some actual events (matches, storylines) could pop up in the story eventually. I DO NOT GIVE ANYONE PERMISSION TO TRANSLATE OR REPOST MY WRITINGS ANYWHERE. THAAAAAANKS. *
PAIRING: Roman Reigns x Black OC
TROPE: Love At First Sight
It was supposed to be a Girls’ Night for Nessa and Isabel. The plan was dinner and a movie, but now they wanted drinks. So they found themselves in a popular nightclub here in Miami. They approached the well-lit bar, their eyes visually drinking up the mountain of alcohol in front of them. “So,” Nessa breathes. “What do you want? The first round is on me.” The brunette turns her attention to her best friend. Her fingers excitedly tap the counter. “Are we feeling darks or clears?” She presses.
“Yes,” Isabel answers with a breathy laugh.
“Girl, I can’t drink like that anymore.” Nessa giggles. The statement wasn’t far from the truth. The last time she mixed her liquors, she woke up to potentially blackmailing videos on her phone. Never again. Nessa hums softly, flipping her dark hair over her shoulder. “Let’s play it safe with clears. Vodka?” She asks. Isabel grimaces.
“Tequila?” She answers with a question.
They exchange stares in silence for a moment before putting their fists out. They shake them four times. “Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!” They say in unison, throwing out different hand gestures. Nessa’s fist remains tight while Isabel’s hand is open. Paper beats rock.
“Lo siento, mi amor!” She exclaims while closing her hand around Nessa’s fist. “Maybe next time.” She turns her attention toward the bartender passing off shots to some nearby clubbers. “Two shots of Teremana, please!” The bartender nods at her request and turns to grab the bottle from the alcohol mountain. “With lime,” she adds with a smile. “Yeah.” she nods slightly.
Nessa shakes her head at the petite Latina. It was never a dull moment with her lively best friend. She turns over her left shoulder to grab her wallet from her back pocket but is halted by dark eyes watching her a few feet down. A smirk curls onto the lips of this bearded man once caught. Anxiety would rush through Nessa’s veins like electricity, causing slight chest pains for her.
Oh, he is handsome, she thought.
The bar lights lit his features well, the shadows chiseling out his bone structure. His hair laid against his head flat, pulled up into a bun, the sides shaved. He looks groomed—at least from here, he did.
“Ness,” Isabel calls, snapping Nessa out of the trance she was in.
The distracted woman turns her attention back to her friend, forgetting all about grabbing her wallet. “Yeah?” She asks. Isabel gestures towards the two shots in front of her. The bartender standing before them waited impatiently for a payment. “Oh shit, sorry.” She mutters, reaching into her back pocket for her wallet. A tan hand appears in front of her, a black credit card between two large fingers.
“Put it on my tab.” A deep voice says right above her ear. “I have their drinks all night.” He adds. The bartender eyed the black card in the man’s hand before taking it.
“What’s the name?” She asks.
“Joe.” He answers. Just as Nessa turns to look at the man, he lowers his hand for her to shake. “Nice to meet you.” He says to her with a half-grin. Behind her, she could hear the sounds of approval from her best friend at the tall man.
Ness takes the warm hand, shaking it slightly. His hands were rough, a sure indication of a hardworking man. She now wonders what he does. Construction? Maybe. Architect? Possibly. “Vanessa—Nessa for short.” She says finally. He presses his lips into a thin grin and nods his head once at her.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Nessa.” He says, opting for the shorter version of her name. Mentally, she was happy he did. She preferred it over her full name. She felt more like a Nessa than Vanessa. They would continue to shake hands slightly while gazing at each other, both not realizing that they were still doing it. Isabel would watch them curiously from behind Nessa. She gawked over the man’s size. In height, he towered over her and her friend. She could tell he was very fit. She’s now wondering if he has a regimen he’d be willing to share.
“It’s a pleasure,” Nessa says, finally looking away from the chocolate-brown eyes that entranced her. Her eyes find their hands still wrapped around each other’s, and she drops it. She would peer up at him from the side, noticing his eyes still on her. Her heart began to soar at the sight. My, this man was overwhelmingly attractive.
“Thank you for the drinks!” Isabel would say suddenly. Nessa clears her throat and nods.
“Yeah, thanks. You didn’t have to do that.” She says, chiming in.
“Well, I had to find a reason to come over here.” He explains with a shrug. “It’s no problem.” Silence would fall between the pair, causing Nessa to look ahead. She wasn’t too good at talking to men. It was only a matter of time before she said something to chase him off, or he realized she was not what he was looking for—whatever that may be.
“So…” Isabel chimes in. “Joe, what brings you here?”
“My cousins. Nightclubs aren’t really my thing, but they wouldn’t take no for an answer.” He confesses. “What about you two? Here with anyone?” He asks. His second question is for Nessa. Joe hoped to God she wasn’t here with anyone. If she was, his efforts to know her would be in vain.
“It’s a Girl’s Night,” Nessa says, opting out of his second question.
“But are you here with anyone?” He asks, now directly asking her.
Isabel smiled at the interaction, mentally hoping Nessa would take what he was giving. Meeting guys in the club wasn’t the safest idea, but he seemed pretty sober to her. At the moment, she sees no warning lights flashing above his head. “I’m married,” Isabel says, jumping in again. If she could do anything for her best friend right now, it would be to set her up with this fine specimen of a man. She leans into her best friend, nudging her to speak up.
Nessa turns to Isabel briefly, her eyes widening before returning to Joe. “I’m not.” She says finally.
“A lucky guy at all?” He asks.
“Lucky me.” He smiles, revealing perfectly white teeth. “Bartender,” He calls out, waving his hand. The same one that served us earlier approaches us. “Another round for us, please.” He says, whirling his index finger in the air.
Joe spoke with a swagger Nessa had never heard from a man. He radiated so much confidence. If he looks like that, how can you blame him? She’s now cycling through possible professions again. Lawyer, maybe. Doctor, no. Athlete, strong possibility. The poor girl was guessing everything but a serial killer. Nessa would take a glance down at his right hand. No ring, no ring tan. He was an unmarried man himself.
“Lucky girl?” She asks suddenly.
“Hm?” He hums, his thick brows lifting.
“I said, is there a lucky girl?” She repeats, leaning in towards him. Joe looks at her, quickly shaking his head.
“No, not for a little over a year now.” He answers, giving her more info than she was seeking. He reaches down to grab one of the three shots before them. He tosses it down the hatch, his jaw clenching and unclenching at the taste and burn. His last relationship wasn’t one he preferred to talk about. Though he should’ve been mad at his ex, he couldn’t blame anyone but himself. He’s gone most of the year; who’d want to stay with someone they barely see?
“Are you from here?” She asks.
“No, I’m from Pensacola.” And there it was. Joe was from another city. One that happened to be six hundred miles away from here. He was here for vacation, here for fun. She was not interested in that. “What about you?”
“I’m local.” She breathed, her shoulders shrugging as she spoke. “Been here my entire life.” She adds now reaching to grab her shot. She tosses it back slowly, her eyes closing slightly. She places the glass on the counter.
“Look,” She says suddenly. “I’m sure you’re a great guy and all, and I really hate to assume, but I’m not looking for a hookup.” She looks around. “Especially here.” She looks at him with a shake of her head. “Not a smart idea.”
Joe’s eyes venture away from her face, his eyes now on the bar counter. His large fingers would curl against the surface while he chose his words. “I understand.” He says, nodding. He lifts his hand, his palm up and open. “I’m not much of—of a hookup person myself.” He explains looking over at her. “I barely know how to do that kind of stuff—the pickup lines and whatnot.” He explains, leaning towards her slightly.
“Right,” Nessa nods.
“My cousins tried to teach me, but I’m not really feeling it, you know what I mean? I’ve never been one to do that.” He was now rambling, his anxiety starting to spike. Maybe he shouldn’t have come out. He can already hear Jon and Josh teasing him for not being able to pick up women. It should come easy to him with the way he looked, but how he looked and who he was were two completely different people. He stops himself, a slow blink to follow while he gathers himself. Just talk, Joe, he thinks. He takes a breath. “I just figured I’d come over and introduce myself, maybe find a reason to come back to this place. Miami is a bit scary after a certain hour with all of the…colorful people.” She chuckles at that, receiving a grin from him in return. Maybe he was winning her over again. “Maybe I can get your number instead?” He proposes.
Nessa watches him for a moment, her eyes searching for ill intent she’d never find. He did seem like a sweet guy; at least she was hoping he was. Isabel was staring a hole in the back of Nessa’s head. Surely this woman has some sense. If she didn’t give this man her number, she was going to give her a piece of her mind after (and maybe sneak her number to him behind her back).
“Uh,” Nessa starts.
“Perra, dale tu número.” Isabel hisses, pinching her side. Nessa shrinks away from the pinch, looking back at her friend who was glaring at her.
“Sure, why not.” She says, looking at Joe. A large smile would spread across his face as he fished his phone out of his coat pocket. She’d take the warm phone, putting in her info as a contact. She passes the phone back to him. “Don’t make me regret it.” She warns him.
“I won’t.” He says, slipping his phone back into his pocket. “Thank you,” He nods, looking between her and her friend. “I’ll let you ladies get back to your Girls Night. Remember, your drinks are on me. Be safe.” He says, walking off to find his cousins. Nessa and Isabel both watched as he vanished into the crowded space that was the dance area.
“I can’t believe you almost fumbled that!” She exclaims. “That man is fine, fit, and looks rich, mi amoré, okay? Alex is lucky I love him, because that one would’ve gotten fu—.”
“Okay, that’s enough.” Nessa snips.
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A/N: so…fancy seeing you here LMAO. Should’ve seen it coming tbh. This is the first chapter of another little fanfic I have tucked away. I hope you like it!
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trippinsorrows · 2 months
looking through your eyes + masterlist
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The Bloodline is a notorious crime family known all across the underground world. A family that’s been at the top of the food chain for generations. Currently led by the ruthless, stoic Roman Reigns, their success has never been better. But as Roman moves up the age ladder, his chief advisors are pushing him to set aside the one night stands in favor of settling down to ensure the continuation of the bloodline.
Enter: Solana Miller. Scarred both literally and figuratively from a lifetime of trauma, she finds herself embedded in a twisted game of politics when she’s forced into an arranged marriage with the tribal chief himself. A union built upon lies, Solana doesn’t expect her days to last long given Roman’s notorious temper.
Roman initially opposes the union, finding Solana to be entirely too fragile for his preference but eventually agrees under the guise that she will be unseen and unheard outside of her duties in giving him an heir.
What neither of these two realize is maybe there’s more to each other than meets the eye and that maybe the healing they’ve both been unconsciously looking for can be found in one another….. 
cw/tw: extreme violence, graphic language, murder, drugs, torture, abuse (of children and adults), childhood sexual assault, mental health struggles, mafia, crime, fluff, smut, and suggestive content
song inspo: 'looking through your eyes’ by leann rimes
pairing: roman reigns x poc!oc
feat characters: jimmy uso, jey uso, solo sikoa, naomi, nia jax, paul heyman, rikishi, the rock, sasha banks, cody rhodes, brandi rhodes, seth rollins, becky lynch, bianca belair, jade cargill, sami zayn, kevin owens, brock lesnar and more.
chapter one + chapter two + chapter three + chapter four + chapter five + chapter six + chapter seven + chapter eight + chapter nine + chapter ten + chapter eleven + chapter twelve + chapter thirteen + chapter fourteen + chapter fifteen + chapter sixteen + chapter seventeen
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acknowledge-reigns · 1 month
Point Of View (Poly!Jimmy Uso x Naomi x OC) | 18+!!! SMUT
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Description: Jimmy and Naomi have been married for 10 years. When their recently added third, Kira, needs help seeing herself from their POV, they're eager to show her.
Warnings: Established Dom/Switch/sub dynamic, Daddy/Mommy kink, mention of orgasm denial as punishment, fingering, nipple play, petnames, mention of injury, doubts and reassurance, praise, threesome, poly!Jimmy and Naomi.
Song: POV by Ariana Grande
Face Claim: Coco Jones
You can find my other works here.
Sometimes it is easy for Kira to feel like a third wheel. Not because anyone intentionally made her feel that way but when you constantly hang around wrestlers and well... You aren't a wrestler, it's easy to feel that way.
Add onto that the fact that she's in a poly relationship with a married couple that had been together 14 years. She had just joined them about a year ago. Jimmy and Naomi both made her feel just as loved. She just felt to some extinct she couldn't relate to them the way they relate to each other at times.
It wasn't that Kira didn't have the desire to be a wrestler. She'd actually started training when she was 18 or so with Booker T's 'Reality Of Wrestling' in her hometown Houston, Texas, which is where she originally met Jimmy and Jey.
They were close friends back then, nothing more.
One split second miscalculation led to an awful neck injury and that was all it took to injure her to the point of never even getting to make her television debut. With her future in ring out the window, she stayed on with Booker T who became somewhat of a father figure, and under his wing she learned how to run a promotion.
Years later this led to her becoming GM for TNA Impact, where Naomi, performing under the name Trinity Fatu at the time was Knockouts World Champion. The two hit it off, eventually Kira realized Trin was married to her old friend from ROW and they all grew closer and closer until one day the couple sat her down, explained that they were poly and that they both had developed feelings for her. And the rest was history.
It became a pretty fun dynamic. Kira was a sub. A bratty sub, but a sub nonetheless. Naomi was a switch. Domme to Kira but submissive to Jimmy, who was a Dom.
Naomi was a very nurturing, caregiver type Domme which Kira loved. There was nothing like brating until she pissed Daddy off and got spanked then got cuddles from Mommy. Jimmy was the type of Dom that didn't take himself too seriously. He wasn't afraid to joke around and could always make his girls laugh, even durring an intense scene.
When Naomi returned to WWE she brought Kira along with her who served as sort of an assistant to Nick Aldis, but eventually took his place running Smackdown altogether due to Roman and The Rock deciding around wrestlemania that someone connected to the bloodline needed to be GM. Jimmy volunteered her, not that she had minded.
Kira lay in bed, sandwiched between Jimmy and Naomi in their hotel room after Smackdown.
Kira snuggled closer to Jimmy, feeling his strong tattooed arms around her. He kissed the top of her head, and she felt a rush of warmth and affection.
"You okay, babygirl?" he asked, his voice soft and concerned. "You seem a little quiet tonight."
Kira sighed softly, not wanting to burden him with her feelings. "I'm fine," she said, forcing a smile. "Just a little tired, I guess."
Jimmy frowned, sensing that something was off. "You know you can talk to us, right?" he said, his hand gently stroking her arm.
"It's nothing, Daddy." Kira lied. Naomi quirked a brow not believing it one bit.
"No lying, baby. Don't make us have to punish you." Naomi responded.
"The truth, or you won't cum for a week." Jimmy added.
Kira hesitated for a moment, then decided to open up to them. "I just... sometimes I feel like I don't fit in with you guys," she admitted. "You're both wrestlers, and I'm just... not. I don't have the same experiences or knowledge as you do, and it makes me feel a little left out sometimes."
Jimmy listened attentively, his expression understanding. "I'm sorry you feel that way, babygirl," he said, his voice gentle. "We never meant to make you feel left out. We love you just the way you are."
Naomi, who had been listening quietly, spoke up. "Kira, you're an important part of our relationship," she said. "We wouldn't be where we are without you. We love you for who you are, not for what you do."
Kira felt a lump form in her throat as she heard their words. She knew they loved her, but sometimes it was hard to shake off those feelings of inadequacy.
"I know you do," she said, her voice soft. "And I love you both too. I just... sometimes I wish I could relate to you more, you know? Like when you talk about your matches or whatever."
Jimmy nodded, he remembered that day in training when it happened, when Kira landed wrong on her neck and her hopes of a wrestling career died. He could see the pain on her face even now.
Naomi reached out and took Kira's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "We understand, babygirl," she said. "And we're here to support you through whatever you're feeling. We know how much wrestling meant to you, and we're sorry that it didn't work out the way you hoped."
Jimmy nodded in agreement, his eyes filled with empathy. "We'll always be here for you, no matter what," he said. "We love you, and we want you to be happy."
Kira felt a wave of gratitude wash over her as she looked at the two people she loved most in the world. She knew that they would always be there for her, no matter what challenges came their way.
"Thank you," she said, her voice thick with emotion. "I love you both so much."
Naomi leaned over and kissed her on the forehead. "We love you too, babygirl," she said. "And we'll always be here to help you feel included and loved."
Jimmy wrapped his arms around both of them, pulling them close. "Forever and always," he said, his voice firm and reassuring. "Naomi, what do you say we reward our princess for opening up to us?" Jimmy asked, "I'm tryna make her scream so loud we get kicked out the damn hotel." He added, his trademark humor making an appearance.
Naomi grinned, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "I like the way you think," she said. "I think our princess deserves a little extra attention tonight."
Kira felt a shiver of excitement run down her spine as she looked at the two of them. "What do you have in mind?" she asked, her voice a little breathless.
Jimmy leaned in and whispered something in Naomi's ear, causing her to giggle. "Oh, I like that idea," she said, a wicked grin spreading across her face.
Kira's heart raced as she watched the two of them exchange a knowing look. She had no idea what they were planning, but she was already feeling the heat of anticipation.
Jimmy and Naomi both turned their attention to Kira, their eyes filled with desire. "Are you ready, princess?" Jimmy asked, his voice low and seductive.
Naomi reached out and ran a finger down Kira's arm, sending another shiver through her body. "We're going to make you feel so good," she said, her voice sultry. "Just relax and let Mommy and Daddy take care of you."
Kira's breath hitched as she felt their hands on her body, their touch sending waves of pleasure through her. She closed her eyes and let herself surrender to their touch, trusting them completely.
Jimmy and Naomi worked in perfect harmony, their hands and mouths exploring every inch of her body. They whispered sweet nothings in her ear, telling her how beautiful she was and how much they loved her. Reminding her that she was their good girl.
As they continued to lavish attention on her, Kira felt herself becoming more and more aroused. She could feel the heat building between her legs.
Jimmy's hands roamed over her body, his touch firm and possessive. Naomi's lips trailed kisses down her neck, her tongue flicking out to tease her sensitive skin.
Kira moaned softly, arching her back as Jimmy's fingers found her most sensitive spot, circuling her clit. Naomi moved lower as well, her lips and tongue exploring the curves of her body.
Jimmy's mouth found hers in a searing kiss, his tongue delving deep as he claimed her lips. Naomi's hands were everywhere, caressing and stroking her in all the right places.
Kira felt like she was in a haze of pleasure, her body trembling with need. She could feel the tension building inside her, and she knew that she was close to the edge.
Jimmy's fingers moved faster, in and out, curling inside her, his touch driving her wild. Naomi's mouth was hot and wet against her skin, and she could feel her orgasm building with each passing moment as Naomi sucked one of her sensitive nipples into her mouth.
With a gasp, Kira finally reached her peak, her body shuddering with pleasure. Jimmy and Naomi held her close, their arms wrapped around her as she rode out the waves of her climax.
"You're so beautiful when you come," Jimmy whispered, his breath hot against her ear. "We love seeing you like this."
Naomi nuzzled her neck, her lips brushing against her skin. "We'll never get tired of making you feel good, princess," she said. "You're ours."
Kira lay there, her body still tingling from the aftershocks of her orgasm. She felt loved and cherished, surrounded by the two people who meant the most to her in the world.
Jimmy and Naomi lay on either side of her, their arms wrapped around her protectively. They showered her with kisses and sweet words. Kira couldn't help the giddy feeling that had come over her, she loved being taken care of by her Doms.
Kira felt a sense of contentment wash over her as she lay there with them. She knew that there would be challenges and obstacles in their relationship, but she also knew that they would face them together.
Jimmy and Naomi had a way of making her feel like she belonged, like she was a part of something special. Kira snuggled closer to them, feeling safe and loved in their embrace.
Jimmy and Naomi held her tightly, their bodies warm and comforting. They talked softly, their voices filled with affection and tenderness.
"I love you both so much," Kira whispered, her voice filled with emotion. "You make me feel like the luckiest person in the world."
Jimmy and Naomi both smiled, their eyes filled with love. "We love you too, princess," Jimmy said as Naomi lovingly played with Kira's hair. "And we'll always be here to remind you just how special you are."
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solefae · 6 months
𝐏𝐓. 𝟑
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pairings; jey uso x fem!internent personality!reader
faceclaim; scotlynd ryan
summary; Scotlynd's life turns upside down when wrestling star Jey Uso starts liking her posts. Fans are quick to judge, branding her a homewrecker. Little do they know, Jey's marriage ended months ago-a truth hidden from the public eye.
notes: our poor baby scotlynd 😭😭!
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liked by trinity_fatu, wwe, and 99,015 others
uceyjucey Wrestlemania 40.
Yeet Vs. NoYeet
view all 1,350 comments
user don’t act innocent uce 😭😭
user right like 😂
user let’s not play pretend jey yk why we here 😒
user 😭😭
user he tryna act like we don’t know 😭
user so… you and scotty? 🤨
user RIGHT 😭
user who is scotty?
user that girl from baddies
user why is she involved with jey?
user apparently they sleeping with each other and we know miss scotty is a homewrecker bcuz she slept with a married man before
user “apparently” that means y’all don’t know if it’s true or nah
user there’s proof babes 😭
user what proof?
user this started back in December of 2023 when scotty started liking his pics and commenting flirty emojis and shi 😂
user so that automatically means they messing around with each other? GOODBYE that literally means nothing
user so if you was married and a random woman keeps liking and commenting on ya man pics, you wouldn’t say nun? 🤨
user hell yea I would but she ain’t random bcuz she know his brother and she friends with his wife naomi
user I hope you didn’t think we was finna run to these comments to say “YEET!” 😭
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liked by user, baddieseasttea, and 79,358 others
ilovepostingdrama what y’all think? 🤔
view all 3,839 comments
user I really feel like y’all taking it too far 👀
user how is this too far?
user y’all literally have no proof that she’s messing with him + if they are messing around, how is that any of y’all’s business?
user 🤦🏽‍♀️
user the delusions…
user defender!
user homewrecker. that’s it.
user 😭
user I mean we can’t tell her what to do so 🤷🏽‍♀️
user the last slide is pissing me off
user why 😭😭
user “out of all people jey uso?” they wanna get popped talking bout my man like dat 😒
user 😭😭
user now imagine if she was messing around with jimmy instead of jey 😭
user oh she REALLY would’ve gotten that ass beaten, trin don’t play!
user FACTS!
user that fact her and scotty are besties 😭
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liked by trinity_fatu, solefae, and 867,478 others
scotlyndryan my curls fell bc I had a time last night 🥰
view all 5,368 comments
trinity_fatu 😍😍
scotlyndryan ily😘
user wym you had a time last night? 🤨
user yk what she mean 😭😭
user she was getting that Samoan D 😂
user 😭
solefae oh we know, trust ‼️
user 😍😍
scotlyndryan liked this comment!
user a time last night??!?!? excuse me!?!?
user LMAOOO😭😭
a/n: planning on making part 4 & 5 long but idk
hope y’all liked this! 🤭 (also making a masterlist soon)
@kumapassion @oc-helps @truefant4sy
@yeaiamme2 @cody-uso @riverina69
(lemme know if you want to be tagged!) 🤍✨
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rpersearch · 6 months
🪽Supernatural Roleplay🪽
MxM, Male Oc x Castiel
Hey there! 18 Male Here, Looking for fellow 18+ Supernatural RPers to play Castiel! I write on average 2-3 paragraphs and can reply multiple times a day, shoot me a like if interested! I’d love to explore the plot more!
This world hadn’t had The Winchesters to stop the big bads, or near anyone powerful enough to do so. The world had been overrun with monsters, much more than any group of humans could handle. Many humans and ran, while the ones who stayed to fight either died or got turned, only increasing the armies of monsters sizes. The world had gone to shit the last twenty-ish years. Most governments fell and new ones arose, having the monster demographic in mind, human breeding camps being established to try and meet supply and demand, work camps, there was nothing humans can do but hide, try to live normal lives to the best of their abilities.
The angels had just let all of this happen, they believed it was god’s plan, some rebelled of course and tried to help the humans but Naomi “fixed” them. Castiel had been one of those rebels, in this universe he hadn’t had Dean to make him understand human emotions, hell, Castiel barely understood them now but Jimmy Novak, whispering in the back of his head had made him somewhat understand, he had felt bad.
Castiel had taken a keen interest in one particular human, one who had gotten him mistaken as a survivor and stopped Castiel from being captured by demons, sure he was an angel but demons had melted down angel blades from across the globe to make chains that could subdue an angels power, their grace. Thankfully the human had gotten away but it made Castiel interested in him, learning that the man had been a leader of a safe haven, far in the mountains, difficult to reach no matter what you are, Castiel starting to watch the man, yearning to talk to him, he felt… grateful.
0 notes
rp-partnerfinder · 6 months
🪽Supernatural Roleplay🪽
MxM, Male Oc x Castiel
Hey there! 18 Male Here, Looking for fellow 18+ Supernatural RPers to play Castiel! I write on average 2-3 paragraphs and can reply multiple times a day, shoot me a like if interested! I’d love to explore the plot more!
This world hadn’t had The Winchesters to stop the big bads, or near anyone powerful enough to do so. The world had been overrun with monsters, much more than any group of humans could handle. Many humans and ran, while the ones who stayed to fight either died or got turned, only increasing the armies of monsters sizes. The world had gone to shit the last twenty-ish years. Most governments fell and new ones arose, having the monster demographic in mind, human breeding camps being established to try and meet supply and demand, work camps, there was nothing humans can do but hide, try to live normal lives to the best of their abilities.
The angels had just let all of this happen, they believed it was god’s plan, some rebelled of course and tried to help the humans but Naomi “fixed” them. Castiel had been one of those rebels, in this universe he hadn’t had Dean to make him understand human emotions, hell, Castiel barely understood them now but Jimmy Novak, whispering in the back of his head had made him somewhat understand, he had felt bad.
Castiel had taken a keen interest in one particular human, one who had gotten him mistaken as a survivor and stopped Castiel from being captured by demons, sure he was an angel but demons had melted down angel blades from across the globe to make chains that could subdue an angels power, their grace. Thankfully the human had gotten away but it made Castiel interested in him, learning that the man had been a leader of a safe haven, far in the mountains, difficult to reach no matter what you are, Castiel starting to watch the man, yearning to talk to him, he felt… grateful.
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roleplayfinder · 6 months
🪽Supernatural Roleplay🪽
MxM, Male Oc x Castiel
Hey there! 18 Male Here, Looking for fellow 18+ Supernatural RPers to play Castiel! I write on average 2-3 paragraphs and can reply multiple times a day, shoot me a like if interested! I’d love to explore the plot more!
This world hadn’t had The Winchesters to stop the big bads, or near anyone powerful enough to do so. The world had been overrun with monsters, much more than any group of humans could handle. Many humans and ran, while the ones who stayed to fight either died or got turned, only increasing the armies of monsters sizes. The world had gone to shit the last twenty-ish years. Most governments fell and new ones arose, having the monster demographic in mind, human breeding camps being established to try and meet supply and demand, work camps, there was nothing humans can do but hide, try to live normal lives to the best of their abilities.
The angels had just let all of this happen, they believed it was god’s plan, some rebelled of course and tried to help the humans but Naomi “fixed” them. Castiel had been one of those rebels, in this universe he hadn’t had Dean to make him understand human emotions, hell, Castiel barely understood them now but Jimmy Novak, whispering in the back of his head had made him somewhat understand, he had felt bad.
Castiel had taken a keen interest in one particular human, one who had gotten him mistaken as a survivor and stopped Castiel from being captured by demons, sure he was an angel but demons had melted down angel blades from across the globe to make chains that could subdue an angels power, their grace. Thankfully the human had gotten away but it made Castiel interested in him, learning that the man had been a leader of a safe haven, far in the mountains, difficult to reach no matter what you are, Castiel starting to watch the man, yearning to talk to him, he felt… grateful.
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 7 months
thank you for the tag @empressdede & @theninthwonder
Trin x OC x Jimmy
I has this idea in my head for a while and I think it's time I finally share it with y'all lol 😂
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“You know she wanna fuck your wife right?” Jon and Joshua Fatu looked down the hall to where Trinity - Jon’s wife and Morgan, Smackdown’s newest ring announcer were filming a TikTok. 
“What? Nah, Morg, don’t get down like that” 
“Uh- yes the hell she does. I heard she turned one of them NXT chicks ass out bad. Had the girl stalking her and everything. ” Jon arched an eyebrow at his brother before turning his attention back to Trinity and Morgan, eyes narrowing at how close Morgan’s hands were resting near Trin’s ass.
“I thought she was fucking around with Theory?”  Josh just shrugged as they both watched Morgan and Trin with Jon noticing how handsy Morgan actually was with his wife. In the three minutes that they filmed the TikTok, Morgan’s hands never left Trinity’s body. 
“What y’all lookin’ at?” Joe asked as he walked over to the twins. Josh pointed towards the two women and Joe shot Jon a look. “You just gon let Morgan touch up on ya’ wife like that?”  Josh reached over and slapped Joe on the shoulder. 
“Shit, that’s what I said Uce. Morg def wanna fuck Trin.” Jon sucked his teeth and hopped down from the equipment box. 
“Morgan doesn’t wanna fuck Trin.” 
“Mogan definitely wants to fuck Trin.” Sefa said as he came up behind Jon. “I mean it's obvious as hell.”  He added after Jon sucked his teeth. 
“I’d pay to watch.” Joe said before ducking as Jon chucked his water bottle at his head. 
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tagging: @kill-the-artiste @kyleoreillylover @southerngirl41 @harmshake and anybody else!
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trashbin-nie · 7 days
Unpopular opinion:
I'm not really a fan of *romantic* Jhea... makes me weirdly uncomfy.
Platonic Jhea tho? Go off love that.
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findyourrp · 6 months
🪽Supernatural Roleplay🪽
MxM, Male Oc x Castiel
Hey there! 18 Male Here, Looking for fellow 18+ Supernatural RPers to play Castiel! I write on average 2-3 paragraphs and can reply multiple times a day, shoot me a like if interested! I’d love to explore the plot more!
This world hadn’t had The Winchesters to stop the big bads, or near anyone powerful enough to do so. The world had been overrun with monsters, much more than any group of humans could handle. Many humans and ran, while the ones who stayed to fight either died or got turned, only increasing the armies of monsters sizes. The world had gone to shit the last twenty-ish years. Most governments fell and new ones arose, having the monster demographic in mind, human breeding camps being established to try and meet supply and demand, work camps, there was nothing humans can do but hide, try to live normal lives to the best of their abilities.
The angels had just let all of this happen, they believed it was god’s plan, some rebelled of course and tried to help the humans but Naomi “fixed” them. Castiel had been one of those rebels, in this universe he hadn’t had Dean to make him understand human emotions, hell, Castiel barely understood them now but Jimmy Novak, whispering in the back of his head had made him somewhat understand, he had felt bad.
Castiel had taken a keen interest in one particular human, one who had gotten him mistaken as a survivor and stopped Castiel from being captured by demons, sure he was an angel but demons had melted down angel blades from across the globe to make chains that could subdue an angels power, their grace. Thankfully the human had gotten away but it made Castiel interested in him, learning that the man had been a leader of a safe haven, far in the mountains, difficult to reach no matter what you are, Castiel starting to watch the man, yearning to talk to him, he felt… grateful.
0 notes
bookuce · 5 months
Change My Mind (Jey Uso)
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SUMMARY: Josh and Alina are great friends most days. Other days they want to tear each other apart. Some days, they’re in love with each other, but neither of them will admit it.
*DISCLAIMER: This is a multi-part series. I do not own any of the characters in the writing except for the OC. The book also uses the real names of the wrestlers. Josh is Jey Uso, Jon is Jimmy Uso, Trinity is Naomi, Alina is just Alina. The book is not realistic and does not take place during real events, but some actual events could pop up in the story eventually*
PAIRING: Jey Uso x Black OC
TROPE: Friends to Lovers
WARNINGS: Language
The sound of Alina’s heels clicking against the concrete floor beneath her echoed throughout the semi-empty hall. She was following chatter with a mic in hand. She was due to do an interview with Trinity about her upcoming championship match. She’d turn the corner, spotting the blue interview set down the hall. “Hey, Alina.” Greets one of the crew members as she arrives on set. She would flash them a quick smile, wiggling the top of her fingers at them.
Over in the corner, adorned in glowing green lights and neon hair, stood Trinity. She was deep in a hushed conversation with her husband Jon. “Alright, Alina is here, everyone! Places!” Exclaimed one of the producers. Alina would move to stand on a blue X tapped to the floor. Trin gives Jon a quick kiss before rushing over to her.
“Hey, Alina!” Jon sings. “How you doing?” He waves, flashing a goofy smile at her. Trinity looks over at him before looking back at Alina.
“Ignore him, please.” Trinity begs.
“It’s what I do best.” Alina sings.
Trinity glances down at the floor, making sure she’s standing on her designated X before looking back at the tall interviewer next to her. “Speaking of ignoring—.”
“Starting in five, four, three, two!” Count down the producer.
“I’m standing by with Naomi ahead of her match with Bayley tonight for the Smackdown Women’s Championship. Naomi, you’ve been on a roll the last few weeks, getting a huge win over Nia Jax last Friday that got you this opportunity tonight. What’s the strategy for tonight?” Alina asks, moving the mic towards her friend.
“The strategy is to go in focused, and be aware of my surroundings. The only reason Bayley even has that title is because of Damage Control. And that’s okay because they, just like Bayley will, can feel the glow.” Trin would skip off camera, leaving Alina to end their interview.
“Thank you, Naomi. You heard it here first, Naomi is focused and ready for her championship match with Bayley later tonight.” There was a five second pause before the producer called for the scene to end. Trinity comes back over to me, linking her arm with the interviewer’s.
“So, have you talked to Josh?” She asks, pulling them over to Jon.
“Don’t plan on it.” Alina says quickly. She’s been avoiding him since last week. He called on the hour, every hour for the first few days, but now he’s dialed it back to text messages. Her inbox says one hundred and twenty unread messages now—eighty-five of those belong to him.
“Ay, You gotta quit stressing my brother out, Uce.” Jon says, earning a gasp from Alina.
“Oh, I’m stressing him out?” She shouts. “He’s the one that chased my date off with that weak ass intimidation tactic he uses. I was fine!”
“That man was not finna last, Lina. Hell, the last one didn’t.” He says. “If anything he did you a favor.”
“Jon.” Trinity pushes his shoulder.
“Don’t Jon me. I’m right!” He points his hand out at Alina. “What was his name again? Bill?”
“William.” She says, folding her arms.
“Square ass name. See, that was destined to fail.” Alina scoffs gently, shaking her head at him. The date with William went great or so she thought. Things started to change when they came home to Josh on her doorstep. Josh and William didn’t see eye to eye immediately. “He just wants the best for you, Uce. It’s all love.” He explains. “Ain’t that right, lil bro?”
Alina’s heart dropped into the pit of her stomach. She turns away from her friends, only to catch Josh approaching them. His eyes were fixated on her. She slips her arm out of Trinity’s. “I gotta go.” She said, turning to walk the opposite direction as Jey. He would stop, watching as she tried to put distance between them again. Something about that pissed him off.
“Girl, if you don’t bring your ass back here.” He said, storming off after her. “Alina, you hear me talking to you!” She doesn’t respond to him, her eyes flitting around the hall. Suddenly arms snatch her up, lifting her into the air. “I’m not chasing you, damnit. We finna talk this out.” Josh would glance around him before moving into a random dark room on his left. He places her back on the floor and turns on the lights.
“I ain’t got nothing to say to you, Jey.”
“That’s not my name.” He scolds her.
“Jey!” She presses on. He sucks his teeth at her, closing the door behind him.
“Man, you something else with yourself.” He says. “What I do, hm? Since I’m always pissing you off.” Josh knew why she was upset, but he wanted to hear it from her mouth instead of everyone else's.
“Boy, I do not have time for this.” She says, moving to walk around him. He steps in her path, blocking her from going any further. “Jey, if you don’t get out my way.”
“Or what?” She steps to the right of him and he follows. “Nah, We finna have this conversation like two grown ass adults, Lina. That’s what we are right?” She gives him a stern look. “Mad at me over some boy that wasn’t gonna make the cut anyway.” She takes a step back.
“He was a great guy!”
“Shit, couldn’t be if you mad at me.” He says. “He looked like a fucking square anyway. What was his name? Bill?”
“William!” I exclaim.
“Man, same thing.”
Alina crosses her arms over her chest, moving to sit down on the couch. When Jey saw she was calming down, he moved to sit down on the coffee table in front of her. They sat there in silence for a moment. Josh watched her while she watched a wall. He knew what she wanted; an apology, but like always, she was gonna make him work for her forgiveness. “So what was his excuse?” He asks, finally breaking the silence.
She would remain silent for a few more moments before finally speaking. “He assumed you were my man and didn’t want to be in the middle of it.” Hazel eyes would glance over at the Samoan sitting in front of her. This was the third—no, fourth time a man dipped on her because of him. It was starting to get out of hand. Josh looked down at the floor at the answer. He would sniffle, the right corner of his mouth twitching as he did so. He wasn’t her man but he did wish he was. This has been a feeling of his for a few months now.
“He wasn’t the one then.” He said this to her often. She was probably tired of hearing that come from him, but it was true. None of those dudes were the one. Him on the other hand…
“I give up then.” She sighs. Josh looks up at her at the statement. “The love I require is unrealistic and I know that now so I'll stay to myself.”
“Nah, we don’t give up around here. You gonna find someone…just be patient.” He pleads quietly. He presses his fists to her bare knees. If she was to guess he was speaking for himself, she would be true. He, just like her, didn’t want to fuck up the dynamic of their friendship. If things didn’t work out, it would trickle down into their friend group and they didn’t want to make things weird for anyone; not even for themselves. “Are we good?” He asks finally. “I don’t like when you’re mad at me.”
She stares at him, pretending to be deep in thought. “I didn’t hear any apology.” She says.
“I’m sorry, Alina.” He says quickly.
“I don’t like the way—.”
“Alina.” He snaps, causing her to laugh out loud at his irritation. “You’re lucky I love you.” He says, standing to his feet. Alina would stand shortly after him, their fronts now touching. Eyes watch eyes for a moment before awkwardly venturing off in opposite directions. The interviewer would shimmy to the right, freeing herself of his suffocating energy.
“I should get going.” She says.
“Yeah, me too.”
Alina walks over to the door, her hand outstretched for the knob. She pulls the it open, catching Trinity and Jon standing near it. The couple steps back from the door, trying to make it seem like they weren’t prying.
“We were wondering where y’all went!” Trin says.
“Y’all together yet?” Jon asks, getting straight to it. That was Alina’s cue to leave the scene. She squeezes by Trin and Jon, making her way down the hall.
A/N: Hi! this is my first time writing fanfic in FOREVER. Let me know what you think or if I should write more! I have a lot of cute little drafts with Roman and Jey! If you want to be added to the tag-list just let me know! ☺️
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trippinsorrows · 3 months
looking through your eyes + sneak peak
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authors note: this is not intended to be any different than any other mafia book we've all read at one point or another. i add my own spin to certain things, but i was heavily inspired by one of my favorite mafia series: 'the camorra chronicles' by cora reilly.
this story, however, has multiple triggering topics. i will attempt to add as many tw/cw's as i can identify, but if you believe one is missing, please don't hesitate to tell me so i can add it!
if anyone wants to be tagged, please let me know because i will not tag anyone without their requesting me to do so due to the triggering topics.
cw/tw: extreme violence, graphic language, murder, drugs, torture, abuse (of children and adults), childhood sexual assault, mafia, crime, fluff, smut, and suggestive content
song inspo: 'looking through your eyes' by leann rimes
pairing: roman reigns x poc!oc
feat characters: jimmy uso, jey uso, solo sikoa, naomi, nia jax, paul heyman, rikishi, the rock, sasha banks, cody rhodes, brandi rhodes, seth rollins, becky lynch, bianca belair, jade cargill, sami zayn, kevin owens, brock lesnar and more.
The Bloodline is a notorious crime family known all across the underground world. A family that’s been at the top of the food chain for generations. Currently led by the ruthless, stoic Roman Reigns, their success has never been better. But as Roman moves up the age ladder, his chief advisors are pushing him to set aside the one night stands in favor of settling down to ensure the continuation of the bloodline.
Enter: Solana Miller. Scarred both literally and figuratively from a lifetime of trauma, she finds herself embedded in a twisted game of politics when she’s forced into an arranged marriage with the tribal chief himself. A union built upon lies, Solana doesn’t expect her days to last long given Roman’s notorious temper.
Roman initially opposes the union, finding Solana to be entirely too fragile for his preference but eventually agrees under the guise that she will be unseen and unheard outside of her duties in giving him an heir.
What neither of these two realize is maybe there’s more to each other than meets the eye and that maybe the healing they’ve both been unconsciously looking for can be found in one another….. 
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