#jimmy vesey blurb
hattywatch · 2 years
J. Vesey - July for the Whole Year Ch5.
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A/N: I had such a hard time getting these two to do what I wanted them to do. I wanted more pining, more misunderstandings, more ANGST. Alas, they had other ideas. Enjoy ;) ((All reblog tags are thoroughly read and fangirl-ed over))
<< Chapter 4:
September 2021
"It sucks. I should have trained harder," this the closest you've seen Jimmy to tears and it's bringing you to the edge yourself. The frustration slips off his skin and rankles your shoulders, itching to take some of the pressure off of his.
Shaking your head you answer, "No, you give 110% all the time, Jimmy. It's going to happen, you're going to show them your worth and how talented you are and it'll work out. I know it." 
It's a Sunday afternoon and Jersey is interested. They have him on a professional try out and he should know by the end of preseason if he's got a spot or not. Since he's staying in Jersey, it's a short train ride for him to get breakfast with you in the city, and it's so much better than him being on the other coast. You're getting a little spoiled by it- having him close again. A call away after you get out of work to grab a coffee. Just a shout to have him meeting you for brunch on his day off. You barely whisper an idea before he’s getting on a train and he’s at your door.
Maybe you talk a big game of confidence to him- because you have all the confidence in the world in the man sitting in front of you- but you're still nervous. Permanence in Jersey would be amazing. Less than an hour away, you'd get your best friend back and maybe one day you'll flex your confidence in yourself, get your head out of your ass, and tell him some of these feelings you've been squashing. 
"Maybe I should just hang 'em up. Go play in Europe," he shoves a piece of bacon in his mouth. 
You steal a piece off his plate, "That's too far. I just got you back here," you frown and nibble at his bacon. 
He doesn't quite meet your eyes when he answers, "You could come, too." 
Your heart kicks up an erratic rhythm as you search his face for any hint of a joke, but you don't find one, and that's more unsettling than the alternative. 
He grabs the check and heads to the front to pay, swagger in his step, like he didn’t just rock your world on its axis. 
"I don't think he was serious," Gracia scoffs and sips her beer, rolling her eyes so far back you can only see the whites. You hear the door slam behind her and Brady walks into frame. He bends down and gives her a kiss on the top of her head and waves to you through the camera.
"Girls’ night?" The perpetual smile stretched across his face is comforting.
You confirm, nodding. "I'm having a crisis."
Brady nods sagely, "A Jimmy-sized crisis?"
"How'd you know?" He shrugs but smirks and tells Gracia he'll talk to her later. 
"Before I was interrupted- he was absolutely serious," she gets a little closer to the screen and drops her voice, and you appreciate the effort to be discreet, even though you know telling her is the same as sending the story certified-mail to Brady himself. "What are you going to do about it?"
"I don't know. I'm working through it. If he ever offers again, maybe I'll take him up on it. I work mostly remote now and my parents retired during the pandemic, so they're not nearby anymore. Nothing is holding me here."
Gracia interjects, "Now's the time, girl." 
Sipping your drink thoughtfully you know she's right, but far be it from you to pump the rumor mill. "Okay, enough about me. Tell me about your honeymoon, please."
Gracias smiles, "I have pictures. Let me share my screen." 
October 2021
Jimmy's staying in a hotel in Jersey while he attends camp. He said the bed sucks so he's been crashing on your couch damn near every weekend; he’s a fixture in your place, just as much as your ottoman. 
The coffee maker is dripping a new pot as you help him fold the blankets when he gets the call. 
He nervously answers, you see his agent's name light up the screen. Left hand holding his phone to his ear, the right one clenched hard in his pocket, you wait on pins and needles, biting your lip in an effort to keep a neutral face, ready to support him either way. 
It’s not long before Jimmy’s face splits into a grin and you can let go of your lip, swollen and red. He grabs your hand and squeezes.
"Amazing. Yeah send it over I'd be happy to sign it," you squeeze his hand back and your cheeks hurt from how wide your smile is. "Yeah, thank you. Talk to you soon. Bye."
You're jumping up and down before he can get his phone back in his pocket. “You’re staying?!” It didn’t seem possible, but his smile widens as he nods, and you laugh jumping up and down before he opens his arms and you jump up into them. Entangled, he spins you around and you lean back laughing and winsome, hands interlocked behind his neck to see his smile giving way to dimples in his cheeks. 
When your eyes meet for a scant second, the high drains rapidly, spiraling down the sink like the plug was pulled, too aware of your ankles locked behind his back and his hands under your ass. 
He drops you immediately and you find your footing as he tucks his hands back into his pockets, stumbling over excuses to high-tail it out of your place, “I have to go- call my parents, a realtor, start getting my stuff shipped. See you later?” 
It would be weird to let a little accidental butt grab get in the way of everything you built, so you’re genuine when you muster a smile, “Obviously. Go get your ducks in a row. I’ll start sending you apartment listings.” Locking the door behind him, you feel more hopeful and fanciful than you have in years. 
November 2021
Before you know it, you slip into the easy habit of being with Jimmy. It’s like no time at all has passed and you’re greedy with it. Like a dry sponge soaking up as much water as possible, you fill all your free time with Jimmy. 
Trying to make up for the distance that tore you apart with miles and time-zones, you patched yourselves together with phone calls and video chats when they were just a sad facsimile of the real thing. But now… now you have time to sew your friendship carefully back together, reinforcing the stitches; making it stronger, more durable, hardier than before and you both are too willing to put in the work.
It’s implied that each weekend off is spent together. There’s a drawer in your dresser dedicated to sweats he’s left behind, and you’re sure you’re using at least half of his new bathroom's medicine cabinet with your skincare routine. 
It feels good. It feels natural. It feels easy.
Finally, you make it to Jersey for a game versus Philly. Kevin's in and you'll get to see them both tonight, dinner plans set no matter how the game turns out. You have a jersey, Jimmy’s name across your shoulder blades and a 16 on your sleeve. Watching the boys live has electricity in your veins and a megawatt smile on your face. It's an icy Sunday night, but you took off from work Monday so you can stay the night at Jimmy’s, and say bye before he leaves for a string of west coast games. 
The Devils win handily, a 7 goal game that ends 5 to 2. Neither Jimmy nor Kevin played great, but when you see them walking out of the tunnel, shoulder to shoulder, it’s just like old times back at the Garden. Kevin looks up and sees you first, Jimmy still looking down at his feet, mouth moving a mile a minute as he speaks under his breath to Kevin. 
Kevin plasters a shit-eating grin on his face and winks. His voice is loud and echoes in the hall, “Speak of the devil, there’s your girl now!” In the past your face would have gone hot and red, maybe you would have stammered out a lame retort at Kevin’s antics, but you just roll your eyes and hold out your arms.
“Yes, here I am,” Jimmy rolls his eyes too, slugging Kevin on the shoulder as they approach. 
“Take me to eat, I’m starving,” Kevin’s suit jacket is already off and slung over his shoulder and you know Jimmy’s itching to get out of his, hating the way a suit constricts his movement. 
You nod, “I made reservations.”  
______ Nothing has changed, despite the two boys cycling through various sweaters for the last few seasons. Kevin proves himself still supremely inconvenient to your love life throughout dinner. 
"Kevin I swear to God," you mumble around a mouthful of sushi. 
He dips his roll in soy sauce, "I'm just curious! I wanna meet whoever is giving it to you on the regular these days."
Piling ginger onto your salmon roll you reply without lifting your eyes, "No one is giving me anything on the regular. I assure you, I'd know."
He shrugs, "You just seem happy. I thought maybe you were getting laid. Must be another reason." He's quiet for a second, munching thoughtfully on a shrimp moneybag. 
You're sure you've made it out unscathed, but he turns to face Jimmy and you're ready to stab your own eardrums with your chopsticks to evade hearing whatever is surely coming next out of Kevin's mouth. 
"What about you Jimbo, you giving it to anyone of importance these days?" 
Jimmy handles Kevin the way only a lifelong friend knows how. Before Kevin can get the question out of his mouth, Jimmy raises his brows, "You that hard up, buddy? Sorry to say I only see you as a friend."
You choke on your laughter, feeling the tingle of wasabi in your nose, but Kevin takes it in stride. "Nah, if I wanted to bang a friend I'd have made a move by now." He stands up to suss out the bathroom and leaves a thick silence coating you and Jimmy. 
"I swear I thought I missed him," Jimmy shoves a California roll into his mouth and you nod. 
"Ah yes, the remedy for missing Kev, is actually seeing Kev, unfortunately." You meet his eyes briefly and they're warm and assessing while he lets a small laugh pass his lips. 
Kevin peeks over your shoulder, "I just felt you talking shit. Felt it in my soul," he shakes your shoulder with a large hand as he sits next to you.
"I mean… you're right, so please also tell me the lotto numbers, Miss Cleo?" 
Kevin laughs and pulls out his wallet signaling to the waiter. "You need a ride back to the train or anything? I'm going to grab a cab that way." 
Picking up your napkin you wipe your mouth and drop it onto your empty plate, "Nah, I'm staying by Jim's tonight. I'm off tomorrow."
Kevin props his elbows on the table and rests his face in his hands. You chance a glance to Jimmy, bewildered, before patting Kevin on the back, "Are- are you okay?"
He's muffled, but manages, "Why do you guys keep leaving this open for me to dunk on? I don't have the restraint!" Your pat turns into a chiding slap. 
"Oh my God, shut up Hayes." He continues throwing you suggestive looks any time Jimmy looks away until his Uber pulls up to the curb. 
When he hugs you goodbye, you hope Jimmy has been afflicted with momentary deafness and misses the muttered innuendo of, "Hope you get dicked down tonight," before Kevin steps back and shouts "love you!" tumbling into his cab.
Your Uber pulls up a few minutes after Kev's. The ride back to Jimmy's is only about 15 minutes, but the single glass of wine you had at dinner is taking its toll. Jimmy's gracious when your head falls onto his shoulder, stacking his on top of yours. 
"Tired?" he mumbles into your hair. You nod in reply, knowing he can feel it under his cheek.  
The car pulls up to his building and he helps you out before looping his arm around your waist as you trudge up the stairs in your heeled boots. "Did your TV come today? I think I have one more glass of wine in me." 
He shakes his head, "Shipping delay. They said next week. I finally hung the bedroom one, though."
You step back and let Jimmy unlock his door. "That works," you perk up, kicking off your boots by the door and slinging your winter coat over a stool at the kitchen island, before grabbing a glass from the cupboard to the right of the sink. "Want one?"
Jimmy looks up at you while working on the knot of his tie and toe-ing off his dress shoes, "Yeah just one, though." You grab another glass from the cabinet and fill it with the sweet white that Jimmy keeps in the house for you, since you know he prefers beer over all else. 
When you sit side-by-side on his bed, socked feet dangling over the edge, it seems like a great idea. He clicks on the TV to House-Hunters and you spend the first glass of wine poking fun at the couples who always seem to be a partnership of the most annoying individuals the producers can find.
It still seems like a great idea when Jimmy gets up and leaves the room and comes back in sweats and a t-shirt with two more glasses of wine and hands you your share before plopping down, sitting with his back against the headboard and his own wine glass propped on his thigh. 
You deem it a good idea to take the next commercial break to wash your face and change into a pair of leggings and one of Jimmy’s sweatshirts, since his apartment is always just this side of cold- and join him against the headboard. 
It doesn’t seem like a particularly good idea or bad idea- so you remain neutral as you pick up your side of the comforter and slide your cold feet under the thick blanket. Jimmy mirrors you on his side, and changes the channel during a commercial. 
Hindsight is 20/20, so it’s very easy now, with the first rays of sunrise peeking through the bedroom curtains, to realize that pulling the covers up to your chin and plugging in your phone on Jimmy’s nightstand were bad ideas. They seemed innocuous at the time, but in the sobering morning light, you feel the heavy weight of them. 
Speaking of heavy feelings, you grasp at your ribcage only to find a lanky arm wound around it, fist clutching the sheets in front of your body.
The clock on the nightstand reads 5:03, so you sleepily make you worst decision of the past 12 hours and choose to close your eyes and press back into the warm heat of Jimmy’s body and let it lull you back to sleep.
The next time you wake the sun is brighter and the arm around you squeezes slightly. It  stops abruptly, paralyzed for a second before you hear a sharp inhale of breath behind you. Jimmy’s so close you feel him slowly let the breath out against the nape of your neck. 
“Shit,” it’s soft but you hear it anyway. 
You're left cold when he gently removes his arm from around you and rolls out of the bed.
The speed that Jimmy accesses running around his apartment packing is actually pretty impressive. You’d be more impressed if you weren’t worried he was doing this to avoid looking at you directly. Still in pjs, you’re slowly sipping your coffee, feet tucked up underneath you on his couch trying your very best to be relaxed about this whole situation. 
“I could help you pack, you know,” you yell towards his open bedroom door. The thump you hear sounds suspiciously like Jimmy knocking his head against his bathroom cabinet. The hasty curse that follows confirms your hypothesis. 
He replies with a croaked, “I got it. Almost done,” and you accept your fate on the couch. 
“You going to be good here if I leave? I don't think I have time to drop you at the train.” Jimmy walks back into the living room, luggage in hand. “ We overslept a little," Jimmy walks back into the living room, luggage in hand and speaks mostly to the floor.
Smiling up at him, you nod. "I am fully capable, yes. I'll lock up behind me," you promise. His face relaxes a touch and you can see a red mark on his forehead where you confirm that, yes, he did whack his head against the cabinet. 
Standing, you walk around Jimmy to drop your mug in the sink knowing you'll wash it before you go. You stand in front of him (blocking his escape route to the front door) to confirm, "See you in a week?" Trying to inject some hopefulness into your voice, you silently pray whatever awkwardness is still clinging to Jimmy after your impromptu bed-sharing will be scrubbed clean after this away stretch. 
At the same time, you hope you can shove him back into that box in your heart and stop making things weird with your best friend. Surely, no man who's interested in you would be reacting in the way Jimmy is, frenetic and downright dodgy. 
You can't remember the last time Jimmy was anything but calm, quiet sureness around you –  maybe when you first met and he came to your door with bagels, if you really had to put a date on it.
He nods like you’ve seen him do in intermission interviews, brows drawn together and mouth in a hard line. You’re sure he’s going to give you some platitude about playing a full 60, but he just promises back, "Of course." After checking his watch he tacks on, "But I do have to go now." He leans down to hug you and you wrap your arms tight around his middle. 
When your phone rings shrilly, still on the couch, you turn your head to glimpse at the caller id. That's your plan anyway, but you're surprised when your lips catch Jimmy's, clearly in their path to your cheek before you jerked your head to the right and intercepted them.
It's shy and perfect for only a second, both of you tentatively leaning in and tilting your heads, before Jimmy breaks the kiss and looks down at you, confusion pinching his brows together. "I'm sorry. I-"
Before he can finish, you cut him off. Shaking your head with your eyes closed, you spill your secret.
"I'm not." 
Your voice is breathier than you want it to be, but you realize that you want this more than anything you've ever wanted before, so you power through your embarrassment, heart thrumming harshly in your chest and palms sweating where they’re clutched behind Jimmy’s back. 
You've made some questionable decisions in the past few hours, but you'd hate yourself forever if you didn't make your intentions explicitly clear.
And Jimmy- Jimmy has never once let you down since you've known him and he keeps that impeccable streak going as he croaks out a soft, "Finally," and brings his perfect mouth to yours with purpose this time. 
The arm that was hugging you to him is joined by the other, and you hear the clatter of his luggage falling to the hardwood.  He doubles down, dragging his hand up and into your messy bed head. When he thumbs at the pulse point behind your ear, it's visceral when you bite at his lip in retaliation and you feel him smile before his mouth leaves yours and his lips and tongue follow the path his thumb found over the thin skin just below your right ear. It makes you breathe in sharply, his name slipping softly out of your mouth before he brings his lips back to yours and swallows your moan.  
His mouth feels holy against you, intimate and reverent, promising he’ll be back for more.
After a messy moment of teeth and tongues, a meeting you've both been silently, secretly awaiting, he pulls back and holds your face as gently as glass. Eyes closed and lashes against his cheek he's smirky when he delivers the bad news, gently shaking his head. "As much as I don't want to. I have to leave. I don't want to miss the flight." 
"See you in a week?" You remind him, now so sure he’ll give you the exact answer that you want, genuinely and doubtlessly. 
He leans back in and gives you one more languid kiss before he picks up the forgotten luggage and heads towards the door. 
“6 days. I’ll be counting the seconds.”
The door closes behind him and you know you’ll be doing the same.
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skjeinon · 2 years
tell me you love me - kevin hayes
kevin hayes x reader (blurb)
warnings: mention of sex, the beginning to the end of the frat boys
word count: 560
i never write blurbs or anything short but i was feeling soft for mr hayes and i wanted to write something </3
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the move to philly from new york was hard, but what was even harder was the time from when he was in winnipeg to when he moved to philly.
i had lived with him , living out of his bedroom when he had lived with jimmy and brady. they didn’t seem to mind my presence and i didn’t mind theirs either but once kevin had gotten traded, there was a looming fear amongst everyone as brady moved out to live with gracia and with just jimmy, he didn’t want to live alone, he moved.
gracia and brady graced me with a room to stay in until me and kevin had it worked out. i knew i didn’t want to settle somewhere new in new york if i was going to mode to winnipeg to be with kevin, but when he signed with philly, all of our plans changed again and i was moving away from the family i had formed in new york with the rangers and the wags that accompanied them. the time in new york alone though was hard because even though i had brady, even though i had gracia and jimmy and chris and mika.. i had matt and fox, smith, and fast. it wasn’t the same. the love and support and people that had me and kevin’s back felt like nothing without kevin’s loud mannerisms, annoying chewing, crewed wake-up calls when he had to pee after sex. i missed staring at his hair , all messy after his game shower after i had convinced him to begin growing it out again.. he said when he had signed with philly he’d grow it out again. i missed his overly confused look on his face when he was only somewhat stumped. he always looked like he had something on his mind, or if he was just out of it, no in between. and his goofy smile was what made it so hard to not see him everyday.
“baby, i’m signing with philly..”
were probably the best 5 words i had heard in a while and when he told brady, i could tell he was happy he’d finally have his home back even though it meant that i would have to leave.
kevin’s new apartment in philly was small at least compared to the old apartment. it would fit the two of you and a dog or a cat perfectly, while there was also a spare bedroom for family or guests. but when i first walked in, i didn’t care about the home or the quality or the bed i’d lay my head in at night, i cared about kevin who had walked in behind me, wrapping his arms around me to push his face into my neck.
“i missed you so much.” his voice sounded broken as i turned around in his hold so i could catch his eyes. they were dark and tired.
“i missed you too baby..” i brought my arms up around his neck, pulling him close as our lips met. “i love you so much… so so much.”
he pulled away from the kiss, pushing his chin on my shoulder, before turning it to kiss my neck again, gently inhaling, trying to get the smell of the perfume he remembered, in his senses “i love you too..” he mumbled.
his tall frame awkwardly held me until he picked me up, taking me to the bedroom we intended to share. he laid me down and dove into bed next to me, holding me close. being tangled in bed with him was all that i wanted…
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captain-mcdavid · 5 years
Jimmy Vesey 3 and 5 for steamy!?? Loooove your writing (gpp kills me in the best way)
mmmm jim jim 😍 and thank you hunny ❤️
#3 - “maybe we should just make out to break the tension?”
#5 - “don’t go easy on me,”
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You open the door with a big smile that falls as soon as you see who’s behind it. It’s just Jimmy. And it’s not like you’re unhappy to see him, it’s just that you were expecting four other people with him...
“Hey,” You say skeptically, and Jimmy laughs.
“Don’t look to happy now,” He jokes and you shake your head, apologizing while you lean in to give him a hug.
“Sorry,” You say, “I’m just confused, I thought you guys were all coming together.”
“Yeah they bailed,” Jimmy explains, taking his jacket off to set it down, and your stomach drops with it.
“So wait, they’re not coming at all?” You ask, and it sounds way meaner than you intended it to.
“Uh, no...” Jimmy answers, and you nod stiffly. “Is that okay? That it’s just the two of us?”
No. Not at all, is what you’re saying in your head, but, “Yeah of course!” Is what actually comes out of your mouth. “I chose risky business,” You say, sounding confident at first, but now you just realize your choice is actually quite ironic.
“Sweet,” He gives you an awkward smile before sitting down on the couch, about four feet away from you. The whole situation is rather uncomfortable, but you power through it, and pull the popcorn bowl from the table, pushing in between the two of you.
You almost think this might be a set up from your friends, because all of them are very aware of your massive crush on Jimmy, and they take every opportunity possible to bug you about it.
The movie continues and you both watch silently, unmoving on the couch. And then the part that you’ve been dreading the entire night comes.
You’ve navigated sex scenes with your parents, friends and co workers, but never a crush, and now you’re sitting there with Jimmy five feet away while Tom Cruise and Rebecca De Mornay have sex on a bus.
But then all of the sudden Jimmy is speaking up out of nowhere. “Maybe we should just makeout to break the tension.”
You look at him, completely shocked but he just stares back like what he said isn’t totally crazy. “Sorry, what?” You say incredulously, and Jimmy just shrugs.
“I’m pretty sure that our friends did this on purpose because they wanted us to get to together, and this scene is making me kind of horny, so like, we should just go at it.” He explains the whole thing so simply and all you can do is stare.
And then he’s moving over to you with a smirk, and you’re leaning back to avoid him until your elbows are holding you up and your almost laying. Jimmy comes over top of you, and you’re pretty sure you look super dumb, but Jimmy doesn’t seem to care.
“Is this okay?” He asks, looking down at your positions.
You don’t say anything, you just manage to nod, and then he’s leaning in, closer and closer until your lips are just barely touching.
When he finally kisses you it’s like your body is lit on fire, and you can’t help the way you react to it, your fingers going up and carding through his hair while his hands gently move over your body.
You want to pull him closer, for him to kiss you harder but he’s touching your body like it might break. You break the kiss with a huff, and Jimmy looks scared, “Are you okay?”
You nod quickly, finally finding your voice, “I really like you.” You admit, and that adorable crooked smile of his appears, making butterflies explode in your stomach.
“Yeah, me too.” He says, leaning down to press his lips gently to yours, like you’re glass. You let him for a moment, before pushing at his shoulders. He pulls away, looking confused and you give him a wicked smirk, “Don’t go easy on me,” You say, and he raises his brows.
Instead of answering you just bite your lip, and then Jimmy blows air out like he’s gonna need to hold back, but he doesn’t.
He drops onto you again lips connecting with yours much harder than the first time, and you smile against his mouth. When he grips your waist you know there’s absolutely no way he’s gonna hold back.
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tsegss · 6 years
#5 - Fluff - jimmy vesey!!
5. “Oh, you’re jealous.” 
“Here you go, (Y/N).” You smiled before taking the cup from the baristas hand. “Thanks.”
You turned away from the counter, beginning to walk to a table but out of the corner of your eye you could see Jimmy stare the poor guy down.
“What is your problem?” You asked him.
“I don’t have a problem.” He said following you to the table, nonchalantly shaking his head. “I just didn’t realize you knew him.”
“I don’t know him.” You said. “I mean I come here a lot so he probably just recognized me.”
“Oh, so then he puts hearts on everyone’s cups?” Jimmy asked, taking a sip of his cup.
“It’s Valentine’s Day.” You reasoned.
“There’s none on my cup.” He said, this time sounding more agitated.
“Y-“ You started, but quickly stopped yourself after realizing what was really going on. “Oh, you’re jealous.” Your smile more eminent that you were trying for.
“I’m not jealous.” He responded instantly.
You just smiled, before taking a sip of your coffee. Jimmy was practically squirming in his seat. “I’m just-“ He paused. “He knows we’re together. We come here literally everyday.”
“You’re jealous.” You smiled once more.
The two of you sat there taking in your beverages, Jimmy stewing to himself. Suddenly before you could even think twice about it, his fingers pulled your chin up and he pressed his lips to yours.
“Now he definitely knows.” Jimmy smirked, his lips releasing yours.
You scoffed before whacking his shoulder, purposely hiding how hot you found it.
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Kiss Me, Kiss Me
Reader x Jimmy Vesey
Smut: yes | no
Requested: yes | no
You quickly put your makeup on, hoping that you could get yourself ready on time. You frowned as you noticed the time, trying not to rush yourself. You were about to go on a blind date with a friend of a friend, and you wanted to make a good first impression.
After about 10 minutes, your doorbell rang, and you practically jumped out of your seat. You raced down the stairs, straightening out your hair before taking a deep breath and answering the door.
“Hi, you must be, Y/N,” he smiled.
“And you must be Jimmy,” you extended you hand for a handshake.
He seemed shy, but very sweet. His dress shirt and pants hung perfectly on his tall, lean frame. He’d dressed up for your date, which was a pleasant surprise for you. The guys you’d dated before usually showed up in jeans and a t-shirt. Not that you minded, but you welcomed the change.
He was a perfect gentleman - opening doors for you, asking if he could hold your hand, picking up the tab, you couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief that things had gone so well with him. You weren’t used to this at all, but you definitely liked it.
When he brought you home, he opened his own door and walked around to the passenger’s side, opening yours for you. He smiled and helped you out of the car, and you took his hand as you walked up the steps to your apartment. He smiled at you again, his brown eyes lighting up as they fell on your features.
“I had a great time, thank you,” you began.
“Me too, thank you for coming out. I really enjoyed it,” he laughed softly.
The two of you stood there awkwardly for a moment or two before Jimmy broke the silence.
“Can I kiss you? I mean...would it be ok if I kissed you?”
You nodded slowly, smiling softly at him. His cheeks flushed a soft red colour before he leaned in to gently place a kiss on your lips. His lips were soft and tender, and you instantly felt a spark between the two of you. You held it for a moment, before gently pulling away, blushing as you tucked your hair behind your ear.
“Uh, thanks again, Jimmy,” you smiled.
“You’re welcome,” he began, “so can I see you again sometime?” he smiled shyly.
“I definitely think so”.
You leaned in to kiss him one more time, thankful that your friend had decided to set the two of you up.
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Hi!!! For prompt night, could you please write a “I’m not asking for you to choose between me and the guys, I’m just asking to be a priority for once” blurb with Jimmy Vesey?
You check the time for the tenth time that night, only to see it was later then before and yet no sign of Jimmy. It seemed like Jimmy never came home. 
Sighing you turned off the tv and walked to bed. You thought that once you got to bed that it would be easier to forget that Jimmy wasn’t home but it wasn’t. 
“Hey, You’re still up, babe?” Jimmy smiled. 
“I thought you were coming home at eight?” 
“I was but than the guys wanted to grab a pizza and I know I should have let you know.” He said, still smiling.
You wanted to rub that smile off his damn face. 
“Yeah the guys.” You spat, turning away from him. 
“What does that mean?”
“It means that you never seem to think of me anymore. It’s the guys did this and the guys wanted to do this and blah blah blah.”
“Y/N, their my teammates and friends, it’s not like I can ignore them.” He scoffed. 
I’m not asking you too. And, I’m not asking for you to choose between me and the guys, I’m just asking to be a priority for once. If you can’t do that than this.” You said pointing towards you two. “Than this isn’t going to work anymore.” 
“Y/N,” He huffed.
“I’m sleeping on the couch.” 
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weresey · 6 years
Baseballs and Hockey
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Jimmy Vesey - New York Rangers blurb with Kevin Hayes and Brady Skjei
It had been a cloudy morning in Boston, you had woken up early to surprise your boyfriend with breakfast because you two had a big date watching your hometown team play his Boston Red Sox. The smell of freshly made eggs and bacon led Jimmy to walk to the kitchen with his cute nappy hair and wrap his hands behind you as you were finishing up breakfast. “This smells really good babe what’s the special occasion?” You turned to look at him after setting the pan down on the stove.
“There doesn’t have to be a special occasion for me to want to cook something for you babe, seeing as you Kevin and Brady only make reservations” you said laughing “But you like it when I take you out with the boys don’t you? And besides I never had someone as sexy as you to teach me to make breakfast”, he said with a wink as he headed to the table to sit down and eat. “Well, whenever you want to learn, you know where to find me” you said sitting down next to him. After finishing breakfast you told him, “I just wanted to make you something because it is our first weekend where we are having alone time and my hometown team is going to kick your Red Sox ass” he got up from his chair and started chasing you around your shared apartment until he had you pinned down on the bed where he straddled you. You both just stayed in the moment staring at each other when he leaned down and kissed you. In that instant you were in a different universe, it felt like time had stopped and you two were the only ones in the world. After minutes of kissing so soft and passionately, he caved in and he made a bet with you. “If your team wins tonight, I’ll attempt to cook you dinner and prepare a romantic evening for the two of us but if the Red Sox win you have to make a reservation which I know you have never liked to do because your cooking is always better than a restaurants” he said with his sly smile that made you quiver upon seeing his cheeks flush a bright crimson like the color of his Harvard shirt that he was wearing. “Deal! You better find a cook book Vesey because it’s your turn to wear the apron.”
You two soon lost track of time making out that you didn’t even notice the spam of messages from Kevin and Brady to see if you were at the stadium already. You laughed it off and told them that you would be there soon. You quickly changed into your hometown jersey and he put on everything he owned that represented the Red Sox, from the hat to a jersey to some socks he was ready to take a win that would never come. You too got to Fenway and found your seats because you could see Kevin and Brady waving their big arms from possibly a mile away smiling like children at the playground. The game started and for the first couple of innings the score had been a solid 0-0, the rest were action packed with the score swaying back and forth between both teams. The whole game you were fighting against Jimmy and Kevin because of their Boston pride, Brady felt bad that you were the only fan from your hometown in the section where you guys sat so he was cheering on along with you. In the 5th inning the commentators showed the boys on the big screen giving them a shout-out for playing for the Rangers and two of them being from the Boston area. They just waved and showed that awkward smile like they do when they have interviews after a game. Towards the 7th inning stretch, the kiss cam went on the screen and next thing you know so were you. “Look you guys are on the screen!” Kevin said as he pointed towards the jumbotron. You looked and next thing you knew Jimmy turned your face and planted a big kiss on your lips causing people to awe around you. At the same time that you guys are kissing, you start hearing laughs and howls as you see Kevin attempt to kiss Brady on the cheek with him resisting. You and Jimmy burst out laughing and the boys wave once again to the jumbotron as they move on with the next couple. Soon after the innings are finalizing your hometown team goes on to beat the Red Sox and you stand up to cheer your team get off the field. You look at Jimmy and say “Better get your cooking skills ready babe or I’m calling Gordon Ramsey!” Kevin and Brady look at you two confused and then Jimmy says, “I made a bet with her if her team won I had to cook her dinner, and if the Sox won she had to make a reservation.” “That’s a dumb bet, anyone who knows Vese can attest that he can’t cook.”, says Kevin “Hey! I can try can’t I” Jimmy says back to him “It’s the thought that counts and I just want to see if his cooking skills are better than mine.”, you snap back at both of them
You and Jimmy part ways from Kevin and Brady who had to take an early flight to New York for some Rangerstown interviews in the morning. As you were driving back home together, Jimmy asked you if you had any preference in meals and you told him to surprise you because in the end it didn’t matter what he made you it is the thought that counts. When you got home he sent you straight to you guy’s room so that you could change into something fancy for the surprise dinner which actually wasn’t much of a surprise since it came off of a bet. After a while of waiting, Jimmy finally called you out to him when you saw that he had made a rose petal trail from the bedroom leading to the dining area. He stood next to the table wearing a really nice suit that he had never worn before to games. The table was set with wine glasses and delicious smelling food that Jimmy actually made seeing as the kitchen was a mess. “Babe, this is amazing! You didn’t have to go to these lengths just to do the bet, a small dinner would have been fine.” “Yeah but if I hadn’t made that bet with you I would have never done what I am about to do next until we were back in New York.” You stood there with a puzzled look trying to figure out what he was talking about when he pulled out a little velvet box and kneeled before you. You backed up, clasped your hands together over your mouth and you were in tears when he started speaking. “Y/N, I have been contemplating with my mind over how to ask you this but when I saw you at that baseball game beside me, I saw myself with you at Fenway, New York, and your hometown doing these activities more regularly. Will You Marry Me?” he stuttered the words out and you could tell he was nervous. You didn’t know what to say because you were sure that your tears were about to flood your apartment so you just grabbed his face and kissed him as hard as you could. You left your hands on his face as you pulled apart and said Yes!
// This was supposed to be a small blurb because I am barely trying to get into writing. I just got into hockey back in January and this is just something that came to mind seeing as the New York Rangers were one of the teams that I got attached to first. Anyways, feedback would be valued. This is my first writing piece and I am self-publishing it so please be aware that this is a trial run and it is scary. I want to see if I have skills like some of my favorite writers on here. Hope you guys enjoyed it!
//Posting again because the first time it didn’t pick up on the keep reading tab. So here it is again. :)
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hattywatch · 2 years
J. Vesey - July For the Whole Year Ch. 1
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A/n: Hello all! It's been a while, but I'm still lurking about. I heard that Jimmy was back on the table for the Rangers a few months ago and started this, with endgame in mind that he'd be back and NOW HE IS. I decided to do chapters so it's easier to consume. We're clocking about 35 pages currently. It's about 90% completed, so the subsequent chapters should be up fairly quickly. This is 100% self-serving. I wanted a disgustingly long will-they-won't-they, friends to lovers, so I had to do it my damned self. Stop by, say hi, stay awhile; I read all comments, tags, messages etc- so don't be shyyyy!) Please check out my Masterlist (I finally made one!) if you want some more content :)
August 2017
“PIVOT!” a decidedly male voice shouts from down the hall. You almost laugh, but it’s 8am on a Saturday and you don’t really want to commit to being fully awake quite yet. 
“Dude, that was not funny 2 floors down, and it’s even less funny now-” still male, but another voice answers back. 
It seems like Stella, the building manager, has finally found someone to let the large three-bedroom at the end of the hall. It’s been vacant for the whole summer, which was nice. The floor only has 2 other 1 bedroom apartments, so it’s been you and Mr.Callahan for the better part of 3 months. He’s a septuagenarian and hardly makes any noise, so it's been akin to having the entire 4th floor to yourself and it's been too short-lived for your taste. To say you were delighted when the last tenants moved out is an understatement. You haven’t had to vie for the elevator, wake up to any loud music, or have a sneezing fit- which aroused your suspicion of a contraband feline residing nearby. You’re sad to have it come to an end, but maybe they’ll quiet down once they move in. 
Rolling over, you wedge your face in between your pillows, successfully blocking the sound and falling back into a gentle doze. 
Two weeks later, you’re sitting on the rooftop deck, lounging like a dog in the sun, sipping an iced-coffee from the cafe down the street and reading a magazine when the rooftop door opens to a boisterous duo, mid-conversation. 
“Brady will do it again this year. You watch. No way he retires, he’s got too much left in him. Guy’s an animal-” they’re both tall, but the sandy haired one is loud, clearly from Boston- his R’s dropping at the end of his words, making “Year,” sound wrong to your ears, attuned for New York City. 
“I’m not doubting him, man. He’s just getting up there,” they sit at the table next to you, clad in swim-suits, clearly about to use the pool- the paint is chipped and worn, but the water is crystal blue and chlorinated enough that even the unwashed masses of the city can’t sully it. The small pool is your favorite perk of the aged building.
Hiding your eyes behind your sunglasses, you size them up. They're young, likely in their twenties and they're both fit as hell, thick and muscled. Not a bad sight, but you'd hate to leer, so you go back to your magazine, only half paying attention to the chatter next to you as it moves from sport to sport before they finally walk towards the water.
It's cold, you know it's freezing, which is why you’ve chosen to tan and not float around in the water. One of the kids in the building had an accident in it last weekend; it had to be drained and cleaned and it hasn't had the time to warm up yet. It seemed almost silly to refill it now, since there's barely two weeks left of summer, but who are you to complain?
“Jesus Christ!” You can’t really hold back the laughter even though you try, so a choked snort makes its way out despite your best efforts. The sandy haired one is only in the water up to his knees and the darker haired one hasn’t even started his descent down the pool steps yet, and you don’t want to be the creep eavesdropping and gawking, so you pull your magazine up a little higher over your face to hide. 
“You could have warned us! It’s fuckin’ ice cold,” he retreats up the steps and sits back in his chair on the deck. “I’m Kevin, I just moved here. This is Brady.” Kevin sticks his hand out to shake, and you drop Cosmopolitan onto the wire table in front of you to meet his grip. 
His handshake is strong and warm. “Here, New York, or here, this building?” you ask after giving him your name. Brady leans in after Kevin, hand outstretched, so you shake his too. 
“This building. I’ve been in New York a couple-a years now. But we just moved to this building a few weeks ago. We’re down on 4; us and our buddy Jimmy.” You nod and tell him you’re on 4 too, but then his phone rings and it’s Jimmy and he has pizza. They invite you down to eat, but you decline, wanting to soak up as much summer as possible before the weather turns biting and fall’s crisp air rolls into the city. 
“Nice to meet you! We’ll see you around. Don’t be a stranger!” They wave jovially as they continue through the rooftop door. They seem nice enough. Saving your magazine from the condensation sweating down your coffee cup, you pick up where you left off - “How to Find a Normal Dude on a Dating App,” and wonder how they can possibly pass the same garbage off as something new each month.
It’s 2 o’ clock in the morning, according to the glance you give at your way-too-bright phone, and you hear the scraping of a key in your lock. It’s scary because your building is generally safe, and you can count on one hand the number of people who have a copy of your key- Stella the building manager, your elderly neighbor Mr. Callahan, and one ex who you ended it with over 6 months ago. The latter is the only one that makes sense since you know Stella leaves by 8pm each evening and Mr. Callahan is in bed shortly after his early-bird dinner at 4pm. 
If it is someone with malicious intent, they’re certainly not trying to sneak in, they’re cursing loudly and wrenching the knob that refuses to turn. The console table next to your front door houses your keyring, equipped with a small can of mace, so you grab it before checking the peephole. 
“Kevin are you fucking kidding me?” You unlock the door and yank it open to Kevin’s sleepy face on the other side. His eyes are droopy and his smile is lopsided. 
“Heyyyy, what are you doing at our house?!” You’ve seen Kevin around often since meeting him and Brady at the pool a few weeks ago. He’s always coming to or from the gym, or grabbing take-out, or the bar- which is probably the case right now. Kevin is good people, so you can’t find yourself getting too mad at the disturbance. 
Pocketing your keys in your robe, you join him in the hallway. “This isn’t your house, you dweeb. It’s mine,” he looks slightly confused before spinning around in the hall at his surroundings. 
“I see the problem now,” you’re not sure that he actually sees much of anything, since he looks a little worse for the wear right now, but he looks down to the floor before smiling back up at you, “your doormat should have tipped me off… we definitely never bought a doormat.”
He’s wobbly at best, so you grab him by the elbow and steer him towards his door. “Your boys home? Who’s going to tuck you in, bud? Make sure you have some water and get to bed okay?” Kevin is having a hard time with his keys, so you take the tangled ring and try a few before giving up and knocking loudly. 
“Hey!! I have something that belongs to you!” Kevin giggles and rests his forehead against the wall next to the door. 
The locks on the other side make a metallic jerking noise before the door is yanked open. You assume it’s the elusive 3rd roommate, Jimmy, since it’s certainly not Brady. Kevin has mentioned him in passing, but your paths haven’t crossed yet in the few weeks since they’ve moved in. 
He sighs and steps out into the hallway to get a look at Kevin. “You’re kidding me. How did you even make it home?”
“He didn’t,” you interject, “well… he made it to the building and then he tried to get into my apartment. Damn near maced him. He scared the crap out of me.” Jimmy seems to notice you for the first time. 
He looks a little sheepish when he responds, “I’m so sorry, he’s harmless really. Just drank a bit too much, I’m sorry he woke you up. We’re still pretty new to the building, he must have been confused.”
You smile, “It’s okay. I live down the hall and we met a few weeks ago. Good for him actually… it’s bear mace, so...” Kevin is still leaning heavy against the wall when you look over at him. 
“Oh, yeah- Brady mentioned you, I think. (y/n)?” Jimmy leans against the door jamb, arms crossed, and smiles- warm, like it’s not an inconvenience for you to be knocking on his door dragging an inebriated friend home to be taken care of. 
“That’s me…” you pause, not really wanting to get into a conversation at this time of night, the siren song of your soft bed and warm covers calling you back, “Do you think you can give him some water? Maybe some aspirin and make sure he gets to bed?”
Jimmy nods slowly as you talk, before the words seem to land and he nods more vigorously. “Oh, yeah of course… I am sorry, though- again. Thanks for getting him home, I got him from here,” he pulls Kevin over the threshold of the apartment, but doesn’t follow him down the hallway yet. 
“I’m Jimmy, by the way- nice to meet you and thanks again for not pepper spraying Kev.” You step one foot backwards, still looking in Jimmy’s direction. 
“Anytime, Jim. Make sure he survives the night.”
Jimmy smiles and salutes, “You got it. See you around, (y/n)” with one last wave, he closes the door and you finally head back to bed, knocking out as soon as you hit the pillow. 
Sunday morning you sleep in until 10, you feel like you’ve earned it after your night was interrupted however, Sundays are also for cleaning, so while your coffee is brewing, you pick a playlist on your phone and turn it on, loud enough that you can hear it throughout your apartment, but low enough to not bother Mr.Callahan through the thin walls. 
You’re halfway through cleaning out your fridge, dumping expired items into the garbage pail and making a grocery list for things to replenish, when there’s a sharp knock on your door. It’s not like you’re expecting company, so you glance at the mirror in the bathroom to make sure you’re decent before checking the peephole and opening the door to Jimmy. 
“Good morning,” you’re cheery, invigorated by the 2 cups of coffee you’ve downed so far and the adrenaline from being productive pumping through your veins.  
He has a brown paper bag in his hand, and he smiles, a small blush high on his cheekbones, and you can tell he’s much more reserved than Kevin, who is gregarious, loud, and boisterous each and every time you’ve bumped him since the very first day you met. 
“Uh, hey. Good morning. Hope I’m not bothering you-” he pauses and looks for permission to continue. You didn’t notice last night, half asleep and bleary, but he has the same accent as Kevin and you peg him as a Bostonian as well. 
Shaking your head you assure him, “Not at all. It’s daytime, that’s typically when visitors are expected. Let Kevin know, I don’t think he’s heard.” You smile and he huffs out a small chuckle.
He hands the paper bag over to you. “Just wanted to thank you again for being so cool about last night. Kev had a rough week and he felt like shit this morning when he realized what happened. He’s still sleeping it off, but just a little peace offering.”
The bag has the logo of the cafe down the street, where you frequently grab coffees and breakfast when you’re running late for work. “I just grabbed some bagels and a bacon, egg, and cheese. Heard that’s the way to a New Yorker’s heart…” he stops awkwardly as you unroll the top of the bag, and peer inside, “You’re not a vegan or anything are you… I didn’t even think about that. Hope it’s oka-”
“It’s great, Jimmy. Did you want to come in? There’s a ton of food here and I just made a fresh pot of coffee.” You step to the side and hold the door open, giving him a clear path into the house. 
He smiles again, it lifts up higher on one side of his mouth. “One cup can’t hurt I guess,” he steps in past you, nose leading him to the coffee pot on the counter. 
Jimmy stays for a few hours, he’s easy to talk to, quieter than Kevin, but you can immediately tell he’s got a sharp wit and it comes out the longer he sits in your kitchen, hat backwards and refilling his cup whenever it gets low. You start off talking about Kevin over your bagels and coffee, before devolving into how they know each other (distant cousins who grew up in Boston- you were right about the accent), and then he’s happy to talk about back home, opening up a little and telling you all the best spots in town, “I’m a local, so you know they’re good. You can’t go off google, that’s not authentic,” and defending ‘Dunks’ against all other coffee in the known world. 
“An extra extra? What the hell is that?” You’re topping off his coffee, grabbing the sugar canister off the counter and putting it on the table in front of him. 
“Extra cream, extra sugar. Why, what do you call it here?” 
“Fucking disgusting?” You laugh at your own joke, adding milk to your coffee, “Light and sweet I guess? Tell me something else in Boston.” His posture is relaxed as he leans back in his chair and starts talking about the Harvard Library, of all things. 
You’re happy with how Jimmy opens up sitting in your kitchen on a Sunday morning- chore list forgotten with both of your dishes sitting in the sink. You haven’t felt self conscious for one second even though you’re in your pajamas, hair in a sloppy bun on your head as you compare childhoods in the largest cities on the eastern seaboard. 
The conversation has turned to Game of Thrones, and he’s putting up a pretty good argument for you to start binging it, “I swear it’s like a movie every week. The production value is incredible,” when there’s a knock on your door. 
“More people have knocked on this damned door in the last 12 hours than have in the last 3 years. Sorry Jim, one sec- let me see who that is.” It’s equal parts surprising and unsurprising when you see Kevin on the other side of the peephole. The easy choice is to let him in, turn back around, and walk him to the kitchen as he stammers out his apologies, trailing behind you. 
“Jimmy apologizes better. He brought food,” You take your seat across from Jimmy at your small kitchen table again, as Kevin looks visibly shocked to see Jimmy there, one eyebrow making its way up in question. Jimmy immediately turns bright red when he meets Kevin’s eye. 
He makes himself at home, leaning against your counter and opening up the paper bag before selecting a bagel. “Butter in the fridge?” you nod and he helps himself. “I was wondering where you went, bro. I’ve been up for hours and you haven’t answered one text. I was about to head to the gym to look for you.”
Picking his phone up, Jimmy grits his teeth, “Ah, sorry. Time got away from me. I was supposed to be training, but I stopped by to apologize- for your dumb ass by the way- and we got to talking, I didn’t check my phone.”
“I’m sure you didn’t,” Kevin tells him it’s no big around the bitten off hunk of bagel wedged in his cheek. “You got plans today, (y/n)?” He chews heartily before you shake your head no, and Kevin lists off about five things that he wants to do, clearly no longer plagued by a hangover. Jimmy meets your eye and you shrug. 
“Sure, let me get ready.” You haven’t had a friend in the building before, but it feels a lot like you just made a few.
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rangers2076 · 4 years
Fic Recs
Here are just a few of my favorite pieces of writing on this website. This list is long overdue and I just wanted to thank all of these writers and every other writer for sharing these creations with everyone
Tyler Seguin
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Won’t Go Slowly by @psychospeak-blog
Little Do You Know by @raysofcrosby
Weight of Her World by @dempuckboys
Sex Education by @bandgirlsclub​
Whiskey by @raysofcrosby​
Kevin Hayes
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All My Own in a Big Red Bow by @hattywatch​
Plus Size Fic by @hockeyandtaylorswift​
Summer Friends to Lovers Blurb by @babrielandeskog​
Loves the Way You Love Me Part 1 Part 2 by @hartsytrash
Friends to Lovers by @hockeywocs​
Chris Kreider
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Take Me As You Please HC Part 1 Part 2 by @rawmeanderson​
5 Times You Posted About Him, and One Time He Posted About You by @that-fandom-stuck-in-your-head​
Nolan Patrick
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Ten Ways to Say It by @mathewbaezal 
Brady Skjei
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I Can Help by @jveseysarchive​
Teaching His Daughter How to Walk by @penaltbox​
Andre Burakovsky
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Back To Me by @backstrombabe65​
Champion by @rawmeanderson​
Broken Ribs by @carey-pricemas​
Since the Beginning by @hockey-hoe-24-7​
If the World Was Ending by @puckinghell​
Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off Part 1 Part 2 by @psychospeak-blog​
Mitch Marner
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Give the Stars Something to Watch by @antoineroussel​
Shower Sex by @angelgummy​
Jimmy Vesey
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Manhattan by @hockeywocs​
I Can’t Sleep by @captain-mcdavid​
Love Songs & Companion Piece by @hattywatch​
The Importance of Teamwork by @hattywatch​
Tyson Jost
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Wedding Crashers series by @bandgirlsclub​
Collide series by @burkymakar​
Vince Dunn
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Angel by @bandgirlsclub​
Call It What You Want by @bandgirlsclub​
You Ain’t Gotta Love Me by @bandgirlsclub​
Stuck With You by @bandgirlsclub​
Casual by @hookingminor​
Are You Mine? by @patty-wagon-nols​
Doing It Wrong All Along by @tkachukme​
Back to You by @mbarzals​
Want You Now by @plasticfilth​
Brett Howden
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It’s What You Deserve by @pucksnsticksnhockeyboys​
Seasons With You by @pucksnsticksnhockeyboys​
Mat Barzal
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Woke Up In Nashville by @bandgirlsclub​
5 Times Everyone Knew Mat Loved You & The One Time Mat Realized Himself by @idontgiveaflyinggrayson69​
Holy ground by @bandgirlsclub​
Goodnight and Go by @bandgirlsclub​ 
Everything I’ve Been Missing by @bandgirlsclub​
Baby Kiss It Better by @tkachukme​
Every Side of You by @generallybarzy
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hockeylvr59ficrecs · 4 years
Jimmy Vesey
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coming soon
#1 // hockeyfun // SFW
Love Songs // hattywatch // SFW
coming soon
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captain-mcdavid · 6 years
Jimmy Vesey and 4. “will you let go of the lamp post and get in the car please?” I would love to know how that sweet sweet boy would handle a situation like that.
“will you let go of the lamp post and get in the car?”
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“I’m not leaving.” You protest, trying to dig your heels into the ground as Jimmy pulls you from the bar. “I’m having fun.”
“Well you’re not about to have anymore, last call was a half hour ago.” Jimmy replies, opting to walk behind and push you.
“Jim, stop!” You whack behind you aimlessly, hoping to catch his arm or something. “The music is still going, I wanna dance!”
“The car is right here, baby let’s just go home please. I’m tired.” Jimmy begs trying to intertwine your fingers. He squeezes gently, before letting go and walking around to the drivers side.
You stomp your foot on the sidewalk like a child, nearly losing your balance with your intoxicated state, but quickly recovering.
“Get in the car!” Jimmy yells. You can’t help the surprised look that covers your face, you definitely aren’t used to hearing him yell. He grins at your stunned reaction, opting for a gentler approach. “I’m sorry, sorry. But would you get in the car? Please?”
In response you cross over to the lamp post wrapping both your arms around it. You weren’t sure why you were doing it, it just seemed right.
“You’re not serious right now.” Jimmy glares. When you continue to hold on, he shakes his head and comes over, trying to pry your arms off the post.
“Really Y/N?” He grunts, grabbing onto your waist. You resist his grip, trying to wiggle out of it. He ups his game, pressing his chest fully into your back before latching on and yanking.
“Nope!” You resist, holding on tighter.
“Oh my god.” Jimmy gives up. Letting go and opting to stare at you with a disappointed look on his face. You giggle, seeing that he’s trying to hide a smile.
“Baby, will you let go of the lamp post and get in the car?” He asks.
You think about it for a few minutes, and then decide that you’re really hungry. So you narrow your eyes at Jimmy and he raises a brow at you. “I’ll let go...” You bargain, “If you take me to McDonalds.”
He opens the passenger door, motioning for you to get in. “Deal.”
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numba99 · 6 years
Friends to Lovers
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Summary:A night out with your friend Mika takes an unexpected turn. Requested (kinda took a different direction from the blurb hope that’s okay!) Word Count 3,223
Warnings: Smut, didn’t proof read
You stood in front of the mirror in your apartment, looking yourself over to make sure everything looked perfect. You just spent the last few hours getting yourself ready for a team event with your best friend, Mika. You hadn’t been to a team event in ages, as the role of Mika’s date had been taken by his girlfriend. Well, ex-girlfriend now. 
The thought made you smile. Not that you ever wanted to see Mika hurting going through a break up it’s just well... you knew she wasn’t the one. You had always been nice to her because you would never be mean to someone Mika cared about, but something about her always rubbed you the wrong way. 
Maybe it was because deep down a part of you was totally in love with Mika. Not that you would ever tell him that. You were just friends. You met years ago when Mika was just starting with the Rangers and you were interning at MSG. All the players were nice to you, but you and Mika really hit it off. You were both fairly new to the city and had a lot in common, so you friendship grew fairly quickly. 
Unfortunately for you, those feelings bloomed beyond friendship. Much to your chagrin, it was impossibly easy to fall for Mika. He was charming, kind, funny, and, very obviously, beautiful. You kept those feelings bottled up, though, because you knew Mika wouldn’t like you like that and it just wasn’t worth potentially ruining one of your best friendships.
A knock at the door pulled you from your thoughts. Your heart skipped a beat as you hurried to answer it, knowing it was Mika. You pulled the door open, trying not to show on your face how good he looked. He wore an all black suit, which fit him like a dream, and his hair dark hair fell perfectly around his face.
“You look great,” Mika smiled, giving you a warm hug.
“Thanks! So do you.” That was a total understatement.
“Thanks y/n, it’s good to see you,” he said.
“It’s been too long,” you agreed. That was part of the reason you didn’t like his ex. She was always around. You get it, if you were dating someone, you want to spend time with them, but with her it was nonstop. Even if you did get to see him, she often tagged along.
“Definitely,” he nodded, “But we can make up for that tonight.” You smiled, excited to finally have sometime alone with Mika. Okay well, not really alone, but truly anything without his ex hanging around would feel great. 
The two of you headed out, hopping in a Uber where you chatted lightly about what you’ve been up for the past few weeks. You could just by talking to Mika he was doing better. The last few weeks before they broke up he had been in such a funk and you were just glad he was finally getting back to his normal self.
The ride was pretty short and you were happy about that. You hadn’t seen any of Mika’s teammates in awhile and you were super excited to catch up with them. You walked eagerly to the door with Mika beside you, almost as if it was your event not his. Mika was chuckling as he kept up with you, loving how excited you got to see his friends.
Once inside you were scanning the room for one person in particular. You suddenly heard a familiar voice call out your name and you knew you’d been spotted.
“Chris!” you exclaimed, running towards him as best are your heels would allow. Chris met you halfway, hugging you tightly and lifting you off the ground. Besides Mika, Chris was the other Ranger you were closest with. Him and Mika were best friends, so you ended up hanging out together a lot. 
“How the hell have you been?” Chris asked as Mika joined the two of you. He pulled Mika in for a hug as well, always being one to show his affection.
“I’ve been good! Busy with work, sure you know the feeling,” you replied.
Chris chuckled, “Yeah I know the feeling very well. I’m so glad you’re here, I was beginning to think I’d never see you again. No offense Mika, but I didn’t really like your last girlfriend.”
“Turns out neither did I,” Mika joked and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“I’m just happy you’re bringing your real girlfriend now,” Chris teased, nudging you.
“Chris,” Mika replied, no trace of a joke in his voice this time. He gave Chris a look you couldn’t quite place and suddenly you felt awkward, like you walked in on a conversation you weren’t supposed to be a part of.
“I’m going to get a drink,” you said, leaving before either of them had a chance to reply. Real girlfriend? What did Chris mean by that, you wondered. Probably nothing, you told yourself. He was always making jokes and saying stupid little things like that. But why was Mika so weird about it? You shook your head, it didn’t really matter anyway.
“Is that y/n?” you heard some ask. You whipped around, finding a smiling Brady Skjei.
“Brady!” you beamed, wrapping your arms around the tall brunet. You almost forgot how good his hugs were. 
“Where have you been?” Brady asked, walking with you to the bar.
“Trying to make a name for myself in sports broadcaster. Harder than you think,” you told him. You thanked the bartender you slid you a vodka soda.
“I bet,” Brady chuckled. The two of you caught up over a drink. Brady laughed as you told him about your nutty boss and he told you some delightful stories about the wonders of living with Jimmy Vesey. As you chatted your eyes could help but wander to the spot where you had left Chris and Mika. For awhile, it seemed like they were having an intense discussion. However, as Brady excused himself to go mingle with other party goers, you noticed they were both gone.
You looked over the crowd, but didn’t see them. It didn’t help that the lights were dimmed and most of the guys on the team had dark hair. Even if your eyes scanned over them, they could be easily missed. You sighed, slumping in your seat at the bar. You thought about fighting your way through the crow to find Mika, or at least Chris, but ideal of fumbling around a room full of athletes and their wives/girlfriends didn’t really appeal to you. Besides, you thought the odds would be better one of them would make their way to the bar for a drink eventually.
You ordered another vodka soda and waited. And waited. And waited. By the time you hit the bottom of the glass, you were annoyed. Mika invited you out and then he just left you? You felt like an idiot sitting alone at the bar while everyone else was enjoying themselves. You suddenly felt sad and out of place and decided you were gonna take an uber home. Clearly Mika didn’t care as much about spending time together as you did. 
Just as you were about to order a ride, a hand touched your shoulder. You looked up and found Chris standing over you.
“Chris what the hell? Where have you been? Where’s Mika?” you asked, looking past him. Still no Mika in sight. 
“Sorry, it’s my bad,” Chris told you, sitting down next to you, “We kind of got into a fight. I think he’s trying to cool off.”
“What happened?” you asked, surprised. As long as you knew Mika and Chris, you had never seen them fight. They were the closest of friends and you wondered what possibly could have caused a rift.
“I told him what he didn’t want to hear,” Chris stated simply, as if that cleared anything up.
“I’m gonna need a little more information than that,” you replied.
“You love him, don’t you y/n,” Chris said. It seemed to be a question, but sounded much more like a statement. You were taken aback be his bluntness, not sure how to respond.
“He’s my friend, of course I love him,” you replied, not wanting to show your hand. Chris gave you a look and you knew he wasn’t buying.
“Do i look like an idiot or do you think your acting skills are that great?” Chris replied, rolling his eyes at you.
“What does this have to do with your fight with Mika?” you asked, ignoring his question.
“God your both so dense,” Chris groaned, rubbing his eyes. “You’re in love with each other. Everyone knows it, besides you two apparently.”
“Mika isn’t in love with me,” you scoffed. It couldn’t be true. Someone like Mika doesn’t just fall for someone like you.
“Y/n,” Chris sighed, “I don’t know if you’re blind or clueless but have you seen the way that man looks at you? I’ve known him for years now and I’ve never seen him look at anyone like that, not even his ex. In fact, do you know why they broke up?”
“Not really,” you admitted. Your head was buzzing a little from what Chris was telling you, but from what you could remember, Mika just said things weren’t working.
“She thought Mika liked you more than a friend. Probably the only smart thing that girl ever said,” Chris told you,rolling his eyes at her memory, “Seriously, y/n. I know Mika and I know you’re not just a friend to him.”
“If he loved me so much, why hasn’t he told me? Why date other girls?” you questioned, not ready to you believe this could be true. You kept waiting for Chris’s face to break into laughter and have him say it was just a joke.
“I mean I could ask you the same thing,” Chris pointed out, “But he’s just being a coward. Which I don’t suggest saying because he’s mad at for saying that, but it’s true. He- well both of you - are being stupid. You’re denying yourself of something special because you’re too damn scared to open your mouth.” 
You stared at Chris, wishing you could counter him, but he was right. You loved Mika and you were scared. There was no other way around it.
“I don’t mean to sound like a dick,” Chris said as you remained silent, “And I wouldn’t tell you any of this if I didn’t wholeheartedly believe Mika loved you. It just makes me sad the two of you can’t get it together when it’s so obvious you would make each other happy.”
“So what should I do?” you asked.
“For the love of god, tell him how you feel,” Chris urged, “I know it’s scary, but trust me, you’ll be happy you did.” You nodded, coming to terms with the fact that you needed to tell Mika he was more than just a friend to you. The thought alone was enough to make you break out into a cold sweat.
“Alright, that’s enough of match maker Chris for one night,” Chris said standing up, “Mika is headed this way. You got this.” Chris left you a nervous wreck as you waited for Mika. You kept your eyes trained on the bar top, afraid that if you watched him approach you’d throw up or runaway or both. 
“Hey,” Mika’s voice filled your ears. If you weren’t anticipating it, you may not have heard it over the pulse hammering in your ears.
“Hi,” you turned around, trying to sound as natural as possible. You were certain you looked a little shook up; the only consolation was that Mika looked just as unsettled as you felt.
“Sorry I ditched you that was shitty of me,” he began, awkwardly scratching the back of his head, “I- uh- I wasn’t feeling well. I just needed some fresh air.” That was only partially true, but you weren’t about to call him on it.
“Maybe we should just call it a night,” you suggested. If you were going to confess your love for him, it wasn’t going to be in front of his entire team. Mika agreed and you headed out without another word.
The uber ride back to your place was.... painfully awkward. You’ve never been so uncomfortable sitting next Mika. It was such a strange feeling and you hated it. You began to wonder if it was worth telling him anymore because if this is what telling him was going to result in, you didn’t want it. You so badly wanted to peek at Mika, to try to get a read on him, but you were scared if you made eye contact you would just word vomit everything. You kept your eyes in your lap or out the window until you arrived.
The walk up to your apartment was equally silent. With each floor the elevator passed, your heart rate rose. You could feel the anticipation building between the two of you. You kept trying to think of what you’d say and how you’d say it, but your brain was blanking.
You fumbled with your keys, finally pushing open your door after having to take one to many tries to do something you do everyday. Mika followed you through the door, your back still to him. You took a deep breath, hearing the door click closed behind you. You spun around, opening your mouth to speak, having decided to just surrender to whatever your mind would throw out.
Before you could get a single word out, Mika’s hands were gripping your face and pressing your lips to his. You stood there frozen, your mind short circuiting. Fuck he’s kissing you, he’s really kissing you, kiss him back idiot. You shook yourself out of it, wrapping your arms around his neck, leaning into the kiss. It was deep and needy, his tongue slipping into your mouth the second your lips parted.
Your hands slid under his suit jacket, pushing it off his body and letting it fall to the floor. You clawed at his tie, wanting to get at the buttons of his shirt. Mika chuckled, helping remove the fabric around his neck, allowing you to make quick work of the buttons. All the while, Mika slid the zipper of your dress down your back. He brushed the straps off your shoulders, letting the fabric pool around your feet.
You kicked off your heels, letting you hop up and wrap your legs around his waist. Mika didn’t miss a beat, holding you steady, his hands sliding down to squeeze your ass. You moaned against his mouth as he walked you both to your bedroom. He laid you down, his lips never separating from yours. 
You stayed like that for awhile, lips moving over each other, savoring the sweetness of each others kiss. However, you both grew needy and feeling Mika’s cock harden against your leg only made your core ache more.
You leaned forward, allowing him to pull your bra off. He kissed at your breast as a hand slipped in your underwear. You moaned, running your hands through his hair as he fingered your wetness. Your hips bucked as he found your clit, rubbing circles that sent little shocks through your body.
“Fuck, Mika I just want you,” you whined. Normally you were all for foreplay, but, fuck, you just want him so bad. Nothing was going to satisfy you like having him inside you right now. Mika didn’t protest, sitting up and undoing his belt. You slid your underwear down your legs as he stripped himself of his remaining clothes. The next time you looked up, Mika was completely naked. To say he was well endowed would be an understatement. 
“Y/n, you’re staring,” Mika raised an eyebrow at you.
“Sorry,” you mumbled, feeling your cheeks redden. 
Mika chuckled, spreading your legs open for him. “It’s okay, I don’t mind.” His tip bumped against your entrance, sending a shiver down your spine. Mika ran his cock through your wetness and you knew he was just trying to get himself ready but it was making you incredibly desperate.
Mika took the hint, pushing himself inside you.Your breath hitched, feeling yourself stretch to accommodate him.His movement were smooth inside of you, each stoke melting into the next. He gripped the headboard, allowing him better leverage. His hips rolled against yours with increasing strength and it was getting hard for you to hang on.
“Mika, I-” you tried to tell him you were close but it was so hard to formulate words when he was thrusting into you like that.
“I know y/n, me too,” Mika replied, knowing what you meant without having to say it. One hand slipped down your hip. He pulled your leg up, allowing his tip to brush a sweet spot deeper inside you. In a flurry of moans, you came for Mika. Your back arched and tilted back as your body was overtaken by pure bliss.
“Fuck,” Mika groaned, as you felt his cock twitch inside you. He came with, you never lightening his strokes to give the both of you the most out of your orgasms. When you both finished, he slid out of you and fell to your side. The room settled into silence as you both tried to catch your breath.
Fuck did that really happen? You almost had to pinch yourself because it really didn’t feel real. You suddenly found yourself laughing, form a mixture of shock and bliss.
“Laughter is not usually my favorite thing to hear after having sex with a girl,” Mika nudged you.
“I’m sorry,” you replied, still laughing lightly, “I just can’t believe that just happened.”
“Me neither,” he replied, joining you with soft laughter. “I feel like this goes without saying,” he began, “but I like you way more than a friend.”
“Yeah I definitely caught onto that,” you teased. “Looks like Chris was right.”
Mika sighed, “Yeah and I’m never going to hear the end of it.” He wrapped his arm around you, pulling you onto his chest. “But it is totally worth it.”
You blushed, smiling up at him. You suddenly felt so foolish for keeping how you felt to yourself all these years. “I’m sorry,” you told him, running your fingers across his chest.
“For what?” his brow furrowed.
You shrugged,” I dunno, I just feel like I should have told you I liked you sooner. I kinda feel dumb for wasting all this time now.”
“Don’t apologize y/n. We were both dumb for not saying something sooner,” he teased, “But seriously. Any time spent with you wasn’t wasted time. We don’t have to dwell on the past, we can just focus on making memories now as boyfriend and girlfriend.”
“Who said I wanted to be your girlfriend?” you poked his side.
Mika chuckled, “I mean if you really don’t want to be..”
“No. I want to,” you assured him, pressing a kiss to his neck.
“Good, because I wasn’t gonna let you leave the bed until you agreed to be,” he squeezed you. 
“There is just one thing we have to do,” you said.
“What’s that?” Mika asked.
“Call Chris and tell him we’re official.”
Mika laughed, reaching for his phone, “You’re absolutely right.”
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tsegss · 5 years
5 w/ jimmy vesey please:))
5. “I’m sorry, but this is going to hurt.” 
You felt like your were running trying to keep up with Jimmy’s long strides. And, it didn’t help that you were trying to get the juicy details from your friends hookup, when you took a misstep and found yourself on the ground, barely even remembering how you got there. 
You tried to brace yourself with your wrist but it was no use. You were down, ass on the cold NYC concrete. Usually, you keep your balance, even when you were drunk, but adding a pair of heels and a seven block walk into the mix was a completely different story. 
Jimmy, who was awaking a couple paces in front of you, turned around. 
“Help.” You pouted. 
“What did you even do?” He asked, extending a hand to you. You took it as you tried to defend yourself, “I was just walking, like I don’t even know.” 
He pulled you up, but as soon as you put pressure on your left ankle, a sharp pain came shooting up your leg, and you knew something wasn’t right. 
“Fuck.” You sneered, lifting your foot up, proving instant relief. But, the remaining alcohol in your system was making it difficult to keep your balance, and you practically fell into Jimmy’s arms. 
“Is it you foot?” 
“No, my ankle.” You whined, mostly from the pain. 
“Okay.” He exhaled. “We’re less than a block from the apartment, do you think you can walk.” 
“I can try.” You hesitated, not confident in your ability, but it seemed like a waste to uber such a short distance.
After one small step though, Jimmy decided it wasn’t worth it. “Alright.” He said under his breath before scooping you up in his arms. 
“Jimmy-“ You started protesting. 
“Stop. We’ll be there in a minute.” He was right, and drunk, injured you were really thankful that you didn’t have to walk. And, after a few off looks from your doorman you were upstairs in Jimmy’s apartment sitting on his kitchen counter, waiting for him to grab the first aid kit Kevin had left in his big move to Winnipeg. 
“I’m sorry.” Jimmy paused, before attempting to undo the strap on your heel. “But, this is going to hurt.” 
You gave him a weak smile before giving him the okay. And, maybe it was the alcohol in your system, or the fact that he was taking care of you, but all you wanted to do was make out with him. 
Which, thankfully, after, you got to do. 
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beautifulfigment · 6 years
Lighters in the Air ~ Jimmy Vesey
I put my iPod on shuffle and wrote a blurb based on the first song that came on.
Lighters In The Air by Chris Young
I thanked the bartender as he handed me my second beer of the night. I had only been able to press the plastic cup to my lips before my friend grabbed my elbow and pulled me back towards the dance floor. Stumbling over my feet, I bumped into the back of a guy who had been standing on the outskirts of the crowd. Unfortunately for me, my beer tipped and spilled down his back. He jumped forward at the sensation and he turned to see my horrified face. “I’m so sorry.” The cup had tumbled to the floor and I frantically looked around for napkins or something to clean his jacket with.
The stranger peeled his jacket off and calmly shook his head, “It’s alright.” My friend was growing impatient and she started pulling me again.
I continued to stare at the man while stumbling behind my friend, “Send me the dry cleaning bill!” He waved to me as I was engulfed by the crowd. Turning to my friend, I slapped a hand to my forehead, “Oh I feel terrible.” She only waved me off and mumbled something that I couldn’t hear over the sound of the cover band starting their next song. Everyone around me swayed to the music, but I couldn’t get into it. That’s when I felt a hand on my elbow and I turned to see the stranger looking at me with a small smile on his face.
“Kind of hard to send you a dry cleaning bill when I don’t even know your name.”
I smiled at him and held a hand out, “It’s Y/N.”
He took my hand and leaned in so he could be heard over the music, “Jimmy.” I apologized again, but he only waved me off, “My friends wanted to thank you for that.” I gave him a puzzled look and he continued, “They hated that jacket and they’ve been trying to get me to toss it for a while now.” I giggled and he smiled.
Jimmy and I stayed together all night, talking and pointing out the songs we liked and didn’t like. Then the band started to play my favorite song and I turned to Jimmy, “I love this one.” I started swaying to the slow music and Jimmy grabbed my hand, pulling me into his chest. My arms found their way to his neck as his rested on the small of my back. A smile slipped onto my lips as Jimmy’s forehead rested on mine and the night sky lit up around us with lighters waving in the air.
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goalcaufield · 6 years
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* = personal favorite
arizona coyotes
jakob chychrun:
my princess
boston bruins
charlie mcavoy
come back 
brandon carlo
almost picture perfect
calgary flames
matthew tkachuk
lazy day
as a boyfriend
chicago blackhawks
dylan strome
edmonton oilers
connor mcdavid
used to this
new york islanders
mat barzal
wake up call
new york rangers
jimmy vesey
the three of us
as a boyfriend
brady skjei
winter wonderland
philadelphia flyers
travis konecny
as a boyfriend
friends dont:
description, part one, part two
nolan patrick
biggest mistake yet
knowing better
as a boyfriend
nightly routine
carter hart
as a boyfriend
joel farabee
study buddy
toronto maple leafs
auston matthews
not fair to me
vancouver canucks
quinn hughes
what’s left
as a boyfriend
perfect duo (blurb)
road trip (blurb)
blue (smut)
lead (smut)
forever and always
jack hughes
close call
since the beginning *
dating jack hughes
fate *
better than gold *
show me you care
i love you (blurb)
rainy day
i got you
sweet baby *
spencer knight
pink *
puzzle pieces
danny weight
secrets *
all roads lead home:
all chapters listed here.
case mccarthy
as a boyfriend
updated 7.22.19 3:41 pm est
700 notes · View notes
thundersstruck · 6 years
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We’re gonna work on this okay but here it exsists okay.
GIF CREDIT: @gfhockey
Wanna request something?
Here’s some prompt lists if you’d like or if not you can just ask me to do anything just tell me the player and whether it’s an imagine or headcannon :)
If you use a prompt list please tell me which list, the number and what player
LAST UPDATED: May 24th, 2020
* means smut
Auston Matthews:
High hopes pt.1 Pt.2
To the grave
I call the shots bub
Tiny Dancer
Down the Hall
Don’t Forget Where You Belong
Mob Ties
Concert headcannon
Beach bums headcannon
Disney days headcannon
Valentine headcannon
Mitch Marner:
You smell like a pool
William Nylander:
Talk Fast
Kasperi Kapanen:
Is There Somewhere?
Alex Nylander:
Morgan Rielly:
Do what you do best
Frederik Andersen:
5 more minutes*
Jack Eichel:
Uptown Girl
Shout out to my Ex
You’re Not Mom
What even is Victoria’s Secret?
Relationship headcannon
Jeff Skinner:
Borrowed and Blue
American Oxygen
Rasmus Dahlin:
Relationship headcannon
Sidney Crosby:
Dynamic Duo
Brayden Point:
BBQ headcannon
Johnny Gaudreau:
Mikko Rantanen:
James Neal:
Cody Glass:
I’ll make this feel like home
Jimmy Vesey:
Mother Nature has other plans
PK Subban:
Out of all the things
Andre Burakovsky:
Meet The Burakovskys
Lush blush
Don’t you cry no more
We’re so fucking proud of you
The Game Changer part.1 part.2 part.3 part.4
Zach Werenski
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