#jimin wlive
Yes, we know
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skyandpeople · 2 years
Sobbing 🥹🥺✨❤️
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lokisasylum · 1 year
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akookminsupporter · 11 months
He happy face when Jungkook arrived 😭😭
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kanmom51 · 1 year
Jungkook W-live 28 March 2023
I knew it. 
I bloody well knew it.
I had this feeling in my gut that JK is going to show up for a live on that fateful eve of the 28th March.
You know, to announce the CK ambassadorship.
But then that could have waited a day, like after the actual company announces it.
Perhaps the CK thing was a good excuse. I mean, given the fact that he had a live for over an hour and a half and spoke about CK for about 5 minutes of it...
So yeah, JK came live and practically the full hour and a half was about JM, with a few minutes to whisper “Calvin Klein” and say he wouldn’t represent a brand he wouldn’t buy himself (do we hear a tiny little poke at a certain someone else here people?  You tell me).
I saw tons of posts about the live.  But I preferred to wait for the official translations, makes for a better viewing, not to mention better perspective – seeing the expressions when the words are being said is almost everything. 
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Before I start talking about what was said and done in the live, let’s bring up once more the one thing that would have been a given to be talked about under the circumstances, but all we got about it was deafening silence.
The song that JK was clearly oh so excited about that he had to give us a cute little spoiler to with his guitar all pre-prepared playing us the tune (which he had to learn especially as he did the backup voice not the guitar playing -  that was JM).
The one song that JK took part in on JM’s solo so exciting new album.
The  one song that was created ‘for army’, same army that JK has written several songs for in the past, same army JK loves oh so much, same army that thinking about them at times brings him to tears, same army that he was sitting with him right there doing his live for. 
The song that JM said in his Face live, one way or another (waiting to watch that one subbed and see the exact words he used) that was for Army (again, without playing it for army that are watching him do the live), and moving on, once again, without a single word about JK’s oh so loud involvement in this song.  On an album that is personal to him, in a song that is his supposed letter to army. 
That song and that JK and that army.
Not a single word about it from JK.
Not him bringing it up himself, nor him talking about it, mentioning anything about it, including when JM was speeding by the subject on Suchwita. 
You’d think he’d be piping up oh so proudly at that point saying “yeah, the song I helped JM hyung made for army” or something of that sort.  We’ve seen him do it many a times before. 
Nope. No piping up this time.
As a matter of fact, not a peep from him about that song nor it's meaning nor his involvement.
I wonder why?
I really don’t.
I know exactly why.
And you do too.
JK turns on the live 28.3.2023 at 2:53 am.
He asks what did he come to do today?  He came to watch JM on Suchwita with us. So, clear plan for the live this time.
He talks about starting to work again, working hard trying to find his own sound (me making happy sounds), using a straw because he’s been having trouble with his voice.  So, he’s doing exercises for his vocal cords with a straw, something he saw in videos, including seeing Sam Smith do the same.  He asks if it’s because of alcohol.  Ahm…JK… maybe it's that other thing you're suspected of doing that might be affecting your voice?
Please don't come at me, but maybe, just maybe, he has been doing that one thing that's not too good for his health, and maybe his voice either. And maybe, just maybe, the straws, in mouth constantly is for his vocal cords, but also a way to stop partaking in said habit...
He asks if it’s because of the alcohol, and then turns around to say he bought the straws because of his voice but it’s perfect for highball.  Lmao.
Ok, we are done with the straw explanations and we are all ready to start the actual live, lol.
He starts with a song he says he came across recently -  a cover Haize did of Still with you that came out a few days prior to the live. 
There is a reason behind everything JK does in these lives. The choice of song here, it has a meaning, it's not random.
So, we start a live that as we all know ends up to be all about JM with a song that we mostly believe to be related to their relationship. 
JK talks about Haize and hearing her in a radio interview saying she did the cover because this was the type of song she wanted to write for her fans.  Do I remind you that this is supposedly a fan song?  Do we all believe it’s just a fan song?
Interesting choice for JK to start the obviously JM heavy live with a song he wrote that we believe to be a Jikook song, a song about JK and JM but that army was given ownership over.
Do I have to remind that JK came straight out and said this song was written for army?
JK was way clearer than JM on this, no vagueness, no beating around the bush, writing this as a gift for Festa:
“I feel good because I was able to tell fans how much I loved them.”
And yet, Jikookers studying the song, the lyrics, in the context of Jikook and the rainy day fight, which JK himself brought up during that Festa, clearly felt this song was about those two. One of those songs, just like we feel Magic shop is, that army are told is for them, about them, but really has nothing to do with them. It might be a gift for army, a beautiful song as such, but it wasn't written about them, while coming from deeper, more private and personal feelings.
But did you see what JK did there?
He goes and writes a song about the rainy day fight, 'for army', 'about his love for army', a fight we would never have known about if not for him telling us about it during that very same Festa.
That shrewd little bugger (yes, I'm allowing myself to call him that), wanted those who know to know exactly what that song was about.
Kind of like Letter, don't you think?
We would never have known JM's initial lyrics and his use of dangshin if not for adding JM's journal to the album, for example.
I know I'm digressing here, but I just don't understand why it was so easy to take JK's story about Still with you with a grain of salt, side-eyeing it, attributing the song to Jikook with ease, all while with Letter it's all "if JM said it's for army then it must be..."
It just baffles me.
Moving on.
Before starting the main event JK gives us a couple of minutes talking about CK, that the video went up, smiling shyly, lol.  “if you look you can see that I only have CK underwear…you can see the sincerity”. – He talks about the difference between doing the advertising work with the group (company decision more or less) to doing it for himself, which is his decision, and he decided to do something he really likes, something he would really purchase with his own money.  He really loves CK.
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“I can show you that my underwear is CK…but it’s kind of weird to show you.” 
A true ambassador he is.  Telling us he loves the clothes.  That he’s going to wear them often. 
He is really something else, lol.
Talking about how lately he threw out all his colourful clothes and wearing only black (well, we knew he was going through somewhat of an emo period), but he’s going to wear the CK denim now, lol.
That line of denim – I'm telling you, it's gonna be sold out in no time.  You just wait and see.
He laughs a bit about how embarrassed and shy he’ll be with the video, and he giggles saying “I think you’ll really like it.”
A-ha JK. You knew. Lol.
He goes on a little bit more about how he enjoyed shooting the clip, how he couldn’t eat during that period and how he really loves that brand, but then switches, says enough talk about that (not in those words) and gets back on track.  You know, for the actual reason he came live : “we need to watch Suchwita”.
14:08 more or less.  He’s looking to put on Suchwita.  Humming Jimin…,
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then asking why doesn’t Jimin come up right away?
At first he can’t find it and he’s baffled by it, continues to look for it, actually kind of upset..
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He finds it at last: “it did come out. Scared me.” Smile on face. 
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Smiley happy.
The way his features soften when JM is talking.  Every single time JM is talking. 
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JK said, I want to say promised lol, to tell us the truth about the dumpling fight, how serious it was, “scary” in his words.
JK stops Suchwita to tell us how much he likes Set me free pt. 2.  “it’s so my style.  He did such a good job.”  He also said how he likes the second part, we kind of see it later on as well.
So, we're back with Letter. Suga and JM are talking about the song.  Serendipity is playing in the background.  JK is smirking and humming/singing to Serendipity.  No stopping the clip like he did to tell us about SMF pt. 2.  No blink, no word, no humming or singing or bringing out the guitar to play Letter.  NOTHING.     
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I can’t really tell if he’s upset, and maybe he isn’t.  It’s kind of a given that this would have to be passed off as a song for army.  An intimate love song they sing together, at the moment cannot be passed up as just that… A price to pay, I guess.  One they both understand ever so well.
I said this once and I’m going to say this again.  If Letter is indeed JM’s gift to army, a gift he is dedicating to army on his first solo album, didn’t he kind of move past it super quick?  All with Serendipity playing in the background (why not Letter, the actual song ‘for army’?).  And the body language.  Oh JM, how hard it is for you to lie you poor baby.  Well, you aren’t, not per say.  Because the whole thing was set up that way, wasn’t it?  The timing of the song on the album, the little references here and there, the PERFECT disguise.  So kind of what these two do all the time, what JK did with Still with you. Omitting and sharing half truths or little wittle tiny white lies once in a while (JK’s “I go to his room cause he’s the nearest to me”).  I was going to write “they kind of have to”, but there is no “kind of…” in this.  They have to.  Period. 
And yet they find their ways...
I mean, JM’s album, phew, the queer coding, the clear clues in the lyrics, in his Playlist video, WOW.  Just WOW.  And then he sits with Suga and is asked about the songs and he says outright that some of it is too much to share.  He’s sharing.  He’s giving us clues.  Those who are meant to understand do and will. Those that don’t understand probably weren’t meant to.
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In any case, as per usual, the second you put me in front of a keyboard I start spewing shit.  This is not a post about a one Mr. Park Jimin. 
Or is it?
Because well, this is a post about JKs live.  The one he came to do after he told his boyfie that he missed him too (come on now, we all know it wasn’t us he is missing). 
Let’s do the math a minute. We do love our math, right?
If someone does a live but the whole live is centered around someone else, who is the post really about?
JK comments about JM’s hot food.  I guess that’s what happens when JK isn’t around to foo foo his food for him…
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He listens attentively, he nods in agreement to what JM says. 
He giggles when JM’s giggling, with that look he gets, you know, that JM look.
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He seems a little more serious, stoic, when it comes to Like crazy and the other songs on the album (other than Set me free pt. 2 that is).  I have a little theory about it. 
We are talking about the person closest to JM, his life partner, the person that spent the most time with JM during that 'darker' period the album is about. He knows what JM was going through.  He was there by his side when JM was struggling.  These songs, in a way, they might serve as a reminder of those difficult times.  As happy as he is for JM and as proud as he is of him, it might be hard for him to have this reminder.
Anyway, JM giggles, JK grins.
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Our neuro divergent prince stimming  but focused on the show.
JK’s face when they show Black swan.
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Proud bunny.
He finishes up with Suchwita and starts saying something about the way JM thinks but doesn't finish his trail of thought, noticing that he hasn’t really talked to the viewers during the whole episode – “I tend not to talk when I focus” (again, our neuro divergent prince). 
Yes, he was quite focused. 
As he continues to be throughout the live when JM’s on screen.
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Next on the agenda, according to JK, was to play a song and “end now”.
Didn't really happen that way though.
The playlist during the live:
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Love songs, eh?  Interesting…  Only thing missing was Letter.  But wait, he already played Letter on the guitar for us …
He comes back from the toilet (yes, he went for a wee, I assume), says he’ll end the live when he finishes his last shot.  Interacts a little with the comments, like reads maybe 3 and answers them, and back to sitting backwards on the couch and just listening to the song playing.  He’s not in the mindset of interacting with the comments.  That’s not what he’s there for.
6 songs  in (a couple not listened to till the end),  a couple of more comments read, intermission over and back to the JM show.
So, it seems, so he says, he’s curious about the lyrics of Set me free pt. 2.  And we’re off to watch the MV.  From his reaction at the end it’s pretty clear it’s not all the lyrics he doesn’t know, but more a specific word he wasn’t sure about – Maze.
He does know some of the lyrics already and part of the choreo too.
In that second part of the song he silences up.  Lyrics be damned.  I guess JM bare chest was something needed to be focused on. He’s literally mesmerized.  He did say he likes that part of the song…
Joke aside, I feel that the lyrics in the second half are more meaningful to him. We also notice that later on when he is watching the dance practice clip.
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JK's scrolling and starts a video, JM centered video (members teasing JM), which he leaves on to watch.  Enthralled.  Enamored at parts. Giggly. Fully focused.  Again, barely talking to us.  And even when he talks it feels at times to be more to himself than to us.
Clip ends, he tells people to watch and stop sending comments, lol (I can’t help but wonder what comments were coming up at that point…and those that understand, well they will understand).
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*Trigger disclaimer - this next paragraph can be a little triggering to some. If the subject of JK and alcohol is not something you want to talk about or here, move on to the next paragraph.
He brings up the question of alcohol again.  This is not the first time he talks about it.  Asking himself why he poured himself this last drink and is he addicted.  I don’t know JK. Well, not enough to say either way for sure.  But I do know that he’s an active functioning, now working again young man.  No, I don’t think he’s addicted.  I think he does use alcohol as a crutch of sorts, perhaps like JM told us he was a while back.  JM busy, while he wasn’t for quite a while.  I touched on it in length in previous posts.  I'm not sure he himself realises what addiction, actual addiction, means when he says those words. He seems to be getting back on track, but it takes time, and the drink it’s filling a hole that still needs tending to, but I really don’t think it’s an addiction, nor something to worry about, and him even asking that, in a way, also shows me that it isn’t.  His awareness is key here.
JK goes back to watch the TV looking for Jimin again.  He tells us he saw Pixid and it’s cool.
Guys, he’s clearly been watching JM content. 
When you can’t have the real thing, you go for second best, I guess.
He watched the dance challenge for Like crazy, commenting/ complimenting JM’s a good dancer.
Notice once again how he's not watching Like crazy.
Then he puts on the dance practice for SMF pt. 2 once again.  And super focused once again.
This is when we see him smirk when JM sings the line (in the second part of the song):
Look at me now, I won't stop, even if they mock me
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And after this JK joins in to the choreo…
He clearly loved that song.  He did tell us there is something amazing coming when the teaser was coming out.
At this point he puts on upbeat music (Up all night by Kehlani and JB), runs to the closet to take out a lollipop to suck on, saying he’s bored.  You know what him playing with that lollipop reminded me off?
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That Jinjikook live, you know, with the lollipops and the hickey selfie.
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Let’s understand for a second what song he has on: 
Up all night by Kelani and Justin Bieber. Ahm…
He rewinds the song a little and he’s sucking hard on that lollipop with the song playing : “I think about all the ways you turn me on. And my bed gets lonely whenever you're gonе…”
And the man is sucking, real hard, all while these lyrics are playing:
But, baby, I'm a wreck without you (You)
All I do is fantasize about you (About you)
You're the light of my life, yeah, I mean it
Girl, you got what I want when I need it
And even when the sun don't shine
I'll be right by your side, holdin' you tight (Holdin' you tight)
And when you feel like nobody cares
I'll be right there to remind you that
You keep me up at night…
Then, a few more moments in, he’s done. 
He has to go work on his stuff (ahm… what stuff exactly I don’t know…perhaps the stuff the song was going on about), takes the last sip of his drink bids us goodbye, as he suddenly wants to go work, says he needs to do something and end of live.  There was real urgency there.
Hey, get out of that dirty mind of yours.
He could have just felt inspired by JB’s beautiful vocals singing about the ways she turns him on and how he fantasizes about her (whoever she was, that doesn’t really matter, cause we know exactly who Mr. Jeon there is turned on by and who he misses and fantasizes about)…
I’m going with that.
Good thing he was sitting down and the lights were dimmed.  We could have, well, seen said inspiration.  That would have been some spoiler.
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Side note:
JM commented about JK’s live on Weverse and again later during his pre-recording on that day.
The man was watching JK. 
It’s clear from his comments.
And yet, he didn’t show on the live itself, comment during the live.  Not one word. 
Come to think of it, no one did (they could have been asleep, but they could have also just known when to keep away, lol).
So JM’s watching. 
You know, the live that JK was doing about JM.
JM is awake and watching. But he’s not commenting.
Only to leave a comment on Weverse that it was cute - letting both us and JK know he saw it.
Like he didn’t want to insert himself while it was happening
Not stop the flow.
Sitting and enjoying watching the love of his life, taking him in being so endearing.
Literally sitting front row view, seeing how much love the love of your life has for you.
He wouldn’t interrupt that.
And if I’m already talking about JM enjoying the view, well I guess I should also share my thoughts about JK’s live. 
You see, in my eyes Jungkook, he’s da man.
The man that told us he wrote us a song, all while making sure we know it's not actually for us.
He knows.  He knows us Jikookers have hundreds of clips with JK looking googly eyed at JM.
Do I talk about Karmy having a good laugh about JK’s YT algorithm?  How random it was for an unknown JM centered clip to just show up on his recommended?  Unknown channel.  How this clip showing up kind of means our man spends time watching clips with JM, probably Jikook too?
Anyways, man knows we see him.
Since 2020-21 he even tried to control himself more in professional surroundings, sometimes it worked sometimes it didn’t.
So, he places the camera sits back and just lets us watch him react to seeing JM, JM interactions with the members, JM interactions with himself, JM talking, JM singing, JM dancing.
You think he didn’t know what we would see????
Man is far from dumb.
Man knows we see him, know his expressions.
Man knows he melts into mush when he’s looking at JM.
And yet, he decided to do exactly that – let us see THAT.
Man is precious.
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ffjj5 · 2 years
That's it, I'm calling it, it's a damn conspiracy! I am always at work when JK or Jimin go live recently, and I mean always 🙄🙄
Once again we witnessed Jimin popping into the chat on the live and the sheer joy that it evokes in JK
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Jungkook appears to be shamelessly using his lives to invite his man out on a date and to also reiterate that they enjoy spending time together and do so often when they aren't busy, you know like finishing and getting ready to promote an album.
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Oh and the boxing trainer is no stranger to Jimin from where I'm sitting, which brings me to conclude that Jikook have trained together on several occasions 😁
Oh and I wonder what the trainer said here, in a quiet voice, to JK 🤔
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The way their demeanour changes when they talk about/interact with each other is just too much, I am just about holding it together with this Jikook karma. I am this 🤏 close to just....
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And if we get a Jikook live and I am at work again then I will instead be more...
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sweetjikook · 2 years
I´ve been rewatching JKs live in pieces now and there are a few things that made me laugh again.
1. In the first lives when JK starts looking for songs on YT he mentioned the fact that his live was already uploaded. Can't imagine how many times he watched all sorts of FMVs, Jikook and Taekook stuff. He must have no? Maybe he just mentioned it then to tell us he sees it too? 😄 he is so bold!
2. Let´s call it wlive #3 when he's waiting for the fried chicken. When he get´s up and starts looking for a wall outlet to charge the device (is it the lamp?) 😄 He is asking himself where he can put it?!
Well, if he lives there, like really all the time, he would know no? I know where every wall outlet is in my appartment 🤪 how come he apparently doesn´t?? Can only be one reason: he doesn't live there i guess or at least not constantly. Why do ppl get so stressed over that? It´s obvious no? Btw, the place sounds hollow, empty, like there is just that Hybe couch and an ugly lamp.
3. #4 that is missing but not really (saved and shared by many) while the cult was already laughing and screaming abt their unreal ship, and insecure jkkers were crying, suddenly there is JM! In JKs live sending messages just to take it all down!
Ohhh i love that guy for thinking and acting like he does. Sometimes i think they must have a lot of fun. What if they just laugh at us, what if they don´t get us? 🤷‍♀️ times like this my mind jumps and i can't stop thinking "what if?" 😜🤔 yep i´m INTJ so 🤔
But idc, even if they are not exactly what we think (or want them to be) that´s ok too. I will always support Jikook and the rest of BTS! They saved me too when i was at the edge. 💜
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I don’t know if you watched Taehyung’s live today but he made a comment about how hybe asked him if he wanted a cake for his album debut and he said no. I know a lot of PJMs were upset about Jimin not having a cake but this shows that he could have refused a cake as well.
My friends made sure to bring me up to speed on his live, though I’m yet to watch the full thing myself.
His comments seemed too pointed considering the topics that have dominated fan spaces since Jimin’s release - specifically his comments about how he is in control of his promotions and that Hybe gave him the option of getting a cake.
I saw the clips where he mentioned that he’d promote his album based on the options ARMYs suggest on Weverse, indicating that his album promotion tools are solely at his discretion. And I saw him mention that he didn’t have a cake because he didn’t want one at that point. Both sentences were made with very little preamble so it seems he just said it to get ahead of accusations he knew would be coming given everything PJMs have been saying for months about how ‘mistreated’ Jimin is for apparently not having things like a cake shown on camera or apparently not having any real control over his promotion tools from BigHit.
If that’s the case, then it’s interesting because it implies the members are aware of all the noise around his cake and promotions, including Jimin and Tae, and just like Yoongi tried to get ahead of ‘mistreatment’ claims with his own comments on how they control the spending on their budgets, Tae’s comments sound like he’s trying to shut down those mistreatment claims that started around FACE’s release too, and it makes me wonder how Jimin feels about all this, if it’s something he talks to the other members about, if it’s something they laugh about, or if it’s a pain point for him. The other members can see all that’s going down, see all the insane and pointless rhetoric coming out of fan spaces, and are now explaining things like why we don’t see a cake on camera….
It’s not been surprising that after all the talk about how we should treat these grown men like they have agency, how we shouldn’t infantilize them, etc… but when push comes to shove, when faced with a practical example of a grown man being able to handle his affairs including whether or not he gets or has a cake, because it’s not the option fans prefer they immediately toss all that caution to the wind, reaching for the scenario in which he is most powerless, most helpless, and most in need of their help. It’s not surprising because it happens all the time, and is in fact the reason topics like ‘infantilization’ of k-pop idols, ‘saviour complex’ in k-pop stans, and questions around agency and privilege of idols in k-pop, become topics of discourse here in the first place.
Because we all know, when issues start to impact our favourites, suddenly all those topics lose meaning. Suddenly, the arguments then become:
- Tae coming online to say that has to be the company controlling him to do damage control so they can continue mistreating other members,
- Tae is complicit in the abuse of his bandmate,
- Tae is a bad person anyway who is jealous of Jimin, and who sends his fans and shippers to attack Jimin.
This is how narratives based on speculation, conjecture, and overall feelings, take on a life of their own in this pressure cooker environment that is fandom, and become living breathing things that persist for months or even years until the members spell out that those narratives don’t apply to them. And even then that doesn’t always kill it. Because oftentimes, these narratives exist more for the fan, as a way to explain to themselves in a way consistent with that fan’s own worldview, what is happening within HYBE’s black walls in Seoul that this fan has no real way of knowing. These ‘mistreatment’ narratives around all the debuts in Chapter 2, are products from fans, made by fans for fans, and most times actually have nothing to do with the real facts around the guys in BTS. Facts that none of us are privy too until (usually) the members themselves reveal it with time, and when that happens the real facts don’t line up with the dominant narratives in fan spaces. Like, at all.
Jimin isn’t one to talk unless he absolutely needs to, or feels like it. I’ve noticed he seems to confound his biases and solos, and now after Tae’s live, there’s good reason to think at least Jimin and Tae are aware, and yet he doesn’t deem any of this hoopla as worth responding to. Or at least, not yet. And we know Jimin is not the sort to instigate his fans on purpose and then dip. He’s not cruel. My pet theory is that if we trust that he’s capable of handling his affairs, that all the other members wouldn’t look on while any one of them was being mistreated, then Jimin is solely focused on his new projects in Chapter 2. That’s what is actually important and so that is what he’s focusing on. Perhaps when PJM2 is out he’ll directly address many of these issues. I expect this could happen, but he’ll be more subtle than Tae about it.
We’ll see.
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shellbells-things · 2 years
Oh boy. Oh BOY. Those two are at it AGAIN! JK goes live and it take but a whisper of a moment for Jimin to pop in. And of course, JK goes into a full spiral of grins and giggles. The JM smile is on full display! He says “Oh JIMIN. Jiminie hyung came here”. Again with no honorifics at first.
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Then JK tries to get his Jiminie to come box with him (drinks, chicken, boxing…doesn’t matter, he just wants Jimin to come to him). They exchange some more niceties…. More giant grins from Jungkook.
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Then Jimin says…he says…
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This comment. From Jimin. The guy who trained in several martial arts for more than eight years—including kendo and taekwondo, which he achieved a black belt in? Listen. LISTEN. Jimin could kick anyone’s ass who bothered him with out breaking a sweat. So I call bullshit. Jimin doesn’t need protecting. He was just straight up flirting with Jungkook. I said what I said.
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💛💜 Jimin and Jungkook have been so much fun lately, wouldnt you agree?
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clburr03 · 1 year
🐰 Jeon Jimin...
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
All of Jimins W/Vlives, organized over the years with links.
This is an AMAZING thread organized and all put together so effectively. Thank you!! Sharing with all of you here as well
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Credit where Credit is due. Someone make one for the other 6 now too please? 🥺
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He doesn't know that I'm crazy
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aricastmblr · 1 year
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jungkook weverse live
-oh, ¿viniste?
jk-¿Estás aquí?
jk-Estaba cansado desde las 11 de la noche, así que dormí. Literalmente pongo una alarma cada 5 minutos. ¡Fue difícil!
jk-¡De todos modos es bueno verlos!
jk-Dijeron que harían traducción simultánea.
jk-Será mejor que enuncie mejor. La razón por la que tengo la luz tenue-mente encendida es porque, wow, me vi a mí mismo después de despertarme y decidí que no debería hacerlo demasiado brillante. Estaba bastante hinchado. En estos días, no he tenido estas luces encendidas mucho, pero las encendí para el concierto.
jk-Todavía no he tenido la oportunidad de decírtelo en detalle, pero estoy muy agradecido y feliz por el Billboard #1. ¡Estoy realmente muy
jk- Vi ​​que hacer un programa de música se hizo posible y no estaba seguro, pero luego salió la noticia de Billboard y estaba muy agradecido y quería retribuir.agradecido!No serán muchos ARMY pero conoceré a algunos de ustedes. Tengo muchas ganas de hacerlo
jk-"¿Te borraron el momento?" Mis momentos se estan borrando ¿Ser borrado no es un sentimiento similar a pasar de largo? Porque siempre se está convirtiendo en el presente
jk-"Espero con ansias a Suchwita". Me divertí en Suchwita. No esperes demasiado. No dije mucho. Comí un montón ¡Va a ser divertido! Estoy deseando que llegue.
jk-No estoy seguro si puedo decir esto, pero creo que va a ser pregrabado (inkigayo)
jk-Hoy estemos tranquilos. No pondré música y la casa está en silencio.
jk-Hay personas cuyo cumpleaños es hoy. ¿Estás haciendo bien? ¡Feliz cumpleaños!
jk-Debería haber ido a hacer ejercicio hoy.¿Conoces esos días en los que no tienes mucha energía?. No tu mente, sino tu cuerpo Me duele la rodilla. Mi rodilla podría no estar tan bien.
jk-No sé si sea porque acostumbraba a trabajar muy duro, pero estar en casa es un poco frustrante. Me siento mejor cuando estoy trabajando…
jk-¿Voy a hacer el desafío con Mingyu?Tan pronto como lo vio, dijo que deberíamos hacer el desafío. Con Seven también, creo que solo diré, hey, hagámoslo y probablemente lo haremos así.
jk-*haciendo la coreografía de Seven*
jk-¿Estoy feliz solo?
jk-No estoy solo, jeje
jk-Soy Iron Man. (usa luces)Parece una bola. La puedes sostener así. Es como lo que usan los magos. Esto es lo que hago en casa
jk-*Viendo su presentacion seven*en la BBC
jk-Oh, AI Jimin. (ve covers de AI)
jk-¿Cuál es mi favorito de mis escenarios de BTS? ¿Te refieres a escenarios o actuaciones? Para escenarios, diría MMA Idol.Para actuaciones... Seven es mi actividad en solitario, así que aparte de eso... Mic Drop creo que es genial
jk- ¿Te tomaste una ducha sexy de 5 minutos para verme? jk- ¿Qué tipo de ducha es esa? jk- ¿Existe ese tipo de ducha? jk- ¿No es solo una ducha rápida? jk- ¿Qué tan sexy sería llamada una ducha sexy?
jk-Estos días realmente no juego en absoluto.Estoy pensando en vender mi computadora. Iré a Dangeon (mercado en línea). No lo he hecho antes, pero voy a vender mi computadora. Computadora en venta
jk-¿Qué es esto? ¿Que es en directo? Mi vida se está mostrando en YT. ¿Por qué están viendo YT cuando pueden verlo en WV? Aún así, gracias. Estabas mostrando en YT. ¿Pero esto no está permitido? Nariz
jk-Cuando estaba practicando Seven, los miembros de Boy Next Door comenzaron a saludar.
jk-Oh, ¿el sistema se volvió más lento debido a las traducciones en vivo?
jk-"ARMY escribió una canción llamada Love Letter. En ARMY son, escuchas una carta de amor. En ARMY son, escuchas una carta de amor. En ARMY son, escuchas una carta de amor". ¿Eh?
jk- ¿Qué es la carta de amor de ARMY? jk- ¿La carta de amor de ARMY? ¿Realmente lanzaste una canción llamada Love Letter? jk- ¿En serio? ¿En Realidad? jk- ¿Qué? ¿ARMY realmente cantó una canción? Wow, esto es tan conmovedor.*olfatea y se seca las lágrimas* ¿Cuándo hiciste esto? ¿Había una canción como esta? ¿Por qué estoy entrando ahora? Salió hace un mes. Realmente no lo sabia. *se limpia los ojos* Estoy tan conmovido. Los ARMY son buenos para cantar. *se ríe y se seca los ojos* Gracias *toca Love Letter de nuevo* ¿Qué es esto? ¿Cuándo hiciste esto? ¿Por qué estoy entrando ahora? Es tan bueno.
Es tan genial. "Bulletproof." ¿Por qué no sabía de esto? aplausos Muchas gracias. Fue lo mejor.Los ARMY son los mejores. Es tan bueno. Es tan bueno.¡Me siento tan bien! Ah, lloré. No lloro tan fácilmente. Jajaja De todos modos, muchas gracias. Usted es el mejor. No estamos tristes en el nuevo capítulo. Estamos asumiendo nuevos desafíos. Es tan bueno Aparte de la cancion…
jk-Jimin-hyung ya lo escuchó. Hay una reacción de él revisándolo.
jk-Pero incluso además de la canción, sé que soy amado de formas que ni siquiera conocemos- Se siente tan bien recibir amor como este.
jk- Más tarde, voy a aprender esta canción y cantarla para ti.
jk-Así es, somos familia. Familia y amigos y amor. ARMY es el mejor. En Realidad.Lo mejor, de verdad. De repente quiero no ir. Mi sueño se fue. Mientras escuchábamos Love Letter, se me puso la piel de gallina. Mi corazón se siente más y más cálido.
jk-"Caminemos juntos hasta el final". Hagamos eso
jk-¡Oh, fue un regalo por el décimo aniversario! Qué gran regalo para recibir.Estoy muy agradecido
jk-¿Película de Barbie? Aún no lo he visto. Quiero verlo, pero no veo mucho la televisión o las películas hoy en día
jk-Bam está bien. Tengo que ir a ver a Bam. *canta una canción* ¡Voy a ir a ver a Bam!
jk-Ah, la guitarra que recibió Jimin-hyung, la vi!
jk-escucha 7 razones canciones de army para bts Pomicheodai. [La forma es una locura.] ¿Por qué los ARMY tienen tan buenas voces? ¿Cómo cantas tan bien? ¡Qué hermoso! (escuchamascancions)
jk-Me siento sentimental
jk-¿Escuchamos la Carta de Jimin-hyung?
jk- busca Letter by Jimin
jk-Jimin Jaman Jimin Jaman Jimin Park Jimin Park Jimin Park Jimin Park Jimin letter" JK weverse en vivo 7.26
jk-canta y mira vídeo de Letter by Jimin
jk-La canción es buena.
jk-¿Debo ir a dormir? No sabía que haría esto durante 2 horas. ¿Debo ir a dormir? no se cual debo hacer. Sí, vamos a dormir. Me voy a dormir ahora. ¡Adiós! . Yendo de repente, esta sería la primera vez para mí. Antes me dijiste que me fuera a dormir. ¿Por qué dices que no vayas ahora? Hacen magia así.()tosen
jk-Las canciones que ARMY escribieron, ¿debería llamarlas canciones de BTS? Las llamamos canciones de fans, así que supongo que también podemos llamarlas canciones de fans.Ya que soy fan de ARMYs.
jk-Originalmente solo iba a hablar sobre el programa de música e irme. Muchas gracias. ¡Te veré en el programa de música!
jk-¡Adiós! Yo voy! Gracias. De verdad gracias. Me voy a quedar dormido escuchando esto. ¿No vas? Me tengo que ir. Volveré la próxima vez con algo divertido.
(resumen jungkook weverse live hay subs en weverse español)
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akookminsupporter · 10 months
🐰 I think I still snore. 🐥 But now that I've been with Jungkook for a few days, I've gotten used to his snoring. 🐨 By the way, you(you guys)didn't strike the elbow this time? 🐥 What? 🐰 ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ 🐥 No… 🐰🐥🤣🤣 🐨 You(You guys) do MMA in your sleep. 🐥 Please be quiet 🐰 We're not supposed to talk about that now. 🐥 Now that. That’s… 🐨 Oh really? Was it a secret? I'm sorry. 🐰🐥 We can't talk about that! 🐰 I'm not supposed to talk about it! 🐰 You(ARMY) can look forward to that. You can look forward to that. 🐨 Did you do something fun? 🐰 Ah. We? We had fun. 🐰🫂🐥🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 🐥 Aigoo, Namjooni-hyung has always been like.. (spoiler) 🐨 No~ It's okay if you unpack the bag now (tell some story), We'll be gone for a while anyway. 🐰 So if we build up the anticipation like this now, the time waiting for us will go by faster.
translation: tw, @/factkm10
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kanmom51 · 2 years
JK's Weverse live 2 Feb 2023
JK man, what did you do to us?
4 hours of JK. 4 friggin' hours.
Before I dive into the abyss I will say that this post is based on multiple trustworthy translation accounts, seeing there is no official translation nor will there be for quite some time now (4 hr. live, lol). I will update if any changes need to be made (after the official translation comes out).
Also, This is a long ass post, so breach yourselves, get yourselves your favourite snacks sit down and enjoy the ride. So so much to come.
Starting with his:
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Knock knock, cheeky JK.
Let's sum up the 4 hours of the live shall we:
JK did the live in Brunnan.
JK's hair is long.
JK loves Bammi.
JK talked about his tattoos.
JK drank more beer than I could ever in one seating. Or maybe even 2 or 3 or 4...(I am a lightweight though).
JK was tired and still continued the live.
JK isn't working on his album at the moment, he's at home not doing much, well not working in any case.
RM commented a lot.
Tae commented a lot and got JK to do a live on IG that turned out to be pretty short, just surpassing his 7 min. live a few days back.
JK sang. A LOT.
JK sang Vibe. Twice. After calling JM cool, then adding Taeyang is cool too. He also gave us a little dance move.
Ooh, and we got JK singing Sam Smith's Unholy.
That's 4 hours in a nut shell I guess.
End of post.
Nah, gotcha.
We have tons to cover, so let's get it:
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JK starts the live telling us he's not really supposed to be doing a live, I told you, cheeky boy.
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JK moves on to tell us he's not working on his album at the moment, and actually not doing much of anything at the moment.
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I'm all for it. After 10 years of working practically non stop, throughout his youth, he deserves this time off.
JK does say he's spending time alone, at times hasn't left the house for 6 days in a row.
And as the introvert that he is, and as the introvert that I am, I get him. Totally. I could stay at home for days and feel totally content.
Doesn't mean he's not doing anything though. He's doing what he wants to do as opposed as living by a schedule. Taking the time to watch shows, videos, clips he wants to watch is one of those things he told us he does. I just do hope he's in a good mind space. The past couple of years were not easy. The not knowing not easy. Knowing MS is around the corner not easy. Jikook having to adjust to the new reality not easy. He needs this rest and I'm happy he's getting it.
Makes me think though about those stories told of him going out on the town like going skiing or snowboarding or spending time with Tae all the time (I literally have an ask in my inbox telling me just that). Dunno, perhaps it's time for many to finally start questioning these unsubstantiated stories?
Now don't come at me. Not saying JK and Tae aren't close friends. They might be both meeting up occasionally and/or playing online games together all day everyday. What I'm saying is that I'm sick of unsubstantiated stories someone sprouts on Twitter turned into facts without any actual proof.
And it's always the TKK side of things - believing until proven wrong. Because when the shoe is on the other foot, aka JKK, the knee jerk reaction is to not believe until proven true.
Just a thought...
After JK talks about how long his hair has grown, and damn, it has grown so long, Bam makes an appearance. Bammi. How we missed him so.
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I truly think Bam deserves a whole post of his own, and I will give you one. I promise. Cause so many cute Bamkook moments, including a lethal Bam kiss.
JK's asked about Jin and says he thinks he's doing well and that he's in touch with them occasionally in their group chat. That same group chat many fans forget they actually have to communicate amongst themselves and not via their public IG accounts. That is when they don't communicate personally with each other privately.
JK brings up not seeing "Yoongi marry me".
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Next JK started with the karaoke. We got to enjoy JK's flawless voice throughout his live. But he started us off with Vibe.
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JK singing and dancing vibe on his live - all I've been living for the past couple of weeks, lol - singing it TWICE.
This too deserves a whole separate post, and it probably will get one.
Saying that, JK with singing Vibe (do I have to remind he did it twice?) has now performed 7 of JM's songs while live or recording content.
JK continues to sing several songs by TXT, New Jeans, Seventeen, RM, etc. Like I said, karaoke night full blow (filling up the 4 hour live).
A list of his songs throughout the live can be found here:
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JK was asked if he has a tattoo on his back, to which he said he doesn't, only on his right arm.
We had a little JK-Army flirtation going on, as per usual, lol.
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Mr. Jeon Jungkook also thinks maybe he's the next to get appendicitis. I sure hope he's wrong.
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And that at 25 yo he's getting old.- everything hurts. Why am I not surprised (man cannot do anything half way).
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RM popped in to visit JK's live, a little drunk perhaps, lol.
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And JK...
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Next comes the thing everyone has been literally waiting for...
The tattoos.
I know this will be twisted and turned and I feel sorry for the accounts with their anons open, cause this, not surprisingly, is turning into to a shit storm...
There are a few translations out there, most not full ones, and others pretty unreliable.
So, I'm still on the lookout for a reliable full translation for these. I've found a couple that feel like they have an agenda.
I did find this one, a full translation that seems to be more or less on the up and up - lines up with all the bits and pieces I've found in the accounts I do trust.
One specific tattoo JK neglects to talk about is the eclipse tattoo. Unintentional you think? I think not.
So, let's get down to what we really came for, eh? His hand tattoo. The talk of the town.
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I know JK said the J is for JK. JK and Army.
Loud and clear, right?
But is it?
Is JK sharing the whole story with us?
Why then on the ring finger?
Why over the M?
Why not allow anything come between the two?
Also funny, as @jaksal pointed out, how for JM's birthday in 2021 for some reason the J and M were kept apart, distanced, quite like the J and M on JK's finger. Apart but not parted (mostly).
Another question I can't help but ask is since when does J stand for JK? Really. Please tell me when was the first or last time JK ever referred to himself as J.
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Jungkook calls himself JK. He is referred to by others as JK. When he writes his name in Roman letters he writes JK. Never J.
On top of that, why not put the J over the A? Would make more sense, J + Army from the start...
And if he decided to put the crown over the A, which he did, then why not put the J over any other finger other than the actual ring finger that happened to make a lovely clear and constantly touched up and darkened JM?
Could JK share the whole story with us even if he really wanted to?
JK in essence debunked the story that Army were living for since 2019 - that Army with the J stood for all the 7 members of BTS. The A inverted standing for V.
Yes, he said the J is for JK, but could he say he added the J on his ring finger over the M to make JM? The only one out of all of the members he decided to tattoo onto his skin, have on his hand for all to see?
Telling us J over the M on his ring finger stood for JM would be literally outing the two as a queer couple. No ifs ands or buts.
And you can't say the same about him telling us army is army. Because admitting army was for all the members wouldn't put him in a queer relationship with one of the members, all while having JM on his ring finger would seal the deal on that.
So what did JK do talking about his tattoos? He omitted the JM, and the eclipse - the two specific known tattoos that can link him directly to JM (and if the eclipse had nothing to do with JM why not talk about it too?).
Oh, and I know what comes next -
Being asked "are you calling him a liar?"
Heck no.
But telling a necessary untruth, or embellishing the truth, or omitting some facts, or perhaps the right way of seeing it is giving us the acceptable excuse.
Nope. Not lying. But all the above... yeah, that.
Seriously, take a second to think clearly. What was he supposed to do? Really? Admit that the J and M are connected and mean JM?
I've been seeing people talking about how JK didn't realise what he was doing. That he didn't see the placement came out like JM. Please give me a break. Do they really have such low regard for JK?
The man that came up with this:
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Wouldn't realise the J placed over the M makes JM - Jimin. Ha-ha-ha.
With or without the next paragraph, JK knew what he was doing.
But if we do trust this specific translation, JK points out that he placed the crown over the A. Thoughtfully. Intentionally. Do we really think he wouldn't have had the same thought process with the J?
Please don't insult JK's intelligence.
And if you wonder what K-JKKs are thinking:
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And being harassed and bullied and bad mouthed for speaking their minds. How familiar...
Oh, and just in case we forgot, during the live JK made sure we'll remember how he refers to Jimin... starting to actually say the actual name and then intentionally changing it up to JM. See for yourselves.
And if you are even interested to know what my 21 yo army non Jikooker daughter's reaction was to the whole Army and J tattoo explanation (you're getting either way)...same daughter that told me the army stood for all members and we argued about it many a times.
You know what she said to me?
"Well, what do you expect him to say? That it's JM? Of course he can't say that".
He can't say it.
So, if I haven't made myself clear by now I'll say it once more with feeling:
The combination of the J and the M on JK's ring finger stands for JM.
Again, I don't think JK is lying. But he's omitting.
The J could definitley be there to not only mean JM but him as well, which would make it even more romantic, if you will. The J and the M, JK and JM marked on his ring finger. If that's not commitment idk what is.
Then Tae joined the fun.
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So, JK started the live.
Full untranslated live here (couldn't find a reliable translated one on YT just yet):
JK getting up mid live, to get something?
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comes back and still talk for a few minutes, to each other (?) and that's it.
Not much was going on there.
Not gonna say the D (disconnected) word, cause y'all gonna come down my throat.
What was kind of obvious is that no, they no bumping knees. Two mates talking. To each other, next to each other, sometimes the first, sometimes the other.
When you are asking to have a live but then reduced to play with the filters cause the convo, it just ain't flowing, all to end the live after around 10 minutes (I think only around half of that was them talking to each other)...
I'd say reach your own conclusions.
The apartment
Before moving on let's talk a little about the apartment shall we?
We know who is on the lease of Brunnan.
We know it's furnished with some of the dorm's furniture (I'm not 100% sure, but that lounge sure looked like the dorm lounge).
Walls bare.
Clothes rack empty.
What looked like his coat maybe lying on the lounge next to him.
This time he was prepared with a chilled beer glass (after the tea cup wine drinking debacle, lol).
Let's get real here.
Could he be living there? Sure he could. Spending days on end in a bare, cold, lifeless apartment with zero character.
Could he be living elsewhere, let's say somewhere where we aren't even shown anything other than the tv screen? Sure he could. But not on paper. Not officially.
Could two grown men that literally aren't allowed to be in a queer relationship starting the second they enlist need to have official/public known separate addresses, and perhaps there is another place, kept secret, where they can spend most of their time together their privacy guaranteed? Knowing there are still queer couples in SK that live that way, my answer to that will be yes.
Do we know for sure? Heck no. And that, my friends, is the whole idea. We're not supposed to know, as much as our curiosity kills us.
Just a couple of more things and we're done. Phew...
We had this:
JK likes cute
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Just in case we weren't aware of it, once again JK confirms that his type is cute. Since forever.
Cute has JK giggling.
Cute has JK drooling.
Another one that deserves it's very own post. So much to do...
Note to self: you asked for Jikook content, don't complain now that you got some.
Sam Smith's Unholy
I'm going to end this long ass post with some JK singing and dancing to Sam Smith's Unholy.
Because how better to end this with a diva JK?
Of course he'll know the choreo.
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ffjj5 · 2 years
It's arts and crafts time with Jimin on WLive.
Fluffy haired and bare faced
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A much needed change of pace after being hit with this Jimin for the last two days
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Enjoy it people, I am off to work. I will catch up with it when the eng subs drop.
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