#jimin is gcfs model
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jikooklove9795 · 4 months ago
JIKOOK & NOV 8th 2015
In South Korea couples have a unique and delightful way of celebrating anniversaries marking special milestones. They commemorate these milestones by exchanging personalized gifts, going on romantic dates, by wearing matching clothes or by sharing photos documenting their relationship. This is done in recognition of their continuous love and appreciation.
Now let's dive into see how Jikook celebrates a special a date in their relationship.
On Nov 8th 2015 Jikook posts their first video together on twitter
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Exactly 100 days after Nov 8th 2015 Jungkook made a tweet about the importance of lyrics in a song and uploaded his cover of Nothing Like Us by Justin Bieber
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One year later on Nov 8th 2016 Jimin posts a video of Jungkook and him sitting together on a plane
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On Nov 8th 2017 Jungkook releases his first ever GCF. It was video documenting Jimin and Jungkook's private trip to Japan in 2017. A trip Jungkook planned and arranged as a birthday gift to Jimin
On Jan 26th 2018, which is 811 days from Nov 8th 2015 Jimin posted this pic. Do you see the black & white reference at the foot of the champagne glass? Interesting right??!!
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On August 2018 BTS were in Malta filming BV Season 3.
1000 days after Nov 8th 2015 Jungkook posted a selca while in Malta at 10:13 local time which is Jimin time
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And on the 1500the day from Nov 8th 2015 Jimin posts a selca at 1:50
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Now before we move on let's take a moment to remember that Jimin won the Search King Challenge question where BTS had to find the 2000th day from the first episode of Run BTS. He used the NAVER Anniversary Calculator. Jungkook was not far behind. He was about to answer but lost by a few seconds to Jimin. Hoseok had no idea about the calendar while Namjoon went for Google. So, this shows Jimin often uses the calculator for finding important dates and anniversaries
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Okay, now back to our main topic.
BTS PTD Seoul Concert in March 2022. And during the concert...
He said "This is Jimin from grade 2 class 3 number 15". Cause March 10th 2022 was exactly 2315 days from Nov 8th 2015.
Remember the rectangular Maison Margeila pendant which Jimin wears? He wears the one where the number 11 is encircled.
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Let's take out 11 and add all the other numbers on this pendant.
And we get 80
So, what do we have
On Feb 21 2022 Jungkook posted a video on his IG highlighting 23:08 which is basically 11:08 however the story was originally posted at 1 am
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On October 26th 2022 (which is 13 days after Jimin's birthday and 13 days to Nov 8th) while in Qatar Jungkook posted a pic on his IG at 11:08 pm KST
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There are a myriad of references to 11/8 from song covers, song recommendations ending at the 1:18 mark to pics posted by both Jimin and Jungkook.
Both Jungkook and Jimin has shown how they are serious about these numbers relating to their relationship or those about each other. Reminds me of how Jimin started a live on Sept 1st 2023 wearing a 1997 model watch adjusted to Jungkook's birth time
Nov 8th 2024 marks their 9 years of togetherness.
So, let me conclude this post by wishing the couple a
"Happy Anniversary"
Credits to the owner of the video
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not-goldy · 8 months ago
Do you think Jikook's bond (whatever it is) is a goldmine to HYBE and they are trying to profit off it?
Thanks for such an intelligent question, having had one such mentally stimulating ask in a while.
Is Hybe overtly exploiting the chemistry that BTS has and that each pair has within the band, absolutely. I mean that bit should be so easy to wrap your head around.
Romance, bromance is one of the top selling genres of all time. The idea of BTS having a super strong fated bond between them is so commercially viable literal movies and songs have been written about them. 7 dates, bullet proof, and their recent Kdrama series etc to be exact.
And ships sell. I've said this since day one. The commercial viability of ships is just an offshoot of the commercial viability of bands as discussed above.
So yes, within that context, Hybe definitely would gravitate towards the two members with the most chemistry, who also happen to be two of the most liked members of the group, two of the most popular members and the most influential members of the group.
You don't go to war with your weakest soldiers.
Jikook is a very strong ship. We all know that.
They've had the most running in the group with some of the ships rising and falling over the years in terms of chemistry and popularity.
There's a lot to do with a pair like that. Reality shows, travel shows, documentaries, memoirs, tell all, cooking shows.
I watch a lot of reality TV and it's not hard to see how Jikook would fit right into that realm.
If BTS was love Island 🏝 Jikook would get their own spinoff after the season ended.
Fans love them, they get the most votes, the camera adores them and producers have so much they wanna do with them.
Am I making sense???
Going off with the Love Island analogy, just because Jikook are fan favorite, and the crew likes to follow them every where with a camera, and they are getting a spin off show of just the two of them don't necessarily mean their bond is fake that they are only existing for fan service or that the company is exploiting them.
There's just so much to do with them. They are fun entertaining adorable and a pleasure to work with.
So to answer your question I'll say yes and no.
Yes, they definitely a Goldmine for hybe in as far as content production goes.
No because they get to kill two birds with one stone. They can make money off of them, but also they create a safe space for Jikook to have that longevity to explore and nurture their relationship. They love being together. They love doing what they do. Hybe simply allows them to live their dreams and relationship much longer.
I've always said, if any queer pair in kpop were real you'd find them in a ship because ships would be their perfect cover for it. And we've seen jikook use this card very often to get out of trouble. Everything they do would be chalked down to fan service no matter how egregious they were. It can be invalidating and frustrating but In a way, it's also safe for them that way.
If I got paid to cozy up to my girlfriend, travel the world with her, eat as much as we can, hike, experience all and any culture- yall could call us anything you want I'm taking that offer🤣🤣🤣🤣
But we gotta give credit where credit is due because to me it's Jungkook that lay the foundation for all of this to be possible when he put of his first GCF with Jimin and later Jimin lay on top of him on a couch talking bout how they ought to do it again and how he would even model for him if filming is what he wanted to do.
I think they gave Hybe the idea of what it can do with them.
You can tell these things are things they both naturally want to do and have already done. During Run, they come up with a team name, they work well together, during rehearsals they stay behind and work on their routines tweaking it a bit, they come up with cooking shows to do, stay up all night doing nothing.
They are by themselves very creative and adventurous.
So like I said, I don't think this is hybe mining them but more so amplifying and giving them the production value to do what they already have been doing which they love, fans love and the company loves.
I'm sure if any other pair had this same organic pull towards eachother and wanted to be around eachother all the time too hybe would be just as curious and invested in them but as it turns out there isn't.
We are not stupid, we see them. And we see how some members act like they can't wait to get out of set when others keep it going even after they yell cut.
We see them all.
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notthatnuri · 1 month ago
GCF-SAIPAN, the real deal.
Disclaimer: this is my own personal interpretation and ideas, take it as it is.
1. Let’s go back to the moment when Jungkook posted GCF-TOKYO (GCF-T), do you remember? Namjoon told him that if he wanted to get millions of views he should use V as his next film model. GCF-T was 1 second old and Joon was suggesting this “for views”.
2. The teaser: Jungkook posted a teaser of GCF-SAIPAN (GFC-S) with a giggling Jimin ghost boxing at the beach shore. That teaser, upon cute and beautiful, showed some clip that was 2min 48secs long and the music that we can listen in that exact moment doesn’t match with the “final” version. In my humble opinion, GCF-S as we know it was not how Jungkook initially planned it. We got an “ot7” version. Because for me, GSF-S was just like GCF-T: Jimin was the main and only focus.
GCF-S as we know it:
1. The moment the film starts, we see V at the beach, and Joon’s words come to my mind: “use V and you will get millions of views”. We could think Jungkook did what Joon told him, and we were getting a V centered film “for views” (would Jungkook do something like that? In my opinion, no, he wouldn’t do a GCF only for views or with that in mind). We couldn’t be more wrong, because, as we will see very soon, the camera pans to the left and we see Jimin walking to the camera, and it is the 1st time we hear the famous and iconic lyrics: “I don’t wanna hide no more, I don’t wanna lie no more, what I found in you is so real”. In my opinion this is a clear message: I’m giving you a Jimin centered film again. Those very first moments of the film transitioning to show us Jimin afterwards with those lyrics is clearly intentional and very telling.
2. The film goes on and we see the rest of the members in different settings and we notice that the light and the color of the scenes are different than the Jimin’s one, because, as I stated, this “final” version of GCF-S is not the OG Jungkook had filmed. It is very clear to me.
3. We see Jimin back in screen in his ��solo” shoot, and those lyrics show AGAIN, for a second time, for Jimin and Jimin only. This is intentional too and with PURPOSE. Jungkook was passionate about video editing, he educated himself, he enjoyed it and learnt a lot about it, this is not coincidental, AT ALL.
4. Just like in the rest of GCF films, Jungkook stops the music only to show Jimin being a dork. This is a pattern, Jimin is his exception, always.
SO, in my opinion, GCF-S is the real tea. In my opinion too, GCF-T was loud enough, but many people didn’t “get” the memo, so Jungkook said, ok hold my beer and let me show you something, and he edited the raw 1st version of GCF-S with Jimin as the main and only model. Remember when Joon posted the video of Jungkook filming Jimin at the shore? He had 0 idea of what Jungkook was doing, he didn’t know Jungkook was filming a CGF at all. So we can say no one else was supposed to be part of it.
I truly think Jungkook’s intention was filming GCF-S with Jimin only and at some point it was suggested to turn it into an ot7 film (probably for promotional purposes), maybe it was said that having two full films focused on Jimin was “too much”, maybe it was just the company, we won’t probably never know.
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mrs-monaghan · 2 years ago
Since we're going by the logic of Jikook are not seen in public together = they have broken up, then my sister's relationship with her husband, who she has a literal child with, is FAKE, because I never see them in public!!!!!! They don't go out! So fake! Outrageous! How ABSURD it is for a long-term couple to want PRIVACY!!!! How dare my sister go out with me/be seen with me in public and not her boyfriend! How dare she have other people in her life!
How even more FLABBERGASTING that a worldwide famous long-term couple living in a homophobic country want to hang out in a totally safe and private way for them! It doesn't matter that their career could end and they could even be arrested, and it doesn't matter that photos of them on white day were leaked, exposing them in an intimate moment, and it doesn't matter that their names were on Dispatch's list, together with other couples that admitted they were together.
HOW DARE Jungkook and Jimin not make out in front of the cameras for us???? How dare Jungkook and Jimin try to protect their privacy after so many leaked pictures and all the stalking?
That's how stupid y'all wishy washy Jikookers and taekookers sound. Babes do you REALLY think Jungkook and Jimin always tell us truth? Do you really think they tell us EVERYTHING that goes on in their lives?
Shouldn't y'all take Taennie as an example? They were going out for God knows how long and they were NEVER spotted. Sure, leaked pictures here and there, which Jikook also have, but they've never seen in public together, either.
It's time y'all use the brains god gave you. Don't be scared of it, yeah? USE IT.
Do you really think they tell us EVERYTHING?
I wanna talk about this. This goes out to the holier than though Jikookers out there who judge us other Jikookers who still believe that the JM on JK's hand is for Jimin.
Anon I agree with you 1013%. Please allow me to hijack your post an address this topic.
Okay so JK went live and said the J stands for Jungkook. Right. I ended up in report pages for saying this on twitter but I will say it again. How many people do you know that tattoo their own names on themselves? No seriously. How many? I said even the most narcissistic person wouldn't do this and I got blocked and reported. But it's true. JK is not a narcissist, far from it even. He has a big heart and loves those around him and loves us Army even when we don't deserve it. That man did not tattoo his name on himself. That's point number 1.
Point 2. Who tf calls him J? He calls himself JK, members call him JK. Everyone calls him JK. The only member we've heard tell us to call him J was Jhope and I think that was "Jay"
Point 3 and what I wanna talk about. No, I'm not calling JK a liar. I am calling him an omiter. He ommited the truth. The point of him explaining the tattoos I believe was to debunk the V/A. Which he did, thank God. But I digress.
Being a Jikooker is based on deducing and analysing. Listening to them, watching them and concluding they're together. They have never outright told us. Alright?
Jimin said, he bit JK.
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Jikookers said it was a hickey. Because its right by the mole. Because it didn't fade. Because there were no teeth marks. Okay. Fine. But why do we believe the J stands for Jungkook, but we won't believe when Jimin said he bit JK and no shenanigans were involved?
Jungkook said he goes to Jimin's hotel room because its closer.
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Jikookers said it was a lie. He goes because he wants to spend time with Jimin. And he doesn't just sit there for hours and do nothing. He was lying. So why do we believe the J stands for Jungkook, but we won't believe he went to Jimin's room out of convenience?
Jungkook said Jimin wasn't the main model of GCF.
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Jikookers said that can't possibly be true because JK highlights Jimin in all the videos and Jimin always gets the most screentime. Okay. So why do we believe the J stands for Jungkook, but we won't believe when he said Jimin wasn't his main model?
JK said he always sleeps in Jihope's room because his bed is uncomfortable.
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Jikookers said nah, JK just likes sleeping with Jimin. JK sleeps in that room because he's dating Jimin. They had enough money to get JK a better mattress, so that was clearly just an excuse. So why do we believe the J is for Jungkook, but we didn't believe when he said his own bed was uncomfortable?
JK said he's always recording Jimin because Jimin is always around
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Jikookers said that wasn't true because anytime JK has a camera, more often than not he's pointing it at Jimin. Even when sometimes Jimin doesn't notice. So clearly JK was lying. Right? So why do we believe the J is for Jungkook, but we didn't believe JK's reason for why he's always filming Jimin?
Have i made my point yet???
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"The J stands for Jungkook, JK said so."
Be quiet.
If you believe that then you might as well stop believing in Jikook rn because these mofos have never told us they were gay for eo. We concluded that after mountains of suspicious moments and unexplainable sexual tension. We concluded. They didn't tell us.
And if you wanna still believe in Jikook then get off your fucking high horse where you nitpick what to buy and judge those of us who wanna believe in the JM tattoo or Jikook numbers or Jikook dropping eo off at the airport. There are clearly levels of Jikookery but everyone needs to stay in their lane and stop judging. You just come off looking like a fucking hypocrite. We don't all have to think or see things the same way.
The JM stands for Jimin. Otherwise he would have left his tattoos like this.
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Rant over. I'm done. But I needed to get that off my chest. Anyway, Jikook is real. Amen.
Support Jikook for clear skin
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bookscandlesnbts · 1 year ago
Jikook Moments that Make Me Melt
I was lacking some positivity on my blog, in my opinion. So, I’m going to created a little series of Jikook moments that make me melt, whenever I find them. I want these to be subtle, deep cuts. Little things that I find really really adorable and swoon worthy.
I’ve been rewatching GCF’s lately because how could I not if JK is bringing the hashtag back and if I’m delulu enough to think that maybe just maybe we will get another GCF soon featuring our main model, forever gorgeous and king of our hearts Park Jimin.
This frame has always been my favorite part of the entire video. The way Jimin is smiling that pretty eye smile clearly at JK and the way he goes in for a high-five is so damn adorable to me. No one else interacts with JK like that while he’s filming. Nothing about this moment gives platonic to me. Jungkook didn’t help either by setting the background music to “I don’t want to hide no more/I don’t want to lie no more/ what I found in you, is so real” whenever Jimin is in frame. But I digress. Something about this sweet little notion for a high five. The fact that JK included it in the Final Cut for the video is so precious to me.
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akookminsupporter · 1 year ago
I had another dream 😅
I dreamt that BigHit released a new GCF and it was a compilation of various moments of Jimin and Jungkook together. Imagine like the video that was released some time ago of Euphoria with clips of Jungkook, something like that. This was a video of photos and clips of Jimin and Jungkook and at the end they announced the series that they shot before they enlisted. The video was shot and edited by Jungkook. And at the end of it Jimin was telling Jungkook that he was the main model of the GCFs. After that, I was in my backyard, running from something, I don't know what. I usually have disturbing dreams and I'm always running from something.
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koomibars · 6 months ago
maybe Jimin rlly wasn’t the gcf main model maybe Jungkook’s camera is just magnetically pulled to Jimin’s face whenever it’s in his hands and he makes no move to resist
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mimikoolover · 9 months ago
As you said i also think jk was flustered about the fact that he might come across as needy cause maybe he didn't see it coming that jm would tell us that jk be going to his room spending hrs. Would come as if he's taking his daily stamps from jm 😂This is the same man who was almost begging jm for some two minutes to come over his home or else he'll go to jm's if jm says yes all that only because he wanted to do a live with jm even when he didn't sleep whol night at all was live till 8 am and he was supposed to go for yg's concert practice at 2PM yet he was hella bent on doing live with jm that too after a week spending time with jm in nyc he was acting this way so don't ever think he'll feel ashamed of it.
This is the same man who said he filmed jm because only he was there during gcfT but then literally all of his gcfs have most of jm's content even when everyone else is around. Same man who's first GCF was supposed to be about Tokyo as the name suggest but it was more about jm cause it was jm who was highlighted. Same man who would sit infront of jm to watch him do rehearsals and then film it in his mobile when no one even asked him. Same man who was zooming on jm's face from vmin pics from that one run BTS ep where they were to jump and take pictures and vmin did it together and my guy jk was literally zooming on jm's face from that vmin pics on computer and he was clicking pics of jm's funny faces from the screen. They call jm "jk's fav model" in caption for a reason. Plus that time a staff telling that jkk are always together and it's usually them clicking selfies together or jk clicking jm's pic or filming him.
yeah jungkook said there's no main model for GCF and then proceed to film/include jimin the most regardless. he won't say it with words but it's obvious when he does stuff what's up.
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mrspark7777777 · 2 years ago
Didn't he just said all his friendships with members are same level ? And all members share the same bond with each other ?
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Just like how he said Jimin isn't the main model of GCF. But we both know how that turned out, don't we?
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bangtanhoneys · 1 year ago
I don't remember if you've already written this or said it. But what is the favorite thing that Grace likes to do with each of the separated boys?
Morning Anon! I don't think I've written it but I think I did a similiar ask. The answers have probably changed since then but I think:
Namjoon - going to museums or buying plants (this i've written about). She's his date if he has to go to a fancy opening at an art gallery. Also reading and picnic dates because they like to go out in spring and find a spot just to chill and talk and eat and Namjoon will read his book to her
Yoongi - I would say sports. Like when Yoongi was in Japan and he watched the basketball game, I think the two of them would go to something like that if they had time. Otherwise I think it would be something music related, maybe going to an opera performance because it's music and different
Seokjin - these are pretty much dates whenever their together even if it's something to do with the company. But I think they'd go to cooking demonstrations because they both like cooking and they would take a day to go and do something they both like. Seokjin would be Lotte World, for Grace it would be a road trip to a random location.
Hobi - shopping. Let's be honest. Whether it's books or clothes or even home furniture, she likes going shopping with Hobi because he's honest. Obviously, their styles are completely different but they both know what the other likes and she appreciates that he keeps an eye out for things he knows she'll like. Like a cushion that has the British flag on, that ends up in the cart
Jimin - from a boy who has no hobbies, it's difficult. But she likes just spending time with him, cooking him food, pampering him a little and just watching whatever show he's currently watching on TV. Maybe they'll go to the cinema in disguise or go to the food market so she can make whatever dish he's found on the internet
Taehyung - painting. They're going to painting classes together or those groups where you go with friends, drink wine and have cheese and paint the image in your own style. Or photography but Taehyung is taking the photos and she's the muse/model because he wants to capture every moment.
Jungkook - day trips and videos. When they have time, their packing the car for the day and maybe bring Seokjin with them or another member and off they go. Jungkook has a lot of videos for GCF of his noona but has never managed to edit them and upload them. Sometimes it's games but board games, because Grace is a traditionlist.
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dearweirdme · 2 years ago
"Jk and Jimin have similar tastes in travel and similar habits that makes it enjoyable for them to travel together."
I don't think this is true at all. Remember in Bon Voyage in Malta? JK seemed agitated to go back to their hotel, even suggesting that they'd just watch the show in the internet. JK couldn't wait to go back to their hotel that time. RM even said that Jimin is the type who wants to see everything while JK is the opposite, but when Tae joined them later on, he was so patient. He asked Tae if he wanted to have a stopover to wander around. JK also shared that Jimin was on his phone the whole night when they went on that trip to Tokyo that they missed some activities.
With taekook, we barely know their trips together: the Japan cruise, the trip JK shared on Tae's bday, the Busan beach date, and who knows what else. Now that's a private trip, something so special that they only wanna share with each other. They never talked about them in details, too. We just know that they went on a trip.
Not trying to compare, but the gcft trip was commercialized. JK just wanted to share his new hobby at the time which is video editing, and like he said, he didn't have a choice since only Jimin was there. Jimin, on the other hand, was bringing it up all the time saying he's the main model despite JK saying he is not.
I am not saying that that tokyo trip wasn't special because they all planned for it. They were excited for that trip. I think it was only taken out of context and overanalyzed.
I just feel sorry for JK coz all his GCF are being turn into shipping materials by all his ships not just jikook, heavily analyzed down to the minute detail.
Hi anon!
Yes, I agree with your thoughts.
I think the trip was very special, I have made several trips with friends that at the time meant the world to me. Especially at that age, it gives you such a sense of freedom. It feels like an adventure.
They heavily used the trip afterwards. I think both Jimin and Jk enjoyed talking about it. Jk was also very proud of his GCF and I hope things being overanalyzed didn’t bug him too much.
Jk doesn’t share his most private stuff. He doesn’t now and he didn’t then. He’ll tell us an anecdote or some small details, but he won’t go into his life t length.
I think Tae and Jk accommodate each other’s wishes really well. They seem to know what the other needs. I see that in comforting words and touches between them and I can imagine that also going for bigger things, like: how they spend time together, what they do when they’re together, how to give each other space. I don’t see that as much with Jk and Jimin (maybe more between Tae and Jimin even). I think Jimin and Jk often peak in energy together, but while Jimin’s energy stays high.. Jk ia prone to dip afterwards and seek solitude or separation. I think Tae is good at understanding that of Jk.
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jikooklove9795 · 4 months ago
When Jungkook's favoritism jumps out
Jungkook was so painfully obvious here following Jimin around like that with the camera
🐰: I never say I love you first
🐰: I don't like sharing my clothes
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Also 🐰:
This here 😅
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Jungkook watching 36:10 min of Suchwita with Jimin
Jimin being the main model in Jungkook's GCFs. Jimin's the only member in BTS till date for whom Jungkook did a personalized GCF (GCF Tokyo)
In 2016 Jungkook gave a birthday gift only to Jimin. (This was mentioned in 2017 Festa and to think that it was in 2017 that Jungkook planned and arranged a Tokyo trip to celebrate Jimin's birthday)
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Jungkook bringing snow for Jimin knowing Jimin's love for snow
Jungkook made the biggest pancake for Jimin since he had to do penalties later
Jungkook snatching the food out of Hoseok's hands (Hoseok was teasing Jimin) and then proceeds to feed it to Jimin
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Jikook in Malta:
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Jungkook has been on a lot of trips. But this is what he said about his trips with Jimin for AYS:
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Jungkook is someone who is more into expressing is love through actions rather than through words. And we get to see this version of Jungkook thanks to Jimin. When it comes to Jimin, Jungkook always wears his heart on his sleeve.
Credits to the owner of the video
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not-goldy · 8 months ago
OH gosh he couldn't be more clear and I'm just in a bit of shock at how bold he was. Jimin and Loco popping the Serendipity bubble at the same time with their fingers pointing at each other. Jk come collect your 'you are me, I am you' he's out here running around making a band, just for you.
And Jk did a whole gcf for him his muse his super model his person is one and only😌
Ps I need to take a break from social media to deal with a personal issue so if yall don't see me active in the next month or two this is the heads up
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cakejerry · 1 year ago
oh we need look no further than "jimin hyung is not gcf's main model" to find evidence of deeply deeply repressed jungkook........ seriously not even fanfiction writers could come up with something as on the nose as naming it golden closet film and putting the main character in the CLOSET like..... jikook fight back
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 2 years ago
I've noticed that Jungkook's words, behavior or gestures are often used to hate or praise Jimin and V. They are supposed to be proof of how evil or how wonderful this person is. jikookers and taekkers are actually fighting over who Jungkook loves and respects more. they consider him a super guy whose opinion is extremely important to the evaluation of the other member. it's very messed up if you dig deeper into it. I wonder if Jk realizes how much responsibility falls on him.
Yeah, it's something I've talked about a few times before. These are the posts I've found.
I don't really believe those people have Jungkook's opinions on such high regards tho, I think they just weaponize the things he says/does to prove or disprove either ship. If it weren't for the ships, nobody would really care what he thinks, period. Nobody would be dissecting his words, and trying to understand what he meant and making theories about it. The only reason they pay so much attention is because he's in the middle and he's the only one who can show which ship is "real" or "realer".
It's the reason I've never took any part on those "which ship is more real" contests taekookers and jikookers have going on because I would rather kms first than spend energy fighting for Jungkook's honor and love. I'm strictly talking about ships here and things that are true, not the lies. I mean how jikookers would fight taekookers over things Jungkook ACTUALLY said; it's an old example but like when Jungkook said Jimin isn't GCF's main model and taekookers would use it to disprove jikook, and jikookers would go batshit trying to prove that Jimin is, in fact the main model. Like.. give it up. He literally said that.
I don't think Jungkook thinks or cares that much about it, tho. I doubt he'd see it as a responsibility.
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akookminsupporter · 2 years ago
This question has always bugged me a little That why jikook???
What i mean is since the beginning we know how they came closer over the time and it wasn't a sudden change but a process of spending time together, getting to know each other, being their for e/o, trying to understand one another etc.
So since beginning there's more of jimin nd jungkook "official" content than any other duo like we all know during their trainee days jungkook was mostly close with taehyung nd not only trainee days but the yrs after it too. But when he got asked which is the hyung who gives him the most comfort then his reply was "during trainee days hobi hyung took care of me but after debuting I'm spending more time with jm Hyung so he's the one who gives him most comfort, and jm buys him lots of food" he said the same thing when asked similar question in another time. so if he's this close to taehyung then why jimin?? Was it because he simply wanted to show gratitude towards jimin's gestures?? He said he plays hard to get with jimin but he likes jimin.
Jungkook has had the most lives with jimin after their debut so my question again is if he was close to taehyung or any other hyung nd disliked jm according to some ppl then again why jimin?? Why not go live with other members?? We usually do these things with ppl who we are most buddy buddy so if he was not close to jm according to armys nd all so why jm??
Jimin's being called as "jungkook's favourite model" multiple times in their subtitles means atleast the comapny knows he's the one jk films the most nd we all have seen them asking jk the same question too nd even the staff who's worked with them has said the same thing that it's either they're taking selfies or jk's filming jm. So if he ranks last in jk's list of handsome members why jimin is the one who's being called as jk's fav model??
Since beginning jm nd jk have more dance nd song covers than anyone else. Maybe it's cause they're main-lead duo so the comapny might want to push then like that but I'm sure the comapny wouldn't stop any other pair to release something together right? So if they're free to do what they want with whichever members they want then again why jimin? Why he's the one in most of jk's content??(even tho jihope the two main dancers we still have jikook dancing covers more than jihope)
His first ever GCF the start of something new in his artist life is also with jm...
If according to certain fandom taehyung is jungkook's safe place then why is jimin the one who's always besides jk than tae? Why jimin? Why not your safe place???
What I'm trying to say is there's so many theories of ppl saying jm nd jk weren't close with each other in the beginning which might be true too idk cause i still remember when they asked jk if he likes jm 3 members voted NO so idk bro...BUT if they weren't close then why i see jk with jm more than anyone else?? If uncomfortable then why is he the first one to reach out to you when you were feeling alone talking to a camera (BTS's story book scene ). Like why does he knows you more than anyone else? Why he can sense you're not feeling good without anyone telling him nd he's right there for you???
I'm trying to show contrast with how ppl downgrades their bond but everything we have seen shows nd tells some different story...i wasn't here during early yrs so idk much about their bonds but still...
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